THURSDAY, AUGUST 20, 2020 Vol. 64, No. 33 APG Enters Phase 2 By JON BLEIWEIS, APG News , Md. -- APG North (Aberdeen), APG South (Edge- wood) and the Adelphi Laboratory Center have entered Phase 2 of the installation’s COVID-19 recovery plan, as the installation’s health protection condition level has been upgraded to Bravo. APG Senior Commander Maj. Gen. Mitch- ell Kilgo made the decision to enter Phase 2 Wednesday, citing that the installation has met the necessary condition of 14 consecutive days of declining COVID-19 cases in its region. “We have not defeated COVID-19 yet, but this development is encouraging,” Kilgo wrote in an update to the installation work- force Wednesday. “I thank everyone for their Photo By Clemens Gaines, 20th CBRNE Command ongoing vigilance and commitment that have enabled us to reach it.” As his first act as the new HHC commander, Capt. Paul Lovett passes the to 1st Sgt. Nasario Martinez to signify The change in HPCON indicates that the his trust and confidence in his key adviser. Outgoing commander Capt. Ivan Cho, left, and Col. John Kunstbeck, chief threat of COVID-19 to the installation has of staff, also participated in the brief ceremony. shifted from substantial to moderate. During Phase 2, the installation is expected to contin- ue collective readiness and support activities with risk mitigation measures, such as phys- Lovett Takes of HHC ical distancing and best practices in clean- ing tasks. Tenant units can return but are BY CLEMENS GAINES He succeeded Capt. Ivan Cho, at , Oklahoma. His assign- expected to maintain virtual and teleworking 20th CBRNE Command who assumed command 16 months ments include two years as a fire more capabilities. ago. For his command excellence support officer at Camp Casey/Hov- ABERDEEN PROVING Kilgo has given individual organization- and leadership, Cho earned the Mer- ey, South Korea, and as a platoon inside GROUND, Md. -- “Take charge of al leaders latitude to make their own deci- itorious Service Medal that was pre- leader and executive officer. your company.” With that brief order sions about the pace in which they safely Cunningham sented by Col. Pat Nikkila, deputy Moving to , Texas, he from Col. John Kunstbeck, chief of bring their workforce back on site, relative to Frocked to commanding officer. served in the 2-29th Artillery staff, Capt. Paul Lovett became the their specific mission demands. He encour- Sergeant Lovett, from Oakdale, Califor- Battalion as the communications commander of the Headquarters and aged employees to stay in contact with their Major nia, is a 2011 graduate of Norwich officer and maintenance control Headquarters Company (HHC) in supervisors and chain of command for further University in Northfield, Vermont. officer. Upon promotion to cap- Page A4 a brief ceremony on Aug. 11. This instructions. Upon commissioning, he complet- is the second time Lovett has com- See HHC, page A3 See BRAVO, page A5 manded an HHC. ed the field artillery officer course MWR Stables Receive Upgrades By RACHEL PONDER, APG News fixed fence lines and did general mainte- ABERDEEN PROVING GROUND, Md. nance to it to make it the way it should be,” -- Some people consider Morale, Welfare and he said. Recreation’s stables program a “hidden gem” To reduce face-to-face interactions with on APG South (Edgewood). customers during the COVID-19 pandem- MWR Recreation Specialist Kevin Reich ic, the SOPs and the application form for the said the stables and the surrounding area stables are now online. Patrons are required recently received some upgrades to raise to wear face masks in the stables area and awareness about the horse boarding program. must wash their hands before using the Over the past winter, MWR staff and a facility. Reich said he hopes the changes will volunteer came up with a plan to improve MWR photo the facility and update standard operating attract new customers to the program. procedures. “We are very reasonably priced compared MWR patron Susan Leonard, a civilian with the U.S. Army Communications-Electronics “We committed to it, we bought new Command, watches as her horse, Tater-tot, runs in the round pen. She boards two hors- equipment, repaired the stalls and hardware, See STABLES, page A3 es at the Morale, Welfare and Recreation stables located on APG South (Edgewood). Operation Warp New Army App Serves as Speed on Track Guide to On-post Services for End-of-year BY DEVON SUITS Army News Service Vaccine Delivery WASHINGTON -- The Army has launched its new Digital Garrison mobile BY JIM GARAMONE app that provides information and facilitates Photo by Lance Cpl. Wesley Timm access to a full array of on-post services, as WASHINGTON -- Operation Warp Speed Operation Warp Speed is a public- part of a partnership with the Army & Air is a public-private partnership whose goal is private partnership whose goal is to Force Exchange Service, AAFES. to deliver 300 hundred million doses of safe deliver 300 million doses of safe and The app, which can be downloaded on and effective COVID-19 vaccines by the end effective COVID-19 vaccines by the Android and Apple devices, provides users of the year. end of the year. with secure access to facility information The Department of Health and Human • Biomedical Advanced Research and and other “quality-of-life” services by con- Services and the Defense Department are Development Authority; solidating data from three related networks, partnered to work with private industry and said Scott Malcom, Army Installation Man- • The departments of Agriculture, Army & Air Force Exchange Service photo other federal departments and agencies on Energy and Veterans Affairs; agement Command public affairs director. this unprecedented effort. • Industry-leading pharmaceutical “It puts real-time installation informa- The Army has launched its new Digital • The Operation Warp Speed effort research and development, manu- tion in everybody’s pockets,” Malcom said. Garrison mobile app that provides infor- also includes: facturing and distribution compa- “There are hundreds of thousands of peo- mation and facilitates access to a full • The Centers for Disease Control and nies; and ple that access Army installations every day. array of on-post services, as part of a Prevention; • Universities and research institutions. Almost everyone carries a cell phone. The partnership between Army Installation • The Food and Drug Administration; Management Command and the Army • The National Institutes of Health; See VACCINE, page A5 See NEW APP, page A3 & Air Force Exchange Service.

inside All Things ...... A4 By The Numbers...... A4 Mark Your Calendar...... A6 Did You Know?...... B3 The APG Crossword...... B4 This Week in APG History...... B5 APG Senior Service College Fellow- Army Closer to Fielding New Air COVID-19 Operating Schedule...... B6 Defenseship Welcomes Acquisition Class of 2021University | B2 Defense Systems | B1 Senior Service College Fellowship

What: The Defense Acquisition University (DAU) Senior Service College Fellowship (SSCF) is a 10-month leadership/educational program conducted under the auspices of DAU. DAU-SSCF provides leadership and acquisition training that prepares senior level civilians for leadership roles such as Product and Project Manager, Program Executive Officer, and other key acquisition leadership positions.

History: DAU-SSCF traces its origins to May 15, 2006 when the Army Director, Acquisition Career Management, announced a pilot program for senior-level DA civilians in the Huntsville, area. After successful completion of the pilot, the program expanded to Warren, Michigan in 2007 and Aberdeen Proving Ground, Maryland in 2009. The latest expansion (July 2019) includes a seminar in Picatinny, NJ. In March 2013, Army G-3 granted the program Military Education Level 1 (MEL-1). DAU-SSCF is the only fellowship of its kind with the MEL-1 designation and the first civilian-only senior service college program to receive military accreditation.

When: The program begins each year in July and concludes the following May.

Where: Huntsville, Alabama; Warren, Michigan; Aberdeen Proving Ground, Maryland; and Picatinny, New Jersey.

Who: Participants are Army Civilians at the GS-14/15 level or equivalent broadband. They are members of the Acquisition Corps and have been identified by their organizations as being on track for executive level service. Qualified non-Army applicants are eligible to apply as well and are considered on a space available basis.

Key program components:  DAU Program Manager’s Course, PMT 401  Studies in resource requirements and acquisition integration  Studies in executive leadership  Research in acquisition issues and processes  Mentoring with government and industry senior leaders  Senior leadership speaker’s program  Installation and site visits  Option for Master’s degree in Management and Leadership  Capstone experience A2 APG News • August 20, 2020 Military Policeman Named Top Army Drill Sergeant of the Year BY THOMAS BRADING Army News Service FORT LEONARD WOOD, Mo. -- At a glance, this year’s drill sergeant of the year seems tailor-made for the part, down to the classic squared-jaw, stony-eyed glare capa- ble of striking fear into young recruits. But to Staff Sgt. Erik Rostamo, the award means more than terrifying trainees or roar- ing the loudest; it’s about turning America’s youths into a skilled combat-ready force. Still, it’s not hard to picture Rostamo wildly shouting at hundreds of recruits as they scurry off a bus into their first forma- tion, or methodically moving through their ranks with an icy guise, his fiery eyes shad- owed by the brim of his brown round hat. If Hollywood was looking to cast a drill sergeant -- he’s their guy. But being a drill sergeant goes beyond the hot-headed charac- ters played on camera, he said. All the bluster and bravado in the movies could never mold civilians into highly-skilled warriors. “That’s just not how trainees learn.” Every non-commissioned officer “under the hat” actually wears multiple ones, figu- ratively, he said. They coach, counsel, and mentor recruits during some of the most physically and mentally points of their mil- itary careers. For him, there is nothing more rewarding than modeling Army professionals. The Minnesota native started his enlist- ed career to serve his country. As a military police officer, he’s deployed twice. In 2009, he was part of Operation Iraqi Freedom at Camp Taji, Iraq, where he did internment Courtesy photos and resettlement operations. Then in 2012, Command Sgt. Maj. James Breckinridge, left, senior enlisted leader for Fort Leonard Wood, , awards Staff Sgt. he did route clearance and convoy security Erik Rostamo, the Army’s 2020 Drill Sergeant of the Year, with the installation level honor of the competition. in Afghanistan. Shortly after, the seasoned police offi- backbone of our family,” Rostamo said. “It’s sign that even the most stoic Soldier is also cer was tapped to take on a new role -- drill hard. At [Basic Combat Training], our chain human. Just being in the running was hon- sergeant. At first, he was iffy about the job, of command does their best to accommodate orable enough, he felt, but having his name he said. It was a huge change, but it quickly time off for drill sergeants, because the fam- called was another level of pride. became his calling. ilies suffer” due to the long hours. “I wanted to bring the [DSOY] title back Since graduating from the Army Drill But the drill sergeants understand their to Fort Leonard Wood,” he said. “I didn’t Sergeant Academy at Fort Jackson, South mission, too. win for me -- ‘Erik Rostamo’ -- I won this Carolina, in October 2018, he’s been the “[Drill sergeants are] responsible for our for all the drill sergeants there. I won’t be [at gatekeeper for roughly 600 new troops on nation’s sons and daughters,” he said, add- Fort Leonard Wood] forever, so it means the their way into the Army, something he said ing it’s a duty that demands excellence and world to bring that honor back there.” has been “the greatest job in the world.” that he doesn’t take lightly. “It’s the greatest “The leadership and community are Make no mistake -- no matter how cool, responsibility someone could give. I’m tak- extremely proud of Rostamo,” said Com- calm, and collected as he is, there’s still time ing civilians and turning them into the next mand Sgt. Maj. James Breckinridge, the for discipline, he said, just like “there’s a generation of warfighters.” senior enlisted leader at Fort Leonard Wood. time to turn it off and on.” New Soldiers will remember their drill “There is no doubt in my mind -- and I’m The Rostamo family has an unwritten sergeants forever, he said. “Drill sergeants not trying to predict the future -- but there policy. At the end of each 16-hour work- need to embrace the long hours, because, is no doubt in my mind that he is going to day, once his truck pulls into the driveway, for those recruits, they are the very first rep- succeed to the highest levels of the United his hat, along with his drill sergeant persona, resentation of the non-commissioned offi- States Army.” stays outside. It’s a small, yet symbolic way cer corps.” In roughly 60 days, Rostamo and his fam- to balance work and family, he said -- even Within months, his recruits may be any- ily will move from the Midwest so he can on nights when work tips the scale. where in the world, from riding in combat take on a new role -- serving as a senior drill By the time he gets home, it’s typical- vehicles in the desert to protecting military sergeant at , , where he ly in the late-evening hours. His wife of two assets on installations. Before all that, they’re will advise the Army’s highest-ranking lead- years, Nicole -- who is expecting their sec- trained at Fort Leonard Wood, a training ers on all matters related to initial training. ond child in September -- and their daughter, installation in the Missouri Ozarks that Ros- “When you get to sit at the table with a Mikayla, are usually asleep. A few hours lat- tamo represented in this year’s drill sergeant four-star general, and many more, and advise er, while the girls are still in bed, he wakes to of the year competition. them on all things drill sergeant for the entire start another day. His hat is waiting for him The post is home to more than 700 other , that should not be taken in the truck. drill sergeants, many of whom were his peers lightly,” Breckinridge said. “That is a pret- “I’ve never heard him complain,” said his cheering him on. ty big deal.” brother, Staff Sgt. Ryan Rostamo, an Army Last week, during a virtual event host- Since winning, a whirlwind of well wish- recruiter in Buffalo, Minnesota. “Being ed by the U.S. Army Center for Initial Mili- es and support have rolled in from across on drill orders can be harder than being tary Training, the staff sergeant was officially the Army, he said. Text messages, phone deployed because even though you’re phys- named the Army’s 2020 DSOY, besting 10 calls, emails, and other types of correspon- ically home, it’s only for a few hours. My other highly-qualified peers. dence has his phone working overtime. If brother has handled it well.” Going into the finals, “it was anyone’s you ask those who know him best, the honor The days are long, the drill sergeant said, game,” Rostamo said. “They had studs from is well-deserved. and the hours are taxing for the entire fami- all across the drill sergeant enterprise, all But if you ask him, it was never about Staff Sgt. Erik Rostamo, a drill ser- ly. Without Nicole, none of it would be possi- slugging it out on a board. It was nerve- the awards, he said. “The opportunity to take ble. She gives him unconditional support, as geant at Fort Leonard Wood, Missouri, wracking, it really was.” civilians and graduate them as military pro- was named the Army’s 2020 Drill well as takes on more than her share of fam- As Rostamo’s name was called, his poker fessionals is the most iconic feeling in the ily administrative duties, he said. Sergeant of the Year on Aug. 5 after face may not have cracked, but he was phys- world. They look up to you, and I just didn’t winning at the installation level. “I don’t know how she does it. She is the ically shaking from jittery nerves, he said. A want to let them down.”

NextGen Federal Systems, a private firm in no way connected with the Department of the Army, under exclusive written Staff contract with CECOM. The APG News is printed by Adams Publishing Group, a private firm in no way connected with the APG Senior Commander .... Maj. Gen. Mitchell L. Kilgo The APG News is an authorized publication for members U.S. Government under exclusive written contract with U.S. Army Communications-Electronics Command. APG Garrison Commander .... Col. Timothy E. Druell of the DOD. Contents of the APG News are not necessarily official views of, or endorsed by, the U.S. Government, Send articles or information for publication to the APG/ Strategic Communications Director..... Pamela Leigh Department of Defense, Department of the Army, U.S. CECOM Public Affairs Office, 6585 Surveillance Drive, Bldg. Army Communications-Electronics Command or the U.S. 6002, D1310, APG, MD 21005-5001; contact the Editor Editor ...... Janice Millan Army Garrison, Aberdeen Proving Ground. The newspaper Janice Millan at 443-861-6470 or email janice.a.millan.civ@ is published weekly by the APG/CECOM Public Affairs, contact Assistant Editor Steve Beland, 443-861-6721 Assistant Editor...... Steve Beland Office, 6585 Surveillance Drive, Bldg. 6002, D1310, APG, or email [email protected], or contact Staff Writer MD 21005-5001. Printed circulation is 5,200. Rachel Ponder, 443-861-6739 or email rachel.e.ponder2. Staff Writers...... Rachel Ponder [email protected], or Staff Writer Jon Bleiweis, 443-861-0098 or email [email protected]...... Jon Bleiweis The editorial content of this publication is prepared, edited and approved by the APG/CECOM Public Affairs Office. Deadline for copy is Thursday at noon for the following Designer ...... Timothy Davis Thursday’s paper. Contract support for editorial content preparation is provided by Website...... August 20, 2020 • APG News A3

MWR photo The Morale, Welfare and Recreation stables, located on APG South (Edgewood) have recently received upgrades. Space is available for new patrons who own a horse or are considering buying a new horse.

being. [In the past] I have worked in ther- apy stables and have seen the effects, it’s STABLES amazing.” MWR patron Susan Leonard, a civil- Continued from Page A1 ian with the U.S. Army Communications- Electronics Command, boards two horses at to everyone else out there,” he said. “We do the facility. She chose this facility, she said, that to help out our community here at APG.” because it is close to her home and the cost Self-Care Facility is reasonable. The stables on APG South are a “self- “This facility is my rest, relaxation and care” facility. Amenities are shared by all reset,” she said. “I absolutely love it. The pas- equine owners. They are required to provide tures are wonderful, they have so much grass.” all feed, bedding, turnout, grooming, muck- History of the Stables ing and proper daily care for their horses. Jones, who worked with APG Director- Facility amenities include a 15-stall barn ate of Public Works historians, found that the with water and electricity, a lighted riding history of horses affiliated with the area goes area, a round pen and spacious, well-main- back to 1922, when Fort Hoyle, an Army tained pastures. MWR staff members will artillery range, was established and contin- check on the facility at least once per day. A ued to exist until 1940. veterinarian from Dover Air Force Base Vet- “In those early days artillery was pulled erinary Treatment Facility inspects the sta- by the horses, but during World War II horses bles once every three months, Reich said. were used on a smaller scale, and Fort Hoyle He noted that the efforts to improve the was disbanded,” a flyer for the facility states. program are ongoing. The next update is to “Historical evidence of the horses at Edge- install new signs for the facility to increase wood can be found at the Hoyle Gym, which its visibility, he said. was originally built as an indoor riding hall.” Relaxing Environment For More Information Lead volunteer Kerstin Jones, a civilian The stables are for all eligible MWR spouse, said she is proud of the work they patrons to use. The patron must be the titled did to improve the stables. Jones, who has owner of the horse. Patrons must provide years of experience owning horses, said she proof of eligibility annually. Horse type was happy to help and encourages commu- restrictions apply. Information about the his- nity members to check out what MWR Out- tory of the stables, rental fees, the SOPs and door Recreation has to offer. the stable application is on https://aberdeen. “Right now people want to spend more The stables time outside,” she said. “Horses have a lot are located in Building E5286. For more of potential for [improving an owner’s] well- information, call 410-278-4124.

Course. He returned to Korea and served in Company (HHC) is a subordinate com- and synchronizing the efforts of the gener- the 532nd Military Intelligence Battalion. He mand assigned under the 20th CBRNE Com- al and special staff. HHC also develops and HHC then competed for and was selected to com- mand with the mission to provide training executes a training program to ensure the mand the HHC at the U.S. Army Garrison- and prepare the staff for deployment oper- unit can perform its assigned mission essen- Continued from Page A1 Humphreys until April 2019. After this first ations. HHC serves as the Joint Task Force tial task list. It is responsible for the health, command, he came to the 20 CBRNE Com- Headquarters for Weapons of Mass Destruc- morale, welfare, and readiness of over 300 tain, he completed the Military Intelligence mand as an intelligence officer. tion-Elimination in support of combatant military and civilian personnel and their Officer transition course and the Captain’s The Headquarters and Headquarters commander objectives, while coordinating families.

NEW APP Continued from Page A1 app will add value to their time spent on an installation -- whether it is to live, work, train, or play.” App Features Within the easy-to-use app, Soldiers, fam- ilies, veterans, and civilians living or work- ing at a Digital Garrison-enabled post can access resources about their local exchange, Army Family and Morale, Welfare and Rec- reation programs and other services. More than 60 installations are represented on the app, with plans to add more in future updates, Malcom said. Joint bases operated by other services and select garrisons with- out sites on the networks that feed the app will not be incorporated in the initial launch. Users can customize the app to meet their needs. Digital Garrison will include an installation directory, gate locations and hours, fitness and recreation options, weath- er, event information, and more, he said. Soldiers and families who are new to an area can also access in-processing and oth- er newcomer material before a permanent change of station, Malcom said. “When they do move, they enjoy the con- tinuity provided by an enterprise solution,” he added. Digital Garrison also provides an in- app shopping function through ShopMy-, along with local AAFES shopping and restaurant details. It also fea- also an important feature of the app, Mal- Bridging Capabilities “During that process, we learned how gar- tures a mobile wallet function where shop- com said. For example, installation officials The partnership that brought the Digi- risons should prepare their online data to opti- pers can use their MILITARY STAR card. may send a pre-drafted notification during an tal Garrison app to life started in July 2019, mize its presentation in the app,” he said. “We Program officials are set to continually active-shooter situation or at times of inclem- Malcom said. At that time, the Exchange, learned that the better a garrison maintains improve the app through daily updates, based ent weather. IMCOM, and Army MWR were all devel- their websites that feed Digital Garrison, the on in-app feedback from users, in addition to Leaders will also have the ability to oping apps to essentially do the same thing better the garrison is represented in it. The regularly scheduled major updates. write their own customized messages and -- provide information about on-post servic- pilot allowed us to work out all the details and One of the first major updates will include announcements to distribute to the force es or activities. provide clear instructions to all the installa- local commissary information and a link to through the app after the first major update “The Exchange is honored to partner with tions feeding the app to prepare their data for Click2Go, the Defense Commissary Agen- scheduled to occur at the end of August, Mal- the Army to ensure the 125-year-old Exchange transmission.” cy’s online grocery ordering portal and curb- com said. benefit remains relevant to its communities,” The decision to create the app shows side pickup service, but only if the capability Residents of on-post housing can link to said Karen Cardin, AAFES senior vice presi- the Army’s eagerness to transition from the is available at a given installation. their installation’s privatized housing partner, dent for customer experience. “industrial age to the information age,” Mal- “Feedback is very important to us,” Mal- he said. Personnel living in military housing The team released a Digital Garrison beta com said. com said. “The app includes a feedback por- will eventually have a similar capability. version in January, which fueled a more sig- “The Exchange worked side-by-side with tion where users can communicate and help Digital Garrison will become the Army nificant test of it in early March. During the IMCOM to put real-time information in the us shape it going forward. This is not a ‘one enterprise mobile app for installations, Mal- limited user evaluation, a total of 10 installa- hands of Soldiers, families and civilians,” and done.’ Users can count on the fact that com added. Local app solutions will cease, tions throughout the U.S., including Hawaii Cardin added. “Digital Garrison is another we will continually optimize the app after ensuring all applicable garrisons comply with and Alaska, and Germany were chosen by chapter in our long relationship with Army launch.” the Federal Information Security Manage- program officials to participate, Malcom said. families, allowing us to fulfill our mission to Push notifications for emergencies are ment Act and other cybersecurity protocols. make life better for those who serve.” A4 APG News • August 20, 2020

The of Maryland By JON BLEIWEIS, APG News Maryland has many state symbols and designations — 23 to be exact. But of all of them, perhaps none other is more admired than the Maryland state flag. Often seen on bumper stickers, state driver’s licenses and license plates, bathing suits and even a Ravens logo, the state’s flag is ubiquitous throughout the state. As described by the Maryland secretary of state, which publishes Maryland’s flag protocol, the Maryland flag is divided into four quarters. The first and fourth quarters consist of six vertical bars alternately yellow (representing gold) and black with a diagonal band on which the colors are reversed. The yellow and black quarters represent the family arms of the first proprietor of Maryland, George Calvert, first Lord Baltimore. The second and third quarters consist of a quartered field of red and white (representing silver) bearing a Greek cross with arms terminating in trefoils. The colors in the second and third quarters alternate, with red on the white ground and white on the red. The red and white quarters display the arms of Lord Baltimore’s maternal family, the Crosslands. The current design was adopted by Maryland legislators as the state flag in 1904. It was first flown Oct. 11, 1880, at a parade in Baltimore marking the 150th anniversary of the ’s founding. It also was flown Oct. 25, 1888, at , for ceremonies dedicating monuments to Maryland regiments of the Army of the Potomac. And while the Maryland flag is popular, it’s not the original flag. The first Maryland flag design consisted of the on a blue background, similar to many other state . This blue flag was flown until the late 1890s. Maryland law requires that if any ornament is affixed to the top of a flagstaff carrying the Maryland flag, the ornament must be a gold cross bottony. The state’s general assembly established that requirement in 1945. It’s the only state that has such a requirement. by the numb#rs MARTIN LUTHER KING JR. MEMORIAL

The Martin Luther King Jr. Memorial opened to the public on Aug. 22, 2011. The memorial, which honors the legacy of the slain civil rights leader, is located in West Potomac Park next to the National Mall in Washington, D.C. Learn more with these facts.

Photo by Clemens Gaines, 20th CBRNE Command 1996 Steve Cunningham, left, new operations sergeant in the command section, was The year Congress authorized Martin Luther King Jr.’s fraternity, frocked to the rank of sergeant major in a brief ceremony in the atrium on Aug. Alpha Phi Alpha, to establish a memorial to him in Washington, 7. Slipping on the epaulets for his new rank was Maj. Chad Hughes, with the D.C. The Martin Luther King Jr. National Memorial Project Foundation Operations Directorate. held a design competition and identified the Tidal Basin site for the memorial’s location. Cunningham Frocked 1964 Independence Avenue, S.W., the official address of the monument. to Sergeant Major The address commemorates the Civil Rights Act of 1964. BY CLEMENS GAINES meritorious service in a combat zone. 20th CBRNE Command The Command Section operations ser- ABERDEEN PROVING GROUND, Md. geant serves as an EOD adviser to the -- Steve Cunningham, new operations ser- command team and supervises the support 24 geant in the command section, was frocked personnel. This includes synchronizing the Rangers are on duty to answer Hours a day the memorial is open. to the rank of sergeant major in a brief cer- command team’s (commanding general, dep- questions from 9:30 a.m. to 10 p.m. daily. emony in the atrium on Aug. 7. Slipping on uty commanding officer, command sergeant the epaulets for his new rank was Maj. Chad major) calendars, solving any scheduling Hughes, with the Operations Directorate. conflicts, and assisting the leadership in oth- Frocking is an action that permits a Soldier er areas. to wear the prescribed rank commensurate to His awards and decorations include mul- 14 the duties an individual is assigned. tiple badges showing Army achievement in Number of quotes featured on the memorial’s Inscription Wall. The Only 0.8% of Soldiers who raise their multiple areas. They include the Master EOD quotes come from King’s speeches, sermons and writings. hands on enlistment day reach this highest Badge, the Basic Aviation Crewman Badge, enlisted rank (E9). the Driver’s Badge, and the Expert Marks- Cunningham, a native of Lake Elsinore, manship Badge (indicating expert qualifica- California, is a 21-year Army veteran who tion with the M4 Carbine, and M9 Pistol). has twice earned the Bronze Star. First as “Mentorship and respect have been 4 acres a staff sergeant during a one-year deploy- important contributors to my career,” said The area of the memorial. It includes the Stone of Hope, a granite ment to Baghdad, Iraq, from 2008 to 2009, Cunningham. “Many individuals have been statue of King carved by sculptor Lei Yixin. where he served as an explosive ordnance critical to getting me here today. I say with disposal team leader. His second award was confidence, my success thus far is due to earned during a deployment with the Region- mentorship from seniors, peers, and subor- al Command East in Afghanistan from 2012 dinates. It is possible for a leader to learn to 2013, where he led Soldiers as an opera- the greatest lesson from the most unlike- By RACHEL PONDER, APG News tions sergeant, EOD team leader and special ly source. No person is so insignificant that Source(s): missions intelligence liaison. they shouldn’t be respected enough to be The Bronze Star Medal is a decoration heard. Respect is given, not earned. The awarded to members of the United States quality of respect given by an individual Armed Forces for either heroic achievement, defines the caliber of their character. The best heroic service, meritorious achievement or leaders seem to always credit their subordi- nates as their greatest teachers.” August 20, 2020 • APG News A5

This will not eliminate steps from the process, but will allow steps to proceed VACCINE simultaneously, the fact sheet explained. Companies will start manufacturing vac- Continued from Page A1 cines at an industrial scale well before the demonstration of vaccine efficacy and safe- OWS is well on its way to delivering ty, as happens normally. This increases the multiple vaccines to the American peo- financial risk, but not the product risk, the ple, according to officials involved. Gov- fact sheet said. ernment agencies and private drug firms Some vaccines, such as those in develop- began working on medical countermeasures ment by Moderna and Pfizer, have entered when the coronavirus first became known Phase 3 of the testing procedure, Slaoui late last year. As a result, multiple vaccine said. Phase 3 clinical trials began July 27, and therapeutic candidates are conducting with 30,000 volunteers slated to enroll the later phases of clinical trials needed to across the United States. demonstrate their safety and efficacy, offi- These trials, and those of other OWS cials said. vaccine candidates, will consist of 30,000 Scaling up that effort once a safe and patients in order to allow for the rapid col- effective vaccine is developed is the mis- lection and earlier analysis of safety and sion of Operation Warp Speed. efficacy data by the FDA, he said. OWS aims to deliver 300 million doses Other vaccines have been identified and of a safe, effective vaccine for COVID-19 are at various stages of testing. The federal by January. Health and Human Services government’s investment in the necessary Secretary Alex Azar II and Defense Secre- manufacturing capacity gives drug mak- tary Mark Esper are overseeing the effort. ers confidence that they can invest aggres- Former pharmaceutical executive Dr. Mon- sively in development and will provide for cef Slaoui is the chief science adviser for faster distribution of a vaccine if one or the project, and Army Gen. Gustave Perna Photo by Sgt. Amanda Gerlach more receive FDA authorization or approv- is the chief operating officer. al, HHS officials said. Spc. Selena Castillo prepares to administer a flu vaccination at Fort Sill, Slaoui, an immunologist, has successful- OWS is focused on the development, Oklahoma, Nov. 15, 2019. Castillo is a medic for 3rd Battalion, 2nd Air Defense ly led the development of 14 vaccines. manufacturing and distribution of an FDA- Artillery Regiment, 31st Air Defense Artillery Brigade. “I think it will be a very effective vac- approved, safe and effective vaccine. HHS cine. That’s my prediction,” Slaoui said. officials said the prioritization of any COV- “My personal opinion, based on my expe- which developed the atomic bomb. and our government’s supporting agencies, ID-19 vaccines and therapeutics will be rience and the biology of this virus, I Army Maj. Gen. Leslie Groves and resourcing and execution processes must determined by CDC-recommended alloca- think this vaccine is going to be highly physicist J. Robert Oppenheimer led also move at warp speed for success; I will tion methodology used as part of pandem- efficacious.” the public-private partnership. Sci- have to ensure that our collective bureaucra- ic flu planning and the COVID-19 response. Operation Warp Speed will organize entists conducted research, and the cies do not distract us from winning.” As the world’s largest organization multiple, parallel lines of effort, Perna said military awarded contracts to build OWS will ensure that 100% of all medi- conducting acquisition and movement of during his Senate confirmation hearing in a vast industrial infrastructure. cal protocols are executed to standard, offi- personnel and material, DOD is unique- June. “Vaccine, therapeutics and diagnos- • A 2007 project to build mine- cials said, adding that science will drive ly capable of meeting the logistical needs tic developments or evaluations are tak- resistant, ambush-protected vehi- the development of candidate countermea- of Operation Warp Speed, Perna said, and ing place concurrently,” he said. “HHS and cles to better protect troops from sures and the FDA will be the final approv- its involvement in supply, production and DOD have already started to increase man- improvised explosive devices. The al authority. development will enable faster distribution ufacturing and distribution capacity and vehicles were deployed to the bat- While speed is crucial, the effectiveness than would have otherwise been possible. capability. Upon approval from [the Food tlefields of Iraq and Afghanistan lat- and safety of the vaccines and treatments To provide maximum flexibility in sup- and Drug Administration], Warp Speed will er that year. More than 12,000 were are matters of paramount importance, Perna port of the ultimate HHS distribution plan, immediately energize manufacturing and produced before the program end- has said repeatedly. DOD is working with the CDC to have a distribution networks, in conjunction with ed in 2012. Protocols for the demonstration of safe- portfolio of distribution options by August. industry partners, to speed delivery of those Perna said he is committed to streamlin- ty and efficacy are being harmonized, which “We will offer multiple distribution new products to the nation. This is the con- ing processes that will allow manufacturing will allow the trials to proceed more quick- plans since the outcome depends on, one, sidered risk we must evaluate and be pre- and distribution to deliver medical coun- ly, and the protocols for the trials will be the safety and efficacy performance of the pared to take, expanding manufacturing termeasures at an unprecedented rate. “The overseen by the federal government, as vaccines, two, the initial volume and deliv- prior to FDA approval.” collective talent and experience within both opposed to traditional public-private part- ery schedule of successful vaccines, and DOD has led other successful projects, the departments of Health and Human Ser- nerships, according to the OWS fact sheet three, the most contemporary understanding including: vices and Defense, industry and academia from the Department of Health and Human of which Americans are most vulnerable as • World War II’s Manhattan Project, must be enabled,” he said. “Both industry Services. determined by science,” Perna said.

force back to the installation. The status of all unfold,” he said. Earlier this month, Kilgo reopened the other APG services and facilities remained Phase 2 will end when the phase transi- Route 22 gate at APG North (Aberdeen) dur- BRAVO unchanged. tion criteria are met and Kilgo approves the ing weekday afternoons from 3-5 p.m., in Under HPCON Bravo, the 40% threshold downgrade of HPCON. Criteria for moving order to support workforce departures and Continued from Page A1 remains. This is equivalent to 4,900 at APG into the next phase of the recovery operation relieve pressure at the Route 715 Gate. North and 1,600 at APG South. include the case rate in and around the instal- The Route 22 gate is expected to be The installation entered Phase 1 and Kilgo said since APG has already been lation, as well as the capacity to test, moni- more operational when 80% of normal traf- HPCON Charlie on June 17. Kilgo shifted operating at the 40% workforce threshold, he tor and treat COVID-19. During Phase 3, the fic is entering the installation. This would the HPCON from Charlie to Charlie Minus does not anticipate any immediate significant HPCON would be upgraded to Alpha, the likely occur during Phase 3 of the installa- on July 2. changes to the installation’s on-site work- threat of COVID-19 to the installation has tion’s recovery plan. More lanes at the APG Under HPCON Charlie Minus, APG com- force presence or overall posture. shifted from moderate to limited and 80% gates would be made available for use when manders and organizational leaders were “We will consider lifting additional of the APG workforce would be expected the percentage of the workforce returning authorized to bring up to 40% of their work- restrictions as the situation continues to to return. increases.



September 18–20, 2020

Aberdeen Proving Ground Survivor Outreach Services invites you to Run/Walk with us to Honor the Surviving Family Members of our Fallen Service Members. $35 Entry Fee Participants will receive a performance t-shirt and custom race medal. Registration is open to the first 500 participants. You must register before 24 August to ensure that you receive a custom shirt. An extra Benefit of this virtual run is knowing that yyou are supporting APG Gold Star Families. To register and for all race day information, go to the following link: APGMonumentToMonumentRunToHonor SIGN UP TODAY!

For questions, contact Mike Farlow at [email protected] or 410-278-2435. A6 APG News • August 20, 2020 Mark Your Calendar CONSTRUCTION ALERT

Running Track Closure Construction of a new artificial turf field to be located within the running track across the street from the Aberdeen Area Gym began Aug. 10. As part of the construction process and for patrons’ safety, the running track will be closed for the duration of the construction, which is expected to be completed by Nov. 30.

Vacation Bible School Aug. 25-27 APG’s Vacation Bible School starts on Tuesday, Aug. 25, and ends on Thurs- day, Aug. 27. It will run from 6 to 8 p.m. each day. This year, VBS will have a railroad theme, called “Rocky Railway,” which is intended for children ages 5 to 12. Prior to the free event, each child will receive an activity bag that con- tains items they need to participate. The kits can be picked up on Thursday, Aug. 20, from 9 a.m to noon and 5 to 7 p.m. at the APG Chapel parking lot. To register for the Rocky Railway Adventure Virtual VBS or to volunteer, visit

Aberdeen Farmers Market: Storm Water Training Class The next Storm Water Training Class is being offered on Thursday, Aug. Every Thursday through Oct. 29 27, at 10 a.m. The class will be taught through Microsoft Teams and fulfills the The Aberdeen Farmers Market offers fresh produce, hand-crafted products training requirement under APG’s Phase II MS4 permit. The training is free. To and fun theme days in a family-friendly atmosphere. It is open every Thurs- register, contact Dan Schoeberlein at [email protected]. day from 4 to 7 p.m. at Festival Park, 60 N. Parke St., Aberdeen. The Farmer’s Market season lasts thru Oct. 29. For more information, visit the Aberdeen Farmers Market Facebook page at FarmersMarket/. Harford County Public Library Welcomes Back Customers

Harford County Public Library has begun welcoming back its customers with a modified reopening. As of June 8, library customers are now able to request materials online or by phone and pick them up -- by appointment -- at the drive-through (or front door, if there is not a drive-through) at the library of their choice. Hours are 10 a.m. to 6 p.m., Mon- day through Friday. To make a request or schedule a pickup appointment, visit, or call your local library Please be advised that during business hours. The due date for materials picked up the Directorate of Public starting June 8 is three weeks. All other items checked out before then are due Works is currently in the Sept. 1. The library is waiving all fines process of assessing and fees during this period. Updates will be shared through social and removing hazardous media, the library website and eNews as trees across the the situation changes. installation. Trees serve an important role in the City of Aberdeen’s Annual Hydrant forests and cantonment Flushing Through Sept. 9 areas of APG, but The City of Aberdeen’s annual hydrant flushing runs from June 8 during storm events and to Sept. 9. Flushing will be conducted from 7 a.m. to 3 p.m., Monday through Friday of each week. The following schedule is tentative and sub- natural life cycles they ject to change in the event of unforeseen problems. For more informa- can also become hazardous to humans and property. tion, contact Dennis Overbay, Directorate of Public Works, at 443-206- 8910 or City of Aberdeen representative Roger Hall, at 410-272-1449. Should a tree appear to pose a risk to health and/or safety in your area, please contact APG DPW at Aug. 12–Aug. 25: ARL & restricted areas 410-306-1400 to submit a service request. Aug. 26–Sept. 9: ARL & restricted areas

Employees eligible for donations in the Voluntary Leave Transfer Program The VoluntaryLeave Leave Transfer DonationsProgram (VLTP) allows an employee who has a Bennett, Sarah E.; Frech, Jenny; Lee, Jennifer; Pitts, Sheila; medical emergency to receive transferred annual leave directly from other employ- Bush, Galen; Friedman, Marian J.; Lemberg, Monica M.; Roberts III, George; ees to avoid being placed in a leave with- Christley, Tanya; Gaddis, Lonnie; Lewis, Christopher M.; Sanders-Nash, Casandra; out pay situation. This allows an employee D’Agostino, Cassandra; Gattonn, Theresa; LiCalzi, William E.; Schafer, Melissa Darlene; to continue to receive pay while recuper- Dalmas, Jean C.; Gizinski, Deirdre D.; Maloney, Jennifer R.; Simmons, Raymond; ating from a medical emergency, whether it’s their own or a family member’s. Damiano, Janeen L.; Grenoble, Natalie; Mason, Frances E.W.; Tom, Antonia N.; For more information about the Volun- Dissek, Michael L.; Gresham, James F.; Mcentee, Monica; Torralbes, Melissa A.; tary Leave Transfer Program, contact act- Doolittle, Christopher; Humphrey, Eric Jamahl; Mckinnon, Brittany; Tran, Phuong B. (Lisa); ing VLTP coordinator Marybeth Maahs and copy Sandra Calloway. They can be Edwards, Barbara M.; Joseph, Charmaine; Mullinax, Christopher A.; Wang, Hui; reached at marybeth.maahs.civ@mail. Eiseman, Brenda Kay; Jones, Selina Bessie; Neyens, Ulrike; Westrich, Amanda S.; mil, and [email protected], Evans, Tiffaney D.; Kirksey, Alexson T.; Norman, Peter W.; White, Tracey L. respectively. Forch, Christina C.; Laryoshyma, Valeria; Pace, Carol; THURSDAY, AUGUST 20, 2020 Vol. 64, No. 33 Army Fielding New Air Defense Systems Soon BY DEVON SUITS Army News Service WASHINGTON -- Further evaluation of new air defense capabilities is currently underway, including the Integrated Air and Missile Defense Battle Command System and directed energy weapons, as the Army aims to empower units against near-peer threats. Soldiers from 3rd Battalion, 43rd Air Defense Artillery Regiment and 3rd Battal- ion, 6th Air Defense Artillery Air Missile Defense Test Detachment are involved in a limited user test for the IBCS that started in early July, said Maj. Gen. Robert Rasch Jr., head of the Program Executive Office of Missiles and Space. The evaluation was initially scheduled for May, but was pushed back about a month due to COVID-19 safety concerns, he added. The Army will complete the current test, which is being held at New Mexico’s White Sands Missile Range, by September. The 3-43 ADA, a Patriot missile unit, will also be the first unit equipped with the IBCS capability once the limited user test is com- plete, Rasch said. After the limited test is complete, the equipment and software will be refreshed to support an operational test and evaluation before the unit achieves an Photo by initial operational capability in 2022. The new system will provide the Army The Army is working on fielding a Directed Energy-Maneuver Short Range Air Defense capability to the platoon level by with an integrated command-and-control fiscal year 2022. The new capability will provide brigade combat teams with a 50-kilowatt laser aboard a Stryker combat vehicle in support of air defense artillery operations. See DEFENSE, page B2 Commercial Waveforms Provide Flexibility for Army’s Manpack Radios BY KATHRYN BAILEY form into both Manpack radio variants, and PEO C3T Public Affairs conducted a 93-node network test consisting ABERDEEN PROVING GROUND, Md. of commercial and program of record radios. -- Just like conducting a dress rehearsal for “We plan to connect just over 100 nodes an upcoming show, technical developmen- in the IOT&E, so we have already nearly tal test events aid Army program offices in duplicated our final objectives,” said Col. assessing what is ready, and what still needs Garth Winterle, project manager for TR, improvement. assigned to the Program Executive Office for Project Manager Tactical Radios (PM Command, Control, Communications-Tacti- TR) recently met a critical milestone using cal. “We were also able to address risk reduc- commercial waveform technology as it pre- tion from a system-of-system perspective.” pares for the Product Manager (PdM) Hand- With results like this, PEO C3T lead- held, Manpack and Small Form Fit (HMS) ers say the show is just about ready to hit Photo by Sungill Kim Integrated Operational Test and Evaluation the road. (IOT&E), planned for early 2021 with the 1st “This developmental test helped inform Warrior Robust Enhanced Network program engineers conduct risk reduction Brigade, 82nd . tactical network design decisions and most for the HMS Manpack and Leader Radio IOT&E scheduled for January 2021, During this capstone event, engineers importantly, helped the program office and during their capstone field demonstration in the greater San Diego area. successfully ported the Warrior Robust Engineers successfully ported the WREN commercial TSM waveform into its two Enhanced Network (WREN) TSM wave- See MANPACK, page B3 Manpack radio variants.

Army Advances Learning Capabilities of Drone Swarms

U.S. Army CCDC Army Research Laboratory Army researchers said future multi- ADELPHI, Md. -- Army researchers have domain battles will require swarms of developed a reinforcement learning approach dynamically coupled, coordinated heteroge- that will allow swarms of unmanned aerial neous mobile platforms to overmatch enemy and ground vehicles to optimally accomplish capabilities and threats targeting U.S. forces. various missions while minimizing perfor- The Army is looking to swarming tech- mance uncertainty. nology to be able to execute time-consuming Swarming is a method of operations in or dangerous tasks, said Dr. Jemin George which multiple autonomous systems act as a of the U.S. Army Combat Capabilities cohesive unit by actively coordinating their actions. See DRONES, page B2

Photo by Sgt. Effie Mahugh An infantryman from the 1st Battalion, 21st Infantry Regiment, 2nd Infantry Brigade Combat Team, 25th Infantry Division, coordinates fires over the radio during the Fire Support Coordination Exercise on Nov. 15, 2019, at Pohakuloa Training Area, Hawaii. The Army’s non-traditional waveforms effort is dedicated to improving communications capabilities in electronic warfare operating environments. Army Assesses Soldier-to- Soldier Communications BY JASMYNE DOUGLAS non-traditional waveforms effort, which is CCDC C5ISR Center dedicated to improving communications ABERDEEN PROVING GROUND, Md. capabilities in electronic warfare operating -- Army Futures Command engineers are environments. This effort includes the Dis- evaluating technologies that protect Sol- mounted Distributed Tactical Beamforming dier-to-Soldier communications from out- System (D2TBS) and Squad Area Network side interference during this year’s Network (SQAN) projects. Modernization Experiment (NetModX 20), Dr. Michael Brownfield, Future Capabili- Shutterstock artist’s concept ties chief of the Command, Control, Commu- taking place at Joint Base McGuire-Dix- Army researchers have developed a reinforcement learning approach called Lakehurst, New Jersey, from July 20 through nications, Computers, Cyber, Intelligence, Surveillance and Reconnaissance Center – Hierarchical Reinforcement Learning that will allow swarms of unmanned aerial Oct. 2. and ground vehicles to optimally accomplish various missions while minimizing The capabilities are part of the Army’s See RADIOS, page B4 performance uncertainty on the battlefield. B2 APG News • August 20, 2020


TOP ROW, Left to Right: Tim Baker; Doug Burbey; Dr. Chen Lai; Daniel Ghio

BOTTOM ROW, Left to Right: Tyler DeVan; Dr. James Swindell; Thomas Moore APG SSCF Welcomes Class of 2021 Defense Acquisition University ship is a 10-month leadership/educational The Class of 2021 fellows are Doug participating in the program was identi- ABERDEEN PROVING GROUND, program conducted under the auspices of Burbey, Dr. Chen Lai, Daniel Ghio, Tyler fied and endorsed by their sponsoring com- Md. -- Seven fellows have been chosen to DAU. DAU-SSCF provides leadership and DeVan, Dr. James Swindell, Thomas mand. Command endorsements are based participate in the Defense Acquisition Uni- acquisition training that prepares senior- Moore and Tim Baker. The fellows were on candidates’ demonstrated high level versity Senior Service College Fellowship level civilians for leadership roles such selected by a centralized selection board of past performance and, more important- program’s Class of 2021 at Aberdeen Prov- as product and project manager, program from among the numerous applicants that ly, their potential to assume positions of ing Ground. executive officer, and other key acquisition applied for acceptance into the academical- greater responsibility within the acquisi- The Senior Service College Fellow- leadership positions. ly-rigorous program of study. Each fellow tion workforce.

microscopic control, and a broad swarm-level “Our current HRL efforts will allow us macroscopic control. to develop control policies for swarms of DRONES “Each hierarchy has its own learning loop unmanned aerial and ground vehicles so that with respective local and global reward func- they can optimally accomplish different mis- Continued from Page B1 tions,” George said. “We were able to signif- sion sets even though the individual dynam- icantly reduce the learning time by running ics for the swarming agents are unknown,” Development Command’s Army Research these learning loops in parallel.” George said. Laboratory. According to George, online reinforcement George stated that he is confident that this “Finding optimal guidance policies for learning control of swarm boils down to solv- research will be impactful on the future battle- these swarming vehicles in real-time is a key ing a large-scale algebraic matrix Riccati equa- field, and has been made possible by the inno- requirement for enhancing warfighters’ tacti- tion using system, or swarm, input-output data. vative collaboration that has taken place. cal situational awareness, allowing the U.S. The researchers’ initial approach for solv- “The core purpose of the ARL science Army to dominate in a contested environ- U.S. Army photo ing this large-scale matrix Riccati equation and technology community is to create and ment,” George said. was to divide the swarm into multiple small- exploit scientific knowledge for transforma- A small unmanned Clearpath Husky Reinforcement learning provides a way to er groups and implement group-level local tional overmatch,” George said. “By engaging robot, which was used by ARL research- optimally control uncertain agents to achieve reinforcement learning in parallel while exe- external research through ECI and other coop- ers to develop a new technique to multi-objective goals when the precise mod- cuting a global reinforcement learning on a erative mechanisms, we hope to conduct dis- quickly teach robots novel traversal el for the agent is unavailable; however, the smaller dimensional compressed state from ruptive foundational research that will lead to behaviors with minimal human over- existing reinforcement learning schemes can each group. Army modernization while serving as Army’s sight. only be applied in a centralized manner, which Their current HRL scheme uses a decou- primary collaborative link to the worldwide requires pooling the state information of the pling mechanism that allows the team to scientific community.” entire swarm at a central learner. This drasti- to stimulate and support new and innova- hierarchically approximate a solution to the The team is currently working to further cally increases the computational complexity tive research in collaboration with external large-scale matrix equation by first solving improve their HRL control scheme by consid- and communication requirements, resulting in partners. the local reinforcement learning problem and ering optimal grouping of agents in the swarm unreasonable learning time, George said. The main goal of this effort is to develop then synthesizing the global control from local to minimize computation and communication In order to solve this issue, in collabora- a theoretical foundation for data-driven opti- controllers (by solving a least squares prob- complexity while limiting the optimality gap. tion with Prof. Aranya Chakrabortty from mal control for large-scale swarm networks, lem) instead of running a global reinforcement They are also investigating the use of deep North Carolina State University and Prof. He where control actions will be taken based on learning on the aggregated state. This further recurrent neural networks to learn and predict Bai from Oklahoma State University, George low-dimensional measurement data instead of reduces the learning time. the best grouping patterns and the application created a research effort to tackle the large- dynamic models. Experiments have shown that compared of developed techniques for optimal coordina- scale, multi-agent reinforcement learning The current approach is called Hierarchical to a centralized approach, HRL was able to tion of autonomous air and ground vehicles problem. The Army funded this effort through Reinforcement Learning and it decomposes reduce the learning time by 80% while limit- in multi-domain operations in dense urban the Director’s Research Award for External the global control objective into multiple hier- ing the optimality loss to 5%. terrain. Collaborative Initiative, a laboratory program archies -- namely, multiple small group-level

“The world has changed over the last 18 or 19 years as we have been fighting the glob- DEFENSE al war on terrorism,” Thurgood said. With the signing of the National Defense Strategy, the Continued from Page B1 Army is now in an era of great power com- petition against China and Russia, he added. system, capable of blending current and Currently, the force is working on fielding future air and missile defense sensors and a Directed Energy-Maneuver Short Range weapon systems under a unified network. Air Defense capability, or DE-MSHORAD, The limited user test is focused on the base- to the platoon level by fiscal 2022, Thurgood line requirements for IBCS, including inte- said. The new capability will provide brigade gration of Patriot and AN/MPQ-64 Sentinel combat teams with a 50-kilowatt laser aboard components, PEO officials said. a Stryker combat vehicle in support of air “The Army committed one of its coveted defense artillery operations. Patriot battalions, which are in high demand The Army also looks to field a 300-kilo- across the world given the current [oper- watt Indirect Fire Protection Capability-High ational] tempo requirements,” Rasch said Energy Laser, or IFPC-HEL, and IFPC-High Aug. 4 during the Space and Missile Defense Powered Microwave, or HPM, at the platoon Symposium. level in support of brigade air defense artil- The battalion is assigned to support the lery operations in fiscal 2024, he added. program for the next three years. Directed energy weapons are considered The Army looks to bridge its offensive more cost effective, making them a strate- and defensive fires and sensor capabilities to gic tool in the fight against low-cost weapons fight and win in a multi-domain battlespace. found on the modern battlefield. The IBCS program will create an architec- “At these power levels, I colloquially ture, allowing for the consistent transmission Photo by Raytheon remind people that we don’t have the ‘Star of information from higher headquarters, all The Army is looking to field a new Lower Tier Air and Missile Defense Sensor Wars effect’ -- where you put a beam of light the way down to the operator. by fiscal year 2022. The new IBCS networked device is designed to provide out there and a battleship blows up,” Thur- In December, the Army proved the IBCS the Army with a 360-degree view of the battlespace. The LTAMDS also aims to good said. “Directed energy is a very specific capability after successfully launching Patri- defeat advanced threats, to include hypersonic weapons. weapon for specific outcomes. In our maneu- ot Advanced Capability-2 missiles to inter- ver elements, the DE-MSHORAD is meant cept two cruise missile surrogates. threats, to include hypersonic weapons, pro- systems we have, wherever it’s located.” to counter small [unmanned aircraft systems], During the evaluation, officials net- gram officials said. Directed Energy rocket artillery, and mortar fire.” worked between a Marine Corps Ground and The PEO team is “moving out with the As brigades move to a more fixed loca- The Army is also pursuing a variety of Air Task-Oriented Radar and two Air Force industry partner to provide a prototype” by tion, personnel can leverage the IFPC-HEL directed energy weapons, to include high- F-35 Lightning IIs flying overhead to identi- late fiscal year 2021,” Rasch said. “We will and IFPC-HPM technology. Users will then energy lasers and high-power microwave fy the targets beyond Patriot radar technolo- begin testing the system leading up to an have the option to sequentially destroy a systems, said Lt. Gen. Neil Thurgood, direc- gy, Rasch added. urgent material release,” to meet a require- series of single targets through a high-pow- tor of hypersonics, directed energy, space and In addition to the IBCS, the 3-43 ADA ment set by the Army secretary. ered laser, or take out a group of targets rapid acquisition at the Army Rapid Capabil- will be the first unit to receive the Low- The 3-43 ADA will test additional weap- through a “cone” of high-powered micro- ities and Critical Technologies Office. er Tier Air and Missile Defense Sensor, or ons and sensors -- such as LTAMDS -- within wave energy. The RCCTO is charged to field critical LTAMDS, Rasch said. the IBCS architecture, starting in fiscal 2022, Moving forward, the Army will aim to enabling technologies that address near- and The new IBCS networked device PEO officials said. equip its maneuver elements with high- mid-term threats, ensuring Soldiers have the is designed to provide the Army with a “This is coming in as an IBCS-enabled powered microwave capabilities, but must necessary equipment to fight and win, Thur- 360-degree view of the battlespace. The radar,” he added. “This radar is going to con- wait for current technology to improve and good said at the symposium. LTAMDS also aims to defeat advanced tribute to the total air picture across all the decrease in size, he said. August 20, 2020 • APG News B3 Army Researchers Earn Patent for Secure Communications Invention U.S. Army CCDC Army Research Laboratory munications sector. ADELPHI, Md. -- Army researchers have “Key agreement is even harder in com- been awarded a patent for inventing a practical mercial settings where there are less obvious method for Army wireless devices to covertly backchannels for sharing additional key infor- authenticate and communicate. mation, so other computational methods are Authentication is one of the core pillars of utilized,” Yu said. “The secure secondary mes- wireless communications security, along with sage can be used to help communicate new secrecy and privacy. The value of authentica- key information to fluidly evolve the key over tion in a military setting is readily apparent time to maintain an adversary’s confusion.” and mandatory. The patent, awarded Aug. 4, is based on Receivers verify that an incoming trans- work published in the Institute of Electri- mission did indeed come from an ally and not cal and Electronics Engineers’ Transactions a malicious adversary, therefore maintaining on Information Forensics and Security, and the integrity of communications. This inven- extends an earlier patent. tion, in particular, greatly increases an adver- The invention has been verified via detailed sary’s difficulty in impersonating an ally. simulations. Earlier experiments using soft- The researchers, including Drs. Paul Yu ware-defined radios have shown that such and Brian Sadler from the U.S. Army Combat a physical layer authentication scheme can Capabilities Development Command’s Army be implemented successfully, as patented Research Laboratory and Prof. Rick Blum and previously. Dr. Jake Perazzone from Lehigh University, This research supports the Network Army have invented a method to perform two tasks Modernization Priority by establishing a meth- Photo by Jason Edwards simultaneously: verifying the authenticity of od for efficient and future-proof secure wire- wireless communications and communicating Researchers from the Army’s corporate laboratory and Lehigh University have less communications. secret information. received a patent for inventing a practical method for Army wireless devices, “My team is focused on developing tech- Typically one or the other is done, but not such as radios, to covertly authenticate and communicate. nology that is well-suited to be put into the both. hands of the Soldier in the not-too-distant “In our invention, we take advantage of our “A secret key is used to generate a low-rate purpose of authentication. This expanded new future,” Yu said. “We are optimistic that by wireless authentication capability to enable secret code book that is used to provide both scheme allows for a set of valid tags construct- keeping an eye on future threats while explor- the covert communication of additional infor- authentication of a primary message and side- ed in a way that introduces more uncertainty ing the art of the possible, we can help the mation,” Yu said. “There are many uses of channel communication of a secure second- for an adversary and allows a small secondary future Army network be resilient and robust to this synergistic capability, including the main- ary message,” Sadler said. “The code word message to be sent securely, Yu said. The new the future threat environment.” tenance of strong security through the estab- chosen from the secret code book is superim- patent allows for greater flexibility in imple- The team is currently looking to prototype lishment of shared secrets as well as low-rate posed on the primary message waveform and menting the scheme. the algorithms on software-defined radios as covert communications.” is used as an identification tag so the receiv- Among other purposes, Yu said, the addi- the next step toward transitioning the technol- The invention utilizes a shared key to er can securely and privately verify the iden- tional secure secondary message can provide ogy to the Soldier. create a secret code book, which is used to tity of the source. The additional information a way in which the key can be updated to pro- The laboratory’s Army Research Office achieve authentication and establish an addi- is conveyed through the choice of a valid code tect against future attacks. This would direct- partially supported the research, as well as tional secure communications channel, Yu word.” ly address the need to periodically change the grants from the National Science Foundation said. An adversary, not knowing the key, is A previous physical layer authentication secret keys shared by legitimate parties. and the U.S. Department of Education (Grad- unable to create the code book and thus cannot patent by the CCDC ARL inventors consid- Authentication in general also holds great uate Assistance in Areas of National Need reliably impersonate legitimate parties. ers the use of only one valid tag for the sole importance in the commercial wireless com- Fellowship).

operating picture] accounting for the PLI of all 93 nodes in the network, he said. MANPACK “The COP rendered by Nett Warrior ATAK at the Manpack and Leader Radio Continued from Page B1 nodes also matched the COP rendered by the JBC-P node,” Beljour said. “This demon- the Network-Cross Functional Team assess strated and verified that the network was ful- its readiness to execute the HMS IOT&E in ly connected, and that data interoperability January 2021,” Winterle said. was maintained throughout the TSM network The IOT&E will determine the effective- of mixed radio platforms. This is significant ness, suitability, and survivability of both the from an operational perspective, as this is Manpack and Leader radio product lines, and how these networks will be deployed.” will influence an Army decision to proceed Using the TSM multi-hop network, to full rate production of both radios, fol- the command platform achieved the range lowed by radio buys in fiscal year 2021 and required to have complete visibility of all the large scale fielding scheduled for the same nodes in the area of operation, he said. fiscal year, he said. The capstone event also demonstrat- Incorporating the WREN TSM commer- Photo by Sungill Kim ed simultaneous data and voice over the cial waveform into the Army’s tactical radi- The Warrior Robust Enhanced Network capstone field demonstration validated network, more specifically support for 32 os provides Soldiers at the tactical edge with the ability to form two independent networks in mountainous terrain using voice groups, with multiple voice calls being the option to run both Sensitive But Unclas- Leader and Manpack radios across 93 nodes. Engineers also integrated multiple placed and received across the mixed net- sified (SBU), and Secret and Below, using program of record radio variants and end-user devices as part of an integrated work successfully, he said. NSA type-1 crypto on different channels or system of systems to achieve range extension. During the upcoming January IOT&E, one at a time. only the Manpacks will use WREN TSM. “Operating at the SBU level using WREN Engineers formed these networks using a multi-hop topology.” The Army will upgrade the Leader Radios TSM can take less time to set up and be more mixture of all the program of record key The configuration covered a distance of with WREN TSM during the full-rate pro- compatible with other devices,” said Derek systems and radio sets, including the AN/ 11 kilometers from A to B, and seven kilo- duction phase, Harberts said. Harberts, PdM HMS deputy product man- PRC-158 and AN/PRC-162 Manpack radios, meters from B to C, Beljour said. Porting the WREN commercial waveform ager. “This provides flexibility for when the AN/PRC-148C and AN/PRC-163 lead- As part of the overall integration risk- and linking multiple tactical radio variants Secret-level communications are not need- er radios and the TW950 single channel and reduction effort the IOT&E engineers also together resulted in leap-ahead strides towards ed and allows for options when conducting TW875 data radios, all of which will be part demonstrated the waveform’s ability to trans- meeting the objectives of the IOT&E. collaborative planning, including commu- of the IOT&E. port critical Position Location Information “Our program of record radio sets met nications with joint and coalition partners. “We formed two independent networks, (PLI), situational awareness, voice and free all KPP’s [key performance parameters] for When necessary, WREN can still be operat- Network A and Network C, which were text voice by integrating all of the Manpack range, scalability, networking performance, ed at Secret and permit NSA-encrypted traf- completely obstructed from one another by and Leader radio nodes with Nett Warrior net-readiness and net-management,” Win- fic over the same network.” mountainous terrain,” said Herald Beljour, and Android Tactical Assault Kit (ATAK) terle said. “We now move to the next phase In addition to providing waveform flex- WREN program lead. “We then formed a end-user devices. One node was integrat- of waveform development knowing that ibility, porting the WREN TSM significant- third network, Network B, which connect- ed with a Joint Battle Command-Platform we have demonstrated all the key systems ly extended the range of communications. ed Network A to Network C, also known as (JBC-P), which rendered a COP [common expected for the upcoming IOT&E.”

Did You Know?

as to whether Gorbachev’s days were numbered On Aug. 21, 1991, and whether the United States should shift its just three days after it support to Russian President Boris Yeltsin. Yeltsin’s stock rose sharply as he publicly denounced the began, a coup against coup and organized strikes and street protests Soviet leader Mikhail by the Russian people. The leaders of the coup, seeing that most of the Soviet military did not Gorbachev collapsed. support their action, called off the attempt and it collapsed on Aug. 21. Despite his success in avoiding removal The collapse of the coup brought a temporary from office, Gorbachev’s days in power were reprieve to the Gorbachev regime, but among numbered. The Soviet Union would soon cease U.S. officials he was starting to be seen as to exist as a nation and as a Cold War threat to damaged goods. Once a darling of the U.S. the United States. press and public, Gorbachev increasingly was The coup against Gorbachev began on Aug. viewed as incompetent and a failure. U.S. officials 18, led by hard-line communist elements of the began to discuss the post-Gorbachev situation in Soviet government and military. The attempt the Soviet Union. Based on what had transpired was poorly planned and disorganized, however. during the August 1991 coup, they began a The leaders of the coup seemed to spend as slow but steady tilt toward Yeltsin. In retrospect, much time bickering among themselves -- and, this policy seemed extremely prudent, given according to some reports, drinking heavily -- as that Gorbachev resigned as leader of the they did on trying to win popular support for Soviet Union in December 1991. Despite the their action. Nevertheless, they did manage to turmoil around him, Yeltsin continued to serve put Gorbachev under house arrest and demand as president of the largest and most powerful of Photo by David Broad, published under creative commons that he resign from leadership of the Soviet the former soviet socialist republics, Russia. Union. In August 1991, protesters await a counterattack outside the Many commentators in the West believed White House (which housed the Russian Federation’s parliament that the administration of President George H. and Russian President Boris Yeltsin’s office) in Moscow, the sym- Steve Beland, APG News W. Bush would come to the rescue, but were bolic seat of Russian sovereignty at the time. Source(s) somewhat surprised at the restrained response history/coup-attempt-against-gorbachev-collapses of the U.S. government. These commentators did not know that at the time a serious debate was going on among Bush officials Soviet_Union#August_Coup National Dog Day B4 ByAPG News Rachel • August 20,Ponder, 2020 APG News most popular dog breed in the 11. A ______dog is U.S. a cross between two purebred National Dog DayThe is Aug.APG 26. TestCrossword your knowledge19. of The American Water dogs. “man’s best friend” with this trivia puzzle Spaniel is the official state dog of 14. A West Highland white 1 ______. terrier dog is used as the mascot 2 23. Dachshund means of the ______brand of dog 3 “______dog” in German. food. 4 25 A ______King 16. Dog trainer Cesar Charles spaniel is a relative of the Millan is known as the “Dog 5 6 English toy spaniel. The breed is ______.” 7 generally friendly, affectionate 17. The ______is the and good with both children and only spotted dog in existence

8 other animals. today. This breed is intelligent,

9 26. According to the American friendly and outgoing.

10 11 12 Kennel Club,______is a 20. The dog, Canis familiaris,

13 14 growing dog sport in the U.S. is a direct descendent of the

15 27. ______are the ______wolf, Canis lupus.

16 17 fastest dogs in the world, able 21. Snoopy the dog is a

18 to run at speeds up to about 45 cartoon ______from the comic miles per hour. strip “Peanuts.” This breed of 19 28. The ______wolfhound dog is known for its happy-go- 20 is the world’s tallest dog breed. lucky nature. 21 22 23 22. The St. Bernard is a breed 24 Down of very large working dog from 25 26 1. In 2015, the “______dog” the western Alps in ______was named as the official New and Switzerland. 27 York state canine. 24. “______My Dear” 28 2. The name of the dog is a song by the Beatles. It was on the Cracker Jack box is written by Paul McCartney about ______. his Old English sheepdog. Across Down 3. A ______is a cross 2 ______Lacy is a breed of working dog that 1 In 2015, the “______dog” was named as the originated in Texas in the mid-19th century. official New York state canine. between a pug and a beagle. 4 The bichon frise is a breed of small dog noted for 2 The name of the dog on the Cracker Jacks4. boxThe is______its______fluffy coat andNATIONAL cheerful attitude. DOG______. DAY 5 Puppies often have ______or sudden bursts 3 A ______is a cross between a pugresembles and a a smaller greyhound. of energy. By RACHEL PONDER, APG News beagle. The name of this breed is derived Think you solved last 7 Thor the ______won the 2019 National Dog 4 The ______resembles a smaller greyhound. King of Rock and Roll Show. The name of this breed is derived fromfrom an earlyan early 17th-century word, By Rachelweek’s Ponder, puzzle? APG News 8 The Retriever,National often Dog referred Day isto Aug. 26. Test your17th-century knowledge word, of now “man’s obsolete, best meaning now obsolete, “to meaning “to move Check out the solution below as the ______originated in Maryland. move briskly.” 12 The first cloned dog to survivefriend” birth with is Snuppy,this trivia a puzzle. 6 The American Kennel Club, founded inbriskly.” 1884, Aug. 16 marks the 43rd anniversary of Elvis Presley’s death. Test your knowledgeSolution to theabout Aug. the13 puzzle “King of Rock ______hound puppy. He was born in 2005 in maintains the largest registry of ______6. The dogs American Kennel Club, South Korea. in the world. and Roll” with this trivia puzzle. 1 2 P M 13 ______is the nationalAcross dog of Cuba. 9Retriever,The ______often referred is a breed to of as sled the dog, founded developed in in1884, maintains the 3 A E I G H T Y 15 “Big ______” is a 1962 Disney movie which New Hampshire during the early 20th century. 4 ______originated in Maryland. E A R S 2. ______Lacy is a breed of largest registry of ______5 features the adventures of an Irish setter. 10 According to the Guinness Book of World Records, K S S 18 According to the Americanworking Kennel dogClub, that in 2019, originated in the12. world'sThe first oldest cloned known dog breed of domesticateddogs in the world. E I E 6 7 the ______Retriever was the most popular dog is the ______, believed to have emerged P O R B I S O N 8 Texas in the mid-19th century. to survive birth is Snuppy, a 9. The ______is a breed T H R E E S D dog breed in the U.S. in 329 BC. 9 A P O L I C E 19 The American Water Spaniel is the official state 11 A ______dog is a cross between two 10 11 4. The bichon frise is a ______hound puppy. He was of sled dog, developed in New C D P P R 12 13 dog of ______. purebred dogs. L I B E R A C E E M P born in 2005 in South Korea. 14 23 Dachshund means “______breed dog” of insmall German. dog noted for 14 A West Highland white terrier dog is usedHampshire as the during the early 20th U R R O C K A B I L L Y 25 A ______King Charles spaniel is a relative mascot of the ______brand of dog food. G K O F 13. ______is the century. 15 16 its______fluffy coat and A L O H A I O R I G H T of the English toy spaniel. The breed is generally 16 Dog trainer Cesar Millan is known as the “Dog 17 T G N S A cheerful attitude. national dog of Cuba. 10. According to the Guinness 18 friendly, affectionate and good with both children ______.” T E N N E S S E E 19 and other animals. 17 The15. “Big______” is isthe a only1962 spotted dog in R R V C A G E 5. Puppies often have Book of World Records, the 20 26 According to the American Kennel Club, existence today.This breed is intelligent, friendly K M E A 21 ______is a growing dog______sport in the U.S. or sudden bursts of Disneyand outgoing. movie which features the world’s oldest known breed A A A L A D D I N R N T A 27 ______are the fastest dogs in the world, 20 The dog, Canis familiaris, is a direct descendent of 22 energy. adventures of an Irish setter. of domesticated dog is the G L A D Y S D able to run at speeds up to about 45 miles per the ______wolf, Canis lupus. 23 24 T T B A C O N 25 hour. 7. Thor the ______won 21 Snoopy18. According the dog tois athe cartoon American ______from______, the believed to have R E G G A E U 28 The ______wolfhound is the world’s tallest dog Kennelcomic Club, strip “Peanuts.”in 2019, the This breed of dogemerged is known in 329 B.C. N S breed. the 2019 National Dog Show. for its happy-go-lucky nature. D H E 8. The Chesapeake Bay 22______RetrieverThe St. Bernard is a breed was the of very large working 26 dog from the western Alps in ______and A A R O N Across Down Switzerland. 3 Presley would be ______years old if he were still alive 1 Presley’s manager, Colonel Tom ______, was a former today. carnival barker. 24 "______My Dear" is a song by the Beatles. It 4 Presley couldn’t read or write music, he played 2 Presley was born in Tupelo, ______on Jan. 8, 1935. everything by ______. He played guitar, bass and piano 5 “Return to ______” is a 1962 hit single recorded by was written by Paul McCartney about his Old and often experimented with other instruments. Presley and performed in the film “Girls! Girls! Girls!” 7 Presley referred to ______as the “greatest singer in 6 During Elvis Presley's third and final appearance on the Ed English sheepdog. the world” during one of his Las Vegas concerts. This Sullivan Show on Jan. 6, 1957, he sang the Gospel song, singer was known for his hits like “Oh, Pretty Women” “______in the Valley,” before an audience estimated at and “Only the Lonely.” 54.6 million viewers. 8 Presley won ______Grammy Awards. 10 Presley named his private jet after his______. bbrev9 Presley reportedly collectedof a ______badgethe from every w11eekPresley recorded "Blue Suede Shoes" in 1956. It was A town he performed. in. written and first recorded by this singer-songwriter in 12 This popular Las Vegas performer, who was nicknamed 1955. “Mr. Showmanship,” had a friendship with Presley. 13 The “Memphis ______” was the nickname given by 14 Presley was a central figure in the development of this Presley to a group of friends, associates, employees and style of rock and roll music. cousins whose main functions were to accompany, protect 15 Presley’s “______from Hawaii Via Satellite” concert and serve him during his career. aired in more than 40 countries across Asia and Europe 14 In 1964, Presley paid $55,000 for the Potomac, the on Jan. 14, 1973. 165-foot-long vessel that previously belonged to this U.S. TFI 16 In 1954, Presley launched his music career with the president. recording of “That’s All ______.” 17 Presley was stationed in this country with the U.S. Army 18 In 1957, Presley paid $102,500 for Graceland, the when he met his future wife. The Office of Terrorismmansion that served as his home for two decades. It is 19 ______was the only country Presley performed in located in this state. outside of the U.S. 19 Presley’s daughter, Lisa Marie Presley, was married to 20 Presley had a passion for this martial art. and Financial Intelligencethis actor from 2002-2004. 23 In 1956, Presley made his film debut in “Love Me 21 In 1967 Presley married Priscilla Beaulieu at the ______.” Hotel in Las Vegas, Nevada. 24 In 2006, he became the first sitting U.S. president to visit The Office of Terrorism22 Presley’s and mother Finan ______- bought him his first guitar for Presley’s home, Graceland. his 11th birthday at Tupelo Hardware. 24 A peanut butter, banana and______sandwich is cial Intelligence, TFI, createdsometimes in referred 2004, to as isan Elvis sandwich. 25 "Can't Help Falling in Love" is a 1961 song recorded by Presley for the album “Blue Hawaii.” In the 1990s it was an agency of the Departmentrecorded of by thethe British Trea ______- group UB40, which became a hit in the U.S. sury. TFI, which is overseen26 Presley’s by middlethe undername - secretary of the treasury for terrorism and financial intelligence, works to reduce the use of the financial system for illicit activities by terrorists (groups and state- sponsored), money launderers, drug cartels, and other national security threats, both domestic and international. TFI oversees the Office of Terrorist Financing and Finan- cial Crimes, the Office of Intelligence and Analysis, the Office of Foreign Assets Con- Photo by Sgt. Kayla Hocker trol, the Financial Crime Enforcement Network and the Treasury Executive Office for A U.S. Army Green Beret with 1st Special Forces Group synchronizes a radio Asset Forfeiture. during a Joint Precision Airdrop System and military freefall exercise on July 24 in Shelton, Washington. By STEVE BELAND, APG News lower power also makes communications Source(s): more difficult for adversaries to detect Terrorism-and-Financial-Intelligence.aspx RADIOS because the transmitted signal is intended to be coherent at the location of the intend- Continued from Page B1 ed receiver instead of at other locations.” The Squad Area Network delivers an a component of AFC’s Combat Capabilities intra-squad radio communications network Development Command – said assessing the that operates in the presence of electronic ord of the week capabilities in NetModX 20’s fail-safe envi- interference in challenged environments. W ronment will ensure the technologies are “SQAN radios are small in size and properly aligned with the Army’s require- weight, low in battery usage, and low in ments before they are placed in Soldiers’ cost. This enables the Army to bring com- hands for operational testing. munications capabilities that were previ- Bank “The systems are still in the devel- ously unaffordable to every Soldier in the Pronounced: bangk opment phase, so this is not a Soldier squad formation, while minimizing the Part of Speech: Noun hands-on event,” he said. “It’s better for burden of carrying extra equipment,” Scott ‘white-coat’ engineers to go out, figure out said. “This also allows for more effective Definition: how their systems work together and opti- operations by increasing situational aware- 1. An institution for receiving, lending, exchanging, and safeguarding money and, in some cases, mize them before putting Soldiers on them ness and coordination within squads.” issuing notes and transacting other financial business. because Soldier time is precious.” The C5ISR Center’s main objective is 2. An arrangement of objects in a line or in tiers. 3. In gaming, the stock or fund of pieces from which the players draw. The Dismounted Distributed Tactical to use NetModX 20’s field environment to Beamforming System provides dismount- 4. In physical geography, the slope immediately bordering a stream course along which the water collect performance data and validate the normally runs. ed Soldiers with reach-back to the pla- non-traditional waveform systems’ abili- 5. In billiards, the cushion of the table. toon level and higher by incorporating ties to meet key performance parameters. 6. In aeronautics, the lateral inclination of an aircraft, especially during a turn. affordable technologies for voice and data Brownfield emphasized the importance of Part of Speech: Verb communications with low probability of analyzing this data “as early in the process intercept, low probability of detection and as possible,” to ensure technology devel- Definition: anti-jamming capabilities. opers are meeting the Army’s operation- 1. To build up in or form banks, as clouds or snow. Jeremy Scott, the C5ISR Center engi- al needs. 2. In aeronautics, to tip or incline an airplane laterally. neer leading the effort, described current “We’re pushing real mission command handheld tactical radios as being “the size Use: data through the systems to make sure they ƒ of a slim brick,” and said they typically A tugboat improbably sits high on the bank, obscured by tall grass, a broken oil rig hangs over the meet the needs of the network,” he said. water nearby. weigh around two or three pounds. “We have to make sure that throughout this ƒ Paychecks are automatically deposited into the bank. “D2TBS enables communications to be process, discovery-based learning informs ƒ The pilot banked right. sent at a lower power than radios current- the requirements, and that outcomes are ly used in tactical environments, which shared with the requirements’ writers and means radios can be smaller and lighter,” used by industry capability developers to By JON BLEIWEIS, APG News Scott said. “The ability to transmit at a ensure they are postured to deliver.” Source(s):; August 20, 2020 • APG News B5

Take a look back in time as the APG News explores what made the headlines around APG during this week 5, 10 and 15 years ago. This week’s APG News masthead is from 1971. By STEVE BELAND, APG News 2020 5 Years Ago: Aug. 20, 2015

(Left) A Soldier from the 20th Chemical, Biological, Radiological, Nuclear and Explosives Command takes the fight to mock enemy forces during the second iteration of the 10-day CBRNE Leaders Course at Gunpowder Range, Maryland. 2015

(Right) Staff Sgt. David Carter, assigned to the Communications-Electronics Research, Development and Engineering Center at APG, was named RDECOM’s NCO of the Year and competed at the U.S. Army Materiel Command’s Best Warrior 2010 Competition for the second consecutive year.

10 Years Ago: Aug. 19, 2010

(Left) Sgt. Anthony Gentilo, from the U.S. Army Materiel Command Band, sings the national anthem during 2005 the pre-game festivities for Ripken Stadium’s Military Appreciation Night.

2000 (Right) Retired Command Sgt. Maj. Sammy Brinson, right, in welding gear, looks on as Sgt. 1st Class Michael Moore, center, and Staff Sgt. Brian Sharp, left, remove the E-6 chevron from the wall of the Noncommissioned Officer Academy, which was being relocated to , Virginia.

1995 15 Years Ago: Aug. 18, 2005


(Above) USMC’s Michael Perri blasts the first of four consecutive RBI doubles to center field during the second inning of game two of the intramural softball post championship against Company E 16th at Shine Sports Field. The Marines beat Company E 16th two games in a row to claim the title.

(Left) Ruth Hennigan, secretary of the VFW Post 5337 Ladies Auxiliary, right, packs a box of goods for deployed service members in Iraq and Afghanistan with help from Faye White of Aglow 1985 International, left, and neighbor Janet Renner, center. B6 APG News • August 20, 2020

As of 1200hrs 5 Aug 20

APG Installation Operating Hours / Scheduled Work Days ACTIVITY OPEN REMARKS CLOSED REMARKS LIMITED SERVICES APG-North Route 22 3 pm – 5 pm Monday thru Friday ( Outbound Traffic Only) ------

APG-North Route 715 24/7 Open ------

Route 715 Visitor Center 6 am – 6 pm Monday thru Friday Saturday & Sunday ------

APG-South Wise Road CLOSED Gate closed at HPCON C Saturday & Sunday ------

APG-South Route 24 24/7 Open ------

Route 24 Visitor Center 6 am – 4 pm Monday thru Friday Saturday & Sunday ------APG-North Athletic Center 5 am-9 am / 1 pm-4pm Monday thru Friday (Active Duty Only) Weekends / Holidays NO 24/7 unmanned Access Open Active Duty Only APG-North Health & Fitness CLOSED Until Further notice Monday thru Sunday ------Center (B320) APG-South Hoyle Gym/ CLOSED Until Further notice Monday thru Sunday ------Fitness Center Shore Pool 2 pm – 5 pm Monday thru Friday, Lap Swim, (All eligible patrons) Saturday & Sunday ------All eligible patrons Bayside pool CLOSED Until Further notice Monday thru Sunday ------Sat Facebook Live Steam (Catholic Mass): 1700-1830 Sunday Facebook Live Streams (Protestant and Religious Support Office 9 am – 5 pm Monday thru Friday Saturday & Sunday Gospel SVCs): 0900-1500 Army Community Services* CLOSED Email and phone appointments only Monday thru Sunday Newcomers in-processing and all classes are cancelled until further notice. Child & Youth Services 6 am – 6 pm Monday thru Friday Saturday & Sunday Aberdeen CDC and Aberdeen Youth Center only open for care to children of essential personnel Child & Youth Services Tuesday – Thursday; Central registration is not accepting new registration at this time. Patrons should call for information Administrative Offices & 8 am – 3 pm Monday & Friday Only Saturday & Sunday on re-registrations and program registration. Parent Central Registration Routine Work Orders suspended due to COVID-19. Emergency/ Urgent Work Orders are being CORVIAS Housing Office Closed to public Mon-Fri in response to COVID-19, Call for all appointments Saturday & Sunday executed. Corvias to move to 50% maintenance staff at HPCON CHARLIE Hotel Front Desk (410) 278-5148. Hotel Website Limited grab & go breakfast & once a week IHG Hotel 24/7 Monday thru Sunday housekeeping for mitigation purposes. APG-North Recreation Center CLOSED Until Further notice Saturday & Sunday ------

APG-South Recreation Center CLOSED Until Further notice Monday thru Sunday ------

APG-North Brewer Lanes CLOSED Until Further notice Monday thru Sunday ------(Bowling Center) To make a reservation during the work week call 410-278-2134 from 10 am to 4 pm. To make a reservation on Auto Crafts Center 8 am – 4 pm Saturday & Sunday (Reservation Only) Monday thru Friday Saturday or Sunday call 410-278-5178. Outdoor Rec Services and Over the phone and email reservations for Boat/ RV Storage, Fishing Passes, equipment rental, 10 am – 4 pm Mon thru Fri (No walk-ins, phone & email reservation only) Monday thru Sunday Equipment Center Campground services. Open to all Eligible Patrons. Call (410) 278-4124 for more info. Library CLOSED Until Further notice Saturday & Sunday ------MWR Leisure Ticket Office CLOSED Until Further notice Saturday & Sunday ------

Ruggles Golf Course 8 am – 8:30 pm Open Monday thru Sunday to all eligible patrons ------Make reservations by Credit Card Payment over the phone only / Call (410) 278-4794

Exton Golf Course 8 am – 6 pm Open Monday thru Sunday to all eligible patrons ------Make reservations by Credit Card Payment over the phone only / Call (410) 436-2213 3 pm – 6 pm Tuesday & Thursday Skeet Range Mon, Wed, Fri, Sun ------12 pm – 6 pm Saturday Commissary Tuesday 9 am – 7 pm Wed thru Fri 10am-7pm / Sat 9am-6pm / Sun 10am-5pm Mondays ------No “Early Bird” hours Closed the AM of the 3rd Thursday of every month for training and the 1st Thursday of the 2nd month Kirk U.S.Army Health Clinic 7:30 am – 4:30 pm Monday thru Friday Saturday & Sunday of each quarter for CDR's Call & training. APG=North Dental Clinic 7 am – 3:30 pm Monday thru Friday (Emergency Care Only) Saturday & Sunday DRC3, DRC4, and Dental Emergencies Routine work is rescheduled (TBD)

APG-South Dental Clinic 7 am – 3:30 pm Monday thru Friday (Emergency Care Only) Saturday & Sunday DRC3, DRC4, and Dental Emergencies Routine work is rescheduled (TBD) Legal Client Services CLOSED Active Duty Military only contact MAJ Masick 443 861-5146 Monday thru Friday 100% Office Telework - All other Clients - Services / issues will be addressed upon return. Currently scheduling appointments based on the need for Rabies, LEPTO, Heart Worm test, sick calls Veterinary Clinic 9 am – 4 pm Monday thru Wednesday Thursday thru Sunday and annual wellness exams. Please call so we can take care of your pet needs. 410-278-4604 Appointment required for services; CAC/ID Cards 410-306- CAC/ID Cards will remain open for 2404; Retirements (Virtual) 410-776-4856; Personnel MILPO / ID Card / Retirement 8 am – 4 pm Monday thru Friday Saturday & Sunday business by appointment; all other Services (Virtual) 843-834-2638; SFL-TAP (Virtual) 443-327- services handled virtually 9681 Army Education Center 8:30 am – 4:30 pm Tuesday thru Friday Saturday & Sunday Virtual 443-327-9715, [email protected]; [email protected] Official Mail & Distribution Monday thru Friday - All outgoing mail must be received 6:30 am – 4 pm Saturday & Sunday Contact 410-278-6430/278-2252/278-3550 Office closes one hour early on Fridays Center NLT 1400 Army Substance Abuse Contact 410-278-3810; Virtual EAP 410-278-5319; DTC 410- Military units may schedule specimen 7:30 am – 4:30 pm Monday thru Friday Saturday & Sunday Program 278-DRUG (3784) drop-offs with DTC 10 am – 6 pm Monday thru Friday Main Exchange (PX) ------10 am – 4 pm Saturday & Sunday 10 am – 6 pm Monday thru Friday GNC ------10 am – 4 pm Saturday & Sunday Barber Shop 10 am – 3 pm Monday thru Sunday ------Edgewood Barber Shop CLOSED Until Further notice ------Laundry / Dry Cleaners 10 am – 3 pm Monday thru Friday Saturday & Sunday ------

Coffee and Grains CLOSED Until Further notice Monday thru Sunday ------

Eat Like A Greek 10 am – 1:30 pm Monday thru Friday Saturday & Sunday ------

Melvin's Auto 7:30 am – 5 pm Monday thru Friday Saturday & Sunday ------APG-North Express 7 am – 7 pm Monday thru Friday ------(Shoppette) 9 am – 5 pm Saturday & Sunday APG-North Shoppette Subway 9:30 am – 2:30 pm Monday thru Friday Saturday & Sunday ------

Tim Hortons Bldg. 6002 CLOSED Until Further notice Saturday & Sunday ------

Tim Hortons Bldg. 6008 CLOSED Until Further notice Monday thru Sunday ------

Subway Bldg. 6007 (C5ISR) CLOSED Until Further notice Monday thru Sunday ------

Burger King Bldg. 2330 10 am – 5 pm Monday thru Friday (Drive Thru Service Only) Saturday & Sunday ------

McShane's Bldg. 6010 7 am – 2 pm Monday thru Friday (Carry Out Only) Saturday & Sunday ------

McShane’s Bldg. 6008 7 am – 2 pm Monday thru Friday Saturday & Sunday MENU at MCSHANESGOURMET.NET Order online and pick up in 6008 Edgewood Express 7 am – 5 pm Monday thru Friday Saturday & Sunday ------Gas Pumps remain open 24/7 (Shoppette) APG-South Subway 9 am – 2 :30 pm Monday thru Friday Saturday & Sunday ------1SG BBQ 11 am – 2 pm Monday thru Friday (Recreation Center Parking Lot) Saturday & Sunday ------Strike Force Café 11 am – 2 pm Monday thru Friday; Curbside Pickup Only Saturday & Sunday Credit Card Payments over the phone only / Call in your order at (410) 278-4041 (Bowling Center) Top of the Bay CLOSED Until Further notice Monday thru Sunday ------Top of the Bay Food Delivery CLOSED Until Further notice Saturday & Sunday ------Sutherland Grille (Ruggles) 11 am – 5 pm Tuesday thru Saturday (Outdoor Patio Dining Only) Monday & Sunday ------Seasonal Hours Property Book Office 7 am - 4:00 pm Monday thru Friday Saturday & Sunday ------Office closes one hour early on Fridays

Property Book Warehouse CLOSED Monday thru Friday Saturday & Sunday ------Office closes one hour early on Fridays CIF On-Call Monday thru Friday Saturday & Sunday On call only – Call 306-1416 ------Installation ASP 7:30 am – 4 pm Monday thru Friday Saturday & Sunday ------SSA / CRP 7 am – 4:30 pm Monday thru Friday Saturday & Sunday ------Closes one hour early on Fridays/ RDO LRC Fuel Station 7 am – 4:30 pm Monday thru Friday Saturday & Sunday ------Office closes one hour early on Fridays 100% teleworking; POC Carl Merchant: On site dispatching located in Bldg. TMP 7 am – 3 pm Monday thru Friday Saturday & Sunday carl.a.merchant.civ@mail 3660 No face to face counseling: M-T 410-306-2057; W-Th 410-306-2056; Friday via email: Personal Property Processing 7 am – 3:30 pm Monday thru Friday Saturday & Sunday [email protected] Carson Wagonlit Travel (CTO) 8 am – 4:30 pm Monday thru Friday Saturday & Sunday After hours emergency call in available – 1-800-296-3074 N0 onsite; 100% telework Passenger Travel 7 am – 4:30 pm Monday thru Friday Saturday & Sunday Conducted over the phone or via email ------Freight Office 7 am – 4:30 pm Monday thru Friday Saturday & Sunday Shipping/deliveries only completed M-Th - NLT 1430 Closes one hour early on Fridays/ RDO Maintenance 7:30 am – 4:00 pm Monday thru Friday Saturday & Sunday ------ACTIVITY OPEN REMARKS CLOSED REMARKS LIMITED SERVICES

* For Army Emergency Relief, call Red Cross at 1-877-272-7337. FOR THE LATEST UPDATES, VISIT APGNEWS.COM.