Railway Station, William Pickering, station master GRBAT SWINBURN township is near the inLersection (If GUNNERTON is a township in the union, 3 miles Watling street by the Oambo road, I! miles north from north-north-west from , 9 north-hy-west from Chollerton and 8i north-by-east from Hexham. The Cath. Hexham and 2 north-by-west from station on olic chapel here, dedicated to St. Mary, is a building of the North British railway. The Rev. C. Bird, vicar, and stone in the Gothic style, which, with a good day school, is John G. Riddell esq. of Felton Park, are joint lords of the supported by John Giffard Ridden esq. J.P. Swinburn manor, and, with two smaller proprietors, are the land­ Castle is a stone mansion and the residence of Willia.ID ownet's. Murray esq. pleasantly seated in an extensive park. John POST OFFICE.-l\'Iiss Annie Hunter, sub-postmistress. Let· Giffard Riddell esq. J. P. of Felton Park, is lord of the manor ters through Wark RS.O. arrive 9 a.m. ; dispatched 3.35 and sole landowner. The soil is loamy and chiefly in pasture. p.m. Barrasford is the nearest money order & Wark the Letters through Barrasford RS.O. which is the nearest nearest telegraph office money order office. is the nearest telegraph National School (mixed), with teacher's house attached, for office the use of this & the adjoining township of Barrasford; it COLW.li1LL township is 3 miles north from Chollerton and will hold 120 children; average attendance, 86; Alfred 9 north from Hexham. John Giffard Riddell esq. :I.P. is Atkinson, master lord of the manor and the principal landowner. The area CAMP HrLL, in this township, retains traces of three is included in Chollerton, with which it is rated. Roman or British encampments. Letters through Barrasford RS.O. which is the neares:t POST OFFICE, Colwell.-Mrs. Ursula Blacklock, sub-post.­ money order office. The nearest telegraph office is at mistress. Letters arrive from Barrasford RS.O. at 9.30 Wark a. m. ; dispatched at 5-45 p.m. Humshaugh is the nearest CRIPOHASE is an estate and township,S miles north-west money order &; telegraph office from CholIerton and II north-by-west from Hexham. Chip­ Day School, Colwell, enlarged in 1870 to hold 78 children i chase Castle, occupying an elevated position andsurrounded average attendance, 43; Stephen Joseph Shippen, master by a spacious park bounded by the North Tyne, is the seat LITTLE SWINBURN is' a township, 4i miles north from of Hugh Taylor esq. lord of the manor and principal land­ Chollerton and 11 north from Hexham. John Giffard Rid· owner: the castle, unrivalled for the beauty of its position, dell esq. is lord of the manor and the principal landowner. originally belonged to Odonel de Umfraville, but the existing Letters arrive at 10.30 a.m. through Barrasford R.S.O. fabric was probably built in the 13th century by Peter de which is the nearest money order office. Hum'lhaugh is Insula, and retains a massive and lofty pele tower, with the nearest telegraph office overhanging battlements carried on corbels and round bartizans at the angles, and there are traces of a portcullis; WHITESIDE LAW is a township, 4 miles from Chollerton attached is a later structure in the Jacobean style, bearing and 9i from Hexham. John Giffard Riddell esq. J.p. is lord the initials of Cuthbert Heron and the date 1621 ; one of of the manor and the principal landowner. the rooms contains a fine chimney-piece of black oak. Letters through Corbridge R.S.O. via Hallington, arrive at Letters through Wark R.S.O. which is also the nearest 12 noon. Humshaugh is the nearest money order & tele­ money order & telegraph office graph office

Chollerton. CO~IMERCIAL. ParkerMary(Mrs.),frmr.Chipchase mill Bird Rev. CanonChristr. B.A. Vicarage Blacklock Robert, blacksmith, Colwell Parker Thomas, farmer, Comogan Hall Henry, farmer, Beaumont house Carr James, stone mason, Colwell Robson Joseph, farmer, Middle farm Dickinson John, gamekeeper to W. Little Swinburn. Murrayesq Bat.y laaac, farmer Barrasford. Dodd George, farmer, Colwell Pickering Thomas Thornton, farmer Cbarl~on Miss, Ellwood house Elliott Thomas, shoe maker COMMERCIAL. E!liott William, butcher, ColweU Gunnerton. Graham James, butcher Fenwick Joseph, under steward to J.G. HarIe Thomas, farmer, Chisselways ArmstrongJn. &Bartram,collieryproprs Riddell esq Armstrong Joseph, shoe maker Howey Margaret (Mrs.), shoe maker Hedley William, farmer, Wellhouse Jackson Thomas, tailor Bullock Wm.& 'rhos. fannrs.Camp hill Hall John, farmer, l"ell house Bullock Ma,l'Y (Mrs.), farmer NorthumberlandWhinstone Co. Limited Hutchinsen Henry, farmer, Woodhall (Jas.Cuthbertson,mangr.),Whinstone Charlton Mary (Miss), shopkeeper Robson William, farmer, Wheat hill Davison Edward, farmer works; office,28 Clayton st.Newcastle Stephenson Geo. farmer, High Cowden Prudhoe Annie (Mrs.), Barrasrord Surtees Richard, joiner, Colwell English Elizabeth (Mrs.), farmer Arms F.R . ThompsonRobertMawn, farmer,Col well Huichinson William, fanner & income Reed Turner, grocer Thompson William, farmer, Colt Craig tax collector, South farm Rutter Christr.farrner & miller (water) Wilkinson James, grocer, Colwell Marshall Thomas & Joseph, farmer! Scott William, farmer, River hill Wilkinson Robert, frmr.Swinburn mill Marshall Edward, blacksmith Stol'ey John, farmer, Barrasford green Ridley Margaret (Mrs.), shopkeeper Rutter Thomas Joseph, farmer Urwin Ann (Mrs.) &; Son, blacksmiths Chipchase. Welton George, tailor Smith WilIiam, joiner & timber mer- Welton WiIliam, stone mason Ta:ylor Thomas :I.P. Chipchase castle chant, Gunnerton saw mills Armstrong John, farmer, Shortmoor Steele &. Turner, quarry ownerS Colwell & Great Swinburn. Dodd John, farmer, Parkhouse Walton Robart, butcher MurrayWiIliam, Swinburn castle Dodcl Robert, farmer, Rochester Watson (;eorge, shoe maker Nend Rev.Raphael[Cath.]Swinburn viI Osborne Jane (Mrs.), farmer Welton Edward, mason

CHOPPINGTON EAST and WEST is a town. The lehief crops are wheat, oats and grass. The area is ship in Bedlington parish, with a station on the Morpeth and 2,000 acres; the population in I8g1 was 4,463, Tynemouth section of the North Eastern railway, 4 miles Parish Clerk, David Steel. east from Morpeth. East Choppington is better known as POST, M. O. &; T. 0., S. B. & Annuity & Insurauce Office, GUIDE POST. and is near the river Wansbeck and on the Choppingoon (Railway Sub-Office. Letters should have road from Morpetb to Newcastle. The township with the R.S.O. Northumberland added).-Thomas Hall, post­ hamlets of Sheepwash and Scotland Gate, was, Sep. IS, 1863, master. Lettersthrough Morlleth anive 'il.t a..m. &; 6.50 formed into a separate parish, in ihe Wansbeck division of a the county, Bedlingtonshire petty sessional division, Morpeth p.m. ; dispatched at 11,35 a.m. 3.30 & 8.55 p.m union and county court district, rural deanery of Bedling­ POST OFFICE, Scotland Gate. John ElIiott, sub-postmaster. ton, Ilorchdeaconry of Northumberland and diocese of New­ Letters through Choppington RS.O. are delivered at 8.25 castle. The church of St. Paul, erected in 1864, is a plain a.m. &6,40 p.m.; dispatched II.50 a.m. 2.55 & 8.20 p.m. building of stone in the Gothic style, consisting of chancel, Choppington is the nearest money order & telegraph na.ve, south porch and a western turret containing one bell : office. Postal orders are issued here, but not paid in 1870 an organ was erected at a cost of £~: there are SCHOOLS:- 300 sittings. The register dates from the year 1866. The Church (mixed), built in 1870 & enlarged in J893, for 205 living is a vicarage, gross yearly value £300, with house, in children; average attendance, 200; John Charlton, master the gift of the Dean and Chapter of Newcastle, aud held Colliery (mixed), built in 1864, for 500 children; average since 1863 by the Rev. Richard Foster L.Th. of Durham attendance, 340; Alexander Cheyne, master University. Here are Primitive Methodist and Wesleyan Colliery (infants), built in 1864, for J30 children; average chapels. There is a Liberal club with 100 members. Here is also a Miners' inst,itute, contaiuing reading and billiard attendance, 95; Miss Elizabeth Foster, mistl'ess rooms and library. The Ecclesiastical Commissioners, who Railway Station, John Dixon, station master are lords of the manor, and George Croudace esq. are the CARRIERS TO NEWCASTLE.-Mrs. Francis Nichol, tburs. Jij principal landowners. The soil is clayey; the subsoil. clay. sat. ; Robert Nicbol, tue@. tbuu. & Bat.