E38 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — Extensions of Remarks January 12, 2016 Mr. DeBlass has used his expertise to CONGRATULATIONS TO THE ment financing, increased global health invest- produce his own world champion students. He PERNER FAMILY ments, efforts to combat international tuber- has created a legacy of martial arts success in culosis, implementation of the President’s Ma- his community and has given young athletes HON. laria Initiative, and the establishment of an the opportunity to develop and excel. OF HIV/AIDS Working Capital Fund. These are Mr. Speaker, the people of New Jersey’s IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES just some of the higher-profile issues to which Third Congressional District are tremendously Ms. Bennett contributed considerable experi- proud to have Mr. Tom DeBlass as an in- Tuesday, January 12, 2016 ence and expertise. volved member of their community. It is my Mr. HURD of Texas. Mr. Speaker, I rise Barbara’s efforts have not only benefited re- honor to recognize both his personal athletic today to congratulate Melissa Williams Perner cipients of USAID’s investments abroad, but accomplishments and his lasting contributions and Paul Christian Perner IV of Ozona, Texas generations of our Nation’s international devel- to our community before the United State on the birth of their first-born son, Paul Chris- opment leaders have profited from her guid- House of Representatives. tian Perner V. He was born on Thursday, De- ance and mentorship. f cember 24th, 2015, at 10:47 PM Central Time, I urge my colleagues to join me in com- just in time to give his parents the best Christ- HONORING MAJOR GENERAL mending Barbara for her service as she pur- mas present they could ever ask for. He was JAMES MONTGOMERY BREEDLOVE sues new opportunities in this new year. born at the San Angelo Community Medical f Center, weighing 7 pounds, 2 ounces and was HON. RANDY NEUGEBAUER 20 inches long. His proud grandparents in- A TRIBUTE TO VIOLET ANTISDEL OF TEXAS clude Ginger and Paul Christian Perner III and IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES Allen and Susan Williams, who also live in HON. DAVID YOUNG Tuesday, January 12, 2016 Ozona. This new addition to the Perner family OF IOWA Mr. NEUGEBAUER. Mr. Speaker, I rise is sure to be a blessing to the entire Ozona, IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES today to honor the life and sacrifice of Major Texas community. On behalf of the 23rd Con- Tuesday, January 12, 2016 General James Montgomery Breedlove, who gressional District of Texas, congratulations to passed away on January 9, 2016 in Lubbock, Melissa and Paul Perner. Mr. YOUNG of Iowa. Mr. Speaker, I rise Texas at the age of 93. f today to recognize Violet Antisdel on the cele- General Breedlove was a true American bration of her 102nd birthday. Violet cele- hero who dedicated his life to serving our na- HONORING BARBARA A. BENNETT brated her birthday on December 24, 2015 in tion. Upon graduating from the U.S. Military ON HER RETIREMENT FROM Creston, Iowa. Academy at West Point, N.Y., General FEDERAL SERVICE AFTER 45 Our world has changed a great deal during Breedlove attended pilot training at Randolph YEARS the course of Violet’s life. Since her birth, we Air Force Base, Texas. After completing pilot have revolutionized air travel and walked on training in 1948, General Breedlove married HON. NITA M. LOWEY the moon. We have invented the television, his wife Mary Ann Gossett. OF NEW YORK cellular phones, and the internet. We have General Breedlove’s service in the Air Force IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES fought in wars overseas, seen the rise and fall of Soviet communism, and witnessed the birth took him all across the , as well Tuesday, January 12, 2016 as to England, Germany, Korea, Thailand, and of new democracies. Violet has lived through the Canal Zone. Mrs. LOWEY. Mr. Speaker, I rise today to seventeen United States Presidents and twen- In 1951, during the Korean War, General honor a tireless civil servant and a true Amer- ty-one Governors of Iowa. In her lifetime, the Breedlove flew 39 combat missions and ican patriot, Ms. Barbara A. Bennett of Vir- population of the United States has more than served with the 601st Aircraft Control and ginia. tripled. Warning Squadron at Kimpo as a controller. Barbara retired on December 31, 2015, after Mr. Speaker, it is an honor to represent Vio- General Breedlove went on to graduate from 45 years of Federal service. Most recently, let in the and it is my the Imperial Defence College in London, and Barbara served as Director of the Office of pleasure to wish her a very happy 102nd birth- in 1969, assumed command of the 388th Tac- Legislative Affairs at the U.S. Agency for Inter- day. I ask that my colleagues in the United tical Fighter Wing at Korat Royal Thai Air national Development (USAID). Those of us States House of Representatives join me in Force Base—flying 162 combat missions. who had the opportunity to work with her dur- congratulating Violet for reaching this incred- In 1970, General Breedlove assumed com- ing her long career witnessed first-hand Bar- ible milestone and in wishing her nothing but mand of the 3500th Pilot Training Wing at bara’s vast knowledge of foreign affairs and the best. Reese Air Force Base in Lubbock, Texas. He international development, her understanding f was promoted to Major General on May 1, of the detailed legislative processes, her un- 1973 and assumed command of the U.S. Air paralleled passion for the institution of Con- RECOGNIZING THE 60TH ANNIVER- Forces Southern Command in the Canal Zone gress, and her singular dedication to the mis- SARY OF ORLANDO SCIENCE in 1974. In 1976, when the Tactical Air Com- sion of USAID in uplifting those around the CENTER mand assumed responsibility for USAFSO, he world from extreme poverty. was appointed commander, U.S. Air Force Arriving at USAID as a recent graduate of HON. DANIEL WEBSTER Southern Air Division of the Tactical Air Com- the College of Mary Washington in the fall of OF FLORIDA mand and deputy commander in chief, U.S. 1970, Barbara steadily rose through the ranks IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES during her first 15 years at USAID while work- Southern Command. Tuesday, January 12, 2016 General Breedlove’s military decorations ing on procurement, financial management, and awards include the Legion of Merit with and management support in the Office of the Mr. WEBSTER of Florida. Mr. Speaker, I am oak leaf cluster, Distinguished Flying Cross, Deputy Administrator. pleased to recognize Orlando Science Center Bronze Star Medal, Air Medal with nine oak In 1985, Barbara came to Capitol Hill to as it celebrates 60 years. leaf clusters, Air Force Commendation Medal work for my former colleague David Obey (D– Orlando Science Center has undergone with oak leaf cluster, Distinguished Unit Cita- WI) during his tenure as Chairman of the many transformations over the past 60 years. tion Emblem, Air Force Outstanding Unit House Appropriations Committee’s Sub- In 1955, the Central Florida Museum, the Award Ribbon with oak leaf cluster, Republic committee on State-Foreign Operations. In original namesake of the Orlando Science of Korea Presidential Unit Citation Ribbon, and 1988, Barbara returned to USAID and joined Center, was officially chartered. The ‘‘museum the Royal Thai Supreme Command Forward the Bureau for Legislative Affairs, where she without walls’’ borrowed spaces in bank lob- Master Badge. served for 27 years prior to her retirement as bies, clubs, and the public library to host ex- General Breedlove leaves behind a proud Office Director. hibits. Interest in the museum grew after the and distinguished legacy of military service. Barbara has left an indelible impression on arrival of the Glenn L. Martin Company, now His life’s work has made America a safer and both the programmatic and management known as Lockheed Martin, sparking the Cen- stronger nation for generations to come. I ask realms of USAID as well as the broader for- tral Florida community’s interest in science all of my colleagues in the House of Rep- eign affairs interagency collaborative process. and technology. resentatives to join me in honoring and re- Barbara’s hard work is evident in the Agency’s On July 2, 1960, the museum opened the membering the life of this American patriot. adoption of innovative approaches to develop- first planetarium in Florida. The planetarium

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