Alexandra Fuller | 315 pages | 11 Mar 2003 | Random House USA Inc | 9780375758997 | English | New York, United States Dont Lets Go to the Dogs Tonight : An African Childhood PDF Book

I enjoyed author's near-sighted vision of a child, without analysis of political strife around her. I look back on my life and realize that there were many times that I could have been killed by something I had done when I was young and wandering the countryside by myself. The first few lines are gripping, to say the least. I dye Mum's hair a streaky porcupine blonde and shave my legs just to see if I need to. At a mixed race primary school, she is teased for being sunburnt and asked "Where are you from originally? Alexandra Fuller. I enjoyed this book. . As she described each stage of her upbringing, I found myself thinking about what I had been doing at that same age and marveling that the two of us could possibly have occupied the same world at the same time. The descriptions of the land were so dynamic and realistic I will never forget them. Children and chickens and dos scratch in the red, raw soil and stare at us as we drive thought their open, eroding lives. Dec 15, Allie rated it liked it Recommends it for: Childhood memoir fans. The family settles on a fertile farm in Zambia, where Bobo meets and eventually marries a handsome dark-haired American named Charlie. I found myself marveling at her bravery. An unconventional memoir, and I think Fuller's commitment to write about her life in Sub-Saharan Africa through her own perspective as a child is an interesting stylistic choice, but for some reason, I dreaded this book as I was reading it, and I couldn't wait for it to be done. It is a true story of a white girl growing up in Africa during the civil war, and it smacks of colonialism and racism, both of which I dislike. View all 14 comments. Chapters 11 - I can probably write my own version of it as well, but I don't want to. I did like the story about the exploding Christmas cake, though. Browse all BookRags Study Guides. A Mighty Long Way. Little Failure. The Birthday Boys by Beryl Bainbridge. What a fantastic read! Print Word PDF. As the tension builds in the novel the author knows when it has reached the breaking point and throws in some humor. You can smell and taste Africa; sometimes you can even smell and taste blood and liquor. Find books coming soon in So much sadness and 'unsafeness', yet there is a wild excitement of living this African life, struggling to survive with; war, the earth, the political upheaval, and daily living. He came into power around ? But then I realized that the book is a love letter. From to , Alexandra Fuller—known to friends and family as Bobo—grew up on several farms in southern and central Africa. A mother who is heartbroken from a loss of a child, who drinks to forget, who fights tooth and nail for her family. I look at it a bit differently. Fuller's nanny had told her not to play in the bamboo patch, but had she listened? And she instilled in Bobo, particularly, a love of reading and of storytelling that proved to be her salvation. Dont Lets Go to the Dogs Tonight : An African Childhood Writer

Often, they live in homes that are really dilapidated and lacking basic facilities. Gloria Steinem. Stay in Touch Sign up. Discussion Forum. Get A Copy. The white colonists, she says, named places after themselves, their heroes, their women. The brutal honesty in this story is startling, and Fuller does not set out to insert political or social critique into her story. I became a part of this book, such a rare feeling! An extremely compelling memoir, well-written, poignant but not maudlin or precious. Zimbabwe Malawi Zambia. Mixed in with these geographical hardships i Alexandra Bobo and her sister, Vanessa, are some kick ass tough kids. Life wasn't easy. Enjoyed it so much I bought another copy for my niece, who will be traveling to Africa next summer on a fellowship to treat diseases. The Sex Lives of Cannibals. Find books coming soon in I found it fascinating to not only read of the hellish conditions, but also how this young girl named Bobo, deals with so many challenges. But my friend, who is a teacher, and who lives part time in Africa teaching English at a school she had started, recommended it. They love each other not because they as individuals are sympathetic, but because together they survived both Africa and a tumultuous family life. LitFlash The eBooks you want at the lowest prices. Alexandra Fuller has written five books of non-fiction. I just need a break right now. Alexandra Fuller writes poignantly about a girl becoming a woman and a writer against a backdrop of unrest, not just in her country but in her home. Project MUSE Mission Project MUSE promotes the creation and dissemination of essential humanities and social science resources through collaboration with libraries, publishers, and scholars worldwide. Maybe it's just her writing style, but I wondered if a young life filled with danger and uncertainty and pain taught her not to feel anything too deeply. They left Africa in and moved to Wyoming, where Fuller still resides. I loved Cocktail hour more. Retrieved 30 November She lived in Africa until her midtwenties. She had absorbed the notion that white people were there to benevolently shepherd the natives, but came to question it when she met Africans for herself. The Color of Water. This memoir details her life from that time right up to the late 90's, a time period when now Zimbabwe was at war fighting for independence from Britain. I am neither African nor English nor am I of the sea. Curfews and war, mosquitoes, land mines, ambushes and "an abundance of leopards" are the stuff of this childhood. The slashing of bodies is not a pretty sight. Often very sad. Not sure that answers the question as to the full meaning behind it. But it's not a gilded, ex-pat life: her parents lose their farm in forced land distribution, after which they are itinerant farm managers, who move where the work is, often to disease-ridden and war- torn areas. I think her voice may speak to others more than me, but I simply did not enjoy reading this book. Nancy Milford. But it definitely wasn't a can't-put-it-down kind of book. Spiky euphorbia hedges which bleed poisonous, burning milk when their stems are broken poke greenly out of otherwise barren, worn soil. Available from:. In , when many white residents were fleeing Africa, Fuller's parents bought a farm smack dab in the middle of twin civil wars in Rhodesia and Mozambique. I knew the bogyman wasn't real, but they knew the terrorist was. How much can a parent really protect their children? A heartrending story of the human spirit from the author of the bestselling Don't Let's Go to the Dogs Tonight Alexandra Fuller returns with the unforgettable true story of Colton H. But don't let's go to the dogs to-night, In case my granny's there. I've read it twice and feel another reread coming on. The author did an excellent job of plucking out the most memorable moments to produce a flowing narrative. Dont Lets Go to the Dogs Tonight : An African Childhood Reviews

An autobiography about growing up in colonial Rhodesia present-day Zimbabwe. But Fuller's remarkable affection for her parents who are racists and her homeland brutal under white and black rule shines through. She married an American river guide in Zambia in The book cycles from heartbreaking episodes to moments of crystal clear beauty and life affirming incidents. The Flame Trees of Thika. I found myself marveling at her bravery. In , when she is two, Fuller and her family move from to Rhodesia. However, as I read it, Fuller is merely describing how things really were: casual, and sometimes benevolent racism were the norm. View a FREE sample. Random House, If you would like to authenticate using a different subscribed institution or have your own login and password to Project MUSE. The Legend of Colton H. Paperback List Price: She had absorbed the notion that white people were there to benevolently shepherd the natives, but came to question it when she met Africans for herself. The book also touches upon politics and racism in South and Central Africa and the relationship of blacks and white during wartime. Alexandra Fuller took me on an amazing journey through her younger years growing up in Africa as a poor white girl. Jan 09, Badly Drawn Girl rated it it was amazing. For instance, the parents buy a mine-proofed Land Rover with a siren "to scare terrorists", but actually its only use is "to announce their arrival at parties". This is a book I definitely plan to read again, knowing that I will get even more out of it the second time. Maarten Troost. Weekend holidays on the shores of Lake Malawi running wild with expats-like-us while burning to a crisp. In the late seventies, early eighties, through much upheaval in several countries. Though she loved her children, she was no hand-holder and had little tolerance for neediness. Alexandra Fuller. And she instilled in Bobo, particularly, a love of reading and of storytelling that proved to be her salvation. To see what your friends thought of this book, please sign up. Mom says, "Don't come creeping into our room at night. Switch to the audiobook.

Dont Lets Go to the Dogs Tonight : An African Childhood Read Online

Cocktail Hour Under the Tree of Forgetfulness. What was happening in my life at that age? There is equally casual acceptance of the children smoking and drinking from a young age. Raynor Winn. Children are taught to avoid cookie boxes that may contain bombs, to shoot a gun, and to administer first aid. Welcome back. In she moved with her family to a farm in Rhodesia. Weekend holidays on the shores of Lake Malawi running wild with expats-like-us while burning to a crisp. I was captivated by the stark realities of a harsh life: Alexandra grew up in a world where children over five "learn[ed] how to load an FN rifle magazine, strip and clean all the guns in the house, and ultimately, shoot-to-kill. Plot Summary. She doesn't shy away from showing her family for who they are, warts and all. How much can a parent really protect their children? The book cycles from heartbreaking episodes to moments of crystal clear beauty and life affirming incidents. Her mum is a manic-depressive I look at it a bit differently. They also have their own problems with bereavement and alcohol. I do not turn black. Now he seems like a crazy man. Homer Hickam. I became a part of this book, such a rare feeling! The ingredients necessary for a great memoir are all present. Discussion Forum. So while soul, heart, and the bent of my mind are African, my skin blaringly begs to differ and is resolutely white. Hauntingly evocative. Education of a Wandering Man. Full-grown adults with families drink like college boys on a bender! Browse all BookRags Study Guides.