bcoi, )inic i rends iii Bahrain and Qalai


- 200

4 0 0 -




1985 1986 1987 1988 1989 1990 1991 1904 1985 1986 1987 1988 1989 1990



750 1000


250 750

1985 1986 1987 1988 1989 1990 1991 BAHRAIN: CONSUMER PRICES PER CENT CHANCE ON PREVIOUS YtARk------*

SOO l l l i i i l Iliil II N i l ■ I 250 +

1985 1986 1987 1988 1989 1990 1991 1985 1986 1987 1988 1989 1990 ^991 A . 9 i lie h c o n o r m s l Intelligence Unit

QATAR; RESERVES QATAR: MONEY SUPPIY 1000-r -(t MN; CND o r o U/TBTlRl OR BN; LND Of OUARTI R ■ 18 ------T - - - 1 "


SCO iiii J lIII iiii II

I i l l

1985 1986 1987 1988 1989 1990 1991 1985 1986 1987 1988 1989 1990 1991 o

» Siy

a; g



(rpxLnBrtoyj,) a s N on'iin n i s m v A

A . 11 \^AA _ ^L-oiV' ^ Comparison of Imports and Exports Classifled by Commodity Section 1988

• X if. o c 11

0 I © © B H i Kxport IVK.S

Commodity Sections

Food & l.ivc Aitiriiais (0)

Beverages & Tobacco (1)

Crude Materials. ,UJ1 jijii Inedible Ex. Fuels (2)

Mineral Fuels. Lub. & Related Materials (3)

Animals & Vegetable Oils and Fats (4)


Manufactured Gt)ods Classified \5- Chiefly by Materials (f)) I ijUt .„.v r Machinery & I ransport tquipment (7) J iJ o-i'i

5 Miscellaneous Manufactured Artitlcs (S)

CommixJilies & Tri^nsac^lon^ iu)l I j y i . Classified According to Kind Jt

A . 12 ij -i I c

1975 19 80 1985 1988


A. 13 Political structure OfTtcial name: Kingdom of Le}»al system: based on the sharia (Islamic law); iticrc is mi wriucn cui>siHuu,;ii National lenislatiire: there is no clcctcd legislature. Laws for a noniinaial C'onsult;»\i\ Council were passed in March 1992 Head of state: King Fahd bin Abdcl-Azi/. al-Saud acccdcd June 19X2 National government: Council of Ministers headed by Uie king, who holds ihc post nt prime minister. The Council of Ministers cxercises bo’h legislative and executive powers Main political parties: political parties are not permitted

The C(»uncil of Ministers; Prime minister Fahd bin Abdcl-A/i/ al-Sauil Deputy pripie minister Abdullah bin Abdcl-A/i/ al-Saud Second deputy prime minister, minister of defence & aviation Sultan bin Abdol-A/i/ al-Saud Ministers: agriculture & water Abdel-Rahman Abdel-A/iz Ihissan al-Shaiidi commerce Soliman Abdel-A/i/ Solaini communications Hussain Ibrahim aJ-Mansuri education Abdel-Aziz Abdallah al-Khuwayiir hnance & national economy Mohammed Ali Aba al-Kiiail foreign affairs Saud al-Faisal al-Saud health Faisal Abdel-Aziz al-Hcgclan higher education Khaled bin Mohammci! 1-Angari industry & electricity Abdel-Aziz bin AbdullaJi al-'/;, lil information Ali Hassan al-Shair interior Nayif bin Abdel-Aziz al-Saud justice (acting) Mohammed Ibrahim al-Jubair labour & social affairs Mohammed Ali al-Faycz municipal & rural affairs Mohammed bin Abdel-A/i/ a]-Shaikh oil & mineral resources Hisham Mohieddin Na/er pilgrimage affairs & religious trusts Abdel-Wahab Abdel-Wa.si planning Abdel-Wahab bin Abdcl-Salain Auar posts, telephones & telegraph Alawi Darwish Kayyal public works & housing Mitib bin Abdel-Aziz al-Saud Ministers of state: Mohammed Ibrahim Massoud Mohammed Abdel-l.aiif a! Milhem Fayez Ibrahim Badr Mohammed bin Ibrahim al-Jubayri Turki bin Khalid al-Sudairi Omar Abdel-Qadir al-Faqih Mohammed bin Abdel-A/i/ /araa

0 !he Iximoinisl liUelligeni.c linn A . 14 Economic structure h ilr\ l (i\'iiil(thlc figures

Macrocconomic indiuilors 19K7 I9KK IVHV 1W 20 1) 21.78 2115 24 ()4 29 55 (’urrcni accoum S bn -9 77 -7.34 -9.23 -4! 1 -16 00 Reserves excl gold $ bn 22.68 20.55 16.75 1167 1167 Oil production mn b/d 3 9H 5 0

Origins of gross domestic product 1909^ Components of gross domestic product 1989 % of total 9e of total Agnculture, forestry & fishing 7.3 Private consumption 46.7 Oil & gas 27.0 Govemmeni consumption 31 1 Manufacturing 8.1 Gross fixed capital formation 19.4 Construction 10.4 Inaease in stocks 2.2 'rr;ide 8.4 iixpons of go(xls & scTviccs 38.0 1: -port & communications 7.4 Imports of goods & services -37.4 Other services 28.4 GDP at market prices 100.0 GUP incl others at market prices ItMt.O

Principal exports 1990 Principal imi<<>rts ! ‘^H) S mn S mn cif {'rude oil 27.832 I'ranspon equipinciu 5.423 Rcllned petroleum 12.296 Consumer gcKxls 4.463 l’clnKhemic;ils and piaslics 2.S36 MachiiKTv \283 Total incl others 44^«3 f-oodsiuffs 3.14! Building maienals 2,811 Total incl others 24.039

Main destinafioas of ev(Mirls 19

‘ I II! cstiiiKiU's ll.iMul nil Saudi lij’iirr'. .iii.- wnU K h 'i m .K u i I i. m in.-li iii.tl lii'iuc l‘i' .iMoii.il ' liu lu'li s iDinu i I •i-'l ( ii'iin.tiiN Im'ui I;:!'.

1 )u‘ J t I wj< •jnr.l )ni« !Ji t'l'iK «• 1 A . 15 Economic Trends in Saudi Arabia



J l 1985 1986 1987 1988 1989 1990 1991 CONSUMER PRICES till -[ t c R CeNT CHANGE ON PReVIOUS YEAR llllllll

2- I Ifil I l i i 1985 1986 1987 1988 1989 1990 1991 1985 1986 1987 1988 1989 1990 1991





1984 1985 1986 1987 1988 1989 1990 MONEY SUPPLY ts-|------1 Ml; PER CEKT CHANGE ON PREVIOUS YEAR]------

-10----- 1-----1-----1-----1---- T---- 1---- 1984 1985 1986 1987 1988 1989 1990 1985 1986 1987 1988 1989 1990 1991


I ^ -160

1984 1985 1986 1987 1988 1989 1990 EXCHANGE RATE V ft/RIYAl; QUARTERLY AVEPAGfS] ■ 0 :S0 \

0 - 0

lyM*) tS8^ 13 '■■''<0 "

The government: last major reshuffle December 1991 Prime minister, minister of defence and minister of foreign affairs Sultan Qaboos bin Said Deputy prime ministers: financial & economic affairs Qays b'm Abd al-Munim al-Zawawi governance of the capital Thuwayni bin Shihab al-Said legal affairs Fahd bin Mahmud al-Said security & defence Fahar bin l^ymur al-Said Ministers: agriculture & fisheries Moharaed bin Abdallah bin Zahir al-Hinai civil service Ahmad bin Abd al-Nabi Makki commerce & industry Maqboul bin Ali bin Sultan communications Salim bin Abdallah al-Ghazali diwan of royal court Saif bin Hamad al-Busaidi education Yahya bin Mahfoudh al-Manthari electricity & water Mohamcd bin Ali al-Qatabi health Ali bin Mohamed bin Musa housing Malik bin Sulayman al-Mamari information Abd al-Aziz Wn Mohamcd al-Ruwas interior Badr bin Saud bin Harib al-Busaidi justice, awqaf & Islamic affairs Hamud bin Abdallah al-Haithi national heritage & culture Faysal bin Ali al-Said palace office affairs Ali bin Majid al-Mamaii petroleum & minerals Said bin Ahmed al-Shanfari posts & telecommunications Ahmad bin Suwaydan al-Bulushi regional municipalities affairs & environment Amir bin Shuwayn al-Hosni social affairs & labour Ahmad bin Mohamed bin Salem al-Isai water resources Hamed bin Said bin Mohamcd al-Aufi Minister of state for foreign afTuirs Yusuf bin Alawi bin Abdallah

A . 18 e The Economist Intelligence Ui Economic structure Onuin Latest available figures

MKroccooomk Indlcaton 19K7 1988 1989 1990 1991* GDP at current prices OR mn 3,003 2,926 3,231 4,084 4,002 Nominal GDP growth % 7.3 -2.6 10.4 26.4 -2.3 Consumer price inflation^ % 2.5‘ 1.6‘ 1.3 10.8 6.0 Population mn mid-year 1.34 1.39 1.45 1.49 1.50 Exports fob* $ bn 3.81 3.34 4.05 5.49 4.80 Imports fob^ $ bn 1.77 2.11 2.13 2^2 2.90 Current Kcount $ mn 784 -309 323 1,095 - Oil production mn b/d 0.57 0,60 0.64 0.68 0.72 Reserves excl gold $ mn 1,402 1,054 1354 1,672 1,712* Total cxiemal debt $ mn 2 ^ 8 2,938 2,975 2.484 2.500 Exchange rate (av) OR per $ 0.385 0,385 0.385 0385 0385' April 13.1992 OR0.385 per $

Origins of gross domestic product 1990 Components of gross domestic product 1990 % of total % of total Oil & gas 50.7 Private consumption 37.5* Agriculture & Ashing 3.1 Govenrnient consumption 28.5 Manufacturing 3.4 Gross fixed capital formation 12.4 Constrtiction 3.1 Exports of goods & sen ’ res 54.0 Transport &. communications 3.3 Imports of goods & ser. iccs -32.4 Wholesale & retail trade lO.'J GDP at market prices 100.0 Real 4.1, Govenimcnt scrviccs 162 Financial & other scrviccs 4.7 Imputed bank charges -2.6 GDP at factor cost inct others m s i

Principal exports 1990 Principal imports 1990 $ mn S mn cif Oil 5,030 Machinery & transport equipment 969 Total incl others 5,487 Manufactured goods 494 Food &. live animals 429 Chemicals 156 Total incl others 2,681

Main destinations of exports 1990 Main origins of imports 1990 % of total % of total Japan 35.0 UK 20.3 South Korea 21.2 UAE" 19.5 Singapore 6.9 Japan \1A USA 5.7 USA 6.7 Taiwan Gcnitany' 5.2

* Esiimaics. ‘ Muscat general consumer pricc index. ‘ M uscai p n c c s o l food, dniit and tobacco, “ Balancc ol payments basis, * End November actual figun;. ' Actual. ‘ Including change in stoclts. ‘ Largely re-exports. ‘ Includes former East Germany from July.

A . 19 6 TKe Eoooomist Inidlisenoe Unit Economic Trends in Oman and Yemen


L';? OMAN CiTl PWOOUCDON YCUCN (N orth * South; fig t no to 2 qtr 1988) 8 S OCPORI



5 0 0

4 0 0




1985 1986 1987 1988 1989 1990 1991 1984 1985 1986 1987 1988 1989 1990



7 0 0 -

6 0 0 J

SOO- -I - 7 0 0 1983 1981 1985 1986 1987 1988 1989 YEMEN (SOUTH): CURRENT ACCOUNT BALANCE *0 0 - {11^ 100

iOO '' ' ■;-r y-

200 , I I i -200 1 \ 1 100 \__ J L - 4 .

■ A.20 The Economisi Intelligence Unit


{ t m N; tN D o r QUA \750

tiO O '




,985 W86 W87 W88 W89 t990 1991

OMAN; OIL EXPORTS \bo OMAN; FOREIGN TRADE -- jl985=ld^---- -(K b MN: QUARTCRLY T O T A I^ t 5 0 0 -




50 0


U . ;d o u *r

A . 21 Political structure Official name: United Arab Emiraics Form of state; federation of seven emirates Legal system; based on provisional constitution of 1971 National legislature; unicamcral federal National Council of 40 appointed members representing the separate emirates. It has a consulutive role only Head of state: the president is elccted from among its number by the Supreme Council of Rulers which is fomied by the hettidliary rulers of the seven states. President Shaikh 2;ayid bin Sultan aJ-Nahayan, ruler of Abu Dhabi, was re-elected for a fifth five year term in October 1991 National government; Council of Ministers led by the prime minister appointed by the Supreme Council of Rulers. Each state is represented by at least one minister, with the senior posts being allocated to the larger emirates. The Council of Ministers initiates legislation for ratification by the Supreme Council of Rulers, which is also the policy making body and meets formally about once a year Main political parties: political parties arc not permitted

The government: Prime minister & vice president Shaikh Ma>. .ouni bin Rashid al-Maktoum Deputy prime minister Shaikh Sultan bin Zayid al-Nahayan Ministers: finance & industry Shaikh Hamdan bin Rashid al-Maktoum defence Shaikh Mohamed bin Rashid al-Maktoum interior Major General Hamouda bin Ali foreign affairs Rashid Abdulla al-Noaimi communications Mohamed Saeed al-Mulla planning Shaikh liumaid al-Mualla Islamic affairs Shaikh Mohamed al-Khazraji electricity & water Humaid al-Oweis economy & commerce Saeed Ghobash agriculture & fisheries Saeed al-Raqbani labour & sodal affairs Saif al-Jarwan information & culture iChalfan al-Roumi education Hamad al-Mudfa higher education Shaikh Nahayan al-Nahayan justice Abdulla bin Omran Tiryam health Ahmed bin Saeed al-Badi petroleum & mineral resources Yousuf bin Omair bin Yousuf public works & housing Rakad bin Salem bin Rakad youth & sports Faisal bin Khalid al-Qasimi Ministers of state: cabinet afTairs Saccd al-Ghaith financial & industrial Ahmed Humaid al-Tayer foreign affairs Shaikh Hamdan bin Zayid al-Nahayan Supreme Council affairs Mohamed bin Saqr al-Qasimi

A . 22 Economic structure Latest available figures

Macroeconomic indicators 19*7 I98« 1989 1990 1991* GDP at cu TTcn t priccs Dh bn 87.3 87.1 101.0 124.0 119.0 Real GDP growth % 3.6 -0.2 10.6 12.0* 7.5 Population mn 1.71 1.76 1.81 1.88 1.94 Expons & re

Origins of gross domestic product 1989 Compooents of gross domestic product 1990 % of total % of total Agriculture 1.7 Private consumption 38.8 Oil & gas 38.4 Government consumption 16.9 Manufacturing 8.5 Gross fixed capital formalion 19.3 Power & water 22 Change in strx-Jcs 1.0 Construction 9.0 Exports of goods & services 64.3 Trade & catering 10.7 Imports of goods 4 services -40.6 Finance, insurance & real estate 5.5 GDP at market prices 100.0 Government services 11.8 Other services (net) 12.2 GDP at factor cost 100.0

Principal exports 1990 Principal imports 1988 $ bn $ bis cif Crude oil 15.00 Consumer goods 4.88 Dubai re-exports 2.07 Capital goods 2.60 Total incl others 21.99 Intamediatc goods 1.04 ToUl 8^2

Main destinations of exports 1990 Main origins of imports 1990 % or total % of total Japan 35.1 Japan 142 Singapore 5.8 UK 9.6 USA 3.7 USA 9.5 South Korea 3.5 Germany* 92 India '2.6 France 52 Oman 2.0 Italy 5.0

* EIU estimaies. ‘ Opec figures. ‘ Opcc estimate. * Actual figure. * Including former East Gcnnany from July.

O The Ecoiiomisl Inlclligcnce Umt A. 23 u,conomic'l'rcnds in the U A E


1985 1986 1987 1988 1989 1990 1991 1984 1985 1986 1987 1988 1989 1990


19Bi W86 ’0‘ • 1988 W«>n A . 24 1 iilL'lligcii Unit


OIL EXPORT PRICES EOREIGN TRADE Political structure OfTidal name: State of (annexed by Iraq in August 1990; rctumaJ to amiri rule in February 1991) Form or state: emirate Head of state: the amir, chosen alternately from two branches of the Al-Sabah family. Currently Shaildi Jabcr al-Ahmed al-Sabah, who succccdcd in 1977 Legal system: based on constitution of 1962, as amended or suspended by amiri • decrcc Legislature: unicamcral National Assembly of 50 members elected for a four year term, with a limited franchise of males of Kuwaiti descent. The assembly has been dissolved twice by amiri decree, in 1976 and 1986. Prior to invasion by Iraq, in 1990 an "interim' National Council with consultative powers only was created by amiri decree Last elections: February 1985 (National Assembly); June 1990 (National Council) Next ejections: scheduled for October 1992 Political groupings: there are no political parties, but unofficial groupings exist, among which the most important are traditional tribal leaders, Islamic fundamentalists and Arab nationalists Executive: exercised by the amir through a Council of Ministers headed by a prime minister who is chosen by the amir after traditional consultations The Coundl of Ministers: reshuffled April 20, 1991 Crown prince & prime nunister Saad Abdallah al-Salim al-Sabah Ministers and ministers of state: deputy prime minister & foreign affairs Salim al-Sabah al-Salim al-Sabah cabinet affairs Dhari Abdallah al-Ulhman commerce & industry Abdallah Hasan al-Jar Allah communications Habib Jawhar al-Hayat defence Aii Sabah al-Salim al-Sabah education Sulaiman Sadun al-Badr electricity & water Ahmed Mohamed Salih al-Adasani finance Nasir Abdallah al-Rudhan higher education Ali Abdallah al-Shamlan bousing Mohamed Abd al-Muhsin al-Asfur information Badr Jasim al-Yaqub interior Ahmed Hammud al-Jabcr al-Sabah Islamic affairs al-Maushaiji Justice Ghazi Ubayd al-Sammar municipal affairs Ibrahim Majid al-Shahin oil Hammud Abdallah al-Ruqbah planning Ahmed Ali al-Jassar public health Abd al-Wahhab Sulaiman al-Fawzan public works Abdallah Yusuf ai-Qatami social affairs & labour Nawaf al-Ahmcd r,!-Jabcr al-Sabah

A . 26 © Th e tciniomisl Inujlligence Utul Economic structure Latest available figures

Macroeconomic indicaton 1987 1988 1989 1990* 1991 GDP at current market prices KD bn 6.15 5.59 6.78 3.85 Real GDP growth % ^.0 3 i 75* U.O Consumer price inflation % 0 ^ 15 3.4 2.0 Population mn (mid year) 1.87 1.% 2.05 2.14 0.60 Exports fob $ bn 822 7.71 11.38 6.58 Imports fob S bn ATI 5.45 553 3.26 Current account $ bn 454 5.03 959 455 -17.0* Reserves excl gold S bn 4.14 1.92 3.10 2.00 3.41 Total external debt S bn 7.98 9.34 10.91 Debt service ratio* % 12.3 13.1 105 ... Average oil production* mn b/d 1.39 152 1.79 2.04 0.19* Exchange rate (av) KD per $ 0.279 0.279 0294 0293 0290* April 16. 1992 KD0295 per $

Origins of gross domcsdc product 1989 CompooeDts of gross domestic product 1989 % oTtoUl %oT total Hydrocarbons sector 40.8 Private consumption 46.6 Manufacturing 14J Govenunent consumption 23.6 Transport & communications 4.0 Gross fixed invesoneni 19.1 Wholesale A retail trade 73 Change in stocks 0.6 Real estate, financial & Exports of goods & services 54.9 business services 11.6 Imports of goods A services ^ . 9 GDP at factor cost incl others lOOX GDP at market priccs lOOi)

Principal exports 1989 Principal imports 1986 $ mn $ mn cif Crude oil & refined products 10,425 Manufactured goods 3J11 Total incl others 1U«3 Industrial raw materials U84 Food A beverages 1,036 Total 5,731

Main destinations of exports 1990' Main origins of imports 1990' % of total % of toul Japan 20.6 Japan 11.6 Netherlands 13.0 USA 11.1 USA 15 Germany* 9.1 Singapore 55 UK 8.5 Pakistan 5 J Italy 62 India 3.4 Saudi Arabia 4.1

‘ Esutnaics. ‘ January-Junc figures only. * Estimates derived from OECD and IMF data, * Including Neutral Zone output * Apnl-Dccembcr. ' Based on partners' trade data prior to August 2 invasion. ‘ Includes former Ra.st Germany from July.

A . 27

t) Ttie Lkimoniivt lnlelli|*tncx- I'ml Econoiilie Trends in Kuwait


1984 19B5 1986 1987 1988 1989 1990 CONSUMER PRICES ------IPER CENT CHANCe ON PRCVIOUS YEARI------r S

82/83 83/84 84/85 85/86 86/87 87/88 88/89 ^ggg ^ggy ,ggg ^ggg ,ggo


MONf.Y ‘■-I M . Ihn DlNAkT,: f Nt) 0( OUAI^TIrI ji h'., I fJt) 01 OUAMIl W‘ . - I • ' 1 fXCHANGt OOi D

1985 1986 1987 1988 1989 1990 1991 MONEY SUPPLY ^M1: PCR CENT CHANGE OH PBEVIOUS YeAR|-

1984 1985 1986 1987 1988 1989 1990 1984 1985 1986 1987 1988 1989 1990

OIL EXPORT PRICES FORQGN TRADE 175 ------1------11385=100[--- —I ------1250

o tcruTtp 91W r « i« HOy|M«L OIL Mlici \ 1 1 1000 1 U5 1 J • ^

750 ! 1 75 500 ^ 1i /

25 4 ^ 250 1985 1986 1987 1988 1989 1990 1991 1983 1984 1985 1986 1987 1988 1989 OIL PRODUCTION EXCHANGE RATI q u a r te r l y a v e r a g e s ^ j i 3 ]^: Vi ■) 1’^ VH, •j, 4 i 4' ^ :3-'" i r ii j: ‘J I - i ^ :}■ * •7 *» - 4: .j' J T 'i:\ i?

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