Conference Program

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Conference Program '[ ·~ The 45th Annual Meeting of the !. American Society of T41ec,tr~ ResEiarch :~ 1;, ==• % and tt,e ~· .t Theatlf,;El Library A~sociation '=i:t .. .. '"<':> ~ . ' ;~, ~ . RETHINKIN~ <G..: . THE. REAL ' 4 ;. , .. i t t I . ,;~ ' \ I . .-,1 •i: •· :: ~ ·-,:·h & I J i J:>'•' :i 4 1 I . I F f\ ' 1 Univer~ity of Cal~tJ:wnia, ' San- Di~~o !t November ;15 - 18, 2001 f • . <· ~ University of California, Irvine and University of California, San Diego Joint Plt.D. Program in Theatre and Drama faculty Stephen Barker (Irvine) Ph.D. University of Arizona, Associate Jorge Huerta (San Diego) Ph.D. University of California, Santa Professor: Post-Modem Theatre, lleckett, C-ritical Theory. llarbara,l'rofes.~or, Chancellor's Associate's Chair Ill: U.S. Latina/a Theatre, 'twentieth-Century U.S. Theatre. James Carmody (San Diego) Ph.D. Stanford University, Associate Professor: Moliere and Neoclassical French Theatre, Contemporary Daphne Lei (Irvine) Ph.D. Tufts University, Assistant Professor: French Theatre, Performance Tht.-ory Asian Theatre, Asian American Theatre, Intercultural Theatre, Gender Theory, Performance Theory. Frantisek Deak (San Diego) Ph.D. Carnegie-Mellon, Dean of Arts and Hwnanities: Modern European Theatre, Avant-garde Theatre, David McDonald (Irvine) Ph.D. Stanford University, Associate Performance Theory Professor: Dramatic Theory, Irish Drama, 'lbeatre History, Playwriting. - Marianne McDonald (San Diego). Ph.D. University of California, John Rouse (San Diego) Ph.IJ Stanford Universiry, Associate Professor Irvine, Professor: Classical Theatre and C'..ontemporary Versions of and Head of Doctoral Studies at San Dk·go: Modem and Contemporary the Classics, Ancient Greek, Irish, and Japanese Drama. German and European 'Ibeatre, Critical 'Ibeory. Ann Pellegrini (Irvine) Ph.D. Harvard University, Associate Janet LevarieSmarr (San Diego) Ph.D. Princeton University, Professor: Professor: 2oth Century American Theatre and Performance, European Renaissance; Tbeory Performance Studies, Queer Theory, Feminist Theory, Cultural Studies, Psychoanalyric Criticism. Robert Weimann (Irvine) Ph.D. Humboldt University (Herlin), l'rofessor Emeritus: Shakespeare, Critical 'Ibeory, Modem German 'Ibearre. Janelle Reinelt (Irvine) Ph.D. Stanford University, Associate Dean: Political Theory and Performance. Bryan Reynolds (Irvine) Ph.D. Harvard University, Associate -.tlteatre.uc• 858·534· I 046 Professor and Head of Doctoral Studies at Irvine: Shakespeare,•,.,..a/ 949·8.24·4806 Renaissance Drama, Critical Theory, Feminist Theory, Performance Theory, Cultural Studies. The 45th Annual Meeting of the American Society for Theatre Research and the Theatre Library Association November 15-18, 2001 DoubleTree Hotel University of California, San Diego San Diego, California RETHINKING THE REAL Program Committee: Harry Elam, Stanford University, Program Chair Jorge Huerta, University of California, San Diego, Local Arrangements Chair Annemarie Bean, Williams College James Harding, Mary Washington College Michal Kobialka, University of Minnesota Sonja Kuftinec, University of Minnesota Alice Rayner, Stanford University Janelle Reinelt, University of California, Irvine Catherine Schu1er, University of Maryland, College Park Adam Versenyi, University ofNorth Carolina Marti Lomonoco, Fairfield University, TLA Representative A constant and consistent element in theatrical theory and practice, is the issue of what constitutes the real. What is "real" is a question that is repeatedly reconsidered in theater history as well as dramatic criticism and that figures as subject matter in works from Shakespeare through Pirandello to Suzan­ Loci Parks. What is real and how do theater and performance represent or negotiate the real? What is the relationship of the real to reproduction? How has the advent of technology impacted on our concepts of the real? (Pictured on Cover Page: sketches of subatomic particle paths in a bubble chamber) ASTR 2001 Special Events Keynote Speaker: Luis Valdez, Founder and Artistic Director ofEl Teatro Campesino Thursday November 15 at 4:30pm, Grand Ballroom V Modern Drama Editorial Advisory Board reception Thursday, November 15 from 5:30pm- 7:00pm, Club Max Book "Gifting" in Honor ofMichael Quinn, Thursday, November 15 from 6:00pm-10:00pm, Santa Barbara UCSD/UCI Joint Doctoral Reception, Friday, November 16 from 5:30pm-7:30pm, Grand Ballroom I - IV Awards Luncheon, Saturday November 17 from 11:30am-12:45pm, Grand Ballroom I- IV President's Reception for Young Scholars, Saturday, November 17 from 5:30pm-7:30pm, Presidential Suite Panel on the State of Publishing in the Profession with the editors of Theatre Survey, Theatre Journal, Theatre Topics, Modern Drama, University of Michigan Press and Cambridge University Press, Sunday, November 18 at 9:00am, Grand Ballroom I, II, and III Thursday, November 15, 2001 9:00am-2:00pm ASTR Executive Committee Meeting (Continental breakfast at Sonoma II 8:30am) 10:00am-5:00pm Registration South Foyer 12:00pm-5 :OOpm Book Exhibit West Foyer 3:00pm-4:30pm 1st Plenary Session: "Technologies of Multiple Grand Ballroom V Realities" Janelle Reinelt, University of California, Irvine, Chair Bruce McConachie, University of Pittsburgh, "The Reality Effects of Radio on the Postwar American Theater" Katherine Mezur, University of California, Santa Barbara, "Real­ ing/Cold Burn: Burning Men, Standing Women, and Floating Landscapes" Elinor Fuchs, Yale University, "Re-opening the Question of Metatheatre" 2 4:30pm-5:30pm Keynote Address: Luis Valdez Founder and Artistic Grand Ballroom V Director ofEl Teatro Campesino. Generously underwritten by Professor Barbara Grossman and her husband, Steve. 5:30pm-7:OOpm A wine-and-cheese reception hosted by Modern Drama to launch Club Max two special issues "defining the field," and to introduce its new editorial team and vision. All welcome. 6:00pm- l O:OOpm Book "Gifting" in Honor of Michael Quinn Santa Barbara 6:30pm-6:45pm Load-in for shuttle to La Jolla Playhouse' s production of Dracula Main Entrance Friday, November 16, 2001 8:00am-4:00pm Registration South Foyer 7:30am- 8:30am Refreshments West Foyer 8:00am-5:00pm Book Exhibit West Foyer 8:30am- 10:00am 2nd Plenary Session: "Ethics of Producing the Real" Grand Ballroom V Alice Rayner, Stanford University, Chair David Krasner, Yale University, "The Real and the Folk: Alain Locke and African American Dramatic Theory" Haiping Yan, University of Colorado, Boulder, "Rhythms ofthe 'Unreal' : Theatricality in Chinese Aesthetics and the Living Specters of History" Maria Papanikolaou, Texas A&M University, '"Woman' and the Creation of Theatrical Reality: The Rhetoric of Acting Advice" 10:15am- 11:45am 3rd Plenary Session: "Staging Racial Realities" Grand Ballroom V Jorge Huerta, University of California, San Diego, Chair Heather Nathans, University ofMarylandjllld Jennifer Stiles, Tufts University, "No Smoke Without Fire: Shifting Realities of Cultural Identification and Stereotypes" Shannon Steen, Northwestern University, "Realizing 'Race,' Realizing 'Nation' : Black Atlantic Negotiations of Asia in The Swing Mikado" Edward Ziter, New York University, "The Racial 'Real' in Romantic Theatre" 3 !1:45am-1:15pm Lunch Break 1:15pm- 2:45pm 4th Plenary Session: TLA Panel, "Performance Bytes: Grand Ballroom V New Realities of Digital Research and Documentation" Pamela Bloom, New York University, Chair Franklin J. Hildy, University of Maryland, College Park, "New Technology and the Explication of Theatre History" Karen Brazell and Ann Ferguson, Cornell University, "Performance Research From Your Desktop: The Glo~ Performin ..Arts and Resource Centers" Anne Van Camp, Research Libraries Group, Mountain View, CA, "New Strategies for Research in the Performing Arts" 3:15pm-5:15pm First Seminar Sessions Grand Ballroom VI SEMINAR 1: "Realist Shakespeare" Daniel J. Watermeier, University of Toledo and Felica Londre, University of Missouri-Kansas City, Co-Chairs Kim Axline, SUNY-Binghamton, "The Erosion of the Real: Russian Hamlets at the Close of the Millennium" Paul Backer, University of Southern California, "Seeing Shakespeare Sideways: The Tempest, Meta-Reality and Quantum Reality" Susan L. Carlson, Iowa State University, "Politicizing Harley Granville-Barker: Suffrage Reality and Savoy Practice" Glenda E. Gill, Michigan Technological University, '"My Soul Looks Back and Wonders, Lord, How I Got Over': The 1982 Realistic Portrayal of Othello by James Earl Jones on Broadway" Gretchen Icenogle, University of California, Santa Barbara, "Meaty Performances, or The Ham in Hamlet" Michael L. Mauldin, Southwest Missouri State University, "Edwin Booth, Nietzsche, and Redemption of the 'Real'" Johanna Schmitz, University of California, Davis, "Re-Thinking Reconstruction: Shakespeare's Globe as 'real,' not 'authentic"' Richard Schoch, Queen Mary, University of London, "Altering Hamlet" August W. Staub, University of Georgia, "Shakespeare and the 'Reality Enthymeme': As You Like It Inter-structed, Macbeth in Scottish Brogue, and Measure for Measure as Punk Rock and Wild Western" Michelle Sullivan, University ofPittsburgh, "The Idealized Realism of Julia Marlowe" 4 Andrew W. White, University of Maryland, College Park, "Shakespeare, Thou Art Translated! A Call for Shakespeare in Modem Poetic English" Grand Ballroom VII SEMINAR 2: "Performing History, Re-Membering the Real" Diana Paulin, Yale University, David Roman, University of Southern California and Karen Shimakawa, University of California, Davis, Co-Chairs Elaine Aston, Lancaster
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