21 bus time schedule & line map

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The 21 bus line (Lerwick - Hillswick) has 3 routes. For regular weekdays, their operation hours are: (1) : 7:33 AM (2) Hillswick: 9:00 AM - 5:15 PM (3) Lerwick: 10:15 AM - 3:20 PM Use the Moovit App to nd the closest 21 bus station near you and nd out when is the next 21 bus arriving.

Direction: Brae 21 bus Time Schedule 19 stops Brae Route Timetable: VIEW LINE SCHEDULE Sunday Not Operational

Monday 7:33 AM Post Oce, Hillswick A970, Tuesday 7:33 AM

Road End, Stucca Wednesday 7:33 AM

Junction, Hillswick Thursday 7:33 AM Friday 7:33 AM Primary School, Urarth Saturday 7:33 AM Village, Urarth

Road End, Olnesrth

Road End, Orbister 21 bus Info Direction: Brae Junction, Orbister Stops: 19 Trip Duration: 20 min Road End, Hamar Line Summary: Post Oce, Hillswick, Road End, Stucca, Junction, Hillswick, Primary School, Urarth, Village, Urarth, Road End, Olnesrth, Road End, Road End, Enisrth Orbister, North Roe Junction, Orbister, Road End, Hamar, Road End, Enisrth, Road End, , Road Road End, Sullom End, Mangaster, Road End, Islesburgh, , Brae, Junction, Brae, Greenhoulls Park, Road End, Mangaster Brae, Post Oce, Brae, Burgadale, Brae, Housaquoy, Brae Road End, Islesburgh

Mavis Grind, Brae

Muckle Roe Junction, Brae

Greenhoulls Park, Brae Greenhoulls Park, Scotland

Post Oce, Brae

Burgadale, Brae

Housaquoy, Brae Housaquoy, Scotland Direction: Hillswick 21 bus Time Schedule 54 stops Hillswick Route Timetable: VIEW LINE SCHEDULE Sunday Not Operational

Monday 9:00 AM - 5:15 PM Viking Bus Station, Lerwick Tuesday 9:00 AM - 5:15 PM Harbour Street, Lerwick Commercial Street, Lerwick Wednesday 9:00 AM - 5:15 PM

Esplanade, Lerwick Thursday 9:00 AM - 5:15 PM Charlotte Place, Lerwick Friday 9:00 AM - 5:15 PM

Annsbrae Gardens, Lerwick Saturday 9:00 AM - 5:15 PM Annsbrae Place, Scotland

Isleburgh House, Lerwick

King Harald Street, Lerwick 21 bus Info King Harald Street, Lerwick Direction: Hillswick Stops: 54 Toll Clock Shopping Centre, Lerwick Trip Duration: 67 min North Road, Lerwick Line Summary: Viking Bus Station, Lerwick, Harbour Street, Lerwick, Esplanade, Lerwick, Annsbrae Hotel, Lerwick Gardens, Lerwick, Isleburgh House, Lerwick, King Harald Street, Lerwick, Toll Clock Shopping Centre, Port Business Park, Lerwick Lerwick, Shetland Hotel, Lerwick, Port Business Park, Lerwick, Junction, Bridge Of Fitch, Crossroads, Junction, Bridge Of Fitch Tingwall, Gott Farm, Tingwall, Hall, Tingwall, Califf Rd End, Tingwall, Laxrth South Rd End, Tingwall, Crossroads, Tingwall Linkster Rd End, Laxrth, North Road End, Laxrth, Road End, Wadbister, Junction, Girlsta, Brunt Gott Farm, Tingwall Hamarsland Rd End, Girlsta, Junction, South Nesting, Road End, Weisdale, Road End, Hall, Tingwall Junction, Lower Voe Junction, Voe, Junction, Voe, The Anchorage, Voe, Olna Rd End, Voe, Foulawick Rd End, Brae, Wethersta Rd End, Brae, Sparl Rd End, Califf Rd End, Tingwall Brae, Burravoe Rd End, Brae, Youth Centre, Brae, Grindahoul, Brae, Leisure Centre, Brae, Burgadale, Laxrth South Rd End, Tingwall Brae, Housaquoy, Brae, Leisure Centre, Brae, Post Oce, Brae, Greenhoulls Park, Brae, Muckle Roe Linkster Rd End, Laxrth Junction, Brae, Mavis Grind, Brae, Road End, Islesburgh, Road End, Mangaster, Road End, Sullom, North Road End, Laxrth Road End, Enisrth, Road End, Hamar, North Roe Junction, Orbister, Road End, Orbister, Road End, Road End, Wadbister Olnesrth, Village, Urarth, Primary School, Urarth, Junction, Hillswick, Road End, Stucca, Post Oce, Junction, Girlsta Hillswick

Brunt Hamarsland Rd End, Girlsta

Junction, South Nesting

Road End, Weisdale

Road End, Vidlin Junction

Lower Voe Junction, Voe Junction, Voe

The Anchorage, Voe

Olna Rd End, Voe

Foulawick Rd End, Brae

Wethersta Rd End, Brae

Sparl Rd End, Brae

Burravoe Rd End, Brae

Youth Centre, Brae

Grindahoul, Brae

Leisure Centre, Brae

Burgadale, Brae

Housaquoy, Brae Housaquoy, Scotland

Leisure Centre, Brae

Post Oce, Brae

Greenhoulls Park, Brae Greenhoulls Park, Scotland

Muckle Roe Junction, Brae

Mavis Grind, Brae

Road End, Islesburgh

Road End, Mangaster

Road End, Sullom

Road End, Enisrth

Road End, Hamar

North Roe Junction, Orbister

Road End, Orbister

Road End, Olnesrth

Village, Urarth

Primary School, Urarth

Junction, Hillswick Road End, Stucca Stucca, Scotland

Post Oce, Hillswick A970, Scotland Direction: Lerwick 21 bus Time Schedule 53 stops Lerwick Route Timetable: VIEW LINE SCHEDULE Sunday Not Operational

Monday 10:15 AM - 3:20 PM Post Oce, Hillswick A970, Scotland Tuesday 10:15 AM - 3:20 PM

Road End, Stucca Wednesday 10:15 AM - 3:20 PM

Junction, Hillswick Thursday 10:15 AM - 3:20 PM Friday 10:15 AM - 3:20 PM Primary School, Urarth Saturday 10:15 AM - 3:20 PM Village, Urarth

Road End, Olnesrth

Road End, Orbister 21 bus Info Direction: Lerwick North Roe Junction, Orbister Stops: 53 Trip Duration: 65 min Line Summary: Post Oce, Hillswick, Road End, Road End, Hamar Stucca, Junction, Hillswick, Primary School, Urarth, Village, Urarth, Road End, Olnesrth, Road End, Road End, Enisrth Orbister, North Roe Junction, Orbister, Road End, Hamar, Road End, Enisrth, Road End, Sullom, Road Road End, Sullom End, Mangaster, Road End, Islesburgh, Mavis Grind, Brae, Muckle Roe Junction, Brae, Greenhoulls Park, Road End, Mangaster Brae, Post Oce, Brae, Burgadale, Brae, Housaquoy, Brae, Leisure Centre, Brae, Grindahoul, Brae, Hall, Road End, Islesburgh Brae, Burravoe Rd End, Brae, Sparl Rd End, Brae, Wethersta Rd End, Brae, Foulawick Rd End, Brae, Mavis Grind, Brae Olna Rd End, Voe, The Anchorage, Voe, Junction, Voe, Lower Voe Junction, Voe, Road End, Vidlin Muckle Roe Junction, Brae Junction, Road End, Weisdale, Junction, South Nesting, Brunt Hamarsland Rd End, Girlsta, Junction, Greenhoulls Park, Brae Girlsta, Road End, Wadbister, North Road End, Greenhoulls Park, Scotland Laxrth, Linkster Rd End, Laxrth, Laxrth South Rd End, Tingwall, Califf Rd End, Tingwall, Hall, Tingwall, Post Oce, Brae Gott Farm, Tingwall, Crossroads, Tingwall, Junction, Bridge Of Fitch, Lower Blackhill, Lerwick, Shetland Burgadale, Brae Hotel, Lerwick, Co-Op, Lerwick, Toll Clock Shopping Centre, Lerwick, Freeeld Road, Lerwick, Isleburgh Housaquoy, Brae House, Lerwick, Annsbrae Gardens, Lerwick, Harrison Square, Lerwick, Viking Bus Station, Housaquoy, Scotland Lerwick Leisure Centre, Brae

Grindahoul, Brae

Hall, Brae

Burravoe Rd End, Brae

Sparl Rd End, Brae

Wethersta Rd End, Brae Foulawick Rd End, Brae

Olna Rd End, Voe

The Anchorage, Voe

Junction, Voe

Lower Voe Junction, Voe

Road End, Vidlin Junction

Road End, Weisdale

Junction, South Nesting

Brunt Hamarsland Rd End, Girlsta

Junction, Girlsta

Road End, Wadbister

North Road End, Laxrth

Linkster Rd End, Laxrth

Laxrth South Rd End, Tingwall

Califf Rd End, Tingwall

Hall, Tingwall The Strand, Scotland

Gott Farm, Tingwall

Crossroads, Tingwall

Junction, Bridge Of Fitch

Lower Blackhill, Lerwick

Shetland Hotel, Lerwick

Co-Op, Lerwick

Toll Clock Shopping Centre, Lerwick North Road, Lerwick

Freeeld Road, Lerwick A969, Lerwick

Isleburgh House, Lerwick Union Street, Lerwick

Annsbrae Gardens, Lerwick Annsbrae Place, Scotland

Harrison Square, Lerwick Harrison Square, Scotland Viking Bus Station, Lerwick 21 bus time schedules and route maps are available in an oine PDF at moovitapp.com. Use the Moovit App to see live bus times, train schedule or Check Live Arrival Times subway schedule, and step-by-step directions for all public transit in Scotland. About Moovit MaaS Solutions Supported Countries Mooviter Community © 2021 Moovit - All Rights Reserved