NESBITT ELECTRIC CO. i Truscott Vapor 88 PORT 8TBE»T. Ptoae K*. P. O. Box 18*. NESBITT .ELECTRIC . Ik H~..... imn CO *«~H 11 Fort Street . . -i-—aim* -hb..... - 1 ■ 1 ■ ■ —- 1 »------! ■ ■ ------VOL. 37. VICTORIA, B. C.. WEIINESDAT. MAY 1», 1903. NO. 11).

GRAND TRUNK PACIFIC. union men He didn’t know if non-union uu-u were requested tu go out by the U. FUNERAL OF LATE Question of Ocean Porta THAcàeeed at ! CHAIRMAN OF HIE B, 8. E. "they pomitiiy ctifflSma th. ir To-Dcy'» Sltrtnes of Railway •.mervst* bien tien 1 with Vho*.* of the HISTORY OF THE 3 Committed. bo unfair^ PINS, m. me , - (Special Vo tbe Times.) STR1KINC UNION Mr. Bodwell: “How enn ;:i Ottawa, May 13,—The Grand Trunk * _____ fhiri affect a non-union tuati?" Witness explained that a non-uulott Pacific bill came up again at the commit­ man could «« out in sympathy- He sup­ HUNDREDS FOLLOWED tee this rooming. The preamble of the WAS EXAMINED BEFORE posed thost- In’ «lid *o. To PINS, HI! we<* adopted without-dimluAou, the beet- of- hb* kpowledge Wo mil) tin»#» SEEKING TO FIND CORTEGE T£ CEMETERY the sifting was devrted to a discussion of COMMISSION TO-DAY man was intimi«!atVd in this city. The MOTIVE FOR CHANCES PINS- the extending of the proposed road from union wa» not responsible for wkat Mc­ Quebec to. the Maritime provinces, to an Bride did under the influence of liquor. Pin» are being worn tide wjxim reero hr- numiier than ert^r be­ Mr. Rtktw, IT: "TTh ii WTi ÿ m WWon ocean port all the year round. The com­ fore. Ocb stock shews the newest Ideas in gi> bail for him? Why did you pay his News N,t*s of the Domtahe-A WtU- mittee seemed to favor aa ali-Caaadiau A. Bulky, of Su»mbo*tmes’s Society, fine T* The Chief Commissioner Question:- til Knowi Presbyter!*- We liter road, with ocean ports on fhe Atlantic on tbe Witness Stand-Senrctisgly The witness replied that the union Morning by Mr. Helockee on PINS FOR THE BELT, and Pacific. could no nothing else than leseiüt a mem­ Mes st H*oUlw. C, M. Haye*, of the Grand Trunk, in Qees'tloned by Counsel. ber in trouble. The .reason they- did not the Matter. PINS FOR THE COLLAR, reply to u scries ef question*. agreed kelp the oVhvr defendant wa* that after that If a satisfactory arraugemvnt was the M< Bride jt;a#e he and others had been PINS FOR THE WAIST, not made between the Intercolonial and. cautioned to refrain from interference (Associated Press.) bis road for taking Traffic from Quebec The proceeding» in this morning*» sit­ with non-union men. When the committee inquiring Into the to the Maritime province port in winter, Ridgetown, Ont., May ML—The ting of the royal labor commission were To Commissioner Itowe: "The union Columbia & Western subsidy matter met PINS FOR THE CUFFS, then ki* company would build a railway strongly rvuiiuwvm of a recent hud pickets out in the early part of mains ef the late H«m. David Mill* fro&i Qtndsv to Moncton, from which tbe strike.» k this morning, ttoe crws-exnminaiion ot were hatovred here yesterday. By spe­ cclebre in the police court. Tills was the Pine of Gold, Gold-Filled and Sliver Pins, Round Pins, Oval point traffic could be take» to.-St. John t rewH-xaminarton of A. Bulley, of the He personally knew ef no case* of in­ Hon. Mr. Well» was continued by Mr. cial proclamation ixemvd by the mayor ti mid» turn since the strike. He in*truct- Helmcken. The latter went fully into and Bar Pine. Prices os low as 0 for 26c., 3 for 50c., etc. and Halifax. B. C. 8. 8. by Mr. Dodwell. The hear­ an places of buxine*» were closed during Sou tv inemhciw wanted (M* placed in ing of this witness u- cuyied 4he whole of ed the picket*, to uiolent no man. They the history of the transaction», etid.n vot­ Come In and see our line and bo up with the styles. the tumult of the remains through the the bill. but Hon. A. G. Blair said that the morning session, alter which an ad­ were to act as watchmen, each man be- ing to get from the Chief Commuions» the reason* for the various transuv ‘.lvna town. The cortege was followed to the I? would he prefcrabig t<» heîe en ar­ journment was taken until this after ogslgued to a particular station rangement between the Grand Trunk and neon. The chairman said at this j une to re in connection with it. ct met cry by several hundred citixenâ. Intercolonial rather than to parallel the that he had been ac«-o»red on the »treet In reply to Mr. Helmcken, Mr. Wells I Pastor Dead. govern men f roid. If we arrangement Mr. Bailey, who la chairman of the by a man who asked him for work. He said that.on,the 10th September, MMX), Victoria division of the B. C. N. 8., sai.l Hamilton, Ont., May 13.—Rev. Mungo could be effectoxl then the Grand Trank advised the n»n to go to the Wharf, but eu order-in-counul was passed, app: ived **aild build. A clause setting this.forth this organisation wa» incorporated under the latter *aid that by doing *o he would of by the government on the 1-Sth Sep- Fra see, for sixteen years pastor of Knox the *’Benevolent Bocietie* Act of British * I Challoner & Mitchell, PreWhylVrian church, in this city. Is rc-uld be placed in tho bill» bo “taking hie life in hi* hands.* ttmber. Thi* provided for the it. C. Some mvofbcr* spoke in favor of the Columbia." It was a secret society, and The witness said that there was Southern subsidy. Under that ord; : the dead, aged 07 year* ger era meut extemlirg the lnterc3 or 4,51)4. The rwomTST "ridï- didn't feel justified in stating the nature Toronto. May 13.x-According to a crop the wheat crop of the West. aftmicon. tii.n accompanying the ordcr-in-e i?ndl bulletin issued by .the Ontario govern* No cl,».*, here !,■« ertopt*,! ,,t. end of thV McrnUra of the frelcrual was signed by himself. No grant* . ere ... . «Hoiga «TM IInixatiun* • r.11 f ^»li« woui1 . ks. which hare already received considerable It is considereil practically over by tlxwe COMMITTED FOR TRIAL. oflivially denied, and I* universally dis­ promiuvueo in these column*. Mr. Brown's request for thcee wrs re­ El Triumfo credited. directly interp^ted. This -was brought fused. On 10th December, llMMi, uti vr- There wa* a fraterual uudcrwtauding about by a conference of a committee re- Cumt»erland Cobbler Charged Wit* Additional detail* of the Kiabitteff between all .labor unions that they would Cier-in-coutH U was pawed rescinding the Failing to Provide Necessaries massacre of Jew» are prime»! here daily. prewenting the unioù aud the meu.lM-rs -IMPORTED BY- not work under unfair ««nlition*. Tills previous settlement of tbv* l()Lh 8< ; -m- For Hi* Nephew. The correapondcnta give tho uumWr ef <‘f the Mni.der»'Association Iwr, Another order-to-vouocil t-f - iPth was hardly a aympaihlc strike. It Was ing. The difference* between employee victims thu* far buried in the Jewish instituted because the C. P. N. broke Its Devemtor, 1960, tnumferriil block* 4.593 (*wclal to the Times.) tond employer were thoroughly discussed, cemetery at forty-four, and say that agreement. The strike began <»n the 10th and to tbe B. C. Southern in lien and both, it is understood, went away Cumberland, May 13.—Yesterday at eighty-four person*, serious^ wounded, of March. The strikers* places’ had not of deticicmy block B, known a* the Hudson’s Bay Co., Cumbedand before James Abrams. 8. ore still in the Jewish hospital. The satisfied that a settlement of the dispute been filled tv his knowledge, although Northern block. M. Henry Kells, cobbler, Cumberland, horror* reported scarcely hear repetition. had bain reached. victoria, a c. the boat* were running. They would re­ Mr. Taylor and Mr. Brown had be­ was committed to Nanaimo aaalnaa for In one instance «pikes Were driven main on strike as long aw the company Tlie Builder*’ Aw*ociatb«i at this tween U*h K*pteinbcr and 19th em­ failing to provide necessaries for his through a woman'» head into the floor morning'* 'neeiing offered a further «light oooooooo I carried “scab" freight. The men were ber mode proposals for a aMtisinont >0000000000000000 nephew, Frank MKbo, aged nine years. and cases of bodily mutilation have been supported by subw riptions from variorn* a week, with 8»tur- company which was forming for the pur­ tion, covered with vermin and improper­ having been went from Odessa to deal d:iy afternoon off, from 12 o’clock mo blocks for tendent South, who nl*o took charge of rapine and murder appear» to have ht work on Saturday afternoon they will what had been given them. fully established. tm tubers were at work, the *lenmcr Vic­ the boy’# sinter, ageil fourtarn, and re­ torian being mantled by them. He n.l- be paid at the rate of 50 cent» an hour He did not remember any more -ni-out moved her to the Children's Ahl So­ tnifted they only investigated one side 1 etwee# the month* of April aud Sep­ it until a draft order-in-councU was seen Sugar Selling ciety, Vancouver. Frank is a living FISH TRAPS. of the V. R. IL E. trouble before they tember inclusive, and at the regular rate by witness. Mr. Biown uls-» spoke- to^ Say what you like about the Sugar Trust* the fact still re­ akeieton, weighing only twenty four went out. of 40 cent.; per hour for the remainder him about it. “I think that Mr. Taylor mains Chat we are selling sugar as cheap 6s we ever were. Bay pound*. The doctor* say his condition All Member* From British Okimbia To Her. Dr. Rowe: Recognition of thj> of the year. mentioned the C. P. It. a* forming a part your Preserving Huger now before it advances, fa» caawed by inentfivienl («mhI and lack Are Not Opposed to Them. union HivolTed tlte exclusion of non-uuion A mas* meeting of the Carpenter»’ t.f that company.” He could net remem­ ef medical attention. Kells’* Imt was men. eThis wa* bis peroonal opinion. Union was held last evening, when this ber having any communication with declared to be in a filthy-condition, unfit (Special to the Times.) The local 'loiigslionmen's union and morning’* conference .wa* arranged for. member of the govt rum ont alwiet ihe Best Fine Granulated Sugar, for human habitation. Supt. Hussey in­ Ottawa. May 13.—It is not true that tiiarine engiuevrs' union were-not out on The fowling of (he majority of the mem­ matter. He remembered Mr. Broun re­ vestigated and prosecuted Kells. bers of the union seemed to be to favor the member» from ape strike. ferring to the saving which wottM be of reaching a *ati*factory agri unanimously opposed to fiah traps. The Conuivs-'ioner Rowe: "Are they un­ made. He renwnibtnd going to a i.'Wt- 20 lbs $1.00 TO SEARCH FOR TREASURE. fair T* Witne**: "Weil, we consider they with the builder* if it wa* possible. report of the commission would have tog of the executive and Mr. Bunrn was rre. The engineers art* the aristocrat» Very few expressed tbqjttwelves in.favor silting there. Mr. McBride vu» . Iso Wrecking Steamer Reported to Have been against traps had the majority of of uninniwm; we work under them.'* of endeavoring :<• Iwleca wioei to strike there. “I turned to Mr. Brown red Dlxl H. Bobs G Go., ®"\ Gone to Scene of the same been opposed thereto. One or Chairman: "The engineers are. tbe in sympathy. It wa*. therefore, decided *nld: T understand that the pn vl.ue Disaster. two members may be opposed to trope, natural enemies of the union, then?" to aippoint a committee to arrange a will make a very large saving of several Wltnew: "Tea, so to apeak." * verbal discns*ion of tlie situation. Thi* but tbe remainder are m favor, of them. hunùitd thousand acreaT" Mr. Brown (Special te the Times.) They had men in their society Iielong- was done. i « plied ‘Ye*.* ” Seattle, May 13.—The wrecking steam­ ing to more than one union. They «lid At thi* morning's conference Until Mr. Helmcken asked for the reason» FATMj KIOTO. er Henry Finch, in charge of the cap­ not dictate as to the class of work as­ *iile* exprvswcd their ca*c clearly and which promplt-ii the govermuent in mak­ tain of the same name, sailed for AhMfita signed to a man. There wa* nothing to fully with th# result mentioned. During a People Killed and Two Hundred ln- ing the change a* indicatid by the or- this morning, where she will make, an kinder an oiler being shiffed to do the tin* di*cit**ioii member* of tlie Builder*’ der-to-conncil of 19th Dfttefcuber. Jun-d—X>rlk«Ts fiet Fire te Quay. Papering and Kalsomining attempt to take the treasure from the work ».f a deck lia ml. They had had no Awoviatien explained that they^dM not Mr. Well* said that he was actv.attd Does yoor house need painting or your walls require kalaomlnlag—or perhaps It wrecked steamer Islander, and the ahip, picket» out during the strike. Men had oraploy over 56 per cent, of the carpen­ by the saving in area. He eaukl in.l re­ Is wallpaper you want? If so, cell and Inspect our patterns; It will certainly pay you. Colorado, 15 mile* south of Juneau. The . (Aaeoc-lated Press.) bi*n assaulted by membero of the union ter* of the city, and that the union member what any member* said. We carry the largeut stock of wallpaper» In the Province. steamer carries the most jwswerful mod­ S.i ip-la go. OU8, May 1*.—The Write of —there were three case*. ahould not. therefore, confine h* atten­ d***k latwrvre at Valparaiso la bwmting When the order-In-council wa* drawn ▲leo carry a large stock of Painters’ and Paperhangers' Supplies. ern machinery for lifting heavy weight* The wit new» explained the circum­ tion to exacting higher wage* from he wa* offered by tbe Ik*, FALSE GREEK FORESHORE. Mr. Wells had no Idea what wa* the complete. A largo number of the dele- row night follows: garding Xfr. Estes's trip to Victoria, Mills, Elevator, Cara and Number of (-has. RueaeU. general rvison whh-h prompted the gov­ S*es arrived last evening, and the re­ Hymn ...... ■long lines similar to hie cross-examina­ The Premier Say* No Portion Has Been Small Dwellings Destroyed. tion of Mr. Bulley in the police court. ernment to make this grant. mainder are expected by this evening*» i Prayer ...... Leased to Messrs. Burnett * Kelly. The arrangement of 19th December boat. A feature of the programme foe Ohonw, “Hallelujah” ...... Handel BRIEF WrteECH. ’Continuing, the witness said he did not (Associated Press.) wa* not carried out Mr. Brown came each evening will be the musical chorutte* President’* remark» ...... know that Mr. Bates went up the line for (Special to tbe Times.) Buffalo. May J3.—The diamond mills Victorian Parliament Opened—Bill to the purpose of stirring tip a strike. to him and wanted a Hiibetinition sn.ui which will be rendered by a massed AxMrem. Rev. Dr. Woodsworth ...... Ottawa, May 13.—In answer to Mr, the British (V. it Hilda Honftwii to :he choir under the direction of- Gideon 8«, Rev. Dr. RutherhwwS...... sioners and Mr. Dumunuir wa» held this in-comiril wif* passed. Being shew;1, a iStearner Aorangi reached the ocean lieen summoned to pa** a measure deal­ did Mr. Rate* go for?" morning* to discus* the question of the ing last evening and another this morn­ Chora», “WoHJ>7 I. the Leu»'*....Hindu small print. Mr. Well* said That this docks from Australia early this affernoon ing with the railroad strike. Witness: “He may have gone in con­ Extetmion «trike. It i* umlerntood there ing for the purpose of completing tlielr Hjl—ti — , ...... bore out what he thought, that a mfip with a large complement of passengers, nection with the strike." was a proposition More them and the work before the convention. The first BnudMlm ...... with a draft « nler-in-eouiieil had - me tiearly three hundred. The forward end —If you ^tre going to bay a refriger­ To Mr. Bodwell wjînes» continuing, matter wa* considered at length, with draft of the stations will, therefore, be. to himself from Mr. Brown through the The prorlnclnl branch of the Women'. of the freight department had been fitted ator this season, and keep your provis­ *ald he did nof see any Inflammatory cir­ tbe object of arriving at a settlement. ready to lay on the table at the opening Mi*.loner. Society is holding it» nimunl up for the accommodation of the steer­ ions freeh and wholeeome, we would ad­ culars sent out by Mr. Estes. The local hand* of Mr. McNeill. He found the session. An interview was first held hetw en Mr conference today at the Metropolitan age passenger*, of whom there were vise you to get It now, while the assort­ strike was not to assist the V IL R E handwriting of Mr. Mc Neill on thv map. „ Thlae evening a meeting ot the mtoia- Bodwell, counsel for Mr.'thmsmuir, and Thi* map;wa* -found to be th-» office filé, Methodhit chdrch. l»egnte« ire in it- ■Trout 100. Among (lie passenger* were ment is compute. WvtW Broa. • Hft~dti. «et.know that th# U. IL It. U. tho «totter*, k tmal branch of the conference will be tendince from all parta of British Coi­ 12 clergymen, who debarked at Fiji to askedrtelrreel theITw. teamsters'■—* flhion.14,! ... toA_ go_ ouf.... iiHe 1’ . . Mr. WelT* presumed that tfifV Was ‘thé held, when businees pertaining CXrln- after an adjournment was taken, the Investigate the alleged burning of a The Toronto News’» cable tmym a court- dlduft know why they went out. meeting bet Warn Mr. Dunsmutr find the plan which wn* before- the executive on •hrely to the minister» will be dealt with. martial la he progreow at Dunedin «gelnet Chairman: "Surely, Mr. Bulley, labor 10th August, 1901. church by Catholics. The Aorangi last certain oArcm #ff tbe Twenty flint Ian- Chief Justice and Rev. Dr. Rowe took The officers of the past year wiU preside. ner. Dr. T. O. Willem*, at Montreal, night passed a full rigged loaded ship, unions know what they go on strike for." It wa* pointed out by Mr. Helmcken Bev^B. B. Scott, the president, will, cero. They are aevuaed of “rageteg'* a place» XVhnt tho substance nf the pro­ at the <*WUtap meeting at the Montrai bound in. She also spoke the Amphion, brother ofleer. Lieut. WUUenw. WIHteroe Continuing, the witness said that he position wa* it wa* impossible Vo learn, that two orders-to-council were passed th* lev ore, occupy the chair, and the Rev. Method* conference, wig * to In te I» a colonial “rmokert* Who gahied his oom- on 10th Angimt, 1901, one wsn f««r set­ Pored of mlehaerlel (hates, end wttt ac­ en route to Esq aimait. The cruiser supposed the teamsters wenf out in con­ but there I* no doubt that it received the J. P. Hicks will perform the duties of mhwloo through heroism dfcffiayed 1» the tlement of B, C. Southern in full arid the cent a patitlen with a Mfr a-eurance cone should arrive to-night The liner has 48 «loath African war. Hr takes hie position nection with the V. " B. R. E. strike. most serious consideration of commis secretary. At the first session of the r, tie eta** being dne to W-healt*. tone of freight, including 25 tone of coal. Some who went on strike were, non­ pany, actions!/. eioneri and mine owner. •Continued oa page A)


•SBTUnpS ewt.a^Me'tWsirifc*. JIe Canadians have to do to develop their BE CAREFUL buxines» done directly with the men at Ludysmhh hajl fallen off 25 per wot, Don't take chahws .^rlth Quality In Collections had deteriorated to a similar order to save a little on the price. . Huy where the Quality is of a high extent. If the strike' continued the standard and the prices fuir. Our suc­ money due them from the men would ;iCTort!Aac cess he setting I* 4,eeet4y traceable, to .t>e„.6Îtu*vthw towt. TV* grocwy business WMM i .1 the excellence of the drùgs and medi­ was more seriously affected. Since toe cines so.d. Qrst of yny trade had been very bad. We use oa'y the beat drugs obtain- 'l*he various strikes which have oc­ able. curred in this province had exvrdsed a Ojir .prescription department Is in There very few cleans­ charge of skiifcs* pharmacists and the oisasirous effect upon trade. The effect workmanship Is of the highest grade.*-- of the Wellington cutlieriea strike on the ing operations In which Sunlight Let us dispense y (fat pt escriptftms. businens of Victoria was very serious. The comtsiuy's pay roll » at tadysuiilh Soap cannot be used to advant­ Cimpbell's Prescription Store, wu* probably $75,«100 fo $l()0,tilXf per age. It makes the home bright month. ;to per cent, of which went to CORNER PORT AND D^COUiS STS. Victoria. In this particular alone Vic­ and dean. toria had lost about $25,000 |**r month uf it. Th* Ki*}.. r..r wne to since the strike. AlLugeth-r he would nttt*n«l the opening of the exposition, anti estimatkv the loss to this city's trade at it was for the purple uf being present about $50.000 jier mouth. The witness at the ceremonial event, which took place said he would try and obtain particulars some time later, flint Hoa.'Mr. Fisher Add Your Name of th., falling off in the trade of the prov­ had remained over in* Japan. ince in consequence \>f the various strikes. Trade with Japan can Ik? improved, he He knew of business failures due to «ays. particularly in the line* of lumber, flour, pulp and furniture. The exposi- To the chair tn in he su id he could give demonstrated conclusively to the to the List no iika of a solution of the trouble. The Japanese that the Canadian flour is the government would have to Intervene. He BOH. SIDHEY FISHER l»er-t obtainable, and in view of fliq f«et Of those using Electric Light, and save time, suggested liât m the event of two arfel flint the T5ominivn commisklou had their t raton, I sung unable to agree on a third SPEAKS OR SUBJECT own expert baker with them., lire Jape labor and money. Special rates on store light­ the lkinitiium government should make were given a good opportunity of appre­ ing. Extraordinary inducements to household­ tlic'A.’ivction. ciating this fact. The «l.-mand for paper < 'hairni in — “Thee somebody down Hon. Mr FUlier de*vrh>ce ns enormous. ers wishing to instal the light there will have to know som 'thing more Tin* Japs are very large consumera of Believes Business Cm Be Developed in Ring up 123 and we will explain. about British Columbia than most of pnjier, but would prefer to import it In Floor, Lumber. Pulp and Furniture pulp. Therefore he believe* that if nillU To Mr. Rod well tl»c vitiieiw said the were started over here they could find a government ritmild appoint a business market for thrlr entire production in that toen of the province. B. G, Electric Ry. Go., Ltd T. 11. Twigg swore t«> die identity of the constitution of the American Federa­ 35 Y A TES STREET. tion of. tabor submitted as in evidence. He said the typographical union was not incorporait*!. The members took an ob­ ligation to observe the rules and by-laws. Olive They began operation» tn Reqnimatt tn’ core*. of the 1> miinioii Trades and Labor Uon- EE OF TOE 1W*4, and In Vancouver in 18118. The Where la the Third Man? greatrat mirnU-r of men employed by gress and local organiser of the Ameri­ them in 1902 wad from 150 to 21*1. They can Federation of Labor. As such his In yesterday's puxale, by using the upper left corner as base, one of the true employed boilermakers, uinvhiuisr*, join­ dutiw were to organise workingmen's can be found formed by the left side of the speaker's hat. With the right side of ers, ship-caulker*, and ship-carpenters. uni,ms and not iieceosarily to secure their picture as base, the second is found toward the left, formed by Ms scarf. 1 Seventy per edit, were wooden ship­ animation with the A «ter lea it Federation wrights. Nearly all pen members of of tabor. He was allowed no salary for their respective union». The company this wvrk, WANTS. recognized nearly all the unions. Ry To Rev. De. Rowe he said the typo­ WANTED—Young man as stenographer and EVIDENCE ON STRIKES, such recognition was meant acceptance graphical union had a burial fund. Usu-- typewriter. Must hare had earns expert- ISLAND HAY of tbuir Dominion Trades Congress They had had a little trouble last year. A few enterprising men to sell stock and lTTBRALL—16 Yesterday Afternoon. It was caused by their •mploying two would not issue a charter to a local union appoint agents for the Poo thin Nurseries, Alterations, office fittings. itH't*. T-H îhglîig to The Vancouver Ship- ' 4w^at -national body if there was one. but would •loymeot. good pay weekly. Sioue A wrighrs’ union. The local union refused 'elllhgton. Toronto. BOBT. DINBDALE. 48 Third street. 1 t<> work with them because, the two be- affiliate wtih them. This meant that if phone 840. Estimates furnished for h The hr*! witness examined in yester­ • b+ngesl to the Terminal City organization. Canadian unions didn't join international WANTED—«Waitress. Hotel Victoria. sad atone buildings. Ie am prepared organisation» they would have to stand build brick huueee et about the a day afternoon's sitting of the royal la­ They had been working on the Venture coat as frame buildings, which are ■ bor roinmission was ('has. A. Gregg, of p rev ion* t » that. The objection of the alone. WANTED—To purchase, a lot and cottage permanent and cheaper to mslntaia. Canadian trades unionism in Itself near Dallas road. Address Cottage, care the Colonist staff, who was editor of the local union was that the two men were Time*. lloeuland Miner during the strike at that not member* of the Victoria organiza­ would not have sufficient strength to MOORE A WHITTINGTON, 150 Tati city in 1901. The months particularized tion. t**t more than a few year». He dindV WANTED—600 lota of second-hand clothe*, We hare up-to-date mat binary and by Mr. Bod well, who examined the wit­ The president of the union informed ‘bilik the lo<-al tin ion* were under Am­ raen'e preferable, to ship North. Cash do work, to your advantage. Phone TBQl ness, were July, August and September. him that they had passed a resolution h> erican control. It didn't make any dif. paid by F. J. Billancourt, auctioneer and fereuco. in hi» opinion, if the headquar­ vomnuealtin agent. Just phone. I'll call. Mr. Gregg gave evi«knce as to the ac- the effect that they would not work with Phones: Office, I1Ô1S; Rea., R710. ters were In Ottawa. Winnipeg or Kan­ curacy of certain statimients, articles mem lier» of the Vancouver nniou with­ E6T1MATB8 GIVEN os moving ball and interviews regarding the strike, ap- out the consent of their own unions. sas. A* to the Trades and Labor Coun­ HOARDERS WANTED—All modern cea- work carefully done at reaaoaabla peariifg in the Miner while he was editor. Previous. tv that th» firm had other cil, it was composed of delegates from renlencea and comforts; home cooking; Johnson A Co.. Ill North Pembroke Bl the different union*, which had a national moat desirable location, on car line. XL» To the chairman he said that the IiosA- trouble with their viuplojye*. One oc­ Yates street. lam! Min r at that timo was the organ curred a little over a year ago, when or internatioiuiI charter. CABBCTTHKRtt, DICKSON A HOW1 they were repairing a vewet from the The use of the label was a protection 181 to 186 Johnson street of the mine owners; the Evening World WANTED—Medium wised buggy or two Block, màaufnctorera of show was the paper of the miners. other side, lie ask'-d permission of the to the public, guaranteeing that the wheeled cart. rubber tires. Address 190 siote fixtures In hard and soft woods The examination of Geo. Penketh, of « union t<* l'tnidoy outsiders in order to goods were produced under just rondi- Chatham street, Victoria. elgnaand eel lm a tea furnished. enable them to do the work in the lime tions, that tho non received equitable lb# Boilermakers’ union, who gave evi- WANTRp—Copper, brass, sine, lead, ropes. denee jn tlie rnon-mg. wa* tyi1 umed as u quired. Th# local union held a meet­ 1 enumeration; and it sue almost a guar­ Bden'a Junk »x>n as the previous witness eondntled ing and refused their consent. They antee that they are produced under sani­ street, 2 floor* from his testimony. A ronsiderable jiortion said they wouldn't work with non-union tary condition*. As to the international Rlançhard. PAT ECHOOL-Mtaa C. G. Poa. 86 Mason tif what Mr. Penketh said was inaudible men. Time was the essence of their con­ expert of trades-union tern, he thought the HON. SYDNEY FISHER. to the reporters, and doe» not, therefore, tract. and this was explained to the men. ' îwaniaatloua had a tendency to make WANTED-Several I a of good char- (eopls friendly, 'i •cter to manage d t offices In each appear in the report. In regard to ttie but it made no difference. The upshot by H. K. Gosneil. of the provincial state for bourn of staadlag; salary P1NB ARTS—Drawing, painting, medal- The commission adjourned until this f which he visited, which employed about •haale»» drawing, etc. Garonne, he did not consider the union was they had to do the best they could bureau of Inform»lion, and C. II. Me 4.IMH) men. $20 weekly In cash Thursday direct men had broken faith with Mr. Sea- with the men available. morning. from mala office, w II expenses. Ooi- Laac, the <-ommi»»ioucr for the Asked aiwut the anti-Russian feeling onlal Co., Chicago. brook, because there wa* no strike At another time the local union ob­ ANOTHER BK IT 1811 SIXX'-ESS. expowition to be held in that city in 11*6. ir, Japan, lion. Mr. Ftslier said that in acroes the line when they agreed to do jected to union men coming from the Both these gentlemen were noxious to SHORTHAND SCHOOL, 18 Bread the pres* and in private conversation, he MAN OP GOOD APPEARANCE and bast Shorthand, other siile on the ground that they were interview Mr. Fteher. ami they nvcom- «.l.^ rve.l U very strong spirit of Indigna- as district age* I ".KSKa Mr. Scabrook, in reply to the chair- not up to the standard. They had been The Capture of Sa koto Which Added to Mil 100,000 Square Miles to Northern panied the party to Vancouver, as mine | tioe, but there had been no demonsfra-

and bas lice» auaUiaed by an uvergrUelm- ' which is ifluivajeut to about twepty^ti* £******** +**********»***** Cbe Batte Eimes. «ddjgjggggte j « « ,u ,)» J» J» J» J» J. Jf J»” MKXBMfiWMM ^«UritH Buallay) termination to carry out such reform* as wilt rdUt* hu> «tau- from the slough into a» . .. . ------_ V wlrtch It lias been dragged by' the demn Charlton to the leadership of the Lib­ limes Printing ft Publishing Co.. gogiK1» who had not the courage to resist eral party. ' It is our turn to make a H fowl MBLSOtl. Manager. the demands made upon them fry a high­ suggestion. The selection of !ilr._ Bor­ SPENCER’S Offices ...... an Breed Street riNvyboae...... Mo. 46 ly organised minority. Some ..f the Ana den as Conservative leader has not been WESTERN CANADA'S BIG STORE. trails»» states hove TPffll^ tTiSt There is received with profound satisfaction by l>at y, earn monte, by center ..... all sections of the party. Hir Hibbert Dei.y, one week, oy carrier...... no “royal road” tp prosi>eriVy—that con­ Fake a-Wvek Tune», per anniue. ditions which are the result of industry Tuppvr has sulked in his tent ever since * k best silk velvet backs, nil of the newest patterns and designs," in » » Hand Bags, Suit Cases and application cannot be produced by the claims of his family were ignored. Ail roimuuulvettons Intended for puhltca- k k MIDGET, CABTE D'i Visité CABINET AND IMPERIA'. J * ^■•Seuid be addroeeed “Editor the act «if parliament. We hereby nominate Mr. Tarte a* a fit » k alaen, at prices ranging from *1XX> to «20,00 each. J » Victoria. B. U. *- ar\d Trunks. “The glorious privilege of being Inde- and proper person to lend the Tories. - k Tbe cheapest frames ever offeied in the city. ^ Copy for changée of advertisement* pendent” is not as highly valued as it * * 9 Imitation Leather Club Bag...... Rh- .. iw, ani, .. ,, be bannedbanded inIn at tke1 (1er many has auother grievance Deep Leather Bag, well finished, Japsn frame. Sises 14, ltl und 18 in. Vclock a. m.; if received later than that cure Was. Will there be a reaction? tir. will be changedchaui the following day. against ■- »<*> Ehe DAILY TIMES la on tele at the fellow offensive and defensive purposes, threat­ k k 43 GOXTaitNMHNT STREET. ,» » lnc places ib Victor!*: - .. Th çjwteomtne*. if not 'the actual Oe»tieore e Book Exchange. 1<* Deegiae. ens to dive to the liottom of die North J Jj BOTABhSHED 1862. TELEPHONE 118. 1 » Ftue laathri Bags, Leather OorwM1 frame, soliif bronxi* lock Vien- Bincal-a Clger #tan< ZS Government Bt. Ütus of commission, ot the pres» have Sen every time one pf William's heavy ' nlce handle^ leather lined, inside pockets ...... ' ’ in an Kn gift’» Stationery Htoro, T» Yatee St. Deep Rtyle Bags, Bwfhi-r lined...... £L‘ 2x Victoria Nfwa Ce., Ltd.. 86 Yatee St. been engaging the attention of Eastern pieces of artillery is dhschaiKed. J* fcmmwrvgr rirvrffrirvrrrrffvrrir r«f« 5 » Victoria Book A Stationery Co., 61 GeOewX clerics of late. Home of tIt* newspapers AGood Bag for Indies, leather line,!..;...... «4.S0. «BOO "to *1100 B. Of. Bib ben A Co., 6b Government St. «rrrvirrr rmrr^mrnmnrimrr «rrnrr««t Gladstone Bag, ...... «2.00 to «14.30 A. BUwards, 61 Yatee St. have replied to the criticisms of their WANTS TO KNOW. Campbell A t ulllo. Gov t and Trounce alb ministerial brethren with a candor and George Matpden, cor. Yatee and Gov’t. To the BtKtor:—OSn you inform me why briisquene.4» which may be accepted aa >M4>«44t»»M4«44MM> « 180 IM4HH > I >M>HMM« H. W. Walker, grocer, Begulanalt rend. the Tourist Assodsteou eomtlaue So Save ...SUIT CASES... S,w«a[“,v^*V2i, ,*. — tharacteriwtic of the age. It j» simply «nt their lalterii—«1» .the ft»howtng, vis.. Pope Stationery Co.. 11S Oeverament St., the eW story over again. The men who “President. Charles Msywurp, Mayor of Boln Leather Suit Case*. Bpeeial.^ .. • • • «*4.75, $5.00 and $5.50 F. Redding. Cratgflower rued. Victoria 1 in tbe mysterious workings of providence the efty of Victoria”! Is M n<« very un- Finer Flniwhed Bags...... J, T. McDonald. Oak Bar Junrttoe. Iweather Lined Bags ...... $7.30 Orders taken at Geo. Maradee’a fee de­ have managed to secure control of pub­ Mr to Mayor MdOowMee that Mr. May- ...... $100 to $12.50 livery W'Dally Times. Walter s. Fraser & Co., Ltd. ward Should be advertmed aa mayor! Bbv TIMES la also on sale at the follow- lic journals are the very individuals who ---- OEALtSS IN---- - leg places: have the minimum of qualification for MOHBS. Be: f.e—I owman A Haoford. *16 First .TRUNKS.. Are. (opposite Pioneer Square». the work. If the pulpit could establish THE PBUV1XU1AL DEFENDER. Vn::. imvcT Galloway A Oe. ♦if.'rtfbt to a censorship over the utter­ Steamer TVunk, Steel Bound ...... $,3.50, $0.00 and $0 SO M.ev Westminster —11. Morey A Oe. Btawmer Trank, rawhide bound, heavy leather »trapn*7.30, *.8.30 ,nd *!h30 Kamloops—Smith Bros. ances of Hie pre*s the world w'ould be a T«8^tTif HVUoar:—In this moroCug'» edition Uwi Mowers. Wire Nettles, Hose aei Garden Tools. MaAleised Iron Trunks, 28 fo 30 inches...... $2 50 to S4 V) Dawson A White Horse— Bennett Hewe Ce very «liffervnt place. Pblitical and social of tlb Cceon'.dt. under the heading "Justice Bmhossed Metal Trunks...... %£> to Rossiaad-M W. Simpson. English and Norway Iron, Steel, Pipe. Fitting» end Bra* ; good ritestioD, about 1 mil* misrakew Identity. out. of their civilisation are not ao hard to doors of the House believe reporters do Aixn-HrMBici. THE TAYLOR tyILL CO., LIMITED LIABILITY. STAINS AND VARNISHES meet as are the requirements of our eom- no need the petitions of men who are pMÔU1l00/*." A"D ,AEM’ *roltTB OOTWtMKT rr.. VICTORIA, B. O. Swinerton Sc Oddy, fflfX organixativu. The possibilities of “mighty wrestlers in prayer.” sJ. SEARS. Tim POOR DTSTETTIC. 102 GOVERNMENT STREET. tlm|mmipHitivn with British Columbia There is just one feature in connection Phone, B742L 21-W Tat* Btro*. coal trade have not been ecrioasly with newspaper work that encourages ®Bau>scd hither lb. Such possibilities editors and reporters to keep their hands I» the Moat. Miserable of Mortals—Only ttu-t now be taken into consideration. If to the plow or to the pen. They are Similar Sufferers Can Understand tbe conditions lean in the slightest de­ ipeiled to listen to complaints, from Hia Hours of Agony. For! Sale gree in favor of the Japanese market. extremists of all classe». Only'the oth«* There is no mortal more miserable then ft ______Canadian Pa ci ftp Railway & Steam- day the editor of this paper was told the the poor dy^wgitic. He is never healthy, Vompauy will patronise it. Buai- newspapers of Han Francisco printed never haw>y—always ailing, always out i« business. Tbe officer» of the more Victoria news in one day than the of sorts, livery mouthful of food bring, pany a to morally bound fo earn as local papers did in a week. This con­ heura of dial res»—every moment of the CHOICE BUILDING firms us in onr opinion that much de­ day is spoiled and soured. dividend» as possible for their If you are n dyspeptic, yon know (he eholders. In matters of business not pends upon the point of view. It is Im­ signs; the coated tongue, the dull head­ LOTS For the Bedroom possible to please extremists. The o«e can we not separate ourselves from aches, the heartburn, tbe biliousness, the On Belcher. Cook, •by sad Richard- continent to which we belong, bat class would mirror tbç world in the press persistent torment after meals, the hope­ son streets, and LI avenue, being a suh-division of cannot divorce ourselves from the as*he believes Jt ought to be, not as 1| less despondency. Any one of these signs pointa fo indigestion. Tbe one ante rare World in which we lire; and, which from actually is; the other would gather for indigestion is Dr. Williams' Pink Sections 2 and 23 Fairfield the i*>iht of view of the commercial man scandal and social garbish and dissemin­ Dill». They make new blood—that's the I» Incoming smaller every year. What ate it indiscriminately amongst young whole secret. Through the blood they Farm Estate la True of the coal industry ia equally and old. Let any impartial critic com­ will brace up your strength waken your The property of 8tr Joseph W. Truteh, true of all industries. The coat of pro­ pare the newspapers of Canada with liver and-eet your stomach right. If yon aak your neighbors you will find proof of K. C. M. O. Por prices and terms, Elegant Table Ware duce <>u iu British Columbia moat bear publications from any portion of the this right at your own home. Mr. Chas. j Apply to its proper relation to the cost of produc­ world and he will surely admit that in Wood. Mara, Ont., one of (he thousands tion lit other portion» of nthe jpoatiaqut ■•f dyspeptic cured by the use of three We have aa-acCBaÀionaüv large ranye of ----- ——------»- n,r,„. SWiWM «1* «- bina. iï?ï -TW Howard# of twelve years and of Be wrfd. If we f&rce it temp«*y tent or their constituencies, and in moral E. CROW BAKER J, baa « great sufferer from indigestion ariiy oigher than the common economic tone they are not tnfeitôF fo .any, but «4 OOVSBNMUNT STBBBT. level we simply stimulate the Importa­ '«•I pervonsnesa. Everything I ate are vastly superior to ifiany. tS-inrvd me. I doctored almost continu- tion of the products of other countries. •*lr. and used almost every thing yecom- w* cainiot permanent!} evade the iacxor During the recent musical festival im nded for this (rouble, but never got -cove-c -ainnnr i-T 'Klr ui —. . . _ . . . . - -x*-v-à$vr- r*tt~4&war(3: W1 **?“ pftiuiuiyif wiffV lUlyeciM imu»-.«h«i*-tampmgiT^ bettrfVnrHf-T T)td- Public Mectini TOILET WARE $ 1 :: Au.-trulia it was thought the control to considerable critirlam. In all linn of gan the use of Dr. Williams' Pink Pill». THB VICTORIA BRANCH OP THB Word» cannot exprv»» the good these of ceriaib natural monopolies by ‘the human endeavor there are always plenty Pills have done me. I am iu better Provincial Mining Association In many handsome and beautiful designs, at »ta‘.- and the existence «pop the statute of critic». It much easier to find health than I have enjoyed in years lie- boo!: ef a compulsory azbitratton got had fanlt with the work of others than to fore, gnd I have provtsl that Dr. Wil- ef British Colombia very moderate prices. An artistic toilet set *ohed tiie great pr«Alvm which rou- perform according to the «tandard» of lian# Pii* Pill» cure when other medi­ Will Bold a Public Mewing Ip the fionta alt, democratic countries to-day, cines fhll.“ gives character to the whole room, and when the critics.-- A lecturer at a recent con­ Bad bliHsl Is the mother of fiffy ***** hkd VlVfb'atty ^HÏaWÜhetf a regime CITY HALL ference of mnaieiaita in Dublin took up ^-rasea, and Dr. William»' Pink rills it is possible to purchase one at thev follow ­ of i rmaàeat industrial peace. But man the baton on behalf of the members of will cm them nil, beesuse they conrert is an ngitatlug as well a* a laughing TO-NIGHT hi» profesninn. As Illustrating the physi­ into good, «eh, red blend, AT 8 O'CLOCK. NEW TOI1.KT WAKE. ing low prices you should buy. flni,,i:,L ti'P.vngineen on the state rail- cal «train to which interpreters tif the without which there cun be neither W. M. BltDWBU, ESQ., M.E., wW dc ways of Victoria are on strike, and other health nor strength. Don't be persuaded Urer an address on the “Mineral Re­ work» of the “great masters" are sub­ to try something clse-fake nothing but sources of VanvtMicer I stand." employees‘of the roads are threatening jected he pointed out that a pianist in JOHN KUHN, KHQ.. ITerideHl of the i.m^rnn-* Dri Pink Pills. Urovliid'inü Mining Aaeoclatltm, will tqxvik to in sympathy with them. riew of the present state of pianoforte Bold by all mclicine dealers or sent post »n the "Mlsetam ot the Mining Associa- 5 Piece Sets 111: inanity is ever crariug for the unat­ Playing ha, to cultivate the eye to see «ôrii’Lor ,Lx •*>»“» for 10 Piece Sets 12 Piece Sets tainable. Hero is a small army of civil u ' e-1,by '“Idrraslng the Dr. Wliilam. J. W. BOLDEN. ESQ.. ITwtdent of the With Brown Oresn or Blue With Green, Blue, or Pink With Blue, Pink or Amber about 1 »lgna in one minute, the Vlotorta Trade» ami Labor OouarU, will Medicine Co, Broehrille. Out I*coration, for ™ . .. . .$^25 Decoration, for ...... $4.50 Tinted Bilges, for...... $0.00 aerf jiitN who have attained to the finger» to make about 2,000 movements talk on “ and Its Relations to Elykini^of Hie free a«4 independent Leboe.” and the brain to receive and understand Hhort aiMreesce on Interesting subjects den; -ctiat: I>raianont oto^oynieut with separately the 1,000 signs while it Li­ VICTORIA THEATRE wtil also be made by other w«-H known *We h ud «bort bourn while phy.l- speaker», oud Ui the Intervals vucal end eue» 2.000 orders. In playing Weber's Instrumental nroetc will be rendered. 12 Piece Sets - 12 Piece Sets 12 Piece Sets <»H.v lilHiblo suit « peneion when the "moto perpeteo" a pianist lias to rend Friday, Nay 15th. Prospectors, miners and others directly A Vid-y Benutiful «et In Gilt EXlges and 8ui>erlor Vet y Prettily Decorated in hnr.i,-v,ot. Mie year, haa rendered him The O rentrai of AH 11.1 oral Plsyw r Indirectly lot«• rented‘ In mining and al White and Gold, for ... .$10.00 Decorative Work, for . .$10.00 4.041 note, in a Httle under finir minutes. those who dew Ire to assist lu promoting Choice Colorings, lor .. . .$8.50 i aï-aï» tile. And yet «here b eomething This is about 19 in a second; but the eye the progress of the mining Industry on ------. ------to he «"aired. Could there be better Vancouver Island, and the province gener­ ■4m ■ can receive only about ten consecutive OUR NEW ally, ere cordially invited. proof of, die iuMliable era ring* of the Impressions in a second, so K is erldent ROWLAND MACHIN F*RANK I. CLARKE. President. human heart? No doubt It will 1» he:» 'hal’in very rapid music n player ilooa that ml tat ora are rMpoaelble- for thi. see note. aTngrÿ but in groups" MINISTER] tfcin*. Whererer workwi are fathered probably a her or more at One vision In By Denman Thonijwon * Oeo. w. Byer, toy, ther agitato™ will be found iu the And»™ of The Old Hom*te.d. Chopin's “etude in K minor" tin the The Mggrat lilt ever known hi the hta- of them. Forfuuately for the Funds Waited second set) the speed of rending Is still adtntar ram’”*'’ Th* °d*lj1*1 York InvMtmrat, la^args orjmmll am* Imparte re ef Fine Crockery, utate. there la a Premier in Victoria who senary- Victoria, B. C. £ greater, since it ia necessary to read n!*‘..’*."*■?*!♦ Wcdwwlsy ,t VMM ia pledged to iccometisli^eHtUn reforms 3,930 signs in two mlnutee aid « half. •««»«. Priera: 41.0a, 71c. SOo; gsitarry ac.

V: J VICTORIA DAILY TIMES, WEDNESDAY, MAY îg, 1903. Compound Syrup of By pophosphltcs iHitHjHIKE humINSPECTOR uuiun — LAGLUUnL AI GRFÀMFRYUflLfilvlLfi I DURIITTFR I I Lll Apnnd «plena! bp «an, tente nnd builder. Pm- Of the best quality, largest stock, at HALL & GO. ON FRANK AFFAIR victoria and delta. VICTORIA AO*NTS FOB TB» Wm Dlspeaelag Chemists, Clsrence Block, Car. watt FUBL LX)., NANAIMO. R.O. Yates and Douglas Streets. Extract BBI>L’C*a> TO 30c. Mill FOUND. AEHUKY AND A.I.UHUTA OUIIAMHMY, HE. -OF- JOHN BARNSLEY fit CO. DWUb TO 28r. I'BIl I1IRV». —The total clearings of the Victoria Mi. SMITH TELLS SOME 11S Oovsrnmset Street. clearing house for the week euding May New Wellington 12th. ltMti, was $425,313. IHTEiESTIlG FACTS ■—o------—Tlic parlor meeliug of the central Goal Sarsaparilla branch of the W. C. T. l\ to-morrow JOHNS BROS., afternoon has been withdrawn; Few el the Wild Theories at First Ad- Grocers And Botchers. J 259 Douglas Street Waabad Nate...... **.00, Cleanses the Blood —The funeral of the lute Joseph Loe- Tiaeed-Exteat el the Slide- DeBaaeod taeay part wltbla the city I Remove* eruption* on the face and body, «oit an pimple*, no re*, etc. wcu Is taking place this afternoon from Danger la New Over. OFFIOE. la BROAD ST. the teipily residence, Gorge road, and St. Saviour's church. v*t ^ , —T. M. Flohrney, advertising manager Frank Smith, inspector of mines for 100 - DOSES - $100 of John D. Morris* & Co., of Chicago, is the Territorial government, who has 5-Roomed in the city introducing their latest—a taken several observa tiens vu Turtle series of works embodying examples of mountain since the terri Uv slide, was WU1 buy a good 10 roomed residence, with modern eloquence. in the city during the past1 few days. You'd bo «nrpriwl lo know the quality at SltilBR we sell. Cottage nearly 1 acre land, on Pandora Are. This He was conducting an examination at Bbivwd buyer, remember prive» very well, and when they find that CYRUS H. BOWES la DFX*DKD BARGAIN. Do not miss —Last evening an Interesting experi­ Frank for pit and fire !*>*• certificate* they can buy HKOE3 here af about one-Uilrd lea» than moat store* why ahouldt they bay at the "IMIOK BM#ORlUll." AND 1-2 LOT _ OHHM1ST. . • ^_ the opportunity of e life Hats, XU*,must ment took place at Work .-Point, bar­ j««t previously and left there for Fort 96 Government St., Near Tates St. racks. After djjrk the forts were man­ McLeod ou the night before the dbtaster. A tew of our WBQ1AL8; ... Bvtxvpii VanvouTcr aid Cent. JUmaca, be sold at oa& lmdie.’ Oxford», Turn» and Welt a Canadien and American maker, »'X h 1 [l 10 uihl !» e. walk <4 bvavon HUI, HHOXHB «25 AND 460. ned and a launch sent out to try and Oo WediKwday morning iinjovdiaply enter Esquimau harbor without being upon learning what had happened be , . Trrma If nevaaanrjr. detected by the, powerful searchlights of bastmed back on a special train. ImdlvK Laved Boot», Turn, and Welta. Canadian and Amvrican P. C. MacGregor & Go. the battery. The boat managed to get A Time* representative looked up Mr. make», from...... fl.TS'to $.1.1$5.00 Money to Loss Mens White Teoola Oxford», American make...... $1.50 In a cimwidçyable distance before fired up­ Smith yesterday and obtained from For long or abort ««an, at vuirrat not REAL ESTATE. FIRE A LIFE AGENTS, on. It ia claimed, however, that a «bursa him some interesting facts In connection City lUws 1* Brief. NO. 2 VIEW ST. was taken that would Ik- impracticable with the affair. He assigns an a likely THE PATERSON SHOE CO.’S Per Sale for a boat of greater draught. cause the melting of snow find Ice in s fissure, the subsequent freeing expand­ Intereitt In a good business. Dépitai *»• —Aid. G. H. Barnard baa donated hie -—o----- Quirud, $3,000. —The report in this morning's Col­ ing the aide of the mountain already monthly aMerinanic allowance, $30.90, to ; SHOE EMPORIUM, insure against fire hi the Brlttoh liant —One offender against the bicycle by­ onist that (Chinese were paid 10 cents weakened to some exticot by "the mining 9 the Victoria Tourist Association. Car. «arannaat nd Jobnaon eie.


men together end afford them some rw*u- aWe practicer -*------;------■ vm not evpfct that «U of yosr A QUICK SELLER. Our Seeood Shipment of men be members of y oar boat t. Wàiven, Aid. Htewsrt, Navigation Co., Ld. * ------O---- - Aid. Yatfe, ornera J.B.À.A. SHEFFIELD, ENGLAND. At Skagnay. Alaska, for White Horn* and the accomplishment of the objects to Intermediate point*. which this organization has committed Protesta muat be lodged wtO» Éhe eero- ROWLAND MACHIN, Can. Agent. Yates St., Victoria, B. C. ALASKA BOUTB-ffOB BKAOWA1 Daring the open eraenn of navigation the itself., It wâ# certainly a very success­ .SATURDAY'S GAME. nV.ttee Immediately at the couriuaton of DtBMOT. traîna coanect with the company's «tram­ the race. If drained private oara may- K*«U.b7 Ilkkm*, T7* Herdwsie Co., W. a Fr»w * Oo., Nlchollw * er» at Caribou forwtlln. Taka and Goldem ful «Utertuiumeet that was provided, ami A coosmlttee meeting of the Victoria used. A moteur nacra wl* be held uw Gate mining camp*; at White Horae for eue which clearly evidenced the numeri­ Cricket Otart> was brid last evening. Prep­ Prlneew May, May 12th, at 11 p. m. Stewart River, Dawaon, Tanana and all rhe auspices of the James Bay Athletic To Northern B. U w* porla, no] cal and commercial strength of the arations for Saturday's matches with the other Yukon Hiver pointa. Association, end the Indien races will Thursday. 11 p. m. For particular» apply to the Traffic De­ chamber. The object of the gathering, Garrison awl Frau wood team# were dts- ...... In charge of Chief Michael Cooper. The To Wrounlnatar, Tnwday aad Friday, partment, White Pane A Yukon Route, it la understood, was to signalliae the in- ctMsed. The members,, of the chib have Î a m. ^ foEowlog tribee wJU re represented: Cano* Everybody Vancouver, B. G. conxtration of the body, the discarding been practicing hank and both game» are T-Abouro, and way porta, tot, Tth, Hth Chemalnue, color yellow: 8*aoécb. ooùor, and 20th each month, if p. m. . , ef their “irresponsibility’' and , their expeeted to be fuM of interest and a block ; l.umml, color. Stars and Stripes; ASK FOR- ■>.r, MMt « Hotel, To gusutno and way porta, 7th and unto ♦etiy into the ipUtre reserved by Ik* riteeueot. weh month, 11 p. m. grace of parliament for 4wdies, corpora HwAoinlah, color, Stars end fkripes; Val­ •••'I e LI|M. threat Northern •te. des, color, Hgbt blue; Kuper Island, red: mStoYT r^L“4 "" TUB KERNEL Idem Kl««malage. color, navy, bine; Cow- Proprietor Leeaon, of the Victoria rw pnklcnlarn u hotel, had cleared the specious dining VH?roM A CONGRATULATED. Ichen, color, white. to_ttow, retro, etc. room," and made very satisfactory ar­ The crews which will participate In the EDDY’S apply te nrorwt agent, * Referring to the recent kennel show f TBVL’P, Manager, Vlct— B. a rangement* for the accommodation and bold under tihe aunpices of the. Wtorta service races ft—mr: HMH Ora firm, B. J. OOYLK. Arolataut Oroeral TRANSCONTINENTAL A cotertainnHUt of the guests. They be­ dub, the Western l>wg Journal, published white flag, red Ht. George crues; H.M.fL _ Agrot, Vaneonrer, B. C. -TRAINS DAILY - & gan to assemble at 8.30 o’clock, and Am phi on. white flag; H.M.8. Shew rwa ter, M. B. ABBOTT. Oeewal AgneL Victoria. 2 st Cedar Rapid* lows, sags: “The Vh> “HEADLIGHT” Direct connection with steamer* to ai from that hour until a time* dangerously' turfs City Kennel Hub Is to be congratu­ white fis# with blue ‘•B*’; Royal ArtlMery, |§ . approachiug midnight surrendered them* Item Seattle. lated on the suivra* of Its show. The bine Hag with reu zlgsag atrtpee;N Royal JAPAN-AMER1CAN LI NR •elves to unalloyed enjoyment. De­ utcartbersMp Is not only Interested lû doggy Engineers, red sod blue flag with h oil aoû­ Canadian Pcrtnlghtly Salllnea. votee?» of the weed were regaled witti TO BA MART? rail» May 16th, 1008, f matters at ahow'Xlme, Much year,, but ts! atrlpee. MATCHES divers varieties of cigars, while other re- Pacific China, Jape* end Asiatic porta. tiwvugbiwi ttos whiter gives parlor extol bi­ » ortto^ w N tor to. ainl'l wet mmh«i o< iiy oo R. J. BURMA General A#*L freslhVnts xm re "Hbcrany dispensed dur­ lious, urn 1er local Judgra, one breed st a Misses Dunisnnlr and Rlttoet were among «rtocjT»». hi toe wwte, m.d. from wrtt corhy ytoe ing the evening. An brehestra from Mr. the passenger* from Seattle on the Ma epeelonr relUhle for demwlr u. Put up lu .rot, time. The past winter the eltib bdd three tod roloru. web be* croulais» about W ■.tebee-tCroTbro* U And Soo Pacific Line yinu's organization was on hand, and sodé exhibition*; une for cockers, one for jratlc yesterday. tilled in the gaps between the vocal and base. \% «locution number» on the programme in terriem sod on* for sett era, all being well patronized, and undoubted!)- enhancing tbs For Sale by all Firnt-Claaa Dealers. WORLD’S SCENIC ROUTE tine style. To Sleep Well President George Carter acted as Intern* «if fanciers In bettering their stock I* «aster of ceremonies if there be such a and kennels. No suatil praise I# due the • thing as ceremony in an affair so dêlighT- executive, as nothing was spared to en­ get yoür stomach and liver Te all palate In Gaped* and tha United 1#------—fully informal, and during the evening ergy and courtesy to anakn the Mburw » ♦MMtMMMMMMMMtM •tatee. Tha faateet aad beet equipped acting right. The easiest, HUM train treating the cuottnent. delivered a telling address replete with OH IMA Aim JAPAN BAILING 111 enthusiasm and encouragement. He ex­ quickest and safest way to NICH0LLK8 & RENOUF, LTD., EMPKBM OP INDIA ...... MAY » plained the circumstances under which ASSOCIATION FOOTBALL TARTAR ...... 4»...... JUN» ■ SOLID THROUGH TRAINS the Chamber of Commerce came into ex­ WILL PlaAY AGAIN. do it is to use Ooroer Tatee aad Broad Bta., Victoria. B. 0 BMPRBRS OP JAPAN ...... JUNE 16 istence. It waa a response to the CANADIAN AUSTRALIAN 8AIUNG8 AORANOI ...... MAY » acknowledged urgent demand foy co­ Before the Capital Cky intermediate Have just received the latest football teem left Nanaimo after piayk* MOANA ...... JUNK #S operation ami cohesion on the part of MIOWERA...... JULY 24 Gumlierfand « draw match tor the dsn- Beecham’s Chicago, 5 the business men of the city in the in­ Per fall pavtteelars aa to time, rata*, terests of trade and the welfare of the pionship of the province, the captain* at •te., apply te the teems toasted to see which would hold In J. OOYLE, plact. He alluded to the advantages “Iron Age” Cultivator, Seed A. G. P. A.. Vancoever, B. a derived from such co-operation, in testi­ the trophy. The Cumberland eleven won. H. H. ABBOTT. New York and Philadelphia mony of which he referred particularly However, the executive refuse to recog­ Pills M Government M„ Victoria. B. C. Bold Everywhere. In boxes. « cent*. “VIA NWOARA FALL*.** to Seattle, a city which had grown nise this method of disposing «< the cup. and another match wrl have to be played. Drills and Wheel Hoe pLeci omen ally chiefly through the united FOR to BOSTON via the The Capitals hare been given the choice of Also impor­ effort and of its businessmen. tant business centers of He then drew attention to the great a date, Cutnheeiand baring had that advan­ DOES YOUR FOOD Don’t fail to call, examine, and obtain prices. Hawaii, Samoa, outlook for Oriental trade which form­ tage oo the hist one at on. The match, K Hew Zealaed and CANADA and NEW ENGLAND. la expected, #witl be brought off ahoruy DISTRESS YOU? SOLE AGENTS FOR BRITISH COLUMBIA erly went to the Old World by way of fW TU*e Table», He., eddrvee- «nez, and gradually filtered to Amène*. and will be played in Nanaimo. The Cap­ Australia. • from that direction. Now, through the itals will be represented toy practlcady NMMlMIMt OEO. W. VAUX, AS. RDNOMA. for Auckland 8ydney, 2 tat Oem. Paw. * TM. Act-. A-Jome Street, •ctivity of’large transportation com­ the same team, and they have reoOdenre Are you eerroerT ...... p. m.. Thnraday, May 1A panies this trade was being drawn of their ability not only to hold down the A A ALAMEDA, aalle for Honolulu, Do yoe fed older thin yoo erod tot... ÇOOOOGOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO,, Saturday, May 23, 11 a. m. ncrosg the Pacific—eastward Instead of “big fellows." but to defeet them sud I» yoor ippetite poor? ...... AS. MARIPOSA, for' Tahiti, June A west word—and he predicted that it was bring the coveted trophy to lbs <*tj. 11 a. m. for the titles of the Northwest of this I. your tongue costed with • .limy, yd- J. D. BPRECKEL8 A BROS. CO., Agents, to wish tort ...... :...... Sen Praarieco. '’■ee,,*Snt to reach out for It. In this BASEBALL. Stoddart’s Jewellery Store Or R. P. RITHET A CO-. LTD.. Victoria, pursuit of an immense trade Victoria SATURDAY'S GAME. Do yoe kero dluy «pelle?...... ♦fcould be well to the fore, and the Here yoe » bad U.U to yoor month ?.. Great ^cnkvr urged that no effort be omitted The Manne* Lopes team, advert lei ng cigars by that name, wtti be the opponents Hire yea s eeorotlon of folium, .ft* Atlantic Steamship Sailings -which could be put forth to capture a es ting? ...... s goodly share of it. Mr. Carter cloeed of the VlctocCss on Baturdsy nest. The sloe 4# compnecd uf prof es— ouad players, Do yoe here hv.rtbarn?...... Northern J- with an expression of confidence In" the Montreal. Que. and they imt up a fast game. They have Do yoo beteh gu. at wind?...... Diamond Rings and Lockets ability of the Chamber of Commerce to Bavarian—Allan Line ...... May » played quite » few games thta spring, Do yoe tor, excerolr. tElrot?...... make itself felt in the field of commerce. Will be sold thia wrok 15 per rent under oor usual low prlcro marked I Milan Allan Line ...... May 6 Railway Bnheeqmntiv brief speeches were also notably one with i»ugd*K-'e Seattle league Do yoo ootio. Mock ipeeke before tk, Tunisian—Allan Line ...... May 23 team, whom they dcf««ated by a snore of In plain 8gurro. 1 . , ^A^a fr Lake Erie—Canadian Pacific ...... May 14 made by the United States consul, Hon. eyw? ...... «...... Lake Manitoba—Canadian Pacific ..May 21 A. E. Smith, Mayor McCandless and 11 to 8. Alt hough this wa» one of the W, bare a large .lock, and most roll at prime eoet Lake Michigan—Canadian Pacific ..May 28 carij spring inuctlce games. It nevettha- Do you here pain or oppression aroeod Canada—Dominion Edoe...... May 8 TRAIN NO. 2. Herbert Cutbbert; all of whom compli­ the hrort? ...... mented the chamlier on the progress It Iras surprised the leagetah considéra ut y. XKKKXXKKXKXX Kenelngton—Dominion Une ...... May 16 coooooo Dominion—Dominion Use...... May28 had made, and wished it every success. For the locale Hfinvea w—l do the twill­ Dow yoor heart pslptutc, or beet to* Boeton. Maw. The programme during the evening was ing and the remainder of the team will regelarly?...... New England—Domlnlon Une ...... May 14 productive of, the heartiest enjoyment. be practically the Seme, with the excep­ Do yoo bore unpleasant dream»?...... Mayflower—Dominion Une ...... May 21 “The Flyer” Ail the nnmbera were encored, and those tion of Moon*, who waa more eerloualy In- Are yea eonatlpated? ...... S.S. Carpe thia—Canard Une ...... May 16 ■lega»tiy equipped aad operated taking part generously responded. Tbopfc jural In hie culUalon, w*th Horae In Met Do yoor Umbo tremble or ribrote?...... “The Milwaukee” Will Lesre Port Zseington New York, N Y. contributing were: Messrs. W. K. Saturday'» gume than was at Aral thought. Are yoe rsatlma st night?...... Umbrla-Cunard Mae ...... May 9 He may bip ont of play for a ooupâw of Ivernia—Canard Line ...... May 16 FOB THB PEOPLE AND RECOGNIZED Houston, W. Allen, who gave re< ita- A familiar name foe the Chicago, MU- For Haselton taous, and Messrs. W. B. Smith. *W. T. weeks. Bmerson will take tie place In NAM HI...... Etruria—Canard Una ...... May 28 BY THB PEOPLE auhee A Kt. 1‘aul Railway, known all Aad way taudln#» on the Skeen* River on Teutonic-White Star...... May U Williams, K. Carue, Ives and Douglas, the !W4d. Age...... Occupation ...... over the Union ae the Great Railway fan­ or about April 2mV Regular trip* will be Germanic-White Star ...... May 2» AS THB FINEST TRAIN ACROSS who provided the vocal part Hi the iffo- Street number ...... ning the “Pioneer Limited" traîne every Cedric—White Star ...... May 22 day and night between 81. Paul and Chica­ made at frequent interval» thereafter. AMERICA. gramme. Town...... Stete...... Majestic—White Star ...... »...MayZT go, and Omaha and Chicago, “The only Ctoee connection with maU eleemera from Philadelphia—American Line ...... May 13 I ANNUAL MEETING. If yen' bar» any or all of the obese Victoria and Vancouver. 8L Louie—American Une ...... May» Pa men fera leave Victoria, B. C., dally 1rilK VlViX>lUA-STlUlxt:. -yrranBiBW- -j'-rr*- =«•>.;...... Per rates of passage and freight apply te tlncatil Unro, arourtag te paarongnre tea New York—American Line ...... May K at II a- mu oe ataàiner Roaâlié. «r 7ZT The annual general meeting of the Fero- R. GUNNINUHAM A tX>„ jtahtnsd Bed Star ...... May 16 p. tu. on ateamer Majestic, connect­ k- mhrt, cf norervaifTto PtotI* Tem­ Fill to the abofe blank, rood to ee. and brot rorelre known. Luanrlou. coeruro, l*ort Katingtou. wood Albletle A*ak*4anWm will tot* to<-1*1 this clwtrlc light,, .teem net, el a rarity Finland-Red Star ...... May 23 ing with “The Flyer” Metier Shuttle cvpqürg, when boslneee of impuriance we will mall yoo a free dial of PBF81- WR P. RITHET A CO., LTD., ■tklejln âne her ftae..* ...... May • porary Rervlee Meeting With tusUcd by no other Ilea. , Anchorla—Anchor Line ...... May 16 at 1:80 e.m. daily. Two ntghta to St. will h.* transacted. Aâl members are re- KOLA TABLETS—unqurotlonably the Kao that your Heart reads rla "Tk. Mll- Some Sucre»». liUt" when going te any prtet 1» to. Furneesla—Anchor Line ...... May 23 Paul, three te Chicago, four to Toroete, quieted to attend. •Brest aad safest Dyipepda cure kaowo nltrtt State, or -Oerod». All tlck.t sgrtlt. oooooooooooooooooooooooooo Per all information^ agÿr to Montreal, New York. McU..»irn<\ Xlctorl». May 12.—The MONTHLY MffTim. -together with oer little book--Adrlee For^riftre, pamphlet, or other Inrorsta­ For ticket a, rate* end full information eerrliv of t>c reilrosd» to Improrlng •S Government st , To Dyapeptlco." Regular dae PEPSI- Agent for All Line*. tU at #f addreaa daily. wiyrcinUy to the country. The I net evening n. meeting of the fnanage- tion, addrew, _ ___ K. J. BURNS, KOLA TABLETS, 25 cento, by moll, * J. W. OABBV, H. ». BOWB, Are You W. P. F. CUMMINGS, . *wifem_#.f .litote» Jrm» m«tt committee of the Janaea Bay Atldettc -Taaa. Karo. Agrol.. . Ueeeral Agrot,. nnmr ■ Hiffi. 4-Ar * ■ Jmia=a=raggg %SSTni:WrMWW t -ydlg -glSSSMl ■ - - ■ ■»,■ —, — - -■ Wlnnlpa*. Man. •—:—l.:. _■ 76 Government Bt.f weakening. Tiie elforts or the govern­ VOKTI^NO, OKBUON. . B. C. miLMBTON, Victoria, B.a ment y<> organize a temporary service are The f«*l1owing new mimbera were elected: Agente wanted. B. a. BOYD, nom*I A*t . Beattie, U.W.P.Aro «tetfng . with <"oiLsie- end J. J. Irwin. YES, WE OAN GUARANTOR TO OIVB the t locomotive drivera. Tlx* railroad r*Lr Lady members were admitted as * fol». THE .L/JCAKOI-A COMPANY. YOU SATISFACTION IF YOU GET FOB ertraenf has offered g bottus of laws: MUw«* E. 8. Wtrapuel. E>Mt8i Hbmp- «6 VKHEY STREET. NEW YORK. YOUR SLITS FROM US. TKKEI to each driver accepting service. Uni­ F. A. Brown. 8. A. R«rffcuaon1 M. A. Soutb-Eastern versity students are offering to help, and j Mason. M. Lottie*. I>. 8ehL F. North-Western retired meufben of the railroad staff are 1 Twk, V.. G. Turner, M. Fra*aser sud M. A. M. HENRY, OffKL twin g pressed into service. TThc disob* Hiwin. Bedding Plants Alaska. snnization «sf 'httsinese is alienating pub­ A • inmmi i. ailon was r. ae br-og she crew opt to Y'ldtuelaL on the AM mineral rights are reserved AND WE HAVE HOME NEW GOODS THE SHORTEST LINE, THB TRAN800K TINEKTXL- Z Tlicrc Is no need ho bobble round sol- Eauulmatt A Nanaimo Railway ( „ . For San Francisco 21at. *o ttv»t we may have * couple of JUST ARRIVED. FINEST TRAINS, THB LOWEST 3- TRAINS DAILY - ferirg agony with corns. Sprinkle Foot within that tract of lend bounded on the LEAVE VICTORIA. 8 P. M. day»’ pructlce. south by the south boundary of Oomee KATES, THE FASTEST TIME, WHEN GOING TO Kim iir your shops, mid you’ll be sur­ Queen, May 4. 19. June X I nm Inatnpitcd by otiV faculty commit District, on toe east by the «traita ai n ATÏ7 MTQ trade Mark* prised how quickly reli<-f will come, end toe to exprew our thank» to yonr «tub for Georgia, on tha north by the 60th parallel r« l un * o and copyrights St Paul, Chicago, New York Senator. May », 24. and do the went by the boundary of the R MINNEAPOLIS, 8T. PAUL, CHI­ City of Puebla, May 14, 2», Jane 1». l>ye and bye the corns will disappear. It your courtesy in offering us tlhe use of one Procured In all countries. A N. Railway Land Grant. CAGO. OMAHA. KANSAS (fill, Umatilla, June 8. is the simplest, snrest method <►/ pre­ of your boat» for our rare In Victoria and LEONARD H. BOLLY, Searches of the records carefully made Nor Eastern Canadian Points venting corns you ever tried. Price 28 and rciH'ite given. Gall or write for la AND ALL POINTS EAST. Steamer leave» every fifth day thereafter. afterwunf* in Seattle. A proper guurnn Lànd G TAKB TUB «•ents a box of 18 powders, at druggists formatio*. For complete Information, aak Steamer* connect at San Francisco wit» tee will be arranged In time for Ux* lonch your local agent, or write Northern Pacific Railway, Company*» at va mere tor porta In California, or by maik —r.r. ______»nfr*ty of ymrr tront. ROWLAND BRITTAN, Mexico and Hnmholdt Bay. ». W. PARKER, For farther Information obtain folder. Be sure yon get “Foot Elm.** Tlicrc I* another proposition which I dia- HHHHH giv Mechanical Engineer aad Patent Attorney General Agent, And Enjoy a Bid. « to. T>. Y. £t»U & Jury, Rownrdnvlllf. Ont. Bight la reserved to change steamers eg ciuwed with Mr. Lccmlng end Mr. OIM rranlar eeatioo of the Rnanl of Licensing 161 Yetiet Way, Seattle. Famous North Coast Limited railing date». „___ . „_ , „ . . „ Comtnlealoner» for the City ct Victoria. 1 ÜtMta wSi H P. RITHET *.0>to Agents. 61 Wharf O. Blifblnn WIWIaim. cdttor of the B. C. Hrair. and wtricir t wtah rrai wwM watf- IMSi»*W iWTf' W a tranafef fo ClisTlta Tk» eialyjnp-io-date train crowing the r«i St.. Victoria, n. r. Sffnlmt Record, of Vkn«>av«r, la a gu«*t nrft to yonr athletic board: Could not ■■■■■■II* VACUUM ' DEVELOPER; tlnent. Thia train la made np uf elegant TICKET OFFICE, 113 Jaroee St., Seattle. toria, nf the Mcenee now held by me te Thte treatment will enlarge New Veetl holed Ihi liman and Tourist at tto-* Iknnlnlne. yonr Hub emu** * track meet with our UEO. W. ANDREWS, North-Western Pan- track train for Hntnnliiy. June fftihî I wfl spirit now and fermented liquors by shrunken and undeveloped Bleepers, electric lighted and steam heated. a-ngvr Agent. Seattle. retail.

f H. Jones, Rofella Hyd. M. Co.; Hitt TîiërS EoÂleed. .STI F.'Wîl»nê, "W.' A. 1 Bros,, J. Sear*, A. Holmes, J. H. Ontler, J. Wonder «ml U. M. Milks». ,J Warner, W. B. Shakespeare, J. Slnggett Vancouver, are among the late arrivals at VICTORIA DAY "Let the BOLD DUST twins * work." & Sens, J. It. Dares, W. H. Watson, J. Ulus Vernon. » Heaney, A. E. Fvphatn, C. H. Smith ft • • • Waltham Watches Co., it. A. Murrnui, M. Lenfral-y, W> W. Sutherland, of Birkenhead ; Frank Nichols, H. W. Walker, C. W. Kirk, T, (.'TkijhihiiK of Milt Bay; Mrs. A. H. Ives, of Truthful witnesses of AMI» Jar & Co., Schaper ft UeitL_.C. (*i overdale, and Mrs. M. Parent earn, of CELEBRATION " f cuiîîiif miiïw» x mite. 1VÎT8uicKon, are reglirtered- at .4he Bal­ Mor’ey, H. H„ Auderaou, F. Laudaberg, moral. the passing hour. It. E, Brett, T. Greenhalgb, Geo. E. Alack, |>ened with prayers by R«-duc**d rate# from alt points. efforts ; Subtreate—from your cares; AMs— A. G. M CANDLES8, Rev. W. L «lie Clay. r Mayor. to your life. The chief item of business was the W. C. MORESBY. Made only by THE N. K. FAIRBANK COMPANY, •foetioo of officers and committee* for Secretary. Montnel. Chkeao. New York. Notion. SL Louta-Hiker, of COPCO SOAP Corel oeke). the ensuing year. It was moved by Rev. Dr. (’amph<11. and seconded by Dr. HOTEL DAVIES VICTORIA WATERWORKS. Milne, that the acting officers l*e re­ BABY’S OWN elected. The motion was unanimously 48 TO B0 YATES STREET. E. B. DAVIES. PROPRIETRESS. carried. SOAP Attention le railed to Sec. 22, tof the Rttiun & Hartnag’e, Drianl hotel, J. II. IS NOW READY FOR QUESTS "Waters-orka Itc^uWtflun My-Law, 1U0O,” Mr. Sprague thought it advisable for prevents roughness of the whkHx reads aa .follows: “No perron «lui 11 Todd ft Sons, U. P. ttithet & Co., Ltd., the board to have fixed dates for the Every department entirely new and bra artfully fitted throughout with modern sprinkle, or use In any manner whatsoever, J. A. Say ward, A. C. Flumerfelt, quarterly meetings, and also ' that the * skin and chapping. Improvement# and the latent electric appila ncra. Mogt eeetrally located; only three the water supplied by the cKy upon lewnSfc mlnutee* walk fro* train» and boats. All street cars pesa the door. The moot con­ Gntifhy smeltef, and George A. Veith board should meet more frequently than gnrihuiw. yards or gns.ude of eay descrip­ Best for toilet and nursery use. e»t venient hotel In the city. Alt rooms on on e floor. 1 N tion. nx'fpt between the hour* of 5 and • (Veith ft Borland), Keithley Creek, $20 The hotel will be run In connection wt th the fa moo* in the past. AIBCRf TOtltf f» et-, fra. Mosmti o’clock in the morning, and the hours et The following motion, proposed by E. I 5 and 10 o’clock In the evening, an lea» the J, Stables, M. P. P.. $15. Crow-Baker, was carried: That the sec­ POODLE DOO RESTAURANT. I Wster eo u»vd shell be migifilieil by meter.” retary should be instructed to call the JAS. 1^ RATMT-R, John Brydon, Ykrtoria-Pboecte Brew­ Water Couunl eeloner, ? ! -r------ing Co., Ltd., Wviler Bros., L. Oood- quarterly meetings on the second Tues­ j City Hall. May 5thC 1903. dereft Hon*. B. ' W-tlron, Henderson day in the following muttUu^ January, AUDITING COMMITTEE Bros.. ' Ltd., Pither & I«eiser, Victoria April, July and October. Truck A 1 fr.-ly Co., Ltd., George Riley, Mr. Baker wbmitted his financial re­ Plans and Specifications LOOK INTO ACCOUNTS M. P.f " L. « i. McQtade, F. .1. Pitta, port for the *a*t year as he was finable, . en Cop!.a of the ooodttlous of cotnpetitloa» Newton. J. T. H. Mataon, B. C. Electric etc., for the association. Ttie matter ot Are you nervous, fretful can he (Attained at the office of the under­ Railway Co., Ltd.. Victoria ChemU.M having a married couple to araist the j signed. M and gloomy ? Is yoiir I- WELLINGTON J. DOWLBR. Co.. Ltd,, and Puget Sound Steamship matron at the Orphanage was discussed, j Time* readers will recall that about a and finally left in the hands eeUli atlon» may be seen at the office et Rowland, Machin and Col. Mcinecke, 1 tier. Mount Sicker and Bren ton mine*. The following Igdies were elected on the ladiee* committee: Mrs. II. Bicker- R. P. Rlthet A Co.. Ltd., Wharf street, who were instructed by resolution of the Henry B. Thompson, A. L. Belyea, K. Have you varicocele ? where all other Information may be «to­ C-, II. Mortimer Lamb, A. C. Hirseh- dike. Mr*. Geo. Carter. Mrs. W. Scow- tal ned. meeting to allow the treasurer no com­ These are the result of the H. SCHWARTTNO. mission. The committee ha* completed field. Atlin claims; Charles H. Ltigrin, croft and Mrs. D. Sprague, for the Con­ its task and certified the treasurer’s A. W. More, C. Dubois Mason, English gregational ritnrdh; Mrs. F. Adams, j- waste of vital force. The Mrs. F. W. McCulloch, Mrs. W. B«w- statement correct. The statement is as Counties Syndicate, Robert Cassidy, K. ridge and Mrs. Noah Shakes|>eare, for gentle stream of electricity follows: C., E. B. Shaw, N. P. Shaw, Hamilton TENDERS. Receipts— Smith. Cnpt. L. Thompson. W. Mnnsie, the Methodist churches; Mrs. James from Dr. McLaughlin’s Electric Belt going into 2*1 subscriptions la Victoria, ss A. Stewart Robertson, H. D. Hefmckcn, Hutcheson. Mr*. G. L. Milne, Mrs. Wm. nerves for hours every night soon replaces all th Traders are Invited for the per appeuu-X “A” ...... fd ,696.00 K. C., M. P. P.. Walter 8. Fraser & Munsie. Mrs. Wm. Denny, for the Pres­ itdrrs ate Invited for the purchase et byterian chnrvhee; Mi** Perrin. Mr*. E. ergy and makes every nerve and muscle perfect. the »tock Ln trade, goodwill and book M subscriptions in Van­ Co., Ltd., A. B. Fraser, sr., E. B. Mar­ debtsa of Bmklnê, Wail A Co., grextern. Crow-Baker. Mrs. A. S. Going. Mr*. couver, as |mt appendix vin & Co., J. Herrick MHiregar. Dr. T. permanently in every case. % v „ Gov««rmnent street, Victoria. “B” ...... $534.00 J. Jones. Geo. Powell ft Co.. Lens ft Toller, for the Anglican churches; Mr*. For j.aiMcnlar» apply to Give me a man (or woman for that matter) who has been X J. H. LAWSON, I*ree IO p«w veut, com- UiiuT, J. Viercy & Co., II. Sivbetibaum, W. R. Higgins, Mr*. W. W. Wilson. W. McKevn ft 8r>n, Oriental hotel; Hick- Mr*. E. V. Mngbridge. Mr*. O. A. Mc- sick and sufferingforyears and taken medicine until the system 'K X X vV C. V. TODD. ^ mles'jon retained for Tarish, for the Reformed Episcopal I coUeotlng...... $45.40 man. Ty* ft Co., Ltd'4 Q. Harold Grant, church. .. . I is all run down and debilitated, the stomach unable to di­ Office expends, rent, W. ft J. Wilson. Paterson Shoe Co., At the suggestion of Rev. W. U Clay ( hire of d.ak ...... WAR Brown Jug 8aUsui, T. N. Hihhen ft Co., gest the food and the nerves shattered. My Electric Belt the following wer* elected to act as a Roll top desk ...... 26.110 Ileisterman ft Co., Tbos. Sliotbolt, W. will give new life to every organ, drive out disease and re­ HOTEL BADMINTOK finance com mi tee in conjunction with the 386.26 T. Oliver, Bank of II. N. A.. A. J. Gal- VANCODVKR. Post age stomp* sold to membero. „ 15 Ivtiy, Bank of Montreal, Justin Gilbert, treasurer: Dr. Milne, Mr. Flumerfelt store health. . JOS. W. WALLIS. Prop. Furniture, stationery, stamps, «rtc., W. M. Brook. Con. Spruce Creek and H. D. Helmcken, K. C., M. P. P• I have the grandest invention of the age for weak men ; American plan ...... Rate. 92 and $2.3§ bought by assocJstioo ...... placer*; Charles Hayward. E. Crow- The following house and grounds coilf Hitnated le the heart of the city. Street Ain * emits paid on aocuont aasucU- mittee were installed: Messrs. Sprague, the surest and easiest cure for all nervous and chronic diseases. Its wonderful power can within one block, passing continuously th)B sad now refunded ...... Baker, R. K. Davis, H. Morton, Gar­ for all parts of the city, ltarber shop la rick*» Head; Brsdy-llouston Packing McGregor ami Shakespeare. is directed to the scat of the nervous system, through which its vitalized strength connection. ’Phone In every room. Co., E. E. I^eeson, Victoria; H. P. Bell, The meeting closed with a benediction penetrates into all parts of the body, carrying new life to every function which has Less subscriptions In defsnkt. ,’^K C. E.; Hiram Walker ft Sons, per J. W. by the Rt. Rev. Bishop Cridge. NOTICE Total receipts ...... 12,285,60 Ambery ; Dr. J. D. Heltnckvn, F. W. been weakened by excess or dissipation, restoring energy to the brain and power to Puyments- Nolte, Victoria Machinery Depot. B. C. PERSONAL. the vital organs. No weak man, no sickly or delicate woman, will ever regret a fair Noticelice Is hereby given that thirty day» Petty cash expenses, Marine Railway Co.* per W. F. Bullen; after■ date I Intend to make applicationappll _ _to ■ $14.15; exchange on Times l*rintlng & Publishing Co., Col­ Mrs. ft. O. Thurston and Mrs. J. K. Rob­ trial of my ‘ ' • * the Honorable the Chief Commissioner et Cheques. $1.26 ...... $ 15.40 Lande and Work* for a Irate of the fallow­ Printing flO.twu c'.nsila**, let­ onist Printing ft Publishing:Co., T. L. inson, of Chernaia*»»; J. B. Fagt< and wlf.». ing described tract of land «muted ofi tlMr ters, ewvfdupss, etc...... 677.55 FulHns, Mount -Sicker; Fred. Norris, A. Mra. M. GinUm. Mra J- E. Howell. Ml* shores of Battle's Lake, In Com ox a ad IVMtagu sCsjujm end |wst Lipsky, Empire hotel; W. J. Pendra y, Dr. McLaughlin's Electric Belt Clnycquot Dlstrl'ts: Vvmroencirg at » «•arts ...... 366.15 Marsh O'BHmi, ï. K. DerUn and W. M. j Rxiwraa vJsirg.s ...... 23^*4 Carter ft MacVaudle**. Victoria Print­ Endlong, of Reattie; Mîaww Morgan. M. | point on the east shore of Buttle’» Like, ing ft Publishing Co, and L. J. Quag- I toll you that ELECTRICITY i* » remedy of to-day. It lias boon a grand rom >ily of where the E. \ N. railroad lend grant lia» Wages, of clerks, steoyg- end N. J. Morgan, of Hanta Crus; A. Ç. the pa.t ten yean. I have studied this subject more carefully than any physician h u ever Intersects Buttle’» Lakf ; thence along aaHB rspher, etc......, llottl, $3 each. Schmidt and wtfe. at Portia ml. Or.; A. M. I K. A N. railroad land grant Une ln a south­ Htatkouery for office, etc. .. 06.00 Mrs. M. J. O. White, Balmoral hotel, Kg», of Mayae; Barry Miller, of Chicago; I studied hie text books, and can .how résulte I ran cite you thousands of caiee that have easterly direction for a distance of twe rr.M XV: ft': NWPtture, -or AWelffiK Jw. Barrow ! come to me advice, eome of them as a last resort, having spent thousand* of dol­ s?^r„ sr Advertising mcétluga, eLv., .1. Wenger, .!. It. Colliater, Pope St a of Toronto; Mra. 8. Bewell, t* Orapd , lar* with practitioner*, and the majority of these caeoe are the people who are praieing my east shore line of the"lake and «listsat $22; let «grams, $55.80 .... 62.80 . 7 tbrnory Cm, Army and Navy elodiiug Fort*; Wm. McLetmaa, of W4aotpagj- ,H. j gecretary ■ tsunb,. trsrttttu# method to-day, -1 therefeom two miles to the head of Battle’» expenses Nenatono. Van­ store, Fletcher Bros., E. B. BiUtoghdrat, N. Oray, of Woodraork. end Mr. Chihb | lake; thence in a northerly direction feto A. A. Clayton, 8e;i ft Gowen, Clarke ft My eucce.e i* not limited to any particular trouble. Any organ of tho body, any part lowing a* line psrallcling the seat shore couver ami Iavlyiaul^b.... 25.00 and wife. Je». Rdd. H. C. Chamberiln and that lacks tho neco»*ary vitality to perform ite natural function, can be restored by my line of the eu Id Battle's Lake, and dlstaaS Ibn-fVtUm mmmlttee for en- Pvar* .n, Arthur Crease, Wm. Christie daughter. C. H. M. Sutherland end wife. therefrom two mile*, to tbe point of Inter­ t.-rutimnvtiL members .... 184.55 (C.P.ll. Telegraph Co.), Herbert Cuth method. It gives strength, it makes the blood rich r id red and warm, it vitalizes tho Provincial government for Mrs. c. L Brown, of Vancouver, are at section with the Ift ft N. railroad lanft mining, placer end water ln-rt, Th«w. Earle, M.P.. A. G. Howard- the Dominion. nerves, put* life and vim into the brain and muscles. grant line; thence southeasterly along aalft Potta, H. W. Windle, Raymond ft Sons, land grant line to the lake shore; these» _aete ...... 44 «« With my ElectrlO Bslt I euro Rheumatism in it* worst forms; I euro pains and along raid shore fine In a southerly a aft L. -Münes -Wai U. tttiw.ft C«m - P. -D; Oowta «4-ba-k. Ktftwnnet. -ashes,.weak nerves, general dobiUty.aud any other trouble which caij he cured, by restoring nnrthiilf ilrirUnii in Hu nlm nf hagl» Savoy theatre, Y'oung ^ros. (New Eng­ cleft l

4 /