The Size-Consistency Problem in Configuration Interaction calculation P´eter G. Szalay E¨otv¨osLor´and University Institute of Chemistry H-1518 Budapest, P.O.Box 32, Hungary
[email protected] P.G. Szalay: Size-consistency corrected CI Rio de Janeiro, Nov. 27 - Dec. 2, 2005 Size-consistency Consider two subsystems at infinite separation. We have two choices: • treat the two system separately; • consider only a super-system. Provided that there is no interaction between the two systems, the two treatments should give the same result, a basic physical requirement. E¨otv¨osLor´and University, Institute of Chemistry 1 P.G. Szalay: Size-consistency corrected CI Rio de Janeiro, Nov. 27 - Dec. 2, 2005 Size-consistency Let us use the CID wave function to describe this system! For the super − system we have : ΨCID = ΦHF + ΦD (1) ΦD is the sum all double excitations out of ΦHF (including coefficients). For the subsystems we can write: A A A ΨCID = ΦHF + ΦD (2) B B B ΨCID = ΦHF + ΦD (3) The product of these two wave functions gives the other choice for the wave function of the super-system: A+B A B ΨCID = ΨCID ΨCID (4) A B A B B A A B = ΦHF ΦHF + ΦHF ΦD + ΦHF ΦD + ΦD ΦD A B = ΦHF + ΦD + ΦD ΦD E¨otv¨osLor´and University, Institute of Chemistry 2 P.G. Szalay: Size-consistency corrected CI Rio de Janeiro, Nov. 27 - Dec. 2, 2005 Size-consistency This simple model enables us to identify the origin of the size-consistency error: The difference of the two super-system wave functions: A B A B ΨCID ΨCID − ΨCID = ΦD ΦD (5) i.e.