48 GREAT . . (KELLY's

Retire in zgoo. Stamp Distributor, Anthony ~Slater, High street John Daniells Henry Cousins j Sidney AlgernonBontor M. D Town Crier, David Nash, Grrel path Richard Sear Lewis Ebenezer Thomas Places of Worship, wi~h times of services. Retire in 1901. St. Peter's Church, Rev. Art·hur J ohnson M.A. rector; Josiah East j George Day Rev. H. Constable Curtis ~LA. & Rev. E. W. Gillev, Major Henry Jame!! Foster William Chilton curates ; Holy Communion, 8 a.m. ; matms,• litany• •& Officers. sermon, II a.m.; children's service, 3 p.m.; evensong Clel'k, Thomas Penny, 173 High street & sermon, 6.30 p.m.; daily matins, 8 a.m. & even­ Treasurer, James Chambers, London & County Bank song, 5 p.m Inspector & Surveyor, Edward H. Adey F.I.A.S. Cross Society of Friends, occasional services Oak road Baptist, High street, Rev. Frederick Charles Hughes; u Medical Officer of Health, William Gruggen L.R.C.P.I., a.m. & 6 p.m. ; wed. 7.30 ::_:~.m D.P.H. 7 Grosvenor road, Baptist (Strict); 10.30 a.m. & 6 p.m.; wed. 7 p.m Rate Collector, Octavius P. Timson, 147 High street Congregational; n a.m. & 6.30 p.m.; wed. 7.30 p.m Brethren; n a.m. & 3 & 6 p.m. ; mon. 7.30 p.m.;. BERKH :\~ISTEAD RUR.AL DISTRICT COUNCIL. thurs. 7.30 p.m. ; sat. 8 p.m Primitive Methodist, Rev. Frank Shergold; 10.30 & 6 :Meet every fortnight at the Workhouse at 11 a.m. Clerk, Samuel Stallon, Hemel Hempsted p.m.; tues. 7 p.m.; fri. 7.30 p.m Treasurer, Frederick Butcher, Bank, Wesleyan, 10.30 a.m. & 6 p.m Surveyor & Sanitary Inspector, Edward li. Adey, Cross Schools. Oak road Berkhamsted School, Castle street, founded by Dr. Volunteers. Incent, dean of St. Paul's, A.D. 1541 & restored in 2nd (Hertfordshire) Volunteer Battalion, Bedfordshire 1841, has an endowment of about £1,5oo a year~ Regiment (E Co.), Hon. :Major Henry J. Foster, arising from houses & 649a. 2r. 12p. of land; ther& commanding; Samuel Rowland Timson, Iieut. ; R. M. are four exhibitions of £6o yearly each, tenable for Batterbury, 2nd Iieut.; Edward H. Ballam, sergeant­ four years at any educational institution, & 27 scholar­ instructor; 0. P. Timson, sec ships tenable in the school; the boarding houses wer& rebuilt & greatly imnroved during the years 1888-9 Public Establishments. & class rooms for 350 boys added as well as a Ancient Order of Foresters (Court Brownlow), W. G. gymnasium, baths & chapel; the school has now Cooper, Stati()n road, sec 1898) more than 300 boys; it is under the control Fire Engine Station, High street; George Edwin Wing­ of a body of 13 governors; chairman, Sir John Evans field, captain K.C.B., D.C.L., F.R.S., F.S.A.; clerks to the gover­ Freemasons' Lodge (No. 504), meets at King's Arms nors, Messrs. Petch & Smurthwaite; the Rev. Thomas hotel, High street ; C. Bullock esq. sec Charles Frv D.D. bead master; C. H. Greene 1\I.A., Inland Revenue Officer, Adin Chamberlain, 8 Manor st J. H. How M.A., G. H. Gowring M.A., H. M. Ruddock Mechanics' Institute, High street; James Chambers, M.A. Rev. A. Cole M.A. James Pa.rsons B.A., E. V. president; Richard Waller Rippon, treasurer; W. J. Stocks M.A., H. Tomlinson M.A., H. B. Herbert M. .A., Pickin, hon. sec. ; W. Saville, hon. librarian J. Trask, G. E. Furkhen M.A., Ph.D., P. R. Oddfellows (Loyal Castle wdge), Manchester Unity; Humphrys B.A., C. F. Herdener B.A., F. H. GeorgB Samuel Timson, sec; Past Grand Lodge, with So B.A., G. H. Brinkler B.A. & J. T. Bavin, assistant members ; 0. P. Timson, sec masters; J. B. McBride M.R.C.S. & R. L. Batterbury Police Station, High street; William 1\Iartin, inspector M.D. medical officers & 3 constables The Berkhamsted High School for Girls, founded in Cemetery, off High. street 1888, & endowed from surplus funds of the Grammar Stamp Office, Anthony Slater, High street school, occupies what was formerly the school hons9 Town Hall, High street, Henry Nash, sec of Bourne's school, in High street; bead mistress, Miss B. Arris; assistant mistresses, Miss l\L Steven­ Berkhamsted Union. son, Miss J. Kroon, Miss Stoker, Miss Hudson, Miss Board day every fortnight at the Workhouse at 10 a.m. Tate, Miss Tatham, Miss Jeffreys The Union comprises the following parishes :-, A. School Board of 5 members was formed 22 March. Great Berkhamsted, , Marsworth 1871; Thomas Penny, High street, is clerk to th& (Bucks), Nettleden, , (Bucks), board; Joseph Tufnell, Gravel path, attendance officer Puttenham, Tring & Wigginton. The area of the Board, High street, built in 1834, for 400 boys & girls;. union is 26,036 aores; rateable value in 1898, £96,724; average attendance, 280; Joseph Henry Hodges, population in 1S91, 16,122 master ; Miss Annie Roughsedge, mistress Clerk to the Guardians & Assessment Committee, Saml. Infants' school built in 1894 for 130 children, averag& Stallon, attendance 70; Miss Luke, mistress Treasurer, Frederick Butcher, Bank, Tring Bourne's School, founded in 1727 by Thomas Bourne. Collector to the Guardians & Relieving & Vaccination of this town, is now incorporated with the National Officer, John Cook, Tring school. & is administered under a scheme approved Medical Officers & Public Vaccinators, Aldbury district, by Her Majesty in Council, October 28th, 1879, for • James Brown ~LB. Tring; Berkhamsted district, the purpose of advancing the education of poor boys Richard Legg Batterbury M.D. 95 High street, Berk- & girls in accordance with the doctrines of the Church • bamsted; Tring district, Edwin Joseph LeQuesne of : the endowment of £300 yearly is expended M.B. Tring in scholarships & exhibitions: it is managed by 1t Superintendent Registrar, George Loosley, 12 Castle body of governors, S. Timson, clerk: the former street, Great Berkhamsted; deputy, George William school house, now used as a high school for girls, is Loosley, . 12 Castle street a picturesque building situated in the High street &i Registrars of Births, Marriages & Deaths, Berkhamsted · is still the property of the governors sub-district, Thomas Holloway, 105 High street, Great Berkhamsted & Nortbchurch National (boys, girls &; Berkhamsted; deputy, Harry Holloway, High street; infants), with which is now incorporated Bourne's Tring sub-district, J. Gibbs Jones, Tring; deputy, H. Free School, is now held at the Court hom>e : 20 boys­ Rawlins, Tring & 20 girls are educated on Bourne's foundation & in Workhouse, Berkbamsted, erected in 1831 & will hold lieu of clothing have £5 each : the school will hold" 120 inmates, James Jesty, master; Richard Legg 190 boys; average attendance, 160; Thomas Peters,. Batterbury M. D. medical officer; Mrs. Augnsta C. master: girls' school, 190 girls ; average attendance,. J esty, matron 162 ; Miss M. Lucock, mistress : infants' school, Chapel street, for 200 children; average attendance, 190;. School Attendance Committee. Miss M. Dye, mistress : Infants' school, Gossoms Clerk, Samuel Stallon, Hemel Hempstead End, for 100 children; average attendance, So; Mrs. Attendance Officer, Thomas Halsey, Charles street Peters. mistress: the National schools have a separ­ Inspector of Canal Boats, Ed ward H. Adey, Cross Oak rd ate joint endowment of £105 yearly, left in 1837 by the Countess of Bridgewater, wife of Francis Henry Public Officers. (Egerton), 8th & last earl; also £3 6s. 6d. from G. Certifying Factory Surgeon, Richard Legg Batterbury Nugent's charity for education. A boys' school, in M.D. 95 High street Chesham road, is now (1898) in course of erection, for Collector of Income &; Assessed T~es, Samuel Timson, 250 boys 147 High street Mixed, Potton End, enlarged in 1873, for 120- children; Collector of Poor's Rates, Octavius P. Timson, 147 High st average attendance, 76 ; Miss Edith Fowles, miStress