Ancient , 28 (2017), 187–201 Copyright © Cambridge University Press, 2017. This is an Open Access article, distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution licence (, which permits unrestricted re-use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original work is properly cited. doi:10.1017/S0956536117000037


Takeshi Inomata,a Daniela Triadan,a and Kazuo Aoyamab aSchool of Anthropology, 1009 East South Campus Drive, University of Arizona, Tucson, Arizona 85721-0030 bFaculty of Humanities, Ibaraki University, Bunkyo 2-1-1, Mito, Ibaraki 310-8512, Japan


The Ceibal-Petexbatun Archaeological Project has been conducting field investigations at the lowland Maya site of Ceibal since 2005. Previous research at this site by Harvard University allowed us to develop detailed research designs geared toward specific research questions. A particularly important focus was the question of how lowland Maya civilization emerged and developed. Comparison with contemporaneous sites in central led us to hypothesize that the residents of Ceibal established a formal spatial pattern similar to those of the Chiapas centers during the Middle Preclassic period (1000–350 b.c.). Through excavations of important elements of this spatial pattern, including a probable E-Group assemblage and large platforms, we examined how the Ceibal residents participated in interregional interactions with Chiapas, the Gulf Coast, and other areas, and how construction activities and architecture shaped the course of social change.

INTRODUCTION The Ceibal-Petexbatun Archaeological Project has been examin- ing this question through field work at Ceibal since 2005. The How did the lowland Maya build their communities in the rapidly papers in this Special Section of Ancient Mesoamerica report the changing social environment of southern Mesoamerica during the main results of this research and discuss their contributions to the Preclassic period? As small villages in the tropical lowlands grew study of origins of Maya civilization. The present article serves as into expansive centers with political authorities and large temple a general introduction to this Special Section by reviewing relevant pyramids, people created and negotiated various identities of ever- theoretical and historical issues, as well as the goals and research larger populations and ideologies of increasing social inequality designs of the project, and by providing an overview of its field through interactions with surrounding groups. Scholars hotly work. debate this process. Some argue that the lowland Maya received pro- found inspirations from the precocious Gulf Coast Olmec about ideas of rulership, deities, rituals, and architecture. Others are THEORETICAL BACKGROUND strongly opposed to this model of foreign influence, contending that it was essentially a local process or that the interactions with Origins of Lowland Maya Civilization their neighbors were more symmetrical. More recently, researchers Theories on external relations of early lowland partly are emphasizing the importance of examining processes and con- concern views on the nature of the so-called Olmec civilization. texts of interregional interactions instead of trying to determine Some scholars have proposed that the Gulf Coast Olmec, as “la the direction of influence. Scholars advocating this view have cultura madre,” influenced other Mesoamerican societies and been exploring how the lowland Maya selected, adopted, and rein- shaped the course of later development (e.g., Caso 1942; Clark terpreted social and material elements derived from their neighbors and Pye 2000; Diehl 2004; Diehl and Coe 1995). This position and how they created and contributed certain ideas and practices. may be related to more general archaeological views that emphasize Located near the southwestern edge of the Maya lowlands, Ceibal the diffusion of cultural traits, migrations of people, and core- (also known as ) is a key site in the study of this question periphery relations (e.g., Kardulias 1999; Rouse 1986). Others (Figure 1). This problem concerns one of the central issues in have argued for mutual interactions between “culturas hermanas,” —political negotiation and transformation in broad which resulted in shared art styles and the parallel development of interregional contexts, leading to the emergence of political central- political centralization in various regions (Demarest 1989; ization and social inequality (Algaze 1989; Dietler 1997; Joyce Flannery 1968; Grove 1997; Hammond 1989; Marcus and 1993; Stanish 2001; Yoffee 2004). Flannery 1996). This school may be associated with a general archaeological trend that focuses on mutual interactions and local E-mail correspondence to: [email protected] processes (e.g., Binford 1965; Renfrew and Cherry 1986). The 187

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Figure 1. Map of the Maya lowlands and surrounding regions with the locations of Preclassic sites. Map by Inomata.

debate also involves the question of what the term “Olmec” means, and the Pasión region (Cheetham 2005; Garber et al. 2004). including an ethnic group, specific art styles, and groups with shared Whereas Andrews (1990) has suspected migrations of first villagers practices (Grove 1989). from Chiapas and the , where there were Recent investigations at the Gulf Coast center of San Lorenzo longer histories of ceramic use and sedentism, Clark and have reinvigorated this debate. Evidence of a large settlement and Cheetham (2002) have emphasized the continuity of occupation substantial constructions at this center has suggested to some that by the local Maya, who underwent a transition from mobile ways the Gulf Coast Olmec enjoyed a significantly higher degree of of life to sedentism. For the subsequent social change in the labor mobilization and political centralization than their contempo- Maya lowlands, Clark (Clark and Hansen 2001) argues for the raries (Cyphers 1997, 2004; Symonds et al. 2002). Through compo- importance of influence from the Gulf Coast Olmec, by pointing sitional analysis of ceramics with Olmec motifs, Blomster et al. out the possible spread of standardized architectural complexes (2005) have proposed that San Lorenzo was the primary exporter from the southern Gulf Coast and the Chiapas highlands to the of these vessels, reflecting San Lorenzo’s far-reaching influence. Maya lowlands. Some iconographic studies imply that there was a Re-evaluation of migrations among a broader archaeologist commu- strong continuity from the Preclassic Olmec to the Classic Maya nity has also encouraged this trend (e.g., Anthony 1990; Cameron in the notions of rulership, deities, and associated symbols (Fields 1995). These data, however, fail to convince those who favor the 1991; Freidel 1990; Taube 1996, 1998). For example, the recently mutual-interaction model, and some believe that the procedure discovered Late Preclassic murals at in the central and interpretation of the compositional analysis are problematic Maya lowlands show deities with probable Olmec features (Sharer et al. 2006). (Saturno et al. 2005). The lowland Maya were the last major group in Mesoamerica to Hansen (2005), however, counters that the large Maya centers in adopt ceramics and sedentary ways of life. The earliest evidence of the Mirador Basin represent a local development and were in com- ceramics and villages in the Maya lowlands appears around 1000 petition with the Gulf Coast Olmec during the late Middle Preclassic b.c. in the valley, northern Belize, the central lowlands, period (700–350 b.c.). A painted text found at San Bartolo dates to

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ca. 300 b.c., which makes it one of the earliest texts with relatively 99–100). Although the ways people engage in symbols and materi- secure dates in Mesoamerica (Saturno et al. 2006). This finding als are diverse and historically contingent, it is useful to highlight indicates that the lowland Maya may not have been simple recipients certain common patterns. A case in point is the wide use of material of innovations by other groups, but they may have actively contrib- symbols representing shared community identities and marking dif- uted to the early process of cultural development. ference from other groups as seen in the use of flags and monuments While this heated debate continues, an increasing number of in modern nationalism. The spread of increasingly homogeneous scholars are recognizing that we need to move beyond the dichoto- Mamom and Chicanel ceramics throughout the Maya lowlands mized views of the mother culture and sister cultures. These might have represented comparable practices (Rice and Sharer researchers address complex patterns of interactions among 1987). Another pattern is the privileged claim of exotic symbols various groups with different social and political organization, as or skilled crafts by small groups (Helms 1998; Inomata 2001). well as the roles of agents in specific historical contexts (Lesure Examples may include the use of symbols by the 2004; Pool 2007:17; Stark 2000). Underlying this view is the Classic Maya (Braswell 2003; Grove and Gillespie 1992;Stone1989). growing emphasis on the agency of the people involved, on their As we examine the transformation of communities, we also need practices as a focus of inquiry, and on the historical contexts and to pay attention to how the use or claim of objects, places, and dynamics surrounding their actions. Instead of conceptualizing symbols change. A commonly observed process is the appropriation certain cultural elements moving unidirectionally, we need to of communal symbols and practices by privileged groups (Bloch examine how people chose to participate, or not to participate, in 1986). The importance of the God in elite rituals among interregional interactions; how they adopted, rejected, or modified the Classic Maya, and possibly their predecessors, may represent certain elements; in what kind of social contexts they did so; and such appropriation of commonly held beliefs and practices (Taube how different groups and individuals, such as elites, non-elites, 1985, 1996). A contrasting process is the elevation of symbols and kin- or gender-based groups, acted differently. For this and practices originally associated with small groups to the commu- purpose, we need to scrutinize: (1) what kind of exchange of material nal sphere. The worship of dynastic ancestors in public ceremonies goods, as well as shared architectural, artifactual, and iconographic among the Classic Maya possibly had its roots in such processes styles, occurred across a wide area through different time periods; during the Preclassic period (McAnany 1995). Interactions with (2) in what kind of social contexts they occurred—for examples, external groups often play a critical role in such processes of whether in egalitarian or hierarchical communities, and whether in community-building and political negotiation. Contrast or opposi- times of social stability or change; and (3) whether the use of such tion with other groups may stimulate certain types of communal materials and styles is associated with specific social groups. or ethnic identities, promoting notions of unified or bounded groups (Anderson 1991; Inomata 2014; Inomata and Triadan 2009; Jones 1997). In many cases, elites act as central figures in Community and Architecture such interactions, taking political, ideological, or economic advan- A central question concerning the development of lowland Maya tage of privileged access to foreign peoples, goods, and symbols civilization is the process of community-building. Although schol- (Earle 1987; Helms 1988; Junker 1993). External contacts can ars continue to debate concepts of community, a definition particu- also lead, however, to the destabilization of hierarchical order or larly relevant to our research states that a community is a group of the subversion of power. interacting people with a sense of belonging and shared values Stone monuments and art objects in so-called Olmec styles have (Anderson 1991; Cohen 1985; Crow and Allan 1994). This does figured prominently in the traditional studies of interregional inter- not mean that a community is a homogenous social unit with a actions in Mesoamerica, but the role of architecture and space has monolithic system of values. Any community involves internal het- recently become an important subject of scholarly inquiry. erogeneity, competing interests, and power relations. In other words, Buildings and settlement layouts in one sense reflect preexisting a community is not given or natural. Researchers need to examine ideas and meanings (Ashmore and Sabloff 2002; DeMarrais et al. how communities are socially constructed in specific historical con- 1996; Kowalski 1999; Sugiyama 1993). At the same time, the texts. Like any society, society must have involved built environment conditions people’s actions and interactions multiple nesting and cross-cutting communities, but the type of through unyielding physical presence and shapes perception and community central to our research is one consisting of people experience through the multiple meanings and memories attached living close to each other in a settlement and its surroundings, by different agents (Barrett 1994; Bradley 1993; Inomata and which, in the latter part of the Preclassic period, largely overlapped Coben 2006; Moore 1996; Smith 2003). Following Foucault with a political unit centered around the ruling authority. While such (1977), Love (1999) has argued that the monumental architecture communities exhibited a certain level of cohesion and order, they that developed in Middle Preclassic Mesoamerica created differen- doubtless involved constant negotiation involving competing tiated spaces, which shaped people’s actions and movements and claims and different attitudes (Canuto and Yaeger 2000; McGuire imposed notions of appropriate behavior. The importance of archi- 1992). tecture is also clear in the analysis of Preclassic Maya sites by People’s physical actions, material objects, and the natural and Ringle (1999), who suggests that architecture set stages for perfor- built environments play critical roles in the process of community- mance, through which buildings and places gained their own history building. Nevertheless, we should not assume that such objects and and meaning. We need to keep in mind that the construction of large places record or transmit fixed, monolithic meaning in a mechanistic buildings during the Preclassic period represented unprecedented manner. A more productive approach in archaeological studies social experiments. Some monumental buildings may not have should be to examine how certain actions, objects, and places been simply the end results of political development, but such con- became points or hubs of manipulation of, impositions of, or resis- struction projects may have stimulated certain social changes, some- tance to certain meanings and how people engaged with them times in unintended ways (Joyce 2004). Thus, architecture is an (Lesure 1999; Mills 2004; Inomata 2006, 2013; Weiner 1992: active constituent in social processes. By the same token, similar

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architectural styles do not signify blind adoption of cultural influ- started as part of the Petexbatun Project (e.g., Aoyama 2007, ence from different areas. We need to examine how people reinter- 2009; Bachand 2006; Buechler 2012; Eberl 2007, 2014; Emery preted and modified the use and meaning of architecture inspired by 2003; Emery and Aoyama 2007; Inomata 2001; Inomata and other groups and how new built forms affected people’s practice and Triadan 2010, 2014; Inomata et al. 2001, 2002, 2004, 2009; experience. Ishihara 2007; Terry et al. 2004; Triadan 2007). These investigations substantially increased our understanding of social and political processes in the Pasión region. We should CEIBAL AND ITS NEIGHBORS add, however, that these subsequent investigations largely focused on the Classic period, with notable exceptions of Johnston’s Previous Work (2006) study of Preclassic remains in the area and Located in the Pasión region, Ceibal is arguably the most important Bachand’s(2006) excavation of as part of the site in the southwestern Maya lowlands (Figure 1). From 1964 Archaeological Project. The study of the Preclassic through 1968, Harvard University carried out the first large-scale period in the Pasión region was still underdeveloped. In 2005, we investigations at this site, including: mapping, extensive excavations thought that it was important to return to the key site of the of monumental buildings (Smith 1982; Willey 1990; Willey et al. region, Ceibal, in the light of these new developments. 1975); epigraphic studies (Graham 1990); survey and excavations in the peripheries (Tourtellot 1988); and the analysis of ceramics and Chronology of Ceibal other artifacts (Sabloff 1975). Along with the earlier investigations at the nearby site of (e.g., Adams 1971; Willey Although the main purpose of this paper is to review the state of 1973), these explorations of Ceibal marked milestones in the history knowledge prior to our research at Ceibal that led to the specific of Maya archaeology. Harvard researchers uncovered one of the design of our investigation, it is important to summarize the earliest ceramic complexes in the Maya lowlands at Ceibal and current chronological framework that incorporates the results of Altar de Sacrificios (Real-Xe), dating to the early Middle Preclassic our research as well (Figure 2). Sabloff (1975) analyzed the (1000–700 b.c.). Their research showed that, within the large expanse of Ceibal, the area named Group A was the focus of this early occupation. During the following Escoba-Mamom (700–350 b.c.) and Cantutse-Chicanel (350 b.c.–a.d. 200) phases, Ceibal grew to be the largest ceremonial center in the Pasión region, with imposing temple pyramids. Group D, located on top of a steep hill, became an important focus of elite construction activity during the Terminal Preclassic period (75 b.c.–a.d. 200). Except for deep plaza pits, however, the Harvard investigations focused primarily on upper layers of buildings dating to the Classic period (a.d. 200–950), and much of the substantial Preclassic construction remained to be explored (Hammond 1984; Tourtellot and Hammond 2007). Following the early explorer, Maler (1908), the Harvard archaeologists adopted the spelling of Seibal for this site name, whereas Guatemalan scholars favored the correct Spanish spell- ing of Ceibal. To avoid the coexistence of different spellings, we decided to use the site name of Ceibal when we initiated the Ceibal-Petexbatun Archaeological Project. It was not until the 1980s that the Pasión region became a target of intensive investigations again. Houston (1993) conducted his dissertation research in the Petexbatun region, which led to the Petexbatun Regional Archaeological Project led by Demarest, Houston, and Juan Antonio Valdés from 1989 through 1994 (Beach and Dunning 1997; Brady 1997; Brady et al. 1997; Demarest 1997, 2006; Dunning et al. 1997, 1998; Emery 1997; Foias and Bishop 1997, 2013; Inomata 1997, 2007; Inomata and Stiver 1998; Palka 1997; Wright 1997, 2006). Johnston (2004, 2006) investigated Itzan and its surroundings, and Just (2006) reexamined the monuments of Ceibal and . The Proyecto Atlas Arqueológico directed by Laporte expanded their research in southeastern Peten into the adjacent Pasión area, which led to a collaborative project with the Spanish team at Machaquila (Ciudad Ruiz and Lacadena 2006, 2008). After the completion of the Petexbatun Project, Demarest started the excava- tion of Cancuen (Demarest 2013; Demarest et al. 2014, 2016; Kovacevich 2007, 2011, 2013; Woodfill 2010, 2011; Woodfill and Andrieu 2012; Woodfill et al. 2012). Inomata continued exca- vations at Aguateca with Triadan, Ponciano, and Aoyama, which Figure 2. Chronologies of Ceibal and related sites. Chart by Inomata.

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ceramics excavated during the Harvard Project and established the 1988:223–225; 407–408), and we formally defined this Early original chronology of Ceibal with the following phases: the early Postclassic occupation as the Samat phase (a.d. 1000–1200). Middle Preclassic Real-Xe (900–600 b.c.), the late Middle Preclassic Escoba-Mamom (600–300 b.c.), Late Preclassic Cantutse-Chicanel (300 b.c.–a.d. 250), Early Classic Junco (a.d. Early Middle Preclassic Real-Xe Phase (1000–700 B.C.) – 250 500) followed by a period of abandonment, Late Classic This period represents the beginning of sedentary village life at a.d. – a.d. Tepejilote ( 650 830), and Terminal Classic Bayal ( Ceibal. Although Archaic remains preceding this period have – 830 950). This chronology was based on one radiocarbon date been found in Belize (Iceland 1997; Lohse 2010; Rosenswig from a Preclassic context, as well as additional Classic-period radio- et al. 2014), comparable evidence has not been detected in the carbon dates and cross-dating with other sites. Our research showed Pasión region. Sediment cores taken from Laguna ’ that Sabloff s chronology was sound, while we were able to refine it show evidence of probable forest disturbance and erosion starting further through additional ceramic data and radiocarbon dates. The around 1500 b.c. (Dunning et al. 1997). These data have led 73 radiocarbon dates that we obtained from the Middle Preclassic researchers to suspect that the Pasión region, as well as many contexts have been published (Inomata et al. 2013, 2015b), and parts of the Maya lowlands, was occupied by small mobile popula- we are currently preparing a paper that discusses the ceramic tions that practiced a mixed economy of horticulture, hunting, and sequence. gathering. Mueller et al. (2009), however, propose that these vege- For the early Middle Preclassic period, Inomata subdivided the tation changes resulted largely from dry climate conditions, and the – b.c. Real-Xe phase into three facets: Real 1 (1000 850 ), Real 2 question of pre-ceramic populations needs to be further examined. – b.c. – b.c. (850 775 ), and Real 3 (775 700 ). The revision of The excavations by the Harvard Project showed Real ceramics ceramic samples stored at the Instituto de Antropología e Historia were concentrated in Group A. In examining the map of Group A de has led Inomata to suggest that the Xe ceramics made by the Harvard researchers, Inomata noticed that the layout from Altar de Sacrificios largely corresponds to the Real 3 phase. of this group resembled the plans of Gulf Coast and Chiapas centers The late Middle Preclassic Escoba-Mamom phase was also subdi- rather than other Maya lowland centers (Figure 3). Particularly prom- – b.c. vided into three parts: Escoba 1 (700 600 ), Escoba 2 inent aspects may include: (1) the north-south orientation of the overall – b.c. – b.c. (600 450 ), and Escoba 3 (450 350 ). Sabloff originally site plan; (2) the centrality of an E-Group assemblage in the spatial divided the Late Preclassic Cantutse-Chicanel phase into early plan and in public ceremonies; (3) the presence of large platforms and late facets. As we subdivided this period, we felt it appropriate that supported multiple structures around the E-Group assemblage; to separate the late facet as a new phase, which we named Xate. In and 4) the use of clay in construction. our chronology, the Late Preclassic period generally refers to our Following Lowe (1977, 1989) and McDonald (1983), Clark – b.c. re-defined Cantutse phase, including Cantutse 1 (350 300 ), (Clark and Hansen 2001) has pointed out that this site layout Cantutse 2 (300–150 b.c.), and Cantutse 3 (150–75 b.c.), and the Terminal Preclassic to the Xate phase, including Xate 1 (75 b.c.–a.d. 50), and Xate 2 (a.d. 50–125), and Xate 3 (a.d. 125–200). The Early Classic period is subdivided into four facets: Junco 1 (a.d. 200–300), Junco 2 (a.d. 300–400), Junco 3 (a.d. 400–500), and Junco 4 (a.d. 500–600). The Xate phase corre- sponds to the Protoclassic 1 facet established by Brady et al. (1998), whereas the Junco 1 phase to the Protoclassic 2 facet by Brady et al. and Manik 1 at (Laporte 1998; Laporte and Fialko 1987). We also use the term Protoclassic to loosely include the Xate and Junco 1 phase. Junco 2 correlates to Manik 2 and the early part of Tzakol 2 at (Smith 1955), Junco 3 to Manik 3A (Laporte and Iglesias 1992) and the late part of Tzakol 2 characterized by Teotihuacan-like ceramic traits, and Junco 4 to Manik 3B and Tzakol 3. The Harvard researchers suggested that Ceibal was largely abandoned from a.d. 450 to a.d. 600, but we suspect that a small population continued during the Junco 3 and 4 phases. The divisions of the Late Classic period follow the chronology established in the Petexbatun region, at Aguateca, and at Nacimiento (Eberl 2014; Foias 1996; Foias and Bishop 1997, 2013; Inomata 2010): Tepejilote 1 (a.d. 600–700) corresponding to Tepeu 1 at Uaxactun; Tepejilote 2 (a.d. 700–750) to the early part of Tepeu 2 and Middle Nacimiento in the Petexbatun region; and Tepejilote 3 (a.d. 750–810) to Late Nacimiento, characterized by the introduction of ceramic attributes from the Usumacinta region. The Terminal Classic Bayal phase (a.d. 810–950), charac- terized by Fine Orange ceramics, was not subdivided, but we moved its inception slightly earlier than the original dating of a.d. 830 pro- posed by Sabloff. The Harvard researchers noted the presence of a Figure 3. Map of Ceibal Group A with the locations of our excavations. small post-Bayal population (Sabloff 1975:224–228; Tourtellot Modified from Willey et al. 1975:Figure 2. Map by Jessica Munson and Inomata.

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spread along the Grijalva River in central Chiapas during the early Middle Preclassic period, including the centers of Mirador (a site different from the one in the central Maya lowlands) (Agrinier 1975, 2000), Chiapa de Corzo (Figure 4; Bachand and Lowe 2012; Hicks and Rosaire 1960;Lowe1962; Lowe and Agrinier 1960; Mason 1960), Finca Acapulco (Lowe 1977, 2007), San Isidro (Figure 5;Lowe1981), Ocozocoautla (McDonald 1999: 61–62), La Libertad (Figure 6; Miller 2014), possibly Vistahermosa (Treat 1986), as well as Tzutzuculi on the southern Pacific Coast (McDonald 1983). The results of recent research at by Rosenswig et al. (2013) suggest that this Chiapas Pacific piedmont center may have had this pattern as well. This may suggest that the residents of this area shared highly formalized ideas of religion, ritual, and community organization. Clark called this layout the Middle Formative Chiapas (MFC) pattern and spec- ulated that this spatial plan and associated ideas originated at the Gulf Coast center of (Figure 7). The center of this site plan was the so-called E-Group assemblage, consisting of a pyramid on the west and a linear mound or three aligned structures on the east. Following Lowe (1977, 1989) and McDonald (1983), Clark and Hansen (2001) argue that the E-Group arrangement was first established at La Venta with Mounds D-1 and D-8. E-Group assemblages were also ritual foci at many Preclassic Maya centers, including Tikal, Mirador, , Uaxactun, , and (Chase and Chase 1995; Hansen 1998; Laporte and Fialko 1995), and some scholars contend that this architectural arrangement originally developed in the central or eastern Maya lowlands (Estrada-Belli 2011; Stanton and Freidel 2003; Valdés 1995). Unlike the Chiapas counterparts, E-Group assemblages in Figure 5. Map of San Isidro. Drawing by Victor Castillo based on Lee the Maya lowlands were usually not surrounded by large platforms, 1974:Figure 3. and their overall site plans appear to emphasize an east-west axis (Clark and Hansen 2001; Hansen 2005). At Ceibal, Structures A-20, A-9, A-10, and A-12 appeared to form an E-Group assem- blage (Figure 3), but their Preclassic constructions had not been explored prior to our research. Along with this possible E-Group assemblage, large platforms—the A-24 platform, A-2 platform, the East Court, and A-18 platform—showed a layout arranged along a north-south axis. Excavations at Mirador (Agrinier 2000) and La Libertad (Clark and Hansen 2001) in Chiapas showed that these platforms supported multiple structures, which led the excava- tors to suggest that they were elite residential complexes. Another line of evidence pointing to connections between Ceibal and Chiapas is the deposition of axe caches. Excavations along the central axis of the E-Group assemblage at San Isidro (Lowe 1981) and Chiapa de Corzo (Bachand and Lowe 2012)in central Chiapas revealed a series of caches containing greenstone axes, pseudo-axes, and other artifacts. The probable E-Group assemblage at La Venta has not been excavated systematically, and the presence of such remains needs to be tested by future research. Still, similar ritual practices are indicated by a series of greenstone caches unearthed in Complex A (Drucker et al. 1959). These deposits show that formalized spatial plans shared by the Chiapas centers and La Venta were tied to specific forms of ritual. Excavations by the Harvard archaeologists at Ceibal revealed a greenstone axe cache (Cache 7) in the southern part of the plaza of the probable E-Group assemblage (Smith 1982:245; Willey 1978: 86–98). Its cruciform shape resembled some of the caches found at San Isidro, Chiapa de Corzo, and La Venta. This find suggests that the residents of Ceibal conducted a ritual similar to those at Figure 4. Map of Chiapa de Corzo. Drawing by Victor Castillo based on the Chiapas centers, but the Harvard Project did not excavate the Bachand et al. 2008:Figure 2. center line of the E-Group assemblage. Excavations by the

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Figure 6. Map of La Libertad. Drawing by Victor Castillo based on Bryant et al. 2005:Figure 1.5.

Figure 7. Map of La Venta. Drawing by Victor Castillo base on González Harvard Project did not detect any clear remains of Real-Xe phase Lauck 2010:Figure 6.1. buildings, and Harvard researchers suggested that Ceibal was a small village (Tourtellot 1988; Willey 1990:193). The possible pres- ence of a formal ceremonial complex and associated ritual deposits materials in the Chiapas highlands, whereas Clark and Cheetham led Inomata to question this interpretation. (2002; Cheetham 2005) argue that the Real-Xe complex shares In other parts of the Maya lowlands, E-Group assemblages common traits with contemporaneous Maya lowland ceramics, par- dating to the Middle Preclassic period have been identified in the ticularly Eb ceramics in the central lowlands and Cunil ceramics in Mundo Perdido complex at Tikal (Laporte and Fialko 1995) and the eastern lowlands. We agree with Clark and Cheetham that the Cival (Estrada-Belli 2006). While a cruciform cache containing Real-Xe ceramics in a broad sense belonged to the lowland Maya greenstone axes was found along the central axis of the Cival ceramic sphere, but they also exhibited substantial differences E-Group assemblage, the extensive excavation of the Mundo from Eb and Cunil, possibly representing transitional forms or Perdido did not reveal a comparable deposit. Excavations at other mixed traits between contemporaneous materials in Chiapas and lowland Maya sites, including Group E of Uaxactun (Ricketson in the central and eastern Maya lowlands. and Ricketson 1937) have failed to uncover greenstone axe We have a limited understanding of social organization of caches. In addition, the Middle Preclassic site plans of Tikal and various groups involved in the interregional interaction during this Cival appear to lack large platforms arranged in a MFC pattern. period. At La Venta the presence of stone monuments and possible Most lowland Maya sites do not exhibit the MFC pattern, and tombs with rich offerings points to an advanced degree of political some appear to emphasize an east-west orientation of the overall centralization and social inequality with powerful rulers (Clark plan (Clark and Hansen 2001). These differences and similarities 1997). It is interesting to note that, outside the Gulf Coast, stone in site plan present an intriguing question regarding the process of monuments that appear to depict political authorities were found interaction and information flow between the Maya lowlands and along the Pacific Coast where E-Group complexes are absent, Chiapas. Ceibal, located between the central Maya lowlands and including Pijijiapan, , and Chalchuapa (Clark and Chiapas, appeared to hold a key to this question. Pye 2000). Tzutzuculi on the Pacific Coast is unique in this The ceramics of this period are also suggestive. Real-Xe ceram- regard, as it possessed both an E-Group assemblage and stone mon- ics are characterized by dull slips, markedly different from the waxy uments (McDonald 1983). In inland Chiapas, where E-Group slips of later Mamom ceramics that spread throughout the Maya assemblages are common, non-portable stone monuments depicting lowlands during the late Middle Preclassic period. Andrews rulers appear to be absent with an exception of a stone carving at (1990) has suggested that Real-Xe ceramics are similar to the Xoc (Ekholm-Miller 1973). Still, the excavations of large platforms

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at Mirador (Agrinier 2000) and La Libertad (Clark and Hansen lowlands shared various types of cultural practices even more 2001) in Chiapas revealed middens and burials associated with clearly, including fairly homogeneous Chicanel ceramics. Clark structures built on them, and they may have been residential com- and Hansen (2001) note that Maya cultural traits, including plexes of high-ranking groups. Although the artifacts found in Chicanel ceramics and masonry constructions, spread to central burials and middens in these platforms at Mirador and La Chiapas during this period. Ceibal was now firmly part of the Libertad were not significantly different from those from other lowland Maya sphere of shared cultural practices. parts of the sites, their central locations and elevated settings may This period witnessed significant growth of Ceibal and other have set them apart from other residences. lowland Maya settlements. The population at Ceibal and its sur- Evidence of marked social inequality is virtually absent in the roundings was at least several times larger than that of the previous Maya lowlands during this period. Residences of this period phase (Tourtellot 1988). Although excavations of Preclassic monu- found at , K’axob, and Blackman Eddy were built on the mental structures by the Harvard Project were limited, important ground level or on low platforms, and noticeable differences in data on Preclassic construction were obtained in the extensive exca- terms of architecture have not been found (Garber et al. 2004; vation of Structure D-32. Stucco masks decorated a probable Hammond 1991; McAnany 2004). In the latter part of the early Protoclassic version of this pyramid (Smith 1982:212), reflecting Middle Preclassic, some burials at Cuello and K’axob contained an architectural style found at various lowland Maya sites during larger quantities of greenstone and shell ornaments than others, sug- this period. Significant parts of the construction masses of large gesting some forms of social inequality, which may have been based pyramids at Ceibal may date to the Late Preclassic and largely on age and gender (Hammond 1999; McAnany et al. 1999). Protoclassic periods (Hammond 1984; Willey 1990). Ceibal appears to have been one of the most important centers in the south- ern Maya lowlands during these periods. Late Middle Preclassic Escoba-Mamom Phase (700–350 B.C.) In the Late Preclassic and Protoclassic periods, clearer signs of At the beginning of the Escoba-Mamom phase around 700 b.c. at ruling elites began to emerge in the Maya lowlands. Rich burials Ceibal, the dull-slipped Real-Xe ceramics were replaced with the dating to the Late Preclassic (prior to 100/50 b.c.) from the waxy-slipped Escoba-Mamom pottery. Ceibal now more firmly par- Maya lowlands are still rare, but important exceptions may ticipated in the lowland Maya ceramic sphere, but it still retained include those recently found at San Bartolo and K’o (Saturno some connections with Chiapas. Orange ceramics with resist deco- et al. 2006; Skidmore 2011). During the late part of the Late ration, Tierra Mojada Resist, which are far more common at Ceibal Preclassic and the Protoclassic, the notion of rulership appears to than in the central Maya lowlands, exhibited close similarities to the have been established. The San Bartolo murals, dating to 200–100 dominant ceramic group in Chiapas, Nicapa Orange. b.c., show scenes of coronation, and depictions of probable rulers The recent discovery of tombs in Mound 11 of Chiapa de Corzo, and textual references to royal accessions are found in the Loltun as well as other rich burials at Chiapa de Corzo and La Libertad, Cave sculpture and the Dumbarton Oaks pectoral (Schele and indicate that social inequality was well established in Chiapas Miller 1986:Plate 31). Elite tombs were also placed in the North during this period (Bachand and Lowe 2012). Nonetheless, mate- Acropolis at Tikal (Coe 1990) and possibly at Wakna (Hansen rials found in probable elite residential complexes were not notice- 1998:90) toward the end of this time span. Important changes ably different from those from other residences. The nature of social may also have been occurring at smaller centers. At Cuello and inequality and political centralization during the late Middle K’axob, residential groups with subfloor burials of the previous Preclassic Maya lowlands is a point of debate. Substantial monu- period were converted into public temple-plaza complexes mental buildings were erected at Nakbe (Hansen 1998), and (Hammond 1991; McAnany 2004; McAnany and López Varela smaller, yet considerable structures were built at other centers, 1999). McAnany (1995) has argued that the lineages of the original including Tikal (Laporte and Fialko 1995), San Bartolo (Saturno settlers enjoyed higher status than other occupants and eventually et al. 2006), Blackman Eddy (Garber et al. 2004), and became ruling elites. The construction of temple-plaza complexes (Aimers et al. 2000). Status differentiation is noted in burials at over residential groups may signify that the rituals and places Cuello (Hammond 1999) and K’axob (McAnany and López originally tied to such groups were elevated to those of communal Varela 1999; McAnany et al. 1999), but we do not have clear celebration. It is probable that the participants in these communal evidence of rulers. ceremonies were reminded each time of the unique status of the In the Maya lowlands, masonry construction methods using elite groups whose ancestors once occupied these spaces. locally available limestone were well established during this This social process may also be reflected in changes in the use of period. This technique contrasted with the heavy use of clay in E-Group assemblages. For a large part of the Preclassic, E-Group the surrounding areas, including the southern Gulf Coast, Chiapas, assemblages at various sites may have been areas for deposits of the Guatemalan highlands, the Pacific Coast, , and El caches (most of them are not cruciform axe caches) and not partic- Salvador. It is probably that this difference in construction ularly rich burials. During the Protoclassic, however, deposits of method reflected not only locally available materials but also differ- elite burials in these areas may have begun, and placements of ent culture preferences. such interments may have become common during the Early Classic (Laporte and Fialko 1995; Chase and Chase 1995; Ricketson and Ricketson 1937). This change represents the conjoin- Late Preclassic Cantutse-Chicanel Phase (350–75 B.C.) and ing of previous civic ceremonies with dynastic rituals (Chase and the Protoclassic Xate-Junco 1 Phases (75 B.C.-A.D. 300) Chase 1995). During the Classic period, the association of these At the end of the previous phase, La Venta, along with many of the complexes with ruling elites became clearer, as stone monuments Chiapas centers in the Grijalva River region, collapsed. This was a depicting rulers were also erected in E-Group plazas at various time of significant social change, but its impact on the Maya low- lowland Maya centers, including Uaxactun and Calakmul. The dis- lands appears to have been limited. The inhabitants of the Maya covery of Stela 2 along the central axis of an E-Group assemblage at

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Cival shows that this pattern began during the Protoclassic period addition to Inomata, Triadan, and Aoyama, the research was led (Estrada-Belli 2006). It is probable that community members con- by Guatemalan co-directors: Ponciano in 2005 and 2006, Román tinued to participate in rituals held in these spaces, but their mean- from 2008 through 2010, Castillo from 2011 through 2012, ings were now substantially changed, forcing participants to Palomo in 2013, and Pinzón from 2014 through 2016. The articles experience new forms of social relations. in this Special Section focus primarily on the results from the pro- ject’s inception through the 2012 season, when our operations con- centrated on the Preclassic ceremonial complex in the site center and CEIBAL-PETEXBATUN ARCHAEOLOGICAL PROJECT after which our original manuscripts were submitted to the journal. Research Goals Some articles also incorporate the results from the subsequent seasons, which included minor operations in the site core and exca- We initiated the Ceibal-Petexbatun Archaeological Project in 2005 vations in residential zones. Since we expected that early remains with the objective of examining social change in the Maya lowlands were under substantial constructions of later periods, we designed during the Preclassic and Classic periods. In this special section of intensive excavations to address the aforementioned questions. An Ancient Mesoamerica, we focus largely on the Preclassic period. important focus was the probable E-Group assemblage consisting Architectural complexes in the core of Ceibal were the primary of Structures A-9, A-10, A-12, and A-20. In addition, we conducted focus of this project. Through the analysis of their constructions, a series of excavations in the plaza of this complex along its central use, and alterations, we examined how the residents of Ceibal axis to examine the presence of caches comparable to those at San adopted, created, and modified ideas and practices through interactions Isidro and Chiapa de Corzo. In the course of these excavations, we with neighboring groups and in what kind of social contexts they did noticed that early versions of the eastern building were buried under so. We also studied how architecture and space shaped and reflected later plaza floors and we expanded excavations in the plaza to the process of community-building and social transformation. explore these constructions. The Special Section article by Specific research questions included: (1) did the residents of Ceibal Inomata et al. (2017) reports the results of these operations. To design their settlement in a configuration similar to those of Chiapas investigate the construction dates of large platforms, we carried centers and adopt similar construction methods with the heavy use out deep excavations in the A-24 Platform, the East Court, and of clay? When did these constructions start?; (2) did they deposit Structure A-18. The paper in this issue by Triadan et al. (2017) caches comparable to those at the Chiapas centers and La Venta?; discusses their results. In addition, Munson and Pinzón conducted and (3) does the central ritual complex represent communal buildings, field investigations at the satellite center of El Caobal. or was it used mainly by the emergent elite? How were changes in Field investigations followed the methods established during the architecture and space tied to the process of political centralization Aguateca Archaeological Project (Inomata and Triadan 2010). and the development of social hierarchy? Excavations followed two-by-two meter grid systems set along If a ceremonial complex was indeed built during the Real-Xe the orientations of structures. The grid system over the East Court phase in the standardized layout shared across regions, its construction guided the excavations of Operations 201A-G, and the same grid must have marked a drastic change in this community. Small groups system was extended for Operations 205A and 206A. Operations of mobile horticulturalists may have rapidly transformed into a seden- 203A-J followed the grid system set for the Central Plaza, and tary community with an elaborate ritual complex. It might also Operations 200A and 200B used the one for the A-24 Platform. suggest that Ceibal participated in the development of the ritual We created a separate grid system for each of Operations 202A, complex involving E-Group assemblages in southern Mesoamerica 204A, and 207A. Excavations followed natural stratigraphy when- during its early stage. A related question was the construction ever possible, and all excavated soils were screened with quarter- method of this complex. The Classic-period version of the possible inch or finer mesh. Excavation contexts and artifact proveniences E-Group assemblage at Ceibal consisted of masonry construction are represented through a hierarchical designation system. For (Smith 1982). If early buildings at Ceibal were built of clay and example, 203A4-5-1 refers to Operation 203 (generally a set of earth, they possibly represented stronger affinities with Chiapas or excavations of a group of structures), Suboperation A (excavations the Maya highlands. If early constructions were made of earth, it of a single structure or a substantial area), Unit 4 (a horizontal divi- was important to examine when and how masonry techniques were sion that usually correspond to a two-by-two meter grid), Level 5 (a adopted. Change in construction methods would imply a shift in inter- stratigraphic division), and Lot 1 (any subdivision within a unit and regional interaction patterns. The presence or absence of caches com- a level). According the system established for Aguateca, Level 1 parable to those found at the Chiapas centers also provided important always refers to the humus layer, Level 2 to the collapse, and information for understanding interregional interaction. The deposit Level 3 to materials found directly on the final occupation floor. of similar caches would imply that the residents of Ceibal shared spe- Level 4 and beyond generally correspond to major construction cific ritual practices and ideas tied to the formal architectural arrange- stages, including construction fills and other layers below the ment with those of Chiapas and other areas. Another important final occupation floor. Floors are named by consecutive numbers question was whether the E-Group assemblage or other early ceremo- from the final floor to the lower ones. When additional floors nial spaces were used mainly for communal rituals or for privileged were found between named floors, we used alphabetical designa- groups. Rich caches and dedicatory interments of sacrificial victims tions that could be followed by another set of consecutive may have been organized by the political authority, but they may numbers (e.g., Floors 3a, 3b, 4a1, 4a2, 4b, 5). We tried to use the also have represented a shared community ethos. same designation for continuations of the same floor in different excavation areas whenever possible, but in many cases such strati- graphic correlations were not immediately clear during excavation. Field Investigations Thus, floor numbers do not always correspond between different The Ceibal-Petexbatun Archaeological Project has conducted field suboperations or different units within an extensive suboperation. seasons every year since 2005, with the exception of 2007. In Earlier structures below the final one were named Sub-1, Sub-2,

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and so on, from the penultimate one to earlier ones. Minor modifi- in Chiapas (Inomata et al. 2013, 2015a, 2015b). Throughout the cations may be represented with additions of alphabetical letters Middle Preclassic period, the E-Group assemblage at Ceibal was (e.g., Sub-3a, Sub-3b, Sub-4). When such stratigraphic sequences expanded, and early versions of the East Court and Structure were not clear, we used Q’eqchi’ or other names and added A-18 were added. This process indicates that Ceibal was not a ordinal numbers for minor modifications (e.g., Sib’ 1st, Sib’ 2nd, passive recipient of an architecture template and ritual developed and Sib’ 3rd, from the latest to earliest). elsewhere. The residents of Ceibal actively participated in interre- These excavations revealed the earliest version of the E-Group gional interaction involving the southern Gulf Coast, Chiapas, and assemblage and the A-24 Platform dating to 1000 b.c. These con- the southern Pacific Coast, through which new forms of architec- structions predate other known examples of E-Group assemblages tural arrangement and ritual, as well as associated social practices, in the Maya lowlands, as well as most of comparable constructions emerged.


El Proyecto Arqueológico Ceibal-Petexbatun ha llevado a cabo investiga- centros de Chiapas. Las excavaciones concentraron en los elementos princi- ciones de campo desde 2005 en el sitio de Ceibal ubicado en la parte suroeste pales de este patrón espacial, incluyendo un probable conjunto de las tierras bajas mayas. Los trabajos anteriores realizados por la Universidad arquitectónico tipo Grupo E (que consistió de una pirámide cuadrada en el de Harvard nos permitieron desarrollar un plan de investigación detallado oeste y una plataforma alargada en el este) y plataformas grandes (que diseñado para preguntas específicas. Un enfoque importante del estudio fue puedan haber funcionado como complejos residenciales de las élites emer- cómo desarrolló la civilización de las tierras bajas mayas. A través de una gentes). Los resultados de estas excavaciones nos permiten examinar cómo comparación con los sitios contemporáneos de Chiapas central, se propuso los residentes de Ceibal participaron en las interacciones inter-regionales, una hipótesis que durante el período preclásico medio los residentes de incluyendo Chiapas, la Costa del Golfo, y otras áreas, y cómo actividades Ceibal construyeron un patrón espacial formal que fue similar al de los de construcción y arquitectura contribuyen a los procesos de cambios sociales.


Investigations at Ceibal were carried out with permits generously issued by the the Japanese Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Instituto de Antropología e Historia de Guatemala and were supported by grants Technology-Japan KAKENHI (21101003 and 21101002) and Japan Society from the National Geographic Society, the National Science Foundation for the Promotion of Science KAKENHI (21402008 and 26101003) awarded (BCS-0750808), the National Endowment for the Humanities (RZ-51209-10), to Aoyama. We thank Wyllys Andrews, Norman Hammond, and Jeremy the Alphawood Foundation, and the Agnese Nelms Haury Program of the Sabloff, the members of the Harvard Project at Ceibal, who kindly read our University of Arizona awarded to Inomata and Triadan, as well as funds from early manuscript and provided thoughtful comments.


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