The following is a list of changes made to the current Definitive Map since it was published in 2000

Name Location What happened Date Map A14 Footpath Heasley Manor, Route altered 2003 A14_DIV_03 A17A Bridleway Heasley Manor, Arreton Added 2003 A17A_CRE_03 A27A Footpath Arreton Cross to craft village Added 2011 A37A_CRE_11 A41 Bridleway Pidford, Route altered 2016 A41_DIV_16 A45 Bridleway St Georges Lane to Burnt House Lane Route altered 2002 A45_DIV_02 A45 Bridleway St Georges Down Route temp altered 9 years 2011 A45_TEMP/DIV_11 A45A Footpath Link onto Burnt House Lane Added 2002 A45A_CRE_02 A51 Footpath Garrets Farm, St Georges Lane Route temp altered 5 years 2010 A51_TEMP/DIV_10 A51 Footpath Garrets Farm, St Georges Lane Route temp altered 5 years 2017 A51_TEMP/DIV_17 B04 Footpath Marsh Route altered 2017 B4_DIV_17 B31 Bridleway Down Added 2016 B31_CRE_16 B31 Footpath Nunwell Down Extinguished 2016 B31_EXT_16 B40 Bridleway Nunwell Down Added 2016 B40_CRE_16 B73 Bridleway Brading Down Added 2016 B73_CRE_16 B74 Bridleway Nunwell Down Added 2016 B74_CRE_16 B75 Bridleway Old Railway Line between Brading & St Helens Added 2017 B75_CRE_17 BB05 Footpath Altered to Bridleway 2016 BB5_CRE_16 BB07 Footpath Tyne Ledge, Bembridge Route altered 2015 BB7_DIV_15 BB10 Footpath Holiday Park, Bembridge Route altered 2002 BB10_DIV_02 BB10 Footpath Bembridge School Route altered 2013 BB10_DIV_13 BB10 Footpath High Ridge to Forelands Route altered 2014 BB10_DIV_14 BB15 Footpath Kingswood Centre, Bembridge Route altered 2006 BB15_DIV_06 BB34 Footpath Bembridge Altered to Bridleway 2016 BB34_CRE_16 BB40 Footpath Forelands, Bembridge Route altered 2020 BB40 DIV 20 BB40A & B Footpath Forelands, Bembridge Added 2020 BB40A&B CRE 20 BB45 Footpath Brook Close to Forelands Farm Lane Added 2017 BB45_CRE_17 BB45 Footpath Brook Close to Forelands Farm Lane Added 2018 BB45_CRE_18 BS77 Footpath Downton Farm, Brook Route altered 2017 BS77_DIV_17 CB08 Footpath Upper Watchingwell, Route altered 2002 CB8_DIV_02 CS16 Footpath Gurnard Farm Route altered 2014 CS16_DIV_14 CS17 Footpath Gurnard Farm Route altered 2014 CS17_DIV_14 CS27 Footpath Church Path, East Route altered 2009 CS27_DIV_09

12/02/2021 CS5A Footpath Gurnard Heights Added 2013 CS5A_CRE_13 F27A Footpath Tapnell Farm Added 2011 F27A CRE 11 F29 Footpath East Afton Farm, Freshwater Extinguished 2011 F29 EXT 11 F64 Bridleway Dunsbury Farm, Brook Route altered 2014 F64 DIV 14 F74 Footpath Afton Marsh, Freshwater Added 2004 F74 CRE 04 F75 Footpath Afton Marsh, Freshwater Added 2004 F75 CRE 04 G12A Footpath Barns Route altered 2005 G12A DIV 05 N40 Bridleway Pan Meadows Route Altered 2018 N40 DIV 18 N46 Footpath Staplers Road (Pan Meadows) Route altered 2012 N46 DIV 12 N65 Footpath Ash Lane, Route Altered 2019 N65 DIV 19 N117 Footpath New Fairlee Farm, Mews Lane, Newport Route altered 2012 N117 DIV 12 N206 Footpath Woodside Beach, Wootton Route altered 2014 N206 DIV 14 N211 Footpath Sainsbury’s, Foxes Road, Newport Route altered 2008 N211 DIV 08 NC01 Footpath Gardens, Newchurch Route altered 2015 NC01 DIV 15 NC30a Footpath Apse Manor Altered to Bridleway 2019 NC30A CRE 19 NC32 Footpath Rill Farm, Route altered 2008 NC32 DIV 08 NC33B Bridleway Bachelors Farm, Canteen Road Added 2002 NC33B CRE 02 NC36 Footpath Holliers Farm, Branstone Route altered 2006 NC36 DIV 06 NC51A Footpath Garden Village Added 2006 NC51A MOD 06 NC54 Footpath Parsonage Farm, Newchurch Added 2019 NC54 CRE 19 NT23 Footpath Puckwell Farm, Route altered 2011 NT23 DIV 11 NT38 Footpath St Catherine’s Lighthouse, Niton Route altered 2002 NT38 DIV 02 NT107 Footpath Bierley, Niton Route altered 2018 NT107 DIV 18 R01 Footpath Ashlake Copse Lane, Wootton Altered to Bridleway 2014 R1 CRE 14 R57 Footpath Busy Bee Garden Centre, Brading Road Route altered 2012 R57 DIV 12 R96 Footpath Dame Anthony’s Common, Extinguished 2000 R96 EXT 99 R116 Footpath Hill, Added 2018 R116 CRE 18 S41 Bridleway Homestead Farm. Newbridge Added 2017 S41 CRE 17 SS07 Footpath Corner Cottage, Luccombe Route altered 2008 SS7 DIV 08 SS09A Bridleway Cowleaze Hill Added 2004 SS9A CRE 04 SS100 Bridleway Wroxall to old railway line Added 2014 SS100 CRE 14 SS20 Footpath Scotchells Brook, Shanklin Added 2015 SS20 CRE 15 SS20 Footpath Scotchells Brook, Shanklin Extinguished 2015 SS20 EXT 15 SS20A Footpath Scotchells Brook, Shanklin Extinguished 2015 SS20A EXT 15 SS38A Footpath Mortonbrook, Added 2004 SS38A MOD 04

12/02/2021 SS43 Footpath Red Cliff, Route altered 2013 SS43 DIV 13 T06 Footpath Summers Court, Pending diversion & upgrade T35 Footpath Summers Court, Totland Added 2020 T35 CRE 20 V116 Footpath Dean Farm, Whitwell Route altered 2017 V116 DIV 17 V128 Footpath Playground at St Martins Road, Wroxall Added 2000 V128 CRE 00 V129 Footpath Old railway line, St Lawrence Added 2000 V129 MOD 99 V130 Footpath Paradise Woods, St Lawrence Added 2013 V130 CRE 13 V131 Bridleway Wroxall to Shanklin old railway line Added 2014 V131 CRE 16 V31 Bridleway St Martins Down, Wroxall Route altered 2019 V31 DIV 18 V32 Footpath St Martins Down, Wroxall Route altered 2019 V32 DIV 18 V33 Footpath St Martins Down, Wroxall Route altered 2019 V33 DIV 18 V34 Bridleway St Martins Down, Wroxall Route altered 2019 V34 DIV 18 V34A Bridleway Cooks Castle Farm, Wroxall Added 2003 V34A CRE 03 V34A Bridleway Cooks Castle, Wroxall Extinguished 2019 V34A EXT 18 V47a Footpath St Martins Down, Wroxall Added 2019 V47A CRE 18 V50 Footpath St Martins Down, Wroxall Route altered 2019 V50 DIV 18 V50a Footpath St Martins Down, Wroxall Added 2019 V50A CRE 18 V64 Footpath Ventnor Route altered 2018 V64 DIV 18 V90 Footpath Botanic Gardens, Ventnor Route altered 2011 V90 DIV 11 V93A Footpath Orchard Bay, Ventnor Extinguished 2017 V93A EXT 17 V93A Footpath Orchard Bay, Ventnor Added 2017 V93A CRE 17 Y05 Footpath Goldings, Thorley Route altered 2016 Y05 DIV 16 Y07 Footpath Blacksmiths Lane, Thorley Extinguished 2016 Y07 EXT 16 Y09 Footpath Tapnell Farm Route altered 2011 Y09 DIV 11 Y09 Footpath Tapnell Farm Route altered 2014 Y09 DIV 14 Y09 Footpath Tapnell Farm Altered to Bridleway 2019 Y09 CRE 19 Y09A Footpath Tapnell Farm Added 2011 Y09A CRE 11 Y10 Footpath Tapnell Farm Route altered 2014 Y10 DIV 14 Y10 Footpath Tapnell Farm Altered to Bridleway 2019 Y10 CRE 19
