Spesia &Ayers
FR. POCK SCAN FROM THE DIOCESE OF JOLIET NO. 1 Re<lacted April 2013 - 4/8/13 Released April 2014 SPESIA &AYERS Attorneys at Law E. Kent Aycr$ 1415 Black RoaJ J~me> C. Byrne John M. Spesia Joliet. Il linois 60435 Chri;rian G. Spcsta jefli:ey S. Taylor Ph 815.726.4311 Marrin J. Shanahan, Jr. Fx 815.726.6828 Mark A. Liclnenwalrer August 8, 2011 G<Jbnel G. Orenic www.spesia-ayers.com Michael R. Sliff Tricia M. Pellcgrmi MichaelS. Hop\ iJ1 A FEDERAL E XPRESS H. Rtchard Hag~ Mr. Terrance M. Johnson, Esq. ~,_'), c ''""'el. N h p· Ch' Douglas F. Spesta Thomas M. Ewe'rt Ort Ier ICago ( 1940-2010) Kenr Slarer 455 East Illinois Street Chicago, Illinois 60611 Re: Rudofski vs Diocese of Joliet Father Pock Records Dear Mr. Johnson: As per a Cow-t Order, I am enclosing Diocesan records of Father Pock consisting of the fo llowing: 1.) Priest file of Father Frederick (total pages 675) 2.) A Privilege Log, for documents in this priest file. 3.) Secret Archive File - (total of23 pages). 4.) A PriviJege Log for all 23 pages. Names of Accusers Pock Victim 2 have been made public. The third individual, My Best Regards, SPESJA & AYERS JCB/skm cc: The Most Rev. R. Daniel Conlon, JCD The Honorable Michael Powers Mr. Patrick Bradley, Esq. Mr. Joseph M. Laraia, Esq. Mr. Stuart L. Bressler, Esq. Establt:)hed 1899 ::0 I OAT£ DATE OROE.ftS CONFE!RREO ORDAINING BISHOP FL.ACE CONFERRED EXTRAORI>IHAR'f APPOINTMENTS = ' TONSURE ~ "'0 r" &RST NtNOR9 ~ 0 SEC MIN0ft5 ~ 0 a.
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