was created by:

Client Team Design Team

St. Louis County Dover, Kohl & Partners County Executive Charlie A. Dooley town planning Mike W. Jones, Senior Policy Advisor Victor Dover Andrea Jackson, Special Assistant to the County Executive Pamela Stacy Thomas Curran, Director of Intergovernmental Affairs James Dougherty Jason King Councilman Mike O'Mara, 4th District Justin Falango Jo Roche, Executive Assistant to Mike O’Mara H3 Studio Planning Department town planning Glenn Powers, Director of Planning John Hoal Lori Fiegel, Comprehensive Planning Manager Bryan Robinson Justin Carney, Comprehensive Planning Planner Timothy Breihan Gail Choate, Current Planning Land Use Manager Carolyn Gaidis Mike Duncan, Research & Statistics Manager Tim Busse

St. Louis County Highways & Traffic Urban Advisors Mike Bardot, Planning Division Manager economic analysis Gus Heck, North/West Area Engineer Glenn Kellogg Ed Starkie

St. Louis County Economic Council Vector Communications public participation Denny Coleman, President & CEO Laurna Godwin Jacqueline Wellington, Executive Vice President Rachel Powers

Real Estate & Community Development Timothy Tucker, Vice President Stock and Associates civil engineering Edgar Velazquez, Project Manager George Stock Doug Bruns Marketing & Communications Katy Jamboretz, Vice President Corrie Hendrix, Marketing Coordinator


St. Louis County Community College Florissant Valley Campus Missouri Department of Conservation Adria Werner Tracy Boaz, Community Planner Karen Wade Kedra Tolson Property Representatives Deb Neale Thomas Fear, Carlyle Development Group Jen Orzel Michael Kohan, Jamestown Mall Realty Management, LLC Jill Hussey Marilyn Oliver, Jamestown Mall Realty Management, LLC Kathy Hoffman, Jamestown Mall Realty Management, LLC U.S. Congressman Hon. William Lacy Clay, 1st District Joseph Buehrer, Macy's Department Store Sandy Houston, Special Projects Coordinator Helmut Starr, Polsinelli Shughart Drew McElligott, Marcus & Millichap Missouri House of Representatives Scott Ruswick, Holding Company Representative Steve Webb, District 74 Representative Rochelle Gray, District 81 Local Experts Dean Wolfe, Wolfe Properties, LLC City of Black Jack Alan Bornstein, THF Realty Mayor Norman McCourt Rick Randall, Pace Properties Councilman Don Krank Richard Shephard, Real Estate Strategies Councilman John Taylor Bob Lewis, Development Strategies, Inc. Councilman Ben Allen Arnold Spirtas, Spirtas Wrecking Company

City of Florissant Christian Hospital Mayor Robert Lowery Ron McMullen Bob Russell, Economic Development Director North County Associations Black Jack Fire Protection District Rebecca Zoll, North County Incorporated Michael J. Gantner, Fire Chief Diana Weidinger, Greater North County Chamber of Commerce Dora Gianoulakis, Spanish Lake Community Association Missouri Department of Transportation Ken Smith, Old Jamestown Association Larry Welty, North County Area Engineer Steven H. Lockett, Senior Traffic Engineering Specialist Volunteers Atia Thurman Metro St. Louis Leann Smart Lora Gulley Jessica Mefford-Miller, Chief of Planning & System Development Paula Hughes Lance Peterson, Director of Service Planning Richard Ward Mark Phillips, Long Range Planner Kristen Moore Jayson Hagen, GIS Specialist Stephanie Von Drasek Hazelwood School District ...and hundreds of North County residents

ACKNOWLEDGMENTS DRAFT May 2011 St. Louis County and the St. Louis County Econom- ic Council commissioned Dover, Kohl & Partners, a town planning firm, to act as an extension of County staff to create a conceptual plan for the redevelop- ment of the Jamestown Mall that balances the inter- ests of the community, property owners, developers, and the County.

Dover, Kohl & Partners teamed with H3 Studio (lo- cal town planners), Urban Advisors (market and economic analysts), Stock & Associates (civil engi- neers), and Vector Communications (public partici- pation strategists) to complete this planning effort.

The charge for the planning team was to balance their professional expertise as town planners, civil engineers and economists with the knowledge of developers' and retailers' business models and in- corporating the needs and desires of the commu- nity. The Dover-Kohl team sought to find common ground between all of these interests; the consen- sus reached through the planning process became the foundation for the Jamestown Mall Area Plan.

The Jamestown Mall Area Plan is the result of neigh- borhood residents, civic leaders, business owners, St. Louis County, St. Louis County Economic Coun- cil, local developers, and property owners coming together to proactively plan for the future. The Plan builds upon previous planning efforts already undertaken by the County and Economic Council, and it addresses market and economic challenges and realities, transportation, community needs, and funding challenges for the redevelopment of James- town Mall. The Plan incorporates community input, illustrating the desired evolution of the area, and outlines achievable steps to get there.


BACKGROUND PROCESS Jamestown Mall opened in 1973 offering regional commercial merchandise on As a first step, in the fall of 2009 the Urban Land Institute (ULI) conducted a the suburban fringe of St. Louis, in anticipation of residential development mov- panel study of the North County area to identify the issues contributing to the ing into the area. The anticipated residential units never materialized and un- decline of retail and to provide realistic recommendations for the best use of fortunately, in recent years, new regional shopping destinations that are located commercially zoned lands, particularly at the Jamestown Mall location. As a closer to larger populations of shoppers have degraded the effective trade area result of the study, ULI suggested a two-part solution that included the creation of Jamestown Mall, causing a decline in sales and foot traffic. Over time, the of a coordinated vision and public participation from the community. ULI deter- quality of merchandise offered has declined and is now misaligned with the mined that the best use for the land given the constraints on the property was needs of the North County community. Today, although two of the mall's anchor to demolish the existing mall and replace it with a smaller scaled, neighborhood buildings are occupied, its other two anchor buildings are vacant and portions of oriented mixed-use development. the mall have been walled off to reduce the appearance of vacant space. Taking the next step recommended by the ULI study, St. Louis County com- North County residents remember Jamestown Mall's days as a shopping destina- missioned Dover, Kohl & Partners, a nationally-recognized town-planning firm tion and want something more positive for their community in this location. In to create an Area Plan for the Jamestown Mall site. Beginning with a kick-off response to the community, St. Louis County investigated what could be done to presentation in July 2010 and a six-day design charrette in September of 2010 improve the site's performance. the County brought together community members, community leaders, elected officials and the design team to work together toward a common solution.

The County’s initiative came at a time when the Mall's owners were burdened with a worsening national recession. Reimagining the future of Jamestown Mall requires a long-range perspective and broad consideration of possibilities. Do- ver-Kohl's multi-disciplinary design team of national and local experts provided necessary outside perspective for the future of the site.

As an important first step, the design team helped to establish community con- sensus and reset the community's expectations through hands-on design exer- cises with the general public and meetings with neighbors. The building of this general consensus was used to create a shared vision and lay the groundwork for future public support necessary to obtain approvals required for the redevelop- ment of the site.

A village center with neighborhood serving retail could create a new identity for North County.

Page ES.1 EXECUTIVE SUMMARY DRAFT May 2011 FIRST PRINCIPLES PLAN STRATEGIES Through the public design process, community members and the design team In order to compete with the newer retail formats emerging closer to large con- worked together to develop a series of economic and placemaking principles to centrations of consumers, the Jamestown Mall site needs to become a walkable guide the appropriate redevelopment of Jamestown Mall. Shaped from public environment, with shared parking, housing, and workplaces in a mixed environ- input during the charrette, the “First Principles” embody the public’s vision for ment that provides on-site support for retail activities. Creating this environ- the future of this important property. ment with its diverse housing opportunities could encourage the location of new employment at the site. Due to many variables and unknown factors, the plan must remain flexible to accommodate changing economic forces, developers’ pro-forma, existing anchor In order to make the site a viable place, the current large expanses of surface tenants and unforeseen needs or uses. While the built-in flexibility leaves some parking should transition over time into an interconnected network of streets uncertainty about the exact form, layout, and use of the property, the First Prin- forming coherent blocks. Parking should be located in mid-block locations be- ciples help to create stability and certainty about future development. hind buildings in order to create a pedestrian-friendly village center streetscape. These streets should be equipped with the components necessary to make pe- destrians comfortable, such as street trees, benches, narrow traffic-calmed travel F IRST PRINCIPLES lanes, and on-street parking. ECONOMIC PRINCIPLES PLACEMAKING PRINCIPLES Diversification of uses will also make the site more resilient to the ups and downs "Reset" the Property in Seek to Establish a New of economic markets. Imagine if it were possible to live in a townhouse only Everyone's Mind "Heart of the Community" blocks away from shopping and from one’s office; if restaurants, a grocery store, dry cleaners, and daycare were also located nearby. If the development plan pro- Balance Private Design Mixed-Use, Walkable, vided opportunities for families to live in a walkable village, close to shops and & Public Interests Smart Growth employment, and insured a high quality of design and construction, this location could provide a competitive alternative to New Town St. Charles. Keep it Phase-able Emphasize the Strengths of the Site to Keep it Feasible Build for the Coming Era, Balance Neighborhood Desires Not the Last One & Developer Priorities Build Well, or Do Not Build

The vacant Sears as it exists today. The northwest (Sears) site is transformed over time from a single-use mall to a village center.

Page ES.2 May 2011 DRAFT JAMESTOWN MALL AREA PLAN ECONOMIC ANALYSIS CONCEPTUAL PLAN SCENARIOS & ALTERNATIVES The large open parking lots and vacant outparcels comprising Jamestown Mall Alternatives for the best use and form of development for each parcel, based on represent a tremendous opportunity for future diversification of the site’s uses. its location on the site and its proximity to surrounding uses and roadways are illustrated in this plan. The plan areas also illustrate four main plan scenarios, As evident by the closing of national retailers at the Jamestown Mall site, this shown on the following page, that represent varying development strategies location is not well suited for a regional retail center. However, as demonstrated for the entire site. Different aspects of each of the plan strategies can be mixed by analysis in the Jamestown Mall Area Plan report, in the format of a village leaving maximum flexibility while maintaining a cohesive plan for the site. All center there is a potential current market for 76,000 to 200,000 square feet of plans adhere to the First Principles and create a village center for the surround- new retail on the site serving the local economy. ing community.

Based on the economic findings of the trade area for this location, the James- The proposed development scenarios allow for phasing that permits the James- town Mall Area Plan is centered on one main idea – transforming the single-use, town Mall site to develop incrementally. Single or multiple parcels may be re- large footprint buildings of Jamestown Mall into a mixed-use village center that developed while others may remain in operation. The end result of incremental can easily adapt to changing economic needs and pressures. development is that each new construction project helps to add to a cohesive, complete village. The plan works equally well should the property come under In reconfiguring the Jamestown Mall site for uses that better serve the adjacent single ownership and be redeveloped all at once. neighborhoods, there is an opportunity to provide the community with a village center. The size of the site, approximately 142 acres, could allow up to 1,400 new single-family attached and detached dwellings and apartments units in ad- dition to the 200,000 square feet of retail, and 80,000 square feet of offices or varying combination of the above.

The analysis also identifies a potential market for senior living in small lot hous- es and townhomes which could account for 600 of the new households. The importance of this residential and employment base is essential to make the retail component more attractive to retail developers, investors and successful as a business location.

At the lower range, the site could support 700 new units which would significantly contribute to the viability of local-serving retail by providing customers with this as their most convenient shopping location. Providing a concentration of middle- income households is attractive to retailers and is the best chance the site has at insuring the success of services like a grocery store and restaurants.

Senior housing, shown above, is an integral part of the proposed new walkable village.


Lindbergh Boulevard Lindbergh Boulevard

Robbins Mill Road Robbins Mill Road

d Roa n w d Roa n w

to James to James

Old Old

City of City of Black Black Jack Jack

Coldwater Creek Coldwater Creek

0 200' 400' 800'0' 0 200' 400' 800'0'

The Traditional Neighborhood Development Plan features a block and street The Garden Suburb Plan features curvilinear streets, center median boulevards, network creating a complete village. A diverse village center is focused and larger parks and retention areas throughout the village. Neighborhoods are on the northwest parcel and could extend to the plaza at the center of the planned around a network of enhanced natural systems that connect throughout neighborhood. This scenario develops the site fully including the southern parcel the site and to the natural flowways of Coldwater Creek through the open space by Coldwater Creek. The operating anchor stores remain as the village center systems of neighboring subdivisions. Retail is contained within the northwest and neighborhoods develop around them. If the existing anchor stores close, the parcel, resulting in a focused amount of neighborhood retail. The plan identifies parcels can be redeveloped to create a more complete neighborhood. As with a potential location for a sports complex prominently on Lindbergh Boulevard. the other scenarios, a diversity of housing is offered including townhomes, live/ The southern portion of the site is illustrated with an amphitheater and a large work units, duplexes, multi-family buildings and small homes on private lots. park that would connect to the Great Rivers Greenway trail system.


Lindbergh Boulevard Lindbergh Boulevard

Robbins Mill Road Robbins Mill Road

d Roa n w d Roa n w

to James to James

Old Old

City of City of Black Black Jack Jack

Coldwater Creek Coldwater Creek

0 200' 400' 800'0' 0 200' 400' 800'0'

The Central Common Plan starts with the premise that all of the mall property The Park & Village Plan is one in which portions of the site are transformed comes under single ownership of a master developer. This scenario allows the into a regional park while others are cleared of their existing conditions to property to be developed in a manner irrespective of the existing property lines, reduce blight, but are held until economic conditions are more favorable to roadways, underlying infrastructure, and buildings. With more freedom to development. The northwest parcel could develop with a small village center form plan geometries, a larger central gathering space surrounded by shops with a neighborhood serving retail and expand in the future. Farming may and townhomes, similar to Lafayette Square in St. Louis, could be possible. It continue on the eastern outparcels. This scenario could be considered an interim should be stated that any of the four scenarios would benefit from and could be stage to the other development scenarios. implemented under single ownership and a master developer.


Due to the current economic downturn, development at the Jamestown Mall site short term mid term long term faces many challenges in the near term and it will take time before the private 1-5 years 6-15 years 15+ years sector has an appetite for new development. The public sector may need to take MARKETING a leadership role to set the stage to attract private investment. 1. Promote North St. Louis County 2. Promote the Jamestown Ultimately, it will take a coordinated effort between the public and private Mall Area Plan sectors in order to achieve the desired community results. St. Louis County should take an active role in continuing the efforts to redevelop Jamestown Mall POLICY & REGULATORY CHANGES into an economically sustainable development by clearing obstacles and setting 3. Adopt the Plan the stage for future development effort. But the County cannot do this on its 4. Develop an Acquisition Strategy own. Knowing that the public sector is committed to the plan, the private sector 4A. Engage the Property Owners should also take an active role in the redevelopment of this site. 4B. Acquire the Property 4C. Clear the Land Expectations for this project need to be placed in a realistic context. Depending 4D. Create a Public-Private on market and credit conditions it could take time to produce substantive Partnership change on this site. Redevelopment of the property will not happen overnight 5. Revise the Zoning but there are steps that can be taken now to set the stage for development. As the economy recovers it will become more economically viable for development ECONOMIC STRATEGIES to occur in this location. Some steps toward implementation will set the stage 6. Create a Detailed Strategy for for development of the site while also enhancing the retail and community Retail, Office & Residential Uses environment throughout North County. 7. Use Smart Phasing & Incremental Steps to Implement Detailed Plan For example, because most of North County has developed along conventional suburban road networks and formulas, there is now an excess of regional commercial space available, causing lowered performance from all locations. Removing excess commercial space on the Jamestown Mall site from the regional surplus would help make other commercial locations in North County more viable.

In the table that follows, steps that address marketing, policy and regulatory changes, and economic strategies are presented along with an estimated timeline for implementation. They have been broken into short term (1-5 year range) mid term (6-15 year range), and long term (15 years and beyond) goals.

Following this long-range, phased plan for redevelopment, the Jamestown Mall site promises to become a memorable part of the North County community once again.

Additional information on the Background, Process, First Principles, Details of the Plan, Economics, and Next Steps can be found in the Jamestown Mall Area Plan Report.

A variety of residential building types would be located within walking distance to shops.


























DRAFT May 2011

INTRODUCTION In the 1960s residential development in St. Louis was spreading north of I-270 and along Highway 367 into North St. Louis County. The land between I-270 and the Missouri River was primarily zoned residential with relatively low densities. The area north of Lindbergh Boulevard was zoned with a minimum of three acre lots. At that time few par- cels were zoned commercial in the North County area, requiring residents to travel great distances in order to meet their commercial needs.

Jamestown Mall opened in 1973. The opening of the mall was an indication that commercial devel- opment was trying to get ahead of residential devel- opment in the suburban fringe of St. Louis County.

Since the opening of the mall, new regional shop- ping destinations, located closer to larger popula- tions of shoppers, have degraded the effective trade area of Jamestown Mall causing a decline in sales and foot traffic. An expansion of the mall was com- pleted in 1994 in an effort to revitalize the mall by adding two new anchor tenants, expanding the movie theatre, and consolidating the food court.

!"#$ Stable for a brief time, the quality of merchandise offered declined and is now misaligned with the de- mands of the North County community.

Although two anchor tenants remain in operation, the two other anchor buildings are vacant. The southern wing of the mall leading toward the former Dillard's has been walled off and the remaining interior shop fronts have a high vacancy rate, with the majority of the stores being lower end discount stores.

$ !"#$ Page 1.1 BACKGROUND DRAFT May 2011 LOCATION Jamestown Mall is located in unincorporated ? North St. Louis County. It is bounded by Lindbergh <: Boulevard to the north, Old Jamestown Road to the west, Coldwater Creek to the south, and Fox Manor to the south and east. Highway 367 is half West Alton a mile from the mall property, and one mile from the intersection of Lindbergh Boulevard and Old Jamestown Road.

The City of Black Jack is on the opposite side of Coldwater Creek and the City of Florissant is located <: 2.4 miles to the west down Lindbergh Boulevard. =>$ Downtown St. Louis is 14 miles away, Lambert St. Louis International Airport is approximately 9 miles away, and I-270 is 3.4 miles to the south.

North County is unique in that it sits by the Jamestown Mall confluence of the Missouri, Mississippi, and just south of the Illinois Rivers. Wide floodplains create large barriers between Alton in Illinois and North 7 Bottom County. Coldwater Creek, a tributary of the Missouri : River, runs along a portion of the southern edge of /79: @ the Jamestown Mall property and has floodplain associated with it that affects the southern portion of the property. %

A geological condition known as karst topography is located between the bluffs of the Missouri River and Jamestown Mall. Karst topography is a limestone formation characterized by sinkholes. It is created by the erosion of the limestone by the movement and &;* flow of water underground. The karst topography is protected and prevents the area from being densely populated. &*

The agricultural and natural features adjacent to : <:< <:< Jamestown Mall are a benefit to St. Louis County.



Page 1.2 May 2011 DRAFT JAMESTOWN MALL AREA PLAN PROPERTY OWNERSHIP The Jamestown Mall site consists of approximately 142 acres divided between five primary property owners. /79: $ Z:[ <77< Three of the anchor tenants, JC Penney Outlet, Macy's, and Sears (now vacant), each own their Q building, and portions of the parking lot. Access $ to each property is provided from either Lindbergh Boulevard or Old Jamestown Road. Jamestown Mall Realty ?$Q Management, LLC The former Dillard's building, portions of the $ parking lot, two outparcels, and the majority of the lands to the south adjacent to Coldwater Creek are owned by the Carlyle Development Group. Jamestown

Mall Realty ]< Management, LLC The interior portion of the mall, the movie theatre, a retention pond, and one of the outparcels on $" Lindbergh Boulevard are all owned and operated by $ Jamestown Mall Realty Management, LLC. Z: [

Multi-parcel ownership complicates the development City of of the site so the conceptual plans were developed 9\ to allow for single parcel development as other \ $ Z: parcels become available. [

Jamestown Mall Realty Management, LLC


0 ;**" ^**" _**"


?H BACKGROUND DRAFT May 2011 EXISTING CONDITIONS The mall buildings consists of 1.2 million square feet of retail space including four anchor stores, a movie theatre, and a food court. Today, two of the anchor store buildings are vacant and the wing of the mall attached to the movie theatre has been vacated and partitioned off. The remaining 412,000 square feet of retail space is sparsely occupied by approximately 48 tenants.

Even with a large portion of the vacant retail square footage out of sight, a gap tooth effect is created by the leasing of occupied and vacant storefronts. @`]"?\$"?7`$H The mall is surrounded by large, mostly empty, deteriorating, surface parking lots. Parked cars tend to concentrate around the food court, movie theatre entrance, and by the two anchor stores. Weeds grow out of the parking lots by the old Dillard's department store adding to the sense of isolation and disinvestment.

The outparcels around Jamestown Mall were never developed as intended. The outparcels are currently being leased to a farmer that grows soybeans and corn in an effort to utilize the land.

H j\7$:H

Page 1.4 May 2011 DRAFT JAMESTOWN MALL AREA PLAN Jamestown Mall's two operating anchors are the JC Penney Outlet Store and Macy's. The stores are located in the anchor buildings that were added in 1994. The fountains at the crossing of interior hallways still have their original artwork and several kiosks are in operation.

The food court has two remaining stores in operation. Old signs give the promise of more establishments opening soon. A new sit-down restaurant has recently opened across from the movie theatre.

In the mornings the mall is active with recreational walkers; however, most supply their own water and coffee. Throughout the day the mall has few shoppers. Most people that come to the mall visit one of the anchor stores, but rarely enter the interior corridors or visit the independent in-line stores between the anchor stores of the mall itself.

Page 1.5 BACKGROUND DRAFT May 2011 ZONING & LAND USE EXISTING ZONING (2010) The zoning map illustrates the current zoning for Jamestown Mall and surrounding properties. There are additional commercial properties across Old Jamestown Road and by Highway 367 that are zoned commercial but that have never been developed, just like the outparcels of Jamestown Mall.

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?H% May 2011 DRAFT JAMESTOWN MALL AREA PLAN EXISTING LAND USE (2010) The land use map illustrates the current land uses for Jamestown Mall and surrounding properties. The outparcels of Jamestown Mall, along with several other commercially zoned properties, appear as open land in the land use map.

/79: Q$% ]<


/z/ }z$ Institutional Multi-family >}Z~ |$Q [}?\}< }@

?H BACKGROUND DRAFT May 2011 SCALE COMPARISONS To put the scale of the Jamestown Mall site in per- square mile centered on the highlighted shopping known shopping areas in St. Louis. They also il- spective, scale comparisons helped community par- area with an outline of the Jamestown Mall super- lustrate the characteristics of the areas immediately ticipants relate the scale of the Jamestown Mall imposed around each area. surrounding each destination. Each area is either property to other familiar shopping areas in St. Louis located adjacent to highways, at major intersections, and the French Quarter in New Orleans. All of the These diagrams show the abundance of land at the or within a dense network of residential streets. plans are shown at the same scale and illustrate one Jamestown Mall site in comparison to many other

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Page 1.8 May 2011 DRAFT JAMESTOWN MALL AREA PLAN For the pedestrian, the most walkable parts of towns The area of Jamestown Mall not only encompasses The final example of the French Quarter in New and cities are where the block size is the smallest. Pe- the commercial district of the Central West End, Orleans at the mouth of the Mississippi River illus- destrians prefer highly interconnected areas because it also covers portions of the residential neighbor- trates that much of the historic portion of the city it is easier to get from one destination to another hoods, the hospital district and Forest Park. would fit within the Jamestown Mall property. when they do not have to walk along the perimeters of large blocks. Where there are multiple block faces there are also likely to be more destinations.

#>H $@:€@:`j€ |`#]


The history of the American Mall is very similar The next two shopping centers, Market Square, to that of America’s Main Streets which the built in 1916 outside of Chicago, and Country mall seemed, for a time, to have replaced: rise, Club Plaza which opened in 1925 on the edge of decline, and adaptation to market trends and new Kansas City, Missouri, were also both part of master consumer preferences. Ironically, over time the plans that included garden suburbs integrated malls in America that have continued to succeed around the shopping plazas. Each also showcased have come more and more to resemble our historic quality architecture, though both were built with Main Streets. inexpensive materials. Each was constructed by one developer, with plenty of parking located Malls across the country are being transformed, at the rear of the lots, but with street-oriented wholly or incrementally, from single use shopping architecture to draw nearby residents on foot. destinations into mixed-use communities with <?\`9`$`* Both continue to function as true town centers for vibrant Main Streets, residential uses, entertain- the surrounding communities. ment, and dining experiences. During the Great Depression and through World The precursors to the regional mall were the War II very few shopping centers were built, but “shopping centers” of the turn-of-the last century. by 1950 the economy had recovered and car Shopping centers had three things in common ownership had become nearly universal. A very with the standard American mall: they consisted of different approach was utilized by the first shopping stores built and leased by the same developer, had mall built in the manner of Jamestown Mall. plenty of free on-site parking, and were located at the center of an emerging suburban area1 – all The first such enclosed mall, Northgate Mall, similar to Jamestown Mall. built outside of Seattle in 1950, was developed as a free-standing project, inward-looking, facing The first , Roland Park Shopping \ƒ`/\|``% a central corridor and surrounded on all sides by Center of 1907 in Baltimore, was part of a a 4,000-car parking lot. A car trip was necessary complete community planned by the Olmsted to reach Northgate Mall, especially as nearby brothers and George Kessler. Roland Park is a neighborhoods were demolished to make room walkable, connected, mixed-use community. for a growing parking field. The design was standard for its time, but would likely to be labeled a “traditional neighborhood The spread of shopping malls followed post-war development” if planned today. Perhaps because of sprawl construction which provided housing, its memorable multi-story Tudor style architecture offices, and shopping to the growing population and its reliable base of shoppers close by, Roland at relatively inexpensive prices to the consumer. Park Shopping Center is still in operation today. However, these land uses were all separated from one another across the landscape causing huge environmental, social, aesthetic, and highway 1 Rybczynski, Witold. City life: urban expectations in a new infrastructure costs that America is paying for world. New York: Scribner, 1995. $7?!`=$``;‚

Page 1.10 May 2011 DRAFT JAMESTOWN MALL AREA PLAN today. Car ownership thus became a de facto the form of a so-called “urban village” which is requirement for nearly every American. home to shops and restaurants.

Jamestown Mall was one of the 25,000 auto- A true village, however, also requires a residential oriented shopping centers or malls built between component. The soundest long term model for 1950 and 1990. In 1995 Witold Rybczynski wrote, the Jamestown Mall site may be some of the “The debate about whether shopping malls could continuously successful first shopping centers like or should replace or augment the downtown is Roland Park Shopping Center, Market Square, academic...there is little doubt that the shopping and Country Club Plaza: complete communities mall is the new downtown.”2 He describes with a built-in pedestrian-based consumer market walking a deserted downtown Main Street at that unaffected by rises in fuel and transportation time that sounds very similar in its description #``j`‚*H costs and customer loyalty by proximity. of closed or barely surviving stores and empty 3 passageways to a walk through Jamestown Mall The books Greyfields Into Goldfields and Malls 4 today. Yet, throughout the country, main streets Into Mainstreets talk about examples throughout are in a period of rediscovery and resurgence as the country where former malls and greyfield sites people look for unique experiences that offer a have been turned into thriving mixed-use town variety of activities, not just shopping. centers and walkable residential neighborhoods. In most cases these new centers are weathering In 2008 Newsweek featured an article entitled “Is today's national economic downturn more the Mall Dead?” describing how throughout the successfully than malls or lifestyle centers as country mall vacancies are rising significantly and they more easily adapt to constantly changing malls are closing in record numbers. Many malls markets. are being demolished to make room for big box discount stores but others are being converted to open-air “lifestyle centers” which resemble traditional Main Streets by providing a comfortable place for pedestrians amid restaurants, movie theatres, offices, and even civic uses.

Lifestyle centers are places where people can do more than shop – they can gather, exercise, socialize, and enjoy a sense of community. Northgate Mall, for instance, the first example of a completely enclosed, exclusively shopping experience, has since built multiple open-air !"#$%&&% additions with tight pedestrian street segments in '!"#$(( !"#$%&&) 2 Rybczynski


As part of Saint Louis County, "North County" identifies itself as a distinct entity with an economic character that does not always parallel the rest of the county. While most data is available at the county level, much of this study required separating or estimating North County data wherever possible.

For the purpose of this study, the North County area is defined by North County Incorporated service area highlighted in the map to the right. It is bounded by the Missouri River on the north and west, the Mississippi River and the City of St. Louis to the east, and Page Avenue or State Road to the south.


Page 1.12 May 2011 DRAFT JAMESTOWN MALL AREA PLAN MEDIAN HOUSEHOLD INCOME & POPULATION DENSITY The median household income in the North County area around the Jamestown Mall is relatively high (see map at upper right); however, the population density is among the lowest in the region (see map at lower right). This correlation indicates that although Jamestown Mall the immediate area surrounding Jamestown Mall has above regional average incomes, Jamestown Mall is not well located for a regional retail center. The site is located on the fringe of the population center, where it is not convenient or accessible to concentrations of residents.

When the Jamestown Mall property was developed there were few other retail options in the North 2010 Median HH Income

County area. The developers of the mall anticipated by Census Tracts $72,178 - $178,047 that as other retail options became available, new $57,839 - $72,177 residential units would be added around the mall, $46,474 - $57,838 $33,622 - $46,473 especially north of Lindbergh Boulevard, even $0 - $33,621 though it was not zoned to hold much residential density at that time. Developers of Jamestown Mall >Q>\H also counted on serving the growing communities to H €<9@] the north and east around Alton.

However, the karst sinkholes and the floodplain prevent any significant development on the land north of Lindbergh Boulevard around the mall. Jamestown Mall Alton Square opened in 1978 in direct competition to Jamestown Mall, providing more convenient service to residents on the other side of the Missouri and Mississippi Rivers.

The geologic and geographic constraints of the site leave the immediate trade area characterized by low density neighborhoods and agricultural uses.

This provides an amenable setting for living close 2010 Population Density by Census Tracts to nature, but does not provide a strong primary 5542.7 - 15941.7 market to support a regional mall. 3637 - 5542.6 2604.9 - 3636.9 1103.8 - 2604.8 0.0 - 1103.7

>?Z$ƒ\H $„H €<9@] ?H BACKGROUND DRAFT May 2011 The lack of critical mass in population surrounding the mall is visible when compared to the 1 mile surrounding Jamestown Mall and the Shoppes at Cross Keys. Much of the land surrounding Jamestown Mall cannot be developed with more #Q|$< residential homes. By increasing the number of <: residential households on the mall property itself, some new retail in addition to the existing anchor stores will be sustainable in this location. 1 Mile Jamestown Mall /7 9:

1 Mile



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Page 1.14 May 2011 DRAFT JAMESTOWN MALL AREA PLAN RETAIL COMPETITION Although Jamestown Mall is located half a mile from Highway 367, it is not in the regionally preferred high traffic corridor of Route 40 (I-64). The map of local retail facilities begins to communicate that, like most of America, this region has far more retail space than is supportable by the population. Area retail professionals have suggested that the “center of gravity” for retail in the North County area is closer to Lindbergh Boulevard and New Halls Ferry Road, 3 miles to the west of the site. Discussions with local development consultants revealed that the Jamestown Mall site is better suited to neighborhood type uses because regional draws would not likely locate, or be adequately supported, in this location.

Other mall locations, outside of the central business corridor, are also underperforming.

Regional malls typically draw from a primary market of over 200,000 households; North County has 150,000 households.

Regional malls typically locate near concentrated employment centers with around 180,000 jobs5; while all of North County is home to 180,000 jobs, they are primarily located to the south and west and >H>7 :H [{z7@:/ Jamestown Mall is in the northeast.

Typical required traffic counts for a regional mall are over 30,000 trips per day; Lindbergh Boulevard itself only has 17,500 trips per day and Route 367 has 24,000. THIS SITE DOES NOT HAVE THE MINIMUM REQUIREMENTS TO BE CONSIDERED FOR A REGIONAL SHOPPING DESTINATION IN TODAY'S MARKET.

5 Professional concurrence with ULI, Advisory Services Panel Report, Jamestown Mall, 2009. Page 1.15 BACKGROUND DRAFT May 2011 EFFECTIVE TRADE AREA Drive time trade areas are one way economists and retailers determine where the The seven minute driving radius around Jamestown Mall is home to 11,700 majority of shoppers will come from for a given retail location. Given a choice, households which could support around 600,000 square feet of retail6. Since customers will shop at stores that are closest and most convenient to their homes this trade area already includes the Crossings at Halls Ferry, Shoppes at Cross that have the products they want to buy. In evaluating the local capacity to sup- Keys, existing anchor stores at the Jamestown Mall, and all the other miscella- port retail in this location, a seven minute driving time was looked at. The seven neous retail and restaurant offerings along Lindbergh Boulevard and the front- minute driving time is a typical trade area for local serving retail. age roads of Highway 367 already exceed this figure it limits the amount of auto-oriented retail able to be supported in this location.

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Jamestown Mall

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?H% 6 ESRI BAO, BizStats.com & Urban Advisors Ltd May 2011 DRAFT JAMESTOWN MALL AREA PLAN The driving radius around Jamestown Mall intersects with the radius around the Jamestown Mall’s trade area also overlaps with the Crossings at Halls Ferry, with Shoppes at Cross Keys. The centers are in competition for local retail dollars. Notice which the market must also be shared, further reducing the effective primary that Cross Keys is located near the intersection of New Halls Ferry and Lindbergh, trade area of Jamestown Mall. The Crossings at Halls Ferry has approximately with better access to the more densely populated areas to the west. The Shoppes 140,000 square feet of commercial space. at Cross Keys has approximately 340,000 square feet of commercial space.

Jamestown Mall Jamestown Mall

Cross Keys Cross Keys

Crossing at Halls Ferry

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?H BACKGROUND DRAFT May 2011 Jamestown Mall must share its primary market with the other two, better located The resulting effective trade area, highlighted in blue below, contains 4,700 local centers. The effective primary market (in blue below) is the area for which households which can potentially support a maximum of around 200,000 Jamestown Mall is the most convenient alternative. square feet of retail within the next 5 years, depending on the type of retail and restaurants that are offered.

Jamestown Mall Jamestown Mall

Cross Keys

Crossing at Halls Ferry

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Page 1.18 May 2011 DRAFT JAMESTOWN MALL AREA PLAN EMPLOYMENT The site is not located in proximity to other clusters of employment, which in the North County area gravitate to the I-270 corridor. The closest major employer to the Jamestown Mall property is Christian Hospital, with 2,100 employees.

A loss of jobs in the North County area was experienced several years ago due to cutbacks in the defense and auto industries. Jamestown Mall Attempts by the property owners to lure health service corporate offices away from downtown have been unsuccessful. One of the existing buildings on the Jamestown Mall property has been marketed for use as a call center, but due to the high cost of infrastructure improvements needed to re-purpose the building for the necessary communications access and the competitive nature of the market for a stagnant industry, it is an unlikely prospect at this time.

A new facility for the National Archives and Records Administration (NARA) is under construction in >$&H/$- North County on Dunn Road. This will be the largest `\H>$7H 9/7`/€$Z$`;**_ national archives facility outside of Washington, D.C. and will relocate approximately 800 jobs from south of the airport to the North County area. Employees for this facility may find housing in a village setting at Jamestown Mall desirable.

?H BACKGROUND DRAFT May 2011 TRANSPORTATION Jamestown Mall is located at the northeastern end of Lindbergh Boulevard. Daily car trips in this segment along Lindbergh Boulevard average 17,000 a day. Although Jamestown Mall is located at the intersection of Lindbergh Boulevard and Old Jamestown Road, Old Jamestown Road is a local serving street and does not have a significant amount of daily use. <: #Q|$<

Alternately the Shoppes at Cross Keys, which replaced a dead mall in 2004, has approximately Jamestown Mall 50,000 daily drive-by car trips. The Shoppes at /7 Cross Keys has the added benefit of being at the 9: intersection of a major crossroads so it receives an additional 30,000 daily car trips as people travel =$ along New Halls Ferry Road.

% To improve traffic, safety, and congestion problems along Highway 367, the Missouri Department of Transportation (MoDOT) reconfigured the road in &;* <: 2007. The road was reconfigured to have grade separated intersections north of I-270 while south of I-270 the road is configured as a four-lane divided parkway with a landscaped median.


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Page 1.20 May 2011 DRAFT JAMESTOWN MALL AREA PLAN ffe tive Date st 3 2 1 Effective Date: AUGUST 30, 2010 Jamestown Mall is currently served by two bus routes: the 27 - North County Shuttle and the 47 45, 174X Flower Valley Lewis & Clark - N Hanley Route. With both of these bus routes Rd. Jamestown Old 45 67 P Rd. Jamestown Old LindberghLindberg a Jamestown tt N Lindbergh Cross Keys er . MaMallll s W Ferry New Halls o a combined, there are still less than 100 boardings per 367 n te rfo rd JamestownJamestown MMallall day at Jamestown Mall. 7 44 New Jamestown Rd 1 47 6 44 W. Washington St. 27 New Halls Ferry Rd. Z The bus stops at Jamestown Mall are located out in 5 Parker Spur Rd. [ # d. Old Halls Ferry Halls Old r R arke Parker the parking lot along Old Jamestown Road. Often Parker Rd. P

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riders will have a 20 to 30 minute wait at the bus a

r G Landseer Frost stop if someone is transferring between the two 4 Redman 36 N LH

nd stries Romiss routes. If the bus routes were located closer to one Fleischer Jonas 7 6 Airport Rd 45, 61 of the entrances to the mall then riders could wait HOODS Park Ride Lot @:H 36X, Dunn Rd. €:@:H inside, shop, or get a bite to eat while they wait for ;‚ 174X Missouri Pershall Rd. Veterans Home 4 University 5 Central City ort Han e Place Dr the next bus. 2 Hanley  Station College Vorhof Landseer 04, 34, 36, 44 Ainsworth 45, 49, 61, 75, 98 Legend H

u d Old Halls Ferry

d 367v s l T Metro Ridership statistics are broken down by o B Time Point n k 3

r St. Charles Rock Rd 32, 33 a l Intersecting Bus Routes N C political districts with North County primarily being &

h Page 94



i r

w Limited Service




L o part of District 4. Within District 4, approximately Hanley M MetroLink Station 2 Olive 91 1% of the population regularly relies upon transit. 61 Chambers 3

In addition, it costs Metro more subsidies in order Berwyn

d v

l Delmar 97

B k Hanley

to bring transportation out to the suburban fringe Legend r

a l

C Legend T Time PointLegend & Forsyth than it does to provide services for areas closer to s i T

w Time Point e

Bellefontaine c T IntersectingTime Bus Point Routes L Jennings Station Rd. e St Lo is Co nt

the city center. m Intersecting Bus Routes

overn ent Center a

Riverview 16, 36, r Central

Intersecting Bus Routes e 40, 41, 1 MetroLink Station Tansfer M Limited Service Center 61, 90, k Dr C a ton MetroLink Station 36X Shaw Par Riverview 1 Station MetroLink Station According to Metro, the Jamestown Mall location 01, 58, 66, will never be a priority for light rail transit. 97, 158, 258 However, they may consider Jamestown Mall as a 9< ;&#$ 9< ^&#Q$ location for a bus route that would to connect to a transit hub located farther south in North County, thereby increasing transit connections throughout the system as a whole.

Page 1.21 BACKGROUND DRAFT May 2011 REGIONAL COORDINATION GREAT RIVERS GREENWAY The Great Rivers Greenway District is connecting the region to the rivers by linking greenways, trails, and paths that primarily follow the waterways and then connect into populated areas. They are working on implementing the network one project at a time.

Although Coldwater Creek has been on the map of greenways since the District’s inception, no projects have been completed yet. Attention is currently focused on linkages in other areas.

Future development at Jamestown Mall should take the adjacency to Coldwater Creek and the connection between the Creek, the Great Rivers Greenway, and the region into consideration.
















DRAFT May 2011

INTRODUCTION Many North County residents remember Jamestown With the ULI’s recommendations in hand, the Mall as a destination and desire to see something County and Economic Council commenced the What is a Charrette? more positive for their community in this location. next phase in development for Jamestown Mall Charrette is a French word that translates as “little cart.” – creating a site specific plan that takes all of the At the leading architecture school of the 19th century, the St. Louis County and the St. Louis County Economic stakeholders interests into consideration, including École des Beaux-Arts in Paris, students would be assigned Council heard the plea from the local community, the community, property owners, local developers, a tough design problem to work out under pressure of time. They would continue sketching as fast as they could, even assessed the problem, and decided to take a stand elected officials, and the County, balanced against as little carts, charrettes, carried their drawing boards away against the continued decline of the mall site. They the economic realities of today and into the future. to be judged and graded. Today, “charrette” has come embarked on a long process to create a plan for the The St. Louis County Economic Council issued a to describe a rapid, intensive and creative work session property that would meet the needs and desires of request for proposals (RFP) to select a consultant to in which a design team focuses on a particular design problem and arrives at a collaborative solution. Charrettes the community, and be economically viable. lead the design phase of the planning process. are product-oriented. The public charrette is fast becoming a preferred way to face the planning challenges confronting In the fall of 2009 the Urban Land Institute (ULI), a Through an RFP and interview process the Dover, American communities. nonprofit research and education based organization Kohl & Partners team was selected to conduct an focused on the responsible use of land and the intensive public planning process, or charrette, to creation of sustainable thriving communities, create a detailed area plan for the future of the conducted a panel study of the North County area. Jamestown Mall property. The purpose of this study was to identify the issues contributing to the decline of commercially zoned The community and team of design professionals properties and to provide realistic recommendations worked together to create the Jamestown Mall Area for the best use of these parcels, particularly at the Plan. A design charrette was held over the course of Jamestown Mall location, that would help revitalize six days in September 2010. “Designing in public,” the area and become a significant asset to North North County residents and stakeholders were County once again. offered the opportunity to give continual input on the creation of a plan. The ULI suggested a two-part solution that includes the creation of a coordinated vision and Over 400 interested residents and stakeholders public participation from the community. The participated in the planning process. The ULI determined that the best use for the land visualizations, plans, and recommendations found given the constraints on the property is to create in the Jamestown Mall Area Plan are the result of a smaller scaled, mixed-use, community oriented this extensive public input. development by demolishing the existing mall. ULI recommended that the County should take a leading role in encouraging and fostering that development beginning with hiring an independent consultant to develop a detailed area plan incorporating new urbanists and smart growth concepts.

The Urban Land Institute's advisory panel report, 2009. Page 2.1 PROCESS DRAFT May 2011 CHARRETTE PREPARATION PUBLIC ENGAGEMENT St. Louis County, Economic Council, and Vector Communications endeavored to get maximum participation throughout the public planning process. Beginning in late May 2010, flyers began to be distributed at community events, and save the date cards were sent out to residents.

Representatives spoke and handed out flyers at Black Jack and Florissant City Council meetings, the Labyrinth Festival and Picnic, North County Community Festival, Fiesta in Florissant, neighborhood association meetings, community events, and neighborhood gatherings to publicize the planning process and encourage people to spread the word.

The Economic Council updated their website page for Jamestown Mall with information regarding the planning process and charrette events. Press releases were sent out from the County for each of the public meetings that resulted in wide media coverage in both TV, print, internet, and radio. Coverage included segments on News Channel 4, FOX2now.com, articles by stltoday.com, St. Louis Beacon, St. Louis Post-Dispatch, St. Louis Business Journal, Suburban Journals, and KMOX.

Page 2.2 May 2011 DRAFT JAMESTOWN MALL AREA PLAN KICK-OFF EVENT County Executive Charlie A. Dooley held a press conference on the morning of Thursday, July 15, 2010 to raise awareness of the public process and the initial Kick-off Presentation that was to be held that night. The purpose of the Kick-off Presentation was to introduce the design team to the public, have an informational discussion, and to raise additional awareness for the charrette.

Over 300 residents, County leaders, elected officials, and local stakeholders gathered in Theatre 2 of the Jamestown 14 Ciné for the event. The theatre was filled to capacity. County Executive Charlie A. Dooley kicked-off the process by Audience members were invited to share questions and com- welcoming the community and stressing the importance of be- ments about the mall and the upcoming planning process. The evening began with an introduction by County ing involved in the plan. Executive Charlie A. Dooley, who emphasized the importance of citizen involvement throughout the process to ensure the creation of a plan truly representative of their ideas. James Dougherty, Director of Design at Dover, Kohl & Partners, outlined a summary of the previous planning efforts and provided an introduction to the upcoming charrette process, an overview of planning principles, and a description of successful mall retrofit projects around the country. At the end of the presentation the floor was opened to the public for questions and comments.


Page 2.3 PROCESS DRAFT May 2011 BACKGROUND INFORMATION & STAKEHOLDER INTERVIEWS Dover-Kohl gathered base information, studied the existing physical and economic conditions, reviewed previous plans and studies, examined existing County ordinances and land development regulations, and analyzed the physical, social, and economic characteristics of the Jamestown Mall site and its surroundings.

Members of Dover, Kohl & Partners’ team joined local team members in St. Louis County to meet with elected officials, County and Economic Council staff, property owners, business owners, residents, local ministers, local developers, development consultants, community groups’ leaders, and other local stakeholders in preparation for the September charrette. The meetings, interviews, and research helped the team to better understand the dynamics of North County, the local development community, and gain a full appreciation for the challenges and opportunities facing Jamestown Mall.

The design team and County met with development consultants, local ministers, and others during the site visit.

The team reviewed background infor- mation including previous plans and studies of the North County area.

Page 2.4 May 2011 DRAFT JAMESTOWN MALL AREA PLAN TOURING ST. LOUIS The design team spent a few days studying and touring the Jamestown Mall property and well- loved, historic and mixed-use areas in St. Louis and St. Louis County. Team members explored the Boulevard, Historic Florissant, Wildwood Town Center, New Town St. Charles, the Shoppes at Cross Keys, the Loop, Maryland Plaza, Lafayette Square, Washington Avenue, and Tower Grove Park, studying characteristics such as building form and placement, architectural elements, street design, and natural features.

While in the downtown St. Louis area, the team explored City Garden and enhanced their understanding of local vegetation and landscaping and how it can be incorporated into parks in an attractive, low maintenance manner. The study tours familiarized the team with local precedents which the community values, offered examples of recent mixed-use developments, and showcased the historic building tradition and development patterns prevalent in St. Louis City and St. Louis County.

The team noted local urban features such as street widths, placement of buildings, and building use.

Page 2.5 PROCESS DRAFT May 2011 THE CHARRETTE HANDS-ON DESIGN SESSION The six day charrette was held September 9 – 14, 2010, at the St. Louis County Community College Florissant Valley Campus in the Student Center Multi- Purpose Room.

On Thursday, September 9 the Hands-on Design Session officially marked the beginning of the charrette. Over 100 community members, County leaders, elected officials, and local stakeholders gathered for an evening presentation and interactive hands-on table session.

The evening began with a brief presentation by Victor Dover, principal–in–charge of Dover-Kohl and charrette team leader. The presentation outlined the challenges and opportunities facing Jamestown Mall, laid out the goals for the table session, introduced participants to the base maps, and set ground rules for the evening.

Working in small groups of eight to ten people per table, participants gathered around ten tables to draw and share their varied ideas for the future of Jamestown Mall. Each table was equipped with a base map of the site, markers, measuring tools, and a table facilitator from the Dover-Kohl team, County planning department, or a local planning volunteer.

Participants were given the premise that the mall is unlikely to become viable again in its current form and asked to discuss and illustrate how they might like to see the Jamestown Mall site evolve over time. Groups drew on the base maps describing the building forms, open spaces, and services they hoped to one day see at this location.

The community worked together in small groups to establish a vision for the future of the Jamestown Mall site.

Page 2.6 May 2011 DRAFT JAMESTOWN MALL AREA PLAN At the end of the session, a spokesperson from each table presented their table’s map and ideas to the Big Ideas entire assembly so everyone would be able to hear the results of conversations happening around the room. In addition to the table maps and group A Center of the Community presentations, participants were also asked to fill out an exit survey as an additional way to express their A Place to Dine, Shop, and Visit ideas, hopes, and vision for the property. Neighbors


Indoor (year round) Recreational Facilities

Outdoor Recreational Spaces

Diversity of Housing Types

Preserve Environmentally Sensitive Sample table map Areas

A New Draw for North County

Each group had a representative from their table, like Rep. Sample exit surveys Steve Webb from table 8, present their work to the larger as- sembly. Page 2.7 PROCESS DRAFT May 2011 RESPONSES FROM THE HANDS-ON SESSION EXIT SURVEY

Of the many ideas you heard tonight, which ones seem the most exciting to you?

Outdoor Areas # Great signage and lighting Vibrancy, full of life, etc. # Walking/Bike trails (12) # High School # “In forty years I will have passed on. Hope this space will # Green Space (7) # Convention Center be ‘ALIVE" # ¼ mile track # Vibrant, meeting needs of communities Retail and Dining # Concert hall # The area would look clean and professional and feel # Restaurant (12) # Recreation clean and positive and a beautiful place to live # Upscale (11) # Hall of Fame # Hopefully a place to be enjoyed, a lively place to be # Coffee shop (1) # “For dining attract what St. Louis Is known for” # A vibrant addition to the community # Retail shops (9) # Branson Landing Design # Specialty Stores (4) # Hotel (2) Upscale feel # Trader Joe’s (2) # Gardening # “The look should be environmental friendly and upscale” # Whole Foods (1) # Tear the mall down (3) # Upscale community environment for entertainment, # Small Shops (2) # Promotion of healthy life style socialization, healthy living, recreation # With lofts (1) # Open air mall—similar to Atlantic Station in Atlanta, GA # Upper scale stores # Off a central town square (1) Multi-use Family and youth # Combination of areas for recreation, shopping and living # Aquarium world largest (7) # “Recreational/food grown and sold” # New—center hub with living and retail areas together # Youth center/Organized youth activities (6) In 40 years, what will the look and feel of this # Sport complex (6) place and surrounding area be? # Amphitheater (4) Miscellaneous # Cultural Center/Performing Arts Center (6) # Very Unique Green Space # Black Cultural Center (1) # Surrounding for all of the community young and old alike # Open, More green space # Jazz Museum (3) # I think it will be great # I would like to see the area transform into a Forest Park- # It will keep its appeal and will be a place for future like atmosphere Miscellaneous generations # Clean, architecturally sound and detailed, mature green # Green Industries: Whole Foods, Service Centers (6) # Progressive space # Senior Living (6) # Community viability, growth, sustainability, extension to # Being green, still intact # College/Educational Facility (4) other communities # Housing (3) # =7 Fear, anxiety, tentative hope # Upscale housing to support retail (1) mall area # “In need of updates if it’s not built sustainable [sic]” # Gathering place for families (3) # It will still be in the remodeling stages # “Both rivers will still be there cutting off access from the # Companies to support retail (2) # Well-maintained north and east” # Medical Center (2) # A safe environment that draws people who reside in the # O>=7\ # Town square (2) community and those from throughout the metropolitan that part of the environment sparsely populated. # New streets (2) area. # “Hopefully, the redevelopment will result in a sustainable # Tree-lined (1) # Hopefully it will still be a great place to patronize $77 # Grand entry with architectural details (2) # More population better tax base do with it in 40 years or more” # Upscale Spa (2) # Who knows—things get torn down for not obvious # Fountain as a common point of interest reasons over time # Drive-in Theater # All of them # “An Attraction"

Page 2.8 May 2011 DRAFT JAMESTOWN MALL AREA PLAN And how will that place meet the Additional needs of your community? Comments

Nearby retail/shopping Engage Outside community # Due to limited access, this location will NEVER be a # I now travel 30 minutes to walk at Creve Coeur Park # Engage the surrounding community and will attract “destination.” You MUST build a self-contained in a # I now drive 45 minutes to whole foods people from other areas who may come to walk, shop, sustaining area expecting to draw only from limited # Provide more of a hub than currently exists in the existing and/or enjoy some of the other features or attractions of current surrounds. 3 mile radius the development. # No Fast food, no Walgreens. Leave Target, etc. at Cross # Unique shopping # Make it unique to the St. Louis Area. =$ # Upscale housing and Restaurants (1 or 2) # “I thought that the presentation took resulting ideas # Bakery, Deli, Coffee and Deli Job Creation from the various groups was very enlightening and # It will be a place where I can stay near my residence— # Provide employment productive” that excites me. # The place will meet the needs of the community and will # “We don’t need any more residential housing, just senior # Most need will be met in your local area provide jobs. living” # “Agree with most of the ideas presented” All-ages, attracting families Miscellaneous # “Happy I came and was a part of this. Please let it # It will meet the needs of everybody. # Very good happen” # We should include ideas that meet the needs of all age # “Only time will tell” # “I believe the opportunity should still be open to the groups. # Greenspace for relaxing public to have continued input on various stages of the # It should meet the needs of everyone. # Provide an interesting place to come for our needs. development on this project” # It will be a family-oriented, comfortable yet still remain # Community # “I will love if the plans will focus on children, middle age, private and slightly exclusive # Senior Living and elderly—Family” # “It is a place for all generations” # Middle age living # “The needs of the North County Community seem to go # Shops that appeal to everyone: supermarkets, Macy’s, # If young people are coming in the area, that will enhance unheard here” Trader Joe's, Old Navy, etc. their living. # “Good idea you guys are doing. Thank you." # There will be something for everyone to enjoy # Promote residential living—people come here to live # Thanks for the opportunity—can’t wait to see the # A destination for the whole family # Provide for young families and seniors presentation # Sales # I hope it happens! Bring Revenue to Community # Continue efforts along with community involvement # Also make sure the ideas bring revenue to the # Lindbergh Place for a name community. # I hope there will be funds to pay for the change # Bring in revenue # I think that there should be more skating rinks made for # Revenue all people to come and a dance club for all ages. I also # =:$ think people should come and volunteer to build the new # Generate revenue Jamestown # Continue to take and put money back into the community # Hope all of these ideas get off the ground. # I trust that this sharing of ideas and priorities from people Place for Youth in the community will be taken seriously by developers. # Provide youth with a place to visit # Different specialty stores that aren’t in North County: Ice # Youth development, social services for seniors/ cream store, record store, rainforest café. accommodate handicap # I will spend my money in this area # Youth Growth and Development # Attract young people # Social needs for youth under served in NC # Youth projects

Page 2.9 PROCESS DRAFT May 2011 OPEN DESIGN STUDIO From Friday, September 10 through Monday, September 13 the design team continued working alongside the community in an open design studio in the Student Center Multi-Purpose Room. The studio was open day and night, offering community members the flexibility to come by when they were available to check the status of the plan, provide further input, and to make sure the design team was on the right track.

The convenient location of the studio, as well as the community interest, led over 50 people to participate throughout the weekend. The table drawings and plans from Thursday night’s Hands-on Design Session were placed around the room for easy review as new people became involved. While community members visited the studio, the design team analyzed the information gathered during charrette preparation and from the community to formulate the concepts and First Principles of the plan.

The design team began with creating a synthesis plan combining the ideas of all 10 table groups. The plan highlights the locations of varying uses such as retail, Synthesis Plan: A combination of the overlapping ideas from residential, mixed-use, and open space where there the Hands-on Design table session. was the most consistency throughout the table groups’ plans. The synthesis plan became the foundation for the vision developed throughout the charrette. The design team worked on multiple versions of the plan.

Glenn Kellogg and Ed Starkie of Urban Advisors worked throughout the week to analyze the economics and practicality of various plans. They examined the potential market for development at Jamestown Mall and researched potential funding sources and mechanisms for implementation.

Planners worked on details of how to phase the implementation of the plan. Experts in local real estate conditions assisted the team.

Page 2.10 May 2011 DRAFT JAMESTOWN MALL AREA PLAN Each evening the design team gathered for informal evening “pin-ups” of the plans. Most pin-ups were attended by members of the public that were visiting the studio. Plans, renderings, and initial concepts created during the day were pinned-up to the walls and discussed. Technical aspects such as economics, land ownership, phaseablity, and first steps were discussed. Members of the public listened in and added their comments and observations to the plan as it was developed and refined.

On Sunday, September 12 the design team was joined by Tim Busse, the town architect of New Town St. Charles. He sat with Urban Advisors and the design team to give realistic costs in today's market in the St. Louis area. He also gave recommendations from a developer’s perspective to give the team further insight on what developers are willing to take on in today's market that can also be financeable.

The team's Director of Design presented an early version of the plan to the design team and members of the public during an evening pin-up session.

Many versions of plans and renderings were created to narrow down the most suitable options for the redevelopment of the site.

Page 2.11 PROCESS DRAFT May 2011 OPEN HOUSE On Saturday, September 11, a formal Open House was held at the studio. The public was invited to review and provide feedback on the work produced by their fellow community members during the Hands-on Design Session, and see how those ideas were being translated into the plans being drafted.

The design team was available to answer questions, and several residents took the opportunity to sit with the designers to discuss their long term vision for the site. Of the input received, some of the most prevalent ideas centered around children's development services and having a place for families to go and be a part of their community.

Members of the St. Louis County Department of Planning and St. Louis County Economic Council were available throughout the Open House to meet with residents and review the evolving plan for themselves. >]Q7$`7`$€H

Community members sat with the design team to incorporate their ideas into the overall vision for the property.

Page 2.12 May 2011 DRAFT JAMESTOWN MALL AREA PLAN TECHNICAL MEETINGS Members of the design team met with County, regional, and State representatives in a series of technical meetings and conference calls. Technical meetings included meetings with developers, Missouri Department of Transportation, Metro, the Black Jack fire chief, Department of Conservation, Great Rivers Greenways as well as others. During these meetings the team answered design questions and discussed the draft plan to gain input and ensure that the ideas being pursued were balanced by many viewpoints.

Economic Council staff and representatives from the County Executive's office were on hand throughout the charrette to see the progress being made on the vision and plan. The feedback received from these two groups was vital to the design team creating a realistic vision that the County could support and that would be economically sound.

On Monday, September 14 a special walk-through with elected officials was scheduled. Sandy Houston, a representative with Senator William Lacy Clay's office, Councilman Mike O'Mara, and State Representative Steve Webb stopped by to see the community’s ideas and how they were being translated into a single vision. <:€$€~:"::H

Councilman Mike O'Mara and Sandy Houston met with the Technical meetings were held throughout the week. planning team in the design studio. Page 2.13 PROCESS DRAFT May 2011 WORK-IN-PROGRESS PRESENTATION The charrette ended with an evening “Work-in- Progress” Presentation at 6:00 PM on Tuesday, September 14 at the Community College. Over 60 citizens gathered at the college for the presentation. After an introduction by the Senior Policy Advisor to the County Executive, Mike Jones, Victor Dover began the presentation with a summary of the week’s events.

Victor Dover reviewed the concepts gathered from the public at the Hands-on Design Session and throughout the week and pointed out ideas found within the plan that came directly from local residents. The plan was discussed in a series of phases. Change will not happen overnight, but progress can be expected one step at a time. Renderings illustrated how the property could redevelop over time.

The presentation was concluded with words from County Executive Charlie Dooley as he addressed the audience and expressed his enthusiasm for the plan and his continued commitment to better the community.

At the end of the presentation, attendants were given a survey to assess if the design team had accurately Victor Dover welcomed everyone back and detailed the vision created during the charrette. captured their ideas into the vision for the future of Jamestown Mall. Survey results showed that 83% of the audience believed the plan was on the right track and 89% believed the County leaders should initiate the redevelopment possibilities using all of the tools available to them.

At the conclusion of the charrette, the design team departed St. Louis and returned home to their offices. Over a period of seven weeks the illustrative master plans produced during the charrette were refined and the report was created. County Executive Charlie A. Dooley addressed the audience Following the presentation, people were able to see the plans and expressed his support for the plan. up close and ask any remaining questions of the design team. Page 2.14 May 2011 DRAFT JAMESTOWN MALL AREA PLAN RESPONSES FROM THE WORK-IN-PROGRESS EXIT SURVEY

Were you able to attend any of the previous Of the ideas you heard tonight, which did you # The variety of possibilities presented in the redevelopment charrette events? process # I like the ideas proposed # Senior living, sports complex, and housing # Walkable, mixed used community with a true center. =\&?$&™ # Mixed use facility with small town feel # None >$"Q&&‚*™ # I like the idea of a total community # ~```{ $"]Q&;;™ # Town center market ]&;%™ # It's a draft-good way to start #`$:&‚™ # Only the word "sustainable" Additional Comments & Suggestions # Internal approach # Connecting to greenway bike trails # Many of my neighbors have moved because they have # $:: to drive to West County to shop. # The site goes from concrete to charming-it draws you in # No big box or big stores # The one that included housing for all age groups, # Include a plan for our youth. `{ # After picture of the Sears area didn't show wind towers. Do you believe that the plan is generally on # Changing the landscape of the community within the # Make it into a place that is busy and attracts people. the right track? environment's strength of tranquility # Too exclusive. Not open to everyone. # The Village Concept! # Great job! Yes - 61% # { # Obviously well thought out and planned. Thank you! ?77$&;;™ # Green space and recreational opportunities # Need a main attraction that would encourage someone to move into the area. Z"=&™ # Mix use area # Senior housing, assisted living, mixed residential, # The Village Concept needs an appropriate name. ?77$#&;™ # Capitalize on nature. #&^™ \$`{$ # That we are planning for the future # =?$"› # The trail connecting the Coldwater Creek area # People may not come in the winter months, if the open # The "village" look and concept space concept is used. # We need youth development # Plan seems geared toward the elderly. I would like diversity. # z\7{: # Z$ # z!~{ # STL doesn't offer college town activities # @{:7$ Should County leaders initiate the housing # All # Better shopping redevelopment possibilities described using # >7$ # j:{ all of the tools available to them such as # >~{ economy funding, incentives, regulations, etc.? # Incremental successes # The time line is too long! # Redevelop the font of the mall to accommodate shops # Options! Yes - 67% { # Sculpture park # I would like to see a pond or a lake ?77$&;;™ # The people's achievement in something positive happening # Good Job! Z"=&™ # @:~{: ?77$#&;™ # >7$$"{?$"$ # The "what if" shops to early retirees #&*™ # What if! # It would be best if property lines do not inhibit the # Villages and mixed use development # 9{R7\ # Include component that will draw revenue # ~ :` ` ` ` { # @H=$ children's area # Please construct site as upscale # The timeline # =$

Page 2.15 PROCESS DRAFT May 2011





DRAFT May 2011

A VISION FOR THE FUTURE This chapter presents the broad scope of the vision for the future of the Jamestown Mall property; spe- cific design components of each principle are fur- F IRST PRINCIPLES ther described and illustrated in Chapter 4: Details of the Plan. ECONOMIC PRINCIPLES PLACEMAKING PRINCIPLES Through the charrette process, community members and the design team worked together to develop a "Reset" the Property in Seek to Establish a New series of basic design and policy principles to guide Everyone's Mind "Heart of the Community" the appropriate development of Jamestown Mall. Shaped from public input during the charrette, the “First Principles” outlined in this chapter embody Balance Private Design Mixed-Use, the citizenry’s vision for the future of this important & Public Interests Walkable, Smart Growth property. Keep it Phase-able Emphasize the Strengths of the Site The First Principles are divided into two categories. Economic principles are those that guide the mar- to Keep it Feasible keting approach and implementation. Placemaking Build for the Coming Era, principles concern the design and physical attri- Balance Neighborhood Desires Not the Last One butes of the development scenario. & Developer Priorities Build Well, The specifics of each principle reflect the site’s unique needs, summarize the results of the public or Do Not Build planning process and promote responsible growth, planning, and development.

Page 3.1 FIRST PRINCIPLES DRAFT May 2011 ECONOMIC PRINCIPLES Places like Lafayette Square, Euclid Avenue, and the When new development begins to occur it will be Delmar Loop once had a mixed reputation but have beneficial to differentiate the new development "RESET" THE PROPERTY IN EVERYONE'S MIND seen dramatic reinvestment in recent years. A re- from the mall. One way to accomplish this would birth has occurred because these areas have public be to change the name so that people will under- gathering places that reinforce their community's stand that something different is destined for the As with any redevelopment site, the Jamestown identity, and contribute to a complete urban fab- site. Jamestown is the historic name of the area and Mall site would benefit from a new outlook. Similar- ric not so dependent on the automobile. They have so utilizing the historic portion of the name may be ly, the North County area can showcase its assets as commercial, workplace, and civic activity embed- appropriate. Other suggestions reference the names a place of social diversity, community, rural charm, ded in neighborhoods and districts, and have streets of adjacent roadways such as Lindbergh Place. and, ultimately, investment potential. Any plan for that encourage walking. They enable neighbors to the site should seek to improve the perception of the know each other. These areas are complete places. mall site and the surrounding community. The design for Jamestown Mall should draw from other St. Louis resurgent communities. Often the charrette team was told by residents that the outside perception of the area does not meet the This formula is not evident in recent disconnect- reality of what North County is, what it has to of- ed strip-shopping centers and isolating single-use fer, and the great communities within it. This was neighborhoods that depend on a car for every er- evident to the team. North County has several tight- rand, every daily need. Much of what has been con- knit communities and a wealth of rural charm, large structed in the Jamestown Mall vicinity in the last riverfront public parks, uncongested roadways, and 50 years lacks the vibrancy of the region’s mixed- congenial people who have worked hard to move use walkable places. The neighborhood centers that to the area and are proud of their neighborhoods, have been revived in St. Louis offer lessons for fu- farms, meadows, and woodlands. ture development.

What North County does currently lack may provide Great new places are created all the time, and in the key to future opportunities. The charrette team discussions with the surrounding community there observed that the area is presently seen as a center- seems to be a strong customer base for a different less suburban fringe by some. This suggests that a format of development. What is clear is that while new village center may be a welcome addition. the customer base is not present for a large regional mall, a walkable, mixed-use village that is supported Outside of St. Louis it is difficult to find high-qual- by the immediate community holds promise. More ity pedestrian environments in the region. Yet, the than that, if built well, a new place that provides so- central City and its first ring of neighborhoods have cial interaction with a unique sense of place, might seen a renaissance in the last 20 years precisely have a broader draw. because they offer quality public spaces, timeless architecture, tree-lined sidewalks, a mix of uses within walking distance of homes, and a diversity of people.

Page 3.2 May 2011 DRAFT JAMESTOWN MALL AREA PLAN Increasingly the public sector is playing an active BALANCE PRIVATE role in the planning and facilitation of village cen- & PUBLIC INTERESTS ters and main streets. To the degree the public is invested, the goal should be the best possible liv- able community with the strongest sense of place. Today there are many precedents around the coun- Typically this means keeping close to the publicly- try for the redevelopment of shopping centers into designed plan. Through the creation of a publicly main streets, town centers, and villages. Malls that informed plan and zoning or development regula- are candidates for these transformations are dying tions that foster the public plan, the County sets the or troubled in their current form. Dying malls typi- direction for the property that is in the best interest cally have sales less than $100 per square foot. of the community. Existing Conditions While some mall retrofits have involved total demo- Once the community plan and development regu- lition like Mizner Park in Boca Raton, Florida or Up- lations are set, the County is able to advertise to town District in San Diego, California, others have developers that will develop the property is accor- transformed gradually, like Mashpee Commons in dance with the public plan. In addition the County Mashpee, Massachusetts. can provide incentives that help facilitate the pre- ferred development of the site. The anchor tenants currently own their buildings and land, have sufficient parking, and have both visibility Public budgets must be kept in mind as develop- and access from Lindbergh Boulevard. Although con- ment incentives and public/private partnerships ditions may change in the future, they should not be are discussed. Taxpayers alone can't rescue this site hindered by the plan from continuing to operate as and there is no bottomless well of unlimited public they currently do. Redevelopment on adjacent prop- funds. Public money that is used to foster redevel- Initial Redevelopment - Constructed erties should not hinder these existing stores. The opment at the Jamestown Mall site must be targeted plan for redevelopment should be configured so that toward clear public benefits and result in a positive properties can redevelop while businesses on other impact on the community without unreasonably portions of the site remain in operation. burdening public funds.

Property owners should be able to respond to the Overall the process should be driven by the creation markets with alternate types of uses as long as they of the plan and carried out by a developer. are in accordance with the area plan, such as office spaces. What is key is that plans and development regulations give property flexibility on issues like use and program while holding to planned street connections, networks of streets, and public spaces. Long Term Redevelopment Winter Park Village Mall was redeveloped from a mall into a main street village center. The Dillard's department store build- ing remains throughout the transformation as it was still in opera- tion at the time of redevelopment. Page 3.3 FIRST PRINCIPLES DRAFT May 2011 KEEP IT PHASE-ABLE TO KEEP IT FEASIBLE

Redevelopment at Jamestown Mall may not occur all at once. The plan must be phaseable over time.

A phaseable plan recognizes current economic reali- ties which require small increments of development that can grow over time. In today’s difficult fiscal en- vironment, it is hard to gather the funding from insti- tutions to acquire and develop large parcels of land and to build large single-use mega projects.

For redevelopment to occur a maximum amount of flexibility and phase-ability needs to be worked into the plan. This allows developers to create programs that are supportable by the surrounding community Existing Conditions Step 1: The western portion of the site redevelops and that make financial sense. By allowing devel- opment to be of adjustable scale, developers have greater flexibility to work with financial institutions. With the ability to have smaller increments of devel- opment, lending institutions do not have as much financial risk.

In addition, a successful redevelopment sequence can increase the worth of future phases. Early phas- es can be used as financial comparables for future development, making financing for later phases of the development on the site easier to secure.

Redevelopment should start small and grow a com- plete community while enhancing the surrounding neighborhoods and surrounding development. This will increase the value of subsequent phases and cre- ate the potential for higher profitability of the devel- oper and create higher tax revenues for the County.

Step 2: The outparcels develop Step 3: The anchor stores redevelop


While the Jamestown Mall site holds tremendous potential, many uses suggested by the community during the charrette are unlikely given the site's lo- cation and market conditions. For instance, these include a larger regional mall, or Class "A" office space. Although not all of the desires of the com- munity will be met, many of them can be.

The redevelopment of the mall site and the new or revamped uses that will be located there need to make sense from a banker's and developer’s per- spective. Developers will not invest in a venture that they do not believe will be profitable. With that said, it makes sense for a developer to meet the mar- ket demand. :7\:``: The plan leaves open the possibility for many al- spaces, other residences, and shops. ternatives for uses. The most successful uses of the property will be those for which the desire of the community and developers' priorities overlap. One such overlapping item is the demand for senior liv- ing and creating a diverse mix of housing, not avail- able elsewhere in North County.

A variety of housing types makes it possible to ac- commodate a more vibrant and diverse population, including a full range of age groups. Several hous- ing types are offered in North County, however, there appears to be a shortage in smaller homes on smaller lots for senior housing needs or young first time home buyers. In a sustainable community, one should be able to buy a first home, then later move to a larger home as one’s family grows, and after- wards downsize as one ages, all without leaving the support of familiar neighborhood services and social connections behind. Page 3.5 FIRST PRINCIPLES DRAFT May 2011 PLACEMAKING PRINCIPLES


St. Louis County is comprised of many individual communities linked together. The North County community is comprised of Florissant, Black Jack, and unincorporated County. This area makes up a large portion of greater North St. Louis and the com- munities should work together to be a complete com- munity within the makeup of the larger metropolis.

There is a strong church centered community based at several churches within the North County area. These churches, and at church activities are where people gather to meet one another.

Yet, when asked where the center of their community is, other than meeting at their individual churches, no one in North County seemed to have an answer. Where do you go to meet your neighbor, meet up with friends, or go on a Friday night in North County?

During the charrette the community expressed the desire for a center to their community that seems to be lacking. Jamestown Mall may have operated as the center of the community at one time, but it no for activity, making it the ideal location for retail, and walkable way with retail, synergies develop. longer does. commercial and office buildings. The center is like- Residents and office workers provide ready wise the ideal location for civic buildings such as customers throughout the day within walking Communities should have a definable center. A cen- meeting halls and farmers’ markets. distance of retail. Retail and restaurants likewise ter enhances the collective identity of the commu- become valuable amenities, giving those selling nity. An identifiable active center encourages civic Expectations for shopping environments have been or leasing housing and office space a competitive pride and a sense of responsibility for the communi- evolving. Nationally, there is a growing desire for advantage over nearby single-use suburban sites. ty’s upkeep and continued well being. the kind of vibrant, open air, mixed-use places often associated with our best historic shopping districts. As the site redevelops it should help to revitalize The center is usually a public space such as a square, North County as a whole by creating a center for a green, or an important intersection that allows Mixing uses provides a range of benefits. When the community – a place that the entire community neighbors to meet, gather, and recreate. It is a focus residential and office are mixed in a fine-grained looks to as their heart.


When an area has a vibrant, lively mix of uses, the fate of that place is not determined by the success or failure of a single use.

One of the key desires of North County residents is increased walkability. Residents would love the free- dom and convenience of a park-once environment where they could leave their cars and walk to make purchases, go to the park with their children, or meet friends at a neighborhood restaurant or coffee shop.

Although internal trips may be captured within the site, this location will always be a drive-to destina- tion for most North County residents. Any devel- opment at this location must account for cars. The plan provides an interconnected network of streets with on-street parking. Larger parking lots should be hidden mid-block behind buildings so that they are convenient but don’t dominate the ambiance.

Multi-story buildings within a mixed-use environ- ment help create the spatial definition necessary for A restaurant, homes, and institutional uses sit side by side in Florissant. a place to feel relaxed and well-proportioned. Pe- One of the first considerations in achieving a walk- Finally, the streets that connect these various destina- destrians should feel like they are walking through a able system is to ensure that a mix of housing, retail, tions must be designed for pedestrian use, with gen- series of beautiful and properly-sized outdoor rooms. office space, civic institutions, and public open space erous sidewalks, shade trees, protection from passing Buildings must be tall enough to provide "walls" for are located within a five-minute walk of one another. cars, and street-oriented buildings rather than park- these rooms. ing lots. A detailed, 10-step plan for achieving walk- The second step is to ensure that an interconnected able streets is outlined in the following pages. Multiple events associated with daily living should be street system binds these uses together, so that pe- within a short walking distance of one another, giving destrians can choose the most convenient path. freedom and independence to people who do not drive, such as seniors and children. Today, activities such as Sidewalks should be wide to allow for pleasant these are difficult, if not impossible, to achieve due to strolling and outdoor dining while pedestrians are the current state of the street network and streetscape. shaded by regularly-spaced street trees and awnings These places are composed of an interconnected net- above shopfronts. work of well-shaped streets and public spaces. Page 3.7 FIRST PRINCIPLES DRAFT May 2011 10 Steps for Making Walkable Streets 1. Design for pedestrians first. Great streets are designed to provide a high-caliber experience for pedestrians foremost; once this is ac- complished, great streets generally accommodate a wide range of other modes of travel.

2. Proportions matter. A street should function as an outdoor room, sur- rounding its occupants in a space that is welcoming

and usable. A 1:3 ratio for building height to street building height width is often cited as a minimum section for a sense of enclosure. Creating this sense of enclosure involves more than just narrow street width, how- ever. There are well-defined eight-lane roads just Ratio 1:3. as there are two-lane roads that seem to be impass- street width able. Streets must be sized properly for their use and should be defined with appropriate building sizes. Proportions of Street Space The height-to-width ratio of the space generates spatial enclosure, which is related to the physiology of the human eye. Street trees and features such as lighting also play a If the width of a public space is such that the cone of vision encompasses less street wall than sky opening, the degree critical role in defining the space of the street. of spatial enclosure is slight. The ratio of 1 increment of height to 6 of width is the absolute minimum, with 1 to 3 being an effective minimum if a sense of enclosure is to result. As a general rule, the tighter the ratio, the stronger the sense 3. Design the street as a unified whole. of place and, often, the higher the real estate value. Spatial enclosure is particularly important for shopping streets that An essential distinction of great streets is that the en- must compete with shopping malls, which provide very effective spatial definition. [emphasis added]. In the absence of spatial definition by facades, disciplined tree planting is an alternative. Trees aligned for spatial enclosure are necessary tire space is designed as an ensemble, from the trav- on thoroughfares that have substantial front yards. el lanes, trees and sidewalks, to the very buildings Excerpted from AIA Graphic Standards that line the roadway. Building form and character is particularly important in shaping a sense of place. 4. Include sidewalks. with townhouses and multi-family buildings re- The best streets invariably have buildings fronting Appropriately designed sidewalks are essential for quire a more generous sidewalk. On Main Streets, them, with a particular height and massing that cre- active pedestrian life. Pedestrians will be more will- fourteen feet is an ideal minimum sidewalk width, ates an appropriate sense of enclosure. The random ing to utilize sidewalks if they are protected from which must never fall below an absolute minimum setbacks generated by conventional zoning rarely automobile traffic. One of the simplest ways to buf- of eight feet. produce this effect; form-based regulations must fer the pedestrian is to place street trees between be put in place to control building form and place- the street and the sidewalk. Other street furniture 5. Provide shade. ment. Furthermore, urban buildings must front the such as streetlights, bus shelters, and benches oc- Motorists, pedestrians, and cyclists typically prefer street with features such as doors, windows, balco- cupy wider sidewalks and provide additional sepa- shady streets. Shade provides protection from heat nies, and porches. These features promote a lively ration between pedestrians and automobile traffic. and sun and contributes to the spatial definition of streetscape, and ultimately provide passive security The width of the sidewalk will vary according to the a street. Shade can be provided with canopy trees for pedestrians by focusing “eyes on the street.” location. On most single-family residential streets, or architectural encroachments over the sidewalk. five or six feet is an appropriate width, but streets Canopy trees should be planted in a planting zone

Page 3.8 May 2011 DRAFT JAMESTOWN MALL AREA PLAN between the sidewalk and the street in order to pro- 8. Use smart lighting. 10. Avoid parking lots in front of buildings. vide continuous definition and shade for both the Streets should be appropriately lit for automobile The bulk of a building’s parking supply should oc- street and the sidewalk. Architectural encroach- and pedestrian safety. Pedestrians naturally avoid cur behind the building. The conventional practice ments over the sidewalk such as awnings, arcades, streets where they feel unsafe. Widely-spaced, of placing surface parking lots in front of buildings and cantilevered balconies are another way to pro- highway-scaled “cobra head” light fixtures do not results in a disconnected pedestrian environment. tect pedestrians from the elements and shield store- provide appropriate light intensity and consistency If current zoning regulations are reformed to pro- fronts from glare. for pedestrian well-being. More frequently-spaced, vide “build-to” lines rather than mandatory front shorter fixtures are more appropriate, and provide setbacks for commercial buildings, parking can be 6. Make medians sufficiently wide. light beneath the tree canopy as street trees mature. accommodated in the interior of the block. As a re- Where divided thoroughfares are unavoidable, me- sult, the pedestrian realm of the sidewalk will be de- dians must be generous enough to serve as a pedes- 9. Allow on-street parking in suitable locations. fined by shop fronts and building entrances rather trian amenity. A minimum median width of 8’ will On-street parking buffers pedestrians from moving than parking lots. accommodate a row of street trees and will provide cars and calms traffic by forcing drivers to stay alert. adequate refuge for pedestrians crossing a wide Parallel parking is the ideal arrangement, because it roadway. keeps streets as narrow as possible. Diagonal park- It is not surprising that, given their multiple roles in ing is acceptable on some shopping streets, as long urban life, streets require and use vast amounts of land. In the , from 25 to 35 percent of 7. Plant the street trees in an orderly manner. as the extra curb-to-curb width is not achieved at a city's developed land is likely to be in public right- Great streets are typically planted with rows of reg- the expense of sidewalk width. Parking located in of-way, mostly streets. If we can develop and design ularly-spaced trees, using consistent species. This front of a street-front business encourages people streets so that they are wonderful, fulfilling places formal tree alignment has a powerful effect; it at to get out of their cars and walk, and is essential to to be, community building places, attractive public once shapes the space and reflects conscious design. leasing street-oriented retail space. places for all people of cities and neighborhoods, More importantly, the shade produced by the trees then we will have successfully designed about 1/3 will be continuous enough to make walking viable. of the city directly and will have an immense impact Furthermore, the spatial impression of aligned trees on the rest. also has a traffic calming effect. - Allan Jacobs, Great Streets

Euclid Avenue, Central West End Maryland Avenue, Central West End Waterman Avenue, near the Delmar Loop


St. Louis has a vital but fragile relationship with its farming and natural lands. The relationship is environmental, economic, social, and cultural. Farming and natural open space are as integral to the city as a garden is to a house.

North County is fortunate in its unique relationship to nature and natural sys- tems that have an impact on the rest of the County. Wide floodplains caused by the confluence of the Missouri, Illinois, and Mississippi Rivers create fertile soil for farmlands. This important convergence also caused the unique geologic condition of the karst topography, found in North County between the Missouri River and Lindbergh Boulevard. The frequent sinkholes caused by the erosion of the soft limestone by the movement of underground water create challeng- ing conditions for large scale development thereby preserving a rural commu- nity feel throughout the area.

Missouri River as seen from Fort Bellefontaine The Jamestown Mall site is geographically related to all of the unique attributes of North County. The southern portion of the study site is bounded by Coldwa- ter Creek, a tributary of the Missouri River which is just over a mile away. The karst topography is located across Lindbergh Boulevard. The outparcels of the Jamestown Mall site are used for farming lending the surrounding neighbor- hoods a small town/rural setting. This relationship to nature should be contin- ued at the Jamestown Mall site.

Conservation areas and open lands should be used to define the edges of the village and new neighborhoods while creating a connection to surrounding natural attributes such as Coldwater Creek, the Great Rivers Greenway trail system and the adjacent subdivisions. Parks and open space should enhance the natural environment with native, low maintenance landscaping as demon- strated at City Garden in downtown St. Louis.

St. Louis has a rich building tradition. The design of buildings and landscape should be formed by St. Louis’ climate, historic development patterns, and building practices. A trip through St. Louis' historic neighborhoods shows the prominence of a strong building culture.

Small brick homes in historic Florissant


43 Development during the past 60 years has been characterized by an economic boom that incentiv- ized development outside city centers, cheap oil that 42 enabled improved road networks and commuting, and a growing population of young families wanting 41 lower density single-family homes in the suburbs.

Some of the things that will be different in the com- 40 ing era of development include a slow recovery to an economic downturn, peak oil and the increas- 39 ing number of Baby Boomers and Millennials (also known as Generation Y and tends to include peo- 38 ple born between 1977 and 1996) desiring smaller 20 to 29 housing opportunities. 37 Municipalities like St. Louis County are facing small- 50 to 59 er budgets at the same time that their communities 36 have more need. Incentives from public entities for development to continue expanding into the unde- 35 veloped landscape are becoming more limited as 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 2022 2023 2024 municipalities look to get more return on their in- The Great Convergence. This graph shows the convergence Baby Boomers and their children, Millennials, in segments of their life vestment by encouraging reinvestment in areas with that have smaller households. Source: Zimmerman/Volk Associates, Inc. existing infrastructure. to downsize at the same time that their children A range of additional housing types such as small Peak oil is a term used for when each barrel of oil are leaving home and starting professional careers. single family homes on small lots and rowhouses extracted from the earth will cost more than the Both of these groups of consumers are looking for can accommodate the housing needs of both the last. Peak oil will cause prices for gas and oil to in- smaller homes, with small yards or courtyards in Baby Boomers and the Millennials. By arranging the crease making long commutes to work or shopping areas close to amenities such as shopping, a corner housing in conjunction with a village atmosphere less desirable. store, and entertainment. The amenity of creating a village atmosphere at the Current housing trends are being driven by the con- We need to plan and build for this future now. De- Jamestown Mall site would not only benefit new vergence of the two largest generations in the his- velopment patterns should reclaim underperform- homes created on site, but would provide neighbor- tory of America: the 79 million Baby Boomers, and ing, marginal and abandoned areas by encouraging hood diversity and amenities for the North County the 77 million Millennials. The baby boomer gen- infill development within existing communities that community as well. eration that drove the trend for single family homes reuse existing infrastructure investments. outside the city centers are now aging and wishing Page 3.11 FIRST PRINCIPLES DRAFT May 2011 BUILD WELL, OR DO NOT BUILD

Creating a village center that creates a unique sense of place while connecting to the existing community can be difficult. The creation of a viable village cen- ter and the prospects for creating an economically supported development may depend on the form of development and quality of the structures built in order to create a sustainable village center.

A coherent block and street network helps set the framework for good development. Individual proj- ects can then be built on individual lots within a block structure or an entire block of structures can Wood frame homes are prominent in North County. be built at one time. Each new building will add to the form of the village center. Individual build- Lessons from St. Louis' historic communities, like Whichever material is used, the quality of the archi- ing projects fit within the context of the surrounding Florissant, are one thing that should be kept in tecture should be of the highest quality in order to neighborhood and block and be designed with the mind as development at Jamestown Mall progress- create timeless buildings that will last for genera- larger project in mind. es. New buildings have been fit into Florissant's grid tions and stand the test of time. over time and uses were allowed to evolve without One of the main functions of good architecture and changing the neighborhood fabric. landscape design is to help physically define pub- lic space such as streets and park edges as places At the same time Florissant's churches and historic of quality public space. These quality public spaces buildings reserve small forecourts and plazas for have a greater positive effect than any one architec- public uses, frame the street and created outdoor tural project, and neighborhood streets provide the rooms for activity. best opportunity to create public spaces. The building tradition in St. Louis County is single Special spaces for civic buildings and public gather- family wood frame homes while the town and city ing spaces should be reserved at prominent locations centers tend to be of brick construction. A mix of within the site such as at the termination of a long frame homes and brick mixed use building can be view or at a main intersection. This reinforces com- used for the creation of the village center while cre- munity. These prominent buildings or civic spaces ating a new identity for the place. should be given a distinctive appearance, because they serve a different function from other buildings and places that make up a community.








DRAFT May 2011

INTRODUCTION The large open parking lots and vacant outparcels comprising Jamestown Mall represent a tremendous opportunity for future diversification of the site’s uses. Although the mall property is divided between several owners, each of the parcels of a significant size making redevelopment strategies possible that would otherwise be difficult on sites with smaller or more fragmented parcels. While the first priority in any strategy should, of course, be to enhance the success of current owners, large parcels make it possible to think in a big picture, coordinated way while planning for incremental change over time.

This location could provide a competitive alternative to New Town St. Charles. The primary goal in the redevelopment of Jamestown Mall should be to grow an urban fabric that reduces dependence on the automobile. A wide range of benefits will flow from the pursuit of this goal.

In order to make the site more walkable, the current large expanses of surface parking should transition over time into an interconnected network of streets forming blocks. These streets should be equipped with the components necessary to make pedestrians comfortable, such as street trees, benches, narrow traffic-calmed travel lanes, and on-street parking. Aerial view of Jamestown Mall. Ample sidewalks must be provided.

Page 4.1 DETAILS OF THE PLAN DRAFT May 2011 In order to provide reasons to walk, the site must be diversified beyond its current retail-only mix. By breaking the site down into new walkable blocks filled with buildings containing a diverse mix of uses. The more finely intermixed and inclusive the range of uses, the more walkable the site will become. Diversification of uses will also make the site more resilient to future market ups and downs.

Imagine if it were possible to live in a rowhouse only blocks away from shopping and from one’s office. Imagine if restaurants, a grocery store, dry cleaners, and daycare were also located nearby. It would begin to be possible to accomplish much of one’s day without ever needing to get in the car. Being able to walk to daily needs represents a tremendously rare, desirable, and valuable amenity.

Signature public places such as parks, plazas, and squares enhance the attractiveness of living in a walkable environment. Anchoring these public spaces with civic uses such as an amphitheater, Existing learning centers, and a public meeting hall will help The vacant Sears as it exists today. to complete the transition into a fully walkable, village neighborhood.

The gradual conversion of the site’s huge parking Through the transition of the mall from a drive- fields into blocks and streets can improve the site’s to place to a walkable center, dependence on the Urban Heat Islands environmental performance. Proper redevelopment automobile will gradually be reduced for some Modern research about energy conservation and climate can lead to a reduction of impervious surface and residents, and replaced over time with a greener, have revealed a phenomenon called the “urban heat storm water runoff. Reduction of the parking field more sustainable, diverse, and enjoyable daily island.” This describes the buildup of heat (in urbanized will lessen the site’s heat island effect, and a mix of experience. areas in both downtowns and suburbs) that results in part from the increased amount of unshaded pavement, dark uses can greatly reduce daily car trips needed and rooftops and other darkened surfaces; experts tell us this fossil fuels consumed. brings about energy waste, not to mention summertime discomfort. However, the urban heat island is tamed by the shade produced by street trees. Street trees are thus essential for not only controlling glare and improving our air, but also for conserving energy.

The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) has a Heat Island Reduction Initiative (HIRI). For more information, refer to www.epa.gov.

Page 4.2 May 2011 DRAFT JAMESTOWN MALL AREA PLAN Proposed The northwest (Sears) site is transformed overtime from the single use mall to a village center.

Page 4.3 DETAILS OF THE PLAN DRAFT May 2011 WHY MULTIPLE PLANS? The Jamestown Mall Area Plan is centered on one main idea – transforming the single-use, large footprint building of Jamestown Mall into a mixed-use village Lindbergh Boulevard center that can easily adapt to changing economic needs and pressures. Northwest Due to many variables and unknown factors, the physical layout of the plan (Sears) Parcel must remain flexible to accommodate changing economic forces, developers’ pro-forma, and unforeseen needs or uses. While the built-in flexibility leaves some uncertainty about the exact form, layout, and use of the property, the First

Principles, detailed in Chapter 3, help to create stability and certainty about Existing

d Roa n w future development. Central Anchor

Parcel Parcels Eastern to The variety of proposed development scenarios allows for phasing that permits James Outparcels the Jamestown Mall site to develop incrementally. Single or multiple parcels Old may be redeveloped while others may remain as they are.

The overall plan integrates the geometries of the existing buildings and main City of Black roadways so that access to parcels and businesses is not hindered. The end Jack result of incremental development is that each new construction project helps to add to a cohesive, complete village. The plan works equally well should the property come under single ownership and is redeveloped all at once. Southern Parcel The conceptual plan scenarios and alternatives look at each large parcel and illustrate the best use and form of development for that parcel based on its location on the site and its proximity to surrounding uses and roadways. Redevelopment can begin with any of the plan areas. Coldwater Creek The different plan areas are:

0 200' 400' 800' Northwest (Sears) Parcel Existing Anchor Parcels Plan Areas Central Parcel Southern Parcel Economic development strategies are described in detail in Chapter 5: Economics Eastern Outparcels and implementation strategies and funding mechanisms are detailed in Chapter 6: Next Steps.

In this chapter, potential development scenarios will be described for each of the plan areas. The plan areas are then stitched together to illustrate overall plans that represent development strategies for the entire site. The plan areas can be mixed and matched with one another leaving maximum flexibility while maintaining a cohesive plan for the site.

Page 4.4 May 2011 DRAFT JAMESTOWN MALL AREA PLAN In addition to following the First Principles (see Chapter 3), each plan scenario also adheres to four basic urban design principles that are common in historic and new mixed-use communities and suburban villages.

5-minute walk 1. There is an identifiable center and edge,

2. Special places are reserved for civic purposes

3. Each is of a walkable size so that residences are within a five to ten minute walk from daily needs

4. There is a connected network of walkable streets.

7 5-minute walk

Special reserved sites for civic buildings and functions Connected network of walkable streets


Lindbergh Boulevard Lindbergh Boulevard

Robbins Mill Road Robbins Mill Road

d Roa n w d Roa n w

to James to James

Old Old

City of City of Black Black Jack Jack

Coldwater Creek Coldwater Creek

0 200' 400' 800'0' 0 200' 400' 800'0'

The Traditional Neighborhood Development Plan balances the costs of The Garden Suburb Plan has more curvilinear streets, center median boulevards, development with the community’s desires for the site. The plan features a and larger parks and retention areas throughout the village neighborhood than block and street network throughout the site creating a complete village the Traditional Neighborhood Development Plan. Neighborhoods are planned neighborhood. A diverse village center is focused on the northwest parcel and around a network of connected natural systems that connect throughout the continues down to the plaza at the center of the neighborhood. A diversity of site and to the natural flowways to Coldwater Creek preserved in the Fox Manor housing is offered in addition to the single family lots prevalent in North County neighborhood. The retail is contained within the northwest parcel, resulting in a that include townhomes, live/work units, duplexes, multi-family buildings and focused amount of neighborhood retail. The plan identifies a potential location small homes on private lots. for a sports complex prominently on Lindbergh Boulevard.

Additional detail on the Traditional Neighborhood Development Plan scenario Additional detail on the Garden Suburb Plan scenario including an extended including an extended development is on page 4.22. development is on page 4.28. Page 4.6 May 2011 DRAFT JAMESTOWN MALL AREA PLAN CENTRAL COMMON PLAN PARK & VILLAGE PLAN

Lindbergh Boulevard Lindbergh Boulevard

Robbins Mill Road Robbins Mill Road

d Roa n w d Roa n w

to James to James

Old Old

City of City of Black Black Jack Jack

Coldwater Creek Coldwater Creek

0 200' 400' 800'0' 0 200' 400' 800'0'

The Central Common Plan starts with the premise that all of the mall property The Park & Village Plan scenario is one in which portions of the site are comes under single ownership of a master developer. This scenario allows the transformed into a park while others are cleared of their existing conditions property to be developed in a manner irrespective of the existing property lines, to reduce blight, but are held until economic conditions are more favorable to roadways, underlying infrastructure, and buildings. With more freedom to form development. This scenario could be considered an interim stage to the other different geometries, a larger central gathering space surrounded by shops and development scenarios. townhomes, similar to Lafayette Square, would be possible. It should be stated that any of the scenarios would benefit from and could be implemented under Additional detail on the Park & Village Plan scenario is on page 4.32. single ownership and a master developer.

Additional detail on the Central Common Plan scenario is on page 4.30.


The northwest parcel is located at the intersection of Legend Lindbergh Boulevard and Old Jamestown Road and Buildings is currently home to the vacant Sears building. The Lindbergh Boulevard Civic Buildings entrances to the parcel are close to this intersection, I and it is the most visible parcel from the existing Access Lane Lots Parking roadways. The visibility from the intersection B presents an opportunity for redevelopment of Street Trees D A the northwest parcel to be the first phase of G Green Space redevelopment. F J

The northwest parcel is the ideal location for E H creating a village center to meet the local retail and entertainment needs of the surrounding community. C J A new street connecting Lindbergh Boulevard and Old Jamestown Road is seen as a future “high” High Street street, while a new access lane along the north and west sides of the site allows for on-street parking B and access away from the busy intersection.

Two schemes showing potential development of the northwest parcel are illustrated to emphasize that I

the street network and park spaces can be laid out Road Jamestown Old before all final development decisions are made. Both scenarios use the same basic block and street 0 100' 200'0' network but reveal the versatility of the plan. Village redevelopment on northwest parcel: Scenario A

Plan Features

A Farmers' Market ties the community to G Grocery Store is within walking its rural surroundings. distance of many new homes.

B Squares and greens are spatially H Movie Theatre defined by building frontages. I Multiple entrances into the community C Senior Living Facility prevent bottle-necking and disconnectedness of one-way-in / one- D ] way-out communities.

E Retail Street J Parking is located mid-block with garages placed on alleys. F Bus Stop Location

Plan Area Key

Page 4.8 May 2011 DRAFT JAMESTOWN MALL AREA PLAN Legend Scenario A shows a minimal amount of development Buildings with a small mixed-use area along with townhouses Lindbergh Boulevard Civic Buildings and single-family homes. Scenario B demonstrates the potential for more intense development. The Access Lane Lots block and street network accommodates a mix of Parking uses including retail, coffee shops, live/work units, Street Trees attached dwelling units, offices, and a senior living Green Space facility. F

In both scenarios, several small greens provide E spaces for community gatherings and civic art. A farmers’ market building faces onto a green along G the north side of the property and acts as a focal D point for the neighborhood. High Street


B Old Jamestown Road Jamestown Old

0 100' 200'0'

Village redevelopment on northwest parcel: Scenario B

Plan Features

A Residential lots back toward existing E High Street is still the main retail street. back of house areas and parking lots. F Bus Stop Location B Buildings facades should be aligned, as walls form a room. G Additional retail space replaces resi- dential uses. C A corner store and/or civic building at the heart of the community allows residents H Live/work units add additional home to walk to the market instead of having to work or small retail opportunities. drive out of the neighborhood.

D Outbuildings offer additional living space and storage.

Page 4.9 DETAILS OF THE PLAN DRAFT May 2011 Sample land use diagrams illustrate in more detail the way that the same Lindbergh Boulevard block and street network can accommodate varying densities. In Scenario B, some parking may need to be accommodated mid-block on adjacent parcels.

Scenario A Mix of Uses - Development Area Footprint (sf) Space (SF) Units <}] 60,000 120,000 - Live/Work Ground Space 28,000 28,000 29 Multifamily/Senior Living 35,000 87,500 88

Single Family & Townhouses - - 29 Old Jamestown Road Jamestown Old Parking Spaces - - 448 Total Residential Units 146 0 100' 200'0' Sample Land Use: Scenario A

Scenario B Lindbergh Boulevard Mix of Uses - Development Area Footprint (sf) Space (SF) Units <}] 120,000 240,000 - Live/Work Units 15,200 15,200 16 Multifamily/Senior Living 45,000 112,500 113 Single Family & Townhouses - - 17 Parking Spaces - - 448 Total Residential Units 146

Legend <}]9

Live/Work Building

Multifamily & Assisted Living

Single Family & Townhouses Old Jamestown Road Jamestown Old Civic Space

Right-of Way & Parking 0 100' 200'0'

Sample Land Use: Scenario B

Page 4.10 May 2011 DRAFT JAMESTOWN MALL AREA PLAN A mixed of uses contribute to vibrant public places.

The new “high street” is the central shopping Ample sidewalks, street trees, and on-street parking return to their routes. In addition, the activity on district of the village center. It is to become the are envisioned to create an outdoor public room of high street makes it an ideal bus stop location. center of the community by providing needs such activity. Parking lots are located mid-block and do not People can wait for the bus with dignity and run as shopping, restaurants, entertainment venues, detract from one’s experience while in public spaces. a few of their daily errands at the neighborhood and places to gather. Retail opportunities can be stores while they wait for the bus. supported by creating medical and office spaces as The high street creates a perfect location for access well as providing different types of housing options to public transit. The linkage between Lindbergh A range of housing can be provided on the northwest not offered elsewhere in North County. Boulevard and Old Jamestown Road creates a loop parcel such as live/work units, multifamily dwellings, that will be easy for buses to navigate and quickly townhomes, and senior living facilities.

Page 4.11 DETAILS OF THE PLAN DRAFT May 2011 Senior housing, such as shown at left above, is an integral part of the proposed new walkable village.

Complete neighborhoods should have a range of Baby Boomers in the country who will soon be productive, independent lifestyle for much longer. residential unit types and living options that cater to empty nesters and many are headed back to new all age groups. A range of housing types makes it and existing walkable urban centers. This growing Seniors benefit from close proximity to the diverse possible for a person to stay in their neighborhood senior population will be in particular need of living range of age groups attracted to vibrant mixed-use and close to family and social contacts as they mature. environments that do not depend on the use of the places. Daily contact with people of different ages automobile. When seniors have the option to live is stimulating and can increase longevity. Younger Zimmerman/Volk Associates and other population within a short walk of a grocery store, pharmacy, age groups can likewise benefit from the lifetimes of trend analysts estimate that there are 77 million and other shops, they are able to maintain a healthy, experience that seniors have to share. Page 4.12 May 2011 DRAFT JAMESTOWN MALL AREA PLAN A variety of residential building types would be located within walking distance to shops. A mix of residential housing could be within the same block. A corner store could be adjacent to attached townhomes which would be next to single family homes. Buildings meeting the public space of the street in a consistent way allow a variety of building types to coexist seamlessly with one another.

Page 4.13 DETAILS OF THE PLAN DRAFT May 2011 EXISTING ANCHOR PARCELS Each plan scenario is designed to incorporate the existing anchor tenants buildings – with their requirements for large-scale parking, direct visibility, and ample loading areas – into the walkable village center. Ideally this synthesis will result in a pedestrian-scaled place that is also anchored by the existing retail Lindbergh Boulevard shopping. However, should the anchor tenants eventually close, the plans are designed to extend the block and street network onto these parcels creating a more complete and cohesive village.

The anchor owners would be located amidst a variety of urban building types, E including street oriented mixed-use buildings with commercial shopfronts on the ground floor and offices on above, townhouses with dooryards or porches, and B courtyard apartment buildings set close to the streets. These building types can D respond to a variety of needs and their uses can change over time because of the way they address the public spaces is more important than the interior function A of the building. The anchor stores that front large expanses of parking have less flexibility in use. The integration of the village center and the neighborhood JC Penney with the anchor stores may be important should the anchor stores, which have Outlet less programmatic flexibility and a shorter design life, one day close. B C


Macy's A


E Plan Features B A Existing anchor stores coexist alongside new neighborhoods. Legend B Existing Parking Fields E Existing Buildings B C Entrances into anchor stores from the plaza replace interior corridor entrances. Civic Buildings Lots D Existing loading docks are preserved. Parking E New development on adjacent parcels back Street Trees \\H Green Space 0 100' 200' 300'

Plan Area Key

Page 4.14 May 2011 DRAFT JAMESTOWN MALL AREA PLAN If the existing anchor tenants choose to relocate in the future, the street network can be extended across the sites and completed with the fronts of buildings facing fronts and the rear of buildings facing alleys. Blocks from adjacent parcels Lindbergh Boulevard can be completed, culminating in a cohesive block and street network. New green spaces could be formed creating identity for the final portion of the development.

Commercial or apartment buildings would then frame the end of the plaza where the large anchor buildings once stood. E

The plaza would then be seamlessly connected into the neighborhood with C additional street connections and links to Lindbergh Boulevard. D A






Plan Features G

A New development completes the block D Squares and greens are spatially defined and street network begun with previous by building frontages. development. Legend E Greens can be used as playgrounds and Buildings B A direct east-west connection across the temporary stormwater retention. site is completed. Civic Buildings A F Small civic buildings terminate long views. Lots C Green spaces serve the surrounding resi- dences. As a general rule the tighter the ra- G Direct connections are made between the Parking tio of the width of greens and streets to the greens within each segment of the neigh- height of surrounding buildings the stronger borhood. Street Trees the sense of place. Green Space 0 200' 400' 800'


The central parcel is located next to Old Jamestown Plan Features Road and is currently occupied by the movie theatre and inline portion of the mall. It has one entrance to A Neighborhood Plaza has a small civic building as focal Jamestown Mall, but additional access is provided point for the neighborhood. through the northwest parcel. B Neighborhood Green CONCEPTUAL DEVELOPMENT SCENARIO C Attached green serves dual The design for the central parcel is focused around purpose of community amenity a new additional entrance to the site along Old and stormwater retention. Jamestown Road. The existing homes on the west D [7 F edge of development. I side of Old Jamestown Road would face a 150’ D greenbelt which would transition into a well-defined JC Penney E Plaza is framed by attached Outlet outdoor space along a linear green. residential or commercial uses. E

A variety of neighborhood uses could be located F Parking is located mid-block and can serve as parking for A Old Jamestown Road Jamestown Old B along the linear green. A corner store or small the village center. cafe could be located at the end of the green and H E attached townhouses, multifamily units, or senior G Garages are placed on alleys. living facilities along the sides. Just as with the high H New entrance are added onto Macy's Old Jamestown Road. street, on-street parking will be provided, but the D I majority of the parking would be located in mid- F I Street trees, on-street parking block locations. and properly sized sidewalks along streetscapes create An axial plaza is the center of the parcel and overall desirable addresses and enhance the pedestrian envi- village. While high street is the commercial focus ronment. of the village center on the northwest parcel, the G plaza is the center of the neighborhood focused on C the central parcel. As with the village center, with a coherent block and street network, the focus of the plaza can either be additional neighborhood Legend commercial and office activities, or be more Buildings residential in nature. Civic Buildings The exact mix of retail, office, residential, and Lots recreational uses can be increased or decreased Parking depending on what is needed. The plaza could Street Trees be fronted with retail or office, or it could be lined with live/work units or residential townhomes. The Green Space important thing is that the fronts of buildings define Plaza Space 0 100' 200' 300' the perimeter of the plaza. Plan Area Key

Page 4.16 May 2011 DRAFT JAMESTOWN MALL AREA PLAN The plaza is intended to be all at one level with Plan Features the interior space protected by bollards. The plaza could either be fully urban, with brick, stone, or A Residential units complete the block begun on the northeast cobblestone, or less urban with grass and native parcel. landscaping. M B Community Gardens H If the anchor tenants remain, the plaza would C Cafe provide a new front door at entrances currently entered via the interior of the mall. The entrances D Soccer Fields A E would face a high quality public space in addition to E Tennis Courts the parking lots they face now. If the anchor store parcels redevelop, streets can extend out from the F Basketball Courts - Some JC Penney courts may be enclosed in a Outlet plaza continuing the street and block network. building for year round play.

G Parking

CONCEPTUAL PARK SCENARIO I Old Jamestown Road Jamestown Old An alternative for this parcel is that it could also be H Overflow parking is accommo- dated in existing parking lots. developed as a recreational park. The block begun K C on the northwest parcel is completed with a row of I Baseball / Softball fields buildings. Macy's J Event Lawn D J The streets running north-south can remain intact K Small Retail or Civic Buildings while the other streets are removed or replaced with pedestrian paths. When a coherent block and L Civic Plaza H street network is in place, blocks can be joined F M Pedestrian connection to the L to accommodate larger uses and create cohesive village center. pedestrian environments. B G In both scenarios, the anchor tenants can remain in operation while development occurs around them.

Legend Buildings

Civic Buildings



Street Trees

Green Space

Plaza Space 0 100' 200' 300'0'

Page 4.17 DETAILS OF THE PLAN DRAFT May 2011 EASTERN OUTPARCELS The eastern outparcels include the two entrances to Jamestown Mall from Lindbergh Boulevard. The parcel is made up of three outparcels currently being used for agricultural purposes. E Robbins Mill Road Just as in the village center, an access lane would be created adjacent to Lindbergh Boulevard. This separation from the existing roadway adds to the greenbelt around the site and makes a more resilient street address and provides on street parking.

Lindbergh Boulevard The access lane could continue all the way to the village center on the northwest parcel or it could turn earlier and leave a remnant of the agricultural lands by the farmers market. This vestige of agricultural land could also be reconfigured as a community garden, linking the village center to its rural neighbors in North County.

The Fox Manor subdivision wrapping the east and south sides of the Jamestown Mall site include stub out street connection points for inter-connectivity. The plan utilizes these potential connections and links into the existing community. Residential lots, comparable in size to the adjacent lots, border the existing units to form complete blocks. Green space flowways protected in the surrounding subdivisions are continued onto the site.

Plan Features D

A Natural drainage pattern to Coldwa- C ter Creek is continued with a park system that serves as both civic space and stormwater management.

B "Stub outs" from Fox Manor are D connected to, creating complete blocks. Legend A C The ring road becomes a tree-lined Buildings avenue with a median making resi- dential uses more attractive. Civic Buildings D D Edge lots allow parking from drive- Lots ways on the sides of lots; however Parking B garages are always located at the rear of the lot. Street Trees A

D Indoor Sports Facility located next to Green Space B Plan Area Key the Village Center. Agriculture Land 0 100' 200' 300'

Page 4.18 May 2011 DRAFT JAMESTOWN MALL AREA PLAN During the charrette a desire for indoor basketball or an indoor quarter mile track and fieldhouse was expressed. TO be built in this location, they would need to be financially viable and supported by additional feasibility studies. They have been included as an option to illustrate H Robbins Mill Road how they could be incorporated into the village neighborhood.

These types of facilities do not need to take up large portions of the site. Just as with the Park Plan scenario, a few blocks can be joined to create an appropriately sized parcel for these facilities. A potential Lindbergh Boulevard location could be to face Lindbergh Boulevard along the eastern I portion of the site.

The sports facilities' main parking would be provided within the interior of the block. The existing parking fields can be used for overflow and event parking. In the event that the existing parking fields no longer exist, parking would be accommodated in mid-block locations throughout the village center and neighborhood. The tree lined streets will provide a nicer atmosphere to walk the short distance to the facility than the large open parking lots would. JC Penney Outlet The long, and likely blank, facades of the indoor sports facility and fieldhouse are adjacent to the rear lot lines of homes, minimizing their visual effect on public spaces.


Macy's B

Plan Features C C A Indoor sports center can be F ]:\\: integrated into the village ~\ F E neighborhood. mid-block locations. Legend Buildings B Fieldhouse with quarter mile track G Residential development backs Civic Buildings toward parking lots and are G C /7\ accessed through rear alleys. D do not detract from the public Lots realm by being located in mid-block H Preserved agricultural land could Parking location. also become a community garden. Street Trees D Drop-Off for Fieldhouse I An access lane permits on-street Green Space parking and makes a better street E Parking is in mid-block location. address than Lindbergh Boulevard. Agriculture Land 0 100' 200' 300'

Page 4.19 DETAILS OF THE PLAN DRAFT May 2011 SOUTHERN PARCEL The southern parcel dips below the rest of the site and borders Coldwater Creek. The majority of the land in this area is in the floodplain and is shown remaining in its natural state. An existing retention pond is also located in this area.

Coldwater Creek is also part of the Great Rivers Greenway regional trail system, making this an ideal location to create a stop along this Jamestown Road important regional project. Paths and trails adjacent to Coldwater Old City of Creek can lead through the park up to the village center. D Black Jack During the charrette North County residents requested numerous park and outdoor amenities such as an amphitheater. The southern parcel holds the potential to create an outdoor amphitheater space A for events and neighborhood gatherings. Parking for the amphitheater would be provided within the village center.

The existing retention pond would be expanded to provide an attractive E amenity and serve as a drainage retention area for stormwater management. A public gazebo or pavilion would be located on the new F G pond. A field would be located between the amphitheater and pond, crisscrossed with nature paths and native plantings. At the axis of these trails a children’s splash area provides recreation during the hot summer months. The nature trails would extend into the village neighborhoods and along the greenbelt encircling the village neighborhood. G

Plan Features B A Amphitheater

B Retention Pond

C Great Rivers Greenway Trail

D Bike Shop (Trailhead)

Legend F E Drop-Off Area C Civic Buildings Coldwater Creek F Naturally Preserved Open Space Street Trees

G Recreational Lawns Green Space 0 100' 200' 300'

Plan Area Key

Page 4.20 May 2011 DRAFT JAMESTOWN MALL AREA PLAN A limited amount of residential, senior living or other types of development could be built in this location. This parcel has many constraints and development in the area may be difficult, but is achievable.

An additional street connection could be added to connect to the Fox Manor neighborhood. This would improve connectivity of the Fox Jamestown Road Manor neighborhood to the village center while not burdening the Old D neighborhood with additional traffic. City of Black Jack





B Plan Features

A Neighborhood Greens

B Retention Pond

C Great Rivers Greenway Trail Legend Civic Buildings D F Bike Shop (Trailhead) C Lots Coldwater Creek E New Street Connection Street Trees F Naturally Preserved Open Space Green Space 0 100' 200' 300'

Page 4.21 DETAILS OF THE PLAN DRAFT May 2011 TRADITIONAL NEIGHBORHOOD DEVELOPMENT PLAN While buildings may come and go over time, streets Once fully implemented the pattern of thoroughfares and public spaces tend to last through time. A and blocks becomes the most discernible. The design network of streets and blocks provides a framework uses a hierarchy of diagonals for through traffic and for development; however, density, land use, and an even dispersion of traffic through the web of architectural character are interchangeable elements streets. Deflected street views produce interesting which great streets merely facilitate. Great streets set vistas. This model is similar to John Nolen’s plan for the tone for new development and will demonstrate Mariemont, Ohio from 1921 and relates loosely to confidence in the future of the village center. the ideal city diagrams of the European Renaissance. The web-shaped plan combines the intelligibility of One can learn from historic cities across the the orthogonal grid with a radial pattern. country, such as Downtown St. Louis, Savannah, or New York, to better understand that a network All residential units would be within the radius of of blocks and streets provides flexibility for the a five to ten minute walk of the village center. The continued evolution of a place. Over time lots larger commercial components at the intersection of may be assembled and subdivided to accommodate Lindbergh Boulevard and Old Jamestown Road would buildings of various sizes, depending on the market be within a short walk. The highly visible intersection demand and community needs. Parks and open satisfies the marketing requirements of retail while spaces also endure and are important to the long the seamless connections to neighborhood streets term prospects of a neighborhood. provide a reliable base of customers. Traditional Neighborhood Development Plan as shown on page While uncertainty about the exact type of Squares, greens, and parks are distributed 4.6 with existing anchor buildings. development and uses for the Jamestown Mall throughout the neighborhoods, many containing site may linger, an investment in constructing a public buildings. Larger civic buildings are thoughtful framework of streets and public spaces prominently sited, terminating vistas, and ending will establish addresses which can accommodate a streets memorably. The green spaces are designed wide range of development over time. for informal social activity with recreation as well as larger civic gatherings. Pocket parks, dog parks, The County or a master developer could lay out flower gardens, playgrounds, community supported the streets before knowing exactly what buildings small agricultural plots, places for worship, and will go there. Alleys aid in the flexibility of blocks, other public facilities – all of the social, cultural, and and should be used for utilities, as well as for rear religious activities present in complete communities vehicular access to buildings and parking. Parking – are integrated into the community. is accommodated along the streets and in mid-block lots accessed from the alleys, and out of view from pedestrians.

John Nolen's plan for Mariemont, Ohio, 1921

Page 4.22 May 2011 DRAFT JAMESTOWN MALL AREA PLAN Lindbergh Boulevard Traditional Neighborhood Development D Plan Features A Robbins Mill Road A Village Center I B B High Street is the main commercial street. N C An outdoor plaza at the village center creates a unique D space for neighbors to meet. Buildings around the F M E plaza should be built up to the right-of-way in order to frame the plaza.

H D A continuous greenbelt defines the edge of the village J neighborhood. D

E A central neighborhood green provides a place for C children to play.

E Old Jamestown Road Jamestown Old

K F Community gardens create a different way to socialize I with neighbors while growing vegetables and flowers. N G Within residential areas, a few homes may front on M pedestrian paths or civic spaces, rather than directly N onto streets. J I M G City of H A site is reserved for a civic building such as a small Black church, school, or community center. Jack I Alleys allow garages to be located at the rear of the L lots so that the front facades of homes face one an- other across the street.

J A grid of streets connects the entire settlement.

K A fieldhouse and indoor sports facility front the street, but have the mass of their long blank facades hidden Legend from the public realm in mid-block locations. Buildings L Amphitheater Civic Buildings

Lots M Guest parking is provided on-street while private parking for residences is provided off of alleys at the Parking rear of the lots.

Street Trees Coldwater Creek N Additional parking for the village center, amphithe- Green Space ater, and sports facilities are provided in mid-block locations to not detract from the public realm of the Plaza Space street.

0 200' 400' 800' Agriculture Land

Page 4.23 DETAILS OF THE PLAN DRAFT May 2011 TRANSECT ZONES The transitioning of unit type and use is typically coded with a transect system. detached homes of increasing size and acreage, many with accessory dwelling The transect is a classification system describing a cross section through the units or granny flats. The variety facilitates mixed income and household various environments and functions of the human habitat. Each transect zone characteristics. has a set of parameters that describe the physical form of development such as building type, placement on a lot, and height. The Transect Maps illustrates how the street network can remain the same while the intensity of development can vary based on the allotment of transect zones A diversity of residential types from most urban to least would transition from throughout the village center. neighborhood center to edge. Courtyard apartment buildings and townhouses would transition to small cottages, duplexes with edge yards, and single-family

Lindbergh Boulevard Lindbergh Boulevard Robbins Mill Road Robbins Mill Road

City of City of Black Black Jack Jack

Legend Center Coldwater Creek Coldwater Creek General


0 200' 400' 800' Open Space

Page 4.24 May 2011 DRAFT JAMESTOWN MALL AREA PLAN T1: Natural T3: Edge The natural transect is generally located outside Edge consists of the primarily residential areas, T5: Center the boundary of the neighborhood and consists but includes some mixed-use such as corner stores. Center comprises the most highly walkable of undeveloped lands including lands unsuitable Home occupations and accessory dwelling units environment and has the greatest mix of uses. It for settlement due to topography, hydrology, or are allowed. Plantings are naturalistic and setbacks consists of a higher intensity mix of uses that includes vegetation. Trails and utilities may be situated in are may vary from the public streets. Blocks may retail, offices, and live/work units and multi-family this transect. be large and the roads irregular to accommodate residential. T5 areas typically have fairly small natural conditions. blocks with wide sidewalks, regularly-spaced street T2: Open Space planting. Buildings are taller and would be between Open space consists of sparsely settled lands in T4: General two and four stories with narrow or no setbacks an open or cultivated state. These include parks, General maintains a residential village fabric from the right-of way. squares, woodland, grasslands, trails, stormwater coupled with mixed-use buildings. This transect management features, and open space areas. Typical may have a wide range of building types, such as buildings are civic and recreational in nature. single-family, cottages townhomes, duplexes, and multi-family buildings. Setbacks are minimal and landscaping varies. Streets typically define medium- sized blocks.

T1: Natural Zone

T2: Open Space

T3: Edge

T4: General

T5: Center

Page 4.25 DETAILS OF THE PLAN DRAFT May 2011 STREET NETWORK The plan for the village center provides an interconnected network of walkable streets. By providing multiple routes within the neighborhoods, Lindbergh Boulevard and multiple connections to surrounding streets, Robbins Mill Road traffic can be distributed more efficiently than in the conventional suburban pattern which is characterized by cul-de-sacs that empty traffic onto large streets. The interconnected street network provides alternate routes throughout the neighborhood which lessens the impact on any one roadway.

Street sections would be organized using a hierarchy of types that relate to the gradation of intensity from

village center to rural edges. Old Jamestown Road Jamestown Old Village center street types with tree wells and wide commercial sidewalks transition to neighborhood yield streets with wide planting strips and slower design speeds. Buildings would be set farther from the thoroughfare yet stay close enough for front porches to be within conversation distance of the City of sidewalk on all but the largest edge lots. Black Jack In addition to the street network, the proposed system of alleys and pedestrian trails and paths will provide enhanced connectivity for vehicles, pedestrians, and bicyclists. Alleys provide rear access to residences and businesses, which reduces curb cuts along streets, improving the pedestrian experience. The system of alleys and paths serves as a secondary means of pedestrian circulation through the entire village. The trail system would provide access to the open space amenities on the site, as well as provide opportunities for recreation. Legend Existing Streets Coldwater Creek Proposed Streets


0 200' 400' 800' Pedestrian Path

Page 4.26 May 2011 DRAFT JAMESTOWN MALL AREA PLAN GREEN NETWORK & CIVIC BUILDINGS The network of neighborhood parks and open spaces make up the green network. The interconnected green network will provide neighborhood access to Lindbergh Boulevard parks, trails and open spaces, as well as to the Great Robbins Mill Road Rivers Greenway Regional Trail planned along Coldwater Creek. Civic spaces within the village, such as greens and squares, will provide opportunities for both formal and informal gathering, and may also serve stormwater retention purposes.

Landmark buildings or civic buildings, together with the system of green spaces, will provide identity for each parcel that makes up the village. These buildings would be located in prominent locations,

marking the entrance to the village or adjacent to Road Jamestown Old the main civic space.

City of Black Jack

Coldwater Creek Legend Green Space

0 200' 400' 800' Civic Building

Page 4.27 DETAILS OF THE PLAN DRAFT May 2011 GARDEN SUBURB PLAN The Garden Suburb Plan contains many of A second rural village center off of Old Jamestown the features of the Traditional Neighborhood Road, with small mixed-use or attached residential Development Plan with some programmatic and units, continues from the northwest parcel stylistic differences. down to a large green. Unlike in the Traditional Neighborhood Plan, a more direct pathway for the The plan is similar to the organic plans of Frederick neighboring subdivision located to the south of the Law Olmsted and John Nolen, both prolific land rural village center is proposed. The green belt in planners of national repute at the turn of the last the Traditional Neighborhood Development Plan century who designed or inspired many of St. Louis’ would be eliminated along Old Jamestown Road most prized neighborhoods and parks, like University and buildings front toward the existing roadway City and Tower Grove Park. The plan uses irregular, and face the neighborhood across the road. elongated blocks and lots, and terrain-responsive winding streets and greens evocative of the plan for Residential lots line the edges of the plan with Riverside, Illinois created in 1869 by Olmsted. smaller lots and smaller blocks located in the central areas. The open space pathways of the neighboring The open spaces throughout the neighborhoods southern subdivision carry through to larger parks form a network of undulating greens planted with in the plan. native landscaping. Pedestrian promenades with double rows of trees and paths are located at the Like the Traditional Neighborhood Development center of median boulevards which connect the Plan, the street network has both a clear east/west various greens. At the geographic center of the plan and north/south orientation but in this plan the path is an informal green rather than an urban plaza. is more winding, angles are softened, and there is a more discernible hierarchy of streets by use of the The distortion of the grid integrates nature and parks, center median boulevards. mixing regularity with the picturesque. Curvilinear rather than orthogonal blocks create curved roads that lead the eye to the front doors of homes as one travels along the thoroughfares. Facades follow the right-of way smoothly along shallow curves by maintaining side lot lines that are perpendicular to the front lot line. Frontages of adjacent blocks are typically not parallel along the main boulevards, and the roads look as if they follow well-worn paths around natural features.

Page 4.28 May 2011 DRAFT JAMESTOWN MALL AREA PLAN Lindbergh Boulevard Garden Suburb Plan Features

A G Village Center E Robbins Mill Road B Residential Center

C Greens extend natural flowways to Coldwater Creek. F A D A variety of lot sizes and price points allows for a diverse community.

E Civic sites are reserved in prominent locations. D F Playgrounds, squares and greens are located at the center and edge of neighborhoods.

G An alternate location for an indoor sports facility.

Old Jamestown Road Jamestown Old B D


City of Black C Jack

Legend Buildings

Civic Buildings

Lots Coldwater Creek Parking

Street Trees

0 200' 400' 800' Green Space

Page 4.29 DETAILS OF THE PLAN DRAFT May 2011 CENTRAL COMMON PLAN The Central Common Plan ignores existing lot The central common is a large-sized public space lines and assumes simultaneous and complete available for unstructured recreation, defined by redevelopment of all portions of the site. If the building facades, with a landscape of grass and property is to be redeveloped all at once this plan trees, paths, and open shelters. Trees would be is not necessarily preferred over the others, which dispersed around the center and arranged along the work equally well if the existing lot lines are edges of the park so that their canopies cast shade extinguished. However this plan provides green over the sidewalks. A fountain at the center of the spaces and a street network of a different character green would serve as a focal point and be visible at than the other two plans. the end of the main street. Diagonal avenues radiate from the central common to the amphitheater and A main street leads from Lindbergh Boulevard linear open space near the corners of the plan. to a central common. The multi-story, mixed-use buildings present a combination of frontage types. As in the other plans a transect system would On the first floor, forecourts suitable for outdoor order elements along an urban-to-rural continuum dining, shopfronts with awnings, and galleries and outward from the central common. Building, street, colonnades cantilevered over the sidewalks and and open space characteristics would go from casting complete shade are all intended. Office uses more to less dense. Primarily mixed-use buildings are located on higher floors. transition to residential. Attached buildings lead to detached buildings. Shallow setbacks give way The Central Common plan presents an uninterrupted to deeper setbacks, masonry buildings give way to orthogonal grid, rotated 45 degrees perpendicular wooden buildings; generally flat roofs to generally to the curve of Old Jamestown Road, running pitched roofs; streets and alleys to roads and lanes; diagonally across the site, with a large central wide sidewalks to narrow paths; plazas and squares square planned near the geographic center of the to greens and parks, street lighting to starlight. The plan. Similar to the Traditional Neighborhood variety that characterizes enduring communities is Development plan, a continuous greenbelt on the present in this plan as much as in the others. periphery of the development reserves open space in perpetuity.

The street network and use of a large central square are reminiscent of county seat towns of the westward expansion; however the Central Common plan nevertheless shifts grid orientation and adjusts block sizes to relate to the neighboring subdivisions and to incorporate environmental features. The open space corridors of the subdivision to the south extend north into the plan and become significant elements.

Page 4.30 May 2011 DRAFT JAMESTOWN MALL AREA PLAN I Lindbergh Boulevard Central Common Plan Features

E A Central Common Robbins Mill Road G B Indoor Sports Facility I C C High Street, the main commercial street, leads directly from Lindbergh Boulevard to the Central Common.

G F D A splash fountain at the center of the common is a place for children to play. E D A F E Access Lane

H F A greenbelt differentiates the village neighborhoods B and provides opportunities to reshape flowways to-

E ward Coldwater Creek. Old Jamestown Road Jamestown Old G The village center may host a grocery store, daycare I center, live/work buildings, farmers' market and transit stop. The defined edge preserves nearby farms and green spaces. H H H Unit types are mixed. Attached townhouses neighbor detached homes on the same block. City of Black I Multiple connections between the neighborhood and Jack the local street system reduce traffic at peak times.

Legend Buildings

Civic Buildings


Parking Coldwater Creek Street Trees

Green Space

0 200' 400' 800' Plaza Space

Page 4.31 DETAILS OF THE PLAN DRAFT May 2011 PARK & VILLAGE PLAN There is the possibility that the economic A smaller amount of retail can give this site a sense of development potential will not be realized in this place and still become the center of the community, part of North County for many years. Land banking even if most of the site remains undeveloped. is a method used by investors, city, county or state governments where they purchase and hold land Some streets would be pedestrian-only, with parking that is vacant, rural or underutilized in anticipation access provided through a rear alley. Homes on such of future development. A few methods of land a street would face quiet garden paths. A pedestrian banking may be utilized at Jamestown Mall in order network of parks, squares, sidewalks along streets, to preserve the land until economic forces make and walkways cutting through blocks would link developing in this location more desirable. all parts of the plan, making walking easier than driving. Along the site’s Lindbergh Boulevard edge, farming uses currently provide a greenbelt around the site. A community park can be developed on a portion of The greenbelt could be considered a placeholder use the site while retaining most of the land as a land until redevelopment is ready to occur at this site. bank for future development.

It may be in the interest of the community to demolish the mall buildings and parking lots in an effort to reduce the blighting effect of the vacant structures and expanses of asphalt. The demolition Park and Village Plan as shown on page 4.7 with existing of the existing buildings would remove an obstacle anchor buildings. and cost that could delay development of the site in the future.

Page 4.32 May 2011 DRAFT JAMESTOWN MALL AREA PLAN Lindbergh Boulevard Land Bank / Park Plan Features G A Large community or privately-owned farms are an A Robbins Mill Road H amenity that preserves the area’s identity. Agricultural E land can also preserve land for future development.

B Municipal Park F I C Open green space preserves land for future develop- A ment opportunities.

D Amphitheater

E Village Center C F High Street

Old Jamestown Road Jamestown Old G B Farmers' Market

H Special prominent sites are reserved for civic buildings.

A I Houses front a well-proportioned green to form a community outdoor room. These units are accessed by the rear alley only with no street between them and City of the green. Black Jack


Legend Buildings

Civic Buildings



Street Trees Coldwater Creek Green Space

Plaza Space

0 200' 400' 800' Agriculture Land













DRAFT May 2011

INTRODUCTION Jamestown Mall has been in a state of slow eco- At the same time, local residents are looking for a include a residential component that provides pri- nomic decline for many years. The Jamestown Mall different mix of services and retail than they feel the mary market support for this location. Area Plan discusses opportunities for repurposing mall currently delivers; they feel it does not provide the land use at Jamestown Mall to address commu- the kinds of quality merchandise they are seeking. Throughout this chapter the boundaries for North nity concerns and create new economic vitality in County are as defined by North County Incorporat- this important sector of the County. Many knowl- The charrette revealed that North County residents ed Service Area. It is bounded by the Missouri River edgeable observers, including a ULI panel and a for- desire a place where they can shop, eat, find enter- on the north and west, the Mississippi River and the mer operator of the mall itself, agree that the site, tainment, and gather; a center for the community. City of St. Louis to the east, and Page Avenue or currently occupied by Jamestown Mall, is not likely State Road to the south. to survive as a regional mall because of location, ac- The solution to this conflicting set of perceptions cess, and surrounding demographics, despite above and community desires will not be a conventional This chapter details the economic and market op- average incomes in the area. single-use master plan. The creation of a village cen- portunities available at the Jamestown Mall site. ter is feasible through building synergies between Additional information on background information The effective primary trade area for the mall is de- different land uses. The combination of uses and and constraints can be found in Chapter 1: Back- scribed in detail in Chapter 1: Background. The design of the place can create a destination that ap- ground, and design details of the conceptual plan effective primary trade area is a geographic area peals to a wider market by offering amenities that scenarios and alternatives are in Chapter 4: Details around the Jamestown Mall site that is closest and are not frequently available in the region and can of the Plan. most convenient for residents. Given a choice and Effective Primary Trade Area (outlined in blue) North County Boundary offering the services that people desire, people with- in the effective primary trade area would shop at the Jamestown Mall site due to its convenient loca- tion to them.

In addition, the karst topography, Missouri River floodplains, and sinkholes impose a physical con- straint on development north of Lindbergh Boule- Jamestown Mall vard. The geologic and geographic constraints of the site leave the immediate trade area character- ized by low-density neighborhoods and agricultural uses. Such uses provide an pleasant setting for liv- ing close to nature, but do not provide a strong pri- mary market for regional retail.

Interviews with developers, retail consultants, and property owners indicated a need for a pro-active ap- proach to changing land use. The planning team was told by retail professionals that the “center of grav- ity”, or most viable location for retail in the North County area, is closer to Lindbergh Boulevard and The Effective Primary Trade Area for Jamestown Mall (in blue) #$7$7$#$ contains 4,700 households which can potentially support a max- Service Area. New Halls Ferry Road, 3 miles to the west of the site. imum of around 200,000 square feet of retail. Note: 7-minute drive area is outlined in brown. Page 5.1 ECONOMICS DRAFT May 2011 DESIRE FOR SERVICES Local residents are frustrated with Jamestown Mall because it does not provide the kinds of and quality of merchandise they desire. The decline in retail op- tions and in high end stores can be attributed to the lack of access, depth of market (number of overall shoppers) in the area, and a changing preference for the environments where people shop.

Over time, retailers seem to have misunderstood the lifestyle segments and preferences of the surround- ing community. Many members of the community have stopped frequenting the mall as the selection of products they were looking for declined, creating a cycle of the breadth of merchandise being reduced even though the typical incomes of the immediately surrounding community are above average.

At the same time the market analysis suggests that the location of the mall does not have access to the number of households required to support a 1.2 million square foot regional mall with numerous national tenants. Without competitive access and proximity to higher concentrations of households, the site cannot support the large scale national re- tailers the residents would like to see, and residents do not support the existing retail as it is not appro- Jamestown Mall Redevelopment SLCEC Website Survey. http://www.slcec.com/jamestownmallsurvey.html priately targeted to the people within the primary This graph shows a tally of votes in a survey of desired possible uses for the Jamestown Mall location. trade area. Source: St. Louis County Economic Council, survey as of September 9, 2010 The St. Louis County Economic Council (SLCEC) A second major concern was voiced for a place to Macy’s is undergoing a national restructuring that hosts an active survey on their website asking resi- gather such as an amphitheater, public green space, allows local managers to better address the con- dents what services they would like to see at the or community center. While the results of this sur- cerns of their markets. As Macy’s attempts to recali- Jamestown Mall site. The survey indicates a popu- vey do not necessarily suggest market support for brate their inventory to local preferences, their sales lar desire to maintain the existing retail stores while any particular retail use, they do help articulate the are said to be improving. The decision for the exist- adding in other uses, most notably restaurants, a aspirations of the community. ing anchor tenants to remain in operation at this farmers’ market, and coffee shops. location will be based on corporate business models and volume of sales. This matches the community input throughout the charrette, where neighbors voiced a desire for high- er quality retail services, particularly mentioning business apparel and local restaurants.


In general, new retail uses tend to locate close to Support for Village Retail new households. Although North County antici- pates limited growth, there is an existing market for Groceries: Food at Home local services and a potential to create a new walk- Restaurants/Cafes: Food Away from Home able community. Household Furnishings, Equipment & Supplies Apparel and Services Support for village retail is determined by examin- Pet Supplies ing the effective primary trade area (described on Reading/ School Books & Supplies page 5.1) household spending by retail category1. Lawn and Garden The aggregate spending of the area is divided by the Computer/Video/Audio/Phone Equipment average sales per square foot of each category to de- Smoking Products termine the amount of supportable space. To proj- ect future support, the existing household spending Drugs & Personal Care patterns are applied to the potential number of new Toys & Sports Equipment households in the development program. square feet 0 15,000 30,000 45,000 60,000

The spending patterns of existing (2010) residents 2010 2030 Support from On-Site Housing in the effective trade area suggest there is support This graph shows the estimated amount of retail space supportable by spending from households in the effective primary trade area for up to 200,000 square feet of local serving retail. of the study site. While little growth has been anticipated for this area, a redevelopment of Jamestown Mall that included up to 1,100 The Jamestown Mall site is in competition with oth- $:HSource: ESRI BAO & Urban Advisors Ltd er small strip center commercial offerings within the trade area. However, development of a walkable vil- Retail spaces within the proposed village center at Attracting new retailers, especially a grocery store, lage, as described in Chapter 4: Details of the Plan, Jamestown Mall can vary in size. Retail spaces can and reconfiguring existing businesses into a “main would be able to rely on this market. The existing be as small as 500 square feet up to 15,000 square street” environment will be greatly facilitated by in- anchor tenants may interfere with some amount of feet. The sizes offered here are attractive to local, corporating new housing within a short walk of the supportable apparel and service offerings; however, regional, and national tenants. Some national re- amenities. Housing will provide additional support, they do not rely exclusively on this curtailed trade tailers are now downsizing, making the spaces more in the form of a “captive audience,” to secure the vi- area for support, so smaller boutique shops may be attractive. Staples, according to the Wall Street Jour- ability of retail on this site. possible. nal, is opening 4,000 square foot stores and Tesco, a grocery chain, is opening 10,000 square foot food stores. These smaller sized stores are better able to fit into more urban or village type settings. They are also more attractive to elderly patrons who do not need to walk as far within a store to get what 1 Like the existing anchor stores, the movie theatre draws from they need. a regional trade area and is less dependent on the local area support from within the effective primary trade area. Unlike the apparel sector, there is less competition with fewer the- aters in the region. Based on a separate trade area analysis, it appears that 8 screens are supportable at this location and could be a central component of the village retail concept.

Page 5.3 ECONOMICS DRAFT May 2011 Support for retail within the village center is trans- Sample Village Retail Program lated into a sample program based on an average Near Term Mid Term Long Term (or minimum) size facility for each retail category (square feet) (square feet) (square feet) and standard lot sizes compatible with the village Groceries: Food at Home 0 25,000 50,000 design. The near term scenario assumes a 50% cap- Restaurants/Cafes: Food Away from Home 12,000 33,000 42,000 ture of local spending. The mid and long term sce- narios assume full capture of local spending with an Household Furnishings, Equipment & Supplies 12,000 32,000 40,000 increase in households as the residential component Apparel & Services 8,000 22,000 28,000 of the development is built out. Pet Supplies 4,000 8,000 12,000 Reading / School Books & Supplies 4,000 8,000 12,000 Typical local serving retail developments expect a Lawn & Garden 4,000 8,000 12,000 capture of around 60% of local spending category Computer / Video / Audio / Phone Equipment 3,000 9,000 12,000 dollars, and this primary market usually represents Drugs & Personal Care 0 8,000 8,000 only 60% of the total anticipated market, so we use the full spending number to gauge the scale of sup- Toys & Sports Equip 0 6,000 6,000 portable retail. Movie Theatre 32,000 32,000 32,000 Total 79,000 191,000 254,000

The sample program suggests a range of potentially >7$7~O<P supportable uses for the proposed village center. Jamestown Mall site at the low and high end of the development spectrum. In the near term, the village may support a movie theatre with several restaurants and boutique shops totaling around 76,000 square feet. In the mid- and long term, the village may include a grocery store along with more restaurants and cafes, and bou- tique shops. A seasonal farmers' market may be pos- sible and could complement a grocery store, but is not included in the sample program as a retail use.

It should be noted that the sample program assumes the demolition of the in-line portion of the mall, en- visioning the ability to relocate current tenants as part of the new village center. The current anchor stores are not included or subtracted from this pro- gram since they draw from a wider, regional area, although they may indeed capture some portion of the local support for apparel and services. The esti- mates of this study are intended to be in addition to the existing anchor stores.

Page 5.4 May 2011 DRAFT JAMESTOWN MALL AREA PLAN EMPLOYMENT POTENTIAL There are 30,000 people within the 7-minute drive time (illustrated on page North County Projected Employment Change (2008-2018)

5.1) study area surrounding the Jamestown Mall site, representing 7.9% of the Health Care and Social Assistance 377,000 people in North County. According to employment projections from Educational Services the Bureau of Labor Statistics, Local Employment Dynamics & Missouri Eco- nomic Research and Information Center, and Missouri Department of Economic Arts, Entertainment, and Recreation Development, North County is expected to add 6,400 new jobs between 2008 Accommodation and Food Services and 2018. Management of Companies and Enterprises

Professional, Scientific, and Technical Services If the Jamestown Mall site captured a proportion of growth equal to the exist- ing percent of the population within a 7-minute drive, over 500 new jobs in the Construction immediate area could be created. This could be achieved by providing a setting Finance and Insurance with the amenities of local retail, availability of quality housing, and an existing Real Estate and Rental and Leasing trained workforce. Wholesale Trade

The largest categories of projected employment growth in North County are Admin & Support, Waste Mgmt and Remediation Health Care and Educational Services. These categories each include a wide Other Services (excluding Public Administration) range of professions housed in many different building typologies. Health Care Public Administration includes hospitals, doctor’s offices, nursing and assisted living care. Educational Jobs 0 750 1,500 2,250 Services include K-12, colleges, trade schools and tutoring. Christian Hospital, This graph shows the projected change from 2008 to 2018 in employment by industry in North three exits south of the site on Highway 367, anticipates continued modest County. Bars to the right anticipate growth of jobs in that industry and bars to the left suggest a net growth at this location although most of their growth will be located at facilities loss of industry jobs. These projections are useful in understanding what types of new jobs the area 5.5 miles west on I-270 on Graham Road. might accommodate and in anticipating what types of facilities a location might provide to foster economic development. Source: Bureau of Labor Statistics, Local Employment Dynamics & Missouri Economic A representative from Christian Hospital suggests that North County is under- Research and Information Center, Missouri Department of Economic Development served by general practitioners, and that the most efficient business model is for about 3 offices of 3 to 5 practitioners to share back-office space and staff in a Imputed Average Wage facility that totals around 20,000 square feet. Industry Imputed Average Wage Health Care and Social Assistance $42,000 Attracting educational uses to this site might be more difficult since there are few educational organizations in the St. Louis metro region requiring space, and Educational Services $27,000 this location is not regionally accessibly by mass transit. Still, a small educa- Arts, Entertainment, and Recreation $35,000 tional campus or facility would fit well with the community’s desires. Accommodation and Food Services $15,000 Management of Companies and Enterprises $81,500 Study Area Potential for New Employment Space ?``>: $65,000 North County Square feet / North County 7.9% of new 7.9% new Type of Space Construction $55,000 new jobs worker (sf) req space (sf) jobs space (sf) Finance and Insurance $65,000 2,000 400 800,000 160 60,000 Real Estate and Rental and Leasing $40,500 The imputed average wage is based on the number Medical 2,000 470 940,000 160 70,000 Wholesale Trade $62,000 of employees and the Other/Unknown 1,000 300 300,000 80 20,000 Admin & Support, Waste Mgmt and Remediation $34,000 annual wages paid for each Education 2,000 970 1,940,000 160 150,000 Other Services (excluding Public Administration) $28,500 industry. Source: US Census Bureau Page 5.5 ECONOMICS DRAFT May 2011 HOUSING Although North County has been slowly losing that has been named the top-selling new home com- Trends in age and income suggest that while over households over the last 10 years, the 7-minute munity in St. Louis for the last five years. the last decade upper income families aged 35 to drive radius around Jamestown Mall has grown by 54 left North County, the next five years may see 500 households, and is projected to attract another Senior Residences, Retirement and Assisted Living an in-migration of households with above average 130 households in the next five years.2 This projec- Five year projections in the 7-minute trade area incomes in all age groups. tion is important in suggesting that even while the suggest an increase of over 500 households over larger area of North County has been loosing house- 65 years old with above average incomes, and an The Household Change by Age and Income graphs holds and population, the neighborhoods in this increase of over 5,000 similar households in North show the historic and projected change in house- area remain stable and continue to attract a modest County.4 As these households age, and are unable to hold age and income in North County. Rather than number of new residents, even without the forma- continue auto-oriented lifestyles, they may provide total growth or loss, these graphs present the details tive effects of planning for growth and coordinating a market for houses and senior living units within of who is moving in and out and how a neighbor- highly desirable, amenity-filled places to live. a short walking distance of community amenities. hood is changing over time.

The St. Louis metropolitan area (including St. Louis In other markets, homes with smaller lots and luxu- Over the course of the selected time period, these City, and St. Louis, St. Charles, Jefferson and Frank- ry condominiums are popular “move-down” options graphs break the number of households who came lin Counties) is expected to grow by about 65,900 for seniors. Many of the existing options in North and went into age groups (rows on the left), and households, or 8% between 2010 and 2030. The County provide luxury living space and some in- then income groups by shade (darker represent Jamestown Mall site is not far from the fringes of ternal services they typically do not offer the broad higher incomes). Rather than just showing the net projected growth and may be able to capture some range of community amenities and services that change of all in and out migration, this identifies of that growth. could be offered in this location (such as local serv- shifts in age and in income. Bars to the right of the ing retail and medical offices). graph represent growth while bars to the left rep- If future growth patterns reflect current urbaniza- resent out-migration. In this way, dark bars on the tion preferences, 31% of growth will be in the “sub- Upwardly Mobile Families right represent attraction of upper income house- urban periphery”, which includes places like James- Similar 5 year projections suggest an increase of over holds of those age groups to the area. town Mall, that border on rural areas and 20% will 4,000 households aged 25 to 44 in North County prefer “urban outskirts” in traditional suburban with above average incomes, and an increase of over If 100 households aged 75 and up with incomes communities like Florissant and Black Jack. 300 such households within the 7-minute driving over $100,000 a year moved out (or died) and area of Jamestown Mall. This matches the narrative 175 households of the same category moved in (or These urbanization groups would suggest a region- the team heard in interviews about upwardly mobile up from other age and income groups), the chart al market (St. Louis metropolitan area) for about professionals moving to this part of North County. would show a positive change of 75 households in 33,600 new households over the next 20 years. The that category. Jamestown Mall site could offer a compelling mix of amenities with a location closer to the employment The graphs show that over the last 10 years lots of ex- center and urban amenities of St. Louis than New iting households had upper incomes and were aged Town St. Charles. Despite its remote location, New 35-54, but not necessarily all of the upper income Town St. Charles has provided a rural village setting families left. In the future, there is not a projected net loss, but a net gain in upper income families. 2 Source: ESRI BAO. Although projections are less accurate as *+* future growth. ',-/345*6- ,(,-$/$(- ,,$ souri Department of Economic Development , Page 5.6 May 2011 DRAFT JAMESTOWN MALL AREA PLAN North County Historic Household Change by Age & Income 2000-2010 North County Projected Household Change by Age & Income 2010-2015

Age 75+ Age 75+

Age 65-74 Age 65-74

Age 55-64 Age 55-64

Age 45-54 Age 45-54

Age 35-44 Age 35-44

Age 25-34 Age 25-34

Age < 25 Age < 25

Households -50000 -37503750 -25002500 -12501250 0 1250 2500 3750 Households -3000000 -22502250 -15001500 -750750 0 750 1500 2250

Source: ESRI BAO & Urban Advisors Ltd Source: ESRI BAO & Urban Advisors Ltd

Income Range <$25,000 $25,000 - $49,999 $50,000 - $99,999 $100,000 plus

Page 5.7 ECONOMICS DRAFT May 2011 Urbanization Groups Although housing patterns are likely to change in the and employment, and insure a high quality of de- will likely include a range of apartments averag- near future with Baby-Boomers retiring and mov- sign and construction. ing 800 square feet that could sell for an average of ing into smaller units and, along with Millennials $135,000 or rent for around $700 a month, 1,400 (also known as Generation Y and tends to include A range of housing sizes, formats and prices should square foot townhouses priced around $198,000, people born between 1977 and 1996), shifting their be available to provide a balanced community with and a range of single-family houses up to 2,400 preferences to more urban products. Looking at the young professionals, families, retirees, and seniors. square feet that would be priced around $355,000 existing settlement patterns of the Saint Louis met- or higher. This price range should be affordable to ropolitan area can help determine a preliminary mix Based on comparable price ranges at a development households in the $30,000 to $90,000 range and of housing for the redevelopment of the Jamestown similar to the proposed development and the design above, which is where growth trends are projected. Mall site. for this community, the product mix for this location

The Jamestown Mall site could reasonably be clas- sified as either urban outskirts or suburban periph- ery. These two household urbanization segments represent 52% of the Saint Louis metropolitan area. Based on the current settlement proportions, these two urbanization categories would be expected to account for 33,600 new households out of 65,800 new households in the metropolitan area over the next 20 years.5 The sample development programs on pages 5.13 through 5.16 anticipate less than a 3.5% capture of this growth over the next 20 years.

Within the urban outskirts, Americans are increas- ingly choosing traditional town and village settle- ment patterns over conventional suburban hous- ing. In the Saint Louis metropolitan area there are several old town and village centers, but few new developments that increase the stock of housing to accommodate the projected growth of over 33,600 Urbanization households within existing towns and villages. Group Jamestown Mall provides a location to accommo- date some of the projected housing stock growth. St. Louis Metropolitan Area Household Urbanization Groups: The lifestyle segments (ESRI calls them "Tapestry") of the top 75% of households6 in the St. Louis metropolitan area have been sorted by urbanization group. Based on its location the Jamestown Mall site will be competing for household growth in the large segments of urban outskirts and suburban periphery. Source: ESRI BAO The conceptual plan for the Jamestown Mall site provides opportunities for these urban-fringe dwell- ers to live in a walkable village center, close to shops

) !,$"*6$(,-$ 8 9);,$,$$$, / $ (, 7*$ Economic Development.

Page 5.8 May 2011 DRAFT JAMESTOWN MALL AREA PLAN COMMUNITY IDEAS During the charrette, the community identified Sr Housing / Asst Living many ideas about what they would like to see on Housing the site of Jamestown Mall in the future. Recurring ideas from the community were evaluated for Movies viability based on several factors including: Office Medical Office Risk - estimates the difficulty of Parks implementation including finding Village Retail a user or partner, and likelihood of Farmers Market success. Grocery Sports Complex Cost - looks at the overall required public and private investment and subsidy Hotel for the project. Waterpark / Indoor Pool Educational Return - considers the financial benefit to Amphitheater the developer, the County, and the Reuse Mall: Retail community for a successful use. Cultural Center Need - considers both the non-financial Amusement Park benefit to the community for public “IKEA” / Big Box Retail uses as well as the market demand Aquarium for goods and services in this Convention Center location. Economic Evaluation of Community Ideas: This chart rates the community's use ideas based on their viability for Location - evaluates the suitability of the implementation and likelihood for success. Dark blue bars to the right represent uses that ranked highly when ranked site for a use and considers the for viability, and light blue bars to the right are items that ranked low. requirements necessary to support that use.

Page 5.9 ECONOMICS DRAFT May 2011 Senior Housing/ Assisted Living enough households with sufficient spending on enter- a park may be possible through a partnership with There is a possibility of offering both assisted living tainment in North County to support several screens. developers or public entities such as Great Rivers and retirement communities, and smaller homes in While this may not be the ideal location for a movie Greenway. connected communities for seniors and empty nest- theatre in its current configuration, it is already estab- ers. The community identified senior housing as a lished and it is frequented by the community. Village Retail need and the site holds no impediments for this use. Village Retail is an assembly of a variety of shops, While local retirement living facilities provide lux- Office & Medical Office Space services, and restaurants within a compact walkable ury space and some services. The Jamestown Mall Medical office space could be built in a cluster with main street environment. The costs for this use would site has the ability to offer a unique environment of assisted living and senior housing. There may also be absorbed by private development, and the returns a community complete with local serving retail and be a market for small offices. Since there are many would include both improved real estate taxes and future medical offices. The addition of these uses in commercial developers and builders individual proj- increased sales taxes. While this site is not ideal for a walkable environment close to where people are ects do not need to be large in order to succeed. retail, the effective trade area has spending potential living provides the ability of seniors for remaining Proximity to Christian Hospital makes this an ap- to support 76,000 to 200,000 square feet of local- independent even after the ability to drive a car is propriate site for medical offices, and if coordinated oriented services. Coordinating a development plan gone. This site could support between 130 to 640 with local amenities, could also provide a competi- with new housing and employment would provide senior housing or assisted living units. tive location for small offices. the needed additional support for the primary mar- ket to adequately support retail in this location. Housing Open Space/Parks Analysis suggests that with a compelling design and Parks and open space are commonly part of new de- Farmers’ Market quality construction, this location would be suit- velopment programs since they provide an amenity The most difficult aspect of organizing a farmers’ mar- able for a variety of new housing. Implementation that makes the site more attractive, are often used ket is finding farmers. Several successful farmers’ mar- would generate greatly improved real estate taxes for stormwater management, and are typically re- kets exist in the St. Louis region, and may be able to for the County. If the development plan provided quired by land development regulations. assist with necessary organization required for imple- opportunities for families to live in a walkable vil- mentation. In other places, seasonal farmers’ markets lage, close to shops and employment, and insured Public space unrelated to new developments is diffi- provide an additional draw and complementary use for a high quality of design and construction, this lo- cult to finance because it does not provide a stream full service grocery stores. While this location does not cation could provide a competitive alternative to of revenues sufficient to cover either land acquisi- necessarily lend itself to a farmers’ market, initial imple- New Town St. Charles. A range in housing size and tion or maintenance costs. Where parks are an im- mentation costs are low and there is local demand. cost is provided for within a complete community portant public amenity, they are usually paid for, im- starting with 800 square foot apartments that could proved, and maintained by the government. Budget Grocery Store sell for $135,000 or rent for approximately $700 a constraints could make acquiring and managing the Attracting a quality grocer to this location will be month to large single family homes in the $355,000 land as park space without the benefit of recouping difficult, but may be possible by providing a sig- or higher price ranges. costs with future development difficult. The acqui- nificant amount of new housing for primary market sition of land and use as park space can be used as support coordinated with a plan for other walkable Movie Theatre an interim place holding strategy while waiting for village retail. The benefits of this use would be the One of the existing assets of Jamestown Mall is the new development to occur on the site. improvement in taxes generated by property and movie theatre that is still in operation. There are only sales, as well as meeting the desires of the commu- a few other theatres in North County: one at St. Louis This location is well suited for a small park on pa nity and providing for the local market. Mills, 10 miles away, and another outside the Coun- portion of the site due to its adjacency to a poten- ty in Alton, also about 10 miles away. Yet, there are tial greenway along the creek. The creation of such

Page 5.10 May 2011 DRAFT JAMESTOWN MALL AREA PLAN Sport Complex location is unsubstantiated. While there are impedi- ing, backstage accommodations or dressing rooms, A new sports facility center with a quarter mile in- ments to developing a hotel in this location, a small a business office, ticket gates, and restrooms. Am- door track was suggested. This use could draw not hotel may eventually be possible as part of a village phitheaters require a staff to book acts, sell tickets, only a regional but national competition audience as program that includes new office space and neigh- provide logistical support, year-round security and well. However, the facility requires in the range of borhood amenities. various other trades for specific events including $50 million to $90 million dollars to construct and an electricians, stage managers and hands, etc. organization to program, manage, and maintain it. Water Park/Indoor Swimming Pool Specific and infrequent uses such as water parks While the location is suitable, the implementation is Funding would need to be obtained either from a are difficult to find developers and operators for difficult. A simple sloped lawn or steps with a ce- public organization, a private foundation or private since there are so few. This makes implementation ment stage would rank at the lower end of the cost enterprise. With few obvious developers and inves- unlikely. An indoor pool/water park facility with spectrum, but management would be required for tors, it would be difficult and costly to implement year-round use costs from $200 to $600 per square event programming. such a large facility. foot. As part of a sports or entertainment complex, a 20,000 square foot facility would thus cost between Operational costs are either paid by a for-profit A smaller sports facility, such as a basketball center, $4 million for a bare bones facility, to $12 million concert management company, sponsored by local would not require as much capital for initial con- for a more sophisticated facility. companies, subsidized by a government entity, sup- struction and may be more feasible. ported by a foundation or, typically, by a combina- There are examples of successful water parks where tion of these sources. Many needs for indoor and outdoor sports facility revenues generated have been sufficient to allow are accommodated at the Jamestown Sports Com- for expansion after the initial build out. However, to Re-use of the Existing Mall for Retail plex (www.jamestownsports.net) which operates determine the feasibility of this in this location will Many of the charrette participants asked for na- one mile west of Jamestown Mall on Lindbergh require further study specifically for the need of a tional anchors, restaurants, and upscale amenities. Boulevard. The facility has an outdoor pool and of- water park in this location. Adding retail uses into the existing mall poses cer- fers recreational and league play for soccer, softball, tain challenges. baseball, volleyball, football, and kickball. The use would not likely generate significant reve- nues for the County, although the site location is not National retailers now locate stores using geographic Hotel necessarily inappropriate as it would meet neigh- information systems (GIS) to find the most densely It will be very difficult to attract a hotel developer borhood needs. populated markets that match their targeted custom- and operator to this location. Hotels typically lo- er base. The retailers will survey the entire nation for cate one room for every 3,000 square feet of oc- Educational prospective sites, and choose those with the greatest cupied office space as well as tourist or visitor at- This site could provide a small campus setting for an likelihood of success. The consequence of this is that tractions. A small hotel typically requires 30 rooms educational facility as part of the village center, how- the Jamestown Mall site is not just in local competi- to be feasible. Until approximately 90,000 square ever such uses might prefer locations on major public tion, but is in national competition for these retailers. feet of office uses have been integrated into the pro- transit routes where they can better serve the region. gram, there is a use established that requires consis- Traffic and regional access are critical for regional tent out of town travelers such as expansion of the Amphitheater malls, and the Jamestown Mall site has neither. A hospital to regional specialized care from existing Costs to construct an amphitheater range from $4 good location would have over 100,000 drive-by car emergency and local services or the development million to over $50 million. A full facility includes, trips per day and direct access from a freeway or of a world-class sports complex that requires rooms at minimum, a stage, equipment storage, electrical interstate. This site has around 17,000 car trips per for traveling athletes, the demand for rooms in this and mechanical systems for the stage, area light- day passing by and is half a mile from Highway 367.

Page 5.11 ECONOMICS DRAFT May 2011 To support 1.2 million square feet of retail requires Amusement Park Other: Other big-box retailers, such as Target, sales of approximately $300 per square foot or $360 The Jamestown Mall site is large enough to accom- Home Depot, Barnes and Noble, etc., have al- million for the facility. This would require support in modate a small amusement park and still have room ready found North County locations closer to the range of 67,000 households who shop regularly for additional uses. A local amusement park takes New Halls Ferry Road, with better access to at the mall. Unfortunately, other development has around 15 to 20 acres of land including parking. The large population densities. located within the center of the nearby local popu- outlook for such parks, however, is not reassuring. lation, making the capture of households even less Aquarium likely. The local trade area has approximately 4,700 According to an amusement industry consulting Aquariums can cost between $15 million and $99 households. Since a good capture ratio for people firm, spending on local out-of-home entertainment million, with operating costs between 75% and who drive to shop is around 30 percent, the support is declining. Spending is rising for out-of-home en- 100% of admissions cost. All new large aquariums provided locally would be in the range of 76,000 to tertainment while on vacation. Venues catering to are located on aquatic sites and are in part funded by 200,000 square feet of retail. the vacation amusement park experience are typi- research activities. Implementing this would be dif- cally coupled with resort areas and may be as large ficult and costly, and the site is simply inappropriate. Currently, few retailers are interested in this site be- as 500 acres. In addition, a small aquarium exists in downtown cause the design is outmoded, the building is poorly St. Louis at City Museum. maintained, traffic volumes are too low, general ac- Big Box Retailers / “Ikea” cess is poor, and the location is not in a center of These retailers look for freeway visibility on inter- Convention Center population but on the outer edge of the metro area. states with high traffic volumes, preferably where Convention centers are typically located in desti- The rental rates for storefronts are low and do not they can access multiple markets with one facility. nations that are desirable and attract visitors. The support the operational expenses of the building. Jamestown Mall does not offer such a location. This booking of conventions depends upon the desir- makes the likelihood of implementation extremely ability and amenities of the location rather than the Cultural Center low, and would likely require subsidies and incen- presence of a convention center. Most convention Similar to a park, a cultural center would require a tives from the County. Although it would provide centers require subsidy. public entity or beneficent organization to purchase increased revenues to the County, this location does the land and develop the center. St. Louis County's not have the market support or access to multiple The need for this use is already met regionally by current budget constraints make acquiring the land markets to be a suitable location. the America’s Center Convention Complex in down- and managing a cultural center on the site without town St. Louis, which is located close to historic the ability to recoup County money with the sale Ikea: prefers high visibility sites, visible from buildings, hotels restaurants and amenities and of land and collection of future taxes unlikely. This airports, and major highway intersections, as served by the light rail. Consequently, a convention makes implementation difficult of what is likely to well as locations that have access to multiple center at the Jamestown Mall site would be difficult be a costly project with no or little financial return. urban centers. and costly to implement, would require an ongo- ing subsidy, is not in a preferred location and is not : already has locations in the area and needed by the community. has shifted its national policy to expand with smaller stores in urban environments with high population densities.

Page 5.12 May 2011 DRAFT JAMESTOWN MALL AREA PLAN DEVELOPMENT STRATEGY FULL SITE DEVELOPMENT Jamestown Mall is currently owned by five different parties. One development strategy suggests a master developer to purchase the land, assembling the par- cels under single ownership. This may require assistance from the County but would greatly facilitate the phasing of construction and particularly land im- provements. This strategy allows for the most efficient reuse of the land and a Lindbergh Boulevard planned community that is not constrained by the lines of ownership drawn for Robbins Mill Road an obsolete development model.

A full redevelopment of the site could include 200,000 square feet of local serv- ing retail, with a 50,000 square foot grocery store, movie theatre, drug store, res- taurants and cafes, and boutiques. The plan could also include 120,000 square feet of offices and medical offices, around 260 senior living and multi-family units and about 910 townhouses and single family homes designed around a 20 acres feature park, with 5.5 acres of additional open space, squares or parks.

This scenario provides a developer with maximized use of the site and should Road Jamestown Old require lower public subsidies to be profitable.

City of Sample Full Site Redevelopment Program Black Redevelopment Program % Acres Jack Site 100% 142 Circulation 25% 35.5 Open & Park Space 4% 5.5 Floodplain 14% 20 Mixed-Use Development Area 57% 81 Legend <}] Mixed-Use Development Area % Acres Space (SF) Units Retail 6% 200,000 - Multifamily & Assisted Living 6.5 ] 2% 120,000 - Townhouses & Single Family Coldwater Creek Multifamily/Assisted Living 3% 2.5 232,000 260 Parking Townhouses & Single Family Homes 78% 63 1,563,000 910 Circulation Parking 11% 9 405,000 1,350 Open & Park Space

Total 100% 81 - 1,170 0 200' 400' 800' Floodplain The Full Site Redevelopment strategy is illustrated in the Traditional Neighborhood Development Plan. Page 5.13 ECONOMICS DRAFT May 2011 Alternatively, the site could be built with a lower density but this may require ad- ditional financial support from the County. The additional community benefit of this plan is the increased amount of open space, including a 20 acre floodplain park extended with 35.5 acres of parks and neighborhood open spaces. This program of uses could include 76,000 square feet of village retail with restau- Lindbergh Boulevard rants, cafes, and boutiques along with 60,000 square feet of medical and general Robbins Mill Road office spaces. The plan could include 160 senior living and multi-family units and about 540 townhouses and single family homes.

This lower density scenario would require additional development assistance from the County. If the County were to assemble the site, as part of a develop- ment agreement it could offer the land at a lower cost as a way to incentivize development. Other development assistance may include Tax Increment Financ- ing, Community Improvement Districts, Tax Abatement and/or Neighborhood

Investment District bonding. Road Jamestown Old

City of Sample Full Site Lower Density Redevelopment Black Redevelopment Program % Acres Jack Site 100% 142 Circulation 25% 35.5 Open & Park Space 25% 35.5 Floodplain 14% 20 Mixed-Use Development Area 36% 51 Legend <}] Mixed-Use Development Area % Acres Space (SF) Units Multifamily & Assisted Living Retail 3% 76,000 - 2.5 Townhouses & Single Family ] 1% 60,000 - Coldwater Creek Multifamily/Assisted Living 4% 1.5 120,000 160 Parking Townhouses & Single Family Homes 84% 43 918,000 540 Circulation Parking 8% 4 - 600 Open & Park Space

Total 100% 51 - 700 0 200' 400' 800' Floodplain The Full Site Lower Density Redevelopment strategy is illustrated in the Garden Suburb Plan.

Page 5.14 May 2011 DRAFT JAMESTOWN MALL AREA PLAN INCREMENTAL DEVELOPMENT Understanding that the County or a private developer may not acquire every parcel or that the existing property owners may retain control of their prop- erty, a plan can be developed with an incremental approach. The plan could be implemented on most any parcel or combination of parcels without requir- ing full control of the site provided an overall plan for the site is adopted. This Lindbergh Boulevard would allow anchor tenants to remain in operation while development is shaped Robbins Mill Road around them.

This conceptual plan excludes development on the anchor tenants sites. An incremental plan, for example, could still accommodate 200,000 square feet of local serving retail (the two existing anchors rely on a different trade area and market than the local serving uses proposed) along with 120,000 square feet of offices and medical offices. Residential uses could include 180 senior living and multi-family units and another 640 townhouses and single family homes Existing Conditions:

Old Jamestown Road Jamestown Old Area Not Included designed around a 20 acre park with 5.5 acres of squares, greens, and neighbor- in Sample hood open space. Redevelopment Program

City of Sample Partial Site Redevelopment: Excluding Anchor Tenants Parcels Black Redevelopment Program % Acres Jack Site 100% 115 Circulation 25% 28.5 Open & Park Space 5% 5.5 Floodplain 17% 20 Mixed-Use Development Area 53% 61 Legend <}] Mixed-Use Development Area % Acres Space (SF) Units Multifamily & Assisted Living Retail 8% 200,000 - 6 Townhouses & Single Family ] 2% 120,000 - Coldwater Creek Parking Multifamily/Assisted Living 3% 2 137,000 180 Townhouses & Single Family Homes 73% 44.5 1,100,000 640 Circulation Parking 14% 8.5 - 1,260 Open & Park Space

Total 100% 61 - 820 0 200' 400' 800' Floodplain The Partial Site Redevelopment strategy is illustrated in the Traditional Neighborhood Development Plan with the anchor tenants parcels remaining. Page 5.15 ECONOMICS DRAFT May 2011 An short term approach for development could be to begin with redevelopment of a single property, such as the Northwest (Sears) property. The new village on Lindbergh Boulevard this 19-acre site could contain 76,000 square feet of local serving retail, 60,000 square feet of offices and medical offices, and 160 senior living and multi-family units with 60 townhouses and single family homes. Because the village center parcel holds the most intense land uses and the floodplain is provided off-site, this scenario provides the highest yield to a developer.

A plan for the entire site will need to be adopted so that there is some assurance of what type of development will occur on the remaining parcels in the future. Development could take place on one or several properties to begin with, leav-

ing some parcels to remain or continue with their existing uses. Old Jamestown Road Jamestown Old 0 100' 200'

The Partial Site Redevelopment strategy is when only the Legend northwest (Sears) parcel redevelops as a village center. <}]

Multifamily & Assisted Living

Sample Partial Site Redevelopment: Northwest (Sears) Parcel Only Townhouses & Single Family

Redevelopment Program % Acres Parking

Site 100% 19 Circulation

Circulation 21% 4 Open & Park Space Open & Park Space 11% 2 Floodplain Floodplain 0% - Mixed-Use Development Area 68% 13

Mixed-Use Development Area % Acres Space (SF) Units Retail 13% 76,000 - 2.5 ] 5% 60,000 - Multifamily/Assisted Living 12% 1.5 139,000 160 Townhouses & Single Family Homes 38% 5 108,000 60 Parking 32% 4 - 620 Total 100% 13 220

Page 5.16 May 2011 DRAFT JAMESTOWN MALL AREA PLAN INTERIM STAGES Farmers’ Market: Temporary Retail: One element of the plan that is not contingent on Project phasing or transitional space could be pro- can be placed on small foundations giving them other development is to establish a farmers’ market vided for existing in-line tenants while newer, better the look and feel of permanent structures, yet they on an outparcel or in the parking lot of Jamestown space is being designed and constructed. One op- have the ability to be relocated as more permanent Mall. This was a frequently requested use, whose tion could be the development of moveable retail structures replace them. Moveable retail units can primary obstacle is organization. Learning from the units, such as those at New Town St. Charles or as be configured into a temporary main-street, in an- existing farmers’ markets in the region for organiza- seen in the image below of a restaurant structure ticipation of more permanent structures taking their tional structure and contacts with local farmers, this at Hampstead in Montgomery, Alabama. Similar place. The use of temporary moveable retail is a is an opportunity that could be implemented imme- structures could be utilized adjacent to the farmers’ technique often used in New Urban communities as diately by one of the existing owners. market, building off of the traffic and energy cre- the community is developing and retail support in ated at a chosen site. These small retail structures the area grows.

Farmers Market Moveable structure at Hampstead in Montgomery, Alabama. The structure can be unbolted into three pieces and relocated on \7\H Page 5.17 ECONOMICS DRAFT May 2011







DRAFT May 2011

STEPS FOR IMPLEMENTATION St. Louis County, property owners, residents, and Some market conditions to remember while consid- developers should work together to bring about ering implementation include: the future of the Jamestown Mall property. The vi- Strip center retail is built for the short-term and MARKETING sion for the redevelopment of the property has been decline as newer strip centers are developed. documented in the preceding chapters of this report Older strip center retail centers decline as new 1. Promote North St. Louis County through plans, illustrations and text. ones are built resulting in an oversupply of re- tail space that then must survive on lower sales. 2. Promote the Jamestown Expectations for this project need to be placed in When retail is oversupplied on a corridor, the a realistic context. Depending upon market condi- retail market becomes diluted and the quality Mall Area Plan tions, it will take time and financial resources to of services that can be offered on any individual produce substantive change on this site. However, site declines. there are shorter term goals that can be accom- Strip center retail relies solely on auto access. POLICY & REGULATORY CHANGES plished in the interim. For these reason, the program for the Jamestown It will take a coordinated effort between the public Mall site places retail in a walkable format sur- 3. Adopt the Plan and private sectors in order to achieve the desired rounded by housing that if constructed in the pro- community results. St. Louis County should take posed ratios will be sufficient to support at least fifty 4. Develop an Acquisition Strategy an active role in continuing the efforts to redevelop percent of the needed sales to sustain retail busi- 4A. Engage the Property Owners Jamestown Mall into an economically sustainable de- nesses. The advantage for the site is that retail and 4B. Acquire the property velopment by clearing obstacles and setting the stage service businesses will now be able to capture cus- 4C. Clear the Land for future development efforts. tomers through both automobile access and an ap- 4D. Create a Public-Private Partnership propriate surrounding density. This chapter identifies necessary steps for transform- 5. Revise the Zoning ing the site from its current regional format into the The public sector will need to take a pro-active ap- 5A. MXD - Mixed Use Development community vision and a built reality. Redevelop- proach to help set the conditions for future develop- 5B. Form-Based Code ment of the property will not happen overnight but ment. Under current economic conditions the plan there are steps that can be taken now to set the stage will not occur by itself. Some additional market con- for redevelopment. As the economy recovers it will cerns include: become more economically viable for development National economic downturn in both housing ECONOMIC STRATEGIES to occur in this location. Some steps towards imple- and retail markets. mentation will set the stage for redevelopment of the Housing prices have declined nationally to what 6. Create a Detailed Strategy for site which will enhance the retail and community they were in 2000s. Retail, Office & Residential Uses environment throughout North County. Banks have become extremely risk-averse and are requiring considerably more stringent re- Steps that address marketing, policy and regulatory quirements on borrowers. 7. Use Smart Phasing & Incremental changes, and economic strategies are presented in It will take time before private investors sift Steps to Implement Detailed Plan the following pages. In addition, a timeline of short through existing stressed real estate opportuni- term (1-5 year range) mid term (6-15 year range), ties and have an appetite for new development. and long term (15 years and beyond) for these steps are outlined. While the economy recovers there are important things that the public sector can do to prepare for future development of the plan. Page 6.1 NEXT STEPS DRAFT May 2011 MARKETING 1. Promote North St. Louis County The perception of the greater North County com- munity by media and residents in other parts of the region do not meet the realities of the area. With a high degree of community input during the char- rette process, the message is clear that North Coun- ty residents are proud of their community.

North County offers a unique side to St. Louis with its history, location by the confluence, geologic for- mations and rural landscapes. It is important to cele- brate North County’s strong community and unique geological features and discover ways to promote its rural character in its public places.

Improving the perception of North County both re- gionally and nationally will benefit not only the Jamestown Mall property but all of North County. The County should continue to partner with North County Incorporated and other municipalities to pro- mote North St. Louis County throughout the region.

Promotion of how the natural and community assets can be accessed by the greater community should be marketed such as the use of public parks, scenic drives, and historic buildings found throughout the area. This can include coordination of promotional events including an organized farmer’s market, mu- sic festivals, restaurant promotions, art walks, char- ity races, or holiday events being held throughout View of the Missouri River from Fort Bellefontaine in North St. Louis County. the North County area. 2. Promote the Jamestown Mall Area Plan The promotion of the high quality of life, working, Continuing to spread the word about this plan for mational flyers, and press releases should continue and recreational opportunities in North County will the rejuvenation of the Jamestown Mall property to be posted to keep the public aware of the devel- help the perception of the area to meet with the re- and gaining public support for the plan is important opment progress. Promotion of the plan and suc- ality and show North County as a place worthy of for implementation. The commitment and leader- cessful initial steps will allow the plan to take on a renewal and improvement. St. Louis County should ship to the plan by St. Louis County is crucial for life of its own and continue to work for the property also continue to promote North County with its pub- the organization and implementation of the initial for years to come. lic improvements and should play a key role in at- steps for them to be successful. A variety of media tracting private investment. should continue to be used: website updates, infor-

Page 6.2 May 2011 DRAFT JAMESTOWN MALL AREA PLAN POLICY & REGULATORY CHANGES 3. Adopt the Plan 4. Develop an Acquisition Strategy 4B. Acquire the Property Submit the Jamestown Mall Area Plan to St. Louis The Jamestown Mall Area Plan was designed to be To reduce development risk and attract a developer it County for adoption. implemented in a way that respects the property would be ideal if the underperforming, underutilized lines of existing properties to facilitate the individ- properties are assembled under single ownership. The area plan for Jamestown Mall provides a con- ual initiative of any one owner or developer. An Due to the slow economy and lack of interest in the ceptual plan and an economic development strategy ideal approach would be the acquisition and devel- property by the private sector the first steps of assem- for the site and the basis for a public-private part- opment of multiple properties under a single mas- bling the land will likely need to be a public effort. nership that is critical to the site’s redevelopment. ter developer. The County should take a leadership role in assembling the land for development while There are redevelopment tools in place to help with The scenarios and outcomes described by the plan remaining flexible and viewing this project as a long the acquisition of the property. Common tools in- were created through consensus and filtered by eco- term investment in the future of the community. clude the establishment of a 353 Redevelopment nomic realities for the site. Corporation, or the utilization of acquisition tools 4A. Engage the property owners under RSMO Chapter 99. If necessary, as a last re- The Jamestown Mall Area Plan should be adopted by St. Louis County should continue to engage and sort, eminent domain should be used to acquire non St. Louis County to give it official standing. Adopt- initiate pre-development talks with the property conforming deteriorating property. ing the plan sends an important message to proper- owners. ty owners, residents, investors and developers that The public sector can begin to acquire the site and the elected officials and the community support the By engaging the owners, the County will be able seek a private development partner to develop the Jamestown Mall Area Plan. Specifically, the James- to determine their willingness to participate in the land through a Request for Proposal process. town Mall Area Plan should be adopted by the Plan- area plan if they want to develop their own parcels ning Commission and County Council and included in accordance to the plan, or to allow the acquisi- in the County's General Plan for North County. tion of the property by others. The County can facilitate development by encouraging participa- tion in the area plan or by giving incentives for the property owners to develop within the confines of the area plan. Property owners may choose to donate the land to the County in exchange for an ownership interest or tax credits, or sell the land outright.

Once the County has been able to determine the property owners' long term goals for their prop- erty, the County will be able to decide the best way to proceed.

Page 6.3 NEXT STEPS DRAFT May 2011 4C. Clear the land 4D. Create a Public-Private Partnership As parcels are acquired the structures on them Development of the property should be accom- should be demolished. By assuming the costs of de- plished through the private sector. To have the most molition, the value of the land is improved since it control over future development, St. Louis County removes a logistical, legal and financial burden. should seek a partner for a public-private partner- ship to redevelop the Jamestown Mall property. The public sector should focus on removing poten- This may be done by partnering with existing prop- tial development risks. The site is more attractive as erty owners, or by identifying a developer through a a blank slate than with the mall structures remain- request for proposals. ing. The demolition of existing structures reduces time and risk (environmental risk and/or initial site The important factor is finding the right partner(s) preparation) making it more appealing to develop- who are willing, experienced, and financially ca- ers. Bringing the site back to neutral will help set the pable of developing the site in accordance with the table for a developer to come in and do something community's vision laid out in the Jamestown Mall new with the site in the future. Area Plan. Perspective developer's would submit proposals for development adjusting the area plan As mentioned in the introduction to this section, the to market conditions, funding availability, and de- removal of the mall structures solves a few prob- velopment preferences. Ideally a developer with a lems with the site in the interim between acquisi- proven track record in developing mixed-use, walk- tion and redevelopment. It removes the physical able communities would be selected. blight of aging, underutilized, and empty buildings, reduces the overall amount of regional retail space A selected developer would be obligated to develop available in the North County area, and will help the site in accordance with their proposal submitted prevent crime by eliminating an unsupervised area in response to the County's RFP. The County should for people to congregate or vandalize. work closely with the developer as they produce a site plan, such that it is deemed to be in keeping with the vision presented in the Jamestown Mall Area Plan. The partnership will be in the form of a formal redevelopment agreement and will identify incentives to aid development in accordance with the plan.

However, the County may find it necessary to initial- ly act as master developer through a land develop- ment organization. This development organization may act as a public-private partnership to acquire the property, re-plat the site, install utility and street improvements and/or sell lots to individual builders resources permitting.

Page 6.4 May 2011 DRAFT JAMESTOWN MALL AREA PLAN 5. Revise the Zoning 5A. MXD – Mixed Use Development District 5C. Form-Based Code The concepts introduced in the Plan cannot be im- Due to the long timeline for the area plan, it is recom- Creating a Form-Based Code specifically for the plemented under the existing zoning district and mended that at a minimum the property be rezoned Jamestown Mall property would ensure the great- land development regulations for the site. to MXD – Mixed Use Development District in order est degree of certainty for future development to be to allow the uses and structure of development de- in a form consistent with the community's vision as Jamestown Mall is currently zoned C-8 Planned scribed throughout the Jamestown Mall Area Plan. presented in the Jamestown Mall Area Plan. Commercial which does not permit individual resi- dential uses, has large building setbacks from right- The creation of a MXD zoning district for Jamestown A Form-Based Code is a land development regula- of-ways, and encourages parking between buildings Mall would allow greater flexibility from the exist- tory tool that places primary emphasis on the physi- and streets. It is important in the implementation ing zoning regulations while specifically tailoring cal form of the built environment with the end goal of the Jamestown Mall Area Plan that the County re- regulations for the village development patterns. of producing a specific community character. vise the zoning for the site to be more specific in its outcomes and in keeping with the intent of creating MXD zoning permits a mix of residential, office and The MXD zoning would place strict controls on land a village center for the North County community. commercial uses on a site. When creating the MXD use and some development aspects through abstract zone for a specific site there is flexibility to desig- regulatory statistics, which can result in very differ- The County has two options for how to change the nate desired uses, height limitations, setbacks, lot ent physical environments. The base principle of zoning for the property to be in keeping with the plan: sizes, off-street parking and loading requirements. form based coding is that design is more important rezone the property to MXD – Mixed Use Develop- than use. ment, or two, create a site-specific form based code. However, limitations on the minimum amount of The important aspects that need to be rethought in each land use may not allow for the maximum flex- Simple and clear graphic prescriptions for building either case is the relationship between buildings and ibility needed for economic vitality and large park- height, how a building is placed on its site, and build- the street, the location and amount of required park- ing requirements are required even though spaces ing elements (such as location and configuration of ing, and the size and make-up of streets. could be shared between uses. porches, windows, doors, etc.) are used to control development. Land use is not ignored, but regulated If possible a reduction in the minimum parking re- using broad parameters that can better respond to quirements for office and commercial uses should market conditions while also restricting the locations be reviewed for compatibility with the creation of a of certain undesirable combinations of uses. walkable village center. A Form-Based Code would allow development of If these standards can be revised within the MXD property in congruence with standards set forth in zoning, it is recommended that this be the course of the code without the need for lengthy zoning ap- action taken. Utilizing the MXD zoning allows the provals processes. The Form Based Code would County to rezone the property within their current streamline the process of approving projects be- zoning code, standards and review processes while cause the investment in public process and consen- permitting and encouraging the desired outcome sus building for the future of the site would already for the site. been approved.

Page 6.5 NEXT STEPS DRAFT May 2011 Revising Parking Standards

When planning for the future development of the /\ƒ ban Land Institute (ULI) shared parking standards, Jamestown Mall property, it is important to provide an portions of the mixed-use village center could make as well as in the SmartCode. The ULI shared park- adequate supply of parking to accommodate future parking areas and blocks too large to create the com- ~ growth and development. However, this mixed-use fortable pedestrian environment desired. $ ` $ village will be a unique center of activity where parking (typically 1,320 feet or a 5-minute walk). The Smart- is merely one of many important considerations. >7~&:7- Code calculates shared parking reductions through a italized upon by creating a shared parking plan and shared parking “factor,” based on the particular mix of On-street, parallel parking is the most pedestrian- reduction strategies. By arranging shared parking in uses. Please note that the SmartCode parking ratios friendly form of parking. It provides direct access to mid-block locations and allowing on-street parking to and factors must be calibrated to meet the particular the adjacent commercial establishments and provides count toward overall parking requirements the parking needs of each community. :H can be distributed throughout the site. >ƒ\- Parking lots need to be located away from the side- \ ing stalls should also be examined. The Zoning Ordi- walk, so that the valuable street edge can be recap- parking in mixed-use centers. Businesses may be nance establishes a minimum width for parallel parking tured for occupyable building frontage or green space. able to use certain parking spaces during the day stalls at 9 feet. This may be appropriate if the gutter Where possible, parking lots should be lined with while these same spaces are then used by residents width would occur entirely within the 9 feet. If the gutter buildings or otherwise screened from public view so at night. Shared parking works in a mixed-use, park- pan cannot be included in this dimension, the minimum that parking does not become a prominent feature of once, pedestrian-friendly environment, all of which are width should be reduced to 7 or 8 feet. The required the street scene. key elements in the Jamestown Mall Area Plan. By drive lane adjacent to parallel parking is on a one-way utilizing shared parking reductions the overall number street is 15 feet. This dimension is quite large and Off-street parking requirements should be relaxed of required parking spaces can be reduced. should be reduced to 12 feet. The 12 foot dimension from the existing standard in order to achieve a more \` :` pedestrian-oriented character and to acknowledge the Some useful shared parking ratios that can be used snow plows to be able to pass parked vehicles. \7~&:H as guidance for the County can be found in the Ur-

Page 6.6 May 2011 DRAFT JAMESTOWN MALL AREA PLAN URBAN LAND INSTITUTE SHARED PARKING REDUCTIONS (EXAMPLE MATRIX) SMARTCODE SHARED PARKING REDUCTIONS (UNCALIBRATED) STUDY Resi- Resi- Res- Res- Retail Retail Total Total AREA dential dential taurant taurant *$' M-F Sa-Su M-F Sa-Su M-F Sa-Su M-F Sa-Su M-F Sa-Su T2 T3 T4 T5 T6 230.00 230.00 219.00 219.00 604.00 604.00 100.00 100.00 1,153 1,153 *;#<;+=#>" 2.0 / dwelling 1.5 / dwelling 1.0 / dwelling !"# "<@#+@ 1.0 / bedroom 1.0 / bedroom 1.0 / bedroom 6:00 AM 230.00 230.00 6.57 236.57 230.00 QQ#X; 3.0 / 1000 sq. ft. 3.0 / 1000 sq. ft. 2.0 / 1000 sq. ft. 7:00 AM 200.10 218.50 43.80 43.80 48.32 18.12 2.00 2.00 294.22 282.42 *;=>#" 4.0 / 1000 sq. ft. 4.0 / 1000 sq. ft. 3.0 / 1000 sq. ft. 8:00 AM 181.70 202.40 137.97 131.40 108.72 60.40 5.00 3.00 433.39 397.20 $'Q 9:00 AM 167.90 186.30 203.67 175.20 253.68 181.20 10.00 6.00 635.25 548.70 Q Z Q 10:00 AM 156.40 170.20 219.00 175.20 410.72 271.80 20.00 8.00 806.12 625.20 11:00 AM 135.70 163.30 219.00 219.00 525.48 440.92 30.00 10.00 910.18 833.22 *;#<;+=#>" *;#<;+=#>" 12:00 PM 138.00 163.30 197.10 219.00 585.88 513.40 50.00 30.00 970.98 925.70 "<@#+@ "<@#+@

1:00 PM 135.70 161.00 197.10 175.20 604.00 573.80 70.00 45.00 1006.80 955.00 QQ#X;1 QQ#X; 2:00 PM 138.00 163.30 212.43 131.40 585.88 604.00 60.00 45.00 996.31 943.70 1.1 1.1 *;=>#"1.4 1 1.4 *;=>#" 3:00 PM 140.30 167.90 203.67 87.60 573.80 604.00 60.00 45.00 977.77 904.50 1.2 1.7 1.7 1.2 1.3 1 1.3 4:00 PM 151.80 172.50 168.63 87.60 525.48 543.60 50.00 45.00 895.91 848.70 1.2 1.2 1 5:00 PM 177.10 186.30 102.93 43.80 477.16 453.00 70.00 60.00 827.19 743.10 6:00 PM 195.50 195.50 50.37 43.80 495.28 392.60 90.00 90.00 831.15 721.90 Standard Parking Ratios and Shared Parking Factors for SmartCode development. 7:00 PM 216.20 200.10 15.33 43.80 537.56 362.40 100.00 95.00 869.09 701.30 Note that Ratios and Factors must be calibrated for local conditions. 8:00 PM 220.80 211.60 15.33 43.80 525.48 332.20 100.00 100.00 861.61 687.60 9:00 PM 225.40 218.50 6.57 368.44 241.60 100.00 100.00 700.41 560.10 10:00 PM 227.70 220.80 6.57 193.28 229.52 90.00 95.00 517.55 545.32 11:00 PM 230.00 225.40 78.52 78.52 70.00 85.00 378.52 388.92 12:00 AM 230.00 230.00 50.00 70.00 280.00 300.00 $'*+ 146.2 $'*$ 12.6% Typical example of parking calculations for a mixed-use walkable community, calculated with the Urban Land Institute’s shared parking reduction matrix. Calculations are tailored to the particular mix of uses and intensity of development for each study area.

Page 6.7 NEXT STEPS DRAFT May 2011 Components of a form based code may include a site-specific regulating plan that lays out the Q[\X]X^Q"[$_[!#$_#<X street network, build-to lines, and transects; $R?~z¤?¥Z streets, plazas, squares, or neighborhood parks; compact de- building form standards, streetscape standards, created to encourage sustainable, mixed-use neighborhoods velopment, creating a walkable urban environment and conserv- street sections, parking requirements and land- for the County’s aging commercial corridors. ing land and energy; diversity not homogeneity, with a variety of building and street types, open spaces, and land uses; and scape guidelines. Proposals for mixed-use development could be eligible for re- resilient and sustainable neighborhoods, adaptable over time to zoning to PMI if they incorporate the principles of traditional improved public transit and to changing economic conditions. For more information about form-based codes, refer neighborhood design, including: a highly interconnected street to the Form-Based Code Institute website at \`:: The new district provides form-based regulations that codify the pedestrians and bicyclists; high-quality public spaces, with all above goals. http://www.formbasedcodes.org/ building façades having windows and doors facing tree-lined

The creation of a Form-Based Code or MXD district Section 6.11.5.n Article 6. District Development Review Standards Section 6.11.5.d Article 6. District Development Review Standards Section 6.11.5.i Article 6. District Development Review Standards

Mixed-Use Building Lot (MU): Character Examples: Street B: in this location will require further community in- Core General 

Edge  put discussions and formal public hearings beyond Preserve those conducted as a part of the Jamestown Mall

Core  Street C (angle parking): Area Plan approval process. General  Core  Edge General  Preserve Edge During the charrette, meetings were held with Apartment Building Lot (AB): Character Examples: Preserve the appropriate approval agencies concerning the Street D (one way):

Core Lot Types  PB Pedestal Building Lot General creation of a compact community. When more de- LB Lined Building Lot MU Mixed-Use Building Lot  AB Apartment Building Lot Edge CO Courtyard Building Lot LW Live-Work Building Lot Core RH Rowhouse Lot  AH Apartment House Lot Preserve DU Duplex Lot General tailed, specific regulations are drafted, additional CH Cottage House Lot  SH Sideyard House Lot H House Lot Edge CB Civic Building Lot CS Civic Space meetings are advised including: the Fire Marshall Preserve and their department’s needs for emergency access, Sarasota County, Florida Exhibit A – As Adopted on 8/28/07 Page A-40 Sarasota County, Florida Exhibit A -- As Adopted on 8/28/07 Page A-12 Sarasota County, Florida Exhibit A – As Adopted on 8/28/07 Page A-28 County Highways and Traffic Department regard- A sample illustrative plan and regulating plan are included as Urban standards such as Thoroughfare standards are ing the permissibility of more walkable streets, and part of the PMI Code to instruct future applicants how to apply building orientation, height, included to regulate the con- additional County Departments including, at mini- the PMI District Zone to their property. and setbacks, are organized struction and reconstruction mum, the County Planning, Parks and Public Works by lot type, shown above. of streets. Departments.

Page 6.8 May 2011 DRAFT JAMESTOWN MALL AREA PLAN ECONOMIC STRATEGIES 6. Create a Detailed Strategy for Retail, Office & In order to compete with the newer retail formats The County can assist the creation of appropriate Residential Uses emerging closer to large concentrations of consum- housing shown in the plan in two ways. One is The retail strategy for the Jamestown Mall Area ers, the plan creates a walkable destination with to assure that housing is compatible with existing Plan relies upon the conversion of the mall from a shared parking, new housing and work places. neighborhoods but also follows the plan guidelines large single use model surrounded by fields of park- Walkable destinations are attractive to the residents so that it acts as a transition in places where that ing into a village center serving local retail needs. A and others in the wider area. Shoppers tend to is necessary. Another is to assist appropriate devel- regional mall relies on capturing small percentages spend more time at a walkable destination with a opment with a strategy for allocating infrastructure of spending from large volumes of pass-by traffic. mix of uses than they do at purely retail shopping funding to enable the production of housing to sup- The village model provides economic utility and an areas, increasing their potential time to be custom- port future employment and retail uses. enticing, entertaining environment that can be sup- ers for businesses. Creating this environment with ported in large measure by the residential develop- its diverse housing opportunities will also encour- A final element in the strategy for housing is to pro- ment on site. The Jamestown Mall Area Plan shows age the location of new employment. vide a mix and range of units. Traditional neighbor- options for development with varying amounts of hoods, even in villages, include a range of housing retail, office, and residential components. Housing: from estate homes, small homes, cottages, duplexes, The Area Plan shows housing of a variety of types rowhouse and apartments. Providing this mix al- In reconfiguring the Jamestown Mall site for uses and sizes throughout the Jamestown Mall property. lows young couples to buy a cottage in a community that better serve the adjacent neighborhoods, there The addition of housing on this property is essential that they can then move up into a larger home as is an opportunity to provide the community with a to support new businesses at the village center. their family grows and their housing needs change. town center. The extensive size of the site, in one sce- As they age and their children leave the home, the nario, accommodates 1,400 new households in addi- One of the important features of the Plan is its care neighborhood can also offer a more compact place tion to the 200,000 square feet of retail, and 80,000 in ensuring that any new development adjacent to to live. Further, the provision of senior housing square feet of offices. existing neighborhoods is consistent with the qual- close to services means that as people age, the same ity, character and scale of the neighborhoods. couple can continues to live in their neighborhood, Analysis identifies a potential market for senior liv- among their friends and relatives, instead of moving ing in small lot houses and townhomes in addition A range of housing sizes, formats and prices should to a new location and starting over. to assisted living facilities, which could potentially be available to provide a balanced community with account for 600 of the new households. The impor- young professionals, families, retirees, and se- Accomplishing the goal of creating a complete neigh- tance of this residential base and employment uses niors. Based on comparable price ranges and the borhood for all ages is not the way housing is typi- cannot be under-emphasized in their ability to make design for this community, the product mix at the cally done today. In order to help enable this type the retail component more attractive to investors and Jamestown Mall site is likely to include a range of of neighborhood low-income housing tax credits and successful as a business location. apartments averaging 800 square feet that could senior housing programs are available. Many people rent for around $700 a month or sell for an aver- feel that the use of these credits and programs in- At the lower range, the site could support at least 700 age of $135,000, 1,400 square foot rowhouses dicate a desire to put “projects” into neighborhoods. new units which would significantly contribute to the priced around $198,000, and a range of single-fam- On the contrary, given current housing costs, it viability of local-serving retail by providing custom- ily houses up to 2,400 square feet that would be means providing residences for young public employ- ers with this as their most convenient shopping lo- priced around $355,000 or higher. This price range ees such as fire fighters and police recruits, young cation. Providing a concentration of middle-income should be affordable to households in the $30,000 teachers, small business-owners, and other members households is attractive to retailers and is the best to $90,000 range and above, which is where growth of the community. chance the site has at insuring the success of attract- trends are projected. ing services like a grocery store and restaurants.

Page 6.9 NEXT STEPS DRAFT May 2011 7. Use Smart Phasing & Incremental Steps to Implement Detailed Plan Q!+<#+@_;X`>+#_ Malls may be completed and opened on a single day, There are multiple funding mechanisms available to developers at the Federal, State and local level. but a village center is built over time. The James- The following are a list of resources and agencies that can assist in land development. town Mall Area Plan is based on the mix of uses in a village environment and serving local community Q$ needs to create a synergy that will make the retail, of- Section 42 Low income Housing Tax Credits fice, and residential uses successful. By focusing new HUD Section 202 Elderly Housing development on underutilized highly visible portions of the site and creating a successful first project, early "<> phases can be used as catalysts for future phases. Missouri Department of Economic Development http://www.ded.mo.gov/ By using smart phasing strategies, operating por- Missouri Housing Development Commission tions of the site can remain in operation unimpeded http://www.mhdc.com/ while underutilized portions of the site can be re- Missouri Development Finance Board thought and reconfigured. The portions of the site http://www.mdfb.org/ with the most visibility are the northeast portion of the site and the properties along Lindbergh Boule- $ vard. Ideally, one of these parcels should be targeted Tax Abatement for the first phase of redevelopment so people can RSMO Chapter 99 or Chapter 353 see that something new and different is occurring Tax Increment Financing at the Jamestown Mall property while existing busi- RSMO Chapter 99.800 nesses can remain in operation unimpeded. Community Improvement Districts RSMO 67.1401 Transportation Development Districts RSMO Chapter 28 Neighborhood Assistance Program Tax Credits Neighborhood Improvement Districts

""<> St. Louis County Economic Council (SLCEC) and the Land Clearance for Redevelopment Authority of the County of St. Louis (LCRA) http://www.slcec.com/ St. Louis County Department of Planning – Office of Community Development http://www.stlouisco.com/YourGovernment/CountyDepartments/Planning East-West Gateway Council of Governments – St. Louis, Missouri http://www.ewgateway.org/

Page 6.10 May 2011 DRAFT JAMESTOWN MALL AREA PLAN IMPLEMENTATION TIMELINE The following is an estimated timeline for implementation. It has been broken into short term (1-5 year range) mid term (6-15 year range), and long term (15 years and beyond) goals.

short term mid term long term MARKETING 1-5 years 6-15 years 15+ years 1. Promote North St. Louis County

2. Promote the Jamestown Mall Area Plan


3. Adopt the Plan

4. Develop an Acquisition Strategy 4A. Engage the Property Owners 4B. Acquire the property 4C. Clear the Land 4D. Create a Public Private Partnership

5. Revise the Zoning


6. Create a Detailed Strategy for Retail, Office & Residential Uses

7. Use Smart Phasing & Incremental Steps to Implement Detailed Plan

Page 6.11 NEXT STEPS DRAFT May 2011



DRAFT May 2011


The following conceptual development cost analysis Land Acquisition Estimate $ TBD* was prepared by Stock & Associates and Urban Ad- visors. These figures are to help conceptualize the *Fluctuations in the market and the economy make cost of site acquisition, site demolition and recon- it difficult to determine the cost of land acquisition struction costs of infrastructure and buildings into as a set cost. a village center format. The sample development program used to establish these numbers is based on CONCEPTUAL CONSTRUCTION COST ESTIMATE the full build out of the site according to the Tradi- tional Neighborhood Development Plan as described Low Estimate Mid Estimate High Estimate on page 4.22 of the Jamestown Mall Area Plan. Site Costs (Engineering, Infrastructure, Open Space) These numbers are an estimate and intended to rep- Demolition $ 6,010,000 $ 12,740,000 $ 19,470,000 resent an order of magnitude for developing the en- Roads, Other Infrastructure $ 12,520,000 $ 12,520,000 $ 12,520,000 tire site in a village center format. Additional cost Utilities $ 2,760,000 $ 2,760,000 $ 2,760,000 analysis will need to be prepared as more detailed plans are developed. Subtotal $ 21,290,000 $ 28,020,000 $ 34,750,000 Design, Contingency, Other $ 5,670,000 $ 8,760,000 $ 11,850,000 Land acquisition, soft costs such as legal fees, due diligence, financing, and other pre- and post-con- Site Costs Subtotal $ 26,960,000 $ 36,780,000 $ 46,600,000 struction costs are not included.

In addition, these numbers do not include the cost Construction of Development of remediation of the site. An asbestos survey needs Retail and Commercial $ 32,000,000 $ 34,400,000 $ 36,800,000 to be performed on the buildings in order to deter- Multifamily/Seniors $ 16,060,000 $ 17,265,000 $ 18,470,000 mine a cost for remediation of the site, due to a po- Single Family Housing, Townhomes $ 160,840,000 $ 172,905,000 $ 184,970,000 tential multi-million dollar swing the remediation scope may have. Contingency $ 31,340,000 $ 33,690,000 $ 36,040,000

*Development Construction Subtotal $ 240,240,000 $ 258,260,000 $ 276,280,000 A specific plan, scope, and surveys are required to arrive at more accurate development costs. Total Conceptual Construction Estimate $ 267,200,000 $ 295,040,000 $ 322,880,000 ¦Z::