United States Patent Rol (11) 4,045,833 Mesek Et Al
United States Patent rol (11) 4,045,833 Mesek et al. 45) Sept. 6, 1977 (54) ABSORBENT BED PAD 3,763,863 10/1973 Mesek et al. ......................... 128/287 3,768, 18 0/1973 Ruffo................................... 19/156.3 (75) Inventors: Frederick K. Mesek, Downers Grove; Virginia L. Repke, Oak Primary Examiner-Casmir A. Nunberg Forest, both of Ill. (57) ABSTRACT 73 Assignee: Johnson & Johnson, New Brunswick, An absorbent bed pad comprises a liquid-impervious N.J. sheet which is adhered to an absorbent fabric through 21 Appl. No.: 582,479 out the interface therebetween. The fabric is unitary and highly stable and is formed from a mixture of long (22 Filed: May 30, 1975 and short fibers. The mixture of fibers varies throughout the depth of the fabric to produce a short fiber-enriched Related U.S. Application Data face to be adhered to the impervious sheet and a long 63) Continuation of Ser. No. 386,114, Aug. 6, 1973, fiber-enriched face at the outer face. The fabric is abandoned. through-bonded and may be adhered by adhesive to the (51) Int. Cl. .............................................. A61F 13/16 backing sheet to produce compaction of the short fiber (52) U.S. Cl. ......................................... 5/335; 128/287 enriched face. 53 Field of Search ....................... 128/284, 296,287; In other embodiments the fabric may be treated to in 19/145.5, 156.3, 1564; 156/62.2, 244, 290, 291; crease the wettability of selected portions and a highly 161/151, 146, 148, 410; 5/335, 355 compacted, densified layer may be formed integral with 56) References Cited the short fiber-enriched face.
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