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Hiwieai) Fljapatlji Idissioi) DAY MISSION R E PO R TX <, OF Tl)<? Hiwieai) fljapatlji iDissioi) IW. EDITED J3Y /A 155 AOULTON. ßö6Hcl 1JK1KTLI) BY THE SCOTTISH MiSSJOX INDUSTRIES Coili'ANY, LlMtTKU. fibtttedtiagär : P u b l i s h e d b y t h e A m u u c a x M a k a t h i M is s io n . W om an'B Hospital and lliniiialow. Alinic(Iri;i^,ir. ‘ Jesus saith unto them, £ Come and ye shall see. ’ ” For a great door and effectual is opened unto me, and there are many adversaries ” CONTENTS. I. STATIONS AND DISTRICTS. Pages. Pages. A hmednagah - 12-28 Satara - - 63-67 Bombay - - 5-12 Sholapur - 48-62 .Teur - 32-34 SlRUR - - 44-48 Kolgaon - 30-31 V adala - - - 34-40 Parner 28-80 Wax - - 67-71 Rahuri - - 41-44 II. BY MISSIONARIES. Rev. and Mrs. Abbott, 4,5. Mrs. G. W. Harding, 4, 48, 62. Dr. and Mrs. Ballantine, 42, 43, Miss Harding, 48, 61, 62. 44. Rev. and Mrs. Hazen, 1, 48, 53, Dr. and Mrs. Beals, 48, 58, 59, 54, 56, 57, 58. 62. Rev. E. S. Hume, 4, 5. Miss Bisseil, 12, 24, 25. Rev. and Mrs. R. A.. Hume, 12, Rev. and Mrs. Bissell, 4, 12, 16, 14, 15, 16, 17, 22, 23, 24, 28, 19, 30. 30. Miss Bruce, 4, 64. Rev. and Mrs. R. E. Hume, 4,12. Rev. and Mrs. Bruce, 4, 64, 65, Miss Hume, M.D., 12, 23,27,28. 66. Rev. and Mrs. Hunsberger, 5, 6, Mr. and Mrs. Burr, 4, 34. 8, 9. Miss Campbell, 4, 27, 28. Rev. and Dr. Karmarkar, 2, 5,6, Mr. and Mrs. Churchill, 4, 12, 10,11, 12. 20, 21, 22, 24. Dr. P. B. Keskar, 48, 56. Rev. and Mrs. Clark, 12, 34, 39, Rev. and Mrs. Lee, 67, 68, 70. 40, 72. Miss Millard, 5, 9, 10. Rev. and Mrs. E. Fairbank, 2, Miss Moulton, 12, 32, 34, 12, 20, 34, 36, 37, 38, 39. Miss Nugent, 4. Rev. H. Fairbank, 3, 17, 18, 19, i Mr. and Mrs. Peacock, 48, 59. 34. Miss Reeve, 5, 6, 8, 9. Miss Fowler, 48, 60, 61. Mrs. Sibley, 67, 70, 71. Rev. and Mrs. Gates, 48, 50, 51, I Rev. and Mrs. Smith, 5, 6, 11, 52, 53, 72. ! 12,20. Miss Gates, 12, 27. i Miss Stephenson, m.d, 12, 27, 28. Miss Gordon, 12, 25, 26. Rev. N. V. Tilak, 2. 16. ^ Miss Grieve, M. D., 4, 64, 65, 66, Miss Viles, 4. • r 67. Mr. David Win nor. 44. Mrs. C. Hacding, 4, 12, i Mrs. Winsor, 44, 46, 47, 48, iv. CONTENTS. III. BY TOPICS. A cknowledgements , 73-76. Normal School, 17, 18, 19, C h r is t ia n E n d e a v o r , 6, 20, 34. 26, 27, 40, 43, 46, 52, 53, 5.7, Theological Seminary, 15 61, 62. 16, 30. C h r is t ia n L it e r a t u r e , 2, 25, Introduction, 1, 2, 3. 58. 1 I n d u s t r ia l W o r k , 9,10, 20, 21, C h u r c h e s , 2, 3, 6,14,15,19, 26, 22, 25, 46, 58, 59. 30, 37, 38, 40, 44, 46, 48, 53, ! L ist of M issionaries , v , vi, vii. 64. | M e d ic a l W o r k . E vangelistic W o r k , 6, 10, 11, | For Men, 44, 58, 59. 32. 50. ! For Women, 27, 28, 65, 66. E d u c a t io n : — N a t io n a l M is s io n a r y S o ciety, Arts and Crafts, 9. 3, 15, 19, 23. Blind Schools, 9, 46. | P e r s o n a l N ote s, 4, 5, 72. Boarding Schools for Bov«, | Plague, 1, 67, 68. 6, 40, 42, 46, 54, 56, 57, j Political Unrest, 3. 64, 68. ! S tat ist ic s , 78-82. Boarding Schools for Girls, ! S u n d a y S c h o o ls, 6, 10, 20, 26, 25, 26, 27, 40, 42, 47, 60, ! 40, 54. 61,"64, 68. I W o r k for W o m e n , Common Schools, 10, 24, 25, Bible Women, 22, 23, 43, 47, 34, 36, 37, 30, 47, 51, 52, | 51, 65, 66. 62,68,70. Bible Woman’s Train i n g High School, Ahmednagar, Class, 24. 20. Widow;s Home, 23, 24, 47, High School, Bombay, 8. 71. Kindergarten, 42, 61, 62 ^ Zenana Work, 11, 12. Lace School, 27. IV. LIST OF MAPS. General Map to foilotr- vii 1 Rahuri District - - - 41 Ahmednagar City 13 i Satara District - - - 63 Bombay City 7 Sholapur City - - - 55 Jeur District 33 Sholapur District - 49 Kolgaon District- 31 Sirur District - 45 Parner District 29 ! Yadala District - 35 Wai District, 69. Principal Work and Addresses of Missionaries. M is s io n a r y . W o r k . A d p r e s s. Rev. J. E. Abbott, d .d .... On furlough Mrs. J. E. Abbott » n Rev. W. 0. Ballantine, Charge Rahuri field Rahuri. M.D. Mrs. W. 0. Ballantine... Girl’s School and Bible- Rahuri. women Lester H. Beals, b .a .,m .d . Medical Work Sholapur. Mrs. L. H. Beals, b .a .,m .d . Miss Emily R. Biasell ... Editor “Balbodhmewa,” ; Ahmednagar. Charge Three Hindu Gii’ls’ Schools and some Industrial Workers. Rev. H. G. Bissell, Charge Kolgaon District ; Ahmednagar, M.A., B.P. Evangelistic Work; Instructor in Theolo­ gical Seminary. Mrs. H. G. Bissell, b.l. ... Miss Clara H. Bruce ... Studying language Satara. Rev. H. J. Bruce, b.a. ... Charge Satara field Mrs. H. J. Bruce Biblewomen and Station School. Chas. H. Burr, m .a . Studying language Vadala ria Vam- bori. Mrs. C. H. Burr, b.a. ... )> >9 >5 Rev. A.H. Clark, m.a.,b.d. Principal Normal School. Ahmednagar. Mrs. A. H. Clark, b.a. ... M D. C. Churchill, B.Sc., Industrial Work M.E. Mrs. D. C. Churchill, b .a . Bible women’s Train i n g M Class. Rev. Edward Fairbank, Principal Mission High Ahmednagar. M.A. School Mrs. Edward Fairbank... Charge Boarding Dept. » High School and Orphanage ; Primary School for Boys. Rev. Henry Fairbank, Charge Vadala field Vadala via Vam- B.A., B.D. bori. Miss Esther B. Fowler... Principal W oronoco Sholapur. Girl’s School. Miss Edith Gates, b .a .... Associate Principal Girls’ Ahmednagar. Boarding and Day School. Rev. L. S. Gates, b .a . ... On furlough Mrs. L. S, Gates, >? » vi PRINCIPAL WORK AND ADDRESSER OF MISSIONARIES. M is s io n a r y . W o r k . A p p r k s s . Mies Jean P. Gordon ... Principal Girls5 Boarding Ahmednagar. and Day School. Miss L. H. R. Grieve. On furlough M.D. Mrs. C. Harding Ahmednagar. Mrs. G. W. Harding ... On furlough Miss Mary E. Harding... Charge Josephine Kin­ Sholapur. dergarten and Kinder­ garten Training class. Rev. William Hazen, m.a. Mission Secretary; Editor Sholapur. Dnyanodaya; charge Sholapur fi e 1 d a n d Mogalai ; Prin c i p a 1 Boys’ Boarding School. Mrs. William Hazen ... Supt. Vernacular Station Sch ool and Day Schools. Rev. R. A. Hume, p .p . ... Charge Parner District; Ahmednagar. Principal Theologic a 1 Seminary ; General Work Ahmednagar City. Mrs. R. A. Hume Charge Chapin Home Ahmednagar. and Alice House; Biblewomen; General Work for Christian Women. Rev. R. E. Hume, Ph.D.. Studying language Ahmednagar. Mrs. R. E. Hume Miss Ruth P. Hume, Medical Work M B.A.,M.D. Rev. B. K. Hunsberger, Principal High School... Byculla, Bombay. B.A.,B.D. Mrs. B. K. Hunsberger, Charge Bowker Hall, B.A.,B.D. Supt., School of Arts and Crafts. Rev. Theodore S. Lee, Charge Preachers, Wai, Satara Dint. b.a. Bib 1 e w o m e n and Mrs. Theodore S. Lee, Schools. B.A. M iss Anna L. Millard ... { Byculla,Bombay. Charge Blind School and Miss Mary E. Moulton, Three Hindu Schools. Ahmednagar. B.L. Charge Jeur District ... Miss Belle Nugent Merrill A. Peacock, b.a. On furlough. Sholapur. Mission Treasurer; Mana­ ger Dnyanodaya and Balbodhmewa ; Supt. Industrial School and Day Schools, PRINCIPAL WORK AND ADDRESSES (>F MISSIONARIES, vii M issionary. W ork. A ddress. Mrs. M. A. Peacock Charge Hindu Girl s' Sholapur. School and Eng. classes Kindergarten Traini ng School. Mrs. J. YV. Sibley Charge Bi b l e \v o 111 e n, Wai,Satara Dist. Widow’s Home, Or­ phanage and Village School. Jiov. James Smith, b . a . Evangelistic Work Parel, Bombay. Mrs. James Smith i: ï) Miss M. Eleanor Stephen­ Médical Work Ahmednagar. son, B.XV.,M .D. Miss Elizabeth H. Viles.. Studying language Ahmednagar. Mrs. R. Winsor Charge Sirur field Sirur, Poona Dist. The following are not under appointment as members of the Mission, but are working in association with the missionaries :— Miss E. A. Reeve ... Assistant in High School Bveulla,Bombay. and School of Arts and Crafts. Mr. David Winsor ... Charge of Industrial and Sirur,PoonaDi^t. Boys’ Station School. Report of the American Marathi Mission FOR 1907. S an introduction to his own work, Mr. Hazen lias so well expressed A the aim and hope of the work of the Mission that we have taken the liberty of using it for the introduction to the whole report. “ For the present year, as for the last, an out-standing fact is the interweaving of the spiritual with all our work, of whatever sort.
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