MICHAEL DAYTON (1722-1776) Watertown, Conn

Compiled 1963 by Lewis Scott Dayton (M124103)

CONTENTS - -- ... ~ - - - -

Foreword • . • ii • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • •

Key to Lineage Numbers. • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • iii

Abbreviations Used •••.••••••••••••• • • • • iii Michael Dayton's Will, Inventory and Distribution of estate ••••••••••••••.••• • • • • • iv

Descendants of Michael Dayton

(Ml) Charles Dayton Sr • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • 1

(M2) David Dayton -. • • • • •• • • • • • • • • • • 71

(M3) Miriam D~yton (Munson) ·• • • • • • • • • • • • • • 76 {M4) Michael Daiton Jr . • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • 76

(MS):Justus Dayton • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • 77

(M6) Mehitable Dayto~ (Seymour) •• • • • • • . ' .• . . . 83

(M7) Loly Dayton (Titus) • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • 83

(M8) Elizabeth Dayton (Mattoon) • • • • • • • • • • • •

(M9) Isaac Dayton •• • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • 89

(MlO) Samuel Dayton 93 - • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • (Ml!) Lyman Dayton. • • •• • • • • • • .. . •• •• • • • • • 94 (M12)- Olive Dayton (Munson) ...... " . . . . 96 (M13)- Abel Dayton ...... 99 Ancestry of Michael Dayton and Mehitable Doolittle. • • • • 105

. Descent from Charlemagne • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • 19l 135

Index of names .••••. • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • !IE 13t Localities •••••••• • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • 100a

First 3unnlementl • ••••••••••• ...... 181 Second Sup~lement ••••••••••• • • • • •• • • • • • 109

i -F -O.R- -E WO- - -R_D...

"When .t.JuA you. .6ee, 1temembe.1t me­ .that I am not ~oil.gotten •••••• "

The above partial epitaph is still legible at the base of the weather-beaten gravestone erected to·the memory of-Captain Michael Dayton and located in the beautifully cared-for "Old Burying Ground of Ancient Westbury" (now Watertown, Conn). It is hoped that this record· of his · deAcandants will contribute to the fulfillment·of his stated wish.

Michae1 5Dayton (Ralph1 , Samue1 2, Iseac3-4 ) was born June 4, 1722 in New Haven, Conn., the 8th child (3d son) of Isaac Dayton II and his wife Elizabeth Todd. On January 29, 1746n, he married Mehitable . Doolittle who was born September 28, 1726/7 at Wallingford, Conn., and died July 9, 1813 at Watertown, Conn. His death occurred at Watertown on September 22, 1776, four.months following his discharge .from Revolutionary War service.

Very little is known of Michael Dayton's 54 years of life although a search of land, court and' church re·cords might be revealing. He.· followed .his. father's occupation.of farming and at his death had accumulated a not inconsiderable estate of both real and personal property. A.careful study of the inventory of his estate permits an evaluation of his mode of life and the varied aspects of his farming-interests~ His will; the inventory ·and· details of the final distribut~on of his estate are included in this record, beginning page iv, for the interest of his descendants.

His service in.the Revolutionary·Army, as was quite common, was not continuous but consi~ted of at least two known separate enlistments. After being commis­ sioned Ensign in the·second Company (State Militia) of Waterbury, Conn., in May 1772 .and as Captain in a Northbury company in October 1774, Michael Dayton is recorded as· a private~ May 11th through-December 20, 1775, in the 5th Com­ pany which served at the Siege of Boston. Commanded by Colonel David Wooster, 1st Regiment, the 5th Company was under the· direction of C.aptain Caleb Trow­ bridge and Captain B~n~dict Arnold, although the latter never served with the company. A later and final' enlistment, during which Michael Dayton was sta­ tLoned at Peekskill Barracks in New York State, dated from April 5, 1776 to May 21, 1776 when ii°lness (camp dfstemper) terminated·his service. Several of his sons are supposed to have ~e~ved in the same companies with him.

At t~~ time of his death, the three eldest of his thirteen children (Charles, David and Miriam) had married.· The next five children (Michael Jr., Justus> Mehitabel, Loly and Elizabeth) ranged in age from 24 to 17 years and were pre- sumably living at home. As ·the five youngest (Isaac, Samuel~, Olive and Abel) were between 15 and 8 years of ag~ a probate court in May, 1777 appoint­ ed the mother as guardian (under bond) of the three youngest children. The sons Isaac and Samuel were permitted to choose their guardians; Isaac chose his mother and Samuel selected his older brother David.

LaMoille, Ill L. S. D. May 1963 • • l.l. Ke~ to•tinease Numbers

· Each descendant listed-has been ass~gned a· lineage· number for the·purpose· · ·-of definite identification and to provide a simple means _of tracing each·­ dependent 's ancestry .. to Michael Dayton. Al 1 descendants· _have the initial· letter 'M" to their lineage number, the thirteen children of_ Micha.el" Day.:- . ton being numbered 'Ml" through ''Ml3" in the order of their birth. · ·Each · · · descendant of the next generation retains the parent's number with an ad~­ ded numeral ·to indicate the descendant's order of birth - thus (see page 1) Mll wa·s· the 1st child of Ml, Mlll was the l~t child. of Mll_,_ etc. . Mll ·through Ml8 were brothers and sisters (children of Ml);. Mll2,".Ml2~, Ml7!]) were therefor all first cousin~ and their children (Mll26, Ml242, Ml7111) . . . - were ·2d cousins, etc.· The compiler (M124103) is a ~d. cou$in_ _-to_ ~1~ de- ·· .. scendants of Mll through M18 having ·5 numerals- in their lineage numb~r~ he is a ·4th ·cousin of all des.cendants of M2 through Mil having· 5 numerals in their lineage numbers. It is urged that readers become thoroly fam~l­ iar with this system of lineage numbers so that relationships -~ay be readily establishad.

Abbrevia·tions Used

b = born dau = daughter bp = baptised adptd = adopted . d = died ch =· ·child or children . ·~y = died young inf= infancy m -= married UDlll;: unmarried

1867/s· = exact yenr uncertain; .either 1867 or 1868 1865-1868 = between 1865 and 1868 c (before a date)= about that date (Jones), as in Smith (Jones) = ~1ary Smith was her maiden name; Jones was her married name by a -previous marriage

Special Note The compiler will appreciate recei~ing all additions and/or corrections. All such material will be added to the special copies to be se~t to prin­ cipal U. s. libraries.,


•tn the name of God Am.en, this 21st day of September A. n. 1776 1 I, Michael Dayton of Waterbury in the county of New Haven, in Connecticut State, calling to mind the mortality of the body, knowing that it is appointed for all men once to die after that the judgment, and being weak in body but of sound mind and memory - thanks be given to God therefor: Imprimis I commend my soul unto God who gave it thro' the merits of Christ, and my body to the dust to be buried in a decent and Christian manner at the discre­ tion of my executors,·when it shall please God to call me out of this world; and as touching such worldly goods and estate as it hath pleased God to bless me with in this life, I do give & bequeath in the manner & form following: Imprimis, I give & make over unto my beloved wife Mehetable Dayton my great Bible and ten pounds out of my moveable estate at inventory price, antecedent to the payment of my. debts, and also the one-third of all my moveable estate, after my debts & funeral charges are paid, to her add to her heirs forever; and also the use & improvement of the one-third part of my real estate, dur­ ing her natural life. Item, my will is that my son Charles Dayton have ten pounds lawful money's worth out of my estate, over & above the rest of my sons, as an acknowledgment of an eldest son, to him & his heirs for ever. Item, I will & bequeath the rest of my estate, or that is not above disposed of, in the manner & form following, that is to say, to my sons Charles Dayton, David Dayton, Michael Dayton, Justus Dayton, Isaac Dayton, Samuel Dayton, Ly­ man Dayton & Abel Dayton, and to my daughters Miriam Dayton, Mehetable Day­ ton, Lowly Dayton, Elisabeth Dayton & Olive Dayton namely, it is to be under­ stood that my will is that my above named sons have each one just double to what each one of my said daughters have, and also that seventeen pounds that I have given to my said daughter Miriam Munson shall be accounted to her as so much advanced portion out of my estate. Item, my will is this for my said sons, except Charles' ten pounds, be equal shar­ ers with one another in my estate. Item, my will is that my said daughters be equal sharers with one another in my es­ tate •. Item, I do appoint my wife Mehetable Dayton, Ensign Thomas Fenn and my son Charles Dayton, executors of this my last will and testament. Item, I hereby disallow & make void all other wills & testaments by me heretofore made, ratifying this & no other to be my last will and testament.

Signed, sealed & pronounced to be the last will of the · above named Michael Dayton, the day and date above writ­ Timothy Judd .ten, in presence of us testees Isaac Merriam John Foot (signed) Michael Dayton

*The will, inventory and distribution are on file at the Connecticut State Library Hartford, Conn., in Woodbury Probate Records, Volume 7, pages 18la(b), 182a(b) 183a and 261b.

iv• ----INVENTORY -OF MICHAEL------DAYTON ----ESTATE I, s d A h a t • • • • • • • 0-13-0 · · A pail & shovel . 0-11-0 hatchet ..•.. 0-0-6 white wig. . • • 0-2-0 old hand saw • . 0-1-0 half-inch auger. 0-1-6 black wig .••• 0-11-0 a reel • • • . . 0-3-6 3/4 inch auger • 0-1-0 blue coat . • • • 2-5-0 a great wheel . . 0-3-6 nippers (old) •. 0-1-0 red vest .••••. 0-18-0· duck wheel .•• 0-12-0 3 bells . .• • • • 0-4-9 velvet vest .•• 0-13-0· old wheel . • • • 0-3-0 broad axe .••• 0-14-0 darK red coat •• 0-15-0 round table. • • 0-7-0 small ring & staple 0-1-6 dark red vest. • 0-8-0 a stand . • • •. • 0-2-0 19 lbs old iron. 0-3-2 nale blue vest . 0-2-0 ·, · mortar & pestle. 0-3-0 cart hinges • • • 0-2-0 leather breeches 1-6-0 great chair. • • 0-2-6 old share & coulter 0-7-8 old velvet breeches 0-4-0 6 black chairs . 0-18-0 16 pigs • • . .. . . 3-8-0 old leather breeches 6-0 old chair. . . • 0-0-9 3 swine . • • • • • ·3-0 .Q drillen breeches . 0-3-0 saddle bags. • • 0-3-0 3 hoes . • • • • • 0-3-0 striped trousers . 0-3-0 saddle •.••• 0-20-0 trimming soap, trousers .•.• 0-2-0 side-saddle. • • 2-6-9 razor & horn . • 0-1-2 a stock •..••• 0-2-6 2 bridles. • • • 0-7-6 old bed(in parlor) 1-11-0 4 caps •••••• 0..::3_3 wood funnel. • • 0-2-5 2 pillows .•••• 0-5-0 pr cotton stockings 0-6-o· gallon bottle. • 0-1-0 pr sheets ••••• 0-16-0 pr blue yam stock- quart bottle • • 0-1-3 2 bed quilts ..•• 1-14-0 ings •••••• 0-6-0 2 hogshead (iron blanket •..••.0-4-0 pr blue.worsted hoops~. • • . . 1-4-0 bed (in dwelling stockings .••.• 0-2-6 hogshead (pine). 0-5-0 room) . • • • • .1-14-0 pr old yarn.stock- 3 barrels •••• 1-2-0 bolster & pillows 0-13-6 ings •.••••• 0-1-3 beer barrel ••• 0-1-6 3·under beds .•. 0-3-6 great coat ..••• 1-0-0 beer barrel (sml) 0-2-0 2 bedstead & cord 0-11-0 checked shirt .•• 0-7-0 3 meat barrels • 0-6-0 trundle bed .•.1-14-0 woolen·shirt {part soap barrel .•• 0-2-0 trundle bedstead cot t-on-) • • . . • 0-10-0 4 dry casks ••. 0-4-0 & cord •••..• 0-2-0 2 linen checked beehive & honey. 0-5-10 4 striped blankets 1-1-0 shirts .•••• 0-10-0 6 run of yarn .• 0-6-0 bed tick in ye 3 woolen checked 3} lbs wool ..• 0-7-0 chamber .••.• 0-3-0 shirts . • • • 0-10-6 scythe & cradle. 0-4-6 bedstead & cord in 2 pr shoes .•• 0-8-6 5 sickles • • • • 0-7-6 ye chamber .•• 0-2-6 pr boots & straps 0-11-0 7½ lbs coarse wool 0-7-6 smnll bed tick .• 0-1-6 pr shoe buckles 0-12-0 1½ lbs hops ••• 0-1-2 pr woolen sheets . 0-8-6 pr knee buckles 0-5-0 2 scythes ••.• 0-1-6 pr wool & 1 inen . ;,r stock buckles 0-0-9 3 lbs pitch ••• O-l-6 sheets ••... 0-15-0 sleeve buttons 0-0-2 15 bu flax seed. 1-17-6 2 table cloths .. 0-2-6 300 ft pine boards 0-15-0 3 pillow (beirs?). 0-1-6 knapsack . • • • 0-1-6 hogshead ••.• 0-3-0 pr & single beir . 0-2-1 iron kettles • • 0-4-6 half hogshead .• 0-1-6 5 fringed towels . 0-3-6 iron pot .••• 0-5-0 3 old chests .• 0-3-0 3 single sheets • ..0-16-0 2 trammels . • • 0-7-0 2 corn bins . • • 0-8-0 2 pr sheets ••.. 0-5-2 dye pot ••.•• 0-3-6 half a hetchel 0-5-0 chest with drawers 0-12-0 nndirons .••• 0-16-0 2 wash tubs .•• 0-2-9 5 vials •••..• 0-0-10 brass kettle •• 1-15-0 3 pails ••..• 0-4-3 pr valance .••. 0-3-6 hog p_ail . • • • 0-0-9 scythe & tackling. 0-7-6 large bible . • 1-0-0 lamp • . . . • • 0-1-0 old blanket .••• 0-1-3 Hart "Qualification crowbar ..••• 0-7-0 cartridge box .•• 0-7-0 of Church Members" -0-6 bread tray . • . 0-1-6 whent riddle •.• 0-1-3 "Extracts of the grindstone .•• 0-2-0 2 pitchforks ..• 0-2-9 Congress" . • 0-0-6 4 beehives ••• 0-4-0 3 bags ••.•.• 0-2-6 "The Manuel Exer- . a loom & all the 3 bu s~lt ••••• 1-4-0 cise" • • • . • 0-0-7 furniture be­ plowshare, colter, "A Right in the longing .•• 2-11-9 bolt and pin .• 0-2-0 0 1 iberty • • • 0-12-0 half a law book 0-8-0 3 pr knitting needles 0-6 linen handkerchief 0-0-8 V red cow ...... 3-10-0 . pr shears ....• 0-0-6 Hay in the barn. 10-0-0 red.galloway - _•. 3-10-0 earthen pitcher .. 0-0-9 20 bu wheat. • • 5-0-0 black pied galloway 3-5-0 2 shillings in a . north stack of hay 1-19-0 2 heifers .•••• 6-15-0 tea kettle .•• 0-2-0 south stack of hay 1-13-0 6 steers .••• 19-18-0 4 wood bowls .•. 0-4-6 the rowin hay .• 1-15-0. yoke of oxen ..• 14-10-0 dish ..•.•••. 0-0-4 horse gears. . . 0-9-0 2 calves ..•• 1-16-0 milk pan .•••• 0-1-0 143 lbs dressed 2 steers . • • • 2-9-0 churn .•••••• 0-5-0 flax • • . . . 4-15-4 1 heifer .••• 1-15-0 10 wood plates .• 0-1-6 60 bu rye ..•. 9-0-0 2 longhorn steers.· 3-4-0 flat irons . • •• 0-3-6 pr sled runners. 0-4-0. the. bay horse. . • 13-0-0 . skimmer. . • • • • • 0-0-6 yoke & irons .• 0-5-0 2 hives of bee.s ... 2-0-0 pair cards •••• 0~2-6 4 pieces of chain 1.0-0 3 white barrows .•. 2-0-0 · case & bottles •• 0-10-0 iron wedge .•. 0-3-10 the old sow • •. . 0-14-:-0 frying pan . • • • 0-3-0 black'. mare . . • •. . 9-0-0 warming pan . . • • • 0.~3-0 the house •..• 70-0~0 steelyards· .• ; .• • 0-6-0 2 bottles • . . • • 0-1--0 barn. • • . . • • 10-0-0 3 pewter platters 0-10-4 looking gla~s .•• 0-2-6 18 acres land - the 8 pewter. plates. • 0-_7-6 .. • spice mortar .•... • 0-1-6 Minister. Farm .• 36-o~o 1 pewter teapot.. ~6-0. tobacco tongs .•• 0-1-6. 11 acres against 2-quar.t cup. •.. • • . 0-l-:0 -· pr tongs . • • • • . . • 0-2-0 the house_ .•••. 50-0-0 pint cup. • ~- .• • . -~- 0-2-6 comb basket • • . . 0-1-6 18 acres - the ' . qt pewter basin. • 0-2-6 plain lot ••. 54-0-0 pint pewter .basin . 0-1-0 39 sheep ••.••• 12-2-0 27 acres - the tin funnel . . • • 0-0-6 80 bu indian corn 9--6-8 home lot .• ,162-0-0 tin cnnister . • 0-0-9 cart · . • • • • • •. ~:-0-0 2 acres "that goes 6 spoons •. • • . _ 0-1-6 . gun • . • • • • • • 2-0~0 by the house" .. i-0-0 2 candlesticks • 0~l-3- - • 21 bu buckwheat . • 2-2-0 ' 6 acres in house lot. • • • • • . 30-0-0

DISTRIBUTION OF-CAPTAIN MICHAEL DAYTON'S ESTATE ...... iiilliiiiiliiii ...... - --- To the Honorable Court of Probate for the District of Woodbury, these are to enform that the following is n distribution of the es'tate of Capt Michael Dayton, late of Waterbury, deceased, as effected by u.s the· subsc·ribers un_der oath June the 9th AD 1777.

To the widow: the use & improvement. of the · south underroom of the house, chamber &:_ garret over it, the one-third of the cellar (viz: on .the west side) during her natural life (at L32-0-0). The use of the westward bay of _the barn and the use o the floor one-thirq of the time duriug her naturnl life (at L3-6-8) and also thQ use of one-third of the barnyard with liberty to pass·to & from said barn and yard unmolested during said te_rm. to her the rest of the land thnt is ~ot here­ after let to David & Michael, lring on the eastward side of the highway that go­ eth by the house be it more or less, and butts northward port on Lockwood 1· s 1nnd ~nd part on highway eastward on William Scovil's land, south on lond hereafter left to Michael~ and westward on highway, to her during her natural life (at LlS-11-8). Eleven acres & 88 rods of land to be taken off of the south side of the_home lot so-called, the east end 17 rods wide, the west end 31 rods wide, and to extend westward to a cherry tree which stands on the west side of t_he brook, and but ts south on Capt Samuel Hickcox' land and east on highway, she the sair1 widow to have the use and improvement of the above described pieces of .land dur~ ing her natural life (at L69-18-4)

To Charles: to·a right in the House (15-0-0) with liberty to pass to & from the _well. forever. · Four acres & 127 rods of land lying on the northward part of the home vi lot and is eleven rods wide at the east end, the south side 34 rods long, from the stone wall .west to a heap of stones in the meadow, then north 52 rods to high 1n1y a heap of stones, then east 18 rods to Charles' lan~ butts north on highway east on his own land, south on land let to Samuel and west on land let to Justus, to him and his.heirs forever (at·L27-10-2). To cash Ll-19-0. A right in the barn _(at L0-16-1) with liberty to pass to & from said barn with team and cart. To one pai~ wig (~0-8-0); to one bee hive (L0-1-0).

To David:The whole use of the kitchen f. cellar under it as long as it shall stand, with liberty of the well and to pass to & from it and also with liberty to bring and lay his wood by said kitchen, so long as said kitchen shall stand (at L3-0-0) To cash L2-3-0. About four acres & half of land lying on the eastward side of the highway ~gainst the house including about half an acre lyeth in N~rrow Slip, between Samuel Hick~ox' land on the south & William Scovil on the north, the whole of said land exclusive of said slip is 8 rods wide at the east end and 18 rods a~ the west.end, butting south on said Hickcox land, east part on said slip and p.a.rt on said Scovil 's land, north on land hereafter let to Michael and west on highway (at ~20-14-2). To one pair wig (L0-5-0). A right in the barn (at L0- 16-1) with liberty to pass to & from said barn with team and cart.

To Michael: To a right in the house & cellar with liberty to pass to and from it, to h_im and his he.irs forever (at L3-0-0) and also liberty of the well, and to pass to & About 4 acres & a half of land lying on the eastward side of the highway ne~r the house:,.21 rods wide at the west end and 9 rods wide at the east en~, and butts east on.the land of William Scovil, south on land let to David, ~orth on land l~t to the widow, to him & his heirs forever (at L20-14-2). A right in the barn (at L0~16-l) with liberty to pass to and from said barn with team & cart. To one leather strap (L0-2-0); to cash (L2-6-0)

To Justus: to a .right in the house and cellar and liberty to pass to & from it to him & heirs forever (at L3-0-0), with the use of the well & pass to & from it. About 3 acres & a half of land lying in the northwest part of the home lot, and butts east on the land let out to Charles, south on land let out to Sam­ uel, west on Jacob Foot's land, and north part on said Foot and part on highwayp to him & his heirs for ever (at L20-14-2). A right in the barn at 0-16-1 with liberty to pass to & from said barn with team and cart. To cash L2-2-0.

To Isaac: A right in the house & cellar & well with liberty to pass to and from them (at L3-0-0). About 4 acres of land lying in the home lot so-called, and is 7 rods & a half wide at the east end and 10 rods & half wide at the west end, and butts south on land let out to the widow, west on Jacob Foot's land, east on highway, to him and his heirs forever (at L20-14-2). A right in the barn (at L0- 16-0) with liberty to pass to & from said barn with cart and team. To one bee hive (L0-1-0), to half-inch auger (L0-1-6), to cash (L2-5-6)

To Samuel: A right in the house, cellar & well with liberty to pass to and from them (at L3-0-0). About 4 acres of land, lying in the home lot so called and is 6 rods wide at the east end & 9 rods wide at the west end, and butts north on Charles' (his stone wall as w£1ll now stands), then runs from the southwest cor­ ner of said stone wall to a stake with stones by it at Jacob Foot's line nnd butts west on said Foot land and east on highway, to him and his heirs for ever (L20-14-2) .. A r~ght in the barn (at L0-16-1) with liberty to pass to & from said barn with te~ & cart; to cash (L2-8-0)

To Lyman: A right in ·the house, cellar and well, with liberty to p~ss to and frcm them (at L3-q-o). About 4 acres of land lying. in the home lot so-called, ~nd is 7½ rods & hnlf wide at the east end & 10 rods wide at the west en~ and butts west on Jacob Foot's land, south on lnnd let out to Isaac & east on highway, to him & vii his heirs forever (nt L20-14~2). A right in the barn (at L0-16-1) with liberty to pass to & from said barn with team.and cart. To cash L2-8-0.

To Abel: A right in the house, well & cellar with liberty to pass to & from them (at L3-0-0). The rest of the lan~ on Honnawag Plain or that is not let out to the girls, be it more or less, butting north & west on Jacob Foot's land, south on land let out to Olive, east- part on Capt Hickcox' land & part on 'land let out to the widow, to him and his heirs for.ever (at L20-14-2). A right in the barn (at L0-16-1) wi~h liberty t~ pass to & from said barn with team & cart. To·cash (12- 2-0)

Io Miriam: We find that Miriam hath received Ll7-0~0 antecedent to the death of the testator - which is more than a aaughter's part in-said esta~e.

To Mehitabel: A right in the house, cellar and well, with liberty to pass to and - from them (at L3-0-0). Three acres 8t 14 rods of land,. lying on. Honnawag P~ain so-cal.led ~nd is eleven rods wide at each end and butts south on Hoa ton's land, ~ on Jacob Foot's land, & East on Hickcmc' land, .to her &. her heirs for ever at ~9-5~8 with liberty to pass through the widow's land, adjoinin_g J~mes Hick- cox land,_to ,and from her own. To cash Ll-4-0. · . . Io Loly: A right in the house, cellar & well,-with liberty to pass to'& fr~ them (at L3-0-0). Three.acres &.·14 rods of land lying on.Honnawag Plain,·and is.elev­ en rods and 5 feet wide at ench en~ and butts south. on land let out to Mehitable, we-st .on Jacob Poot' s l_ap.d, east on Capt Rickcox'. land, to her and her heirs for ever. -(at L9.-S-?) with. liberty to pass . ~hroqgh . t?~ ., widpw~s __ lan? adjoining -Capt Hick~ox'. land., to, an~, fro'Ql her OWt;l.. Tq cas~ Ll-4-o.· · · · · .. • • • • • ♦

To,:El,is~beth:. a right in .. -·the. house,' cellar & well with liberty to ,pass to and f.rom · -· · .tnem .(,~t L3-0-0_). Thre~. acres_&. l«a- z:ods o_f · 1and.. lyiftg on Honnawag_ ~lain and is eleven rods and:10 feet wide at. each. end, and butts. south on land let out to Loly, west on Jacob Foot·•·s land & east .on Capt Sam'l Hickcoxi ·1a~d,. to her ond .. her heirs ~orever (at L9-S-8) and. liberty to poss through the w~dow's land adjoining Capt-Hickcox' land to and from her own. To cash Ll-4-0. ·

To Olive: A right in the house, cellar and well, with liberty to pass to and from them (at L3-o~o). Three acres & 14 rods of land lying on Honnawag Plain and is twelve rods wide at each en~ and butts west on Jacob Foot's land, south on land 1 let out to Elisabeth, and east on Capt Samuel Hickcox .· land, to her atld to her heirs for ever (at L9-5-8) and liberty to pass through the widow's land adjoining ~apt Hickcox' land to her own land. To cash Ll-4-0. -0- Timothy Judd ) Samuel Hickox)-Distributors Thomas Fenn ) -0- The gross inventory was. estimated at about L660, of which L382 was real property and L278 was personal estate. Outstanding debts* tot'aled L258 ieaving L402 for distrib­ ution to the widow and 12'1r*children. The widow received rights and property estima­ ted at Ll43, the oldest son Charles was allotted L35, the other seven sons were al­ lottec;i about 127 each and the four girls (other than Miriam) received about L13½ eaci1 * Debts against the estate included two school tax assessments, a "school mortgage" of Ll, minor amounts (less then Ll) to about .30 creditors, amounts between Ll an

Ml CHARLES DAYTON Sr b:11-3-1747 d:6~22-1834 m(lst) 9-30-1773 Asenath ("Sene") Guernsey (b:9-19-1756 d:2-27-1788, dau of Hannah Judd and David Guern­ sey) m(2d) Elizabeth Lemon (b:1755 d:1-9-1844)

~111 Plyment Dayton b:10-17-1774 d:5-23-1836 m(lst) 1798 Sarah("Sally'' Bryan (b:c1778 d:8-21-1804, dau of Zachariah Bryan) m(2ad) 12-8-1808 Jerusha Smith (b:1- 11-1786 d:1-5-1859, dau of Elizabeth ShaJlor and James Smith Jr) Mlll Harriett B Dayton b:12-25-1798 d:2-24-1805 •.'Mll2 Bryan Clark Dayton b:7-31-1800 d:9-15-1845 m:Lydia Copley (dau of Lydia Birdsall and Joseph Copley) Ml121 Joseph B Dayton b:11-1-1832 d:7-3~1855 (unm) M1122 Benjamin Dayton b:3-13-1834 d:ll-3-191l)(unm) M1123 Mary A Dayton b:6-9-1836 d:8-15-1855 (unm) Ml124Maria S_Dayton b:12-8-1837 d:11-14-1859 (unm) Ml125 Hiram B Dayton b:7-20-1839 d:2-13-1858 (unm) Mll26 William Oliver Dayton b:7-11-1841 d:5-9-1898 m:3-26-1871 Orpha Jane Churchill (b:12-23-1847 d:10-21-1917) _ / Mll261 Ed Oliver Dayton b :6-17-1872 m(lst) 4-21-1892 Alice Gertrude Geh- ring ·(b:6-2-1873) m(2d) ---- ., ___ _ M112611 Pearl Dayton b:12-10-1893 m:6-12-1917 David Edward Froelich (b:8-2-1893) Ch:David, Janice M112612 William Benjamin Dayton b:2-7-1895 m(lst) 8-6-1917 Verna Nash (b:Nov 1891) m(2d) Myrtle Childs. Ch:3une, Marline b: 1922 Mll2613 Frances Dayton b:1-13-1900 m:Henry Necasek. Ch:Jane, Barbara Mll27 Lucinda E Dayton b:10-24-1842 d:2-7-1858 M113 Sarah Dayton b:1-12-1803 d:11-19-1804 ,·M114 Bennett S Dayton b:5-2-1809 d:5-21-1836 m:Sarah Ann Foote (b:9-29-1811 d:9- . 17-1867; she m:2d c1840 Moses Knowlton) · _ I . ·.JM1141 George Plyment Dayton b:11-5-1831 d:8;..8-1863 m:12-20-1860 Sarah Gordon (or Mulford; b:1834 d:1902, dau of Mary Thompson and---- Gordon) ./Mll411 Frances Adele Dayton b:9-5-1861 d:9-30-1939 m:3-4-1880 James Graig 'M114111 Addie Graig m(lst) 1-25-1906 John Marks m(2d) Donald Veich Ch of 1st m:Kenneth ;·M114112 Ethel Graig m:Perry Burdick Mll4113 Irene Graig m:Carroll Wiltsey . Ml14114 Susie Graig m:12-19-1906 Fred Turner 'M1141141 Donald Turner Mll41142 Ida Frances Turner m:John Mostert Mll42 Edmond Dennis Dayton b:11-2-1833 d:4-5-1881 m:4-15-1857 Sarah Belle Mattice (b:4-14-1831 d:8-30-1913, dau of Nancy Ganson and Lawrence A Mattice) Ml1421 Willard Lawrence Dayton b:3-26-1858 d:3-29-1939 (unm) Ml1422 Edgar Bennett Dayton b:11-2-1859 d:1-11-1942 m:1-3-1883 Elida Ann Ham (b:1-14-1856 d:2-27-1948, dau of Catherine Gurney and Edwin Ham) M114221 Lillian L Dayton b:2-21-1885 m:12-31-1907 Richard E Porter (b:10-16-1885 d:9-18--1952, son of··Mary U Hoke and David S Porter) no ch M114222 Bennett E Dayton b:11-23-1886 d:8-3-1904 (unm) Ml14223 -Bessie A Dayton b:7-28-1888 ·m:11-10-1909 Harold E Nichols (b:8-27-1888, son of Mary M ---- and Rolla G Nichols) 2 ( 1il342311) M1142231 Meredith D Nichols b:9-1S-1910 mEi-21-1926 Mortofi T"read- well (b:10-28-1909, son of Hazel Terpening and J Logan Treadwell) Ch:Richard Jomes b:4-30-1937, Randall Lee b: 7-6-1942, Margaret Ann b:5-1-1947 M114224 Jane Belle Dayton b:5-21-1890 d:unm M114225 Susie M Dayton b:5-26-1892 m:6-24~1914 Giles Phillips (b:2- 18-1893 d:11-8-195~ son of Gertrude Rous and Bruce Phillips) Ml142251 Eleanor L Phillips b:11-12-19l7 m:8-:5-1960 Everett Lat­ timer (b:1~3-1913) -Mll42252 Robert B Phillips b:3-19-1923 m:9-6-1947 Nadine Beach (b:2-1-1926, dau of· Grace Gryant and Harold Beach) Ch: Barbara b:9-28-1948, Bruce b:1-31-1949, James b:3-5-195~ Janet b:5-18-1952 M1142253 Donald Phillips b:7-18-1925 m:7-12-1947 3ean Short (b: 7-9-1929, dau of Irene Lerbushing and Edward Short) Ch: Donald B b:12-10-1947, Michael E b:5-20-1952, John Db: 12-14-1953, N·ancy Jean b:10-28-1955, Carol Ann b:Mar 1958 M1142254 Ellen E Phillips b:5-12-1927 m:2-19-1949 Anthony Bar­ raco (b:9-23-1923) Ch:Susan Kay b:7-5-1953, Jill b:6-6- 1958 M114226 Helen S Dayton b:5-24-1896 m:6-14-1931 Norman L Kinsman (b: 11-15-1898, son of Clara Stone and Alfred O Kinsman) ~-M1142261 Carolyn M Kinsman b:5-22-1933 m:12-13-1952 Richard Bur­ son (b:3-9-1927) Ch:Jaun Louise b:i-14-1953, Richard Allen b:4-17-1956, Wade Oliver b:11-10-1958, Alec john b:12-30-1959 . ' Mll42262 Norman Richard Kinsman b:8-17-1936 ·Mll423 James Elmer Dayton b:6-17-1861 d:9-23-1929 ·m(lst) Elizabeth Doo~ little m(2d) · Mary R Van Duesen (no ch) ..· .. Mll424 Susan Ella Dayton b:4-19-1863 d:4-9-1952 m:5-6-1891 James McKown (b:5-21-1859 d:9-2-1930). Ch:Frances Anna b:7-26-1895 · · M11425 Elizabeth L Dayton b:4-11-1865 d:9-9-1~43 _m:1~20-1~85 Daniel D Cady (b:4-28-1862 d:10-16-1934, son of Polly Seymour··Pearle and Frede.rick Jasper Cady) · . _ . · · Mll4251 Maude Eunice Cady b:_4-l-1886 . ._· . _. Ml14252 Alm.a Sarah Cady b:3-8-1888 ·tl);,12.:.,30-19~7- Frederick Paul Lied­ kie (b:5-1-1888, ·son of Agus·ta and George Liedkie) Mll42521 Frederick Cady tiedk~e. b:10-11-1918 m:7-=3-1944 Mae Hel­ en Hunter. C1\:Pauta. Helen b:12~6-_194S : · : ·

M1142522 Morris DanielLiedkie. b:2-13-1920. m:2-8-1945 Zelma Sut- herland Mll4253 Elmer· Daniel Cady b:·8-31-1890 . Ml14254 Mme.rd Lewis :cady b:8~29-1892 · m:~"\003-1945 Luci-11e· Crabb (b: 8-9!-1908, ·da.u of Georgi'a V Wood and Clarence L Crabb) Ch:Di- ane Elizabeth b:6~16-i946 · .. , Mll4255 Elizabeth Mary Cady -b:1-20-l906 m:3-2Q-1931· Maurice· Enoc ~ • Butler (b:12...;.20-190~, son of lren~ Fox- ~nd Ence ._Butler) Ch: Philip Maurice b:1.:...s~i~37, Je~nne. Ire_ne ..b_:_10-9-1945 Ml142~. Nancy ·E Dayton ·b:5-21-1867 · d:t1-·2t-1903 ·-m:-7-22-1885 James Edward : · . .Hammond -(b.:6-30-1858 d·:12-·27-1933) · · Ml142-6:l. Nancy Ulena Hamm.ond· ·b:5~7-1886 m:6-17-1906 Frank George Lent (b:4-30-1885, son of Evaline LaQusky Emerson and Geo E Lent) M1142611 Elmer James Lent b:4-9-1907 m:Beulah Card Ml1426111 Donald Leon Lent b:9-21..:.1932 m:Doris Bartlett. Ch: Teresa b:7-17-1956, Brian b:6-4-1958 Mll426112 Flora M Lent (adptd) 3

M1142612 Velma Irene Lent b:12-15-1908 m:Ralph Otis Beames Mll426121 Paul Arthur Beames b:9-19-1945 M11426122 Patricia Ann Beames (adptd) m:8-31-1957 Burdette Bargher. Ch:Lori Rae b:8-15-1958, Teri Lea b:6-29- 1960 Mll42613 Kenneth Loren Lent b:1-27-1911 m:Ethlyn Giles Mll426131 Kenneth Myron Lent b:8-20-1940 m:2-21-1959 Patric­ ia Beismer. Ch:Kim Marie b:1959, Deborah Ann Mll426132 Elma Ulena Lent b:10-18-1941 m:Leo Carmody. Ch: Daniel Patrick b:10-6-1959, Donna Denise b:1-3-1961, Kathy Ann b:1-25-1912 . M11426133 Frank George Lent·b~-12-8-1943 Ml1426134 Douglas Lynn Lent b:12-13..:1947 Ml1426135 Edward Louis Lent ·b:10-16-1950 · · Ml1426136 Terry Eugene Lent b:9-2-1956 M1142614 Gladys· Mae· Lent b:4-5-1913 m:Warren Herbert Nichols Ch-:Nancy Irene b:5-12-1934,- Michael ·warren b:12-1-1944 Ml142615 Harold Frank Lent b:1-14--1922 m(lst) Bernice Ida Bris­

coe m(2d) 7-23-1954 Christine Scrivener. Ch:Robert. .Har- old b:10-5-1943, Kathleen Marie·b:6-11-1946, Jeffrey Lee b:3-8-1959 M114262 Lotta Jessie Hammond b:12-8-1888 m:10-17~1909 Charles Edgar Secor (b:9-23-1885, son of Lovica Ann Waits an4 Willis Adel- bert Secor) : · ' M1142621 Francis Perry Secor b:8~30-1910 ndl-29-1934 Vera Evelyn Foote. Ch:Frmacis Ames b:6-9-1946, Susan Jane Mll42622 Lynn John Secor b:9-25-1912 m:7-30-1936 Olive Marie Franklin. Ch:Donnn Lynne b:5-23-1941, Charles Ernest b: 6-6-1945, John Perry b:10-17-1949 M1142623 Ruth Dayton Secor b:7-5~1915 m:4-5-1935 Raymond Daniel Searlex. Ch:Charlotte Elizabeth* b:2-12-1941, Raychel Dee b:3-25-1946" M1142624 Helen Aleen Secor b:4-10-1927 ~-1-1949 Robert L Groves (son of Raymond Groves) Ch:Robin Elizabeth b:7-8-1950, Lynn Francis b:4-17-1953 Mll4263 Loren James Hammond b:12-29-18-9·0 m:6-25-1918 Mildred Maples (b:10-6-1899, dau of Cora Maud Elliott and Amos Maples) M1142631 Virginia May Hammond b:5-12-1921 m: ------Ml142632 James Edward Hammond b:I0-27-1926 ni: •. :..~- ---- Mll4264 Kenneth Robert Hammond b:5-28-1896 d:8-6-1896 M11427 Lillian ?1ay Dayton b:4-14-1869 d:1872 M11428 George R Dayton b:9-17-1871 d:5-20-1872 M11429 Vernon E Dayton b:6-12-1873 d:1-29-1946 m:Grace Rathbun (d:4-1- 1929, dau of Carrie Wellman and Henry Rathbun) .·M114291 Sarah Frances Dayton d:Apr 1933 m:Adrian Shore. Ch:Betty Jane Mll43 Hulda Mntilda Dayton b:1-.23-1836 d:11-23-1867 m:11-6-1857 Perry Butts (b:6-23-1836 d:1-28-1912, son of Laura Johnson and Wm Perry Butts) Mll431 Louise Butts b:10-23-1858 d:11-22-1867 M11432 Ida Butts b:5-28-1860 d:3-23-1861 Mll433 Augusta Butts b:9-5-1861 d:6-21-1942 m:3-4-1880 Chelsea Davis(b: .. 11-13-1866 d:7-10-1941, son of Elizabeth Lake and Annul Davis) /Ml14331 Laura Davis b:12-26-1893 m(lst) 2-20-1920 Edward Hoagland (b:5-18-1884 d:10-1-1930, son of Ann Smith and Benjamin Hoagland) m(2d) 4-25-1936 Emory Van Valkenburg (b:2-9-1893, son of Minnie Scott and John Van Valke~burg) · ~-Charlcbtte Elizabeth Searles m:Francis Gorden Cary. Ch:Diane Marie b:11-4-1964 4

Ml143311 Howard Davis Hoagland b:9-20-1922 m:8-10-1952 Mary Sa­ batini (b:7-27-1931) MllS Edmond Allyn Dayton b:6-22-1810 d:1-10-1899 m:·2-2-1873 Martha Adele Adams (b:3-2-1848 d:12~12-1926, dau of Margaret-Ellsworth and Vactor Adams) M1151 Margaret Jerusha Dayton b:11-9-1874 d:1959 m:11-16-1892 Bishop Mann · (b:2-5-1869 d:12-20-1944, son 9f Lugenin Forman and Harmon Mann) MllS_ll Francis Ray Mann b:8-26-1895 m(lst) 4-5-1917 Marguerite Jeanette Gavitt (b:4-3-1893 d:4-3-1937, dau of Mary McKee and Edmund Per­ ry Gavitt) m(2d) 6-16-1937 Jes•sie Charlotte Buckley (Mll5231 b: 6-13-1920, dau of Eunice Grant and James Buckley) MllSlll Frederick Gavitt Mann b:11-25-1921 m:7-24-1945 Ida Estella Fancher (b:12-7-1921, dau of Nellie Miller and Ward Fancher Ch:Robert Ray b:8-16-1947 MllSll~ Raymond Mann b:9-27-1927 d:12-10-1927 M11512 Edmund H Mann b:5-1O-1897 m(lst) 8-10-1921 Helen Ruland (b:9-6- 1896 d:.9--8-1938, dau of Addie Smi_th and Orson Ruland) m(2d) 12- 16-1938 Delcia· Devereaux m(3d) 3-23-1942 Bertha Cypra (b:3-23- 1914, dau of Bertha Mach and Frank Cypra) Ch:Franklin Edmund b:6-15-1944 . M1152 Emma Aiyn Dayton b:4-11-1876 d:4~25-1941 m(lst) 5-23-1894 George Levi Ryder (b:4-25-1865 d:1-16-1927, ·son oe Elsie Collinton and John Ry­ der) m(2d) Erwin C -3rant (b:2-4-1857 d:2-8-1941, _son of Annette Good­ enough and Clark E Grant) · M11521 Bessie Alta Ryder b:4~28-1895 d:7-25-1961 m(lst) 8-31-1913 Bern­ ard A Doyle (b:4-2-1893 d:11-2-1918) m(2d) 8-25-1921 Charles Agustus Mitchell (son of Jennie O Carter and Charles H Mitchell) Mll5211 Wanda Elsie Doyle b:7-6-1914 m(lst) Oct 1936 Louis Scher m(2d) 2-14-1939 Earle Griffin Davis. Ch of 1st m:Robert 9harles b:6-9-1937. ·Cho~ 2d m:Sandra b:5-7-1940, Earle Jr b:10-20-1941, Ronnie b:6-21-1943 Ml15212 Jane Alyn Mitchell· b:6-14-1923 m:Feb 1946 Adrian Delforge Ch:Thomas Carle b:4-17-1947 Mll5213 Charles Henry Mitchell b:8-30-1924 m:8-26-1959 Morta Lopez _Somolinos (b:3-22-1934, dau of Isidora Somolinos and-----­ Lopez M115214 William Ellsworth Mitchell b:4-1-1926 Ml1522 Clark Edmond Grant b:10-8-1897 m(lst)-Helen Roland m(2d) Elise Van Deusen. Ch (1st m):Dorothy, Gale, Mary. Ch (2d m) Irving Ml1523 Eunice Martha Grant b:11-20-1899 m(lst) James Buckley m(2d) 8-18- 1932 Walter Graham (b:11-24-1906) _ Mll5231 Jessie Charlotte Buckley b:6-13-1920 m:6-16-1937 Francis Ray Mann Ml1511) · M115232 netty June Graham b:3~2-1933 Ml1524 E~aline Rockafeller Grant b:3-8-1902 m:6-25-1919 Frederick Mertz (b:2-22-1883, son of Salera Maria Keck and Conrad M Mertz) Mll5241 Katherine Bertha Mertz b:3-16-1923 m:9-4-1941 Raymond Arthur Terk (b:4-18-1919, son of Florence Dibble and Thomas Terk)

Ch:Edward Raymond b:li-11-1942, Patricia b:3-21-1944, Sandra Lea (twin) b:4-24-1946, Bruce Leland (twin) b:4-24-1946, Frederick Allen b:11-11-1947 Mll525 Mina Alice Grant b:5-15-190- (dy) . M11526 Lynn H Grant b:4-27-1914 m:11-9-194O Jessilyn Mary Gregory (b:7- 27-1922, dau of Frediabell Elizabeth Haight and Frank Gregory) Ch:John Denzil b:7-29-1941, Lawrence Roderick b:6-22-1943, Linda Carol b:12-19-1944, Shirley Joyce b:3-5-1946, Alice Marjorie b: 8-10~1947 M1153 Charles Plyment Dayton b:3-23-1879 d:12-2-1926 5

Mll6 Sally M Dayton b:1-26-1812 d:7-16-1908 m:11-4-1831 John N Butler (b:10-27- 1808 d:7-16-1873, son of Mary Odell and Daniel Butler) M1lol .Tct·usha A Butler b:8-24-1832 d:5-5-1919 m:5-31-1849 Martin Tillapaugh (b:l-11-1828 d:3-18-1914, son of Gertrude Kniskern and George R Til­ lapaugh) Mll611 Elnora D Tillapaugh b:1-26-1852 d:10-16-1898 m:12-31-1868 Charles L Dailey (b:5-1-1852 d:8-30-1921, son of Susan Holmes and Henry Dailey) Ml16111 Stella M Dailey b:11-13-1872 d:5-18-1930 m:10-25-1893 SB Hartwell (b:3-2-1872 d:10-9-1938, son of Harriet Davis and Albert Hartwell) Mll612 Warren J Tillapaugh b:4-18-1856 d:12-18-1950 m:11-20-1878 Ella M Maguire (b:9-5-1857 d:8-31-1927, dau of Deborah Humphries and James Maguire) M116121 Neva E Tillapaugh b:11-28-1886 Mll6122 Bessie Tillapaugh b:5-23-1888 d:11-6-1888 M116123 Perry Tillapaugh b:11-14-1889 d:2-24-1890 Ml16124 Helen Tillapaugh b:2-21-1891 d:11-7-1961 m:11-20-1912 Carl W Boorn (b:11-18-189~ son of Edna Winegard and Clarence Boorn) /Mll61241 Neva Elizabeth Boorn b:10-5-1914 m:11-23-1935 Leon A Wiard (b:3-6-1910, son of Grace Allen and Edward Wiard) Ch:Ann Elizabeth b:12-7-1941, Nancy Ruth b:3-27-1945, Sally Deborah b:5-2-1954 Mll61242 Barbara Marie Boorn b:2-2-1917 d:10-14-1918 M11613 Mattie O Tillapaugh b:11-8-1866 d:4-27-1905 m:3-11-1885 Jacob V Bellinger (b:11-21-1865 d:1-12-1936, son of Julia Vroman and Isaac Dellinger) Mll6131 Leander Bellinger b:3-18-1890 d:12-31-1950 m:11-21-1914 Mil­ lie Ward (b:5-18-1896, dau of Amy Waldorf and Herman Ward) Mll61311 Virginia May Bellinger b:4-20-1920 m:1937 Charles J Ahl (b:10-12-1917, son of Dora Clapper and William Ahl) M11613111 Charlene Ahl b:3-22-1938 m:12-31-1959 Clyde Miers (b:2-9-1935, son of Dorothy Brown and Loren W Miers) Ch:Michele Marilyn b:1-8-1961 Ml1613112 Joan Dora and Gene Patrick (twins) b&d:Jul 1939 Ml1613114 Gene Patrick Ahl b:7-3-1940 Mll613115 Kathleen Amy Ahl b:8-15-1948 Mll61312 Marion Frances Bellinger b:11-2-1923 m(lst) 5-19-1940 Raymond Ahl (b:10-22-1915 d:4-19-1955, son of Dora Clap­ per and William Ahl) m(2d) 6-30-1961 George Thompson (b: 1-29-1916, son of Sarah Steele and James Thompson) Ml161312I Elizabeth Marion Ahl b:5-1-1941 m:12-29-1961 Mich­ ael E Randolph (b:3-17-1941, son of Anna Marguerite Brown and Gayle Randolph) Ml1613122 Joan Pauline Ahl b:7-7-1944 m:9-2-1960 Dale Illoth­ enburg (b:6-14-1940, son of Harriet Miles and Otto Blothenburg) Ch:Scott Christopher b:12-15-1961 Mll613123 Raydean Ruth Ahl b:8-26-1945 Ml1613124 Judith Virginia Ahl b:4-20-1950 M1161313 Doris Mattie Bellinger b:10-24-1926 m:7-28-1943 Ashley King (b:9-16-1921, son of Emma Tripp and Merritt King) , Ch:Ashley Russell b:7-27-1945, Wade Douglas b:10-1-1948 ~ M1161314 Lee Imro Bellinger (adptd) b:9-29-1934 m:2-28-1960 Jacklin Rossler (b:6-16-1943, dau of Ruth---- and Harry Rossler) Ch:Harry Leander b:3-25-1961 M116132 Homer Bellinger b:2-10-1895 m:10-29-1913 Tressa Mereness (b: 7-24-1891, dau of Ida May Voris and Minard Mereness) 6

Ml161321 Clara M Bellinger b:11-14-1914 tn(lst) 4-23-1934 Living­ ston Bow-man (b:10-12-1902, son of Elsie Crane and Judson Bowman) m:2d Carl White Ml1613211 Shirley Jean Bowman b:1-25-1935 rw.-20-1953 Richard Van Derbeck. Ch:Rebecca Jean b:12-25-1953, Richard Livingston b:4~4-1956, Den11is Eugene b:7-28-1957, Sandra Lee b:12-16-1958 ··Mll613212 Harold Livingston Bowman b:6-27-1939 m:3-16-1961 ----· ----. Ch:Kristine b:1-8-1962 Mll613213 Mary Ann Bowman b:11-30-1942 m:9-4-1961 Wayne Hul- bert Speenburg (son of Alfred~ ~ulbert and Clayton Speenburg) Ch:Wilhelmina b:4-21-1962 M11613214 Linda Marie Bowman b:6-27-1945 m:Kenneth Warner Ch:Kenneth Jr b:7-20-1962 Mll613215 Valerie·White b:2-17-1950. Mll613216 Rachel White b:6-26-1951 Mll613217 Douglas White b:9-20-1952 M1161322 Leland H Bellinger b:8-3-1916 d:7-21-1935 M1161323 Irene G Bellinger b:4-30-1918 m:1936 Donald Veeder (b: 2-20-1912, son of Sarah Brown·and George Veeder) Mll613231 Donald Veeder Jr b:11-27-1936 m:12-22-1956 Alice Jan~ Martin (dau of Dorothy----- and Wilson Martin) Ch:Deborah Marie q7-26-195~ Duane Martin b:6-28-1959 M11613232 Nancy Ann Veeder b:5-10-1938 m:_8-19-1956 Warren Roosevelt (b:5-11;_1938,·son of Alberta---- and Mul­ fTid Roosevelt)· Ch:Kimberly Ann b:9-13-1958, Warren Philip b:5-6-1960 M11613233 Deline Homer Veeder t:7-3--1940 nd0-28-1961 ------­ M1161324 Ida May Bellinger b:5-27-1919 m:Paul Bouck (b:10-13- 1915, son·of Tilden Bouck) M11613241 Leland Eugene Bouck b:6-18-1938 m:1956 Linda Mahl (dau of Dorothy----- and Herbert Mahl) Ch:Jody Ann b:11-25-1956, William Mahl b:11-3-1959 Mll613242 David Paul ·nouck b:9-11.-1939 m:4-28-1962 Shir• ley Zeller (dau of Evelyn Snyder and Lester Zellor) M11613243 Doris Mae Bouck b:11-18-1940 d:11-20-1940 -·M11613244 Pauline M:ary Bouck b:2-2-1942 . M11613245 Ronald Tilden Bouck b:4-11-1943 M11613246 Russell Smith Bouck b:2-15-1944 M116132S Bernice Tressa Bellinger b:11-23-1921 m:6-27-1942 Rob­ ert Van Patten (b:3-14-1921, son of Carrie Van Valsberg and Otto Van Patten) Ch:Diane Sylvia b:3-28-1943, Sue -Claire b:10-29-1944, Agnes Fay b:7-25-1948 Ml161326 Christel M Bellinger b:8-1-1925 m:8-21-1943 Robert Ter­ nent·Lamb (b:1919, son of Mary Hulsaver and Charles Lamb) Ch:Carol June b:7-5-1944, Garry Thomas b:7-7-1946, Robert Emerson b:11-20-1948 /Ml161327 Theron Romyne Bellinger b:7-4-1930 m(lst) Lois Helen Christman m(2d) Aug 1952 Marylin Fleming (b:5-4-1930, dau of Jennie· Hyde and Arthur Fleming) Cti>ebra H b:5-30- 1954, Cynthia Lynn b:11-15-1956 /Mll6133 Blanche Bellinger b:8-18-1897 m(lst) 9-5-1915 David Freiberg m(2d) 7-30-1922 John W Grant (b:5-18-1892 d:9-2-1961, son of _ Leah---- and Francis Grant) ·.1Mtl61331 Ruth Mattie Freiberg b:12-21-1916 m(lst) 2-28-1938 Ben­ jamin Lemon (b:6-22-1916, son of° Lamora---- and Benjam­ in Lemon) m(2d) 12-21-1947 Floyd Gray (b:9-17-1907, son 7

of Ida-~-~- and Perl Gray) m(Jd) 7-3-1958 Robert Lehm­ kuhl. (b:10-23-1920, son of Irene J ---- and John E Lehm­ ktthl) Mll613311 Rose Marie Lemon b:8-8-1939 ·m:9-20-1958 George J Iski (b:5-18-1935, son of Anna---- and George Iski) Mll613312 Michael John Gray b:6-9-1950 M1162 Mery Matilda Butler b:4-7-1834 d:12-26-1846 *?-1117 Harriet C Dayton b:11-9-1813 d:2-2.2-1907 m(l·st) 11-2-1830 Daniel Odell (b:8-27-1807 d:4/8-29-1855) m(2d) 4-i-1859 Nathan Pierce Mll71 Mary E Odell b: 8-14-1832 d: 11 ... 20-1856 m: 5-2-1853 George.. C Stanley (b: 5-8-1827, son of Permelia Hugaboom and Nathan Stanley) no ch M1172 Stephen.D_Odell b:4-25-1835 d:3-30-1904 ~(1st) 5-7-1856 Harriet Augusta Foote ~(2d) Elizaeeth Annette Goodenough (b:12-19-1832 d:4-18-1900; she m:lst Clark E Grant - ·see Mll52) Mll721 Ogden H Odell b·:9~2-1857 m:Cora Stevens Mll7211 ~ellie _Odell m:Albert Van Derzle. Ch:Ch~rles, Earl Ml17212-George Odell>.m:Helen Richelieu. Ch:Winifred, George, Richard, Helen, JeBn . M11722 George S Odell b:5-11-1859 m:~1-7-1906 Mary C Fisher (d:12-28- 1915) Ml17221 ~aot11i May Odell .b:11-9-1909 m:George Mallory . Mll7222 ~harles Fisher Odell b:4-23-1911 M11723 Ida Augusta Odell. b:10-18-1862 d:5-7-1917 m:1-12-1882 Peter H Henness (b:10-2-1860 d:8-1-1905, son-of Laney Shroh and Stephen Elias Henness) ·M117231 David Edwin Henness b:11-15~1882 d:5-2-1959 m:11-24-1909 Mary Esther Jones (b:8-13-1883, dau of Frances Amelia South­ ard and David Jqnes) M1172311 U,ectorPeter·Henness b:11-18-1913 m:12-12-1942 Dorothy E Schneidewind (b:10-1~1914, dau of Rose Hartman and Carl Schneidewind) Ch:Diaria Jean b:3-8-1951 Ml172312 Francis David Henness b:2-1-1918 m:2-6-1943 Elizabeth G Angier (b:2-4-1922, dau of.Marguerite Carpenter and Ev- : ~rett L Angier) C~:~ail Frances b:2-6-1944 Ml17232 Rhoda 1'1ay Henness b:12-18-1884 d:6-4-1917 m:Charles Adair (b:3-7-1881 d:1959) no ch· M117233 Annette Henness b:8-25-1886 m:James Hickey (b:5-25-1884) M1172331 William David Hickey b:7-31-1908 m: ------Ch: 6 /Mll7234 Elias Stephen Henness· ("BobHenneseyu) b:8-8-1888 d:c1957 m: ~------· Ch: 2 daus Ml17235 Pearl Evelyn Henness b:7-27-1893 m:12-19-1912 David Gourlay Brown (b:5-21-1888, son of Annie Mann and Andrew Brown) M117235.l John Skinner Brown b:10-12-1913 m:10-12-1940 Dorothy Scudder (b:6-18-1919, dau ·of Is.~.belle Hull and Hewett Scudder) Ch:Donna Lee b:11-16-1944, Jo Ann b:3-2-1955 Ml172352 Edward Hugh Brown _b:~0-27-1921 m:Ellen Grace Barlow (b: 3-27-1923, dau of Adda Mattice and Dan Clark Barlow Sr) Ch:Judith Ellen b:8-16-1942 ✓Mll7236 Robert Vaughn Henness b:3-23-1896 m(lst) 8-16-1916 Sadie Al­ za Tinkham (b:5-2-1898, dau of Lenny Waters and Benjamin Tinkham) ~(2d) 11-2-1926 Beulah Mae Leinbaugh (b:2-16-1901 d:7-3-1955, dau of Clara Schick and Pearl Leinbaugh) m(3d) 6-28-1959 Margaret Pope (b:4-24-1908, dau of Susan Katherine Cain an~ John Thomas Pope;_ she m:lst :---- Manwel) ·X:aetween Ml172 and M1173, a son Ebenezer was b:18~6, d:9-1-1838 8

Ml17236l Regeno Odell Henness b:5-3-1917 m:Harlan Wolf (d:1-30- . 1962) Ch:Rodney, Robert, Bruce, Max, Jean, Jack, Ann M1172362 Gordon Jerome Henness b:11-5-1918 d:6-24-1945 unm ·M1172363 Norman Deloris Henness b:10-20-1920 m: ------., Ch: Dixie Lee, Roger M1172364 Fred Henness b:3-18-1930 m:8-10-1949 Helen Townsley Ch:Robert Charles, Ronald Mll72365 Kay Henness b:2-14-1939 m:Jerry Holiday. Ch:Michael Ml~7237 George Henness b:11-30-1897 m:1921 Mae Singer. (no ch) M117238 Susie Henness b:12-31-1900 d:7-16-1960 m:1-9-1917 William Darling (b:5-14-1895 d:4-17-1961, son of Adelia Curtis and Solomon Darling) M1172381 Evelyn Darling b:11-26-1918 m:Perley Miller@:4-21-1959) Ch:James, William, Robert, Francis, Mary Esther M1172382 Clyde Darling b:9-20-1920 m:Josephine Meadow.s. Ch:Dan­ iel, Robert Mll72383 Elsie Darling b:9-22-1921 m(lst) 10-6-1941 Vincent Law­ rence m(2d) 10-2-1954 George Vermilyea ·cb:9-12-1927, son of Inez Patterson and Leo Vermilyea) qh:Barbara Ann b: 8-31-1942 Ml172384 Clifton_Darling m:Rose Handle. Ch:Li~da, Diane M1172385 William: George Darling b:4-14-1927 m:5-22~1954 Marian Bonventre · (b:3-30-1934,- dau of Marie T~desco and Victor .. Bonventre) Ch:William George Ji. b:10-2-1957 Mll72386 Carl 9 Darling b:12-17-1928 m:2-23-1952 Catherine Bon­ ventre (b:5~21-1930, dau of Marie Tedesco and Victor Bonventre) Ch:Carl Joseph b:11-5_-1955, Susan Marie b: 10-18-1959 M117239 Lolelia Henness b:4-11-1906 m:Al Delmont Mll72391 Helen Delmont b:9-4-1922 m:Michael Yankow. Ch:Kay b:11- 10-1942, Mitchell, Thomas M11724 Alva Odell b:1-24-1864 d:2-28-1929 m:1891 Elizabeth Mary Mcllwain (b:10-8-1870 d:10-21-1920, dau of Henry and Myron D Mcll- wain) d:7-27-1964 M117241 Fred Dayton Odell b:2-2-1892~m:l-20-1914 Mary Ellen Fitzger- ald (b:7-14-189~ dau of Eliza Minehan and Michael Fitzgerald) Ml172411 Ralph Dayton Odell b:8-12-1915 d:4-5-1930 Mll72412 Paul Raymond Odell b:7-11-1916 d:11-28-1944 Mll72413 Norman Edward Odell b:2-28-1918 m:9-27-1938Sylvia Mayes (dau of Bessie Craft and Chester Mayes) Ch:Louise Norma b:4-23-1940, Patricia Ellen b:8-19-1941, Carol Ann b:4- 26-1943 ·Ml172414 Donald Leo Odell b:12-31-1919 m:1939 Janet Davenport Ch:Barbara Jean b:5-9-1940, Margaret Ann b:5-29-1942 .-M1172415 Charlotte 'Marie Odell b:11-7-1921 m:9-23-1945 Robert

. Corthell (b:12-19-1921) ·M1172416 Wilma Alice Odell b:11-10-1923 m:6-23-1945 Joseph V Swantak (son of Valentine Swantak) Ch:Nancy Eileen b:5- 7-1950, Robert Joseph b:6-5-1959 ··Mll72417 Maurice Alan Odell b:9-16-1925 m:6-26-1949 Charlotte Anne Backus. ~h_:Timothy Backus b:8-4-1950,Vance Patrick b:5-10-1955, Dyanne Christine b:10-3-1952 Mll72418 Harold Lewis Odell (twin) b:11-29-1929 Ml172419 Howard Joseph Odell (twin) b:11-29-1929 Ml1724110- Lawrence Fred Odell b:10-1-1931 9

Mll7241ll Grace Inez. Ode.11 b:4-6"!"'_1934 m·:.8-15-1954 John Edward · T\1th~ll Jr_.(.b:6-18-1926_, _son of Lillian Rhodes and John Edward Tuthill Sr) Ch:Mark Edward b:5-22-1958, Vicki El­ . len b:4-29~1960 Mll72_41ll Doreen Louise. Odell b:5-12-1937 m:6-28-1959 William Jnmes. Laing. Ch:Roxanne D.oreen b:3-29-1960, William Merion b:4-6-1961 · M117242 Haz~l Odell b:12-7-1893 m:M~y 1915 Harold T Baisden (b:9-5- 1893, son of Christine Seaman and George Baisden) . Mll7242i Norma Elizab~th_Baisden_ b:3-27-1916 m:9-16-1943 William · Reid_(b:7~25-191& son of Louise Singer and Charles Reid)

Ch:W~lliam Harold b:9-24-1944, Jo Ann b:9-4-1954

Mll72422 Ruth Naomi Baisden. b:4-6~1918. . m:10-15-1945 Russell Ames Lange (b;_7-24-1907, son of Lucy Ames and Charles Lange) . Ch:~ean Russell b:8-24-194~, David Ames b:1-24-1954 , .Ml~72423 Harold Thomas Baisden Jr b:9-24-1920 m:7-10-1948 Mar­ cella Rayman (b:6-15-1924, _dau of Maude Allen and -----­ . Rayma_n) ..C~:Penny Marie b:3-14-1952, Daniel Thomas b:7- 26-1957. M11!24,3 Ralph William Odell (twin) b:9-1-1896 m:1926 Bertha Marguer­ . : ite Ballag;h ·cb;9-3o"-i897., dau of Lillie Amelie McCracken and Janie~ Oliver _Ballagh) . :·· . Ml172431 Phyllis Jane Odell b:3-31-1927 m:7-22-1951 Norman Keith Blanchard (b:10-17-1926, _son of Wilhelmina Bushnell and Adrian G Blanchard) _Ch:James Gregory b:10-31-1952, John . · Norman b:1-1-1956, Jeffrey Ralph b:5-4-1959 Mll72432 Carleton Ralph Od~ll b:10-2-1928 m:9-6-1958 Beverly Shirley Dodge (b:l-_7-1933, dau of Anna------and Allan Cleaves Dodge) Ml~72433 Joyce Ballagh Odel_l b:8-5-1931 m:9-14-1957 Joseph John Doyle Jr (b:4-28-1934, son of Alberta Chamberlain Lange and Joseph John Doyle) Ch:Robin Lynne b:3-17-1959, Brian Joseph b:3-23-1961 Ml17244 Raymond Charles Odell (twin) b:9-1-1896 m:5-16-1918 Blanche . E Bennett (b:5-20-1900, dau ·of Agnes Bartelson and Webster Bennett) · ·Ml172441 Vivian A Odell b:10-4-1919 m:11-9-1941 Thomas H McCloy II. Ch:Thomas H III· b:10-17-1?~5, Valerie b:2-2-1948, Wanda b:4-15-1957 · Mll72442 Bernice Emily Odell b:12-15-1.j.20 m:7-22-1942 George Hoffmann (b:11-9-1921) Ch:Emily b:5-16-1943, Peter Ray­ mond b:7-28-1946 M1172443 Raymond Alva Odell b:6-1-1925 m:8-8-1948 Zephry Joyce Palmer (b:5-7-1930, dau of Dorothy E Finch and Raymond J Palmer) Ch:Larry R b:~--28-1949 M117245 Alice Emily Odell b:3-11-1900 m:12-18-1919 Edward D Smith (b:12-26-1887 d:4-14--1959, _s.on of Georgia V Crandall and Devolson Smith) . . M1172451 Milton Edward Smith b:10-1-1920 m:7-21-1944 Patricia Margaret Cleary (b:1-6-1911) Ch:Michael D b:7-21-1949 Mll72452 Elizabeth Georgia Smith b:11-2-1925 m:6-13-1947 Carl Utter (b:11-23-1925, son of William Utter) Ch:Paul W b: 10-7-1948, Philip b:4-27-1958, Timothy Edward b:4-23- 1959, Daniel b:1962 ~-Emily Hoff!Ilann m:8-7-1965 Joseph John Hilke (son of Joseph S Hilko) 10

M1172453 June Elinor Smith b:6-18-1927 m:James Wood (son of Elizabeth Oliver and John Wood) Ch:David Arthur (adptd) b:6-16-1946, Donald Edward b:6-8-1948, Dennis John b:7- 21-1953 Mll72454 Doris Evelyn Smith b:8-10-1930 d:Jan 1931 Mll72455 Roy Egbert Smith b:4-19-1931 ro(lst) Barbara Horn m(2d) 7-27-1958 Betty Mae Gilderslaeve (b:12-2-1936, dau of Mina Butts and Walter Gildersleeve) Ch:Katie Louise b: 11-15-1951, Roy Deon b:1-29-1960 M1172456 Allan Odell Smith b:4-4-1939 m:6-23-1960 Joan Bates (dau of Edith Ingerham and Amos Bates) Ch:Terry Lynn b: 4-25-1961 Mll7246 Dorothy Miriam Odell b:5-5-1906 m:10-2-1924 Isaac Albert Rifenbark (b:3-18-1900 d:2-2-1949, son of Julia Nancy Chand­ ler and Delevnn Calvin Rifenbark) M11724ol Bessie Pearl Rifenbark b:5-30-1925 m(lst) 12-23-1941 Paul Leland Phelps (b:1-3-1919 d:5-16-1952, son of Lot­ tie Eckert and Lewis Phelps) m(2d) 9-14-1952 Ezra Burg­ her (b:7-23-1894, son of Ann Smith and Ira Burgher) Ch of 1st m:Curtis Wright h:12-22-1942, Carol Lee b:8-23- 1944, Lawrence Paul b:12-16-1945, Donna Lou b:3-19-1947, Lewis Stanton b:6-25-1949, Darla Marie b:11-14-1950. Ch of 2d m:Donald Ezra b:8-19-1953, Rebecca Sue b:10-2- 1954, John William b:4-25-1957, Charles Robert b:7-31- 1959 Ml172462 Virginia Mae Rifenbark b:5-6~1927 m:12-18-1946 Henry Norman Peddle (b:ll-12-1927)Ch:Mildred Jean b:9-14-1947 M1172463 Frederick Stanton Rifenbark b:4-12-1931 m:12-8-1950 Velma Jean Mcclurg (b:5-7-1929) Ch:Charlotte Delphine b:12-19-1953 Ml172464 George Wa1ter Rifenbark b:9-10-1932 d:1-17-1933 /Mll72465 Joseph Donald Rifenbark b:5-1-1935 m:7-28-1957 Janet Ann Wagner (b:1-20-1940, dau of Freda Stoesser and Otto J Wagner) Ch:Joseph Donald Jr b:4-7-1959, Judy Rose b: 8-31-1960 M1172466 Barbara Jean Rifenbark b:4-10-1944 Mll72467 Gerald Louis Rifenbark b:5-17-1945 Mll725 William Stephen Odell b:3-1-1866 d:6-12-1951 m:12-10-1894 Eva Henness (b:8-10-1871 d:4-2-1940, dau of Laney Shroh and Stephen Elias Henness) d:11-30-1965 M117251 Loretta Odell b:2-11-1896 m:6-16-1915 Raymond AdeeA(b:10-2- 1891, son of Anna Burlingame and Hiram Roscoe Adee) Mll72511 Nellie Adee b:3-31-1917 m:10-19-1939 Charles Shaw (b: 11-2-1918, son of Cora o•iRourke and Leslie Shaw)Ch:Rich­ ard b:11-3-1941, Robert b:5-9-1943, Ronald b:7-19-1947, ·Loretta b:11-19-1948, Phyllis b:2-8-1952 M1172512 Anna Adee b:9-12-1918 m:9-11-1944 Lloyd Tilley (b:7-23- 1920, son of Veda Fuller and Lynn Tilley) Ch:Karen b:8- 1-1947, Kenneth b:11-12-1949 Mll72513 William Adee b:6-20-1920 d:7-17-1928 M1172514 Walter Adee b:11-4-1923 d:7-17-1928 Mll72515 Virginia Adee b:7-9-1927 m:10-19-1948 George Potter (b: 2-20-1921, son of Bessie Cronkite and Jay Potter) Ch: Diane b:10-3-1949, Larry b:8-15-1951, Deborah b:10-4- 1953, Marcia b:4-17-1955 11

Ml172:5:l6 Clark Adee b:6-.27-1929 m·:1·0-.5~1952; Me:rilyri Spooner (dau . · of Al:va Spooner) Ch:Shn.'ron b:10...:.11..:.1~5:3, William b:Apr . 1956, Su_san b:10-23-1960 · · · · Mll72517 Eliz·obeth Adee b:12-i3-1935 Mll72518 Phillip Adee b:6-29-194Z . . . . M117252 Walter Odell b:1O-6-1897 m(lst) li°-24-1948 .Dorothy L Carring­ ton (b:4-20-1905. d:11-1-1933, dau ·of Irene L Parish and Ed­ ward G Carrington) . m(2d) Ruth V Bedfqrd. (b:4-4-1917, dau of Chrissy J ~ulle~ ond Frank E Bedford). Mll72521 Leta Mae Odell b:10-16-1930 d:6-13-1938 M1172522 Mary E Ode~l b:1~28-1932 m:4-1-1951 Robert White Rid- dell (b:1-16-1932, son of Mary White and Neil, Riddell) . Ch:Leta Mae b:2~26-1952, Robert White Jr ·b:5-30-1954, Dorothy Louise b:2-3-1960 . /Mll72523 Wa~ren Edward Odell.b:4-8-1933 m:l952.Arlen~ Sutherland (b:7-13-1934, dau of Eva---- and Arlie Su~herla~d) Ch: Lynn Lee b:3-27-1953, Patricia Mae b:11-17-1954, James E . b:6-16-1958, Christine A b:7-23-1959 .· ··'M1172524 Phyllis Ann Odell b:8-17-1941 m:1958 Gerald Butts (b:9- 30-1940, son of Helen Woodard and Raymond M Butts) Ch: Debora Ann b:10-23-1958, Margery ~ean b:3-23-1960 d:7- 16-1961, Denise Lee (twin) b:12-19-1961, Dianne Marie . . .

I (twin) b:12~19-1961 /Mll72525 Carol. June- Odell b_:10-20-1942 Ml172526 William Walter Odell b:12-10-1943 d:11-21-1958 Mll7253 Lana· Odell b:2.-21-1900 m:5-16-t'925 Ralph Calvin Vaughn (b:1- 2-:-1903, son ol Eli_zabeth R~taling and Omer A Vaughn) ... Mll7-25_31 Kenneth .Vaughn b:2-12-1926 m:2.-1:5-1947 Anaa Marie Mili- . · vac.. (dau o·f Mary. Anzel~c and James Milivac) Ch:Victoria Jean b:9-13-1954,. L:enora.Ann b:9-3-1960 Ml17254 Frances. ~1-ary .Odell b:2--27-190.8 m:6-,~0-.1942 Frank Grosfent Jr (b:7-4-1~18, son of Clara Nettj.e.Carroll and Frank Grosfent Sr) Ch:Linda Jo.yce b:6-30-1944,. Alta Eva b:5-24-1947 M117255 Marjorie Odell b:2-25-1910 Ch of 2d m Mll726 John Dayton Odell b:3-22-1870 d:5-23-1956 m:1912 Margaret Wilbur (d:1924) no ch Mll73 Benjamin C Odell* b:3-19-1837 -m:Mary A C~vel. Ch:Leila, Claude, Guy, Paul Revere Mll74 Martha J Odell b:9-8-1838 d:8-23-1852 **M1175 Harriett M Odell b:7-10-1842 m(lst) 9-10-1865 Oliver David Young (b:c 1840.d:10-11-1893) m(2d) 2-17-1904 Johnson Hamilton Mll751 Lula Edna Young b:9-22-1867 d:2-5-1893 ,,-*Mll752 Nettie May Young b:7-25-1_869 m:6-6-1894 Adelbert J Chichester (b: cl865) no ch /,•M11753 Alice Belle Young b:8-~6-1872 m:Mi.lo. S Wood (b:cl844-8; his 2d m) no ch ,

l*M11754 David Tyler Young b:&-21-1876. m:Stella. . Parks. Ch:Ronnld David b: 6-29-1912 . • Mll8 Shailor Hezekiah Dayton b:8-5-1815 d:2-10~1846 m:3-31-1840 Mahala Wheeler (d:12-24-1845) . . .Mll81 Hiram Dny~on b:3-~-1841 ~:8-l~-1863 .'Q.nm .. Mll82 De.nnis Edmond Dayton b:~-25-1843 d:.B~S"."'~_868 unm d:l2-31-1931 M1183 Shaiior Wheeler Dayton b:10-22-1845. q:11-13-1923 m:1867 TabLtha Ramsey (b:l-1+~1849, .dau of Tabitha Wilson and .Will~am.R Ramsey) . ,; . . \ - ...... Mll831 Mabel Alice Daytoij b:5-5~1868 .. , *Benjamin C Odell d:2-26-1888 m·:7-18-1844 Mary A Cov.el (b:1847, dau of CA Covel); dau Leila m: ---- Moody; son Claude d:4-26-1897 ** see Supplement, page~ 12 Mll832 Verner Lumry Dayton ~:10-5-1870 d:6-22-1924 m:6-27-1906 Zuella Althea Trester*(dau o·f Lawrence Milton Trester) Mll8321 Lawrence Shailor Dayton b:9-8-1913 m:11-24-1938 Harriet Adele Cot~dau of Harry P Cote) Ch:Elizabeth Ann b:'bif-~ 1940, (Eire Adele b:1943, Katherine Alice b:12-ta-1944 M11833 Otis Irwin Dayton b:3-13-1874 d:2~22-1894 Ml1834 Morris Earl Dayton b:11-10-1878 d:6-16-1881 Ml19 Norman Plyment Dayton b:5-19-1817 d:3-6-1896 m:4-27-1841 Sally Nichols (b: 6-15-1824 d:6-5-1894, dau of Mary Louisa Pierce and Clemon Nichols) Ml191 Clemon P Dayton b:3-5-1842 d:8-17-1868 m:1867 Alice Multer. (no ch) Ml192 Chauncey B Dayton b:1~14-1845 m:12-31-1866 Lydia Gurney (b:2-8-1847) M11921 Edward A Dayton b:11-23-1867 d:unni Ml1922 Mary Elizabeth Dayton b:2-26-1870 m(lst) Hugh Powell m(2d) Her­ bert Laymnn (b:6-16-1857) no ch Mll923 Gurney Joseph Dayton b:8~16-1872 d:unm "Ml193 Norman L Dayton b:6-4-1847. d:9-23-1873 M1194 Mary Ann Dayton b:9-4-1850 d:12-11-1939 m:2-1-1870 J'ohn O Nichols (b: · 2-26--1.843 d:2-12-1901, s_on of Hannah Reyn~lds and George B Nichols) Ml1941 Charles Dayton Nichols b:12-18-1871 d:5-22-1957 m:11-29-1893 Ef­ ·fie Vroman (b:10-1-1870 d:ll-27-1944, dau of Miranda Sternberg . and Albert Vroman) Mll9411 Ward Nichols b:12-24-1894 m:5-25-1918 Carrie Finch (b:6-30- . 1902, dau of Edith .Krom and Melvin Finch) Mll94111 Gerald Nichols b:7-10-1920 ·. m:11-20-1940 Elizabeth Har­ vey (dau of Emma Wood and Harry Harvey) Ch:Gerald Ward b:5-23-1942 . Mll94112 Harold Nichols b:12-24-1921 m: ------Ch:Barbara Joan b:5-28-1942 Mll94113 Byeroice Nichols b:3-3-1923 m:11-30-1941 William Brown (son of Edith Peterson and Irving Brown) Ch:Priscilla Ann b:6.:11-1946 Mll94114 Clifford Nichols b:11-17-1924 M1194115 Ruth Nichols b:7-11-1926 m:3-24-1946 Abram Winchell (son of Frances Eckert and Lawrence Winchell) Mll94116 Muriel Nichols b:9-19-1929 M119412 Clifford John Nichols b:2-7-1897 m:10-1-1919 Marion Eliza­ beth Jump (b:6-27-1900, dau of Fannie Caniff and Morgan J Jump) Mli94121 Gertrude Maude Nichols b:4-26-1921 m:4-26-1945 Kenneth Lamar Robertson (b:2-24-1922, son of Lillian Hall nnd Ben Robertson) Ch:Joan b:5-26-1946, Gary b:2-18-1951, Susan M b:2-26-1955 Ml194122 Marjorie Elizabeth Nichols b:8-22-1924 m:6-21-1947 Al­ fred Howard Peterson (b:7-23-1917, son of Charles O Pet­ erson) Ch:JeniceM b:3-3-1948, Karen Rae b:10-3-1950 ., 'M11941~3 Richard J Nichols b:5-27-1935 m:Gwen Easley (b:3-23-1938. ·Mll9413 Seward D Nichols b:4-27-1898 m(lst) Florence Sullivan m{2d) Evelin Roberts. Ch of 1st m:Frances, Beverly. Ch of 2d m: Seward Jr, Norma (m:4-14-1946 Phillip Rima) M119414 Howard C Nichols b:6-15-1899 m:9-3-1922 Edna Hannah Carrol:· (b:8-24-1904, dau of Jessie Elizabeth Calkins and David Ern­ est Carroll) M1194141 Charles David Nichols b:6-6-1923 m:7-1-1947 Nancy Mac­ Ewan (dau of Lillian Katherine Newport and Arthur Archie McEwan; she m:lst ---- Moody) Ch:Linda Rae b:7-7-1948 M1194142 Ivan Glenn Nichols b:4-28-1925 d:8-24-1944 m:5-20-1944 Barbara Justine Danish (b:9-3-1923, dau of Jacob Danish) 13

M1194143 Alvin Nichols b:9-11~1930 m:7-29~1950 Alethea Virginia .MaGe~ (b:11-8-1928, da.u .of Pearl E Sickler and .John A Ma.Gee) ·ch:Mark john b:2-11-1951, Sherry Carroll b:5-23- 1953, Scott Howard ~:7-25-1954, Rand Ivan b:4-16-1957 Mll9415 Alta Marte Effie Nichols b:9-18-1900 m:2-12-1921 Walter Ham­ ilton Wood (b:7-21-1891, s_on of Anna Charlotte Eckler and . Oliver Cromwell Wood) · ··,.Ml194151 Dorothy -Anna Wood b:11-20-1921 m:1-23-1940 Paul F Car­ ley (son of· Anne S Paulsen and Henry J Carley) Ch:Paul Frederick II b:8-28-1940, Anne Marie b:5-4-1943** Mll94152 ·noris Albe·rta Wood- b:7-27-1923 m:12-13-1941 Leland Oli­ ver (son of ·Florence E Austin and Walter Eldred Oliver) Gh:Steven Walter · b:6-26-1942, Thomas Lee b:9-4-1948, Michael Wood b:5~12-1952 ,,11119415~ Myrtle Elizabeth w:ood b.:8-6-1925 m:12-23-1945 Geor,f;* Eldred (son of Teresa---- and: Fred D Eldred) Ch: Mll94154 Hilton Walter Wood b:4-8~1929 m:12-8-1952 Anna May Sni- . deri. Ch:Craig Steven b:2-3-1955, Curtis Hilton b:5-18- 1956 Mll94155 Marie Effie Wood b:lO-i0-1932 m:12-19-1953 George Ray . NearingCh:Brien Geo. b:3-21~1957, Timothy Ray llS-19-1959 M~.19416 Kennard O Nichols b:2-.14-1903 m(lst) Mable Ingram (dau of Marget --~-- and James Ingram) m(2d) 3-24-1956 Wilma Karl (dau of Maria. Bender and Fredrick Karl) Ch:Dorothy b:2-4~ 1.933, ·Debbie Bradshaw b:1:1--4-1?56-, Karl Kennard b:10-4-1957, Karen Gertrude b:9-8-1958 Mll9417 Leland Glen.Nichols b:5~4~1904 m:5-17-1936 Esther M Hanson (b;S-9-1912, dau of 4n~a Backman and Torval C H~nson) Ch:Ann . Louise b:4-7-1939,· Carol· Lee b:12-.9-1945. · · . · ; Ml19418 Vernon Nichols b:s-2..:.t905 ·m:9-17~1925 Marjorie Ann Fesler : (b:2-3_-1905, d·au .-of Lydia. Eva· Priode· and Robert Earl Fesler) · Ch:Nancy Ann b.:6·-18-19~9, Robert Vernon· b·:2-10-1941 , .Mll9419 Norval Nichols b:9-27~1906 m:Margaret ----- Ch:Allen ,.M11942 Norman P Nichols b:12-31-l878'~:.10-9-1899 Emma Peck (b:7-9-1882, dau of Elizabeth Henderson and Charles V Peck) Ch:Leola Belle b: 6-20-1908 d:8-26-1908 .·_ . . ., . Mll943 Allie Nichols b:5-6-1884 d:10-3-1941 m:Sept 1900 Herbert Levi Tompkins (d:1951) M119431 Ivan Harper Tompkins b:2~5-1902 m: ------~(no ch) Mll9432 Bemiss N Tompkins ·b:6-16-1903 m:6-29-1929 Emily Katherine Sullivan (b:1-1-1905, dau of Mary Ellen Buckley and William . Patrick Sullivan) · Mll94321 Gary Tompkins b:2-12-1938 _ m:7-11..:..1950 Patricia Susan Astellott (dau of Ruth Hughes and Charles Astellott) Ch: Charles Nichols b:5-3-1961 . . *Jt°*Mll944 \.?illiam D.ayton Nichols b:5-26-1889 d:Nov 1950 m:5-22-1911 Lila B * * _. -- M.ark~e (b: 8-31~1891, · dau. of Helen .Mau.terstock and Byron Markle) 1 .,·M119441 Newell _D Nichols b:10-17-1912 m:3-4-1934 Imogene Campbell (b:6-5-1917, - dau of Edith Worman· an".1 James A Campbell) Ch: Norma b:-11-25-1934, Will~am nonald .. b:6.:.7-1938 M1195 ·John .Nichols Dayton b:10-21-1856 d:7-26-1~2-6 - m(lst) 3-3-1880 Minnie J · · · Burnett (b:5-9-1856 d:1-17-1908, dau ot. Keziah Beverly and George A Burnet:t) m(2d) 2-23-1910 Julia L Foote (b:-9-8-1857 d:1929; widow of · ---~ Forman). .. Mll951 Elsie May D·ayton·b:12-29-1880 d·:3-20-1914

*dau of Mabel Merrill and Forrest Snider. **Anne Marie m:Jack Hannah Ch:Stacy Leight b:10-29-1961. **Ch:Bonnie Marie (adptd) b:11-26-1954. ***~See Supple­ ment , page tr) It 14 Mll952 Madge Ethel Dayton b:8-30-1882 d:7-19-1935 m(lst) 12-30-1911 Leon Wilson m(2d) 9-27-1919 J-ames Thomas (d:1943) no ch Ml1953 Bertha Keziah Dayton b:10-27-1883 d:9-25-1913 m:1-10-1910 Arthur T Hamilton (b:2-4-1872 d:9-17-1958, son of Emalissa C Hendry and Rolland A Hamilton) M119531 Margaret Emalissa Hamilton b:3-2-1912 d~-13-1939 m:8-18-1935 Avery DeLuca (b:3-30-1911, son of Julia Della Rossa and Vic- tor DeLuca) Mll95311 Donald Carl DeLuca b:5-24-1936 m:12-19-1959 Yerda Mar­ lene Anderegg (b:11-10-1936, dau of Yerda Theresa Harris and Ruben Henry Anderegg) :··'M11954/ Jane Lillian Dayton b:6-30-1885 d:3-24-1920 m:12-15-1915 James A ·Buckingham*(he m:2d ------~) no ch M11955 Mary Heuldah Dayton b:12-18-1886 d:1-21-1908 M11956 Warren Burnett Dayton b:9-7-1894 d:8-13-1943 m:8-23-1919 Marion E Daring (b:5-24-1896, dau of Roba M Becker and William P Daring) Ch:Leonard Warren (adptd) Ml19572, Jane Beverly (adptd)Mll9573 M11957 Frederick Beverly Dayton b:7-10-1900 d:1-31-1932 m:5-29-1924 Wil- la M Grant (b:10-24-1903, datr of Nellie Mae Harris and Powell M Grant; she m:2d Adolph Lippa) Mll9571 Randall Harris Dayton b~S-5-1925 m:5-4-1957 Marjorie June Blanchard (b:4-6-1925, dau of Florence· Anna Eldredge and Floyd Donald Blanchard) Ch:Scott Eldredge b:11-12-1959 Mll9572 Leonard Warren Dayton b:6-18-1927 (adptd by M11956) m:6-24- 1951 Veronica Josephine Stokes (b:1-18-1930, dau of Carolyn M Becker and Joseph Stokes) Ch:Frederick Warren b:5-10-1952, Jo Ann b:9-2-1953 · Ml19573 Jane Beverly Dayton b:5-2-1931 (adptd by M11956) m:6-28-1953 Clifford Cameron Fitch (b:7-8-1930, son of Georgiana Hafele and Frank A Fitch) Ch:Patricia Ellen b:2-11-1955 Ml196 Sarah M Dayton b:8-7-1853 d:9-20-1863 M1197 Eli Nathan Dayton b:8-8-1859 d:2-3-1949 m:11-29-1883 Mary E Hoagland (b:1-26-1865 d:9-10-1934, dau of Hannah Lamb and John C Hoagland) Mll971 Elizabeth Dayton b:8-24-1884 m.8-16-1911 Lester Charles Newton (b: 1-26-1884) no ch Ml197! Sarah Dayton b:11-27-1888 Mll973 Gertrude Harriet Dayton b:6-29-1891 d:3-6-1892 Mll974 Ella Nora Dayton b:12-12-1892 d:9-27-1925 m:10-29-1923 Asa Baker (b:7-5-1885) no ch Mll98 Bertha Loretta Dayton b:7-24-1862 d:11-9-1929 m:1-10-1883 William Hope Laidley (b:7-28-1858 d:11-10-1925, son of Jane Shaw and John Laidley)

... Ml19915 William Dayton -·More b:12-6-1930 m:9-~7~1953 Katherine ------. _ Ch:William Kenneth b:2-6~1955, K~ith Gerald. b:9-25-1956 Ml1992 Newell .Percy Dnyton b:4-14-1898 d:4-14-1904 _ M11993 -Kenneth W Dayton. b:6-21-1903 m:10-10-1928 Marjorie Danforth (b: 12-5-1908) Ch:Da~m Marianna b:12-8-193.~, Kenneth Danforth b:9- ~-9-1941 · M11910 Frederick Clemon Dayton b:7-17-1868 d:7-10-1911 m:9-20-1905 Helen ~ McEchron Rogers (b:-1878 d:1915, dau of Susan .. McEchron and Theodore _ Ro_gers.) · Mll.9101 Helen· Rogers Dayton· b:2-6-1911 · d:9-1-1952 ··m:7-8-1929 Raymond - Sheary Cottrell (b:12-31-1907, son of Jane B Birtwell and Calvin . E Cottrell)· : Mll91Qll Ruymond Sheary Cottre~l Jr b:12-25-1931 m:12-29-1958 Betty Mary Alexander (b:11-30-1936,· dau of Esther May Murphy and William Thorp Alexander) Ch:Keith William b:11-5-1959, Kar- . en Jane b:11-20-1960 Ml191.Q12 Donald Dayton Cottrell b:2-21-1933 m:2-5-1955 Carol Virgin­ ia Schacht (b:9-10-1933, dau of Lillian Pearl. Gillette and Carl Henry Schacht) Ch:Rudolf Lee b:4-29-1956, Lynn Ann b: 4-17-1957 . Ml.191Ql3 Barbara J'ane Cottrell b:6-23-1934 m:9-5-1956 Leo Dwight Brown (b:9-9-1932, son of Ivy---- and Roy Brown) Ch:Aileen Jane b:8-11-1957, Roy Dennis b:8-30-1958, Everett Dwight b: 11-9-1959 Ml191Q14 Marjorie Sue Cottrell b:7-10-1935 m:11-14-1953 Ronald Lit­ tlejohn (b:5-3-1934, son of Raymond Littlejohn) Ch:Debbie Ann b:8-7-1954, Ronald b:2-4-1956, JoAnn b:5-4-1960, Arnold Patrick b:7-2-1961 · · Mlll0 James Smith Dayton b:1-14-1819 d:1-6-1898 m:3-1-1840 Candace Owens (d:3-1- -- 1871) Mlll.Ql Lewis Leroy Dayton b:6-3-1843 d:6-9-1936 ndO-17-1887 Florence Sanders Mlll.Qll Ruth J Dayton b:8-8-1888 m:4-21-1912 John T Blair Mlll.Qlll John Verlyn Blair b:9-6-1913 . _M~ll,Q.112 David Dayton Blair b:S-18_.1919 MlllQ12_.John B Dayton b:5-11-1890 m:7-24-1916 Virgie Rezzer Mlll.Q.121 Fern Meria Dayton b:7-17-1~17 d:5-4-1918 MlllQ.122 John:B Dayton Jr'b:10~25-1921 _ Mll.l.Q13 Gilbert L Dayton b:7-11-1891 m:4-4-1920 Alice Miller Mlll.Q.131 Mary Gertrude Dayton b:6-17-_1922 Mlll.Q.132 Gil_bert Lewis Dayton b:9-17-1923 MlllQ.14 Ruby Belle Dayton b:5-I°9-1894 m:l_l-5-1916 A Jones .MlllQ141 Gilbert Leroy Jones b:8-l-l918 MllLQ.142 Kenneth Effner Jones b:3-11..:1920 Mlll.Ql43 Florence Daisy Jones b:9-28-1924 MlllQ.144 Lavon Lyndell Jones·· b:7-16-1935 Mil!.Q2 Leah Loret~a Dayton b:12~20-~1845 d:1-30-:--1848 . ' . . MlllQ.~ Acla~ine.Helen Dayton b:5-2-1848 d:3.:.S-~925 m:10-15-1873 Roman G Effner (d:3-1-1932) Ch:Vessie D b:5-12-1884/~ d:10-17-1901/3 Mll.lQ.4 ~lec:ta Ann Dayton b:7-1-1850 d:3-5-1876 m~Oct -1872 Morgan Chase Mlll.Q.S Leslie A Dayton b:8-15-1852 d :s·-28-=188O. . Mlll..Q.6 Mary Elizabeth Dayton b:11-4-1854 d:.3-15-1882 m:9-10-1876 (or 9-27- 1877) Erskine- Spickerman -(b:10:..14-1851, _son of ·Katherine Baldwin and Eli ·spick,erman-; he m:2d Susan C R:hoqes) Ch:Helen M b:1878 d:1901 Mlll.Q7 Susetta Jerush_a Dayton b:1-29-1857 d:8-10-1878 16

M11108 Edward Ethelbert Dayton b:8-27-1859 d:3-19-1931 m:Fanny Hankins -Mlll.Q81 Lewis. Dayton b:8-3-1886 m:10-18-1~11 Emma Osborn. MlllOBll Eddie C Dayton b:9-9-1912 m: ------Mlll0812- Leo James Dayton b:3-25-1915. m:2-7-1946 Dorthy Mae Carman - (she m:lst M1110813) Mlll0813 Lloyd' L Dayton- b:12-26-1916 d:2-13-1945 m:Dorthy Mae Carman - (she m:2d M1110812) M11.!Q814. Ethel Dayton- (twin) b:10-16-1919 m:7-8-1941 Wil~ard Clover Mlll0815 Bethel Dayton (twin) b:10-16-1919 d:10-17-1919 Mlll0816 Lois Mae Dayton b:7-22-1925 m:11-24-1945 Neil Fore Mll10817- Bennie Thomas Dayton btll-13-1930. Mll.lQ82' - Vere Amos Dayton b:11-25-1888 m:Gertrude aandy . Mlll083 Lela Blanch Dayton b:11-26-1890 m:Peter Hess. Ch:Bessie b:Aug ,. - 1910, .Jack, Christina, Clarence, Mary, Lucy, Junior, Billy, Gene, Donald Mlll.Q84 Charles Dayton b:8-21-1893 m(lst) ~°Ila Osborn m(2d). Marion Kelly Ch of 1st m:Marguerite, Wayne, Walter, Harold, Frank. Ch of 2d m:Helen, Earline · · · . · M111085 Jennie Candace Dayton·b:8-17-1896 m:Clifford Mowbray. Ch:Juan- . . - ita, Martin, Gene, Ralph, Verne, Donald _ MllJ.g86 Mattie Inez Dayton b:10-9-1899 m:8-16-1921 Clarence Thomas Emer­ son (b:7-3-1883) Mll!.Q861 Har~ld Dwayne Emerson b:2-7-1923 m:9-21-1946 I~ogene Marie · Rayles MlllQ862 ~oy Edward Emerson b:7-25-1925. . . Mll10863 Ivan Lee E1.&1ersou b;4-'i-1~~7 m:8-29-.i.947 Willowdean Bell - Cline (b:11-27-1931). Ch:Linda Sue b:4-30-1948 Mlll0864 Cleo Thomas Emerson b:3-2-1930 .. Mlll.087-- Nettie Maggie Dayton b:9-24-1902 m:Claude Long. Ch:Mary Frances, Max Dee ._ Mlll.288 Mary Agnes Dayton b:11-19-1905 ~:John Biggs. Mll10881 James Biggs m:7-1-8-1948 Ethel Henderson · . Mll!Q882- Eva Mae Biggs m(lst) Merle Swartz m(2d) Larkin Brown •. Ch: Merle Dean Jr b:2-26-1945,· Bi.lly Eugene (Brown) b:2-15-1949 Mll!.Q883 Arline Biggs (twin) m:6-·S-1949 Dennis Taylor Mll!Q884 Earline Biggs (twin) MlllQ.885 Rita Faye Biggs-b:11-12-1936 d:8-9-1940 MlllQ.886 Marilyn Jane Biggs b:3-3~1939 Mll!Q887 Linda Kay Biggs b:7-17-1943 MlllQ89 Emma Iola Dayton b:6-2-19-08 m:Herbert Rash. Ch:Gonda Lea b:9- 23-1935, Larry Dean b:2-17-1938 Mll!..Q9 Herbert Dayton b:5-3-1862 d:9-29-1921 m(lst) 3-17-1886- Lillie Howe (b:11-24-1867 d:3-18-1895, dau of 3ane Kennedy and Nelson Alonzo Howe) m(2d) 3-10-1897 Anna Gould (b:5-25-1866 d:8-25-1941) Mlll.Q91 Wfiliam Elmer Dayton b:8-2-1888 ·m(lst) 6-15-1913 Grace Faken (b: 4-21-1892, dau of Lena Boom and.Hi Faken) m(2d) 12-11-1959 Eliz­ abeth rogel (b:5-17-1901, dau of Augusta Henfner and Carl Otto Pogel; she m:lst Andrew Henricksen) Mlll.2911 Iva Dayton b:9-30-1914 m:5-16-1933 Louis Charles Stanislov · (b:7-13-1909, son of Emma Kathren Smotny and Louis Charles Stanislov Sr) Mll!Q.9111 Gerald Stanislov b:11-2-1936 m:9-1-1957 Bennie Eppler (b:10-13-1938, dau of Viola V Grace and·Hubert Benjamin Eppler) Ch:Pamela Ann b:8-4-1961 MlllQ.9112 Freda Stanislov b:11-24-1938 m:2-14-1962 Paul Dechant 17

(b:6-10-1938, son of Jeanne Watson and FR Florentine Dechant) Mlll0912 Claud Dayton b:12-1-1915 m:Floris Bluew (b:10-2-1916) -Mll109121 Claudine Dayton b:3-21-1940 m:7-11-1959 Gene Vanbiber - Ch:Vickie (twin) b:12-19-1960; Glena (twin) b:12-20-1960 Mlll09122_.,, Lou Allen Dayton b:6-10-1943 MlllQ9123 Diana Dayton b:1-1-1949 Mlll..Q92 Leroy Alonzo Dayton b:4-28-1890 m:8-22-1909 Lillie Rentge (d:1- 2-1959) M111.Q921 Leo Allen Dayton b:5-10-1910 d:2~27-1929 Mlll.Q922 Fern Maxine Dayton b:11-20-1918 Mlll.Q93 Edna Dayton b:2-3-1892 d:2-3-1895 Mlll.Q94 Verna May Dayton b:10-14-1893 m:4-25-1911 Ray Oliver Sutherlrud (b:9-4-1891, son of Aletha E Shaw and Spencer Newton Sutherland) Mll10941 Harold Arlis Sutherland b:3-9-1912 m:5-24-1930 Leta Bernice - Gallagher. (b:2-15-1913, dau of Minnie Ola Riggles and Pat- rick Daniel GallagherJ . 'Ml11094ll Norma Janice Sutherland b:3-19-1938 m:12-5-1953 Joe . - Elli~g Terrett (b:S-_10-1936.) ·Ch:Rob~n J'~ b::1-31-1956, Mar- tin Jan b:2-19-1957 . /Mlll0942 Lavada Fern Sutherland.b:5-11-1917 m:10-5-1940 Gordon Elmo - Lansford (b:7-30-1913).Ch:Gordon Elmo II . b:8-25-1944, Stephen Ray b:11-29-1945 . . Mlll.Q95 Hilda Dayton b:5-15-1898 m:10-18-1920 ·-Russell Denney (son of · _Elfsabeth Salisbury and Willard Denney) · ~ MlllQ951 Esther Faye Denney b:8-14-1921 m:LEt~lie Ch:3am.e.s, Donald, Karla, Leroy b_:6~30-1950 · · · · · Ml.ll.Q.952 David Dayton Denney b:~-22...;.1923 m·:4-23-1949 Elmarie Badura (dau: of Fran!<; Badura) . ·. Ch:Larry b:3-18-1950, Ronald b:7-17- 1952, Ke~neth b:2-14-1951.&; Edward b-:-9-21-1956,Alan b:4-13-1960 Mll!.Q953 Eldon n·enney b:2-2-8-1925 m:·Janice Toborsky. Ch:Linda b:5- 4-1952, Karen b:2-8-~954, Mona b:12. ..;.31-1955, Michael b:l-10- 1956 · MlllQ.954 Jo__ ise. ~~nney b:4-12-1927 m:William Wqlchesky~ Ch:Diana, Laurie, Chrys~ie, Che.rles . MlllQ955 Denney b:6~4-1929 MlllQ.956 Dorothy Denney b:8-3-1932. m:1950 Clarence Toogood {b:1-13- 19.31, son of Louise Hanni and Russell Toogood) Ch:Jack b:1-

26-1951, Irene b:8-11-1953 1 .Donna b:9-28-1955 Mlll.Q.957 Shirley _·Denney b:4-23-1936 m:8-17-1954 Howard Snively (son of Alta------and Hugh Snively) Ch:R Clayton b:12-11-1955, Susan b:7-15-1957, Douglas b:10-30-1960 '.MlllQ.96 Dorothy Duyton b:10-5-1904 d:12-29-1909. MlllQlQ Hattie M:eria Dayton b:2-21-1865 d:9-17-1875 . ·MlllQll Dora Candace Dayton b:2~11-1868 d:Nov 1953 m:8-22-isas Frank S Foote (b:5-1-1866) . MlllQill· Ward _Henry Foote b:12-25-1889 m:1-4-1910 Luvenia Shipley (b:4-1- 1891) . MlllOllll Fred F Foote b:10-11-1910 ·m:3-11-1931 Nina Franklin (b:5------16-1910) . Mlll.Qlllll Beverly Anna Foote b:11-26-1931 m:12-7-1950 CE Burch . (b:8-21-1928) Ch:Betty JoAnn b:ll-l9.-1952, Linda Sue b: 6-24-1954, Richard Allen b:11-19-1955, Robert E b:3-24- 1957, Sherrie Jean b:12-24-1960 18

Mll1011112 Ila Mae Foote b:2-14~1933 m:11-18-1950 George Robert -- Martin (b:2-12-1931) Ch:RoAnn Brenda b:3-22-1951, Debra Kay b:11-16-1953, Georgia Grace b:12-27-1955 Ml11011113 Albert Leslie Foote b:10-14-1934 Mlll.Q.11114-- Agnell Frances Foote b:5-25-1949 - Mlll01112 Wayne C Foote b:10-10-1912 d:10-4-1949 m:Jun 1940 Anna -- Belle Webb. Ch:Gary Lynn b:5-9-1941, Louetta Lee b:11-4-1942 Mlll01113 Wilbur Edward Foote b:4-2-1915 m:4-30-1938 Dorothy Anthis -- (b:9-19-1919) Ch:Anna Mae b:12-23-1938 . Mlll01114 Ernest E Foote b:7-2-1917 m:3etty Joe McCoy. Ch:David J -- b:1-17-1947, Steven b:1-27-1951, Linda b:5-17-1953, Tammie b:10-8-1957, Patricia Rhea _(twin) b:6-20-1959, Pamela Faye (twin) b:6-20-1959 Mlll.Qll.15 RoyM Foote (twin) b:12-3-1919 m:l-2-1949 - Betty Lucille Eck (b:2-19-1928) Ch:Sharon Marie b:2-16-1950, Carl E b:5- 19-1952, Donna b:8-27-1958, Mary Lou b:3-12-1953 Mlll.Q.1116 Rex B Foote (twin) b:12-3-1919. Mlll01117 Glenn E Foote b:10-17-1921 m:LaFern Davis (b:10-8-1928) . . ----- Ch:Ronald b:S-19~1957, Craig b:7-14-1959 Mll!Qlll8 Dorothea L Foote b:9-25-1923. m:Clark Arthur Williams (b: 12-27-1924) Ch:Melvia J~an_ b:4-~7~1949, Marvin Frank b:3-30- 1952, Paul Arthur b:12-27-1954 . . Mlll.91!19 Dean L Foote b:2-23-1926 m:Evelyn ----. Ch:Billy Deane b: 5-24-1953 . Ml119llllQ Doris Mae Foote· b:5-17-1928 ·.m:.10-2-i948 · Joe James Bugg (b:1~11-1927) Ch:Clinton James b:5-9-1951, Cynthia Mae b:12- 16-1954, Ailene Evane b:8-27-1960. MlllOlllll Clara ·Elizabeth Foote b:10-10-1931 m.:Charlie R Wiseman. ---Ch:Elvin b:9-14~1948, Charlotte. Beth ,.b:3-22-1951, Frank · Wayne b:7-31-1954 . Mll.ll)lllll Frank Shipley Foote b:5-16-1936 d:2-16,-1951 MlllQll.2 Anna F·Foote b:10-28-1892 m:1-16-1916 W Leslie Adcock Ml110113 Burr Foote b:2-15-1895 d:10-1-1895 / Mlll.Qll4.. --- Candace Lucretia Foote b:10-26-1898 d:12-31-1898 v Mllll Zachariah Whitman Dayton b:1-29-1821 d:10-27-1891 m(lst) 3-8-1848 Phebe Jane Buck (b:6-25-1828 d:2-22-1852/3) m(2d) 1-29-1854 Catharine Mariah Roffman (b:5-23-1829 d:12-1-1895, dau of Elizabeth----- and Jacob Hoff­ man; she m:lst M121Q) Mlllll Charles Whitman Dayton b:8-2-1849 d:2-2-1884 m: ------. (no ch) - Mllll2 Frances Ellen Dayton b:3-10-1852 d:11-4-1875 unm Mllll.3 Elnora Deyette Dayton b:10-26-1854 d:5-15-1945 m:9-15-1886 Julius Willard Hoyt (b:7-30-1848 d:12-1-1915, son of Delia Fitch and Amasa Hoyt) Mll,U31 Edna June Hoyt b:6~15-1887* m:11-26-1910 Merritt Homer Swick*°tb: 7-2-1889, son of Harriet A Merritt and George Herbert Swick) Mllll311 Herbert Hoyt Swick b:9-1-1914 d:4-17-1938 Mllll312 Vera Marie Swick b:7-28-1920 m:7-20-1943 Frederick Edward Reynolds (b:5-13-1919, son of Caroline Mary Boff and Freder­ ick A Reynolds) Ch:Frederick Edward Jr b:8-4-1944, Constance b:1-2-1948 .Mllll.32 Vera Augusta Hoyt b:8-5-1889 d:11-25-1946 m:8-31-1919 DeForrest Ed,~n Phillips (b:5-20-1887, so~ of Emogene Babcock and William A Phillips) no ch Mllll4 Hezekiah Shailor Dayton b:6-17-1856 d:1-6-1896 m:9-12-1883 Cora Yager (dau of Jane Frost and Alexander Yager) Ch:Allen, Addie May, Inez Cora *d:12-12-1957. **d:5-24-1960 19

MllllS Alida.Amelia Dayton b:1-10-1858 d:10-22-1879 MllU6 Arthur Krum Dc1yton b:5-3'0-1862 d:6-3-1918 m:10-13-1886 Jennie Hallom - White (b:8-22-1862 d:1-4-1947, dau of Elizabeth Bowden and Edward White) e · Mllll61 Charles Richard Dayton b: 12..,;,4-1888 m:6-21-1913 Florence Rise- co - dau of •r-i dorph (b:10-23-1889, Minnie Irene Mandeville and Edward r-: Risedorph) r-1 --..•rl Mllll611 Edward Risedorph Dayton b:4-21-1924 m:10-11-1944 Marjorie Elizabeth Buermann (b:8-19~1924/5, dau of Bertha Louise---­ and Frederick Matthew Buennann) Ci.1:Jill Valentine b:2-14- 1949, Patricia Jean b:8-20~1950_, Leigh J'ennif~r b:2-16-1952 /Mll.11612 Jane Van Loan Dayton b·:11-30-1919 m(lst) 4-24-1945 John Windsor Griffin (b:8-20-1912, son of Cornelia LeBaron Bug­ geln and Herbert Lloyd Griffin) m(2d) 2-19-1956 Donald Oliv­ 0 er Nelson (b:6-3-1914, son of Jean Mosher and Donald Oliver Nelson Sr) Ch:Carol Dayton b:12-2-1946, Peter Bradford b:1- 27-1950 Mll.1!62 Hazel Irene Dayton b:5-25-1890 . Mllll.63 Marie Dayton b:7-2-1892 m:ll-18-191S·Roy Raymond Dreher (b:2-13- 1887, son of Mary Frances Mengle and William L Dreher) Mll.!!631 Dorothy Jane Dreher b:9-24-1916 m;7-16-1938··Rowland Brown Evans (b:9-20-1910, son of Elizabeth B.rown and Cornelius Henry Evans Jr) Ch:Susan Brown b:9-7-1939, Linda White b: 12-1-1941, Cornelius Henry IV ·b:7-2-1944, Rowland Brown b: 12-11-1945 Mll.ll632 Frances Gethen Dreher b:5-10-1921 m{lst) a..:6-1943 Augustus Clardy Dixon (b:10-19-1919 d:1-18-1959, son of Ada Gillham and Clyde Dixon) m(2d) 2-14-1958 Henry Maskin (b:1-5-1914, son of Naomi Godfried Pastasnick· and Joseph . Caesar Maskin) Ch:Valerie Jane b~S-22-1944, Peter Van Loan b:8-18-1946

.0 Mllll633 James Marquis Dreher b:11-27-1923 m:8-31-1945 Betty Laura Gardner (b:10-12-1928, dau of Mildred Patten and Charles C 0 Kenneth Gardner) Ch:James Marquis Jr b:6-3-1946, Scott Day­ r--1 ,--it!\ ton b:1-26-1950, Kevin Gardner b:9-6-1955, Adam Patten b:3- •1"'1'--0 19-1962 0 ~ °'r-1 Ml111.634 David Barclay Dreher b:11-16-1928 m:10-10-1954 Mary Joan c~ C: I Gardner (b:2-26-1931, dau of Muriel Ali~e Scott and Fritz ~ ('1'\ •• Edw~rd Gardner) Ch:David Eric b:8-14-1956, Jeffrey Scott b: 12-21-1958 Mllll64 Dorothy Elizabeth Dayton b:4-14-1902 m:4-5-1924 Samuel Preston Pinkston (b!9-29-1901, son of Lorene Wooddy and J'ames K Pinkstorv Mllll641 Mary Frances Pinkston b:5-27--1931 m:6-15-1953 Donald Carl­ ton Works Jr (b:8-8-1931, son of Inez Margaret Keller and Donald Carlton Works Sr) Ch:Donald Carlton III b:6-2-1956, Dorothy Ann b:7-3-1958, Mary Margaret b:8-1-1960 Mllll65 Edward W Dayton b:6-9-1898 m(lst) Apr 1925 Augusta L Egbertson (b:8-25-1902 d:5-14-1926, dau of Bertha Howell and Charles Eg­ bertson) m(2d) 10-27-1928 Edith Frances Diack (b:l~-16-1905, dau of Emily Irwin and Alexander Diack) no ch . Mllll.7 Irving Hoffman Dayton b:l-5-1865 d:6-12-1928 m:9-16-1896 Elvira Gallt (b:3-19-1878, dau of Rachel Judd and William D Gallt) Mllll71 Howard Dayton b:9-20-1897 m:1917 Mildred Jones (b:7-2-1893, dau of Martha Mcclenahan and Charles Jones) Mllll711 Marian Dayton b:2-4-1918 m:8-18-1940 Clifton L Hoagland (b: 9-28-1913, ion of Florence Renz and Scott R Hoagland) Ch: Wayne Allan b:l-21-1943, Dennis Lee b:3-23-1947 20

Mllll72 Eldred Katherine Dayton · b~.6-Z4-1899 (twin) m:10-20-1923 Marion - Pierce (b:3-31-1895, son of F_rank Pierce) · · Mll11721 Shirley Mildred· Pierce b:2-7-1928· mi.:.11-1958 Robert Lafaver - (b:2-6-1933, son of Evelyn __(Jl and William Ernest Lafaver) Ch:Mark Steven b:l-5-1959, Robert Hilton b: 5-29-1962 Mlll173 Mildred Rachei Dayton b:6-24-1899 (twin) m:6-24-19?0 Lewis Edward - Dale (b_:4-17-1898 d:7-8-1959, son of Alida Whitford and Joseph Rosen~erg) . · - ( 1) Mllll731 Mildred Vira pa).e. b:10-8-1928 m:Donald Jenkins (b:6-16-1926 - son of Ruth __ \._Z,J_ and Floyd Jenkins) · Ch:Cathy Lynn b:5-26- .. · 19~6i Nancy Dale b:6~1-1959 , Ml111732 Jack·Dayton Dale b:9-14~1937 d:11-29-1945 .'Mllll74Rarvey Everett Dayton . b :11-30.1903 m(lst) ·:6-:-26~·1923\_ Catherin~ ) . Murray (dau of Jennie Guinan.and Peter Murray) m(2d94sara ThompL5 · · s·on (dau of Ellen Elizabeth · Clark and Henry Rumford Thompson; ·she m:lst ---- Sherman) m(3.d) l.2-4}-1965 Tessie :l'lelch Mlll1741 Jane Dayton b:l-7-1927 m:8-21""'.19:s-q Joseph Senecal (b:7-16- - 1927, son of Mary C Frank and . Norman' Senecal) Ch:Joann b:7- 3-1953, William Joseph· ~:6~23-t~ss, J~ffry:Edward b:11-14- . · 1957} . . M111175 Hilton Gallt ·Dayton b:7~31-i916 m:12~29-1940 Ruth Irma Marhoefer . . - (b_:11-17~1916, dau of May Boniface and Philip Wendell Marhoefer) Ch:Ruth b:9-1-1942 . Mllll8 Claude Allen Dayton. b:7-1:1871° !4-22-193S m":"Winfield C Eames (b:7-10- ... 1898) Ch:Dawn Shi~ley_ b:_9~24-1961, ·oavid Wayne b .. 7-15-1962 . Mllll814 Dawn Elaine Dayt.on b:7-9-1937 · · · · Mll.ll815 Kenneth Lee Payton. b:7-~-1938 -m:Marilyn George. Ch:Paul . Scott b:Feb 1960, Jeffery b:Apr 1961 · Mll11816 Sandra Marie Dayton b:4-16-1940 m:Robert Eames (b:10-26- .. - 1941, son of Amy Strait.and Winfield Eames) Mllll817 Carlton. Robert J;)ayton b:·3~31-1941 m:Pam.ela Clark (b:3-21- 1942, dau of Mnrgaret Maria Bichkup and Gerald Patrick Clark) Ch:Michael b:1-2-1962 .. Mllll818 Robert Richard Dayton (twin) b:5-26-1943 Mllll819 Richard Robert Dayton (twin) b:5-26-1943 Mllll811Q Donna Lea Dayton b:10:-lf-:1945 Mllil.8111 Gloria Jean Dayton b:12-3-1947 Mllll8lll Donald Wayne Dayton b:8-13-1949 ---Mllll82 Ethel Kathrine Dayton b:5-30-1901 m(lst) Leon Williams (son of Rose-~-- and Charles Williams) m(2d) Elwyn Kenneth Palmer (b: 1-19-1906, son of Lola.---- an4 William Palmer) no ch Mll!l Hiram Sheldon Dayton b:~-23-1823 d:3-27~1826 Mllll Stephen F Dayton b:4-25-1825 d:B-2~1s33· Mll,li Adeline Jerusha Dayton b:4-8-1830. d:1910 . m:Dav1.d S Buck (b:1818 d:1910, brother of 1st wife of Mll.ll) "'Mlll41 Louis A Buck b: 185.1 d: 1875 , , Mll!i2- Ella 3 Buck b:1857 d:1878 m:Allen D Rowe MMll!!±.3 Carrie Buck b:8-13-1861 d:3-9-1922 m:Daniel W Peters (b:6-2-1855 d:3- 16-1946 (1) -;,,el:m Priest. (2) Ruth Davis.· (3)·m!6-18-1948. (4) m:2-26-1949. (5) b:12-1-1904 d:10-31-1964 21

Ml2 Charles Daytoh Jr .b:9~17-1776 d:1-5-1823 m:5-29-1805 Polly Smith (b:11-15-1787 d:8-19-1850, dau of Elizabeth Shaylor and James Smith Jr) M121 Charles Edwin Dayton b:9-23-1806 d:5-19-1848 m(lst) 9-22-1834 Mary Sage Robinson (b:6-22-1814_ d:3-13-1837) m(2d) 9-3-1839 Prudence Mary Chese­ brough (d:8-7/8-1870, dau of Cynthia Crary and Nathan Chesebrough) s M1211 Charles Luther Dayton b:11-16-1836 d:3-9-1838 Ml212 Edwin Chesebrough Dayton b:11-9-1840 d:10-26-1921 m:9-3-1863 Mary Al­ ·bertina Morgan (dau of Lucy Hopkins and Newell VanRensselaer Morgan) ~12121 Frank Edwin Dayton b:10-6-1864 d:c1947 m:6-14-1893 Lois Dell Ritchey (dau of Mary Ann Hayes and Addison Boyd Ritchey) Ml2122 Grace Allison Dayton b:8-6-1867 d:2-15-1£<~0 m:5-16-1888 Earl Ash­ ton Goodrich (b:3-27-1866 .d:4-11-1933, son of Jennie Permelia / Hawley and Manzer Judson Goodrich) ,/Ml21221 Netta Emma Goodrich b: 1-31-1889 d:6-17-1951 m: 5-31-1915 Clarence Lee Barker (b:3-21-1891, son of Mary Elizabeth Mor­ ris and Ernest Lynwood Barker) Ml212111 Annetta Ione Barker b:9-2-1918 m:12-24-1938 Stanley William Bicking (b:6-14-1916, son of Carrie Stehlik and Fred Bicking) , -M12122111 Stanley Earl Bicking b:8-1-1939 m:9-5-1958 Dorothy Mae Wesser (b:10-22-1942, dau of Sylvia------and Charles Wes~er) · Ch:Stanley Earl Jr b:12-11-1959, Randy Jay b:2-24-19?2 . Ml2122112 Carol Louise Bicking b:10-16-1942 m:1961 James Frederick Edwards (b:4-26-1943, son_of·Clara Tanzini and William Edwards) Ch:William b·:2-28-1962 ldl2122113 Anne Lee Bicking b:8-26-1944 · Ml212212 Clara.iouise.Barker b:9-7-1921 m:9-13-1958 Walter Neil Tr~ver (b:3-29-1926, son. of Gladys Emily Easton and Wal­ ter Scott Traver) Ch:Amy Louise b:4-19_-1~59, Timothy Neil b:6-28-19~0., Walter Dav~d b:3-2-1962, Paul Barker b: Ml212213 Earl Ernest Barker b:8-27-1930_m:9-3-1955 Nina Rosemary Scheible (b:5-18-1932, dau of Claribel Keys and Milton Scheible) Ch:Bruce Milton b:11-9-1956, Linda Ann b:9-20- 1959, Earl Stanley b: 7-1_3-1961 Ml21222 Ruth Isabella Goodrich b:5-1-1892 m:10-11-1914 Victor Hatha­ _way Brink (b:1-8-1892, so~ of Mary Louise Galt and Charles Gerard Brink) 1 Ml212221 Laura Louise Brink b:12-10-1916 m: 5-14-1935 Ethan Allen Mellen (b:2-7-1917, son of Jessie Green and Sidney Mel­ len) Ch:Ethan Allen Jr b:4-21-1936, Curtis Brink b:2-17- 1939, Philip Russell b:12-24-1961 Ml212222 Margaret Evelyn Brink b:2-1-1919 m:5-24-1941 Russell Cobb Hicks (b:9-17-1909, son of Lulu Cobb and Adelbert Hicks) Ch:David Cobb b:6-20-1942, Deborah Anne b:7-7- 1944, Susan Brink b:1-2-194~ William Russell b:3-30-1951 Ml212223 Charles Goodrich Brink b:4-11-1924 m:10-28-1944 Nancy Ellen McEwan (b:3-5-1924, dau of Frances Murphy and Lee Judson McEwan) Ch:Barbara Edith b:8-5-1949, Jennifer Carolyn b:3-31-1953 Ml212224 Ruth Elizabeth Brink b:4-14-1927 m:8-24-1952 Nelson Otis Horne (b:6-8-1925, son of Doris Nelson and Warren Horne) Ch:Peter Nelson b:6-11-1953, Sandra Elizabeth b: 5-26-1954, Timothy Bruce b:8-13-1955, David Charles b:3- 17-1957, Ian Philip b:11-19-1958, Donald Mark (twin) b: 3-28-1961, Douglas Andrew (twin) b:3-28-1961 22 · Ml21223 Edwin Alfred Goodrich b:·8-15-1898 m:8-29-1925 ·Margaret Bon­ ham Glaspey (b:3-9-1901, dau of Mary Bonham and Wardner Rog­ ers Glaspey) · · . ·Ml212231 Mary Ann G6odrich b:7-3-1926 _m:8~28~1948 Howard Louis Taylor (b:5-3-1-925, son of Olga Kristine Nelson a~d Wal­ ter Ellsworth Taylor) Ch:Christopher b:l-l-J955 d:12-10- 1955, ·Jonathan ·b:-11-9-1956, Daniel b:4-9-1962 Ml212232 Grace Alice Goodrich b:1-14-1928 m:9-2-1950 John Edward Carl (b:11-22-1927, son of Elizabet:h Ann Frey and Theo­ dore Edward ·Carl)· Ch:James Edward b:10-20-1951, Thomas Edwin b:2-23-1.954, Lfnda Alice b:1-25-1958 · .~Ml212233 Ruth Audrey Goodrich b:3-7-1929 m:12-30-1950 Kurt Leo Wray (b:6-17-1924, son o·f Helen o·ttenberg and Harry Man­ uel Wray) Ch:Leslie Carol b:3-29-~953, ·Russell Alan b:4- 5-1955," Barnaby Edw{n b:7-10-1956 M1212234 Jane Ayars ·Goodrich b:·3-13-l930 m:12_-24-19('-9 Ralph Rosa · Arorie (b:5-4-1930, sori of Anna Adelaide DeBuono and Ron­ ald.Victor Arone) Ch:Ralph Rosa Jr b:2-16-1951, Margaret Ann b:2-17-1954 · Ml21224 Esth~r Letitia Goodrich.b:5-2-1900 m:6-30-1924 Frederick El­ don Me~d _(b:3-1-1903, ·son of Carrie Mabel Goss and Wilbert · . Belmont Mead). Ch:Frederic Eldon Jr b:1-5-1927 M121225 VanRensselaer Morgan Goodrich b:~u~ 1906 d:Jun 1907 M12123 ·Hadley Wilbur Dayton b:10-17-186.8 d:12-26:..1868 . Ml2124 Charles Alfred Dayton· b:4-8-1870 d:3-1-1871 ·Ml2125 Dayton (dy) · (order of birth Ml2126 Eva Dayton (dy) (of these four children M12127~Netta Dayton (dy) (in the Ml212 line not M12128 ----- Dayton ·(dy) (known · -·M12129·1sabella Amelia Dayton b:5-27-1876. d:11-20-1957 m:12-24-1896 ~esse Tyler Andrews (b:~2-19-1874, son of ,Fanny Tyler and Eugene Moscow Andrews) Ml21291 Eugene Miles Andrews b:12-31~1898 m:Jun 1926 Mary Etta Hard­ ing (b:1-1-1900, dau of---- Ch~bb atJ ---- Harding) Ml212911 Emma Isabella Andrews b:3-2-1929 m:Jul 1950 William Haull (son of Georg~ Edison Haull) Ml212912 ·Linneus·Eugene Andrews b:2-10-1930 Ml21292 Frank Edwin Andrews b:6-15-1900 d:6-23-1908 M121293 Earl DeWitte Andrews b:7-16-1902 m:9-17-1924 Alice Pauline ' Dibble (b:7-22-1906, d~u of Elizabeth Catherine Vroman and Wal 1 ace Dibble) Ml212931 Katherine Elizabeth Andrews b:7~7-19.33 m.:1-1-1955 Nor­ man Clifton Lee (b:3-9-1930, son of Edith Graham and Clifton Lee) Ch:Norman Eric b:1-1-1956, Randy Scott b:6- 28-1959 M121294 Helen Mary Edwards b:5-3~1904 m(lst) .AL Edwards (b:3-18- 1902, son of Murch Edwards) m(2d) 8-15-1941 Ernest A Shoe­ maker {b:5-25-1908 d:9-7-1953, son of Bertha---- and Alonzo Ernest Shoemaker) M1212941 Arthur Lawrence Edwards Jr.b:12-18-1925 m:1-1-1946 Hil­ degard Molle (b:5-8-1929, dau of Manfred Molle) Ch:Arthur b:8-26-1946, Karli b:8~27-1947 d:1-23-1954, Manfred b:9- 1-1948, Lawrence b:11-23-1949, Kathleen Helen b:3-23- 1957, Gerald b:8-9-1952, James b:12-24-1954 Ml21294Z Alice May Edwards b:8-18-1928 m(lst) 1951 Raymond Messenger (b:1-15-1918) m(2d) 4-28-1956 Charles Brongo 23

(b:10-25-1916) Ch:Gary b:7-30-1951, Ernest b:3-21-1954, Charles b:2-12-1957 d:3-3-1960, Jeffrey Earl b:12-29- 1958, Charlene Marie b:2-8-1961, Tamara Jean b:3-21-1962 Ml21295 Frances Ellen Andrews b:2-18-1908 m:3-25-1924 Walter Earl Rhone (b:3-25-1904) M1212951 Dorothy June Rhone b:10-25-1928 m:4-3-1948 John Francis Freeman (b:4-4-1925, son of Agnes Irene Decker and Will­ iam Henry Freeman) Ch:Cathy Ann b:9-24-1955, Patricia Ann (twin) b:7-23-1960, Laurence John (twin) b:7-23-1960 M1212952 Robert Franklin Rhone b:1-29-1943 .·'Ml21296 Ralph Victor Andrews b:2-13-1912 m(lst) 10-18-1934 Lola Briggs m(2d) June 19.44 Ruth Capitola Mills (dau of Edward Mills)· Ch:Sally Joyce b:8-4-1935, Judith Ione b:3-4-1940 Ml213 Nathan Hadley Dayton b:5-3-1842 d:10-7'-1893 m:Nov 1869 Johanna Schoon­ maker (d:11-15-1921, dau of Elizabeth Zimmer and Samuel Schoonmaker) Ml2131 Hadley L Dayton d:1926 Ml2132 Beulah Whitaker Dayton d:7-28-1949 m:12-10-1902 Arthur Richmond White (b:7-15-1882 d:6-24-1955, son of Mary Lucina Richmond and War~en Dutcher White) no ch - Ml2133 ~ellie·s Dayton .b:1875 d:2-24-1952 (unm) · Ml214 Charles· Ci;:-ary Daytop b:3-23-1847 d:'5-18-1848 Ml22 Chauncey Lemon Dayton ..b:9-15-1807 d:8-20-1809 (next male child, M124, was given the identical name) Ml23 George Spencer Dayton b:9-25-1808- d:. unm (in-California) Ml24 Chauncey- Lemon Dayton b: 1-18-1810 d:1-23-!'897 m:11-18-1839 Lydia Brainard (b:2-7-1818 d:6-13-1889, d~u of Lydia Fuller and Obadiah Brainard) M1241 James Leroy Dayton b:9-5-1840 d:11-18-1923 ·m:10-23-1866 Jane E Crane (b:10-26-1840 d:1-30-1930) Ml2411 Fanny Dayton (died aged about~ yrs) b:10-11-1873 d:10-19-1884 Ml2412 Chauncey Dayton (died.aged about xtJ.·yrs)b:11-6-1869 d:4-28-1886 1 '" Ml241-3 Lydia Elnora Dayton b: 9-15-1869 d: 5-9-1926 m: 1893/4 John Samuel tiunri (b:3-3-1856 d:1927, son of William Dunn; he m:lst Lillian Isabelle Meeker - see Mlzl-5) ... ~ -~ Ml24131 Ray Elmer Dunn b:2-24-1896 m: ------. (no ch) Ml24132 Jennie Ethel Dunn b:8-22-1898 m:11-25-1920 Edward J Crowl (b:10-12-1897 d:12-21-1955, son of Katherine Troudt and Louis Crowl) /Ml241321 Alice Beverly Crowl b:11-15-1921 m:Jan 1943 Kenneth Warren Hammond. Ch:Ethel Marie b:3-15-1945, Edward Clar­ ence b:8-23-1946, Kenneth Warren Jr b:6-4-1948, ~ Ml241322 Katherine. Elnora Crowl * b:7-25-1923 m:Sept 1940 Robert Chernas. Ch:Rodney Rober-f'b:6-11-1941 Ml24133 Iva }1ay Dunn b:2-1-1900 m:9-7-1935 William Floyd Farmer (b: 12-15-1900, son of Eva Godwin and Woodard Matthew Farmer) (no ch) Ml24134 Jasper Dunn b&d:1902 · Ml24135 Clarence Edward Dunn b:8-9-1904 m:7-18-1926 Mildred Anna · McKnight (b:12-13-1909, · dau of Lillian J Berger and Guy McKnight) _ . Ml241351 Richard Eugene Dunn b:3-20-1929 m:6-12-1948 Mona Lee Collins (b:2-7~1930, dau of ·Irene ----- and Lee Collins) Ch:Su$an .Lee b:7-29-1949, Janet Lee b:2-7-1952, Larry Eugene b:1-27-1955 Ml241352 Beverly Ann-Dunn b:4-19-1937 m:1954 James R Pemberton III (b:8-5-1937, son of Audrey Reice and James R Pember­ ton Jr) Ch:~atti Ann b:4-12-195~ Jerri Lynn b:8-25-1956, 24

James RIV b:2-16-1959, Victor E b:3-21-1960, Bradley M . b:12-20-1961 Ml241353 Robert G Dunn b:9~25-1942 m:2-2-1962 Cheryl Anne Steph­ ans (b:4-1-1944, dau of Helen Anne Townsend and Gordon K Stephans) M124136 Glenn Leroy Dunn b:5-2-1908 m:9-25-1931 Mary Ellen Lewis (b: 1-12-1912, dau of Mary Price and Griffith Lewis) Ml241361 Barbara Jean Dunn b:8-25-1937 d:12-30-1938 M1241362 Janet Elaine Dunn b:11-27~1939 d:l2-2-1939 Ml241363 James Conway Dunn (adptd) b:7-28-1939 m:2-15-1961 Deana May Sheppard (b:12-22-1944, dau of Dorothy Rivers and Wallace Sheppard). Ch:Kelly Ann b:11-23-1961 Ml241364 Ronald Edward Dunn b:11-29-1943 Ml2414 Ezra Dayton b:1877 d:1898 _/M12415 George Thomas Dayton b:8-11-1880 d:.\9-24-1945 m(lst) 1898 Myrtle Amelia Dunn (b:10-12-1880, dau of Lillian ·1sabelle Meeker and John Samuel Dunn) m(2d) Betty Bowman-_m(Jd)·Beulah -----. All ch are of 1st marriage. . Ml24151 Harry Albert Dayton_b:12-25-1898 .m:8-26-1925 Alma_~ary Veak (b:5-25-1901, dau· of· Elmira _Wadswort1' and Charles Anton _Veak) Ml241511- Charles Edward· Dayton b:12-27-1-926 d: l.;.1-1927 · .. Ml241512 Helen Elaine Dayton b:7~27-1932 d:7-31-1932 M1241513 Starley Dean Dayton (adptd) b:5-26-1941· m:7-24-1960 Gary Raymond Talbott (b:5-4-1940, son of Leah Klein and J Harrison Talbott) Ch:Gary Dean b:7-21-1961 Ml2~1514 John Arthur Dayton {adptd).b:4-30-1943 Ml24152 Mabel Louella Dayton b:9-3-1900 m.:1-27-1919 Laurence Edmund Poelma (b:2-8-1894, son of Saline Magette and Theodore Cor- nelius Poelma) · Ml2415~1 George Lewis Poelma b:1-13-1921 m:12-7-1946 Mary Chris­ tine Masoomiam (dau of _Veronica Bagdigian ::tnd Shadrack Masoomimm) Ch:Christin~ Louise b:1-24-1949, Susan Leigh b:11-1-1952 . Ml241522 Laurene Eva Poelma b:9-10-1922 m:5-8-1949 Robert Day McCall (b:3-28-1924, son of Grace Wilson and Clarence McCall) Ch:Thomas Scott b:9-21-1950, Karen Elizabeth b: 10-14-1953, Laura Jeanne b:2-18-1955 Ml241523 Theodora Anne Poelma b:5-1-1925 m:6-7-1947 Gordon Keith Sherman (b:3-22-1920, son of Louise B Beerbaum and Keith Sherman) Ch:Laurence Duane b:7-4-1948, Mark William b:6- 8-1950, Anne Louise b:4-14-1952, Stephen b:11-6-1954, Christopher b:12-27-1960 Ml241524 Jeanne Louise Poelma b:11-25-1926 m:6-3-1951 Kenneth Morrell (b:7-25-1922, son of Nellie Norton and John E .. Morrell) Ch:John Edmon~ b:5-31-1956, Daniel Joseph b:7- 23-1958 Ml241525 Thomas Richard Poelma b:7-15-1930 m:11-27-1953 Evelyn Pike (b:6-4-1933, dau of Emily Rickett and Alva Pike) Ch:Patricia Anne b:11-16-1954, Mary:.Lynnette b:5-22-1956, d :li.-20-1965. Michael Lawrence· h:1-22-1959, John Thomas b:6-23-1960) Ml24153 O~rin Louis Dayton b:3-28-1902 m(lst) 1928 Marie Eliza Dono­ hue (b:3-27-1902 d:7--28-1960, dau of Nellie Dolan and James Joseph Donohue) m(2d) 12-2-1961 Natalie Emily Louderback (b: 6-18-1911, dau of Lydia May Stoll and Robert V Louderback) 1 Ml241531 Orrin Louis Dayton·Jr b:2-23-1929 Ml241532 James Thomas Dayton b:4-24-1931 25

Ml24154 Charles Russell_Dayto~ ·b:7-10-1903 m:3-11-1925 Ruth Eliza­ beth Kirkman (b:1-21-1905, dau · of Clara Mabel Houle and Pearl Robert Kirkman) Ml241541 Patricia Ruth Dayton b:8-24-1926 m:7-10~1946 Dale Mar­ tin Gering (b:3-10-1924, son of Pansy Beryl Scott and Charles Edson Gering) Ch:Charles Marshall b:6-2-1947, .,,,-..... Lacretia D~yle b:7-29-1948, Lacinda Ruth b:10-17-1950, ..d 0 Douglas Scott b:3-24-195~, Bradford Clay b:5-27-1954, (1j (l) Marc Gordon b:3-13-1956, Michael Todd b:3-2-1961 ~ Ml241542 Charles Marshall Dayton b:11-3-1932 d:12-5-1932 ~ (D Ml241543 Russell Lloyd Dayton b:8-8-1934 m:8-14-1955 Joan Staf­ M ~ ford (b:11-8-1934, dau of Zazal Alma Stinnette and Clif­

M1242146 Kenneth Dean Johnson b:11-30-1930 m:1-27-1951 Berdine Srb (b:10-6-1932, dau of Vlasta Groulik and Rudolph Srb) Ch:Steven Kenneth b:10-1-1952 Ml242147 Lowell Chnrles Johnson b:9-23-1936 m:8-30-1959 Nnncy Jean Lewis (b:2-26-1938, dau of Tean Wendell and Stephen ·Lewis) Ch:Bradley Lewis b:11-8-1960 Ml242148 Nancy Esther Johnson b:4-4-1939 m:5-29-1958 Donald Lee Webster (b:7-1-1935, son of Lenora Arnold and Harry But­ ton Webster) Ch:Kellye Lynn (adptd) b:12-29-1964 Ml24215 Agnes Zelma Johnson b:2-17-1894 d:8-25-1925 m:Walter C Isely (b:2-20-1894 d:1-15-1931, son of Magdalena Reber and John Alfred Is-ely) Ml242151 Evelyn Isely b:8-25-1917 m:11-30-1948 William G Seaman (b:4-8-1920, son of Bettie Hinz and Charles Seaman) Ch: -Marilyn (adptd) b: 2-23-1944 Ml242152 Walter C Isely Jr b:11-12-1918 d:1-18-1942 Ml242153 Maurice F Isely b:12-18-1919 m:5-3-1944 Marie Alice Ha­ ver (b:7~11-1921, dau of Minnie M Nielsen and John E Ha­ ver) Ch:Richard L b:5-26-1945, David Walter b:7-15-1949, Kimberly Marie b:11-11-1952, Steven John b:4-4-1955 Ml242154 Dorothy Lee Isely b:10-13-1923 m:11-18-1943 Nicholas John Meola (b:4-29-1924 son of Josephine Boscia and Jos­ eph Meola) Ch:Michael b:11-5-1947, Kenneth b:1-4-1949, ·Robert William b:12-14-1952, Richard b:6-20-1956, Donald b:11-9-1957 M1242155.Shirley Mae Isely (adptd by foster parent~ name changed to Mary Theresa Kolda-) b:6-2-1925 m:1-29-1949 Patrick Edward Mackle Sr (b:5-18-1922, son of Lovell M Gordon . and John A Ma:kle Sr) Ch:Patrick Edward Jr b:2-10-1951, Maureen Elizabeth b:2-24-1958 M124116 Ralph E.arlJohnson·b:5-2-1897 d:9-15-1897 Ml2422 Ida E Richardson b:1-24-1868 d:3-18-1868 Ml2423 Alid:a Lydia Richardson b:11-26-1869 d:9-22-1886 Ml2424 Howard A Richardson b:12-.6-1871 d:9-12-1873 M1243 Lucy Mary Dayton b:8-1-1842 d:5-13-1898 m:12-11-1862 Jacob Ansteth (b: 12-11-1835 d:3-3-1910, son ·of Barba-ra. ---- and John Ansteth; he m:2d Philipena Schwabenland b:8-8-1841-; she m:lst George Kessler) Ml2431 Estella L Ansteth b:9-24-1863 d:4-6-1928 m(lst) 10-25-1883 Ulys­ ses Grant Doan (b:7-5-1863 d:Jan 1925, son of Cordelia Burt and Isaac Doan) m(2d) 7-12-1898-George Trout M124311 Edna Cordelia Doan b:8-9-1885 m:9-2-1911 James Leo Connors (b:9-2-1886 d:5-10-1952, son of Mnrtha Davlin and John J Con­ nors) M124312 L~e Raymond Doon b:8-20-1889 d:1-30-1928 m:10-20-1913 Mary Agnes Cashion (b:5-20-1892 d:11-23-1941, dau of Catherine Agnes McCroll and Timothy Joseph Cashion) Ml243121 Lee Raymond Doan Jr b:5-20-1915 m:10-3-1937 Marjorie Grace Pease (b:4-28-1919, dau of Ruth Mildred Minier and Herbert Lee Pease) Ml2431211 James Lee Doan b:3-19-1939 Ml2431212 Barbara Ann Doan b:9-11-1942 m:8-13-1961 Harland Wooden (b:6-24-1940, son of Verla Irene Purvis and Lawrence Theodore Wooden) M12432 Edmund Leroy Ansteth b:1-28-1865 d:6-15-1930 m:Emma Schambaugh (b:8-11-1869 d:1-1-1934, dau of Elmira Bash and Peter W Scham­ baugh) 28

Ml24321 Roy Dayton An~teth b:6-11-i887 d:12-15-1954 m(lst) 5-31-1913 Edna Pearl Gallagher (b:7-13-1889 d:12-6-1918, dau of Esther Scheaffer and Frank Gall~gher) .m(2d) 1-12-1926 Bertha C Pfeifer (b:9-26-1892, dau of Eleibeth Sower and John Pfeifer) Ml243211 Esther Emmaline Ansteth b:1-20-1914 m:6-18-1931 Arthur George Dunseth (b:5-27-1909, ~on of Lucy L Ullrich and George M Dunseth) Ml2432111 Ann Louise Dunseth b:l-28-1938 m:9-18-1955 Robert Edgar Cromwell -(b:6-1-1936, son of Melinda Mathesius and Lawrence Cromwell) Ch:Robert Vern b;S-23-1956 d: 2-8-1957, Debra Ann b:11-27-1957 d:9-12-1960, Dennis Kaye b:9-19-1959, Pamela S~~ b:1-27-1961 Ml2432112 James. Harold Dunseth b:4-5-1944 ·Ml243212 _Edmund Roy Ansteth b:5--17-1915 m:12-1-1937 Cora Anna Schrock (b:3-31-1918,·dau of Pe~7-l Franklin and Herman Sc~rock) Ch:Lorraine Gale (adptd) b:7-23-1949 M1243213 Dorothy Edna i\nsteth· b:"3-16-1917 m:1938 Harold Alva Miles Sr (b:1-12-1915, son of Rachel Schrock and William a, en Miles) · Ml2432131 Lenard Harold ·Miles b: 10--23-1938 m:6-6-1959 Marie Webber (b:4-.9-1940_, dau of Cecelia Duffy and Leo W Webber) Ch·:Cathryn Ann b:6-7-1960, Harold Vincent b: 6-17-1961. Ml2432132 Patricia Jane Miies b:12-23-1939 m:Edward Shannon (b:3-7-1933, son of Marie Morrissey and Louis Shan­ - _ non) Ch:Diane·Lynn· b:7~22-196q Edith Ann b:7-30-1961 Ml2432133 Robert Roy- Miles :b·:12-"8-1940 m:Nancy Zierdt (b:11- 4-1939, dau of Marian-~--- and Webster Zierdt) Ch: Robin Elaine b:9-27-1959, Terry Lee b:3-20-1961 M12432134 John Arthur Miles·b:2~14~1942 •• Ml2432135 Miles b:7-26-1943 .0 '-J M12432136 Harold Alva-Miles Jr b&d:4-5-1945 Ml24322 Arthur Jacob Ansteth ·b:3-28-1890 d:4-14-1955 ·-m:11-30-1911 · Mae Holbrook (b:10-18-1888, dau of Ida Marriott - and James Holbrook) Ml243221 Revalo Merrill Ansteth b:9-1-1912 m(lst) 1935 Eula Mar~ ia Palmer -(b:9-21-19!2, dau of Bertha Holt and Ross Vern Pnlmer) m(2d) 7-15-1950 Catherine Naccarato (b:8-7-1910, dau of Theresa ·Belvidere and Louis Naccarato; she m:lst John Wass al ino) Ml2432211 Clifford Merle Ansteth b!l0-31-1935 m:4-19-1958 Karen Browning (b:10-18-1938, dau of Ann Love Swank and Jess Harrison Browning) Ch:Arthur Vernon b:11-2- 1958, Roger Alan b·:12-26-1960, Jeri Lynn b:7-3-1962 Ml.2432212 Joyce Elaine Ansteth b:6-22-1943 m:David G Bruck­ ner. Ch:Babbete Layne b:7-27-1960 d:8-5-1960 Ml2432213 Wallace Ross•Anst~t~ b:9-8-1945 . Ml?4.32214 Joh~ Arthur Ansteth b:3-12-1949 Ml243222 Gloe Echo Ansteth b:il~30~1914 m:8-6-1934 Lawrence Walker (b:1-29-1910, son of .R~sa Karsten and William Kosmalske) M12432221 Lawrence Ronald Walker b:6-13-1936 rrc 1957 Louisette Honoriae Martineau ·(b:2-27-1935, dau of Honorine _Celestine Royer and Louis Aristide Martineau) Ch: Francesca Louise b:12-10-1957, Kim Noelle b:6-27- 1959, Judd Kay b:5-31-1962 29

Ml2432222 Donna Gloe Walker b:10-18-1937 m:9-9-1955 Leonard LeRoy Nimlos (b:9-9-193M, son of Bernice------and Or­ in Nimlos) Ch:Donna Kae b:11-16-1956, Lenna Mae b:10-19- 1958 M1243223 Leo Arthur Ansteth b:1-19-1917 d:11-4-1924 M1243224 Alma Mae Ansteth b:9-19-1920 m(lst) 10-29-1939 Elbert Collins (b:3-8-1911, son of Lona Stickleman and Franklin Collins) m(2d) 1955 Cecil Howard Bryant Ml2432241 Franklin Elbert Collins b:8-11-1940 m:7-18-1959 Frances Raylene Gravitt (b:3-29-1943, dau of Edna Elizabeth Mitchel and Leonard Ray Gravitt) Ch:Carl ·Melville b:2-18-1960, Michael Edward b:4-30-1961 Ml2432242 Erma Marie Collins b:3-27-1943 (adptd out of family) Ml2432243 Aleeta Louise Collins b:5-17-1945 Ml2432244 Lynda May Collins b:8-18-1948 (adptd by Wright fam- ily) Ml2432245 Leona Lou Collins b:7-14-1954 Ml2432246 Etta Colleen Bryant b:11-22-1955 Ml2432247 Walter William Bryant b:10-4-1956 d:2-2-1957 M12432248 June Cecile Bryant b:6-5-1958 Ml24323 Walter Edmund Ansteth b:4-12-1892 d:11-27-1950 m:11-18-1914 Laura Cline Bonnell (b:3-27-1897, dau of Mary Jane Holcolm and Samuel Dawlson Bonnell; she m:2d Ml24326) Ml243231 Aretta June Ansteth b:1-20-1916 m:2-10-1934 Clarence John Billings (b:8-30-1913, son of Emma K Lemmer and Henry E Billings) Ml2432311 Gloria Ann Billings b:12-15-1936 d:12-17-1936 M12432312 Raymond John Billings b:3-3-1940 m:12-27-1961 Lynn Marie Mitchell (b:3-16-1939, dau of Myrtle Garrett · and Howard Mitchell) Ml2432313 Gary Lee Billings b:1-14-1948 Ml243232 Jeane LaFern Ansteth b:5-30-1920 m:i-30-1938 Addison L Kennedy (b:12-29-1916, son of Mabel Louise Tomlin and AD Kennedy) Ml2432321 Patricia Vivian Kennedy b:11-14-1939 m:7-26-1958 Eugene Whitaker (b:9-4-1934, son of Nellie Warren and Charlie· Price Whitaker) Ch:Alan Orval b:7-30- 1959, Jeanie DeNell b:10-4-1961 1 Ml2432322 Lawrence Walter Kennedy b:6-4-1941 m:4-15-1961 Jeraldine Mauch (b:3-22-1942, dau of Marie Pertmer and John Mauch) M1243233 Teddy Dawlson Ansteth b:10-17-1922 m:6-2-1945 Clara Mae Nauman (b:8-24-1924, dau of Lucille C Boehle and Joseph Michael Nauman) Ch:Timothy Walter (adptd) b:3-9-1958 M1243234 Phyllis Lavon Ansteth b:2-19-1931 m:9-16-1951 Elmer L Sporleder (b:5-21-1922, son of Eva B Slone and Henry J Sporleder) Ch:Keith Leroy b:6-24-1952, Julie Dawn b:5- 18-1953, Lorrie Jeane b:3-23-195~ Kevin Dean b:2-22-1958 Ml24324 Pearl Ansteth b:11-19-1898 m:11-19-1919 John Humphrey (b:5- 4-1898, son of Emma Smith and John Humphrey) Ml243241 Robert Wayne Humphrey b:9-29-1920 m:5-24-1942 Marion Dorothy Hoffman (dau of Ella Meta Stamberger and Richard Hoffman) Ch:Kay Janice b:12-28-1950, Lynn JoAnn b:8-15- 1954 Ml243242 Lewis Leroy Humphrey b:9-15-1923 Ml24325 Edith Ansteth · b:6-3-1904 m:1924 Lee Johnson (b:5-24-1901, 30

son of Gertrude Viola Simpkins and John Benjamin Johnson) Ml243251 Helen Elizabeth Johnson b:2-10-1925 m:Aug 1949 Donald Lamkin (b:3-12-1929, son of Tulah ---- and Styles Lamkin) Ch:Rex Calvin b:9-4-1954, Nancy Ellen b:7-18-1957, Patti Lee b:9-28-1958, James Delman b:1-24-1960 Ml243252 Harvey Lee Johnson b:5-24-1926 · m:9-21-1947 Lois Elaine Anderson (b:7-18-1928, dau of Ruth Elaine Kelly and Clarence Anderson) Ch:Susan Caryl (adptd) b:9-28-195~ Gregory Lee (adptd) b:9-17-1959 Ml243253 Norman Willard Johnson b:11-24-1928 m:11-22-1950 Kay Kanagawa ·(b:7-10-1930, dau of Yoshiko----- and Saichi Kanagawa). Ch:Linda Kay b:9-24-1952, Donald Lee b:12-10- 1953 Ml243254 Donald Eugene Johnson b:2-24-1930 m:12-24-1951 Eleanor Schipp (b:6-12-1929, dau of Anna----- and Peter Schipp) Ch:Martin Douglas b:7-12-195~Michael Edward b:2-10-1961 M124326 Harvey A~steth b:6-12-1902 m(lst) 11-18-1942 Sylvia Clopine (b:2-21-1903 d:10-7-1951) m(2d) .12-19-1953 Laura Cline Bon­ nell, widow of Ml24324) no·ch· Ml24321 Clifford Emerson (b:2~16-19_18 m:7-20-1932 Marjorie Huffaker (b:12-29-1912, dau of Bertha Myrtle Gallagher and Grover Cleveland Huffaker) Ch:Marvin Eugene b:9-19-1942,

Robert. Keith b:6-23-1945 . Mi2433 William L Ansteth b:11-3-1866 d:1-17-1868 M12434 Mary S Ansteth b.:6-15-1868 d:7-20-1961 m(lst) 12-9-1886 Van Orin Schambaugh (b:4-9-1867 d:9-19-1893, s~n of Elmira Bash and Peter W Schambaugh) m(2d) -12-24-1894 Bert Hetherington (b:1-17-1872 d: · 10-11-1952, son of Agnes Bonnell and Abe Hetherington) tfM124341 Bessie Mae Schambaugh b:9-24-1887 d:9-21-1960 m(lst) 4-24- 1908 John Peter Mealey (b:~-3~-1885 d:5-13-1915) m(2d) 12- 17~1920 Gustav Mathesius (b:5-13-1885 d:Oct 1946) lf'Ml243411 Paul John Mealey· b:12-6-1909 m:Irene Grusch (b:10-7- 1915) ✓Ml2434111 Robert Glen Mealey b:1-1-1932 m:Martha Jones. Ch: . . Steven b:8-24-19S-3, Sherry b:11-24-1957 t1M12434112 Patricia Ann· Mealey b:5-31-1934 m:Robert Cotton Ch:Kevin b:4-4-1954, Kathy b:3-9-1957 Ml2434113 Duane Paul Mealey b:6-26-1938 ✓Ml243412 Glenn Peter Mealey b:11-3-1911 m:Dorothy Weidenhofer (b:8-13-1917) ✓M12434121 Glenn Donald Mealey b:12-19-1935 m 12-8-1962 Sandra Lee Brazaitis (dau of Alex Brazaitis) VM12434122 Shirley Elaine Mealey b:3-6-1937 m:Anton ~1erkl. Ch: Luxie Marie b:12-30-1955, Linda Elaine b:9-11-1959 VM12~34123 James Edward Mealey b:4-9-1941 m:11-17-1962 Judith Bochnik (dau of Ted Bochnik) VM1243413 Kenneth Leo Mealey b:1-26-1914 m:Lois Frederick VM12434131 John Allen Mealey b:8-7-1937 m:Claudine Anderson Ch: Ml2434132 Judy Kay Mealey b:9-17-1944 Ml2434133 Janice Marie Mealey b:12-30-1949 Ml24341.34 Marcie Sue Mealey b:11-10-1952 Ml243414. Donald George Mathesius b:2-22-1922 m:9-11-1943 Eleanor Moulton (b:10-11-1917, dau of Elsie Faber and Frank Moulton) Ch:Mary Clare b:9-10-1944, Ann Louise b:11-4- 1947, Donald Joseph b:7-4-1949, Peter James b:10-1-1953, Laura Jane b:6-20-1957 31 . d:3-16-1965 d:1962 Ml24342 Nettie Schambaugh b:8-8-1889\ m:8-16-1922 Oscar Guldbech (b: 10-14-1883, son of Augusta Camilla Sander and Carl Christian Guldbech) no ch Ml24343 Glenn Schambaugh b:12-4-1891 m(lst) 6-16-1915 Beulah Finni­ cum (b:11-4-1891, dau of Mary Crump and Lewis Kellar Finni­ cum) m(2d) 8-27-1957 Ml243431 Louis Glenn Schambaugh b:9-21-1917 m:10-9-1938 Helen Rowland Curtis (dau of Alice Rowland and George L Cur­ tis) Ch:Nancy Carol b:6-2-1940, Sally Ann b:9-30-1944 Ml243432 Burton Fay Schambaugh b:7-13-1919 m:9-19-1940 Hazel Ma­ rie Teach (dau of Alice Overly and Samuel Walter Teach) Ch:Jane Ann b:1-21-1947, Walter Glenn b:3-11-1948 Ml243433 Marilyn Fay Schambaugh b:4-8-1925 d:12-13-1927 Ml24344 Gertrude Hetherington b:3-6-1896 m:10-17-1922 Clarence Ger­ ber (b:6-25-1897, son of Hattie Marckhoff and Frederick Wil­ liam Gerber) no ch CD ,.0 Ml24345 Lucy Hetherington b:4-23-1898 m:4-1-1926 Arthur E Wind (b:2- CD >-i 25-1901, son of Minnie Eggertson and Carsten Wind) Ch:Warren ~ Arthur b:12-22-1936 CD b.O M M124346 Florence Hetherington b:5-29-1904 m:12-20-1924 Fred Henry 0 Q) Meyer (b:7-2-1900, son of Mary Baughman and Fred Meyer)no ch e, Ml24347 Mae Hetherington b:3-3-1911 m:1940 Harry Schultz (b:6-20- 1906, -son of Henry Schultz) Ch:Robert Henry b:12-29-1940, Virginia Louise b:7-29-1942, William Harry b:10-25-1945, George b!l-16-1952 Ml2435 Minnie M Ansteth b:1-11-1870 d:11-7-1870 Ml2436 Fred J Ansteth b:1-9-1872 d:1909 m:Hattie Monroe Ml2437 Chauncey D Ansteth b:4-11~1874 d:Aug 1911 (unm) • Ml2~38 Elmer Jacob.Ansteth b:9-2-1876 m(lst) Emma Kate Leffelman (b:l­ _10-1_878 d:4-10-1903,. dau of_ Lucretia Wolford and George Joseph Leffelman Sr) m(2d) 9-18-1906 Violet Bonnell -(b:5-5-1889, dau of .Mary _Jane Holcomb ~nd Samuel Dallsoµ Bonnell; she m!2d Frank Reigel) m(~d) 2-15-1933 Edna Krebs (she m:.lst ---- Manning) Ml24381. Lottie Ansteth b:7-20-1897 m:,1~27-1917 Enos T Swanson (b:8- ~ 22-1891, son of Hannah Lindberg and John W Swanson) 0 :;j Ml243811 Lucille Thelma Swanson b:8-5-1018 C'Cl Ml243812 Fred Harlan Swanson b:12-12-1920 m:12-30-1944 Doris "O Fundell (b:2-1-1921, dau of Verda Funderberg and Roy ~ l.{'\ Fundell) Ch:Gordon Keith b:9-20-1946, Diana Sue b:10-30- ~ 1949, Kevin Leroy b:8-4-1959 r-i 6 ✓Ml243813 Harold Kenneth Swanson b:2-22-1922 m:5-10-1952 Kathleen "'i Troupis (dau of Josephine Wittgan and John Troupis) ll"\ •• v'Ml243814 Alberta Edith Swanson b:8-20-1926 m:4-17-1948 Donald Rempfler Ml24382 Ray Emerson Ansteth b:5-29-1899 m:10-27-1921 Emma M Swanson (b:4-7-1903, dau of Hannah Llndberg and John W Swanson) Ml243821 M°ildred Ansteth b:8-19-1922 m:5-4-1944 Gilbert H Gordon (b:9-19-1921, son of Linnie Jenkins and Albert Lee Gor­ don) Ch:Judith·Lynn b:2-7-1945, Gerald G b:3-28-1946, ..0 Edward Allen b:12-10-1951, Debra Jean b:3-6-1955, Randy Ray b:9-24-1961 Ml243822 Betty Ansteth b:11-14-1924 m:10-13-1943 Richard Jones (b:5-30-1921, son of Kate Jones and Robert Jones) Ch: Bonny L b:10-16-1944, Sharon K b:3-12-1946, Robert Lb: 9-8-1948, Susan Mae b:10-7-1960 Ml243823 Elaine Ansteth b:11-6-1930 m:3-19-1949 William Ayers (son of Eleanor Bawner and Harley Ayers) 32 Ml24383 Frank Ansteth. b:6-30-1901 m:6-17-1924 Mildred Davis (b:12- 26-1901, dau of· tlsie Lorine Meyers and George Withrow Davis) Ml243831 Cleo Frances Ansteth b:9-13-1927 ~9-25-1948 Alice Marie Lammon. Ch:Shaya Jean b:4-8-1953, Bruce_David b:11-27- 1956 M1243832 Thomas Eugene Ansteth b:12-11-1929 d:11-3-1945 Ml24384 Gladys Ansteth b:4-7-1903 m:7-5-1921 Ray Rod (b:9-14-1901, son of Clara Frances Hoffman and Alfred Rod) Ml243841-Donald Charles Rod b:4-15-1922 d:4-17-1922 Ml243842 Virginia Fern Rod b:2-17-1923 m:11-27-1943 Frank Piller (b:10~11-1914, son of Amelia Vogel and Antone Piller) Ch:Co.nnie Lee b·:3-1-1947, Edward Frank b:6-25-1949, Charles Kenneth b:12-22-1956. M1243843 Darlene Mae Rod b:4-l-1925 m:7-6-1946 Harold Meisel (b: 7-3-1925, son of Agnes· Bauer and Charles Meisel) Ch:Janet Dorothy b:5-15-1948, Kevin.Edgar b:12-19-1953, Darryle Lee b:3-7-1958 · Ml243844 Mary Jan~ Rod·b:5-31-1926 m(lst) i0-7-1945 Ralph Fisch­ er (b:8-2-1924; son o-f Hanna M~thes. and Lawrence Fischer) m(2d) 6-28-1953 Clifton Nussbaum (b:12-12-1913, son of Gladys ---- and Phil Nussbaum) Ch, of 1st· rrDona.ld Charles (twin) b:9-26-1946, David Allen (twin) .b;9-26-1946. Ch ·of 2d m:Denise Marie (adptd) b:12-9-1958, Dale Ray (adptd) b:5~11-1960 Ml243845 Marjorie Ruth Rod b:7-16-1927.m:9-30-1946 Wesley Beedle (b:1-29-1922, son_: of·Lea.h Ruth Angel and aurley Beedle) Ch:c·urtis .Dale b:3-6--1949, Dennis Wayne b:10-23-1953 M1243846 Charlotte Grace Rod b:2~14-1930 m:Leland. Coates (son of Alice---- and Joe Coates) Ch:Wallace Eugene b:6-9-1948, .Rickie Lee b:3-27-1953, Gary Lynn b:5-4-1954, Alan Rob­ . ert b:7-26-1955 M124385 Lillian. Ansteth b:1.-7-1908 m:192-9 ._"!'ohn Thomas (b:2-18-1904, son of A~na Gideon and James Thomas) no_ ch d:12-29-1965 Ml24386 Flossi~ Enid Ansteth b:2-24-1911 m:12-7-1926 Ivan Fabe·r" (b: 7-11-1904, son of Edna Steupfert and George Faber) M1243861 Lyle Roland Fabe~ b:3-18-1929 m:1952 Lois Buettner (b: 12-29-1932, dau·of Edna Gu.ether. and Raymond Buettner) Ch:Eugene Robert· b:11-27-1952, Charles ·/layne b:7-12-1965 M1243862 Melvin Walter Faber· b:6-8-1930 m:9-26-1953 Gwendolyn Ohlman (dau of Estella ---- and George Ohlman) Ch:Debbie Lynn b:2-26-1955 Ml243863 Larieta Settie Faber b:2-22-1932 m:1-12-1951 Robert Russell Anderson (son of Edna Lorraine Thomason and Rus­ sel Anderson)_ Ch:Douglas Joseph b:8-14-1954, James Rob­ ert b:6-2-1959 M124387 Hazel Ansteth b:7-24-1914 m(lst) Lloyd McNinch (b:1-12-1909, son of Elsa Lovgreen and Edward McNinch) m(2d) 11-29-1!41 Charles Bayles (b:3-18-1906, son of Martha Byers and Richard Bayles) Ch:Delmar b:4-12-1934 Ml24388 Lucille Ansteth b:9~26-1917 m(lst) 10-4-1933 Allen Witten­ auer (b:Sept 191~ son of Nellie Skinner and John Wittenauer) m(2d) 10-29-1942 Clyde Green (bll-27-191? son of---- Thorn­ ton and Harry Green) Ml243881 Norma Jean Wittenauer · b:7-6-1934 m:John Chappel. Ch: '.Michael Ml243882 Robert Wittenauer b:9-8-1936 33

Ml24389 Dale Ansteth b:-9-21-1921 m(lst) 12-28-1940 Louise Wright (b: 10-10-1921, dau ,of Faye ----- and· William Wright) ni(2d) 1951 Josephine Vogrinc _(b:1-23-1920, dau of Mary Zokal and Frank Vogri:ic) M12l+3891 Ronald Ansteth b:5-25-1942 m:12-8-1962 Donna Mae Smoth­ ers {dau of Alfred Smothers) /Ml243892 Constance Ansteth b:11-14-1943 Ml243893 Sandra Kaye Ansteth b:3-26-1952 . _/M1243810 Betty Ansteth b:3-8-1925 m:7-7-1945 Harry Kirsteatter (b; 12-2-1925, son of Lena Kassel and Harry Kirsteatter) m(2d) Clarence Barnickle Ml2439 Ida M Ansteth b:7-12-1878 d:1933 m:3-17-1898 Charles Eugene Reed (b:2-7-1872 d:l-17-.1942) · Ml24391 Eugene Elmer Reed ,b:4-25-1899 m:7-18-1923 Lela Marie Carl­ sen (b:5-28-1903, dau of Mary Bolton and Henry Carlsen) Ml243911 Jeanette Mae Reed b:2-21~1925 m:3-6-1943 Charles Warren Jones (b:2-25-1925, son of Della M Hand and Charles W Jones) Ch:Craig Warren b:10-17-1949, Dennis Reed b:8-5- 1951 M1243912 Marjorie Ellene Reed b:11-22-1926 m:10-4-1947 Lyle Eug­ ene France (b:6-29-1925, son of Jeanette Pollock and J Watson France) Ch:Diana Lee b:7-4-1948, Jerri Lynn b:8- 11-1950 Ml243913 Lucille Marie Reed b:3-3-1931 m:4-6-1957 Charles S Haines (b:9-21-1929, son of Ethel Stanford and Fred Haines) Ch:Steven Charles b:6-21-1962 M1243914 Donna Jean Reed b:12-17-1936 m:1951 Ronald D DeGroot (b:4-17-1933, son of Anna Schmidt and Nicholas DeGroot) Ch:Calvin Dale b:1-30-1952, Randy Gene b:10-16-1954, Douglas Martin b:11-3-1955, Timothy Lee b:11-4-1960 M124392 Vernon Lawson Reed b:2-17-1903 m:8-8-1925 Margaret Helen Koch (b:3-6-1904, dau of Marie Sophie Folkers and Wilhelm Henry Koch) M1243921 Rea Warren Reed b:4-5-1927 m:2-27-1952 Marie Magdalena . Bauer (b:2-22-1933, dau of Maria Leitner and Johann Bap­ tist Bauer) Ch:Michael Donald b:11-6-1952, Margaret Louise b:3-6-1954 Ml243922 William Charles Reed b:4-1-1929 m:2-19-1957 Ruth Lee Rucker (b:9-25-1926, dau of Simeon H Rucker) Ch:Lisa Marie b:11-27-1960 Ml24393 Dorothea E Reed b:9-16-1910 m:1-25-1941 Harry Andrew Kris­ man (b:6-6-1912, son of Rose Pairitz and Andrew Krisman) Ch: Terrance Andrew b:2-9-1943 M124310 George T Ansteth b:6-12-1880 d:7-13-1940 m:9-5-1903 Emma Schwarz - (b:7-22-1881,- dau of Katherine Yone ari.d Joseph Schwarz) Ml243101.Robert Matthew Ansteth (adptd; ch of Anna------and Daniel - McMahon) b:10-10-1907 d:5-17-1962 (unm) Ml24311 Emma L Ansteth b:1-23-1882 d:5-20-1904 m:4-25-1899 Will Ramsey - (b:3-25-1876, son of Emily Easton Morehouse and Charles Drew . -Ramsey) Ch:Leila b:4-20-1900 d:10-15-1901 M124312 Louis Arthur Ansteth b:4~1-1883 d:May 1923 m:Edna Shaw. (no ch) Ml24313- Walter D Ansteth b:3-3-1887 d:8-10-1887 M1244 Ira-· Allen Dayton b:3-24-1844 d:1-6-1846 Ml245 O~rin Lewis Dayton b:7-12-1846 d:11-17-1937 m(lst) 12-23-1874 Emma McCandless (b:c1852 d:2-4-1877, dau of John B McCandless) m(2d) 10- 2-1888 Helen Gordon (b:12-18-1846 d:1924, dau of Mary A Stevens and William B Gordon) m(3d) 7-3-1930 Ruth Mindelle Fox (b:9-18-1874/6, dau of Nathan Fox) Ch:Daisy Alta b:12-10-1875/6 d:8-22-1897 34

M1246 Ida Electa Dayton b:2~2-1~51 d:3-22-1868 M1247 Sarah Maria Dayton b:6-2-1853 d:3-19-1939 m:1-30-1876 John Scott Flem­ ing (b:9-19~1850 d:9-3-1923, son of Margaret Scott and Andrew Wilson Fleming) M12471 Ida M Fleming b:10-25-1876 d:9-27-1877 M12472 Ella May Fleming b:12-28-1877 d:8-6-1955 m:7-18-1895 Ira Vincent Painter b:4-1-1874, son of Mary Whitcomb and Lewis Painter) M124721 Beulah Vanetta Painter b:3-17-1896 m:5-12-1920 Martin Pat­ rick McNamara (b:1-10-1899, son of Margaret Noland and James McNamara) 'M1247211 ·Robert Lee McNamara b:2-9-1921 ./Ml247212 Martin Patrick McNamara Jr b:2-16-1923 m:11-27-1943 Geraldine Snow 'fyler (b:7-23-1922,_ dau _of Aletha Eliza- - beth Snow and Cecil Paul Tyler; her ·2a m) ,./M12472121 R~becca Gaye McNamara (adptd) b:5-1-1942 Ml2472122 Martin Patrick.McNamara III b:8-13-1944 M12472123 Bruce Ge_ne McNamara b:Aug 1948 /M1247213 Ralph Gene McNamara b:10-9-1928 M124722 Alden Painter b:5-22-1897 d:9-20-1897 /M124723 Dayton Ira Painter b:8~20-1899 m:Grace Lee Harrison (no ch) M124724 Bernard Painter b:12-25-1902 d:3~29-1903 M124725 Gerald Painter b:2-6-1905 d:7-21-1905 /M124726 ·Vetne V Painter b:1-29-1907 m:Wanda ---- M124727 Otis Painter b:May 1909 d:9-4-1909 /M124728 Ira Vincent·Painter Jr b:9-29-1910 m:7-18-1931 Edna Murphy (b:5-5-1910, ~au of ·onie Barber· and :Ioll_is Vernon Murphy) Ch: Ronni~ b:11-25-1932, Pamela b:12-11-1943. Ml24729 Blanche Irene .Painter b:3-7-1913 m(lst) 1-12-1935 Joseph Oliver Criss· (b:5-25-1904,, son of Martha Cox and Joseph Oli­ vet· criss) m(2d) 6-21-1942 Walter Eldridge Jones (b:6-21- 1911, son qf Lettie Cox and Edward Walter Jones) ,.,.M1247291 Eleanor Marie Criss b:4-12-1937 M1247292 Jo Ann Jones b:2-28-1943 Ml247210 Marjorie Painter b:2-14-1915 d:Dec 1915· · ./Ml2472IT Philip Painter ·b:8-31-1917 m(lst) Tillie ----- m(2d) Peggie - Nub1.gg1e. .· _ . Ml247212 a·enevieve Marguerite. · Painter b:4-24-1919 m:Aug 1940 Ira -James Carter (b:1-7-1908, son·of Edna Grace Camp and James Hezekiah Carter) Ch:Edna Mae b:5-1-1941, Dayton b:8-26-1942 M12473 Emma Elinor Fleming b:2-12-1879 d:5-13-1956 m:2-17-1901 ~ert El­ don Rhoades (b:12-16-1877, son of Mary Katherine Malone/and Cor­ nelius Christopher Rhoades) d:11-27-1965 Ml24731 Goldia Irene Rhoades b:2-4-1902 m:2-14-1928 Claude C Rucker (b:8-31-1886 d:3-19-1948) no ch M124732 Elsie Velma Rhoades b:7-12-1903 m:9-28-1926 Harry William Sloniker (b:10-21-1903, son of Mattie Reinecke and William .· Lincoln Sloniker) , M1247321 Harry William_ Sloniker b:l-28-1927 Ml247322 Roberta Mae .Sloniker b:10-15-1928 m:1-13-1951 Arlin Fredrick Kulow _(b:10-24-19-31, son of Irene A Glasnipp and Wiiliam Kulow) Ch:Sheryl Lynne b:9-2-1953, Marla Kae b:12-24-i955-,_ Ricky Arlin b:8-8-1957 ,-_Thomas Leroy b:2-11-1960 . - ,- M1247323 Dolores Ann Sloniker b:6-12-1933 m:Kenneth Alvin Murray (b:l-19-1931., son of Sylvia Mae Harris and Alvin Murray) Ch:Linda Susan b:7~15-1950,-Terry· Ke~eth ~:7-22-1953, William Allen b:4-9-1955, Tony Alvin b~2-13-1957, Ken­ neth-Alvin Jr .b:8-14-1960 35

M1247324 Darlene Lucille Sloniker b:7-10-1935 m:6-6-1954 Darwin Kay Tielbur (b:2-14-1928, son of Mildred Fern Dye and Hieko Tielbur) Ch:Darrell Ray b:5-19-1957, Dwain Eugene b:5-2-1959 Ml247325 Eileen Ruth Sloniker b:3-27-1938 m:6-23-1956 Clifford Nelson Harris (b:3-27-1937, son of Bessie Mae Derricksen and Hilton Harris) Ch~Rusty Nelso~ b:5-25-1959, Garry Rodney b:12-16-1960, Dennis Eugene b:1962 M1247326 Darrell Lester Sloniker b:7-10-1942 M1247327 Gerald Eugene Sloniker b:9-3-1944 Ml24733 Lelah Virginia Rhoades b:8-2-1904 Ml24734 Gladys Genevieve Rhoades b:9-20-1905 m:11-27-1929 William Wilhelmus LeDuc (b:11-28-1900, son of Marie Sebeam Doerning and Jacobus Johannes LeDuc) M1247341 Genevieve Gertrude LeDuc b:10-6-1930 m:8-25-1947 Elroy Alfred Kulow (b:1-19-1929, son of Irene Alma Glasnipp and Carl Frederick Kulow) Ch:Steven James b:4-4-1955, Timothy Elroy b:3-5-1956, Michelle Ann.b:3~13-1957, Tam­ ela Sue b:7-10-1958, Jacqueline Kay b:6-27-1959, Julie . Lynn b:7-3-1960, Kathryn Jo b:12-6-1961 /Ml247342 William Willard LeDuc (twin) b:i2-6-1935 m:6-1-1957 Louise Esther Thomas (b:l().;.28~1940, dau oi Veda Esther VanSickle and Lucian Erastus Thomas) Ch:Debra Kay b:12- 2.7-1957, Michael William b.:9-13-1959, Mark Allan b:9-25- 1960. Wm 11 LeDuc m(2d) 10-18-1965 Vivian_Ubran /Ml247343 William Wilbur LeDuc (twiwb:12-6-1935. m:6-9-1956 Melba Jean Brown (b:4~1-1938, dau of Jess_ie Lee Creasy and

Lowell Elma Brown) Ch:William. Allen b:3-2.6-1957. Ml247344 Marie Elinor LeDuc b:4-27-1938-m:8-16-1955 Robert Ervin · Anderson (b:4-20-1937.) 1-;Rose Marie b:12-23-1955, Rebecca Ann- b:2-27-1957, Roberta Christine b:9-27-1958, Regina Mae b:10-17-1960~ R~th Lynn b:1-4-1962, Rhonda Kay b:12-18- M124735 Bert Eldon Rhoades Jr b:5-8-1907 m:4-21-193.S Mildred Nina l96 Jacobson (b:1~28-1912, dau of Sophia Pearle Peterson and _ Joseph Cornelius Jacobson) no ch _ Ml24736 Louise Inez Rhoades b:9-15-1909 m:11-26-1928 Ernest Lyle Mortland (b:1~27-1909, son of Ethel Mae Zeigler and Elmer Steven Mortland) Ml247361 Donald Lyle Mortland b:8-9-1930 m:6-2-1954 Margery Ann Larson (b:11-24-1934, dau of Edna Grace Grow and James Bryan Larson) Ch:Steven Lyle b:3-25-1955, Bryan James b: 7-25-1956, Scott Randal b:8-2-1~57, Kevin Lee b:9-3-1960 Ml247362 Dwain Derwin Mortland b:7-20-1934 m:12-18-1955 Anna Ma­ rie Nelson (b:11-21-1933, dau of Vendla Elvira Veiman and John Moritz Nelson) Ch:Kathryn Ann b:7-30-1956, Bradley Dwain b:11-7-1957 M1247363 Donna Louise Mortland b:7-2-1937 m:10-2-1955 Lawrence Isaac Ferdiaand Goetsch (b:12-28-1919, son of_Bertha A­ dora Olson and Paul Frederick William Goetsch) Ch:Bar­ bara Jean b:11-26-1956, Beverly Jane b:3-2-1960 M1247364 Dorothy Elaine Mortland b:1-9-1939 m:9-14-1956 Herbert Albert Herman Goetsch (b:4-1-1928, son of Lena Martha Carrie Raaf and Julius Henrick Friedrick Goetsch) Ch: Greg Herbert b:8-17-1957, Robert Lyle b:5-24-1960 d:2- 27-1961, Sandra Lou b:5-23-1961 M1247365 Dwight Lee Mortland b:1-19-1940 36 . m:9-25-1965 Christa Mi247366 pouglas Gene. Mortland b :7-25-i 942 .../rheresa Sturm (b :6- Ml247367 Delbert Dayton Mortland b:9-18~1943· 25-1943, dau of Ther­ Ml247368 Diane Mae Mortland b:11-1-1948 ·, esia Hoft:auer and Jo- M1247369 Debra Kae Mortland b:2-26-195.3 hanr1 Stur.:-1) Ml2ll74 John Scott Fleming Jr (b:2-26-1881- d:8-28-1946_ m-:Annette ------­ (Parks) no ch M12475 George Fleming b:12-2-1882 d:7-21-1952 m:2-26-1905 Ida Bedford (b:2-17-1887) M124751 Fleming b:2-12-1906 m:9-9-1929 Helen Beatrice Gunderman (b:9-22-1903, dau of Melonie Elizabeth Blumenfeldt and Arno Erick Gunderman) Ch:Brenda Jean b:11-19-1946 Ml24752 Gerald Bedford Fleming b:7-19-1911 m:9-20-1948 Evangeline Henrietta Theresa Piekenbrock (b:3-16-1921, dau of Katherine Alma Whing and Lawrence Piekenbrock) Ml24753 Eleanor Louise Fleming b:3-27-1915 m(lst) 3-20-1937 Ben Rid­ len (b:8-27~1914, son of Margret Elisabeth Spralt and May­ nard Atle~ Ridlen) m(2d) 9-14-1941 Fred Herbert Carlin (b: · 11-24-1919, son of Myrtle Jaae. Nance and Fred Benton Carlin) Ch:Fred Herbert Jr b:5-16-1946. M124754 Lucille Alice Fleming b:10-25.-1917 m:6-28-1940 Walter Dean · Kti_bic · (b:8-15-1910, son of Katharine Elizabeth Reifschneider and Otto Frank Kubic) Ch:Jada Ann b·:10-25-1945 .· .. ~124755 Georg~ Lewis Fleming b:10~29-1921 m: ------M12~t6 Sadie Fieming b:12-4~1884 d:12~3-1959 m:11-24-1909 Edward Jerome Young (b;ll-2'l-1868 d:1-8-1938, son of Marguerite Stuecy and Philip A.Young) -Ml2Cl761 Ruth Zel~a.Young ·b:12-17-1911 m:5-12-1947 Elbert Lawrence Andrews: (b:8-lG-1906, son of Ethel Leah Thralls and Abbie Lawrence Andrews) ·no· ch. , , . Ml24762 Eloise Jean Young · b:6-29-1913· . m:9-~18-1934 Howard Jay Welch (b:7-4-1911, son of Eva Frances .Jones and Ira Lyons Welch) Ch:Edwa~d James b:3-15-194O, Jocelyn Jean b:10-2-1941 Ml2477 Mable Alta Fleming b~6-5-1889 m:3-23-·191O John Ross. Ackerman (b: 2-21-1886, son of Sophia Westerwald and Henry Ackerman) Ml24771 Ross John. Ackerman b:4-12--·1911 m:5-24-1934 Velma Bees (b:12- 23-1911, dau of Amelia Otelia Kindt and W-illiam John Bees) Ml247711 Marlin Ross Ackerman b:11-8-1935 Ml247712 David Paul Ackerman b:3-8-1937 m:10-5-1958 Sandra Jane Bice) Ch:Michelle Christine b:10-2-1959 Ml247713 Larry Dean Ackerman b:11-14-1940 Ml247714 Sherryl Ann Ackerman b:9-17-1948 Ml24772 Donald Fleming Ackerman b:10-29-1912 m:5-16-1935 Marguerite Riepe (b:1~29-1912, dau of Barbara Ann Lembke and Ed Riepe) Ml247721 Rowene Joan Ackerman b:7-18-1937 m:5-20-1955 Walter Erickson. Ch:Clinton b:Mar 1958 Ml247722 Connie Lou Ackerman b:5-24-1940 M1248 Porter Chauncey Dayton b:5-19-1855 d:11-12-1921 m:3-24-1881 Martha Erepta Scott (b:6-18-1860 d:6-11-1931, dau of Louisa Welch and Dor- sey George Scott) · ~12481 Lydia Adelaide Dayton (twin) b:5-25-1882 d:11-13-1961 m:9-14-1904 George. Lorenzo ··Fauble (b:6-5-1879- d:4-22-1956, son of Barbara . Pope and Philip Fauble-) . Ml24811 John Porter Fauble· b:11-27-1905 m:-9-5-1936 Dorothy Roche (b: · 10-26-1906, dau·af'Victoria Rosalie Zelenka and Walter Irv­ ing Roche) · no -ch ,"Ml24812 Norman Philip Fauble- b:12-7-.1909 m:6~2:3-1940 Margaret Mason (b:6-12-1911, dau of Margaret Walker and John Thomas Mason) Ch:Peter Philip b:10-20-1941, Stephen Jon b:11-3-1944 -, fv\ \'1_\-\ ~ 2.L 3 · Ndf\(,c ~~ srn\\~~fl~

~- ~~ Uttrcv\ M~u\e:z 1~o\"\ of \-\'aAS ~vr"° Vo-f\ So~ - ~~er ck~¼ oG- md\nci ~ V\us\l~"c\.,

~ d. Vent~ Foe\\ -z.. 'f<\'df1'1\-e.7.. 1 FteJ_ O\V\~ -~\~ t'\~Me. ba c.. '< t"o Sc \dav t\\14g1.2'3l c\\. =\oM tfet.\-er\d< ~o\1au 'o. \'2-~-\°I bli M \'t4 g1·2$l - Oav, d Bruce So \c\au (-t.v,I\) b. '\-'29-bi fr\\'2J..\f2.'2.33 - &, c.. Chl'\st,'d(l So\~au (-tv..1\/\) \,_ °\-'lC\-- b~


M124813 Barbara Hester Fauble b:6-29-1912 m:9~14-1933 Edwin Turney Hopkins (b:1-1-1903, son of Ella Edna Turney and Ezra Wash­ ington Hopkins) M1248131 Walter Philip HopkiRs b:7-25-1939 m:6-16-1962 Jean Ann Hashbarger (dau of Harlan Ames Hashbarger) Ml248132 Pamela Katherine Hopkins b:10-14-1943 ·. Ml24814 Lewis George Fauble b :3-23-1914 u:12-29-1945 Ruth Marie Caus­ brook (b:11-4-1912, dau of Cathrine Veronica Glynn and Eug­ ene Francis Causbrook) Ch:Patricia Ann b:7-25-1950, Mary Kay b:7-3-1953 M12482 Louisa Frances Dayton (twin) b:5-25-1882 d:5-22-1959 m:6-14-1905 John George Washington Pope (b:8-3-1875 d:7-9-1942, son of Kath- erine Fauble and Lorenzo Dow Pope) . . M124821 Georgian Elberta Pope b:8-17-1906 m(lst) 7-27-1926 Charles K Mccampbell (b:4-10-1903, son of Hannah Spies and William Mc Campbell) m(2d) 6-6-1936 Clair Farquhar (b:7-23-1905, son of Elizabeth Vaughn and James Farquhar) Ml248211 Louanne Kathryne McCampbell b:7-6-1927 m(lst) 7-7-1945 Lawrence Markey Jr (b:1-22-1923, son of Lucille Barnard and Lawrence Markey Sr) m(2d) 5-31-1959.Ross Foster (b: 7-16-1924, son of Agnes Louise Woods and John Lewis Vin­ cent Foster) Ch:Lee Ellen b:2-28-1947 Ml248212 William Pope McCampbell b:5-14-1929 m:2-18-1950 Gerald­ ine Mae Lender (b:9-10-1930h dau of Irene Nora Dillon and Charles William Lender) Ch:Susan Marie b:8-12-1951, Wil­ liam Clair b:6-18-1954, Michael John b:2-24-1958, John Matthew b:9-1-1959, Mark Charles b:1-24-1962 M124822 Kathryn Martha Pope b:12-8-1907 m:1-1-1930 Alvin Schildberg (b:4-6-1908, son of Esther .Boettcher and Otto Schildberg) M1248221 Warren Lee Schildberg b:11-1-1930 m:8-i6-1956 Mary Jane Keith (b:7-13-1934, dau of Evelyn Lancaster and Philip Edward Keith) Ch:Kurt Allan b:9-14-1960, Mark Thomas b: 10-2-1962 M1248222 Thomas Alvin Schildberg b:9-28-1936 d:11-28-1937 .-Ml248223 Nancy Kay Schildberg b:2-21-1938 m:6-15-1959 Fred Urban Martinez (b:2-3-1934, son of Maria Alice Hombloc and Hans Kurt; adptd by mother's 2d husband Buena Ventura Feliz Martinez) -Ml248221+ Karen Ann Schildberg b:6-4-1940 ·· Ml24823 Dayton Dow Pope b:5-28-1912 m:10-17-1942 Doris Bonita Moore (b:11-5-1920, dau of Sarah Myrtle Whittaker and Louis Her­ bert Moore) Ch:John Louis b:8-10-1944, Saralou b:4-5-1953 M124824 Joan Lynette·Pope b:12-29-1926 m:6-25-1947 Ernest Jae Clark (b:3-3-1925, son of Elva Baker and Ray Clark) Ch:Paula Louel b:7-8-1949, Douglas Pope b:3-29-1951, John Dayton b:10-18- 1957, Rebecca Joan b:11-19-1958 M12483 Norman Howard Dayton b:1-26-1884 d:12-1-1902 Ml2484 Dess Scott Dayton b:11-20-1887 d:2-3-1951 m:3-24-1914 Howard And­ rew Drummer (b:11-6-1888, son of Minnie Eggers and Gustus Andrew . Drummer; he m:2d Ida Mae :Maloy) M124841 Marjean Drummer b:12-8-1919 m:9-1-1946 Henry Milo Sprinkle (b:11-5-1911, son of Mabel Sabina Cox and William Foote Sprinkle Sr) Ch:Susan Carol b:7-27-1949, Paul Milo b:1-25- 1952 M124842 Carol June Drummer b:6-24-1923 m:1-13-1945 Lenard Julian Butts Jr (b:8-1-1914, son of Clara America Tate and Lenard Julian Butts Sr) Ch:Andrew Benton b:10-30-1952, Michael Lee b:11-28-1954, Jay Anthony b:8-26-1956 38 Ml2485 Dorsey Scott ·nayton t:7-30-189.7 rr-j-11-1931 Helen Katherine Schild- . berg :(b:2-3-1899, dau of ·Esther Bo~ttcher and Otto Schildberg) M124851 Marilyn Esther Dayton b:3-20-1933 m(lst) 7-27-1957 Russell Leiter Weeks (b:7-11-1934 d:7-1-1959, son of Hilda Gillespie and Edward Abbott Weeks Jr) m(2d) 5-28-1960 David Clampett (b:10-15-1933, son of Edith Wells and Edward Habbelin Clamp­ ett) Ch:Ann Louise b:10-18-1961 M1249 Clarissa Estelle Dayton b:8-6-1857 d:10-6-1858 Ml2410 Frank Elmer Dayton b:9-21-1865 d:7-23-1936 m:12-25-1889 Emma Belle - Scott (b:1-13-1868, dau of Louisa Welch and Dorsey George Scott) M124101 Marshall Dayton b:1-3-1893 m:8-16-1919 Jorgine Rasmussen (b:4-3- - 1891, dau of Karen Jensen and Anton Rasmussen)· Ml24l.Qll Marshall Dayton Jr b:9-17-1920 m:5-28-1948 Faye Aleen Brown · (b:9-1-1926, dau of Edith M Moore and Ma_rvin Leonard Brown) Ch~Lynn Marshall b:2-17-1951, John Scott b:10-26-1952, Rob­ ert Mark·b:1-16-1959, Daniel Carl b:11-14-1962 Ml241Ql2 Mary Elizabeth Dayton·. b:8-30-1922 m.:7-5-1947 Roy Laurids Jorgensen (b:12-3-1915, son of Ade1y~t Foley and Hans Jor- . gensen) Ch:Scott Laurids b:9-6-1948 -/ Ml24!Q2 Bertha Edith Dayton b:4-6-1896 m:5-21-1927 Leo George McIntosh (b:12-7-1893·, son of Mary Ellen Horgan and George Edward Mcln- , tosh) . · ·. . ✓ Ml241Q21 Scott Horgan McIntosh b:10-11-19·28 m:5.-\6-1954 Corrine Anna .. · · Weber {b:2"!"'15-1924, dau of Rose Catherine Michels and Theo­ dore August·Weber) ·Ml24.!.Q22 .. Beverly Lee -McIntosh b:10-19-1931 m:7-4-1953 Robert Nelson James (b:2-7-1933 -d-:2-3-1956. son of Willa Belle Pooler and Robert Gooding 3ames) Ch:Robert Lee b:8~~-~954, Debra Ann b: 2-20-1956 .. M124l.Q3 Lewis Scott·Dayton b:2-28-1900 -~1 M124104 Fred Arthur Dayton b:4-30-1903 d:2-14-1934 m:10-29-1924 Mae Del- - len C·mnbs (b: l 0-28-1899, dau of Clarinda Hart and Wesley Combs; she m:2d Frank Rising, 3d Samuel Moore) Ml24!.Q41 Virginia Lee Dayton b:9-10-1925 m:4-17-1943 Calvin Wesley Ogan (b:5-17-1925, son of Olive Viola Ethridge and Wesley Ogan) Ch:Lawrence Philip h9-8-1946, Michael James h7-23-1949 M125 Nancy Eliza Dayton b:9-2-1811 d:9-13-1856 m:11-25-1829 David Smith Lamb (b:2-12-1809 d:7-9-1903, son of Patience Smith and David Thomas Lamb; he m:2d 1866 Mary C Wede, dau of Mary Shoup and Richard Wade) M1251 Sarah Adeline Lamb b:8-26-1830 d:8-8-1873 m:Sept 1849 Dyer Porter deWitt (b:9-22-1830 d:9-25-189~ son of Deborah---- and John DeWitt) M12511 Deelton Dyer DeWitt b:8-11-1850 d:11-20-1906 m:10-12-1871 Amanda Margaret Bowman (b:1-14-1845 d:1-28-19~2, dau of Elizabeth Por­ ter and John Cochran Bowman) M125111 Ashl~y Strang DeWitt b:7-4-1872 d:7-13-1908 m:4-6-1898 Edith P~arl McGilvra (b:10-6-1877 d:1933/4, dau of Cornelius McGilvra) Ch:John Lester b:9-30-1900, Marian Ashley b:8-13- 1908 (m:Robert Hope) M125112 John Wesley DeWitt b:6-6-1874 m:10-19-1893 Alice Eldora Pet­ ty (b:6-3-1874 d:1-24-1944, dau of Sarah Jane Hoit and Wil­ liam Henry Petty). M1251121 Wade L DeWitt (adptd) b:1-16-1909 m:6-29-1932 Ethel Lownes (b:4-20-1910, dau of Caroline Josephine Branden­ burg and Ernest Blaine Lowes) Ch:Donald Lee b:10-8-1938 M125113 Walter Dyer DeWitt b:7-11-1881 d:11-16-1885 · M125114Mary Adeline DeWitt b:l-29-1885 d:6-1-1926 m:1-4-1923 H Ray­ mond Terhune.· Ch:Richard Raymond b:2-4-1924, Herbert Martin b:4-8-1926 39

M125115 Frances Margaret DeWitt b:5-20-1888 m:2-12-1910 Herbert L Frazier M1251151 Thelma Alice Frazier b:9-27-1911 d:1-22-1939 m:Edgar Thomas Jones (son of Nellie Lockett and Oscar Jones) Ch:Iona Alice· b:2-24-1938 Ml251152 Laura Margaret Frnzier b:3-18-1914 m:Clark Clifford Cole (son of Vena Clark and Bertrum Vorse Cole) Ch:Norma Jean b:11-6-1933, Dixie Lee b:10-27-1942 M125116 Charles Frederick DeWitt b:8-17-1895 m:12-24-1920Martha Em­ ma Heiden (b:4-20-1895 d:6-16-1938) Ch:Charles Frederick 3r b:3-10-1924 Ml2512 Hattie Estell DeWitt.b:9-19-1857 d:1-9-1935 m:3-24-1875 Frederick A Smith (b:1-11-1850 d:2-13-1935, son of Sarah Caroline Hohman and Charles J Smith) Ml25121 Sadie May Smith b:4-24-1880 m:2-6-1901 James A Wulf (b:10-5- 1878, son of Annie Voege and James Frederick Wulf) Ml252 Mary 3ane Lamb b:7-23-1831 d:3-1-1917 m:12-29-1852 Antle Stone (b:5-1- 1826 d:5-1-1902, son of Jesse Stone) Ml2521 Ida.Mary Stone b:1-17-1859 m:12-29-1880 Daniel McDonald (b:3-13- 1852 d:6-27-1936, son of Sophia Brown and John McDonald) no ch M12522 Walter Leon Stone b:9-22-1863 m:11-27-1884 Alice Olmsted (b:11-8- 1864 d:5-18-1948, dau of ~usan W Goodrich and W~llace Juba Olm­ stead) rM12S221 Wallace Antle Stone*1:c5-~0-1887 m(lst) 6-2-1909 Addie Cybelia Freelove (b:7-26-1888 d:1-27-1948, dau of Lottie McMurtrie and Harley Hood Freelove) m(2d) Evelyn Eva Rossellen (b:8- 11-1892, dau of Elizabeth Shult and Joseph Edward Rosselen) Ch of 1st m Ml252211 Edith May Stone b:S-3•1910 m:Leo Victor Simonis (b:11- 24-1907, son of Annie Theckla Simonis and Victor Adam Simonis) Ch:Josephine Anne b:5-14-1932, Barbara Mae b:8- 10-1933, Kenneth Lee b:11-4-1934, Frances Arlene b:8-11- 1950 Ml252212 Walter Harley Stone b:4-8-1912 m:11-23-1935 Norma Helen Fink (b:1-2-1915, dau of Anna Catherine Dorn and William Fred Fink) Ml252213 Charlotte Stone b:3-18-1914 M1252214 Lucille 3essie Stone b:9-25-1915 m:8-20-1934 Warren Charles Stocks (b:9-7-1910, son of Alice Helgeson and Charles Stocks) Ch:Richard Warren b:6-10-1935, Linda Sue b:3-9-1940 'M1252215 Marie Elizabeth Stone b:7-18-1922 m(lst) 6-18-1941 Clar­ ence Bert Rentmeester (b:5-18-1921, son of Gladys Tibau and E Bert Rentmeester) m(2d) 8-28-1948 Amos Byrdine Bakken (b:7-12-1923, son of Bertha Ellstead and Arthur Bakken) Ch:(lst m) Dean Paul b:1-11-1943, (2d m) Pamela Jean b:8-23-1949 £h of 2d m VM1252215 Alyce Elizabeth Stone b:12-31-1934 M125222 Edith Mary Stone b:7-23-1888 .·m:4-2-1910 George Amos Howard (b:4-16-1885, son of Mary Ann Calkins and Jesse Wood Howard) Ml252221 Virginia Edith Howard b:2-4-1911 m:6-13-1931 Wilfred Ogden Roe (b:2-5-1906, son of Hester Amanda Godfrey and Ogden Bemmer Roe) M12522211 Wilfred Ogden Roe Jr b:4-17-1932 m:7-31-1954 Marie Irene Graul (b:2-21-1933, dau of Evelyn Walker and 40

Henry Graul) Ch:Debra Lynn b:7-2-1955, Denise Marie b:7-7-1956, bavid Wilfred· b:8-21-1957, Diane Irene b:12-13-1959, DeWayne Henry b:8-19-1962 __,Ml2522212 Judith Virginia Roe b:5-4-19_33 m:7-2-1955 Richard Ralph Triebold (b:6-13-1932, son of Mildred Stecker and Fredrick Triebold) Ch:Raymond Richard b:7-21- 1957, Joanne Judith b:4-5-lS-oO,_ Jeannine Marie b:12- 9-1961 . M12522213 Dean Howard Roe b:8-21-1934 m:11-27-1954 Colleen Adair Ingli (b:2-8-1936, dau·of Evelyn ~orchart and . Irv~ng Ingli) Ch:Patricia b:12~1-1955 1 Ml2522214 Donald George Roe b:4-25-1943 m:7-7-1962 Karen Ma­ rie Pitterle (_b:2-1-1942, dau ~f Ruth Hesselman and Robert Joseph Pitterle) M1252222 Marian Alice Howard h:1-3-1913 m:11-30-1939 Howard Hen­ ry·cramer "(b:9-30-1912, sori of Lydia Agatha. Kuhry and Oscar John Cramer) Ch:S~zan~e Mary b~ll~l-1940, James Howard b:8-31-1942, Sally Ly~n b:10-2-1943, Carol Joy b: 4-l...;1945, Constance Jane b:~6-1947, Robert Henry b:10- 30-1948, ·Thomas Ralph b:9-20-1952, Cathy Jill b:10-2- 1954 d:11-28-1954, Charles John b:1-11-1956 Ml252223 Richard Austin Howard b:8-18-1915 m:8~30-1946 Edna Ruth Crego (b:7-30-1908, dau of Edith Caroline Burgeson and Albert Beverly Crego) ·ch:Caroline Edith (adptd) b:4-16- 1939 . M1252224 Robert Jesse Howard b:3-25-1918 d:6-8-1945 Ml252225 Walter Henry Howard b:5-31-192.2 m:12-20-1946 Dorothy Mae Bowe (b:3-6-1925, dau of Margaret Mary Griffith and Irving Obert Rowe) Ch:Tim~thy Robert·b:7-12-1948, Holly Jean b:6-1-1951, Nancy Ann b:7-8-1954, Todd Richard b:7- 18-1961 Ml252226 Betty Jane Howard b:8-31-1925 m:_10-6-1948 James Edward Ashworth Jr (b:8-7-1919, son of Lila Frances Boyles and James Edward Ashworth Sr) M1252227 Ruth May Howard b:5-1-1927 _m:6-26-1960 Robert Edward Eckert (b:6-20-1933) Ch:Mark Howard b:6-17-1961 M125223 Grace Stone b:12-15-1889 m:l0-21-1924 Fred Freelove (b:7-26- 1881, son of Alice Fritzsing·er and Harley Rood Freelove) M1252231 Benjamin Caryl Freelove b:8-29-1915 d:1-10-1920 M1252232 Alice Mary Freelove b:3-17-1919 m:10-31-1944 Lester Erwin Werning (b:10-5-1921, son of Elsie M Hoppe and George H Werning) Ch:Mary Grace b:10-2-1945 M1252233 James Stone Freelove b:11-15-1920 m:6-3-1944 Ruth S Nehring (b:5-16-1918, dau of Helen Restankowski and Erich Nehring) Ch:Robert Allen b:3-25-1945, Thomas Arn­ old b:4-19-1946 Ml25224 Irma Stone b:6-8-1891 m:9-2-1911 Elmer__ Louis Winfield (b:3- . 9-1884, son ·o_f Hattie Westfall and Simon Winfield) M1252241 Dorothy Rachel Winfield b:3-15-1912 m:3-1-1932 Arthur - . Harry Williams (b:6-8-1910, son of Frances Mary Perkins and Harry Arthur W"illiams) ·Ml2522411 Nancy Ann Williams b:7-14-1933 m:8-14-1954 Richard Hugh Edwards (son of Ella Dorothy Schaefer and Hugh Haro~d Edwar~s) Ch:Terry Richard b:7-2-1955, Susan Kay b:7-3-1957, Sandra Lynn b:10-23-1959 Ml2522412 Mary Lou Williams b:2-24-1937 m:6-16-1956 Russell 41

Miles Edwards (son of Ella norothy Schaefer and Har­ ry Harold Edwards) Ch:Debra·Jean b:10-7-1959, Tamra Lee b:7-27-1960, Penny Lynn b:8-20-1961 Ml2522413 James Arthur Williams b:4-4-1938 m:S-27-1960 Vir­ ginia Mae Meiritz. (dau of Seraphina Latzke and Rich­ ard Frank _Meintz) · ·· Ml2522414 Larry Winfield Williams b:8-13-1941 m:Elizabeth Ann Mundeschau (dau of_ Myrtle Lillian Meyers and Herbert Anthony Mundeschau) Ch:Larry Winfield II b:

7-20-1961 . . /M12522415_ Sandra J'ean Williams b:11-1-1942 m:5-5-1962 Law- rence Lee Bischel (son of Shirlene Mae Spring and Robert Andrew Bischel) Ml2522416 Bert Ha~ry Williams b:11-27-1944 Ml2522417 Judith Ann Williams b:7-20-1946 Ml2522418 David Roger Williams b:5-18-1950 Ml2522419 Timothy Robert Williams b:11-11-1955 Ml252242 Marjorie Louise Winfield b:3-18-1914 m:7-1-1960 Jerome William Nelson~on of Margaret---- and Theodore Nelson) Ml252243 Lawrence David Winfield b:7-8-1917 m:5-26-1939 Elva Mae Forney (b:3-21-1921, dau of Elizabeth Mae---- and Leon Ernest Forney) /Ml2522431 Sharon Louise Winfield b:8-5-1940 m:10-23-1958 Lester Harold Bordwell (son of Irene----- and Glenn Bordwell) Ch:Sherry Lynn b:1-6-1959, Laurie Ann b:1- 19-1961_, Sus~n Mae b:7-11-1962 Ml2522432 Linda Beth Winfield b:2-5-1944 M12522433 Larry Leon Winfield b:3-25-1945 Ml2522434 David Kent Winfield b:6-21-1946 M125225. Susat:t Stone b·:9-13-1892 m:3-11-1916 Harold Hume Williams (b: 10-9-1892, son of Lora Belle Moore and John Robert Williams) · no ch · · Ml253 Nancy Eliza Lamb b:7~2?-18~2 d:11-26-1915 m:Frank Aird (b:1828 d:3-6- 1876) _ Ml2531 Lewis.Wesley Aird b:8-17-:-1850 d:8-1-1932 m:9-19-1875 Mary Jane Bryant' (b:9-24-lS-50 cf:6"-13-1929) M125311 Mable Aird b:6-5-i877 m:10-18-1896 Arch Samuel Landreth (b: 9-10-1875, son of s·arah Ann Dorar{··and John Wesley Landreth) Ml253111 Lewis Wesley Landreth b:10~14-1897 m:4-21-1920 Daisy Pfister (b:8-27-1900, dau of Emma K Weber and Henry Pfister) Ch:Darlene b:1-13-1923 d:9-7-1939, Gerald Rob­ ert b:7-13-1927 Ml253112 Gladys Landreth b:4-6-1899 m:8-19-1927 Corwin Everett Young (b:6-25-1897, son of Ella Marion and Edward G Young) Ch:Russel Dean b:6-3-1933, Juliette Marie b:10-5- 1940 Ml253113 Harry Landreth b:11-19-1900. d:11-28-1909 M1253114 Jennie Lois Landreth b:9-19-1906 m(lst) 8-9-1922 Carl Neese (son of Theodore· Neese) m(2d) 7-23-1934 Joseph Wolf (son of Emma Rublowski and John P Wolf) Ch:Marvin Theodore b:8-_29-1925, l'.-1axine Laree b:5-6-1928, Nila Jo b:7-5-1936 M1253l15 Wilbur Emmet Landreth b:1-29-1909 Ml25312 Ethel May Aird b:10~26-1879 d:9-21-1928 m:2-26-1899 Robert Henry Dawson (b:8-1-1877 d:4-16-1940, son of Sarah Speakman and Leonard Dawson) 42

M1253121 Eva Lois Da~son b:3-2-1900 m:11-22-1919 Arthur Lloyd Henrtckaon:.1 (b: 1-29-1898, son of Rose Black and Henry Knute Henrickson) M1253t211 G.erald Arthur · Henrickson b:3-21-1921 m:Marian ·Trautmfln . Ml2531212 Miriam Faye He.nrickson b:2-12-1923 m:7-14-1947 Lee _ . . Middleton _ M12531213 Bonnie Jean Henrickson b:9-24-1926 m:12-29-1947 Kenneth Trautman Ml2531214 Robert Henry Henrickson b:8-17-1928 · M12531215 Winona Joan Henrickson b:8-17-1931 m:10-14-1950 Clifford 3 Dennis M1253122 Mildred May Dawsnn b:4-27-1902 il.:3-13-1913 Ml253123 Floyd Robert Dawson b:2-1.8-19_05 m:7-6-1929 Elvera Hal- . leen (dau of Ella Tanseman and Albert Halleen) Ch:Danny . . ' . Floyd b:7-19-1936 _ Ml253124 Kenneth Lyle Dawson b:4-6-1907 m:9~30-1929 Alda Lackas (b:9-25-1905, dau of Belle Manser and Peter Lackas) Ch: William V b:6-29-1930 .. Ml253125 Vera Gertrude Daw$on ·b:6-13-1912 m:6-26-1935 Charles Macklin Ml25313 Bessie L Aird b:3-27-1882 d:8-29-1883 Ml253i4 Maude Emma Aird b:6-27-1885 m:12-21-1904 John Seyl (b:6-24- . 1881, son of Grace Pflant and Lewis Seyl) M1253141 Harold Theodore Seyl b:9-27-1905 m:12-14-1934 Gertrude August (b:1-6-1912) Ch:Shirley. Mae b:8-28-1935, Robert _ Dean b:l-12-1937, Nancy Lea b:2-10-1943 Ml253142 Raymond Lewis Seyl b:5-13-1907- m:9-8-1929 Mildred Orr dau of Pearl-----~ and Roy ·orr) Ch:Prances Pearl, Vir­ ginla Alice, Viola, Ray Epen, Gladys M·ae., Edna, Wanda Lee Ml253143 Elva Mae Seyl b:4-12-1909 m:2-26-1930 William M Eby (son of Ali~e ---- and Marvin Eby).Ch:3eanette..A b:3-24- 1931, b:12-23-1935 · Ml253144 Blanche Helen. Seyl b:12-l-19li m:12-6-~93~.Alvin Newton Ch:James Alvin. b:12-12-1931_, Wayne Dewey b:4-5-1945, Gary Dean b:10--24-1947 . Ml253145 Vernon Ler9y Sey~ b:8-29-1914 Ml253146 Alice Paye Seyl b:6-14-1919 m:8-7~1941 Orville Ernest Malcom. Ch:Larry Ernest b:10-6-1942 Ml25315 Eula N~na Aird b:12-1-1887 m:2-27-1907 Andrew Griggs (b:12- 20-1884, son of Caroline Schneider and Ira Griggs) Ml253151 Howard Lewis Griggs b:12-4-19CJ m(lst) 7-27-1929 Mar­ garet E Dick (b:10-9-1907 d:11-5-1941) m(2d) 8-0-1942 .. Edna Mathews (b:11-1-1910) Ch:Eugene Howard b:5-9-1930, . Marilyn Margaret· b:6-17-1938, Karen Elaine b:2-23-1948 Ml253152 Clyde Ira Griggs b:11-3-1911 m:12-27-1934 Selma Brunk- . hardt (b:9-23-1913) Ch.:Russell Dean b:3-7-1936, William Gene b:2-15-1944 M1253153.Lester Edward Griggs b:2-9-1914 nd0-26-1936 Estella Mae Hartford (b:3-18-1919) Ch:Patricia Dawn b:12-21-1937, Lloyd R b:8-13-1939, Oliye Mae b:7-23-1941 Ml253154 Glenn Prank Griggs b:7-29-1916 mo-15-1940 Helen Christ­ ine Cracroft (b:1-16-1919) Ch:Victor R· b:8-16-1941 M1253155 Melvin Arthur. Griggs b:6-21-1919 m:7-3-1946 Nellie Ram- . sey (b:5-13-1929) M12S3156 Helen Theone Griggs b:6-4-1924 m:2-19-1943 Elwood Dnvis (b:4-21-1924) Ch:Larry Dean b:11-25-1947 43

Ml25316 Grace Harriet Aird b:8-12-1890 m:2-23-1911 Frank Peter Wat­ kins (b:1-8-1879, son of Mary Phillips and Peter Frank Wat­ kins) M1253161 Wilma Edno Watkins b:12-3-1911 m:6-17-1933 Glenn W Brooks (b:8-17-1909, son of Minta Mae Hussey and John William Brooks) Ch:Glenda Lyne b:11-28-1940, Cheryl Lee b:5-21-1943, Robyn Lyne b:l-23-1950 Ml253162 Russell Donald Watkins b:3-12-1916 m:1-25-1942 Kather­ ine Mabel Wood (b:10-23-1918, dan of Emily Marie Calmus and Robert Earl Wood) Ml253163 Rarold Lyle Watkins b:9-7-1924 m:5-30-1948 Violet Walsh (b:3-21-1918, dau of Anna Marie Cyr and William Walsh) Ch:Gary Hal b:5-16-1950 M125317 Blanche Aird b:5-30-1894 m:3-24-1915 Herbert H Jung (b:2-21- 1893, son of Mary Schnase and Conrad Jung) M1253171 Claude Arthur Jung b:1-25-1916 m:9-21-1938 Dorothy Isaacson Ml253172 Roma Lucill_e Jung b:7-13-1918 d:3-39-1933 M1253173 Melvin Herbert Jung b:7-6-1920 d:2-20-1937 M1253174 Melvina Marie Jung b:4-18-1922 m:7-3-1942 Jarvis Mill­ kin M1253175 Lorraine Mae Jung (twin) b:8-4-1930 m:5-8-1948 Donald Smith Ml253176 Leonard Eugene Jung (twin) b:8-4-1930 m:8-31-1950Mary Ellen Owens M12532 Allen Aird b:Dec 1855 d:2-15-1856 Ml2533 Mary Eliza Aird b:9-17-1857 d:2-26-1936 m:7-4-1880 James Monroe Goodyear (b:1-21-1853 d:9-22-1942, son of Cornelia Elizabeth French and Henry Martin Goodyear) Ml25331 Eva Blanche Goodyear b:6-15-1881 m:10-5-1910 Lee Ezra Edson (b:11-14-1885 d:1-21-1928, son of Angie F Brown and Truman Allan Edson) Ch:Gail Angie b:5-17-1918 Ml25332 Charles Henry Goodyear b:1-20-1884 d:1-12-1929 m:2-28-1912 Caroline Radley (b:3-12-1888) Ml253~1 Ruth Gratia Goodyear b:1-22-1913 m:9-22-1934 Ben Jensen Ch:David Ole b:8-8-1935, James Goodyear b:6-3-1940 Ml253~2 Paul Radley Goodyear b:6-30-1914 m:6-23-1940 Christine M Larsen. Ch:Marilla Olava b:8-25-1946 M1253323 John Monroe Goodyear b:9-30-1915 m:3-1-1944 Victoria Acquistapace Ml253324 Mary Esther Goodyear b:10-21-1916 d:8-23-1925 M1253325 Allismay Goodyear b:1-22-1920 m:10-23-1941 Richard Leon Obe. Ch:Charles Leon b:7-12-1947 Ml2533?.6 Gretchen Esther Goodyear b:11-19-1928 m:2-26-1949 Al­ fred A Raska M125333 Miles Wilbur Goodyear b:7-2-1886 d:lJ-21-1893 M125334 Floyd Malcom Goodyear b:9-5-1891 d:3-10-1942 m:11-4-1914 Ada Davis (b:4-4-1891, dau of Mary Lois Morris and Lee Davis) M1253341 Lois Mary Goodyear b:6-9-1915 m:9-23-1944 JC Garrett M1253342 Jay Wilburt Goodyear b:10-4-1918 m'J-17-1941 Leona Belle Steelman. Ch:Dennis Jay b:1-25-1943, Ronald Elliott b: 5-15-1947 Ml253343 Earl Miles Goodyear b:11-8-1919 m:9-6-1942 DeLores Han­ sen. Ch:Julie Karen b:9-17-1946 d:9-29-1946, Claudia Kay b:6-21-1948 Ml253344 Dorothy Ellen Goodyear b:2-21-1922 d:3-25-1923 44

Ml253345. Kathryn Elizabeth Goodyear b:2-·23-19.27 m:9-5-1949 Wil­ liam Spofford Jr Ml253346 Robert Lee G~odyear b:5-11-1928 .Ml2534 Emma Aitd d:1881 Ml2535 Charles A Aird b:8-16-1865 d:11-15-1945 Ml2536 Sadie Aird·b:2-7-1867 d:2-12-1899 m:Lewis Stainbrook (b:8-7-1859 d:6-10-1941 M125361 Charlotte Stainbrook b:10~28-1887 m(lat) Earl Cotter m(2d) HO Wilson. Ch:Brownie b:10-28-1907 Ml25362 Forest Stainbrook b:9-10-1889 M1254 Mariah R Lamb b:8-23-1834 d:1837 M1255 Lura Lamb b:2-2-1836 (twin) d:in infancy Ml256 Laura~ Lamb b:2-2-1836 (twin).d:4-7-1924 m(~~t) 6~29-1854 Peter Ele­ ry Abell (d:12-27-1860) m(2d) 7-7-1864 Walter Sherman· Durham Sr (b: 11-29-1811 d:12-7-1881) m(3d) 2-6-1888 J~hnAarriott (b:11-15-1829 d:8-20-1917) M12561 Edgar Ellis Abell b:10-13-1855 d:1-19-1923. M12562 Lorenzo A Abell. b:12-22-1858 m:10-20-1880 A~gusta Wood (b:8-25- 1858 d:11-13-1929, dau of Amanda.Martin and Ellis Brooks Wood) M125621 Ellis Clifford Abell b:ll.;.;2-1881 d:12~3-1945 m:9-11-1912 Friederika Barth (b:2-17-1890, dau of Friederika Schmidt and John Jacob Barth) · · · · Ml256211 Lorena ~lain~ Abell. b:12-14~191~ m:1-1-1942 Roy David · · · Hartman (b:9-10~1915·, son .of· ·Amanda Blum and Peter B Hartman) Ch:Dav:id LeRoy· _b:3-20-1~44, Cynthia .Elaine b:1- 12-1948, ce·celia Renee b:8-29~l950 - · . Ml256212··Gord·on Ellis Abell b:ll-8~1915 m:11-26-1942 ·carrie ---­ Ch:Sandra 3ean b:3-7-1946 Ml256213 Alden.Dale Abell .b:?-3--1917 m:3-22.-1945 Joyce Louise . Hauck (b:4~4-1925, dau of Alice , o·eorgia Smith and Otto -· Jacob Hauck) cli·:Lawrence b:12-_30-.1945 d:9-3-1946, Connie · Jo b:4-2-1947, ·Kath°ieen Gail b:3~17-1950 M1256214 Darwin Jerome Abell" b·:·4-29~1920 .m:5-22-1943 Wilma Lau­ rene Hauck (b:4~26-1923, dau of Alice Georgia Smith and Otto Jacob Hauck) Ch:Dianne Lynri b:10-27-19~, Daniel Ray b:12~21-1946 . · Ml256215 Garrtett Cleone Abell b:3-13-1923 m:9-25-1941 Roy Rich­ ard Brown (b:8-6-1903, son of Bertha Louise Ruark and Max Paul Brown Ch:Richar9- Lowell b:5-15-1942, Julie Ann b: 5-20-1946 Ml256216 Emerson James Abell b:8-18-1927 M1256217 Arlin Wayne Abell b:8-31-1929 .·M125622 Scott Elery Abell b:8-3-:-1884 m:7-18-1917 Nell Catheryn Hawks · (b:3-5-1892, dau of Be Durham and David Hawks) M1256721 George William Abell . b:6-10-1923 m:12-17-1950 Cecile Baughman (b:8-29-1920, dau of Lillian Adams and Paris · Baughman) M125623 Nellie Abeli b:12~17-1885 m:3-7-1917 James Swift (b:3-19- 1892, son of Elizabeth Green aud.Moses Swift) Ml256231 Mary Elizabeth Swift b:1-3-1918 m:7-22-1943 Joseph D Lyon (son of Goldie----- and Ira Lyon) Ch:Lynn Irene b: 11-10-1945 Ml256232 Robert J'ames Swift _b:8-26.:.1920. m:11-25-1945 Dee Laird (b:7-28-1919, dau of Olive Dady and Clyde A Laird) M125624 Edna Abell b:5-22-1887 m:1-4-1910 Gilbe~t William Fetzer (b: 9-25-1884, son of Mary Miller and William Fetzer) 45

M1256241 Ivan Fetzer b:1-10-1912 m:9-4-1938 Lois Wilson (b:8-30- 1919, dau of Jennie Luella _Lindmark and Franklin LeRoy Wilson) Ch:Patricia·:Lou b:4-5-1941 Ml256242 Alton Fetzer b:11~17-1913 m:4-9-1939 Gertrude Irene May (b:11-27-1918, dau of Ida Lutz and Otto C May) Ch:Bar­ bara Jean b:10-13-1942 Ml256243 Mildred Fetzer b:2-2-1920 m:2-2-1939 William Logan Pol­ lard (b:5-18-1918, son of Mabel--~-- and Charles L Pol• lard) ·ch:Joy Lee b:3-23-1940, James Leo b:8-28-1942, Terry b:9-9-1945, Dee Ann b:12-17-1949 Ml2563 Walter Sherman Durham Jr b:3-30-1865 d:8-11-1939 m:4-21-1892 Fan­ nie Rebecca Kiefner (b:1-13-1867 d:8-9-1941, dau of Catherine Lakeland John Kiefner) Ml25631 Fae Edna Durham b:1-15-1893 d:4-1-1943 m:6-6-1918 Charles Alonzo Truitt (b:2-15-1891, son of Easter Truitt and Laban Wood Truitt; he m:2d M125635) Ml256311 Helen Ruth Truitt b:10-12-1920 m:4-14-1944 Arne Andrews Nelson (snn of Signe Freda Nelson and Adalph Nicolous Nelson) Ch:Arne Nicolous b:4-15~1946, Leslie Truitt b:6- 6-1950 . Ml256312 Lagan Walter Truitt b:9-14-1924 Ml2563l3 Albert Ray Truitt b:10-12-1925· m:9-11-1945 Beverly Cor­ ine Nelson (b:6-12-1926, dau of Clarabelle East and Ern­ est Batey Nelson) Ch:Gacy Char: as _b:9-6-1947 Ml25632 Roy Kiefner Durham b:2-17-1894 m:B-11~1921 Viola Stockwell (b:6-30~189~ dau of Rosa Alice Sealock and Albert Lee Stock­ well). Ch:J Delmont b:9-8-1922, Diane b:l-~~-192~ . . .. M125633 Ruth Marion Durham b:4-21-1895 · M125634- Anna Marie Durham b:ll-·6-1-896 Ml25€35 Vida Esta Durham· b:8-25-1898 m:11:-27..:.i944 Charles Alonzo Truitt (he m: 1st Ml256.3lr .. . M125636 Walter Sherman· Durham III b:l-20~1900 d:1-23-1901 Ml25637 Paul Austin Durham b:6-17-1904 m(ist) 5-26-1927 Gladys Drake (b:6-26-1908 d·:11-24-1929, dau of Charles Drake) m(2d) 11-9- 1940 Dorothy Oleta Ternens (b:3-24-1909, dau of Nancy Gab­ rilla Frazee and George H Ternens) M1256371 Charles Walter Durham b:6-26-1929 m:5-1-1949 Marilyn Miner (dau of Phillip Miner) Ch:Charles Phillip b:12-3- 1949 Ml25638 Grace Opal Durham b:4-25-1906 d:12-30-1910 Ml25639 Frances Mae Durham b:5-4-1909 m:3-15-1943 James Lee (b:10- 17-1902, son of Grace Wallace and James Lee) Ml2564 Nellie Gertrude Durham b:3-6-1864 d:9-4-1950 m(lst) 9-14-1887 Lewis Huffman (b:3-15-1863, son of Mary Sutton and August Huff­ man) m(2d) Edgar Sears Bentley (b:9-9-1837 d:2-22-1914) M125641 Ethel M~y Huffman b:10-12-1888 rre2-24-1914 Swan Wilfred Lind­ quist (b:9-10-1885, son of Inga Christine Svensbotter and Andrew Johan Lindquist) Ch:Charles Wilfred b:4-5-1924 M12565 John Wesley Durham b:1-25-1871 d:10-15-1945 m:6-7-1896 Jennie Mae Cox (b:6-5-1890, dau of Sarah Alice Turner and Wm Arthur Cox) Ml25651 Floyd Elery Durham b:4-23-1897 d:11-24-1906 M125652 Harold Ransom Durham b:1-22-1899 m:5-8~1920 Etta Pearl Grebe (b:8-26-1890, dau of Elizabeth Delp ~nd William Grebe) Ch: Fern Ailene b:6-15-1923 . M125653 Ailene Valida Durham b:7-26~1909 m:1927 Wayne Joseph Snader (b:5-11-1905, ,son ~f Maude Augusta Smock.and Joseph Snader) 46

-M-1256531 Shirley. Mae ·Snader _ b:12_-~2-1927 ~:1947 .John Harding Gannon -(b:11-14-1921, .son of J'ennie Harding and Martin -John Gannon) ·Ch:Gregory ~1art;.in b:10-23-1947 -M1257 -Elizabeth Ann Lamb b:7-19-1838. ·d:3-10-1918 m:9-20-1866 John Kissner Mannon (b:4-25-1835 d~l2-14-1918,· son of Rebecca Kissner and Jacob Mannon) M12571 Frank .. Mannon b:2-7-1870 d:10-20-1870- . Ml2572-Etta May Mannon b:8-10-1873 m:3-2-1898.Reuben Easterday Krebs (b: 6--15-1873, son of Tracy Easterday and George Krebs) M125721 Rema-· Victoria. Krebs .b: 12-25-1_898 ... m: 7-26-1921 Arthur Charles Bartsch (b: 5-16_-1888, son of Lena ~--- and Charles Bartsch) M1257211 Arlo. Franklin Bartsch . b:S-26-1922 : m:6;..4-1944 Margaret Cromer (b:10-26~1922) Ch:Sandra touise b:3-16-1946, Gre­ gory Lyle b:8-9-1948, Larry Gromer b:.~-11-1950 M125722 Bernie~ May Krebs b:5-_4-1900 m:B-20-1921 Raymond Guinnip (b: 7-18-1890, son. of .Ellen Howe _and Joseph Guinnip) Ch:John · Elliott ·b:6--14-1922 .Ml25723 Oliver _Ma~_non Drebs . b:3~20-1902 m:6-23~1926 Gertrude Anna Gocker _(b:6-10-1905, _dau of Minnie Mundt and George Gocker) M1257231 Shirley May Krebs b:11-14-1_927 ~-17-1946 George Moehle (b:11-17-19-24, _son ~f Anna Benda and----- Moehle) Ch: · Patsy Ann b:12-.22-1946, Sherry Lyn~ .b:3-16-1950 Ml257232 Olivette Krebs b:2-28-1931 ~:9-10~1949 Edwin Donald Le­ ·van (b:19-28-~924t son.of Mable Becker and Arthur Levan) . Ch:Steve Donald b:5-22-1950 Ml2573 Ada Laura Mannon b:9-10-1879 d_:12-14-1935: m(lst) 11-26-1895 War­ ·. ren Corwin_ (b:3-15~1896 d:7-15-1914, son of Mary ----- and James Prescott Corwin) m(2d) 4-27-~914 AntoneHaef~er (b:7-9-1876, son of Elizabeth Hoffman and Fred Haefner)

· M125731 Leslie. Mannon.·Corwin*b:5-15-1897. . . m:7-26~1925. Clara Vera Hen- ry (b:12-9-190.0, dau of Leona Gehent and August Henry) Ml257311. James Milton Corwin· ·b:2-1-1927 m:8-7-1949 Alden Elaine Whitaker (b:11~20-1929,_ dau of Dorothy Bernice Newton and Robert- Hughes_ Whitake_r) Ml2574 John .Erwin Mann~n b:8-27~1881_ · d:7-2-1933 m:6-21-1903 Elizabeth Adeline Bauer (dau of Kathryn Brujuer and Henry Joseph Bauer) Ml25741 Erwin Kenneth Mannon b:11-24-1904 m:1~7-1928 Golda Loretta Kmitlow (b:8-16-1906, dau .of Christina Olson and William Kreitlow) Ml258 Keturah Caroline Lamb b:9-11~184.0 d:2-24-1937 m:1-15-1865 Jonathan Jefferson _Melugin (b:10-6-1825 a·:8-7-1901, son of Maggie Ann Madden and John Ezra Melugin) · M-12581 Eliza Jane. Melugin ·b:10-20-l867 d:6-27-1962 m:10-12-1890 William H S~ith, (b:10-6.-1868_ d~7-2}-1928, · son of ·Mary Wagner and Jacob Smith). _ _· . Ml-25811 Floyd_ ~lbert Smith b:1-8-1893 d:4-17~1958 Ml25812 E}ton Hen~y Smith b:10-8-1895 m(lst) Myrtle Jean Olson (b: _12-12~189~ dau_of-Jennie Jean Peterson and Peter John Olson) : · m(id) Nol~ Williams (b:5-5-1925) . . M1258121 Jean Annette Smith b:12-20-1926 m(lst) Thomas Tyrand . . . _m(2d) Robert Conrad •. Ch(2dm) Caroline Ch.of 2d .m ...... Ml258122 Lila Jane. Smith. b-:4-15-1951 M1258123 Terry Elton Smith b:5-12~1952 Mi258~24 Loran Lu Smith. b_:8-5-1953. Ml258125 Ton.i Beth Smith b __:8-t9-1955 M-l2!!!"1!5!P!7!!'"'!!3!"'!!'1~L-elall'!s l~i~e-M-a-nn_o_n_Corwin d : 1-27-1963 47

Ml25813 Harley Ivan Smith b.:12-25-18-91 d:7-18~1892 M125814 Kenneth William Smith b:9-17-1897, M125815 Chester ?-1erton Srrtith b:l-21-1911 m:-5-24-1947 Mary K Kassin (b:1-12-1913, dau cf Mary. Jonah and Florian Martin Kassin) M12582 Merton Melugin b~4-S-1871 m(lst) Grace Desire Taylor (b:5-8-1876, dau~ of Josephine Desire Bowman -and Samuel R Taylor) m(2d) 3-14- 19.13 Marie Smith (h2-20-1879, dau- of Mary Wagner and Jacob Smith) M125821 Blanche Josephine Melugin b:2-14-1892-m:8-5-1914 John Wesley Br£nn~r Jr (b:3-19-1889, son of Clara Isabel Moscrip and John Wesley Brenner Sr) Ml258211 Beth Janet Brenner b:7-3-1918 m:2-15-1944 Dale Duncan Flora (b:7-lS;.1911, son of Jessie Duncan and---- Flora) M12582111 Gail Janet Flora b:10-15-l]44 m: ------Wood. Ch: Peggy Ann b:3-21-1960 . Ml258212 John Wesley Brenner III b:8-24-1923 m:6-25-1947 Marilyn Lorraine Danielson (b:2-14-1929, dau of Aleen Thorsten­ son and Elmer Danielson) Ch:Claudia 3oy b:11-6-1948, Linda.Kay b:6-16-1953 Ml25822 Ralph Edward Melugin b:1-25-1916 d:2-12-1916 M125823 Martha Mae Melugin (adptd) b:3-28-1917 m(lst) 6-21-1936 Wal­ ter James Alloway (b:11-7-1916, .-son· of M~ble Abbe Flanagan and Dudley.Benton Alloway) m(2d) 10-27-1~45 Van Oakley Pri­ chard (b:3-24-1921, son of Nannie Mildred- ~rapes and Van

. Prichard) m(3d) ---- Henderson. . Ml258231 J'ack Darrel Alloway b:4-17-194\ m: ------. Ch:David Craig b:6-10~1961,_Sheri Lynn b:7-22-1962- Ml258232 ·wanda Janet Alloway (twin) b&.d_:11-10-1942 Ml258233 ·wilma J'anette·-Alloway (twin) b&d:11-10-1942 Ml258234 Van Arthur Prichard b:8-21-1946 (adptd by mother~s 3d husband and renamed Robert Allan Henderson) . . \ . Ml258235 Mildred Louise J.)richardb:5-20-1947 d:5-21-1947 M125824 Nora June Melugin b:6-4-1918 d:5-19-1919 . Ml2583 Delilah Agnes Melugin b:10-2-1873 m:2-2-1892 John Wilhelm Smith (b:7-6-1866 d:4-14-1918, son of Mary Wagner and Jacob Smith) Ml25831 Raymond Randle Smith b:6-23-1895 m:11-15-1916 Allie Dell Morrison (b:3-25-1898, dau of Mary Enma Mattox and Linn Mor­ rison) Ml258311 Donna Rae Smith b:7-26-1926 m:6-28-1947 Donald Leavitt (b:8-6-1926, son of Esther Mathilda Grimmell end TQ1dy Wyatt Leavitt) Ch:Dawn Marlene b:5-2-1949, Marcia Rae b: 6-21-1950 Ml25832 Helen Irene Smith b:9-7-1897 m:9-3-1922 Claude A Thorp (b:2- 26-1898 d:Oct 1943, son of Flora Helene Splavm and Thomas J Thorp) M1258321 Caroline Frances Thorp b:10-15-1923 m:1-1-1948 Robert Burrell (b:1-2-1921, son of Emma Gladden and Edwin Theo­ dore Burrell) Ch:Kenneth Thorp b:3-19-1950 Ml258322 Helen Claudia Thorp b:8-4-1928 m:1-29-1949 Ramon Frank Balch (b:6-8-1928, son of Meta Lindley and Leonard Tru­ man Balch) Ch:Janitha Rae b:10-8-1949 Ml258323 Katherine Irene Thorp b:2-6-1932 . Ml258-33 Wallace Albert Smith b:3-13-1899 m:1929 Elsie Ann Bradshaw (b:12-8-1.901, da.u of Ellen J'ane Barr and George Washington Bradshaw) Ch:Gloria Ann b:10-25-1929, Rodney Wallace b:1-30- 1937',. Sally Kay b:8-31-1944 Ml25834 Mildred Lulu Smith b:12-21-1901 m:10-2-1924 Edward Albert 48 Notson (b:9-6-1899, son of Mary A Nelson and Samuel Edward Notson) M1258341 Robert Walla.ce Notson b:12-15.-1926 m:12-14-1947 Barbara · · ·· A.d.elle ·Nelson ·(b:7~!-1925, dau of I.«1 lorerice Peterson and Robert samue1 Nelson). Ch:Robert Edward b:2-16-1949 M1258342 .Drucie. Edward Notson b:8-22.-1931 .. M125835 Dorothy Marie· Sm.ith · b:5~13-1904 · m:7-3-1925 Cyrene Bruce · Schwarck· (b:'9-11-1904,' son of Irene· Gamble and Charles H · Schwarck) · M1258351 Jacqueline Dorothea Schwarck b:8-11-1926 m:10-29-1948 . Bertram Noriia ·Rau (b:4-18-1_920, son of ·vera. Henderson · · and Bertram Henry R~u) Ch:Nancy Susan b:4,-25-1950 Ml258352 Janice Doreen SGhwarck b:8-11-1926 m:6-29-1946 William Frank Chase (b:.5-16-192_4, son of Ila Bernice Johnson and .Glnnn Resolye~·· Chase) Ch:Stephen William b:4-14-1947, Wendy Kay b:6-5~1950 . M1258353 Lois Edna Schwarck b:2-2~1928 m:11-9-1946 William Earl . . S_tevenson Jr (b:3un 1925, son of Mary Jean ---- and Wil- liam Earl Stevenson Sr)·ch:William Earl III b:7-23-1947, Michael nruce b:5-7-1949

Ml258354' . . Karl. Bruce Schwarck b:3-23-1935 .Ml258355 Roberta Rae Schwarck b:11-2-1940 M12583.6 Robert Maurice ·smith. b:6-13-1907. m:9-6:..1936 Viola Secondi . . . (b:5-9-1915, dau o·f Clementina Pistoresi and Joseph Secondi) Ch:Dennis John b:8-7-194.7 · Ml25837 .Edna Caroline· Smith b:2-10-1:912 m:6-14~1936 Ray Eugene Lyons (son of Zoie Edith. Chryst and John A.Lyons) Ch:Jerry Gene b:.1-12--1944,· Linda Rae J):10-17-1947, J'ohn Thomas b:8-6-1950 d_:._8-9-1950 . . . . Ml2S84 Bertha May.Melugin b:11-25-1874. d;l-29-1954 ...m:5-11-1907 Frank Prescott. Hut_chinson (b:5~8-~870· d:2·-8-1954, son of Adelia Ann Kellicut and Horace Oren Rutchins.~n) ~125841 Ivan Orville·Hutchinson ·b:l-11-1908 m:5-1-1933 Mildred Beat­ . . rice · Long (b:4-26-1913, · dau. of Mamie M Pre~ce and John C Long) ·· · · •.. · .. Ml258411 Richa:~d Orville Hutchinson b :4-5-1934 m:Reta Mae Ben­ n~tt (b:i-.11~193~ dau ·o.f Veda· Blades and Gordon Bennett) Ch:Glen Orville b·:11-7-1956., JacqU:eline Sue b:9-21-1958 Ml258412 Mary Margaret Hutchinson b:4-27-1935 m:John Riley Mat­ thews (b:8-23~1930,_ son of Edna E Harris and John Riley .. _Matthews) Ch·:Marie Lynn b:11-6-1959, John Riley b:5-22-

. 1961.. . Ml258413 J'ames·orland Hutchinson b:6-14-1936 m:Helen Rose Hnber- man (b:2-13-1939, dau of Colleen Cox and Nickols P Rab­ . · ·erman) Ch:Jame·s J'effery b:l-28-1962 Ml258414.Paul Ivan Hutchinson b:3-1-1951 Ml25842 Genevl\ Victoria Hutchinson b_:9-1-1909 d:11-2-1959 m:11-12- .. 1929· J9hn Grey Ranso~ (b:1~13-1906, son of Bessie Grey and · ·John Ransom) · · M1258421 ·Kathryn ·Ann· Ransom b·:9-8-1935 .. ~ ; . . . Ml258422 John Hutchinson_Ranso~ b:5-20-1939 m:12-19-1959 Lorelie Eliz·abeth _Fox (~:9-17-1938, dau of Catherine ------and .. R~lph_W Fox) Ch:Ronda Ann b:12-8-1960, Renee Lynne b:6- 18-1962 · .· . . M125843 Eleanor Marguerite Hutchinson b:9-5-1913 49

M1259 Emma L Lamb b:4-15-1842 d:1~21-1909 m(lst) c1859 Cyrus P .Smith (d:c1900) Ill. m(2d) cl904 C K Deming . . . t- 1("\ M125.10 Charles Edwin Lamb b:7-15-1844 d:1-3-1931 .m(lst) 6-1-iB°J0 Jane Eliza- -- . . . . . °'r-1 beth Shultz (b:6-30-1851 d:12-13-1935, dau of Hannah Temple and Pax- J ton Shultz) m(2d) Elizabeth Williams (b:6~3-1857 d:4-29-1933) ~ I Ml251Ql Everett Clinton Lamb b:3-2-1871 m:Dec 1895 Lillian Jane Dunning C\l •• (b:6-13-1871 d:7-16-1931, dau of Bertha Augusta Ahert and George ..D Dunning)· . M12510.ll Lee Orville Lamb b:1-7-1899 m:Gale Heft (b:6-12-1901, dau - of Anna·catherine Kibe and Julius Heft) .Ch:Carl Roger b:9- 29-1927, Donna Jeanne q:4-5-1931, Marvin Lee b:12-14-1936 M125!Q2 Edith Elizabeth Lamb b:8-15-1888 m:8-15-1905 Ralph Arthur Wilson (b:3-3-1886, son of Mary ·Plummer and William Wilson) Ml251021 Maurine Elizabeth Wilson b:5-27-1906 d:5-22-1935 m:8-14- - 1926 Huron Dale Johnson (b:12-24-190~ son of George.Johnson) M1251Q22 Eethal May Wilson b:S-3-1908-m:3-17-1943 ·Melvin David Brew­ er (b:5-23-1899, son of Saville Learned and James Arthur Brewer) . M125l.Q3 Ray-Edward Lamb b:5-25-1891 m:2-11-1923 Lillian Bartnik (b:Jun . 1893, dau of Catherine Sherman and Joseph . Bartnik) Ch:Charles . Ray b:6-19.;.1_925 Ml25ll ~dward Chauncey ·Lamb b:7-15-1844 d:3-7-1913 m:6-12-1864 Mary Little (b:6-12-1843 d:3~5-1917, dau of Charity Katherine Ross and Andrew Little)

M125111 William James Lamb b:3-31-1865 d:2-28-1945 m:11-14-1885 Lida . -·· . . . Kelly (b:2-15-1867 d:7-13-1929, dau of Betsy Ann Nelles and John 3. Kelly) . . . Ml25.llll Wilbur George Lamb b:5-2-.1887 m:l:2-10-1911 Evaline Crane (b:7-23-189\ dau of Hester Ann Biddle and Felix Leeds Crane) Ml25.lllll Florine Lamb b:9.-9-1917 -m:3-28-1937 Orval Everett Hartsell (b:l:~-2Q~l~15, son of Elizabeth Claycomb and _George Hartsell) Ch:Merlyn George b:7-31-1942, Carol Ann .b: ~--27-1944 Ml25lll2 Grace May L-arnb b:12-2-9-1888 m:2-22-1912_ Charles Downie Ml25ll,13 Blanche Ann Lamb b:6-18-1&93 m:Jan 1918 Howard F Brower (d: 6-26-1949) . Ml251.114 Mable Mary Lamb b:2-9-1895 m(lst) 11-14-1915 Ed R Brock m(2d) 7-5-1923 Henry Kraft m(3d) John Adler Ml25.ll15 John Edward Lamb b:10-29-1908 m(lst) 4-17-1932 Bertha Neal (dau of Bertha Anert and John Neal) m(2d) 12-3-1937 Shirley M Hellums (dau of Marvin Hellums) * Ml25ll2 George Walter Lamb b:4-1-1871 m:6-25-1901 Florence Edith Parker v~ (b:3-21-1880, dau of Katherine Dorn and Frederick Wm Parker) ~nM125.ll21 Myrtle Ivy Lamb b:11-22-1902 m:7-28-1934 Alva William Mil­ ler (b:12-15-1902, son of Lulu Morrisqn and Conrad Garfield Mil~er) Ch:Evelyn Myrtle b:5-30-193~ George Garfield b:7-17- 1936, Nelda Laverne b:3-13-1938 d:1-21-1948 M125.ll22 Ger~rude Mary Lamb b:2-18-1906 m:12-22-l926 Clarence Howard Hart~~tt (b:3-4-189~ son of Mary Emma Hawk and John Barthol­ omew Hartnett) Ch:Me.lvin b:4-25--1928 d:8-24-1941, Glennys b: 1-21-1931 -Ml25ll23 Cecile_ Georgia Lamb b:6-11-1911 m:8-6-1930 Lee· Alvin Clay~ pool (b:3-8-1907,. son of Theo Jones.and James Franklin Clay~ pool) Ch:Mary Lou b:7-4-1935, Karol Lee b:10-23-1939 M125113- Victorin Louisa Lamb b:2-28-1873 d:11-14-1874 50

Ml25114 b:7-8-1875 d:8-21-1876 M12512 William- Dayton Lamb b:7-12-1846 d:2-20-1916. m:7-4-1869 Ella Sophia - Wallace (b:9-6-1852 d:3-19-1944, dau of Electa Stephens and John Wallace) Ml25121 Willirun·. Edward Lamb b:11-28-1870 m:6-26-1907 Georgia Young Wor- - ster (b:2-15-1883,. dau of Margaret Young ond Albert Leander Wor- ster) M125ll,ll Margaret Worster Lrnnb b:8-12-1912 m:4-6-1936 Stuart VanZile Dawson. Ch:Stuart VanZile II b:11-30-1938 Ml25Jl12 Dorothy Jean Lamb b:4-11-1921 m:9-5-1942 James Carl Fortney Ch~pmen. Ch:Margo b:6-26-1944, Douglas Fortney b:3-15-1948 Ml2513 Julia M Lamb b:5-6-1850 d:5-9-1920 m(lst) James Golden m(2d) William - Treadwell m(3d) Frank Nimmo. Ch (1st cy Frederick. Ch ( 2i m) T Pat- trick, ----- Ml25li Alvina Augus_ta Lamb b:5-18-1856 ·d:9-11-1908 m4-4-1882 Frank B Saunders ·· • (b:·2-29-1856 d:ll_-21-1931, son of Christina Peterson and Jacob Saund­ ets) M125l!t,l Roy J Saunders b:1-4-1883 m:Mar 1915 Helen Margaret Olmstead (b: 5-10-1882, dau of Isabell Wiate and Charles:Holden Olmstead) Ml25]!!11 Eleanor.Frances Saunders b:4-8-1916 m:11-10-1940 Robert A Murray (b:3-10-1914, ·son of Hilda Johnson and Michael Alex­ ander Murray) Ch:Robert Roy b:11-9---1942, Wiiliam Todd b:11- 9-1942,. David Michael" b:·9-24-1°944 . · Ml25.J.A12_ D~vid Frank Saunders b:4-15-1921 m:11-5-1943 Ruth Alice Richter (b:12-21-1921, dau of Alice Ellen Hartwell and Ed­ ward Henry Richter) Ch:Margaret Alice b:3-31-1948, Thomas

David. . b:2-11-1950 Ml25.l!tl3 Mary Lou Saunders b:6-5-1928 m:11-29-1946 Elliott Zellars (eon of Lee Ella.Elliott and John Thomas Zellars) Ch:Kathryn Ann b:11-19-1947, Richard Elliott b:6-16-1950 ·M125l!!;14 Charles Olmstead Saunders b:11-15-1930 . M125142 Lulu A Saunders b:3-19-1884: Ml25l!f:3- Benjamin Harrison Saunders·b:12-13-1887 m:6-23-1917 Ruth Eliza- beth Len~nder 0:>:9-18-189~ dau of Anna Gunberg and Nels Lenander) M125,li31 Jean Louise Saunders b:2-10-1920 m:8-22-1943 Arild Justesen Miller (b:5-16-1917, son of Helga Justesen and Jens Petersen Miller) Ch:Susan Elizabeth b:6-2-1945, Eric Saunders b:3-5- 1947, Kristen Louise b:2-21-1950 M125J1!32 Benjamin Harrison Saunders II b:10-15-1921 m:6-21-1945 Lan­

eya Luella Heath (b:1~26-li24 1 ~eu cf Frances·Nye ond Albert Heath) Ch:Patricia Jean b:1-24-1948, Benjamin Harri­ son III b:12-17-1949 Ml251!;33 John Thomas Saunders b:8-9-1930 M1251.fi4 Winefred May Saunders b:1-24-1899 m:9-18-1915 James Todd Guy (son of. Margaret Laird and James Guy) . Ml25.lf:41 James Saunders Guy ·b:l-28-1919 m:6-8-1946 Catherine Eliza­ beth Rowney (dau of Catherine Elizabeth Eichhorn an~ Edward- RownE?y) . M125li42 Douglas Laird Guy b:4-3-1922 m:6-18-1949 Marguerite Bockel­ man (dau of Ruth Kincaid and Bernhardt J Bockelman) M126 Polly Ann Dayton .b:"2-19-1812 d:2-2-1893 m:John H W.Shalor* (b:5-23-1813 d:2- 24-1893, son of Hannah Cole and Rufus Shalor) Ml26~ Nathan Tyier Shalor b:3-7-1841 d:7-24-1880 m:3-2-1872 Margaret Jane Wilday (b:5-15-1848 d:12-27-1913, dau of Sally.Ann Coons and David W ·wilday)

*Variously spelled: S·haler, Shailer, Sha-ilor, Shaylor Sl

Ml2611 Romer Hamilton Shaler b:ll-30-1872 m:1-31-1900 Daisy J Collington (b: 9-13-1882 d :7-13-1959, dau of Jennie Ryder and Dennis Colling- ton) no ch · Ml2612 Charles Dayton Shalor b:3-29-1874 d:10-23-1961 m:3-16-1904 Pearle Hubbell* (b:6-24-1883, dau of Lucetta Burnett and Chas B Hubbell) Ml26121 Kathleen Margaret Shaler b:5-28-1905 Ml26122 Charles Hubbell Shaler b:5-27-1906 m:10-16-1938 Florence WEr.ner Moore (b:10-28-1913, dau of Grace Warner and Montrief Moore) M1261221 Carolyn Ann Shalor b:8-31-1940 m:2-2-1960 Kenneth Smul­ len (b:10-14-1938, son of Alma Safford and Geo Smullen) Ml261222 Claudia Jane Shaler b:10-23-1945 Ml26123 Frances Lucetta Shaler b:11-16-1909 m:8-25-1934 Harold Guis­ bert Southard (b:7-23-1900, son of Agnes Face and DeWitt Southard) Ch:Robert Alan b:4-6-1947 d:4-7-1947, Paul Raymond b:5-15-1948 . Ml26124 Lynn Burnett Shalor b:5-27-1912 m:8-9~1942 Mary Lavonne Kel­ sey (b:4-15-1913, dau of Marie Hudson and Ray Ke~sey) Ch: Lynne Marie b:8-21-1946 M126125 Dwight Moody Shalor b:6-7-1913 d:9-3-1913 Ml26126 Miriam Isabelle Shalor b:7-4-1919 m:10-14-1939 Ralph Martin Becker (b:9-24-1917, son of Jane Daring and Olin-Becker) Ch: Ralph Martin Jr b:6-12-1946 M12613 Frank Wilday Shalor b:1-31-1876 d:4-18-1950 m:10-30-1915 Leita G Danfort~ (b:10-14-1879, dau of Martha Baird and Geo W Danforth) M126131 Nathan Danforth Shalor b:12-16-1916 m:1-14-1939 Evelyn Cor­ nell (b:9-1-1915, dau of Myrtle Baker and Howard Cornell) Ch:Helen Jeantt b:4-15-1941, Detty Anne b:4-23-1946, Donald Nathan b:9-1-1947, Marilyn Grace b:7-11-1956 M126132 Martha Margaret Shalor b:9-12-1918 m:10-20-1944 Carlton Ev­ erett McLaury (b:5-16-1919, son of Lucina Rogers and Patrick McLaury) no ch Ml2614 Lavantia Rope Shalor b:11-7-1877 d:3-5-1958 m:3-23-1904 Miles ~urnett (b:4-21-1879 d:8-18-1936, son of Susan Winnie and Brewer Burnett) M126141 Nathan Shalor Burnett b:10-9-1905 d:5-15-1949 m:3-23-1940 Bernice L Halberg (b:8-31-1909) no ch M126142 Margaret Susan Burnett b:5-25-1907 m:7-29-1939 Samuel McKee (b:1-16-1901, son of Mary Fitzsimmons and Thomas McKee) Ml261421 Margaret Jane McKee b:9-12-1940 m:9-3-1961 Donald Barry Christiansen (son of Jean---- and Chas Christiansen) M1261422 Robert Shalor McKee b:11-3-1942 Ml26143 Brewer Le.roy Burnett b:11-23-1908 m:6-30-1938 Katherine How­ land (b:10-12-1917, dau of Margaret Granger and Murray How­ land) Ch:Katherine Merrill b:4-24-1~41, John Miles b:4-14- 1944 Ml26144 Naomi Lavantia Burnett b:6-4-1910 m:7-29-1939 Gordon Ander­ son (b:7-30-191\ son of Mary Carpenter and William Anderson) no ch M126145 Miles Burnett Jr b:9-16-1915 d:10-29-1916 Ml26146 child Burnett b&d:8-23-1917 Ml2615 Mary Ann Shalor b:2-14-1879 m:12-2-1911 Ashton D Cowls (b:10-14- 1876, son of Georgianna Mccarter and Henry Uriah Cowls) Ml26151 Edna Marie Cowls b:12-2-1912 m:8-14-1939 George Ebdon Stieg­ ler (b:8-2-1915, son of Alice Ebdon and Julius Steigler) Ch: Mark Ashton b:2-26-1941, Nancy Lynn b:8-23-1944 _*_d_:3---2~--1~9~6~2--*~*~m-:~2~-~2~3-1962 Robert Kinch (son of Everett Kinch) Ch:dau b:1-6-1963 52

M126152 Carl Henry Cowls b:9-24-1915 . M12616 Sarah Belle Shaler b:3-31-1880 d:5-15-1896 Ml262 Charl~s Shaler b:8-26-1843 d:1859/60 M1263 Allen Rufus Shaler b:4-27-1848 d:12-6-1937 m(lst) Harriet Taylor Gorse (d:1903, dau of Sarina Dean and George Gorse) m(2d) Jessie Mae Bix­ ler*(she m:2d ---- Woodward) M12631 Nathan Rufus Shaler b:Aug 1875 d:Oct 1875 Ml2632 George Clark Shaler b:9-16-1868 m:Ruth Verlie Heston. (no ch) Ml2633 Frances Belle Shaler b:6-22-1878 m(lst) Milo Moot m(2d) Maurice Dibble Gallup (d:1-27-1923) m(3d) 3-1-1944 William Elihu Huff (b:2-9-1882, son of Ella Mae Daggett and Isaac Huff) no ch M1264 Alonzo Shalor d:aged 2 or 3 M127 Senah Emily Dayton b:12-14-1814 d:10-14-1822 (next female child, M12.l2., was given the identical name) Ml28 Maxamilla Dayton b:11-25-1816 d:12-26-1868 m:2-17-1846 Ebenezer Seeley (b: 6-7-1815 d:12-14-1884, son of Mary ( 0 P6lly") Pierce and Abel Seeley 3r) ~1281 Chloe Seeley b:2-23-1851 d:3-1-1901 m:1~89 Samuel Lobdell (he m:lst · Ml283) no ch M128_2 Frances Seeley b:12-25-1853 d:6-14-1934 m:2-28-1876 Henry Light _.,Ml2821 Leonard Light b:1-10-1877 Ml2822 Martha Light (dy) M12823 Mary Light b:8-21-1881 m:4-21-1910 Earl Thunston (b:7-25-1879) Ml28231 Henry Thunston b:2-5-1911 m:8-5-1934 Margaret Springston M12824 Mabel Light b:1883 d:1893 ✓Ml283 Millie Seeley b:2-14-1858 d:7-23-1887 m:3-21-1883 Samuel Lobdell (he m:2d Ml281) ✓M12831 Lester D Lobdell b:11-9-1883 m:4-11-1917 Vena Mills (b:10-16- 1898) Ml28311 Clayton Eugene Lobdell b:2-6-1918 m:7-15-1940 Velma Ann Bry­ ant (b:9-6-1923) Ch:Zane Arlice b:9-19-1942, Dyle DeForrest b:1-13-1948 Ml28312 Warren Bernice Lobdell b:10-1-1919 m:10-9-1938 Wilma Viola Barnes (b:8-4-1921) Ch:Dorwin Alton b:4-9-1939, Georgia Mae b:12-13-1942 Ml28313 Milton Wayne Lobdell b:4-23-1922 -'M12832 Earle S Lobdell b:12-26-1884 m:4-29-1909 Edna Latham (b:12-31- 1891) ✓Ml283~1 Virginia Lobdell b:5-17-1910 m:10-13-1940 Leonard Hauber (b: ·1-17-1912) Ch:Richard Leonard b:1-25-1942, David Earl b:2- . 19-1943, son b:11-13-1947 ✓Ml28322 Laura Lobdell b:8-20-1916 d:4-18-1941 m:5-13-1938 Charles McLaughlin (b:6-4-1917) /Ml2833 Mildred Lobdell b:3-15-1887 d:11-24-1943 M129 Electa Maria Dayton b:7-25-1818 d:5-6-1850 (unm) Ml21Q Hezekiah Smith-Dayton b:2-14-1820 d:6-30-1852 m:8-24-1850 Catherine Mariah Hoffman (b:5-23-1829 d:12-1-1895, dau of Elizabeth----- and Jacob Hoff­ man; she m:2d Mllll) M12lQ.l Mary Ellen Dayton- b:10-5-1851 d:5-3-1945 mil-16-1878 Ferris J Osborne (b:7-12-1844 d:11-11-1916, son of Betsy Judson and Eber Osborne) M12l..Q.11 Blanche M Osborne b:5-22-1881 m:12-28-1904 James L McMorris (b: 10-24-1876, son of Sarah Martha Beardslee ·and John Peter McMor- ris) · Ml2!.Qlll Elbert Osborne McMorris b:10-18-1905 m:6-29-1930 Leona Boyes Ml21Qllll Elbert Osborne McMorris Jr b:7-13-1931 Ml2!Q.1112 Duane Boyes McMorris b:9-5-1939 m:4-8-1962 Mary Ann Downie M121Ql12 Ruth Avis McMorris b:7-27-1917 m:7-1-1944 George Grimes *d:6-3-1950 52a Ml.211_ Allen Merriam Dayton b: 5-11-1821 d:10-3-1845 unm . 1-U212 Senah Emily Dayton b: 5-16-1823 d :2-15-1$53 m:Seymour Wiltsie (b:6-8-1825 d:10- - 2-1912, son of Malinda Sher'\vood and William Wiltsie; he m:2d Susannah Ba."l_d ..... win, 3d Sarah· Stevens and 4th Jane Utter; sons John and Spencer were of the later·P.J.?~rriages) ID.2121 Anna Eliza \viltsie b:1850 d:1909 m:Oliver B Titus (b:4-5-1846/7 d:1904, -- son of Sarah --- and Alonzo Titus) . Ml.21211 Sarah Emma Titus b:4~21-1869 d:Jul 1931 m:Wells P Branigan (b:?~ - 27-1867 d:1941, son of Elmira Olmstead and Patrick Br~nie:an) · M1212111 Ethel .Anna Brani~an b:1-25-1891 d:l-10-1962 m:11-20-1912 - Harol Holl (b:7-21-18$6 d:5-25-1961, son of Nellie Smith and Thomas Roberts Holl) Ml2121111 Everett Austin Holl b:12-6-1914 m:2-9-1940 Margaret C - Webster (b:4-·21-1918, dau of Rosie Mary Chambers and Oswald Phillip Webster) Ml.21211111 Barbara J Holl b:4-6-1942 m:12-26-1960 Gary El- - li~tt (b:9-27-1942, son of Agnes Haggerty and R~ger Ellio~t) Ch:~lichael b:4-19-1963, Deborah J b:10~1~-1964 - M121211112 Ronald E Holl b:9-29-1946 M12121112Ol~a Marion.Holl b:10-13-1916 m:9-20-1941 Fred Benson - (b:11~27-1916, $On of·Annie.Olson and Manfred P Benson) lU21211121 Gary .Fred E~nson b:8--1-1942 m:7-27-1963 Karen -.. ...Judith Matteson (b:·2-28-1945, dau of Julia Powell . · and _Kenneth Hugh Matteson) Ch:Kimberly Ann b:8- 14-1964 - MJ.21211122 Lee Benson b:9-10-1946 Ml212lli23 Thomas Paul Benson b:l-21-1948 M12l211124 ·wayne Titus Benson b:11-29-1953 Ml2121113Paul E.11.dn Holl b:1-15-1920 m:10-30-1945 Lillian Gai- - tha Weinmann (b:5-19-1919, dau of J\.lrna Toole and ·wai­ ter Weinmann) Ch:Mary Louise (adptd) b:8-21-1951, Mar- . jorie Leona (adptd) b:9-23-1955 M12gl12.Harry Titus Branigan b:2-25-1892 m:12-25-1916 Clara H Teig­ . land (b:9-7-1896, ·dau of Karen Hagen ?..nd Christ Teigland) Ml2]dll21 Ruth Branigan b:6-18-1918 d:1-18-1919 Ml.2jdll22 Howard Titus Branigan b:8-28-1920 m:5-11-1944 Connie P · Cronin (b:6-29-1923, dau'of Florence Wiser and Ed;,;ard Joseph Cronin) Ch:Bruce Titus b:5-5-1945- Gary Cronin . . ' b:2-6-1948, Patrick David b:10-2-1950, Terence Paul b: . 11-5-1953, Elizabeth Arin b:7-16-1957 M12g1123 Jeanette Ione Branigan"b:4-20-1926 m:4-8-1950 Francis · Paul Hamerlinck · (b: 1-13-1926, son of Eliza Ann Anseeuw and Charles Francis Ha~erl1nck) Ch:Barbara Lynn b:l0- 19-1950, Michael Paul b:12-22-1952, Mark Francis b;6..:. 28-1955 . M1212113 Winifred M Brani,gan b:6-9-1893 d:Oct 1928 . m:10-9-1915 James - A Bragg (b:1899 d:12-15-1947, son of Mary McClintock ~nd Benjamin Bragg) Ml21,gll31 Norman J Bra~g b:5-21-1918d:7-29-1953 m:7-14-1949 Mar­ . jorie L Sheldon (b:S-25-1925, dau of Susan Mary Miller and John W Sheldon) Ch:Glenn J b:3-7-1951 M12g114 Iva D Branigan b:4~13-1895 m:2-25-1920 .Ernest L Barton (b: 11-6-1896, son of Alice Persons and Lenard L Barton) · M12Jdll41 filizabeth Jane Barton b:3-13-1925 m:Oct 1948 Thomae H Greene Jr (b:8-16-1923, son of Jessie Mayler ai.~d 'niom­ as H Greene Sr (Ch:Thomas K b:9-23-1950, Daniel Gr~g­ ory h:10-30-J..952, 1~illi~un Patrick b:11-27-1958 52b 1D..2121142 Robert Jnmes Bnrton b:5-16-1928 n:10-9-1954 Bnrbnra - Peggy Braun (b :6-4-1934, dau of :mrion Eliz3beth Bald­ win ~nd Stephen Gustnv Braun) Ch:Cheryl Elai~e b:3- 24-1956, Stephen Ernest b:9-16-1958, Corrine Ann b:l- 26-1961 lD 2J.2115 Howard :&3 rl Brnnig:Jn b :10-3-1897 d: 2-11-1918 ( un.r:i) 10.212116 Floyd Douglns ,Brt]nig.:in b :5-26-1901 I'.l:12-25-1924 Vivn ll1nning - (b :12-25-1904, d~u of Lillian Reynolds nnd Chnrles licming) 1:Il.2121161 Caroline L Branignn b:8-13~1927 m:10-6-1.951 Vlaltcr • - Rahn Jr (b:2-25-1925, son of Ltllinn Frye and Vlnlter .. Rahn Sr)-Ch::2.Drk b:2-7-1953,Suzanne b:7-24~1954, Bruce_.. b·:2-12-19:jo, Dn-vid b :4-12-1958 . . .· !112121162 JnBos Br~nignn b:11-23-1936 m:4-15-1961 Eleanor Jeanne · - ··Culver (b:8--24-194],.dnu of:Ver~ Bryden and Curtis C~l­ vcr) Ch:l1.chacl b :5-17-1962 ,. Kc.lly b :J_2-21-l 963, Pnt- . rick b:5-21-1965 iil.21212 Aldnzo Titus b:1873 d:1918 n:1900 Corn Day (b:~8.78 d:1923) Ch:Vic- : .· wria· b::1902 d·:1927 _ .. •1It'21Q13 Frederick. Hnyeo b :4-28-187.6. n:0live Jnnc Cr3ndell ( b :10-5- - 1880 d:Nov 1953, dnu ~-of Vivilla Snith ~nd Edward Cr

M12.ll Alleft Merriam. Daytoa b :5 11 1'821 d: 10 3 1845 (unm-) ·M?...2.12. Bene.a. Emily Daytoft b15 le 1g23 012 l? 1853 m:Seymour Wiltsie

MJ.3 M~:·y Dc:.yton b:11-11-1778 d :2-3-1809. m:7-4-1799 James Hickox (b: 11-26-1780, son o:c Eunice Collins and Hickox; he m:2d Rachel Cornell) Ml31 Nuncy P Hickox b:4-8-1800 d~l2-28-1889 m:12-8-1818 David Mattoon (M87 b:9-- 2-1794 d:11-6-1866, son of Elizabeth Dayton and Amasa Mattoon) Ml311 Mnry Elizabeth Mattoon b:6-6-1820 d:6-8-1901 Ml312 Charles Hickox Mattoon b:3-23-1822 d:6-19-1879 m:4-7-1844 Elizabeth Jane Sanford (b:7-7-1822 d:2-5-1899) Ml3121 David Eaton Mattoon b:7-22-1848 d:4-12-1909 m:12-14-1869 ·Nancy Hoadley (d:9-12-1934 dau of Eunice Tomlinson and-George Hoadley) Ml31211 Frederick Mattoon b:3-11-1871 m(lst) 10-2-1894 Clara Taylor m(2d) 2-15-1912 Clara Lazzaro Ml31212 Cora Jane Mattoon h:6-13-1872 m:10-30-1895 Edward V Larue Ch:Floyd C b:9-25-1899, Edward Vernon b:ll-29-1902 Ml31213 Lena M Mattoon b:6-16-1874 m:i0-26-1893 Edward S Stoddard M1312131 Sterling M Stoddar~ b:1-7-1895 m:1-25-1917 Barbara Eve­ lyn Terrill M13121311 Nancy ~arbara Stoddard b:12-7-1923 m:5-6-1944 Burt Chamberlain. Ch:Bnrbara Jo b:3-15-1945 M131214 Charles Mattoon b:8-30-1877 m:Lina Lewis M131215 Robert Hoadley Mattoon b:5-18~1881 m:6-5-1912 Katie Joseph­ ine Munson. Ch:son b:3-6-1914 d:12-23-1915, Rhoda Eunice b: 3-30-i916 M131216 John Mattoon b:8-10-1885 m:~1aude Winchell Ml31217 Edith Belle Mattoon b:2-26-1887 m:9-30-1914 Harold Whitely Meiklem (b:9-16-1883, son of Elizabeth Whitely and John Meiklem) Ml312171 John Allan Meiklem b:4-27-1917 M1312172 Richard Hoadley Meiklem b:2-11-1921 m:5-24-1947 Barbara McKown M131218 Minnie Eleanor Mattoon b:8-27-1890 d:10-2-1891 Ml3122 Mary Jane Mattoon b:12-13-1850 d:1-31-1924 Ml3123 Elizabeth Sanford Mattoon b:3-23-1854 d:5-4-1938 m4-8-1885 George Ernest Woodward (b:7-18-1856 d:1-3- 194~ son of Orpha Ann Kel­ logg and Elijah Woodward) Ml31231 Harold Burton Woodward b:2-13-1887 n:dl-25-1914 Nellie Holmes Birtch (b:12-9-188~ dau of Eliza Whitstone and Eli C Birtch) Ml3124 Dayton Mattoon b:11-9-1855 d:6-30-1923 Ml3125 Herbert A Mattoon b:4-24-1857 m(lst) 2-24-1884 Jennie Landon m(2d) 3-18-1891 Etta Young. Ch:Herbert Young b:4-3-1892 Ml3126 Minnie Isabel Mattoon b:7-27-1861 d:11-29-1945 m:12-20-1882 Wil­ bert Nelson Austin (b:6-23-1860 d:3-20-1943, son of Esther Rob­ erts and Theodore Welles Austin) M131261 Ellsworth Wells Austin. b:5-23-1891 m(lst) 10-2-1915 Mae Adams (b:4-11-1892 d:11~27-1927, dau of Cora Cooke and Jos­ eph Forman Adams) m(2d) 12-20-1928 Florence Ruby Olsen (b:7- 7-1901) Ml312611 Phillip Mattoon Austin b:7-15-1918 m:Dorothy Boisen. Ch:Charles Adams b:1-22-1949 M1312612 Donald Cooke Austin b:9-7-1926 m:Betty Robertson. Ch: Becky Mae b:9-14-1946, Douglas Welles b:5-22-1948 Ml31262 Arline Austin b:7-8-1893 d:12-16-1944 m:7-21-1917 Donald G Sherwin (b:1-15-1894 d:2-11-1942, .son of Lillian Fenn and Azariah Proctor Sherwin) Ml3!2621 Douglas Fenn Sherwin b:9-18-1918 m:6-30-1942 Ruth Paul­ . ine Whipp (b:3-17-1918) Ch:David Whipp b:4-14-1944, Sal­ ly b:10-30-1946 Ml312622 Proctor Austin Sherwin b:7-8-1930 M13l263 Roland Mattoon Austin b:1-23-1895 m:9-10-1921 Edith Oakley Martin (b:2-19-1896, dau of Edith Elizabeth Oakley and Rich­ ard Penberthy Martin) Ml312631 Jane Austin b:4-30-1923 Ml312632 Shirley Ann Austin b:5-13-1925 m:5-1-1948 Edward Gilfin Murphy (b:2-4-1924, son_of Ella Brown and Duncan Bassett . Murphy) _ M131.27 Burton Hiram Mattoon b:5-6-1864 d:2-19-1880 Ml.313 Henry .-James Mattoon b:5-1-1826 d:l-14-1907 m(lst) 3-31-1847 Miranda · Fenn.(b:8-2-1826 d:8-10-1858, dau of_ Persis Potter and David Fenn) m(2d) 1859 Mary Sco-r:t (b:3-1~1822 d:Jan 1897, dau of Minerva-----­ and Linus Scott) m(3d) 1898 ~a Ineson (b:6-4-1851 d:4-12-1941, dau of Sarah Dailey and Barnabas Ineson) M13l31 Burton Hamilton Mattoon Cl:-10-15-1850 d:7-5-1909 m:10-10-1875 Es­ tella Minerva Scott (b:9-23-1852 d:7-1-1939, dau of Sarah Scott and Heney G Scott) M131311 Bertha Estella Mattoon b:9-4-1876 d:6-20-1953 m(lst) 4-21- 1897 Theodore Francis Atwood (b:3-14-1874 d:5-6-1911, son of Marilla · Leonard and Francis Asbury Atwood) m(2d) 4-18-1927 Bertram Percival Hudson (b:4-20-1876 d:2-22-1949, son of Jane Glenn and Charles Hudson) Ml3~3111 Marilla Mattoon Atwood b:3-18-1898 m:9-6-1922 Seymour Rolph Smith (b:l-12-1899, son of Daisy Lewis and William : Rolph Smith) Ml3131111 Carolyn Atwood Smith b:9-2-1923 m:4-25-1953 A Hall ~trickland (b:6-26-1921) Ch:Ellen Elizabeth b:9-4- 1954, Scott R~ll b:9-14-1955, Sarah Atwood b:4-14- 1957 Ml3131112_Robert Seymour Smith b:12-8-1924 m9-17-1949 Louise ~inor Jessell (b:8-15-1928) Ch:Philip Rolph b:3-30- 1955, David Hamilton b:11-3-1956, Jonathan Scott b: 6-23-1961 Ml3131113 Edward Rolph Smith b:11-23-1931 m:2-7-1959 Martha L Forristall (b:3-30-1936) Ch:Richard Scott b:12-29- 1959, Douglas Stillman b:11-26-1961 lMl3131114 Shirley Elizabeth Smith b:6-20-1933 m:5-3-1958 Harold F Whealer (b:l-18-1928) Ch:William Harold b: 8-1-1959 M1313112 Leonard Francis Atwood b:11-25-1900 d:11-2-1902 M1313113 Asbury Curtis Atwood b:8-11-1903 d:3-23-1911 Ml313114 Horace Scott Atwood_ b:3-2-1905 d:12-19-1915 Ml313115 Theodore Clifford Atwood b:12-7-1908 m:5-6-1933 Alice Kelleher (b:5-30-1914) Ch:Theodore Francis b:9-18-1943, . Janice Scott b:3-9-1934 M131312 Linus Fenn Mattoon b:6-7-1878 m:7-14-1928 Mary Louise Bald­ win- (b:9-15-1882, dau of Emily Maria Hotchkiss and Truman Phelps Baldwin) no ch M131313 Sarah Miranda Mattoon b:2-13-1880 m:7-4-1908 Austin Isham (b:10-6-1879, son of .Austrina Hickox and Chester Isham) M1313131 Harriet Sophia· Isham b:5-28-1909 · m:8-11-1934 Arthur Lewis Tnnner (b:7-22-1909, -son of Alice Wedge and Arden Sackett Tanner) 55

Ml3131311 Lewis Arthur Tanner b:1-19-1936 m:9-24-1955 Truda A Wilber (b:6-28-1937) Ch:Calvin Lewis b:10-8-1956, Lucinda Trudy b:3-31-1960 Ml3131312 Shirley Alice Tanner b:11-17-1938 Ml3131313 Arden Scott (twin) b:11-2-1947 Ml3131314 Austin Isham Tanner (twin) b:11-2-194/ M1313132 Estella Scott Isham b:9-30-1910 m:10-21-1939 Harmon S Boyd (b:9-24-1897, son of Helen Shove and ES Boyd) Ch: Austin Maurice b:9-5-1942 M1313133 Charlotte Hickox Isham b:5-17-1912 Ml313134 Barbara Fenn Isham b:7-12-1914 m:7-27-1938 George A Potterton (b:1-29-1912) Ch:Georgia Ann b:5-29-1940, Mar­ cia Ruth b:11-29-1944, Priscilla Sue b:11-25-1948 d:2- 28-1951, Leland Arthur b:10-26-1951 M131314Mary Scott Mattoon b:12-6-1881 m:5-27-1938 Charles F Loomis (b:8-25-1867 d:7-1-1946, son of Emeline Scott and Charles Loomis) Ml31315 Frank Hiram Mattoon b:10-24-1884 d:2-10-1932 m:5-25-1908 Elizabeth Springer (b:S-29~1890., dau of Katherine Jane cur­ tis and John Henry Springer) · Ml313151 Edward Scott Mattoon b:3-14-1910 ndl-29-1941 Mary Eliz­ abeth Blum (dau of Marian-Delaney Curtiss and John Blum) Ch:Marian Elizabeth b:9-13-1942, Mary Jane b:9-13-1946, Rebecca b:11-13-1947, Kristina b:8-14-1950 Ml313152 Minerva May Mattoon b:4-29-1912 m:~1-2-1940 Harold H Stauffer (b:12-28_-1909, son of Clara Thompson and Horace Stauffer) Ch:Nancy Mattoon b:2-24-1942, Richard Thompson b:3-31-1945, Elizabeth Claire b:5-15-1948 M1313153 Sybil Sprenger Mattoon b:9-22-1913 m:6-8-1935 C~~nt C Holbrook (b:7-28-1909, son of Helen Elizabeth Coe and Newton Duell Holbrook) . . . Ml3131531 Betsy Scott Holbrook b:8-22-1936 ~:7-7-1956 Rich-

. ard A Johnson.. (b:5-11-1933) Ml3131532 Newton Duell Holbrook b:4-14-1939 m:8-9-1958 Adri- enne Chartier (b:8-29-1940) Ch:Donald Scott b:3-6- 1959, Susan Page b:8-20-1960, Nancy Rae b:11-26-1961 Ml3131533 Lucia Mattoon Holbrook b:2-18-1942 M1313154 Burton Hamilton Mattoon 2d b:12-27-1914. d:7-23-1916 Ml31316 Henry Amasa Mattoon b:8-10-1889 d:10-18-1918 m:Sarah Currie Hallock (b:3-26-1880, dau of Phebe Halsey and Nicoll Tuthill Hallock) Ml313161 Henry Amasa Mattoon Jr b:1-14-i914 m:6-21-1936 Dorothy Teeter (b:3-22-1913, dau of Ann Brooks and Charles W Teeter) Ch:Ann Brooks b:4-4-1941, David Scott b:2-16- 1944, Sarah Halsey b:7-8-1947, Judith Scott b:12-28-1951 Ml313162 Virginia Hallock Mattoon b:12-24-1918 m:1-3-1942 Rich­ ard Graham Young (b:2-28-1919, son of Flora------and Hugh Young) Ch:Richard Graham Jr b:5-7-1943, Kenneth Hugh b:6-12-1944, Peter Halsey b:5-15-1953 M131317 Helen Elizabeth Mattoon b:6-6-1897 Ml3132 Alfred Huntington Mattoon b:10-17-1855 d:12-8-1939 m:12-25-1879 Annie Belinda Judd (b:9-20-1861 d:Nov 1943, dau of Belinda Hick­ ox and Frederick Judd) M131321 Dora Judd Mattoon b:9-13-1883 m:9-11-1915 William Earl Dodge Ward (son of Laura Araxine Bliss and Langdon Storer Ward) M131322 Annie Mer ..··unan Mattoon b:9-6-1885 56 M131323 Charlotte M Mattoon b:3-10-1887 m:9-4-1919 James Ed~ard Hall Ml31324 Belinda Hickox Mattoon b:6-10~1888 d:10-13-1888 M131325- Mildred Fenn Mattoon b:8-13-1889 d:4-27-1949 Ml31326 Florence Lum Mattoon b:3-12-1892 m(lst) 9-11-1917 Robe.rt Florance Reed m(2d) Enoch Arden Plann M131327 Donald Potter Mattoon b:11-9-1897 m(lst) 6-7-1°24 Gertrude Beckler m(2d) 8-27-1935 Lillian·Hortease Croux M1313271 Priscilla Ruth.Mattoon b:6-27-1925 m:6-1-1946 William Randall Stuart. Ch:Michael b:4-13-1947 Ml313272 Donna Joyce Mattoon b:10-19-1932 M1313273 Nancy Hickox Mattoon b:10-9-1937 Ml313274 David Potter Mattoon b:12-21-1941 .M131328 Dwight W M~ttoon b:7-21-1900 m:6-12-1927 Elizabeth Ramsdell (b:7-12-1901, dau _of Ida·D Landrum and William Weston Rams­ dell) ~h:M:arion E b:5-5-1928·, William R b:8-20-1930, Carolyn R b:9-27-1933 :Ml314 Martha Bryan-Mattoon b:12-28-1828 d:l-16~1836 Ml~lS Lyman Mattoon b:8-4-1834 d:3-8-1837 M1316 George Mattoon b:1-13-1838 d:12-13-1921 m:9-18-1859 Julia Bates (d:5- . · 16~1917, dau·of Delia Leach and Isaac Bates) Ch:Helen L b:8-14-1862 d:8-7-1942 M1317 Martha Jane Mattpon b:1-28-1842 d:11-29-1916 m:3-18-1862 James L Love­ ·1and (b:7-31-1841 d:4~17-1922) . ·Ml3171 Frank M·Loveland b:6-4-1866 d:4-17-1890 m:6-4-1888 Winona Mack .(b:8-3'i-1863 d:10-7-i90_o,· dau of Ellen G Ely and Calvin Mack) Ml318 Hir·am Mattoon b:2~2·3-:S44 d:6-.14-1864

. . . .., . M14 Roxena Dayton b:3-17-1781 d:6-24-1881 m:1-3-1802 .Peter M_erriam (b:11-2-1777 d:11-12-1857, son·of Hannah Fenn and John Merriam)· · M141 Rox~na Emaline Merriam b:5-26-1803 d:1-5-1892 m:5-14-1822 Hull Davis b:3-16- 1801 d:6-5-1879) M1411 Henry Davis b:9-11-1824 d:12-25-1900 m:11-29-1851 Lucy Ann Butts (d: ·l0-11-1893} - . ·'Ml4111 Addie Davis b:4-15-1853 m:William Hammell ·-'M14112 Herbert Davis b :4-3-1860 d:7-23-1932 m:Elizabeth Olmstead (b:5-9- 1860 d:12-16-1930) · M141121 Clarence Merriam Davis b:12-1-1886 d:1936 m(lst) Elinor Gaff m(2d) Margaret G Turner .Ml41122 William Hammel Davis b:11-12-1889 m:4-10-1914 Marion H Van Deusen Ml411221 Clarence Gerold Davis b:11-29-1918 m:7-24-1942 Laura E Mc Arthur -Ml41123 Lucy Anna Davis b:12-15-1891 m:8-18-1917 Harry TenEick Heb­ ·bat""d -'M1411231 Etta Elizabeth Hebbard b:7-23-1918 m:1-3-1943 Orville D Frampton_ .- M1411232 Herbert Davis Rebbard b:1-6-1920 m:12-29-1943 Pauline M Palmer Ml411233 Janette Ter.E~ck ~ebbard b:7-16-1921 m:4-6-1947 Arthur R Gilbert Ml411234 Harry TenEyck Rebbard Jr b:2-6-1923 m:7-21-1946 Margar­ et E Clark ·.Ml411235 Philip Meacham Hebbard, b:4-26-1925 m:4-12-1952 Anne L Geddes Ml411236 Elinor Lucille Hebba.rd b:3-22-1928 m:12-9-1949 Donald W Terry 57

M1411237 Earl William Hebbard b:2-15-1930 m(lst) 7-16-1955 Joan F Gaisford ·(d:·11-4-1957) m(2d) .~2-29-1961 ~arianne Mo- , gridge M1411238 Flora B Hebbard b:2-22~1932 m:11-27-1955 Robert P Nich­ olson M1411239 Mary Ella Hebbard b:9-16-1933 Ml411231.Q Jane Ann Hebbard b:11-14-1938 m:3-9-1956 Donald H Hy­ mers M141124 Albert F Davis b:1-17-1897 d:1923 M1412 Roxena Davis b:6-3-1825 d:11-14-1827 Ml413 Sarah Davis b:1-25-1827 d:2-27-1870 m:9-18-1850 Elijah Arnold Ml414 Bartley Davis b:2-10-1828 m:11-8-1852 Mary Ann Mack MJ.415 Oliver Davis b:8-17-1832 d:9-23-1859 m:7-15-1855 Calistie Sperry M1416 Emily Davis b:10-1-1833 d:1892 m:6-23-1856 Emery ~uel Ml417 Dortha A Davis b:9-26-1836 d:1-28-1918 m:L6uis Brazie(b.il838 d:3-5-1919) Ml4171 Romer Lewis Brazie b:l-28-1870 d:2-4-1941 m:6-14-1900 ·Ellen Macey Sanford (b:11-25-1873 d:5-22-1953, dau of Mary Wilson and Henry H Sanford) 'Ml41711 Raymond Sanford Brazie b:6-28-1901 m:Ada Grant. Ch:3 sons, 1 dau .-Ml41712 ~iary Dortha Brazie b:10-25-1905 m:Richard D Columbia (d:6-1- 1961) no ch · · M1418 Annette Davis- b:10-15-1838 m:6-28-1857 Elias Wickham M1419 Peter M Davis b:7-16-1841 d:3-9-1929 m:Lettie Wade. (no ch) Ml4110 Louisa F Davis b:7-25-1845 d:12-30-1879 m:10-23-1862 Nathan Pierce - (b:1-30-1838 d:3-18-1900, son of Ruby Ann. Bird.sall and Richard G Pierce)

Ml41!.Q.l Ira Birdsall Pierce b:7-2-1866 d:7-15-1925-m:Ella Douglass (dau of---- Gibson and Joseph Douglass) no ch · · Ml41102 Gilbert Merriam Pierce b:10-10-1868 d:12-23-1907 m:10-20-1897 - Mary Catherine Gummoe (b:7-3-1866 d:7-17-1958, dau of Elizabeth Dorothy Crago and Henry Gummoe) M141!Q~! Dorothy Louise Pierce b:12-5-1898 m:7-7-1917 George Albert Brundage (b:3-15-1894 d:9-26-1960, son of Eliza Jane Roberts and Frank Depue Brundage) Ml41!.£211 Virginia Mae Brundage b:4-24-1920 m:8-8-1940 William John Lnne (b:6-13-1915, son of Gladys Vanaan and Fred B Lane) Ch:Douglas Varumn b:10-7-1944 M1411Q212 Robert Pierce Brundage b:2-11-1922 m:6-16-1945 Ann Lou­ ise Jennings (b:4-8-1925, dau of Mary Catherine Eden and Theodore H Jennings) Ch:Jeffrey Jennings b:11-23-1953, Robert Dudley b:12-1-1956, Renaal George b:5-7-1958, Wil­ liam John b:8-22-1961 Ml41!.Q.213 Franklin Dudley Brundage b:8-9-1925 m:4-19-1952 Mar­ jorie Shuey (b:4-22-1927, dau of Harriet---- and George Shuey) Ch:Dorothy Ann b:3-13-1953, Bertram.William b:9- 23-1955, David Allan b:5-5-1958 Ml4l!Q.22 Ira Elford Pierce b:10-4-1903 m:Ruth Ketchum (b:11-8-1905, dau of Hallie Ollendike and Milton Ketchum) M14110221 Gilbert Milton Pierce b:9-6-1929 m:11-21-1953 Cather- - ine Whiting (b:11-23-1927, dau of Clara Hartman and Har- old Whiting) Ch:Gregory Ira b:10-5-1954, Deborah b:1- 29-1959, Mary Catherine b:8-2-1960 M141103 Emeline Davis Pierce b:2-16-1870 d:6-5-1948 m:1892 Alexander - L McNeilly (b:1860/5 d:May 1948, s_on of Jane Stewart and Joseph McNeilly) 82

M5871 Claf~ Asa Dayton bJ2-4~1850 m.:Phehe E. Brown (dau qf.Phebe French)and E 1sha BrowJ Cu:Fa1th Eva d:189,5 Leroy Eben ~m:Anna Nistead M5872-M.S8712 Martha Jane Dayton m:William. Hamilton; Justus Almon Dayton m: Amanda Hankenbucy; Pheb~ Helen Dayton m:Amos Berry; Cassia M~ldn m:Henry Lanhert (or Linhard); Marie Elizabeth Dayton m:Theodore~oss; · - Adelbert Jasper Dayton d:1888; Frederick Fletcher Dayton m:Hat­ tie Laughton; William Charles Dayton m:Katy Carr;. -Elmer Ellsworth Day­ ton m:Miranda White; Charlotte Eleanor Dayton m:Albert Crosby; Nellie Etta Dayton m:Andrew Reed M59 Chester Dayton b:cl794 d:12-23/24-1812 M510 Archibald Dayton d:1861/5 m:Lophelia Brunson · ~5101 Isaac Dayton b:1830 m:Jane Parmalee -i151011 Elihu Dayton b:1851 d:1925 m:11-18-1871 Etta Jane Dayton (M5482 b:11-8- - 1855 d:11-11-1942, dau of Diadama Jeanette Stockwell and Marcus Dayton: See M5482 for continuation of this line. M51012 Anna Dayton b:9-20-1852 d:8-24-1930 m:9-20-1876 Albert M Dayton (M5481 b: - 9-19-1854 d:6-25-1931, son of Diadama Jeanette Stockwell and Marcus Day­ ton) See M5481 for continuation of this line. M51013 Homer F Dayton b:8-27-1857 d:8-21-1904 m:9-22-1881 Sarah Ann Baker (b:8- - 25-1859 d:6-28-1935, dau of Ruth Bray and James Baker) M510131 George James Dayton b:6-17-1884 d:6-13-1930 m:3-29-1910 Harriet Ida - Drake (b:7-6-1891, dau of Harriet Carrie Elmore and George Wetmore Drake) no ch 'M510132 Rachel Jane Dayton b:4-29-1887 d:4-15-1963 m:10-18-1905 Maurice He- - man Doolittle {b:3-12-1879, son of Cornelia A Sanford and Samuel Doolittle.) M5101321 Helen Ruth Doolittle b:1-13-1908 m:6-4-1928 Arthur Davidson - · Puller (b:1-19-1906, son of Edna May Stoddard and· Edwin Fuller) M51013211 Richard Arthur Fuller b:3-22-1929 d:2-22-1952 m:12-1-1951 - Emtnajean Steel (b:8-22-1929 d:2-22-1952, dau of Ida---- anc 3ohn Thomas Steel) MSlQ.13212 Corinne Wanda Fuller b:4-1-1933 m:6-11-1955 Daniel E Myerf (b:4-3-1933, son of Lela Moore and Chauncey G Myers) Ch: Stephen Allen b:11-11-1956, David Richard b:7-26-1958, Susar /MS101322 Leo~i~e~:g~~~ii~f! b:12-6-1911 m:10-16-1937 Catherine Annr - Hoffman (b:8-18-1914, dau of Mary Ellen O"Brien and Albert Ed- Wflrd Hoffman) · M51013221 Gerald Leon Doolittle b:12-27-1938 m:9-12-1959 Linda Clar - Harding (b:3-23-1940, dau of Frances Norton Clark and Charle· Harold Harding) Ch:Blaine Collyier b:6-23-1960, Tara Lei3l b:2-8-1963 · · M51013222 Brian Hoffman Doolittle b:4-16-1940 m:7-23-1960 Candace - Keith Falk (b:5-3-1941, dau of Ethel Maude Smith and Henr Herman Falk) M51013223 Maurice Albert Doolittle b:12-19-1941 M5!213D Ruby Rachel Doolittle b:10-16-1920 m:William Stickels. Ch:Cat Lee b:4-22-1946, Lorraine Wanda b:12-21-1947,. Sharon Ann b:9-lC 1950, William David b:2-25-1959, Gail Alice b:10-18-1952, Wayne Edward b:7-14-1957 'M510133 Archibald Dayton b:12-21-1892 m:9-26-1942 Helena Jane Wilson (b:7-5· - 1911, dau of Emma Reed Vandewater and Andrew John Wilson) Ch:Rache: Marion b:9-28-1945 MS10134 William. Nelson Dayton b:9~15-1895 d:5-6-1929 m:3-23-1918 Julia An· - Varney (b:3-28-1890, dau of Helena Kern and John Harvey Varney) M5101341 Doris Antoinette Dayton b:5-27-1921 m:6-28-1947 Philip Carne - (b:1-19-1911, son of Jessie E McLennan and Thomas A Carney) Ch: Colin Philip b:11-1-1949, Kevin William b:11-4-1951, Juliann<:· Jessie b:8-30-1954 M512,1342 Donald Earle Dayton b:2-1-1925 m:9-1-1945 Marlene Romona Kello: (b:7-30-1924, dau of Isabel Romona w~od and Lemuel Crosby Kel­ logs) Ch:Beverly Joyce b:12-15-1946, Harlene Romona b:6-3-1948, Winifred Jean b:6-20-1950, David William b:12-8-1952, Thomas Ed­ ward b:2-27-1960 _. M5101343 Aubrey Dayton b:1-23-1919 M51014 Nelson Dayton b:8-8-1854 d:2-26-1942 unm MSJ-22 ADel Dayton .. M511 ElL2abeth Dayton b:1800 d:Aug 1872 m:.11-27-1823 Seldon 'Welton (b:1803 d:1875) - MS.ill Elvira (or Elvisia) Welton m:George Nichols . MS!!.2 Nancy (or Emily) Welton b:1831 d:1911 m:1853 George C Pettis (b:1833) M51121 Beulah C Pettis b:1868 m:1890 William Beekley (b:1867 d:1916) · ~511211 Gertrude Beckley m: ---- Huntington · M5113 Rhodlr"Welton m:Lester Buell MSI:[4 Lyman Welton m:Sarah Williams (and/or Beda Davis) 59

Ml,43232 Mildred Louise . b:2-10-1893. d:12-14-1958 1927 Merrill Elwood Rexford (b:5-2-1894) M143233 Clarence Edward Dillingham b:5-5-1896 m:Vera Welton (b:11-19- 1903, dau of Mnry Elisabeth Woodland and Thomas Welton) no ch M143234 Dorotha Lillian Dillingham b:12-13-1903 m:9-15-1927 Ralph M Lapham (b:9-3-1902, son of Katherine Mitchell and Mortimer Laphmm) Ch:David Mortimer b:5-5-1931, Stephen Gibbs b:12-14- 1939 Ml433 Charles Gibbs b:S-15-1836 d:5-4-1872 m:Julia Gregory (b:12-16-1845 d: 12-19-1913; she m:2d Russell Hoyt Dayton M164) M14331 Addie Gibbs b:1-22-1869 d:3-28-1915 unm M14332 Howard Gibbs b:10-24-1871 m:Bessie Dyckman (b:7-20-1875 d:8-27- 1916) · M143321 Charles Wesley Gibbs b:6-2-1899 d:11-18-1956 m:1919 Daisy Lou ise Dunham (b:5-12-1895 d:7-18-1962, dau of Katie Stiles and Adelbert Dunham) Ml433211 Mildred Eleanor Gibbs b:3-25-1920 m:9-22-1945 Lyndon Harold Sternberg (b:9-24-1912, son of Lola Hollenbeck and Lambert Sternberg) no ch Ml433212 Virginia Gibbs- b:7-6-1922 m:4-27-1941 Horace William Rifenbark Jr (b:7-16-1922, son of Anna Coons and Horace William. Rifenbark Sr) . Ml4332121 Theodora Ruth Rifenbark b:6-26-1942 m:5-6-1962 Gerald Harkenreader) Ml4332122 Donald James Rifenbark b:2-2-1944 Ml4332123 Linda Leh Rifenbark b:4-24-1948 Ml4332124. Horace William Rifenbark III b:9-28-1949 M14332125 Charles Edward Rifenbnrk b:7-27-1952 Ml4332126 Melanie Jo Rifenbark b:5-6-1956 Ml433213 Ruth Gibbs b:3-9-1926 m(lst) Arthur Beegle m(2d) William Ritlinger. Ch of 1st m:David Charles b:3-10-1945. Ch of 2d m:Susan Louise b:11-25-1947, Judith Dale b:11-20-1948, Lawrence William b:6-10-1951 Ml43322 Morris Gibbs b:6-13-1902 d:7-18-1962 M1434 Asenath Maynard Gibbs b:Jan 1841 d:1843 M1435 Albert Gibbs b:May 1847 d:1869 Ml436 Richard M Gibbs b:Oct 1849 d:9-28-1929 m:1887 Mary Taylor M144 Charles John Merriam b:10-22-1812 d:3-2-1896 m:1-19-1848 Mary J Thorp (b: 10-16-1821 d:6-7-1895, dau of Walter Thorp) Ml441 Everett F M~rriam b:11-21-1848 m:10-7-1874 Annie E Shurtliff (b:4-23- 1855 d:7-24-1926) Ml4411 Grnce Merriam b:11-10-1884 d:5-27-1961 m:3-21-1907 Mose W Sewell (b:3-2-1885, son of Elizabeth Harvey and Robert Milburn Sewell) Ml44111 Milburn Everett Sewell b:3-4-1913 m:9-14-1945 Janet Sutton (b:1-27-1920, dau of Luella---- and Almon R Sutton) Ch:Rob­ ert Milburn b.:11-29-1947, Janet Susan b:5-18-1950, Richard Allen b:4-15-1955 M1442 Peter Irwin Merriam b:12-29-1850 d:5-8-1892 m:12-12-1877 Clarissa Eve­ line Peck (b:11-26-1855 d:12-16-1943, dau of Nancy Howard and David F Peck) Ml4421 Gertrude Eveline Merrirun b:1-25-1879 d:8-16-1937 m:1901 Willimn · Rhodes Bishop (b:5-7-1873 d:6-18-i937, son of Elizabeth Rhodes mid David Bishop Ml44211 Rose Bishop b:2-21-1902 d:2-23-1902 M144212 Howard Rhodes Bishop b:6-14-1903 m:5-12-1926 Frances Mostar (b:7-5-1905, dau of Frances Pozes nnd John Mostar) 60

Ml442121 Dorothy Ann Bishop b:9-23-1928 m:1947 James Russell Shermon (b:3-13-1922, son of Gladys Medora Henderson and Albert Frances Sherman) Ch:Jerry Howard b:3-20-1948, Bonnie Lee b:4-4-1949, Gail Ann b:12-31-1950 Ml442122 Bette Jenn Bishop b:3-8-1934 m:1953 Pasquale Vincent Frassa (b:3-17-1925, son of Maria Assunta Pacca and An­ thony Frassa) Ch:J'une Ann b:11-27-1953, Charles Vincent b:11-25-1954 Ml442123 John Willinm Bishop b:1-25-1936 . Ml442124 Peggy Lou Bishop b:5-20-1939 m:7-27-1958 William Char­ les Cooper (b:6-27-1927, son of Alice Matilda Norden and Alexander Cooper) M144213 Scott Theodore Bishop b:3-4-1905 d:9-30-1960 m(lst) 10-4- 1930 Dorothy C Mann (b:12-8-1911 d:6-11-1931, dau of Gazella Bissell and Edward Mann) m(2d) Inez Jennette Kellogg (b:9- 23-1913 d:12-23-1954, dau of Jennie Whitney and William Kel­ logg; she m:lst Clyde Proctor) M1442131 Donald Edwin Bishop b:5-29-1931 m:Doris Ann Garnsey (b: · 3-10-1936) Ch:Renee Marie b:ll-iS-1953, Mona Rae b:8-13- 1955, Michele Denise b:8-27-1960 M1442132 Beverly Jean Bishop b:2-2-1944 Ml442133 Scott Theodore Bishop b:12-28-1945 M1442134 Joan Marie Bishop b:3-7-1953 (adptd by Potter family) M.144214 Thelma Elizabeth Bishop b:12-18-1906 m:6-26-1929 Jesse Wil­ ·bur· Holloway (b:5-18-1901, son of Minerva E Farr and Jesse Andrew Holloway) M1442141 Gordon Wilbur Holloway b:8-28-1931 m:9-16-1956 Carol Ann Underhill (b:4-21-1938, dau of Naomi Emma Cole and James Lyman Underhill) JM1442142 Shirley J'ean Holloway b:8-30-1937 m:8-25-1957 Richard William Wright- (b:2-19-193~ son of Leah Ellen Wade and Van Franklin Wright) Ch:Laurie Jean b:4-8-1962 Ml44215 Ruth C Bishop b:3-21-1909 d:4-8-1909 M144216 Vivian Irene Bishop·b:9-10-1910 d:12-27-1910 ,·Ml4422 Charles Howard Merriam b:12-25-1880 d:12-17-1959 m(lst) 6-27-1916 Grace Estella Luther m(2d) 5-29-1953 Louise Riley. (no ch) M14423 George Washington Merriam b:2-22-1883 m:12-5-1903 Mary 3ane Coun- tryman. · (no ch) M14424 Lena Merriam b:7-3-1885 d:3-26-1886 Ml4425 Jay Merriam b:6-3-1887 d:12-10-1887 M14426 Ira Ferris Merriam b:2-5-1889 M14427 Blanche Julia Merriam b:8-6-1891 d:4-7-1921 m:12-23-1914 Everett McIntyre (b:7-27-1893, son of Harriett Mae VanBuren and John Gleason McIntyre) Ml44~71 Ruth E McIntyre b:7-25-1915 m:10-29-1939 Donald S Mooney (b: 5-28-1915, son of Adeline Squires and Melvin P Mooney) Ch: Richard D b:1-17-1943 M144272 Charles M McIntyre ··M144273 John McIntyre Ml443 Hannah E Merriam b:10-9-1853 d:7-31-1881 Ml444 Julia C Merriam b:7-28-1856 d:12-15-1883 m:10-1-1879 Martin Jay Peck (son of Nancy Howard and David F Peck) no ch M145 Asenath Elizabeth Merriam b:5-5-1814 d:6-20-1848 m:4~25-1837 Stephen Maynard (b:4-8-1816 d:3-3-1873; he m2d M147) · no ch . M146 Julia Brown Merriam b:4-19-1818 d:12-15-1881 m:6-17-1841 Archibald S Cowley Ch: 1 M147 Hannah Fenn Merriam b:5-29-1820 d:11-26-1896 m:6-29-1849 Stephen Mnynard (he m:lst M145) no ch 61

MlS*Chauncey Dayton b:3-8-1783 d:8-15-1852 m:6-10-1812 Nancy Atwood (b:7-27-1793 d: 6-27-1876, dau of Margaret Judd and Noble Atwood) MlSl Charles Noble Dayton b:8-9-1813 d:10-4-1860 m:7-21-1853 Harriet Hickox S5r (Gilbert) b:5-15-1812 d:10-9-1897 M1511 Mary Caroline Dayton b:3-20-1855 d:4-30-1914 m:Arthur A Bradley (b:5- 31-1857 d:1-2-1917) Ml512 Chauncey Sherman Dayton b:11-15-1856 d:3-16-1930 m:Mary A Steward (b: 4-30-1853 d:6-6-1930) no ch Ml513 Harriet E Dayton b:4-17-1862 d:7-6-1921 m:Thomas Reed (b:12-31-1851 d: 9-25-1909 M152 Chauncey Lewis Dayton b:2-19-1815 d:2-9-1895 m(lst) 4-9-1856 Martha Asenath Dayton (Ml.Q22 b:2-25-1827 d:3-6-1857, dau of Harriet Tyler and Truman Dayton) m(2cl) 9-16-1861 Susan Adelia Dayton (Ml.Q24 b:6-5-1839 d:4-7-1928, dau of. Harriet Tyler and Truman Dayton) : M1521 Charles Lewis Dayton b:2-26-1857 d:12-11-1887 unm Ml522 Herbert Truman Dayton b:7-19-1866 d:2-6-1944 m:3-29-1890 Celia Elvira Rouse (b:5-13-1870 d:1-29-1936, .dau-of Elvira Fenn and Edward Whit­ ing Rouse) Ml5221 Helen Dayton b:5-13-1891 m:10-9-1922 Arthur Leonard Dunphy (b:4- 9~1897, son of Annie Simpson and· George Dunphy) /Ml52211 Arthur Leonard Dunphy b:3-15-1925 m:6-24-1961 Salley Weslowe Blenus (b:12-13-1935, dau of Lowe Menhall Blenus) M152212 Alan Dayton Dunphy b:10-16-1926 m:9-9-1951 Dorothy JMathie- . son (b:10-13-1928, dau of Harriet Mary Gal,lup and Clarence Julius Mathieson) ·Ch:David Alan b:4-22~1957, Gail Andrea b: 5-2-1959 /Ml52213 Carolyn Bernice Dunphy b:11-26-1928 m:9-3-1949 Arthur Char­ les Barton Jr (b:4-2-1925, son of Ecith Cockburn and Arthur Charles Barton Sr) Ch:Arthur Charles III _b:10-11~1950, Car­ olyn Marie b:11-5-1951, Celia Rollins b:9-1-1953 · ·. ·· ·/M152214 Hugh Rouse Dunphy b:10-14-1930 m(lst) 4-21-1957 Shirley Ann Payne (b:4-18-1936, dau of Jack Payne) m(2d) 12-21-1962 Eve­ lyn Marie Cook (dau of L Bernard Cook) Ch:Arthur Leonard b: 6-23-1958, Herbert Dayton Ml5222 Charles Lewis Dayton b:2-24-1893 d:2-10-1931 m:12-15-1924 Irene Van Romandt (b:6-7-1900, dau of Marian Octavia Carter and Die­ drick Johannes Van Romandt: she m:2d Dan Fitzgerald) M152221 Betty Lou Dayton b:10-25-1925 m:9-22-1945 Charles Edgar Page (b:1-9-1920, son of Mary McGeoch and Carroll Snow Page) Ch: Nancy Elizabeth b:10-5-1949 Ml5223 Herbert Samuel Dayton b:10-17-1894 m:9-11-1920 Esther Shelton (b: 4-15-1898, dau of Mary Eliza Beach and Miles Lewis Shelton) Ml52231 Thelma Dayton b:4-28-1922 m:5-1-1948 George W Sauter Jr (b: 9-30-1919, son of Naomi Matson and Geo W Sauter Sr) Ch:Char­ les Andrew b:4-13-1949 d:3-6-1951, Joan Linda b:l-1-1952, Curtis Dayton b:6-14-1954 M152232 Truman Shelton Dayton b:4-4-1925 m:1-9-1954 Edna Elizabeth Palmeter (b:1-22-1924, dau of Mary Edith McCann and Donald Holway Palmeter) Ch:Judith Anne b:6-15-1957, Jonathan Kevin b:7-3-1959 Ml5224 Martha Dayton b:10-1-1896 m:6-28-1919 Frank Milton Reinhold (b:2- 18-1896, son of Rose Market and William Reinhold) M152241 Frank Milton Reinhold Jr b:4-3-1920 m:9-11-1948 Ruth Eliza­ beth Barton (b:7-7-1913, dau of Anna Ferguson and George Le-w­ is Bnrton) Ml52242 Doris Ann Reinhold b:7-18-1926 m:4-26-1952 Frederick Edwin '"1-*o_m_i,_t_t_e~d-a_r_e_t~h-re_e_c'"!!'"h-Pildren, each recorded as "age l", who died 11-21-1820, 9-25-1821 and 2-26-1831 62

Tolman (b:10-31-1928, son of Myrtle Elizabeth Gray and ·George Tolman) Ch:Elizabeth Gray b:2-1-1955 Ml5225 Paul Edward Dayton b:11-24-1903 m:10-6-1926 Evelyn Haight (b:12- -11-1905, dau of Emma Wolf and James Haight) M152251 Curtis Paul Dayton b:10-26-1928 m:Dec 1952 Frances Helen Laukaitis (dau of Mary Zuyas and Kaisner Ch:Lynn Curtis b:7-28-1954, Alan Paul b:7-28-1955, Sandra Ann b:10- 16-1957 Ml52252 Lynford James Dayton b:7-22-1933 m:10-15-1960 Ida Marylin Breithaupt (b:2-24-1937, dau of Ruth Quigley and Theodore Breithaupt) Ch:Catherine Ann b:8-25-1961, Mary ·Elizabeth b: . 8-20-.1962 ./M15226 Bernice Dayton b:12-3-1907 m:7-25-1927 John. Paul Linsky Jr (b:10- 20-1904, son of Anna Jadzinskas and John.Paul Linsky- Sr) Ml52261 Nancy Carol Linsky b:12-27-1929 m:6.;..1-1950 Henry Sorenson (b:4-11-1928, son of Henriett~ Bladt and Claus Soren~on) Ch: Carol Dale b:3-29-1951, Anne Louise b:4-29-1953, Alan David b:12-16-1958 /Ml52262_Susan Dayton Linsky b:8-31-1935 m:9-8-1958 Sebastian Stephen M~lione (son of Rose Magagna and Stephen Malione) Ch:Bernice _ Rose b:6-11-1959 1Ml523 Florence.Eliza Dayton b:7-6-1875 m:10-22-1896 Ernest Jabez Steer (b:9- 26-1868 d::12-24-1961, son of Louisa Ryder and Jabez Steer) Ml5231 Doris Louise Steer b:10-26-1897 d:7-31-1898 Ml5232 Dariel Frances Steer b:7-10~1899 M1523_3 Malcolm Dayton Steer b :3-3-1903 1Ml5234 Phyllis Marion· b:3-2-1914 m:3-19-1940 John Rich Vail (b:8- 20-1905, son of. Delia Rieh and Isaac John Vail) Ch:Stephen John .b:5-13-1943, Robert Ernest b:12-13-1946 M153 Polly D~yton b:1-4-1817 d:2-24-1899 m:5-8-1850 Aaron Fenn M1531 Nancy Eliza Fenn b:4-2-1855 d:7-3-1865 M154 Curtis Atwood Dayton b :12-21-1818 d :_5-l-'fl895 m:12-8-1858 Honore White (b:5- 1-1831 d:3-28-1883; she m:lst Michael Deely) Ml541 R~th Caroline Dayton b:5-22-1859 d:6-26-1931 m:9-15-1883 Henry Web­ . - s ter --Thomas ·( d: 2-i7-1931) _ Ml542 Laura Nancy Dayton b:4-23-1861 d:9-1-1937 m:9-30-1882 Arthur Howard · Turkingto~ (b:1-13-1858 ·a:11-17-1948, son of Lucy Ann Johnson and David Turkington) Ml5421 Grace Honora Turkington b:8-1-1883 c:2-5-1913 m:6-11-1911 Reynolds C Baldwin .(b:2-19-1887 _d:12-22-1928, son of Bertha King and El­ mer-Ellsworth Baldwin) ·Ml5_4211 Lucy Alice Baldwin b:1-2-1913 m:Albert Handlowich (b:9-30- 1906, son of Katherine Hunisko and Jo·seph Handlowich) Ch: Jmnes Albert b:2-20-1935, Donald Edward b:1-18-1936, Kather­ in~ Diane b:12-13-1936, Bettylou b:2-20-193~Marjorie Elaine b:4-30-~939, Peter Lawrence b:9-27-1940, David Arthur b:10- 11-1941, Albert Baldwin b:9-28-1942, Reynolds Crandall b:11- 24-1945, Richard Arnold b:4-2-1949 M15422 David Curtis Turkington b:5-17-1887 m(lst) 10-10-1910 Elizabeth Carels (b:8-21-1885 d:11-21-1927, dau of Theresa Loughrey and Joseph Rodge Carels) m(2d) 11-30-1929 Helen Theresa Wynn (b: 5-3-1900, dau of Nellie Dunn and Frank Wynn) Ml54221 Robert Dayton Turkington t-.3--18-1912 m:9-14-1940 Mabel Evelyn Crowley (b:4-16-1918, dau of Olive Blanche Daniels and Jas­ . per Oxford Crowley) Ch:Barbara Ann b:11-10-1947 ·· M154222 Eleanor El iznbeth Turkington b:8-28-1914 m: 3-13-1945 Robert 63

John Roulston (b:8-20-1912, son of Ann Graham Marshall and Robert Andrew Roulston) Ch:William Marshall b:12-23-1948 ·Ml54223 Florence Evelyn Turkington b:11-10-1915 m:5-25-1942 Anton Henry Haas (b:1-3-1915, son of Sarah Brooks Swartz and Louis Miller Haas) Ch:Nancy Carels b:3-23-1944, Louis Miller b:8- 9-1948 Ml54224 David Curtis Turkington Jr b:12-13-1917 d:5-24-1918 Ml54225 Marian Nancy Turkington b:1-7-1920 m:8-2-1940 Thomas Clue­ low (b:4-18-1920, son of Mary Elizabeth Schulz and Thomas Cluelow) /Ml54226 Grace Virginia Turkington b:8-24-1933 m:7-28-1943 Randolph Hayden Merchant (b:1-2-1922, son of Mary Agnes Randolph and

1 Richard Ellis Merchant) . 1 Ml5423 Florence Eliza Turkington b:12-30-1888 m:7-3l-1915 Wesley Booth Coan (son of Alice Curtis and Albert w· Coan) /Ml54231 Virginia Turkington Coan b:1-18-1917 m:Sept 1944 Joseph . Franklin 0·1Brien.· Ch:Joseph Franklin b:5-2-1949 Ml55 Ruth Dayton b:8-25-1823 d:6-12-1846 unm _Ml56 Dortha M Dayton b:8-23-1826 d:5-28-1865 unm /M157 Caroline Dayton b:8-21-1828 d:8-12-1844 Ml58 Nancy Eliza Dayton b:2-20-1833 d:12-12-1913 unm

Ml6 Matthew Dutton Dayton b:4-6-1785 d:4-2-1864 m:4-2-1812 Annis Beard (b:4-27-1793 d:9-4-1857, dau of Mary Gibbs and Ezra Beard) Ml61 Ezra Beard Dayton b:8-28-1813 d:9-20-1813 Mt6_2 Charles Ezra Dayton b:8-8-1814 d:6-15-1868 m:3...:29-1837 Orpha Ann Simons (b: 8-25-1812 d:3-13-1908, dau of Rachel Stewa~t and Hen_ry Simons) Ml621 Sarah Elizabeth Dayton b:1-10-1842 d:8-20-1~00 m:8-20-1867 Warren Wil­ son Cleaver (b:10-16-1836/9 d:10-13-1920, son of Diana Chamberlain and Isaac Cleaver) M16211 Charles Ezra Cleaver b:9-12-1869 m::May Alene Dayton (M161Q3 b:5- 23-1866, dau of Emily Cornelia Minturn and Joseph Beard Dayton) Ml62lll Maurice Perkins Cleaver b:12-13-1898 m:Bernice Marie Kinney (b:1-28-1908, dau of Tilla May Hendershot and Arthur Allen Kinney) · Ml621111 Shirley May Cleaver b:1-18-1929 m:11~8-1951 Everett Na­ thaniel Holt Jr (b:2-11-1924, son of Ann Koloski and Ev­ erett Nathaniel Holt) Ch:Christopher Evan b:7-4-1952, Robin Maurice ·b:1-31-1954_, Wendy Jean b:3-20-1955, Pam­ ela May b:5-14-1959, Elizabeth Marion b:5-8-1962 Ml621112 Betty Jean Cleaver b:9-23-1932 m:9-3-1953 Donald Dean Dawes (b:8~14-1927, son of Ruth Squire and Roy Albert Dawes) Ch:Randal Kevin b:8-3-1954, Janice Renee b:7-14- 1955, Jeffry Scott b:5-27-1960, Shirley Marie b:6-13- 1962 M162111.3 Charles Arthur Cleaver .b: 10-8-1937 Ml62112 Darwyn Lorin Cleaver b:6-12-1900 m:8-1-1923 Frances Lucille · Crouch (b:9-13-1909, dau of Sadie Louise Simmons and Willis Btirr Crouch) Ml621121 Katherine Lucille Cleaver b:6-24-1924 m(lst) Dec 1941 George M Burns {b:6-24-1921) m(2d) 11-8-1948 Richard Hatchett m(3d) 12-6-1957 Vernon V Benson (b:10-14-1929, 63a

son of Inez Rose Preston and Walter L Benson) Ch:Donna Jean b:10-17-1942, Gary Richard b:6-2-1955, Vernon Lee b·4-16-1959. . M1621122 Wallace Charles Cleaver b:12-26-1928 m:2-22-1947 Lois Genevieve Harbeck (b:4-20-1923, dau of Beatrice Evelyn Tythcott and Milton P Harbeck) Ch:Charles Nicholas b:3- 13-1952 Ml621123 Donaid Bruce Cleaver b:1-5-1930 m:11-16-1950 Rose E Rizzo (b:4-7-1926, dau of Clementine Rizzuto and Sam Rizzo) Ch:Donald Bruce Jr b:4-13-1952, David Alan b:1- 13-1954 Ml6212 Pitson :Jay Cleaver b:4-17-1875 m:.1897 Caroline Mae Fisher (dau of Maria Eliza Crandall and Edward Ramson Fisher) M162121 Leonard Rene Cleaver b:11-21-1899 m:1926 Bea----­ M16221211 Sherrill Ann Cleaver m: ------. Ch:Craig ..,,.,.,M162122 Pauline Agnes Cleaver b:2-11-1902 m:9-30-1923 Curry Carroll Clark (b:8-8~1894 d:1-24-1960, son of Agnes Morris and John Calhoun Clark) . . . Ml621221 Alice Betty Clark b:9-15-1926 m:4-30-1949 Earl LeRoy Couch- (son of Theresa Russe_ll nnd George Marvin Couch) Ch:Clark LeRoy b:2-2-1950, Tami Beth b:6-10-1957 M1621222 Vivian Mae Clark b:3-9-1928 m:6-14-1947 Lawrence De Noble (son of Fred DeNoble) Ch:Lorraine b:l-10~1949, Clark Richard b:Apr 1950 M16213 Guy Clair Cleaver b:8-11-1877 d:6-1-1959 m-:6-17-1908 Mary Grace McCartney (b:12-10-1881, dau of Margaretta Bowan Kendlehart and William-Patrick McCartney) M162131 William Warren Cleaver b:6-23-1910 M162~32 David Kendlehart Cleaver b:3-18-1912 M162133 Grace Miriam M Cleaver b:1-10-1914 m:3-16-1944 William G · Mowrey (b:1-5-1915, son of Mable Haddey and Claude E Mowrey) . Ch:Richard David b:10-3-1946, Je&n Diane b:10-14-1949 "Ml62134 James Russel Cleaver b:11--5-1915 m:Aug 1946 Lois Swanson M162135 Mary Ruth Cleaver b:12-8-1918 m:8-9-1947 Ray J Jordan (b: 6-1-1919) · Ch:Mary Louise b·:5-15-1948, James b:5-13-1953 Ml622 Mary Annis Dayton b:5-13-1847 d:12-24-1930 m:1-10-1866 Charles B Mc Laughlin (b:9-24-1842 d:6-29-1921, son of Elizabeth Beers and John McLaughlin) Ml6221 Edith Dora McLaughlin b:3-2-1869 d:11-2-1944 m:3-2-1887 Elmer L Wakeman (b:9-1-1860 d:9-8-1938) Ch:Ruth Dayton b:9-1-1902 Ml6222 Hattie Ann. McLaughlin b:7-24-1870 d:7-20-1962 m(lst) Nathan Jack­ sqn m(2d) Conley VanValkenburgh m(3d) Charles Puffer Ml62221 Allien Jackson b:8-11-1909 m:Merton Finch. Ch:Ruth An~ Sam­ uel Rupe.rt M162222 William Dayton VanValkenburg m:Gertrude Harrington (no ch) · · ··Mt6223 Dayton Clark McLaughlin b: 10-30-1872 m:Gertrude Huyck (b:3-17- 1876, dau of Philena Rogers and John N Huyck) M162231 Orpha Gertrude McLaughlin b:11-18-1897 m:7-11-1942 Kenneth MacMartin.Bow (b:5-21-1891 · d:4-25-1956, son of Anna Warner and John Bow) no ch . M162232 Eloise McLaughlin b:8-1-1909 m:10-23-1930 Millard Turner (b:11-2-1903, son of Etta Nil~s and George Turner) 63b

M1622321 Charles Roscoe Turner b:10-13-1931 m:5-8-1955 Anne Ra­ deker (b:9-4-1933, dau of Helene Lueders and Bernard Ra­ deker) Ch:Clarke Dayton b:4-22-1958, Lori Anne b:7-17- 1959, K~lly_Lynne b:12-16-1960 .. M1622322 Robert Millard Turner b:8-20-1934 m:8-20-1960 Grace Louise Conner (b:2-15-1935, dau of Eleanor A Bogart and Cyr_us W Conner) Ch:Nancy Louise b:·6-14-1961, Stephen . · Robert b:12-24-1962 ./Ml622323 Richard Huyck Turner b:12-21-1936 m:4-5-1958 Gwendolyn Van Loan (.b:9-28-1941) · Ch:Jackie b:2-24-1960, Connie . b:7-11-1962 M1622324 Dayton Niles Turner b:1-25-1943 . M1622325 Kaye Turner b:8-11-1949 j . VM162233 Charles Dayton McLaughlin b:6-4-1917 m(lst)·S-13-1938 Laura Lobdell (M128322 b:8-20-1916 d:4-18-1941, dau of Edna Latham and Earle Seeley Lobdell) m(2d) 3-18-1949 Florence Kinsley (b:6-9-1917, dau of Mary Elizabeth Gibson and Morris B Kins­ ley; she m:lst -~-- Keeler) no ch M163 Mary Elizabeth Dayton b:8-4/12-1816 d:10-31-1853 m(lst) 1-6-1841 Ezra Mor- . ·ris (d:Jun 1841, son of John Morris) m(2d) 12-4-1844 Ruliff Ruliffson ✓M1631 Fisher Gieason Ruliffson b:9-18-1845 d:10-27-1891 m:Rosa Harris . •./Ml6311 ;Lilly Ruliffson 1 · Ml632 Mary C~~ij:a~e Ruliffson b:9-13-1847 d:1875 m:Roman G Lafebre (son of _ Mary' Gl'enson and Gilbert Lefebre) ./M16321 Meta Lafebre m:Clarence Dickinson. Ch:George M1633 H~len Elizabeth Rulif_fson b:.10-9-1.850 d:12-22-1875 unm Ml64 Russel Gibbs Dayton . p:4-26.-1818. · d:7-13-1907 m(lst) 6-5-1843 Olive Atwood (b:6-25-1817 d:5-13-1844, dau pf Ruth .Bronson and Stephen Atwood) m(2d) 1-1-1845 Sally Ann Owens (d:5-9-1876) m_(3d) 6-20-1877 Jane Young (d:3-9- 1880, dau of Edwnrd Young) m(4th) 9-28-1881 Julia ·Gregory (she m:lst Ml433) (a ch of 1st m was b&d:5-13-1844) M1641 Olive DeEtte Dayton b:3-7-1848 d:5-19-1928 m:9-5-1865 William Kennedy (b:6-11-1840 d:3-23-1909, son of Agnes Finney and Alexander B Ken­ nedy) M16411 Cora Maria Kennedy b:11-1-1867 d:4-20-1925 m:1-21-1891-Alfred H Smith M164111 Frieda Kennedy Smith b:8-20-1893 d:9-·9-1912 M164lt2 William Roy Smith b:4-2-1900 m:11-21-1927 I·sabel Chambers (b:9-11-1905, dau of Elizabeth Mae Sanderson and John Cham­ f>ers) M1641121 Elizabeth Mae Smith b:8-23-1928 m:8-10-1947 Jo•siah And­ rew Graver (b:10-15-1926) Ch:Deborah Elizabeth b:3-15- : 1948, Gary Lynn b:4-3-1949, Doreen Ann b:6-20-1955 M1641122 Dorothy Louise. _Smith b:1-13-1931 m:8-22-1953 Arthur John McCue (b:3-9-1930) Ch:Craig John b:7-1-1955, Pat­ rick Melvin b:11-11-1956 Ml641123 Kenneth Chambers Smith b:6-5-1932 m:12-26-1953 Marie Silvera (b:6-3-193_2) Ch:Steven Roy b:4-21...;1956, Mark Kenneth b:3-7-1958, Laurie Isobel b:4-17-1961 Ml641124 Robert Roy Smith b:9-11-1934 M164113 George Kennedy Smith b:2-11-1902 d:9-15-1929 unm 64 ' .

Ml6412 Roy Dayton Kennedy b:6-27-1876 d:3-16-1910 m:4-18-1901 Alice Cor- . inne Wilson (b:1-14-1880, dau of Azantha Oriana Kennedy and Henry Wi"lson) Ml64121 Margaret DeEtte Kennedy b:12-12-1905 m:7-12-1930 Adrian C .- · · Rughes (b:2-13-1904 d:3-4-1955, ·,son·· of··Anabel Miller and An- . · thony Cass_ Hu.g~e~) · . no ch Ml6413 Nelle OeEtte Kennedy b:12-16-1878 d:~1-12-1955 m:7-5-1905 Harold ~arean ~ayton ~M1698 b:2-5-1879, son of Lucy Marean and Henry . Havens I;)ayton) ;Ml64131 Will°iain Kennedy Dayton b:5-14-1909 m:6-26-1937 Virginia Ruth Roth. (b:10-15-1912, dau of Rena Rohrdans and 3ohn Roth) Ch: John MareBn· (b:7~4-1940, D9uglas 'Kennedy b:10-6-1942, Rose­ mary Roth b:7~9-1945, Peter Rohrdans b:5-18-1949 M164132 Constance· Marean. Dayton b:10-8-1913 m:9-7-1940 Thomas Leroy · B·ailey _·(b.:8-17-i917\ · son· of Daisy Trelease and Thomas Bailey) _ Ch.:Gordo~ R~y b_:~~-10-1942·,: David.Thomas b:12-25-1946 M164133 Henry_ Ho~e Dayton - b:11-14-1918 · m:9-11-1943 Marthn Danforth T_aylor (b:$-29~1919·,. dau of: Helen Rae Grant and George Dan­ .forth. Taylor) ~ Ch:·R~chel .Marian '(adptd) b: l~-4-1944, Ruth ... _ ~e,dzie_(adptd) b:l"i-S-i945,. ~ussell Taylor C.dptQ) b:7-24-1948 M164134 Olive Lucille n·ayton b:6:..13:..1921 m:10-23-1948 Robert :sterl- 4\g Turn~r (b:10-30-1~22, son·~t·Helen Sterling ··and George Krchie Turner) Ch:B~rbar~. Constance b:1-11-1954, Beth Ro-

I . • berta b:,. 12-28-1959' ·..: ·~· · · · . • · M1642 Step~en Matthew ·Dayton b:3~26-1851 ·d:1940. lll':2i13-_1878 Lydia Young (d: - 19-22; sis.ter· of his father·' s 3d wife) . - · .-· · . / M16421 .Harold ~oung Dayton ·1:,;_l0-29-'1'883/4 m:9-5-1906, . :carrie Hubbard · lM\~4211 Carl ~tuart Dayton: · b:12_-12-1910 ·m:6-3-1933. Eleanor E Rich ...... (dau .of Elvah ---- nnd Q·aniel Ric~) "Ml642111 Stephen Rich_Qayton b:6-27-1938 m:6-18-1960 Nancy Lodar . : :·= M1642112 Daniel Stuart Dayton b:4-18-1945·. · _Ml643 _Mary E Dayton b:1-4-1864 m:Herbert Tobey · Ml6431 Clinton Russell Tobey b:2-15-1896 m:Frances Whitaker. Ch:Nancy M16432 Herbert Dayton Tobey b:S-4-1899 m:Elva Cable. C~: 2 daus Ml644 Frank G Dayton b:1882 d:1953 m:Estelle Gregory. (no ch) M165 Albert Beard Dayton b:3-3-1820 .d:1908 m:4-3-1845 Elvira Hathnway (d:2-19- 1.902, dau of Sally Hooker and Dexter Hathaway) Ch:Helen Maria b:3-24- , 1846 d:5-6-1898 unm Mi66.James Hickox Dayton b:6-30-1822 (or 6-6-1823) d:1-18-1847 m:11-4-1845 Maria . -.: Seeley (dau of ---- Barnum an~ Levi Seel_ey; she. m:2d Almeron Martin)no ch Ml67: Roxena J?~yton b:Jul_ 1824 d:9-9-1826 . Ml68 Roxena Dayt~n b:1-1.-1.827/8 d:12-27-1856 m:10-13-1852 Myron Fredenburg (son . . of An1:1dine Simonson and Hiram Fredenburg) no ch ~169 Henry ~avens Dayton b:4-9-1830 d:11-29-1.923 m:4-24-1°856 Lucy Marean (b:4- 24-1838 d:10-9-1908, dau of Sarah Mooers.and.Francis Henry Marean) -Ml691 Co~a Adalaide Dayton b:2-i9-1857 d:5-23-1938 unm M1692 El~er Francis DaytQn b:2-8-1861 d:7-12-1863. · · M1693 Nellie ~ay Dayton b:3-20-1863_d:5~18-i924 unm M1694 Fanny Lillinn Dayton b:7-19~1866 d:4-21-1958 m:12-26-1895 John Atwood (b:184Pt son of Lucinda Cnrter and Gerrit·s Atwood) no ch 65

M1695 Mnry Alice Dnyton b:4-6-1869 d:3-17-1959 unm Ml696 Clarence Arthur Dayton b:6-4-1871 d:5-5-195~ m:6-27-1901 Nellie Mae Ames (b:1-26-1875 d:1-13-1953, dau of Cornelia E Phillips and Jesse P Ames) . M16961 Clarence Ames Dayton b:4-17-1903 .m:1-1-1928. Martha Ewing Terhune (b:6-22~1905, dau of Mary Elizabeth Adams and Rob~rt Lee Ter­ hune) M169611 Marilee Dayton b:10-13-1928 m:6-16-1951 Gaylord Allen Haw­ kins (b:10-13-1920, son of Gladys Minette Allen and Bertrand Stoddard Hawkins) Ch:Jonathan Allan b:7-28-1953, Christopher Ames b:10-3-1954, Brian Terhune b:5-3-1957 M169612 Jane Ellen Dayton b:11-14-1942 .. · Ml697 Sarah Genevieve Dayton b:5-30-1876 d:10-26-1957 UIUn M1698 Harold Marean Dayton b:2-5-1879 m:7-5-1905 Nelle DeEtte Kennedy MI°6413 (See M16413 for continuation of this line) Ml610 J'oseph Beard Dayton b:7-15-1832 d:1919 m:3-12-1856 Emily Cornelia Minturn . - (b:1-4-1837, dau of Lany Simonson and Samuel F Minturn) . · M16!.Ql May Ida Dayton b:4-1-1857 m:George W Thompson Ml6!.Qll Jeffrey Dayton Thompson · M161Q12 Leroy Thompson M16!Q2 George Arthur Dayton b:1-24-1863 m(lst) Almyr~ E_ Guernseym(2d) Alice Sales (dau of Mary Ann Millington and Major Sales) M16l.Q.21 Arthur Russell Dayton b:7-3-1892 M161.Q22 Myra May Dayton b:12-24-1898· . · . /M161Q3 May Aylene Dayton b:5-23-1866 m:Charles Cle.aver Ml61.Q31 Maurice Perkins Cleaver b:12-13-1898 ~:Bernice.Marie Kinney (b: 1908) M161Q32 Darwyn Lorin Cleaver b:6-12-1900 m:Frances Lucille Crouch0,:1909 Ml6ll Nancy Miranda Dayton b:11-9-1836 d:1920. m:12-25-1861 Cyrenus Almon Gibbs (M1432, son of Dorotha Louisa Merriam and John Wesley Gibbs) (See Ml432 for continuation of this line) M17 John Guernsey Dayton b:4-4-1787 (or 4-7-1789) d:1-13-1862 (or 1-8-1863) m:5-1- 1808/9 Rann.ah Beardsley (b:6-20-1790 d:3-_19-1865, dau of Abigail Penfield . and Salmon W Beardsley) ,· M171 Matthew Wheeler Dayton b:1-2-1811 d:7-22-1891 m:1-17-1840 Maria Louisa Newkirk M1711 Worden Dayton (d:inf) Ml712 John Guernsey Dayton II b:1-4-1845 M1713 Charles S Dayton b:7-9-1847 m:3-22-1881 Pauline A Dohrmann M1714 Matthew Wheeler Dayton Jr b:11-16-1849 Ml715 Isaac W Dayton b:8-25-1851 M172 John Allen Dayton b:10-21-1812 d:10-3-1868 m:5-17-1853 Ruth Hannah.Clark~: Jan 1834 d:1-9-1907/8, dau of Ruth Hannah Jennings and Simeon Clark) Ml721 Guernsey A Dayton b:9-1-1854 d:10-31-1888 m:Mnry Frnnk M17211 Matthew A Dayton M17212 Louise Dayton m: ---- Murray Ml7213 Abbie Dayton m: ---- Centner M17214 Isabel Dayton Ml722 Helen M Wadsworth Dayton b:9-25-1856 d:4-6-1939 m:7-29-1876 Steve Nye M17221 Ida Nye b:6-14-1877 d:1900 · Ml723 Penfield Lewis Dayton b:4-22-1859 d:5-17-193) m:2-23-1893 Mary Flor­ ence Wright (b:1-12-1873) M17231 Ruth Allene Dayton b:11-11-1894 m:4-16-1917 Harry Austin (b:3-17- 1895, son of Alta Abbey and Lorenzo W Austin) · Ml72311 Thelma Zoe Austin b:2-4-1918 d:7-19-1945 m:6-30-1936 Ralph K 66

Mosher (b:10-15-1915) Ch:Kenneth Ralph b:1-8-1938, Kendrick Rae b:7-8-1940, Kerneith Rita b:7-19-1945 M172312 Evelyn Mnry Austin b:10-2-1919 m:7-30-1946 Ralph K Mosher . (he m:lst Ml72311) Ch:Lynn Roland b:10-5-1948 · Ml72313 Theo Hnrriet Austin b:6-23-1924 m:8-29-1941 Wayne W Stearns (b:4-2-1925) Ch:Bruce Wayne b:4-8-1943, SandrL Kay b:8-10- 1944, Brenda Joyce b:10-27-1945, Wade William b:9-10-1948 :Ml7232 John Allen Dayton b:11-1-1899 m:12-25-1925 Marian Esther Porter (b:5-28-1906) Ch:Rebec~a Kay b:l-20-193~ David Allen b:12-9-1942 ,·Ml7233 Penfield Lewis Dayton Jr b:2-24-1904 m:5-30-1930 Elsie Anne Rath­ jens (b:6-14-1906) ChPenfield Lewis 3rd b:5-15-1939, Barbara Anna b:9-7-:-1943 ,,-M1724 Sophie S Dayton b:9-2-1861 d:9-26-1940 m:Charles Gillson (d:10-29-1944) M1725 Herbert M Dayton b:2-15-1866 d:2-6-1933 . -Ml726 Hannah Abbie Dayton b:8-17-1868 d:4-17-1936 ( -,'Ml73 Russell Hoy-t Dayton b:2-23-1815 d:1903 m:1844 Dolly Titus (b:7-12-1824, dau of Esther Yoman and James B Titus) Ml731 Marie Louise Dayton b:4-14-1845 d:2-17-1902 m:9-23-1868 James C Silli- man (d:8-9-1920) · Ml7311 Floyd I Silliman b:6-20-1874 d:5-4-i927 m:1901 Myrta Bragg (b:8- - 16-1882, dau of Harriet Adell Knights and George Bragg) Ml73111 Ronald Day-ton Silliman b:9-25-1905 m:6-29-1929 Hannah Eliza­ beth McFarland (b: 12-25-1907, dau of Mary Elizabeth Bacon snd Raymond McFarland) M1731111 Floyd Raymond Silliman b:9-29-19~0 m:11-24-1955 Helen Jocelyn Scott (b:5-28-1933, dau of Margaret Lucille Two­ may and Hugh Bosworth Scott) Ch:Philip Edward (adptd; son of Helen Jocelyn Scott by previous marriage) b:5-15- 1953, Brian Lee b:9-14-1956,. Lori Ann b:3-20-1958 Ml731112 Elizabeth Joy Silliman· (adptd) b:3-6~1935 m:9-17-1955 Donald Edward Schmidt. (b:11-29-1932, son of Genevieve Nelly Stresing. and Harold Carl Schmidt) Ch:Russell Don­ ald b:7-24-195_8, Ellen Elizabeth b:9-30-1959, Duane Ed­ ward b:6-18-1961 M17312 Nettie L Silliman b:12-8-1879 .m:6-20-1903 Louis Julius Wiede (b: 11-1-1874 d:7-23-1950, son.of Margaretha Gress and Charles Louis Julius Wiede) Ml73121 Peggy Wiede (adptd) b:12-1-1915 m:10-6-1945 Elmer Francis Irish (b:5-22-1918, son of Edith Partridge and Loren Jerome Irish) Ch:Stephen Louis b:10-19-1947, Thomas Elmer b:2-21- 1949, Bonnie Louise b:5-2-1952 M1732 George Lewis Dayton b:2-26-1848 d:Aug 1917 m:9-16-1874 Jennie Davis (d:1927) - }117321 Lottie Dayton b:1875 d:1879 Ml7322 Marian Dayton d:ae 21 M17323 Arthur Dayton b:11-6-1884 d:1954 m:Frances Mishka (d:1940) M173231 Carol Dayton m:Richard Knerr 1 Ml733 James Orson Dayton b:5-25-1850 d:Apr 1923 m:1-1-1881 Elizabeth Agnes , Smith (b:6-18-1856 d:10-29-1895) -- M17331 Robert Royal Dayton b:1-13-1883 m:Sept 1909 Ethel ·Evans M173311 Eleanor Dayton _ M17332 Madge E Dayton b:10-30-1884 m:10-22-1906 Daniel LaFleur (b:1-3- 1875 d:11-24-1951, son of Har~iet Angtjish and Peter LaFleur) -./Ml73321 Ethel Madge LaFleur b:9-1-1907 m:Art1lur Lowrey West ,·Ml733211 Margaret Frances West b:4-30-1936 m:11-27-1954 Marshall Banks (son of Marshall Banks) Ch:Diana Lynn, James Mar­ shall b:9-23-1958, Daniel Edmund b:12-27-1960 67

. M1733212 James _Dayton West b:9-5-1939 .m:_2-11--1961 Connie Ontes . . . Ch:Linda M~rie b:i~23-1962 M173322 Roy Francis LaFleur b:11-28-1909. m:1931-Mllrgaret Wik (b:11- 21-19·09, dau of Amelia Suug and Andrew Wik) . Ml733221--Joyce Marie LnFleur b:4-12-1932 m:8-27-1951 George Har­ lock (b:4-17-1932, son of Harold Harlock) C~:Linda Marie b:9-5-1952, Don~ld Paul b:10-15-1956 ·. Ml733222 B~tty Jane LaFleur b:9-20-1935 u:10-11-1952 Richard Knop (son of Esther-~-- and Walter Knop) Ch:Susan Elizabeth b:6-27-1953, Michael Eric b:11-23-1954, Timothy Earl b: 5-25-1959, Lisa Elaine b:6-5-1960 · Ml733223 Daniel Roy Lo.Fleur b:10-15-1938 m:5-9-1960 Gail Sacks (b:3-12-1939, dau of Dorothy---- and Robert Sacks) Ch: Duane Michael b:10-20-1961 Mll33224 John Charles LaFleur b:1-12-1944 Ml733225 Paui Russell LaFleur b:6-21-1952 M173323 Harriet Elizabeth LaFleur b:11-12-1911 m:9-4-1931 Charles Nulton (b:~-14~1912, son of Etta Weed and Osmar Nulton) _.,Ml733231 J'oan Betty Nulton b:9-21-1932 m:9-28-1951 George Mavis (son of Ellie ----- and Alex M-avis) Ch:·Becky Lynn b:11-1- . 1955, Beverly Jean b:1-8-1958 /M1733232 Gail Nulton b:12-12-1937 m:Paul Richa·rd· Purtan (son of Marjory ---- and Paul Purtan) Ch:Jennifer Lee b:-6-l4-1961 ,/Ml73324 Genevieve LaFleur b:6-10-1914 m:3-16-1945 john· Kane (son of John.Kane) no ch · ,-M173325 Mark LaFleur b:3-21-1917. m:Dorothy Christie. Ch:Marlene (twin, adptd) b:8-24-1949, Charlene ~win, adptd)b:8~24-194~ . Dianne b:8-7-1951, Roxanne b:8-20-1952 _,. Ml73326 Mary Frances LaFleur b:11-27-1919 m:3-11-1942 John V Ross(b: 4-27-1910, son of Letitia ---- and John-·S Ross) no ch M173327 Russell Peter LaFleur b:7-24-1922 m:5-27-1944 Ruth Muck (b: ·10-11-1923, dau of ~oretta -----· and Julius Elmer Muck) Ch:

Kathy b:3-25-1947 1 Eileen :b:3_-14-1950, Becky b:8...:10-1954, Nancy b:6-13-1956 Ml73328 Jeanne LaFleur b:8-6-1924 m:6-26-1943 George Walter (b:1-12- . 1914, son of Laura Kaiser and Georg~ Peter Walter) Ch:Elaine b:9-18--1945, Dianne Kay b:7-1_-1947, Karen Ann b:9-2-1950 Ml73329 Lois Loretta·LaFleur b;6-3-1927 m:8-9-1944 Jennings Smith (b:5-26-1924, son of Russell Smith) Ch:Donald Thomas b:4-17- 1945, Douglas Mark b:11-27-1947, Jane Gayle b:9-7-1950 M17333 Beulah May Dayton b:11-23-1890 m:11-6-1920 John Isadore Dambach (b:6-12-1894, son of Mary Abel and George Dambach) Ml73331 Gretch~n Dambach b:12-16-1924 m:10-13-1956 Donald Chandler Ryon (b:1-19-1915, son ~f ~aurie Gertrude Clark and David Hammond Ryon) Ch:Bnrbara Dayton b:11-17-..;1957 M17334 Russell James Dayton _b:6-8-1.893 m:10-27-1919 Anna Bindioss (h:5- 24-1885, dnu of Irene C Tatum and Philip George Bindloss) M173341 Russell James Dnyton Jr t:7-22-1920 w-14-1947· Helen K French (b:7-15-1925, dnu of Helen Kinney and Winthrop French) no ch Ml734 Nettie Esther Dayton b:4-14-1852 a·:6-6-1947 m:3-26-1883 Chauncey ien­ nox (b:2-3-1848 d:7-31-1935, son of Ella Admns and George Lennox) M17341 Ethel Pearle Lennox b:2-10-1888 Ml735 Clarn Hannah Dayton b:3-25-1854 d:8-18-1944 . m:1-14-1875. Owel ·Alonzo Evans (b:1-23-1844 d:2-12-19Z3, son of Isabelle Carpenter and· Alonzo Evans) · - · Ml7351 Grace Evelyn Evans b:1-15-1876 m:5-6-1896 Charles Newton (b:1-8- 1866 d:3-8-1932) no ch 68

M17352 Dayton A Evans b:4-11-1892 m:5-24-1917 Mildred E Eiss (b:6-23- 1892, dau of Hnrriet·Jeannette Weller and George M Eiss) Ml73521 Richard Dayton Evans b:3-18-1918 m:Nov 1943 Joyce Reiland (b:2-6-1924, dau of Lillie Coyne and Albert Reilana)Ch:Craig b:5-8-1945, Claire (twin) b:3-13-1948, Catherine J (twin) b: 3-13-1948 Ml73522 George Owel Evans b:1-9-1920 m:May 1943 Mary Courter (b:3- 30-1920, dau of Merle Horton and Ralph Courter) Ch:Paul b:1- 25-1945, Gail b:1-31-1947, Ralph b;ll-1-1948 M1736 Genevieve Amy Dayton b:4-13-1865 d:2-28-1951 m:12-2-1919 Eugene Davis (b:2-7-1864 d:May 1933, son of Clarissa----- and Pliny Davis) no ch IM174 Asenath A Dayton b:4-17/19-1817 d:3-26-1912 m:11-9-1847 Charles M Platt M1741 John D Platt b:1851 d:1852 M1742 Frank Lee Platt b:1852 d:3-5-1891 unm M1743 M Louise Platt b:11-13-1854 d:1925 m:9-8-1891 Frank L Barnet (d:1932) no ch M1744 Nettie D Platt b:2-18-1856 d:1934 unm M1745 Lewis Dayton Platt b:5-29-1859 d:2-10-1923 m:10-18-1887 Anna A Haw­ thorne 0,:1867 d:6-5-1961, dau of Caroline A Moore and Ira B Hawthorne) Ml7451 Lawrence Hawthorne Platt b:1890 d:1918 m:1917 Moyle Canaday (b: 1892 d:1950) no ch Ml7452 Ruth Dayton Platt b:9-12-1894 -/Ml75 Lewis Penfield Dayton b:10-10-1819 d:5-14-1900 m(lst) Grace Holley (d:c1860) m(2d) Alice Hayes (or Alice M Campbell) m(3d) Margaret Vogt (d:12-19- 1930, dau of George S Vogt) M1751 Myron Holley Dayton b:1849 d:1855 M1752 Clara Dayton b:c1852 d:1856 Ml753 John Guernsey Dayton III b:9-27-1856 d:1925 m:Carrie L Shank (b:1-17- 1860 d:1-17-1940) •/Ml7531 Lewis Penfold Dayton b:2-8-1889 m:3-16-1912 Ethel E Little (b:5- , 5-1889, dau of Sarah Wadkins and William Carroll Little) ~ M17532 George Richard Dayton b:9-3-1890 Ml754 Jennie Louise Dayton b:7-6-1858 d:Jun 1924 m:11-12-1882 Charles Jacob Vogt (b:1858) Ml7541 Dayton George Vogt b:9-29-1883 d:1-31-1953 ml0-5-1914 Hazel Eger­ ia Howard (b:10-18-1089, dau of Cora May Hayden and Charles Nic­ kerson Howard) Ml75411 Jnnet Vogt b:7-13-1915 m:8-24-1940 Seth U Shorey (b:4-26- 1914, ·son of Lucy Sweetsir and Charles Urban Shorey) Ch:Nan b:Jun 1942, Nicholas Hayden b:3-31-1944 Ml75412 Carl Joel Vogt b:1-16-1920 m:Elizebeth Ara Dreisbach (b:1- 16-1922, dau of Ara Fr~2er nnd Harley Dreisbach) Ch:William Dayton b:8-23-1946, Thomas Frazer b:5-31-1950, Susan Eliza­ beth b:5-4-1952, Janet Ann b:7-13-1953 M17542 Carl Holley Vogt b:1-29-1885 d:2-16-1959 unm Ml76 Chauncey Obndiah Dnyton b:9-10-1822 d:2-23-1849 M177 HenryM Dnyton b:11-24-1824 d:12-21-1909 m:3-25-1855 Sophia Stevens M1771 Lewis Penfield Dayton b:8-9-1858 Ml772 Franklin H Dayton b:2-6-1860 d:unm M178 Chnrles S Dayton b:4/11-23-1826 d:9-7-1892 m:4-27-1855 Lucy Beaman (d:11-3- 1911) M1781 Grace W Dayton b:Mar 1856 d:12-3-1867 M1782 Kate Dayton b:6-23-1859 m: ----Constantine.· Ch: dau (adptd) Ml79 Jeannette Dayton b:4-20-1829 d:3-15-1831 69

Ml7l.Q.Mary Jeannette Dayton b:10-20-1832/3 d:11-20-1907 m:1-1-1861 Volney Frank­ lin Axtell (b:12-2S-i831 d:1-17-1902) M171Q.l Mary Hannah Axtell b:12-23-1865 d:8-7-1941 m:12-1-1891 Clinton I Lau­ rence. (no ch) Ml7102 William Axtell b:1869 d:1870 Ml71Q..3- Josephine Frances Axtell b:5-23-1871 d:1-21-1957 m:7-21-1890 Samuel Perry Spencer (d:12-26-1943) M17lQ..31 Eloise Dayton Spencer b:5-7-1891 m:8-19-1915 Auburn Ray Nowels Ml7l0311 Frarices Ellen Nowels b:5-26-1916 m:8-7-1941 Willard M Ped­ erson (b:10-28-1910) Ch:Peter Eric b:10-18-1946, Perry Lor­ rain b:5-1-1948, Thomas David b:7-14-1950 _ Ml7lQ312 Eloise Spencer Newels b:9-21-1917 m:4-24-19.48 David Lincoln Spencer (b:9-2-1915) Ch:JoEllen Page b:6-20-1950, John Step­ hen b:9-12-1952, Margaret Lynn b:6-6-1954~ David William b: 3-23-1956 M171Q.32 Clinton Franklin Spencer b:6-29-1898 d:12-22-1943 m:8-14-1918 Mae Jones Ml71Q.321 Clinton Samuel Spencer b:12-7-1922· m:Marie Costanzo. Ch: Priscilla Kay_ b:10-4-1947, Barbara Jo b:11-19-1949, Susan Marie b:2-5-1952, Clinton Franklin II b:2-15-1956 Ml7lQ.322 Doris Mae Spencer b:3-18-1929 · m:10-21-19S0·William Thorsen Ch:Thomas b:8-23-1951, Marshan b:9-15~1953, Daniel Spencer . b:12-21-1961 . Ml71Q33 Ruth Spencer b:7-12-1904 m:9-1-1926 Geo·rge T Eastman 0,:10-7-1901) Ml7lQ.331 Donald Spencer Eastman b:3-2-1929 m:7-27-1952 Rose Marie Rickman. Ch:Kristine Rhee b:-10-4-1954, Richard Donald b:7- 4-1956, Constance Rutn b:7-28-1959 . Ml7lQ..332 Whitman T Eastman b:5-17-1936 m:1-18-195$. Margaret Marie McCulloch. Ch:Drent Spencer b:2-1-1961 Ml7UAndrew Jackson Dayton b:3-6-1835 d:7-13-1911. -m:12-8-1870 Louise 3 Raymond (b:9-14-1846/8 d:6-10-1931, dau of Annie Wilson and Philip Raymond) M17U..l Sophronia Louise Dayfon b:9-15-1871 d:12-20-1'945 ~:1898 Henry. W Alt (b:4-14-1875, son of \vilhelmina Smith and Peter. Alt) . Ml7Wl Rena Louise Alt b:9-9-1898 m:9-28-1929 Harry L Faragher (b:4-13- 1899, son of Katherine Dahlke and Harry William Faragher) Ml7Wll Linda Louise Faragher b:8-17-1"939 m:3-15-1958 T~omas Milto:i Crawford (b:10-24-1938, son of Geneva Hunt and _Kenneth Wil­ liam Crawford) Ml7lll2 Dayton H Alt b:12-26-1900 m:10-6-1926 Blanche Galiagher (b:S-7- 1901, dau of _Anna Rickey and James Gallagher) . Ml7ll.121 Henry Clinton Alt b:9-23-1927 m:5-20-1950 Rosemary-T Dunn (b:11-9-1927, dau of Beatrice Seritne~ and Joseph Dunn) Ch: Margaret A_nn b:7-15-1953, Caroline s'ue b:8-17-1955,. Beverly Rae b:10-5-1956, Marlene Marie b:12-28-1957 Ml7Ul22 Robert Dayton Alt b:6-18-1929 m:10-11-1952 Barbara Gardei (b:1-27-1934 dau of Florence Riegle and George Dewey Gardei) Ch:Brenda b:1-29-1954, Brian Lee b:7-24-1957, Bruce Anthony b:10-10-1962 Ml7ll.123 Russell Lee Alt b:10-31-1931 m:11-23-1960 Jewell Curtis (b: 6-13-1938, dau of Nancy Emmerline Jett and nutton Curtis) M17ll.124 Nancy Jean Alt b:12-2-1936 m:8-1-1960 Ernest W Jones Jr (b: 5-11-1933, son of Hellen Benson and Ernest William Jones Sr) Ch:Richard William b:3-14-1962 Ml7lll3 Lucy Teckla Alt b:1-27-1903 m:12-22-1920 Harvey S Burke Ml7lll31 Harvey Dayton Burke b:10-21-1924 m:Betty Mae Bertram (dau of Margaret----- and Willie Bertram) Ch:Karla Gretchen b:7- 9-1958 70

Ml711132 Paul Andrew Burke b:8-17-1927 m:10-2-1948 Ellen Elizabeth - Cahn (dau of Pearl Margaret Miller and Howard Russell Cahn) Ch:Harvey Christopher b:9-6-1951, Timothy Sean b:6-10-1958 M1711l4.A.adrew Jackson Alt b:12-18-1905 m:9-30-1929 Celia Group. (no ch) Ml71115- Clinton Peter Alt b:9-21-1907 m:Eleanor ---- (no ch) Ml7l116 Evelyn Louise Alt b:5-15-1910 m:12-18-1929 Earl RaPkin (b:10-3- - 1909, son of Pearl Miller and James Ran~ia) (no ch) M17ll2 Lucy Raymond Dayton b:6-6-1873 m:11-19-1926 Edward Parment (b:7-7- 1860 d:11-20-1926) no ch Ml7113 Andrew Jackson Dayton Jr b:8-3-1875 d:10-15-1905 m:3-16-1904 Teckla - Amelia Sauer (dau of John Sauer; she m:2d George T Stapleton) no ch Ml7]l4 Theresa Caroline Dayton b:12-6-1881 d:10-24-1956 m:6-8-1904 Joseph Rich Fraser (b:1-12-1877 d:9-9-1952, son of Sarah Rich and Blake Percival Fraser) Ml71141 ~ouise Rich Fraser b:7-3-1905 m:11-15-1928 Lester Ralph Hutt(b: - 6-16-1905, son of Katheri•e Borman and Henry Robert Hutt) · 'Ml7ll411 Henry Robert Hutt II b:6-4-1931 m:12-8-1954 Antoinette Gen­ evieve Favre (b:12-19-1934, dau of Henriette Monnet and Marc Lionel Favre) Ch:Marc Lester b:12-12-1955, Peter Rex b:6-26- 1958 Ml711412 Peter Barton Hutt b:11-16-1934 m:8-29-1959 Eleanor Jane - Zurn (b:8-22-1934, dau of Elizabeth Jane Henderson and Ever- ett Frederick Zurn) Ch:Katherine Zurn b:10-24-1960, Peter Barton II b:l-31-1962 M17ll413 Sally Lou Hutt b:3-23-1937 m:9-6-1958 Norman Fairlie Nelson II. (b:10-13-1935, son of Alice Andrews and Alfred Nelson II) Gh:Jenifer b:8-5-1959, Peter Fairlie b:6-4-1962 M17ll42 Sarah Dayton Fraser b:10-9-1908 m:7-21-1934 Rex Vina2nt Rial (b: 12-15-1907, son of Julia Gaebel and Percival Octavius Rial) Ch: Rex Michael b:6-12-1947 •/Ml8 Asenath Dayton b:12-4-1787 (or 12-12-1790) d:5-19-1851 m:John B Allyn II (son of Abigail---- and John B Allen) Ml81 Charles N Allyn b:cl821 d:9-25-1877 m:11-11-18~6 Huldah Louise Baldwin Ml811 George Penfield Allyn b:10-2-1847 d:12-20-1920 m:3-31-1875 Leontine E Barnes (b:Jun 1843 d:6-13/13-1922) Ml8111 Louise Al~yn b:7-11-1877 Ml812 Mary Elizabeth Allyn b:10-8-1849 d:9-15-1930 m:1-27-1875 Silas K Mont­ gomery (b:10-7-1845 d:9-24-1923) no ch Ml813 Herif Baldwin Allyn b:4-18-1855 d:11-13-1857 M1814 Henrietta Allyn b:5-31-1857 m:3-30-1882 John H Bryan Jr Ml8141 Edith May Bryan b:8-3-1887 m: ------M18142 Harris Allyn Bryan b:12-11-1897 m: ------­ M1815 Jennie Louise Allyn b:12-26-1862 d:9-14-1876 M182 Mary Ann Allyn m:Isaac Penfield Ml83 Laura Allyn m:William Ensign 71

M2 DAVID DAYTON-b:-7;23-1749 d:11-4-1828 m:3-25-1773 Elizabeth Welton (b:5-18-1756 d:9-16-1847)

M21 Elizabeth ("Betsy") Dayton b:11-30-1774 m:Simeon Tuttle M22 David Dayton b&d:1777 )123 Sarah Dayton b:12-31-1778 m: ---- Coons M24 David Dayton Jr b:12-23-1781· d:1859 m:Wealthy Seymour M241 William Dayton M242 Daniel Riley Dayton b:1806 d:1845 m:Sally Ann Dayton M251 M2421 George Riley Dayton b:1837 m:Eliza Garlo·ck (dau of --~- Prance and And­ rew Garlock) M24211 Charles Andrew Dayton b:5-7-1867 m:Nellie Prior (dau of Mary Gates and John M Prior) Ch:Max Edmund b:5-7-1895, Charles Prior b:11- 16-1897 M2422 Royal Dayton M2423 Sarah Ann Dayton m:Dewitt Millard M2424 Fanny Eliza Dayton m:Henry E Ford M24241 William Ford m:Sarah Heverdeen M24242 Charles Ford M2425 David Dayton (d:inf) ~2426 Reuben Dayton (d:inf) M243 Frederick Alonzo Dayton b:10-25-1812 d:11-26-1878 m:1839 Mary Ann Porter (b: 1818 d:1878) M2431 William Harrison Dayton b:1841 d:1864 unm M2432 Charles Riley Dayton b:1843 d:1865 urun M2433 Marietta Dayton !>:1845 d:1916 m:1862 S Dow Silvernail _ _ M24331 Julia E Silvernail b:6-17-1863 d:8-13-1944 m:Frank·A-Bates M243311 Lenna F Bates b:7-31-1884 m:Elwood K Detwiler M2433111 Ruth Marguerite Detwiler b:4-27-1319m:Clayton Berger Ch:Lawrence Clayton b:5-14-19~6, Jean Marie b:7-1-1947 M2433112 Dorothy Jean Detwiler b:12-6-1922 m:Lou Smelka. Ch:Ger­ ald b:12-25-1944, Robert b:12~5-1945 M243312 Grace May Bates b:2-1-1886 d:9-27-1940 M243313 Golda B Bates b:2-7-189O m:Franklin S Fifield M2433131 Dawn Fifield b:11-30-1918 M2433132 Sherwin Bates Fifield b:1-21-1921 m:Ruth Margaret Lynn Ch-:Karen Lee. b: 11-25-1946 M243314 Lisle H Bates b:3-15-1892 m:Genevieve Parker. Ch:Neal Dow b: 11-16-1933 M243315 Rolfe A Bates b:7-6-1894 m:Lillian Annstrong M24332 Edward Silvernail M24333 George Silvernail m:Tessa Matthews. Ch:Irene M24334 William Silvernail M24335 Cecil Silvernail M24336 Clair H Silvernail b:11-30-1882 d:6-30-1946 m:Belle Brock (no ch) M2434 George Leon Dayton b:10-28-1846 d:1919 m:7-2-1875 Susan Roeney Olds** ;M24341 Adelbert George Dayton b:1-27-1877 M24342 Leona May Dayton b:3-10-1878/9 ~M24343 Leon Abbey Dayton b:1-27-1880 .M24344 Hugh Roy Dayton b:3-10-1881 m:12-31-1903 Zetta Simmons M24345 Clyde William Dayton b:7-5-1886 M2435 Joel Dayton b:1847 d:193- m:1877 Eva Tide. Ch:Bert, Roy, Ralph M2436 Susan Emily Dayton b:1852 d:1937 m:1882 Silas Beard M24361 Clarence Frederick Beard b:1883 m:Ida Jaberg M24362 Blanche Mary Beard b:1885 m:1902 John Wesley Stiffler *dau of Abigail Porter and Peter Welton **dau of Polly---- and Ephraim S Olds 72

M243621 Vernon Leslie Stiffler b:1903 m:1924 Geraldine Stone. Ch: Richard Lew b:1929, Nancy Lou b:1934 M243622 Dorothy Mae Stiffler b:1907 m:1928 Clifford Tyler. Ch:Robert Lee b:1928, James.Louis b:1930, John Nelson b:1933 M243623 Mignon Alberta Stiffler b:1910 M243624 Theodora Stiffler b:1917 M243625 Ruth Lois Stiffler b:1919 m:1940 Robert H Muehleisen. Ch:Su­ san Ann b:1943, Robert Alan b:1946 M2437 Weal thy Dayton b: 1855 d: 1861 M244 Orrin Dayton m(lst) Hannah Davis m(2d) Sarah Reed M2441 Henry Dayton m: ------. Ch:10, including Mable (m:---- Stewart) M2442 Albert Dayton (d:unm) M2443 Bela (cy) Ch of 2d m M2444 Beulah Dayton b:1861 d:cl936 m:3-14-1881 Anton Larson M24441 Laura Larson M24442 Lizzie Larson m: ---- Snyder M24443 Andrew Larson m: ------. Ch:Carol, Charles M2445 Elson Dayton b:1862 m:Alice Hartson. Ch:dau (adptd) M2446 Emerson Dayton b:1863 m:Una Odell M24461 Howard Dayton b:1893 m:Elinor Babb. Ch:Raymond b:1928, Nelson b: 1930, Rosie b:1932, Hillie Belle b:1934, Emerson b:1938, Juliette b: 1940 M2447 Lincoln Dayton b:1865 d:unm M2448 Truman Dayton b:1867 d:unm. M2449 Wealthy Dayton b:1868 m:Perry Odell (no ch) M2441Q Edwin Dayton b:1871 m:Lillie White (no ch) M244ll Datha Dayton b:1875 m:12-31-1895 Ross Hatch M244111 Eldon Elwell Hatch (d:ae 7) M244112- Mildred Hatch (d:ae 28) m: ---- Miller. Ch:Richard M244113- Norene Buell Hatch M244114- Robert Hatch . .:M245 Julia Dayton- m:Joel Smith M246 Belinda Dayton m:Gilbert Loveland M247 dau Dayton m: ---- Judd M248 Samuel Porter Dayton M25 Daniel Dayton b:6-1-1784 d:9-1-1853 m(lst) 3-6-1808 Fannie Parks (b:2-20-1791 d: 1/6-16-1819, dau of Nathan Parks) m(2d) 5-28-1819 Chloe Sophronia Humphrey (b:2-10-1797 d:9-8-1855, dau of Allen Humphrey) M251 Sally Dayton b:12-10-1808 m:Daniel Riley Dayton M242 (See M242 for continua- tion of this line) M252 Stella Dayton b:12-17-1809 d:7-23-1813 M253 Elizabeth Dayton b:1811 d:1812 M254 David Welton Dayton b:4-12-1812 d:unm M255 Elizabeth Dayton.b:10-11-1813 d:1841 m:Abel Crampton M256 Reuben Parks Dayton b:4-11-1816 d:10-29-1873 m:Martha Amelia Fowler (b:12- 12-1824 d:11-21-1867, dau of Jane Hotchkiss and Anson Fowler) M2561 Ellen Eliza Dayton b:6-17-1845 d:11-15-1868 m:12-7-1867 Harrison H Hood. (no ch) M2562 Alice Jane Dayton b:5-4-1846 m:l-1-1874 Elmer Merrick Carlton (b:3-14- 1850, son of Deline Reed and Charles Carlton. Ch:Reuben (dy) M2563 Chloe Amelia Dayton (dy) M2564 Quincy William Dayton b:10-8-1849 m:12-5-1871 Elsie Louise Chellis (dau of Caroline Fields and John Chellis) Ch:Roy Allen b:10-24-1872 M2565 Marian Lois Dayton m:Henry StJohn 73

M25651 Otis StJohn m:Nellie Babb .. M25652 Reuben StJohn m:Stella McNish M2566 Arthur Montgomery Dayton b:4-4-1853 m(lst) 1873 Cyrene Pool (b:6-10- 1855, dau of Charlotte Weston and Philander Pool; she m:2d Henry Scott) m(2d) 5-25-1884 Kate Viets M25661 Lottie Ellen Dayton b:11-7-1873 m: ---- Smith M25662 Pearl May Dayton b:Mar 1885 m: ---- Turner M25663 Grace Viets Dayton M2567 Sophronia Martha Dayton m:John Hill M25671 Oak Hill M25672 Burton Hill m:Clarie Fuller 1 M2568 Reuben Anson Dayton b:12-16-1856 m:12-28-1882 Minnie Wilber (dau of Sylvia Avery and Carlton Wilber) lM25681 Jessie Eliza Dayton b:1894 m:Floyd Hinkston. Ch:Aileen b:6-30- 1910, Harold b:2-26-1916, Floyd b:1-9-1918, Ruth b:12-4-1919 ,/M25682 Marcia Edith Dayton m:Frank .Goff · · ✓M256821 Horace Goff b:12-8-1913 m:Greta Thompson (b:9-11-1912) Ch: . Elizabeth b:5-12-1939, Thomas b:8-18-1943 ·/M256822 Hallie Goff b:6-15-1915 m:Marion Town. Ch:Linda b:9-28-1940, / Donald b:11-8-1943, Elaine b:11-7-1945 1 M25683 Esther May Dayton b:1898 m:Robert Facey M2569 Fanny Jedidah Dayton (d:unm) . M256LQ. Leon Daniel Dayton b:6-7-1860 m:5-16-1886 Susie Collins (b:8-6-1861, dau of Susan Benton and Norman Collins) ·ch:Alice Mabel b:5-21-1887, Marie Mabel b:11-18-1892 M256ll Leonice Amelia Dayton b:11-12-1863 M257 Eliza Dayton · M258 Daniel Humphrey Dayton b: 1-20/28-1821 d: 2-13-1888 m: 11-11-1847 Catherine" Briggs (d:9-1-1902, dau of Serah Stebbins and Thomas Briggs) M2581 Charles W~sley Dayton b:4-3-1851 m(lst) 6-26-1872 Frances E Milli­ man(dau of Jane---- and John Milliman) m(2d) Apr 1902 Cora Smith. All ch of lst·m. M25811 Archie Charles D2yton m:Bertha Delano (dau of Minnie Sandifer and Joel A Delano) M25812 Darcy M Dayton M25813 Ber:tha A Dayton m:William. B Marhi!lie M25814 Lulu M Dayton M2582 Mary Ann Dayton m(lst) cl875 William R Harrison m(2d) Alfred Simmons M25821 Fred Harris9n m:Maud Stout· M25822 Alfred Simmons M25823 Bernice Simmons M25824 Bessie Simmons M2583 Chloe DeLucia Dayton m:6-20-1872 Thomas J Hoard (son of Hannah Briggs and Philo Hoard) Ch:Kate B (m:Ed Gilbert), Bird M (m:And­ rew Parrish), Anna C (m:Ellis Gilbert), Harry J M2584 Carrie Bernice Dayton m:1888 DA Tillotson M2585 Martha Dayton m:1880 Clarence W Sheldon (son of Asa· Sheldon) Ch: Edith, Lynn C, Pansy D M259 Fannie Sophronia Dayton b:10-1-1823 d:cl880 m:Andrew Fowler (d:1885). Ch: Corwin, William, Annette M251Q Allen Griswold Dayton b:4-28-1826 d:9-20-1895 m:3-8-1859 Fannie Hannah Sla­ ter (b:11-6-1832, dau of Flavia Wells and James D Slater; she m:2d Charles Buck) M25l.Ql Edwin J Dayton b:12-29-1859 m:4-22-1889 Allura Allen (dau of Harriet Sinclair and Truman Allen) Ch:Allen T b:4-3-1895, Charles N b:8-22- 1898 74

M251Q.2 Lenora Dayton b:8-14-1861 d:7-10-1897 M251Q3 Charles Graham Dayton b:2-24-1864 d:?-22-1893 m:1887 Ida B Reynolds Ch:William·c b:7-29-1889 M251Q4 Ernest Dayton b:10-12-1867 d:1-24-1872 M251QS Allen Dayton b&d:1875 M25ll Polly Parintha Dayton b:10-24-1829 d:11-13-1850 m:Hackley B•1rton (no ch) M2512 Ellen Elvira Dayton b&d:1831 · M25ll--- Chloe Maria Dayton b:10-9-1832 d:1833 * M251:i Luci~n Huron Dayton b:4-19-1834 d:12-11-1888 m(lst) Melissa Waterman (b:8- 29-1837 d:4-3-1867) m(2d) 7-5-1869 Martha A Rosecrans (b:5-19-1826 d:3-2- 1873, dau of Julia Ann---- and.Chester Rosecrans) Ch of 1st m: Bertha (b&d:1852), Frank J (b:9-10-1857 d:6-16-1862), Ber­ nice M (b:3-8-1860 d:11-26-1866), Elma (b:1867 m: ---- Westpecker) Ch of 2d .m M25145 Allen Taylor Dayton m:9-27-1898 Lura A Moore (dau of Peter Moore) Ch: - Myrtle Eunice b:3-27-1900 M25146 Chester Clyde Dayton b:5-27-1875 m:Emma Berry (dau of Syble------and - Sabe Berry) Ch:Meblome Allen b:6-9-1898, Mildred b:2-14-1900 M25!~? Bernice Dayton b:9-15-1878 m:3-10-1899 Charles Bignall (son of Alice Lyons and William Bignall) M25!.:!:8 George Lucian Dayton b:12-20-1881 M25.!:±9 Arthur Brant Dayton b&d:1882 M25~1.Q Iva Pearl Dayton b:2-9-1886 M25ll Bernice Mae Ann Dayton b:5-25-1837 d:10-19-1855 M25!§. Chloe Delucia Dayton b:1-25-1840 d :1871 m:Almon Rose. Ch:Mabel, Maud, Altha • C: ,M26 Olive Dayton b:1-9-1787 m: ---- Fairchild i¥ M27 Abigail Dayton b:10-15-1789 d:6-10-1827 m:Daniel Beard ~ ...,CD M28 Orrin Dayton b:3-17-1792 d:7-2-1833 m:1820 Sally Truman (b:1801 d:1880, dau of cu Abigail Parks and Josiah Truman) . ~ M281 Phebe Ann Dayton b:1821 d:1855 m:1855 Joseph Kingsbury~ (no ch) M282 Thirza Abigail Dayton b:1823 d:1888 m:1851 David Brown M283 George Wellington Dayton b:9-22-1825 d:1919 m:5-11-1854 Cordelia Keyes (dau of Ruth Gifford and Joseph Keyes) M2831 Flora Armina Dayton b:1856 d:1926 m:11-28-1875 Harlo P Hayes (son of Susanna Albach and Porter Hayes) Ch:Cora (adptd) M2832 Lucy Minerva Dayton b:1857 d:1921 m:2-26-1880 Moses Leach (son of Mary Maynard and Solomon Leach) M28321 Harry Gifford Leach b:12-26-1881 d:10-30-1912 m:Lucy M Combs (b:11- 23-1878 d:10-26-1959, dau of Mary Jane Trout and Wm David Combs) M283211 Lucille Leach b:3-27-1908 M283212 Gifford Harry Leach b:3-15-1910 m:5-30-1947 Marie E Mollohan (b:10-31-1910, dau of Lillie G Boggs and Nathan C Mollohan) ~ Q) Ch:Roy Allen b:10-7-1953 0'J +:> Q) M233213 Jeannette Fay Leach b:3-4-1913 m:8-4-1940 Karl Mayer (b:5-12- c::o 1913, son of Ruth Hess and Theodor Mayer) Ch:see footnote C'+-1 Cl) M28322 Cordelia (or Abbie) Lench b:3-27-1.884 m:William Holbrook Ch:Flor­

:;:j ence (m:Frank Urbanowicz), Lewis, Bertha (m:Paul Spillman), Ruth en M28323 Roy Leach b:8-9-1886 d:cl916 m:Leila Ely. Ch:Lawrence (adptd) "O

(I,) M2833 Eugene Orrin Dayton b:7-1-1859 d:9-14-1874/6 ~ M2834 Russell Adolph Dayton b:3-16-1861 d:1909 m:6-4-1884 Augusta Lampson C: M28341 Mary Lillie (or Molli~Dayton b:7-9-1885 m:Abe Curtis. Ch:Dayton, Marita ~ (I) M28342 Carl Henry Dayton b:5-18-1892 .> cu M28343 Ruth Pearl Dayton b:12-8-1894 s: M2835 Abbie Superla Dayton b:1864 d:1-19-1960 m:11-6-1884 Elmer H Shuart (son cu {I) of Lettie Bilson and Diton Shuart) co ..... Ch:Theodor K b:ll-5-lg42, Carolyn J b:9-23-1952 r-1 I * . 75

M28351 Ma.rie Lillie Shuart b:8-28-1889 .m:B J Shanower M283511 Janet-Shanower m:Reardon Dight M2836 Lillie Cordelia Dayton b:4-27-1867 d:8-3-1881 M2837 Gifford George Dayton b:8-1-1869 m:Ruth Waterton (dau of Ruth---- and John Waterton) no ch M284 Lucius Hector Dayton b:1827 d:1836 M285 Orrin Lyman Dayton b:10-15-1830 m:Helen Jacobs (dau of Diana Barnard and Ab­ ner Jacobs) M2851 Orrin R Dayton b:5-24-1859 m:11-30-1898 Anna Burpee M2852 Eva Adelaide Dayton b:12-24-1860 m:9-20-1878 Marion Davenport. Ch:Nina May, Grover M2853 Cartie Ophelia Dnyton m:12-24-1886 James Henry· Mosher (son of Henry Mosher) Ch:Nellie, Iva, Flossie, Lela, Bernice M2854 Nellie Jane Dayton b:10-15-1864 m:10-20-1892 Arthur Patton (son of Rachel A---- and Franklin Patton) •. M2855 Emma Arabelle Dayton b:9-2-1886 1890 M F Thornton (son of Mary ---- and Sylvester Thornton) Ch:Ployd, Clifford, -Bert M286 Almira Sarah Dayton m:John Cutts M2861 Sarah Cutts m:Loren Prince. Ch:Eugene M287 Fannie Maria Dayton {d:inf) M29 Linus S Dayton b:9-29-1794 d:11-16-1868 m:Rhoda Chapman (d:1854) M291 Harriet Dayton d:1854 M292 Sally Dayton d:1854 M293 Lodeska Dayton d:1854 M294 Lasella Dayton M295 Lorette Dayton m:Elbridge Conant M2951 Rhoda Conant m:Charles Spaulding M29511 Arthur Spaulding M29512 Ray Spaulding M29513 Gladys Spaulding m(lst) ---- Goodhart m(2d) ----Reffner• M295131 Elsie----- m: ----- Knepshield M295132 Julia----- m: ----- Timmens. Ch:Harry, Beverly M2952 Frank Linus Conant m: ------M29521 Elroy Conant m: ------. Ch:Elroy Jr M29522 Boward Conant b:1897 m: ------. Ch:Evelyn M2953 Jessie Conant m:Walter Heath M29531 Susie Heath m: ---- Reep~ Ch:Walter Thomas, Ann Elva M2954 Grace Conant m:Frank Pelton. Ch:Bessie, Rita M296 Horace Dayton b:1833 d:1913 m:Delia Andrews J°"M2961 Homer Dayton b:1872 d:1943 m:Elizabeth Brown M29611 Howard Dayton b:1897 m: ------. Ch:Evelyn M29612 Clyde Dayton b:1900 m:Elennor Hnlberry. Ch:Beverly b:1937, Louise b: 1941, Mary Lou b:194·2 M2962 Nellie Dayton m:H C Shirk M2l.Q Thirza Dayton b:8-12-1796 m: ---- Johnson. Ch:George Dayton M2ll Polly Dayton b:3-25-1799 d:4-1-1816 M2l..2. Fannie Dayton 76

M3 MIRiAM DAYTON b:1-26-1751 d:1-2-1833 m:4-18-1774 Joshua Munson (b:8-2-1754 d_:6-7-1838, son of Anne Atwater and· Joshua Munson)

M31 Asenath Munson bp:11-25-1781 d:c1858 unm M32 Lyman Munson_ bp:11-25-1781 M33 Caleb Munson bp:11-25-1781 d:(ae 74 yrs 4 mo) unm M34 Michael Dayton Munson b:4-3-1782 d:12-1-1865 m:5-29-1814 Nancy Hoadley (b:5-3- 1790, dau of R9chel Hoadley and Silas Hoadley) · M341 child Munson d:9-28-1820 M342 son Munson d:4-4-1825 (ae 3 wks) M343 child Munson d:4-3-1826 M344 George Munson M345 ·william Munson Ml46 Hoadley Munson b:7-26-1827 d:8-26-1859 m:2-20-1850 Jennette Cooke (dau of Leverett Cooke) M3461 Caroline Augusta Munson b:l-27-1853 d:4-12-1860 M3462 Jennie Estelle Munson b:9-30-1857 d:c1884 M35 Lucy Munson bp:7-18-1784 d:11-1-1869 m:2-28-1819 Jared Cook (b:8-9-1775 d:8-14- 1828, son of Tha~kful Hotchkiss and Stephen Cook) M351 George Lambert Cook·b:11-21-1819 d:l-2-1820 M352 Jared Philos Cook b:2-1-1822 d:1891/2 m: ---- Linsley (d:c1890) M36 child Munson d:1-10-1789 (ae 2 yrs) M37 Anna Munson bp:6-28-1795

M4 MICHAEL DAYTON Jr b:9-11-175.2_ d:2-10-.1805 m:Abi­ gail Foote (b:10-15-1764, dau of Sarah Guernsey and Timothy Foote; she m:2d ---- Church)

M41 Charles Dayton M42 David Dayton 0 M43 Zadoc Dayton·b:1785 d:6-6-1877 m:Amy Gibbs M431 Samuel Dayton b:5-6-1815 d:2-14-1858 m:10-29-1.837 Olive Backus Selleck (b: 6-24-1817, dau of Polly Herrick and Henry Selleck) M4311 William Henry Dayton b:1-29-1843 M4312 Anson Sully Dayton b:5-4-1846 m:Susan Potter. Ch:Minnie b:6-5-1870 M4313 Josephine Annette Dayton b:5-22-1851 m:Henry s Brown. Ch:Henry b:4-8- 1872 M432 Mary Dayton m:4-11-1830 Sylvester Doolittle (d:cl850) M4321 Roxana Doolittl_e m:Samuei Darby M4322 dau Doolittle m(2d) ---- Keeney M4323 Charles Doolittle m:Henrietta ---- M4324 Lydia Doolittle m:Isaac Dozier M4325 Mary Doolitt]e rM433 Lydia Dayton m:Samuel Holt. Ch:Alfaretta, Arny M434 William Dayton ~- . ,M435 Semantha Dayton b:cl818 m:Alfred Churchill (d:c1867) .-M436 Benjamin Dayton (d:ae clS) · M44 William Dayton b:1789 d:11-28-1853 m:Polly Bassett (d:12-26-1865) M441 Josiah B Dayton d:9-15-1846 m:12-24-1837 Mary E Scovill M4411 Henry Scovill Dayton b:1840 d:1-24-1843 M442 John B Dayton d:Feb 1851 m: ------. Ch:William F d:5-20-1851 (ae 3 mo) ·M443 Edward Dayton m: ------M444 Henry Dayton b:cl819 d:1825 M445 Frederick Dayton b:11-22-1824 d:5-9-1870 unm M446 Mary Grace Dayton b:cl830 77

MS JUSTUS DAYTON b:6-9-1754 d:cl825 m:7-8-1777/8 Hannah Titus (b:1756 d:Feb 1835; sister of Amos ,J,.. ,.. Titus who m:Loly Dayton M7) '"Tj m c+ ·MSl Spencer Dayton b:10-21-1778 m: ------~ M52 Russell Dayton b:9-3-178,0 d:9-7-1852/5 m:Eloisa Seymour (b:2-17-1783 d:6-25- f 1850, dau of Dinah Doolittle and Joseph Seymour) ..,.. M521 Sheldon Dayton b:1801 d:10-2-1866 m:Phebe Manchester 1--' M5211 Elmer Dayton i ~ M5212 Henry Seymour Dayton c+ C M5213 Adelia Dayton-m:Salmon Hart. Ch:Millie, Elmer ~ M522 Bula Dayton a •• M523 Emmeline Dayton t1 M524 Silas Seymour Dayton b:1-21-1811 m:Harriet Cornwall (b:1814, dau of Mary~ ~ Culver and Chauncey Cornwel 1) ::r...,. M5241 Angeline Dayton m:John S Carmichael {son of Catherine Spellman and i James M Carmichael)· Ch:Dayton James b:11-13-1857 M5242 Harriet Aurelia Dayton b:3-4•1839 m:Melvin Sprague o~ . 'M5243 Seymour Monroe Dayton b:12-21-1841 j:Addie Crosby (dau of Lucy Bailey ~-~ and Orren J Crosby) Ch:Peter Neil b:8-9-1863, Charles Augustus b:1- I-' 29-1869 a M5244 Mary Eliza Dayton b:9-3-1842 m:Lucius B Rich {son of George Rich) •·~ M525 Chester Dayton b:1-6-1813 d:4-7-1882 m:10-16-1838 Julia Ann Parsons (b:5-1- f...,. 1818 d:1916, dau of.Hanna Taylor. and Abraham Persons) I-' M5251 Cornelius Dayton b:7-17-1839 d:unm ~ M5252 Emma J· Dayton b:·10-9-1843 d :Jan 1933 m(lst) 11-28-1860 Louis H Marius g (b:2-25-1828 d:1900) m(2d) Cornelius Andrus o- M52521* Julia Emma Marius b:11-10-1862 d:9-13-1936 m:3-26-1884 George C> Samuel Beach (b:10-13-1862 d:4-11-1957) I I-' M525211 Agnes J Beach b:8-23-1885 d:2-28-1961 m:John Marsh. Ch: t baby dy 00 M525212 Florence May Beach b:7-8-1890 d:2-3-1963 m:3-30-1910 Lester C3 Rufus Hurlbut (b:8-6-1885, son of Alice Phelps and Osaar P a Hurlbut) .,:.. M5252121 Dorothy Alice Hurlbut b:3-11-1911 m:5-30-1935 Nicholas ~ Francis Ryan (b:6-22-1909) Ch:Virginia Ann b:1-22-1936, Cf Rebecca Dorothy b:4-5-1938, Joyce Annette b:4-9-1940, ~ Joan Victoria b:8-l~-1945, Robert Francis b:9-15-1941 d: t'5 2-3-1942 > MS252122 Prances Julia Hurlbut b:11-8-1912 m(lst) 9-18-1935 Wil- g liam Carleton Rall (b:9-30-1909. ·d:7-6-1944) m(2d) 12-7- ru 1946 Thomas Bowen Roberts ~­ M52521221 Susan Hall b:2-13-1940 m:Mar 1959 Peter W Coach [ Ch:William b:8-2-1960, Lisa b:9-2-1961, Jamie b:1-G- c 1962 f} M52521222 Judith Hall b:5-19-1943 m:1960 Frank Venezia. Ch: e, Frank b:May 1961 ~ MS252123 Kenneth Lester Hurlbut b:12-1-1913 m:Janet Benedict. Cri: g. Richard b:9-1-1941, Ruth b:Nov 1943, Jeffery b:8-14-1955 ::{ M5252124 Elmer Beach Hurlbut b:10-5-1917 m:11-24-1945 Thelma > Parrott (b:7-14-1921) Ch:Sharon Lee b:10-11-1946, Gary g Wil 1 iam b: 3-9-1951 '- M5252125 Lawrence Phelps Hurlbut b:11-17-1918 m:5-19-1946 Jean ~ Hazel Meyer (b:9-19-1924) Ch:Laurie Jean. b:2-23-1950, f:; Timothy William b:8-22-1951, Christopher Lynn b:l-4-19Sa :t> Robin Lawrence b:7-16-1955, Peter Wayne b:11-30-1958 ';f M5252126 Philip Samuel Hurlbut b:9-10-1922 m:5-8-1949 Marion ~ Norton Harding (b:10-24-1930) Ch:Roger .. Philip b:3~6- *See Supplement for additional data · 77a

·1950,~Julie.Ann b:6-26-1952, Steven Norton b:Aug 1954, · ·1t-homas Clark b:10-3-1956, Kurtis James b:1-8-1961 M5252127 Virginia Florence Hurlbut b:10-1-1923 M5252128 Eunice Ruth Hurlbut b:12-8-1926 m:6-12-1948 Donald Hen­ ry McMahon (b:9-11-1926 d:3-25-1961) Ch:Glen Victor b: 6-22-195©, Gayel Ann b:5-31-1952, Gregory John b:10-8- 1954, Gerald Donald b:5-26-1958 M525213i'Olive V Beach b:7-9-1894 m:1913 Clarence H Beecher (b-:11-29- 1891) ~M5252131 Kingsley H Beecher b:4-1-1915 m:1934 Betty Hall (b:6- 18-1917) Ch:Shirley Ann b:10-2-1935, Sandra Jean b:4- 6-1941, Barry Kingsley b:4-24-1946 ~M5252132 Donald Beecher b:7-28-1916 m:7-29-1935 Isabella O'Heron Ch :Donna Mary, Stephen Michael, Margaret Rose, Donald Wayne, Debra Ann b:8-23-1951 M5252133 Barbara Jannett Beecher b:8-18-1921 m:Carl English(b: 8-1-1917) Ch:Julia Carolyn b:9-26-1940, Ramona Jean b: 11-6-1942, Barbara Ann b:8-26-1944 M5252134 Ellsworth Maurice Beecher b:10-18-1922 m:10-5-1946 Mar­ ion Weeks (b:8-10-1923) no ch M5252135 Henry Alan Beecher b:9-4-1924 m:6-19-1954 Nancy Boyle {b:4-16-1934) Ch: b:9-20-1957, Mark Beach b: 4-1-1958, Keith William b:3-13-1963 M5252136 Arline Lois Beecher b:10-31-1926 m:7-17~1954 Bernard Cote (b:5-22-1916) no ch M5252137 Joan Julia Beecher b:11-26-1929 m:8-24-1951 Dante Della Valle (b:9-13-1918) no ch M5252~Henrietta L Marius b:6-22-1864 d:8-21-1927 m:3-28-1888 John D Griswold (b:4-29-1861 d:10-22-1940, son of Newton Griswold) ·M525221 Lovette F Griswold b:3-8-1889 m:10~27-1917 Frances V Sim­ mons (b:12-15-1897, son of Zilpha Bloxham and Walter Sim­ mons) Ch:Osaar L b&d:1920, Lovette Frank b:1-13-1922 M525222 Edna E Griswold b:2-9-1890 d:1-11-1955 m:10-7-1908 William C Johnson (b:10-22-1885, son of Edith Catlin and Beaumont Joh& son) Ch:Roy H b:2-1-1914, Doris Helen b:8-30-1917, William C Jr b:5-9-1928 M525223 Louis N Griswold b:4~16-18.91 m:5-4-1918 Lila G Guilmart

M52523 Lovette D Marius b:7-24-1866 dy M52524 Maurice H Marius b:1-7-1870 m:Anna Baker. no ch M526 dau Dayton b:1817 d:5-29-1818 R B2 M527 Henry Dayton b:3-11-1819 d:12-25-1891 m: _2J£l:_AI!Q_~~-- (b:cl 2 M5271 Henry Abel Dayton b:10-13-1839/40 m:1858/9 Catherine Johns (b:4-2- 1838) Ch:Alva Russell b:l-23-1862; Ralph Nathan ..... M5272 Jane Dayton (d:inf) d:1918 :f OJ M53 Rhoda Dayton b:6-18-1782 d:8-15-1792 ~ · M54 Jonah Dayton b:7-31-1783 d:6-21-1858 m:Mary ("Polly") Flint (b:8-12-1789 d:11-21- o .J867) (M9ry Flint was the adptd dau of a Flint family) ~ M541 Harmon Dayton b:6-7-1808 m:8-26-18Lt4 Angeline Hind (or Hire) n, M542 Mary A Dayton b:11-9-1810 m:9-13-1835 Gilbert Mason ~ Ch:Louisa (m:Lucian Simons), Mary Jane (m:Edward Balcom); Martha Ann (d: 5 inf), Margaret (m:William Seymour), Emily (m:William Reed). Charles (m: Q. •• Mary Jane Bunnell) t-tj at ·M543 Arvid Dnyton b:9-14-1812 d:9-1-1892 m(lst) 1-7-1840 Sarah Bristol m(2d) 5- c:r 4-1854 Urania H Marsh r-" >M544* Ch:William Henry Dayton (b:10-29-1840 m:8-28-1863 Clara B Case), Emily 00 Vt -'M545** J'ane (b:10-15-1844 m:Eugene Brown), Dwight Bristol '(b:'1-20-1847 d:3-14- '°• 1848), Laura Whittlesey (b:6-16-1858 d:3-27-1860), Mary.Urania (b:3-·3- 1861), Arvid Marsh (b:3-2-1863) M546 Justus Dayton b:1-26-1822 d:9-7-1881 unm · M547 Martha Maria Dayton b:9-12-1823 d:10-8-1895 m:Squire Scoville (d:5-7-1885) M5471 Sarah Maria Scoville b:9-30-1845 d:10-30-1912 m:7-3-1864 Henry G Can­ dee. Ch:Laura Eliza b:12-16-1865, Nellie Annie b:1-12-1868, May Lo- ::c: vina b:10-8-1873 ~ M5472 Helen Annie Scoville b:2-24-1848 d:12-23-1915 m:2-24-1867 Roswell - CT Thompson. Ch:Charles Edwin b:7-4-1871 •· 0 M5473 Ida Martha Scoville b:8-17-1856 m:12-16-1879 .John W Hewitt. Ch:Carle- f-' 00 ton Rufus b:11-13-1887, Raymond Scoville b:12-6-1889, Wilbur Charles t-1 b:6-24-1891 ~ M548 Marcus Dayton b:4-4-1826 d:6-10/1,-1913 m:9-26-1852 Diadama Jeanette Stock- •· well (d:2-2~1917) 'fl\.) M5481 Albert M Dayton b:9-19-1854 d:6-25-1931 m:9-20-1876 Anna Dayton (MS!Q.12 °'I b:9-20~\85~ d:8-24-1930, dau of Jane Parmalee and Isaac Dayton) ~ M54811 Annie Jane Dayton b:10-4-1877 d:9-28-1959 m:10-14-1896 Froncis ~ Buckley Goodenough (b:8-8-1877, son of Sarah Buckley and Tunis • Goodenough) M548111 Lila Grace Goodenough b:7•26-1899 m:7-1-1922 Stephen J0seph Smedick (b:12-26-1896, son of Honorah Kelly and John Smed­ ick) no ch M54812 Isaac Dayton b:10-17-1879 m:1-5-1910 Minnie B Hotchkiss (b:11-12- 1879 d:1955, dau of Mertie Chapman and Styles Hotchkiss) no ch M54813 Herbert Parmale·e Dayton b:9-2-1898 m:3-28-1929 Charlotte Eliza­ beth Jacobs. Ch:Richard Earl b:11-21-1930, Alan Paul b:8-15- 1936 M5482 Etta Jane Dayton b:11-8-1855 d:11-11-1943 m:11-18-1871 Elihu Dayton (M51011 b:1851 d:1925, son of Jane Parmalee and Isaac Dayton) M54821 Ella- Perry Dayton b:3-1-1886 d:1-31-1960. m(lst) Louis Lyman Tib- bals Sr; m(2d) Jess B Clark {b:1877) M548211 Wesley Tibbals. b:7-2-1906 m: ------. (no ch) M548!12 Louis Lyman Tibbals Jr b:11-24-1907 m: Lillian-----. Ch: Louis I~I, Charles, Richard M548213 Raymond j Clark b:4-17-1913. MS48214 Cnrlton B Clark b:1-17-1918 1'?1544 Caroline Dayton b:2-6-1815 d:2-12-1816 *-kM545 Emily ~ay.ton b:7.-21-1819 d:5-15-1843 m:9-22-1842 Jul_i_\lS Scoville 78

MS4822 Jennie Dayton b:1873 d:1955 m:Edward L Mundry (b:1863 d:194S) M548221 Edith Mundry m:Charles Cornelius. Ch:Grace, Charlotte, Richard M548222 Florence Mundry M54823 Bertha M Dayton b:1877 d:1925 m:Ben Williams (b:1877 d:1925) no ch M54824 Harry Dayton b:Jul 1890 d:2-4-1891 'MS483 Ella Jennette Dayton b:11-22-1857 d:5-15-1879 m:2-14-1876 Henry Beach M5484 Alice Irene Dayton b:11-16-1859 d:5-16-1861 "MS49 Caroline Dayton b:8-6-1817 m(lst) 11-12-1839 Newton C Potter m(2d) Daniel B Joyce M5491 George Newton Potter (d:inf) M5492 Caroline Ann Potter b:Sept 1839 m:12-19-1860 Salmon Algernon Granger (b:9-12-1839) ·MSS Mehitable Dayton b: 9-23-1785 m:Daniel Barnes M551_Nancy Barnes m:Ezra Brooks M552 Edward Barnes MS53 Belinda Barnes m:Samuel Randall M5S4 Sabra (or Sarah) Barnes m:James Wells. Ch:Charles Henry, Franklin Davillo, John Wesley, Hetty Jane (m: ---- Kinney ch:Willism M56 Beulah Dayton b:2-20-1787/8 d:6-20-1862 m:Josiah Seymour (b:4-23-1787 d:7-30- 1853, son of Dinah Doolittle and Josiah Seymour) M561 Spencer Dayton Seymour b:7-4-1807 d:8-4-1873 unm M562 Bela Seymour b:9-17-1809 d:2-7-1893 m:Mary Ann Thayer (d:1866) M_563 Henry B Seymour b:10-24-1811 d:6-4~1897 m(lst) Clarissa A Smith (b:5-24- . 1814 d:12-25-1843) m(2d) Sarah J Barnes (b:5-3-1822 d:12-1-1904) M5631 Franklin Smith Seymour b:10-4-1838 d:1-13-1887 m:Emma Waters M56311 James Henry Seymour b:12-31-1867 m:Jennie Ketchum M56312 Charles Brazee Seymour b:2-5-1870 m:Clara Kingsley Ch :Frank, Floyd, May, Nel 1 ie, Carl ton, Gladys, Donald M56313 Albert Smith Seymour b:7-23-1872 d:12-29-1886 · M56314 Fred Westlake Seymour b:5-24-1874 m:Maud Whillock. Ch:Lynn, Nora M5632 Albert Henry Seymour b:12-2-1840 m:3ane Eliza Stock (b:8-30-1844) M5633 Julia Ann Seymour b:1-30-1843 m:Wallace A Chamberlin• M564 Lucy Ann Seymour b:7-8-1813 m:Dorastus Green (b:9-6-1812) Ch:Emma Jane (m: Delos Bugby), Mary Evelyn (m:Frank Gross) M565 Josiah Seymour Jr b:2~16-18-- m:Juliette ·Horton (d:10-5-1891) Ch:Valencia Lavern Seymour (m:William Tubbs) M566 Albert A Seymour b:1821 d:8-27-1877 m(lst) Meribe Carr m(2d) Rose Evans. Ch of 1st m:Alice (m:Martin Lee), Lilly (dy) M567 Jane R Seymour b:2-16-1832 d:7-5-1851 unm M57 Henry Dayton b:6-20-1790 d:Apr 1855 m:Aug 1817 Lavina Culver (b:1797 d:1876, she m:2d Abiel Barber) M571 Cynthia Dayton b:1818 d:1819 M572 Spencer Dayton b:Jan 1820 m:Sarah S Dewey (b:1832, dau of Clarissa Sackett and Timothy Dewey;· she m:lst Samuel Barret) M5721 Eldon Lee Dayton b:Mar 1851 d:Sept 1870 M5722 Imogene Lavinia Dayton b:Dec 1854 M5723 Ida Virginia Dayton b:1855 d:1858 M5724 Alston Gordon Dayton b:10-18-1857 d:7-30-1920 m:11-26-1804 Columbia May Sinsel (dau of Hannah See and Arthur Sinsel) Ch:Arthur Spencer b:5-6-1887 d:5-21-1948 m:6-14-1916 Ruth Woods 1 M513 Orpha Dnyton b:J~l 1821 m:Nov 1840 Willard Roberts. Ch:Albert Dayton, Mory Ellen M574 Charles Dayton b:Nov 1822 d:1897/8 m:Mar 1857 Ruhama Polland. Ch:Hanry Wil­ liam b:Mar 1858, Orpha 3ane b:Jul 1860, Lewis b:Feb 1863, Ric~ard Shir­ ley b:Jun 1866, Archibald b:Jun 1872 M575 Harvey Dayton b:Mar 1824 m:2-27-1849 Anna A Castle. Ch:Frank Willard b:Dec 1849, Seymour b:Feb 1852, Thirza b:Mnr 1853, Annis b:Apr 1854, Miner b: Dec 1856, Ashely b:Aug 1859, Laura Ellen b:Jul 1862, Hobart b:Mar 1864, 79

Cora b&d:1867, Alice b:1869 /M576 Hannah D::}yton b:Jul 1826 d:1901 m:Jan 1855 Anson Barnes Rice (b:1825 d:1907) M5761 Emily Alice Rice b:1'1ar 1846 m:Nov 1867 Perry Tomlinson M57611 Hubert Perry Tomlinso~ b:Sept 1871 M5762 Annie Evelin8 Rice b:r1ar 18L~8 m:De.c 1866 Edward Evans. Ch:Annie b:Jan 186G, Alderson b:Nov 1869 ·'M5763 Anson Allen (or Anson Barnes Jr) Rice b:oct 1850 m:1876 Lucy I3 Lawless (b:1851) Ca:Nettie (m:Mervin J Gibbub) M576l~ Mary Ann Rice b:Mnr 1853 m:John Gruber. Ch:Inez (m:Royden W navison) M5765 Richard Rice b:Jun 1855 M5766 Albert Rice b:Oct 1857 M5767 Harriet Rice b:Nov 1859 M5768 Ida Virginia Rice b:Oct 1861 M5769 John Rice b:Oct 1866 M577 Lucinda Dayton b:Apr 1828 m:Jul 1848 Richard Allen. Ch:Henry Augustus b: . Aug 1861, Maria Lavinia (adptd) b:Jun 1864 M578 Warren Dayton b:Nov 1829 m:Jan 1864 Emma Gumm. Ch:Lucius Warren b:May 186~ Minnie Adella b:May 1866 M57S Alanson Dayton b:Dec 1831 d:May 23 1849 M571.Q Edward Everett Dayton b:9-24-1833 d:9-18-1808 m:Mar 1856 Emma Mercy Wright M57101 Alfred Lewis Dayton b:Jun 1858 m:Fanny Etta Heath M571Q2 Isabella Lavinia Dayton b:1861 d:1863 M571Q3 Charles Churchill Dayton b:5-14-1865 d:7-10-1954 m:Harriet Emily Hart {b:8-13-1869 d:12-13-1962, dau of Lydia Elizabeth Waugh and Hart) M57.!Q31 Bernice Davida Dayton b:4-19-1888 ·d:2-10-1957 m: 1909 Fred Harband (b:6-11-1886, son of Elizabeth Jane Kimmerly and William James Harband) M57l.Q.311 Helen Pansy Harband b:2-17-1910 m:Edward Tuttle M571Q3111 Shirley Mui"ion Tuttle b:5-9-1928 m:Frank Loverick. Ch: · Guy Mauri~e M5710312 Phyllis Doris Harhand b:2-2-1915 m:John William Brawer - M57.!..Q3121 Floyd And::ew Brawer b:10-6-1933 m:Joan Elaine Nie- · hols. Ch:Debra Elaine b:6-28-1960, Dawn Michelle b:Jul 1962 M57103122 Dean Alvin Brawer b:1-12-1935 m:Jean Louise Grish- -nm. Ch:Scott Dean b:8-14-1959, Mark Alfred b:2-19-1961, Paul Todd b:5-25-1962 M571Q3123 Eleanor May Brawer b:12-23-1943 M571Q313 Gwendolyn Bernice Harband b:6-27-1~:}7 m:Ross Charles Tate M5710314 Barbara Louise Harband b:3-12-1920 m:Harvey Edward Eld M57J..Q3141 Myrna Louise Eld (twin) b:4-27-1942 M571Q3142 Mervin Harvey Eld (twin) b:4-27-1942 ~1571Q3143 Dorothy Myrtle Eld b:6-7-1943 m:Arthur Terrance. Winch Ch:Terrance Harvey b:4-3-1961 M57103144 Ronald Edwin Eld b:11-28-1944 M57103145- Charles Gordon Eld b:8-1-1951 M571Q315- Charles Frederick Harband b:11-20-1921 m(lst) Nellie Light m(2d) Josephine Plant. Ch of 1st m:Christine Virginia b:8- 12-1943, Janice Lynne b:4-27-1946. Ch of 2d m:Beverly Lynn b:12-20-1956, Charlene Dolores b:10-3-1959 M571Q316 Alice Mae Harband b:7-16-1923 m:William Willis. Ch:Beverly Ann b:7-14-1949, Maureen Dorothy b:8-27~1954 M571Q317 Lewis Dayton Harband b:6-24-1925 d:1~24-1950 M571.Q31B Richard Henry Harband. b:12-14-1927 d:3-11-1958 M5710319 Howard Harband b:7-8-1929 - . 80

M57lQ32 Lewis Clarence Dayton b:4-4-1890 d:11-21-1918 m:11-29-1911 Laura Bertha Nelson (b:11-20-1892, dau of Christine Bensle and Robert Nelson) M571Q321 Wilbur Theodore Dayton b:5-26-1913 m:10-17-1942 Priscilla Marie Grant (b:5-28-191~ dau of Marie LaGare and Roger Isaac Grant) Ch:Druce Lewis b:10-29-1944, Douglas Grant b:9-2-1947 M571Q33 Bessie Louise Dayton b:11-25-1891 m:12-7-1912 Harold Abbott Slo­ cum (b:9-5-1091, son of Henrietta Cooley and John Mortimer Slo­ cum) M5710331 Doris Gertrude Slocum b:3-20-1916 m:5-4-1936 Leo Joseph - Melanson (b:12-1-1913, son of Rose Mediana Cnrpentier and Joseph Asais Melanson) M57103311 Delores Ann Melanson b:7-19-1937 m:1-31-1958 David - Bernier (b:7-22-1937, son of Winifred Marie Fitts and Wilfred Napoleon Bernier) Ch:Glen Michel b:10-31-1958, Mark David b:1-25-1961 . M571Q3312 Donald Allen Melanson b:3-2-1938 m:11-20-1962 Josepha Irene Moran (b:1-10-1941, dau of Josepha Irene Sutton and James Henry Moran) M571.Q3313 Elaine Roberta Melanson b:5-18-1941 M571Q.3314 Roger Lee Melanson b:9-3-1942 M5710332 Harold Lewis Slocum b:9-28-1917 m:9-7-1946 Julia Elizabeth - (b:1-10-1920, dau of. Clara Elizabeth Allen. and Eugene · Patrick Lynch) Ch:Sabra Shiela b:2-13-1948, Deborah Ann b:6- 8-1950, Roberta b:12-12-1952, Harold Allen b:2-1-1954 M57.lQ333 Beverly Jane Slocum b:3-11-1931 _m:6-7-1951 · AIIiedio Henry Colangeo (b:8-26-1930, son of Fanny Minnetto and Ruggiero Co­ langeo) Ch:Cindy Ann b:6-3-1954, Ameido Henry b:8-1-1955, Roger b:8-5-1J~9, Richard b:7-1-1960 M571.Q334 John Charles Slocum b:11-13-1934 -m:12--31-1959 Nancy Louise Leng (b:8-12~1]35 ,· dau of Mabel Putnam and Harry Raymond Lang) Ch:Carol Louise b:8-19-1960, John Charles b:4-1-1962 M571.Q34 Ruth Lydia Dayton b:9-30-1893 m:6-7-1920 Carl Arthur Anderson (b·:3-11-1890 d :5~12-1925, son .of Hilda Anderson and John Ander­ son) M571Q341 Betty Jane Anderson b:4-3-1923 m:7-17-1944 Richard Coulter Newett (b:8-27-1925, son of Grace Coulter and Clarence Earl Newett) Ch:Richard Coulter Jr b:12-10-1946, Patricia Lynne b:2-28-1949, Deborah b.:8-22-1951 M571.Q35 Mildred Meta Dayton b:4-30-1904 m:12-31--1925 Joseph Nelson Cad­ rinn (b:6-29-1895, son of Alphonsine Beulieu and Joseph Cadrain) M57l.Q351 Robert Nelson Cadrain b:11-26-1926 m:11-3-1945 Jane Anne Richardson. Ch:Cathy Ann b:12-9-1946, Robert Rich~rdson b:9-28-1950 M57l.Q352 Joseph Richard Cadrain b:9-9-1928 m:Sally Ann Church. Ch: Mark Richard b:1-24-1953, Kim Ann b:12-3-1954 M57l.Q.353 Joyce Hart Cadrain. b:4-24-1938 m:9~5-1959 Roy' Roberts M57lQ.36 Ernest William Dayton b:8-8~1895 d:1-16-1919 m:7~28-1917 Athena Elizabeth Moore (b:10-19-1895 d:10-2-1961, dau of Susie Eliza­ beth Bull and Frederick North Moore) M57l.Q361 Ilene Elizabeth Dayton b:5-7-1918 m:5-28-1937 Gilbert Ross (b:4-20-1913, son of Cora Bell Whitney and Leon Albert Ross) M57l!l3611 Richord Leon Ross b:12-15-1941 M57l.Q3·612 Lynda Ilene Ross b:11-16-1943 m:2-26-1958 William A Mankin (b:2-26-1938, son of Alberta Clara· Eichelburger ~rid Richard Beverly Mankin) Ch:Richard William b:8-4- 1959, Wendy Lea b:12-27-1960 81

M57103613 Roberta Louise Ross b:3-14-1949 M5Tm3614 Charles Gilbert Ross b:9-11-1953 M571037 Charles Wilbur Dayton b:10-21-1905 m:1-3-1938 Pauline Irene Gayer · - (b:l-3-l9.03, dau of Mary O'Neil and Edward Gayer) Ch:Gary Charles b:8-22-1942 M571Q38 Gordon Spencer Dayton b:5-26-1910 d:3-8-1959 m:9-30-1939 Santina Mary Bordonaro (b:9-12-1917 d:5-5-1958, dau of Concettina Bordon­ aro and Francis Bordonaro) Ch:Santino Roberta b:4-19-1941, Gor­ don Francis b:5-29-1943, Diana Mary b:11-10-1946 M571039 Athena Doris Dayton (twin) b:12-15-1912 ntl.2-24-1935 Ronald Adel- - bert Perkins (b:7-31-1915, son of Georgiana Ives and Linus Leon Perkins) M57!Q.391 Joan Elaine Perkins b:10-8-1937 m:5-11-1957 Joseph Patrick Navin. Ch:Jeffrey Scott b:7-1-1958, Lauren Ann b:11-17-1961 ·M5710392 Ronald Charles Perkins b:3-31-1942 M57103l'trilene Virg~nia Dayton (twin) b:12-15-1912 d:3-25-1914 M57!Q4 wilour Wright Dayton b:Aug 1869 d:9-17-1935 m:Nellie J Bunnell. Ch: 1 (d:inf) ,, M57105 Frank Dayton b:7-21-1873 d:11-29-1960 unm "M5711 Levi Lester Dayton b:Feb 1835 m:Jan 1856 Corinth A King M57IT Lewis Dayton b:Apr 1837 d:9-17-1862 . M57TI Ellen Sophia Dayton b:Jun 1839 m:Sept 1864 Willis M Peck (son of Amos Peck) Ch:Edson (d:ae 12)

1 M57~ James Perry Dayton b:Aug 1841 d:1844 '~-158 Justus Dayton Jr b;S-29-1792 d :1867 m:Charlotte Hodge (d:Aug .1881, dau of Amy · Baldw1.n and Dav1.d Hodge) · . . M581 Susan Dayton (d:ee3/23) M582 Amelia Dayton b:2-26-1821 d:2-6-1907 m:3-24-1842 Ira R Wells( b:4-29-1815 · · d:8-23-1897, son of Betsey Barr and Asa Wells) M5821 Ira Adelbert Wells b:6-14-1843 m:12-4-1869 Sarah Mallery ~5822 Albert Henry Wells b:8-21-1850 m:10-20-1882 Elizabeth Jane Free (b:4- 25-1863, dau of Jane------and James Free) Ch:Lula May b:4-6-1885, James Adelbert b:3-4-1887, Rachel Elizabeth b:4-8-1889, Thomas Al­ bert b:4-16-1891, George Lester b:4~21-1893, Asa Myron b:2-22-1896, Arthur Henry b:1-16-1899, Charlotte Mary b:5-23-1901, Frank Carrol b:2-2-1904, Fee Freeman b:12-5-1906 M5823 Charlotte Elizabeth Wells m:9-4-1879 Erastus Datus Root (son of Nathan Root) Ch:Albert b:8-15-1884, Ira Erastus b:1-13-1887, Frank William b:9-2-1891, Harold Krouse b:6-13-1895 M583 Eliza Dayton b:4-21-1824 d:8-29-1866 m:2-4-1843 Aaron Irving Wells (b:1~7- 1821 d:2-26-1896, son of Sarah Stratton and Ezra Wells) M5831 Susan Lavinia Wells b:10-6-1845 m:12-17-1866 Edwin Carlo Adams (b:1- 23-1843, son of Sarah Stratton (Wells) and Orrin Adams) M58311 Anna Eliza Adams b:2-19-1868.m:3-14-1888 Melzar Barney Veeder (son of Sarah---- and Barney Veeder) M58312 LeRoy Adams b:7-17-1876 m:7-12-1898 Agnes E Smith (d:5-15-1899, (dau of John J Smith) Ch:Charles Ewing b:5-15-1899 M58313 Edwin Omar Adams b:4-6-1878 m:5-16-1906 Eva·v Dabury (dau of Hat- . tie Belle --·-- and Cbarles McClure Dapury) M5832 Edgar Orlando Wells b:10-1-1848 m:10-2-1871 Emma Sliker (dau of Susan ---- and William Sliker) Ch:Elbert Olla b:6-28-1875. M5833 Anna Ophelia Wells b:8-6-1853 m(lst) 7-30-1872 George Washington Bald- win (d:4-25-1875, son of Maria King and Epen Baldwin) m(2d) 3-2-1876 Freeland Rodney Nelson. Ch of 1st m:Susie B. Ch of 2d m:Chas C M584 Phebe Ann Dayton m(lst) 2-22-1843 Francis Risedorf m(2d) 9-19-1877 Daniel Lambert Dyer (son of Mary ---- and Silas Dyer). Ch of 1st m:John, Orrir.. (m:------ch:Wayne, Francis, Leila, Lottie, Robert) M585 John Wesley Dayton b:cl821 d:9-11-1877 m:Frances (or Chloe) Amanda Turne~ M5851 Andrew Culbertson Dayton b:3-4-1844 m:Francis Hall (dau of Hiram Hall) m(2d) Frances Abignil Kelly (Turner), .dau of· Susan Cummings and Jama~ Kelly) . M58511 George Wesley Dayton b:3-11-1874 . M58512 Jessie (Jerry) Dayton b:2-27-1876 M58513 Susan Bell Dayton b:1-11-1878 m:John W Church. Ch:Hugh M58514 Frank Myron Dayton b:2-2-1880 M58515 Frederick Almon Dayton b:8-27-1882 M58516 Edward Garfield Dayton b:3-27-1884 M58517 Minnie May Dayton b:4-27-1886 m:1-4-1903 HarveyM Bullen M58518 Bert Dayton . M5852 George Wesley Dnyton d:5-16-1891 m:10-13-1863 Margaret M·J Grover (da~1 of Eunice·---- and Joseph Grover) Ch:Frank S b:4-21-1876 M5853 Susan Melvina Dayton M5854 Adella Rosina Dayton M586 Almon Justus Dayton b:May 1830 m:Ruth Pratt. Ch:Oscar, Addison, George, Carmi, Adelbert, Harvey, Howard, Mary, Eva, May, Maria M587 Samuel Dayton b:l-21-1818 d:7-21-1898 m:7-1-1841 Catherine Goass (b:7-11- 1822, dau of Eleanor Huppenan and Frederick Goass) 82

M5871 Clark Asa Dayton b:2-4~1850 m:Phebe E Brown (dau Qf Phebe French)and E11.sna BrowJ Eva d:189 5 , Leroy Eben ~m:Anna Ni.stead MS872-M58712 Martha Jane Dayton m:William. Hamilton; Justus Almon Dayton m: Amanda Hankenbury; Pheb_e Helen Dayton m:Amos Berr"y; Cassia M~ldb. m:Henry Lanhert (or Linhard); Marie Elizabeth Dayton m:Theodorer-loss; · - Adelbert Jasper Dayton d:1888; Frederick Fletcher Dayton m:Hat­ tie Laughton; William Charles Dayton m:Katy Carr;- -Elmer Ellsworth Day­ ton m:Miranda White; Charlotte Eleanor Dayton m:Albert Crosby; Nellie Etta Dayton m:Andrew Reed · M59 Chester Dayton b:c1794 d:12-23/24-1812 . M510 Archibald Dayton d:1861/5 ~:Lophelia Brunson · · ~5101 Isaac Dayton b:1830 m:Jane Parmalee · ~51011 Elihu oa ton b:1851 d:1925 ~:11-18-1871 Ett~ Jane Dayton (M5482 b:ll-87 - 1855 d:1 1-11-1942, dau of D1admna Jeanette Stockwell and Marcus Dayton; See M5482 for continuation of this line. M51012 Anna Dayton b:9-20-1852 d:8-24-1930 m:9-20-1876 Albert M Dayton (M5481 b: - 9-19-1854 d:6-25-1931, son of Diadama Jeanette Stockwell and Marcus Day­ ton) See M5481 for continuation of this line. M51013 Homer F Dayton b:8-27-1857 d:8-21-1904 m:9-22-1881 Sarah Ann Baker (b:8- - 25-1859 d:6-28-1935, dau of Ruth Bray and James Baker) M510131 George James Dayton b:6-17-1884 d:6-13-1930 m:3-29-1910 Harriet Ida - Drake (b:7-6-1891, dau of Harriet Carrie Elmore and George Wetmore Drake) no ch ~M510132 Rachel Jane Dayton b:4-29-1887 d:4-15-1963 m:10-18-1905 Maurice Re- - man Doolittle {b:3-12-1879, son of Cornelia A Sanford and Samuel Doolittle) M5101321 Helen Ruth Doolittle b:1-13-1908 m:6-4-1928 Arthur Davidson - · Fuller (b:1-19-1906, son of Edna May Stoddard and· Edwin Fuller) M51013211 Richard Arthur Fuller b:3-22-1929 d:2-22-1952 m:12-1-1951 - Emntajean Steel (b:8-22-1929 d:2-22-1952, dau of Ida---- an, John Thomas Steel) M5l.Ql3212 Corinne Wanda Fuller b:4-1-1933 m:6-11-1955 Daniel E Myerf (b:4-3-1933, son of Lela Moore and Chauncey G Myers) Ch: Stephen Allen b:11-11-1956, David Richard b:7-26-1958, Susar /MS101322 Leo~i:~e~:g~~fii~~! b:12-6-1911 m:10-16-1937 Catherine Annr - Hoffman (b:8-18-1914, dau of Mary Ellen O"Brien and Albert Ed- wt4rd Hoffman) · M51013221 Gerald Leon Doolittle b:12-27-1938 m:9-12-1959 Linda Clar - Harding (b:3-23-1940, d~u of Fran~es Norton Clark and Cha~lr· Harold Harding) Ch:Bla1ne Colly1er b:6-23-1960, Tara Le1.31- b: 2-8-1963 · · M51013222 Brian Hoffman Doolittle b:4-16-1940 m:7-23-1960 Candace - Keith Falk (b:5-3-1941, dau of Ethel Maude Smith and Henr Herman Falk) M51013223 Maurice Albert Doolittle b: 12-19-1941 M5!213D Ruby Rachel Doolittle b:10-16-1920 m:William Stickels. Ch:Cat Lee b:4-22-1946, Lorraine Wanda b:12-21-1947~ Sharon Ann b:9-lC 1950, William David b:2-25-1959, Gail Alice b:10-18-1952, Wayne , Edward b:7-14-1957 JM510133 Archibald Dayton b:12-21-1892 m:9-26-1942 Helena Jane 'Wilson (b:7-5- - 1911, dau of Emma Reed Vandewater and Andrew John Wilson) Ch:Rache~ Marion b:9-28-1945 M510134 William Nelson Dayton b:9~15-1895 d:5-6-1929 m:3-23-1918 Julia An· - Varney (b:3-28-1890, dau of Helena Kern and John Harvey Varney) M5101341 Doris Antoinette Dayton b:5-27-1921 m:6-28-1947 Philip Carne - (b:1-19-1911, son of Jessie E McLennan and Thomas A Carney) Ch: Colin Philip b:11-1-1949, Kevin William b:11-4-1951, Julianne:· Jessie b:8-30-1954 MS!.Q.1342 Donald Earle Dayton b:2-1-1925 m:9-1-1945 Marlene Romona Kello'. (b:7-30-1924, dau of Isabel Romona w~od and Lemuel Crosby Kel­ log~) Ch:Beverly Joyce b:12-15-1946, Harlene Romona b:6-3-1948, Winifred Jean b:6-20-1950, David William b:12-8-1952, Thomas Ed­ ward b:2-27-1960 , . MS101343 Aubrey Dayton b:1-23-1919 M51014 Nelson Dayton b:8-8-1854 d:2-26-1942 unm MSJ.22 ADel Dayton . MSll ElLzabeth Dayton b:1800 d:Aug 1872 m:.11-27-1823 Seldon Welton (b:1803 d:1875) - MS.ill Elvira (or Elvisia) Welton m:George Nichols . MS!!.2 Nancy (or Emily) Welton b:1831 d:1911 m:1853 George C Pettis (b:1833) M51121 Beulah C Pettis b:1868 m:1890 William Beekley (b:1867 d:1916) · ~511211 Gertrude Beckley m: ---- Huntington · M5113 Rhoda'""'Welton m:Lester Buell MSI!4 Lyman Welton m:Sarah Williams (and/or Beda Davis) 83

M6 MEBITABLE DAYTON b:9-11-1756 d:10-5-1842 m:5- 18-1780 Samuel Seymour (b:6-5-1743 d:8-28-1836, son of Joanna Brown and Richard Seymour)

~-161 Samuel Seymour b:1781 d:1785 ~62 Isaac Seymour b:7-7-1784 d:4-27-1836 m:1811 Silence Baldwin (b:2-27-1789 d:2-26- 1882) Ch: 9 ~63 Sarah Seymour b:5-24-1786 d:10-3-1828 unm ~64 Samuel Seymour b:5-24-1788 d:8-3-1864 m:1812 Lura Taylor (b:1792, dau of Joseph Taylor) M641 Julia Seymour b:5-22-1813 m:May 1834 Samuel Brooker M642 Maria Seymour b:10-21-1815 m:Martin Brooker M643 Mary Seymour b:3~14-1818 m(lst) Daniel Robertson m(2d) Samuel Burr M644 Eliza Seymour b:5-25-1820 m:11-3-1841 Lyman Wetmore Coe (b:1-20-1820) M6441 Adelaide Eliza Coe b:10-29-1845 m:William H Godfrey M64411 Mary Godfrey b:7-16-1876 M6442 Edward Turner Coe b:6-1-1846 m:10-9-1873 Lelia Wheeler (dau of Moses Wheeler) , M6443 Ella Seymour Coe b:2-24-1854 m:10-21-1874 Thomas J Nichols ,/:r,1645 Frederick J Seymour b:10-14-1824 m:8-28-1949 Florintine Migeon (b:1826, dau of Ma~ia Louisa Deaudelot and Henri Migeon) Ch:Frederick H, Maria L, _Russell A d:11-14-1856, Kittie E M65 Mehitable Seymour b:5-20-1790 d:12-5-1869 m:Edward Davis M66 Truman Seymour b:2-2-1792 d:9-28-1821 m:Clarissa Bancroft (b:1793 d:4-25-1875, dau of Jerusha Loomis and Noadiah Bancroft) M661 George Seymour . M67 Rachel Seymour b:3-19-1794 d:8-26-1826 m:William Leach M68 James H Seymour b:5-11-1798 d:11-5-1872 m:11-2-1835 Flora Hollister Hudson (b:5- 11-1811 d:11-5-1872, dau of Rhoda Fowler and Daniel Coe Hudson) M681 Charles H Seymour b:4-26-1837 m(lst) Mary Judd m(2d) Susan Isbell. M6811 Alice E Seymour b:10-11-1865 M6812 Edwin J Seymour b:2-10-1871 M682 Charlotte. H Seymour b :3-5-181~3 m: 1368 Uri Church M69 Sheldon Seymour b:7-12-1800 d:10-25-1874 m:11-7-1822 Huldah Barnes (b:c1800 d:2- 19-1870) Ch: 4 (including 1 adptd)

M7 LOLY DAYTON b:3-21-1758 d:4-15-1837 m:1782 Amos Titus (b:1762 d:1-30-1830)

M71 Rhoda Titus b:1786 d:10-26-1850 m:1809 Eri Judd (b:1787 d:2-18-1859) M711 Amos Murray Judd b:1811 d:1876 m:1833 Elizabeth Ann Titus (b:1810 d:1867) M7111 Sarah Jennette Judd b:1836 d:1920 m:1856 Henry T Hoadley (b:1835 d:1882) M71111 Carleton Eds·on Hoadley b:1862 m:1888 Minnie Stotesbury (b:1867) M711111 Sarah Hoadley m:Clarence. Cutler Abbott M72 dau Titus m:Chauncey Garnsey (b:cl760 d:3-9-1843) ··M73 Polly Titus b:cl782 d:8-1-1830 m:Oliver Merriam M74 Betsy Titus b:1-31-1791 d:2-6-1792 84

M8 ELIZABETH DAYTON b:9-16-17°59 d:1840 m:S-25-1780 Amasa M·attoon (b: 1-9-1758 d: 5-11-1829, son of Phebe Curtis and David Mattoonf

M81 William Mattoon b:12-23-1780 d:7-12-1817 m:8-29-1805 Sara Hungerford (b:4-1- 1785, dnu of Elizabeth Pardee and Jonah Hungerford) · M811 Elizabeth Mattoon b:6-2-1807 d:9-13-1867 m:1-17-1830 William Benedict M3111 Stephen Benedict b:5-4-1831 m:Sept 1857 Ann Bushnell M8112 William Benedict b:5-5-1832 d:2-17-1354 M8113 Henry Smith Benedict b:12-23-1033 d:7--28-1846 M8114 David Brainard Benedict b:8-9-1835 d:2-20-1863 m:10-18-1861 Nellie Henderson t--13115 Dayton Mattoon Benedict b:7-12-1837 m:Acrah Neal· M8116 Sarah Elizabeth Benedict b:1-7-1839 m:3-12-1860 William Hughes Ch:Brainard b:12-1-1865, Luther b:2-10-1869, Minnie b:2-25-1871 M8117 Harriet Benedict b:6-7-1840 d:6-28-1855 M812 Plyment Mattoon b:9-17-1809 d:11-19-1899 m:12-23-1834 Tryphena C Parker M3121 Martha Algenia Mattoon b: 1_1-25-1835 m-:Cyrus Tremaine Ch:George Geary b:12-15-1859 d:9~12-1870, Virgil-Wilbur b:12-20-1860 M8122 S-arah Elizabeth Mattoon b:9-20-1837 m:4-5-1860 Charles Morgan M81221 ·Florence Elizabeth Morgan b:1-17-1861.d:8-23-1865 M81222 Pearl Evangeline Morgan b:11-22-1869 m!Alvin Sweet M8123 John Parker.Mattoon b:3-13~1840 m:3-20-1863 Amanda Martin M81231 Whitman Virgil Mattoon b:6-13-1866 d:10-23-1941 m:10-6-1888 Ida May Sitterly . . _. _ M812311 John Parker Mottoon b:6-25-1894 m:10-29-1921 Ruby Agnes Redmond (b:2-8-1904) Ch:Alice May b:8-16-1927 M81232 co·ra Belle Mattoon ·b:4-26-1870 d:.6-29-1943 m:Wadhams J Rowell (b:9-24-1866 d:4-11-1930).

M812321 Bertha Mae· Rowell. b:10-10-1890. m9-6-1911 Clarence Chres- tien Harden (b:6-6-1890) • ·. M8123211 Neil Francis Harden b:3-21-1929 M0123212 Mary Louise Harden b:5-29-1926 m:William Russell English (b:11-14-1918) . M8124 Virgil Wadhams Mattoon b:3-2-1842 m:4-2-1873 Mary Reid M81241 Florence Amanda Mattoon b:7-27-1874 m:4-26-1906 Edward Ever­ ett Bass M81242 Wilbur Reid Mattoon b:8-9-1875 d:1941 m:------Ch:2 daus, 1 son M81243 Howard Virgil Mattoon b:1-6-1877 d:4-11-1943 m:6-18-1908 Ethel M Evans. Ch:Robert H, Dayton E, Philip W M8125 Flora Amanda Mnttonn b:2-2-1844 d:11-6-1846 M8126 Florence Amand2 Mattoon b:3-28-1850 d:8-9-1873 M813 Dayton Mattoon b:8-20-1811 d:10-15-1888. m:2-14-1831 Ruhamah Wakeman (b:12-19-1812 d:2-12-1901, dau of Ruhnmah Goodsell and Eli Wakeman)

M8131 Sarah Elizabeth Mattoon b:9-24-1332 d:1-6-1901 m:3-29-1852 George R Baldwin (b:6-5-1827 d:12-23-1896) M8132 William Bradley Mattoon b:9-23-1835 d:9-1-1858 m:4-20-1855 Sarah Jane Davis (she m:2d Augustus Newton Woolson; see M81331) M8133 Amelia Jane Mattoon b:1-1-1842 (twin) d:5-29-1889 m:1-24-1867 Hen­ ry Truman Dayton (MlQ42 b:1-22-1842 d:10-16-1912, son of Lydia Almira Dailey and Samuel Glover Dayton; he m:2d 12-10-1891 Anna Woodward Foster, b:2-28-1856 d:4-30-1943, dau of Emeline Wetmore and Andrew E Woodward) ------*The major portion of this section was collected by Ml31311 Bertha Estella Mattoon 85

M.81331 Helen Gertrude Dayton b:2-28-186_9 d:7-24-1944 m:10-28-1890 James Bradford Woolson (b:8-26-1867 d:8-10-1935, son of Sar­ ah Jane Davis and Augustus Newton Woolson) MG13311 Edna Amelia Woolson b:7-22-1892 m:10-28-1915 Irving C Bean (b:7-7-1893, son of Alice Knight and Frank Bean) M8133111 James Woolson Bean b:8-26-1918 m:11-21-1942 Mildred Marie Hand (b:9-27-1919, dau of Martha Graham and Ralph Talmadge Hand) Ch:Judith Graham b:10-11-1943 d:1-9-1945, James Woclson Jr b:8-11-1947, Ralph Hand b:10-21-1048 M81332 Clara Elizabeth Dayton b:4-10-1870 m:3-16-1892 Lucien Ransom Hitchcock (b:11-23-1869 d:12-13-1942, son of Elizabeth Jack­ son_ and Lucien S Hitchcock) .M813321 Marjorie Dayton Hitchcock b:11-18-1896 m:Roy W Eller (b: May 1887) M813322 Gregory Dayton Hitchcock b:11-22-1898 m:Harriet M Ber­ inger (b:5-9-1897, dau of Bella Nimick and Walter Ber­ inger) Ch:David Gordon (adptd) b:8-29-1928 M81333 Almon Burr Dayton b:8-11-1872 m:9-12-1900 Mabel Boyd (b:5-9- 1874, dau of Isabelle Brown and John A Boyd) Ch:Relen Boyd b:7-1-1901 d:3-10-1903 M8134 Alanson Mattoon (twin) b:1-1-1842 d:4-8-1842 M8135 Helen Gertrude Mattoon b:7-23-1849 d:2-8-1855 M8136 Charles Burr Mattoon b:12-23-1851 d:2-24-1916 m:10-2-1879 Alice Minerva Kellogg (b:2-20-1854 d:3-13-1947, dau of Sarah Jane Bas­ sett and Albert Frederick Kellogg) M814 -William Mattoon b:5-10-1814 d:1-12-1879 m:5-2-1843 Isabelle Dawson (b: 8-22-1817 d:3-28-1857) M8141 William Peter Mattoon b:4-9-1844 m:9-13-1870 Laura Goodenough M8142 son Mattoon m: ------. Ch:Laura Isabelle b:7-28-1871 M8143 Isabelle Jane Mattoon b:11-4-1852 d:6-U-1886 M8144 Edward Tremaine Mattoon b:2-6-1856 m: ----· ---- M815 David Mnttoon b:3-12-1816 d:4-22-1890 m:1-14-1840 Sarah Ransom (b:10- 31-1817 d:7-27-1877) M8151 Whitman Valentine Ransom Mattoon b:8-27-1842 d:7-1-1862 M8152 Marion Aurelia Mattoon b:9-6-1844 d:3-14-1925 m:8-4-1869 James Charles Fitzpatrick (b:11-14-1841 d:7-18-1901) M81521 Mary Ransom Fitzpatrick b:5-1-1870 M81522 David Mattoon Fitzpatrick (name legally changed to David Mat­ toon) b:7-6-1874 d:7-22-1939 m:12-22-1906 Jennie Easton Beck­ ford (b:9-27-1873) M815221 Elizabeth Beckford Mattoon b:11-16-1907 m:6-27-1931 Paul Hunt Hetzel (b:12-27-1905) Ch:Mary Wells b:8-11-1933, Janet Beckford b:4-9-1935, David Mattoon b:5-28-1939, Barbara Elizabeth b:9-30-1945 M81523 John Tracy Fitzpatrick b:1-6-1878 d:5-16-1933 m:9-28-1918 Marcella Lucinda Coughlin (b:6-19-1892 Ch:Marcella C b:1- 27-1921 d:2-13-1925, John Tracy Jr b:11-10-1922 M81524 James Stoddard Fitzpatrick b:4-4-1879 m:6-25-1900 Laura Phil­ omena Hefferman (b:7-4-1872 d:8-17-1933) M815241 Paul Mattoon Fitzpatrick·b:4-12-1901 m:4-17-1926 Dorothy Marion Piall (b:10-2-1900) Ch:P~ula Marion b:12-16-1930 M815242 Laura Marion Fitzpatrick b:7-14-1904· m:5-30-1933 Roy Ulysses Zimmerman (b:3-18-1903). Ch:Paul Thomas b:1-28- 1935, Sarah Jane b:6-15-1940 86

M815243 Cornelius Stoddard Fitzpatrick b:9-13-1905 m:8-20-1927 _Dorothy Errma Langenfeldt (b:7-31-1909) Ch:Nadine May b: 10-3-1929, Johanna Stoddard b:3-5-1932 M81525 Jesse Arnette Fitzpatrick b:8-5-1881 d:6-5-1945 m:1-1-1902 Florence Broderick(b: 3-7.-1882) M815251 Florence Marion Fitzpatrick b:2-1-1903 m:12-9-1925 Fred­ eric Carl Barnhart (b:2-1-1902) Ch:John Preston b:3- 15-1928 M81526 Marion Aurelia Fitzpatrick b:12-28-1884-d:2-6-1945 m:2-8-1913 George- C.heritree Vroman (b:6-6-1871) M815261 Mary Ransom Vroman b:3-11-1914 M815262 Olive Augusta Vroman b:5-3-1919 · m:7~5-1940 William Shep­ ard Rockwell (b:9-27-1914) Ch:James Shepard (twin) b: 10-6-1941 d:5-l_-1942, George Ransom (twin) b:10-6-1941 d:5-12-1942, Anne. Cheritree b:5-24-1944, Marion Shepard b:12-13-1946 d:4-3-1947 · M81527 S~rah Hungerford Fitzpat~ic.k b:9-7-1687· m:4-24-1915 Edward . LeRoy S~ith (b: 5-8--1884) · M8t5271 Edward LeRoy _Smith Jr b:8-2-192-2 m:4-19-1947 Jane Green (b:1-17-1926) - Ch:Joanne Marie b:3.-12-1948· M815272 Priscilla Grant Smith-b:2-4-I9~5 m:6-16-1945 John KliBe Leach (b:7-11-1922, son of Ethel Kline ·and H Leach) Ch:Bar.bara Anne b:2-1-1947. M8153 Theodore Parker Mattoon b:2-2-1848 d:7-21-1848 M8154 Harriet Electa Mattoon b:8-11-1855 d:11-30-1910 m:3-16-18-87 Chas Albert Phelps (b:6-21-1857 d;B-5~1929) M81541 Howard Mattoon Phelps b:5-16-1888 m:12-31-1912 Annabelle Win­ gate (b:6-13-1892) M815411 Anne Wingate Phelps b:11-30-1923 m:7-19-1947 Frederick _ Jacoby M81542 Charles Ransom Phelps b:9-13-1894 m:7-10-1919 Marian Littler (b:1-6-1898) Ch:Chas Ransqm-Jr b:10-24-1925 d:10-24-1925 M82 Curtis Mattoon b:3-9-1782 d:6-3-1856 m(lst) 10-23-1805 Anna McBean (d:1-6- 1831) m(2d) Sept 1832 Desire Ives (d:2-8-1847) M821 Amasa Mattoon b:7-27-1806 d:Nov 1839 m:12-1-1831 Sarah Orilla Rice (dau of Benajah Rice) M8211 Anna .McBean Mattoon b:9-5-1834 d:4-21-1877 m:9-20-1854 Luther Rickerson . M82111 Mary Lillian Rickerson b:7-4-1855 m:11-26-1877 NL Clement M8212 Mary L Mattoon b:3-25-1838 m:George H Rull (b:c1833 d:6-26-1881) M82121 Edw~rd Mattoon Rull b:10-20-1860 d:11-10-1860 M82122 Ruth Maria Hull b:5-24-1868 d:10-24-1878 M82123 Arthur Mattoon Hull b:2-14-1874 m:10-13-1897 Meda Hughes M822 Edwin Mattoon b:·8-13-1808 d:11-29..-1809 M823 Electa Mattoon b:9-17-1810 d :.2-4-1864 m:1-6-1833 Hamilton Lamareau M8231 George Henry Lamareau b:10-21-1833 m(lst) ------m(2d) ------­ M82311 ~abel . _Lamareau b:7-20-1882 m:A Brisack. Ch:Lillian b:8-2- 1901, Althea b:8-10-1902 M82312.Maud Lamareau b:5-22-1884 m:9-23-1901 G Arnold. Ch:Thelma b: 4-14-1904, Leta b:6-i?-1907 M823~ Abbott Lamareau (twin) b:l -21-1833 d:1906 -M82l3 Curtis Lamareau b:3-27-1838 d:6-14-1862 M8234 Amasa M Lamareau b:2-16-1840 d:11-3-1843 M8235 Milo Lamareau (twin) b:2-11-1845 d:3-16-1846 M8236 Miles Lamareau (twin) b:2-11-1845 d:3-16-1846 M824 Curtis Alexander Mattoon b:9-16-1814 d:11-15-1872 m:12-19-1838 Amanda Ives 87

M8241 Ransom Alexander Mattoon b:3-2-1842 d:9-8-1900 m:5-21-1872 Marian L Reynolds _ _ M82411 Roma Ransom Mattoon m:6-25-1900 Eleanor Hallenbeck. Ch:Gladys Evelyn b:Sept 1903 · M8242 Antoinette Amanda Mattoon b:4-12-1844 m:10-10-1864 West C Baldwin M82421 Arthur Leon Baldwin b:5-10-1868 m:9-27-188- Lois E Stickles Ch:Claude Edwin b:11-11-1889, Vaile Stickles b:6-11-1891, Ethel Gertrude b:5-13-1895, Elsie Baldwin b:4-16-1898 d:1- 24-1899, Edna b:2-8-1898 M82422 Ethel Ardalle Baldwin b:6-4-1871 d:8-29-1872 M82423 Clifford Mattoon Baldwin b:6-29 1874 m:6-9-1897 Mabel Calista Chase. Ch:Leonard Chase b:5-27-1898, Ruth Louise b:12-10- 1903 M82424 Ray Elwood Baldwin b:3-17-1878 d:9-14-1901 M82425 Burdette Renwick Baldwin b:12-13-1881 - M825 Peleg Cornwall Mattoon b:11-25-1817 d:4-19-1865-m:1840 Julia Porter M8251 Cassius Amasa Mattoon b:10-3-1844 m:Helen Van Buren M82511 Edith Virginia Mattoon m:Charles Hardenburgh M8252 Alice Adelia Mattoon b:6-10-1847 m:9-1-1864 A Webster Shaffer M82521 Beulah Stella Shaffer b:4-19-1876 M82522 Elmer Mattoon Shaffer b:8-20-1877 m:10-26-1903 Sallie Rives Wolfe. Ch:George Rives b:7-9-190~ Isabel Mattoon b:3-5-1907 M82523 Honoria Shaffer b:1-7-1879 d:9-3-1907 m:10-4-1899 Alvin Jess Bynum. Ch:Marion Shaffer b:0-15-1900, Mary Alice b:9-7- 1902, Ethel Shaffer b:6-1-1904 M82524 Ethel Augusta Shaffer b:11-22-1882 m:12-12-1906 Garland Rob­ ertson M8253 Helen Augusta Mattoon b:8-18-1853 m:October 1870/2 John R Balis M826 Nancy Mattoon b:10-31-1820 d:11-5-1822 M827 Nancy Mattoon b:11-17-1830 d:11-17-1830 M828 Cornelia Sherman Mattoon b:12-28-1834 d:3-29-1873 m:May 1856 Samuel P Ives M8281 Clara Ives b:1857 d:1858 M8282 Lillian Ives b:1858 d:7-28-1868 M8283 Blorence Cornelia Ives b:10-31-1860 M8284 Alice Mabel Ives b:7-7-1868 m:Frank Enderlin. Ch:Florence b:3-18- 1897 M829 Ives Dayton Mattoon b:Sept 1837 d:11-12-1904 m:Mary E Davis M8291 Ella D Mattoon b:3-21-1860 m:9-17-1879 William D Coons. Ch:Minnie I b:8-1-1880, Mason I b:8-23-1881, Mary E b:1-17-1883, William D b:6-24-1884, Ira B b:7-24-1888 M8292 Amelia E Mattoon b:7-27-1862 m(lst) 5-5-1882 (d:4-1- 1897) m(2d) John Dibble. Ch of 1st m:Rose b:4-15-1883, May b:6- 16-1885, Noah b:1-22-1887, Millie b:1-12-1889. Ch of 2d m:Ives Dayton b:12-14-1901 d:12-8-1904 M8293 Melvin C Mattoon b:12-28-1864 m:6-4-1890 Sarah Brisack. Ch:Elbert B b:4-19-1893, Paul C b:9-7-1895, Ruth B b:5-20-1905 M8294 Cornelia I Mattoon b:3-17-1867 m:3-20-1889 Franklin N Clark. Ch: Chloe M b:8-20-1890, Raymond E b:7-5-1892, Myron F b:10-6-1893 d:2-18-1894, Leon I b:3-4-1895, Frank B b:10-6-1897, Mason Db: 1-6-1902 M8295 William Mattoon b:6-13-1869 d:7-12-1869 M8296 Fannie F Mattoon b:7-7-1872 m:12-19-1894 Egbert M Boice. Ch:Rtis­ sell I b:12-23-1896, Nelson M b:12-13-1898, Dorville J b:4~13- · 1902 M8297 Winfield Mattoon b:8-6-1881 d:8-18-1882 88

MG3 Betsy Mattoon b:6-18-1783 d:12-6-1824 m:3-19-1803 Thomas Sutliffe (b:11-2- 1771 d:D-26-1852, son of Lois Curtiss and John Sutliffe) M831 Nancy Sutliffe b;3-8-1804 d:10-14-1874 M832 Eliza Sutliffe b:9-2-1805 m(lst) 1-4-1835 Hiram Brooks m(2d) Geo Rine M8321 Alfred Brooks M8322 Cornelia Hine (adptd) M833-Ransom Sutliffe b:5-30-1808 d:8-11-1885 m:4-19-1832 Eunice Hurd (d:4-5- 1892, dau of Abel Hurd) M8331 Betsey Sutliffe b:8-16-1833 d:8-8-1866 m:3-11-1857 Bennett Gillette M8332 Bennett Hurd Sutliffe b:9-16-1835 m(lst) Sarah Nettleton m(2d) 12- 31-1870. Elizabeth Campbell Kirk (b:6-5-1846) M83321 Edith Elizabeth Sutliffe b:10-10-1875 d:2-26-1845 M83322 Daisy Burton Sutliffe b:4-4-1879 M83323 John Thomas Sutliffe b:12-26-1882 d:1-29-1946 m:11-7-1911 Al­ myra Agnes C~nnon M833231 Thomas ~enry Sutliffe b:8-24-1913 d:5-25-1945 m:1838 --­ ----. Ch:Thomas Kirk b:7-15-1939, Rhoda Gail b:8-25-1940 M833232 John Bennett Sutliffe b:1-20-1915 m:8-19-1939 Merle Hig­ gins. Ch:Lynn b:11-3-1941, Michael Dunton b:12-21-1944,

Thomas Arthur b:3-22-1947. . M833233 Eunice Elizabeth Sutliffe b:7-20-1920 M8333 Burton Ransom Sutliffe b:9-1-1837 d:12-29-1852 M8334 Electa Nancy Sutliffe b:10-10-1839 M0335 Mary Jane Sutliffe b:.3-11-1842 m:10-17-1863 Daniel Stevens M8336 Sarah Jane Sutliffe b:9-5-1844 m:7-2-1868 George Gillette. Ch: Burton David b:8-3-1870 d:Aug 1876 M8337 Lewis Starr Sutliffe b:8-30-1847 m:9-11-1871 Amy Jane Blakeman (d: 3-16-1876) M0338 Harriet A Sutliffe btS-17-1850 d:6-19-1855 M8339 Emma B Sutliffe b:11-5-1854 d:6-23-1855 M834 Amanda Sutliffe b:5-22-1814 d:12-6-1890 m:12-21-1837 Dennis Hurd (b:6- 10-1806 d:5-29-1864, son of Abel Hurd) Ch:Ransom b:10-6-1838, Nancy M b:11-26-1839 d:12-10-1863, Edward b:9-29-1841, Elbert C b:11-21- 1853 d:8-7-1893 M84 Bethel Mattoon b:12-9-1784 m:2-~3-1809 Hannah Williams M841 Maria Mattoon b:10-25-1810 d:6-10-1868 m:1-20-1838 Joel Thorp M8411 George Thorp b:6-16-1839 m:Ada Dingwell M8412 Lyman Thorp b:11-23-1-843 m:9-7-1865 Fannie Addis. Ch:Frederick L b:9-15-1866, Dermot I b:6-8-1868, Maria A b:1-15-1871, Joel Ab: 2-6-1873, Carl G b:6-4-1878 d:6-19-1884 M8413 Charles Thorp b:3-30-1849 m:Mary Nestover. Ch:Charles b:1874 M842 William C Mattoon b:1815 m:Jan 1837 Harriet Vanderhoof. Ch:John b:Nov 1837, Dayton, Hattie MDS David Mattoon b:5-29-1787 d:6-19-1788 M36 Electa Mattoon b:10-9-1792 d:2-14-1879 m:Oct 1847 Nathan Clark M87 David Mattoon b:9-2-1794 d:11-6-1866 m:12-8-1818 Nancy Hickox_ (M131 b:4-8- 1800 d:12~28-1889, dau of Mary Dayton and James Hickox) See Ml31 for continu~tion of this_line)

Amasa"'+M~ttoon (1758-1829), who married M8 Elizabeth Dayton descends from Philip1 John2 , and David3Mattoon. Philip1Mattoon d:12-30-1696 m:9-10-1677 Sarah Hawks ·ca:9-15-1751 aged 94, dau of John Hawks; -she m:2d David Belding). John2Mattoon b:10-12-1682 d:2-19-1764 m:10-20-1706 Jerusha Hall (dau of David Hall). David3 Mattoon b:7-26-1715 m:10-5-1742 Phebe Curtis. 89

M9 IS.At\C DAYTON b:5-30-1761 d:Nov 1812 m:Tabitha Welton (b:8-14-1766 d:1312/3, dau of Ann Brew­ ster and Dan Welton)

M91 Sherman Dayton b:9-24-1785 d:2-16-1864 m:1-5-1804 Elizabeth Beardsley (b:5-28- 1786 d:4-17-1871, dau of Elizabeth Pensfield and---- Beardsley) · M911 Rufus Brewster Dayton b:1-25-1806 m:9-9-1827 Electa Nye (b:3-17-1809) M9111 Cynthia M Dayton _b:5-2-1828 m:9-3-1846 Cornelius Hitt (b:5-21-1820) Ch:Alice Gertrude b:5-11-184-9, Charles Dayton b:6-1-1862 M9112 Lydia S Dayton b:8-2:3-1830 m:4-25-1853 Joseph S Albertson (b:4-20-1828) Ch:Alma Evangeline b:3-26-1854, Belia Azelia b:10-8-1856, Stuart b: 5-13-1859, William Melvin b:8-30-1862 M9113 Sherman Dayton b:4-22-1833 m:9-7-1859 Emma Maria Comstock (b:10-28- 1842) Ch:Effie Cora b:3-28-1860 M912 Salmon B Dayton b:8-31-1807 d:3-10-1823 /M913 Harriet Dayton b:12-29-1809 m:4-18-1827 Samuel Nye (b:2-2-1800) M9131 Corlista Nye b:2-16-1830 m:8-21-1856 George Gray (b:9-26-182~Ch:Char­ les C b:6-5-1858 M9132 Orlanzo Nye b:3-27-1832 m:10-28-1860 Sarah Sage (b:3-28-1841) Ch:Wm R b:7-5-1861 M9133-lQ Alvina b:3-14 1834, Emeline b:11-18-1835, Anson b:8-30-1837, Salmon S b:7-23-1839, Ira b:8-28-1841 d:10-8-1862, Georgianna b:7-19-1845, Henry·b:7-4-1847, Josephine b:5-14-1850 d:9-18-1854 M914 Dorcas Dayton b:3-5-1813 m:1-19-1834 Benjamin Stetson (b:7-13-1810 d:8-2- 1844) M9141 Oscar F Dayton Stetson b:10-16-1835 M9142 Esther A Stetson b:6-19-1837 m:9-6-1860 James Garrett (b:l-14-1834) Ch:Merton O b:8-26-1861 M9143 Edgar Stetson b:2-8-1839 d:9-10-1843 M9144 Franklin A Stetson b:1840 d:1843 M915 James Dayton b:1-14-1815 m:8-22-1836 Paulena Brooks M9151 Marian P Dayton b:10-10-1839 m:10-10-1861 FM StJohn M9152 Frank Dayton b:5-9-1847 M9153 Arthur B Dayton b:9-13-1857 M916 Isaac Spencer Dayton b:6-17-1817 m(lst) 9-18-1839 Diana C Sherwood (b:5-5- 1820 d:1-28-1842, dau of Margaret Shankland and John Sherwood) m(2d) 7- 13-1843 Catherine Martin (b:11-3-1813, dau of Philena Guernsey and Isaac Mitchell Martin) M9161 Marilla Diana Dayton b:4-23-1840 d:8-31-1858 M9162 Catherine Margaret Dayton b:12-28-1841 m:10-24-1860 Amos Dickinson Frisbie (b:8-19-1831, son of Polly A Dickinson and Benjamin Frisbie) Ch:Frank Amos b:2-9-1868, May Belle b:2-28-1870 M9163 Emma Elizabeth Dayton b:7-28-1844 M9164 Sarah Isabell Dayton b:4-16-1848 m:5-13~1874 Leroy Frederick Holloway (b:2-14-1842, son of Sibil Bacon Basset and Frederick Madison Hollo­ way) M9165 Wilmot Spencer Dayton b:5-20-1850 ., M917 Orson Dayton b:12-20-1820 m:10-2-1855 Sarah W Weston (b:7-11-1822) Ch:Gran­ ville W, Hattie L, Willard n M918 Elizabeth Dayton b:10-24-1822 m:12-13-1843 R W Childs (b:4-19-1811) Ch:Asa S b:1-17-1849 M919 Jackson Dayton b:4-27-1824 m:5-16-1850 Jane M Wright (b:10-22-1830) Ch: Clarence H b:4-9-1851, William M b:5-8-1855, Charles b:2-16-1860, Sher­ man b:5-11-1863 M91l.Q Helen M Dayton b:2-16-1826 m:11-17-1857 Joseph Kerr (b:4-27-1824) Ch:Mar­ illa D b:4-27-1859, Sherman b:11-4-1860, Fr~nk b:0-19-1362. 90

M9111 Isabel B Dayton b:10-11-1828 m:Abner H Smead. Ch:Emma E b:6-14-1859, Jul- - ia E b:12-25-1860, ~rederick b:1-5-1863 M9lll Abigail Dayton b:7-16-1830 M92 Isaac Dayton Jr b:1795 d:1851 m:1815 Elizabeth Shaver (b:1797 d:1882) M921 John Henry Dayton b:May 1829 d:8-13-1904 m:1855/6 Ellen McEwen (b:1828/32 d:10-5-1900, dau of Ellen McPherson and Hugh McEwen) · M9211 Elizabeth McEwen Dayton . M9212 Sherman Silas Dayton b:7-2-1865 m:Feb 1893 Lena Watson (b:4-8-1874, dau of Margaret Osler Pick and Martin.Watson) Ch:Frank Watson b:10- 14-18;5 ,. El la b: 5-1-1896, Jessie b: 3-11-1900, John .b: 5-8-1902, Sher­ man Hilton b:8-9-1905 M9213 Ellen Harriette Dayton ·b:4-12-1870 M9214 Franklin Henry Dayton b:1872 d:10-17-1899 M9215 Jessie V Dayton b:5-21-1860 M922 Isaac Dayton III M923 Mahala Dayton b:4-8-1816 d:4-10-1860 m:1837 William Eastwood (d:1-19-1885) Ch:Charles D, Mary Jane, Elizabeth C, Harriet, Edgar 0, Elvaretta, Wm P M924 Harriet Dayton b:1825 m:.Alexander Gregor (son of Alexander McGregor) Ch:Si- las, George, Harriet, Charlotte · . M925.Maria Martha Dayton b:3-9-1833 d:12-15-1894 m:1849 Edward Cornell (b:9-18- 1827 d:10-30-1894) . · M9251 Wm Morton Cornell b:5-13-1859 m.(lst) Emma D Pettys (d:8-18-1880) m(2d) · Emma J Smith M9252 Gilbert Edward Cornell b:9~20-1861 m:Claud.ia Halliday M9253 Leon ·Lysander Cornell b:5:.28-1865 ·m:Winogene Hughes~ Ch:Arnold, Donald M9254-5 Guy, Pearl (dy) . M926 Charlotte Dayton m:William McLean. Ch:Jennie (m:Wm Austin), Thomas m: ---­ M927 Mary Dayton (d:cl8) M93 Phylomela Dayton m: ---- Maxim ~194 Michael Dayton b:1-2-1791 d:2-21-1879 m,:12-25..:1816 Sarah ("Sally") Gibbs (b:8- 29-1796 d:11-5-1864, dau of Abiga~l Hubbard and Cyrenus Gibbs) M941 Isaac Dayton b:11-11-1818 d:12-29-1893 m;12-31-1838 Mary Patc~in (b:1-3- 1821 d:7-21-1894, dau: of Hannah Statira (or Adams) and David S Patchin) M9411 Almon Brewster Dayton b:i-12-1840 d:unm M9412 Cyrenus Dayton (dy) M9413 Florence Amelia Dayton b:8-21-1844 m:3-14-1867 John Owen Pritchard ·•M94131 Mary Jeanette Pritchard b:9-11-1868 d:1879 ·M94132 Charles Edward Pritchard b:2-18-1873 m:3~5-1895 Lily Rogers M941321 K Lucille Pritchard b:12-17-1895 M94133 Arthur Almond Pritchard b:6-30-1876 d:1899 M9414 Norman Burdett Dayton b:1-30-1848 d:2-3-1928 m:10-25-1877 Mary Emily Gotham (b:12-20-1848 d:1-18-1924, dau of Lucy----- and John Gotham) M94141 Mary Frances Dayton b:9-17-1878 d:Jul 1954 m:5-3-1897 Daniel Guy Waits (son of Phoebe A Coons and David D Waits) M941411 Harry Denbur Waits b:8-22~1899 m:4-17-1933 Alice Virginia Lo~tus (b:9-24-1901 d:8-24-1959, dau of Gertrude I Lyons and Patrick Joseph Loftus) no ch M941412 Marjorie Stewart Waits b:9-16-1901 a.:10-·16-1918 M94142 Florence Amelia Dayton b:4-9-1880 d:5-31-1955 m:1-1-1899 Charles Robert Booth (b:8-22-1873 d:11-3-1937, ·son of Rosemond----- and Thomas Booth) .. M941421 Rosamond Booth b&d:2-1_3-1901 M941422 Rachel Burdetta Booth b:9-29-1902 d:1-28-1962 m:9-10-1924 Robert Ernest Donaghy (b:11-29-1894) ~9414221 Raymond Ernest Donaghy b&d:Sept 1925 91

M9414222 rtuth Emily Donaghy b:4-10-192? m:8-S-i94'S Clair Elphic (b;4-14-1926) Ch:Eugene Clair b:7-30-1951, Margo Joyce b:10-22-1953, Julie Dorcas b:11-15-1958 M941423 Dorcas Ruby nooth b:10-10-190.5 m:10-16-1935 Fay King Wike (b:11-23-1912) M941424 Franklyn Charles Booth b:7-19-1908. M9415 Cyrenus Gibbs Dayton b:8-1-1851 d:Oct 1936 m:2-9-1876 Mary Ann Elam (b:10-18-1851 d:Sept 1925, dau of Nancy France and Benjamin Elam) M94151 Ruth Elam Dayton b:8-3-1878 d:12-8-1905 m:11-3-1901 Albert John Killmer (b:6-16-1878 d:8-19-1936) M941511 Marian Alberta Killmer_ b:4-4-1904 m(lst) 2-10-1926 Alfred August Leissring (b:6-6-1892 d:1950, son of Jennie Viets and A A Leissring) m(2d) 11-30-1945 Henry Gilster (b:5-27-1903, son of Doris Stelter and Ernest Gilster) M941512 Laura Beatrice Killmer b:11-13-1905 d:3-24-1906 M94152 Gerald Cyrenus Dayton b:11-4-1884 d:1-23-1886 M94153 Beatrice Marian Dayton b:3-24-1887 d:9-l~-1946 m:10-15-1913 How­ ard Laverne Knesel (b:7-15-1887, son of Minnie Hall and Albert William Knesel) no ch M94154 Edgar E1am Dayton b:2-14-1889 d:11-29-1903 M9416 Charles Michael Dayton b:12-23-1853 m:2-12-1874 Minerva Olds. (no ch) M9417 Emery Seneca Dayton b:11-4-1356. d:1-15-1936 m:5-5-1886 Clara Ann Phil­ lips (b:6-6-1867 d:3-9-1934, dau of Elizabeth Leith and Homer Phil­ lips) M94171 Fred Leith Dayton b:5-5-1887 d:1-4-1941 m:5-31-1911 Lillian DeEt­ ta Tute (b:ll-25-i889, dau of Luella Cook and John Eugene Tute) M941711 Duane Stewart Dayton b:1-9-1914 m(lst) 12~16~1-933 Alice Sel­ ma Scherger (b:11-1-1914, dau of Mary· Planck and George Scherger; she m:2d Norman .Sielehr) m(2d) 3-17-1952 Margerie Kiefer (b:11-19-1917, dau of Mary Louise Carrier and Charles Phillip Kiefer; her 2d m) M9417111 Sandra Lee Dayton b:8/10-5-1934 m:George LaRoche. Ch: Mary Beth b:3-30-1953, Rosanna Lee b:10-16-1959, George Emile b:3-20-1961, Joseph Frederick b:10-19-1962 M9417112 Nancy Lou Dayton b:9-14-1936 m:Jay Williams. Ch:Kathy b:11-1-1956, S~ott Ford b:2-4-1962 M9417113 Karen Sue Dayton b:10-16-1940 m:Robert Rieselman. Ch: Brian James b:8-20-1960, Kelly Ann b:6-28-1961, Pamela t, : 10-15-1962 M9417114 Michael Duane Dayton b:8-31-1945 M9417115 Denise Louise Dayton b:8-3-1953 M9417116 Dorian Kay Dayton b:9-28-1958 M941712 Madge Dayton b:11-20-1915 m:10-20-1962 Paul E Schneider (b: Feb 1919, son of Anna Kunkle and Joseph A Schneider) M94172 Edythe Elizabeth Dayton b:7-5-1889 m:David Vaughn M941721 Edythe Delores Vaughn b:5-16-1915 m:John Frederich Friday Ch:John Frederich II b:5-27-1946, Vaughn F b:10-17-1948 M941722 David Bruce Vaughn b:5-17-1917 m:1-8-1944 Irene Meyer (b:l- 16-1917, dau of Beatrice------and Joseph Meyer) Ch:Edythe Adele b:12-9-1947, David Bruce .Jr b:9-26-1951, Richard Wil­ liam b:4-18-1953, LaDora_Lynn b:1-13-1955 M94173 Jennie Bell Dayton b:7-2-1891 m:9-4-1912 Emil Henry Port (b:8-3Q- 1890, son of Amelia Walters and Casper Port) Ch:Wendell Dayton b:2-14-1917 d:7-1-1936 . M94174 Mary Luella Dayton b:4-24-1898 m:10-21-1919 Henry Galloway Tolm (b:10-11-1894, son of Belinda Gardner Galloway and Henry Town) 92

~941741 Audrey Luell·a Town b:5-16-1922 m:3-18-1944 Xavier William Canadeo (b:4-27-1917, son of Catherine Marinello and An­ thony Canadeo) Ch:Carol Audrey b:2-19-1945, Amy Lynne b:3- 21-1949, James Henry b:8-29-1953 M941742 Shirley Jane Town b:2-19-1924 m(lst) 7-10-1942 Edward Buch­ anan (b:10-24-1922) m(2d) 9-26-1961 Adam Port (b:7-21-1885, son of Amelia Walters and Casper Port) Ch:Peter Town b:7-5- 1943, Cathy Jane b:9-16-1948 M941743 Wayne Henry Town b:1-17-1927 m:12-lE-1946 Pearl June Klade (b:6-22-1926, dau of Verena Ann Hornung and Theodore Klad~ Ch:Wayne Henry Jr b:5-7-1948, Thomas Leith b:2-10-1951, Rob­ ert Bruce b:6-22-195_4, William George b: 2-22-1958 M941744 Phillip Dayton Town b:12-28-1933 m:3-17-1953 Donna Mae Zim­ merman (b:4-6-1936, dau of Mary Alice Davis and Harold Ervin Zimmerman) Ch:Debra Mae b:4-8-1954, Carey Ann b:11-22-1956, Bonnie-Jean b:10-~-1957, Jeffrey Phillip b:7-8-1960 M94175 Leonard Arthur Dayton b:7-19-1903 d:8-11-1939 m:8-30-1934 Cecelia Bertha Luck (b:7-6-1905, dau of Meta _Amelia Krebs and Albert Henry Luck; she m:2d Vern Verhulst~ M941751 Diane Cecelia Dayton (adptd by motherfis 2d husband and name changed to Diane Dayton Verhulst) b:12-8-1936 m:6-27-1957 Thomas Keith Berg (b:7-6-1937, son of Juanita Bell Forbes and.Joseph Ludwig Berg) Ch:Colleen Marie b:5-11-1958, Craig Vernon b:11-1-1959, Edward· Michael b:1-8-1962 M9418 Everett Hubbard Dayton b:10-9-1859 m:3-17-1_896 Carrie Fi~her (b:5/6- 26-1870; dau of Minnie VQlaskey and Lafayette Fisher) M9419 Ambrose Elmer Dayton b:12-7-1861 m:11-21-1888 Carrie Cornwell (or Cor- . nell), dau of John Cornwell M942 Abigail Dayton b:1-27-1819 d:8-20-1820 M943 Almon Brewster Dayton b:12-15-1320 d:9-3-1839 unm M944 Abigail Gibbs Dayton b:10-22-1322 .d:Mar 1871 m:3-24-1850 Johnson Hurd (d:1379; he m:2d M948) Ch:Arthur M945 ~arah Anz:i Dayton b:12-15-1824 d:5-12-1912 m(lst) 12-21-1845 Charles Mason Sanford (b:11-16-1817 d:3-12-1872, son of Marian Beardsley and Daniel Sanford) m(2d) 5-21-1876 Wells Ambrose Chapman M9451 Wilmot David Sanford d:1873 M9452 Melissa Amelia Sanford b:6-9-1853 d:10-5-1890 m:2-22-1870 Sylvan Emer­ ald Bayley. Ch:Frank, Arthur, Edith, Cora, Ray M9453 Cora Sarah Sanford b:1-17-1859 d:10-l?-1924 m:12-31-1882 August Fred­ erick Moser (b:6-7-1857 d:2-7-192~) Ch:Winfred Delisle, Lillian Elaine, Marguerite Irene, Grace Eleanor Sarah M9454 Almon Dayton Sanford b:3-16-1864 m:2-26-1887 May Waldo. Ch:Charles M, George A, Leon W, Ella M, Frank E M946 Mary Cornelia Dayton b:10-25-1826 d:3-12-1901 m:1-9-1851 John Bell M947 Henrietta Marie Dayton b:6-18-1829 m(lst) Seneca Emigh m(2d) Thomas Davis · Ch of 1st m:Hattie (d:ae c3). Ch of 2d m:Thomas b:cl866, Sarah b:c1868, Maria M948 Phebe Eliza Dayton b:10-13-1831 d:cl918 m:4-2-1872 Johnson Hurd (he m:lst · M944) no ch ·,✓ M949 Harriet Dayton b :8-4-1834 d: 12-30-1838 M941.Q Dorcas Emilia Dayton b:10-20-1835/6 d:6-11-1852 M95 Harriet Dayton m(lst) -~-- Wilcox; m(2d) ---- Grant M96 ·James Dayton M97 Melissa Dayton 93

MlO SAMUEL DAYTON b:9-27-1762 d:1-31-1828 m:12-31- - 1786 Naomi Woodruff (b:2-18-1769 d:10-19-1839, dau of Hannah Lambert and John Woodruff)

M.!Ql Fanny Dayton b:8-17-1737 d:9-8-1862 m:12-19-1810 Cornelius Munson (b:9-12-1783, d:3-6-1358, son of Lucy Gideon Roberts and Caleb Munson) MlOll Noble Woodruff Munson b:8-18-1812 d:5-20-1891 m:Apr 1837 Sally Judd (d:1- - 28-1890) Ml0111 Amelia Munson b:cl841 m:John A Sanford MlQ112- Mary E Munson d:cl876 MlQ12 Nancy Naomi Munson b:10-29-1814 m:9-3-1844 Truman Percy M.!.2121 N Maria Percy b:7-28-1848 m:12-25-1872 John F Peck Ml01211 Robert E Peck b:7-15-1876 M!Q122- Alice J Percy b:8-23-1853 d:3-8-1893 (unm) Ml0123 Mary M Percy b:12-10-1859 Ml013- John Dayton Munson b:4-22-1820 d:10-17-1867 m:2-22-1863 Jane Matilda Wood -- (b:,6-8-1835 d:7-12-1395, dau of Heman Wood; she m:lst ---- Camp) Ml0131 Arthur Dayton Munson b:2-9-1864 m:6-11-1888 May Judson. Ch: 1 son Ml0132- Fanny Amelia Munson b:3-5-1866 d:7-2-1868 Ml0133- Lucy Jane Munson b:6-23-1867 M1014- Robert Cornelius Munson b:9-12-1823 d:2-27-1901 m:10-15-1855/6 Mary Eliza - Gaylord (b:1-25-1836 d:7-23-1914, dau of Harriet L ------and William Gaylord) MlQ.141 William Dayton Munson b:4-23-1868 d:4-20-1947 m:6-6-1893 Minnie Anna Lamphier (b:11-7-1867 d:4-12-1945) Ch:Marie L b:9-9-18g4 d:3-5- 1898, Marion A b:2-16-1899 d:7-7-1901 M1Q2 Truman Dayton b:6-20/30-1792 d:2-20-1880 m:12-11-1822 Harriet Tyler (b:2-16- 1300 d:7-22-1870, dau of Susan Easton and Roswell Tyler) MlQ21 Julia Dayton b:4-8-1824 m:10-4-1843 Henry Beecher (b:12-27-1822) MlQ211 Truman Jared Beecher b:3-2-1846 m:Mary B Wilson. Ch:Grace D b:Aug 1868, Charles MlQ212 Martha L Beecher b:10-9-1847 d:10-16-1914 m:9-26- .

1867 Merton Dunlap. Ch:Harry L b:12-27-186[ d:Jan 1914, Edith Mabel b:2-17-1871, Cora Irene b:5-16-1875, Herbert H b:1884 M!Q22·Martha Asenath Dayton b:2-25-1827 d:3-6-1857 m:4-9-1856 Chauncey Lewis Dayton Ml52. (See Ml52 for continuation of this line) -·Ml.Q.23 Samuel Tyler Dayton b:4-24-1836 d :2-21-1896 m:] C,-12-1859 Con1elia Adeline Bryan (b:5-18-1837 d:12-30 -1900, dau of Betsey Hungerford and Alfred Br­ yan) no ch Ml.Q.24 Susan Adelia Dayton b:6-5-1839 d:4-7-1928 m:9-16-1861 Chauncey Lewis Day­ ton Ml52. (Ml52 for continuation of this line) in...Q.3 Asenath ("Cena") Dayton b:8-26-1798 d:8-17-1873 m:Nov 1845 Asa Fenn MlQ.4 Samuel Glover Dayton b:7-6-1803 d:2-27-1865 m:11-26-1829 Almira Lydia Dailey (b:4-24-1801 d:8-24-1880) MlQ.41 John Woodward Dayton b:9-21-1834 d:7-8-1889 m:4-8-1857 Frances E Welton (b: 9-2-1837, dau of Huldah nronson and David Welton) MlQ.411 John Dayton_ (dy) MlQ.412 Nellie Elizabeth Dayton b:5-26-1862 m:Edward Leamon MlQ.413 William Welton Dayton b:4-6/8-1865 MlQ414 Fannie Dayton b:1/6-2-1867 m:Charles V Cole Ml0415 Jennie Almira Dayton b:6-1/25-1870 VMlQ416 Franklyn D Dayton b:1-6-1878 m:Bertha A Hubbell (b:10-10-1875 d:8-12- 1940) . Ml.Q.42 Henry Truman Dayton b:1-22-1842 d:10-16-1912 m(lst) 1-24-1867 Amelia Jane Mattoon M8133; m(2d) 12-10-1891 Anna Woodward Foster (b:2-28-1856 d:4-~0- 94

1943, dau of Emeline Wetmore and Andrew E Woodward) All ch of 1st mar­ riage; see M8133 for continuation of this line. M.!.Q43 Ellen Naomi Dayton b:c1339 d:9-7-1863 m:William Partree M1Q44 Sarah Elizabeth Dayton b:7-31-1837 m:11-18-1869 Gregory Eaton Dibble. Ch:.Samue.l Freeland b: 9-1-1871, Charles MrL045 Eliel Dayton b:Jul 1836 d:10-12-1836 ML046 Charles Samuel Dayton b:3-12-1832 m:9-5-1855 Ser:ah Cordelia Isabell (b: 9-1-1837) ~l_0461 Sarah Minnie Dayton b:7-31-1856 d:12-12-1373 ~10462 Edwin Joy Dayton · · MI:0463 Milf red Joy Dayton

Mll LYMAN DAYTON b:8-27-1764 d:6-6-1811 m:7-26-1787 - Abiah Matthews (b:12-11-1771 d:1845, dau of Han- nah Parker and Stephen Matt.hews)

' ., l·~lll William Dayton b:2-24-1788 m(lst) Ruth Lindsley (b:6-20-1787, dau of Abinh Mat- thews and Matthew Lindsley) m(2d) Greaty Beardsley m(3d) Mary Lake Ch of 1st m Mllll Elvira Dayton (dy) M.!!12- Elvira Dayton m:Joel Markus Stillson M!!.121 Emily Stillson m:Ralph Stowell Mll122 Lyman Stillson M11123- Cooper Stillson. m:Adel Cushman M.!113- Rebecca Ann Dayton m:Manza (Monroe?) Harris M!!.14 E~izabeth Arline Dayton m: ---~ Smith M.!115 Gideon Dayton (dy) Mlll6 Ruth Dayton Ch-- of 2d m Ml!l7 Clarinda Dayton Mlll8 Ransley Dayton M!.119- Gideon Dayton M!12 Nancy Dayton b:4-29-1790 d:1850 m:9-22-1813 Lyman Hakes (b:5-26-1788 d:7-14- 1373, son or Zerviah Church and George S Hakes; he m:2d Delinda Osborn) M!!21 Lyman Hakes Jr b:3-23-1816 d:12-8-1873 m(lst) 1851 Elizabeth J Daldwin m(2d) 1869 Margaret D Cowley Mll22 Minerva Hakes b:3-14-1318 d:1899 m:1840 Phineas L nennett (b:1806 d:1892) -,.-·Mll221 dau Bennett m:Francis Dennis Mll222- Lyman Hakes Bennett M!.1223- Alden Joseph Bennett b:1847 d:1919 m:1878 Mary Prout (b:1850) Ch:Min- erva M Ml1224- Isaac Bennett M1123-·s Homer Hakes b:l-6-1820 d:11-13-1854 m:4-9-1844 Anna Judd Mll231 Adaline Hakes b:7-8-1846 d:1-8-1856 M!1232- Etta Rakes b.:Apr 1849 m: ---- Abe.11. Ch: 2 sons Ml124 Adaline Hakes b:10-16-1821 d:10-5-1844 m:4-19-1843 Samuel Scott. (no ch) M!125-- Harlo Hakes b:9-23-1823 rn:12-6-1855 Mary Chandler M!l.251 Evelyn Hakes b:3-11-1857 Ml1252 Hattie V Hakes (twin) b:8-23-1859 m:12-29-1882 E G Saussman Ml1253-· Carrie M Hakes (twin) b:8-23-1859 m:6-30-1885 William L Ferris. Ch: - Hnrlo Hakes b:1886 Mll254 Lyman Hakes b:8-15-1865 d:2-22-1868 M11255.. _ Harlo Hakes Jr b:9-28-1869 d:7-25-1870 Mll2.6 Harry Hakes b:6-10-1825 m(lst) 1849 Maria Eliza Dana (d:Dec 1849) m{2d) 8- - 29-1855 .Harriet_ Louise Lape. Ch:Minnie b:9-25-1856 d:1-4-1858, Lyman b: 2-16-1859 d:9-26-1859 95 2-16-1859 d:9-26-1859 M1127 Caroline Hakes b:8-26-1827 m:1-24-1855 Joseph G McCall. Ch:dau, dau.(m: - ---- Comstock), Lyman Hakes, Florence, Nancy, Harle M1128 Vienna Hakes b:9-16-1830 d:3-16-1858 Mll3 -Bryan Dayton b:5-24-1792 m: ------. Ch:Mary, Minerva l·J.U4'Lyman Dayton Jr b:3-15-1794 m:Roena I3ailey. Ch:William, Lyman, Na~cy, Saloma, Almira, Fanny, Susan, Laurette ··· r-111s Ransley Dayton b:3-1-1796 d:cl864 m:Rebecca Baldwin Lindsley (b:2-5-1795, dau of Matthew Lindsley) M.1151 Delia Marie Dayton d:3-13-1904 m:Stearns Martin Mll52 Eunice Elvira Dayton m:John H McLaury Mll53 Minerva Ann Dayton _ M.!154 Angeline Eliza Dayton d:2-5-1901 m:Adon Westcott Mll55 James Madison Dayton m:Maryette Robinson MllSSl Myron Robinson Dayton m: ------. Ch:Dorothy, Alice Mll552 Izora Dayton m:Maynard A Boorman. Ch:Roy Mll553 Lyman Ransley Dayton m: ------. Ch:Merlin, Ira, Clara

Mll554 Reed Westcott Davton., Mll555- ·calista Dayton m:Herman Dodge , Mll556 Bertha Dayton m:Lewis Wells~ Ch:Herman, Hazel, Martha, Esther 1 Ml.156 Nancy·Ette Dayton m:Phil~nder Reynolds M.ll57 Lyman Dayton· I . . . -' Mll58 Gideon Mathew ~ayto~ Mll6 Alvira Dayton· b:2-4-1798· m:Jesse Judd. Ch:William, Charles, Josephine, Cath- erine (twin), Abiah (twin), Herbert, Smith · Ml.17 Minerva Dayton b:4-4-1800 d:11-29-1880 m(lst) 4-5~1821 Anson Penfield (b:4-5- 1798 cl :5-21-1838, son of Sarah Smith and Ebenezer Penfield) ·m(2d) 3-20-1844 · Henry Cowles (b:4-24-1803 d:Sept i881, son of Olive Phelps and Samuel Cowles; ·he m:lst Alice Welsh who d:1843) Mll71 William Ebenezer Penfield b:8-26-1824 o:May 1829 M.ll72 Charles Henry Penfield b:1-7-1826 m(lst) 4-25-1850 Margaret Wyett (d:4-15- 1861) m(2d) 5-12-1864 Sarah Ann Dutton Mll721 Anna Josephine Penfield b:2-13-1852 d:11-10-1944 unm Mll722 Fre~erickTmrnton Penfield b:10-2-1852 d:6-20-1922 m:4-27-1904 Ma- - belle Williams (b:1380 d:Sept 1938, dau of Mabel Hodgkins and Jesse Williams) Mll7221 Frederick Thornton Penfield b:9-24-1908 d:1931 unm Mll7222 George Wyett Penfield b:10-9-1910 m:8-23-1936 Blanch Siech (b:8- 23-1915, dau of Ann Bosynak and Stephen Siech) Ch:Irene Edith Ann b:1-18-1941, George Richard b:3-9-1944, Glen Thomas b:8-2- 1951 Mll7223 Helen Penfield b:11-15-1912 Mll723 Mary Alice Penfield· b:7-4-1856 d:Apr 1928 m:8-25-1877 William Scott Anent (b:9-14-1851 d:1-6-1909, son of Emily Hammond and Winfield Scott) Ch:Emily (dy), Phillip (dy), William Sheffield (b:1887 d:1951 m:Eleanor Hill) M11724 Emma Henrietta Penfield b:5-18-1858 d:1-11-1859 M11725- Charles W Penfield b:2-16-1361 d:6-19-1861 M11726- Charles Penfield b&d:1869 Mll727- Edith Margaret Penfield b:2-3-1873 Mll73 Mary Georgianna Penfield b:2-18-1828 d:2-16-1343 Mll74 Josephine Abiah Penfield b:11-1-1829 m:lst) 7-20-1848 Richard Cushman (b: 6-2-1019 d:6-9-1849, son of Sophia George and -- -- Cushman) m(2d) 9-26- 1850 Michael Boyd Bateman (b:9-13-1313 d:8-6-1880, son of----- Boyd ~nd ---- Bateman; he m:lst Louisa J Lovell) Ch: 7 Ml175--- Katherine Keziah Penfield b:11-1-1829 d:10-31-1830 96

Mll76 Herbert Dayton Penfield b:12-29-1831 d:12-10-1841 M.1177- Thornton nigelow Penfield b:10-2-1834 m(lst) 8-28-1858 Sarah Corban In- grnham (~:5-26-1839 d:4-21-1364, dau of Elizabeth Hartson and David In­ graham) m(2d) 1866 Charlotte E Hubbard (b:8-9-1844 d;l2-ll-1932, dau of Mary Treadwell and Joel Miller Hubbar~ she m2d Jonathan Bancroft Devins) M.!1771 Mary Cowles Penfield b:2-2-1860 d:12-2-1944 m:6-25-1884 Chas P Heald Mll772 Ellen J Penfield b:7-15-1862 d:8-27-1863 Mll773- Thornton Bancroft Penfield b:11-13-1867 m:9-12-1894 Martha Mee Martin - (b:11-6-1864 d:9-7-1954, dau of Mary Alice Lantsberry and Joseph Higgins :Martin) Mll7731 Charlotte Penfield b:7-20-1895 m:7-10~1919 Reginald Atwater (b: 8-6-1892, son of Selina Myers and Sa~uel Atwood) Ch: 6 Mll7732 Thornton Bancroft Penfield II b:5-1-1899 m:8-5-1932 Ruth Diddle - (b:ll-6-1906, dau of Mary Hutton and 3ames Garrett Biddle) Ch: Thornton n III b:4-13-1934, Charlotte Elizabeth b:10-28-1935 M.ll7733 Paul Livingston Penfield b:8-11-1901 m:6-2-1926 Charlotte Went­ worth Gilman (b:1-24-1900, dau of Helen Baldwin and Warren Gil- man) . Mll77331 Eleanor Baldwin Penfield b:5-2-1927 m:12-22-1951 LmJson - Spencer II (b:2-21-1923, son of Alice Mulligan and Guilford · Spencer) Ch:Guilford III Mll77332 Martha Warren Penfield b:4-27-1929 m:3-1-1952 David Brown - (b:6-9-1926, son of Marion Simons and William Allen Brown) Mll77333 Psul Livingston Penfield Jr b:5-28-1933 m:8-26-1~56 Martha Elise Dieterle (dau of Ralph Dieterle) M11774 Frances Irene Penfield b!l-31-1870 d:1-20-1885 Ml1775- Flora Elida Penfield b:8-19-1871 d:1871 . Mll78- Smith Newell Penfield b:4-4-1837 m:3-26-1860 Sarah Elizabeth Hoyt (b:10- 28-1837 d:Jun 1933, dau of Frances G Droun and Ephraim Hoy~) Ch:Clara Josephine b:11-12-1861 d:8-3-1862, Georgia May b:5-9-1872 d:10-25-1953 unm, Mary b:5-13-1874 d:5-19-1874 . M!l79 Minnie Penfield d: 1860' s ae 26 · ~.,, , c, , c,"j-5... Mll,8 Herbert Dayton b:10-3-1302 m:Nov 1823 Clarissa S Lindsley (b:·1~30:t802J ~!181 Aurinda Adaline Dayton b:6-13-1824 m:6-13-1844 Addison Armstrong M!1811 Agnes Aurinda Armstrong b:8-21-1845 d:8-31-1863 Mll812 Clara Jeanette Armstrong b:1-22-1847 ~ll.813 Ellen Almeda Armstrong b:_1-14-1849 d:9-18-1864 M!.1.814 Herbert Dayton Armstrong b:12-19-1851 m:12-19-1878 Frances Desire Smith, dau of Jeannette Armstrong and Obadiah Smith) Ch:Henry Her­ , bert b:cl880 Mll815 Annette Cecelia Armstrong Ml.1.816 Guerdon Brewster Armstrong b:7-16-1855 d:9-11-1864 (or 2-14-1858) ,Mll817 Rachel Gracie Armstrong b:2-7-1857 d:9-11~1864 Mll.818 Frances Gertrude Armstrong b:2-15-1859 Mll.819 Maria Eliza Armstrong b:12-6-1861 d:9-10-1864 ,Mll.811.Q.Addison Lindsley Armstrong b:12-17-1863 d:2-2-1864 MllJ31U Minnie Burrows Armstrong b:6-24-1866

MU. OLIVE DAYTON b:2-6-1766 d:4-4-1835 m:3-30-1790 William Munson Jr (b:11-12-1769 d:4-2-1842, son of Sarah Griggs and William Munson Sr)

Mll.1 Garrett Munson b:7-27-1791 d:1868 m:Cynthia Stoddard (dau of Squire Stoddard) 97

Ml211 Seth Beers Munson b:4-10-1821 m:Harriet Brown. Ch:Emma L, Luther, James - Luther b:1-14-1863 Ml212 Luther Munson b:9-22-1825 m:11~23-1869 ------. Ch:Lucius b:9-13-1871 Ml213 Mary Ann Munson m: ---- Wilmot ~11214--- Caroline Munson Ml215 Enos S Munson M1216- Andrew L Munson b:5-4-1834 m:6-29-1859 Melissa L Ostrander - Ml2161 Ettie Munson b:5-6-1860 m:5-2-1877 CA Chamberlain. Ch:Bertha Eb: - : 1882, Sarah J b:1884 Ml217 William Munson Ml218 Aurelia Munson Ml219--- Ransom Munson M122 William Munson ·111 b:1-10-1793 d:8-5-1887 m(lst) 9-4-1815 Alice Emons (b:5-3- - 1791 d:5-6-1821) m(2d) 3-19-1822 Polly Benton (b:3-9-1792 d:9-30-1875) Ml221 William Henry Munson b:8-1-1816 d:11-20-1887 m(lst) Elizabeth M Robinson - m(2d) 11-13-1851 Julie Norrish (b:1837 d:11-20-1863) m(3d) 6-30-1868 Mary C Ruscoe (b:9-30-1848) no ch of 1st m M12211 Walter N Munson b:7-3-1852 m:12-14-1882 Henrietta Brown. Ch:William - Motte b:7-9-1889, Mary Emma b:10-14-1891 Ml2212 David Crawford Munson b:11-14-1853 d:4-4-1889 Ml2213- Emma Maria Munson b:7-28-1355 Ml2214- Charles Munson b:9-25-1857 d:2-8-1879 Ml2215- Fanny Elizabeth Munson b:10-29-1859 d:2-9-1864 Ml2216- Willie Munson b:4-2-1863 d:7-6-1874 Ml2217- John Lucius Munson b:4-17-1869 d:1-13-1870 M12218- Annie Munson (twin) b:6-16-1871 d:9-12-1888 M12219- Alice Munson (twin) b:6-16-1871 M122110- Arthur Frederick Munson b:1-16-1874 d:8-10-1876 M122111- - Henry Herbert Munson b:12-7-1g75 M122112- - Romer Munson b:5-20-1877 Ml22113- - Edward R Munson b:5-20-1878 d:7-3-1882 Ml22114- - Marion Munson b:10-10-1882 M1222 -Julius- Munson b:2-17-1818 d:2-10-1319 Ml223- son Munson b:9-29-1819 d:10-1-1319 M1224- Charles Bradley Munson b:1-6-1821 d:9-14-1825 M1225- Phebe Ann Munson b:4-5-1823 m:5-8-1845 Elias C Woodruff (b:3-6-1820) - Ml2251 Ellen C Woodruff b:~-13-1846 m:10-5-1868 Charles A Gulliver (b:3-16- - 1845) Ch:Ernest W b:1878, Homer M b:1879 Ml226 Cornelia Augusta Munson b:3-22-1825 d:9-25-1877 m:lst) ---- Woodruff (b:5- - 30-1822 d:10-29-1852) m(2d) Theodore W Walker Ch of 1st m M12261 William Lewis Woodruff b:7-29-1849 m:1870 Julia Bushnell. Ch:Harry B - b:1371, Cornelia D b:1872, Nellie G b:1374, William L b:1877 Ch of 2d m Ml2262 Charles M Walker Ml2263- Cornelia A Walker M12264- Herbert H Walker M12265- Elizabeth H Walker Ml227 -Elizabeth L Munson b:11-3-1827 Ml228- David C Munson b:8-7-1832 m:4-27-1856 Sarah H Holcomb (b:11-2-1837) - Ml2281 Alice Elizabeth Munson b:5-13-1859 m:11-24-1889 Homer L Cooper - Ml22811 Eleanor Gertrude Cooper b:3-8-1889 M12282- Mary Eliza Munson b:11-18-1860 · - . M12283- William Holcomb Munson b:12-10-1862 m:10-23-1889 Annie W Page M122831- Marjorie Fuller Munson b:9-3-1890 Ml2284- Clifford nenton·Munson b:11-13~1875 d:2-6-1892 98

Ml229 Charles Munson b~12-14-1834 m(lst) 12-14-1869 Hattie E Kellogg (d:5-14- - 1873) m(2d) 10-13-1875 Fanny Hubbell (b:10-31-1852, dau of John W Hubbell) Ch:Hattie Elizabeth b:5-13-1873, Meta b:8-23-1876, Charles b:12-20-1877, Olga b:5-S-1379 Ml2210 Homer George Mu~son ~:4-11-1837 VM123 Lea;rtt Munson b:4-4-1795 d:11-11-1878 m(lst) Anthia Stoddard (sister of wife - of M121) m(2d) Almira Hallock. (Doth ch of 1st m) M1231 Lucinda- Munson b:9-14-1841 d:12-1-1075 m:1-1-1865 Edgar W Calhoun (d:12-1- - 1375) Ch:Clerence Munson b:9-17-1869, Irving Brinsmade b:10-19-1872 Ml232 Ellen Muneon b:1843 d:cl845 Ml24 -Ransom Munson b:1-9-1797 d:4-30-1866 m(lst) 1826 Martha Conner m{2d) 9-7-1828 - Susan Catharine Riley (b:Dec 1810) Ml241 Frances Elizabeth Munson b:12-13-1830 m:5-20-1847 John L Halbert - Ml2411 Robert Hairston Halbert b:9-11-1853 Ml2412- Lucy Olive Halbert b:7-9-1356 M12413- Mary Agnes Halbert b:9-25-1858 M12414- Katie Ransan Halbert b:7-28-1860 d:8-15-1882 Ml2415- Joel Joshua Halbert b:5-9-1864 M12416- Margaret Lena Halbert b:4-1-1866 m:12-6-1882 Luther F Taggart-. Ch: - Clyde b:10-4-1883) M12417 Susie Maud Halbert b:2-18-1868 Ml2418- John Anna Halbert b:3-19-1870 d:6-24-1871. Ml2419- Halbert b:12-8-1872. Rosebud . M124110- Arthur Halbert b:5-18-1874 d:1876 Ml242- James- Michael Munson b:1-20-1833 m:1882 Mary Elizabeth Leech. Ch:dau b: - c1885, son b:c1888 Ml243 Willimn Munson d:12-25-1880 m: ------. Ch: dau, son M125r Charles- R Munson b:1-8-1799 m:6-22-1826 Lucy E Prentice (d:2-19-1874) - Ml251 John P Munson b:6-9-1827 m:7-3-1859 Mary R Smith - M12511 3ohn C Munson b:12-6~1861 m:8-2-1882 Annie B Seyffert. Ch:Roderick J - b:5-23-1884 d:1-12-1887, Mamie b:4-23-1887, Charles Thomas b:11-11- 1891 Ml2512 William R Munson b:8-14-1867 d:7-26-1891· Ml252 -Martha C Munson b:9-8-1828 d:2-26-1861 m:9-27-1858 John G Demond (no ch) Ml253- Olive Munson b:5-26-1830 (dy) Ml254- Abel D Munson b:12-2-1831 d:9-19-1876 m:12-4-1872 Helen R Telford. Ml255- Lucius Munson b:8-3-1834 (dy) Ml256- Albert M Munson b:10-12-1838 m:10-12-1865 Harriet Johnson· (no ch) Ml26 Olive- Munsen b:2-21-1801 m(lst) 11-25-1827 Silas Strickland m(2d) 8-17-1845 -- Carter Jackson M1261 Thomas Jefferson Strickland b:.6-15-1830 m:Mary A Robberson Ml262- Mary M Strickland b:9-28-1833 m:Mark Renfroe Ml263- nuren Strickland b:2-1-1836 Ml264- Sally Strickland b:4-28-1839 m:Enoch Renfroe Ml265-· Silns Strickland b:11-24-1841 d:9-12-1844 ·M127 Clerissa- n Munson b:2-18-1803 d:6-18-1859 m:1-1-1824 Eli Nichols - Ml171 Clarinda S Nichols b:5-11-1825 m(lst) Henry Ware m(2d) John McWilliams Ml272-- Sarah E Nichols b:8-30-1827 m:Erastus Eggleston Ml273- John Nichols b:2-10-1831 m:Jane Clemence . M1274- Olive A Nichols b:7-30-1835 d:6~2-1836 M1275- Cynthia A Nichols b:9-17-1837' . m:William Norton M1276- Ezra W Nichols b:12-10-1841 m:Laura Hill- M]:l77- Henrietta C Nichols b:10-3-1844 m:George W Corbett Ml28 Michael Dayton Munson b:2-15-1805 d:2-21-1890 m:2-25-1830 Mary A Rockwell (b:4- - 1-1811 d:2-24-1891) - M1281- Harriet J Munson b:5-7-1831 d:4-6-1865 m:6-13-1852 Andrew T Church 99

Mll82 Virginia M Munson b:11-14-1833 m:6-26-1853 John D Drake (b:2-28-1829) M}1821 Kittie H Drake b:L~-14-lUSLJ, m:Feb 1378 W Cary (son of Isaac Cary) Ch:Lida Virginia b:1880, Lucy b:1881 MJ.1822 George R Drake b:3-11-1856 M.!2823 Mary Virginia Drake b:12-24-1865 d:3-16-1869 M12824 Burnie H Drake (twin) b:2-20-1875 - . Ml2825 nurt L Drake (twin) b:2-20-1875 M12826- Susie Dr2ke b:2-11-1877 M12G3 -George R Munson b:2-11-1836 Ml29 George W Munson b:5-9-1807 d:cl876 v,Ml210 Lucius E Munson b:3-27-1809 m:Sally Orvis -- . M13 ABEL DAYTON b:4-15-1763 d:7-15-1856 m:Grace Hitch- - cock (b:c1772 d:2-17-1853)

M,111 Anson Dayton b:Oct 1789 d:Jan 1867 m(lst) Prue Almira Mitchel (b:cl792 d:10-1- 1825) m(2d) Pamelia Graves (b:cl791 d:1-11-1369) Ml311 Permelia Ann Dayton b:7-2-(1816?) d:7-12-1878 m:Samuel Southmayd Penfield - (b:7-13-1818 d:4-16-1894, son of Ruth Ann Scoville and Truman Penfield) M13111 Ruth Ann Penfield b:8-12-1840 m(lst) 4-29-1868 Walter Watson Starr - (b:8-7-1837 d:7-8-1876t son of Abigail Richards and Lewis Penfield Starr) m(2d) ---- Law. Ch of 1st m: Harley (dy), Nellie, Carrie M}_1112 Harlan Page Penfield b:9-28-1842 d:5-10-1874 unm Ml3113 Almira Penfield b:5-8-1845 d:6-5-1877 m:4-28-1868 Elisha Mack Pierce - (b:6-26-1845 d:8-6-1923, son of Harriett Little and Thompson Pierce) M131131 Marion F Pierce b:1870 m:1-3-1392 Thomas Duncan M}11132- ·Inez Pierce b:1874 m:Harry Shaw (M.Ull54) Mllll4 Mary E Penfield b:2-24-1849 d:1.-7-1916 m:10-30-1889. E.lisha Mack Pierce (he m:lst Ml3113) no ch MllllS Frances C ("Nancy" -or ''Fanny") Penfield b:6-25-1852 d:1-18-1837 m:Oct 1872 David Miller Shaw (b:1848, son of John Shaw) Mllll51 George Shaw b:1874 d:1899 M11.1152 Harlan Shaw b:1886 (dy) Mllll53 Carl Shaw b:1873 m:Edna Hughes M!lll54 Harry Shaw b:1876 m:Inez Pierce (Mllll32) Mllll6 Ella Penfield b:8-23-1855 d:4-29-1887 unm Mll12 Almira Dayton m:nenjamin S Pierce. Ch:Gilbert Ml.3.13 Anson Penfield Dayton m(lst) Hannah M Mayn2rd m(2d) Hannah Andrews (dau of Betsy---- and neri Andrews) Ch of 1st m: Pamelia, Maria M1114 Orange Graves Dayton b:3-3-1827 d:3-25-1866 m:7-31-1855 Euphema Penfield (b:4-17-1334 d:5-7-1018, dau of Nancy Hendry and Amzi Lewis Penfield) Mlll41 Edith May Dayton b:7-21-1858 d:6-27-1942 m:4-20-1881 Henry D Taylor (b:1847 d:1912, son of Aaron Taylor) Ch:Alcnzo b:1888, Ralph b:1395 MlllS James Nelson Dayton b:5-1-1828 m(lst) Martha M Bartlett m(2d)

Evelyn Leonard. Ch:Charles Jay, George C, Minnie E Ml316 Michael Dayton m:Emma ---- Hlll61 Maud Dayton d:6-30-1960 m(lst) ---- Kessler m(2d) ---- Austin. Ch of 1st m:Glenn H, Evelyn (m:---- Lupton) Ml.1162 Herbert Dayton b:12-9-1874 d:11-23-1961 m:8-15-1911 Loretta Emery Johnson (d:12-17-1950) no ch VMJ.117 Cordelia Dayton m:Charles G Robertson. Ch:Mary Elbert Ml.118 John Bangs Dayton b:7-10-1833 m:3-14-1858 Frances Mary Eddy (b:6-13-1826 d:3-3-1399, dau of John Eddy) Mll.19 Eliza Dayton b:cl837 100

Mj1110 Lucinda Copley Dayton b:cl838 d:11-17-1877 m:David Silliman Ch: 4, in­ cluding a dau who m:Frederick n Kerr M,U2 Abel Dayton Jr b:5-2-1791 d:5-2-1871 m:11-22-1818 Henriette Maria Davenport (b: 5-1-1798 d:7-24-1870, dau of Lydia Metcalf and Noah Davenport) MJ121 Elizabeth Dayton m:Abijah Hubbard. Ch:Leonard b:cl845, others MJ122 Abner B Dayton m:Mary Elisabeth Winchell (dau of Lola----- and Ephraim Winchell) M.!1221 Abel Alfonso Dayton (adptd) b:1-18-1846 m:6-27-1872 Fanny Eva Boil­ eau (b:2-25-1850, dau of Harriet White Shryock and Roland Curtiss Boileau) M13222 Elbert Burton Dayton (twin) b:7-22-1854 d:2-19-1862 M13223- Edward Chapin Dayton (twin) b:7-22-1854 m:9-2-1880 Fannie Caire (b:1- - 2-1859, dau of Fanny Clegg and Adam Caire) M133 Annie Dayton·.d:1819 m:Jesse Judd '11134 Pamelia Dayton b·:10-8-1795 d:5-27-1871 m:3-6-1817 Erastus Davenport (b:7-11- - 1793 d:10-27-1856, son of Lydia Metcalf and Noah Davenport) Ml341 Noah W Davenport b:12-27-1818 M]142- Marie Anne Davenport b:9-30-1820 m:11-17-1845 Alfred Grant. Ch: several MU43 William Davenport b:9-2-1822 m:5-16-1847 Margaret Phillips (b:4-12-1827 d:1-20-1?84) Ch:Henrietta M (m: ---- Nettleton), .Sarah E (m:---- Price), William Ira, Amelia C, Joseph P, Alice V Ml344 Samuel Davenport b:6-2-1825 MJl.45-- Chaneey Davenport b:8-4-1827 d:12-8-1851 m:4-26-1849 Mary Elizabeth Wood Ch:Pemelia b:7-1-1850 MU46 Dwight Davenport b:6-15-1829 m:1-31-1855 Margaret Hickman (or Heckman) Ml.1461 Charles T Davenport b:12-30-1858 m:1-25-1881 Mary Stubbs (dau of Lu-

cinda Gunn and Andrew Stubbs) Ch:Lena M, Barbara E J Mll47 Harper Boies Davenport b:5-4-1831 m:Aug 1858 Mary Ellen Hoagland Mll48 Joseph H Davenport b:3-28-1833 Mll49 Amelia E Davenport b:5-30-1835 m:5-2_4-1859 Richard Phillips Mll4!.Q Henrietta Davenport b:7-11-1837 d:3-10-1870 Mll411 Mary E Davenpor b:11-19-1839_ MUS Maria Dayton b:1795 d:10-10-1-863 m:10-25-1025 Truman Penfield (he m:lst Ruth Ann Scoville; see Ml311) M1351 Maria Penfield b:8-22-1828- d:1-26-1881 m:9-18-1851 Hiram Smith (son of - Harriett nronson and Joel B Smith) Ch:Flint b:1853, Myron b:1856, Park b:1858, Ella b:1859, Jane b:1860, Hiram b:1866, Joel b:186~ Grace b:1871 M].1.52 William Wirt Penfield b:6-29-1831 d:2-27-1903 m:11-22-1854 Martha Gaylord (b: 10-13-1831 . d :7-20-1912, dau of Hannah Harper and Jedidiah Gaylord) no ch M!l53 Truman Penfield Jr b:8-3-1833 d:1-4-1916 m:2-13-1859 Sarah Elizabeth Gay­ lord (b:7-6-1836, dau of Julia Baldwin and Levi Gaylord) no ch Mll6 Lucy Dayton b:2-14-1799 d:3-4-1889 unm 100a

LOC/llTI~--- Loc~lities {of birth, r~.gtf/·;~ Dttt1~i:,~-~-Q unfortun0tely ·orntttec in t!lis re­ cord,. the_ .c.~er hnvint; found that replies tci"nip __ ,i.enuests for en.ta l!erc not forth­ comin~ if nore t!l..~---vit-nl stntistics l.rcre tlSl~ed for.· For- 't-thatcvcr aid t!icy m~.y be to future researchers, general n.ddrcsses of corr,pspori9cnt~ follo,~r: _____. _ __ _ . 1-L]__';·~aterburv, Cow.;-i-i1 ..,H~rpersfieTd w Y; i-111261 .. 0neida,· Ill; r112611--.0~1drnc~·-._·; i •1ik1ll ·Dc~vcnport. I-r Y; i ~lllr-112 Oneonta. !·1 Y; ~-IlllJ.142 Del!1i N _Y; -l 1.lh,2?1 Davenport i\rl; ~ 1.14223_ Jcrf.erson w Y; Lll42231 Jefferson ~? Y; :114226 ·13uffcl.lo r-r Y; :-111:,254 T--~ Y; I~lk261:.2 otcgn. F .Y; ~1.14291 !:;unrsville I'! Y; i:115 H~_rpersficld ll_ Y; i:~1151 Harpe~­ sfielc. ? Y; ~.115~1.3 Tucso!l, Lrtz; ~-~llol.21 Se.·r~r_d !·~ Y; 1·:J.161312 Cobleskill)~ Y;- 11.16132 CnnP..joh~ie tT Y; i--1116133 -· !Jctroit, 1-;ich; 'i-1.1722 0neid2., Il~; 1.;117221 Peoria, Ill; 11.~7231 Scotia P Y; ~ 11172312 Rexford :,! Y; ;·.J.172331_ Glen· Frills. i'i Y; :.-117235 OneotJta rY; ~-,117236 lorrlouth, Ill; ~·1172381 Jefferson.!·! Y; i·tJ..7?38:3 Fly_: C~ee1<- w·r,; _:tll72385 Cats.­ kill F Y; i"ll721 1.l •·-cridtlc J.,. Y; !~11724.2 H~.1-rlcy, Penr,; =-117243 StaT:Ifo~ l_~ Y; i :117244 Oneonta ~-j Y; :--~1172hl,2 Dc.lhi l--~ Y; i.-1.1724/i.3 :-~ It"ra.11lclin T·-~ Y; ~.il172.45. Davenport P.- Y; i-~117246 Dc1."1.'"(:=~o~:-t c~~ntcr E Y; 1-,11725 ··_iorccster ~~- Y; 1'1.17252-_ I ;erid?lc f,T Y; i 117?.53 ~!orcester i-1 Y; ; 11~·'5h C::,rm·.ra.ll· u Y; : 1191:ll Kir.1;5ton !·-TY; _rll9/.J.2 On~nt2.. },TY; ; 119414. Orieontn !,! Y; 1"119416.-7-8 Oneont~ r,r Y; 11.1?42 Lelfeland, Fia; i119432 Culver City, Calif; 1].19/i.k Denver, Colo; ::11956 Delhi r Y; 1-:11972 Btj.dPieport, Con·,~:; l-"11981 Grecre·.rich :,;- Y; :~119_93 -Dc'..Venport E Y; _.i-_-;191Q.ll Syracu~e I'l.l; iJ.19]&12)-;?,C~~on, r Y; ·1,1.l!Q.ll _Okl!',;~Ona .. ·Ci~;r, .-91µ~; )-111Q.l~ :;q]4nt91:1, Old~; ~~1P.Q$1: ~ i"ll16i1-Qt~~t~~l!i~d _. ., 1-\~~c~~; :._~l~fy"~__ 2 _, :f.?n~~ ~-~~~:Z~;~trl-~; ~-:11}-~62. ~lchnect~J-~~, i-T Y; j 1111.64 ~c9r~l _f.tabl~ !'l.a; ~~1;+11:q5 Voorh~f:Sville~N.- Y~-{x-}.11171 Sl1nr:er- 1~.nds ~t V; r:111172 '.3~rr~.cus~ "'":,Y; .i•illll815 Pocahor.tas, In; :1111182 ~- ?~urora ~· Y; i.- □.2 Hr.rp(;r~fi~1.a_---rY.; i-l.212glJ/Bin~a~t@. }.: Y;:--Ll.2122: Binrt,f~to7n Y; ~ri~223 Ln.'1r~n,,.e IU;) 121~.2h f11jocnix r.rit; l .121293 Jo~1nson G~,ty 1.r Y; >12i ...:91.;. PochESter' u Y; :-1214-1531 Syc;,ss¢, _l,011r-, Jslrrio; Ll~l.532 -Little Dcl'.r/~:;/YQ; )124 Lci-oillc Ill; _i.1~ t~t.?'~Jtalltoi.rn . !,~; i1~4132 _Yucc~ _va~J.~i p~if;-\~i?;133 ~!r~t\~, _Cn.l$fA~~;J.24135-:-6/flint l-1icn; l1)?.4l.5'1:··ret~$rtfie; -~fyo'; ;'}2!~153 1-2.. r151c F:.-11s, "Te~; j 112h153 l!untir:f!to~, Lon~ Isl~r,p;

: "124154 Denver Colo; Fl24155 Phoenix Lriz; _f •12l+J..251 ,s~_icrn. Or~;, ::-l2.4l.5S2 Indian Hc2.d, 1:nryl:i.nd; i;l.2l;l:56 Gh-1~.m-12-ber;" '"·i:vo;· :-il24,'! nc1rvArc1;·· tebr; !-12.42112. Cla.yton rT Y; : ·124212 Grnnd. Islanc' r-rebr; r121~2131 Cln.y Center ... ebr; 1:1242132 0r1nha ?cbr; El2l:2133 Tucsor! !',ri.z; i il242lk L-i.ncoln ;ITebr; :·1.2421h3 Rivt::rsic.e c~lif; 11.21+21/~ We.-rport, l ·::,inc, 1'124211:.5 Pc'..norendot~ Ill; i··l24J86 Let ·o~lle Ill; ~:1-24392 Sterli!1~ II.L; :-1.24721 Denver Colo; ·1-1.24723 1Ji;·,terset Ia; 12~-726 ~rand Isl~-~~, 1-~ebr; 1,l?.5729 Io-:·:~. Cit~, Ir:; ~·1247211 rrrr.nd Isl.'lnc'', Febr; iil2473!:. ~rcetti~ncr I~.; 1·124736 Fnrib~11lt :-:inn; FJ.247364 Jellin.r,:1a.-'1 ~ iryn; ~-121~752 !•~ Plttttc ?cbr; 1"124761 DcsYoincs, -T~,sh; ~ l'.?477 ~ris,-rold Ia; ·· 1248 Lal oil.le Ill; 1l21:El2 Lru:oillc Ill; 1:12482 LC:·;oille Ill; i-"12!~82.l Dr~_dcnton ··F1r?.; l'l248212 Chic?.go Ill; : 1.,1_.8?.? R~nr~clcy :-:cine; l:1248?.23 L&Joll~ Calif; ~1.21~.e·-,-?4 Boston i-:nns; Fl2/.i.8l:. Lci:oille Ill; I ,12-4~hl Tchnc!lc.Pi C;'lif; ~~12485 Snnt:". I ·onica Cn.lif: I:i124}_0 L:fr;oillc Ill_; i l.2k!Q.1 Yuma f.riz; Ll241011 Dc'llr.s Tex; i1241Q.12 Salin~.s C~lii'; .. I-u.~4@ Osi-re~o Ill; i--J.241...Q.h 7ortl;,nd Oro; j 12L']Q41 iu.P-onquiri Ill; :~1.25 Lei oille IJ.l; LCl.25121 ~~ke Vio1r I?.; ; -12522 Oco;1or.:ol1oc :iisc; .. 1252211 ~el~.ficld \-.Tise; ;-1-252212 Qconor;.otroc ~·:isc; :-1..242'-15 R~lsfo rd Li'11:; ~- J.252?? Dous-r.-..l~n '.':' isc; : 12522!•. : ~cGrt1.:·r !-1 Y; · 125314 3cldan E Y; ;·1.25315 Snyder Colo; 11.2531.6 Los /-.nRclcs Cnlif; : 1125331 Hrrr~ton Ir.; 1.125361 Los f.n,;cles Cr.lif; ~-125362 5o~t0~ ;··l'.Ss; ·1::-:56211. 1TI.iz~b:~t!1 i inn; lJ.256215 '1in,s~1~.u ~~inn; i-1-:25622 :11s1-rorth le'.; i--!125623 Osk0loosn In; r125633 :~l'!thony i(ans; l-.1256l!l 1'~rvcy Itl; . 1--12565 Dixon Ill; :-•125731 Co17l.Pto!1 Ill; iJ.2564 Rockford Ill; i~l2582 Thorp .-!~_s!1; I"l25821 Bensor. l~inr; ;.~125JJ. ll Jt~f:ord K~ ns; : l.25ll~l P~.rk ers Pr~iri c l-.:in··; ~-J.25142 Snntl', ~-rbnra Cc'.lif; iJ.2(,IT Sehonevu.s 1·! Y; J.-:12612~iddlebur~h r· Y; 2-Il~6121. Roxbury ~lY;_ 100b

,. f • ' 1129132 ~-!est ()neont::, r: Y; ~ 126ll:.?. ·~ ~:ct~Ds 1;2-ss;- :·-:12615. Co-p_Gn ha.r::cn ~--r ·r:; :·12831 Lex­ i'1\~t.on ?chr; :. .-12832. Deposit F Y;. Ll?8J?1 Depo~it -:~ ~r; :-1.219,_t-: :·:ci:~ccstcr }1 Y; : :1:31212 1 Pl;r-:out~1 Com; >13121.31 ?10.··.[}ston Co1Ii:; 1·131263 \. Frrtforc~ Cor.:1; r1313111 ·.·atcrto':·rn.

1 1 Conn; ;:1_3131;1. /c.t,ertou-ri Con· ; ~-:131313 :.. i:'ocd bur:y- Con~·--; il3~3131 :-..:~rr<·n Con"'; , 313+51 · Tcr·r(."P'\l"ille Con'f'l; ·i-jl313152 n~up.~tuc:-:: Con~~; ::1313153· Torri_~_f!to~1 Conn; .1.=131316 ·.:ntor~. toi:·rn ~onri; .· 1-313162 P?:s~.d·ena Ca.lif; .:J_Jl327_ i·!ind!iai~! Cor..:,:·; 1,1313?8 ~ :ia~u. -01~1?; · .J.:41122 Oneonta ;",T Y; ~1J~t123 Delhi r J.; : ·1.l.:.1.712 Dc.~rto!:D. Bc~:ch ·F'l·o.; .1.:1411£!21. ·Pec1(Ville Pa; :-1411031 P! n. Pn.: r143211 ;:, f;r,sh; f;l43221 Pittsburph .P~: (·•14322ll .l'!il­ brahrr~- ~,rss; _;· .. il:.3222 ~chcnecta(ly r·-~ Y; i-J./+3?31 Hollis, Long .!sl.:i.nd; :-1!4323·4 Glenn. Fells. r Y; · I-11433211 Pratts1.rille · ~{ Y; :"·1l~.33213 .OpCcntn · ir Y; 1141! ?;12~ · Schnc~t~.dy i,r Y; 1J.44211.:. l'!orcestcr lT_ Y.;· i':15221 Pittsford Vt; .. ~-~1522] 3 'Jil·'.lette Ill; ?15°23. U~~'c:rto1-1n. t-r Y; j ·1·5223· ~·linchcstcr ;:~sp_; .1!15224 .T~tertoi·n1 C9nn_; j':15226 '.:!~tcrto"t"m. Conn; Ll.523 1-~ontclnir.·.:l-r J; 1-1.54211 Great :B~rin·gt.on l"r\ss;~ l-,15k4,21 . :1i.,;htsville· Pa;- Ll54223, Ch.este_r Pa; ~-:1542~3 . Chester .. Pn; L15Li23 Derby -Con'i1.;" 1_~62111 /~~bur:n t:ns~ ;· iU.62~14 Serittle ~'!E:_sh; Ll62122 DOUf!ltt~ hriz; _i.1621221 V~n r,~ys 'C~lif; '.:~1621222 ··c1[>.rlmvillc Tenn;· :1.621.31 Hr!.rrls- - ; · burgh, . Penn;. 1;162133 Big Run, Penn; _Jil62221 ;1ont10 sc ~enn; i-:~16223 · Binr:hn.rntci'n T:T -Y; : 1162231 !·Jalton N· Y; r;1622322 Eope1-1cll lT J:; iJ.62233 Binehnn.ton I-T. Y; i:J.6/z.l?l Birrrinr­ hn.r1 /'.la; iq.6~3 S:t,amfo:rd n Y;, ia.6421· i--:icl~etot,m ? Y; iQ6961 Pit~s~ur'rh Pa; Ll69f>: 02,,~ chnrd Pr.rl~ ;TY;· '!.il6l23 ·..'· .. uburn :_rc:s!1; /17231 S -Dr.!.vton r. Y-; Il73ll..l Bµff~lo ~-TY; 1; 7312

.-i. • •11 · ,., V · ...,7323 ·· ~ • -"- "'· .· · · ...,1.7331' m ·1 d r- Y · ·17·j33· TT.1 • • f · " C S prinr,vi ~- ···,: .• ; i: . .1.. . . ; '.V.1..J..n,;vtm l'lQSS r ". : 1or!e'1\'J~n _.::-.. •: . ; .1 l : .,,I . ~,r::.. ·cro :orin ;. . I1.73331 Roc!1estcr :I Y; Ll7334 !{e~·~ort R I: L17341 Jcnesto~:ni ~TY; .:~·r7357: ·P01:-r !I-nvcn Con.n'. i 17352. Buf"fr..lo N Y; {u. 7452 Buffcl.o :,.r Y; I-ll 753·2 Lc'.?lcr:.stcr, 1~r Y~ ,;·.).. ?)L'.\. Fvlr-~d-i;.th; -.. : ~ ·1 ?J.033 Outt'1lson Colo•, : 1. '71111 Co lu, 1bus Ohfo •, 1-1. 'n.12 Duff~lo r· Y,·· ~ I TI.1/.:.l EenF1ore F Y: ; 18_... "•,in.tertot.rn ? Y; T:2 Durton- Ohio; ~-21:-3313 ?:.-?,incsvillc-; : ·2;-1.362 Ft.'- :11stis Flt1.; .. ~725682 !3urton O!lio; : :~581 Be.:v Clt~r 1\·jich; J -25823 Ida. :.. ~ich; i-~~:5f:; Pe.~'!' ?G._·r 1~ich ; 1:2s3211 ~~:vri~. Ohio; -L.2n3212_ 11t1'!on 0!1io; ;:2r.:351 Durto_n Ohio; 1-:29611 i31-,-..rt~n Ohio; ~~2962 Cleve­ ln!ld Ohio;. l-}5?.52~2-3 \-{ins.tcd Conn; i--5?52211. .T~to~:~·ston Conn; r51~36? , _rest Dcn~is r:~ss: 1::"5k3?1 Tncknhoe -~·1 Y; 11543711 Bot1~~~~ _Conn; ~~54373 C.G_r~al G~blcs Pla;: l,j5437i.tLci.rchrnont r,;·Y; i"5l+J75 :I)rookly7'.l· T_T Y; 1,_5.4376JT:i.rtfor~ Conn; r;5l!~377 ?}re ..-i-Y; r'5h8lll Torrinrton Corin;· 11543213. Ear,.·d.nton_ Conn;. ::•~5l~.8242 Torrinr,ton Cor..•~; i--t57316J~.2 C:1arlottesvill·e :Va; f'.573161 :3ridi;cport ~--~ ,v n; ~- 5?1D33 :;J~terbury C6nr1; l:·;.57JQ39 ~1insitcd Ger-in;· 1.:51Q_1321 .rl'or­ rington ·-CoM;· ~ 812321 l"cConnellsvillc n Y;. _i 813.31·1 8~rrcc1. Bt:'.rb~.r-· 2 Cclif; r8133Ill P~.sadenn·Cl1~. tJisc; 2:9l+,174 i__ ~d~so~ ;·};_s~; r94175 .-rauTJun ·:rise .. 101 FIRST SUPPLEMENT (Additions and Corrections) (A Second Supplem.ent begins on page 109) Paf;e 5 M11613121 Add ch:Michael Eugene b:9-19-1962 6 M11613212 Wifeis maiden name was Sally Teassel 6 Ml161327 Add ch:Amy Catherine b:1-24-1962 7 Ml1613311 Ch:Gregory J b:5-20-1960, Bradley Grant b:9-10-1961, Robyn Michelle b:11-6-1962 11 Mll75 Oliver David Young b:3-10-1840, son of Mary A Beard and Edward Young 11 Ml1752 Nettie May Young d :4-28-1948. Adelbert j Ch1.chester b:lP:65 d :1933 11 Mll753 Alice Belle Young d:1938. Milo S Wood b:1843 d:1924 11 Mll754 Da.,rid ~vler Youn~ d:1:,_g_195~. Stell~ Pn.rks b:2-~-lr:>Pn, nan of Eelinc'.a Eattie EalBton <1:nd Ch;,rl~s B Pa.rl~s.. ~O'!'l?l

~ 39°M1252211 Josephine Ann Simonis b:5-14-1932 m:5-14-1955 Nick Meola (b:5-12-1932) ch:Michael b:3-29-1957, Stephen b:3-29~1959. Barbara Mae Simonis b: 8-10-1933 m:12-17-1955 Richard Haessig (b:6-1-1931) ch:Pnmela b:8-10- 1956, Lee b:9-23-1957. Kenneth Lee Simonis b:11-4-1934 m:2-17-1962 Barbara Washolivich (b:3-27-1939) ch:Teresa Marie b:12-8-1962 39 M1252213 Charlotte Stone b:3-18-19l4 m:10-2-1959 Arthur J Boomer (b:12-18-1917) 39 M1252214 Richard Warren Stocks b:6-10-1935 m:11-9-1957 Judith Behling (b:12-21- 1938) ch:Keith b:8-23-1958, Susan b:10-9-1962. Linda Sue Stocks b:3- 2 9-1940 m:6-2-1962 Neil Acheson (b:8:22-1939) 39 M12~215 Add ch:Lynn Arthur b:8-19-1955. Dean Paul Rentmeester b:1-11-1943 m:8- . 28-1948 Amos Byrdine Bakken (b:7-12-1923) 39 Ml252216 Alyce Elizabeth Stone b:12-31-1934 m:Herbert Lang (b:6-11-1932) ch:Deb­ ra Rose b:5-26-1954, Robin b:10-17-1958 52 M1281 & M1283 Samuel Lobdell b:7-2-1855 d:2-10-1909, son of Mary Ann Waterman and Jnson Lobdell 52 M12831 Lester D Lobdell d:1959 52 M12832 Earle Seeley Lobdell d:2-6-1962. Edna Ruth Latham was dau of Laura Del­ ia Wheeler and William Latham 52 Ml28321 Virginia M Lobdell m:Leonard Hauber (son of Barbara Heiss and George H~u­ ber); their 3d ch was John Stephen b:11-13-1947 52 M128322 Laura Louise Lobdell ·m:Ch~rles Dayton McLaughlin {M162233; he m:2d Flor­ ence Kinsley who m:lst ---- Keeler) 52 M12833 d:unm 57 M141711 The four children are: (1) James Richard Brazie b:3-4-1930 m:9-22-1950 Anna Louise Blodgett (b:5-18-1929) ch:James Thomas b:4-16-1952, Anit~ Elizabeth b:8-11-1954t Susan Key b:12-6-1955, Linda Margaret b:7-24- 1957, Richard Otis b:6-15-1959; (2) Robert; (3) Raymond Jr; (4) Edna. 59 Ml433 Julia Gregory was dau of Maria Fuller and Isaec Gregory 65 Ml7 Omit "or 4-6-1789"; Solomon W Beardsley 71 M24 Wealthy Seymour b:10-18-1788, dau of Dinah Doolittle and Josiah Seymour 74 M27 A dnughter, Polly Benrd, b:7-7-1818 m:ll-~0-1839 Gideon Lindsley Starr (son of Talcott Starr) 75 M29 m:9-5-182415 . 75 M296 Horace Dayton b:9-7-1833 d:9-16-1913 m:Delia Andrews (b:6-29-1840 d:9-1- 1917) M2961 Homer Dayton b:5-30-1872 d:9-1-1943 m:11~8-1896 Elizabeth E Brown (b: ' B-28-1878 d:12-30-1951) M29611 Howard Dayton b:2-19-1897 m:11-16-1921 Ruby Bechtil (b:2-5-1899) M296111 Evelyn Carol Dayton b:7-2-1917 m:4-22-1950 Gil Christen (or Christian) Ch:Diane Marie b:1-5-1951, Elaine Renee b:12-31- 1951, Gregory Lee b:9-23-1961 M29612 Clyde W Dnyton b:8-19-1898 m(lst) 8-4-1935 Eleanor Holbury (b:3- 4-1914 d:8-2-1954) m(2d) 8-4-1957 Gertrude S Hall (b:3-9-1899) M296121 Beverly May Dayton b:9-6-1937 m:1954 Dennis Shofer (b:4-21- 1936) Ch:Deborah b:9-12-1954, Cynthia Sue b:8-30-1956, Tim­ othy Willimn b:Sept 1961 . M296122 Louise Ann Dnyton b:7-28~1941 M296123 Mary Lou Dayton b:10-6-19.42 m:11-19-1960 Herman Kerr (b:6- 6-1942) Ch:Teresn Marie b:12-22-1961, Kathryn Sue b:2-4-1062 76 M43 m:1-10-1808 76 M433 Lydia Dnyton b:3-3-1812 m:3-15-1846 Samuel Holt 76 '4435 Semantn Dayton b:5-20-1819 fl':14-3-t'?>~c A-'tf(""ec\ Cho,~\\,\\ ( d.c\~tgi) 7 5 M4S6 Benjamin Dayton b: 12-20-1823 d: 1-l ·, i :\l 103 ~age 77 M525 Chester Dayton m:10-16-1838 Julia Ann Parsons. 77a M5252131 Shirley Ann Beecher m(lst) 6-2-1951 David Leifert m(2d) 2-1-1956 Ger­ ard Lemieux; ch of 1st m:Joan b:6-l-!952, David Craig b:1-24-1954; ch of 2d m:Wendy b:8-2-1957, Tyler b:12-3-1958, Scott b:7-25-1961. Sandra Jean Beecher m:10-3-1959 Earl Phillips Ch:Trudy b:10-12-1961 M5252132 Donna Mary Beecher b:3-25-1937 m:Robert Zuffalato ch:Scott b:12-11- 1961. Stephen Michael Beecher b:10-30-1940 m:8-6-1960 Patricia Ski­ besky ch:Laurie b:6-21-1962~ Margaret Rose Beecher b:4-28-1943; Don­ ald Wayne Beecher b:1-23-1945 M5252133 Barbarn Ann English b:8-26-1944 m:6-30-1962 Jerold Silneria. Ch:Jean b:4-19-1963 77a M525221 Lovette Frank Griswold m(lst) Mary Murphy m(2d) Mar 1947 Florence Kra­ jewski m(ld) Dec 1952 Simone Gates. Ch of 1st m:Beverly, Donna. Ch of 2d m:Frank b:5-20-1945, Frances b:1-8-1947. Ch of 3d m:Lovette F b:9-2-1953, Antoinette b:9-19-1955 M525222 Roy R Johnson m:12-31-1957 Madeline Tadiello (Maraski) Ch:Kenneth Roy b:7-24-1958. Doris Helen Johnson m:4-12-1952 John Russ. William C Johnson Jr m:12-31-1955 Marian Miller ch:William C III b:10-16-1956, Eric W b:4-2-1958, Rex H b:7-25-1962 M525223 Viola E Griswold m:8-3-1940 Edward Perret ch:Edward b:5-16-1941, Henry b:11-11-1945, Gail Ann b:6-1-1955. Bernice E Griswold m:8-14-1942 Edward Guerin ch:Cynthia G b:6-12-1945, Carolyn L b:8-3-1946, Candice L b:11-5-1954, Leslie Ann b:7-1-1957. Lewis L Griswold m:10-24-1942 Dorothy Stull ch:Rozanne b:12-23-1944, Stephen b:5-5-1948, Lee Frank­ lin b:5-20-1952 77a M525226 F Hnrper Griswold m(lst) Del Passmore m(2d) Jan 1958 Kathryn Randall ch:Scott Randall b:3-8-1961. Douglas I Griswold m:12-28-1952 Joan Irene Plurin ch:Bonnie Mary b:4-4-1954, Katherine Louise b:9-14-1955 Geraldine Elizabeth b:10-1-1957, James English b:2-5-1961 Malcolm B Griswold m(lst) 1953 Patricia Askew m(2d) 7-12-1958 Gertrude Bee­ man ch:Theresa b:4-7-1959. Marshall V Griswold m:10-8-1954 Barbara Sutton ch:John Marshall b:3-10-1957, Mary Jean b:2-8-1959, Victor Leffingwell b:2-12-1961. Gordon M Griswold m:12-24-1960 Jacqueline Eaton. George E Griswold m:8-29-1960 Mary Seferini Romero Ch:Scott Luke b:6-27-1961, Penny b:7-11-1962 77a M525228 Karl Griswold m:6-28-1956 Glenda Collar ch:Karl b:6-28-1957 77a M52522!!. Elmer Lewis Turbarg m:8-20-1952 Romona Hernandez ch:Lorrie Lynn b:7- 18-1961 d:7-21-1961, Elmer L Jr b:3-15-1963. Eleanor R Turbarg m:5- 31-1958 Clifford C Vogt ch:Marc Clifford b:7-26-1959, Dianne Deeb: 7-19-1961 83 M61 Samuel Seymour b:3-25-1781 d:6-22-1785 83 M64 Lura Taylor was dau of Ann Wilson and Joseph Taylor 90 M9111 Isabel Bruce Dayton m:1-6-1858 Abner Hocks Smead (b:1-6-1823, son of Jul- - is Kellogg and Abner Smead) 93 MlQ4 Almira Lydia Dailey wns dau of Eunice Woodward and Eliel Dailey 93 Ml.Q416 Add ch:William Hubbell b:10-13-1910 d:7-12-1935 94 M.!2,462 Edwin Charles Dayton b:10-6-1860 m:1883 Mary Eliza Joy (b:1861 d:7-9- 1897, dau of Milfred Norton Joy). Ch:Charles Samuel, Edwin Joy, Milfred Joy 94Ml0463 Thie entry should be omitted 96 Mll81- Aurindn Adaline Dayton d:2-14-1883; Addison Armstrong d:Nov 1892, son cf Rachel Lee and Gurdon Armstrong. 96 M!l814 Frances Desire Smith b:6-30-1853. Ch:Henry Herbert b:12-24-1879, Clar­ ence Dayton b:7-1-1884, Frank Lindsley b:10-17-1887, Walter George b: 1-30-1891, Jeannette b:5-1-1896 104

~~~ ~Mll815 Annetta Cecelia Armstrong b:3-10-1853 m:9-5-1878 Waddy C Field (b:5-23- - 1853) Ch:Raymond b:7-17-1883 d:6-21-1884, Carlton. Grant b:3-25-1885, Clara Gertrude b:7-3-1888 96 Mll818 Frances Gertrude Armstrong m:4-17-1890 John Alfred Besler. Ch:Joan Al- - fredo b:5-8-1891, Frances Gertrude b:9-6-1892 96 M!l81!!, Minnie Burrows Armstrong b:6-22-1896 m:8-12-1889 Wm_Robinson Ridley. Ch:Grace Ethel b:5-21-1890, Charles Herbert b&d:1891, Edward b:1892, Dorita b:1895 d:1896 96 Ml2 William Munson Jr m:2d 9-6-1835 Elizabeth Ford 96 M123- Leavitt Munson m(2d) Mrs Almira Hallock 96 MJ.2.5- Charles R Munson d·:1-16-1879 96 M1210 Orvis or Orris. No ch 96 M,lll7-- A son Frank C Robertson b:7-7-1866 m:3-13-1899 Minnie Pomeroy (b:11-1- 1866, dau of Enos Pomeroy) Ch: 2 daus (one dy)

12 M119413 Seward D Nichols m(lst) 11-1-1919 Florence Silliman (b:9-21-1898 d:2- 14-1924, dnu of Velma Strong and Dennis B Silliman). ·Evel}n Roberts was dau of Madge---- and Elmer Roberts. Beverly Cmnalla Nichols b: 9-12-1923; Francis E Hamill b:8-10-1924, son of Mattie E Fassett and Walter Francis Hamill; Mary Margaret b;7-21-1953, r.evin John b:6-17- 1961 105 Ral~ph21Daylt~~------i-samue12 A ice Go d1wtch---- Dayton------Ancestry and Children I 3 of ------=-Me dl en 1-Isaac MICHAEL DAYTON ------~ 1 Dayton!- --~------~~ I and William3Tuttle----~ 4 l MEHITABLE DOOLITTLE E1 iza. b eth -----·-Jonathan 1-Isaac' 4 Tuttle------.~ } Dayton ·Franc1,.slBell------~ 2 1-RebeccaS I II----- Re becca ------J-Rebecca t. Tuttle---• · Bell------..! William2Todd------~ . 3 Katherine2ward----J-Chrt.St opher Todd------i Mich'l1Middlebrook~. ,_ Grace 2 I-Mic~ael4, :-MICHAELS ----~--~-~------, Todd-~~~- DAYTON---­ Middlebrook~ f ! Francis I Brown------2 ·, i I Mary1Edwards------J-Eleaze~ · '.-Eliza-5 I Brown------I , I . beth •I Thomas9Bulkeley---~ hlO · I-Elizabeth3 Todd---1 Sarah2 Jones------: ' ·-Sara . 1· Brown----f Bulkeley---.. I• I i-CharlesI • Sr .. (Ml) j-D~v~d ••••••• (M2) .;-Mir1am .••••• (M3) ------~-~------~~______J-Abraham 1 !-Michael Jr .• {M4) Doolittle--~ f-Justus •••••• (MS) I j-Mehitable ••• (M6) James 1Allen------r 2 I_Tohn Dooi !-Loly •••••••• (M7) . i-..,oan • tJ • Margaret1 CoppLn---- Allen------~ little-- :-Elizabeth ••• (M8) 7 i-Isaac' .•••••• (M9) 1 I Williamlpeck------I-Joh n 2 1 3 l-Samuel ••••• (MlO)- Elizabeth ------~ Peck------,!-Samuel :-Lyman •••••• (Mll) t i Doo- ;-Olive •••••• (Ml2) JohnlMoss------~~-Mary 2 l-Mary3: ; little~ ;-Abel .•.•••• (M.lJ)

-----~---~~---~~--- Peck-~--- 1· Moss------' 1 I --~~~~------~----~ 1 ____. . ..., ______------!-Benjamin Fenn------~ I . I 4 2 1-MEHITABLE4 j Sylvester Baldwin-j-Sarah5 J-Edward I • Sarah1Bryan------. : Penn----~ · DOOLITTLE~ Baldwin----- I 1 William Thorpe----7.-Samuel 2 ------Thorpe------!-Mary3 · Fenn---J . l 3 : Edward 3Benton------_ _JJ. · Mary , . lp d I Mary . 1 Th i Alice ur en------Benton-----~ . orpe--- 106 Notes on Ancestors of Michae1 5Dayton and wife Mehitable4noolittle

ALLEN (ALLING)- James1 (probably son of John) of Kempston, Bedford Co., Engl., bp:1- 1-1586/7 q:1656/7 m:2-6-1611/2 Margaret Coppin; blacksmith. Joan2 bp:10-12- 1617 d:before 7-2-1653 m:Abraham1Doolittle.

BALDWIN- Richardl d:1663 Donrigge, Bucks Co., Engl., m:Ellen Apuke (d:1566). Henq2 d:1602 m:Alice King (d:1626). Svlvester3 of Cholesbury, Engl., m:1590 Jane Wells (or Willis). Sylvester4 d:1638 (on ship 'Martin" coming to America) m: 1620 Sarah Bryan. Sarah5 bp:England 1621 d:Milford 1663 m:1638 Benjamin Fenn.

BELL- Franci§1d:1690 m:Rebecca ----(b:1643 d:1684); an· original settler of Hartford, Conn., 1640; Lieut. of Militia 1643; Rep. of General Court 1653-1663 from Stam­ ford; Lieut. of.Stamford Mil. Co. 1655; on Committee to consummate union with Conn. 1664; Judge in Stamford 1652-1663. Rebecca2b:Aug 1643 d:5-2-1676 (or 5- 17-1684}; m:Jonathan4'ruttle.

BENTON- Edward Srl bd:9-16-1605 m:5-10-1563 Joane Holloway (bd:11-4-1599). Andrew2 bp:12-2-1565 d:1623/4 m:Mary ---- (bd:1-3-1642). Edward3 bp:Epping, Essex Co., Engl., 2-24-1600 d :Guilford, Conn~, 10--28-1681 m(lst) in Essex l-15~1626 Alicel Purden; m(2d) Anne----- (d:Guilford 8-22-1671); to America 1638, probably Wet­ hersfield, Conn. Mary4 (6th ch of father-:s 1st m) b:Guilford 2-2-1642 d:Wal­ lingford 3-1-1718 m:12-6-1666 Samue12Thorpe.

BROWN- Prancisl.-of Ratcliffe, York Co., Engl., b:cl610 d:East Haven 1668 m:c1636 in -Engl., MarylEdwards; to Boston 6-26-1637 on "Hector"; settled (with Eaton and Davenport) New Haven 1637; tailor, also operated a ferry at Red Rock. Eleazer2 .bp:New Haven 10-16-1642 d:New Haven 10-23-1714 m:SarahlOaulkeley. Elizabeth3 b:cl670 d:before 1740 m(lst) Michael4rrodd; m(2d) 12-20-1716 Samuel Street (b: . 16~7 d:cl720); m(3d) John Merriman. See page 10. -for further Brown ancestry.

BRYAN- SarAh1 d:1669 Milford, Conn., m(lst) Sylvester4 Baldwin; m(2d) John Atwood.

BULKELEY- Thom,a§9*b:Engl.i 1617 d:Before 1656 m:c1638 Sarah2Jone~ of Concord, Mass.; · freeman 1639. Sar.ab Ob:1640 Concord; d:1723 New Haven; m:Eleazer2Brown.

*Thomas9Bulkeley descends from Peterl(m:Nichola le Bird, dau of Thomas), 3ohn2(m: Audrey Titley, dau of John), Hugh3(m:Helen Wilbraham, dau of Thomas), Humphrey4(m: Cecily Moulton, dau of John), William5(m:Beatrice Hill, dau of Alice de Bunbury and William Hill), Thomas t6(m:Elizabethl3Gros_venor_ whose line is given below), Edward7 /iii:Olive3trby {John2m:Rose Overton, dau of Cutler; Anthonylm:Alice Bountayn~ dau of John)7; Peter 118m:Jane5Allen /Richardl"Aleyn"·; John2Sr m:Margaret, dau of Giles Leigh; John311 m:Elizabeth Alabaster; Thomas4 m:Mary9Faircbu~h (Lawrence 11, Rich­ ard2, Ralph r3 , Ralph 114 , tawrence 11 5, Ralph6, Lawre112..III7, Thomas8 m:Millicent Barrfl; Peter 118 , a minister, was "silenced" by his Arch-bishop for non-conformity to requirements of the English Chur~h and so migrated to Cambridge, Mass., 163S in the "Susan & Ellen"; d:1659 m(lst) 1613 JaneSAllen fbE:158-7/8 bd:Engl., 1626; Thotn­ as4 m:Mary9Fairclough (Thomas8, Lawrence 1117, Ralph6, Lawrence 11 5, Ralph 114 , Ralph 13, Richard2, Lawrence rl), John Jrlm:Elizabeth Alabaster, John sr2(m:Margaret Leigh, dau of Giles), Richard1AleyY' m:2d 1635 Grace Chetwood (d:1668); author of Thi;~ Gospel Covenant, the 1st religious book of importance written in New England and one of the first books to be_printed in America. Elizabethl3Grosvenor was dau at Randall II12 (Randall 111 m:Margaret, dau of Randall Mainwaring; Thomas 1110 m:Isa- bella, dau of Richard Peschall; Sir Thomas 19m:Joan Venables; Sir Robert le Gros­ venor v8m:Joan, dau of Robert le Pulfor~ Ralph le Grosvenor7; Robert le Grosvenor 17f 107

COPPIN- Margaretld:New Haven Dec 1657 m:James Allen.

DAYTON"*Ralphl b:cl588 in or near Ashford, Kent Co., England, d:Long Island, N. Y., 1658 m(lst) Alice2 Goldhatch; m(2d) 1656 Mary (I

DOOLITTLE- Abrahaml b:cl620 d:1690 m(lst) Joan2Allen; m(2d) 1663 Abigail Moss; in New Haven before 1642; deputy to General Court from New Haveri and Wallingford; marshal! and sheriff in New Haven Colony; Corporal and Sergeaut in Train Band; member of Vigilance Committee in King Phillips' War. John2 b:1655 m(lst) 1682 Mary3Peck; m(2d) 1717 Grace Ventrus (widow of John Blakeslee). Samue13 b:1685 d:1734 m(lst) Mehitable Bailey; m(2d) Mary3Fenn. Mehitable4 b:1726 d:1813 m: Michae1Soayton.

EDWARDS- Mary:ld:New Haven 1693 m(lst) FrancislBrown; m(2d) William Payne; to America 1638.

FENN- Benjamin! b:cl612 Bucks, England; to New England 1630, in New Haven and Milford 1638/9; m(lst) SarahS Baldwin; m(2d) 1664 Susanna Wood {or Ward). Edwara2

m:Emma de Modburleigh; RobertS, Robert4, Richard3, Randatl2, Robert I~) Randall 1112 m:AnneBcharlton/whose ancestry was Richard7 Ch~rlton m:Anne, dau of.William Main­ waring; Robert6charlton m:Mary, dau of Robert Corbet; Thomas5Chariton m:Elizabeth, dau of Sir Adam Francis; Anna4de Charlton m:William de Knightley, s·on of Knight le:.· of Drissell; Thomasl de Charlton; Alan2 de Charlton II m:Margery6 Fitzaer (ThomasS, Hugh4, John3, William2, Robert1)7; Sir Alanlde Charlton I m:Elena131a Zouche. Elenal31a Zouche descends fr~ Alanl21a Zouche II m:Eleanor de Segrave; Sir Rogerll la. Zouche m:Ela Longspee, granddaughter of Wm Longspee (son of Henry lI, King of Eng­ land) who descends from Capetian Kings of Franc~ Dukes of Burgundy and Dukes of Brit­ tany); ElenalOde Quincey m:Alan la Zouche I; Helen9m:Roger de Quincey, son of Margar­ et de Beaumont and Saher de Quincey); Alan8, Lord of Galloway m: a dau of Reginald, Lord of the Isles, who descends from Hakon !(King of Sweden and St Ola~ II, King of Norway); Roland7, Lord of Galloway, Gunnild6 · of Dunbar m:Ochtred, Lord of Galloway, WaldeveS, Cospatrick4, Earl of Dunbar; Algitha3 of Northumberland m:Maldred, son of Crinan and Bethod (dau of Malcolm II, King of Scots); Elfgifu2 m:Uchtred, Earl of Northumberland; Ethelredl, King of England. See "Bulkeley Genealogy" by D L Jacobus (1933) for expanded data. . **Fuller tr~a~ments of Ralph1 and Samue12 m~y be found in 'The Record of a Family De­ scent from Ralph Dayton and Alice (Goldhatch) Tritton •••• " by Edson C Dayton (1931) and in 'The Early Daytons and Descendants of Henry, Jr.," by Donald Lines Jacobus and Arthur Bliss Dayton (1959). 108

b:cl665/6 d:1728/32 m(lst) 1688 Mary3Thorpe; m(2d) 1726 Abigail Williams. Mary3 b:1689 d:1760 m:Samue13Doolittle

:GOLDBATCH- R.obertl of ·Ashford,. Kent Co.,· England m:Bennett Meade (she m:2d as 2d : wife Hugh Trittori). Alice2 bp:Ash(ord 1587 m(lst) 1607 Daniei Tritton (1585- . 1614/5, son of Hugh Tritton and his ~st wife Elizabeth Lightfoot, widow of Rob­ ertlGoldhatch) m(2d) 1617 Ralphloayton.

JONES- Joh.nlb:

MOSS (MORSE)- Johnlb:c1604:d:l707 Wallingford; an original founder of New Haven Col­ ony; member of 1st General ·court 1639 and later; Corporal of New Haven Train Band 1642; Commissioner from Wallingford is times and also deputy to New Haven and Conn. legislatur~s; Judge in Wallingford 1672, 1673-7. ~-12 bp:1647 d: 1~~5_ m:John2Peck; her sister'Abiga11 was. 2d wife of Abrahainlnoolittle. . . . PF.CK- Williaml b:c1604 in ·or near London',· died 1694 m(lst) cl.622 El_izabeth ------(d:1'683) ;· m(2d) Sarah-·---- (widow of William. Holt); arrived Boston 1637_; orig­ inal founder of New Haven Colony;· freeman 1640; merchant;.deacon of New Haven church. John~ b:New Haven c1638 d:1724 m:1664 Mary2Moss; freeman 1669; ~o Wal­ lingford 1672; called both 'Mr" and "Lieut." t-fan;3 b:New Haven 1665/6 d:1710 m:John2 Doolittle.

PURDEN- Alicel m:Edward3Benton.

THORPE- Williaml d:1679 m(2d/3d) 1662 Margaret (widow of Robert Pigg); original set­ tler of New Haven; original proprietor of Wallingford; freeman 1669. Samue12 (4th ·ch of father~s 1st m) b:c1646 d:Wallingford 1728; m(lst) 1666 Macy Benton m(2d) Mary ----- {d: 1737); Sergeant. Ma;x3 b: 1666 New Haven d :1725 m:.1688 Ec1- ward2Fenn. TODD~ William2(son of Reginaldl, freeman of York) b:1593 Pontefract, Engl~d; d:1617 (killed in duel at York); m:1614 Katherine2ward. Christ~pher3 bp:1617 Ponte­ fra~t d:1686 New Haven; m:cl637 Grace2Middlebrook; proprietor and founder of New Haven Colony; once owned present site of Yale Univ.; miller, baker, former. Michae14 b:1653 d:1713 m:Elizabeth3Brown. ElizabethS b:New Haven 1690, d:New Haven 1752 m:Isaac4oayton II. nJTrLE- William.3/§'on of Isabel Wells b:c1565 (dau of John Wells) and Symon Tooti112 (Towtills) of Ringstea~ Northampton Co., Engl. (b:c1560 d:1630, son of Richardl and !lizabeth ----7 b:c1609 d:New Haven 1673 m:Elizabeth ----- (she and husband originally buried- in "Old Green Cemetery", now a park, in New Haven; her stone is now along north wall of Green Street Cemetery); to America. from Devonshire, Engl., on "Planter" in 1635; an original founder of New Haven Colony; Governor of Conn.; husbandm8Merchant. William3 was a great-grandfather of Jonathan . Edwards and great-great-great-grandfather of Aaron Burr. Jonathan4 bp :1637 . C_harlest<:-wn., Mas·s. ,. d:l?OS; m:Rebecca2Bell. RebeccaS b:1664 m:lsaac3.oaytQn I. WARD- Johnl -m:1593 in Pontefract, Engl., Isabel Brewster •. Kntherine2 bp:1596 Ponte­ fract; m:William2Todd. . . SECOND (Index for these pages SUPPLEMENT at ver-J end of book) ~------109 Lineage Humber

:.1112 Lydia Copley b:cl811 lD..12611 Change Fro·elich to Froehlich lD.14 _A son of Sarah Foote Dayton used Dayton as surname: James Elner Dayton b~ 6-6-1838 d:11-8-1863 u..ri.~ 1D141 Sa rah Go:rd on (drop nor :.1ulf ord") m:2d VJilliam YJheeler 1111411 James Graig b:2-4-1857 d:1-14-1939, son of Sarah Bigsbee and VJm Graig. Add ch:Frnnk Emory b :6-16-1899 d :11-25:-1917 un.rn, porothy :.Jnrie b 10- 27-1902 d :10-19-1919 unm .. ,\del~i¢e Chase Grnig- b:12-19-1884 m(lst) l-25-19o6 John· Pi:ighto1rrer llirks (b:c1375 d:Jun 1907, son of Haney Hightov1er and Philip :.Iorks) m(2d) Donald Veach (d :1957/8). Kenneth James :.rarks b :4-23-19.07 m:7-3-1932 Stephaine Kosmork ch:Gary Franklin b:2-24-1944 Ml.14112 Ethel Frances Graig b:11-7-1880 m:10-18-1908 Perry C Burdick (b:3-19-1884 d:Oct 1953, son of Belle L Perry and Daniel Y Burdick) Ch:Penrld:ae 11 mo Mll4113 Irene Graig b :8-5-1894 d:6-15-1921 m:Carroll V!iltsie. Ch:Geraldine d: ae 2 yrs;· Barbarn m:Charles Shearer ch:Irene· Mlll1-J J 4 Susie Lee Graig b:7-5-1888 d:6-30-1918 m:12-19-1906 Fred Turner (b:9-25- 1886; he m:2d Helena Vetter) . ' Mll41141 Donald Turne~ b:10-30-1907 m:Ruth Hnstings. Ch:Fred b:12-14-1949 Mll41142 Ida Frances Turner b:5-6-1912 m:8-16-1940.John Mostert (b:12~2-1911, son of Jeannette Van Bergen and Ysbrand Mostert) Ch:Sue Joyce b:6-1- ' 1941, Fred Ysbrand b:12-30~1943, 1/Inry Ann b:5-15-1946, John Peter b: ll-5-191-}8 _ . ., Mll4223 d :Uov 1962. HtJrold E IJicholst mother wns Mc1ry M IJichols, dau of Isnnc Hi­ chols. Rolla G Hichols v:ns son of Hirnm O Uichols, a cousin of Isaac lJichols. Hnrold E IJichols d :7-31-1962. 1Ul42252 Chnnge GryBnt to Bryant Mil42261 Change Ju~n to Jann. Richard Burson was son of Arlene Boyce and Horoce Emerson Burson. Add ch:Snrah Arlene b:6-6-1964 Mlll~J 2d mnrriage 't'v~s to hlnry Eurlbert (b:3-19-1858 d:1925, dou of Elizabeth Adeline Hichols and Eli Hurlbert; she m:lst Dick Vnn Dusen) Mll424 Frances 1;nna IJcKown d:2-15-1964 lill429 Dnte of mnrrioge:3-3-1901 111.14291 Chnnge Shore to Shove. Saroh Frances Dnyton b:1907 d:Apr 1933 m:6-29-1929 Adrion },Ielville Shove (b :8-29-1905, son of Nary 1~ _Benjamin and Mel­ vin Keyes Shove) Ch:Betty Jnne b:4-18~1933 m:7-23-1955 Lloyd Edger­ ton Lymnn (b:12-20-1932, son of Ruth Edgerton and Glen Irving Lyman) ch:Snra Jane b:l-19-1957, Glen Shove b:1-1-1959, Constance Louise b: 11-20-1960 MJ.14331 Laura Dnvis d:4-7-1964 Mll5241 Patricia Terk m:Lawrenct. 1J~ndinnd (son of Harriet Elizebeth ----- and Charles Y!endl3nd) ch:Ricky Pnul b:3-21-1962,- Christopher r:ayne b:12- 17-1963 Mll61241 .Ann Eliznbeth m:6-8-1963 Edward Sims Hobdoy (b :12-24-1939, son of T lI Hob- day) . 1Ul61Jlll l~dd ch:Clyde T!illiam b·:6-11:-1963 1Il.16J.3121 .Add ch:Michael Eugene -b :9:....19-1962 !-.·Il.161314 l~dd ch::"Inlte:r Gene b :8--25--1963 1111613244 m:6-8-1963 Vernon :!agner (son of Vernon C riagner) T~Ul6133 Chnnge David Freiberg to John D[:vid Freiberg. John Tlilliam Grnnt1 s yenr of birth wc'.!s 1829; his motheris surnnme was Chamberlain. 110

}4116133~ , Be~j?~-n L~mO?;' s. t1}0-th

"\, . ,·he. m:2d. . . Bl.nnche. . Rowe · mi9Eµ. · · :d : 3-12-:-=1.96.4. no: ·c-h ·. .- ; • .· , ·Ml.19912 . Gilqe:rt .Cicio b :1~2&-1925, :son e-f }fi.rlnie Howe· ,:1r~d l1nthcr~y Cicio-, lr'.1d ,-::::: Cynthia ,1nn b : 9-18-1962 · . . . TuD.19913 Claude Carpenter b:ll-25·-1926, son of Lielissa ----~--:- ·'.\:id" Fr':\nk·C~:l"p(. __ \e:•., . · Jon.□ thnn .Lee (n.dptd-) b:3-17..;.1959:, David Lee (adptd) c:9. .-.~0--1960. 1\dd ., ch:Elc)ine Ibrie {3dptd) b~4~~1963 ·. · MJ.19914 George Burman b :9-·l.3-•7. 930, son of Florence ----- ~nd Ge Oi"'ge LeroJ Barman. -~ Dinne. Loui,se b'!4--i6.-1955J _: ":~dd ch:Jri.Iie; jr-Jt b~.J-l--'·4~•1962; E.::th:1n P::,.tJ. b:2-28-1964 . Ml.19915 Kt1therine .hllen b:6--4--1932,- .d~·u ··of Hele·n ------~-... ::·:.:,_:_:J ~ ~;JJ:v;J i;~~_:1,.:n, Ch~nge ~7illinm Kenneth to Kenneth· ::illi~-m.Q · ~:;:}-:! · ,;h ~ I.Jr::.::•1·-~\:: J~me:.'i b ~ 9-18--1963. Mll!Q6 Helen li b :12-29-1878 d :2-27-1891/l 901 . . . !fl..1109411 Norma Jnnj..ce. Sutherl~nj nt:-2d· ll---4-~1960 Frede-rick i,e~n ·c-·ocd (s~n 6! ~'Janeta - : . S~?ie r~::llker: an1 S-Jmttcl · Fredricf.-<:. Gc):,d) e JCY.S El"l~i:lg Te rrGt.t 'v.!uS son of.. l:brg~ret Elling_ r1i1d.- Joe 1Inrre1l TGrrett·.... Mlll0942 Gordon Elmo Lunsford v1:Js son of Chn•;:titJ Otis lJ. .::Y 1ti.:.1 ~nn Dee D~~-:itt kns- - ford. m.11011 Frcnk Seymour Foote wns son of 1-~1crc:,ia Eels and Henry Bailey Foote.

Mll993 Kenneth \lilsey Da~on; lJar~or-1.e Danforth was dau of Anne M:ly Cooper and Everett GeorP'a Dar1.'l·'0rth~ K13t1r1eth Danfo1,th Dayton m:8-24-196 3 Valer- ie Frances Albrigo (dai..l of Lo~rl.s V Alb:rego) 111

l'il.lll Phebe Jane Buck wns dau of Jerush~ Patchin anrl Honh Josiah Buck. l-Jllill Birthyear mny be 1850;·· m:12-10-1882 Jennie Vos3urge (b :1861. d:1- .- 23-1916). 1\ son foster b :1883 d :1884. · · · · · 1n.u12 1855 Census includ·es rfury E (3 ye.::irs old in 1855)- tl'ei.n of Frances Ellen? 1n.1114-- . A. dau Belen d :4-15-1892, ne 5 months. · ·· · · 1n.1IT61 Chnrles Richard D~yton's birthyec1r was 1887. , Nllll612 Jnne Van Lo3n D~ytori d:12-28-1963. · Carol Dnyton Griffin d:12-7-1963. MllIT721. . Add ch:Scott, D3Vid b:3-26-1964 :n.11174- Catherine I:.1urray b :4-8-1901. S3rn Thompson m:lst Gilbert Sherm:1n. 1:n.1ITs16 1\dd ch:\'!;1yn Robert b:3-14-1963 . . 1Il.lll82 1st mnrringe 12-9-1922_; 2d m!lrri~ge.5-28-1932. Leon 17illinms 1 mother wes - Rose \'!biting.· Elwyn Kenneth Pnlmer1s· mother was Lola Belle Vnn Hos­ trand·. · M.1 J Jl~l d:unm Ml.1142- m:Oct 1876. no ch· ill21 Prudence Mary Chesebrough b:10-5-1809 Ml2121 . Add ch:Donov6n l}rny ·b :l-21~1899 Tun.21221 Clnrence Lee Barker d:2-4-+963 1:n.2122112 Add qh:April Lynn b:8-24-1963, Jams Frederick Jr b:12-1-1964 lJJ.212221 Curtis Brink Iie.llen m:5-25-1963 Sandra Lee llcKnne _(b :l-25~1941, dau of Dorothy Peterson arid Percy 11cKnne) · }!Il.212224 1\dd ch:I•.fary ·Ellen b :4-22-1963 . MJ.21223 Margnret Bonham Glaspey b:3-8-1901. Ml.212233 Kurt Leo lJray b:6-7--1929 ·1,n.21294 Helen J·hry i~ndrews m:lst Arthur I.uurence · Edwards (his mother wns Julia · . Inyton) · . MJ.21296 Lola Briggs b:1912 d:11-3-1961. S~lly .Joyce i\ndrev1s m:4-lS.:-1959 Ricmrd Hnrris Ch:Pameln Sue b:5-2-1963. Judith Ione Andrew~ m:5-10-1958 . Ernest Finch Ch:Kurt b:8-15-1959,- Loln Dee b:3;..3-1963 · 1n.2413· Change LD.215 to. !.D.2415 · . . _ . BJ..241321 Kenneth VIarren Hammond b:3-31-1921, son of Ruby Graves and· Clarence Hnfil­ , mond. - Ethel lbrie &umnond m:11-9...,.1963 Joseph Ant,hony Hern3ndez (son · of Virginia 1·omelli und Joseph John Hernandez) · 11124135 Clarence Edward Dunn d:Apr·1963 Ml2415 lt,rtle Amelia Dunn d:4-23-1963 · ]!Il.241531 b:7-23-192·9 m:8-16-19.52 ?Jae_Cat,hn_rine 1fcDonald (b:8-2&-1930, dau of r.1bry- - 3nne 0 1Rourke and John James LicDonald) Ch:Joan l~nn b:6-21-1953 d:7- 20-1963, Diane lfury,b:6-4-~955, Cathlee~Ann-b:9-2 -1956, Orrin Lew- is III b:6-19-1958; Christopher John b:7-27-1959 . , I~D..2415 32 m: (1st) 1\pr 1949 Kny Heller·; m: (2d) Apr 1956 Gwenn Phyliss Goldstein (b: Oct 1935, dtlu of Ruth Klein nnd Sigmund Henry Goldstein) Ch:James Tho.mns Jr b:Hov 1949, John Robert b:Feb 1951, Kim 1.furie b:l:..6-1957, Russell Edwnrd b:1-15-1959 Ml.241541 Add ch:Vnlerie Lynn b:4-18-1963, Troy Alan b:12-24-1964 Bl.241551 Add ch:Jeff0ry Lee b:10-1-1963 tD.242133 Connie Lee Lepler m:8-15-1963 John Patrick Thill (b:7-20-1942, son of !Jinn B ~·:ildin nnd John Peter Thill) Ml.2421413 m:6-24-1962 Beverly 1•5ae Higgins (b:4-12-1942, dnu of !-Iyrtle Mne Krewer and Jesse Arthur Higgins) Ch:Eric Lee b:12-29-1963 Ml.242146 Add ch:Tr~cy Scott b:9-13-1963 Ml.2432111 Addch:J~mes Arthur b:9-14-1963 liD.2432322 Add ch:Joseph Lawrence b:10-24-1963 Ml.243344 Change birthyenr of Timothy T:nlter to 1955 I11243414 lliry Clnre 1.iGthesius m:9-12-1964 Don~ld F Piletic (son of Frank Piletic) L12 . lll.2438 Edno Krebs was 3d wife· of FJ mer Jae.ob An.steth. Ml.243813 ·_ , Kathleen ·Tr oupis b :1;... 30-1918 · ' · ·· ' ·· · · ML24J814.. Fred Donald Rempfler b:9-10-1926 ln2h3891. -~q ch:Clint Eugene b:&r 1963 ·. Ml2L~3892 m:Dewey Shaw. Ch:Dawn llirie b:,5-31-1963 Ml.243.81.Q_: Add ch:Barry.Brent ·(adptd) b:11~2-~1960, ;Barbnra~ .Lynn ·(adptd) ~2~?2ll· _m:1950~_Katherine Hitc·hcock: (b:5~...;.1924, dau of J~ne. ~·-: and Story Hitch-:­ cock) Ch:Dennis Gerald b:12-14-1950,d:12-17-1950, Ro~~rtn Jane ~:~1- 10-1951 d:11-10-1951, Charlotte Jean b:lQ-13~19_53,•. Lclwr~nee Lee b_ :3~ 23-1958, fury linrgnret b&d :10-17~1960 ·. · ... · . · :. . Ml.247212 Add ch:Cynthio i;nn b:8-19...:.1949, ~ecu·crpig b:-7-:iB-:.1950,,._Danny Joe b:12- 9-1951, Mnrilyn Sue b:8-l-J:953, 1:"Ia:rk Alnn b:h-:-29-19.58,_-11iichnel Ki.rk · b:12-11-1959 .. - ·.... · ,...... MJ2472121 Rebe.cecJ. -Gaye -v~s dnu. of Geraldine: Snow Tyle;r-· ~nd 1st husb~nd Thomas Ed-­ -.~ard H~rdin; she ·m:4-2~1961 'llix· Jfuwkins (b~l2-3-19J8) Ch:Tamnra Lynn b:3-27-1962 . ·:· :, . . - . . : . . . Yl.247213. m:4-30-1951 Cyntna Gardiner (b:1-5-1929) · dau of Flore-nee FJ.izabeth Cldrke and Rebert Rugh Gc3rdiner) ,···cJi:Lirida 4 :,:\grj._-'_1;>:?-10-195?., Barr_x John. b-:-6;_ Ml.24723 Dayton Ira Painter b :8-21-1898 d :2-20-1964 ·, ~195?, Richard 1iugh ~-~l 1-a-:- . m:q.r~cc: _Lee. Harrison ·(b :10-9-1902}· no ch ~-19?5, _.Br"ian· Gen: b :j.~-26½95 8, 11124726 Verne I;Iax Painter m:6-23-1939 Vtand;.l : Ann \'liiil.11~ir1 (olr;~-5:61:~¼t~ !~u of. . · Ethel-. Olive- Slci.nner: :a.nd Elmer 'Thomas IIilli:,a.mson)_. Ch:Steven Thomas b :2-19-1941 ... ·· ~:. - : --~ . -~'- . ... - ··· : · · . Ml.24728 . Ronnie -Dee Painter ,m:9-i&-1-952 .- Lois• Je·a·d Tlilliams (b :11-8-1,932, dau of Bertha Dortheia Uoetzlarm~ a~d Ralph_lialter \ _~:Ch:Cheryl Rae __ p:9-23-L958,··K-eith. .:.D~e···b:7~2-i.961, Sheila .J~ny b:7... ]2-1962., . _PQmel.a ..Painter m:5~31-1963 l'aul ·Alfred. Belt (b;6-15-19.43_~ son of MoD_y Fuquay. and- Paul VJymnn·-'Belt) . Cl:1:Paui _Dayton_ b:.3-28-1961!4 · · .·. Ml.21/7291 m:7-8-1961 George Aulmann Floss (b:3.-?9-1935., ·s,on of 1~ry Gertrude Duggan· nnd Arthur Louis Floss) Ch:Cynthia Jo ·b·:.5~-1962, Jµlia 1Jarie b:.11- :· ri9 1 963 ·. .. . . · . · . . .: · .. . - . ·. - . "-, --.. • .. .. ~ : : .. "' ,. • • • • • 4 " • • • • • • • M.1?~12.!!,. 3d. ~~riage wa·s to· \Iilma. 1-&lrg·~erit·e Uewbigging .(q.;7-l7~19.19, dau of Zel­ : mi1.Bu.skirk arid John ·Joseph Uev!l:5igging} CJl~ .-.~on (~~t m), son and dau

(2d m), ~~ennifer. Jo b :2-3-195'5 0 Philip· Vyron Paintet .'.d :2.-6-196.5. · lfi.247212. Add -ch:Che;ryl /1nn.e b :7-3~1955. Edna · L~e- Garter' rri:7-1-1961 Jerry Loe . - Burns (b :5-11-1933;·· ·son·· of Lticillc Hampton .and· --Chnrle~ Tlade Burns) . Ch:Jerry Lee . b:4.;..22-1962, Samuel : Pe~r. b·:4..:2,~--1962. Dayton Ira Carter m:8-25-1962 Priscilla Hay·Benge_ (b:11-5-1944, da.u of.Lela -Le­ ona Parker nn.d:·Glnrerice lt!c:i"c :Benge) ·ch·:Edward Allen Ml.247321 d :4-29-1963 ... Ml24?323 A~d. _<;h:Kathy Ann b:9~12~1964 lD.247325 ·~dd ch:Donald Dwnin b:10-24~1963. ·Dennis Eugene b:2-26-1962 •. l1fi.24 7342 · ~oµise Esther Thoma~ d:9~7-1963; · Add ch:Deanna Lyn b:8-13-1962. 1{l247343 1'Iillis \':ilbur LoDuc •. 1\dd ch:Dnvid Lee b:9-5-1962. . Ml247361 Chnng·e birth date of Bryan Jn.rnes to· 7-26-1956;· add. ,·oh:Jan~t ~Louisa b:11- · 6-1964; add Janet Louise b :ll;-6-1964 ·· · · · ·. lil.247362 i~dd ch:Colleen· 1brie b :4-12-1962·· ~ . - Ml247363 Add ch:Bruce Lal'rrence b :l-31-1964 · · . lfL247365. . ~:? .. 962 L_inda· Dorriell! Cnrver (b:11-15-1942) · Ch.:Tnmmy Mnrie b:12-6-1962 :Mt24·8l2 Peter Philip Fauble m:8-24-1963 Carolyn i\nne F3nelli (b:3-6-19hl, dau of Helen ;1gnes Ginnnoni zind Hnlph John Ftlnelli) Ch:P~i!.ip Hcrr:~n b~?,- 21-1964, 1-iatthev1 John b:1-13-1966 1D_24814 Chonge birth of !,fury Kay to 7-2-1953 lrl.248223 F:reder1ck Urban Ib~t:tnoz: Hens Kll!'t Von Solda,1. - .. . 113 HJ.248224 m:12-1-1962 1;sn Osgood Pike IV (b :12-20-1938, son of Doris Mary Harwood nnd ~sa O Pike III !.Il.24823 Doris Bonita lioore m:lst Joseph C Reeve 1.Il.24851 l~dd ch:Scott Allen b :3-8-1963 1Il.241Q2 Bertha Edith Dayton d:7-7-1964 LD..241021 Corrine Anna V!eber m:lst Robert Drought, n:2d Theodore Ranscy ?El.24104 Change Hart to Hurt l!Il.25IT2 John "':Icsley De:·;itt d:4-19-1954 1!L25221 Evelyn Eva Ra ssellen d :2-10-1961 1:1125222~2 lidd ch:Robert Ralph b :12-17-1962 BJ.2522214 ~dd ch:DDniel Dean b:10-5-1963

1£1..25223 Change marriage date to 10-31-1914 1 Ml.252232 .J.~ry Grace m:7-14-1962 17illiam Andrew Schwerin (b:2-24-1940, son of Y°.t3r• garet !farie · Schnieder and .Herbert 1;m Theodore Schwerin) Ch :Damel 1!illiam b:8-23-1963 Ji.Il.2522414 l!dd ch:CynthiD Lynn b:6-13-1963 Ml28321 "son" btll-13-1947 was Ml2433415 1,dd _ch:Patricin Jenn b:10-17-1963 John Stephen l:fl._2522431 .Add ch:David Leste·r b:2-21~1964 ; Ml.25622 : Hell Catheryn Hawks d:10-2/3-1963 Ml.2821 d : urun . Lll.28322 Dayton Ch~rles McLaughlin (ltl-62233) was son of Gertrude Kuyck and Dc1yton C.lark Lic18ughlin.

Ml3 Rachel Suthcrl.nnd Cornell. l.fary D~y:ton o.nd JnmGs Hickox ~lso hnd two . -children who died in-infnncy Ml.3131114 Add ch:Susan Elizabeth b:3-3-1963 I.Il.3131312 m:7-14-1962 Richnrd Downes ]1Il4lll J;dd ch:Alice who m: --- Brown 1'114112 Elizabeth Olmstend W.3S dnu of Hnrriet llilcox and Stephen Olmstead. i~41123 H3rry TenEyck Hebbard (b:12-JQ.;..1889 d:3-30-1957) was son of Elizabeth.Ten Eyck and J l.1ilville Hebb~rd. Ml.411231 Orville D Frnmpton (b:10-17-1915) w~s son of Kathleen De~cy and George Vernon Frnmpton). ~dd ch:Jancl Elizabeth b:2-4-1945, Leslie Orville b:5-19-1949 . ill.411232 Pciuline li Palmer (b:10-17~1920) wns dau of Della tiilcox and YJilliam Pal­ mer. 1\dd ch:Phyllis l\nn b:6-6-1945, Lois Eleanor b:5-6-1948, I,fur- garet Elizabeth b:l-11~1950 . . ril.411233 Arthur R Gilbert (b :11-27-1923) was son of·t":nvtl° Davis· and George Gilbert. · .i\dd ch:Jo~n Lucille b:4-15-1948, Clark·,·\rthur b:10-5-1950 Lil.411234 Vbrgaret E Clark (b:ll-19~1927) was dau 9f ilirgaret .Oliver nnd Elmer Cl~rk. hdd ch:Janette Diane b:9-19-1954, H~rry TenEyck III b:12-5- 1955, Lucy 1inna b:6-27-1958 . . . 1.£1411235 Anne L Geddes (b:11-20-1929) vros dau of s~ra J Rich~rdson and Lee Stanley Geddes. fidd ch:Lee Stanley b:6-29-1957, P::nlla Lee b:1-21-1961 Bl4ll236 _Donald 11-Terry (b :12-18-1930) wns •son of Hildred Biedeknpp ~nd Newton . Terry. Add ch:Donald HebbDrd b:5-17-1950, Philip Edmund b:12-26- 1951, Douglris T:.:lyne b:8-28-1953 IJ1411237 Joan F Gnisford w~s dnu of Fr!!nk Gnisford. Itlri:Jnne Nogridge (b:7-28- 1942) was d~u of Jessie V,1n Buren and Ch:Jrles Liogridge. l{l..411238 Robert P Nicholson (b: 7-26-1928) wns son of Pauline Kicinski nnd Charles Nicholson. Add ch:Robcrt Dennis b:12-5-1956, Liso Ann b:10-9-1959, lliry JJne b:6-21-1961 111.411239 1-:bry Elln Hebb:Jrd m:2-7-1964 Dc:i-.1id 1jonroe (b:7-28-1931, son of F H~lina J,'Jkszewski .~nd Pn ul IJonroe) 1~411231Q Dornld H Hymers (b:11-28-1935) ~~s son of Helen Hume nnd Alfred Hymers. i~dd ch:Donnld Scott b :3-11-1958, Helen Je:ln b :1-24-1960, Barbnrn J.1,ne b :4-3-1964 114 - '

lfi/4-711,:: Raymond Sanford B~zie m:1-23-1923 Ada Myrtle Grant (b:12-21-1~4, dau of :.: Enirn.a· rLayman .and l1fie)_v·i r1 A ,_G;.an~). -Their. children -were: lv11417111 James Ri.chard Brazie ·· b :3-4-1930 m: 9-22-1950 AMa Louise Blodgett (b:5-18-19.2~, dau qf Kathryn P·Sello and Otis Blodgett) Ch:James:. Thomas b:4-}.6-195~, .Anita ·Elizabeth b: 8-11-1954., Susan K~y· ;~:12-:-6..:.1955.,_ Linda :Margaret b.:7.... 24;... 1957,. :Rich?,rc;i .Otis. b':6-15~1959 · Ml.417112 Robert Melvin Brazie h:6-19-1935 .. Ml.417113 Raymond Sanford Br~i~. Jr. b.:l~j0-1936. m:6·-10..::1956.-:Ger~J.d­ ine B Collyer ( b:2-13-_193.?; ~au ··of 1-farg~·ret _: DiGf~ndorf and Langley Collyer) Ch.:P~~rie 1Jargaret b:4~27~1963 .. ·· ·.. 111417114 Edna Margaret Brazie ~:2-12-1946 m:3-9~1962 Clayton. .' Rob~rt v'lillman (b :10-3-1938;· ··. dau of }lini.7.i~ ··Clapper a.Rd . Merwin

. . ' VlilJ. .iriin} Ch ~Cynthia Ann b :.S.-15.-19.63 · . ~. . .. in.41712 Mary Dortha 'Brazie ··m:(lst) 5-10-1940 4ndrew Lloyd· Eason (d:10-6-1957) m: ((2:d/ 6-~-1961 Richard Dow Columbi~ (b:3..:.5-190~, son of Ed;th ]:f Dov; .. ·. Bf:id Perley-Jones Columbia; he. m:~~t' Ethel.Prtc~) }~ll.418 Add . ch :Eud-ora, Eugene, Elina, Har..ry (prol? d un.rn) _ 1114110213 Add ch:Paul Dudley b:10-3-1963. ·._.> . . 11114110311 Harriet \'iilcox Parks b :2-28-1923 . Ml4ll0314. Patricia DeFrain b:4-3-1928. Add ch:Da·vid Hunter ·b·:11-8-1963 Hl.432 Cy.renus· .Almon· Gibbs d :1910/1. . Tuil433 Change Russell Hoyt Dayton to Russell Q,~b.b~ _Dayton.· .M.1 ,, 1.1. ·. Everett, F Merriam d:10-13-1918 .· · · · MJ.41.2142 Ade(· ch:Denise A11.t"1. b: 8..:..:::6~-1963 W..4422 Grace Estella Luther (b :4-23-1~83) w·as ·aau of Cora·_:..._ and Eugene Lut,he.r M11,423 Mary Jane Countryman (b: 11-2.3~1$86) was dau :of Al-ice Tucker ·and Marvin John Countryman. · · , · · · Ml.4426 ·. . cl,.:6-16-1964 : ·.. . · M144.27i·: ·:' ~ Ruth :_Elizabeth·

til.511. . t~ry ca·roline Dayton b :J-20-1854/5 . Harriet E Dayton's b:Lrthy~;ar probably 1858_ f/il;.:211 . .Add _ch :Amy Dayton b: 10-13-1963 . . . Ml.52213 Add· ch :Eiizabeth .Ann b :4-10-1963 Ml52214 Shirley Ann Payne's mother was .Gladys Y!a.llis. Evel:rn :Marie Cook's mother was 01:a Ross Fraser. Herbert Dayton Dunphy b_:9-9-1959. Add ch:Boyd Lee (adptd) b:6-24-1956, Sean Drary (ad~td) b:6-~6-1965 Ml.52231 Add ch:Craig Andrew b:6-5-1957 ... 1!1.5224 }~rtha Dayton d:9-28-1963 1115226 . John Paul' Linsky d :Uov 1 "963 . };fi.52262 Add ·.ch.:Stephen John b:12-4-1963 Ml.523. .. Fl or'erice Eliza. on d .: 1-22~1961+ . . . .. fil5234 . Bhyl~is 11ario;:i Steer (adptd); ni~ce of Erb.est Jabez· ~t'ee:r- .,_,., 53 l.J...1,.. l~rriage ·Year llk?.y tie 1853 . Ml54 Honora White d :3-26-J_88J. . Three .ct5_ldren of Honora VJhite 's 1st ·nerriage used Jayton as s~rn3~e.

Ml541 Henry YFebste::' 711.o~as b :lit:1 It IIo ch 1Il.54211 Add ch :Philip George b :J_i-~-1951, Paul Robert b:5-5-1953. James jl!Jert m:5-9-1959 l.Iary El♦ i zabeth Rate/Rote ch:------b :9-1?-l 9f

Katherine Diane Handlowich m:Paul Richard Hankey (b:8-25-1933) ch: Terrylyn b:6-1-1958, Karen llarie b:6-24-1959, Richard Clark b:9-4- 1960, Robin Elizabeth b:7-26-1961. Marjorie Elaine Handlowich m:4- 30-1960 Philip VIarren Pond ch:Dam :Marie b:11-17-1960 Ml5422 David Curtis Turkington d:11-20-1953 Ml54221 Add ch: son b&d:2-21-1946, Carol Ann b:10-30-1952 !.1154222 Eleanor Elizabeth Turkington d:6-23-1956 }Il.54223 Add ch:Sarah Brooks b:3-2-1955 11154225 Add ch:Deborah Jean b:5-15-1951 Hl54226 Grace Virginia Turkington I s birthyear was 1923. Add ch :Susan Eleanor b: 11-8-1961 1'115423 . 1'/esley Booth· Coan b :6-8-1891 IU54231 Virginia Turkington Coan b:l-13-1917 m:9-18-1944 J0seph Franklin O'Brien (b:6-30-1914, son of Catherine Healey and Joseph O'Brien). Add ch: Robert David b:8~18-1955 ILI157 Death date also reported as 1-13-1844 Hl62122 Pauline Agnes Cleaver m:2d 1-7-1964 Ylalker Tallman Burtis {son of Edith Austa Robbins and Douglas Hume Burtis) Ml.62134 Lois Swanson b:l-4-1921, dau of Jessie· Lewis Gensheiman and David Lee . Swanson. Add ch:Robert Stephen b:3-22-1947, Carolyn Lois b:3-26- 1948, Kenneth James b:2-24-1949, Jeffery Lee b:5-27-1950 1ll.6223 Ge·rtrude Huyck d : 6-26-1943 Ml.622321 . Add ch:Beth Erin b:7-3-1963 MJ..622323 Add ch:Darcie Jo b:8-9-1963 Ml.62233 Change Charles Dayton li.icLaughlin to Dayton Charles McLaughlin lfi.631 Marriage date :12-22-1869. Rosa Harris m: 2d Vlilliam Mueller. Ml6311 Lillian M Ruliffson b:1870·d:1891 M1632 :Mary Candace Ruliffson d:6-21-1875 m:12-22-1869 Roman C Lafevre (b:7-4- -1848). A son Ray b&d: 5-6-1871 M.16321 1farietta ( 11 Meta") Lafevre b:10-2-1872 li0 .. 64131 John J!iarean Dayton m:11-24-1962 .Karen Martindale (b:ll.. 11-1940, dau of Alice lJa rie Bixby and Donald . .Alson Martindale) Ch :Susan Marie b 19-3- 1963 M1642 Lydia Young b:12-12-1851 d:4-10-1922 1.ll6421 Carrie Hubbard b:1-12-1882 d:7-29-1958 (adptd dau of Newton Hubbard) Ml.64211 Eleanor E Rich b:10-24-1908 111642lll Nancy Lodar b:10-6-1939, dau of 11urial Maynard and Richard Lodar. Add ch: Deborah Lyn b:9-18-1962 }1Il.644 Estelle Gregory b:12-12-1893,dau of Frances·Annie Ha~es and Amasa J Gre- gory l!Il.6103 See lu6211 for extension of this line. Ml?- Cancel " ( or 1-8-1865)". LD.. 71 l\faria Louisa Newkirk d :11-11-1855 Ml723 li.~ry Florence VJright was dau of. Florence Sheffield and Daniel Y.Tright. Ml 7231 Harry Austin d:7-31-1957 . Ml 7232 lifarian Esther Porter was dau of Agnes Butcher and Vfalter Porter. Rebec­ ca Kay Dayton m:6-27-1953 Paul Johnson (son of Selina Johnson and Ardel Johnson) ch:Paul Christopher b:2-2-1954, Paul David Victor b: 11-9-1956, !Tels Peter b :4-22-1959. David Allen Dayton m:2-15-1964 1':fary Ellen Bock (dau of Ellen Ryan and Arthur Bock) Ml.72311 Ralph K !.iosher was son of Nellie ----- and Isaac 1.Iosher; he m:2d lil. 72312. Kenneth Tu:llph liosher m:8-27-1960 Darbara A 1Iiller (dau of Beatrice Buch­ er 8nd Chester Triller ch:Ziichael L b:9-2-1961, Mark K. Kendrick Rae Mosher m:8-15-1959 Rich3rd H Ifudison _(son of Iva Peters and Charler ilfndison ch:Norman R b:11-13-1961 ifl.72312 Add ch:!-flry Evelyn b:11-4-1953 1:1172313 Add ch:Claudia Theo b:12-14-1950, Constance Zoe b:9-14-1952, Dean Allen b:9-15-1953, Keith Sterling b:11-2-1956. Sandra Kay Stenrns m:8-10- 1963 Richard Burton (b:5-21-1943, son of Knthern ------and Howard Burton). Brenda "Toyce Stearns m:8-••-2li.-l 963 Richard Doster (b :9-8- 1943,.son qf .Jea11. Lewis and -Raymond Doster ch:Joyce M'tlrie b:2-29-1964 10. 7233 Penfield Lewis Dnyton 3d m:9-17-1960 Bonnie Bailey~ (b:6-27-1941, dau of Frances Prichard and Lee Bailey)..- ·Ch:Scott JfichaeJ_ b~:9-14-1962., Paul

= : .. : · ·· · · . ' . . , .. : Doll:g+D;$ b~:.8f-13~.196J · ·}D.. 724, Ho children .. = · .•. ]Ii:73-.-;·· Russell Ho;yt .. bayton d :1895 (not 1903). Dolly Titus d :1_904 .• Ml733 Elizabeth Agnes Smith vms dau of Ann Brown arrl l'filliam S~th. · Ml 7331. .. Robe~t Royal Dayton m:9-14-1909 Florence Ethel Evans. i.n. ?3321 m:12-16-1932 Arthur Lov1rey \lest (b:2-17-1885, ·son of Ada Hargrove and Jo- . ~eph Aaron I:e st) . · - Ml733211 .Mar~hall.Banlcs b:8-2-1935, son of Emmeline lfarie Baras and ltlrshnll Alex­ .. : .a~d?r Banks. Diana LyrL.11 Bnn.1<:s ·b:11-12-1956. Ml 733212 Add ch :Cheryl .Ann b :1-2-1963. Connie Oates was dau of Charlotte Bertha· Weigle and Harry Hamilton Oates Jr. ·Ml.733221 George Harlock's mother 111as iJildred·-Lear. }1Il. 733222 Richard_ Knop (b :12-8-1932):; .~.his mother was Esther Knoop, his father 11al- ter · Fr~~e.rick KnQp. . •· lD.. 733223 Add ch:James Scott b:7-11-1963. Gail Sack's mother was Dorothy 7atu. Ml 733.231 Ad~ ~h :~~-a.~ Vler:ner b :3-·20-1963. George !Javis b :10-20-1927. 1n. 733232 Marriage date 12-21-1957. ·, Add -ch:Jacqueline Bett·e. b:6-30-1963. Paul Richard Purtan I s mother· wa·s .. J!:rrjory Iaughnan. . H173324 John Karul b :10~11-1920/1 : ·: ~· · · · 11/Il..7~5 , Marr,iage: d:at~ ..·1..:8-1951. · Dorothy= Christie· b:8-9-1925, ~au of Dorothy Mar- .. .. · garet Lee and Frank Christie. M.173326 John V Ross, son of Letitia. Pea!' and· John S Ross Ml73327 . Ruth W11+ck, ~~u of Loretta Bessinger· and· Julius Elmer Muck 1.fl. 73329 Jennings Smith, son of Ressie Lamaud· and ·Russell Smith Ml. 7334. . R~ss.e).l Ja_mes. Dayton d:1-17-1963·· : · ». 11:i 74 · .-. · • Charles 11 Plntt b :3-4~1825 d :1-23-1875, son of Lydia· Miri~k and Jos~n . . . ~ Pla.t_~...... : _ , . 1D. 75· . · Grace Holley d:7-2-1865, dau of :Myron Holley Nl 7531 Ethel E Little d:3-9-1964 •. ·No ch.·: . . 1n.7532 George Richard Dayton d :3-15-1964 m:5-20-1922 HazE3l H;elen Hartzold (b:l- 13-1894, dau of Hel0n Hurley :aricl ~Frank X ·Hartzold}. · .' · · Ml 71_]./4.11 ._.Add ch.::Antoinet:te· Ge_ne_vieve·.. ·(twirt) b::?~5~1963., · ~ouise Teresa· (twin) b:7-·. · ·. · · ; · 5-196 3.. . · . . Ml 711413 .Add qh:1Iolly Andrews b:2.,.9-1964 MlS-~ ... ~~:ennth. ;' Lemon. D?~:-ton b :l2,-12-~790'. ,111as of·: her f·ather. 's 2d mariiage. to Elizabet.1-i i.Husband 1s · surname may be Terrill.•.·.·. · ·:Adelbert Qeorge Dayton d:11.Iar 1941/2 m(lst) Nellie Peters (d:Apr 1928) m(2~)·.Rena Champion. Ch:Ruth (adptd) m:Henry.'Ne:ilson . M24342 Leona 1fuy ·nayton d :cl880 . · l-124343, I.eon Arby'Dayton b:1~27-1879 d:10-26-1947:m:6-8-1921 Frances l~ry Ililli- . · · kan (b:8-30-1881, dau of Julia C ·Curtiss·and Edw.i.n Le".:~is Millikan; she m:lst Alexander Smith CisneyII) Ho ch. · 124344 Hugh Roy Dayton b:3-1~-1881 d:11-29-1959 m(lst) Zetta Sirrrrtons (bt3-14- 18B3 d:6-28-1957, dnu of Alice Morgan nnd George Simmons) m(2d) Dec 1936 Iris Elanore Hoeft (b:8-7-1898, dau of Edith Edna Fnyer and 117 George Alvin Hoeft; she m:lst Frank Pate, 2d Raymond Yoakum). Ch of 1st marriage: 11243441 Hc1zel l~y Dayton b:3-3-1905 m:7-7-1926 John C M~JaJJnrd (b :9-26-1894, son of iiartha Crawford and John Henry McClelland) M2434411 Dnrbara Ann McClelland b:1-21-1928 m:12-15-1951 Edwin Saunders Dixon III (b:3-5-1928) Ch:Ann b: 5-31-1953., Susan b:8-28-1956, Edwin Saunders IV b:3-20-1959, Linda b:2-8-1962, -- • b:Jul 1964 M2434412 Elesa Joyce McClelland b:6-1-1925 m:2-21-1955 John Melvin Jarboe. Ch:Catherine Elizabeth b: 12-28-1955, John Melvin Jr b:2-3-1960 M24345 Clyde lVilliamDayton d:2-26-1939 m:7-9-1926 ~tle L Pontius (b:5-18-lex4 dau of Bessie I~e Peters and Frank Pontius) There children were: 1243451 Delzie Franklin Dayton (adptd) b:4-10-1925 m:6-11-1949 Dor­ othy M Balaz (b:5-27-1924, dau of Mary 1~tachek and Steve Balaz) Ch:Carol Ann b:4-4-1952, Susan Marie b:11-11-1954, Thomas George b:1-16-1956 1243452 George Leroy Dayton b:4-15-1928 m:2-25-1954 Cleo Buchanan (b :5-12-1925, dau of ]Jartha Vfuite and George Buchanan) ~43453 Clyde ~'7illiam Dayton Jr b:5-30-1929 m:(lst) 1-17-1953 Mar­ gie Lee (b :11-26-1933 d :9-16-1959, dau of Grace 11yers and Ben Lee) m:(2d) 10-5-1962 Juanita Justice. Ch:Barbara Jean b:10-31-1953, Clyde William III b:2-26-1956, Laura Ann b:1-24-1958, Rodney Lee b:8-10-1963 M2565 Henry Clay StJohn. Ch:Reuben Gaius b:1-1-1884 m:Estella Louise Osmond (b:11-26-1870; she m:lst John Fremont McNish) Ch: 1 M245 Add ch:Vlilliam Riley h:3-12-1846 m:10-2-1870 El..iza Maria Stowell (b:10- 2-1851, dau of Matilda Elizabeth VIinters (lfuDermott) and Oscar Pal­ mer Sto,1ell) ch:11 12566 Kate Viets (b:1849) was dau of Cnroline Terry and Samuel Willis Viets. M2568 Reuben Anson Dayton d :12-27-1943. 1li.nnie 'Wilber b:6-8-1862 d:5-28-1934, 1J25681 Jessie Eliza Dayton_b:2-7-1889 d:7-21-1940 m:F1.oyd J Hinkston (bt7~5- 1872) Their children were! 11256811 Aileen Hinkston b:6-30-1910 m:12-31-1931 William C Bauer. Ch:Billie b:2-14-1956 d:2-27-1963 M256812 Harold Dayton Hinkston b:2-26-1916 m: -- ---. Ch:2 M256813 Floyd Parmlee Hinkston b:1-9-1919 m: ------. Ch:Robert M256814 Ruth Hinkston b :12-6-1920 m:George Simonson. Ch:Steven, fusan M25682 1~1arcia Elizabeth Dayton b:1-3-1893 m:7-11-1912 Frank Goff (b:10-20 1887) 1v125682l Horace Avery Goff b:12-8-1913 m:6-5-1937 Greta Thompson (b:9-11-1914) Ch Elizabeth May b :5-12-1939 m(lst) 2-11-1956 Ray Sumeky, m(2d) 11-17- 1962 Gerald Zimmer ch:Debbie Lou b:7-11-1956; Thomas Frank b:8-18- 1943 11256822 Hallie Frank Goff b:6-15-1915 m:4-25-1936 JJfarion Town (b:5-19-1915) Ch: Linda Ann b:9-28-1940 m:Thomas Gene !Jattern; Donald Hallie b:11-8- 1943; Elaine 1farie b:11-7-1945 Esther JJay Dayton b:5-18-1898 m:6-4-1919 Robert L Facey (b:4-1-1889) Omit this entire section on page 73. This item should read: 1.258 Daniel HuJnphrey Dayton b :1-28-1821 d :2-13-1888 m:5-28-184 7 Catherine Briggs (b:2-20-1826 d:9-1-1902,dau of Snrah Stebbins and Thoms· Briggs) 1A2581 Mary Ann Dayton b:10-7-1848 d:1-4-1932 m(lst) cl875 Vlilliam Russel Hnrrison (d :1879) n(2d) l;lfred Sirnons M25811 ·dallace Fred Barrison b:11-16-1877 d: 5-6-1908 m: 6-27- 118 1900 Eauc.e }~~::~ 3tout (b:4-25-1881, 4 ~.u of _ __:-:J.izabet1i ml', O'~~:: .:.. - ..... ~1...s c:!...,., r.r1.. - ..._ - John• ... ~ St._,. CU t \I , _, "': ,..:. 0:J. - . (', -- .. .. . ; ' . .-. . . .., - ---. M258lll Russel Albert B.arrison b :5-5-1901 !!1:ll-?.4-1923 Mary Kathleen Cadger (b: 8-2-1900) da u of f1nnie McGuish and Robert Pinkart Cadger) M'2581111 Fred Alan Harrison b:11-5-1924 m:Lawna Dyer (dau of Florence --- and Wallace Dyer) Ch: Bruce ./,la n b :4-25-194 9, Brian Fred b :12-18- 1951, Rt:ssel Scott b:8-7 4-1955 1258112 Frances Esther Harrison b :5,-•23--1904 n:2-28-1928 Vlillard G Buchanan (b:4-4-1900 d:Jul 1955~ son .of Julia Sh8llow and Frank Buchanan) no ch M25812 Albert Alfred Sim~ns b:1-26-1886- d:10-26-1927 D:6-22- 1910 Nellie· VIestfall (b:J.o.... 5::.1s90, dau of Kate Rus- sell and :Mark Westfall) 1!258121 Dayton 1.-fark Sinr:1ons b :4-6-1911 m:1-26-1935 Edith liarie Cripe (b :6--13~19~3., dau of Nina LaBonte and Her~rin Tobias Crip~ Gh:Norma Jean b:7-10-1937 cr: lin Robert Sch..':lidt ch:Vlm liark b :4-16-1958,J:ennine 1.:arie b:3-•--25-196];Donald Richard bl>-8-1939 n:Tos­ lie Elizabeth Herron ch:Donald Dayton b:5-8-1963 M258122 Donald i\lbert Sirmons b:4-7-1912 m:4-13-1935 Helen Belle.Branch (b:2-26-1910, dau of Belle Crawford and George Francis Branch) Ch:D0nna Louise b6- 6~1937 n:Donald Tanis ch:Kqthe~in~ Anne b:4-7- 1961; Bruce -George b :3_-1~194_0 n:Judy l1nne Vlien M25813· Bernice Sir1rjons ,.b~:l>-=29-188fj · d :194·6 :6(lst) 8--14--1913 El­ vin Hall Gitchell m(2d) Vlil:11s·. StPeeter·. Ch:Hary Git­ - : .- chell : (-atlptd ).- n: I.:fartin :Bl~l°clr• M25814 ·Bessie· liay, Sim.sons .b :1889 d :1934 n:K~rl Kohler. No ch 12582 Charles Vfesley Day:ton~b:4~3-1851 d:7-17-1934 n(lst) 6-26-1872 Fr·ances. Elizabeth ·lfi.llinan · '(:& :12-1-1853 d :2-G-1900, dau of Jane Lowe and John-.l·IillLr:1an) r:i(2d) Apr 1902 Cora (b :3-8-1867 d :Feb 1952, dou of R2.chel HcJtficld and vV 'Tfl Snm:h) 1i25821 Archie Charles. Dayton b :9-4-18'!4 d :1923 m(lst) Bertha Delano:. (dau ·or IIinnie · Sundifer and Joel A Delano) m(?.1) 1912 Tecy~a C0rlson M2582ll. :ft'rn_nces Genevieve Dayton b:9-2-1913 m:6-3-1939 StJnley J~nes Keating (b:8-12-1912) Ch:TLsothy · Dciyton b: 3-13-1941 r.1: 9-•l...ll.962 Re.n:ite Bohnet· (b: 4--27-1942); Enry Stnnlay b:8-20-1942; KcJthryn Loh::13·n b :3-31-1945; Lisbeth .t\nn b :5-14-194~ Nan­ . cy June b :11-11-1952 lJ2582V..: Nor1:_1n Kathryn Dayton b:6-17-1915 n(lst) 3-16-1944 . C0 c:J.l Louis !IcNenl (b :7-19-1916 d :11-15-1952) n(2d)~ -4-14;.-1962 Vlillian Glen LnBec (b:8-20-1915 d: 5~-24-19(l~~) Ch :st·cven Louis b :12-27-191~6, Bit­ rick }Jo ytcn b :6~25-194 9 M2584l3 John 1Jeslcy. Dnyton b::J-17-1917 n:Nc:tncy VJhcclcr (b: · · ·.10-1.J-19~·2, dnu. of .George Wheeler) Ch:Debor~h llnric b :12-26·-l 950, Jfnrk Currier b :7-21-1953 d(~ J-. _· ·8-19.5.3, John- Gxcgory b :11-3-1954 d :12-22-~ 954 l'_,f')5~')14. · h · c· 1 n -.-I,. r · b ,..., - -" :--,. o--,. - ri · ,\ ... -·,, -·- - ~- O'-- 11rc._ -10 nar cs·_ ns1....on .•. :;:-· : ,·•-~ 3u.:..i._/~j. 1.~ ~.t.~--o··~.L;.-;c 119

1125822 Dar-cy lfillin1an Dayton b:10-6-1876 d:11-21-1964 m(lst) Anna Kailierine Hutchenreuther {b:10-5-1879 d:5-15- 1933, dau of Elizahet.h Ra1l.Schert and Oscar Hutchen­ reuther) m(2d} Lucille Rees (dau of l&lude Butter­ field and Ha-ITy Rees) Ch of 2d m: M258221 Darcie IJargaret Dayton b:8-15-1926 m:1946 Norman ~Villard Jr (son of Ella -- and Norman Vfillard Sr) Ch:John Dayton b:10-17-1952, James Steven b:1-12-1954, Martin Paul b:8-17-1955 M25823. Bert.ha .Almena Dayton b:12-7-1878 d:1958 m:Aug 1896 Vlil- - liam B Markillie (b :7-15-1873 d:7-15-1944, son of George Murkillie) M258231 Paul Dayton lf.arkillie b:6-4-1900 d:11-19-1963 unm M258232 Car~eton M'arkillie b :1-12-1904 m: Irene -- •. Ch: Ronald Roy b:11-8-1948 - M.258233 Beatrice Markillie b :19o6 m:El..rner ZoLrnan Haskell Ch:Leatrice b:12-28-1930 a:2-14-1950 \fuitney F Miller ch:Cathy Frances b:2-.3-1951, l'lhitney F III; Phyllis b :10-22-1943; Gay ( twin) b :1-10- 1946, Kay (twin) b:l-10-1946 M25824 Lula 1'1f\y Dayton b:7-11-1889 m:9-16-1915 Emil lv Htitchen­ reuther (b :4-26-1887{ son of Elizabeth Rauschert nnd Oscar HutchenreutherJ 1'1258241 Charles Oscar Hutchenreuther b:6-16-1916 m:9-12- 1942 Harriet Ann Hawkins (b:4-30-1922, dau of Catherine Julia Schnell and Chas P Hawkins) Ch: Mark Scott b:3-9-1948, Anne b:11-16-1953 1'1258242 John V!illiam Hutchenreuther b :6-3-1918 m:12-12- 1945 Janet Alice ·wuson (b:4-.30-1921, dau of Blanche Ada Pike and John Wilson) Ch:Alan John b:2-25-1948, David 1fichael b:6-1-1951, Crnig Charles b:10-1-1955 · ?~58243 Frances Elizabeth Hutchenreuthcr b:12-22-1919 m: 9-4-1943 Louis ~redcrick Held (b:4-13-1919, son of Cnroline Ressler and Fr3nk Held) Ch:Mnrilyn Lou b:9-20-1945, Frank Karl Frederick b:2-13- 1948, John Charles b:10-15-1950 Ch of 2d n: 1:125825 Domld H Dayton b:12-10-1906 d:3-24-1933 r.1:Evelyn Lou- . ise Rankin (b:1910, dnu of 1'.fcludo E 1fc:lley nnd \Jillian 1/i Rankin) 11258251 Donald H Dayton Jr b:6-17-1933 n:lo-28-1958 Cnrol lbric Viall (b:11-27-19.37, dau of Eva Marie Kud­ . er _and Harold lfelvillc Vlall) Ch:Brian David b: 10-21-1960, Bradley Donald b:9-7-1963 15258..3 Chloe Dolucin Dayton b :11-15-1353 r:i:6-20-1372 Thomas J Hoard (.son of Hannc:?h Briggs and Philo Honrd) M25831 Kate Bernice Honrd b:9-22-1873 d:3-9-1945 r.i:5-23-1894 Edwin Gilbert (b:11-27-1868 d:1-15-1918, son of Al­ zania Josephine Mayo and David l-l Gilbert) r1258.311 Dale E Gilbert b:4-7-1895 n:2-10-1917 Bessie Ole­ da Pack (b:7-13-1897, dau of Oleda Tarrant and Vlillian Harry Peck) M2583111 Orvill D Gilbert b:5-27-1920 m:1946 Deloris l&1y Stary (b:8-3-192~

·c.::lr b:i.Inr· 19291 Verner Hnrry b:4-14-1930, Bever­

ly Elarior·:b :4-4 1·?~1931, Robert Lee b :1\ur 1935 d: . ~ ., ,...,. ('\ • "j. r-,} - ·; ! ,.,,_: I ,-• • '-/_'I,_, .. - . • ...., -- ✓ ~-,- }!"t2583 L:. 2 .I7iifc:..~-:1' T:1()~·-1::s Honrd b:2-13-1911 n:2-lG-1936 lti.1- . ere cd Fe.: .. 11 Gs tin ( b :12-9-1919, dn u of FlorcncG EsthD:c ·b~rtholow and Aden Glenn .Austin) Ch :jdcn Thc~r:t0s b :l--7-1937, Harry Leroy b :5-16-l 938s Est-­ her FJy b :2.;..28-1941, Hyrtlc Blanche b :3-22-1942; Rich~rd Rnlph b:11-22-1944 ·. 1:i?5G343 Fkfan;r ·LL~.r!illc · Honrd b :11-26-1913 n(lst) George · Pur:ipfroy (son of Susan Da rklc r and George Pur.:1.p­ frcy) n(2d) 8-30-1941 Lowis -hJ.:bcrt Henschel (b: 3-1-1915) ... t258Jh31 ·To!':ry .Arlen Pt1-r:ipfrey b: 7-lJ.•--l 93h d !6-9--1935 ~2+ 112583432 I~r.lynn Glenn Henschel (born of nothern· 1st o: n dptd by nothcr ts 2d t.asbnn·J) b: 3~16- 1937 m:8-:-.16-1958 Darbnrn .Jc3n Swathvf.ood ·eo :_ ·4-16-1940) C~ :~Terry ·Gleflri; b·:.6-8-1959, Gary ··.vrayne :b·ts .... 23~1960, ·1a·rry Jenr;t b:l-30-1961:.: '1!!258344 Ra._y .-1/ ·Ho?rct l:5-:I-6-1915 m:Apr- 1_935 Anne ·E Coffµan {b1:~13-1913. dau of Ethel.-. }.by Schwencer tihq Earl {!offmD.n).. Ch: Norm L·e e b :2-ll-~1936, Ilonald E b :2~l-1937 . .' ...... 11258345 Glenn ·J. _Hoard b :12-2~~1916 m:1-25-1936. Juanita F I(irl.{_ (b :9-l~,--1912,' ~-au of . K~tie Reynolds an~ ·Fred--·Kl.rk) Ch:Patty Laurene b:7-11-1937, Hermp_n Glenn.b:10~23-1939 .. .. .~:• , 1!258346 Dayto·n•·:floar

• : < • • • : 122

1'25843 Pansy Dell Sheldon b:6-28-1894 d:3-5-1962 unm IQ585 Cnrrie Bernice Dayton b:1-13-1867 d:1914 m:12-25-1888 Dorn .1~ Tillotson. Ho ch, 1259 Fannie Sophronin Dayton b :10-1-1823 d :cl880 m:Andrew Lynch Fowler (d :1885, son of Joh:.~ L 112591 linnette Elora Fowler b:4-11-1844 d:5-20-186.8 m:5-14-1866 Erwin Jnroos Kel­ logg. Ch:Elizabeth Annette b:10-1-1867 L~592 i~ndrew Corwin Fowler b:8-18-1849 d:3-12-1911 m:12-22-1870 Estelln Mnrie Munson (b:4-2-1849 d:1-16-1941, dau of Achsa Jane Torrey and Leman Galpin Wru.nson) M25921 Fred Erwin Fowler b:10-5-1871 d:5-25-1958 m:5-15-1895 Susie Edith Selby (b:10-11-1872 d:5~1?-l.955, dau of Mnry Durinda L1oore and : Thaddeus Spencer- Selby) · ·. , · 1!259211 Lela ~IDrie Fowler b:1-11-1898 m:4-7-1917 Ralph Emerson Mil- , ler (b:l-23~is96 d:8-20-1960, son of Lovinna Cornelia Bee­ nan and ThoJ¥1~ .Locke Miller) 1t2592111 Virginia. ]ziiller b.:2-4-1918 m:6-12-1936 Alvin Tupper (b:10-15-1915, son of Mazie Victor and Raymond TUp­ per) Ch:Beverly Irene b:9-11-1937; Joyce Ann b:2-19- 1940; VJilliam Jack b:6-11-1941 m:6-26-1962 Elaine Yagh ch:1lilliam Jack Jr b:4-29-1963, Edward Ralph b: 1.2-15-1955 !Q592ll2 son 16..ller b&d:l-22-1920 l-2592113 Le·la Irene Miller b :1-26-1923 m:6-6-1945 Henry C 1Iines .· ;Jr (son 'of Zoe Edwards and Henry C Mines Sr) Ch:Iinv­ rence &llph b:1-14-1947, l~rk Vvesley b:2-7-1951, Lora Alison b:9-26-1959, 1131-:tha Ann b:5-10-1962 1~592114 Lois ~.fue }Tille!'.' b:10-29-1925 m(lst) 12-7-1946 Leon Geiwitz (son of Neva----- and George Geiwitz) m(2d) 8-3-1953 Vlillic3m i1 Durney (son of M:lry Ferguson and 'Walter Durney) Ch:Deborah Rae (adptd) b:7-24-1959 M2592115 Coral June Lfiller b :4-1-1929 m: 8-16-1947 Bobby Alvin Yoke (b:2-4-1925, son of Bertha McCracken and Ralph A Yoke) Ch:Gary Alan (adptd) b:6-24-1957, Rhen Arlene b:7-7-1963 11259212 Rupert Selby Fowler b:12-17-1900 m:2-24-1923 wura 1113rgaret Francis (b :7-10-1104, dau of Sadie Estelle 1.iay n nd William Henry Francis) Ch:Ruth Eilene b:1-12-1924 m:Evnn Clyde Dc3- vis ch:Beth Eileen b:10-13-1944, MnrgnTet Snr~h b:3-16- 1948; i1nne Louise b:10-27-1926 m:Jun -.195? Geo~go Bnrret~ ch:Keith Edward b:2-24-1954, Vickie Lynn b:7-14-1956; Mor­ ris Rupert b:9-29-1932 m:Lauretta -- -- ch:Charlene Louise . b:9-20-1959, Glen David b:9-27-1963 11259213 Dorothn Sarah Fowler · b:8-3-1906 m:6-22-1924 Harold vVilliam Robinson (b:2-18-1907, son of Alice Purthenia and Lemuel Blaine Robinson) Ch:EJ.len Louise b:9-1-1937 m:8~17- 1956 Robert Eugene Blakely; Ramon Dale b:11-12-1940; Alice Jane b:7-13-1943 lQ593 VJilliam Allyn Fowler b :7-17-1853 m(lst) 11-27-1874 Nellie ti Gaylord, m:2d 5-25-1887 Hattie HodgeIMn, m(3d) 11-8-1888 Em..rnn Almedn Beaman 1~5931 Alida Sophrona Fowler b:10-1-1875 d:7-2-1942 m:3-24-1894 Vvilliam L17rnnn Selby (b:8-15-1870 d:12~2-1932) 1259311 Edna Grace Selby b :4-9-1895 m:11-11-1915 Chester Coe Eyers M2593111 Nettie J~ne Byers b:9-29-1917 m:8-29-1939 John Frank­ lin Byers (b:9-8-1914) Ch:John Lawrence b:6-8-1940, Susan .Jane b ·J 2-3D-J a,.,. $.+~~!!- -C~~-ll_::.:_:t.91·.. ~ -~ 123

lQ.593112 Helen Alida Byers. b :8-8-1919 .m:7-2~1939 Robert Dick­ son··Hiil: (~ ;f>-18-1913) Ch:Pavid . Byers · b t:6-15-1941., . . :Thom,rs· Edward b :11-29-1945 ; . M2~•9Jl2 :finrold Josep~· Selby .b~-l~..-7-1902 m:9-29-1925 He·len Elizabeth ·_ Farrell.·(t{:$~19~1904): · Ch:Harolq. Joseph Jr ·b:4-27-1928 m: 6-5-194'8~ l!Table- L ·Blake ch:Theodore Joseph b :8-6-1949, De­ _borah' Lucille.: b ::3-25-1953; Ghnrles.. Lyman b:_12-20~1931 m:3- ll-1960 Shirl~y Berr;iice _Lietz ·ch:;R.ichar~. ~~llon b :5-30-1962, . , . . . , . l.Inrk ·Lynh ~-=6-19-1963 . - . ·_ ·•...... ·. - -; M2593_2 Berth.;J "c~rrie Fowler b :11-24~1879 d :1!-17:..1951: . ni(ls"t). Henry Sereno . . . Snuth.,. m(2d) Clark Osborn LymDn. Ch ·of m:Harry .Abbott b:8- 9-1901 . . . · M2·59.33 Rena M:10·· Fovvler ·b :5-26-1883 d :1916 m:12-22-1901 Harrison J Tnl­ bott .(b::9-15-1876) Ch!."Frank -: Victor (twin) b:9-28-190.3, Fern Frpnce~· -{twin) b:"9-28-1903,- G~orge VJashington b:2-22-1905, Hen­ ry Charles b:6-17-:-:L916 d:Jul 1916 · M25934 llyrtle l1nne Fo·w·ler· b:6-6~~900 , . . . 1125935 Ethel ¥.iildred Fowler b:6-12-1902. · 1A2594 George Emersqn Fov1ler b :10-23-186.3 d :5..:.16-1864 1~510 Fnnnie H~nnah Slntor d:11-11-1914 !lC25lQ.l Edwin J Da_ytori _d :-3-10-1938. Allurt.1 Allen .b.:1-9-186]._ d:+_Q-12-1932. 1'llen · · ·Truman· Dayton · m:-5-1-1918 Ethel 1-1 Pifer (b:4--20-:1896, dau of Ruth Pore arid \7illinm fJ Pifer) Ch:E.dw.i.n Junior· b :9-13-1919 m:10-12-1959 Eula lfmrion lk111 (b:2~19-1929, dati of Marion A K11.~li and Clyde Lyle Ylnll); Vlilliam. Allen·b:8-17~1924 m:8-26-1951 Nnomi_.Irene Terwilliger - . ··(b :3~25-1928, dau of Ula Ag~s .Hill. ·and · John Her~n Ter,v-i..lliger). William C Dayton d :1952/4 m:~ar:ri~ ---• · .. Change death year of -~t,rtha A: Rose·ct.ans. to 1893·. · Berthn Dnyton b&d :1862; ·Elma Pe'1rl Dayton: b-:6-9..:.1$66. ·_d:1-21-1949· · m_~2-22~1893 Vlalter Payne w'fespeaker (b:6-21~186·7· d:5~19~1937,. son of."Eliznbeth Quayle and lfil­ liam Vlesp_e-oker). ·Ch:Lucilie• ~-rie b:2-15-1895 d:.9-~.7-l•.895,r Pauline ld b :1~19..:1902 :· · . . .· . . - . . Change birth year of~ Emmn· ·.Arab·e1:i=e·· Dayton: tp 1866 .-- . : · -~- Horace Dayton b :9-7-1833· a-:·9-16-19:l.3 m:Delia Andre~s {b :6-29~1840 d :9-1- . -1917) . ~ · . . _: · . . - . . ·. _, 12961 Homer Dayton b :1872 _ m:11~~1896 - :Elizabeth· E ;Drown (b·:·5-28-i878 d :12-30- 1951) · . - . M296ll Howard Dclyton b :3-19-1897 m::ll-16~i92i. Ruby _Bechtel (b :2-5-1899)-. Evelyn . : · Cnrol b:7-2-1927 m:4-2·2:..1950 Gi:}.. Christen (or· Christian) Ch:Diane l~rie b:1-5-1951, Elaine Renee b:i2-31-1951, Gregory Lee b:9-23-1961 M29612 Clyde 1I Dayton b:8-19-1898 m:(lst) 8-4-1935 Eleanor Holbury (b:8-4-19:U.. d:8-2-1954) m:(2d) 8-4-1957 Gertrude S Hall (b:J-9-1899) Ch:Bcverly !,lay b:9-6-1937 m:1954 Dennis Shafer (b:4-21-1936) ch:Deborah b:9-12- 1954, Cynthia 6uc b: 8-30-1956, Timothy YJilliam b :Sept 1961; Louise 1143 f:1nn b:7-28-1941; IJary Lou b:10-6-1942 m:11-19-1960 Herman Kerr (b:6- . 6-1942) ch:Tcrcsc:i j{aric b:12-22-1961, Kathryn Sue -b:2-4-1962 }l44 Josiah B Dayton I s death yenr may hnve been 1848. lfury Lnngdon Scovill (b: 10-26-1817 d:,,1-20-1882, dnu of Ruth Hooker LDngdon and Samuel Brown Scovill~; she m:2d 2-8-1853 George i1twood) M442 John D Dayton d :aged 34, m:Sarah l1 ---. Vlillinm Frederick 1,v-ns 5 years, 4 months at denth. tJ444 Henry.-Dayt-on d·:8-23-1825. 1115 . Hannnh Titus was dau ··of Juden Titus. 115:J. Spencer Dnyton- '.had two . dn ughters. '· · -

M43 Change death year of Zadoc Dayton to 1866. 124

1-1:528 (now omitted) Eloiza Dayton b:7-2-1821 d:4-9-1825 M543 Ar-vid D~y-ton b:9-12-1812 d:9-1-1892 m(lst) 1-7-1840 Sarah Bristol m(2d) 5-4- 1854 Urania·H Marsh (b:8-19-1830 d:5-12-1905) M5431 William Henry Dayton b:10-28-1840 d:1916 m:8-28-1863 Clara B Case (b~l846 d:10-16-1876) M54311 Catherine Davton b: 2-6-1874 m:9-5-1901 Samuel :Mowbray HaJnmond ~10- 24-1870, son of Frances A Howell and Samuel Mowbray H2nLmond) Ch: Elizabeth b:cl904 m: --- Garrett M54312 Jamys Morgan Dayton b: 5-~-1876 d:3-21-1950r:::5-l-190<) Mildred tb:8-2-1890 a:2-7-1955, dau of Rose Cook and William L Platt) M543121 Adele Da~on b: 5-6-1911 m: 6-17-1938 Herbert M Cady \D :!-6-1911 son of Viole~ Stover and Leo Mills Cady Ch:Nancy Logan b: ±~4,1-1939, Deborah _ b:8~19-1941, Herbert Mills Jr b:12-25- M543122 James .AJ_dy~e Dayton b: 2-25-1913 m(lst) l-13-l9LJ.O :Edith C Grif­ fiths J m 2d) 4-19-1963 Betty Bell _tb:4-9-1925, dau of Peai·l Leon.'tla erman and Retus Leon Bell9 she m:lst Alfred . Lee Knaub) Ch:Diana .b:6-2~-1941, Virginia M b:2-15-1943 d:1952, James William b:3-17-1950 _ . M54313 Louis C Dayton d: 9-4-1866 ae l yr 6 nio · . · M5432 Fmily Jane Dayton b:10-15-1844 d:8-29-1873 m:9.:..7-1869 Eugene Brown (b~7-· 18-1847 d:1917, son of Sarah Bacon and· Asaph Brownph:son (d:ae 3 yrs) M5433 Dwight Bristol Dayton b:1-20-1847 d:3-14-1848 M5434 Laura Whittlesey Dayton b:6-16-1858 d:3-27-1860 M51-t-35 Mary Urania Dayton b:3-3-1861 d:9-25-1941 unm · M5436 Arvid 11arsh Dayton b:3-2-1863 d:11-17-1918. m·:~ary Ellen ("Nellie") Birge· . (b:5-3-1870d:May 1946, dau of Eliza M Hewitt and Allstine Miller Birg~ M54361 Birge Stillson Dayton b:3-4-1891 m:9-15-1929 Mary Etta Gates (b:9- 3-1901, dau of Emma Pauline Higley and_ Lyman -Eldridge Gates) M543611 Birge Lyman Dayton b:7-19-1930 m:6-17-1952 Isabelle Mae Al­ mond (b:10-22-1925, dau of Catherine and Ja.mes Henry Almond) Ch:.Deborah Anne b:12-25-1954, Robert Almond b:6- 29-1957, Linda Gates b:5-18-1960 M543612 George· Gates Dayton b&d:1932 M54362 Marjorie Enid Dcyton b:6-7-1896 M5437 Estey Fuller Dayton b:1873 d:Dec 1915 m:1900 Lucy Pinckney Lodge (b:1876, dau of Charlotte Pinckney and William B Lodge) M54371 Cedric Lodge Dayton b :12-21-1901 . ~: 9-5-1929 .. Norma Helen Krueger . - (b:12-21-1900, dau of Sophia -Sprick and Henry Krueger) M543711 Dorcas Krueger Dayton b:1-20-1931 m:9-24-1954 Theodore Allan Jones (b:3-28-1930, son of Marjorie Bull and T Allan Jones) Ch: Kenneth Dayton b: 4-27-1955, Douglas Allan b: 5-11-1957, William Nelson b:9-22-1958 M543?2 1"1alcolm Pinckney Dayton b:1903 d:1907 . M54373 Helen Marsh Dayton b:1904 m:1921 George F.d.ward Lane Jr . M543731 Patricia Lane b:1922 m:1949-Ralph Jacquemin. Ch:Mark b:1950, Christopher b:1954, Sarah Elizabeth b:1958 . M543732 George Edward Lane b:1932 m:Mary Loti -----. Ch:Thomas b:1959, David b:196o, John-Dayton b:1961, Elizabeth b:1962 . M54374 Urania Bartlett Dayton b:ll-8~1910 m:1938 Clement Austin Fuller Jr (b:4-9-1908, son of Louise Fuller DeHart and Clem.8nt ~ustin Ful­ ler Sr) Ch:Madana Pinckney b:5-6-194½,Urania Bradley b:4-15-1943 M54375 Laura Pendleton Dayton b:Au£ 1912 m:filwin Frank Jr M54376 J\lfred C Dayton b:11-22-1913 . · M54377 Esther Latimer Dayton b: Apr 1915 m!William B Patter.gill·.· Ch ~1.-Jill:lam Dayton b:1948, Jonathan b::L9S3 -· · · · M5t.1. Ca4r0line n:1yto:n-b:2-h-1~15 d:2-12-.1~16 -125 l.1545 Julius Scoville (b :12-1-1818 d :1-21-1859, son of :~nna Ames and Ro__ sewell Scoville; he m:2d 1844 NJncy Carolyn .~µttpn).._ no.:-ch ?:1547 Squire Scoville was son of An_ria /\mes· ahd.· Ros.eweli. sc·oville .·:· · 11548 D:iadamn Je~nettc Stoc~ell b.:cl-834·. · '• ··· ·. · · · . . _, ,,,... ( ...... 1~154811 . . FrDn·cis .Buckle~ _Gooden,0~1.gI1 .9: $-5-1964· . . . . , . .· . . . · 1:15483 ·. ~Add'··Henry b:1878/9·~ ·. Henry Beach ·wqs,'_~'.on of. HE¥-Z.ekinh Bench. ).-1549 ·. . G?roline Dnyton. d:1~10-;1898 ._.. . . -.:.. .. ·. -~. _·. ·· ,.· 1155 · /1 5th child of tb~-~ .c·oup~~· :\VDs .Hannah who m:Orrin (or· Tuttle" Ch:4. - . , ' ... . . - ' l-i513 This ent.ire entry. is cxp~·ncfe~- to." ·rend: , ...... i:1573 Orpha Dayton·b:7-22~1821-d:l-19~1889 m:11~10-1840·trill_ard~ Roberts. . .. · I:I5_73l l~lbert Dtryton, R9oerts·:· p:9-4..1.l84l :_. d :10-14.;,..1904 ·. in:l0•d4--l868 Cl9rjj).da ·: 'Jnne -~101r-~ (b":1852. d :3-:-14..:..1886, drni. 9f Pin'nah. ~utz· and ·.Jacob· i·;~lf) 1:157311 Sheridan Lincoln Roberts b:3.:..14i1869 m:· · ~---. -~-=...; ~ Ch :M:Ur;r.el.1 1?;;10-9-1~99, }:auli'ne Lo~se _b:·6.~14-19:()2,. !41rie Eliznbeth 'b··: 4.;.23..;..l 905,-. Huber. Joseph 'b :12'....23-1907, ·_S~e.f:~dan illfred .P: 9- . 1-191'0, .Allen Curtis b:8-27-19)..3, Elizabeth ~nna -·.b:7--31~1915 1[5 7312 "Willard Henry. Roberts b :2·-26-=1871 . tn:.¥"t,, J:Iu:r~ny (6·:3~26- 1874). Ch\Raymond l!urray b :6~,J.5-1895 d_:10-10.. 1918, Maude

· Catherine Camp b:ll-26-=-1896.'(m:Langdon.. . . Whitmore), Al~ert. r Dayton b :10~25-1898:, Elizab~~h L6niax b. :6-3~1902,. Hazel .Le- nqra .b:11~15-1903, i.:rargar·et· .:Jessie. :b:l-ll..;1909, Leah \[:ir- ginia _b ·;_3.:23-1911, \!il1ard Henry~ ·Jr b:-8-2-.1914 .· · . '.;. .. __ ., ... '_ • • .. • . . • , ' . • • • • I . ·.-na;-7313 Arthur Allen Roberts b:6-7-~873. _·d:8-:-11-194_5, -m:Lydia·. Clements. Ch :Reginald· b :~ 901 d :1,946 .- •.: . < .· ·: :'•. '· .: . ~ >:r :. , }J57314 Fran..'k: Jacob Roberts b:5-6-1875 m:4-14~1900-Alcda· .Johnson·.· ·;.Cb;, Clarence b :1901, !1fa ry ·. Ei.iza·bGttr>};) :1903, _. B~_rtna ... · Corinne•·: bl 1903, Frank Jr b:1910, Earle·_ Vin~ent b_:19U.; .son,-(d at b); YlaltE?r GunnLlrd.- b :1920 . · . ·:· - . . . . .·. M5931$·-J&Jry Mc· .Rol:>~rts :b:7..;.26-1877 _·.·m:5-22-1~98. E8rly !:filler. Ch: _ .... · ~Bertse.~l. b:il-24-1899; Lura,. Ju•anita, ·Lulu .,. H5 7316 ·Delbert Frederick Roberts b :8-27-1879 .d :.11-14-1912:. ; -m:6-1-1902 ltittic Co0nts (dnu of Eli-zabe~1i Jliil ~nd Lair· D .. Coonts) ·: lf5 73161 Ruth Elizabeth Roberts: b·:7-9~1903--. m:9--24-1923 Charles . . Ed.gnr -H~ ugh. (b:1-22-1£94 ·.son.of Min.¢:e Alice,: ______7 . ?ind Tolbert :rotter Haugh) ...... I . : • . · M57316ll J:~1:thn .Alice ·Haugh· 6·:6-25.:..1926 : m:8~7-1948 Richn.rd. .­ .; Hoxie l.fiddleton. Ch :fdch~rd Jr b :1-16-1951, Rob-~···, ert Gnry b:8-3-1953, John.Charles b:9..;11~1954, IIrri; Cornelius b:6-19-1958 ·. · · ·: · · ·. H5731612,. ..C;hnrles·- Rpland Hnugh h.:2.:..1~1.929_ m~ll.-20-1953 Eliz~. · ... ab~th. bpn· Oglesby;·. ·Ch :Lnir Dqyton b :.8-16-1956, '. ·. · - . David Roberts b: 8-2-1958 . - .. 1.-1573162 i\lbert Paul Ro.berts · (dy) · · · .11573163 ·Edith Fern Roberts b :8-2-1909 m:J--_7-:l,.93,_l Kenneth ·1 Trim.:...- ble. Ch :Sus

M575 This entry is expanded to re~d: 1-1575 Harvey Dayton b:l.iar 1s24· m:2-27-1849 Anna ( or Annis) A Castle. Ch:Frnn1~ llillDrd b :Dec 1811.9/51 m:1874 Me hitable Golden. ch:Ealli e; Seymour b: Feb 1852 d:unm.;Thtrza b:!A'ar 1853 m:1878 lilbert Trs-or: ch:Hc,-~!crd, F~:-ed .; Annis b :Apr 1854 m:Sanford Coggins; Binor b :i)ec 1856 d: ~-92h; 1:stley b: Aug 1859 m:1881 Nellie S :Hix (b :1861 d :1893) ch:Flora (!:1:VJrn :'Jard), .Al­ ice; L3ura Ellen b :Jul 1860/2 m:4-22-1882 Newell Francis (b: 3-4-1853 d :5-12-1931, son of Hnrriet N Vlnrron and Hubert FrCJncis llight- . man) ch:H F b:3-16-1887; Hobart b :ii::r 1864; Corn 1::&d :1867; lilice b&d: 1869; L:!vinio b&d:1873; Isabella Lavinia b&d:1877 ?\(576 Cbange year of mnrriage to 1845. M5763 Anson Allen Rice d:1905 M.577 Change marri:;ge dnte to Jul 4 1852. Henry Augustus was .adopted. M578 Emn,a Gorrma wns dnu of Elizabeth --- and Thomns Gorrnna. Lncius VJarren d: 1932-: M5710 Emm~ liercy Wright b:3-18-1836 d:10-6-1918 M5710392 m:B~tty .tilma Duyser. Ch:Todd Christopher b:5-7-1963 115711-- Levi Lester Dayton d:2-6~1915 t.i58- A ch:tl.d of Justus Dayton Jr d:4-1-1815 ae 1. · . b:cl795 ]{510 Archibald Dayton b:cl 797 d:11-28-1863 m:1-1-1827 Lophelia --- (vv~ d01r1 of - Levi Brunson/Bronson). lin Lruant son of· /1rchibald Dayton d:4-9-183l:.$ M:5101 . Jane Parnmlee wns b:c: 825 1i510132- }1.eurice Doolittle d :3-3-1964. -- H51"Ql3222 Add ~h:Jeffery Erinn b:7~14-1963 ~151Ql33 Archibald Dayton d :4-11-1~4 U645 Marriage year v,as 1849 1173 ·Add ch: Alma m:11-27-1829 David f,i Coles; Erastus m:!\,~ria ----- (d:11-20- 1870 ae 52). Oliver l[erriam b:8-16-1779 d:1-21-1857, son of nc1ru:~h Fenn and John 1'l9r;riam; he md 2d 1836 Celia Bunnell.

M9 Tabithn Vlelton d :4-9-1813. 1191 Elizabeth Beardsley's father was Solomon Wheeler Beardsley. H913 Samuel Nye v1ns son of Lydia Beardsley and El:tjnh Nye. ~1911 Electa Nye was dau of Lydia Beardsley and Elij:::h lTJro. lf917 Sar.~h Dean ·weston was dnu of Grenville Dean Vhsston. Hnttie Louise m~--- Smeod(?) l-!9411 d:ae 21 11949 Harriet DDyton d:12-30-1848 1195 Harriet Dayton rn(lst) 12-19-1819 Isaac \'Iilcox. Ml.023 Samuel Tyler· Dayton d :2-21-1895 m:10-12-1859 1[o3 .t\sa Fenn d :1-13-1866 ne 82 Ml041 John VIoodword Dc.1yton 1s yea:t: of death wDs 1888. Frances. V-Jelton d :12-30- ·- 1902 1410411...... John Dayton d:l-16-1859 ae 3 mos lqQ43 }furriage dnte: 6-3-1863 Jilli VJilliam Dayton d:11-28-1853. i; son R8nry d:.8-23-1825 ae 6

!IT221:,,-- Frances I!Iinerva b:1842 d:1865 .m.:Rodney Dennis (b:1834 d:1883). Ch:Heien Goodw1;--n m:Jefferson •

1Qd.54 Apgelihe Eliza Dayton d :2-5-1901 m:Adon VJestcott. Ch :2 1✓11155 James Madison Dnyton d:1910 m:lliryette Robinson (b:cl840 d:1933) 1~551 Myron Robinson Dayton m:Maude ------. Ch:Dorothy; .}lice (m: --- Forni) 1~552 Izora Dnyton m:Haynard A Boorman. Ch:Bny Ifil553 Lyman Iwnsley Dayton b:11-8-1867 d:1964 m:4-15-1896 Lulu .. Eunice Nimbar (b:10-8-1871, dau of Clnriss3 1:1 klwrence and Peter Nimbar) 1'11!_5531 Iva l~rilln Dayton b:7-30-1899 d:12-14-1918 1.11,!5532 I!ierlon Dayton lfil5533 Clara l~rietta Dayton b:12-1-1904 m:Charles E Vos­ hall (b:10-4-1898, son of 11arga·ret Smith and William Dnvis Voshall) 11115 5331 1fa rvan Russel Vos hall b: 8-13-1923 m:10-28- - l945 Pauline Croy (b:11-26-1922., dau of Myr­ tle Provance and Noah Shadrack Croy) r!l.155332 Vvilliam Dale Voshall b'·:9-24-1926 m:1-6-1951 - Betty· -.Haugan (b:8~17-1931, dau of Gladys VInttnem and Oscar Haugen) Ch:vfm Dana b:8-5- 1956, Derek Charles= b:5-25-l959 . !!1155333 Charles E Voshall Jr 9:11-19-1930 m:Ila C ~ · Davis (b:6-15-1936,· dau of Christine Miller nnd Ray Davis) Ch:Donald ~ b:6-19-1955, Pau­ line Rae b_:6-5-1956, Lo·rna Gaye b:2-10-1959 Ml.155334 .George !-..i:lnley Voshall b·:9-20-1932 m:6-4-1955 - Helen Zaba (b:5-14-1931) · Ml.155335 Vilas Vern Voshall b:ll-~7-1928 m:12-21-1952 ~ ·Helen Barth (b:7..,18-1932, dau of Ida Daum ·· ·and Stephan Barth) Ch:P·amela Joy b:8-1-195~ Vesta Vicki b:12-22-1954 ?1n155336 Clair Jay Voshall b:9-18~1941 m:7-19-1961 Je- - neanne Hutchinson (b:10-2-1940, dau of Ro­ berta Vlalker and John I:Iutchinson) Ch:Kevin Michael b:4-4--1962, r{onicn :M b:3-29-1963 Mll5534 Adon Vlestcott Dayton· b:2-20-1909 m:7-13-1935 Viv­ ian Sophia· Kempton (b:6-6-1914, dau of Sophi~ !!agnuson ~nd S~nford Smith Kempton) H]:155341 Jean i\llyn Dnyton b:4-6.-1936 m:6-1-1958 Dean Clark LaDue (b :10-7-1937, son of Irene Go­ ert and ---- LaDue) M1155342 Lowell Roger Dayton b :6-7-1939 · · 1fil55343 Jerome Lee Dayton b:8-3-1941 m:9-1-1963 Jul­ ie 1;nn Kane (dau of Ollie Vveaner and Glen

Kane) · c_• 1~55344 Vern::1 Faye Dayton (twin) b:8-15-1945 1'.Qd.55345 Merna Gaye Dayton (twin) b:8-15-1945 L~5535 ,;rdis DeLila Dayton b:1-20-1911 m:2-3-1931 Vlendel-1 PcJul B.3lcs (b:3-10-1905, son of 11j3ta Bhindhart and John Elwood Dales) . MJ..155351 John Elwood Bales b:9~6-1931 m:4-28-1962 Ka- - ren 1Jiller (b:11-30-1942; dau of Clnra K Hy- lem and Fred C lli.ller) . Nl.155352 Dunne Lee B~lcs b:6-20-1934 m:Galen Guilford - (b :4-11-1931, son of Elln 'Weiss and Lcvuna Guilford) Ch:Kevip Lee b:9-24-1955, Judy . Lynn b :4-12-1957, Dennis VJendell b:ll-26-1959 128.

·rJtl5535·3 V(ynona May Fales ·b·:l-?~:31-1936 m: 6-3-1956 Dean ! -:- = ·. · Timotay· (son. of Nellie Stovick and Paul Tim- . 'othy) :-Ch-:Scott Dean b:5-2-1957, Lindell S . ·, ' b·: 6~~-1962. ·m155354: Vlesley Dean Bales b.:9-7-1939 MIT55355 Eldon LeRoy Bales b.:8-26-1941 .. MIT.55.356 Douglas Carlton Bales b:7-14-1949 Ml.1554 -Calista· Dayton m:}ierman Dodge. Ch:Howard MIT555 Reed 1lestcott Dayton w}"556 Bertha_ Daytqn b :11-16-1875 d :6-1-1960 m:6-21-1899 Lev1is · -:-· · Viells· :(b·:~2-20-1873, son of Eliz2beth Neue and John , Vve·lls) ··· · ·. · . ID.15.61 Hernan ·Yle:11s ·. ·.... ; ·lli562 Hazel·. Budd ¥Tells b :7-3-1901 m:Carl J Lobenstein - ·... (b:6-27-1898, son of Minnie Ditburner and Joseph Lobenstein) Ch:~ern~rd, Helen, Laurence, bfuriel, . · Joan, Jo,yce,, .Jos·eph·, Janet Mll563 Martha-Wells b:10-10-1902 _:r.[I564 Esther· vifells m:Rudy Bagg Ml.1565 Isabel \fells m:Cl&.rence Bro1Vn. Ull566 J~ffry·Wells m: ..;,;~~- ----. Ch:Jeffry, Lorslee, :- Lewis • · Judv • . . ., .. • •J Ml.1561 Florence Ylells·m:Arnold Grover. Ch:Esther, Philip, - Durlin: Mil568 Blanche Vlells m:Edward Gokey Mli569·B~ssie·Weils m:Arnold Grover. Ch:Darryl, Dawn (twin · -. __.:..,;_ ·' (: tvd.n)·· :· · : ; · · ' .. , ·1fri5610· Chester· ·V-Iells m:Lillian Dodge. Ch :Donna, Dick, ...... -·.· -•· .;.-~, Donald. Duane . , . - , Mll56 Add ·'ch: ·2 · · ···· Gid~'on:f!Iatthew Dayton b:l-20.;.1825 d:5-29~1897.~.(or Jun 1898) m:1848 l~ry Hll58~·· ··.Coon (dau· or··Hester Sherman arid-Conrad Coon) Their children v-rere: til.1581- Merlin Co·on.. Dayt·ori b:10-11-1858 11:Agnes Barnes (daa of Nancy - .. ··· ·. Orr and··watren Barnes) Ch:: 3 (including Alta LuellA b:1- , . 10:...1885) · · .! . · l'JJ .. 1582 Adon ~Jestcott Daytb'n b:4-1-1868 .. Lfil583 Jeanette Angeline Daytori· • · ...

Ml.27 ·This. section• . . ·is exoandedl: to read: . --- 1ri.27 Clarissa· B· Munson b:2~18-1803 d:6-18-1859 m:1-1---1824 Eli Nichols (b: - ll-?3-1795 d:cl878, son of Elizabeth Knapp and Ezra Nichols) ·-' ig?l Clarinda S Nichols b :5-11-1825__ m(lst) Henry Vfare, m(2d) John . . licVJillia ms \. M~l,72· Sarah-·E··Nichols b:8-30~1827 .m:Era-stus ~ggleston 1111273 John Nichol·s b:2~10-1831 d :5-25-1899 m:1856 Jane Cleroonts (b: - 1839 d:1927, dau of

.. ·;i.951, Christina b:11-29-1953; Helen Isabel b:8- 29-19~6 m:Rayn~rd Endecott ch:Randall, Stephen, Walter, Philip E· . M.12732 Arthur· C Nichols b:9-1-1863 m:3-15-1893 Eva F Bell - lU27321 Robert Brest Nichols b:6-16-1894 m:Estelle Moore - lW3211 Helen ··Jane Nichols m(lst) James 0' Neille; · m( 2d) Lou Longo. Ch of 1st m: Douglas Ml.2?3212 Robert Moore Nichols b:12-24-1934 m:Jerrv ._...... ' tJ S};relton lYil.27322 Maud Ethel Nichols b:4-9-1896 m:Orin 1/iT Love (d: - 1927) . Ch:Orin W m:Josephine Meyers ch:Orin \N Jr 1·~7323 Myrtle Ione Nichols b:3-16-1898 m:1930 John I Shaw Ch:Lorine m:1952 Ernest Conrad ch:dau b:1954 }a.27324 Harold Ernest Nichols m:Erline Robinson. Ch:Har- - old, David ill.27325 Evelyn Ruth Nichols b:10-27-1903 m:Thomas McGraw - Ch:Ruth m:Glen ?-1:cKee ! Mg?33 Clara j:Jichols m(lst) -··-- Winn, m(2d) --- La}lont, m(3d) ---- Fairbanks Mg733l. X~cey Jolm Winn ·:~7332 ~~r:J;es f!:upert Winn b:8-22-1894 m:9-20-1913 Bessie · · ·. · ~Atchell. · Ch:Charles Rupert Jr b:7-30-1914 m: ------ch:Kent Eugene b:1945, Janie Darlene b:2-4-1947:, Howard H b:5-2-1920 m:------ch: Carrie Lee, Dennis Dale; Helen Darlene b:3-3~ 1925 m:1946 -- Moore ch:Pamela Jeane b:1950 · Ml27333 Julia Winn m:Paul Hutchins Ch:~Jina m:------ch: - son, dau · ' MJ..2734 John Brett Nichols b:2-23-1872•· m:1-1-1896 H Lois Austin - No ch· Ml.274 Olive A Nichol.~ .b.:7-30-1835. d:6-2-1836 1:-]1275 Cyrithia A Nichcii~-1:b :-'9~17-1~7 · m::William Norton Ml276 Ezra W Nichols b:12~10-1841 m:Laura Hill _ . Mg77 Henrie~ta C Nichql.s ~b;l0-3-1844 m:George W Corbet~ Ml3 Urace Hitchcock was born l?-27-1771. A chil~ of MU d:4-~3-1791, ae l; · ~ a,n~ther child dt"l0.:....9-1801, ae 1. . . · 1-0.317 A son Frank'··c Robertson b:7-7-1866 m:3-13-1899 lvlinnie Pomeroy (b:11-1- - . 1866, dau of Enos Pomeroy). Ch:2 daus (one dy)· t0.316 Mich~el Dayton d:4-27-1903 m:Tonna Lantz (d:1926) - Ml.3161 1-iaud E Dc1yton d:6-30-1961 m(lst) 1898 Conrad Delvin Kessler m(2d) 1-5- - 1916 Andrew Demott Austin 1'1131611 Glenn:-H Kessler m:------..- ~ ,.Ch:son b:cl926 d:6-19-1965 Ml3l612 Francelia Evelyn Kessler b:9-18-1906 m:10-18-1929 !J.fred &!ward - Lupton, (b-;3~10~19<12,d;.l?.~~~95).. ., ~~Q.~ •. o~ Nellie Fetters and .Al- . bert 11 Lupton) ' · A: :__ . _· ~~ . ~- . __ · · · , .. lfill6121 Charles·ed Lupton b:8-14-1930 m:12-7-1957 Nellie 1-ic ·1ire 1·J!.1I.316122 Evelyn Elizabeth Lupton b:2-28-1934 m·:10-19-1957 Donald Rei- ·- ners Ch:Donald William b:12-12-1959, Jimmy b:ll-9-196o,. Richard.b:6-6-1962, a1arlcs Alfred b:4-18-1964 ~16123 Ruth Frances Lupton b:12-13-1935 m:1-16-1955 Gail H Dickey Ch:Barbara Ellen b:9-2-1957, Gail Jr, Robert b:1-5-1963: 1vn.i16124 Pauline Irene Lupton b:?-9-1938 l·U.31613Charles Raymond Austin-b:10.~.24~1916 d:10-4-1952 m:Phyllis ----~ - (she m:lst an Etheridge, 2d a 1·Jeiman, 4th a Whitlock) Ch:Gary (or Chas R Jr) b:3:.10~19,2 --:·~ · · ,. ··· · · }113162 Herbert D~vton b:12-9-1874 d:11-23-1961 m:8-15-1911 Loretta Einery (d:12- - l?-1950; she m:·lst ---- Jqhnson) 130

Ml34 This item·is r$Vi~ed to·read: . MJ..34 ·Pamelia 'Payton . b:10-8-1795 - d:5-27-1871 m:3-6-1817 Erastus Davenport - (b:'ir-~11~1793·_-· d:.10-27-1856, son of Lydia Metcalf and Noah Daven- .. :.po~t) · · ·· 1~41 ··rtoah W P.a:venport b:·12-27~1$18 · M~J+2 Marie Anne Davenport b! 9-30-1820 d: 3-27-1913 m: 9-25-1841 /J.fred · Bennett Grant (b: 2-20--1817 d: 8-3-1$72, son of Mehi table Firman and James P Grant) Ml342i Emily M Grant b:1-9-1848 d:6-4-1866 unm. mJ422 Ellen Grant b:1-2-1850 d:2-26-1914 m:James Shrader (b:12- - 7-1845 d:9-11-1893) MJ..34221 Fred Shrader b:2-28-1877 m:5-10-1899 Belle Vaughn - · (b:5-7~1878 d:l-4-1958, dau of Viola Grant and Herbert U Va~ghn) .M1342211 Ho:w:ard Shr~er b6-ll-1902 m:9-8-1925 Madelene - --- Danforth (b:6-23-1902 d:4-13-1959., dau of :Mary Stewart and Clifford G Danforth) no ch Ml.34.222 ·Clara Shrader b:11-6-1881 d:5~1-1959 m(lst) William - H Grime· ·m(2d) 4~23~1913 Andr-ew Jamison Scott (b: . 10-7~i871 . d:3_-29-1940, sor;i of Mary Bell and Wil- · 1iarn Scott) · -~(1st) Howard Jories~-->MJl.42221 .. Dorq\hy G~iJ!le ~:ll-3-~-903 tb:2-~6-1902) m(2d} Ml342222 ·Jeanette Scott, b:8-22-1916 m:1vatson Cline Robert Bruce · -~ -~-- · · (b:i~25:""'.'1~9< sori·:·o-f Ada P Morris and Eer- rill· M ClineJ . Mll4222_2t ~ancy }[L~~ne Cline b:4--11-:!..941 m:5-7- . · _ 1961 Richard O Halterman J:i.A (b:7-23- 1939, son of Ruth N Shank and Richard 0 _Halt.erman Sr) Ch:Jeannette Ruth b:l­ Jb·-1962 Ml.3422222 M Andrew Cline-b:6-30-1942 m:7-14-1961 ~. Carol J fu'1.dersen (b:S-26-1942, dau of ·, Anria Mae Gilli~an a~d ID:iward Andersen) -Ch :"S-cott Andrew b:3-29-1962 MlJ422223 Ruth Ellen Cline b:l-26~1946 m:8-23- ~ 1964 Ro~ert H Strasser (b:2-3-1943, son . of Theresa Rupp and Robert L Strasser) Ml.3423 Jcamette C Grant b:3-4-1854 d:10-2-1925 m:9-22-1885 Le -=-- • , . Qrand Treadwell (b:l0-9~1854) ~423-1 J. io·gan Treadwell . ·1:,:8.:..12:...1887 m:11-18-1908 Hazel · · · Grace Terpening (b:4-26-1888, dau of Mary Etta Fox and Jerome Terpening) Ml342311 F l;Iorton Treadwell b:10-28-1909 m:6-21-1936 - l{ercdith Dayton Nichols(Ml.142231 b:9-15-1910 dau . of Bessie A Dayton and Harold E N:..chols) Ch:Richard James b:4-30-1937, Randall Lee b~ 7-6-1942, Margaret Ann b:5-1-1947 MU_424 Roderick A Grant b:1-24-1856 d:3-14-1934 unrn ~425 Lincoln C Grant b:8-12-1861 d:11~9-1942 m.:2-25-1886 Eliza Bolles (b:11-13-1866 d:7~17-1929, da.u of Ann Porter and Robert Bolles) Ch:Pearl -R b:9-9-1893 . Mll43 William Ira Davenport . b:9-2-1822 d:4-16-l'J07 m:5-16~181;.7 tiar- - garet Phillips (b:4-12-1827- d:l-20~1884) M!2_4~1 Henrietta Maria Davenport b:6-4-1848 m:9-2-1868 Daniel Nettleton Ch:dau (adptd) Mll432 Sctrah Emily Davenport b: 5-12-1g50 m:3-5-1878 John Price Mll4321 Lena Price d:1947 m(lst) JE:;r1es /J_f"ord m(2d) -----­ ----- (no ch) 131

m_3433 William Ira Davenport Jr b:5-26-1852 m:Sarah Pierce(noch) f.1U434 qunelia.Catherine Davenport b:9-3-1853 d:5-16-1861 1'113435 Joseph Philip Davenport b:11-13-1855 d:L.-26-1931 m:3-24- - 1889 Sarah Margaret P9rter (b:9-17-1800 d:1-31-1941) Ml34351 Alice Vict9ria p9-venpo~) b:3-7--1890 d:5-15-1949 m: - Glen Christy· rno ch Ml1,4352 William Ira Davenport III b:5-26-1892 d:l-13-1957 l-11]_4353. Dorothy Davenport b:3-31-1894 m:William Duffus Find­ .... lay (b:Oct 1892) Ml343531 Willia."ll Davenport Findlay b:6-7-1930 m:Sept - . 1951 Margene Gillen (b:5-25-1930) Ch:William . · _Gillen b:5-5-1952, Laura Ann b:5-27-1953 MU,4354 John Porter Davenport b:9-10-1897 }Jll436 Alice Victoria Davenport b:9-13-1858 d:l-31-1939 m:11-5- . · 18:95 Romanzo E Lacey · Mll.4361 Romanzo El.on Lacey b:.3-12-1898 m:1-6-1925 Delvia · Irene White (b:3-15-1904) MJl.43611 Melvin Elon Lacey b:3-15-1927 m:8-5-1950 Marr ion Elizabeth Locer (b:7-17-1930) Ch:Gayl~ . Eliza.beth b:1-7-1956, Teri Lynn b:11-23-1958 ~43612 Roger· Eugene Lacey b:7-1-1929 m:8-10-1952 Ca- . rol Jean Owen (b:9-14-1931) Ch:Irene Elizq~ beth b:1-6-1955, Carol Jeanne b:5-8-1956·, Roger Eugene Jr b:3-13-1958, David Philipp; 8-18-1960 .. ~43613 Romanzo Ju.ton Lacey b:6-30-1934 m:10-3-195~ · Virginia M Foley (b:9-2-1935) Ch:Jennif~f Ann b:8-14-19f:JJ, Jeffrey f.J.ton (adptd) b:~; . 11-1964 }fil44 Sanniel Davenport b: 6-2-1825 · ·· · Ml1,45 Chauncey Davenport b:8-4-1827 d:12-8-1851 m:4-26-1849 Mary Elizabeth \rfood (or Mary Foley) Ch:Pamelia b:7-1-1850 ·. .- MJ:146 Dwight Davenport b:6-15-1829 m:1-31-1855 I~argaret Hickman (or Heckman) ·. lql461 Charles T Davenport b:12-30-1858 m:1-25-1881 Mary Stubbs (dau of Lucinda Gunn and Andrew Stubbs) Ch:Lena M, Barbara E lq.147 Harper Boies Davenport b:5-4-1831 m.:Aug ·1858 Mary Ellen Hoagland 1fil48 Joseph H Davenport .b:-3-28-1833 d:4-4-1800 m:2-13-1861 Sarah Buck:i.nghaJr(.(b:l-2-1834 d:11-18-1901, dau of Polly Hendry and 'William Buckingham) _ M!2,4Sl Hattie Davenport b:5-19-1862 d:1-20-1946 m:Chauncey H~ ilton (b:1-29--1858 d:1-19-1938, son of Susan MattiQ~ and Calvin Hamil ton) · Ml34811 Nellie Hamilton b:8-29-1887 m:Howard Cocks (son of - Harriet Dodge and Thomas Cocks) . : lD..34$12 Mabel Hamilton b:2-7-1892 . Ml34813 Marion Hamilton b:5-:30-1895 m:Willis J Pells (b:12~ - 22-1892) - - )Q148131 Jean Pells b:8-14-1922 m:Cy:rus Fitton. Ch; Lawrence Rudd b:1-5-1947, Marcia Hamilton b: 1-9-1951., Sarah Pells b:8-2-1956, Cyrus And­ rew b:3-23-1961 Ml348132 Louis Hamilton Pells b:5-2-1924 m:Ann Duncan - Ch:Gail D b:1-24-1952, Leah Hamilton b:7-4- 1955, John Philip b:l-21-1959, Mark Louis b: 5-15-1962 · Ml.34814 Fred Hamil.ton b:11-22-1897 m:Mira Smith ---·- Ml348141 James Srnith Hamilton b:7-20-1930 m:Jean More --- --· Ch:Carol Ann b:7--20-1_956, Barbara (_Toan b:11- . 23-1959 . M1348142 Ann .. Smith Hamilton -·b:8-2-1933 m:Charles M - · · Woods. Ch:Catherine, Anµ.b:6-8-1959-, Thomas Hamilton b:8-20...:1961. Ml34815 Mildred Hamilton b:10-2-1904 "Mti482Matilda Dav~~po~t· b:4-3-1864 d:10-10-1888 m(lst) 3-14- . 1882 :Charles- Clifford Gibbs (b:.11--30-1860 .d:9-21-1883, son·:of Lois Jenne~te Van "I)\lsen ( and Allen Shepherd 1 Gibbs) m( 2d) ~~-.:;, · :..---- · . • • • .Ml34821 Geor~e Francis Gibbs b:2-lO~iS83·d:2-28~1950 m:8-8- - . ,-~1906 i,ela Margaret. Proper (b:2-16.'..1890, dati. of .. Anna Young and Selah~ Proper) Ml.348211 Frances liargaret Gibbs b:7-29-1907 rn:7-1-1933 ,.. Ru.dolph Gorsch Sr (b:2-14-1904 d:9-14-1955) ·MJ.3482111 Rudolph Gorsch Jr b:10-22-1936 m~Jun - 196i Susan Allaben Ives (b:4-14-1940~ dau of ·Ruth Allaben and Charles K IvesJ Ch :Stephen_: Rudolph b :9-8-1963 Ml34$212 Howard Proper Gibbs t-:4-17-1~9 m:6-27-1942 -~. Marian H Lutz Ch.:Richard b:1-16-1945 Mll483 George B Davenport b:12-25-1$68. _.4::.2-20-1901 m!ll-27-1839 -. Fmilissa Hubbard (b:2-12-1872~ .. d.:~l-20-1933, dau of Mary . Lucy Dermison ar.rl Samuel Dans Hubbard) M!J.4831 Elsie· Davenport b: 9.;..2-189~ .. d :l?-23-1956 ·m:12-8-192h- · Walter Hall (b: 5-21-1895, sqri_ of Rva Pre:::-top ru:d James D Hall), · · · .. Ml.348311 Jean Hall b:4-23-1931 m:9-12-1953 Richard Lee ~ •;- (b:·7-6-1920, soti _of Katherine Shafer and · · ·John S Lee)· Ch:lialter John b:5-24-1954, Lor­ raine Susan b!5-ll-1955, Lori Jean b:7-22- 195..6 _ M!2_4832 Leland .. · Joseph Davenport ( twin) b:10-19-1900. m:10- . 10-1928 _Grace Danforth (b:i2-16-1902, dau of A.nna May Cooper ··and Everett. George Danforth) ~4s3·21 ·Joari ·Elizabeth Davenpo_rt_ b:1-8-1931 m:10-10- 19$3 Donald Curtis Louden (b:7-J3-1928, son of Earl Louden) Ch:Marla Ann b:7-13-1954, W~yne Christopher :b:9-~1-1955, Steven Donald . b:·7..:..17-1957, Graig David b:7-15-1959 ~4833_ Leta Davenport ( t\vin} b:-10-19-1900 m(lst) 9-10-19?.4 .. --Gould Van Dusen (b.:11-25-1898 d:11-6-1942, son of Sara~ Frances Henderson· and Frank F Van Dusen) ·. m(2d) 1947- William. Adair (b:12-4-1888 d:11-28- 1963, son of,-Susan. :._Doig and James Adair; he m:lst Lena· McLaury) ~48331 Ja~et Van Dusen b:4-5-1926 m:9-4-1948 David Royce-. Peters,on (b:3-27-1923, son of Amanda Maria Peterson and.David TI1eodore Peterson) Ch:Jill Lorraine b:6-17-1951, Lou b:7- 22-1954, Eric Jon b:11-70-1957, Scott David b:10-1-1961, Lisa Jo b:2-14-1964 M!l48332 Audrey Van Dllsen b:10-14-1937 m:9-28-1957 (h: 2~--1~-~lC:~/.!.. Carl Albert Sherman ' - , ...... ,, son of Gladys-Henderson and filbert Shern~n) Ch:Marc Warren-~b:6-9~1961, Lynne Rene b:4-13-1963 133

M:13484 Beriah E Davenport b:1869 r:i:9-20-1893 Lnna E Bruce (dau - of Louisa C Barrett and Ed:win Bruce) no ch ffi349 A11clia E Davenport b: 5-30-1835 d:9-7-1884 r1:5-2-1859 Richard - Phillips (son of Sara!1 Staddard and George Phillins; he 11( 2d) ~,fary E Harris) Ch :Williar1, Harry }113410 Henrietta Davennort b:7-11-1~37 d:3-10-1870 E 11 J N134ll..--- _,_....,_ 1{ary De.venport b:ll-19-1839 1:Beers Grant (b:l0-.16-7.83L,.\ d: 1-12-1899, son of Charity Beers and Hcnr::r f!:

Ml341ll_....__,. .,._,...... ,. ------Grant \,':""'l ·') ! ... l 2 G t .l."J...l...) L!.J-.. ------.,.r2..rl --...~ -- ?L~ll3 ------Grant ...... ·~ ... ~ M.13411/.i. ------Grant - ...... ~--~-- l.ft;hl-1_5 ------Grant Iv.rI31..j}~.-6 Henrietta Laura Gre.nt b:S-14-1874 d:l-21-1951 i:1:11-29- --- - 1894 Levi IDm~et Lester (b:4-30-1869 cl:4-10-1938) Ml341161 ------Lester M5:Jt,-il62~------, ------Lester ~f.L3li-llo3 ------Lester ·----- ._...... ,.. 'hf' "4,, 64 - 4- 1: l.J J_ 1_ ---·------Les u ar :tv113hli65 ------Lester l\i.L3l.1166 ------~ Lester Ml3°iif67 Nao;Ji L:J.cile T.ester b:10-23-1904 m:7-9-1929 Alvin _.._ -- C HaJ71·rood (b :}-7 5-1905, son of Mathilda Hopp and C11 ris t :·Lan Eayv,rood) 1"111}+]1_6'/"L P:1iJ.lip Eayw'Ood b:5-8-1931 1n:6-l2-1954 Jac- qu.eline Hentz C!1:P~1illip Jeffery b:12-5- 19:;5, Eevin Lndr81~ b:2-5-1960 MJ1,L.U672 Pamela D2.yton Raywoocl b:2-6-1936 m:5-30-1958 ?eter J Eeckenstock Ch:T:.101nas filliott b:6- 6-.J.96o, Scott Ra::n"'rood b: 7-30-1962, Su1,e..nne Eichelle b:7-5-1961+ 1-U341168 ------Lester 11.lJ/1169 ------Lester _,... ·--


CHARLEMAGNE t Descent of Louis tlie Pious I Michael Dayton Charles I of France from f J'udith Charlemagne i Baldw1.n III I Arnulf the Young· - l .Baldwin IV t Baldwin V ~ Matilda (m:William the Congueror) 1· Henry I -(King of England) Princess Gundred l' . I Matilda· William de Warren f I I King Henry II Wm de Warren Gundred de Warren Ada de Warren f I Isabel de Warren t David. de' Warren j • Waleran de Newiurgh . 1. King John Isabel' Plantagenet Margaret le Scot f . I . I Hugh Bigod Alice de Ne~burgh Helen McDougal King Henry III i . I • I . . I' Isabell Bigod Isabel de Mauduit Elaine de Quincey I f Edmund I Prince Maude FitzJ'ohn Wm de Beai1coa1R Sir Roger la Zouche I I Isabel de Beauchamp Alan la·' Zouche I. .• Henry Plantagenet-. Maude de.Chaworth Elena la Zouche ' Elean~~' Plantagenet Alan de Charlton . i I Thomas de Charlton 'I John FitzAlan • Anne Cnarlton ' John FitiAlan Thoma·s Charlton' I f ' Lady Ele~nor FitzAlan Robert Charlton. • 'I Richard c~~rlton Sir George Browne j I• Anna Charlton Simon Browne I I' ' Elizabeth Grosvenor Thomas.Brown• i l Edward B~lkeley I Francis Brown Peter Bulkeley II i Franci$ Brown Thomas Bulkeley II ! \ Eleazer Brown Sarah Bulkeley Elizabeth' Brown I I ! Eliz.abeth Todd i Michael Dayton INDEX (Note additional names at (pages 1-103) bottom of each page)

Abbey-65, Abbott-83, Abel-67, Abell-44-94, Acheson-102, Ackerman-36, Acquistapace-43, Adair-7, Adams-4-44-53-65-67-81-90, Adcock-18, Addis-88, Adee-10-11, Adler-49, Ahert- 49, Ahl-5, Aird-41-42-43-44, Albach-74, Albertson-89, Alborn-101, Alexander-15, Allen- 5-9-65-70-73-79-80, Alloway-47, Allyn-70, Alt-69-70, Ames-9-65, Anderson-26-30-32-35- 51-80-101, Andrews-22-23-36-70-75- 99-102, Anent-95, Anert-49, Angel-32, Angier-7, Anglin-58, Anguish-66, Ansteth-27 thru 33, Anthis-18, Anzelec-11, Armstrong-71-96-103;-¥i Arnold-27-57-86, Arone-22, Ash-25, Ashworth-40, Astellott-13, Atwater- ••76-96, At­ wood-54-61-63b, August-42, Austin-13-53-54-65-90-99, Axtell-69, Avery-73, Ayers-31

Babb-72-73t Babcock- , Backman-13, Backus-8, Bacon-66, Badura-17, B._~_g~igian-24, Bail­ ey-64-77-95, Baird~Sl, Baisden-9, Baker-l~-37-51, --Bakken-39-1O2, Balch-47, Balcom-77b., Baldwin: ~~~hur Leon-87, Burdette Renwick-87, Claude Edwin-87, Clifford Mattoon-87, Eben-81, Edna-87, Elizabeth J-94, Elmer Ellsworth-62, Elsie-87, Ethel Ar­ delle-87, Ethel Gertrude-87, George R-84, George Washington-81, Helen-96,

.. Huldah Louise-70, Julia-100 1 Katherine-IS, Leonard Chase-87, Mary Louise-SL~ (tJ N --~~ynolds C-62, Roy Elwood-87, Silence-83, Truman Phelps-54,Vaile Stickles- U\ I 87, West C-87, Ruth Louise-87 C: 0 ·Bal is-87 , Bal 1 agh-9, Bancrof t-83, Bandy-16, Banks-66, Barber-34-7 8, Bargber-3, Barker··· en C: 21, Barlow-7, Barnard-37-75, Barnes-52-70-78-83, Barnet-68, Barnhart-86, Barnickle-33, (I} ~ Barnum-64, Barr-47-81, Barraoo-2, Barret-78, Bartelson-9, Barth-44, Bartlett- 2-99, ~ Bartnik-49, Barton-61, Bartsch-46, Bash-3-27, Bass-84, Basset-89, Bassett-76-85, 3ate­ ~ . ham-8, Bates-10-26-56-71, Bauer-26-32-33-46, Baughman-31-44, Bayles-32, Bayley-92, ~ Beach-2-6~-77-78, Beaman-.68, Beames-3, Bean-85, Beard-63-71-74-101-102, Beardslee-52, ~ Beardsley-65-89-92-94-102, Beaudelot-83, Bechtil-102, Becker-12-46-51, Beckford-BS, 1; Beckler-56, Bedford-11-36, Beecher-93, Beedle-32, Beegle-59, Beekley-82, Beerba~-24, o Beers-63a, Bees-36, Behling-102, Beismer-3, Belding-88, Bell-92, Bellinger-5-6, Bel- t: videre-28, Benda-46, Benedict-84, Bennett-9-.48-94, -Bensle-80, Benson-63-63a-69, Bent­ ~ ·: ley-45, Benton-7 3-97, Berg-58-92; Bergan-25, Berge-58, Berger-23-71, Beringet-85, Ber­ .... nier-SO, Berry-74-82, Bertram-69, Beulieu-80, Beverly-13, Bice-36, Bichkup-20, Bick­ .0 C\l ing~21, Biddle-49-96, Biggs-16, Bignall-74, Bilhorn-101, Billings-29, Bilson-74, Bind­ 1/'\ I loss-67, Birdsall-1-57, Birtch-53, Birtwell-15, Bischel-41, Bishop-59-60, Bissell-60, ,, . '\;, Bixler-52, Black-42, Blades-48, Bladt-62, Blair-15, Blake-20, Blakeman-SB, Blanchard- 1/'\ I 9-14-101, Blenus-61, Bliss-55, Blodgett-102, Blothenburg-5, Bluew-17, Blum-44-551 C: •r-t Blumenfeldt-36, Bochnik-30-101, Bockelman-SO, Boehle-29, Boettcher-37-38, Boff-18, Bo­ ~ 'O gart-63b, Boggs-74, Boice-87, Boileau-100, Boisen-53, Bolton-33, Boomer-102, Bonham-2L rl C'J Boniface-20, Bonnell-29-30-31, Bonventre-8, Boom-16, Boorman-95, Boorn-5, Booth-90-91, p:.) Borchart-40, Bordonaro-Bl, Bordwell-41, Borman-70, Boscia-27, Bosynak-95, Bouck-6, ~~ Bowd~n-19, Bowe-40, Bowman-6-24-38-47, Bowner-31, Boyd-55-85-95, Boyes-52, Boyles-40, ~ Bradford-58, Bradley-61, Bradshaw-47, Bragg-66, Brainard-23, Brandenburg-38, Brawer-7S !~ Brazaitis-30-101, Brazie-57-102, Breithaupt-62, Brenner-47, Brewer-49, Brewster-89, ~1 Briggs-23-73, Brink-21, Brisack-86-87, Briscoe-3, Bristol-58-7ib, Brizzee-25, Brock-49- 71, Broderick-86, Brongo-22-23, Bronson-63b-93-100, Brooker-83, Brooks-43-55-78-88-89, ~~a~ - --::c>,.Broun-96, Brower-49, -cS Brown: Aileen Jane-15, Andrew-7, Angie F-43, Billy Eugene-16, Cecil Hugh-SB, David- ~~ 74-96, David Gourlay-7, Donna Lee-7, Dorothy-5, Edward Hugh-7, Elisha-82, ~~ . . .. IN Elizabeth-19-75, Elizabeth E-102, Ella-54, Eugene-77, Everett Dwight-IS, Faye ~u;' Aleen-38, Harriet-97, Helen Alta-101, Henry-76, Henry S-76, Irving-12, Isa- ~§ belle-85, JoAnn-7, Joanna-83, John Skinner-7, Judith Ellen-7, Julie Ann-44, ~~ Larkin-16, Leo Dwight-15, Marvin Leonard-38, Max Paul-44, Melba Jean-35, Nev- ~~ in-58, Phebe E-82, Richard Elmer-58, Richard Lowell-44-, Roy Dennis-15, Roy •• o Richard-44, Sarah-6, Sophia-39, William-12, William Allen-96 ~ Browning-28, Bruckner-28, Brujuer-46, Brundage-57, Brunkhardt-42, Brunson-82, Bryan-1- ~ 69-93, Bryant-2-29-41-52, Buchanan-92, Buck-18-20-73-101, Buckingham-14-111, Also:.lnderegg-14, Andrus-77, Armstrong-103, Baker-82, Beecher-77a-102, Benedict-77, Besler-IO~, Bloxham.-77a, Bow-63a, Boyle-77a Bray-82, Bryan-77a, Armstron~-104~ Beecher-103, Askew-103, Beeman-1O3,0\0.Ke\'1 -~ 5 eeK.e)e St< i --l.% &mo.r- 4-&\ Also: CalYiell-52b Carrigan-52b, Charnbers-52a, Champlin-52b, Collins-52b, Conlon-52b,'crandell-52b, Croni.n-52a, Culver-52b, Day-52b

Buckley-4-13, Buel-57, Buell-82, Buerm.ann-19, Buettner-32, Buffington-25, Bugby-78, Bugg-18, Buggeln-19, Bull-80, Bullen-82, Bunnell-7b-81, Burch-17, Burdick-1, Burge­ son-40, P.urgher-10, Burke-69-70, Burlingame.-10, Burman-14,, Burns-63,

Burpe.e-75 1 Bushnell-9-84-97, Butler-2-5-7, Butts-3-10-11-37-56, Byers-32, Bynam-87

Cable-64, Cadrian-80, Cady-2, Cahn-70, Cain-7, Caire-100, Calhoun-98, Calkins-12-39, Calmus-43, Camp-34-93, Campbell-13-68-101, Canadeo-92, Canaday-68, Candee-77Q,Caniff- 12, Cannon-88, Card-2, Carels~62, Carl-22-26, Carley~13, Carlin-36t Carlsen-33, Carl­ ton-72, Carman-16, Carmichael-77, Carm.ody-3, Carpenter-7-14-51-67, Carpentier-SO, Carr-78-82, Carrier-91, Carrington-11-14, Carroll-11-12, Carter-4-34-61-64, Cary-99, Cnse-77b Cashion-27, Caspec-7, ~astle-78, Causbrook-37, Centner-65, Chamberlain 9- 53-63-97,, Chembers-63b, Changler-10-94, Chapman-50-75-92, Chappel-32t Chariter-55, Chase-15-48-87, Cheesbrough~21-59, Chellis-72, Cherne.s-23, Chichester-11 ~ Childs-1~89, Christen-lOZ, Christian-102, Christiansen-51, Christie-67, Christman-6, Chubb-22, Church-76-80-82-83-94-98, Churchill-.1-16, Chryst~48, Cicio-14, Clampett-38, Clapper-5, C1ark-20-37-39-S6-58-63a-65-67-87-88, Claycomb-49, Claypool-49, Cleary-9, Cleaver-63-63a-6S, Clegg-100, Clem.ence-98, Clement-86, Cline-16, Clqine-30, Clover- 16, Cluelow-63, Coan-63, Coates-32, Cobb-21, Cockburn-61, Coe-55~83, Colangeo-80, Cole-39-50-60-93, Cpllington-51. Collins-23-29-53-73, Collinton-4, Co~uin.bia-57, Combe- 38-74, ColUstock-89'.""95, Conant-7S, Conner-63b-98, Connors-27, Conrad-46, Cook-61-76- 91, Cooke-53-76, Cooley-SO, Coons-50-59-71-87-90, Cooper~60-97, Copley-1, Corbett-98, Cornell-51-53""'90-92 t ·cornwall-77, Comwell-92, Corthell-·8, Corwin-46, 'Costanzo-69, Cote-12, Cotter-44, Cotton-30-101, Cottre.11-15, Couch-63a, Coughlin-85, Coulter-26- 80, Countryman:-60, Courter-68, Covel-11, Cowles-51-95, Cowiey-26-60-94, Cowls-52, Cox-34-37-45-48, Coyne-68, ·crabb-2, Cracroft-42, Craft-8, Crago-57t Cramer-40, ·cran­ dal 1.:.9-63a, Crane-~-23-49, Crampton-72, Crary-21, Crawford-69, Creasy-35·, Crego-40, Criley-26, Criss-34, Cromer-46, Cromwel 1-28, Cronki'te-10, Crosby-"77-82., ·crouch-63- 65, Croux-56, Crowl-23, Crowley-62, Crump-31, Culver-77-78, Cummings-82, Curtis-8- 31-SS.-63-.69-74-84-88, Curtiss-5S-88, Cushman~94-95, Cutts-7 5, Cupra-4, Cyr-43

Dabury-81, Dady-44:, Daggett-52, Da.hlke.-69, Dailey'":'5-54-84-93-10'"3, Dale-20, Dambac.h-67, Damond-98, Dana-94, Danforth-15-51, Daniels-62, Dan~elson-47, Danish-12; Darby-76, Daring-14-51, Darling-8, Darmody-26, Davenport-8-75-100, ·. Davis: Ada-43, Addie-56, Albert-57, Anne.tte-57, Armul-3 t .Bartley-57 t Beda-82, Chel­ sea-3, Clarence Gerold-56, Clarence Merriam-56, Dortha A-57, Earle Griffin- 4, Edward-83, Elwood-42, Emily-57, Eugene-68, Hannah-72, Harriet-5, Henry-56, Rerbert-56, Hull-56, Jennie-66, LaFern-1~, Larry Deart-42, Lee-43. Louisa F- 57, Lucy Anna-56, Mary Alice-92, Mary E-87, Mildred-32, Oliver-57, Peter M- 57, Pliny-68, Ronnie-4, Roxena-S7, Sandra-4, Sarah-57, Sarah Jane-84-85, Will'iam Hammel-56 Davison_-79, Davl in-27, Dawes-63, Dawson-41-42-50-85

DAYTON: Abbie-65, Abbie Superla-74, Abel-82-99-100, Abigeil-74-90-92, Abignil Gibbs- 92, Abner B-100, Adaline Helen-15, Addie May-18, Addison-82, Adelbert . George-7lt Adelbe.rt-81, Adelbert Jasper-82, Adella ~osina-82, Adelia-77, Adeline Jerusha-20-101, Adella Rosina-82, Alan Paul-62, Alanson-79, Albert- 72, Albert Beard-64, Alfred Lewis-79, Albert M-78, Alice-79-95, Alice Aman­ da-14, Alice Irene-78, Alice Jane-72, Alice. Mabel-73,sz.• Alida Amelia-19, Al- len-18-74, Allen Griswold-73, Allen Merriam-IS, Allen T-73, Allen Taylor- 74, Almira-95-99, Almira Sarah-75, Almon Brewster-90-92, Almon Justus-81, Alva Russell-77b,Alvira-95, Ambrose Elmer-92, Amelia-81, Andrew Culbertson- 81, Andrew Jackson-69, Angeline-77, Angeli~e Eliza-95, Anna-78-82, Annie- 100,, Annis-78, Anson-99, Anson Penfie.ld-99, Anson Sully-76, Archibald-78- 82, Archie Charles-75, Arthur-66, Arthur B-89, Arthur Brant-74, Arthur Kru.m- 19, Arthur Montgomery-73, Arthur Russell-65, Arthur Spencer-78, Arthur Whit~ man-20, Arthur William-20, Arvid-77, Arvid Marsh-77, Asenath-70-93,

Al~o: Abel Alfonso-100, Alon Paul-77b, Annie Jane-77b (all Daytons) Also:Buckley-77b, Burrell-47, Burson-2, Burt-27i Burton-74, Calwell-77a, Chandler-77b, Chatfield-77a, Clark-77b, Co ville-77a, Cornelius-77b, Cote.-77a, Collar-103,, (c,..sdor-rh· 2..'3 . AsenathA-68, Ashley-78, Athena Doris-81, Aurinda-96, Aurinda Adaline-103, Barbara Anna-66, Beatrice Marian-91, Bela-72, Belinda-72, Benjamin-1-76- 102, Bennett E-1, Bennett S-1, Bennie Thomas-16, Bernice-62-74, Bernice Da­ vida-79, Bernice M-74, Bernice May Ann-74, Bert-71-81, Bertha-74-95, Ber­ tha A-73, Bertha Edith-38, Bertha Keziah-14, Bertha Loretta-14, Bessie A-1, Bessie Louise-80, Bethel-16, Betsy-71, Betty Elaine-25, Betty Lou-61, Beu­ lah-72-78, Beulah May-67, Beulah Whitaker-23, Beverly-75, Beverly May-102, Bruce Lewis-80, Bryan-95, Bryan Clark-1, Bula-77, Calista-95, Carl Henry-74, Carl Stuart-64, Carlton Robert-20, Carmi-81, Carol-66, Caroline-63-7jb,,,-78, Carrie Bernice-73, Carrie Ophelia-75, Cassie Matilda-82, Catherine Ann-62, Catherine Margaret-89, Charles-l-16-21-76-78-89, Charles Alfred-22, Charles Andrew-71, Charles Augustus-77, Charles Churchill-79, Charles Crary-23, Charles Edward-24, Charles Edwin-21, Charles Ezra-63, Charles Graham-74, Charles Jay-99, Charles Lewis-61, Charles Luther-21, Charles Marshall-25, Charles Michael-91, Charles N-73, Charles Noble-61, Charles Plyment-4, Charles Prior-71, Charles Richard-19, Charles Riley-71, Charles Russell-25, Charles S-65-68, Charles Samuel-9~-lOl, Charles Wesley-73, Charles Whitman- 18, Charles Wilbur-81, Charlotte-90, Charlotte Eleanor-82, Chauncey-23-61, Chauncey B42, Chauncey Lemon-23, Chauncey Lewis-61-93, Chauncey Obadiah-68, . Chauncey Sherman-61, Chester-77-82-102, Chester Clyde~74, Chloe Amelin-72, Chloe Delucia-73-74, Chloe Maria-74, Clara-68-95, Clara Hannah-67, Clara Roberta-25, Clarence Ames-65, Clarence Arthur-65, Clarence H-89, Clarinda- 94, Clarissa Estelle-38, Clark Asa-82, Claude-17, Claude Allen-20, Claudine- 17, Clemon P-12, Clifford Dewayne-25, Clifford Ward-25, Clyde-75, Clyde W- 102, Clyde William-71, Constance Marean-64, Cora-79, Cora Adalaide-64, Cor­ delia-99, Curtis Atwood-62, Cynthia-78, Cynthia M-89, Cyrenus-90, Cyrenus Gibbs-91, Daisy Alta-33, Daniel-72, Daniel Carl-38, Daniel Humphrey-73, Daniel Riley-71-72, Daniel Stuart-64, Darcy M-73, David-71-76, David Allen- 66, David Welton-72, Dawn Elaine-20, Dawn Marianna-is, Delia Marie-95, Den­ ise Louise-91, Dennis Edmond-11, Dess Scott-37, Diana-17, Diana Mary-81, Diane Cecelia-92, Donald Wayne-20, Donna Lea-20, Dora Candace-17, Dorcas- 89, Dorcas Emilia-92, Dorian Kay-91, Dorothy-17-95, Dorothy Elizabeth-19, Dorsey Scott-38, Dortha M-63, Dotha-72, Douglas Grant-BO, Douglas Kennedy- 64, Duane Stewart-91, Dwight Bristol-77b.Earline-16, Eddie C-16, Edgnr Ben­ nett-I, Edgar Elam-91, Edith-20, Edith May-99, Edmond Allyn-4, Edmond Den­ nis-!, Edna-17, Ed Oliver-1, Edward-76, Edward A~l2, Edward Chapin-100, Ed­ ward Ethelbert-16, Edward Everett-79, Edward Garfield-81, Edward Risedorph- 19, Edward W-19, Edwin-72, Edwin Charles-103, Edwin Chesebrough-21, Edwin J- 73, Edwin Joy-94-103, Edythe Elizabeth-91, Effie Cora-89, Elbert Burton-100, Eldon Lee-78, Eleanor-66, Electa Ann-15, Electa Maria-52, Eldred Katherine- 20, Eliel-94, Elihu-78-82, Eli Nathan-14, Eliza-73-81-99, Elizabeth-13-53- 71-72-82-84-88-89-100, Elizabeth Ann-12, Elizabeth Arline-94, Elizabeth L- 2, Elizabeth McEwen-90, Ella-90, Ella Jenette-78, Ella Nora-14, Ellen Elizn- 72, Ellen Elvira-74, Ellen Harriette-90, Ellen Naomi-94, Ellen Sophia-81, Elma-74, Elmer-77, Elmer Ellsworth-82, Elmer Francis-64, Elnora Deyette-18, Elsie May-13, Elson-72, Elvira-94, Emeline-77, Emerson-72, Emery Seneca-91,

Emily-77b, Emily Antoinette-25-101, Emily Jane-77b1 Emma-77, Emma Alyn-4, Ern­ est-74, Ernest Wil)Jmm-80, Esther May-73, Ethel-16, Ethel Kathrine-20, Etto Jane-78-82, Eugene Orrin-74, Eunice Elvira-95, Eva-22-8~ Eva Adelaide-75, Eveline Carol-102, Everett Hubbard-92, Ezra-24, Ezra Beard-63, Faith Eva-82, Fa~nie-75-93, Fannie Maria-75, Fannie Sophronia-73, Fanny-23-93-95, Fanny Eliza-71, Fanny Jedidah-73, Fanny Lillian-64, Fern Maxine-17, Fern Maria-15, Flora Armina-74, Florence Amelia-90, Florence Eliza-62, Frances-I, Frances Adele-1, Frances Ellen-18, Frank-16-89, Frank Edwin-21, Frank Elmer-38, Frank G-64, Frank J-74, Franklin H-68, Franklin Henry-90, Frank Loveland-81, Franklyn D-93, Frank Myron-81., Franks-a,, Frank Watson-90, Frank Willard-78.

Also: Cornelius-77, Curtis Paul-62, Ella Perry-77b, Edwin Charles-103, Chester-103 Fred Arthur-3·8, Frederick-76, Prederick Almon-81, Frederick Alonzo-71, Frederick Beverly-14, Frederick Clemon-15, Frederick Fletcher-82, Freder­ ic~ Warren-14, Fred Leith-91, Gary Charles-Bl, Gary Dean-24, Gary Dewayne- 25; Geane Adele-12; Genevieve Amy-68, George-81, George Arthur-65, George c-· 99, George Leon-71, George Lewis-66, George Lucian-74, George Plyment-1, George R~3. George Richard-68t George Riley-71, George Spencer~23-81, George Thomas-24, George Wellington-74, George Wesley-81, Gerald Cyrenus-71, Gerald Eugene-25, Gerry Leroy-25, Gertrude Harriet-14, Gideon-94, Gideon Matthew-95, Gifford George-75, Gilbert L-15, Gilbert Lewis-15, Gloria Jean- 20, Gordon Allen-78, Gordon Francis-81, Gordon Spencer-81, Grace Allison-21, Grace Viets-73, Grace W-58, GranvilleW-89, Guernsey A-65, Gurn~y Joseph-12, Radley L-23, Hadley Wilbur-22, Hannah-79, Hannah Abbie-66, Harmon-77b.Har­ old-16, Harold Marean-64-65, Harold Young-64, Harriet-75-89-90-92, Harriet Aurelia-77, Harriet B-1, Harriet C-7, Harriet E-61, Harry Albert-24, Harvey- 78-82, Harvey Everett-20, Hattie L-89, H~ttie Meria-17, Hazel lrene-19, Hel­ en-16-61, Helen Elaine-24, Helen M-89, Helen Maria-64, Helen M Wadsworth-65, H~le~ Rogers-15, Helen S-2, Henrietta Marie-92, Henry-72-7~78-76, Henry Abel-77b, Henry Havens-64, Henry Howe-6'1-, Henry M-68, Henry Scovill-76, Hen­ ry Seymour-77, Henry·William-78, Herbert-16-96-99, Herbert M-66, Herbert Samuel-61, Herbert Truman-61-93, Hezekiah Shailor-18, Hezekiah Smit~-52, Hilda-17 , Hilton Gal 1 t-20, Hiram-11 , Hiram B-1 , Hiram Sheldon-20, Hubart-78, Homer-75-82-102, Horace-7S-102, Howard-19-72-76-81-102, Hugh Roy-71, Hulda Matilda-3, Ida Electa-34, Ida Virginia-78, Ilene Elizabeth-BO, Ilene Virgin­ ia-SI, Imogene Lavinia-78, Inez Cora-18, Ira-95, Ira Allen-33, Irving Roff­ man-19, Isaac Sherman- , Isaac Spencer-89, Isaac W-65, -Isaac-82-89-90, Isebel-65, Isabel B-90, Isabel Bruce-i03, Isabella Amelia-22, Isabella La­ vinia-79, lva-15, Iva Peral-74, Izora-95, Jackson-89, James-89-92, James Elmer-2, Hickox-64, James Leroy-23-25, James Madison-95, James Mich­ ael-.25, James Nelson-99, James Orson-66, j'ames Perry-81, James Smith-15, James Thomas-24, Jane-20-77b-3ane Belle-2, Jane Beverly-14, Jane Ellen-65, Jane Lillian-14, Jane Van Loan-19, Jeanette-68, Jeffery-20, Jennie Almirn- 93, Jennie Bell-91, Jennie Candace-16, Jennie Louise-68, Jerry-81, Jessie- 81-90, Jessie Eliza-73, Jessie V-90, jill Valentine-19, JoAnn-14, Joel-71, John-90-93, John Allen-65-66, john Arthur-24, John B-15-76, John Bangs-99, John Guernsey-65-68, John Henry-90, John Marean-64, John Nichols-13, John Scott-38, John Wesley-8 .. , John Woodward-93, Jonah-77b,-Jonathan Kevin-61, JosephB-1, Joseph Beard-63-64, Josephine Annette-76, Josiah B-76, Judith Anne-611 Judith Grace-25, Julia-72-93, Juliette-72, June-1, Justus·-71:>-81, Justus Almon-82, Karen Sue-91, Kate-68, Katkerine Alice-12, Katherine Mar­ ie-25, Kenneth Danforth-15, Kenneth Jay-25, Kenneth Lee-20, Lasella-75, Laura Bllen-78, Laura Nancy-62, Laura Whittlesby-7ib, Llaurette~95, Lawrence Shailor-12, Leah Loretta-IS, Leigh Jennifer-19, Lela Blanch-16, Lenora-74, Leo Allen-17, Leo James-16, Leon Abbey-71, Leona May-71, Leonard Arthur-92, Leonard Warren-13, Leon Daniel-73, Leonice Amelia-73, Leroy Alonzo-17, Le­ roy Eben-82, Leslie A-15, Levi Lester-81, Lewis-16-78-81, Lewis Clarence-SO, Lewis Leroy-15, Lewis Penfield-68, Lewis Penfold-68, Lewis Scott-38, Lil­ lian L-1, Lillian May-3, Lillie Cordelia-75, Lincoln-72, Linus S-75, Lloyd L·· 16, Lodeska-75t Lois Mae-16, Loly-83, Lorette-75, Lottie-66, Lottie Ellen- 73, Lou Allen-17,,Louisa Frances-37, Louise-65-75, Louise Ann-102, Lucinda- 79, Lucinda Copley-100, Lucinda E-1, Lucius Hector-75, Lucius Huron-74, Lu­ cius Warren-79, Lucy-22-100, Lucy Mary-27, Lucy Minerva-74, Lucy Raym.ond-70, Lulu M-73, Lydia-76-102, Lydia Adelaide-36, Lydia Elnora-23, Lydia S-89, Lyman-94-95, Lyman Ransley-95, Lynford James-62, Lynn Curtis-62, Lynn Mar­ shal 1-38, .Mabel Al ice-7, Mabel Louel la-24, Maqge-91, Madge E 66 1 Maage Eth­ el-14, Mahala-90, Marcia Edith-73, MarcuR-78, Margaret Jerusha-4, Marguer~ ite-16, Maria Martha-90, Maria-81-99-100, Maria S~l, Marie-19, Marian P-89, Marie,Eli~abeth-82, Marie Louise-66, Marie Mabel-73, Marietta-71t Marilee-65,

Also: Herbert ~armalee-77b, Isaac-77b, Jennie-77b, Marian-19-66, Marian Lois-72, Isabel Bruce-103 Marilla Diana-89, Marilyn Esther-38, Mark Alan-25, Marline-I, Marshall-38, Martha-61-73, Martha ABenath-61-93, Martha Jane-82, Martha Maria-77b~Mary- 53-76-81-90-95, Mary A-l-77q, Mary Agnes-16, Mary Alice-65, Mary Ann-12-73, Mary Annis-63-63a, Mary Caroline-61, Mary Cornelia-92, Mary E-64, Mary El- iza-77, Mary Elizabeth-12-15-38-f2-63b, Mary Ellen-52, Mary Frances-90, Mary Gertrude-15, Mary Grace-76, Mary Heuldnh-14, Mary Jnne-82, Mary. Jean­ ne.tte-69, Mary Lillie-74, Mary Lou-75-102, Mary Luella-91, Mary Urania-77h, Matthew A-65, Matthew Dutton-58-63, Matthew Wheeler-65, Mattie Inez-16, Maud-99, Maxamilla-52, Max Edmund-71, May-82, May Alene-63-6S, May Ida-65, Meblome Allen-74, Mehitable-78-83, Melissa-92, Merlin-95, Michael-20-76- 90-99, Michael Duane-91, Mildred-74, Mildred Meta-80, Mildred Rachel-20, Milfred Joy-94-103, Millie Belle-72, Miner-78, Minerva-95, Minerva Ann-95, Minnie-76, Minnie Adella-79, Minnie E-99, Minnie May-81, Miriam-76, Mollie- 74, Morris Earl-12, Myra May-65, Myron Holley-68, Myron Robinson-95, Myrtle Eunice-74, Nancy-94-95, Nancy E-2, Nancy Eliza-38-63, Nancy Ette-95, Nancy Lou-91, Nancy Miran~a-58-65, Nathan Hadley-23, Nellie-75, Nellie Elizabeth- 93, Nellie Etta-82,° Nellie Jane-75, · · Nellie May-64, Nellie S-23, Nelson-72-82, Netta-22, Nettie ~sther-67, Nettie Maggie-16, Newell Percy-15, Newell W-15, Norman Burdett-90, Norman Howard-37, Norman L-12, Norman Plyment-12, Olive 74-96, Olive DeEtte-63b, Olive Lucille-64, Orange Graves-99, Orpha-78, Orpha Jane-78, Orrin-74, Orrin Lewis-33, Orrin Louis- 24, Orrin Lyman-75, Orrin R-75, Orson-89, Oscar-Sf, Otis Irwin-12, P~melia- 99-100, Patricia Jean-19, Patricia Ruth-25, Paul Edward-62, Paul Scott-20, Pearl-I, Pearl May-73, Penfield Lewis-65-66, Permelia Ann-99, Peter Neil-77, Peter Rohrdans-64i Ann-74-81, Phebe Eliza-92, Phebe Helen-82, Phylo­ mela-90, Plyment-1, Polly-62-75, Polly Ann-SO, Polly Parintha-74, Porter Chauncey-36, Quincey William-72, Rachel Marian-64, Ralph-71, Rnlph Nathan- 77b,Randall Harris-14, Ransley-94-95, Raymond-72, Rebecca Ann-94, Rebecca Kay-66, Reed West.cott-95, Reuben-71, Reuben Anson-73, Reuben Parks-72, Rho­ da-77b, Richard Robert-20, Richard Shirley-78, Robert Mark-38, Robert Rich­ ard-2L, Robert Royal-66, Rosemary Roth-64, Rosie-72, Roxena-56-64,. Roy-71, Royal-71, Roy Allen-72, Ruby Belle~15, Rufus Brewster-89, Russel Gibbs-63b, Russel-77, Russell Adolph-74, Russell Hoyt-59-66, Russell James-67, Russell Lloyd-25, Russell Taylor-64, Ruth-20-63-94, Ruth Allene-65, Ruth Caroline- 62, Ruth J-15, Ruth Kedzie-64, Ruth Lydia-80, Ruth Pearl-74, Sally-72-75, Sally M-5, Salmon B-89, Saloma-95, Samuel-76-81~93, Samuel Glover-93, Sam­ uel Porter-72, Samuel Tyler-93, Sandra Ann-62, Sandra tee-91, Sandra Marie- 20, Santina Roberta-81, Sarah-1-14-71, Sarah Ann-71-92, Sarah Elizabeth-63- 94, Sarah Frances-3, Sarah Genevieve-65, Sarah Isabell-89, Sarah M-14, s~r­ ah Maria-34, Sarah Minnie-94, Scott Eldredge-14, semantha-76-102, Senah Emily-52-SS; Seymour-77, Seymour Monroe-77, Shailur Hezekiah-11, Shailor Wheeler-11, Sheldon-77, Sherman-89, Sherman Hilton-90, Sherman Silas-90, Shirley May-20, Silas Seymour-74, Sophie S-66, Sophronia Louise-69, Sophron­ ia Martha-73, Spencer-76-78, Starley Dean-24, Stella-72, Stephen F-20, Stephen Matthew-64, Stephen Rich-64, Susan-81-95, SusaP Adelia-61-93, Susan Bell-82, Susan Ella-2, Susan Emily-71, Susan Melvina-Bl, Susetta Jerusha-15, Susie M-2, Thelma-61, Theresa Caroline-70, Thirza-75-78, Thirza Abigail-74, Trumnn-61-72-93, Truman Shelton-61, Verna May-17, Verner Lumry-12, Vere Amos-16, Vernon E-3, Virginia Lee-38, Walter-16, Warren-79, Warren Burnett- 14, Wayne-16, Wealthy-72, Wilbur Theodore-SO, Wilbur Wright-81, Willard B-89, Willard Lawrence-1, William-71-76-94-95, William Benjamin-I, William C-74, William Charles-82, William Elmer-16, William Harrison-71, William Henry- 76-77b, William Horace-14, William Hubbell-104 William Kennedy-64, William M-89, William Oliver-I, William Welton-93, Wilmot Spencer-89, Worden-65, Zachariah Whitman-18, Zadoc-76, Vere Amos-16, Della Dean-52, DeBuon o-22. Dechant-16-17, Decker-23, Deeley-62, DeFmi.n-58, DeGroot-33 ,De­ lano-73, DelForge-4, Della Rossa-14, Delmont-8, Delp-26-45, DeLuca-14, Deming-49, Also: Della Valle-77a Also: Elliott-52a, Frye-52b, Greene-52a, Hagen-52a, Haggerty-52a, Hanerlinck-52a, Harris-52b

DeMontmollin-25, DeMus-101, Dennis-42-94, Denny-17, DeNoble-63a, Derby-58, Dern-58, Derricksen-35, Dettling-101, Detwiler-71, Devereaux-~, Devins-96, Dewey-78, DeWitt-38 39, Diack-19i Dibble-4-22-87-94, Dick-42, Dickinson-63b-89, Dieterle-90, Dight-75,

Dillingham.-S8-59, Dillon-37 1 Dingwell-88, Dixon-19, Doan-27, Dodge-9-55-95, Doerning- 35, Dohrmann-65, Dolan-24, Donaghy-90-91, Donohue-24, Doolittle-2-76-77-78-82-102, Doran-41, Dorn-39-49, Dougherty-58, Douglass-57, Downie-49-52, Doyle-4-9, Dozier-76, Drake-45-82-99, Dreher-19, Dreisbach-68, Druba-26, Drummer-37, Duffy-28, Duncan-47- 99, Dunham-59, Dunlap-93, Dunn-23-24-62-69, Dunning-49, Dunphy-61, Dunseth-28~ Durhmn- 44-45t Dutton-95, Dyckman-59, Dye-35, Dyer-81, Eames-20, Easley-12, East-45, Easterday­ -46, Easterling-26, Eastman-69, Easton-21-93, Eastwood-90, Ebdon-51, Eby-42, Eck-18,; Eckert-10-12-40, Eckler-13, Eden-57, Eddy-99, Edson-43, Edwards-21-22-40-41, Effner- 15, Egbertson-19, Eggers-37, Eggertson-31, Eggleston-9~, E.hlers-101, Eichelburger-80, Eichhorn-SO, Eiss-68, Elam-91, Eld-79, Eldred-13, E~dredge-141 Eller-BS, Elliott-3- 50, Ellstend-39, Ellsworth-4, Elmore-82, Elphic-91, Ely~56~74, Emerson-2-16, Emigh- 92, Em.ons-97, Enderlin-87, English-84, Ensign-70, Eppler-16, Erickson-26-36, Eth­ ridge-38, Evans-19-66-67-68-78-79-84, Faber-30-32, Face-51, Facey-73, Fairchild-74, Faken-16, Falk-82, Fancher-4, Faragher-69, Farmer-2·3, Farquhar-37, Farr-60, Fauble- 36-37, Favre-70, Fenn-53-54-56-61-62-93, Ferguson-60-61, Ferris-94, Fesler-13, Fet­ zer-44-45, Fields-72, Fifield-71, Finch-9-63a-12, Fin~-39,.Finney-63b, Finnicum-31, Fischer-25-32, Fisher-7-63a-92, Fitch-14-18, Fitts-80, Fitzgerald-8-61, Fitz9otrick- 8S-86, Fitzsimmos.s-51, Flanagan-47, Pleming-6-34-36, F_lint-77q, Flora-47, ·Foley-38, Folkers-33, Foote-1-3-7-13-17-18-76, Forbes-92, Ford-71-i03, Fore-16, Form&n-4-13, Forney~4l, Forristall-54, Foster-37-84-93, Fowler-72-73-83, Fox-2-33-48, Frampton- 56, France-33-91, Frank-20-65 ,: Frankforter-25, Franklin-3-17-28, F_raser-70, Prassa- 60, Frazee-45, Frazell-26, Frazer-68, Frazier-39, Fredenburg-64, Frederick-30-101, Free-81, Freelove-39-40, Freeman-.23·, Freiberg-6, French-43-67-82, Frey-22, Friday- 91, Frist;>ie-89, Fritts-SB, Pritzsinger-40, Froelich-1, Frost-18, Fuller-10-11-23- 73-82-102, Pundell-31, Funderberg-31, Gabb-56, Gae~l-70, Gaff-56, Gaisford-57, Gallagher-17-28-30-69, Galloway-91, Gallt-19, Gallup-52-61, Galt-21, Gamble-48t Gan­ non-46; Ganson-1, Gardei-69, Gardner-19, Garlock-71, Garnsey-60-83, Garrett-29-43- 89, Gat'e.s-71, Gavitt-4•; Gayer-81, Gaylord-93-100, Geddes-56, Gehent-46, Gehring-1, Geneva-26, George-20-93, Gerber-31, Gering-25, Gibbs-SB-59-63-65-76-90, Gibbub-79, Gibson-63b, Gideon-32, Gifford-74, Gilvert-56-61-:-73, Gildersleeve-IO; Giles-3, Gil­ lespie-38, Gillette-15-88, Gillham~19, Gillson-66, Gilman-96, Gilster-91, Gladden-

47, Glasnipp-34-35, Glaspey-22, Gleason-63b, Gl enn-54, Glynn-37 1 Goass-81, Gocker-46, Godfrey-39-83, G9dwin-23, Goetsch-35, Goff-73, Golden-SO, Goodenough-4-7-85, Good­ hart-75, Goodrich-22-21-39, Goodsell-84, Goodyear-43-44, Gordon-1-27-31-33, Gorse-52, Goss-22·, Gotham-90, Gould-16, Grace-16, Graham-4-22'-85-87, Graig-1, ·Gtahger_.S1-78, Grant-4-6-7-14-57-64-80-92-100, Grapes-47, Graul-39~~0, Graver-63b, Graves~99, G~av-~ itt-29, Grny-6-7-62-89, Grebe-45, Gregor-90, Gresn-21-32-~-78-86, Gregory~4-59-63b, 64-102, Gress-66, Grey-48, Griffin-19, Griffith-40, Qriggs-42-96, Grimes-52, Grim.t;l.­ ell-47, Grisham-79, Grosfent~ll, Gross-78, Groulik-27, Group-70, Groves-3, Grow-~5, Gruber-7 9, Grusch-30-101 , Guernsey-1-65-7 6-89, Guether-32, Guinan-20, Guinnip-46 ·, Guldbf;ch-31_, Gulliver-97, Gummoe-57, Gunberg-50, Gunderman-36, Gunn-100, Gurney-1- 12, Guy-50, Haas-63, Haberman~48, Haddey-63a, Haefner-46-101, Haessig-101, Hafele-14, Hager-26, Haight-4-62, Haines~33, Hakes-94-95, Halberg-5_1, Halberry-75, Halbert-98, Hall-12-25-56-81-88-91-102, Halleen-42, Hallenbeck-Bi, Halliday-9.0, Hallock-55'-98- lv3, Halsey-55, Ram-1. Hamerly-58, Hamilton-11-14-82, Hammell-56, Hammond-2~3-23-95, Hand-33-85, Handle-8, Handlovich-62, Hankenbury-82, Hankins-16, Hanni-17, Hansen-43, Hanson-13, Harband-79, Ha~beck-63a, Harden-84, Hardenburgh-87, Harding-22-46-82, Rarkenreader-59, Rarlock~67, Harper-100, Harrington-63a, Harris-14-34-35-48-63b-94, Harrison-34-73, Hart-38-77-79, Hartford-42, Hartman-7-44-57, Hartnett-49, Hartsell-49, Hartson-72-96, Hartwell-5-50, Harvey-12-59, Haseloh-26, Hashbarger-37t Hatch-72, Hathaway-64, Hauber-52, Hauck-44, Haull-22, Hauser-58, Haver-21-27, Hawk-49, Hawkins- 65, Hawks-44-88, Hawley-21, .Hawthorne-68, Hayden-68, Hayes-68-74, Heald-96, Heath- 50-75-79, Hebbard-56-57, Heckman-100, Hefferman-BS, Heffner-75, Heft-49, Heiden-39,

Also: Desjardins-77a, English-77a-102, Pield-10~ 1 Goodenough-77b, Griswold- 77a, Groyer-81, Guilmart-77a, Gumm-79, Hall-77-77a, Harding-77a, Hatchett-63, Eaton-103, Griswold-103, Gates-103 Guerin-103, Ford-104, Hal lock-104. Hamil 1-104, Fassett-104; [(l.61(:,"4-· :',\ 1 G,\; i'dti-i~) Godden->?> Also: Holl-52a, Jones-52b

Helgeson-3_9, · llellums-49, Rendershot-63, Heffner-75, Heft-49, Henderson-13-16-47-48- 60-70-84, Hendry-14-99, Henfner-16, Hennesey-7, Renness-7-8-10, Henricksen-16, Hen­ rickson-42, Henry-8-46, Hentge-17 , Herrick.:. 7 6, Hes·s-16-7 4, Hesselman-40, Hethering­ ton-30-31, Heston-52, Hetzel-85, Heverdeen-71,,. Hickey-7-69, Hickman-69-100, Hickox- 53=5/J.-55~61-88, Hj.cks-21, Higgins-88, Hil 1-7 3-98, Hind-77, Hine-88, Hinkston-73, · ·. ·· Hinz-27, Ritchcack-85-99, Hitt-89, Hoadley-53-76-83, Hoagland-3-4-14-19-100, Hoard-73, Hobman-39, Hodge-81, Hodgkins-95, Hoffman-18-29-32-46-52-82, Hoffmann-9; Hoke-1, Hol­ brook-28-55-74, Hal bury-102, Holcolm-29, Holc;:omb-31-97, Rollenbeck-59·, Holiday-8, Holley-68, Holloway-60-89, Holmes-5-58, Holt-28-63-76-102, Hombloc-37, Hood-72, Hook­ er-64, Ropkins-21-37, Hoppe-,o, Horg-r:n-38, Horn-10, Horne-21, Hornung-92, Horton-68- 78, Hotaling-11, Hotchkiss-54-72-76, Houle-25, Howard-39-40-59-60-68, Howe-16-46, Howell-19, Howland-51, Hoyt-18-96, Hubbard-58-64-90-96-100, Hubbell-51-93-98, Rudson- 51-54-83, Huff-52, Ruffaker-30, Huffman-45, Hughes-13-64-84-86-90-101, Hulbert-6, Hull-7-86, Hulsaver--5, Humphrey-29-72, Humphries-5, Hungerford-84-93, Hunisko-62, Hunt-69, Hunter- 2, Huntington-82, Huppenan-81, ~Rurd-88-92, Rurlbut-77, Hussey-43, Hutchinson-48, Hutt-70, Hutton-96, Huyck-63a, H,mers-57, Ingraham-96, Imgram-13, Ineson-54, Ingerham-10, Ingli-40, Irish-66, Irwin-19, Isaacson-43, Isabell-94, Is­ bell-83, Isham-54-55, Iski-7, Isley-27, Ives-81-86-87, Jaberg-71, Jackson-63a-85- 98, Jacobs-75, Jacobson-35, Jacoby-86, Jadzinskas-6 , James-38, Jenkins-20-21, Jenne- 58, Jennings-57-65, Jensen-38-43, Jerke-2, Jessell-54, Jett-69, Johns-77h Johnson: Agnes Zelma-27, Alida Mae-26, Bernard Louis-26, Bradley Lewis-27, Charles Forrest-26, Donald Eugene-30, Donald Lee-30, Doris Mae-26, Dorothy L~wis- 26, Edith Olmstead-58, Everett Radcliffe-26, Forrest Howard-26, George-49, George Dayton-75, Gregory Lee-30, Harold Everett-26, Harriet-98, Harvey Lee-30,_ Helen Elizabeth-30, Helen Ruth-26, Hilda-SO, Holly Frances-26, Howard Wilbur-25, Huron Dale-49, Ila Bernice-48, Jill Ann-26J John Benja­ min-30, Judith Mae-26, Kenneth Dean-27, ·Laura-3, Lawrence William-26, Leanda Elizabeth-25, Lee-29, Linda Kay-30, Loretta Emery-99, Lois Louise- 26, Lori Ann-26, Lowell Charles-27, Lucy Ann-62, Malcolm Dayton-25, Mar­ tin Douglas-30, Michaela Ann-26, Michael Edward-30, Minnie Ellen-26, Nan­ cy Esther-27, Nicolet Howard-25, Norman Willard-30, Ralph Earl-27, Randall Jay-26, Reini Scott-25, Richard A-55, Richard Lawrence-26, Roger Forrest-26, Ruth Inez-26, Sallie Gay-26, Steven Kenneth-27, Susan Caryl-30, Will For­ rest-25~ Will Lewis-25, Doris Helen-77a, Ray H-79a-103 Jonah-47, Jones-7-15-19-30-31-33-34-36-39-49-69-101, Jordan-63a, Jorgensen-38, Joy- 102, Joyce-78, Judd-l-19-55-61-72-83-93-94-95-100, Judge-101, Judson-52-93, Jump-12, Jung-43, Justesen-SO, Kahm-26, Kaiser-67, Kanagawa-30, Kane-67, Karl-13, Karsten-28, Kassel-33, Kassin-47, Keck-4, Keeler-63b, Keeney-76, Keith-37, Kelleher-54, Keller- 19, Kellicut-48, Kellogg-53-60-82-85-98-10-~ Kelly-16-30-49-81, Kelsey-51, Kendall- 25, Kendlehart-63a, Kennedy-16-29-63b-64-65, Kern-82, Kerr-89-100-102, Kessler-27- 99, Ketchum-57-78, Keyes-74, Keys-21, Kibe-49, Kiefer-91, Kiefner-45, Killmer-91, Kimmerly-79, Kincaid-SO, Kinch-51, Kindt-36, King-5-62-81, Kingsbury-74, Kingsley-78, Kingston-26, Kinney-63-65-67-78, Kinsley-63b, Kinsman-2, Kirk-87, Kirkman-25, Kir­ steatter-33, Kissner-46, Klade-92, Klein-24-101, Kline-86, Knepshield-75, Knerr-66, Knesel-91, Knight-85-101, Knights-66, Kniskern-5, Knop-67, Knowlton,l, Koch-33, Kol­ da-27, Koloski-63, Kosmalski-28, Kraft-49, Krebs-31-46-92, Kreitlow-46, Krisman-33, Krom-12, Kubic-36, Kuhry-40, Kulow-34-35, Kunkle-91, Kurt-37, Kusma-25, Lackas-42, Lafaver-20, Lafebre-63b-102, LaFleur-66-67, LaGare-80, Laidley-14, Laing-9, Laird- 44-50, Lakal-45, Lake-3"."'94, Lamareau-86, Lamb-6-14-38-39-41-44-46-48-49-50, Lambert- 82-93, Lamkin-30, Lamm.on-32, Lamphier-93, Lampson-74, Lancaster-37, Landon-53, Lan­ dreth-41, Laridrum.-56, ~ane-57, Lang-80-102, Lange-9, Langenfeldt-86, Lnnsford-17, Lantsberry-96, Lape-94, Lapham-59, LaRoche-91, Larsen-43, Larson-35-72, Larue-53, Latham-S2-62b, Latimer~2, Latzke-41, Laughton-82, Laukaitis-62, Laurence-69, Law-99, Lawless-79, Lawrence-8, Layman-12, Lazzaro-53, Leach-56-74-83-86, Leaman-93, Learned- 49, Leavitt~47, L~c-3S, Lee-22-45-78-103, Leech-98, Leffelman-31, Lehmkuhl-?, L~~nbaugh-7, Leissring,91 Leith-91, Leitner-33, Lembke-36, Lemmer-29; Lemon-1-6,

. . Also: Hotchklss-77b, Houghtaling-77a, Hurlbut-77a, lnches-770, Jacobs-77a- 77b, Kelly-77b, Leifert-103~ Lemieux~lOJ, Hernandez-103, Krajewski­ ! 03, Kel logg-103, Joy-103, Lee-103,, lc:o..c~- i '5,. K'o ~e. r? ... 1. 1, \-lu r-"\-. e. i- i.'~ Lenander-50, Lender-37, Lennox-67, Lent-2-3, Leonard-54-99, Lepler-26, Lerbushiug-2, Levan-46, Lewis-24-27-53-54, Liedkie-2, Light-52-79, Lilnch-26, Lindberg-31, Lind­ ley-47, Lindmark-45, Lindquist-45, Lindsley-94-95-96, Linsky-62, Linsley-76, Lippa- 14, Little-4.9-68-99, Littlejohn-15, Littler-86, Lobdell-52-63b, Lockett-39, Lock­ wood-58, Lodar-64, Loftus-90, Long-16-48, Loomis-55-83, Lopez-4, Louderbac~-24,

Loughrey-62, Love-14, Loveland-56-72, Lovell-95 1 Loverick-79, Lovgreen-32, Lownes- 38, Luck-92, Lueders-63b, Lupton-99, Luther-60, Lutz-45, Lynch-80, Lynn-71, Lyon-44, MacEwan-12-21~ Mach-4, Mack-S6-57, Mackle-27, Macklin-42, Mndden-46, Maddux-25,

Magagna-62, MaGee-13, Mngette-24, Maguire-5, Mahl-6, Malcom-42 1 Malione-~2, Mallery- 81, Mallory-7, Malone-34, Maloy-37, Mnnchester-77, ·Mnndeville-19, Mankin-80, Mann- 4-7-60, Manning-31, Mannon-46, Manser-42, Manwel-7, Maples-3, Marckhoff-31, Mare.nn- 64, Marhillie-73, Mathoefer-20, Marian- , Marinello-92, Marion-41, Marius-77-77a, Market-61, Markey-37, Markle-13-101, Marks-1, Marriott-28-44, Marsh-77b, Marshall-62, Martin-6-18-44-54-64-84-89-95-96, Martineau-28, Martinei-37, Maskin-1~, Mason-36- 77b, Masoomian-24, Mathes-32, Mathesius-28-30:-101, Mathews-42, Mathieson-6l, 'Ratson- 61, Matthews-48-71-94, Mattice-1-7, Mattoon-53 thru 56, 84 thru 87, 88-93, Mattox-· 47, Mauch-29, Mauterstock-13, Mavis-67, Maxim-90, Mayer-74, Mayes-8, Maynard-.60-74- 99, McArtkut.56, McBean-86, McCall-24-95, McCampbell-37, McCandless-33, McCann-61,: McCarten-51, McCartney-63a, McClenahan-19, McCloy-9, McClurg-10. McCoy-18, McCrack­ en-9, McCroll-27, McCue-63b, McCullogh-69, McDonald-39, McEchron-15, McEwen-90, McFarland-66, McGeoch-61, McGil vra-38, McGregor-90, Mcllwain-8, Mcintosh-38, Mcln-­ tyi::-e-60, McKee-4-51, McKnight-23, McKown-2-53, McLaughlin-52-63-63a~63b, McLaury- 51-95, McLean-90, McLennon-82, McMahon-33-77a, McMorris-52, McMurtrie-39, McNamara- 34, McNeilly-57-58, McNinch-32, McNish-73, McPherson-90, McWilliams-98, Mead-22, Meadows-a,. Mealey-30-101, Meeker-23-24, Meiklem-53, Meintz-41, Meisel-32, Melanson- 80, Mellen-21, Melugin-46-47-48, Mengle-19, ~e9la-27-101., Merchant-63, Mer~ness-5, Merkl-30-101, Merriam-56-58-59-60-65-83, Merritt-18, Mertz-4, Messenger-22-23, Met­ calf-100,. Meyer:-31-77-91, Meyers-32-41, Michels-38, Middleton-42, Miers-5 ~ Mtgeon- 83, Miles-28, M~livac-11, Millard-71, Miller-8-15-44-49-50-64-70-72, Milliman-7.31 Millikin-43, .Millington-65, Millot-101, Mills-23-52, Minehan-8, Miner-45, Mi~ier-27, Minnetto-80, Minturn-63-65, Mishka-66, Mitchel-29-99, Mitchel 1-4 -29-59, Moehl~-46, Mogridge~S?, Molle-22, Mollohan-74, Monnet-70, Monroe-31, Montgomery-70, Moody-12, Mooers-64, Mooney-60, Moore-37--38-41-51-68-74-80-82, Moot-52, Moran-80, More~14-15, Morehouse-33, Morey-14, Morgan-21-26-84, Mor~el 1-24, Morris-21-45-63a-6 3b, Morrison- 47 -49, Morrissey-28, Mortland-35-36, Moscrip-47, Moser-92, Mosher-19-66-75, Moss- 82, Mostar-59, Moulton-30, Mowbray-16, Mowrey-63a, Muck-67, Muehleisen-72, Mulford- 1, Mulligan-96, Multer-12, Mundeschau-41, Mundry-77b, Mundt-46, Munson-53-76-93- 96-97-98-99-103, Murphy-15-21-34-54, Murray-20-34-50-65, Myers-26-82-96, Nacca-60, Nacc.arato-28, Nance-36, Nash-1, Nauman-29, Navin-81, Neal-49-94, Necasek-1, Neese- 41, Nehring-40, Nelles-49, Nelson-19-21-22-35-41-45-58-70-80-81, Nester-25, Nest­ over-88, Nettleton-88-100, Newett-80, Newkirk-65, Newport-12,.Newton-14-42-46-67, Nichols-t-2-3-12-13-79-82-{.3-98-101','Nieholson-57, Nie.lsen-27, Niles-63a, Nimick-85, Nimlos-29, Nimmo-SO, Nisted-82, Nix-Sa, Noland-34, Norden.60, Norrish-97t Norton- 24-98, Nostert-1, Notson-48, Nowels-69, Nubiggie-34, Nulton-67, Nussba-µm-2, Nye-50- 65-89, Oakley-54, Oates-67, Obe-43, O'Brien-63-82110dell-5-7-8-~-10-11-12; Ogan-38, O'Heron-77a, Ohlman-32, Olds-71-91, Oliver-10-13, Ollendike-57, dlmstead~39-50-56, Olsen-53, Olson-35-46, O'Neil-81, Orcutt-26, O'Rourke-10, Orr-42, ·orris-102, Orvis~. 99-102,- Osbom-16-94, Osborne-52•58~ Ostrander-97, Ottenberg-22, Overly-31, Owens- 15-43-63b, Packer-58, Page-61-97, Painter-34, Peiritz-33, Palmer-9-20-28-5.6, Pal- ·· □ eter-61, Pardee-84, Parish-11, Parker-49-71-84-94, Parks-11-36-58-72-74-101, Par­ malee-77b-82, Parment-70, Parmly-17, Parrish-73, Parrott-77, Parsons-77-102, Part­ ridge-66, Pastasnick-19, Patchin-90-101, Patten-19, Patterson-8, Patton-75, Paulson- 13, Payne-61, Pearle-2, Pease-27, Peck-13-S9-60-81-93, Peddle-10, Pederson-69, Pel­ ton-75, Pemberton-23-24, Penfield-65-70-95-96-99·100, Penny-2S, Pensfield-89, Percy- 93, Perkins-40-81. Pertmer-29, Peters-20-101, Peterson-12-35-46-48-50-101, Pettis- 82, Petty-38, Pettys-.90, Pfeifer-28, Pfister~4o, Pflant-42, Phelps-10-14-77-86-95,

Also: Lobdell-102j: Lyons-48-74-90, Nicolet-25, Partree-94, Parsons-103, Murphy-103, Maraski-103, Miller-103, Perret-103, Pessmore-103, Nichols-104, Munson-104 Also: Po11ell-52a, Pruslzy-52b, Rahn-52b, Reynolds-52b, Sheldcn-52a, Sherv;ood-52a

. . Phillips-2~1.8-43-65-91-100, Piall-85, Pick-90, Piekenbrock-36, Pierce-7-12-20-52- 57-99, Pike-24, Piller-32, Pinkston-19, Pistqresi-48~ Pitterle-40, Planck-91, Plann- 56, Plant-79, Platt-25-68, Plummer-49, Poelma-24,: Pogel-16, Polland-78,· Pollard-45, Pollock-33, Pomerqy-lOl, Pool-73, Pooler-38, Pope-7-36-37, Port-91, Porter-1-38-66-

71-87, Potter-10-54-160-76-78, Potterton-55, Powell-12-58, Pozes-59, Prance-71, Pratt- 81, Preece-48, Prentice-98, Preston-63a, Price-24-100, Prichard-47-90-101, Priest- 20, Prince-7 5, Priod_e~ 13, Prior-71, Pritchard- , Proctor-60, Prout-94, Puffer-63a, Purtan-67, Purvis-27, Putnam-80, Quigley-62,Raaf-35, Radeker-63b, Radley-43, Ralston- 101, Ramsdell-56, Ramsey-11-33:..42, Rand.all-78, Randolph-5-63, Rankin-70, Ransom-48.;... 85~ Rash-16~ Raska-43, ~asmussen-38, Rathbun-3, Rathjens-66, Rau-48, Ray-25, Rayles- 16, Rayman-9, Raymond-69, Reber-27., Redd-56, Redmond-84, Reed-33-61-72-77b-82, Reep- 75, Reeves-101, Reice-23, Reid-9-84, Reifschneider-36, Reigel-31, Relland-68, Rein­ ecke-34, Reinhold-61;R~mmli-101, Rempfler-31-101, Renfroe-98, Rentmeester-39-102, Renz-19, Restankowski-40, Rexford-59, Reynolds-12-18~26-74-87-95, Rezzer-15, Rhoades- 34-35, Rhodes-9-15-53, Rhone-23, Rial-70, Rice-79-86, Rich-62-64-70-77, Richards~SB- 99, Richardson-25-27-80,, Richelieu-7, Richmond-23, Richter-SO, Rickerson-86, Rickett- 24, Riddell-11, Ridlen-36, Riegle-69, Riepe-16, Rieselman-91, Rifenbark-10-59, Rig­ gles-17, Riley-60-98, Risedorf-81, Risedorph-19, ·Rising-38, Ritchey-21, Ritlinger•S9, Ritthaler-26, Rivers-24, Rizzo-63a, Rizzuto-63a, Robb-26, Robberson-98, Roberts-12- 53-57-77-78-80-93, Robertson-12-53-83-87-99, Robinson-21-95-97-102, .Roche-36, Rock­ wel 1-86-98, Rod-32, ·Roe-39-40, Rogers-15-63a-90, Rohrdans-64, Rohrig-26, Roland-4, Roosevelt-6, lloot-81", Rose-74, Rosecrans-74, Rosenberg-20, Ross-49-67-80-81, Ros­ sellen-39,-101, Ro~sler-5, Roth-64, Roulston-62, Rous-2, Rouse-61., llowe-20-101, Rowell-84, Rowland-31, Rowney-SO, Royer-28, Ruark-44, Rublowski-41, Rucker-33-34, Ruland-4, Ruliffson-63b, Ruscoe-97, Russell-63a, Ryan-77, Ryder-4-51-62, Ryon-67, Sabatini-4,, Se.ckett-78, Sacks-67, Safford-51, Sage-89, Sales-65, Salisbury-17 t Sal­ ley-26, Sander-31, Sanders-IS, Sanderson-63b, Sandifer-73, Sanford-53-57-82-92-93, Sauer-70, Saunders-SO, Saussmrm-94, Sauter-61, Schacht-IS, Schaefe~-40-41, Scham­ baugh-27-30-31, Scheaffer-28, Scheer-26, Scheible-21, Scher-4, Scherger-91, Schick-7, Schildberg-37-38, Schfpp-30, Schmidt-33-44-60, Schnase-43, Schneider-42-91, Schneid­ ewind-7, Schoonmaker-23, Schrock-28, Schroeder-26-101, Schultz-31, Schulz-63, Schwab­ enland-27, Schwarck-48, Schwarz-33, Scott: Dorsey George-36-38, Emeline-55, Emma Belle-38, Estella Minerva-54, Helen Jocelyn-66, Henry-73, Henry G-54, Hugh Bosworth-66, Linus-54, Margaret-34, Martha Erepta-36, Mary-54, Minnie-3, Muriel Alice-19, Pansy Beryl-25, Sam­ uel-94, Sarah-54 Scovill-76, Scoville-77b-99-100, Scrivener-3, Scudder-7, Sealock-45, Seaman-9-27, Searles-3, Secondi-48, Secor-3, See-78, Seeley-52-64, Selleck-76, Senecal-20, Sent­ ner-69, Sewell-59, Seyffert-98, Seyl-42, Seymour-71-77b-78-83-102, Shaffer-87, Shal­ or-50-51-52, Shank-68, Shankland-89, Shannon-28, Shanower-75, Shaver-90, Shaw-10-17- 33-99, Shaylor-1-21, Sheldon-73, Shelton-61, Sheppard-24,, Sher­ win-53-54, Sherwood-89t Shipley-17, Shirk-75, Shoemaker-22, Shofer-102, Shore-3, Shorey-68, Sho~t-2, Shoup-38, Shove-55, Shroh~7-10, Shryock-100, Shuart-74-75, Shu­ ey-59, Shult-39, S_hultz-49, Shurtliff-59, Sicklen-13, Siech-95, Sielehr-91, Silli­ man-66-100-101, Silvera-63b, Silvernilil-71, Simmons-63-71-73--77a, Simonis-39-101, Simons-63-77'f?-96., Simoneon-64-65, Simpkins-30, Simpson-61, Sinclair-73, Singer-8-9, Sinsel-70, Sitterly-84, Skinner-32, Slator-73, Slavin-26, Sliker-81, Slocum-80, Slone-29, Sloniker-34-35, Smead-90-103, Smedick-77b, Smelka-71, Smith: Addie-4, Agnes E-81, Alfred H-63b, Alice Georgia-44, Allan Odell-10, Ann- 3-10, Carolyn Atwood-54, Charles 3-39, Chester Merton-47, Clnrissa ~-78, Cora-73, David Hnmilton-54, Dennis John-48, Devolson-9, Donald-43, Donald Thomas-67, Donna Rae-47, Doris Evelyn-10, Dorothy Louise-63b, Douglas Mark- 67, Douglas Stillman-54, Edna Caroline-48, Edward D-9, Edward Leroy-86, Edw~rd Rolph-54, Elizabeth Agnes-66, Elizabeth Georgia-9, Elizabeth Mae-63b, Ella-100, Elton Henry-46, Emma-29,, Emma J-90, Flint-100, Floyd Elbert-46, Frances, Des ire-~6, Frederick A-39,·. Kennedy-63b, George Kenneth-63b,

Also: Ridley-IO~, Robertson~10~1 Seymour-103, Silneria-103, Skibesky-103, Phillips-103, Russ-103, Randall-103; Plurin-103, Romero-103, Pomeroy- 104, Roberts-104, fo ;\lon-1'1 Also: Sperbect-52b, Stevens-52a, Teiglcnd-52a, Titus-52a-52b, Toole-52a, Truesdell-52b, Utter-52a, ~-Jagner-52b, ~;\'ebster-52a, -,'Ieirunar.n-52a

Gloria Ann-47, Grace-100, Harleyivan-47, Helen Irene-47, Riram-100, Jacob~ 46-47, James-1, Jane-100, Jane Gayle-67, Jean Annette-46, Jennings-67, Je~ rusha-1, Joanne Marie-86, Joel-72-100, Joel B-100, John J-81, John Whilhelm- 47, Jonathan Scott-54, June Elino~-10, Katie Louise-10, Kenneth Chnmbers- 63b, Kenneth William-47, Lnurie Isabel-63b, Lila Jane-46, Loran Lee-46, Ma­ rie-47, Mark Kenneth-63b, Mary R-98, Mildred Lulu-47, Milton Edward-9, My­ ron-100, Obadiah-73, Park-100, Patience-38, Philip Ralph-54, Polly-21, Priscilla Grant-86, Raymond Randle-47, Richard Scott-54, Robert Maurice-48, Robert Roy-6_3b, Robert Seymour-54, Rodney Wallace-47, Roy Dean-10, Roy Eg­ bert-10, Russell-67, Sally Kay-47, Sarah-95, Seymour Rolph-54, Shirley Eliz­ abeth-54, Steven Roy-63b, Terry Elton-46, T~rry Lynn-10, Toni·Beth-46, Wal­ lace Albert-47, Wilhelmi~a-69, William H-46, William Rolph-54, William Roy- 63b, Frances Desire-103; Nellie-52a; Vivilla~52b Smock-45, Smothers-33, Smotny-16, Smullen~Sl, Snader-45-46, Snider-13, Snively-17, · Snow-34,· Snyder-58-72, Scmolinos-4, Sorenson-62, Southard-7-51, Sower-28, Spaulding- 75, Speakman-41, Speenburg-6, Spellman-77, Spencer-69-96, Sperry-57, Spickerman-15, Spies-37, Sjillman-74, Splawn-47, Spofford-44, Spooner-11, Sporleder-29, Sprague-77, Spralt-36, Spring-41, Springer-55, Springst<;>n~s2, Sprinkle-l7, Squire-63, Squires- 60, Srb-27, Stafford-25, Stainbrook-44, Stamberger-29, Stanford-33, Stanislov-16, Stanley-7, Stapleton-70, Starr-99-102, Statira-90, Stauffer-55, Stearns-66, Steb­ bins-73, Stecker-40, Steel-82, Steele-5, Steelman-43, Steer-62, Stehlik-21, Stelter- 91, Stephans-24, Stephens-SO, Sterling-64, Sternberg-12-14-59, Stetson-89, Stcupfert- 32, Stevens-7-33-68-88, Stevenson-48, Steward-61, Stewart-25-57-63-72, Stibitz-58, Stickleman-29, Stickles-82-87, Stiegler-51, Stiffler-71-72, Stiles-59, Stillson-94, Stinnette-25, StJohn-72-73-89, Stock-78, Stocks-39-102, st~ckwell-45-77b-82, Stod­ dard-53-82-96-98, Stoesser-IO, Stokes-14, Stoll-24, Stone2-39-40-41-72-101-102, Stotesbury-83, Stout-7', Stowell-94, Strait-20, Stratton-81, Stresing-66, Strickland- 54-98, Stuart-56-58, Stubbs-100, Stuecy-36, SulliVBD-12-13, Sutherland-2-11-17, Sut­ liffe-88, Sutton-45-59-80, Suug-67, Svensbotter-45, Swank-25-28, Swanson-31-63a, Swantak-8, Swartz-16-63, Sweet-84, Sweetsir-68, Swick-18, Swift-44, Taggart-98, Talbott-24, Tanner-54-55, Tanseman-42, Tanzini-21, Tate-37-79, Taylor-16-22-47-53- 58-59-64-77-83-99-103, Teach-31, Teassel-101, Tedesco-a, Teeter-55, Telford-98, Tem­ ple-49, Terhune-38-65, Terk-4, Ternens-45, Terpening-2, Terrett-17, Terrill-53, Terry-56, Thayer-78, Thomas-14-32-35-62, Thomason-32, Thompson-5-20-55-65-73-77b, Thomton-32-75, Thorp-47-59-88, Thorsen-69, Thorsgaard-25, Thorstenson-47, Thralls- 36, Thunston-52, Tibau-39, Tibbals-77b, Tide-71, Tielbur-35, Tillapaugh-5, Tilley-10, Tillotson-73, Timmens-75, Tinkham-7, Tirrell-20, Titus-66-77-83, Tobey-64, Toborsky- 17, Tolman-62, Tomlin-29, Tomlinson-53-79, Tompkins-13, Toogood-17, Town-73-91-92, Townsend-24, Townsley-8, Traudt-26, Trautman-42, Traver-21, Treadwell-2-50-96, Tre­ lease-64, Tremaine-84, Trester-12, Triebold-40, Tripp-5, Troudt-23·, Troupis-31-101, Trout-27-74, Truitt-45, Truman-74, Tubbs-78, Turbarg-77a, Turkington-62-63, Turner­ l-45-56-63a-63b-64-73-81, Turney-37, Tute-91, Tuthill-9, Tuttle-71-79, Twomay-66, Tyler-22-34-61-72-92, Tyrand-46, Tythcott-63a, Ullrich-28, Underhill-60, Urbano­ wicz-74, Utter-9, Vail-62, Valaskey-92, Vnnaan-57, Vanbiber-17, VnnBuren-60-87, VanDerbeck-6, Vanderhoff-88, VanDerzle-7, VanDeusen-4-56, Vandewater-82, VanDusen- 2, Van Loan-63b, VonPatten-6, VanRomandt-61, VanSickle-35, VanValkenburg-3-63a, VanValsberg-6, Varney-82, Vaughn-11-37-91, Veok-24, Veeder-6-81, Veich-1, Veiman- 35, Venezia-77, Verhulst-92, Vermilyea-a, Viets-73-91, Voege-39, Vogel-32, Vogrinc- 33, Vogt-68, Voris-5, Vroman-5-12-22-86, Wade-38-57-60, Wadkins-68, Wadsworth-24, Wagner-10-46-47, Waits-3-90, Wnkeman-63a-84, Waldo-92, Waldorf-5, Walker-25-29-36- 39-97, Wallace-45-50, Walsh-25-43, Walter-67, Walters-91-92, Ward-5, Ware-98, War­ ner-6-51-63a, Warren-29, Washolivich-101, Wassalino-28, Waterman-74, Waters-7-78, Waterton-75, Watkins-43, Watson-17-90, Waugh-79, Weaver-58, Webb-18, Webber-28, Web .. er-38-41, Webster-27, Wedge-54, Weed-67, Weeks-77a, Weidenhofer-30, Welch-36-38, Weller-68, Wellman-3, Wells-38-73-78-81-95, Welsh-95, Welton-58-59-72-82-89-93, Wendell-27,Weming-40, Wesser-21, West-66-67, Westcott-95, Westerwald-36, Westfall- 40, Weston-73-89, Westpecker-74t Wetmore-84-94, Wheeler-11-54-83, Whetstone-53,

Also: Waterman-102, Tadiello-103, Taylor-103, Stull-103, Sutton-103, St rong-104, Vogt-103., ~ ·""' J~ ... h .. le - l. 8 Whillock-78, Whing-36, Whipp-54, Whitaker-29-46-64-Whitcomb-34, White-6-11-19-23- 62-72-82, Whitely-53, Whitford-20, Whiting-57, Whitney-60-80, · Whittaker-37, Wiard-5, Wiate~so, Wickham-57, Wiede-66, Wiedenhofer-101, Wik-67, Wike-91, Wilver-55-73, Wilbur-11, Wilcox-92, Wilday-SO, Wi:lder-25, Willcock-27, Williams-18-20-40-41-49- 82-88-91-95, Willis-79, Wilmot-97, ·Wilson: Alice Corrine-64, Ann-103, Annie-25-69, Brownie-44, Franklin LeRoy-45, Grace-24, Henry-64, H 0-44, Leon~l4, Lois-45, Mary-57, Mary B-93, Ralph Arthur-49, Tabi tha-11 , Wil 1 iam-49, , .. · Wiltsey-1, Wiltsie-SJ, Winch-79, Winchell-12-53-100, Wind-31, Wiseman-18, Witte-101, Wittenauer-32, Wittgan-31, Wolchesky-17, Wolf-8-41-62, Wolfe-87, Wolford-31, Wood-2-

10~11-12-13-43-44-47-82-93-100, Woodard-11, Wooddy~19, Wooden-27, Woodland-58-59 1 Woodruff-93-97, Woods-37, Woodward-52-53-84-94-10:3, Woolson-84-85, Works-19, Worman- 13, Worster-SO, Wray-22, Wright~29-33-58-60-65-79-89, Wulf-39, Wyett-95, Wynn-62, Yager-18, Yankow-8, Yoman-66, Yone-33, Young-11-36-41-50-53-55-63b-64-101, Zeigler- 35, Zelenke-36, Zellars-SO, Zi~rdt-28, Zimmerman-85-92, Zokal-33, Zurn-70, Zuyas-62

Also: Winegard-5, Winfield-40-41, Wingate-86, Winnie-51, Zuff alato-103, Woodward- I 03, Wiltsie-52a, Yiin¥.ler-52b, Wiser-52a, Wolf e-52b, VIyckoff-52b, Zimnatore-52b · IlfDEr· (Second-- S\lppltDent)-- -- Adair-132, Albri~o-110, Al!ord-130, .Allaben-132, Allen-110-123, .Ames-125, Andersen- 130, Andrews-111-123, Ansteth-112, Atlft>od-123,. Austin-115-l~-129, Almond-124, Backu.s- 110-120, Ba.con-124, Bsgg-128, Bailey-116, Balaz-117, Bales-127-128, Banks-U6, Ban­ ni~-117-122, Baras-116, Barham-la), Barker-111, Barklev-120, Barnes-128, Barrett- 122-133 Barth-127, Bartholow-120, Bauer-117, Beach-125,. Beam-128,, Beard­ ~ley-12i ~ ..-B .. echt~~-1?3i B~~-:-.122, Bet;rs-1-33-, Bell...;.124-1~0-,, Belt~ll2i;:Benge-!-ll2i. Ben­ Jann.n-10'1, · ~er1teronw-l O, .. B~ssinger-llo, B~ea~kapp-1~3, .B1gsb_f:3e~~09, . .t,i+ge~l2~~- 1:1ixby- 115, Biack-ll8, · Blake-1iq~123, ·.Blodgett-114, Boc~-115,. Bohnet~llS,. ~lles-130. Boor­ rnan-1?7; Bqyce-199, Branch-ll~,-Brazie-1.14, Brig~s-~~1~117-il9, Bris~ol~l24, Bronson- 126 ,-·. Brown-l03Tl.l~l23-124~128-113, Bruc·e.,..13.3, BrunsQn-1~6, Bryant-109, . ~cnanan-117- 118, · Biicher~l15, Buck-lli·; Buckingham~110~131, Bull-124; ~rineii~i26, ·oo~i~~109, Bu~1io,. .Burns~u2, -~rson-109, . Burti$-ll_5J .. Burton-1:-l.6, .Bltskirk-112, Butcher-ii,, : Butterfie1:a-1i9, · Bu~ton+l25 ,.. B!¢Ts-122-i23 A· ·Cad. g. er-118 ,. .. Cady~l241 Carlev""'.'119, i· ~a~lsoi:i · -118,···Carpcnter-llQ, Ca,;ter-112, Carver-11., Cas~l24, Ca.stj.~1?9, Cpambei;-lai.n""'.'109 . Ck"ampion-116,-· Chesebrough..:.111/··christian-1~3, Christen-123~ ,yti~istie..:.116, ··Christy-i3l~ .. Cicio-110,. C}:--;::-:~"1-l::.C_;·. CJ .~,r-per-114, -Clark-113:, Clarke-112, Gl~a,rer...;.ll5, ·Clements-125-· . 128, Cline-130. ,- Goan--1~::, . cc·.:}~5-·-~ 11, Coffman-121,. Cog~ins·-125~1~6:,· Coles-126;·· ·Collyer-_:

114, Columbia-114.. Connell-110 5. · (;-J·ay·L',d ....129, Cook-114-124, Coo_r1-128, Coonts:-l:-25, Coop- ., . .. . ,· . . ~ er-ll0-132:, :Copley:-109-113, Corbett-129, -Cornell-113, Cortl"!ell..;.l~O, •·countryman-114,. Craig-109,. Cramer-121, Crawford-117-118,; -Cripe~ll8; Croy-127, •Curtis~121, Ctirtjss-116, · Danf~th-:110-130-l32, · Dau~l27, Davenport-110~130-131-132-133, David-127, Davis-11.3~. · -- 122-127. - . · .·\. · · .··. :· · ... ·. :· . · · - · . ·.. · .. ·· ,,· ..·; ..... ,.. . ·.... ~.-~ . _.··· . : Dayton:·- ·Adelb~rt .George-116, Adele-124, 'Adon Westcott·-127... ~28, .}J:frf.d C-124,. Alice- ·. 126-127, tJ.'len TruTDan-123;- Alta I;uella-128·, ·An~eli!}e:EJ.~z~;...127, ··Annis~126, .. ·, .Ara~lle~l23, Archibald-126.,:: Ar,chie -Charles-118.-; Ardis ·DeLila~l27, ·Arvid~l21+,. Arvid Marsh-124, Asenath~116, ·Ashley~\26; · ·Ba.rbara: J.ean-1~ 7, ..1;3~rt}1._a~-123-128, · Bertha ·Almena.-119, Bertha Edith-113·, ·Bessie A~l30, :Be,verly May-143, ~i~ge..: -114, Bradley Donald-119,. Brl~rf David~ll9, Calista-128,· Carol- ..Ann-21'(.,·. Ca-ro­ line-124-125, Carrie· Ber~¢e_;l~, Catherine-124, Cathleen Arin+lll, .Cedric . · Lodge-124, · Charl:es Richard-111, ·Charles Wesley~ll8, ·Ch1~o·e Dr:lucia;..119, · · · Clrris·topher John-lll,., Clara Marietta-727, qlyde· W-123;· Clyde William-117,. Cora-120·~ Daniel Humphrey-117, Da:rcia Margaret~ll9, Darcy Mill~n-li9, · · David Allen-115, Deborah Anne-118, Delia Marie-:126,· Delzie Frankl.~n-117, . Diana-124, Diane Mary-111,: Donald_ H-119, Donovan Gray-111, Dor(ias .. Krueger- 124, Dorothy~l?7, Dorothy . .J~n.71~124, Dwight Bristo1-1,24i· F4win J-:i23 1 _; ·· ¥'earl:123 ,- El.o-iza-124, Finily J ane~l24, Emma Arabelle-.·23, Ester· Latimer- 124, To-tey Fu.ller-124, Esth-er May-117, F,unice El.vira-126, · Fanriy Sophronia:... 1g2,. Flora-1~6, Florence Eliz_a.-:-114, Frances Genevieve-118, ·Frank'. Willard~ 126, : George Gates-124, George Leroy-117, Georg.e Ricllard-116, Gideon Matthew- . .128, Hallie-126, Harriet-126, Harriet E-114, Ha.rvey-126~ Hazel·· May-il?; · · · - Hel.en.· M;ars}:l-124, Henry-123,. Herbert-129, Hobart-126; Homer~12.3, ·Horace-123, Howa~d.;..123, ·. Hug~· Roy-116, ~sabella: Lavinia-126,. Iva· Marilla.~127; ·Izora~l27, James. f4dycQ-124, James. El.mer-109,. Ua~es Madison-127, James Morgan-124,. ·. James_ ~homas-lJ_l, James w_illi~-12~, Jane Vaptoa.n.-~111 , · Jean f~llyn-127, · Jeane:t,tc Angeline~~28~ Jerom~ ~ee~l27; ~J.~ssi.e Eliza.~117, ·· Joan. li.nn-lll, . Jo~n- 126, Joht;i B:-1?3, John Gr~gory~ll8, ·.John l.far~an-115, John Robert-111, John · We~l:ey~ll8~ ·~Jp~ri .Woodward-126, ,~o~iah B-123, Justus-126,. ·Kenneth Dan.forth'7~ ·llO, Ke~eth ·wilt~i~-110; -Kim .. ~arie-111,.. L·aura :-Ann.~117,• "Laura Ellen..;.126; -·.: Laura· Peqdlet~n-1~4,. Laura Whit~le~ey-124, .Lavinia~126, · Leon Arby-116; · te~:.­ _·ona.·_Mciy'-!16, _Levi :Lester~12~,: L~u~~ c~1?4, Louis•e .Ann~l23;. Lowell Roter~. · 1 127; _";t~a Ma.y-1~ 9,. _Lyman R-a11sley:-1~7, . Malqolm Pinckney-124,. -Marc·ia> fillz~- . · ·.betli-117, Ma~j_q_:r;-ie..;.124, . Marl<, Cll~:rier-Jia, Martha-114, .··Martha- Kath erine-:t21, :Maey-113, Mary .A~n~117, ·Mary· Ca.roline-114,. Ma.ry Lou-123; Mary Urania..;124, Maude ·E-129, Merlin Goon-1.28, Merlo,n-127, ~erna Gaye-:127, Michael-129,- }fin--· · erv~ Ann~l26_, ·Mino·r-126, Myron Roblri~on-127, N:eil Avon-124, Nonna Kathrjn- 118, Orpha-125, Orrin Lewis-~~1, Pamelia-130., Pau;l. Douglas-116, Penfie14. ~--· Lewis-116, Ransley-126, ~.ebecca ·Kay-115,-. Reed Westcott~12s, Reuben .Anson-117, Robert Roya.1-116, Rodney Lee-117, Russell Edward-111, Russell Gibbs-111, Rus­ s ell Hoyt-114, Russell James-116, Ruth-116, Samuel Tyler-126, Sarah Foote-_ J.J9, Scott Michael-116, Seymour-126, ~ophro!rl.a~l22, Spencer-123, Susan Mar1.e­ -:._ _7__7, Thi~za-J.26, Thomas (1:;crge-117, U:t2.. ::-i~n Bartlett-124, Verna Faye-127, V~­ ginia M-124, William-126;; ·William JJ.l en--i23, vJilliam C-123, William Frederick- 123, vJj_llj_am Henry-124, t..adoc-123 . Deacy-113, DeF!:\?Jn-114:- Dclfart-124, Delano-118, Dennis-126, Dennison-132, DeWitt-113, Dickey-129, Diefendorf-114, Ditburner-128, Dixon-117, Dod~e-128-131, Doig-132, Dono­ hoe-110, Doolittle-126, Doster-116, Dow-114, Downes-113, Drought-113, Duggan-112, Dun­ can-131, DJ.nn-111, Dunphy-114; Durney-122, Duyser-126, Dyer-118, Easley-110, Eason- 114, Tu.ton-121, wgcrton-109, Edwards-111-122, Eeels-110, Eggleston-128., Ell~~-110, Thte·J::,~~129, Endecott-129, Engert-120, Etheridge-129, Evans-116, Facey-117, Fa.irbanks- 129, Fanelli-112, Farrell-123, Fauble-112, Fayer-116, Feltman-110, Fenn-126, Ferguson- 122 Fetters-129, Finch-111, Findlsy-131, Finnan-130, Fitton-131, Floss-112, Foley... 131: Foote-110, :?vrni-127, Fowler-122-123, Fox-130, Frampton-113, Francis-122, Fra:ik- 124, Fraser-ll4, !?reiberg-109, Froelich-109, Fuller-124, Fuquay-112, Gaisford-113, Gam.i""'-124, Gardiner-112, Garrett-124, Gates-124, Gaylord-122, Geddes-113, Geiwitrz- 122, Gensheiman-115, Giannoni-112, Giebs-114-132, Gilbert-113-119-120, Gillen-131, Gilligan-130ii Gitchell-118~ Glaspy-111, Goert-127i Goff-ll?i Gok~~l28, Golden-126, Goldst~i!1-l , Gom··c.•-126, u0od-ll0, Goodenough-12:>, Gordon- 09, Gorsc~-132, Graie;- . 109-11..,, Grant-109-114-139-133:, Graves-111, Gray-110, Gregory-115, Gnce-120, Griffin- 11~-, Griffiths-124, Griggs-119, Grime-130, Grover-128, Gryant-109, Guilford-127, Gunn- 13J., !{?, Hall-123-·132, Halterman-130, Hamilton-131-1:,2, Har.rnond-111-124, H!3Jnp­ tcn-1J.2, Handlowich-114-115, Hankey-115, Hardin-112, Hargrove-ll6, Harl0ck-ll6, Harris- 111-115-133, Harrison-112-117-118, Hart-113, Hartzold-116, Harwood-113, Haskell-119, Hastj_ngs-l'J9 j Hatfield-ll8, Hatley-128, Haugan-127, Haugh-125 :J Eawkins-112-119, H~:~;ks- 113, Heale::r~-115, Hebbard-ll3, Heckman-131, Held-119, Hellcr-111, Henderson-132, Hen­ dry-131, Henness-110, Henschel-120-121, Hentz-133, Herman-124., Hernandez-111, Hewitt- 124, Herron-118, Hickman-131, Hickox-113, Higgins-111, Hightowe:r-109, Higley-124, Hill-123-~-25-128-129, Hinkston-117, Hitchcock-112-129, Hoagland-131, Hoard-119-120- 121, Hob::e.y-109, Hodgeman-122, Hoeft-116-117, Hoffman-110, Holbury-123, Holley-116, Ho?P-133., Horn-110, Howe-110, Howell-124, Hubbard-115, Huck-110, Hume-113, Hurlbert- 109, Hurl ey-116, Hurt-113, Hust~~n-110, Hutch enreuth er-119, · Hutchins-129, Hutchinson- 127, H,1:vck~lJ.5, Hvlcm--127,, Hymers-113, Iski-110, Ives-132, Jackson-128, Jac­ qucrnin-124, Jel:szewski-ll3, Jarboe-117, Jennings-124, Johnson-115-125-129, Jones-124- 128, Justi~e-117, Kahn-110, Kane-116-127, Kasrnark-109, Keatine:-118, Kello~g-122, Kem­ pton-127, Kerr-123, Kessler-129, Kholi-123, Kicinski-113, Kirk-121, Klein-111, Knapp- 128, Kna11b-124, Knoop-116, Knop-116, Kohler-118, Krebs-112, Krewer-111, Krueger-124, Kuder-119, Kuyck-113, LaBee-118, LaBonto-118, Lacey-131, LaDue-112-127, Lafevre-115, LaForest-110, Lamaud-116, LalJiont-129, Lane-124, Langd on-123, Lansford-110, Lantz-129, Laughnan-116, Lawrence-127, Layman-114, Layton-111, Leale-121, Lear-116, LeDuc-112, Lee-116-11 ?-132, Lehrnkuhl-110, Leigh-110, Leight-110, Leinbach-110, Leinbaugh-110, Lemon-110-U6, Lences-110, Lepler-111, Lester-133, Lewis-110-116, Lindsley-126, Lin­ sky-114, Little-116, Lobenstcin-128, Locer-131, ~odar-115, Lodge-124, Lomclli-111, Longo~l29, Louden-132, Love~l29, Lowe-118-129, Lucas-114,· Lupton-129, Luther-114, Lutz -125-132; · Lyinan-109-123, Madison-115 :i Magrmsort-~27; .Ma.Iey-~19, Manual-120, Marrw'lcl-110, Markillie-119, -Marks-19~~ld), .Marsh-124, Martin~ll0-126, Martindale-115, ifartincz-112, Mata~hek-1~7, ¥iathesius"".'"lll;· ~Ia.ttern--117; ;, Mat~oon-126,_ Mavis~116, May- 1,22-128., 1-1aynard-ll~, .Mayo-119~12:>; M~cArthuri.128, Mcfil;pine-~l(), l'1cGJ.eliand-ll7, Mc.Cloy-110, McCracken~l22, McDani~ls-121; ~~De:rrnott-117, ·· 1--IcDonald-111,· McGee-120, McGraw-129; l1cGuire-129; -McGuish-118,· -~cintyrC.:114~- McRane-11:J-; l!cKee-129, McKown-109 McLau'lhlin-113~115; M;cLaury-126-1,32,_, l-icNeal-118, · ·McNish-117.;· }l~Williams-1~8, Mecke~ ' stock-133, ~~llen-111, lvierriam-114-126; Me_tcalf-120, l-1etz-123, • J-ieyer-120, lvleyers-129, Middleton~l~5, Mikolajczyk-120," Miller-110~115-ll9-121-122-125-127 Millikan-116 Mil­ liman-118; Mfnes-122 ;· l1irick~116 ,- lfix_:1_2~, ··Mo#!rid_ge-113, Monroc_:113, Morit~omery-121, Moore-113~:J.22-129; More-1:32, Morga~~116,- :ifor~is.:..121-130, J.,!ortimcr-121, ·Mosher-115, Mostert-109, Muck-11~; lv.Iucller~;l-15 ,.· -Mulford.i..q_o9, ~ns:on-122~128, Murray--l:J.l-125, Myers-117, Nadei1-i25; ·Neµson-116,. __ ;~ettlctori-130,:. ~cue-128, ·.New:bigging~l12, Newkirk- 115, .Nichols-109-+~8-129; Nicholson-113, N~Jrrbar-127, · Noetzlamann~112, Norton-129 . Nye- 126,: 0a.tes_-11~, :01 ~rien-115, 0gel.sby~l25, ·01.tver-113:_, ·ormste'ad-ll3,· '0 1 Neille-129' 0'Rourke·-111/ Orr-12s·, Osmond-117;·· Oi·rGn-131:, Pahlman-l2i~Pai:nter-112~ Palnier-n1:113-12~- Parke~-ll2, Puks-114, P&rmalee-1~, Parrish-120, Patehin-lll, P~te-117, Pattongill•... 124, P&yne-ll4, Peck-ll0..ll9, Pells-131, Pendergart--110, Perry.109, Peters-115-116- 117, Peterson-lll-1)2, Phillips-1.30-133, Pickup--124, Pierce-131, Pi!er-123, Pike-113- 119, Piletic-111, Pinekney-124, Platt-116-124, Pomeroy-129, Pond-115, Pontius-117, Pope-UO, Pore-12', Porter-ll5-130-131, Preston-132, Priee-114-130, Prichard-116, Proper-132, Provance-127, Pumphrey-120, Purtan-116, Quale-12.3, Ramsey-ll3, Rankin- 119, Rassellen-113, Rate-114, Rauschert-119, Raven-la:>, R8.ywood-133, Rees-119, Reeve- 113, Reiners-129, Reinwald-121.t Rempfier-112, Ressler-119, Reynolds-121, Rhindhart- 127, Rice-126, Rich-113-120, Richa.rdson-ll3, Robbins-US, Roberts-125, Robertson-129; Robinson-122-127-129, Rosecrans-123, Ross-116, Rossellen-113, Rote-114, Rowe-110-120, Ruliffson-115, Rupp-130, Russell-118, Rya.n-115, Sack-116, Sandifer-118, Schmidt-US, Schnell-119, Schnieder-113, Schwcnser-121, Schwerin-ll3, Scott-130, S ~)to~.,:.t-718, Stovick-128, SiDwell-117, Stra.sser-130, Strawincki-126, Streeter-118, Stucbs-131, Suchy-114, Swneky-117, Sutherland-llO, Swan­ son-ll5, Swathwood-121, Talbott-123, Tanis-118, Tarrant-119, Tatu-ll6, Taylor- , TenEyck-ll3, Terk-109, Terrett-ll0, Terpening-130, Terrill-116, Terry-113-117, Ter­ williger-123, Thill-111, Thornas-112-114-118, Thompson-111-117, Tillotson-122, Tim­ othy-128,.Titus-116-123, Torrey-122, Town-117, Treadwell-130, Trimble-125, Troupis- 112, Tryon-125-126, Tucker-114, Tupper-122, Turkington-115, Turner-109, Tuttle-125, Twitchell-129, Tyler-112, Utter-121, VanBer~en-109, VanBuren-113, VanDusen-109-132, VanNostrand-111, Vaughn-130, Veach-109, Vetle-121, Victor-122, Viets-117, Vlien-118, Voller-120, VonSoldau-112, VosBurge-111, Voshall-127, Votter-109, Wagner-109, Walker- 110-127, Wal.1-119-123, Wallis-114, Ward-126, Ware-128, Warren-126, Wattnem-127, Wean­ er-127, Weber-113, Weigle-116, Weiland-114, Weima.n-129, Weiss-121-127, Wells-128, Welton-126, Wendland-109, Wespeaker-123, West-116, Westcott-127, Westfall-ll8, Wes­ ton.;..126, Wheeler-109-118, White-114-117-131, Whiting-111, Whitlock-129, Whitmore- 125, Wightma.n-126, Wilber-117, Wilcox-113·· ..126, Wildin-ill, Willard-119, Williams-111- 112-116-12), Williamson-112, Willman-114, Wilson-119, Wiltsie-109, Winn-129, Winters- 11?, Wolf-125, Wood-131, Woods-132, Wray-111, Wright-115-126, Yagh-121, Yoakum-117, Ytike-122, Young-115-120-132, Zaba-127, Zirnmer-117