asA rW- m v, jT H vyS """'''; "fc - - j X . JT . HI . . , I THE WISDOM J Of Yesterday, tho J Nows of Toclny. a SSSi 14 ypxw .. "w lDllTLls.v 'w w v u I TllJxr ' T irn U.l ' sr sr T IF 1 ? f, v. ir fc. (I

Vol.. 10. HILO, , HAWAIIAN ISLANDS, TUESDAY, MAY 30, 1905. No. 31.

BY AUTHORITY. I'Ulll.lSltUl) KVKKV TUKSDAV xow Jail Unfitting, Hilo, FLEET MEETS WITH H Officii, Kimh Hrmmr, lino. Hawaii BJJyeS THMVNK lltOCK. Hawaii. Hilo Tribune Publishing Company, Ltd Propositi. will he received at the ulllcc FIVE RUSSIAN VESSELS SUNK MEMORIAL EXERCISES T rulitlslicm nml l'rirlitnr. of the Superintendent of l'ulilie Works, C. Ki!NNiil I'rcvMctit 0. , T. H., until 12 o'clock, in. of I K. Uiciiakim, 1 2, 1905, for the of it SccrclaryTtMiiiircr J. CAtn.n Uiimia June coniirtirtion LOSE MANY TORPEDO BOATS TO BE HELD AT Auditor A. H. Sutton Two Story Jail Iluildiug nt Hilo, Hawaii, Ml Director M.TiioMi-tn.f- . I) W. Mambii T. II. l. (Ily TnniUNit.) lMims nnd specifications nre on file with Wireless to Tint Today is Memorial Day and the day will be appropriately observed by Ailvcrllncmriilii jiiiicriiiiipniilfil liv icclfic the closing of all business houses and offices, until nr.lctM out. the Assistant Suiicriiitendcut of Public the flying of American nitructioiM lncrtrl half-mas- t, Hn-- flags at and by appropriate literary exercises in Aitvertleiiiciililicniilliiul KTureexplnlloti Works and K. K. Richards, Hilo, the afternoon. oT )i'Clhil iivrloil Mill lie clintKi'tl n If coll til, copies of which uill be furnished May (Official). Admiral The memorial exercises nt Haili Church at 2:00 o'clock p. m. will bo Inn lor 11111 ten Japan, 29 j 1 under the direction of Hon. Chas. M. I.eHlond. An address will be inleudiuK bidders 011 receipt of $5 (hi, STokio, ulitcli sunt will lie returnvil uller deposit fleet is practically annihilated. Twelve delivered by Hishop Reslarick ol Honolulu. The members of Company ATTOUNr.VS-AT.I.A- I) and Hand will iue; bid and returliiuK plnus and specifi-cation- the Hilo attend the meeting in a body. The program ships sunk or captured. Two transports and two which has been arranged is follows: ! as Chas. M. LcBlond No proposal will be entertained utiles destroyers sunk. l'KOOKAM: submitted on the blank forms furnished, ATTORNKY-AT-LA- Organ Prelude Mrs. J. T. Lewis enclosed in n sealed envelope, iiddressid China, May 29. Later The naval Song "Just Ileforc the Battle, Mother" Co. I) Ouartetle llmvnlinn, Jni.inec, nml Cliincnc Interim tern to C. S. Holloway, Superintendent of ; nml Notary l'ublic in OHice. STsingtan, took place in the Korean straits. Prayer Rev. V. C. Stewart Public Works, Honolulu, T. II., endorsed Solo "Now I Lay Me Down in Peace" ...Mrs. Chas. Sieinscn Office! SKVItKANCl! llUII.IMNtt. " for New Jnll JIuililinK.'IIilo," is (IpiKMlleCnur llouic. IIII.O, HAWAII It reported the Japanese losses are one cruiser and Singing "America" ntul delivered previous to 13 o'clock in, Miss Sarah Lyman, Accompanist. CASTi.U UlIMiWAV C. RllKJWAY of the dny specified. ten torpedo boats. The Russian losses are two J. TlIOS. Address Rt. Rev. Hishop II. 11 Reslarick The Superintendent of Public Works battleships, two cruisers and a repair ship. Song "Tenting On the Old Cam) Ground" ..Co. 1). Ouattctte " Ridgway & llidgway reserves the ri(lit to reject nny or nil Roll Call of the Dead ....; Rev. K. G. Silva bids. ATTOItNUYS-AT-I.A- ) Washington, D. May It is believed here Singing "Star Spangled Hanucr" rati-nt- i (lincrul C, 29. Solicitor of l.nw Practice C. S. IIOI.I.OWAY, Miss Sarah Lyman, Accompanist. IIII.O, HAWAII. Superintendent of Public Works. that the Russian battleships Orel and Borodeno have Notary Public in Office. Benediction. Honolulu, T. H., May 16, 1905, 30.3 OVl'ICIJ: Wnl.iiiucniie ntul IlriilKU StrccH i been sunk. The Japanese Minister is advised that f Organ Postludc Mrs. J. T. Lewis LEGAL NOTICES. t the naval battle, so far, has been favorable to the Following the services at the Church, Company D, headed by the 13. Hilo Band, will march to the Ccmetary, where a salute will be fired and I. JVY In the Circuit Court of the Fourth Circuit, Japanese. taps sounded. The individual grtves of the soldiers have been mnrked ATTORNKY AT - LAW Territory of Hnwali. by small flags and these will be decorated by the National Guard and and NOTARY PUBLIC AT CltAMIIimS IN I'KOllATlt. others. Ill the matter of the F.stntcof DF.RNADO The list of the honored dead K. D. D. A are: Bartlctt, J. Marlin, Archi- ? Wninnticuuc St. Hilo, Unwell ni'. CAMARA, Sk., of Hilo, Hawaii, bald McCallom, Dr. Nichols, George D. Richardson, ,'J deceased. Latest Sugar Quotations. William L. Rose, -.- 1 Dr. Smith, Hugh Tennant, C. II. Dikle, nnd William Coates. ,; . PETITION FOR LHTTF.RS OF AI). KKAI, ESTATE, KTC. MINISTRATION. San Francisco, Cal., May 29. 960 Test Centrifugals, 4.3GS5; per The petition of Muria I., de Cnmar.i, ton, $87.32. 8S analysis beets, 12s; per ton, $90.80. widow of deceased, having been filed, Interest In The Fourth Of July Races. F. S. LYMAN praying that Letters of Administration issued to Camarn us Adminis- AGKNT be Jose de As the date grows nearer, the interest in the of in- trator of said estate, Militia and Band Appropriation Killed. Fourth July races FIRK, ACCIDKNT AND MARINF. Tuesday, creases. The Hawaii Jockey Club are getting the track and grounds in Notice is hereby given that May for is INSURANCE. the 27th day of June, A. 1). 1905, at 10 Honolulu, 29. The appropriation militia and baud killed. readiness. The stables and grand stand have been renovated and the Wuiauucnue Street, - Hilo, llnwnii o'clock, a. to., be and hereby is appointed Afterwards Representative Carl Smith discovered that section 67 of the base ball grounds leveled and rolled. Word comes from Honolulu that the time for hearing said petition, in the Organic Act and Article 4S6 and 487 of the Army Regulations make all some of the speediest horses there .such as "Racing Murphy" and "Bru-ner- " Courtroom of the Fourth Circuit Court, necessary provision. Hilo, Hawaii, nt which time nud place will enter the races here on the Fourth. "The Mallard", "The at 67, Organic Act in of Hawaii W. H. BEERS nil persons interested may appeal nnd Section vests the power the Governor Fretter", "Hgyptian Princess" and several other well known horses will . to call on malitary and naval forces of to quell . INTF.RPRKTF.R and show cause, if nny they hnve, why the the the start in the one and a quarter mile dash. "The Fretter" won the Bums of said petition be .t - TRANSLATOR prayer should not riots and habeas corpus, and declare martial law until the decision of the Handicap at San Francisco two years ago carrying off the $10,000 prize. (Knglisti nml Hawaiian) granted. President can be obtained. 26th, Two new horses are expected from the coast early in June to enter the anil Hus'.tiesi Agent. Hilo, Hawaii, May 1905. Commission Ily the Court: races. Five or six Hawaiian bred horses are already here and providing Will Act as Administrator, Ounrdian nnd A. S. LltllARON GURNF.V, Clerk. arrangements can be made, a string of ponies from the Parker Ranch will Kxccutor. Rents and Hills Collected.. Ily Chas. Hilchcock, Deputy Clerk. Victoria's Birthday Celebrated. be on hand. Office with I. K. Ru. Telephone 146 RtDOWAV & RlIlC.WAV, The Jockey Club have planned an elaborate program, to begin 9 Attorneys for Petitioner, 31-- 3 London, May 24. The birthday of Queen Victoria was observed here at 9:00 by the unveiling of a memorial at St. Paul's in memory of the British o'clock in the morning, with a list of events to keep the people inter- A S. LeBaron Gurncy In the Circuit Court of the Fourth Circuit, soldiers who fell in the Boer war. The King reviewed the troops. ested throughout the day. A match baseball game will be played be- Territory of Hawaii. tween Papaaloa and a picked Hilo nine for the $75 prize offered. Two races will be in de- AUCTIONEHR IN 1'ROIIATK AT ClIAMIIHKS. or three run the morning anil the afternoon will be In the nutter of the F.stntc of GF.ORGI5 Reward to Solve Stanford Mystery. voted entitely to racing events. Lunch can be obtained on the grounds. GORDON of Ktikuihnele, Humaktm, At night there will be a grand ball, under the auspices of the Jockey COMMISSIONS deceased. PROMPTLY HXF.CUTHI) San Ftancisco, Cal. An advertisement has been published in the Club, at the Hilo Armory. The petition of David Forbes Admin- newspapers offering for the conviction of parties responsible istrator of the estate of George Gordon, $1,000 the FRONT STRI'.KT deceased, having been filed, wherein he for the death of Mrs. Stanford. The advertisement is ostensibly insert- OPP0SIT15 SPRF.CKISLS' MJILDING asks that his accounts be examined and ed by Wclden Stanford of Schenctady, N. Y. An Open Tennis Tournament Announced. approved nml that n final order be made icwrAniis-inic- i ins". of distribution of the property remaining The Hilo Tennis Club announce an open tennis tournament beuinniiur in his hands to the persons entitled June 29th and the offer of numerous cups to the winners warrants the A thereto, nud discharging him from all Police Exhaust Efforts. or BISHOP & CO. further responsibility us such administra- belief that there will be a large number entries. The Hilo Tennis tor, nud that his bondsmen be released Chicago, 111., May 24. The lumber business is crippled by the strike. Club Cup for ladies' singles is held by Mrs. H. V. Pattou of Hakalau, Bankers. from all further reliability as such. Police p rolectiou has reached the limit. and the Holmes Cup for gentlemen's singles is held by Dr. Fred Irwin, It is ordered tlint Tuesday the 27th day - - also of Hakalau, so that there will be a strenuous effort made by the Honolulu , II. I. of Itiuc, ioxi.s, nt 10 o'clock, a. 111 , is the time set for hearing said petition, in the. Hilo players to wrest these prizes from the Hakalau contingent. A nt Strike Over. number of Kohala players have announced their intention to attend Transact n General Hanking and courtroom of the Fourth Circuit Court, The at ami business South Hilo, Hawaii, nt which lime nud also the Horner boys from Hamakua. place all persons interested may appear Lahaiua, Maui, May 26. The Japanese struck again Tuesday after- Demosthenes Lycurgus of Hilo has generously offered a handsome Commercial and Traveller's Letters of ami show cause, if any they have, why They wanted the head luna discharged, and Manager Scrimgeour available in all the principal noon. silver cup for the gentlemen's doubles and the Tennis Clubs second Credit iued, the prayer of said petition should not be all over High Sheriff Henry, cities of the world. granted. turned matters to who notified the strikers cup for mixed doubles will arouse considerable rivalry in team was off Wednesday Special attention given to the business llllo, iiiuvnii, amy 19, 1905. to work or vacate. The strike declared night. All work. All entries must be in writing and filed with President Klltott entrusted to us by our friends of the other Ily the Court: are working today. on or bi. "tine 24th, at which time the drawing for playing will be Islnnds, either as Deposits, Collections A.S. LllhARON GURNF.Y, Clerk. The strike of Japanese laborers on Pioneer plantation, Maui, resulted made. - . tournament will begin on Thursday, June 29th, nud con- Insurance or requests for Hxchange. Ily Chas. Hitchcock, Deputy Clerk. Saturday in a between the police and strikers Kiix.way & RiimwAV, on night clash at Lahaiua. tinue until finished. It is expected the finals will be played off on 1 were exchanged between the two sides, and when strikers were Attorneys for Hstate. 30-.- Shots the Monday, July 3rd. driven away it was with one of their number dead and two others The committee in charge of the tournament arc Dr. II. B. Klliot, V, FURNISHED BOOMS THH wounded. Sheriff Baldwin of Maui was in command of the police squad W. Thrum, Aug. Ilumburg, Adam Lindsay and S. Grace. that fired upon the strikers, and he considered the trouble of such n f threatening he immediately wired Honolulu for rein- 11Y DAY, WF.F.K OR MONTH. FIRST BANK OF HILO character that to Neat and newly fitted. Central!) and forcements. The strike originally started among the Japanese laborers S. S. Enterprise Arrives. t pleasantly located on , LIMITED. at the Kaanapali section of the plantation. They claimed that one of Incorporated Under the I,uwe of the or one of Japanese laborers r.:id PITMAN STREET Territory of llnwnii. the team luuas had kicked struck the The S. S. Knterprise arrived early Sunday morning, coming into the NEAR WAIANUENUE ST. the dismissal of the luna was demanded. After a conference Manager harbor about daylight. She brought six bags of mail and twenty-on- e CAPITAL, Scrimgeour of the plantation agreed to discharge the luna, but instead passengers, made up largely of returning students who have been Facing on Court House and Hilo Hotel 1'liACOCK of this concession satisfying the strikers they began to increase their attending school at the coast. passengers Mrs. Mat-so- u Parks. A unlet, pleasant retreat. 1IL0CK, HILO. The were William I Terms Reasonable. demands, The hauling of firewood to the Japanese houses and the and maid, Miss Lurliue Matson, Mis. C. McClellau, Miss Maigurite I'. I'HCK ITrnlilciit. granting of more water than formerly were among some of the demands. McClellan, F.ruest Radcliffc, wife and child, Mrs. Ilorton, Mrs. J. K. C. C. KKNNItDY Vice I'ri-M. Finally, when the wholesale discharge of a number of lunas was de- Martin, Jack Martin, Grace Martin, Henry Deacon, Clyde Deacon, Bruce JOHN T. MOIU...HUI Vici-rrc- H. C. F. BRADSHAW . manded, Manager Scrimgeour refused. There was a kick against the i L". A. CnnliU-r- Kennedy, J. D. Kennedy, Misses Gertrude Mason, Maude Mason, Loraiim 'i BTOIIIlt a Proprietor. 43 A. II. JACKSON Siuitury. employment of Polish Jew, one of the lunas, as the Japanese claimed Andrews, Bessie Lambert, and Albert Homer, Jr. he was a Russian. The Laliaina strikers were resentful toward one of DIKKCTOKd: The Knterprise leaves tomorrow noon for Honolulu. if John Wntt, Joint J. Ornce, their countrymen, a Japanese contractor, who was cutting cane under WM 0. !RWIN& CO., Ltd. I', rt. r.ymnii. II. V. Ihitlcii, contract. He had refused to join them in the strike. The Japanese Win. 1'iillur. W. II. Hlilpmnn. strikers declared that they would make an example of him and a large Republican Spellbinders Touring for purpose killing Hawaii. IDruw ICxcliunue on number went to his house the of him. He escaped before the crowd ot hold of him, but they attacked the house. Sheriff Candidates Searle, Sugar Factors, 11 Hank of Hawaii, Ltd Honolulu J. II. Wise and Rufus Lyman left Hilo Fiiday f .Baldwin and the police met the strikers. Shots were fired, resulting in morning for Katt and Kona, making speeches along way. A Wells, Fargo & Co. llaiik...Sau Francisco the huge Commission Agents one dead and two wounded. and enthusiastic meeting was held at Wniohiiiu on Saturday night and Wells. Fargo & Co's ll.iuk New York Sunday inorniug another at Naalchu. From Ilonuapo tho party took Sole Agents Re ' The Nalionnl Itauk of the I Chicny.0 Money Appropriated for Sidewalks. the Manna Loa and landed at Ilookeua, where they were met by Sam K. National Cane Shredders, public Pua. From this point to Kailua they will make a thorough canvass of ftlyiiii, Mills, Currle & Co London In response to an inquiry of the Board of Trade, Superintendent of the district, and eventually of the entire island. Attorney W. S. Wise, Baldwin Locomotives, C. S. Holloway lloiigkoiiK-SliiiiiKlia- i Hank. Hongkong, Public Works has written that the unexpended balances who on account of illness was unable to accompany the spellbinders ) remaining in Treasury for for Alex. Cross & Sons' Sugar Cane iug Corporation China. the available Hilo improvements are $900 through Kona and Kau, will meet them at Kawaihue next Friday and I from for IIoiigkoiiK-ShuiiKh- Hank' Shanghai, curbing and sidewalks, S529.77 road taxes and P16.26 roads accompany them through Kohala, Hamakua and North Hilo and Coffee Fertilizers. districts. .'.. iug Corporation China. land bi idges generally. The latter balance has been augmented by an The word received from the stumping party is most encouraging and Yokohama item of $750 111 the Deficiency Bill passed by the present Legislature and according to reports they are enthusiastically received on every hand. ALL KINDS OF iioiiKKoiiK.niimKiini name id Ilio int; Corporation I which is immediately available. GOODS Japan. Tho Hilo Road Board has made application for the $900 for curbing RUBBER and sidewalks along government lots, which appropriation expires on Russian Fleet Sighted. GOODYEAR RUBBER CO. SAFE DEPOSIT BOXES June 30th, and this money will be expended to Improve the sidewalks in R. II. PHASIi. President. Rented by the Month or Year. front of the Hilo Hospital and Riverside School, which nt present are Manila, May 24. Firty Russiairwar ships were sighted on May 20 SAN FRANCISCO, CAL., U. S, A. on Application, without any walks and in very bad condition, off the east coast of Batanes, going in a north-easterl- y direction,

&' ' . Till? WKKKI.Y tlll.0 TRIHUNK, IIII.O, HAWAII, TUKSDAY MAY 30, ttjoj.

pet annum has been about $121. eases to establish fishing rights, which Iwceii the Svnth Frrolnct mid the nud Tax Collector will, or ant, le elided 1)1. lr)ilo QDvtlmnc. BY AUTHORITY. dI Place Knohe nl of The cost of oiling a mile of road the are dependent uiou the decision of the lands KnlM Polling the First Election County Officer Territorial Supreme Court. These In- School limine. to be held on the twentieth day of June, - fit Ht season is about oo, for the se- TUKSDAY, MAY 30, 1905. clude four brought by J. O. Curler, one NINTH I'UHCINCT That tMirlinii A. 1). Nineteen Hundred and Five, nor a de- be--1 cond season about $50, with by the Puna Sugar Co. anil another by Election of the First ltlectiolt District lying w ill the numes of ntiy person or persons Hntctctlnltlie PostolTlrc nl Hilo, lln. creasing expense each season fol Unfit A. Lyiiinii, all against the Territory County twccti the Highlit I'reuiuct anil the bid be rceeUcd or ptinlcd upiiti the ballots wuil, iis sueond'class matter lowing. Thi'i estimate includes the of Hawaii, and have been pending in the 'of the Mnlaunhae Gulch. Polling Place as candidate or eandidales foi such office riiitMHiinn mvukv tiiiwhav. entire expense of oiling, and shows Circuit Court for the past four years. Houokaa Court House. or offices. Kidoway - Kditor Knatikid vs. Kemllla Holt, ejectment TENTH I'UHCINCT Tlint portion IN THSTIMONY W1IHUHOF, J. Castle a saving of water of 33 per mile I). W. Maush lluslness Mutineer. proceeding, is up for final disposition on Proclamation. of the Fiisl Election Dislt let lying be 1 have hereunto set my hand the fust year and $73 per mile the a remittur from the Supreme Court. tweeu the Ninth Precinct and Kohaln and caused the seal of the MEMORIAL DAY. second year, a saving in expense Judge Parsons disqualified. District. Polling Place Ktiktiihaele Territory of Hawnil to be which is pi city sure to appeal M. V. Holmes ys. M. F. de Mcllo, School House. SHALJ affixed. assumpsit, is of like status. ELEVENTH I'UHCINCT The lint, DONF. AT HXHCU- - "I.otd God of Hosts, lie with us yet, strongly to the tax payers. WHEREAS, ACT 39 of the Ucgtilnr THH Joint D. Spreckcls and Adolpli Spreck Session Legislature of lunce of Putin Ijiug south of the Sec- T1VK HUILDING, in I lotto- - Lest we Cornet, let we fotget." The experiments now being made of 1905 of the els vs. John T. linker, and the case of the Territory of Hawaii provide thai ond Precinct and east of the First Pre- lulu, this 3rd dny of May, any noble on Uridge and in It is a great pity when street elsewhere Chas. A. Ilrowu vs. John linker et id, nre ntt F.lectlon hnll be held on the Twen- cinct Polling Place Kapoho Hunch A. D. 1905. anniversary lose for a l'irgo num- Ililo by the Road Hoard will be the water front cases, which have been A. I). (tarn. G. U, CAUTHU. F'. tieth dny of June, Nineteen Hun w. ber of people its original signifi watched with interest. The use of pending in the Circuit Court for several dred ntul Five, for the first Klecllon of SECOND REPRESENTATIVE cance. It is a regtetablc fact that waste molasses on roads near sugar Years, in which Judge Parsons is dis- County Ofilcers, and tltnt n proclama qualified. DISTRICT. there is reason to fear that this loss refine) ies has been effectively used tion shnll be mnde by the Governor Kolniln, Koua ami liuu, Island of Judge Parson is likewise disqualified upon the passage ntul ap- be Hawaii. WATCHES! is taking place with reference to and there should no lack of in the two assumpsit cases of Wliitchoitse said proval of Act: All Wnlclte left for repairs the day we commemorate in honor material either of oil or molasses and Hawxhtirst vs. Ilenlou and Arioll. NOW, THEREFORE, in accordance FIRST PRECINCT North Kohala- .- of the great army of the dead. for road construction in llaw.iii. The two suits for damages brought by therewith, I, GEORGE U. CAUTF.K. Polling Place Circuit Court House. SECOND PRECINCT South Kohaln. UNCLAIMED AFTER JUNE forty-fou- r Win. Fetuandes nud his wife, Jaciutho Governor of the Territory of Hawaii, 23 More than years have Place Waiinen House. County government is ti desir- Feruaiides,' against H. S. Overand nud hereby give notice that a special election Polling Court passed since our war began, ofj will able object to be attained, even Hvnn da Silva will be disposed of al this for county officers of the several Coun THIRD PRECINCT That portion 1905, be sold. but time has not effaced nor dimmed term of court, having been postponed Hawnil, will be North Konn lying north of the north-- 1 though wo face e its of which we ties of the Territory of botiudaty Holtmloa n j the piople's grateful memory of the from time to time. held 011 Tuesday, the aoth day of June, erly of and line ON AND AFTER JUNE Ifltli know not. The bieak fiom cen- - sictificcs of the men who partici- In the assumpsit suit of the Putin A. D. 1905, between the hours of 8 running front the north corner of llo- tralization of power means a pto Sugar Co. vs. Ah Kaua, Ah Hip and Alt o'clock A.M. and o'clock 1'. M , in Itlalo.i to the south comerof Puuauahtilii. pated in that struggle and whose 5 All Clocks, Watches, Jewelry nnd Silver gressivc step in the direction of Sun, judge Parsons Is disqualified. each County throughout the Territory, Polling Place Citcuil Court House at patriotism, lortitude and courage Ware will lie sold at ridiculously w representative government. It is The ejectment proceedings brought by except the County of Jviilawno including Kailiia. low prices. saved our Union fiom destruction. American. the Tel riled y ngaiusl U. A. Lucas for en- Knlattpapa, Kalawao and Waikolu 011 the FOURTH PRECINCT That portion The survivors of that great croaching on certain government lands Island ol Molokai. of the Second Election District bounded along the Waiakea river will be heard, by the Third Precinct, Hamakua, Kan, struggle each year are growing less Kvkky candidate on the Repub- AF1E AS coming over from the February term. THE COUNTIES the east boundaries of Kealia I, Kiilae, SANG SONG and the pas-du- years have strength- lican ticket is a true and Iried ser- Joe Dtas vs. Victorino Uapoza, mali- follows: Keoktii nud Houatiuau, the north boun- WATCHMAKER ened the ties of comradeship which 1. ISLAND OAIHT nnd nil vant and can be relied upon to faith- cious tiroseciitiou. continued from Feb- THH OF dnry of Houatiuau and the sea. Poll AND JEWELER bind them together in one great other Islands in the Territory not in ing Plnce Koiiawaena School House. fully perform their respective duties ruary term. FRONT - brotherhood. The recollection of Sltigimalsu nud Sakamoto vs. Ostimi, cluded In nny other County, and the FIFTH PRECINCT That portion of STREET, HILO if elected to the offices for which wnters adjacent thereto, shall be the terrible period fresh Ototnntstt, trespass. Continued from Smith Koua lying between Keel 2, and that rcinann they have been nominated. County of Oahu, with its County Sent at with them, and the spirit of patriot- February term. Oleluttioauit 1. Polling Place Hookeua CATHOLIC Amelia dos Santos vs. M. G.Scrrnonnd Honolulu. Court House. 1 ' ism which this day inspires, revives A votij for the Republican ticket 2. THH ISLAND OF HAWAII and Albertiun Correa, ejectment proceedings, SIXTH PRECINCT That portion of LADIES' AID SOCIETY means a vote for honest and intelli- - nil other Islands lying within three in us the memory of those departed continued from February term. South Koua ljing between the Fifth - nautical miles of the shores thereof, and heroes and our lasli ig gratitude to gent administration of county gov- Dr. A. II. Clnrk vs. Jose G. Serrao Precinct Mini Knu. Polling Place Papa the wnters adjacent thereto, shall be who are with us still. eminent. damages, new trial. School House. All tue cordially invited to attend n the veterans the County of Hawaii, wilh its Count Ililo Mercantile Co., Ltd., vs. Malilou-nd- o Sent nt Ililo. SEVENTH PRECINCT That por- FAIR AND LUAU GOOD CITIZENSHIP. .WHY IS kxcusi:i- - & Co'., assumpsit. THH ISLANDS OF MAUI, MO- tion of Katt lying between South Koua to be held at the II. Hnckfeld & Co. vs. M. V. Fcrnnn-des- , 3. LOKAI, LANAI AND KAIIOOLAWH and Pitnnluu. Polling Place Waiohiuti Alisoiirn of I'rosi'cullni; OIlleiT !) nsiuinpsit, jury waived. There is a lamentable lack of nnd nil othe Islands lying within Court House. Hilo Iiijh Court Proceedings. Win. F. Allen, Trustee, vs. Castle Armory, July 105 J. mile EIGHTH PHECINCT The remainder public interest in Ililo in matters Uidgwny, Administrator of the F.state of three nautical of the shores JiiilHe. Parsons returned on Wednes thereof, nnd wnters there- of Knu. Polling Place Pahal.i School All dountiotis for the benefit of the which effect the general welfare of A. K. Nuwnlil, deceased, assumpsit. the ndjacent day's steamer from Honolulu, where lie to, except that portion of the Island House. Church will be highly appreciated. rrt the community and which should hns been occupied for the past ten ilnys C. S. Hollowny, Superintendent of MRS. W. II. C. CAMPIIELL, : i of Molokai known us Kulntlpnpa, Ka- IN THSTIMONY WHEHEOF, receive an awakening from the able on the Supreme bench hearing the ills- - Public Works, vs. John T. linker, aGU President. lawao nud Waikolu and commonly I have hereunto set my baud lurmeut proceedings ngniust attorney proceedings. and intelligent remarks delivered J. known nud designated ns the Leper and caused the seal of the A. Mngoon. The case was brought to n Dr. Archer Irwin vs. Httmiiuln Sheep by Hon. C. M. LcHloml at the Settlement, shall be the County of SEAL Territory of Hawaii to be close Monday evening, permitting Judge Station Co., in assumpsit. Hoard of Trade meeting on Friday Maui, with its County Seat nt Wai-ltik- affixed. Parsons' return to Ililo to open up the Kuatiac Puna vs. Oishc Shinishi nud "Moiiiircli Shirts." DONE AT THE EXECU- Hue night. Kvnry town welcomes de- May term of Court. Fiulesltigi Kozuchi, ejectment. Our new for the spiing of 1905 has 4. THH ISLANDS OF AND TIVE I1UILDING, in Hono sirable population. livery town The list of grand jurors uns called, Ah Cheotig vs. Kaaukni, assumpsit. just come to hand. Decidedly the best NIIIIAU nud nil other Islands lying lulu, this 17th day of April, mid seeks new arrivals and this can be but owing to the failure of the Attorney Matsou Navigation Co. vs. Geo. S. assortment the choicest designs ever attachment proceedings. within three nautical miles of the shores A. 1). 1905. offered in Hilo. accomplished only by honest, pains- General's office to send a representative thereof, nnd the wnters adjacent thereto, Kauejiro Ogatn vs. Jiro Iwnsnki, G. It. CARTER. L. TURNER CO.. LTn. to represent the government in criminal shnll be the County of Kauai, taking endeavor and by every in- on appeal Irom District Magist- with its Ity the Governor, proceedings, Judge Parsons found it ne- County Seat nt Lihtic. dividual sinking all personal differ- cessary to excuse the grand jury until rate, South Ililo. A. L. C. ATKINSON, ences and striving to upbuild the next Thursday. Regarding the absence W. A. Partly vs. D. A. I.ocbcustein, COUNTY OFFICERS. Secretary of Hawaii. immmmmiimmmimmimi community in which he lives. of a prosecuting attorney, Judge I'nrsous assumpsit and garnishment proceedings. COUNTY OFFICERS TO BE ELECTED: U. T. Otinrd vs. T. Hnmniiiur.-i-, Y. Do be a He said: FOR THE COUNTY OF HAWAII. not nonenity. a good, Okitte, WHEREAS, ACT 51 of the Regular For Elegant "Just as I was boarding the Kinnti for Shiotn nud F. assumpsit. SHVHN SUPERVISORS, one of decent citizen and a benefit to the Session of 1905, of the Legislature of the Ililo a message was sent to me from the W. 11. C. Cnmpbcll vs. II. H. Wilson, whom shall be elected from the Districts community in Territory of Hawaii, hns amended Act which you live. Attorney General's office stating that it assumpsit nud garnishment proceedings. of North Kohaln nnd South Kohaln; 39, entitled "An Act Creating Counties Don't be a knocker. If you don't would be impossible to scud a representa- 1 from the Districts of North Konn Society Within the Territory of Ilnwnii nud like any person or his actions, tell tive for the governmant this week. No rea- A Child's Party. nud Koua; 1 from South the District Providing for the Government Thereof," son was given tor the failure and I have misses of Knu; 1 from the District of l'una; him so, but don't be a man or Fully eighty little and masters by striking out the words "an Assessor no nssurancc that n Deputy Attorney attended the birthday party given by 1 from the District of Hamakiia; nud woman who will abuse another be- and Tax Collector" in Section 12, Chap- General will be here next Thursday. The Mrs. Win. Weight last Friday 2 from the Districts of North nud South Stationery afternoon ter 6 of said Act 39, and by striking out hind his back. Shun the man who grand jurors have been excused until Ililo. nt her residence to her little grand- the words "and a Deputy Assessor nnd deals in personalities and deserves that time, when 1 hope we shall be able daughter, Isabelle May Weight Powell, SIIHRIFF, who shall be Tax Collector" in Section 13, Chapter 6 nothing but contempt. He one of to proceed with the criminal cases. The Coroner; COUNTY CLHRK, who just live yenrs old. The front lawn pre- shall of ikiid Act: petty jurors have been biimmoncd for a scene as be Clerk of the Hoard of Su- Invitations the citizens of your community. sented lively the youngsters j Wednesday, and whether there will be NOW, THEREFORE, in accordnnce Hi; somkhodv. played and romped. Refreshments were pervisors; AUDITOR; ASSHSSOU any civil cases ready will depend nnd therewith. I, GEORGE It. CARTER, iiKn served during the afternoon. Tlie guests TAX COLLECTOR; COUNTY ' the lawyers and litigants. I nm anxious Governor of the Territory of Hawaii, Programs COST OF OIL ROADS. were: Misses Irene Ahrcns, Caroline TRHASURHR; all to be to expedite the business of the court nud elected by the duly qualified of hereby give notice that nil references nud Harriet Balding, Jessie llaldwiu, Electors ' made to the election of Assessors ntul desire to dispose of the present term be- Julia Campbell, Cecelia Cnttnrio, Claire the County. Announcements Santa Clara County in Tax Collectois, and Deputy Assessors' California fore June 30th, the end of the fiscal year." Chave, Ida Desha, lllauchc and Nettie DEPUTY SHERIFF, nud n DEPUTY and Tax Collectors, in the County Elec-- 1 began oiling roads in 1892, and now Clerk Gliruey called the calendar, and Fetter, Margaret Hill, Hildrcth Hitch- ASSHSSOU nud TAX COLLHCTOU, to Call Office tiou Proclamation issued by me on the at Tribune has about seventy miles of such most of the cases went over until next cock, Kallieriue I.ymatt, Annie nud Hdith be elected by the qualified Electors of 17th day of Apiil, A. D. 1905, are hereby highways. The results have been, Thursday, The criminal cases .set for Lindsay, Margaret nud Irene Maby, each nnd every District. eliminated; nud that 110 Assessor nud trial at the present term arc as follows: Kuthcriuc Mason, Jean Moses, Alice according the State Bureau of I'ub-li- d REGISTRATION PRE- Tux Collector, nnd no Deputy Assessor uuimiiiiumiimmmiiUiimu Alitoue de Santos, assault with deadly Mutnby, Dorothy, Majorie and Highways, on the whole highly Norma CINCTS. weapon. Continued from February term, Richards, Cnrol Heid, Kntheriue Hose, The Registration Precincts nre as fol satisfactory. In the first stages of 1905. I,ei and Helen Rowland, 4 - Jessie and Sarnh lows: the experimenting with oil sprinkl- Kealoha, charged with rape in I'una. Senrle, Maybellc Shields, Margaret ing there were strenuous objections Continued front February term. Smith, Elennor nnd Martha Thrum, FIRST REPRESENTATIVE , Morita Kako, murder in the first de- by some of the people to this me- Kuthcriuc Vnuuntta, Maile Vicars, and DISTRICT. gree. Continued from February term. Hdith Wall. Masters Hrnest Austin, Piinii, lllln ami llnmiikun, Island of thod of improving the highways. IIoujo Tsurutaro and Seki Mitsuda, tsp&W9&&mr&30wwwwwtvvww9mwwmwm9WWnm Alviu nud Willie Carter, Seely and Gil-be- rt llannli. The chief grievance was the fact charged with violating Chapter 5, l'eual Cnnnrio, Johnnie, nnd Carl Camp- FIRST PRECINCT That portion of when oil Laws. Continued from Februaiy term. that the was first applied bell, Hdward Fuhr, Andrew and George Puna lying south of Keaau and from Ogata Suke, assault and battery, on it rendered the roads disagreeable Gertz, Lyle nnd Kveret Holmes, Donald the eastern boundary of Kan to appeal from District Magistrate, South the to travel upon and had a tendency nud Kenneth James, Harold Luscotnb, eastern boundary of Kamaili, following E. N Ililo. George Muitiby, Malcolm HOLMES McNichol, that boundary to and along the western to soil vehicles and clothing. This, Wong Tim, charged with gross client, Robbie nnd Frederick Rice, Jinimie boundnry of the Knohe homesteads nud however, proved to be only a tem- remittur from Supreme Court. Rowland, Leonard Rose, Leonard Smith, n line the extension thereof to the boun- porary trouble, as a few days, when John Poohiwi and Annie Ilolokalii, nnd Carl Theodore Searle, Hdward dary of Kenan, Polling Place Kula-pan- n fornication, 011 appeal from District Magis- the oil had been properly worked Stacker, John nnd Alviu Todd, Farrant School Douse. MEN'S trate, Laupahochoc. in and the surface smoothed and ntul Curtis Turner, Bernard Vicars, SECOND PRHCINCT-T- he lauds of Jose de Costa and Franscesco Ucycs, Joseph Vierra, Julius Wery, Kenneth nnd Kenau nnd Olna. Polling Place Road packed by thorough rolling, suffi- Porto Iticnus, assault with deadly weapon, GOODS Ilnrry Weight. Hoard Stables; n,V miles Volcano FURNISHING ced to harden the surface and keep Ililo. Road. Yaiuada Takeuiatsu, alias Okabe, em- 011 it clean. It was soon realized that Republicans Oahii. THIRD FINE DISPLAY OF bezzlement. PRECINCT That portion of the inconvenience caused by the The Republicans 011 Oahu nt their Ililo lying between l'una and Pounhuwni Jose Maria Oliveira, charged with first application of oil was not near- county convention held at Honolulu Street nud nud the line of its ex- Negligee Shirts Collars murder in the first degree. named the following ticket: For Sheriff, tension to ihe sen. Polling Place ly so great as was caused by the Momi Hashimoto, selling liquor with- Golf Shirts Cuffs A. M. Hrowuj Clerk, D. Knlntioknl.ini, D.ivies & Co.' Wnrehouse, first application of ginvel. In the out license. corner of Jr.; Auditor, Jnmes Ilickuell; Treasurer, Waiakea nud Knlepolcpo Uoads. Dress Shirts Neckwear latter case it requires nearly a year Antonio Nobriga, ami Mrs. Louisa Chas. W. llooth; Attorney, H. A. FOUUTH PUECINCT-T- hat portion Lawn Bows Lawn Ties for become Akapa, adultry, tin appeal from District Douihitt; Supervisors, at large, H. H. the road to packed and of Ililo lying between the Thiid Pre Magistrate, South Ililo. Geo. and smooth, while with oil the time Ailntiis; Honolulu, W. Smith, John duel and the Hoitolii Stream. Polling Balbriggan Underwear Nakahaina and Kuakalchiwu, adultery, I.ucns, J. C. Quinn; Uwn, R. A. Wood- I to put it in readiness for easy and on from Plnce Circuit Court House nt Hilo. appeal District Magistrate, ward; Wuialua, Andrew Cox; Wool Koolau, FIFTH I'UHCINCT That portion of Gossamer Underwear dustless travel is only a few days. South Ililo. Richard Lane. The only candidate Ililo lying between Ilouolii Stream and Scrivan's Drawers Pajamas Oil has the advantage over water Alfred Auilradc, charged with being a named ngaiusl former Sheriff Ilrowu for the laud of Makahaualoa. Polling Place disorderly person, Withdrawn. was I,, in the fact that where applied there the nomination Clarence Crahhc. Pnp.tikou School House. Loui, alias George Nolley, fornication, Deputy Sheriff Rawlins did not seek Gugot Suspenders Night Shirts is absolutely no dust, and where the polit. SIXTH I'UHCINCT That portion of oil appeal Irom District Magistrate,. ical honois, and I. Knlakiela was nomi- Crown Suspenders Bathing Suits road-be- d is properly prepared there Hilo lying between the Fifth Precinct South Ililo. nated for Deputy Sheriff. with-Iraw- and the bed of the Waiknuitiali) Gulch. is practically no mud during the Joe Dim, assault and battery, a. President Suspenders Sweaters Polling Place Ilotioum School House. ta'niy season. The cost per mile Catholic Hosiery and Cloves ;; tlltiircli Service. SEVENTH PRECINCT That por- of watering the valley roads of San Twelve Chinese, Ah U, Ah Sum, Ah Wo, Ah Kali, Joh Pake, All Iliu, Chong Next Thursday, June the first, there tion of the First Election Distiiel lying ta Clara County has averaged about Hing, Ah Kec, Al ftl'll, All Weill, All will be commemorated the Ascension of between the Sixth Precinct nud the $87 per per season, exclusive of the Ion nud Ah Get, gambling. Appeal our Lord, which took place forty days boundary ol Hamakua, including the from District Magistrate, South Ililo. after His Resurrection. It is a holy duv cost of water, expenditures for August da Costa, charged with vulgar laud of Humuiila. Polling Place of obligation. Masses will be said at Court House. s, iiltd obscene language. On from water-wagon- rcpaiis, etc., and appeal E. N. District Magistrate, South Ililo. 7:30111111 9, ntul llenedicliou will take EIGHTH PRECINCT That portion HOLMES wilh that added, the cost per mile list of civil cases, nre a In the there six place nt p. in, of the First Election District lyitig be- - rtHPffli'BrWuHl fflWMMydy&AdfcdMMMWdByUMdMfc

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on, no.vns. cideiitly, to protect passing vehi- cles nud Ih ir occupants fiom the ST ('till (if (.'nil The Illlstless Itomls In oil. a S rorniii. The oiled road costs about one Costint; nulv linlf ns much ns SUITABLE FOR and 11 half cents per squire f")1' it tuiu flult il fir iiim ..nt.iwif 1. m while asphaltum co-it- s fifteen cenls, s nun It s iiKpluilt, lliey wiilistnnd nud a powdered granite road is liLMvy ironic nnri floods, and solve ncntlv twice as expensive as the EVERY DAY the dust problem. oil, where there is the same relative Williin the lnt live years the situation as to material. It wears California road makers have made well under the heaviest traffic, and rapid advancements fiom ihe first PRESENTS - in time of flood it remains firm. period, when oil was ned simply Sandy roads become indurated and I to lay Hie dust, to n second and far resilcnt with oil, and the resulting

more momentous in dark-brownis- one which per h tone is teslful to the FANCY GOODS manent roads are being constructed eye, being fieefromany glare. There u 's nn '''ca' family beverage Wc have opened a choice lot, such as: XiViiVl U with it. Kxnericnce proves a valu is absolutely no dust except what S Vfjtt nt UfZ mid sold by all hotels, bars able te.icher, and, indted, Uohcmian Glassware i the only may have blown on after com HI 1 nutl wholesale dealers. the Carved Swiss Woodwork 1 S available one, and even within this pleted process. V h short time the building of oiled . . Italian Statuettes, Husts, Vases, eie. roads has been reduced to a science-imperfec- t, Ilor Volcano Picture. German Music Boxes' S3Z22jSH3EHE5Ci " perhaps, but none the A teacher in a Boston public Steins 4 4 less sound fundamentally. Certain school was seeking to give her boys Bronze Goods 4 Kancy Goods principles have been deduced ns to a definite idea of what a volcano Japanese H lgW58aaW3WWBC3P5Mag3lBIK? IMHIiUJH U? in was. Therefore she drew n picture Satsunia Ware, Vases, Cloisonne Ware the preparation of the road bed, the t4 the method and lime of application of One on the blackboard. Taking 4 4 of the oil, and the kind of oil best some red chalk she drew fiery flames '4 :4 rond-makin- pouring from the summit of the DEMOST adapted for CIGARS 4 CAFE California has been the pioneer volcano, and when the drawing 4 A new shipment of the favorites of Jlilo 4 HS' in this movement for was done, she turned to the class two reasons: smokers just to hand: 4 Well-Stocke- before her nud said: 4 Comfortable Rooms ... Hot and Cold Baths ... A d her desperate need of getting rid " La l'lanta " 4 of the dust, and her ex- "Can any of you tell me what " 4 Huflet ... Mixed Drinks and Fine Wines ... A suininer HI Belmont " Needles, Pcrfeetos, etc. 4 Cold Storage Plant on premises with all the Delicacies tensive production of the petroleum that looks like?" " Crcmo " 4 r One boy immediately held 4 of the Season ... Open Till Midnight best suited to the purpose. Texas up his 4 also has experimented hand, and the teacher asked, 4 I WAIANUENUE STREET, HILO along this Call on us and inspect them. 4 line, but less successfully. Other "Well, Joey, you may tell us." 4 I CUISINE UNEXCELLED FIRST-CLAS- S SERVICE States where oil is produced have "It looks like hell, ma'am," re- 4 1 plied Joey, with startling 4 it on road-bed- s a ex- 4 used to small 4 tent, as temporary relief from dust, 4 H. Hackfeld & Co. ,4 but not as a road-make- for crude b'lvo Clniiiilierlaln's t'nln Halm nTrlnl ,4 No 4 oil having an asphaltum base is other liniment affords such LIMITED 4 necessary to insure a firm pavement, prompt relief from rheumatic pains. 4 Waianuenue Street, Hilo. 4 and California furnishes the best No other is so valuable for deep 5 A & there is for this purpose. seated pains like lame back and 444444 A AAA)? Before putting on the oil, the pains in the chest. Give this lini- road-be- d must be worked up by ment n trial and become acquainted plowing, harrowing, rolling and with its rcmarkabla qualities and grading, until there is a layer of you will never wish to be without The finely pulverized soil ten or twelve it. For sale by Hilo Drug Co. PLANTERS, ATTENTION! Bedtime )) , inches deep over the whole surface. This is to insure an even settling of SPECIAL ATTENTION IS CALLED TO Beverage the road-be- d to guard against any THE FACT THAT uneveness in the oil crust, which That puts refresh would mean a rapid wearing out of Pvu the road. When the ground has THE ONLY ing sleep within the grasp of the tired become-- hard and thoroughly dry, ORIGINAL AND oil FERTILIZER worker is world famous the is put on. Sometimes the CELEBRATED the crude petroleum is used, and some- times asphalt rcsiduums. An oil Every inch one pushes off be- with a specific gravity of 12H. to yond the normal distance of X RAINIER BEER 14IJ. is used most commonly, and twelve inches, after eye failure is to from begins, means an inch of dan- Is that which has been manufactured foi the past fifteen It contains all the ingredients of tonic it heated 175 to 250 and a even 300 degrees I The hotter ger. Ninety nine persons out years exclusively by the of a may it safely; better, for then it spreads hundred do and in addition has a flavor that you'll like. the more you may be the one who can't. rapidly, and is more quickly and Those having the best eyes more effecthely absorbed by the when old age comes will be California Fertilizer Works RAINBER BOTTELNG WORKS soil. those who heed the first call I There is some difficulty at for help. AGENTS, HONOLULU Kyes examined; Glasses fitted. 8AN FRANCISCO, OAL. Wmjmi&jM&to V&XiiX2t&lirt&xr,xxa"ZFrT3 tendant upon heating the oil, as s heating plants are extensive, and 1 When be the hot oil cannot be hauled to ad- A. N. purchasing sure that in addition lo the brand Sanford the name of vantage for more than eight or ten OPTICIAN the California Fertilizer Works is on every sack, otherwise you will not be miles There nrc those who advo Boston Building, Honolulu getting the genuine article. catc applications of cold oil on ac- OVI5R MAY & CO. count of the expenses of healing it, A large stock of our Diamond A and our OUR BRANDS but thus lar only hot oil is in use. Hilo Co. HIGH-GRAD- E Prices of crude oil in California Railroad XX OF. TOBACCOS ARE: Short Routo to Volcano FERTILIZER range all the way from 05 cents to Is kept constantly on hand and for sale at San Francisco $1 per barrel, and, of course, the TIME TABLE prices, plus only freight and actual expenses, cost is greater with the increase of In effect July 1, 1904. ? 9 GRANULATED Passenger Trains, Except Sunday. ' the shippinir distance. But even Dy Our Hilo Agon'ts, where the cost of transportation is 1 Oz. Packages A.M. I'.M. STATIONS A.M. "VSJ . 'Sealskin 14 r.M. considetable, it is estimated by ex- 7:00 3:30 lv Hilo ur 9:35 6:00 t Five packages gratis in each carton. perts that the oiled road Is less ex- 7:20 2:50 ur...Uliiu MII1...1U 9:20 5:40 L. TURNER CO- - 7:30 3:10 nr Kcaau ar 9:i5 5:30 pensive than stone covering. The 7M5 ws itr... l'eni(lulc..,iir 9:00 5:10 LIMITED amount ofoil applied varies from one 8:00 3:50 nr..Mouut. V' 8:45 4:50 GRANULATED 8:15 4:nar..Glenwoo( 8:30 4:30 hundred and twenty to three hundr- ed and more barrels for an eighteen A.M. P.M. SUNDAY: A.M P.M. 1 23 Oz. Packages 8:00 3:00 lv...... Mllo ar SM Waiakea Boat House "Recruit" foot surface per mile, this being an 8:20 ar.. Olna HILO 3:20 io:;s 535 MARKET R.A. LUCAS & CO., l'rop'rs. CO.. Five packages Duke's Mixture gratis in each carton. ordinary width for the oiled strip 8:30 3:30 ar.. ...Kcaau ar 10:15 5!5 8:45 3:45 ar... I'ermlale , 10:00 5:00 WAIAKKA BRIDGIJ, HILO LIMITED. through the middle of the road. In 9:00 4:00 nr..Mount. V'w-- ar 9:45 4M5 California, the cost of application is 9:15 4:15 ar,., 9:3 4:30 HAVR NOW A l'LHHT OI CUT PLUG Telephone No. estimated at $15 per mile. Often a 1'OR 1'UNA: Gasoline Launches 39, second coating is given within a The traiQR of this Company between and Small Boats ST. - Iln.o, II. I "Kipling9 1 23 Ounce Tins Hilo nml l'una will be run as follows: few of the first, to follow up weeks WIJDNKSIMY: l'OR 1'UilLIC IHRK A for pipe ansengers high grade smoking. the advantage of the first. Station, way Rail- and bnggnge taken to and Leave Hilo by of from vessels in the harbor In applj nig the oil, wagons with road Wharf, for Olaa and l'una, ujxu the nt reasonable Steamship rates, Launches and rowbouts to hire Pacific Meat Market arrival of the Kinuu, running for private picnics THEO. H. DAV1ES & CO. Ltd. tank and sprinkler attached, have through to l'una ami stopping at l'alioa and moonlight rides. been iued. From 100 to. oo barrels a both K(i"K ""J returuiti);. RING UP ON TUUiPIIONIi lfKONT ST., IIli.O, II. I. mile hae been used on the first A.M. I'RIUAY: A.M. AGKNVS Choice application of oil to the road-be- d, l'OR Cuts of 6.00 lv Hilo ur 9M5 s. depending to some extent upon the Hr.R. R. 9:35 Wolverine Gasoline Engine ar.., width oiled, ordinarily twelve feet. 9!3 Self-start- and reversible engine. In 6:30 ar...01aa Mill. ..or 9:10 Beef, Mutton, The famous "Alameda," between practicability it Is equal to the htentu en- ar..l'ahoa Juiicar 8:40 gine. Sizes from I ar...- - l'alioa ar h. p. upwards. San Jose and Santa Clara, is oiled 8:15 Bouts fitted with this engine or frames m Pork, VeaL ar..l'ahou J linear T-4- HP' to a with of sixty feet. The oil is ar l'una lv any size to order, l'or particulars apply SVEA 7:00 7:15 to R. A. LUCAS 'Munager heated by steam to a temperature A.M SUNDAY: r.M. POULTRY of all Kinds INSURANCE of 300 degrees at a cost of 8 cents 9:00 lv Hilo ar 4:50 CRESCENT CITY a barrel, the expansion resulting 9:20 ar...01au Mtll, 4:30 10:05 ar.J'ahoa June. 4:00 COMPANY being about 3 per cent. The quan- 10:35 ur.....l'alioa ar 3:40 BARBER SHOP FRESH ISLAND BUTTER tity used per mile is estimated after 10:45 ar.. l'alioa 3.30 Of (lothcnbiirg, Sweden 11:05 nr l'una lv 3:00 CARVALHO BROS., heating. Bakersfield oil is used, Hxcursioii tickets between all point.! Proprietors. Flno Fat Turkeys. de- The Old Reliable is Assets (Homo Office) 7i3i'3.36 of a specific gravity of 14 to 17 are sold on Saturdays and Sundays, jjood Stand . Sucking returning, until the following Monday still doing Pi48. Additional Security of American Volley Hidden.) 656,678.43 grees, costing yo cents a bauel and Assets in U. S. (fur noon. WORK .... upward, according to the distance Commutation tickets, good for twenty-fiv- e NoTlCIt Neither i Uazorn honed, Sciswirs and all edged the MnsU'in nor Pacific Co iRt Department: HOWARD JtROWN fc SONS, General Agents from rides between nuy two points, and to be hauled the raihoad tools perfectly ground, Satisfac- Agent of vet.s'ls of the "MhImui Lino" thousand mile tickets are sold at very will be respoiihible for nnv rim-trucle- d 4II-1I- 3 Califotiii.i St., San I'riiuciscn. station. tion Guaranteed, dehls low rates. by the crew. R. 1'. OUAIll), Coarse sand or gravel is spread over I), n. MKTZGKK. WAIANUHNUH STRIWT Agent. & the oil to aid in absorption and, in- - Superintendent. Second Door Above Demosthenes' Cafe Hilo, April 16,1901 ? H. HACKFELD CO., Ltd., Rosldcnt Agonts, HILO 14,

4K t Till? WKUKL-- lfll.O TRIHUMt, ill I.O, HAWAII, TUKSDAY MAY 3o, 1005

OI.AA IIIIYS I'UXA. Don't nrtfli'rt jmip rotic'i. Stop It While our own citizens continued t OGBanic SS. Company nt onro iiml ilnrn nny nil tlioiilit of lo pay just as much for their coffee consumption, lie-- in n nnrly tin ios-- i The Stot'Mioldcrs of Olnii Asssiline and for their entire matutinal bill & sihlu llio bi.cmor tlio butter lotako I'iiiiii riunlutliin. In. of fare, in lact the Hi niliaii coffee FOR TABLE USE Time Table n i Hy vote of 144,236 shares for planters were enjoying an aiea of 1 The steamers of this line will nr it, to 17.04H ngninst it out of n to- unexpected prosperity. They, of The Leading Brands ol tliis ns here- er9$ rive niul lenvc poit tal of voting slinrcs of 21 y, 237, the course, went to Paris in huge num- Rhine Wines under: stockholders of Ohin plantation de- bers nnd spent there like princes Liqueurs and Mineral Waters FROM SAN FRANCISCO. Hherrii Sectoral cided to accept the offer of the the proceeds of our generosity. Alameda June 2 hdndholdcts of I'titia Plantation, to More anions still, our gift went in- tho moit ofToctlvo rnmody for coughs ARE UNEXCELLED Sonoma June 1.1 sell the outstanding issue of $500,-00- 0 mid every to the pockets of men who were Alnuieda June 23 ntul colds of overy kind In 8UlgO. of Puna Plantation bonds for supplying us with a product grown Veutuia July 5 Marie Brizard & Rotigers' Ono of most annoying coughs i.H,(f)6 "6 in insh, for $56,000 of by Alnuieda July i.) tbo slave labor. Btnndies and Liqueurs wliuro you have 2ft is n throat cough, (lie bonds and. 22, 200 shares of paid Now the prices paid Sim in July. tick- that that constant up of Olna for leinaining Whiskey Alameda Amiiht t ling In your throat. slock the inn planters for the pioduct is so Usher's Celebrated Scotch Sonoma August 16 It comes on worso $440,000 of Puna bonds. Olaa low that any considerable 'eduction O. V. G. Special Reserve Alameda August '1 he MdSt Popular in the Islands 25 nt night, koops you plantation already owns ninety per would force many producers out of Ventuin September 6 nwako, nnd makes cent of the stock of Puna plantation, business, it may be Alameda September 15 you liavo that lft3 the that the Kinderlin's Freebooter Gins Siena September 27 Binothered foolliif! iMtf so that with the consummation of imposition of nn import duty by The b'invst Put on the Market Alameda October ft In tho chest. Aycr's the deal authorized, Olaa will own this be Ohorry l'octoral country would looked upon Pabst Beer FOR SAN FRANCISCO. pilots tho cough, all the bonds and praticnlly all the by them as an unfriendly act. This, A. B. C. Beer. of is In Quarts and Pints, in Casks and Alameda June 7 makes bronthing stock Puna, which now in the however should not influence our easy, nnd heals tho Casts and by the Dozen Ventura June 13 nanus ol a receiver. action. Though we have curried lungs. There is no other romody so Alameda 28 offer in form Mineral Wateis, White Rock and Ginger Ale June Btiroly t bo rolled on. The of sale came the their coffee, rubber nnd hides on Sierra July 4 M..l.e, It MM...... Alimu tliuaiB.s lllttlljrti naiakibiibuattl na wit"n.wl of a letter addiessed to the Olaa our fiee list for so many years, they tt Alameda ...July 19 Imitations, llowaro of them nnd of Company by H. lf. Dillingham set- they have not hesitated to oppose W. C. PEACOCK & CO. Ltd. Sonoma July 25 d "(lotiuiim Cherry l'octoral.'! WHUl.KSAI.K DKM.KkS y ting out his proposal. The letter all our efforts to secure reciprocal Alameda August Ito Biiro yni got AVER'S Ohorry PH ACOCK BLOCK, IIILO Veulurn August 15 l'octoral. set out in full the ownership of the traffic concessions. It has taken Alameda August 30 Put up In largo and small bottlos. .Mime K bonds, and atgucd at length years for us to get even a slight Sierra September 5 rWs:ffiMww ' the advantages of the proposal. It 011 flour, mid Alauied.'l September 20 PrtircdbDr.J.C.Aer4Co.,Lowetl.MM.,tJ.S.A. concession that nt a U. set out that the receiver would on, time when their market was nearly l company N. Ohlandt. J. A. Ill ck - hilo drug AZi:::::::::::?; a caicful estimate receive $170,000 lost to us. Their argument has J. C. Ohlandt, ESTABLISHED I864 C. II. llmk In connection with the sailing of the.r and his expenses would be $67,000 been that we abolished the duties above steamers the ngcnt.snrc prepared to leaving $102,000 which would come on their pioducts to serve our own Issue, to intending passengers ' Coupon P JiXimiTMHtl"H'HH3 to Olna plantation as the result of purposes, and therefore they were I I ICKOT.8 uy nny rnuronu ?. nrougll accepting the offer. no obligation to from Snti I'rnncisco to nil points in the CI 41 under reciprocate. New by a a x In addition, the $440,000 were my opinion it be ; flnited States, ntul from York o o In would sound CCS .a o N. OHLANDT & CO steamship line to nil Kuropcan potts. owned by San Francisco bankers, us nil) & policy for to impose a duty on 1'or further particulars apply to " whose aid was practically a neces- - coffee. It is not a necessity: in AlANUPACTURr.HS AND DltAI.NKS I.N '. (h miv In ftitlditlcr the debt nf fllnn. o Mt ra fact, on excessive indulgence in its L . C3 ' m. C Brwin & Co. w J (5 J nnd this plan if carried out would use ery often proves injurious. u' LIMITED 8 tend to secure tueir good will, anil Wc can better afford to tax coffee, JL SO Jl t- - Olaa debt could be J? xLJa. Ju4 Ociicrnl Agents Oceanic S. S. Co. CO --J if the funded, oven at the risk of adding a fraclion xjf '. v tn ERS o o a a Olaa could be very soon placed oil to the cost of our breakfast tables, M essr-- o a dividend paying basis. OF Eoery Description. i" 05 C0 s than weean to add the smallest frac- I JC Koa! Koa!! r3 H In the course of the debate it was tion to the articles of real necessity. Kon Lumber In small nnd large quanti- o t S 2.a insisted that the purchase of Puna will ties; well seasoned. J- - at o c How Brazil meet the emergen- 'A Wsc 5 would not necessaiily involve Olaa cy wc need not ask. Should it 1 I I'uriiiturc made to order, nny style to .. wanted. Repairs made 011 any kind ol cd c c in any more advances, unless the lead to a corresponding reduction Bono Meal, Hoof Mm I, furniture. Trices moderate. o rt -- 5 agent chose to make them. in export duties now levied by a Shop. go n ,5 the Sulphate ol Potash, Muriate of l'otash, Sorrao Cabinet Q S. M. Damon handed in a state- coffee-produci- I Apply to IOSF. O. SKRRAO SO the states (it is no Z ment as from the agents of Olaa Snlnhato ol Ammonia, Xitrnte of Sodn. Ox longer a national tax), it will be no B n O which ran as follows: than a of hap- To Shippers. y, more reversal what Alaska Fish Scrap, Double Superphosphate o o OT "As shareholders we do not con- pened when we abolished the duty. All freight sent to ships by our launches sider it in the interest of share hol- By all means let us have a duty on ; High Tankage. will be charged to shippers unless accom- d o ders of Olaa that so large a portion Grade panied by n written order from the cap- coffee, and at the same time let us of the assets of the Olaa Sugar Co. tains ol vessels. put coal, lumber and other necessi- Office: Factory : A. LUCAS & CO. WUMhAJ be given SAN FRANCISCO, CAL. 3otf R. should to the bondholders ties on the free list. 127 Market Street. Indiana & Yolo Sts of Puna for their bonds. "The debt of Olaa today to its A Safe Sacculation. "H- -. agents is $870,000, and under pre- If you have an attack of rheuma- Certificate of Analysis accompanies our shipments, which e uiirantee sent circumstances, we are not prc-paie- d tism and Chamberlain's Pain Balm t to make any advances to the gets you back to work in a few to be correct. Olaa Sugar Co. Itd, for the purpose days, will it not pay for itself sever- TWO SPLENDID of carrying on Puna Plantation." al times over? There is no need Agent for the Hawaiian S. M. Damon then gave an ac- of suffering from rheumatism for a Islands V- - count of the financial month or six weeks incurring the ORDERS FILLED AT SHORT NOTICE. W difficulties that had so burdened it, and the expenses of a large doctor's bill, CLUB measures that had been taken to when a few applications of this li- Canadian-Australia- ''I meet them. When the present niment, costing but a small amount n Royal fail U. Co. ngents took hold of Olaa against will cure you. For sale by Ililo Co. the advice of fridnds, it had been Drug Steamers or the above line running in connection ultli lln. Caniuliini 1'nclfic Rail- OFFERS their policy then to cut adiift from way Company, 11. C, and tidney, N. S. V , ami calling ut Victoria, II. C, Honolulu, Subscribe for the Suva and IlrislMiie, ).; ure 011 or about the dates below Puna and to devote every dollar Tkibunk duo at Honolulu Island subscription a year. stated, viz. we could to $2.50 K TO CASH SUBSCRIBERS ONLY get Olaa. The lesults From Vancouver and Victoria B.C. From Sydney, Brisbane (Q). have justified this policy. And to- Vor llrisb.nic, Q., and Sydney: lfor Victoria nml Vancouver, II. C: day Olaa is second to no plantation MANUKA Jl'NK 3 AORANOI MAY 31 the in its future AORANOI Jl'I.Y 1 MIOWHRA .JUNK 3S By Special Arrangement with the pub- in Islands prospects. WAIAKEA SALOON MIOWKRA Jl'I.Y 2.;' MOANA JUI.Y 36 26 AORANOI A U lishers, the TRIBUNE is able to present to Hy concentrating its efforts on Olaa MOANA AUGUST OUST 23 and spending The magnificent new service, the "Imperial I.imitul," is now running daily alone not money on Wharf Komi, Second Door Casli Subscribers the following offers on BKTWHKN VANCOUVKR AND MONTRKAI., making the run in 100 hourt. Puna qr the Ililo railroad, we shall l'rom the llridgc. in combination with the without change. The finest railway service in the world. monthly niaiazines develope a splendid property. It Through tickets issued from Honolulu lo Canada, United States and I'.urope WEEKLY TRIBUNE. has r 1, 000 acres, it has water faci- I'or freight and passage, nnd nil general information, apply to lities and everything else in re- THE TRIBUNE is the brightest, newsiest H. & Co., Ltd., source. If it had the $600,000 Fresh Cooling Theo. Davies Cen'l Agts.' fc? and most up-to-da- weekly newspaper pub- which it has advanced to Puna and lished in Hawaii, having a special wireless Ililo railroad it would not be in the Primo news service, thereby giving to TRIBUNE condition it is. That money is The Old readers, up to the hour of publication on gone and there is no use crying over spilt milk. Hut the lesson is, Tuesday morning of each week, the latest 1'INHST URANUS Buggy... the point I want to make if local is, that made new for a few cents and foreign and cable news, besides general we confine ourselves to Olaa and a little labor. Willi news. don t divert our to Puna Wines attention THE The Combination Offers are open to new or Ililo railway we arc all right. Liquors Sherwin-William- s subscribers or renewals. Magazines may be l'roposi'il Duly On CoirVe. to one several addresses, but Beers Buggy ordered sent or With regard to your recent advo- Paint orders under this combination offer must be cacy of an import duly on coffee, yon can paint and varnish at thu same operation. You will .) accompanied by draft or postofficc money order. which 1 am glad to note, says A.J. SCOTCH AND AMERICAN WHISKIES be surprised how coiy it is Intnouieiix of Stanford Univcisity to renew vehicles. in the San b'rancisco Chronicle, Let us show you color l'uhlfsher's CLUB A nml cards. I'rictt there is one point that should not $2.oo-Saturd- ay Hvcuing be overlooked. When we off Post, took so 1. 1) 11 v i.oo-Ladi- es' 1 I coffee European Wines Ionic Journal, $4.20 our import duty on in 1872 2.50-Hi-lo Tribune (Weekly) lo provide a "free breakfast table" Draught nml Itoltk-- Itccr for the confiding taxpayer the HILO MERCANTILE CO. price of the article in Brazil at once Mill Publisher's B l'fice CLUB went up. Instead of making n PAY FOR THE BEST SOLE AGENTS FOR HAWAII , d's present to American coiisum.-rs- ?3.oo-Worl- Work, our P. O. Boz 94 Telephones 4 A, 4 B legislators gave it to the 1 Magazine, $5.25 Brazilian IT'S CHEAPEST 2.50-Hi- lo producers. Iater on the Brazilian Tribune (Weekly.) AND THAT'S TUB CLASS 01' WORK .- -1 Government took over the bonus 1CXHCUTHI) HY f through the operation of an export ING UP 'PHONE Send in your orders right away. duty which continues to this day. CAMERON I went to Brazil a few years la l'OR I'RICUS ON ALL KINDS Ol' I'RINTINO IIILO TRIBUNE PUBLISHING CO., Lid. R ter and was personally cognizant of THE PLUMBER the effects of this curious miscar- LATEST STYLES AND PAIR PRICES T .. . .,... . . jfVl w .1. ... ith, riage of Congressional beneficence. I'KONT ST., Op, SPRECKIVB HI.OCK if


CIVIC IMIVIM.UI'n.MllNT. lilt. TIIOMI'SO.V.S AMIIITION. U 1 THE HILO I News Hems Clipped From Knit TRIBUNE'S MAIL CHART CONDENSED LOCAL ITEMS (' .11. I.HIIuiiil Kclhcit 1111 I111 the jgj llvu Address I'rliliiy Mght Wonkly. L Oi lug to running out of stock of red j There was a small but appreciative au- fino tj pew rller lor 511 -- Wall Nichols Co J. It. Itoelia, the tailor, left for Hono- paper the Knit Wcekl) will have nil white MAILS AURlVIt IN HONOLULU AND dience nt Hie Hoard of Tmile meeting DKPART AS FOLLOWS Dr. N Knssil has gone on n htisluess lulu on Friday last. sin els this issue. It w ill conic out ngaill Friday night at Fireman's Hall lo listen trip In Jii).in. L. A. Tliuisloii was a returning pawen-gert- o red hot next issue. j S. M. to 1111 interesting and instructive address T. W. T. F. I Friday last fur a Honolulu oil Friday. Dr. .' J. A. M.Osorio Iff 011 Civic Developemont by Hon. Chas. Thompson left us on Monday last i A "" I Ventura luii week's hiisiucss trip In Honolulu. vigoious earth tremor was felt Sun- M. Lelllond. forn trip to the Coast nml elsewhere. 2 tMinworn day o'clock-Afte- r He "l fl Capl. II. C. Mncloou of the lute Mnrllm morning about ijtio President Holmes introduced speak- will return in about three or four Sierra 3 4 Cx the IMnnuka Davis, rutiirnvit lo San l'riinclsco by way a hurried trip lo the Volcano er, who spoke with difficulty, as he had months with something up his sleeve Ncvmlnn that will make some people wish of Honolulu. House, R. II. Trent returned to Hono- been suffering from a slight attack of ma- they 0 JKoren Almncda on had been gifted with n little foresight. 11 13 J. I,. Kaulakott, formerly ol Honolulu, lulu Friday. laria for the past few days. The tenor ;7 Siberia. IO 12 No wonder he smiles nt the nhortlvc at- - lias hung out liis hingle us 11 practicing Mrs. Wm. Matson and daughter, Miss of his remarks was the most successful j ilevelopciueul of a community came tempts of the mnderous trinity. Ni hifiiknti utlnruey with I. 1J. Hiiy. Hllo. l.ufllnc Matson are visiting Mr. and Mrs. 17 tl'iipUi from ami Dr. Thompson informed us licforc 14 16x" 18 engagement (,r Aljitmcl 1'urtniln, John Scott at Walnaku Lawns. union harmony of action. The he Alameda 20 The left was no js 10 four-in-han- speaker referred lo the remarkable that there truth in the Mory .Mmi!illn eleik lo Chin. M. LeHlond. and Miss New designs in d and bow " achievements of connecting h 111 with a management, ns Frances Antonc is announced. tirs ami men's shifts have been received science and developcnieiit, which were he had no desires in that direction nftcr 21 23 tSicrra 27x Car-valh- by L. promoted The Crescent Cllv ll.uher Shop of o Turner Co. Ltd. See adv. .22 "Sonoma 26 largely by assistance rendered from or- seeing the sample in this vicinity. Our 24 Nehrns'n is now located on Wnla-nueiiu- e Mrs. N. It. Tracy who has been necu-pyln- g Hiolhcrs ganizations, such as the Hllo Hoard of rumor was loo straight, however, to even street, adjoining the Hllo library. the residence of Mrs. Carl Smith, Siberia Ti.hU'. He complimented that body up- take the Dr's denial without n grnin of 30 31 Alamcdn 1 Manuka Nevailan i supplies of nil kinds, is now at Mrs. Win. Weight's. 28 29 China JAorangi Sewing inaeliiuc on the good work lliey ImdnccoripHsheil, salt. We shnll say anyhow that if it re- Juno 2 June 3 Juno 9 4 needles for all makes of machines ami W. A. Kinney left on the Falhof Clyde which was of incalculable benefit to Hilo lated to the planlulioii of Naalehu he the best machine oil nt Moses & Ray- last week for San Francisco, where he and the community, nnd which would be would be just the man for that place. He Vessels whose names appear OVItR the date ARRIVK from the Coast. Vessels whose monds. will undergo an operation for cateract. euchaiiced many fold by the acquirement has undoubted ability nud good excutive names appear HKLOW the dale DKPART for the Coast. Destination of Vessels To San Francisco; for Honolulu, S. McCandless on Wednes- of n of powers. There would be no () ft) To Colonies; (I) To J. 1'. Clay left Friday J. returned system municipal government. trouble ...... , ... ., in i tiKonnma, men he S. m .", ' where he may make business arrange- day from Honolulu to superintendent the Referring to his native town of Salina. about getting if .was in charge S. Kinau departs from Hilo for Honolulu cverv Friday nt 10:110 n. in. Mnunn ments which will keep him within the drilling of a second well at the Olaa Mill. Ohio, Mr. LcHlond said, "In 1875 the and he would make the place look like b. h. Lon's mail closes in Hilo on Saturdays niiif Tuesdays marked (X) nt 2:15 p. m., nrriving in Honolulu at daylight three days later. Territory. Dr. Oriuond Wall alter making a week's business men of Silina organized for the something. of Great men are ever lonely nnd live If your sew inn machine is not working business trip to Kau returned to Hilo, in purMise inducing trade lo come to that were apart, birds n toget- well just ring up Moses & Itiijmond. order to take the Kinau to Honolulu on ccntec. They successful, because but of feather lloek Sewing machines rente 1, rep.ilred or Friday. it had (lower ami was able to hold out her because they nre afraid to flock nloue. Inducements to Thev want warmth nud protection. sold on easy payments. Miss Loraiue Andrews, who has been various manufacturing They industries and business pursuits to estab- arc nfrald. Mrs. Carl Smith returned on Wednes- attending Ihe llerkley High School ar- 1 lish within its midst. There is today no day from Honolulu. Mr. Smith expects rived 011 the F.utcrprlsc for a isit with Referring lo the County Convention, more prosperous town in the stale of 011 en- to finish his legislative duties in lime to her father. the committee platform refused to Ohio than the city of Salina. They own dorse the n it return to Itilo next week. Woid has been received that the administration nud inserted .? their own water works and electric light- plank asking that government laud be ' Victor Hurd, representing Iloflschlagcr schooner W. H. Marstuu arrived safely New Neckwear ing plant nnd are able to encourage fact- opened to settlement oil the best possible & Company, of Honolulu is temporarily at Sail Francisco on May loth, 16 days ories, shops and other industrial pursuits terms, which is in line with request ofthc in charge of the Hih branch of that firm from Hilo; 1M lo make S.iliua their headquarters, be- Kau llomasteaclers giving en- of Mr. Osorio in them the during the absence Miss Potlcr'c fourth musical evening cause they have the power as- "1 to levy, dorsement of the most intclligaut nud By Enterprise will lie held Friday evening nt 8 o'clock, sess, colli ct nnd expend their own money. business like convention ever held on ; ..t ad, C. 1'. llcnton was a departing passcger June at the Hotel parlor. Subject, It never fails to benefit any town that this Island. Kau Weekly. Menefog-lie- , on the Kinau last l'riday. A. "Modern Coitijioscrs." can do so. 1 Four-in-Han- who has been engaged on construc- Jack Ilcrgstrout, the Piano tuner, has "As long as we remain quiet nnd Klunu Departures, May i!0. Narrow ds tion work at Mahukona, joined him at been engaged lo examine and put in or- nnd divide our forces when the fas. Robertson, J. W. Sanderson, Mrs. that point. der the pipe organs of the time for nctiou comes, we suffer J. G. Ward, T. Aoki, S. Mntsuda, Four-in-Han- Haili and shall J. It. Medium Width ds A slight scare was caused about 8 First Foreign chinches. from lack of civic developcmeut. Dur- Rocha, Mrs. C. A. Silv.i, A. Mcucfoglis, o'clock yesterday morning by sounding Km nest Radcliire, wife nnd child, nc ing my seven years' residence in this C. P. Heutoii, Mrs. C. O. Herger, Albert Band Bows the fire bell. Smoke issuing from Kwong compaiiied by Mrs. Ilorton, a sister of community, I do not recall any great Lyman, A.J.Spltzer. K. II, Trent, Dr. See Wo's store on l'ront street proved lo .Mrs. Radcliire, returned Sunday on the achievements accomplished tending to- O. Wall, Mrs. Carter, Mrs. M. J. Turner, be a false alarm. Kulcrprisc from a visit to California. ward the public good of Hilo than the J. F. Clay, L. A. Thurston, A. II. Jack Shield Bows possession of a light spring wagon label- son, F. Hayes, Mrs. Metcalfe, II. L. Shaw, who has been ill for the Itruce Kennedy, J. I). Kennedy, Shel J. J. It. P. ed "Hoard of Health n Peck and wife, Miss Kmclic past six weeks, was seen upon the streets don Deacon and Albert Homer are Ambulance" and Peck, nnd Full Jr. whistling buoy. we II. C. Mncloou. White Bows for Dress last week and now, accompanied by Mrs. college boys who have been attending If remain stagnant, we may expect to sec Shaw, is recuperating at Ml. View at the school in California and are now home another seven or eiijht years roll by, before A Safe .Medicine. home of Dr. Hussel. for the vacation. we get another Teoks blessing of this nature. We can kick, Mothers of small children need not Vicars is a thorough believer in Mrs. C. A. Stohic gave All the above in new designs II. an afternoon we can demand, we can petition nnd we hesitate to administer Chnmberlain's and small farming and he has secured about luncheon to her small colorings. granddaughter shall never develop anything, unless Cough Remedy. It contains no opinio an acre of land adjoining his home in Carol Reid last Tuesday, in which n num- our business men get together, put shoul- or narcotic In any form nnd tuny he given Piiuco, which he will plant to bananas, ber of that little lady's friends partici- der to shoulder, sink nil personal jealou- to n baby with ns much confidence ns to "Monarch Shirts" mid n vegetable garden. pated. pineapples sies ami bickerings and work as one man nu adult. It always cures nud cures o SIIIRTvS THAT HIT M. Castro, Secretary of the San Auto-ni- Miss Ilessie Lambert' nnd the Misses to accomplish a common end. Our situ- quickly. For sale by Hllo Drug Co. Society of Honolulu, arrived hi Ho- Gertrude nnd Maud Mason who have ation is not unlike that of the thirteen nolulu last week and appointed M. C. been attending Irving Institute, colonies under King George III. Unless Pianos Tuned. agent of the order, vice Oalantc, local Francisco, returned lo Hilo Sunday for it suits the pleasure of the King, nil our Now is the time to have your pianos de Cnmara, Sr., recently deceas- summer TURNER CO. . . Itemard their vacations. requests are chucked into the waste basket tuned. Jack Ilcrgstrout, the expert tiiatio L Liii ed. Filing cabinets and card indexes Wall and that is the last henrd of them. and organ tuner of Honolulu, is spending secure accom- ten nays 111 11110. leavp your orders nt Owing to the inability lo Nichols Co. (Laughter.) Hilo Drug Co. modations on the S. S. China, Mr. and C. It. Wright has received no notice of "If it is necessary to send n delegation Mrs. Cnstendyk were compelled to post- his removal from the Hilo Road Hoard of citizens to the seat of government or pone their departure for Germany, and nnd the appointment of L. A. Andrews. elsewhere, let us put our hands in our Special Meeting. will probably leave Honolulu oil the a. Whatever information received lo this pochcts and do so. If there is nny pub- or office to effect comes through Andrews. lic political be filled in which K1KAU1SA. LOiKjIS NO. 330, The following ticket was selected by we should haven voice, let us unite on F. nud A. M. There will be At the confirmation services nt St. special the republicans of Maui at their county one man, or at least on not more than two meetings of the nhove THE HAWAIIAN FERTILIZER CO., ..: James Mission Sunday evening, Miss lodge 011 the following evenings, Ltd. candidates, A convention: Sheriff, W. Sallery; nnd obtain recognition from - I. Alice Weight, Miss Myra Todil nnd Chns. at 7.30 p. 111: Clerk, W. 1'. Kaae; Treasurer, I.. M. the powers that be. Let us not quarrel V. Aknu renewed their obligations to the Wednesday, May 31, work in third Auditor, C.Wilcox ; Attorney, among ourselves but work ns nn unit, degree. Ilaldwlu; Church. Rt. Rev. Ilishop SPECIAL FERTILIZER Restnrick and we shall soon accomplish that civic Saturday, June 10th, work in third D. II. Cnse. evening the sermon. development which this community so degree. Federal Judge Bellinger of Portland, Wednesday, 14th, work in For It is reported Dr. much needs. Intelligent, honest efforts June third Cane, Vegetable and Banana Fields. Ore. who died on May 13th, and presided that Henry Oslroni, degree. evangelist, will and united, hormoiiious will at the Mitchell land fraud cases, was the the return wilh Rev. C. action result The regular stated meeting on Situr- Soil Analysis Made and Fertilizer Furnished Sultahle to Soil, Climate and Ctop K. Shields on Wednesday from Honolulu. in the advancement of Hilo nud commun- day, June 17, 1905. Sojourning and visit- only brother ot Mrs. Lilian Mesick's ing It is probable Dr. Ostrom may be pre- ity, and create n development of material brethren are cordially invited. FOR THE LAND'S SAKE USE'OUR ther. Mrs. Mesick is teaching school Ily order ol the W. M. FERTILIZERS vailed n nuet-ing- s things that will be not only a near Gleuwood. upon to hold number of matter of II. VICARS, profit Sulphato of Ammonium Nitrato of during his stay in Hilo. to ourselves but will enable those 31-- 3 Soda II. Uestarlck, Secietary. Rt. Hev. II. who come nftor as to reap the benefit of Bono Moal H. C. Phosphates Ilishop and pastor of the St. Andrews our labors." (Applause.) arrived on the Sulphato of Potash Ground Coral Cathedral, Honolulu, KiiriMU'll Parly to .Inuksnu. Following Mr. Lelllond's address, Second Annual Tournament Kinau Wednesday and officiated at the Fertilizers for sale in large or small nuantities. Fertilize your The farewell dancing p.irty given to A. there was a general discussion of the lawns with our .4 services of St. Mission, Hllo, on Held Under the Auspices of the Special Lnun Fertilizer. James II. Jackson by the Hilo Cotillion Club subject by the members of the Hoard of r Sunday last. nt Spreckcls' Hall Wednesday night Trade, who were of one accord in express- HILO OFFICH: The Planters Line will put the schooner was a great success. Only a .small crowd ing regret.that a larger audience was not TENNIS CLUB FACTOR V: held Ilrewer Illock, P. O. IIOX 767, HONOLULU At Iuilei Mar K. l'oster on the run formerly was present, but the music was par present to listen to so nble an address. Quecu Street Mary K. KVKNTS: llcyoud Pi icon by the Martha Davis. The and those Present enjoyed It was unanimously agreed that Mr. Le- Hilo Tennis Club Cup for Ladies' Singles Foster arrived at San Francisco on May themselves to n late hour. Norman G. lllond would be nsked to repeat his re- Holmes' Cup for Gentlemen's Singles 17th from Lahaina and after discharging Campion was chosen president of the marks on some future occasion nud to Demosthenes' Cup for Gentlemen's Dou- C. M. COOKF., President. 15. D. TF.NNF.V. t. her cargo conies direct to Ililo. a bles. K. F. IIISHOP, Trensurer. WATF.HHOITSF. Secretary. Club lo succeed Mr. Jackson, resigned. larger audience, to which the public Cup for Mixed Doubles. J. is really a fine would be invited. Mr. received O. II. ROHKRTSON, Auditor V. M. ALF.XANDHU, C. The Sun typewriter tun Lelllond The above events nre open for competi- II. ATHRUTON chine, fo Wall Nichols Co. Reception to Ilishop Kcstiirlek. a vote of thank') from those assembled tion among residents of the Iklanil of Diisctors. The June number of the Paradise of the for his eloquent speech. Hawaii only. L. The ladies of St. James Guild tendered The Tournament will be conducted un- Pacific, a monthly magazine published n reception to Rt. Rev. Ilishop Restnr- der the Rules and Regulations of the U. Unim- of 75 Acres, at Honolulu in the interest the Islands, .V 11 S. N. L. T. A. ick last evening nt the rectory between 8 .Mo 11 ix to Navigation. Olaa Property has been issued and is up to the general Kutries must be made in writing to the proved; Lot No. and 10 o'clock. A large number of the high literary standard which that popular Captain A. P. Niblnck of the Light President before Saturday, June atli. 3 1 8, n ea r 22- - cotigiegatiou mid others availed them- House Service gives out the following The draw will be made nt 8 p. m. 011 paper has attained. Saturday, 34th, nt the Hilo Hoard Miles, Volcano Road; Lot No. 101, selves of the opportunity lo meet Ilishop official notice to mariners: June of Republicans of Hamakua have de- Trnde Rooms. FOR near The (or Russian Settlement. Restarick, who leaves tomorrow The wreck of the Hark cided upon a new ticket for their district, American The tournament will commence 011 Martha Davis burned to the water's edge Thursday, June 29th. If possible, the owing to the withdraw 1 of A. 11. Lindsay finals 13 May 1905 in Hilo Hay is n menace to will be played on July 1st nnd the 7 A e r T lu as a candidate for Supervisor. They challenge games on SALE cs, navigation and the greatest July 3d. Place will put Autone Fernandez, up for super- caution should Committee in Charge II. II. KUiot, F. Hiyps' proved; ll ouso, be used in entering the harbor. At this W. visor for the district and Win. J. Rickard Thrum, A. Humburi:. A. Lindsav. S. Stables, Officii A UnrTFB HFHEALTH dale two masts nrotect aboie water. Karb Grace - as deputy sheriff. ...111 1....1 ...i , .. Referee II. P. Puclnw. Buildings, etc., Volcano Road. L- """" win lie ui.iiki.-- ny 11 reu laiueril III lllglll, ,. pub- i. GUACKA,, The Detriment of Agriclture has j " maintained by the owners of the vessel, "' FOR lished Part II of the Primer of Forestry Should the projecting masts disappear PARTICULARS APPLY TO is le.nly 1, 1 T. by GiiTord Pinchot, which now the lights will continue to be maintained IlliO UCCtHC Ugllt LO., MG. for free distribution. The pulicaliou ROYAL over tue position lore ami alt tile vessel with practical forestry, work in the THE HENRY deals at night and other warning marks will be Houses Wired and WATERHOUSE TRUST GO. woods and the lelaliou of the forest to maintained by day until this menace is Lights the weather and streams. is removed Installed LIMITED. !- - P. O. BOX 34G. HONOLULU, HAWAII, If you wibh your cofTec to bring the The wreck uf the Martha Davis is now In accordance with the rules of the Na- highest market prices let the Hllo Coffee the property of R. T. Guard, having been tional llonrd of Fire Underwriters. Mill clean, classify and place the same 011 bought by him nt the public miction side A complete stock of For Sale. vwtrvfiwvwvvrw'rn for you. cash ad- 011 Thursday last for $78, including the market Liberal spars, ELECTRICAL SUPPLIES UNION vances made on shipments. anchors chains and hull. Mr. Guard lias Fixtures, Shades, Table, lied nud Desk BARBER SHOP f35o upright piano offered a claim for salvage for rescuing parts of Lamps, etc., always 011 hand. nt a sncrU Mrs. Win. I.augtou, nccompannd fice. Agents for tlu I. the wreck which will hugely offset Inquire lit TitintiNit office. by Mrs. Hare have been spending the Fan Motors . . . 810 F.J. purchase juice. Two thousand one SANITARY u several days in Hllo, leaving Siturday Fan Motors, swivel frume hundred fret of lumber, all of the cargo 8 afternoon for the Volcmo House when, STEAM LAUNDRY that was saved was sold for $211 to Sowing Machlno Motor 20 Notice. they will remain until next Friaay. Mrs. dipt. HONOLULU POWDER John Fitgcrald, the highest bidder. Power for operating them $i n month I.augtou is the wife ol the Kdilor of the Absolutely Installation charged extra. I will he n candidate for office ol Leave your packages at the t'uioii II ami Pure the Shop. Paradise of the Pacific, Mrs. Haie is Kstimates furnished on nil classes of County Attorney. Deliveied hy ever 111 the wife of Postal Inspector I line, who HAS MO SUBSTITUTE Subscribe for the Tiunu.s'it. Subscrip Work Wednesda) 's Km. Itlectrical and Contracts taken to CIIAHLFS WILLIAMS. No extra chaige. We pay the height. is well known in Hilo and vicinity, lion per yeur, f 1.50 install apparatus complete, Ilouoknn, Hawaii, May 5, 1905. 3B4

!? .mww.f1&.v WWi ,. THK WKIvKI,Y 1HI.0 TKTltUNK, HILO, HAWAII, TUKSDAY MAY go, 6 . 1005. ordered the "kntiinnhn" or huninii striking phenomeiin of vokmtir nc-- 1 HAWAIIAN LEGEND sacrifice to piopitinlc the goddess livity so ficqueiitlv dhtplH.vud should FEVERiTHE ftom the hungry multitude, there come to lie regarded in the (Mipular SPRING mind with terror nnd superstition. Impure Blood arouse but the loud wnil that Hiua Hin.t-i-kn-Al- So it is with the my tin of ii When I ho Mood is puro mid tho Srltig njoki was n tortoise, a "honu," always llina-i-kn-tl- a Klini . and lmv, ( Is nro regular, tlioro need hn s - wlu 11 dottiL-otii- Um. 1ms (t Iml OF THE HALAI HILLS. hut slow of motion is of In Keep tin- - condition is In rc.ilttv no joke. aud too lazy to hinting whatever there the lilt fear of sickness. two praiid 1'ivcr is one ol tlie terms leave the iniu. And is why grotesque and the nlwurd, there yet medicines In tho house; mid use ilium Kiiiiik that v. im-i- I con-ililio- n lien yon llrst begin lo foul miirly. ntipluil to id is is left to U8 a icisonable hypothesis of llie sjsU-t- wliieli is m the hill called Pun Honu, or the lieemery will ho tirompt, and serious imli-ciiti'- B. that these tlitee cones may hnve cointnon tit tills It Old Stories Retold by A. Loebcnstein How the the hill of the tortoise to this very sickness prevented. ol vitality been thrown up during the histori its a rule, a loss Hina-i-ka-Ah- u, mill n iliwnli toil condition of tlic Cones Came to be Named The Romance of day. cal period distant, 'o be sine, but1 IiUkmI. An cireetivc mildly .sliould Hut Hiua-i-ka-Uu- 's spirit had not necessarily antedating the earlier lie used, Iiociium' tliit eon-ililio- n the Spirit of Good and Her Evil Sister jitoinjitly risen lo the heavens, and enraged days of the Hawaiian influx and louilily becomes chronic. rainfalls' Our Hilo's Deluge of Rain. over her own failure and envious occupation. Kxcessive fm 111 the usual iicconipaninients to over her sister's success, caused a " await- volcanic outbreaks, and the legend u lifting their delicately shancil "Klele" or heralds who were de-cen- Dr. Blake's tremendous downpour of rain to d gives us not alone the story of the n and fault- ing the same on the four outer outlines ngainst blue upon the earth, hoping there- hill", the foi malion of the breaches Sarsaparilla less sky, the sides clothed to the angles of the "Heiau" as was the by lo encompass the destruction of in their sicks, but also the sequel, in tor ivilh n bright green mantle of custom in tin so davs and they in those who had witmsscd her hu heavy downpout of rain. Is just tlie rinicily needed. It niils miliation, ffel f-- particularly tlie nervous fern, here and there a darker touch turn proclaimed the joyful news to but more Wc need not always turn back lo digestion, limes ii) Ilina-i-ka-Ah- in- of i, who, Mem, purifies tlie Mood mid of color, which, brightened up by all the people, and so was broken that alter the earlier poinds of the world's creases vitality. We me so sure nei nii-.i-l run reurcci uj nor covered the kapu of great or iimiupu, History, reckon in every in tliat it will Hive in all sun, shows breach or hollow the "Wi" lurcaie. Here, attended only by stance by cycles luisi-liv- e great of time in ca-.e- s we sell it n I Tor-ne- e. tlmt iiudir with a tangle of vine and the star famine. her handmaidens pursuing her I Mr. 'ml Plorro.who resides at Houtli gimrniilic. Your inoiiev li.ick the determination of ago for the il"1ilili, So, Aii.lralli,itvinlii thin lot. if it fails like crest of the Ti, such arc ihe And this was the divine com- favorite relaxation of weaving kapa many products of volcanic 'energy j I: r Willi Ills ihitii;r.iili! " I or I liavn Imhti n. Imuniliuy mats, her first intimation of pend- foi in- fotnn jenrs llalai Hills that stand out like mand: "Oo you and hollow out scattered about us, while the riilcr cm noinn or tlm fur iiortlirrn slicpp nml ing danger showed itself in the ris- finite past is but as a and r rli h itloiis, I li hi n.crn ntticks of In- - sentinels overlooking the plains be- the "pun kui" or makai hill nnd Hi" si ion, nullity lilimil would i(trn(;i't very HiLO DRUG ing waters of the Wailuku, flooding all eternity but as the morrow in the I .1 1110 My Kkln Mould In) entered with low, amid which, nlmost buried prepare and heat a big Imii in ti." the floors of her cave. In vain liiiili lies, nnd my ceiifrM health greatly af-l.- 'i speculations and measurements of ( d. ttlii'iiotiT themi atlarks ould conm CO., 1 LIMITED beneath it's green arcades of soft So the cone was hollowed out and were her efforts lo keep dry her the man of science who finds ihe I would roeurii Aor' SirsiparilK anil tJr L. SHAW, - Manaouu Arr'x I'llU. I nlways round tint tlm Rirr- - II. and whispering foliage, is spre.ul a great fire heated in it, but as yet kapas, and as day after day passed decomposing as well as the upbuild- rMb would Tin 1. kly purify my tilood anil with no cessation in the tremendous ing foices of h reu;:theii in) ingestion; whllo thn pills out the gladsome picture of lovely the food had not appenrfd. Hut tnture noting slovlv Mould correct my cunstli.itlou and ullluus-ne- deluge and still the waters rose but nevertheless " - " Hilo. Ilina-i-ka-A- told the priests not uninterniiltenilj in i, higher and higher, for Hina, not the effecting of changes and cover- - to be dismayed and descending into Not long will it be before the open content with the ravages she had ing enormous peiiods of time, yet i herself on red ' sesame of commercial industrial de- the in ti seated the thus far wrought, had ordeied the even to I he layman nnd at his vety YER'S SERUM LIQUOR GO velopment will bring into its peace ho pile of stones ordering them to wicked demon, I.onokaehu, to dam threshholdareoflen brought 10 view ,. cover her tip and await results, up the channel below the fulls, thus most marvelous changes in the ful streets the clang and discord of further endangering her sister's Sarsaparilla ("hoo-inaiiawanui"- structural relations of globe1 be LIMITED ). Hut the people this city life, but still until the end of safety she called on Maui, her effectc by the same forces their great and good during Tlicro arn many Inn Harsanarlllas. time will stand the "l'uu llalai," loved "Akua" son, for assistance. And Maui, Ilo tuiro jiiu (i)t "Ajcr'H. what een to the popul ir mind may j i and loud was their wail as they saw I'repircil ty Dr. C. Ajrcr U. WHOLESALE the play grounds of Hina and .of who was far away on one of the seem but an insignificant interval. J. Co., Lowell, Miu., S. A. ' peaks of Kca, "Kana-kaleonu- i" LIQUOR her seven sons and of Maui, the her covered up even though her Manna called A. It. I.okiiunstiun. For Sale by HILO DRUG COMPANY own commands were such, for much heard the cry. With the DEALERS "Kupua," the greatest of them all. incredible swiftness for which he they feared that she was gone from Complete Stock of I'iiust Table We see not the bioad expanse of was noted, even among the gods, Wines, Whiskies, Gins, them forever. Then for a time Holts. ocean's blue spread out before us, his every step covering a league ol Ilrandius mid Liqueurs. there was silence, but all at once distance, he flew to his mother's or where its silvery thread of surf Sole Agent for there was heard a commotion at rescue, arriving 011 the spot only K line kisses in loving brotherhood PRIMO BEER the "Pali Kai" (sea coast) by to find I.onokaehu, in his wicked the shining sands of Mokuola and glee nnd desire for Ilina-i-ka-Ahi- 's Wholesale House Puuahoa, and Hina-i-ka-W- was the rugged capes of I.cleiwt or destruction, throwing down from Serrao lllock, Shipiunii Street seen emerging from the waters of Telephone No 7 Makihanaloa beyond; lost to view bluffs above boulder after boulder, TOURISTS the bay. And 'to this day at the still damning up the chan- are the verdant fields and the dark further spot where she rose, there bubbles nel. But 110 sooner did Maui spy green belts of trackiess forest, the INVESTORS and through the sand and sea, a beauti- him, then with one mighty bound THE UNSON SALOON fleecy clouds hovering about the he siczed him and with one fling of ful spring ol fresh water known as regal domes and snow capped peaks his mighty arm hurled him fully "Ilina-i-ka-auauwa- i" the spring of SPECULATORS of "I,oa and Kca;" we hear not two leagues away to a place in Always on Hand: the bathing Hiua. which is known as the distant murmur of the "Waia-nuenu- c" NOTIv THK FOLLOWING And now again Hina wended her to this very day. Then BEST BRANDS or song of Alae, Iiwi or Of Wines, I.iiitiots, Iteers way to the hill and gave the com- did Maui grasp the spear that had Oo bird all, all is obliterated from been given him by Ku-ka-i- li Moku, Mixed Drinks a Specialty mand for the uncovering of the the mind, the spirit of the Hills has the god of war, against which noth- Draught and Bottled ituu. Hut little had been removed BARGAI NS taken us captive, we live no longer ing could prevail, for was not its before the savory smell of cooked point a span in length aud had it PRinno and in the present, we behold ourselves provisions so tempted the famished not been dipped in the sacred waters SEATTLE BEER floating back over the trackless in of Po? So with one thrust of it he lOc Per Class in- appetites of the people that their waters of time, until under the hewed out a new channel for Estate eagerness to obtain possession most .III Milt? Il&UlI Khipninii Street fluence of the hour we view again the pent up waters of the Wailuku. Telephone No 7 of the dirt on the makai or sea side a land of romance, of miracles of And so did Maui rescue his & of the hill, was torn away and mother, Hina-i-ka-Ah- i, and still to prowess and of glorious achieve- settled on the plain below. And this very day rush the watcis of G. SERRAO, - Manager ments, in which the ancient Gods FEE SIMPLE: J. as they sat around and ate their fill the Wailuku through the new of Hawaii, with their children, the channel forced open by Maui, while of dog and pig and and pota- feet corner lot on sons of men, held equal share. but the distance of a few rods away lPnS &! 100x250 toes and quaffed great draughts of $tJ,UOU Front street, in heart of city; Again come back the days when it lies the old one, dry, grim and deso- '"Uliuia" that came spouting fourth late, shunned even by the birds can be bought on easy terms; will double in value in jd&fsauBEnsmBi was permitted the "Makaainana," in ever increasing volume from a during the day and haunted by short time. the freeman, to gaze upon the di cleft in the rock in the side of the fierce "puapua lenaleua" (demon vine countenances 01 111s uous, dogs) in the night, aud in its F-V-of Corner lesidcucc lot in Ptiiteo, 75 !E hill by which Hina-i-ka-A- was 'Tifb whose mandates through sacred .shrunken bed the same great kHJfi XISO rcct)0n lua;n strcct. higj, seated. Forgotten were the days P'iJ'v "Kahuna" made the laws of the boulders lay as they were hurled and sightly. of famine and distress, in this their down by Loiiokaehu fioni the bluffs earth, and among the many deities time of pleasure and gladness and above. A choice Reed's Island lot, upon from Hawaiian Olympus WIRELESS who their Hut Maui's task was not yet com- For $800 easy or pay- - all about resounded the voice of quarterly mouth 1' r swayed and .safeguarded the desti- nnd him- 7 plete, once more arming contentment, nnd the jolly cry "Lai incuts. I n nies of men, none were there to out- self he set about to punish the no keia jolly is the Hina-i-ka-U- a, Hiua-i-ka-Ah- la" "oh day," goddess rank the great i, the wicked who OUSK AND LOT, Puueo, good location; house GIVES and that is why the hill is known had fled. Hearing her footsteps on goddess of fire, whose earthly well built; house; and lot for cost of house. as Ha Lai, the "jolly piece" to this the leaves, he pursued anil overtook dwelling place lay in the deep and UNEXCELLED very day. her at a place called llnleuli, in the ACRES, Katunaua, rent for $40.00 per cavern whose yawning pIVH endless flat of Kukuaii, and seizing her for seventy-fiv- e 1 ihitjcven in the Hawaiian Olym- annum, per cent of the mort- mouth gapes from under the falls with his left hand, his right bearing SERVICE pus of old the pendulum swayed gage;, cleared aud ready for planting cane; owner re- of the "Waianiienuc," it's portals the spear, carried her down into forward and backward between the moving to Honolulu reason for selling. guarded by her favorite son "Man," Kealakomo, near the southern end good and evil, and as Hina-i-ka-Wa- i's of Puna, where there was an im- the great "Kupua," the bravest It is said no fee simple property can be bought in name stands out uuforgotteii mense deep pit. Prompt warrior of all the isles. And this Here, with his spear, he exca- Hilo, but the above are actually for sale. through the ages as that of a savior is the "moolelo" or story: vated an "iniu," and buried her and benefactress to Hawaiiaus ol with ktikui leaves. So ended It had been a season of great the old, analagous to the spirit of good, great "hoilo," the fierce rain of Delivery and of long protracted famine and so do we find its antithesis recorded Hilo. LEASEHOLDS: and from Upolu "Ilina-i-ka-Ua- " drought Iae (North even in those far distant days when To this day still Ka (South Point), remains imprisoned in the deep pit, Look at these leases for sale also. If you have Point), to the gods were young and mingled Accuracy wail of while mist aud fog arise from within any 11101103' at till I can show you how to flop it over t there was heard but the the amid the lives and affairs of those Hi and the famine stricken. to hover around the mouth, even and everybody will make something. The experience distressed into whose nostrils they had breath- though all around is clear nnd the f Guaranteed fasted of every man who has ever bought anything since the had the "Kahunas" ed the life giving spark. And sky is cloudless, but to those living and prayed that they might success- in neighborhood, earn first crusade teaches us that now is'thc time to- - invest Ilina-i-ka-U- a it was who stood for that who l'OR HATI'.S, W.ANKS. lvTC. fully cope and wrestle with the evil their living by the manufacture of in Ililo real estate. TO the spirit of evil. Al'l'I.Y spirits that were destroying the salt, it is a sure sign of coming rain LOOK AT lor Hina-i-ka-A- hi had a sister THIS! k. laud, before the good "Kiuiakuas" when fog arises Irom the tree tops E. E. RICHARDS named Ilina-i-ka-U- a, the Goddess that .surround the place, and all A 68 promised their friendly inter- LEASK of 57 x feet, corner of Bridge and King finally of the rain nnd water, who gave hasten to cover up or otherwise cnie Af.l'.NT INTKR-ISI.AN'- TKMi-OKAl'- streets, Hilo, $12.00 per month for vention. Many had been the sacri- for their salt and to at twelve CO , IIII.O way to the baser passions of envy vats protect i 1 themselves Irom the coming years;'' business proper 13", can be made to return $60.00 fices and long and wearisome the storm. and malice on hearing of her sister's per month; for sale so cheap is Ilina-i-ka-A- hi The third hill, "Ptttto Kainalii," that the price withheld kapu, before listened k great success, and bethought her- was so named because it was from the public only bona fide will be to the pleadings of the Kiuiakuas the inquirers given self to do likewise. So she oidered favorite resort of the children, who particulars. i PLANTE LNE mingled with the prayers of the the middle hill to be hollowed out coasted down iis grassy slopes on RS' YEARS' LEASE of income-bearin- g priests and the multitude. And and an Itnu prepared just as her their "holuas," or cocoanut leaf' JCIVE propert3' -- 01?- sleds. on mauka side of Front then it was that the great kapu was sister had done. Her commands street; buildings and Such, in brief, is the "moolelo" lease, $1200; will pay for itself in before proclaimed and the "I.cliulehu," ' rents long SAILING having been executed, she prepared or legend of the three hills, VESSELS (people) locked themselves in their "Na expiration of lease. thither with her husband, nnd both Pun llalai," a closer study of! Direct Lino between SAN FRANCISCO houses and covered their chickens deceuded into the inui and were which, divesting the story of its 13 years' lease of business AND H1L0. and pigs under calabashes so that 1 covered up. Now the priests and mythical aud supei natural accom- For $ vvv nronertv at Wamko.'i. with a Hurl. St. L'lillmriiit), Capt- - Saunders was silence in the lane save paniment, carries us back to the there the people, after waiting for a long buildings costing $1,750, at $25 per year ground lliirk Amy Turner, Capt. Wnrland of await- volcanic or formation period of the rent, for the chatting the priest $.1.0 .Mail li 11 Capt. time, became restless and proceeded cones. paying per mouth. Hark Uniis, McAllmnn ing the divine communication. t iree to open up the inui, Hut after dig-in- g Surroundesl on all sides by mar- QUICK DISPATCH Then were people rewarded for Tourists coming to town inquire for property; if the deeply down and opening up velous manifestations of the foices I'or freight and pnssngo apply to unquestioning faith in you have any to sell, list it now; it costs you nothing their the the cone to the very botton, as the of naliire, segregated for untold Iliua-i-ka-A- to advertise if it is a WRLCII & CO., Agents, San Francisco goodness of hi who now centuries from all comiutiuicalion good thing. hill now appears, they found noth- C. HIUiWKR & CO., Ltd., Agents, as a "Kahoaka" or spirit, appear nllying thcni with kindred of remote Honolulu, or ing but the icincrated remains of antiquity, it is not stiange that the J. U. SMITH, Agent, befoi e the kahunasand the prophets, Hiua and her husband, weird and incomprehensible and while should Telephone 129. Pitman and Waianuenuc Streets. H. Hackfeld &Co., Ltd. making known her will, which was the Kahuiiasehanted tlie"kaniknu" in time become clothed with Un AUUNT.S, 1I1J,U. immediately conveyed to the or dirge aud the high priests supernatural, or that the grand and iaxxjsujsmmjmmammmmmmm

"ow ' rtwi.'i ..., A-- rT-r'- - a ntMOMMU JwMM'Mt' ' ' dw .... ""-'- " -- ' 'i ''!" nxiii iluyuiic " ii.' , -, "'' '" ' t n ..! jV--'s- .' mr - , ,?&. ""t? ti ".&,.,