Since 1991 the MESSENGER 500 ¥ No. 17 (1086) ’S FIRST ENGLISH WEEKLY PUBLISHED BY MONTSAME NEWS AGENCY Friday, April 27, 2012 Construction begins on new airport ‘PetroChina Budget of 28 billion JPY established with Japan Daqing’ held liable for Tgs 1.3 billion Environmental damages to be paid to local soum B.Ooluun

On April 17, the court of the Bayanzurkh district issued a decision for the repayment of Tgs 1.3 billion for environmental damages caused by the ‘PetroChina Daqing Tamsag” Co., Ltd when the company was engaged in mining activity in the territory of Buyan-Undur bagh, in Matad Soum in Dornod Aimag. The NGO ‘Civil Movements Alliance of the Mongolian Environmental Protection’ sued, holding the Chinese company liable for damages in the amount of Tgs 1.3 billion to be paid to Matad Soum’s local budget. The damage caused by illegal activity of this company to the local ecosystem was enormous and the danger to the life and health of local people was serious. Petro Daqing Tamsag Co., Ltd. continued activities ignoring repeated demands of the government and professional supervising organizations of petroleum and local authorities. Under these circumstances, the local population and the environmental NGOs issued an official claim on September 5, 2011 addressing the court “to identify the damage caused to nature and the environment, carry on mining and reclamation activities according to the environmental protection plan, pay for the environmental damages caused by PM S.Batbold and Ambassador Takuo Kidokoro delivered the opening speeches PetroChina Daqing Tamsag Co., Ltd. to Matad Soum in Dornod Aimag in Construction work for a new that this work was planned in the Near the airport, a big center resistant dam, and 110 kilowatt electric the amount of Tgs 1,356,622,460 to international airport was launched in 2008-2012 government’s action plan. for auto roads, railway and freight transition lines and installment of a Matad Soum’s budget. Khoshig Valley where Mongolia’s first “To realize the action plan, a soft will be established and a satellite fiber optics. The airport terminal is PetroChina Daqing Tamsag civil aviation service was conducted. loan agreement on establishing a new residential town with a population of estimated to have the capacity to serve Company was initially sued in 2010 On April 22, a ground-breaking international airport with a budget over 100,000 people will be founded. 1,100 passengers hourly with a total of for causing environmental damage. ceremony for the new international of 28.2 billion JPY was established It will be linked with ’s 30 facilities to be built. The Civil Movements Alliance of the airport was held in Khoshig Valley between the Government and Japan infrastructure. Moreover, this airport Present at the ceremony were Mongolian Environmental Protection, in Tov Aimag, about 60km from Bank for International Cooperation will provide the opportunity for transit M.Enkhbold, Deputy Prime Minister; the Movement to Protect Buir Nuur, Ulaanbaatar. At the ceremony, (JBIC) in 2008. This new international flights to Western Europe, North MPs N.Enkhbold, Su.Batbold, Khalh Gol and Nomrogiin River basin Prime Minister S. Batbold, Deputy airport is vital to bring Mongolia’s air America and Southeast Asia, creating and D.Dondog; Takenori Shimizu, conducted the advocacy and was Prime Minister M. Enkhbold and transport service up to international favorable conditions for economic Ambassador of Japan to Mongolia; financed by the Open Society Forum. Japan’s Ambassador Takuo Kidokoro standards and satisfy sustainable development for both Mongolia and Toshinori Isogai, Chief of the JICA The civil case against this company delivered opening speeches. development of civil aviation,” the the region. Representative Office to Mongolia, was related to relevant claims of five Prime Minister S.Batbold said PM emphasized. Construction has started on flood and other officials. citizens of Buyan-Undur bagh of Matad Soum in Dornod Aimag, as NGOs were not allowed to issue claims Parliament and UB City Council elections to run together Continued on page 3 B. Ooluun Enkhtuvshin, head of the MPP Group. committees and the plenary parliament be counted by an automated electoral Inside The differences in the law are: a meeting because the two parties’ system. According to estimations of The elections for Parliament and voting day for local elections occurs groups have reached an agreement. GEC, the 2012 parliamentary election Like you, Mongolia! ����������������������p2 Ulaanbaatar City Council (CCU) will on a day off while parliamentary The voting day for the will require Tgs16.8 billion. run together in June and other elections elections run on a working day and parliamentary election is scheduled Voters will use their current Cabinet meeting �������������������������p3 for citizens’ representatives of aimags, the closing hours for voting are for June 28. The General Electoral identity card for voting, but not the soums and districts will run in October. different. Moreover, they are different Committee submitted a proposal previously planned smart ID card. Govt answers inquiry �������������������p4 The DP Group in the parliament held according to the electoral system. DP for running the election on that day On April 20, N. Bayasgalan, State a strict position that parliamentary and group considers that the election for and parliament approved it. The Secretary of the Ministry of Justice and Re-development of UB.. ��������������.p5 local elections must be conducted at the City Council of Ulaanbaatar needs parliamentary election law says, “A Internal Affairs, and L. Amarsanaa, the same time while the MPP Group in to be adjusted with basic principles voting day for the regular election Chief of the General Authority for Calligraphy as classic art...... p7 parliament considered it impossible to of the new parliamentary election shall be on any working day in the State Registration, reported that it conduct the elections together due to law. For instance, when an election last week of June in an electoral was impossible to print new e-IDs and President saw Olympic training....p8 some law clauses and organizational for the CCU is conducted, two-thirds year” and the “parliamentary election distribute them to citizens before the issues. The disagreement of the parties of the CCU seats have to be elected date will be announced more than election. The supply of blank identity caused the parliamentary plenary according to the majority system and 60 days before the voting day.” cards is behind schedule and the Bloomberg commodity price 2012/04/26 meetings to stalemate. Eventually, the one-third has to be elected according Beginning with this election, votes facility for reading e-card information Price two groups compromised and reached to a proportional system, like the of Mongolians staying abroad will be has problems; therefore, they can’t an agreement on the abovementioned parliamentary election. Therefore, taken. It was preliminarily planned to succeed in printing and distributing GOLD USD/t oz. 1,653.100 mutual version. It will be finally 15 representatives of the CCU’s 45 organize voting on June 10 through e-cards before the election. resolved by the relevant standing representatives will be chosen through Consulate Offices of Mongolia abroad. Parties that intend to participate in COPPER USD/lb. 373.500 committee and plenary meeting of a proportional system while 30 will be According to statistics provided by the parliamentary election must show parliament. chosen by a majority election system. the General Electoral Committee, their election platform and names of SILVER USD/t oz 30.895 “We have no way but to make an It was planned to discuss 1,834,461 citizens will vote this year. candidates. For two parties with most agreement due to time demands. It draft parliamentary resolutions A total of over 10,000 people will seats in the parliament, MPP plans BRENT USD/bbl. 119.220 is possible to conduct the elections on announcing the date of the work at electoral commissions, sub- to organize its Conference on May CRUDE together by combining different parliamentary election and on commissions and units during the 1 while DP has not yet scheduled SUGAR USd/lb. 21.840 clauses in the laws of parliamentary approving the election expenditures election. Also, information technology organizing its Consultative Committee and local elections,” said O. on April 26 at relevant standing workers will work because votes will Meeting. WHEAT USd/bu 629.000 2 THE MONGOL MESSENGER news Friday, April 27, 2012

N E W S-IN-B R I E F–From The MONTSAME AGENCY 20th Anniversary of diplomatic relations marked President Ts. Elbegdorj and the Minister their counterparts on the 20th anniversaries of lOn April 25, Minister of Foreign Affairs Permanent Representative of Mongolia to the United of Foreign Affairs G. Zandanshatar have sent establishing diplomatic relations. G.Zandanshatar received a delegation led by Nations (UN) Office at Geneva, expressed the congratulatory messages to the Republic Mongolia established diplomatic relations Mr. Kinzang Dorji, former Prime Minister of the position of Mongolia at plenary and sub-sessions of with Kyrgyzstan on April 22, 1992 with Kingdom of Bhutan and a special envoy of Bhutan’s the 13th United Nations Conference on Trade and of Kyrgyzstan, Republic of Tajikistan, and current Premier. Development (UNCTAD) conference which kicked Turkmenistan. Turkmenistan on April 23, 1992, and with The sides underlined that the similarity of culture and off in Doha, Qatar. In the messages, the top officials congratulated Tajikistan on April 24 of the same year. religion of the two countries laid a basis for widening The Mongolian delegation is also participating in bilateral relations and cooperation. They noted the the UNCTAD meetings of the Group of 77, the mutual willingness of the countries to collaborate in Group of Landlocked Developing Countries, and is President receives KAF Country Director the tourism and agricultural sectors and the Mongolian sharing views and experience with delegates of other side confirmed that Bhutan’s Minister of Agriculture countries at a round-table meeting on investments On April 19, President Ts. Elbegdorj and Forestry has been invited to visit Mongolia. for governmental reserve funds and a conference on received Mr. Johannes D. Rey, Konrad- Bhutan’s delegation is visiting Mongolia with aims to supporting investments. Adenauer Foundation (KAF) Country Director. convey a letter to Mongolia’s President from Jigme Themed ‘Development-centered globalization: At the meeting, Mr. Rey introduced President Thinley, Prime Minister of Bhutan, and to share Towards inclusive and sustainable growth and Ts.Elbegdorj to projects being implemented in views with Mongolia on expanding bilateral relations development’, this year’s UNCTAD conference Mongolia. and cooperation. aims to conclude the present situation of the world’s On January 18 this year, Mongolia and the Kingdom trade and development, to seek ways of overcoming He expressed satisfaction with the recent of Bhutan established diplomatic relations. Mr. Dorji financial and economic crisis, and to determine fruitful visit of Mongolia’s President to the Federal has become Bhutan’s very first official representative necessary measures related to a policy of sustainable Republic of Germany and spoke about certain to visit Mongolia. development. works initiated by the KAF on strengthening lOn April 25, a one-day training-seminar ran in the Within the conference, the 3rd World Investment Forum local governance and decentralization. Ministry of Foreign Affairs for Mongolia’s recently is also running, discussing issues of strengthening The President noted that the KAF is one of appointed Ambassadors. investments for sustainable development and of the funds that rendered valuable assistance and B.Batkhishig, State Secretary of the Ministry of fruitful investments ensuring economic growth. aid to Mongolia during the period of democratic Ts.Elbegdorj (c) and Johnannes D. Rey Foreign Affairs made the opening remarks. Obligations lAn international seminar titled ‘Multi-lateral revolution and said a Mongolia-Germany forum and directives were given to the ambassadors by cooperation in combating trans-boundary infectious was held in Berlin under the auspices of the strengthen it,” Ts.Elbegdorj said. He emphasized Ya.Batsuuri MP, a member of the Standing committee diseases’ was held in Ulaanbaatar at the initiative of Presidential Offices of the two countries. the importance of cooperation with the KAF in on Security and Foreign Policy; and by L.Purevsuren, the Department of Veterinary and Animal Breeding “I was glad to meet the new President of increasing local authority, reforming the laws advisor to the President on foreign policy. under the auspices of the Food and Agriculture Germany. Our cooperation is entering a new level. on political parties, establishing political funds, Reports on the government’s action program and Organization of the United Nations. I think the process of establishing a democratic and on some specific works aimed at reforming developmental goals of the country were given by Participants heard six reports about the present system is unlimited, but it is important to public service. T.Gandi, Minister of Social Welfare and Labor; situation of foot-and-mouth disease in Mongolia, N.Tumendemberel, State Secretary of the Ministry Russia and China, a strategy of fighting the diseases, of Health; Ts.Togoo, State Secretary of the Defense related measures and projects, programs. Then they Ministry; G.Bayasgalan, State Secretary of the reached agreements on further works. Mongolia to share experience with Bhutan Ministry of Justice and Internal Affairs; D.Dalaijargal, The seminar brought together vet experts from State Secretary of the Ministry of Education, Culture Russia, China, New Zealand, the FAO and the World On April 19, President Ts. Elbegdorj called and Science; D.Battor, State Secretary of the Veterinary Association. It also attracted delegates and on Kinzang Dorji, former Prime Minister of Ministry of Finance; D.Moron, Head of the Office officials from the Ministry of Food, Agriculture and the Kingdom of Bhutan and special envoy of of Immigration, Naturalization and Foreign Citizens; Light Industry, vet agencies and services of Dornod, Bhutan’s current Prime Minister. and department heads of some Ministries. Dornogobi, Sukhbaatar and Khenti aimags, and donor To begin the meeting, Mr. Kinzang Dorji The training brought together Ch.Battomor, the organizations. introduced his country’s current political and Ambassador appointed to the Kingdom of Thailand, lOn April 23, D.Odbayar, Head of the parliamentary socio-economic situation and democratic R.Bold—to Australia, A.Ganbaatar—to the Republic Standing committee on justice; and MP G.Temuujin, changes and said that Bhutan is willing to study of Poland, T.Gandi—to the Republic of Hungary, received a delegation led by Mr. Arman Danielyan, the experience of Mongolia in the development M.Ganbold—to the Democratic People’s Republic a member of the UN Subcommittee on Prevention of Korea, Sh.Odonbaatar—to the Republic of of Torture that is visiting Mongolia at the invitation of democracy. Italy, B.Odonjil—to the Arab Republic of Egypt, of the National Commission for Human Rights In turn, the President said that Mongolia D.Enkhbat—to the Socialist Republic of Vietnam, (NCHR). and Bhutan have similar traditions of culture and O.Och, the Permanent Representative to the UN They shared information on torture and then discussed and religion, and appreciated Bhutan choosing Headquarters. the matter of running a training themed “Creating a the democratic system and aiming at forming a lOn April 20, the 5th meeting of the Mongolia- national mechanism for fruitful prevention” dedicated society that cherishes human rights and freedom. China intergovernmental commission on border to experts of the NCHR and related NGOs. He added that Mongolia has been developing its waters kicked off in the ‘Ikh Tenger’ complex in Apart from Mr. Danielyan, the delegation comprised democracy for 22 years and we can share this Ulaanbaatar. Matthew Pringle, the Europe and Central Asia experience rather than teach the principles of The meeting was opened by Ch.Jargalsaikhan, Program Officer at the Association for the Prevention democracy. President Ts.Elbegdorj (r) and Kinzang Dorji Vice Minister of Tourism and Environment and of Torture (APT); Ulugbek Azimov, legal expert at representative of the Mongolia’s side of the the Independent Human Rights Protection Group at commission, and by Jiao Yong, China’s Vice Minister the UN Human Right High Commission, and Suraina of Water Resources and representative of China’s Pasha, Regional Training Manager at the Asia Pacific Mongolian Ambassador presented credentials side. Forum (APF). Their visit lasted until April 26. The two sides discussed works done until this lSenior diplomat Ms. L.Ider was awarded the title On April 24, S. Bayaraa, Mongolia’s meeting, put forward proposals on cooperation for of Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary of Ambassador to the Republic of India presented 2012, and released a protocol on the action plan of the Mongolia and its Golden Gerege (paiza). his Letter of Credence to Ms. Pratibha Devisingh joint commission for 2012-2013. Moreover, the sides On April 23, she was granted the title in the Foreign Patil, the President of India,. discussed the implementation course of a project on Ministry by G.Tenger, Vice Minister of Foreign Following the ceremony, the Indian President geological measurement of Buir Lake, setting up a Affairs. The Red Flag Order of Labor Merit was received Ambassador S. Bayaraa and shared guard of border waters hydrology, and exchanging of bestowed upon her as well. views on bilateral relations, cooperation, and information on hydrology. Ms. Ider graduated from the Moscow State Institute international relations. lOn April 23, by decree of the President, the ‘Polar of International Relations in 1963, and has worked The Ambassador said he will pay much Star’ Order was given to B.Baasanjav, an actor of the some 30 years in the Ministry of Foreign Affairs attention on developing bilateral relations ’s Film Group. and in diplomatic missions of Mongolia abroad. She through comprehensive partnership principles He was awarded by the Mongolian leader for his has become the very first woman in Mongolia to be and enriching it with economic content. S. Bayaraa with India’s President P. Patil “significant contribution to friendly relations and awarded the highest diplomatic title. cooperation between the two countries and boosting lAs of 2011, the poverty rate in Mongolia declined to cultural ties”. 29.8 percent, 9.4 percent lower than the year 2010. B.Baasanjav arrived here to take part in the premiere On April 25, S.Mendsaikhan, head of the National Meeting aims to increase cooperation with Israel of a feature film ‘Aravt’ co-made by Mongolian Statistical Committee (NSC) announced the data at and Inner Mongolian artists. He became popular in a news conference. The poverty rate was measured On April 23, B.Batkhishig, State Secretary Mongolia thanks to starring in a serial movie ‘Chingis using statistical figures based on the socio-economic of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs called on Mr. Khaan’. indicates of families of 2011, together with the World Amos Nadai, non-resident Ambassador of Israel lParliament Speaker D.Demberel expressed Bank (WB). to Mongolia. satisfaction with cooperation between Mongolia and Family income of rural areas and the city, augmenting During the meeting, the sides shared views the Asian Development Bank (ADB). He said it on of pension, salaries, and cash money of the Human on implementing a visit of the Israeli Minister April 23, at a meeting with a delegation, led by Mr. Development Fund for citizens were the main factors of Foreign Affairs to Mongolia in 2012, and Robert Wihtol, Director-General of the ADB East for reducing the country’s poverty rate. organizing a political consultative meeting Asia Department,. lOn April 21, the 2nd Nationwide English Language of the ministries of Foreign Affairs of the two Thanking the ADB delegation for visiting Mongolia, Olympiad was organized by Foreign Language the Speaker said Mongolians are always grateful to Center of the Agriculture University with a purpose countries. the ADB for all its assistance and investments which to arouse the curiosity of youth to learn English and They also expressed willingness to intensify have supported some important sectors of Mongolia expand social needs and scope of English usage. Mongolia-Israel cooperation in renewable such as infrastructure and health. Students and school children from 22 universities and energy, agriculture, mining, education and other The Speaker said the experience and high-level 15 general educational schools of Ulaanbaatar, Tov, sectors. B.Batkhishig and Amos Nadai meet cooperation between Mongolia and the ADB should Darkhan-Uul and Orkhon aimags participated in the be adhered to in further activities, and added that he Olympiad. supports the partnership program for 2012-2016. In the category of children of general educational UN Proclaims International Year of Cooperatives In turn, Mr. Wihtol thanked the Speaker for the schools, B. Ariunzaya of general educational school audience and congratulated Mongolia on its intensive #6 in Ulaanbaatar took first place. She was followed By an initiative of Mongolia’s Government, Vice President of the German Cooperative and economic development and opportunities to flourish. by runner-up B. Anudari of Mongeni School of Tov the United Nations proclaimed this year as the Raiffeisen Confederation. He said the ADB is ready to assist Mongolia in solving Aimag. The winners were awarded with a certificate International Year of Cooperatives. On April 15- The sides shared information on co-operatives urgent problems with its private sector. to enter the Agriculture University. 22, within measures of the year, a Mongolian for the food, agriculture and light industrial Mr. Wihtol said the ADB board of directors approved In the category of university students, M. Tergel of a partnership program to be implemented with the Medical Science University and E. Anudari of the delegation headed by P.Bayanmonkh, Deputy sectors, structural reform and prospects, and Mongolia for four years. He then sounded his opinions Agriculture University took the first two places. Minister of Food, Agriculture and Light Industry exchanged views on intensifying collaboration about some issues and expressed hope that the ADB’s During the Olympiads, quizzes, singing contests, and paid a visit to Berlin, Federal Republic of in the co-operative sphere. They reached an investments would be used fruitfully in Mongolia. cultural performance were run. Germany. agreement to jointly determine the specific form lOn April 21, a delegation headed by L.Orgil, On April 18, Mr. Bayanmonkh held an of cooperation in the nearest future. official meeting with Mr. Dirk J. Lehnhoff,

Editor-in-Chief: Borkhondoin Indra English Editor: David brown WEATHER Sunrise: 05.57 ‘Like you, Mongolia!’ Forum marks anniversary with Japan Journalists: Batbayar Ooluun Sunset: 20.03 Translator: Mishigdorj Unurzul On April 21, the Niigata- Mongolia’s development, the present situation of n Ulaanbaatar and Central Aimags: Night temps between Mongolia Friendship Society and politics, economy and society, Japan-Mongolia dalkhjav Undrakh 2oC and -3oC. Day time temps between 11o and 16oC. Layout/design : sarantuya munkhtulga Snow on April 29. Honorary Consulate of Mongolia relations, and ways of expanding Niigata- n to Niigata organized a Forum in honor of the Mongolia cooperation. Participants also shared The Mongol Messenger, P.O.Box 1514, Ulaanbaatar, MONGOLIA. Eastern Aimags: Night temps between -30C and 20C. Day time temps 40th anniversary of diplomatic relations between views on these issues. It was decided to send 120 Telephone: 266740, Tel/Fax: (976-11) 325512, between 13oC and 18oC. Mongolia and Japan. members of the society to Mongolia for a visit Home Page: Snow on April 30 nWestern Aimags: The forum entitled ‘Like you, Mongolia!’ in August by renting a MIAT Company airplane E-mail: [email protected] Night temps between -2oC and 3oC. Day time temps brought together more than 70 people and receive 10 Mongolian children in Gosen city of o o . Niigata University’s Prof Ya.Kuchiya, the Niigata prefecture, and send 10 children to travel The Mongol Messenger is operated by the government news agency between 13 C and 18 C. Snow on April 29. nGobi Aimags: prefecture’s Deputy Mayor T. Sekine, Honorary to Mongolia. MONTSAME and is printed by the MONTSAME Night temps between 1oC and 6oC. Day time temps o o Consul T. Nakayama. Sh. Hasegawa, Head of S. Khurelbaatar, Mongolia’s Ambassador between 16 C and 21 C. Snow on April 30. presidiums of the Niigata-Mongolia Friendship to Japan attended the forum and met with the ISSN 1684-1883 Society delivered reports on historical path of Prefecture’s Governor and Gosen City Mayor. Friday, April 27, 2012 news THE MONGOL MESSENGER 3 Government answers inquiry demands Mining and environmental issues emphasized To Mr. Ganbold, Head of features, is regulated under the law by 14 entities and 2 mining licenses up. Radiation control and safety will the Civil Council for Mongolia’s in accordance with the State Policy possessed by 2 entities. A total of 101 be improved”. Environment: on radioactive materials and nuclear radioactive exploration and mining Mongolia’s energy needs will energy. licenses are valid. tend to grow 4-fold by 2025. Ensuring Response to inquiry The Government of Mongolia Under Presidential decree #181 energy safety and reliability is Prime Minister S. Batbold got au is strictly obeying effective laws, dated September 9, it was resolved very important for the country and fait with the demands given to the regulations and rules being enforced that the National Security Council developing a national energy system Government by participants of the in activities to exploit radioactive discuss when licenses for radioactive in combination with some energy demonstration ‘Mongolia without materials and nuclear energy and will materials are issued. Special licenses sources will be a main way to prevent nuclear danger’ and non-government further enforce the law. on exploring and mining radioactive energy deficiency and shortage. organizations for the environment. 4. What actions of materials will be issued, suspended If Mongolia has an Atomic Power The following is the Prime Minister’s responsibility are taken on authorities and invalidated only under the relevant Plant, there will be a condition to response to their inquiry. of the NEA, that was founded with law. provide growing energy needs reliably 1. We expect the government the purpose to issue exploration and 6. Why not immediately issue and the study shows that there will be to publicly open the secret agreement mining licenses, and liquidating the a resolution for halting extracting potential to reduce carbon emissions of cooperation in the nuclear energy organization: and concentrating operations by to an acceptable level. sector created during the official visit According to Article 11.1 of companies such as Areva from France, Relevant professional of Prime Minister S. Batbold to Japan the law on Nuclear Energy, the and on banning operations of foreign organizations are conducting a detailed on March 10-13: Nuclear Energy Agency is a state companies that prepare to conduct study on determining Mongolia’s Prime Minister S. Batbold paid administrative organization that operations in this field?: energy needs. For instance, the an official visit to Japan on March functions to realize the state policy on France’s state-owned company Nuclear Study Center of NUM plans 11-15 at the invitation of Japanese exploiting radioactive materials and ‘Areva’ started operating in Mongolia to conduct a nationwide study to government. The visit was paid within Ch. Khurelbaatar nuclear energy, introducing nuclear in November of 1996 through the Areva review public opinion about nuclear frames of celebration activities for with any foreign country and earlier, technology and developing nuclear Mongolia LLC and conducts activities energy exploitation in Mongolia. the 40th anniversary of diplomatic Prime Minister S. Batbold declared study, ensure nuclear and radiation within conditions and requirements It is considered necessary to study relations between Mongolia and responsibly that establishment of the safety and have specialized control. It stated in the Nuclear Energy Law and suggestions you made on conducting a Japan. During the visit, no agreement agreement on this issue will not be is a professional organization directly other relevant legislations. referendum on Mongolia’s exploiting regarding nuclear energy sector was further permitted at all. Even during connected with national security. Corporate operations being nuclear energy and satisfying energy established. his official visit to Japan on March 11- Worldwide, nuclear technology conducted by any individual or legal needs. 2. We want the government to 15, Prime Minister S. Batbold asserted is being widely used in agriculture, bodies shall be halted in accordance 8. Organize a discussion at the expose previous attempts and secret the government’s position. mining, energy, health and other sectors with grounds and regulations stated in Citizens’ Hall under the President’s talks made to bury nuclear waste 3. Immediately annul clauses under international rules, regulations, laws only. Currently, there are no legal Office with involvement of government in Mongolia, taking legal actions on issuing license, exploring uranium, standards and legislations. It shows grounds to halt radioactive materials’ and non-government organizations on on guilty people. Prime Minister S. mining and concentrating uranium the necessity to train specialists of the exploration activity of the company. exploiting nuclear energy, extracting Batbold should individually confirm raw materials, establishing an Atomic sector, develop policy and resolution, 7. If the government considers and concentrating uranium and that “There has not been any talks Power Plant and burying nuclear improve controls and facilities and it impossible to provide energy needs establishing an Atomic Power Plant: or agreements at all” to the people if waste from the Law on Nuclear Energy take certain measures to prevent without exploiting nuclear energy, We are supporting an initiative there truly has been no attempt: adopted in 2009 with a purpose to danger. it needs to explain to people what on organizing a decision and sharing The Government of Mongolia, support exploitation only: Therefore, it is impossible to grounds it has and resolve the issue by views on exploiting nuclear energy for relevant ministries and organizations The Parliament of Mongolia liquidate the NEA and it is considered conducting a referendum: peaceful purposes with involvement have not established any agreement adopted the Law on Nuclear Energy necessary to resolve the issue to Article 5.3.2 of the Millennium of government and non-government on storing and burying nuclear waste with a purpose to regulate relations strengthen the organization, provide Development Goals-based National organizations. with other countries. It is legally concerning the exploitation of with skilled, experienced and ethical Development Strategy, approved by 9. How is the government prohibited to bury any spent nuclear radioactive materials and nuclear staff, develop a legal environment parliamentary resolution #12 in 2008, providing citizens with information fuel of any foreign country in any form energy for peaceful purposes, ensure for operations, rules, regulations and states “to implement a policy to exploit about radioactive material, nuclear on Mongolia’s territory. The Nuclear nuclear and radiation safety and standards, and equip it with modern atomic energy stage by stage and work threat and waste and nuclear Energy Agency—Regulatory Agency protect the population, society and reliable high-tech facilities. for a goal to establish an atomic power terrorism, making their aware of of Government has not conducted environment from negative effects of To intensify its operation plant”. dangers, improving the law on nuclear any talks on burying nuclear waste ionizing radiation. The law accords and strengthen its management, The National Development energy into the law on protecting in Mongolia’s territory with any with the Constitution of Mongolia and coordination and control, the Strategy is an important policy people, nature and environment from country. It has frequently provided other effective laws. The Government Government has recently made document that contained synthesized nuclear negative effects?: relevant explanations and statements of Mongolia is implementing the a resolution to take actions of people’s opinion and political parties’ The Nuclear Energy Agency takes that no agreement has been made. Constitution of Mongolia and laws responsibility on authorities of the concepts and positions on development relevant measures to collaborate with For instance, the NEA authority and on nuclear weapon free status, import NEA. outlook and strategy of Mongolia. government and non-government specialists gave interviews to press of dangerous waste, banning trans- 5. Explain the cancelling of Also, Article 2.2.4 of the Action organizations and citizens for and media and gave explanations boundary transportation, export and all licenses for exploring and mining Plan of the Government for 2008- providing citizens with information for the false information. Also, an nuclear energy. uranium and no longer issuing 2012 says, “Uranium deposits such on exploiting nuclear energy for official statement was published in The regulations in the laws licenses: as Mardai will start being exploited peaceful purpose, ensuring nuclear the Undesnii Shuudan Daily and Uls stated the prohibition of burying During the period since approval in collaboration with a strategic and radiation safety and dangers of Toriin Toim, on April 5, 2011. The nuclear waste of foreign countries in of the State Policy on radioactive investor that has an interest to invest radioactive and nuclear, terrorism and NEA provided information about it Mongolian territory. According to the materials and nuclear energy, and the in extraction by establishing a legal preventing them. The government is through television and newspapers regulations in the laws, radioactive Law on Nuclear Energy, a total of 44 environment to conduct uranium willing to collaborate with relevant on May 11 and expressed its position. waste of foreign countries is prohibited entities were holding 220 radioactive prospecting, exploration, extraction non-government organizations to An official statement that denied to be imported to Mongolia by any exploration and mining licenses. and concentration and by increasing a develop nuclear energy law. information on burying spent nuclear means or transport through the state Under the law, measures were taken confirmed reserve”. fuels of foreign countries in Mongolia border. But the issue to bury nuclear to cancel 119 licenses possessed by 28 Article 2.2.9 of the action plan also was placed on its webpage. waste, disposed by its own plant, in entities in the past period. says, “A detailed study on exploiting MP Ch. Khurelbaatar, Minister Mongolia has not established an case Mongolia itself builds an atomic As of April 16, 2012 there were nuclear energy will be conducted and and Head of the Cabinet Office of agreement on burying nuclear waste power plant that suits the country’s 99 exploration licenses possessed the Feasibility Study will be drawn Government Ulaanbaatar gets 28 new garbage trucks ‘PetroChina Daqing’ held liable for Tgs 1.3 billion Environmental damages to be paid to local soum Continued from page 1 to spend Tgs 5-7 billion per year for environmental protection. The sum of to court according to the previous law. money is significant but not the result” Hence, five citizens refused from the said PhD professor T.Mendsaikhan, claim and on September 2, 2011 the member of the Strategy Advocates Bayanzurkh district court annulled the Committee under the Mongolian case. Advocates Association. In order to approve the damage The alliance consider that this caused by PetroChina Daqing would be the first vivid example of Tamsag Company to nature and advocacy when a local budget is the environment, the claimants compensated with Tgs 1.3 billion investigated and calculated the from such a big company as the damage by the branched roads which Petro China Daichin Tamsag Co.,Ltd caused soil pollution. They also for environmental protection and considered the company’s reclamation reclamation. was insufficient as great amount of liquid production waste had been accumulated when the company completed its so-called reclamation activity. The claimants considered the case Garbage trucks and processing plant will contribute to a healthier environment was unique. “- The mining companies completely ignored road and pasture On April 25, a ceremony was He added, “To live in a clean damages and a great amount of land held to transfer 28 garbage trucks environment, we need to resolve was destroyed by transport vehicles. made by the S. Korean Hyundai many problems. In the first turn, In connection, serious problems Corporation. The trucks were given all disposal sites need to function arose related to dust storms and to nine districts of Ulaanbaatar by the throughout a day and illuminations unbalanced ecological situations for ‘Clean Air’ foundation of the Ministry need to be completely installed”. plants and the animal kingdom. It was of Environment and Tourism. The PM instructed the Minister calculated that 1130 hectors of land In a speech made at the event, of Environment and Tourism and were damaged by transport vehicles. Prime Minister S.Batbold noted that authorities of the city to improve the The soil damage was calculated in the cabinet is working on building a city’s garbage management, establish accordance with the methodology by comfortable living environment for a garbage processing plant that meets the Ministry of Nature, Environment citizens and expressed his hope that international standards, and introduce and Tourism and it reached Tgs 3.1 these trucks will contribute to that state-of-the-art standards. billion. In 2008-2010, the PetroChina objective. Daqing Tamsag Company planned Environmental damages far exceed Petro China’s reclamation attempt 4 THE MONGOL MESSENGER news Friday, April 27, 2012 Mongolia-Czech meeting focuses on trade and economics C A B I N E T M E E T I N G Czech Republic seeks mutually beneficial opportunities with Mongolia On April 24-25, the 4th regular meeting of the Mongolia-Czech intergovernmental Joint Committee was held at Mongolia’s Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Trade. The Mongolia-Czech inter­ governmental Joint Committee was co-chaired by Ts.Dashdorj, Mongolia’s Minister of Road, Transportation, At its regular meeting on April Urban Development, reported the Construction and Urban Development, 25, the Cabinet discussed the progress of the national program. and by Milan Hovorka, Deputy Minister following issues: In connection with the introduction, of Industry and Trade of the Czech relevant ministers were obliged Republic. More than 40 business Next year’s economic growth to establish coordination and take representatives arrived in Mongolia, predicted to be 15.2 percent organizational measures to perform accompanying Mr. Hovorka. At the cabinet meeting, it was border control in case of an emergency At the meeting, Minister Ts. Dashdorj reported that the economic growth landing of aircraft at an airport that and Deputy Minister Milan Hovorka of Mongolia is predicted to be at does not have international border made reports on the present socio- 15.2 percent by next year due to check-points. Moreover, it was economic situations of the countries. increases in the mining sector and instructed to improve the software Also, S. Javkhlanbaatar, Deputy Head its influence on other sectors, new of unified identity control network of the Department of Foreign Trade and vacancies, and favorable conditions of General Authority for State Economic Cooperation in the Ministry of for foreign investment and even Registration, General Authority of Foreign Affairs and Trade of Mongolia, animal husbandry. Border Protection, and the Office delivered information on Mongolia’s The government considers that of Immigration, Naturalization present situation of trade and economy. Ministers of the two countries signing the protocol A project to modernize the State the mining sector’s growth may show and Foreign Citizens, and urgently Central Clinic was introduced. Also, an increase of 24.8 percent whilse resolve the required financing. the sides shared views on trade and a couple of sectors that we believe are real opportunities to clarify how they non-mining sectors will have a 3.3 Also it was decided to assess how investment, energy and natural resource, particularly promising from the point can work together. As a result of those percent of increase by 2013. activities regarding air transportation infrastructure, urban development, road of view of strengthening and deepening discussions, a couple of documents were As the economic growth is facilitation influence the development and transportation, food and agriculture bilateral relations between the Czech signed. expected to increase in the next of tourism and international trade. and environmental protection. Republic and Mongolia. From this Financing is always a consideration. years, inflation is forecasted to reach The ‘National Program for Air Czech’s deputy Minister of perspective, it has been a major success. We were approached by Czech Export 13.1 percent. Transportation Facilitation’ has 181 Environment gave a report on cooperation During our visit, we held a series of talks Bank (CEB) established by Czech Moreover, the Mongolian clauses and as of 2011, 154 clauses in the natural protection sphere and with a number of members of Mongolia’s authorities to provide financing. This Togrog’s rate may appreciate next have been completely realized. some Czech companies gave brief government such as the Minister of bank is ready to stand behind and year due to continuation of foreign introductions. At the end of the meeting, Natural Resources and Energy, Minister financially sustain those projects investments in the mining sector In brief the sides signed the Protocol of the 4th of Road and Construction, and the developed by Czech companies working and capital flow connected with -At its regular meeting, the cabinet regular meeting of the Mongolia-Czech Minister of Environment. We will be here in Mongolia. So, this is not just implementation of the biggest projects supported a Bill in principle on intergovernmental joint commission. leaving Mongolia tomorrow, reassured about official developmental assistance, and programs, as well as the demand exempting VAT and customs Afterwards, Mr. Hovorka talked that here in Mongolia, the Czech we want to strengthen the connection for and price of gold and copper in tax, and decided to submit it to with the Mongol Messenger: Republic ranks among the high-priority between our businesses. If we are more parliament. The bill was initiated MM: Please tell us about your options united, it will be a good partnership and the world market, according to the visit to Mongolia, your expectations We are very assured by companies provide good results for the people in forecast. by D.Odkhuu, MP. and what was accomplished as a result of the two states managing to sign a Mongolia and opportunities to create The cabinet discussed the budget - The cabinet also supported a of the meetings? number of very specific documents jobs in the Czech Republic. framework for the 2013 master Bill on development policy and -You know primarily, this kind of for expansion, rehabilitation, and Our objective is not just about budget, a Bill on budget assumption planning, and decided to submit event is about match-making, about modernization of your energy sector. having a presence in Mongolia; we are a for 2014-2015, and related bills, it to parliament. The Bill has helping companies getting together and Knowledgeable Czech companies not wide open country with one of the most and decided to submit them to 28 clauses in seven articles and to help Czechs better understand what only have expertise in energy, but also open economies in Europe. So for us, it parliament. regulates long-term forecasting is going on in Mongolia. It’s helpful to in heat generation. They can construct is important to have Mongolia’s presence of socio-economic development, understand the priorities of authorities apartments here and provide all the in the Czech Republic. Government activity for last development policy, drawing and to what extent those priorities match engineering services. One of the messages I tried to month up and approving documents on Czech businesses. We also talked about infrastructure get across was that we stand ready to Ch.Khurelbaatar, Head of the planning, and implementation I believe that both countries can gain products and were told that new railways welcome your companies and that your Cabinet Office of Government, works. a lot if we join forces, invest time, and will be constructed and new roads will companies can be more active in the introduced government’s - A report was given to the cabinet on work in a more result-oriented manner. be laid down. One of the results of the Czech market. performance for March, 2012. In the implementation of 73 national We need to keep our minds focused on visit is that companies can reach find March, the government worked hard programs based on Mongolia’s and made influential resolutions for National Development Strategy the socio-economy of the country. and the Millennium Developmental The Government resolved to end Goals (MDGs). Accordingly, disbursements of Tgs21,000 to 75.4 percent of the programs Mongolia-Czech Business Forum held citizens in June. It was also decided to have been realized so far, and the give Tgs1 million to men aged 60 and implementation of 129 projects Cooperation in business grows above and women aged 55 and above within the budget and foreign soft- On April 24, a Mongolia-Czech as well as disabled citizens within the loan and non-refundable aid was at Business Forum was run at the Kempinski second quarter of this year. 85.5 percent. Khan Palace Hotel, Ulaanbaatar within Moreover, a list of apartments - The cabinet discussed issues of the visit of Milan Hovorka, Czech to be constructed within frames of approving the ratio of pensions and Deputy Minister of Industry and Trade. housing program ‘Apartments for salaries granted from the social Co-organized by the FIFTA Mongolia 100,000 families’ was approved. insurance fund, and fixing the and the Czech Chamber of Commerce, With a purpose to intensify minimum size of pensions. the business forum aimed at expanding implementation of ‘State Policy - Tgs 5.1 billion will be reflected in a bilateral cooperation in trade and on railway transportation’, the Bill to amend the law on the budget investment, publicizing Mongolia’s government discussed issues on for 2012 in order to buy necessary investment and legal environment to signing a loan agreement for the facilities and equipment for Czech businessmen and investors and ‘First Project of Investment Program construction of a new building and help businessmen of the two countries to develop vertical axis road in the pipelines for the National Central to find partners and create business western region’ and ‘Some Actions Archives and the Hospital for State connections. for the Railway Sector’. Special Servants. These works will The business forum was opened also be financed with foreign loans by J. Bat-Erdene, State Secretary In March, the Cabinet held its of the Ministry of Road, Transport, meeting 6 times, discussed 55 issues and assistance in accordance with Construction and Urban Development. and heard 16 issues. the Bill. In addition, Tgs4.5 billion Also, Mr. Milan Hovorka, Deputy will be reflected in next year’s Minister of Industry and Trade of the Draft loan agreement budget for buying equipment for Czech Republic delivered a speech. supported the archives. He said, he was very happy to visit The cabinet supported a Bill on - The cabinet approved rules on Mongolia. He said that arrived in Mongolia-Czech business forum at the Kempinski Hotel ratifying a loan agreement for the exempting entities of raw coal Mongolia conscious of the fact that the 2nd phase of the ‘Supporting social extraction from the fee for air Czech Republic and Mongolia, in spite As far as specific dimensions of also expressed belief that the results sector’ program established between pollution. of the geographical distance, are very cooperation are concerned, a number of of their meetings will be an important Mongolia’s government and the - Areas near the seismological sub- close. “Our cooperation has a foundation opportunities were discussed covering step towards the deepening of business Japan International Cooperation stations located in Taishir Soum of that has been built for many years”, he many fields; especially: geology, mining, and economic cooperation between the Agency (JICA). Gobi-Altai Aimag, Erdene Soum said. To a considerable extent, Czech industrial machinery, energy (thermal countries. The program’s 2nd phase (Dornogobi) and Kholonbuir geologists have contributed to uncovering and water power plants, co-generation After Mr. Hovorka’s speech, ensures Mongolia to receive JPY (Dornod) have been involved the mineral wealth of Mongolia, and sources of energy and heat, renewable reports were given by officials of the 1 billion, 550 million (about USD in the special reserve places, Czech companies supplied facilities and sources of energy), technology two countries, an introduction of Czech 20 million). The money is to be in accordance with the cabinet machinery for industrial plants as well for protection of the environment companies, and questions and answers. spent for implementing a program decision. as hospitals in Mongolia. In addition, (water sources, waste management), From the Czech side, representatives thousands of Mongolians have learned on stabilizing the macro economy, - The cabinet decided to organize a construction, transport infrastructure, of companies of spheres in industrial improving results of social welfare to regular agricultural census from to speak Czech during their studies deliveries for agriculture, the food machines and equipment, coal, metallurgy, or technical internships in the Czech reform care for low-income people, May 26 to June 15 of 2012. It industry and for modernization of the mining, road, transport, infrastructure, aims to create a database of the Republic. processing industry. energy, external and internal trade, expanding the scope of discounted Mr. Hovorka was accompanied Mr. Hovorka stressed that Czech food industry, light industry, business medicines, financing health insurance agricultural sector in localities. to Mongolia by a large, fifty-person relations with Mongolia not only focus consultancy, investment and finance deductions, sponsoring textbooks for - On May 29, the Day of Peacekeepers business mission who were interested on economic issues, but developing attended the Business Forum. A total pupils, and for preventing children’s will be marked in Mongolia in discussing how to expand future cooperation in other sectors as well. of over 50 representatives of Czech nutritional deficiency. annually. An obligation was given cooperation with specific projects in Examples of these other sectors are companies and organizations and more In addition, the money will be to the Defense Minister to mark the the commercial, industrial as well as development cooperation, exchange of than 130 representatives of Mongolian spent on comprehensive activities, 10th anniversary of participation investment sectors with Mongolian technical know-how and last but not companies and organization participated including establishing a system of of Mongolia’s Armed Forces in companies. This issue was the focal least, tourism. He also offered to share in the Forum. supplying necessary vaccines and UN peacekeeping missions. point of bilateral discussions with Czech’s experience with the adoption of At the end of forum, memorandums medicine in case of a wide shortage, - A working group was set up in Mongolian representatives as well as European norms and standards in various of cooperation were signed between and developing ger areas. accordance with the cabinet the focal point of the Forth Meeting of fields in order to contribute to the growth Orkhon Aimag’s Governor Office and The Bill on the loan agreement decision to organize an the Czech-Mongolian Joint Committee of Mongolia’s economy and standard of Hanzl and Avers of Czech Republic, will be submitted to parliament. international training-exercise for for Economic Cooperation which takes living for Mongolian people. between Mongolia’s Gan Khiits Company place during their trip. Additionally, aviation rescue. The Czech Deputy Minister said he and Czech’s ‘Ecobokra’, between A progress of ‘National - Prize holders of international contest the Czech-Mongolian business forum was confident that their visit to Mongolia Mongolia’s ‘Shine Tengis’ Company and aimed to strengthen existing contacts Program for Air Transportation for opera singing, circus and piano will bring a number of new impulses for Czech’s ‘Agromont Vimperk’ Company, were decided to be rewarded with while creating new business linkages future cooperation. He wished Czech and between Euroline Company and Facilitation’ introduced between the two countries’ companies and Mongolian companies much luck Czech’s ‘Richter+Frenzel’ Company. Ts. Dashdorj, Minister of Road, Tgs 200 million. and organizations. and success in the discussions and to Transportation, Construction and Friday, April 27, 2012 ulaanbaatar THE MONGOL MESSENGER 5 New direction urged for urban development

Sh.Erdenechimeg, MONTSAME production. Good quality coking coal The President instructed the office reporter is being produced. When production of Ulaanbaatar’s mayor to concentrate is put into operation, it is expected their attention on all these issues On April 20 the Office of the to produce 210 thousand tons of starting now in cooperation with President in cooperation with coking coal. As a result, the use of experts from the NSC and the Ministry the National Security Council household fuels and air pollution will of Justice and Homeland Affairs. department held an open discussion decrease. Production is expected to MPs E.Bat-Uul, Lu.Bold, on the “Redevelopment of the City”. end by November. and by that time, Ts.Batbayar and D.Ochirbat proposed The meeting was held in the Civil it is expected to reduce smoke and air to radically change the city master Hall where delegates focused their pollution by 35 percent. According plan. attention on the redevelopment of to a WB investigation, reducing of Closing his speech, President cities, in particular on the re-planning air pollution would be evident for Elbegdorj said that city planning was a of Ulaanbaatar. Participating in the the population being reduced by deserving matter to attract the attention discussion were MPs elected from 35 percent against 10 percent, said of everyone attending the meeting. the capital city Lu.Bold, Ts. Batbayar, D.Battulga. President Ts.Elbegdorj This is a problem to be included in Z.Altai, E.Bat-Uul, D.Zagdjav, instructed them to discuss the air policy and be implemented by legal D.Terbishdagva; Chief of the Office pollution problem at the standing organizations and the government. The of the President, D.Battulga; Secretary committee meeting before parliament present meeting must not be a political of the National Security Council, recesses and hold officials responsible show of companies or an election Ts.Enkhtuvshin; presidential advisers; for failing to do their jobs. campaign. What is necessary is the Mayor G.Monkhbayar and other In relation to the report of the support and combination of policies. officials. G.Monkhbayar, Ulaanbaatar Mayor The city and agency administrations Opening the meeting, President and City governor proposed to must work-out legal documents and Ts.Elbegdorj said that the capital resolve such questions as building an concentrate their efforts on the city. Re-development discussions at the “Citizen’s Hall” city houses more than 40 percent “Ulaanbaatar Aimag and Ulaanbaatar Issues related with air pollution must of the Mongolian population and City”. Regarding the report delivered continue and further work must be that almost 70 percent of them live by S.Tsahiur, Director of the City done to manage big policy problems. in ger area environments. For more Projecting Institute, the President I have confidence in Mongolians who than 100 years, Mongolians had little proposed to present a package laws on live in public dormitories, ger areas, or understanding of having a bathroom city redevelopment to parliament as private houses. In other words, all of and shower and this understanding well as the legal status of the capital city them must strive to live in comfortable still exists. Even today, Mongolia fails and urbanization development. The places on their own land, in their own to resolve the problem of hot water delegates of the meeting also debated houses, and with all engineering issues and a dirty environment. The President the building of a student campus being resolved. dealt with the problems of open toilets which also faces some difficulties. If Urbanization development must which existed 100 years ago and still schools of higher education built in attract other rural cities, aimag and exist today including air pollution, Khovd, Dornod and Baganuur would soum centers. This must be a matter smoke, and earthquakes. These issues be classified into school complexes of of our conversation that attracts the have gone without resolution and it social, natural and technical sciences, attention of people. We must resolve has been impossible to talk or even the universities to be build in Erdenet the housing problem of 40 square think about further development, would be of geological and mining meters for low-income households. the President stressed. The president direction, and the university to be On the other hand, citizens with urged political parties who participate build in Darkhan would be in the money must resolve their own in the coming election to include and technical direction. housing problems relying on gher address all the above matters in their These cities are expected to house districts and the state must help them election platforms. almost 200 thousand people with the resolve infrastructure issues. The Tall buildings now crowd downtown Ulaanbaatar D.Battulga, Chief of the Office biggest student campus expected to of the President and Chairman of be in the Baganuur district, on the the national committee reported right side of Kherlen River, occupying on alleviation of air pollution in 5,000 hectares of land. Although the the capital city and on the “Work, boundaries of this area have already conclusion, lessons and further tasks been established, 30 or more business of air pollution in the capital city”. entities are planning to grow sea G.Monkhbayar, Mayor and City buckthorn and vegetables on this land. Governor, spoke about the “Pressing This area is planned to house 200 issues of urban development and thousand people and city infrastructure planning, the draft adjustment of the developed. Therefore, households master plan of Ulaanbaatar to 2020, and other construction facilities need redevelopment of the capital city, to relocate and the area needs to be and decentralization and building freed-up, advised the President. new settlement areas”. S.Tsahiur, Responding to the report of Director of the Institute on City Yo.Jargalsaikhan, Senior officer of Projecting talked about “Ulaanbaatar the NSC Department, the President Planning”; Ts.Enkhbold, Chief of proposed to draft the above-mentioned the administration addressed pre- laws on cities’ legal status, urbanization exploitation of the students’ campus and redevelopment in combination and “Building a student campus with city planning. Included must and neutralization of Ulaanbaatar’s be the regional city planning, city population density”. Yo.Jargalsaikhan, green belts, land valuation, city Senior officer of the National Security taxation, restructuring of apartment Council discussed the “Procedure for houses, privatization and financing of drafting a law to redevelop the city buildings, land reform and innovation, and proposals”. recalling of land back to the state, The president was interested building of speed road, bus and auto in the progress towards resolving stop stations, problems related to coking fuel production and smokeless garbage recycling, classification stoves. Responding to the question, and liquidation, to city construction, D.Battulga said that Tgs 20 billion village status, water supply problems, was invested in thermo power plant-2 regional development, cadastre and which is in the experimental stage of land payments. Ger areas have encroached on most of the city’s urban landscape

Gateway to the city exemplifies new directions for growth President proposed to put all issues practice. “City development must be being discussed at the open meeting implemented with the participation of on paper and draft a united program the citizens”, stressed Ts. Elbegdorj. in cooperation with the government Ariel view of Ulaanbaatar illustrates the congested conditions and city leadership to realize it in 6 THE MONGOL MESSENGER advertisement Friday, April 27, 2012


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Employment MONTSAME News Agen­cy has published the sixth edition TEACHERS WANTED of “Mongolia” yearbook in English. ORGANIZATION: The Ulaanbaatar Elite International School This unique book is being issued in an electronic version for the second TEACHING POSITIONS NEEDED: time. ESL, Science, Social Science The new CD book contains a wide range JOB DESCRIPTION: of updated information about the country and its a) To teach full time people, and intends to provide the readers with a wide b) Up to 30 classes/week of “teaching time” (40 minute classes) c) Extra hours paid range of firsthand information covering the history, culture, customs, and religion of Mongolia’s d) Help update curriculum annually people and its natural environment. e) May be asked to teach additional subjects (i.e. economics, international business) The short stories furnished with colorful photos give accurate location information on REQUIREMENTS: tourist resources in regional sections. The detailed information about the prompt development a) Qualified teacher status with overseas teaching experience an asset of the country will also promote greater awareness of the democratic changes and their impact b) Must be native speaker who must have excellent clear oral and written skills on modern Mongolia c) Candidates will be expected to sign a one-year or more contract This book is designed to help foreign visitors, including those staying for a long time d) Must be flexible and willing to work in a team environment e) Must be between the ages of 25-50 (male or female)–couples welcomed and those here for short visits, to understand the potential for Mongolia’s development and f) Must be reliable, responsible, energetic, enthusiastic, flexible and fun prosperity, and the values and assumptions that Mongolians live by. g) Must enjoy working with kids ages 6-17 METHOD OF APPLICATION: Applicants should send their comprehensive resume (with contact number/information in PDF or Our address: Word format), academic certificates, 2 reference letters as well as a recent photograph to Mongolia, Ulaanbaatar-13 Mr. Mustafa Oguz at [email protected] CPOB 1514 Jigjidjav Street-8 CONTACT INFORMATION: MONTSAME Bldg, Floor 4, Room 407 Ulaanbaatar Elite International School 2 th Khoroo, Seoul Street, Sukhbaatar District / Ulaanbaatar, Tel: (976-51) 266740 Mongolia Price: Tgs 5000 Tel/Fax: (976-11) 325512 Tel : (976) 70105010 E-mail: [email protected], Postal Add. : PO Box: 28 Ulaanbaatar / MONGOLIA [email protected] Web : E-mail :[email protected] Friday, April 27, 2012 art&culture THE MONGOL MESSENGER 7 The lawyer’s advice Calligraphy as classic art Hanns Seidel 4th Annual exhibition held in UB Foundation

B.Bayartsetseg, MONTSAME the computer keyboard in stone with In cooperation with Hanns reporter Mongolian letters on keys on which I -Seidel-Foundation Project also engraved stamps of ancient tribes. On April 20, the “Culture of The information of an ancient tribe Mongolia and its “Legal Writing -2012” exhibition opened for appears when one of the stamp keys Education” Academy the 4th time in the hall of the Union is pressed. This is where I combined of Mongolian Artists with an aim to updated technology with ancient contribute and develop the traditional traditions. I also engraved an elephant -I recently renovated my writing and culture of Mongolia. The on the shoulder blame of a camel. apartment. Unfortunately, history of the national Mongolian An elephant is the biggest creature water leaked from an upper writing is one of the greatest heritages on dry lands and the camel is the floor apartment and caused us created by the Mongolian nation. It is most powerful animal on Mongolia’s considerable damage. When we a whole art of writing style composed territory. In this sense, they are wanted compensation for the from a variety of writing types like the most powerful creatures. Also damage, they told us that this artistic, cursive and quick writing. engraved on the camel shoulder blade Organizers and calligraphers open the exhibition was not their fault. What must Exhibition “Culture of Writing- was one of the beautiful well-wishing we do now? What legal provision 2012” has been organized since 2009 verses where I tried to show that concerns this situation? in cooperation with the Office of the Mongolian traditional writing is equal -In this situation, you must President and the Union of Mongolian to contemporary artistic drawing. submit a complaint to the housing Artists and Center of Writing Culture The painters Battumur, Tamiraa and office for your residence. You can with the aim to teach the national Galbaa, and members of the Union of go to court after an evaluation writing to Mongolian people, to use Mongolian Artists, are the people who commission makes its conclusion this writing in work and in service, have significantly influenced the art of on the damage caused to you. and moreover succeed it to following calligraphic writing. -I have heard that the new generations, and develop an art of B.Oyunbileg, Mongolian langua­ edition of the Civil Code contains traditional writing in cooperation ge and literature expert from the a provision on self-protection. with the modern art and culture for Education and Culture Department Does this notion mean that in popularization throughout the world. of Darkhan-Uul Aimag: any case I can deter the person Along with creative workers, - Z.Battushig,, an 11th grade who caused me damage and children attended this exhibition. The student of the “Oyuny Lreedui” violated my rights within the scientists and scholars engaged in the school; N.Urantsetseg, a teacher of self-protection framework? culture of Mongolian traditional script Mongolian language and literature In case it is impossible to get research, art calligraphers, students at secondary educational school #15; timely assistance from competent and school children who participated B.Bulganchimeg, teacher at secondary authorities, without which it is in the exhibition have displayed an school #18; Chantsaldulam, a student impossible to exercise civil rights art of traditional writing in the form of the Technical Institute, and many or if serious impediment to such of artistic painting and drawing. The others, presented their creative works rights may occur, respective art of writing performed by birch at this exhibition. Our ancestors actions taken by a participant of brush and iron pencil, in the form of created the art of brush writing more Exhibit hall of the Union of Mongolian Artists a civil legal relationship in order embroidery, appliqué, written on bone than 5,000 years ago. From ancient to self-help and protect you own and marble attracted the audience. The times, Mongolia has been a country this exhibition performed in image 2008, 2009 and 2011. legitimate interests, and targeted award for the best writing of this year that cherished and revered the writing, along with 5 calligraphic Z.Battushig, 11th grade student at detaining the performer who was given to N.Jamyansuren for his art development of art with brush writing works and other works written in of Oyuny Ireedui school in Darkhan- might seize, destroy or damage, of writing with an iron pencil; the next by granting the title of “Writing ornamental and in fold writing style. Uul Aimag: escape or halt counter measures award went to B.Altantuya, a teacher Bogd” to the children who are skillful Visitors were attracted by the works - This is my debut and I am very by the latter against legitimate of Mongolian State University, for in beautiful brush writing. I wish for “The Teaching of a Paper Bird” and happy. I came to this exhibition with actions taken by the competent her “Ulemjiin Chanar” (Outstanding little “Writing Bogds” to be born in “Four Lines of Accepting and not two works called “Future of the person, shall not be deemed Quality) work. B.Bulganchimeg and every family. Accepting” performed in calligraphic Nation” and “My School”. I made illegal. Legal persons that took B.Oyunbileg, teachers from Darkhan- N.Urantsetseg, teacher of Mon­ writing. Have you noticed that the my creative work in a week’s time. I such actions shall immediately Uul Aimag, along with students, golian language and literature verse of poet P.Badarch being used got the silver medal “Talent” when I notify the competent authority in exhibited their wonderful works at at school #15 from Darkhan-Uul in performing the camel’s image, the participated in the “National Writing” order to seal the assets or detain this exhibition. This is what some of Aimag: famous D.Natsagdorj’s poem “My cultural exhibition in Selenge Aimag. the obligated person. Self-help them said: - I am participating in the exhibition Land”, in drawing the Mongolian From the Darkhan-Uul Aimag or self-protection action shall not Engraver T.Battogtokh: with my creative work performed map, and the verse “Monument” when exhibition, I won the D.Natsagdorj exceed the norms appropriate for - I am proud to be one of many in image writing. In the past three to statue of Sukhbaatar was created in Award and the “Talent” gold medal in the particular situation. A person creative artists. I am participating in four years, my students occupied the the art of calligraphic writing? Some 2008 from the Mongolian children’s who took action stated in the law this exhibition with my two creative first three places in the “Beautiful 30 creative works performed by more creative art center exhibition. by mistake or by exceeding norms works. Since ancient times, people Mongolian Script” and “Calligraphic than 20 children in ornamental style of The scientists and researchers shall be obligated to eliminate the used the shoulder blade for divination, Writing” contests. They now are writing were on display. These were assessed the present exhibition not harm. seeing the cracks appearing on it. I studying at the Educational University the works of children, the winners of only as exhibition of artistic and -What are the means to am participating here with my work and Mongolia State University. We the leading places in the “beautiful skillful writing, but as a classic art protect civil rights? What is the called “I shoulder blade”. I engraved have brought 9 creative works to Mongolian Writing” competitions in performance. purpose of the protection? -The legal protection of the civil rights aims at restoration of Young couple’s exhibition ‘Role’ From April 27 to May 4, a young violated rights. The legal protection What’s on April 27-May 4 couple, sculptor N.Sukhburen and of civil rights shall be executed by DT=Drama Theatre; MAG=Modern Art Gallery; Thurs/Fri Beer artist Kh.Enkhnomin will present a court or arbitration body along OBT=Opera/Ballet Theatre; PT=Puppet Theatre; Ikh Mongol (9.30pm): Tues L-Guards; Wed Fire; a joint exhibition of their artworks with procedures and methods SPH=State Philharmonic Hall; TDAG=Tsagaan Thurs Altan Urag; Fri Fire; Sat X-Vit; Sun Altan called “Role” at the Art Gallery of the provided by law. Civil rights Union of Mongolian Artists. shall be protected by admitting Darium Art Gallery; UMA=Union of Mongolian Urag Presenting ceramic sculptures, the rights; halting acts violating Artists; ZFAM=Zanabazar Fine Art Museum Strings (10.45 nightly): Ka-24 paintings and Mongol zurag, they the rights and restoring the pre- explore ideas of life and living. violation conditions; enforcing Fri 27 9am-5pm Mixed Media Nestle Art exhib Tengis movies Everything is alive and unlived to assume duties; eliminating (MAG) John Carter 3D (US); The Lorax (US); God when they are emerging to create damages caused; liquidating non- 9am-5pm Hobby High School exhib (MAG) Bless You (Mongolia); The Big Dipper Doesn’t their responsibility and role. This is material harms; enforcing to pay 10am-7pm duo exhib (UMA) Shoot (Mongolia); Liar Man (Mongolia); Aravt measured only by time, and we can’t indemnities stipulated in the law 7pm The Wrong Love (DT) (Mongolia) negate any good or bad things on or contract; invalidating decisions earth. Life is always continuing and violating rights of others; Sat 28 9am-5pm Mixed Media Nestle Art exhib connecting with us with each other. If altering or terminating civil legal (MAG) there is no unhappiness, we can’t feel relationship; self-help; and other 9am-5pm Hobby High School exhib (MAG) happiness. Earth and the complexity methods stipulated by the law. 10am-7pm duo exhib (UMA) of living and nonliving things, season, -Can employees receive any 2pm Wolf and 7 Baby Goats (PT) time, human sense, feeling, love, benefits if they lost their jobs due 5pm Die Fliedermaus (opera, OBT) forgiveness, passion, wish, sorrow–all to restructuring of ministries 7pm The Wrong Love (DT) have their own role and responsibilities and agencies? 8pm Oscar’s movie days (BBT) and in the circle and spirit of life, life -Paragraph 2.3, Article 27 is the main role. of the Law on Public Service Sun 29 9am-5pm Mixed Media Nestle Art exhib states that an employee may (MAG) be transferred to another post 9am-5pm Hobby High School exhib (MAG) Kids love art too or position consistent with his/ 10am-7pm duo exhib (UMA) On Thursday April 26 a new her profession or specialisation 2pm Wolf and 7 Baby Goats (PT) exhibition opened at the Tsagaan keeping the same salary level or 5pm Sleeping Beauty (ballet, OBT) Die Fliedermaus opera Darium art gallery which is of special get retrained for a period of up 7pm The Wrong Love (DT) interest to lovers of book illustrations. to six months at the expense of This show, entitled Library for public funds, or receive his/her Mon 30 9am-5pm Mixed Media Nestle Art exhib Nomadic Children, is the fifth solo salary for a period up to six months (MAG) exhibition for Tumenbayar Khulan, a and get ensured a work place in 10am-7pm duo exhib (UMA) graphic designer who specializes in accordance with procedures stated 7pm The Wrong Love (DT) children’s books. in the law, or be granted a one-time The show comprises over 100 allowance equal to his/her six- Tues 1 9am-5pm Mixed Media Nestle Art exhib selections from her last five years of month salary by the organization (MAG) production of drawings, paintings, if the state body was liquidated or 10am-7pm duo exhib (UMA) digital works and handmade stationery. restructured, or if the employee’s Khulan has published nine post was removed for reasons not Wed 2 9am-5pm Mixed Media Nestle Art exhib illustrated books for children, using a related to his/her performance. (MAG) Japanese style of handmade books but 10am-7pm duo exhib (UMA) with stories taken from the Mongolian oral tradition of legends and fairy tales. Address : Sukhbaatar District, Thurs 3 10am-7pm duo exhib (UMA) “Through my art,” she said, “I aim Khoroo 6, Sukhbaatar Street to reach the imagination of children 11-2, Art work Live music and inspire them to love and protect our Office of the Legal Education traditional heritage and culture.” be on display until May 16. Academy (inside the court of the Detroit Bar (9pm): Wed UB Night; Fri UFO The Tsagaan Darium gallery is in Grand Khan (9pm): Tues Lemons; Wed Khulan; Khulan mounted a similar exhibition Children’s Art Center, in the right Sleeping Beauty ballet in Japan, and her Ulaanbaatar show will Zaisan Bella Vista Town. side) Tel : 321294 8 THE MONGOL MESSENGER sport Friday, April 27, 2012 President meets with Olympic athletes

lOn April 18, Grand Sumo Champion Only 100 days left for training Yokozuna D. Dagvadorj, Honorary introduced how many athletes have 2012 Olympic Games. The goal President of Mongolia’s Wrestling qualified for the Olympic Games. Two that our physical culture and sports Federation, attended an event in archers qualified, and two athletes organization submitted is 30 rights. It Sofia for the 80th anniversary of of light athletics and two athletes of is likely to achieve the goal if a few the Wrestling Federation at the shooting qualified. Two swimmers rights can be taken from the remaining invitation of the Bulgarian Wrestling will participate by invitation. Also competitions.” Federation. four judo wrestlers will participate in “We intend to organize a farewell Mongolian delegates also participated the Paralympics. ceremony for the athletes in the last in the opening of the International President Ts. Elbegdorj said, week of June. We hope that more Freestyle Wrestling Tournament for “There are exactly 100 days remaining athletes qualify by then. Since the last Olympic berth at the new Bulgarian until the opening of the London 2012 Olympic Games, the budget for sports Sports Palace where more than Olympic Games. From the day that has increased. Further, the budget 350 wrestlers of 37 countries are the last Olympic Games ended, we for establishing basic structures participated. started talking about our next Olympic of physical culture and sports will Moreover, the Mongolian delegates Games. Our athletes showed brilliant increase.” visited the Embassy of Mongolia in success in the Beijing Olympic Games. At the conclusion of the meeting, Sofia where they held discussions Therefore, the achievement we expect he said, “Why I support sports is on cooperation for preparation and from the next Olympic Games has that sport is a wonder created by participation of Mongolian freestyle to be higher. State organizations humankind; it makes people strive, wrestlers in the London 2012 Olympic and sport organizations have paid and being goal-oriented has a good Games. much attention on preparations. I effect on people.” He then wished lRecently, Mongolian female boxers heard that a total of 27 athletes have success to all the athletes. were ranked high by the International President Ts.Elbegdorj offers encouragement and support for Mongolia’s top athletes qualified to participate in the London Amateur Boxing Association (AIBA). The Mongolian women gained On April 19, President Ts. Elbegdorj achievements with successful visited the Central Sports Palace participation in the Women’s Boxing where he saw the training process of ASBC Asian Championships which athletes who qualified to participate in took place last month in Ulaanbaatar. the London 2012 Olympic Games. He As the latest ranking shows, Asian first saw the training of judo wrestlers. champions T.Bolortuul and E.Uyanga O. Baljinnyam, coach of the state were ranked 4th in the weight categories selected team of judo wrestling said of 48 and 64 kg, respectively. Bronze that currently, 10 wrestlers qualified medalists of the Women’s Boxing (13 rights in repeated counting) to Asian Championships B.Odmaa (-81 take part in the London 2012 Olympic kg) and B.Badamkhand (+81 kg) Games and they are training well. ranked in the 17th and 12th places. From there, the President went to Other Mongolians M.Nandintsetseg the training hall of heavy weight lifting (51 kg), M.Gundegmaa (54 kg), athletes where Coach G. Enebish said O.Suvd-Erdene (60 kg) and E.Undram that the selected team is believed to (75 kg) were ranked in the 23rd to 34th qualifiy to participate in the London positions. 2012 Olympic Games. lJudoists of the national team left When the President visited the for Uzbekistan to compete in the training hall of boxing athletes, coach Judo Asian Championship to run this D. Ganzorig said that four of his weekend in Tashkent city. boxers qualified to compete in the The competition is the last tournament London 2012 Olympic Games. With for judoists to collect qualification their boxing skills, Mongolia was points for taking part in the London ranked 5th last year and 7th this year, 2012 Olympic Games. The Mongolia’s he said. Judo Federation selected judoists For freestyle wrestlers, Coach A. who need to gain points for Olympic Tsedensodnom said that two wrestlers qualification. qualified to participate in the Olympic The national team comprises games and they expect to increase the Ch.Boldbaatar (men’s 60), number with the pending competitions S.Miaragchaa (66 kg), S.Nyam- in China and Finland. Ochir (73 kg), O.Uuganbaatar (81 Later, the President met athletes kg), E.Enkhbat (90 kg), B.Temuulen and coaches. To begin the meeting, the coaches of all selected teams (-100 kg), N.Batsuuri (+100 kg), Hopes rest on wrestlers, weight lifters, boxers, archers and swimmers and shooters M.Urantsetseg (women’s 48 kg), M.Bundmaa (52 kg), D.Sumya (57 kg), Ts.Monkhzaya (63 kg), Ts.Naranjargal (70 kg), P.Lhamdegd (-78 kg) and D.Tserenkhand (+78 kg). Winners of Mongolia’s ‘Dream Team’ awarded They are coached by O.Baljinnyam, Kh.Boldbaatar, D.Battulga, Students from every aimag participate Kh.Erdenet-Od and H.Tomita. The ‘Dream Team’ basketball expressed their appreciation to the lState Honored Sportswoman competition initiated by Prime Minister Prime Minister for continuing the O.Gundegmaa was ranked 8th in the S. Batbold was organized over the past Dream Team Program and organize women’s pistol category by the latest eight months, involving over 300,000 the competition every two years. rankings of the International Shooting school children of all aimags, cities, In the competition of elementary Sport Federation (ISSF). She has soums and districts. On April 22, school age boys’ category, the team collected 1,155 points. the winners of the competition were from Bayandalai Soum of Umnugovi International master of sports finally selected. Aimag and the girls’ teams of Zavkhan Ts.Monkhzul was ranked 20th with At the award-granting ceremony Aimag took first places. In the middle 335 points in the same category. for winners, the Prime Minister school age boys’category, the team of lLast weekend, D.Erdenebileg, State said, “Every person has a dream. It Ulaanbaatar’s school #48 and girls’ Honored Sportsman and international is important to be healthy to fulfill team of Sport School of Ulaanbaatar grand master, won the 1st and 2nd your dream. As Prime Minister and a won the first places. In the high school rounds of the National championships person who loves sports, I initiated this age boys’ category, the team of Orkhon for 10x10 draughts. D.Erdenebileg program to develop public physical Aimag and the girls’ team from was followed by international master culture, improve physical strength Dornogovi Aimag took first place. O.Tuvshinbold. Sports master of youth and discover the talents of The best player of the competition E.Mandakhnaran won the 2nd round teens.” was also named and awarded with a in the women’s contest. The next Basketball players from certificate to see the NBA Playoffs in rounds will take place in June, August Arkhangai, Khentii, Sukhbaatar, the USA. and October. Umnugovi, Dornogovi, Bayankhongor Selected basketball players of lOn April 23, a ceremony took place and Zavkhan aimags were selected as the ‘Dream Team’ are currently to open the ‘Olympics Development’ winners, proving that there is a basis participating in the international junior fund. It will support Mongolian in rural areas to achieve success in this basketball competition in Ufa, Russia. athletes competing in the London Students from every aimag participate in the basketball competition sport. During the ceremony, athletes 2012 Olympic Games. Deputy Prime Minister M.Enkhbold was appointed head of the fund’s Foreign press on Mongolia board. This fund wants our sports This gold medal will be great value for money! people to show no less than the great From mines in the United States measuring 88 mm in diameter, the canvas. Weaving the river Thames successes shown at the Beijing 2008 and Mongolia to the necks of the 1st place medal is also the most through the design, Watkins brings Games. world’s most elite athletes, a display expensive yet. But it is only made up the medal up to date with a mixture Present at the ceremony were at the British Museum investigates the of 1.2% gold. of Greek mythology and images of O.Odbayar, advisor to the journey of the 4,700 Olympic medals The nationwide search for London, achieving a lushly intricate PM; G.Monkhbayar, Mayor of to be handed out in London this designers was launched three years feat of metal molding. But it wasn’t Ulaanbaatar; D.Zagdsuren, President summer. Four gold medals designed ago, and a panel eventually whittled always plain sailing. of Mongolia’s National Olympic for the London 2012 Games glisten on the names down to goldsmiths, David At the Royal Mint, last minute Committee (MonNOC); Ts.Damdin, display in an exhibition which details Watkins who designed the Olympic technical problems with the gold MonNOC Vice President; Olympic the history of all the gold, silver and medal, and Lin Cheung (the brains stamps meant that the image of The London 2012 Olympic medals champion E.Badar-Uugan,; Olympic bronze medals using shavings, ancient behind the Paralympic medal). Nike varies ever so slightly from its silver medalist and world champion, medallions, and original moulds. While the design on the front predecessor at the Beijing Olympics sides of the medal worked with each P.Serdamba; Paralympic champion The gold medals for this summer’s is dictated by tradition — Nike, the in 2008. other,” said Philip Attwood, curator of D.Baatarjav, and authorities of Games will be the largest and most Greek goddess of Victory, has adorned “As I understand it, they had to the collection. districts’ departments of sports and valuable ever to be handed out. medals since the 1928 Olympics in reproduce the models for technical Source: Hindustan Times, physical culture. Weighing in at 400 grams and Amsterdam — the back offers a blank was minor, just so the two Reuters, London, April 23, 2012

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