.. ..... •••• I • •••• II •• II ....II • ..* • FEDERAL EDmON Limited to J,OOOsigned and numbered sets. The Connoisseur's Federal Edition of the Writings of Benjamin Franklin is limited fo four hundred signed and numbered sets, of which this is Number~ ~ ~_ We guarantee that no limited, numbered edition, other than the Federal, shall be printed from these plates, The written number must correspond with the perforated number at top of this page, Benjamin Franklin mork$ llt Ilettjttutitt IirttttlUiu The Works of Benjamin Franklin Including the Private as well as the Official and Scientific Correspondence Together with The Unmutilated and Correct Version of the Autobiography Compiled and Edited by John Bigelow "Strange that Ulysses does a thousand things so well. "-ILlAD, B. 11,335 " , , : ".. , :1 't .........• . ' ",:: ' ,' . I : Volume X;I : ... " ..,," .. " ...... ~'.. : G. P. Putnam's Sons New York and London tI:be ~ntchetbochet ~te5e 19°+ 342163 :\ :I':: .: ~;'~~ .' • 't :: • i' , •••0 e • •• •• •, •••• .f ~..1 t'" " • ••: r'., : :'••• '",":, '(.:•• t :t .~:• CONTENTS OF VOLUME XI 1784 PAGB MCCCXVIII.-To M. MELMOTH 3 Frankhn's portrait In pottery 1785 MCCCXIX.-To DAVID HARTLEY, JANUARY 3D 4 MCCCXX.-To JOHN JAY, FEBRUARY 8TH 6 Effect m Europe of the misrepre- sentations of the British press MCCCXXI.-To MR. FRANCIS CHILDS, PRINTER AT NEW YORK, FEBRUARY 8TH 8 MCCCXXII.-To THE PRESIDENT OF CONGRESS, FEBRUARY 8TH 9 Consular convention project. MCCCXXIII.-To WM. STRAHAN, MARCH 5TH 10 Unsettled accounts with Hall-Value of a copyright in an established newspaper. MCCCXXIV.-ToBENJAMINVAUGHAN,MARCH 14TH II MCCCXXV.-To RICHARD PRICE, MARCH 18TH 20 Purchase of books for the town of Franklin. MCCCXXVI.-To WILLIAM CARMICHAEL, MARCH 22D 22 MCCCXXVII.-To THE PRESIDENT OF CONGRESS, APRIL 12TH.
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