ACHIEVEMENTS 2019 Youth Renewal Fund

Youth Renewal Fund, founded in 1989, is the US philanthropic and strategic funding partner to Darca Schools, the #1 educational The Top High School Network in : Ministry of Education Rankings Revealed network in Israel. The Ministry of Education compiled, for the first time, data on the achievements of students attending private education networks that operate hundreds of high schools and that are funded with billions of NIS per year By: Lior Datal | April 24, 2017 Together, Youth Renewal Fund and Darca The government channels billions of NIS to private education networks that operate high schools but until now has never known whether these large budgets are justified. Data compiled by the Ministry of Education for the first time on the are strengthening Israel’s underserved achievements of the networks reveal that most networks find it difficult to reach achievements which justify their budgets. communities by providing students living The education system believes that the new ranking will change the balance of powers in the high school system, and may result in a transfer of high schools in the networks - either amongst themselves or among local authorities. The Ministry of Education wishes to in Israel’s geosocial periphery with an Minister of Education, Naftali Bennet Olivier Pitussi establish the new system in order to replace the schools' operators that are not functioning adequately or whose achievements are low. The Ministry of Education instructed all local authorities to hold, education that is not only comparable to, but within two years, new tenders for the operation of high schools in their jurisdiction that are managed by education networks. "Ranking first in the averages The authorities were also instructed to emphasize data on exceeds the educational experience of their of the parameters reviewed by quality of the networks that are now being published. The data is based on eligibility for matriculation certificate, dropout rates, the Ministry of Education is excellence in matriculation exams and other data, as well as peers living in more affluent communities. the Darca Network...which also the percentage of students in five-unit matriculation math and English and school atmosphere. In Jewish schools, the Ministry achieved the highest scores in of Education also examined IDF recruitment rates. The goal most of the Ministry of Education being to cause the authorities to invest the budget they receive from the Ministry of Education in educational networks that were individual parameters." found to be top notch, and to replace schools operators that are dysfunctional, or with poor performance. A letter sent by Director General of the Ministry of Education In order to rank the networks, the Ministry of Education reviewed Shmuel Abuhav, to the heads of the local authorities states that a comprehensive review conducted by the Ministry of Education, the accomplishments of every school operated whose results are published here for the first time, revealed “no by educational network for at least three years, significant advantage to private operation (education network) and weighed the achievements into a total score in each over operation by the local authority. We identify throughout the parameter. At the same time, the data 2 continuum ownership that performs well, alongside ownership The Darca Vision

Israeli gaps in education are growing, locking disadvantaged youth into a cycle of poverty and threatening the nation’s prospering economy. The continued health of Israel’s social fabric and booming economy, now, more than ever, is dependent on a generation of young leaders coming from the state’s underserved communities.

The Darca network’s vision states that every child in Israel’s school system has the right to realise his potential for excellence regardless of his place of residence, parents’ education, or any other environmental factor.

Our mission is to strengthen the underserved society in Israel’s periphery, by creating a groundbreaking enriched and efficient educational system. We serve all sectors of the Israeli population regardless of their religion or political affiliations. In Darca schools, students gain access to an educational experience comparable to that available in the wealthier communities thus bridging the vast gaps in Israeli society.

Darca is anchoring further and better Humanistic-Jewish-Democratic values, tolerance and active participation in national and community life.

The Darca network serves all sectors of the Israeli population; operating and managing 40 schools and learning centers nationwide, in addition to 49 intervention programs in various schools.

3 Global Comparison of Education Levels: Israel Lags Behind

Compared to 25 developed countries, Israel ranks as number 23 AVERAGE LEVEL OF EDUCATION IN DEVELOPED WORLD, PISA 2015

Japan 529 Canada 523 Finland 523 Korea 519 Ireland 509 508 Netehrlands 508 Switzerland 506 New Zealand 506 Norway 504 Denmark 504 Belgium 503 Australia 502 500 Portugal 497 Hebrew speakers (within Israel) 497 Sweden 496 496 Austria 492 Spain 491 Czech Republic 491 United States 488 Italy 485 Iceland 481 474 Israel (all) 472 Slovak Republic 463 Arabic speakers (within Israel) 394 360 400 440 480 430

4 The Darca Way · Start-Up Education

DISRUPTIVE INNOVATION Darca Schools is driving positive sustainable change from within the education system in Israel’s geosocial periphery.

100% 15%

Unlike other networks, We identified principals Students benefit We are the sole school 100% of state-financing as the cornerstones for from cutting-edge network operating transformation. We pedagogical innovation exclusively in Israel’s ׳goes directly to our schools schools + we add 15% thereby focus our resources giving them the tools they geosocial periphery. in philanthropic funds to and guidance on enhancing need to succeed in the level the playing field. them and their leading 21st century. team's ability to dream and drive success.

5 The Darca Way · Start-Up Education

REMARKABLE RESULTS Darca has established itself as Israel’s #1 school network, according to statistics published by Israel’s Ministry of Education.

Unprecedented Over one-third of 97% of graduates Darca’s unique model 89% network-wide Darca schools receive go on to significantly and remarkable results matriculation rate. top-rank recognition contribute to Israeli are placing system- by Israel’s Ministry of society. wide pressure on Education. competing networks to adjust their standards and models.

6 The Darca Way · Start-Up Education


Darca’s senior management team bring Our board members and our We rely on a small group of with them decades of excellence in partners have established generous private donors to fund all the field. We prioritize nurturing market track records both as leading of our operating expenses, so 100% leaders to oversee each professional philanthropists and some of the best of your money goes further than field - from school principals and teachers business people in the world. ever before to benefit those that to pedagogy, finance and technology, need it most. our teams are seasoned experts of the highest caliber.

7 ra Shoa Stats & Figures ls ara ra arl Shl

all o l Srs ah

olo -sral la o % Of Darca’s a-a Students al shlo Pass The rsal o ra Sh Bagrut shlo ra 89 alach aa o 2,530 22,007 Doa Teachers Student outreach roha

raa choa 40 153M Number of Institutions Budget in USD schools in town


8 Darca’s Growth

4,094 8,036 10,025 13,470 14,881 15,149 16,084 16,600 22,007 16.2M 44.5M 61.7M 80.7M 91.2M 95.7M 103.7M 118.7M 153.3M 2011-12 2012-13 2013-14 2014-15 2015-16 2016-17 2017-18 2018-19 2019-20 2011-12 2012-13 2013-14 2014-15 2015-16 2016-17 2017-18 2018-19 2019-20

Philanthropic 19.8M Funds

17.4M 10.9M 10M 10.3M Total 9.2M Budget 7.3M



Number of Students Budget in USD

9 Darca’s Growth

7 17 21 25 28 29 30 32 40 406 1,037 1,400 1,487 1,653 1,742 1,815 1,870 2,530 2011-12 2012-13 2013-14 2014-15 2015-16 2016-17 2017-18 2018-19 2019-20 2011-12 2012-13 2013-14 2014-15 2015-16 2016-17 2017-18 2018-19 2019-20

Number of Institutions Number of Teachers

10 Darca Schools Bagrut Success

50% 69% 79% 83% 85% 85% 87% 88% 89% 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019

58% National Average (2018)* 1,096 1,554 1,617 1,971 1,900 2,020 2,022 438 438

Number of Graduates * TheMarker 26.8.2019

11 Darca Schools VS Large Affluent Communities

78% 85% 86% 89% 2018 2018 2018 2019

Darca Schools

12 Bagrut Rates Darca Schools Success Stories

87% 86% 2019 48% 2019 13% 2016 2011

Darca Navon Darca Maxim Levy High School, High School,

89% 53% 2019 2012

Darca Menachem Begin High School, Gedera

13 4-5 Credits - English

58% 64% 72% 82% 84% 87% 91% 92% 93% 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019

59% National Average (2018)

% of Bagrut Holders

14 5 Credits - Mathematics

10% 11% 11% 12% 17% 20% 21% 21% 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019

16% National Average (2018)

% of Bagrut Holders

15 Highlights

100% BAGRUT ELIGIBILITY OUTSTANDING SERVICE #1 IN ROBOTICS 5 Credits English | 5 Credits Math Two Darca schools are ranked amongst The robotics team from the Darca Darca’s Druze High School for Science and the IDF’s top-five schools due to their Sapir High School in Yeroham won Leadership ranked #1 in the country for graduates’ outstanding service. a national competition. the 4th year in a row

LOWEST DROPOUT RATES SOCIAL CONTRIBUTION AWARD FIRST DRUZE PILOT Darca Schools achieved the lowest Israel’s National Teachers’ Union awards A graduate from Darca’s school in dropout rates of all competing school three Darca schools with Yarka becomes the first ever Druze networks prestigious award in recognition of their pilot in the Israeli Air Force. social contribution.

16 Darca Achievements in the Media

17 Darca Graduates 2019

87% IDF Service

97% Significant contribution

10% National service (Sherut Leumi)

3% Military service exemption

18 Additional Intervention Programs In light of Darca’s exceptional success on the post-primary level, the network has been approached by numerous educational bodies to operate intervention programs in the elementary and junior high levels. Junior High School Targeted Intervention Programs 2,880 765 47 14 Students Teachers Schools Municipalities

Elementary School Holistic Intervention 6,920 685 22 6 Students Teachers Elementary Schools Municipalities

19 Bagrut Quality Total Bagrut Percentage Eligible for University

NATIONAL DARCA DARCA 0.58 X 0.59 0.89 X 0.93 Bagrut Bargut Eligible Bagrut Bargut Eligible STEM Success for University Success for University BAGRUT

X2.5 34% 83% 54%

687 1,678 20 Board of Directors

Marc Rowan-Chairman Paul Schnell-President

Anne Angowitz Danny Epstien Sam Katz-Past President Bennett Rosenthal

Stuart Angowitz David Feldman Doug Korn Jordan Sall

Ram Burshtine Jeffrey Freed Randye Kwait Robert Schwartz

Sam Camens Jeff Gimbel Ken Lande Jamie Schweid

Harlan Cherniak Michael Gross Bret Pearlman Robert Sheft

Jeff Cohen Scott Hoffman Ilene Penn Hope Taitz

Jamie Easton Allison Rosen Ross Weiner

21 Cultivating Change in the Periphery

‪Darca continues to grow, flourish, and expand its activities serving the many diverse communities in Israeli society. We invite you to visit our schools and witness the realization of our vision in action. Partners who choose to share in Darca’s meaningful ongoing process will have significant influences on the future of students in Israel. ‪ To coordinate a meeting or a visit please contact us at: or 212.207.3195

EAE AE ‪100% of your donation goes directly to DARCA schools in Israel

Contributions can be made via Bank Wire or check: US citizens can contribute directly to our US based contact at YRF via Telephone or Mail. ‪Account Name: Darca Schools (REGISTERED AMUTA) ‪Bank: Hapoalim (12) To donate by mail, please make checks payable to ‪Branch: 436 () Youth Renewal Fund and mail to: ‪IBAN NO # IL43-0124-3600-0000-0020-793 Youth Renewal Fund ‪SWIFT ADDRESS # POALILIT A Darca Schools Foundation ‪ 1460 Broadway New York, NY 10036 ‪All donations to Darca are recognized for tax purposes Donate by phone: (212) 207.3195 under section 46 of the Israeli Income Tax. Youth Renewal Fund is a registered 501(c)(3) tax-exempt nonprofit organization.