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Zeitschrift/Journal: Articulata - Zeitschrift der Deutschen Gesellschaft für Orthopterologie e.V. DGfO

Jahr/Year: 2001

Band/Volume: 16_2001

Autor(en)/Author(s): Carron Gilles, Sardet Eric, Praz Christophe J., Wermeille Emmanuel

Artikel/Article: Epacromius tergestinus (CHARPENTIER, 1825) and other interesting in the floodplains of braided rivers of the Alps 27-40 Deutschen Gesellschaft für Orthopterologie e.V.; download http://www.dgfo-articulata.de/ respectively its infiltration to newly-established habitats. Anyways not only climatic but even factors of actual weather can influence population dynamics of species. Considerably dry and warm year 1999 and early droughts in spring and at the beginning of its summer moved whole ontogenetical cycle of the tree tergestinus (CHARPENTIER, 1825) and other interesting cricket about 2 weeks or more earlier than in 1998. For example there is a top of Epacromius in the floodplains of braided rivers of the Alps population density at the end of August in 1998 and at the beginning of this Orthoptera month in 1999 as well as in 2000. Gilles Carron, Eric Sardet, Christophe Praz & Emmanuel Wermeille Author: Peter J. Fedor Department of Ecosozology, Faculty of Natural Sciences Abstract University of Comenius Due to river corrections and natural floodplains destruction, the distribution of Mlynskd dolina Epacromius tergestinus (CHARPENTIER, 1825) in the Alps has been severely 842 15 Bratislava, Slovakia reduced. E. Sardet discovered a new population in July 1998 on the riverside of e-mail : fedor@fns. uniba.sk the Giffre, a tributary of the Arve river (France). From 1998 to 2000, we could find out three large populations in the French Alps. The typical habitats are sandy, riverbanks where often the plants Calamagrosfi.s pseudophragrnifes and References damp Typha minima live. The species must be considered as strongly threatened in the AssA, R. (1998): ZurAusbreitung von oecanthus pellucens (scopoLr, 1763) (lnsecta, salta- whole alpine region. toria, Oecanthidae) in Luxemburg. - Bull. Soc. Nat. Luxemb 99: 153-15g. BusNEL, R. G.& PAsourNELLy, F. (1954): Les constances physiques des 6missions acoustiques R6sum6 du male d'Oecanthus pellucens Scop. - C. R. Soc. Biol., paris, 149 S. La distribution de Epacromius fergesfinus (CnRneeruleR, 1825) dans les Alpes a FEDoR, P. & MAJZLAN, O. (2000): On the distribution of Oecanthus pel/ucens (Scopou, 1763) in Slovakia. - Entomological problems 2: 186-186. fortement r6gress6 suite aux corrections des cours d'eau et A la destruction des zones alluviales. En juillet 1998, une nouvelle population a 6t6 decowerte par E. DEIZEL, P. (1998): Die Heuschrecken Baden-W0rttembergs. - Ulmer, 5g0 S. Sardet sur le Giffre, un affluent de I'Arve (France). De 1998 a 2000, nous avons GEREND, R. & PRoESS, R. (1994). Aktueller Nachweis des weinhahnchens oecanthus pellu- pu d6couvrir trois populations dans les Alpes frangaises. L'habitat typique est cens (ScopoLt, 1763) im Stiden Luxemburgs (Saltatoria, Gryllidae). - Bull. Soc. Nat. constitu6 poussent plantes Calama- Luxemb. 95:245-246. de rives sableuses humides ou souvent les grostls pseudophragmfes et Typha minima. L'espdce doit 6tre consid6r6e HARz, K. (1957): Die GeradflUgler Mitteleuropas. - Jena, G. Fischer, 949 S. cornme fortement menac6e dans I'ensemble du massif alpin. LAPIN, M. (1995): Climatological monitoring of tenitory affected by construction of the Danube Hydroelectric Power project and Evaluation of initial impact: 15-20. - In: MucHa l. (ed.) Zusammenfassung (1995): Gabdikovo part of the Hydroelectric power project, Prirodovedeck6 fakulta UK, Bratislava, 384 S. Durch Gewdsserkorrekturen und Zerstorung von Auengebieten, ist die Verbrei- MEBNER, K. (1991): Beobachtungen zurAusbreitungsstrategie beim Weinhehnchen (Oecanthus tung von Epacromius tergestinus (CHnneer'rleR, 1825t im Alpenraum stark zu- pellucens ScopoLt 1763). - Articulata (2): 6 1SS-161 . r0ckgegangen. lm Juli 1998 entdeckte E. Sardet am Giffre (Nebenfluss der Arve, SANDER, u. (1995): Neue Erkenntnisse tiber Verbreitung und Bestandssituation des wein- rrankreich) eine neue Population. Zwischen 1998 und 2000 entdeckten wir drei hdhnchens Oecanthus pellucens (Scopolt, 1763) (Gryllidae, Oecanthinae) im Populationen in den franzbsischen Alpen. Typischer Lebensraum fUr die Art sind ndrdlichen Rheinland-Pfalz und Nordhein-Westfalen. -Articulata 10 (1): 73-88. sandig feuchte Ufer, wo oft Calamagiosfls pseudophragmites und Typha minima wachsen. TrscHLER, w. (1949): Grundzijge derterrestrischen Tierokologie. - Friedr. Vieweg u. sohn, Die Art muss im Alpenraum als stark bedroht betrachtet werden. Braunschweig: 331-339. wElD, R. & BRlcK, H. (1990): Die Verbreitung des weinhdhnchens (oecanfhus pellucens Introduction ScoPoLl 1763) in Bayem. Anmerkungen zum Schutz einer Randpopulation. - Articulata The..main 5 (2\:4348. distribution area of Epacromius tergestinus (CrnneeNleR, 1825), a ZEHM, A. (1997): untersuchungen zur Nahrungswahl von Heuschrecken (orthoptera) in zwei f,e^diym-:ized (, Fig. 1ai, ties in ientral and Eastem Asia sand-Pioniergesellschaften der ndrdlichen obenheinebene. - Articulata 12 (2\: 1991). ln central Europe the dislribution of this species is patchy from 131- opatnS?lG: 140. to Romania. The nominal subspecies lives on the sandy seashores-of the nnrculnrn ARTf CULATA 2001 16 (r2) zoorldi6 Deutschen Gesellschaft für Orthopterologie e.V.; download http://www.dgfo-articulata.de/

-r report are only the species more or less Atlantic, Mediteranean and Black Sea littorals. The alpine ssp. ponfibus (l(nRNv, ; ,.lrer interesting species'we .rry floodplains. we only report the species we could observe 1907), which is discussed in this paper, was known from many alpine rivers in all str,- bound with exception)' alpine countries, where it occupies (or used to) the sandy river banks in natural ;. i*s (with one floodplains (NADrc, 1991). The distinction of the two subspecies is rejected by some authors (Hnnz, 1975). $i,,, " ,,l'Jith Epacromius tergestinus The distribution area of the alpine E. tergestinus ponticus dramatically reduced Srtu (t-ig 6-7) ' river. Large (several thousands of ind.) metapopulations up- during the twentieth century because of river corrections and floodplain f0.",..e' burance of the Serre-Pongon dam. The sites are: R6otier (Lg 4.74 Lal destruction. ln 1988 Stefan PlUss discovered one population in Prato al Stelvio ui . ,r,nstream (Lg 4.73 Lat 49.68), Pi6gut (Lg 4.21 Lat 50.056) and (Haut-Adige, ltalian Tirol). During the 90ys, this population was supposed to be St Saint-Cr6pin ',,]t, rr.rnne (Lg 4.25Lat4940), altitude:.625- 905 m. a.s.l. the last population in the whole Alps. Ten years later, in 1998, E. Sardet F.r, .: interesting species . strepens, Chorthippus pullus, discovered a population of the species in the French Alps (Snnoer & Cnnnoru, Oti ;:,,, present Pteronemobius heydenii, Sphingonotus caerulans, Tetrix 1999). This same year, G. Carron identified the species on a photograph (of a F: 'tix meridionalis, T. tuerki. single observed specimen) taken by a Swiss botanist by the Durance; we then br"-': ,, T. cePeroi, ,,,.rry floodplain of the Durance braided river is one of the most beautiful began to think that the species might have been overlooked (at least in the Thr large habitats holds a great diversity of French Alps). We decided to systematically investigate the most potentially oi, ihe French Alps. The high diversity of to floodplains. suitable alpine rivers to recense the populations, to look at the ecology and Orl.ti:,,lrl ra bound evaluate the threats in each site. The aims of this paper are to give an up-to-date view of the present probably uncompleted - knowledge of the distribution, to Sii,, .19.8) - river (lsdre basin). One large (several thousands of ind.) illustrate the occupied sites and to focus on the main threats and conservation Fr :. Romanche (Lg 4.13 Lat 50.04), altitude : 750 m. a.s.l measures for this species. flii.: .r.rrrlation near Bourg d'Oisans oti .-'esent interesting species . Sphingonotus caerulans, Tetrix tuerki. '.rlt zone with wide sandv areas. Method gite 3 The investigations were made in 1998, 1999 and 2000 as follows. i) we made a ifiq 9-10) compilation of the published data, ii) we pointed out on a general map the Fir , {}iffre river (Arve basin). One metapopulation with rather small apparently most natural braided rivers, even if there were no previous data of the subr, . ri"rlations (20-200 ind) along the Giffre river, on two sections respect. 2.5 species, iii) we looked for the sites where the plant Typha minima grows, with the af ' m long, between Samodns and Taninges (Lg 4.80 Lat 51.36), altitude: ,, help of botanist colleagues and iv) once on the site we looked for suitable 625 ,r50 m. a s.l. habitats and noted all the Orthoptera species and some indicator plants. We also Oti 'rsent interesting species . Sphingonotus caerulans, Tetrix tuerki visited the collections of the Natural History Museums of Geneva and ZUrich A;,'. .,,.r,Ii-sized riverwith more or less strong spring flooding. (Zoologisches Institut). $' . irl.lr only ancient data of E. tergestinus SiterriFig 11) Results Fr ''\rve river) and Switzerland (RhOne river) in the Geneva region. In the First, we would like to mention that we could see several green individuals of the fuIe, , collection (Natural History Museum of Geneva), many specrmens lorm viidis KrttnRy (Fig. 3-4); this form was mentioned by CHoeeno (1951) only :n" ''t'{ at the beginning of the 20th century from the following localities : from the seashore areas. We could see such green specimens by the Giffre and Romanche rivers and also in the Geneva Museum (collected in Sierre/Siders, in ve"-'''r (CH) and La Plaine (CH). We could not find E fe4gesflnus in Contamine- the Swiss Alps). Beu-UANN & LueuEr (1995) also mention the occurrence of l' ' ,: where it was noted until 1970 (KRUSEMAN, 1982). Unfortunately all green individuals in the ponticus subspecies. the::,,, sites are now destroyed by river corrections. ''#sent );' interesting species : Sphingonotus caerulans, Tetrix ceperoi. Jii,:, , Distribution Fr r and Switzerland: shores of Leman Lake FRUHSToRFER (1921) reported See the map (Fig. 5) to localize the sites. Sites 1 to 3 (with ") are sites where we -,es from the (CH), (Fl:'-, following sites : Bouveret Villeneuve (CH) and Thonon coufd find populations of Epacromius fe4gesfrnus. Sites 4 to 9 are sites with historical data (recent or ancient extinction). Sites 10 to 14 hold no populations but other interesting species were noted.

ARTTCUTATA 2001 16 (t2) Deutschen Gesellschaft für Orthopterologie e.V.; download http://www.dgfo-articulata.de/

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NO,= Epacrom iu s te rge stin us ponticu s, Fig. 2 Epacromius tergestinus ponticus, -O typical grey male. Durance river, grey female with a rather distinctive i6 .3 1 999 orange medium line on the ,)t\t o+ upperside. Durance river, 1999. ,(/ \-.,--,^l c= I (g9 r* @> *'':' RP -0)c3 Orf

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(0r Fig. 3. Epacromius tergestinus ponticus, Fig 4. Eparcomius tergestinus ponticus, >+ green female of the viridis Kittary very green female of the viridis Kit form. Romanche river. 1999. tary form. The tibia are whitish and to the elytra appear plain white- greenish. Durance river, 1999. F Deutschen Gesellschaft für Orthopterologie e.V.; download http://www.dgfo-articulata.de/

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Fl ranche river (France), with precise Fig 6 The beautiful floodplain of the Durance, by Saint-Crepin (France). The light site E. tergestinus, T. tuerki The buff-yellowish vegetatton on the isles is Calamagrostis pseudophragmites. ,red site is not the most favourable (too pioneer) but gives an idea of the Observed species on the pictured site Epacromius tergestinus (thousands). iace of a natural braided nver ! Chorlhippus pullus. Tetrix tuerh. Sphingonotus caerulans


(n:;i: c w V Fl Fig.7 ri,r rrver (France), site with E. tergestinus. In the foreground and on the Ieft, i) green stems of Typha minima, on sandy areas. In the mrddle, bluish- 'rr Dushes of Myricaria germanica, on gravels.

ll)t 1,/2) 33 ARIICULATA 2OO1 Deutschen Gesellschaft für Orthopterologie e.V.; download http://www.dgfo-articulata.de/

Site 6 (fig. 12) Switzerland: Rh6ne river. The species was present in Visp (FRUHSToRFER, 1921), Siders/Sierre (many obs.) and Martigny (coll. Guy, Geneva Museum). The mention of Sion in THoRENS & Nnorc (1997) is an error due to a transcription failure (it was Siders = Sierre l). Prof. Dr. J0rg Zettel made the last observation of E tergestinus by the RhOne river in the Finges/Pfyn floodplain in 1989 (ZErrEL, 1997). Since then, 4 years of systematic searching in the area gave no result (cARRoN,1999). Other present interesting species . Chorthippus pullus, Sphingonotus caerulans, Tetix tuerki (in the Pfyn region).

Site 7 Switzerland: Rhein river. NADtc (1991) summarizes the formerly occupied sites along the Rhein in this region.

Site 8 Switzerland and Austria: Inn river. Several former populations in the swiss (Strada) and Austrian (Ried, Tosens) parts of the river (NADrc, 1991). Nnorc (1986) could see the last specimens in the 60ys, now the species is extinct. We visited all potential sites between Ardez (CH) and Landeck (A), without success. We did not check the Inn river between Landeck and lnnsbruck, the rrver rs Fig. 10: Giffre river, site with E. tergestinus. Myicaia germanica, Alnus incana and severly corrected and there is no potentially suitable site. Even though we Sailx spp. on the isies and riverbanks. discovered very good habitats by the austrian Lech river, in the Forchach region, Epacromius could not be found. Other present interesting species : Chorthippus pullus was observed by the members of the Swiss Orthoptera group in 2000, in the Scuol area (CH). We could see Bryodema tuberculata and Chorthippus pullus in Forchach (A).

Site 9 (Fis. 13) Switzerland and ltaly: Rom (Adigo affluent) and Adigo rivers. Former occupied sites in the Swiss M0stair Valley and in the ltalian Venosta Valley (Nnorc, 1991). Now extinct in all Swiss and most ltalian sites, only one population left, discovered by Stefan Pliiss in 1988 (Nnotc, 1991) in Prato al Stelvio by the Rom river (Lg 10.33 Lat 46.4), altitude .920 m a.s.l. We could not find the species in the site in 1999. Thomas Wilhalm (Natural History Museum of Bolzano, pers. com.) told us that only a couple of larvae had been found in 2000. The population of E tergestinus can be considered as almost extinct in this site (and thus in the Italian Alps). Other present interesting species : Thomas Wilhalm (pers. com.) reports letnx tuerki, that we did not see.

Site 10 Germany: Lech river. Reported from the Augsburg region between 1936 and 1941 (FrscHER, '1941). rlg 11: Arve river by Contamine-sur-Arve (France). The former habitats of E. rergesftnus have been destroved. The sandv riverbanks are much too narrow cnlcuLAr;;;; ARTTCULATA 2OO1 16 (1t2) 1A;t Deutschen Gesellschaft für Orthopterologie e.V.; download http://www.dgfo-articulata.de/

data of E' tergestinus Sites without Site '11 (Fig' 14) f,)in""i or"" river, Bonne river (lsdre basin)- species Chorthippus pullus, Pteronemobius heydenii, Oiner present interesting : ipningonotus caerulans, Tetix tuefti.

Fig. 12: Rh6ne river in Finges/Pfyn (switzerland). E. tergestinus is extinct but a few sites hold r. tuerki and c. pullus. A dam prevents the Rh6ne to run freely in its Fig. 14: Drac river (France) : Myicaria germanica on gravels, typical Calamagrosfis natural floodplain, which is now very woody (prnus sylvestns). A managemenr vegetation lacking. Too dry in summer to hold Epacromlus populations, but plan of the floodplain is currently made, which foresees to give much space to Chorthippus pullus and afew Tetrix tuerki e,an be found there. the river. Site 12 (Fig. 15) France: Fier river (Rh6ne basin). Other present interesting species : Sphingonotus caerulans.

Fig. 13: Prato al stelvio (Tirol, ltaly), site with relictual population ol E. tergestinus, as it Fier (France) : corrected, incised river with very dry riverbanks. Mostly was in August 1999. Picture from the dam of the lake which overfloods the calamagrostis pseudophragmites vegetation belt suitable to E tergesfinus. Anrrculqla 2s;iJA6 ARTICULATA 2OO1 16 (12\ Deutschen Gesellschaft für Orthopterologie e.V.; download http://www.dgfo-articulata.de/

Site 13 Discussion Italy: Dora riparia river. viable populations of Epacromius tergestinus are in the French Alps, by Other present interesting species : none. adual ^tl three braided rivers. lt Seems possible to find a few other sites in the future, ^^ru rivers of the south-westem part of the french Alps. The ( classical ) Site 14 Iioiro tne iooiation in Tirol is very near to extinction. Italy: Dora baltea river. is one of the most endangered Orthoptera of Europe; the alpine Other present interesting species : Aiolopus sfrepens, Sphingonotus caerulans, 'nontiius|'brqestinus ssp. only exists in three regions of a single country, France' Tetix tuerki, Xya vaiegata. We nave no doubt that the conservation of the sites where E. fergesfinus still also be useful for many other species of plants and such as Ecology and conservation exists will other Orthoptera bound with the floodplain habitats : Pteronemobius Comparing the formerly with the presently occupied sites gave us the opportunity the following tineolatus (BRULLE, 1825), Tetrix fueltd (KRAUSS, 1876), Tetrix ceperoi (BoLlvAR, to draw up the habitat requirements of Epacromius tergestinus. These are : Xya vaiegata LATREILLE, 18O9, Xya pfaendlei (HARZ, 1970), Locusta broad, braided rivers with many damp sandy areas and lateral 1BB7), 1. wide cinerascens (FABRlclUs, 1781), Bryodema tuberculafa (FABRlclUS, channels miqratoia Chotthippus pullus (Pnlueet, 1830) and (FABRlclus, 2. constant humidity in the reproduction sites; a summer drought may tTiS\, 1781), which are all considered as threatened in the central Europe countries prevent the larvae to emerge from the egg-pods and / or to survive (DErzEL 1998, NADIG & TnoRrrus ln Dueul, 1994; BEu-UANN & LuouEr, 1995; 3. large sites with many islands and wide riverbanks (( patches >) to sustain THoRENS & Nnolc, 1997; NADIG, 1991). An intemational aclion plan for the a sufficient number of subopulations depending on the quality of the sites, ; conservation of the most important alpine braided rivers would be of great < large )) means minimum 4 km long (optimally 10 km) and min. 100 -20 interest, with priorities based on recent data on some target groups of fauna & m wide (optimally 1 km). Only rivers running in weak slope and in natural flora. major beds are suitable.

The pioneer, sandy, damp habitat is caracterized by the presence of Acknowledgements Calamagrostis pseudophragmrfes (Poaceae) which often forms large, yellowish, We would like to thank Dr. Peter Detzel (Stuttgart), Michel Farille (botanical typically uniform covers. The very rare Typha minima (Typhaceae) was also garden, Samodns F), Nicolas Greff (CREN, Bron F), Denis Jordan (APEGE, typically abundant in this habitat (seen in the Durance and Giffre rivers). We Thonon F), Stefan PlUss (Volketswil), Dr. Thomas Wilhalm (Bolzano l), for their found that these two plants are very good indicators of suitable sites for E valuable informations about plants and Epacromius tergestinus ; also Dr. tergestinus. The presence of Myricaia germanica indicates the presence of Gerhard Bdchli (Uni ZUrich) and Dr. Peter Schwendinger (Museum Geneva CH) grows dry water but this typical plant of braided rives often in areas which can for giving us access to museum collections ; we had very constructive exchanges completely for some months, and we never found E. tergestinus in such habitats. about Orthoptera and braided rivers with Dr. Michael Reich (Uni. Hannover D), So it is a less powerful indicator. Dr. Christian Roulier and Ralph Thielen (Service Conseil Zones Alluviales, The absence oI E. tergestinus by the Fier is explained by the stronger slope, the Yverdon CH). Warm thanks to Bemard Defaut (B6deilhac F), Dr. Philippe deep incised bed of the river and the absence of damp lateral areas. The T.horens (NeuchAtel CH), Dr. Jean-Frangois Voisin (Museum Paris F) and Dr. extinction in the Swiss Rh6ne was also explained by the absence of damp sandy Jiirg Zettel (Uni. Bem CH) for their unvaluable and friendly collaboration in areas. The Tirol site was completely overflooded due to a dam construction for orthopterology. Sarah Pearson and Regula Benz carefully checked the truck crossings on the Rom river. manuscript. Last but not least, Dr. Christian Roulier also gave us a kind financial When corrected, the riverbeds are too often overflooded inside the dams, and not support for the color publications of fig. 6-7 and g-9. enough outside them. The dynamic of the succession does not occur and the habitats with typical pioneer vegetation quickly disappear. Mosl conected, Authors: sometimes deeply incised rivers (due to incision, effects on fauna see REICH Gilles Canon Eric Sardet 1991a, 1991b, 1994) have dry banks which are not suitable for E. tergestinus. Case postale 1740 Conservatoire des sites lonains The presence of Sphingonotus caerulans, Calliptamus italicus, or Oedipoda CH - 2002 Neuch6tel 7 place Albert Schweitzer correlated caerulescens, which are common in sandy areas, is strictly negatively Qcarron@vtx ch F 57930 F6n6trange presence tergestinus. tuerki and the very widespread - with the of E. Only Tetix e. [email protected] Chorthippus brunneus are quite regularly observed in the same (micro)habitats as E. tergestinus.

nnrrculereEolliira ARTfCULATA 2001 16 (112) Deutschen Gesellschaft für Orthopterologie e.V.; download http://www.dgfo-articulata.de/

Christophe Praz Emmanuel Wermeille Route des Chiles Petits-Ch6nes 4 CH - 1913 Saillon CH - 2000 Neuchdtel chri stopheplzl@hg!rnA{ rom qwglme_tugqur_eh Frii hjah rsbeobachtungen von Heuschrecken (Saltatoria) auf Sizilien

References Josef Tumbrinck BELLMANN, H. & LuouET, B. (1995): Guide des Sauterelles, Grillons et Criquets d'Europe occidentale. (Delachaux et Niestl6); 384 pp. CARRoN, G. (1999): Les Orthoptdres menac6s de la zone alluviale de Finges, VS. - Bull. Abstract Murithienne 1 17 : 23-30. During a field trip to the eastem coast of Sicily (ltaly) in March 2000, fourteen CHoPARD, L. (1951): Orthopteroides. Faune de France 56. (Lechevalier), Paris; 359 p. Orthoptera species have been recorded. Phenological informations are pre- genus DErzEL, P. {1998): Die Heuschrecken Baden-W0rftembergs. (Eugen Ulmer), Stuttgar( 580 p. sented. Myrmecophilus ochraceus occured in a nest of the ant Messor. of Tigonidium cicindeloides are present the whole year. NADTG, A. & THoRENS, P. i', DuELLr, P. (1994): Liste rouge des espdces animales menac6es de Adults Suisse. (Office f6d6ral de l'environnement, des forats et du paysage OFEFP/BUWAL). FtscHER, H. (1941): Hypocha albipennis LoEW (Otitidae) und Aelopus teryestinus ponticus Riassunto KARNY (Acrididae) neu f[r Grossdeutschland. (Dipt., - Mitt. Dtsch. Entomol. Orthopt.). soggiorno nel mazo 2000 sono stato awistate presso la Ges. 10: 75-76. Durante un in Sicilia costa orientale 14 specie di cavallette. Di grande interesse 6 il riscontro di Myn FRUHSToRFER, H. (1921): Die der geographi- Orthopteren Schweiz und der Nachbarlander auf mecophitus ochraceus, insieme ad alcune notizie solla fenologia di singole scher wie dkologischer Grundlage mit Berucksichtigung der fossilen Arten. - Archiv fiir puo essere individuato, sotte forma adulta. Naturgeschichte Abt. A 87 (+6). 1-262. specie. Tigonidium cicoindeloides tutto I'anno. HARZ, K. (1975): Die Orthopteren Europas ll. (Junk), The Hague; 939 S. KRUSEMAN, G. (1982): Mat6riaux pour la faunistique des Orthoptdres de France. ll: Les Acri- diens des Mus6es de Paris et d'Amsterdam. Verslagen en Technische Gevevens. Zusammenfassung Instituut voor Taxonomische Zoologie. Universiteit van Amsterdam. )C( + 134 p. Wdhrend eines Sizilienaufenthaltes im Mdrz 2000 konnten an der Ostkiiste 14 NADrc, A. (1986): Okologische Untersuchungen im Engadin D6. Heuschrecken (Orthoptera). - Heuschreckenarten nachgewiesen werden. Neben Angaben zur Phenologie ein- IR6sultats des recherches scientifiques entreprises au Parc National Suisse]. zelner Arten ist der Fund von Myrmecophilus ochraceus bei Ameisen der Ergebnisse wiss. Unt. Schweiz. Nationalpark 12. 103-167. Gattung Messor von Interesse. Tigonidium cicindeloides kann das ganze Jahr NADIG, A. (1991): Die Verbreitung der Heuschrecken (Orthoptera: Saltatoria) auf einem Dia- tiber mit adulten Tieren angetroffen werden. gonalprofil durch die Alpen (lnntal - Maloja * Bregaglia - Lago di Como - Furche). - J.ber. Naturforsch. Ges. Graub0nden N. F. 106: '1-380. Chur. Einleitung RElcH, M. (1991a): Struktur und Dynamik einer Population von Bryodema tuberculata (FABRI- ctus, 1775) (Saltatoria, Acrididae)- - Diss. Univ. Ulm; 105 p. Die Heuschreckenfauna von Sizilien ist relativ gut untersucht. Derzeit ftihren La Greca REtcH, M. (1991b): (Orthoptera, Saltatoria) on alpine and dealpine riverbanks und Messina in ihrer Checkliste 111 Heuschreckenarten auf (Stand 8.6- and their use as indicators for natural floodplain dynamics. - Regulated Rivers: 1 996, im Intemet zu finden unter: www.unict. ivdipartimenti/biologia-animale/ Research & Management 6: 333339. webnatur/insetti/ortotter/ortotter.htm). Angeregt durch den Bericht von Hocn- KIRCH (1994): (1999) tlber den Frtihjahrsaspekt der Heuschrecken von Porto Covo in RElcH, M. Les impacts de l'incision des rividres des alpes bavaroises sur les commun- ronugal aut6s tenestres de leur lit majeur. - Revue de G6ographie de Lyon 69: 2S30. soll hier Uber die Heuchreckenfauna im sizilianischen Vorfriihling be- nchtet werden. Wdhrend eines Besuches vom 13.-30.03.2000 konnte eine Reihe SARDET, E. & CARRoN, G. (1999): Redecouverte d'Epacromius tetgestinus (CHARPENT|ER, von 1825) dans les Alpes frangaises et premidre 6valuation de son statut dans les Alpes Orten an der OstkUste Siziliens besucht und dort Informationen zur Artenzu- sammensetzung occidentales (Orthoptera, Acrididae). - Bull. Soc. entom. de France 104 (5): 481-485. und Phanologie der Arten gewonnen werden. THoRENS, P. & NADTG, A. (1997): Atlas de distribution des Orthopteres de Suisse. Sauterelles, Untersuchungsergebn Grillons, Criquets (Orthoptera), Mante religieuse (Mantodea). Documenta Faunistica lsse Helvetiae 16. (Centre Suisse de Cartographie de la Faune), Neuchitel; 236 p. Zu dieser fur sizilien nachgewiesen ZEITEL, J. (1997): Hochwasserschutzkonzept Pfyn : Entomologischer Bericht Liber die noch frtihen Jahreszeit konnten 14 Arten Unter- werden. Mehrere suchungsperiode 1 995/1996. Nicht veniff. Bericht. Arten im Larvalstadium konnten nicht bestimmt werden. anrrculafillo-flffi ARTfCULATA 200',t 16 (r2)