Agenda Item 9

Sandwell Metropolitan Borough Council

Report to Cabinet Member for Community and Neighbourhood Services and Safety

25th February 2005

Proposed Fixed Camera Sites A4031 Road, and A461 Port and Horseley Heath, Great Bridge Proposed Red Light Camera Site High Street/Trinity Way, West Bromwich

1. Summary Statement

1.1 On 20th September 2002, the former Cabinet Member for Direct gave approval to the participation of Sandwell MBC in the West Midlands Casualty Reduction Partnership (WMCRP) with effect from 1st October 2002. This Partnership has been up and running since that date.

1.2 Speed cameras and red light cameras (collectively known as safety cameras) have been deployed in Sandwell for some years now. They have proven to be one of the most effective means of controlling vehicle speeds and have made a significant contribution to help in reducing the number and severity of road accidents. Nationally, at sites where safety cameras have been installed, road accident casualties have fallen by about 35%.

1.3 The justification of any new fixed safety camera site, red light camera site or mobile camera site has to be in accordance with criteria set down by the Department for Transport (DfT) (details of the justification of new fixed camera sites and red light camera sites were reported to the Cabinet Member on 15th July 2004. 1.4 The Cabinet Member will note that in 2003/04, 20 fixed sites were approved by the West Midlands Casualty Reduction Partnership (WMCRP) to be installed in the West Midlands area. Three of the 20 sites approved were in Sandwell. The Cabinet Member will recall a report detailing three sites (namely Cranford Street, Smethwick, and two sites on Wood Green Road, Wednesbury) was presented on 15th July 2004 and approval given for their installation. These three sites have now been installed on site and awaiting commissioning by the Police.

1.5 However, the WMCRP have identified a further 30 fixed camera sites and 5 red light camera sites to be installed in the West Midlands area. Six of these 30 fixed sites and one of the five red light camera sites identified in accordance with the criteria laid down by the Government are in Sandwell. Six of the 30 fixed cameras sites are as follows:-

• A4031 Walsall Road, West Bromwich (outside 196 Walsall Road in the central reserve) in the northerly direction (Drawing No. 33131 S/4).

• A4031 Walsall Road, West Bromwich (approximately 100m prior to Roberts Road) in the northerly direction (Drawing No. 33132 S/4).

• A4031 Walsall Road, West Bromwich (opposite Roberts Road) in the southerly direction (Drawing No. 33132 S/4).

• A4031 Walsall Road, West Bromwich (on the splitter island at the access road to the Tame Bridge Parkway Station) in the southerly direction (Drawing No. 33133 S/4).

• A461 Horseley Heath, Great Bridge (between William Kerr Road and Denbigh Road) in the south westerly direction (Drawing No. 33135 S/4).

• A461 Dudley Port, Great Bridge (outside 244 Dudley Port) in south easterly direction (Drawing No. 33134 S/4). One of the five red light camera sites in Sandwell is:-

• High Street approach (from the M5 Junction 1 into West Bromwich) at the High Street/Trinity Way junction (Drawing No. 33136 S/4).

1.6 At the time these sites were selected, the accident analysis carried out by the Police showed that there were 7 KSIs per kilometre in a three year period at the Walsall Road sites, 6 KSIs per kilometre for Dudley Port and Horseley Heath sites in a three year period and for the red light camera site at Trinity Way/High Street junction 4 KSIs in a three year period.

1.7 Approval is now sought to install fixed safety cameras at A4031 Walsall Road and A461 Dudley Port and Horseley Heath and a red light camera at the High Street/Trinity way junction. The West Midlands Casualty Reduction Partnership (WMCRP) will fund the provision of the new camera sites and their subsequent maintenance.

1.8 If approved, the cost of implementing these proposals would be fully funded by the WMCRP.

Further details are attached for your information

2. Recommendations

2.1 That approval be given to install fixed safety cameras at A4031 Walsall Road, West Bromwich, as shown on Drawing Nos. 33131 S/4, 33132 S/4 and 33133 S/4 and also at A461 Dudley Port and Horseley Heath, Great Bridge, as shown on Drawing Nos. 33134 S/4 and 33135 S/4.

2.2 That approval be given to install a red light camera at High Street/Trinity Way junction, West Bromwich, as shown on Drawing No. 33136 S/4.

In accordance with the authority delegated to the Cabinet Member for Community and Neighbourhood Services and Safety, the following course of action has been agreed, which will be set out in the formal record of the decisions taken by the Member:-

(1) the recommendation(s) above is/are approved.

(2) the recommendation(s) above is/are approved as now amended.

(3) the recommendations above are not approved.

Cabinet Member for Community and Neighbourhood Services and Safety

25th February 2005

Peter Whitehouse John Barton Executive Director Head of Strategic Finance Neighbourhood and Community Services

Contact Officer

Keith Sansom Traffic and Road Safety Manager 0121 569 4149

Proposed Fixed Safety Camera and Red Light Camera Sites

3. Strategic Resource Implications

3.1 If approved, the total cost of implementing these proposals would be fully funded by the West Midlands Casualty Reduction Partnership (WMCRP).

4. Legal and Statutory Implications

4.1 The Justice of the Peace Act 1988 requires that fines for traffic offences be paid to Central Government. However, the Treasury and the Department for Transport have agreed that where the relevant bodies are prepared to form a partnership to tackle the department’s aims and priorities in the areas of speeding and junction control and thereby work towards reduction in road traffic casualties, central government will reimburse the cost incurred. The enforcement provisions and the approvals of equipment are those generally available under traffic legislation.

5. Implications for the Council’s Corporate Priorities

5.1 If approved, the proposals contained in the report would assist in creating a safer Borough and play a role in transforming the physical environment.

5.2 The proposals are consistent with, and contribute to, the Council’s Corporate Priorities as set out in the West Midlands Transport Plan 2003.

6. Background Details

6.1 There are no further details to add to this report.

Source Documents

Report to Cabinet Member for Sandwell Direct 20th September 2002. Report to Cabinet Member for Community and Neighbourhood Services and Safety 15th July 2004. Progress report to Cabinet Member for Community and Neighbourhood Services and Safety 10th December 2004.