Thorax 2001;56:65–72 65

Paediatric origins of adult diseases c 5 : first published as 10.1136/thorax.56.1.65 on 1 January 2001. Downloaded from Series editors: P Sly, S Stick

Adult outcome of congenital lower malformations

M S Zach, E Eber

Congenital malformations of the lower respira- 100% survival in infants without severe associ- tory tract are usually diagnosed and managed ated anomalies.3 in the newborn period, in infancy, or in child- hood. To what extent should the adult pulmo- nologist be experienced in this predominantly LONG TERM OUTCOME paediatric field? To understand any long term respiratory mor- There are three ways in which an adult phy- bidity after the successful repair of TOF and sician may be confronted with this spectrum of oesophageal atresia, one must realise that the disorders. The most frequent type of encounter tracheal structure is more or less abnormal in will be a former paediatric patient, now reach- most patients, showing disruption of cartilage ing adulthood, with the history of a surgically rings and a concomitant increase in the mem- 6 treated respiratory malformation; in some of branous portion. This results in tracheomala- these patients the early loss of lung tissue raises cia of varying severity which persists far beyond questions of residual damage and compensa- the surgical closure of the TOF and occurs in 7 tory growth. Secondly, there is an increasing the majority of patients. In addition, oesopha- number of children in whom paediatric pulmo- geal function tends to remain disturbed after nologists treat respiratory malformations ex- the repair of oesophageal atresia; relevant stud- pectantly; these patients eventually become ies have shown absence of the normal peristal- adults with their malformation still in place. tic wave, atonia, and pooling of oesophageal Thirdly, there is a small group of patients in contents.89

whom the malformation goes unrecognised The clinical course in the first years after throughout childhood; in these a late complica- repair of TOF is often characterised by a high tion or the coincidental discovery of a radio- incidence of chronic respiratory symptoms.910 graphic anomaly may demand a late diagnosis The most typical of these is a brassy, seal-like and management in adulthood. cough that stems from the residual tracheo- All three of these adult presentations will malacia. While this “TOF cough” is both require some expertise on the part of the man- impressive and harmless per se, recurrent aging physician. The subsequent text reviews bronchitis and pneumonitis are also frequently the most common “classical” congenital mal- observed.711In rare cases, however, tracheoma- formations of the lower respiratory tract from lacia can be severe enough to cause life threat- on September 24, 2021 by guest. Protected copyright. the above three perspectives. ening apnoeic spells.712 These respiratory symptoms tend to decrease in both frequency and severity with age, and most patients have Tracheo-oesophageal fistula (TOF) few or no respiratory complaints by the time 13 14 PAEDIATRIC PRESENTATION they reach adulthood. TOF usually occurs in association with The entire spectrum of residual respiratory oesophageal atresia; thus, the outcome is morbidity after repair of TOF is not suYciently invariably fatal unless the anomaly is surgically explained by alone. In many repaired in the first days of life. The rare “H patients the remaining abnormalities of Respiratory and type” TOF without oesophageal atresia is an oesophageal motility cause dysphagia, oesoph- Allergic Disease exception to this rule and may persist into later agitis, and gastro-oesophageal reflux, and these Division, Paediatric childhood or even adulthood before the problems tend to persist well into adult- Department, diagnosis is established.1 The malformation is hood.371314 There seems to be a correlation University of Graz, Austria explained by the defective progression of a between the frequency of bronchitis and pneu- M S Zach complex system of folds that separate the monia, on the one hand, and the severity of E Eber foregut into and oesophagus.2 Approxi- dysphagia on the other.13 Furthermore, lung mately 50% of infants with TOF have associ- function testing in TOF survivors tends to Correspondence to: ated anomalies, most often involving the reveal a mildly restrictive respiratory impair- Prof Dr M Zach, Klinische Abteilung für Päd. urinary, gastrointestinal, and cardiac sys- ment indicating additional pathology in the Pulmonologie/Allergologie, tems.34 lower respiratory tract.13 14 All this suggests that Univ Klinik für Kinder- und Jugendheilkunde, The first successful repair of oesophageal some patients tend to aspirate recurrently after Auenbruggerplatz 30, atresia with TOF was reported in 19435; since the repair of TOF, and this extends the scope of A-8036 Graz, Austria maximilian.zach@ then the surgical and perioperative manage- respiratory pathology beyond the malformed ment has improved progressively, achieving a trachea.91015Residual oesophageal dysfunction 66 Zach, Eber

oVers itself as the most likely cause for such airless tissue mass prevails. The lesion may recurrent aspiration. Scoliosis, which occasion- aVect part or the whole of one lobe, sometimes Thorax: first published as 10.1136/thorax.56.1.65 on 1 January 2001. Downloaded from ally occurs in patients who have had a TOF two lobes, or even an entire lung.21 repair, is a non-specific long term consequence Many CAMs present with severe respiratory of thoracotomy.16 symptoms at birth; large lesions may cause a mediastinal shift and compression of the oppo- LATE PRESENTATION site lung. Occasionally it may be diYcult to TOF without oesophageal atresia is compatible distinguish CAM from congenital diaphrag- with life and may go unnoticed for years or matic hernia in an infant with severe respira- even decades. Patients may suVer from bouts of tory distress.22 However, the diagnosis of some coughing after drinking, haemoptysis, retro- lesions may be delayed until infancy, school sternal pain and recurrent pneumonitis.1 age, or even adolescence.23 These cases present with unresolving pulmonary infiltration, failure to thrive, or pneumothorax. Surgical resection Cystic malformations is considered to be the treatment of choice in PAEDIATRIC PRESENTATION all cases of CAM.23–25 The extent of pulmonary A spectrum of diVerent, more or less clearly resection will depend on the size of the lesion; defined, congenital malformations can be listed some authors advocate surgical techniques that under this heading. They all have cysts that aim to preserve the functional pulmonary often (but not necessarily) form a prominent tissue that surrounds the malformation.26 part of the lesion. Surgical resection of the malformation is the most frequently used therapeutic option. Pulmonary sequestration is a disconnected or abnormally communicating bronchopulmo- Lung cysts nary mass or cyst with a normal or anomalous Also termed “congenital parenchymal cysts”, arterial supply and/or venous drainage.19 It may these lesions are a localised malformation of occur in two forms.27–29 In the more frequent the terminal bronchopulmonary airway. De- intrapulmonary form the lesion lies within the pending on their origin, their wall may contain boundary formed by the pleural layer sur- bronchial elements such as cartilage, glands, rounding the lung, while the rare extrapulmon- and smooth muscle, or they may be of a more ary form consists of ectopic lung tissue lying bullous alveolar type.17 outside the boundary formed by the pleural Lung cysts may occur as a single or a multi- layer that surrounds the rest of the lung. cystic lesion, can contain fluid, air, or both, and Roughly two thirds of all pulmonary seques- may or may not communicate with the trations are found in the posterior basal bronchial tree.18 The most frequently occurring segment of the left lower lobe; the extent of the complication is infection that may enter via 19 lesion is usually segmental or less. A bronchial rudimentary communications from the airways communication is either absent or abnormal, or via collateral channels, and may lead to pro- and the lesion may be cystic or not. The aber- tracted pneumonitis and abscess formation. In rant systemic arterial supply arises from the addition, enlarging cysts may cause compres- lower thoracic or the upper abdominal aorta or sion of the surrounding tissue resulting in atel- one of its major branches as a single trunk. The ectasis and/or recurrent pneumonia. Rupture venous drainage of a pulmonary sequestration of a cyst may lead to pneumothorax.19 is usually normal to the left atrium but may also Large lesions may cause symptoms post- be anomalous to the right atrium, vena cava, or 28 30 natally or in infancy but others may remain azygos system. on September 24, 2021 by guest. Protected copyright. asymptomatic for years or decades and are only Clinically, pulmonary sequestration is latent diagnosed by chance or when causing late until infection leads to symptoms. Recurrent complications. Diagnostic examination relies pneumonitis of the sequestrated segment, on CT scanning; aortography can be used to fever, but also purulent sputum and haemo- rule out an aberrant systemic arterial supply to ptysis then become the prevailing symp- the lesion, thus distinguishing lung cysts from toms.29 31 Pulmonary sequestration can present cystic variants of the sequestration spectrum. clinically at all ages, but most lesions tend to Surgical resection is usually recommended, develop these infective complications at school especially if the cysts have already caused some age and adolescence; however, symptoms may complications.19 Some paediatric pulmonolo- also occur in infants and preschool children, as gists will advocate non-surgical management well as in previously asymptomatic adults.27 29 32 for smaller asymptomatic lesions diagnosed by In addition, it may be discovered coincidentally chance. on a chest radiograph taken for another reason.19 Cystic adenomatoid malformation (CAM) All symptomatic cases of pulmonary seques- CAM is a rare malformation of the non- tration require surgery which is usually cura- cartilage-containing terminal respiratory struc- tive.24 25 29 To avoid vascular complications, tures.19 It consists of cysts and solid airless tis- accurate preoperative assessment by ultra- sue that, on histological examination, shows sonography, CT scanning with contrast, and/or predominantly bronchiolar elements.20 In the conventional angiography are essential. Some macrocystic type one or more large cysts authors have advocated embolisation of the predominate, the more frequently occurring aberrant systemic artery at the time of microcystic type consists mostly of small cysts, catheterisation which, in a few cases, may result while the solid type is a CAM in which a solid in complete resolution of symptoms and chest Adult outcome of congenital lower respiratory tract malformations 67

radiographic changes.19 It thus allows the postoperative compensatory lung growth option of expectant management for a while changes the structure and function of the Thorax: first published as 10.1136/thorax.56.1.65 on 1 January 2001. Downloaded from and, if surgical resection is subsequently remaining lung in these children. The respira- considered necessary, the risk of vascular com- tory status of an adult who has undergone plications is reduced.33 34 resection of lung tissue early in life will, at least in part, express the end result of such compen- Congenital lobar emphysema (CLE) satory growth. There is also the related and CLE is a massive postnatal overinflation of one clinically important question whether compen- or more lobes of the lung.19 35 36 Approximately satory lung growth is more extensive in half the cases of CLE involve the left upper lobe younger patients, as might be expected if the and the lesion is less frequently located in the normal growth and development of the respira- right upper or middle lobe.36 Congenital heart tory tract did support and enhance compensa- disease is a common accompaniment of tory mechanisms. If this was the case, lung tis- CLE.35 37 The development of CLE is still sue resection should be performed as early in poorly understood. Strictly speaking, the term life as possible to ensure maximum structural “emphysema” should be based on clearly and functional compensation. Thus, the paedi- defined morphological characteristics that are atric pulmonologist, when confronted with a not present in CLE. This has motivated some newly diagnosed lung malformation, faces a authors to suggest the alternative term “con- similar question to the adult pulmonologist genital lobar overinflation”25 but this more who is trying to understand the structure and accurate nomenclature has never been gener- function of an adult’s lower respiratory tract in ally accepted. Some forms of CLE seem to be relation to the timing and extent of a lung caused by a bronchial valve mechanism; local- tissue resection which the patient has experi- ised deficiency of bronchial cartilages, bron- enced in infancy or childhood. chial mucosal folds, and also extrinsic com- While these questions are simple and pression of the have been described.19 straightforward, definite answers are still lack- Another form of CLE might be the result of a ing. Clearly, the remaining lung increases in true alveolar malformation, as some resected size after lobectomy at all ages, and relevant lobes have shown a striking increase in the animal studies suggest that it gains in terms of number of their alveoli.38 both volume and weight.41 However, the lung is Overdistension of the aVected lobe may a highly expansile organ and it receives the cause compression of the surrounding lung tis- entire cardiac output. Consequently, a marked sue and displacement of the mediastinum. In restoration of both volume and weight could severe cases this may manifest as respiratory occur without significant addition of tissue or distress of the newborn. However, later less remodelling of structure. Early animal work, dramatic manifestations and a coincidental however, has indicated that the increase in

detection of the malformation can occur at any weight after pneumonectomy is caused by an age.39 In the past, surgical removal of the actual increase in tissue.42 This again raises the aVected lobe was the standard recommended question whether such an increase in tissue treatment.24 25 However, other reports advocate leads to the formation of new alveoli (alveolar expectant management and cases of CLE in multiplication) or to enlargement of the whom the symptoms gradually resolved have existing structures. In spite of the application of been reported.39 40 As a result, most paediatric modern morphometric techniques, relevant pulmonologists now try conservative support- studies do not oVer a clear answer to this ques- ive treatment before resorting to surgery. tion.41 43 Furthermore, it has been suggested

Surgical intervention can thus be reserved for that the complexity of the gas exchanging sur- on September 24, 2021 by guest. Protected copyright. those who do not improve with such a trial and face might be increased by mechanisms other those who present as newborn infants with than alveolar multiplication.44 What has be- most severe respiratory embarrassment. come clear is that the postpneumonectomy increase in lung tissue is predominantly Bronchogenic cysts localised in the parenchyma. Most existing evi- Bronchogenic cysts are usually located in the dence from animal experiments suggests that carinal region and may cause symptoms by the postpneumonectomy growth of the con- bronchial compression or when becoming ducting airways is less than that of the alveoli.45 infected. Surgical resection of a bronchogenic In an attempt to analyse the end result of cyst is usually performed without sacrifice of pneumonectomy early in life, a study of adult pulmonary tissue.24 25 ferrets showed that the airways had failed to grow to the same extent as the lung paren- 46 LONG TERM OUTCOME chyma. In summary, current findings from Early resection of lung tissue animal experiments suggest that a substantial Many cystic malformations are treated by amount of compensatory growth occurs after resection of lung tissue performed in infancy or pneumonectomy, that these mechanisms in- early childhood. The extent of such lung tissue volve an increase in tissue and some remodel- resection depends on the size and complexity ling, and that they are more prominent in the of the lesion as well as on surgical expertise and parenchyma. skill. In most cases this intervention will have To what extent do these mechanisms depend the dimension of a lobectomy, but occasionally on the age at which resection of lung tissue is even a pneumonectomy has to be performed performed? An age factor is suggested by the early in life. With such a resection of lung tissue distinctly diVerent results found in animals of the question arises whether and to what extent the same species pneumonectomised at diVer- 68 Zach, Eber

ent ages. Alveolar multiplication was found to nature of these mechanisms has in many be prominent in very young rats, lengthening of aspects remained unclear. Consequently, the Thorax: first published as 10.1136/thorax.56.1.65 on 1 January 2001. Downloaded from alveolar walls in somewhat older animals, and question whether compensatory growth argues predominantly overinflation in mature ones.47 for the surgical resection of a lung malforma- Such findings are supported by older studies in tion at the youngest possible age or not cannot cats and dogs which reported alveolar multipli- be answered conclusively on the basis of cation in immature animals and distension of presently existing evidence. In analogy, the age existing structures in adult ones.48 49 However, at which resection of lung tissue has occurred the existence of alveolar multiplication after does not allow definitive conclusions as to the resection of lung tissue in very young animals extent to which subsequent growth has com- does not in itself prove that this process is com- pensated in terms of structure and function. pensating for the surgical loss of structure and function, as such alveolar multiplication nor- Expectant management mally occurs in the postnatal period in several There is an increasing number of patients in species such as mice, rats, and humans.41 In whom a cystic malformation diagnosed in humans this increase in the number of alveoli infancy or childhood is managed conserva- continues for the first two years of life.50–52 tively. This especially pertains to CLE but Experiments with beagle dogs suggested that other cystic lesions, as long as they remain postpneumonectomy alveolar multiplication asymptomatic, may also qualify for expectant only occurs for a brief period and does not treatment. However, CAM might be an excep- increase the number of alveoli above what is tion as this malformation has repeatedly been normal for that lung in the mature adult.53 This reported to predispose to the development of suggests that the lung might be genetically pro- bronchoalveolar carcinoma and rhabdomyo- grammed to develop quantitatively and quali- sarcoma.59 tatively only to a certain predefined stage. If There is some concern that the growth of the this was the case, it would follow that the age at remaining lung might be inhibited by a which a congenital malformation is resected non-resected hyperinflated lobe or a space has relatively little relevance to the structural occupying cystic lesion. However, a study in and functional end result in the adult. which the lung function of patients after surgi- While animal studies of postpneumonec- cal resection of CLE was compared with that of tomy compensatory lung growth have mainly children in whom CLE had been managed (but not exclusively) used morphometric tech- expectantly revealed a normal growth rate of niques, conclusions from studies of human functional lung tissue for both groups.60 Thus, subjects are predominantly based on pulmo- the functional end result in an adult does not nary function measurements. Here, evidence appear to be influenced significantly by the for a compensatory response is thought to be presence or absence of the lesion. It follows

present when larger lung volumes than that that successful expectant paediatric manage- expected from the amount of tissue resected ment should be continued into adulthood. are found, and increased ratios of residual vol- ume (RV) to total lung capacity (TLC) suggest LATE PRESENTATION predominantly distension of the remaining In rare cases cystic malformations may not be parenchyma.41 Such an approach, however, diagnosed until adolescence or adulthood. remains unable to define the presence and/or Such a late clinical presentation will generally amount of remodelling that might occur in the be triggered by an infection of the lesion. It fol- parenchyma of the remaining lung. Besides this lows that recurrent localised pneumonitis and

caveat, the issue is complicated by the fact that abscess formation in an adult patient should on September 24, 2021 by guest. Protected copyright. the existing literature on the functional out- lead to inclusion of these malformations in the come of lung tissue resection in children diagnostic possibilities. Alternatively, an remains controversial. Some work reported asymptomatic lesion may be discovered coinci- static lung volumes and a transfer factor that dentally on a chest radiograph that was taken were reduced by approximately the amount for another reason. Detection of a cystic predicted from the size of lung tissue re- malformation does not automatically call for its moved.54 In contrast, several other studies have surgical resection. Rather, the pros and cons of found evidence for the existence of some com- surgery should be considered carefully after a pensatory growth which, however, was inter- thorough diagnostic evaluation. As a useful preted as being incomplete.55–57 One other rule of the thumb one can expect that a cystic study reported a complete volume response malformation, once infected, will continue to after lobectomy for congenital lobar emphy- cause symptoms and damage and will therefore sema in infancy.58 Interestingly, lung volumes require surgical intervention. On the other in this study tended to be higher in subjects hand, it is equally sound to reason that a mal- who underwent resection of larger lobes. This formation that has remained asymptomatic would suggest that a signal of a certain dimen- until being discovered coincidentally in adult- sion is required to trigger a substantial hood is not very likely to cause complications compensatory volume response. in the future and thus might best be managed In conclusion, there is little doubt that some expectantly. In case of doubt, the adult pulmo- compensatory growth occurs after the resec- nologist confronted with such a case should tion of lung tissue, and some evidence suggests consult with a paediatric respiratory physician that this mechanism may be more eVective and who is experienced in managing congenital extensive in infants and young children than in malformations of the lower respiratory tract. older subjects. However, the extent and the One consideration that is uncommon in paedi- Adult outcome of congenital lower respiratory tract malformations 69

atrics is that a lesion suspected to be a lung hypoplasia will now tend to survive, albeit previously undiagnosed malformation may be for the price of more residual damage and Thorax: first published as 10.1136/thorax.56.1.65 on 1 January 2001. Downloaded from better resected when malignancy cannot be morbidity. Therefore, from today’s perspective ruled out conclusively by other diagnostic the rather favourable outcome reported in means. older studies must be seen, at least in part, as a sampling artefact. More long term morbidity Congenital (CDH) should be expected for present and future PAEDIATRIC PRESENTATION CDH survivors. CDH is a severe respiratory malformation that Survivors of CDH seem to suVer more occurs with a prevalence of about 0.3 cases per severely from viral respiratory infections in 1000 births.61–63 More than 95% of the infancy and early childhood but, thereafter, congenital defects are located in the posterola- most are able to lead a normal life without sig- teral part of the diaphragm; about 85% of these nificant respiratory morbidity and to partici- “Bochdalek type” defects are found on the left pate in regular physical activity including side.62 In more than one third of all cases CDH sports.71–76 Occasionally, however, there is is associated with other congenital anomalies significantly more long term morbidity with that involve the cardiovascular, genitourinary, failure to thrive and recurrent bronchitis.77–79 A central nervous, or skeletal systems.63 64 CDH few patients only survive with a severe respira- stems from incomplete development of the tory handicap requiring long term tracheo- septum transversum that normally separates stomy and mechanical ventilation.80 the body cavities between the third and ninth Chest radiographs after repair of CDH range weeks of fetal life.63 As a result, abdominal vis- from normal findings to a radiolucent lung cera are found in the chest and the are field on the side of the former defect.11 71–73 75 81 hypoplastic. This lung hypoplasia is more Pulmonary function tests in CDH survivors severe on the side of the defect; the ipsilateral tend to show mild to moderate obstructive lung lung is small, has reduced size bronchi with less function anomalies.71–75 82 In addition, some branching, a severely decreased alveolar sur- patients present with normal pulmonary func- face, and a pulmonary arterial tree with a tion tests and some with a restrictive pattern of reduced number of divisions and an increased changes.72 74 75 81 83 84 Many CDH survivors thickness of arteriolar walls.65 66 The degree of show airway hyperresponsiveness when sub- lung hypoplasia is the most critical factor for jected to relevant challenge testing.75 82 In con- prognosis, with survival becoming increasingly trast to patients with bronchial asthma, how- unlikely in cases where the lung volume deficit ever, CDH survivors, while responding approaches 50%.67 The presence of a near nor- positively to pharmacological challenges, do mal lung volume before repair rules out fatal not appear to be hyperresponsive to metabisul- pulmonary hypoplasia and suggests that sur- phite; this suggests that their bronchial hyper-

vival will depend on the successful manage- responsiveness might stem simply from altered ment of pulmonary hypertension.68 airway geometry.82 Lung perfusion scans invari- Most cases of CDH present with severe ably show persisting underperfusion on the symptoms in the first 24 hours of life. As the side of the former hernia.63 71 73 75 81 83 84 There is malformation can be diagnosed prenatally by hardly any information on the status of the res- ultrasonography, a child with CDH should be piratory pump after neonatal repair of CDH; delivered into a medical setting that is opti- radiologists have observed an abnormal con- mally prepared for the emergency management tour and an impaired motion of the repaired of this malformation. Such management com- hemidiaphragm.11

mences in the delivery room and continues As children with CDH often require ex- on September 24, 2021 by guest. Protected copyright. with early intensive care, surgical repair, and tended preoperative and postoperative inten- postoperative intensive care. Throughout the sive care including artificial ventilation, the last two decades the complexity and sophistica- question arises whether the entire spectrum of tion of CDH management has increased the above listed sequelae are explained by considerably, with the introduction of high fre- residual lung hypoplasia or might stem, at least quency oscillatory ventilation and extracorpor- in part, from damage inflicted by long term eal membrane oxygenation being two impor- mechanical ventilation. This question was tant advances.69 70 Notwithstanding these addressed by a more recent study that advances, CDH remains a major challenge to compared the outcome of CDH patients with neonatal intensive care and surgery, as is that of other children without CDH who evident from recent survival rates that still only underwent similar neonatal intensive care.82 cluster around 60%.63 69 70 These authors found no diVerence in the lung function results between the two groups of LONG TERM OUTCOME patients and, in addition, the duration of artifi- There have been many studies of the clinical cial ventilation tended to correlate negatively course of CDH and of the radiological and with spirometric measurements. They con- functional result after successful neonatal cluded that residual lung function defects in repair. Today, however, such published long CDH, including airway hyperresponsiveness, term outcomes have to be interpreted with are as much or more the result of artificial ven- caution as they describe the survivors of past tilation as of lung hypoplasia. Normal or near medical and surgical management strategies. normal lung volumes in CDH survivors The management has changed and improved suggest that some compensatory lung growth considerably and, as a result, patients with might take place after neonatal repair.72 74 75 82–85 more severe congenital defects and more severe In addition, the transfer factor was found to be 70 Zach, Eber

within normal limits in CDH survivors, lymphatic and the vascular systems of the lung suggesting the presence of a normal diVusion contribute congenital pulmonary lymph- Thorax: first published as 10.1136/thorax.56.1.65 on 1 January 2001. Downloaded from surface.82 This, however, does not necessarily angiectasis and congenital pulmonary arterio- imply that postoperative compensatory lung venous fistula to this collection of rare malfor- growth results in a normalised number of mations. For details of these conditions the alveoli. A few reports on lung morphology after reader is referred to relevant textbook arti- the neonatal repair of CDH describe an cles.18 19 increase in alveolar size, especially on the ipsi- lateral side.86 87 This suggests that lung disten- Conclusions sion contributes significantly to the observed Both early surgery and paediatric expectant normalisation of lung volume and that com- management result in a patient who ultimately pensatory alveolar multiplication remains, at will reach adolescence and adulthood with best, incomplete. Persisting hypoperfusion of some residual respiratory impairment or a per- the ipsilateral lung is a finding to be expected as sisting lesion. Thus, informed adult pulmon- the number of divisions and the size of the pul- ologists are needed who can competently take monary arterial tree is reduced in the ipsilateral over from their paediatric colleagues. Further- lung in neonates with CDH, and significant more, adult physicians may be challenged by a postnatal growth cannot be expected for a sys- late manifestation or coincidental discovery in tem in which the formation of new generations adulthood. does normally not occur after the 16th week of Congenital malformations of the lower gestation.86 88 respiratory tract thus call for well organised Residual defects in CDH are not restricted cooperation between paediatric and adult pul- to the . There is a high monologists to ensure a smooth medical prevalence of gastro-oesophageal reflux in transition from childhood to adulthood. In the CDH survivors.77–79 81 89 90 Speculatively, this is case of early surgery, the patient may reach explained by the frequently occurring congeni- adulthood in good general health but with a tal absence of the perioesophageal portion of somewhat damaged or undersized respiratory the diaphragm.77 79 Hiatus hernia, susceptibility tract. Such residual impairment—whether it to intestinal obstruction, and recurrence of stems from the original malformation, surgical diaphragmatic hernia are further components intervention, or neonatal intensive care—might of a long term gastrointestinal morbidity which later interact with environmental factors, may be observed after the repair of CDH.63 78 90 aging, or concomitant respiratory disease to The neurodevelopmental outcome in patients cause a reduction or rapid loss of respiratory with CDH is comparable to that of other reserve. At present there are no conclusive data neonates requiring intensive care and extracor- concerning the end result of such interactions poreal membrane oxygenation.63 77 79 Occasion- in the aging adult and this question will have to

ally there is considerable chronic morbidity be investigated in the future. Patients might from other associated congenital anomalies. benefit from relevant advice and more intensive and frequent medical supervision. At present LATE PRESENTATION adult survivors of neonatal surgery and inten- Most patients with CDH present within the sive care present a relatively benign clinical first 24 hours of life. However, there are a few picture. This, however, will change progres- cases with delayed presentation who develop sively towards more residual damage and the first symptoms later in childhood or even as persisting respiratory morbidity when children adults.91–93 The presenting symptoms are usu- who now survive larger and more severe

ally gastrointestinal and the ipsilateral lung is of malformations as a result of modern surgical on September 24, 2021 by guest. Protected copyright. normal size or only minimally hypoplastic.63 techniques and sophisticated neonatal inten- Late presentation of diaphragmatic hernia is a sive care reach adulthood. poorly understood entity; some have chal- Patients in whom a malformation has been lenged the concept of these defects being con- managed expectantly throughout childhood genital and have suggested that late presenting also need a well organised transition from pae- diaphragmatic hernias are acquired.94 diatric into adult care. As late complications may occur (albeit not very likely), the adult Other malformations pulmonologist requires detailed information There are numerous other rare malformations about the malformation, diagnostic findings, of the lower respiratory tract that cannot be and all considerations that were of relevance discussed in detail in this review. Congenital when conservative management was chosen. In tracheal stenosis and tracheomalacia are ob- general it is reasonable to continue expectant served with vascular rings (double aortic arch, management into adulthood in these patients. pulmonary artery sling) but also in association Finally, the adult physician who is con- with congenital heart disease and camptomelic fronted with the late manifestation of a dysplasia. Congenital bronchial stenosis occurs congenital malformation will need some predominantly in the main stem or middle lobe knowledge of the subject to plan a targeted bronchi. Foregut cysts may not only manifest diagnostic approach and adequate therapeutic as bronchogenic cysts but also as intramural management. In such cases, consultation with oesophageal or posterior mediastinal cysts. an experienced paediatric pulmonologist will Unilateral pulmonary or lobar agenesis may provide a helpful second opinion. mimic neonatal atelectasis and the Scimitar In conclusion, congenital malformations of syndrome might be considered an extreme the lower respiratory tract will predominantly variant of the sequestration spectrum. The remain an arena for paediatric players but the Adult outcome of congenital lower respiratory tract malformations 71

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