I am writing this week’s Nutshell as a relative peace and calm falls over the school. Half term may have started yesterday for the children, but the staff team and I have a full day’s agenda of training and planning to enjoy before half term beckons for most of us. We have first aid training going on alongside Mindfulness and Dyspraxia training alongside Pastoral Tracking training all of which will make Hazelwood School an even safer, more evenly keeled place to be when the children return in a week’s time.

The half term finished on a number of highs for staff and children: the second running of the Interhouse Pancake Race retreated indoors due to the snow but was still a spectacle of focused flipping and determined sprinting as the teams of children from Baily, Dowling, Parry and Irving did themselves and their houses proud. The eventual winners, in a race which saw jostled-for position switch throughout, were the boys, girls and Mr Hayes representing Dowling. A crown retained from last year and a very jubilant Miss Clayton.

The Versatility Netball Tournament benefitted from better weather with the overnight dusting of snow melting quickly when the sun showed its face. The courts were bustling with teams from a record number of competing schools. Hazelwood were delighted to be able to enter three teams of its own, benefitting from home advantage to quickly find their stride, producing some committed and spirited play. As the afternoon progressed, it was down to the U13A team to keep the home flag flying and hopes riding high. They reached the final only to lose out to the team from Holmewood House. Mrs Falconer was hugely impressed with all teams and grateful to the parents for their support. Organising such an event takes a lot of time and effort so our thanks go to Mrs Falconer and her team of Mrs Hardgrave, Miss Parker, Miss Dancy and Miss Parkinson for a very successful and slick afternoon.

And of course there was the mud bath last weekend that was Solefield’s Rugby Tournament in which the Year 6 boys emerged victorious. At least we think it was the Y6 boys. They were so covered in head-to-toe mud that they could have been any group of delighted boys! Monday morning saw them return to school, clean and still smiling clutching the tournament trophy. A special morning and one brilliantly, and thoroughly captured in a report written by Mr Abel which appears later in the Nutshell.

The rest of the front pages of this week’s Nutshell are being given over to Mrs Phillimore and Mr Fotheringham who travelled to Tanzania to scope out the Hazelwood-Songwe educational project. Cancellation of the pair’s flight on Sunday did not get the trip off to the most encouraging start but, having Hazelwood GRIT in bucket loads, our African-bound correspondents were not to be daunted. They sent these two reports before they flew home to England, filled with excited anticipation about our school’s future engagement with four communities brimming with character, charm and humility.

“I arrived early and excited at Heathrow on Sunday afternoon ready to check in and find somewhere to watch the rugby. Our flight to Nairobi had been cancelled! Oh dear what now? After joining what seemed like hundreds of queues seeing most of Heathrow’s ground staff we manage to grab two seats on a flight to Tanzania via Ethiopia. Internal flights, sleeping in airports and asleep before one plane even took off, Hazelwood grit and determination to the fore we arrived in Songwe district only 12 hours late.

Tired and weary we ploughed forward visiting the local schools. The joy and enthusiasm from the children in such difficult conditions energise us both.

I am sound asleep by nine exhausted and emotional from travel, meeting our new friends and surroundings.

A hearty breakfast and a bucket of local coffee set us up for another day’s teaching and meeting the locals. 30 mins of 20 a-side football with rolled up plastic bags secured by string as a ball and I am exhausted, are we at altitude?

I try my hand at teaching some English and maths. Thankfully, the children at the next school want to run. We play some games and running races. I am last, again I am blaming the altitude.

A short trip filled with wonderful experiences, exhausting flights, making wonderful friends whose common goal is to educate the local children and most importantly meeting the children of Songwe.

The start of a long and beneficial relationship between Hazelwood, Shanta Gold and Songwe.

I still haven’t seen the rugby, what was the score?” Mr Fotheringham

“With our late arrival at Shanta Mining Co, we set out almost immediately on our planned programme of meetings, starting with the District Councilor for the Songwe region.

This wonderful opportunity to pioneer a new education project in Tanzania has come through the invitation of Shanta Mining Co as part of their commitment to their local community. With many ongoing projects including building classrooms and providing desks and uniforms, we have been invited to support and develop partnerships with the four local primary schools.

The District Councilor was keen to be reassured of our intentions, affiliations and motivations. Although a busy official, he altered his diary to accommodate a further meeting later in the day, after directing us to visit all four schools. With the terrain and distances being of no challenge to our Shanta host, we conducted a whistle stop tour, creating much intrigue and excitement wherever we went; and possibly a little disruption too as children poured out of their classes to look at us. Duncan created a particular stir, with his height and sporting approach to the local form of a football. News of this Hazelwood School initiative, strongly supported by Shanta Mining, has reached government level. As well as meeting and receiving the full support of the District Commissioner, our visit coincided with that of the Minister for the region, Chiku Galawa. She is a keen supporter of improving education and I was honoured, on behalf of Hazelwood School, to be the first to be presented to her and to be further invited to address her forum.

Our children at Hazelwood benefit from the expertise of so many highly qualified and experience staff. We are now in an excellent position to share some of that expertise, on a volunteer basis, during school holidays with these remote communities who are desperately in need.

We look forward to sharing our experiences and involving the entire Hazelwood community in this incredible opportunity to reach out and participate selflessly in improving the lives of those so less fortunate than us. Mrs Phillimore

For a list of emails/letters/texts sent home each week please see the ‘Notice Board’ further down the Nutshell.

News from The Nursery & Early Years Another exciting week at HNEY has taken place; the children have enjoyed dinosaur exploration, shape hunts, building up their strength by using the climbing equipment and many other wonderful activities. It is always lovely to hear what children think about their learning and this week it was fabulous to hear some of the children in Skylarks saying that they were proud of themselves because they “know more now, than they did before.” I hope that those of you who will be enjoying the half term break have a lovely time and I look forward to seeing all of the children on the 19th February.

Fledglings 1 have been looking at weather this week and have made collage pictures for their weather board, including a big puddle and a sun. They have also been singing lots of nursery rhymes - whispering them quietly and then singing them loudly. Fun has been had by all!

Fledglings 2 have enjoyed roaring and stomping around like dinosaurs this week. We have made fossils using salt dough, printed using stampers and paint and sorted dinosaurs into groups. We have topped this week off with a visit to the library looking for books about dinosaurs and listening to a story.

This week Lower Robins have been exploring shape, pattern and arrangement. We have made house collages using appropriately sized shapes, identified different shapes found in the foam, enhanced our pencil control by tracing around simple shapes and started to notice the shape of objects found in our room.

This week in Top Robins, we have continued to look at people who help us and have mainly focused on the emergency services. We have been exploring dressing up using different props. The small world fire engines and fire station were a real hit as well. The children have also enjoyed going into the hall and exploring the low-level soft play climbing equipment, which has helped improve their balance and strength.

Despite the cold weather, the children in Skylarks have been enjoying the outside area exploring the ice. We have been watching it melt in the sun and talking about how ice is formed. We have also been Mark making in our “dinosaur swamp” forming letters from our names and shapes. Our dinosaur theme has proved very popular and the children have enjoyed the role-play “cave.” Our number work has included simple addition and ordering numbers to make a dinosaur picture as well as developing our mathematical vocabulary when adding numbers together.

This week Oak have created time lines with photographs of themselves and written sentences about them. They loved talking about their baby photographs with their friends. Exploring 3D shapes and their properties was another focus for their learning. The children investigated which shapes would roll and which would slide, predicting first and then testing. We discovered that some shapes could roll and slide, there was lots of discussion on why this happened. A highlight on Wednesday playtime was discovering a small area of the playground covered in snow! There was great excitement and some children decided to create snow angels!

Welcome to the Nursery’s newest recruit… Peanut, a beautiful Miniature Golden Labradoodle and best friend to Vicki Rhind in the Nursery Office will be becoming a familiar face around the Nursery after half term when she starts her very own doggy programme of settling in days and familiarisation. There is much research about the calming properties of dogs so Peanut is hoping to be on hand to make friends with lots of the Nursery children. A risk assessment is in place and available from the Nursery Office. Get ready to lose your heart to Peanut!

Introducing Millie the wonderful retriever who, judging from these photographs is clearly keen on joining Hazelwood School. His family, especially Oliver and Rosie, are very fond and proud of her.

If your pet would like to go back to school and join the boys and girls at Hazelwood, please send photos to [email protected] and who knows…they may feature in a future edition of the Nutshell! News from Hazelwood

Gallant Gymnasts show True Grit! On Sunday 28th January, the gym squad went to St John's Comprehensive School in Gravesend, for the South East Schools Milano group competition. It was a very early start with all U11 competitors leaving home at around 6:30am on a very cold Sunday morning! The competition is a real feat of endurance with each member of the team having to complete a solo floor routine, a vault and another floor routine with the whole team including group balances. Our U11 teams (one all girls and one mixed girls and boys) were competing at regional level and both performed superbly. For almost everyone in these teams it was their first ever team competition and for some their first gymnastics competitions ever and the nerves were running high. Both teams competed fantastically well with the U11 mixed team winning a silver medal and missing out on gold by 0.15 of a mark.

Well done to everyone The U11 girls’ team was; Lola Bennett, Jessica Lowe and Ella Mansson. The U11 mixed team was; Elisa Yewman, Eva Tonge and George Wells The U13 mixed team was: Georgie Lewis, Camilla Eerdmans, Daniel Haydon and Karlijn Ras

In the afternoon the senior team joined us and started on the most difficult part, the group routine. The fought valiantly but sadly one of the group balances didn't connect all the team members and this lost them 1.5 marks on their score. Despite this they didn't give up and continued on to perform some superb vaults and very elegant floor routines. The grit and determination of all those who competed was amazing to see and I will admit that I have

never been prouder of the squad that I was on this Sunday. They left heads held high having enjoyed the competition and the experience it gave them.

Holly shows she does have the foggiest idea! Year 6 spent a couple of lessons on personification last week. We read a poem which personifies fog (describing it as a blind old man with hunched shoulders and a grey face) and the children used the poet's ideas to write their own description of a foggy setting. I attach Holly Lawson's description, in which she managed to personify fog by describing it as a white goddess floating around the woods. I prefer her description to the original poem! Mrs MacDougall ‘Fog’ by Holly Lawson

Like a goddess, the fog glided down and started hugging the trees; her beautiful white gown spread out as far as the eye could see, covering most of the trees. Only the tallest of the trees could poke its branches to gulp the fresh air above. She changed direction once in a while like she was lost, not knowing where to go. She was so tall that if she reached out, she could grab handfuls of coral coloured cotton wool, which floated in the air above.

Everything was silent and still, like there wasn’t a world below the dazzling goddess. With only the sound of a small breeze now and then, you could hear a pin drop. Meanwhile, something smelt sweet, like cherry red rose petals drifting on the breeze. Every time the goddess caught it, with her white flowing gown, she turned around.

Finally, the goddess saw her destination and gently floated away.

Mud, mud, glorious mud! Tournament report written by Mr Abel

Last Saturday the U11 boys travelled to Sevenoaks for the Solefield Rugby Sevens tournament. Twelve schools competed in two groups and Hazelwood were drawn in the Blue group with Solefield, Belmont, King’s Rochester, Saint Ronan’s and Hilden Grange.

Mr Lloyd was confident that the boys would do well in the sevens format using their fitness, speed and handling skills. The weather did it’s best to disrupt the Hazelwood game plan with persistent rain falling throughout the day, turning the four pitches into quagmires. Ball handling became tricky and the conditions energy sapping.

First up we played the hosts Solefield and playing downhill got off to a good start scoring two tries to nil in the first half. Solefield put the team under pressure in the second half but the boys kept their defensive line for the majority of the match and despite conceding a late try emerged with a 2-1 win.

The second game saw us move to the slightly better pitch where we were able to demonstrate our running rugby against a physically bigger side in Belmont. One try in particular saw the ball moved through multiple phases before a gap was exploited and the try scored. With Mr Lloyd reminding the boys of their defensive responsibilities we restricted Belmont to just one try as we stopped their bigger players in their tracks before they could get up a head of steam. With our confidence increasing we ran out comfortable winners 5-1.

The next game saw us play more confident sevens rugby with excellent handling leading to a 4-2 win over King’s Rochester, with Luke D and Freddie A both scoring a brace of tries.

After an extended break between games we now came up against the other undefeated team in our group, Saint Ronan’s. The long break did us no favours and we found ourselves 1-0 down virtually from the kick off. Playing uphill we managed to stem the tide of pressure and nicked a try just before half time. The second half was a tense affair with both sides defending resolutely before Hazelwood managed to score the winning try with a solo breakaway by Luke D. Unfortunately we lost one of the leaders of our defence with a suspected concussion, Will de VH being unable to continue in this match or the rest of the tournament.

With four wins out of four, the boys had worked out that we were guaranteed to finish top of the table, but Mr Lloyd asked them for one last effort and to finish the tournament with a grand slam of victories.

The last game against Hilden Grange was a scrappy affair, we missed Will’s rugby brain and organisational abilities and several boys were almost out on their feet with tiredness in the second half. Despite conceding the first try of the game for the second match running, this time via an interception, the boys refused to give up or give in to tiredness and by half time had scored a try of our own to bring the scores level. In the second half with the pitch now resembling a swamp, neither team were able to make much headway against dogged defending and with Hilden Grange protecting the ball well it looked like we would have to settle for a draw. Then with the last play of the game Hazelwood won a turnover and from inside our own half passed the ball down the line for Ethan T to make one last lung busting run into the corner to score the winning try.

The boys had done Mr Lloyd and the watching parents proud in extremely testing conditions. After a speedy medal presentation to the team, the Solefield Director of Sport had one last word and a trophy for the player of the tournament chosen by the referees. This went to Hazelwood's own Max H for his "all round excellent rugby skills” and was a testament to the way the whole team had looked to play the game.

Well done boys!

Squad: Ralph L (C), Freddie A, Hugo CF, Jake C, Luke D, Max H, Daniel S, Ethan T, Will de VH.

Results: Solefield (W 2-1), Belmont (W 5-1), King’s Rochester (W 4-2), Saint Ronan’s (W 2-1), Hilden Grange (W 2-1)

The answer to last week’s mathematical challenge is 720 found by 6 x 5 x 4 x3 x 2 x 1

Music Department News

We have enjoyed a spectacular and heart warming fortnight in Hazelwood Music with 87% of all our children from Year 1-8 auditioning to gain a place in the House Music Competition Finals, which will held in the week after Half term, and to gain a House Music house point to go towards the total for their House in hopes of winning a House Music cup for each of the following classes: Year 1/2, Year 3.4, Year 5/6 and Year 7/8.

We've seen and heard some magical performances on a wide range of instruments but, what has been so encouraging has been the warm and supportive atmosphere between the children: finding instruments, music, stands, a whole class singing along when a classmate forgot their words, another cheering when a recorder player, who had shaken with nerves throughout their performance, triumphantly finished their piece with a beaming smile.

Highlights? Watching children who learn instruments out of school dumbfound their classmates as a hidden talent is revealed 'I didn't know you could do that!' being a common response as new talents were on display; being humbled by personal compositions which have been heartfelt in construction and so carefully performed; watching children from different year groups selflessly support one another to perform, so many Year 1 children coming to stand by the piano one by one to singing 'London's Burning'; or the wonder of watching an immaculate performance of 'Lullaby' executed on hand bells.

We could have filled the Finals twice over and some very difficult decisions have been made.

It’s been a real team effort from start to finish however, with the children all pulling together to support their Houses.

Just some of the amazing Year 3 musicians who auditioned for the glory of their house.

Results of those in the Finals and those Highly Commended for their efforts will be released shortly, and we are looking forward to the Finals from 19th-22nd of February:

19/2/18 Year 1/2 Adjudicated by Sarah Fryer (an ex Hazelwood staff and music teacher) 20/3/18 Year 5/6 Adjudicated by Richard Stafford (Director of Music, Ardingly) 21/2/18 Year 3/4 Adjudicated by Steve Clark (one of our terrific piano teachers) 22/2/18 year 7/8 Adjudicated by Michael Barlow (Chairman, and Music Society)

A fortnight ago we filmed Year 1 & 2 hearing live bagpipes for the first time, their faces alight with wonder, and on Tuesday 6th of February we watched again as Year 3-6 and then Year 1-2 were treated to a virtuoso recorder performance by Jill Kemp and her accompanist Alex.

Jill demonstrated 5 recorders from the sopranino to the bass recorder and she played with effortless dexterity, speed and skill. It came as no surprise that Jill recorded part of the Harry Potter soundtrack but what was surprising was when she played two recorders at once and demonstrated an amazing range of sound in a piece about the rain forest - who knew a recorder could do that?!

Jill also played some fabulous Telemann and her wizardry in the recording studio was much in evidence in the speed of her baroque playing on the sopranino. Many children spoke afterwards about the bass recorder, with its sweet tone made of cherry wood, and of the link with clarinet and oboe who share the same very dark wood as Jill's sopranino. We also learnt that the sound the recorder made depended on the type of wood it was made from. Alex, Jill's accompanist played in a very subtle and supportive way, adding but never dominating Jill's performance, and the concert and talk, repeated for Year 1/2 was a wonderful demonstration of commensurate skill.

ALERT YEAR 2 PARENTS: Please note the Year 2 parents’ letter on the website regarding recorders. Every child will need a descant recorder on a Tuesday for class music after Half Term as we shall be playing the recorder in class having been inspired by the wonderful Jill Kemp!

Happy Half Term All! Sara Young, Director of Music

Year 3 Girls lead a Merry Dance A group of Year 3 girls are hoping to launch a Year 3 only Dance Club at lunchtimes on the Baily Terrace. The plan is to meet every day after lunch and to enjoy learning both ballet and modern routines. The group led by Isabel and Isabelle will start after half term. It will be a great opportunity to enjoy each other’s company whilst perfecting a skill that many enjoy. Do please go along and dance your socks off!


This week we asked children to give us their ‘3 Word Tuesday’.

I love lunch! Will it snow? Some exciting lessons. Games this afternoon. Fun, Fun, Fun! Dead Titanic passengers  Swimming was wet. I’ve got duties… What’s the question?

and some to make us smile…

Erm… I think… Work and erm… I know one…

Food and weather dominated the answers; which is not surprising as it was about to snow and there was roast on the menu! More questions after half term! Mr Walton

The children of Oak enjoy testing out 3D shapes and seeing which ones rolled and which did not budge. They made puppets too which bore a striking resemblance to…… themselves!

a Members of the lunchtime Gardening Club are keen to establish a Hazelwood ‘SEED BANK. This follow’s Evie’s visit to Wakehurst Place. So before you get out in the garden and chop down your dried seed heads, please gather some of the seeds and place them in a dry envelope. Please mark on the envelope your name and the address from where the seeds were harvested and the species of the plant (if you know it). Bring your envelopes into the School or Nursery Office. They will be placed in an airtight container and buried beneath the Gardening Club’s raised bed which is beginning to show encouraging signs of spring time growth! Barney F was hoping that his Valentine’s ducks would bring a lot of love and luck to Dowling in the Pancake Race. They did with no-one falling head over heels on their way to victory!

This week, 4K have been researching the pros and cons of electric cars. We have found some really interesting information. We decided to present our findings on a car, with the green representing the pros and the red representing the cons. In our research, we have also found lots of general facts about electric cars which we

4K Eco schools activity – Pros and cons of electric cars have scattered around the car as well

Oak Science Club made 'foaming mouth monsters,' combining a combination of bicarbonate of soda, washing up liquid and white vinegar to create a 'chemical reaction.' The monsters got really angry and bubbles exploded out of the top of their heads!

News from the Kitchen Please don’t forget that the new menus for both Hazelwood School and the Nursery & Early Years are now on their respective websites under The Parents’ Sections.

Pancakes were a great feature this week for lunch followed by the pancake race.

End of term break time treat was mini doughnuts! There was a whole lot of excitement!

The complementary Valentine biscuit was well received by the parents at drop off time today

We will be doing a Chinese themed lunch on Wednesday 21st February to celebrate the Chinese New Year.

Recipe of the week - Pancakes

Don’t forget Shrove Tuesday – February 13th

INGREDIENTS 110g plain flour pinch of salt 2 large eggs 200ml semi-skimmed milk mixed with 75ml water 50g butter To serve: Caster sugar Lemon juice Lemon wedges

METHOD First of all sift the flour and salt into a large mixing bowl with the sieve held high above the bowl so the flour gets an airing.

Now make a well in the centre of the flour and break the eggs into it. Then begin whisking the eggs using an electric whisk or a balloon whisk – incorporating any bits of flour from around the edge of the bowl as you do so. When the mixture starts thicken, gradually add small quantities of the milk and water mixture, still whisking (don't worry about any lumps as they will eventually disappear as you whisk).

When all the liquid has been added, use a rubber spatula to scrape any elusive bits of flour from around the edge into the centre, then whisk once more until the batter is smooth, with the consistency of thin cream.

Now melt the butter in the pan. Spoon 2 tablespoons of it into the batter and whisk it in, then pour the rest into a bowl and use it when needed to lubricate the pan, using a wodge of kitchen paper to smear it round. Now get the pan really hot, then turn the heat down to medium and, to start with, do a test pancake to see if you're using the correct amount of batter. I find 1¾ tablespoons (35mls) about right for the Delia Online Frying Pan.

It's also helpful if you spoon the batter into a ladle or a small coffee cup so it can be poured into the hot pan in one go. Hold the ladle so that the base is very close to the bottom of the pan then pour in.

As soon as the batter hits the hot pan, tip it around from side to side to get the base evenly coated with batter. If you have any holes in it, add a teaspoon of the mixture just to fill them in. It should take only half a minute or so to cook; you can lift the edge with a palette knife to see if it's tinged gold as it should be.

Flip the pancake over with a pan slice or palette knife – the other side will need a few seconds only – then simply slide it out of the pan on to a plate. Overlap the pancakes as you go on a plate fitted over simmering water, to keep them warm while you make the rest. (Or if you are freezing them stack them with a piece of baking parchment between them and pop them in a freezer bag).

To serve, sprinkle each pancake with caster sugar and freshly squeezed lemon juice, fold in half, then in half again to form triangles, or else simply roll them up.

Serve sprinkled with a little more sugar and lemon juice and some lemon wedges.

Music Timetable The weekly music timetable can be viewed on the Music Notice Board outside the Dining room in the courtyard. I will endeavour to have the coming week’s music timetable on the notice board by the end of the school day each Friday. Please ensure that your child brings their instrument and music in on the relevant day. It is also important for them to take these books and instruments home when they do not need them in school.

Sports Department

Match Reports should be taken to Mrs Greenwood or emailed to her on [email protected] by Friday afternoon ahead of assembly on Monday morning. If your child is nominated as captain, please encourage them to write the report in time for the assembly. The children do like to share their successes with the rest of the school. Thank you.

Notice Board Communication sent home this week The following letters have been sent home this week. If you need a duplicate copy, please contact the School Office.

Dear Parents (Years 1-8)

The Communications listed below are now available to view on the School website (not PIP), in the Parents’ section under “Parent Communications”:

Skylarks-Year 8 – Governors’ Drinks Reception Years 1-8 – World Book Day Year 7 – Parents’ Evenings Appointments Year 4 – Roman Day Year 3 – Grosvenor Hall Residential Payment Year 3 – Butser Iron Age Farm Trip Year 1 – Leeds Castle Trip

TED Project “Wrap it Up” – a reminder that completed projects are due to be handed in on Monday, 19th February for Years 1-7 (optional Y7).

These three pairs of children’s spectacles have been in the school office for well over a week. If my eyes did not deceive me, they have been joined today by a fourth pair! Please come and collect them if they are yours. Many thanks.

Do you need a nanny?

Qualified and experienced childcare professional Available to drive the family vehicle wherever the children need to go Take care of basic meals and snacks Run errands Promote Creativity and teamwork Encourage independence Newborn care specialist If you are looking for help with your children’s care please feel free to get in contact

Gemma 07948978855

The scene is set for a most exciting and keenly contested Pancake Race! It was flipping fantastic! Congratulations to Dowling on their victory. Well done to all children and staff who took part.

Key Events for Next Week


Monday 19 February All Week British Values Week (HNEY also) All Day Year 2 ‘Super Dinosaur’ day 0900-0930 House Music Competition Finals Years 1-2

Tuesday 20 February All Day Internet Safety Presentation Day (Years 4-8) 0830-0850 House Music Competition Finals Years 5-6 1400 Cross Country: U8 and U9 Mixed at Hilden Grange (A) 1430 Netball: U8 A and B/C v (H) 1900 Internet Safety for Parents

Wednesday 21 February All Day Governors’ Board Meeting 0830-0850 House Music Competition Finals Years 3-4 1430 Netball: U11 A-B St Michael’s Tournament (A) Rugby: U13 A v Yardley Court (H) Rugby: U13 B v Yardley Court (A) Rugby: U12 A-B v Yardley Court (A) Rugby: U11 A-C v Yardley Court (H) Netball: U13 C v Hawthorns (H) 1520 Netball: U13 A-B v Notre Dame Cobham (A) Netball: U11 C-D v Cumnor House (H) Netball: U10 A-B v Rose Hill (A) Netball: U10 C-D v Handcross Park (H)

Thursday 22 February All Day Lower School Creative Writing Workshops

0830-0850 House Music Competition Finals Years 7-8

1025-1050 School Council Meeting 1430 Rugby: U9 A-D v Hawthorns (H) Rugby: U8 A-D v Hawthorns (A) Netball: U9 A v Old Palace (H) Netball: U9 B v Radnor House (A)

Friday 23 February 0930 OPEN MORNING 1400 Year 7 & 8 Netball Tour to Liddington (2pm departure) (A)

Saturday 24 February All Day Year 7 & 8 Netball Tour to Liddington (A) 0900-1200 Netball: U11 A-B Tournament at St. Teresa’s (Effingham) (A) 1000-1300 Rugby: U10A Tournament at Cumnor House Croydon (A) 1300-1630 Rugby: U13A and U12A 7s Tournament at Yardley Court (A)

Sunday 25 February 1900 Year 7 & 8 Netball Tour to Liddington Returns