South Pacific Record and Adventist World Survey t, 04111.Li%a %.AjpSP,41",

Publication of the Seventh-day Adventist Church in the South Pacific Division VOL. 91, NO. 48 December 13, 1986

Shall We Forget Christmas? —Page 3

The Deadly Wound Healed —Page 6

90-Year-Old's Witness Leads to Baptisms —Page 11

South Pacific Record EDITORIAL . . . end \thenita Losing Touch

Official Paper of the SOUTH PACIFIC DIVISION OF THE SEVENTH-DAY ADVENTIST CHURCH I SUPPOSE nearly everyone spends with addressing various topics that are Editor JAMES COFFIN some time talking to himself or herself. of interest to Adventists but that might Assistant Editor JOY TOTENHOFER Editorial Secretary GLENDA FAIRALL And I doubt that it says much about a not be of interest to non-Adventists. Advisers: person's mental/emotional health. But when so many of us have so much Senior Consulting Editor A. H. TOLHURST However, if we spend all our time, Consulting Editors to say to the church and so little to say Correspondents: or the overwhelming majority of our to those outside the church, it seems to Division R. L. Coombe time, talking to ourselves, it may be a indicate a problem. If our message is Avondale College J. T. Banks Adventist Hospital B. Sodeman sign that we are losing touch with not worthwhile for everyone, is it Trans-Tasman Union reality. And that is why I am becoming really worthwhile for anyone? Trans-Australian Union R. H. Baird Regional Reporters: somewhat concerned about a trend I As I have contemplated this situa- Central Pacific G. E. Christian think I perceive in the Adventist tion, I have become even more Greater Sydney R. K. Brown Church. North L. J. Laredo concerned—for writing is a relatively North New Zealand D. D. Blanch You see, having recently come to safe avenue for sharing one's convic- Northern L. G. Robinson Signs Publishing Company to assume tions. I can understand how, for a Papua New Guinea M. Darius South Australia G. W. Watson my role as editor, I wanted to see for number of reasons, a person might find South New South Wales R. W. Townend myself just what articles we had in the it difficult to share his or her faith South New Zealand R. E. Granger South Queensland R. G. Douglas manuscript file. So over the past few during a face-to-face encounter. I Tasmania A. Walshe weeks I have put myself to sleep many would have thought, however, that E. I. Totenhofer Western Australia G. W. W. Drinkall an evening by reading the literary many people who want to share their Western Pacific L. Solomon efforts awaiting publication. beliefs but who feel too shy for Local Reporters: Church Communication Secretaries Now, lest you allow your imagina- personal evangelism would want to use tion to lead you to conclusions I have the more insulated vehicle of writing. Annual subscription—post paid: not intended, I hasten to add that the But they don't seem to be doing All areas covered by the South Pacific Division $A18.00 falling asleep was totally the result of so—and it is not for want of people Other countries $A31.00 the lateness of the hour, and had who like to write; it is for want of Air Mail postage rates on application nothing to do with the content of the people who choose to write for Order direct from the Signs Publishing Company, Warburton, Victoria 3799, Australia. manuscripts. non-Adventists. All copy for the paper should be sent to The Editor, RECORD, Signs Publishing Company, Warburton, Be that as it may, as I worked my More disturbing still—for me, at Victoria 3799. way through scores of manuscripts, I least—is that during the past few Editorial Office: Phone (059) 66 5781. Printed weekly for the Division by the Signs Publishing noticed that the overwhelming major- weeks I have discovered that I, too, Company, Warburton, Victoria. ity of cover letters said the material suffer from the same malady. For the Q* had been written for the RECORD. A past four years I have talked to the DIRECTORY smaller amount had been written for church. Now, as editor of an outreach SOUTH PACIFIC DIVISION OF THE SEVENTH-DAY ADVENTIST CHURCH either the RECORD or Signs. But very magazine, I suddenly am discovering 148 Fox Valley Road, Wahroonga, NSW 2076. little had been written specifically for how Adventist-orientated my thinking President Walter R. L. Scragg Secretary A. H. Tolhurst Signs. But that was not all. Treasurer W. T. Andrews Even of the material prepared for Associate Secretary V. B. Parmenter Associate Treasurers 0. S. Mason If we spend all our time W. H. Stokes Signs or "Signs or the RECORD," Field Secretary A. J. Ferch most of it was written in "Adventis- Administration Projects Director M. G. Townend talking to ourselves, it Archivist and Statistician R. E. Clifford tese," which is not always com- Auditor G. J. Bland may be a sign that we are Associate Auditors E. N. Hokin prehended or appreciated by the M. E. Mitchell E. J. Moffitt person not speaking that language. If losing touch with E. E. Robson K. E. Watts we want to communicate with the reality. Departmental Ofrectors "person in the street," we must learn Church Ministries A. E. Birch Associates A. B. Gane to translate the truths and concerns of R. L. Hodgkinson B. K. Craig Adventism into words understandable is and how difficult it is to speak to P. R. Jack non-Adventists in a way that will make Assistant L. R. Chester to the uninitiated. And I saw very little Communication, Public Affairs of that happening in the articles I read. any real impact. Religious Liberty R. L. Coombe Education G. F. Clifford Putting it bluntly, I fear we have I hadn't originally intended this as a Associate H. T. Irvine Assistant A. C. Reye fallen into the rut of talking to plug for articles for Signs . But maybe I Food Services D. C. Myers Health and Temperance D. E. Bain ourselves—even when we try to speak should strike while the iron is hot. If Associate - G. Rowe Ministerial Association A. D. C. Currie to others. And I think it bodes ill for the you're interested, write for a copy of Publishing J. T. Knopper our writers' guidelines. Trust Services A. W. White future of the church. It suggests a ADRA Executive Director G. A. Laxton looking inward by a people commis- In the meantime, I'm confident there Associate W. Peter Truscott Christian Services for the Blind E. C. Lemke sioned to be looking—no, aggressively are people out there who would be reaching—outward. And the problem happy to listen—if we could just learn is not limited to writing. to include them in the conversation. Certainly, there is nothing wrong James Coffin.


Perhaps Christmas was initiated by God, not in spite of the sorrow and want and depravity of humanity, but because of it.

AS CHRISTMAS comes again this reinforce the predisposition toward year, I sense that around the world a violent sexual crime. great multitude of people will have to '1 oday it seems that no subject is struggle to whip up the mood of off-limits. Nothing is too outrageous, gladness and awe usually associated revolting or disgusting for a lyric or a with this festive season. So I wonder if screenplay. And half of all the movies we could agree, by common consent, produced in the United States of to forget Christmas this year? America are for "mature audiences." Certainly this has been another "one The greatest tragedy is that most of this of those years." During 1986, it has appalling material is aimed to appeal to been hard to say which part of the the young. newspaper has been more In order to be fair, however, let us depressing—the front pages or the briefly compare our world with the financial pages. The front pages world of that first Christmas. carried story after story of terrorism, Violence was accepted as a way of highjacking, murder, rape and vio- life then, too. Murders and assassina- lence. At the same time, we have seen tions were common in Caesar's our dollar descend to new lows against palaces and in the streets. (You recall all our major trading partners. This is the story of the slaughter of the infants certainly not the type of reading that in Bethlehem.) Travel became so brings cheer and goodwill. dangerous that people went about In January this year, US Defence armed with daggers and swords and Secretary Caspar Weinberger opened rarely ventured out at night. a conference on low-intensity warfare Factional fights were constantly with this observation, "Tonight, one erupting. Poverty and disease were out of every four countries around the everywhere. Temple worship was globe is at war." Leo Cherne, corrupt. Many of those in places of vice-chairman of the US President's trust in government and the courts Foreign Intelligence Advisory Board, were able to be bought off. Life was picked up this same thought in a I wonder if we could cheap. Anyone who dared to challenge February speech to the Defence agree, by common the Roman government was promptly Strategy Forum in Washington, noting subdued, and the penalties were "42 current conflicts involving four consent, to forget horrifying. million people." Christmas this year? Perhaps Christmas was initiated by This year, 1986, was designated as God, not in spite of the sorrow and the International Year of Peace. But want and depravity of humanity, but the millions of people living in places and accounted for almost 40 per cent of because of it. The announcement such as South Africa, India, Pakistan, all organised crime. About 25 million made in Bethlehem so long ago of Sri Lanka, North and South Korea, Americans have tried cocaine and one "peace on earth and goodwill toward Cambodia, the Philippines, Ireland, out of every four has tried marijuana. men" is certainly needed in 1986 as Afghanistan, Latin America and the There are some who feel similar figures much as it was ever needed before. Middle East will find it difficult to sing would apply in Australia. We need to forget the fallacy of its carols about "peace on earth" and A popular carol says, "Silent night, ancient customs, the tinsel and the "goodwill toward men." holy night." But our nights are far from commercialisation, and remember the Looming through the smoke of silent or holy when one considers the good news that the true meaning of violence, we can see one of its dramatic rise in lust killings, fuelled in Christmas promises to bring, causes—drugs. The year 1986 pro- part by violent and sexually explicit If the solution to a world's problems duced a further devastating picture of a films. Dr Paul Wilson, in a paper to the 2,000 years ago was found in that first world slowly being destroyed by South Australian Police Association in Christmas, when our Saviour was drugs. A report by a presidential Adelaide, claimed that violent and born, dare we forget the real meaning commission revealed that the Ameri- sexually explicit films and videos, of Christmas in 1986? ■ can drug industry was now worth while not directly responsible for sex Geofrey E. Youlden is host of the radio and TV $US10 billion a year in illegal profits murders, nonetheless accelerate and program "Focus on Living."


If God is dead and humans merely animals, happiness becomes unjustified optimism, hope is madness and love retreats to mere sensuality.

THERE IS an old saying about not all live in a world where everyone The obvious example is the Charis- being able to see the forest for the abandons all perceptions of reality, of matic movement, which is simply a trees. And, like so many old sayings, it law and of the mechanisms of exis- religious form of this escapist idea. "It is a useful one. tence. Then, magically, the sky will be doesn't matter, brother, whether God Suppose we were to equate those full of diamonds, everyone will love has one or three heads—or whether He trees with the evils we see around us everyone, and we'll all live in a dream, even exists—as long as you've got the today. The forest would represent content on a staple diet of marshmal- Spirit." Call it Christian cocaine, if some kind of unifying idea behind low pies. you like. them—perhaps a dangerous idea that Perhaps if you or I had suffered John But this idea has penetrated further is so all-pervasive that, like most Lennon's experiences, we would have than that. Take, for example, the subtle evils, we fail to notice it. wished for the same thing. In fact, I "Christian society" of the United This unifying idea began a long time sometimes wonder what the difference States. A president, by his own ago, but was revived in the last century is between marshmallow pie and admission "born again," feels guided and has caught on in this one. Its recent Christian "pie in the sky." For, you to pursue "star wars"—a fail-safe revival owes a lot to men like Soren see, this selfsame idea has entered and device for divine providence, no Kierkegaard and John Lennon. perverted Christianity. doubt. "Loving your enemies" has In simple terms, this all- encompassing idea runs like this: Since scientists such as Charles Darwin have undermined the existence of the supernatural, life is a rather meaning- less exercise—"a tale told by an idiot, . . . signifying nothing," as William Shakespeare so aptly put it. With God dead, angels out of fashion and humans merely animals, there's not much room left for happiness, hope or joy. Happiness becomes unjustified optimism, hope is madness and love retreats to mere sensuality. Given this state of affairs, some people have come up with the idea that if what is real and true is so painful, then the only way to be happy is to escape from reality; to immerse oneself in things that are not real. This idea may seem at first glance to be rather stupid, but let me assure you that every time you turn on the television set or listen to modern music—or sometimes even when you go to church—you are being bom- barded with it. Let me explain what I mean. I mentioned the name of John Lennon. Perhaps his best-known song is called "Imagine." One line in that song goes, "Imagine there's no heaven." Now, some people believe there is no heaven, although I believe there is. I don't know whether John Lennon believed in heaven or not. But Christianity is like a house in a storm. But to enter, we what he was saying is that we ought to must ascend what may appear to be rickety stairs.

4 SOUTH PACIFIC RECORD, DECEMBER 13, 1986 become "send in the Marines." The unfortunately, come to mean very little words may be there, the appearance now. Faith is not blind optimism. It is may be kept up, but the content—the not an escape, or even a feeling. Faith genuine belief in the actual reality of a is genuine belief that something— benevolent God—has gone. But let's Someone—is real. The lie is that God come nearer to home. cannot be real; the truth must be that He is. Cliches like "justification by faith," FOR THE CHILDREN "remnant church" and "pillars of In the final analysis, we do not faith" roll effortlessly from our ton- believe in a set of propositions or gues. But I am afraid that our ideas. Ultimately, our belief must be in eagerness to polemicise and hit back at a Person—about whom the doctrines Bob all our perceived enemies contradicts are merely descriptions. Because that MYRTLE O'HARA the truth. The real test of being a Person is true and real, He can Christian is loving one another, even intervene in events we can see and ONE DAY Jason arrived home from our enemies. We say we believe in the feel. school with a big dog. eventual providence of God; yet we Those of us who go on subcon- "Oh, not another dog!" Mum feel the need to join little "justice sciously clinging to the lie that God is exclaimed. committees" to help God along. not real will soon be in for a "Well, I came across a group of boys What, then, is wrong? Could it be shock—because that lie is about to be who were tormenting this poor thing," that too many nights in front of the exploded. Already you can see large he said. television set have subtly indoctri- cracks appearing in it. Perhaps the "Perhaps we can try to find his nated us, causing us to ask deep down future will take the shape of the owner," Mum said as she got the whether there really is a God after all? madness that modern art seeks to half-starved animal something to eat. Might we subconsciously believe that induce us to escape into. The dog was nervous and suspicious everything is up to us in the end? That How will it be for us when the when people came near him, and Christianity really is only a "pie in the comfortable little material world into would not make friends. sky"? That our odds might be better to which we have barricaded ourselves Jason's sister, Marie, was especially is violently invaded by the super- sorry for the dog, which the family natural, and the whole thing falls down named Bob. She tried to show Bob In the final analysis, we around our ears? love, but he remained on the defen- Then, perhaps, we will see that sive. do not believe in a set of Christianity is like a house in a storm. About this time, Marie had to go to propositions or ideas. Inside is a light and food on the table another school that was quite a long Ultimately, our belief and friends to help us. But to get into way from home. Mum and Dad were the house and out of the storm we have worried because she would have to must be in a Person. to ascend what at first glance appears walk there each day by herself. to be a rickety old flight of stairs. "Perhaps Bob could go with her," The steps are old and worn and don't Dad said. "She would be safe with trust in things we can see and do for appear, on initial appraisal, to be able him." So over the weekend Jason and ourselves? to hold our weight. But we cannot get Marie took Bob to the school and We tend to forget the unseen into the house except by the stairs. brought him home again so he would things—the actual removal of all our And we can never use stairs unless we know the way. They told him their guilt, God's forgiveness, the never- are willing to place our whole weight plan, and he seemed to understand. ceasing atmosphere of His love and on them. Next morning, Marie said, "It's concern for us, that we are sons and I think the parallel is obvious; faith is time to go to school, Bob." They set daughters of God. Instead, we turn to walking up the stairs; and the stairs are off together and the dog looked very things we can do and see for . . . well, we can read it in John 1:51. important as he walked beside her. ourselves—to asking what sin we It is only the Person Jesus Christ When they arrived she said, "Go overcame this week, what sin we who can see us through from this world home, Bob. Come for me this after- didn't overcome, what impression we to the next. What will get us through noon." are making on other people, what are will not be ideas about Him and He seemed unwilling to leave until the right words to say, what we appear descriptions of Him or even using His she repeated her command, and he to be instead of what God will make us. name. It will be the Person behind the turned and trotted off. Pointing out the problem is easier name—not even our faith in Him— Shortly before school was out, than solving it, I know. But one cannot only He Himself. Mother said, "Bob, go to school and offer a solution without first knowing So, then, I would urge everyone to bring Marie home." The dog raced the problem. And the problem is that look beyond the physical world, which away and waited at the school gate till the lie of unreality has got to too many is really only a wave in the ocean of the she appeared. After that, Mother of us. universe, to that greater Reality who in never had to tell Bob to go for Marie. What then is the answer? It's really His own being has for ever linked the Every day Bob escorted Marie to quite simple, of course. We've been two. ■ and from school. The family were so told it all our lives. It's faith. glad that Jason had brought him home, Faith, however, is one of those David Hancock writes from Condon;, New and they wondered how they had words that meant a lot once and has, South Wales. managed without him. ■

SOUTH PACIFIC RECORD, DECEMBER 13, 1986 5 PROPHECY._ The Deadly Wound Healed —1

The pope has made history in the number of world visits he has made since his election. Is there any significance from a religious point of view?

THE GLEAMING white aircraft wound was healed: and all the world came to a halt on the tarmac at wondered after the beast." Canberra airport on Monday, We should look at the whole of November 24, 1986, marking the chapter 13 to discover the setting of beginning of Pope John Paul II's visit verse 3. Chapter 13 outlines two to Australia. It was his 32nd "pil- periods of history in two different parts grimage" to 70 countries since his of the world. The first part (verses election in 1979. 1-10) refers to a power that arises in The pope's visit was probably Europe—"out of the sea," meaning Australia's greatest media event since that it came into prominence in a young Queen Elizabeth II made her populated part of the world. This visit here in 1954. He was followed by power was to dominate people's lives an entourage of 30 officials and two for a period of 42 months, or 1260 years plane loads of media representatives. (using the Biblical principle of in- It was an extraordinarily short visit terpretation that a day equals a year). of six and a half days, but the pope was The second part of Revelation 13, able to visit Australia's capital cities. beginning with verse 11, speaks of Why did it have to be so rushed? A another power that would ultimately senior churchman explained: "The dominate the thinking of the world. pope has made it a rule not to miss This power would come up "out of the more than one of the papal audiences earth," or from an unpopulated area. that are held on Wednesdays in St Bible students understand this to be Peter's Square. People save up for John Paul II has the New World or the United States of years to go and see him. He doesn't America. This second power, although like to disappoint them." captured the quite different from the first, would This means a maximum absence of imagination of millions demonstrate some of the same 13 days including travelling time. The characteristics and would be directed pope additionally visited Fiji (one day) and catapulted himself by the same motivation as the first. and New Zealand (two days). With to centre stage as the The power portrayed in verse 3 had refueling stops, it was a tight schedule. single most important one of his heads "wounded to death," The cost to the Roman Catholic which literally means that it came to an Church is likely to total between four religious leader in the end or ceased to have influence. This and five million dollars. In addition, Western world. power, the Roman Catholic church, the Federal and State Governments governed the world as a religio- are picking up the tab for travel and political power during the period of the accommodation for the pope and, any significance from a religious point Dark Ages, a time of great persecution. presumably, his entourage of 30. of view? After all, no other pope in Church historians claim that up to The Government was also respons- history has met so many people in so 100 million people lost their lives ible for security, traffic control, many countries and made such an during this period of history. They provision of facilities for the press and impact on society. were tormented and annihilated be- RAAF—VIP flights. Estimates for Putting aside for the moment the cause of their faith and trust in God and these costs are not available, but they pope's right to visit his "flock," which their adherence to the truths of the are expected to run into millions of number about 800 million around the Bible. The prophecy of Revelation 13 dollars. world, students of Bible prophecy see predicted that this time of trouble The pope has made history in the a greater significance in what has been would continue for approximately number of world visits he has made happening in recent years. 1260 years, and then it would end with since his election: 32 visits to 70 Revelation chapter 13 outlines his- the "deadly wound." countries in seven years leaves one tory in advance. And when we see According to reliable historical gasping for breath. From a purely certain things being fulfilled that were sources, this period of Papal domina- physical point of view, this must be a spoken by the prophet, we can tion and persecution came to an end marathon effort. understand and believe the truth of with the capture of the pope by the Nevertheless, one must stop and God's Word. Revelation 13:3 reads: French military in 1798. The pope was ask, Why so many frenzied visits in "And I saw one of his heads as it were taken back to France where he died a such a short period of time? Is there wounded to death; and his deadly year later. The pope's capture and

6 SOUTH PACIFIC RECORD, DECEMBER 13, 1986 death led to the disintegration of his with seven heads and 10 horns. Verse 5 Now, notice the words of Thube, a power, which held sway over Europe predicts that it would continue for 1260 German theologian, written in 1796, a for so many years. years, and verse 3 indicates it would couple of years before the actual fall of The Bible predicted that the power then receive a deadly wound. the Papacy. "The prophecy concern- referred to in Revelation 13 would be The Edinburgh Missionary ing the wounding of the beast, which revived and would once again exercise Magazine reported in 1796, "By the we find in Revelation 13:3, is being great authority in the affairs of nations general consent of the prophecy, the fulfilled before our eyes." But notice and peoples. Verse 3 says, "And his reign of anti-christ is now hastening to carefully the words that follow, "This deadly wound was healed," meaning it an end." Note that those then living wound, however, shall sooner or later was restored as a force in the world. recognised that they were seeing be healed again. Then will come to The healing process is now evident prophecy being fulfilled before their pass that which has been written in among the churches, the nations, the eyes. Revelation 13: 11-17."—Das Bush des political movements, the industrial On March 31, 1798, an American Propheten Daniels, page 189. unions of the world. The healing hand clergyman wrote a letter to the London Thube was noting the words of was held out recently to the Jewish Baptist Annual Register, which said in Revelation 13:3: "And I saw one of his religion when the pope visited Rome's part, "I cannot help thinking that heads as it were wounded to death; and main synagogue in a gesture of Rome will soon fall into the hands of his deadly wound was healed: and all friendship. It underscored the Roman the French, and that the Pope will be the world wondered after the beast." Catholic Church's changed attitude deprived of all his temporal dominions Verse 8 states, "And all that dwell on toward Jews. . . . and perhaps [this] will be ac- the earth shall worship him, whose Pope John Paul II broke new ground complished before this letter can reach names are not written in the book of to try to erase traditional suspicions Great Britain." life of the Lamb slain from the and enmities between religions as he embraced and prayed with Rome's chief Rabbi, Elio Toaff, in the 82-year-old temple built in the ancient Tiber riverside ghetto. John Paul II is perhaps the most charismatic pope in modern times. In a few years he has captured the imagi- nation of millions and catapulted himself to centre stage as the single most important religious leader in the Western world. His visit to Australia, New Zealand and Fiji comes at a critical time in our world. All around us are signs of confusion and fear about the future. As a world we seem to have lost our way. Pope John Paul II has come with a message of peace and goodwill. What does all this mean? As reported in Daniel 7, Daniel saw four beasts rise up from the sea. The four beasts represented four kingdoms: Babylon, Medo-Persia, Grecia and What he thought might happen in foundation of the world." Rome. The fourth beast had 10 horns fact had happened, for on February 10, In 1799 Thube wrote, "The deadly representing the 10 kingdoms into 1798, a little more than five weeks wound will be healed, but whether it which the Roman empire was divided. before the letter was written, French will take a short or long time we do not Then Daniel saw another horn come up troops entered Rome and declared the know, nor do we understand now by that uprooted three of the 10. pope's reign at an end. The pope was which manner and by which process it History records how three of the 10 given 48 hours to leave the city. He fled will come to pass."—Id, pages 123, kingdoms were banished because of to the French fortress of Balence, 124. their Arian beliefs, namely, the Van- where he died on July 28, 1799. Later Those living in 1798 saw prophecy dals in AD 476, the Heruli in AD 533 the church was permitted to have fulfilled before their eyes in the and the Ostrogoths in AD 538. It was in another pope, but he could exercise wounding of the beast. Those now that same year, 538, that Justinian's authority only in religious matters. living have seen prophecy fulfilled decree went into effect, making The prophecy concerning the 1260 before their eyes in the healing of the Roman Christianity the official religion years (Daniel 7; Revelation 13) was wound. ■ of the world. fulfilled to the very year. It com- According to Daniel 7:25, this power menced in AD 538 and finished in 1798, Concluded next week. would continue for exactly 1260 years. thus bringing to an end the period of R. K. Brown is the Communication Department This same power, the Papacy, is the Dark Ages, a time of great director for the Greater Sydney Conference, symbolised in Revelation 13 by a beast persecution. NSW.

SOUTH PACIFIC RECUHD, DECEMBER 13, 1986 7 SOUTH PACIFIC NEWS . . Administrator Finds ADRA Fulfilling Role AFTER FIVE weeks spent in- specting projects in Papua New Guinea and the Solomon Islands, the associate director of the Adventist Development and Relief Agency, Peter Truscott, has returned home impressed by the tremendous needs. "The real challenge is ahead," says Mr Truscott. "In partnership with ADRA supporters and other funding agencies, we must find resources to meet so many developmental essen- tials." Initially Mr Truscott attended a seminar in Port Moresby on The Ethics of Development and assisted in draft- ing a proposal for an irrigation project. At Ambunti, Pastor Kevin Amos, president of the East Sepik Mission, took him on an inspection of a rubber plantation funded jointly by ADRA and the Australian Development As- sistance Bureau. The trees are now coming into production and should Kambubu High School is attempting to find ways of diversifying agricultural production. Local farmers soon be supplying latex in commercial depend heavily on copra and cocoa, but both commodities suffer from wild price fluctuations. quantities. rascal elements. Investment in youth urgently need a four-wheel-drive ve- In company with the local govern- community projects pays rich divi- hicle to market their produce. ment officer, Mr Truscott held a dends as restless energies are chan- In the Solomons, Mr Truscott saw meeting with the people of Wom, nelled in a positive direction." urgent need for a 16 mm movie which was the epicentre of the Sepik In many areas lack of water is a projector for community outreach earthquake earlier this year. ADRA problem, with local villages unable to projects on Bougainville, where the has provided petrol for families to meet the cost of even simple water lure of Western technology is appeal- travel to their traditional timber and storage. Representatives of several ing to both the locals and the many thatch collection areas to gather villages met to discuss possible solu- immigrant workers seeking employ- materials to replace their houses. tions to health risks from inadequate ment in the copper mines. A visit to Mount Hagen, Ulya and water during the dry season. A "A visit to the island of Buka again Togoba highlighted the needs of the committee was appointed to examine highlighted the problems of water children and youth of the highlands cost-effective, sustainable water pro- shortages," says Mr Truscott. and the efforts being expended to meet jects. "ADRA has been specifically re- them. "It was exciting to be involved in quested to help the community at "It was pleasing to see the self-help dialogue at the grassroots level," says Pipisu, on Buka, to solve their water attitudes prevalent in this region," Mr Truscott. "Water is a fundamental problems. Storage tanks or bore says Mr Truscott. "Vegetable gardens problem and we are glad for the pumps are a crying need. But this area are flourishing at Ulya. This project in opportunity to work with the local is removed from the economic activity particular is an attempt to reach out to community to find solutions." generated by the copper mines, so the many youth whose self-esteem has Many of the schools visited needed self-financing of water projects—or suffered because of their inability to new buildings constructed from mate- any projects—is difficult. continue at school beyond Class 6. rials that would make upkeep less "On the return trip we visited Inus, Often, when they are forced to leave expensive. As well, they are en- on Bougainville, where ADRA and school, these 'push-outs' join rascal deavouring to develop plantations or ADAB are sharing the upgrading of the gangs who resort to antisocial ac- industries to provide employment Medical Aid Post. This is really a tivities. Getting them gainfully opportunities for both students and the mini-hospital serving immediate med- employed helps to combat the pro- surrounding community. Such de- ical needs of the community. They do a blem. We are also endeavouring to velopment is imperative to the long- tremendous job, alleviating suffering improve facilities for Pathfinder clubs term survival of the schools. and disease at the grassroots level. Our and welfare federation activities to Then there is the problem of task is to support them," says Mr help keep young people away from transport. Schools such as Kambubu Truscott. ■

8 SOUTH PACIFIC RECORD, DECEMBER 13, 1986 Students at Maitland school got into the spirit of Heritage Day, and dressed as children of 100 years ago. From left: Bradley Scott, Tamar Brown, Natalie Dobson, Joseph Hawker and Mellissa Farrelly. Maitland School Doubles Enrolment in Two Years

THE SEVENTH-DAY Adventist pupils moved to a three-hectare site on farm and holistic education." school at Maitland, New South Wales, Cessnock Road. The hill on which the The present enrolment of 36 is has doubled its enrolment since it school stands is part of an 1829 land accommodated in two large class- began in 1984. grant to "Saint Peter's," providing rooms and a hall, with grassed playing Teacher Kevin Mannington enrolled interest to a recent Heritage Day. fields in addition to an all-weather play the original 18 students who arrived for "The school has maintained an area. Anyone wanting more details classes in a room at the back of the effective profile in the local media," about the school may write to: Carmel Maitland church even before the desks says Maitland church member Russell Ashton, Principal, Maitland District had been delivered. Schulz. "People are aware of our SDA School, Cessnock Road, Mait- Mrs Stephanie Hedges was head emphasis on Christian values, and land, NSW 2320; or phone teacher when the school and its 28 have shown great interest in our school (049) 32 5707. ■ Warrimoo School "EnZedders" Lead Parliamentarian Promotes Smoke-Free Gives Healthful Living Week Certificates WARRIMOO SCHOOL, in the ADVENTISTS in New Zealand LOCAL MEMBER of Parliament lower Blue Mountains west of Sydney, capitalised on the nation's recent Mr Brian McGowan presented cer- recently sponsored a stall promoting Great Smoke Free Week to promote tificates to the children at the conclu- healthful living at the opening of the the benefits of a balanced lifestyle. sion of a Happy Holiday program nearby Blaxland Mall. "Community thinking is taking a conducted recently by the Ourimbah Year 6 students in full uniform stronger stand against smoking," says church in New South Wales. assisted Home and School members in Pastor Robert Granger, South New "Forty-two children—more than demonstrating healthful food prepara- Zealand Conference Communication half of them non-Adventists— tion. director. Most Adventist churches in attended the programs," said Robyn "The display gave valuable publi- the conference sponsored some type of Crosland, church communication city to our school," says principal activity to highlight the non-smoking secretary. "We took the Life of Christ John Campbell. "We also raised goal. as our theme and featured participa- money for the school by selling the A full-page advertisement in the tion, which the children enjoyed. We health foods. Best of all, the commun- Christchurch evening newspaper, The appreciated the help of members from ity was made aware that the Adventists Star, publicised 5-Day Stop Smoking Erina church who assisted with the promote healthful living." ■ Plans throughout the suburbs. ■ program," said Mrs Crosland. ■

SOUTH PACIFIC RECORD. DECEMBER 13. 1986 9 AAA in South Queensland Flying Nigh

DURING 1986, more than 7,000 people at 20 country shows received health-screening evaluations from the Adventist Aviation Association of South Queensland. So far this year, the AAA has given away 37,000 magazines and books and more than 15,000 articles and pam- phlets on health-related topics. In addition, the organisation has distri- buted 5,000 copies of Happiness Digest as well as Bibles, The Desire of Ages, The Great Controversy, Coun- sels on Diet and Foods and other similar material. The association has purchased a bus to transport equipment, literature and personnel. "Doctors and nurses are flown in with aircraft, saving valuable time for busy professionals," says association president Lawrens Adair. "We have Lawrens Adair places signs in preparation for a Health Assessment in the southern Queensland no flying doctors in Brisbane, so a circuit of the Adventist Aviation Association. The Association conducts programs at country shows. team from Murwillimbah in New Adair. "We have people who come up material from church cupboards or South Wales help us out at times. We and throw their arms around a helper pre-loved copies of books," says Mr appreciate their willingness to give up with the exclamation, 'I'm alive today Adair. Material can be sent to: AAA, leisure time." because of the advice you gave me last 19 Eagle Terrace, Brisbane, Qld 4000. About 400 people have registered for year.' Others enquire regarding our "Only when we see our show 5-Day Plans this year, and in excess of church. And one young man expressed contacts in the kingdom and hear them 600 have attended vegetarian or a desire to study for the ministry. say 'Praise the Lord!' will we know the nutrition courses. "We urgently need more literature harvest our seed-sowing has brought," "The rewards are varied," says Mr for our work and would welcome he says. ■ Radiographer Repairs X-rays

GRAHAM WESLAKE, a radio- grapher from Newcastle, New South Wales, recently took his vacation so he could go to work—training national staff at mission hospitals. Graham, who is a member of Hamilton church, spent two weeks at Sopas Hospital in Papua New Guinea, where he also repaired a tractor for Rakamanda School and a dental X-ray machine for a Catholic health centre. "I met many interesting people," says Graham. "But one highlight was meeting a team of Church of Christ volunteers who were returning from digging wells for villages in the Sepik River valley. Using a simple pump designed by Toby Fiander, the team were able to supply fresh water at minimal cost. "The team saw providing water as a Graham Weslake takes a look at the simple water pump designed by Toby Fiander (right) and held by step toward bringing the Water of Life Pastor Long of the Church of Christ. to these people," he adds. ■

10 SOUTH PACIFIC RECORD, DECEMBER 13. 1986 90-Year-Old's Witness Leads to Baptisms

A 90-YEAR-OLD church member from Redcliffe, Queensland, who shared her experience with Jesus with newly arrived neighbours, has had the joy of seeing them baptised. "You are the answer to our prayers," newcomers Alice and Roy Robinson told their elderly visitor. They accepted her invitation to attend a series of Kenneth Cox videos. The Robinsons had lived in Sydney. Though they attended church regu- larly, they found the experience 0_ unsatisfying and began looking for a Ron and Alice Robinson (centre) who have just joined the Redcliffe church through baptism, with church that gave answers. Pastor David Lamb and Flo Preston, who introduced them to Jesus. Then Alice became ill. The doctor Queensland, and decided to move new neighbours regarding her faith. diagnosed inoperable cancer—with six there. That witness culminated in the baptism months to live. Their search for a Two doors away lived two Adventist of Alice and Roy Robinson. church home became more intense. ladies, Mrs Anderson and Mrs Pres- "It was a miracle day for us," says The Robinson's had fallen in love ton. While gardening one day, Flo church communication secretary with Redcliffe while holidaying in Preston felt impressed to speak to her Margaret Creed. ■ Adventist Student Wins Essay Competition "Young people need a secure, well-regulated family life, and if parents are careful to create this type of anti-drug atmosphere in the home, temptations to use drugs will not be so great. "Open discussion with parents on topics right across the board is of utmost importance in order to develop good, all-round attitudes toward life. "Children need to be able to contribute to discussions, not to feel restricted or intimidated. They need the assurance of knowing their input is regarded as valuable by their parents. "Statistics show that approximately $800 per year is spent by the average Denton Wade won first prize in an essay competition conducted by local news media and the Drug Australian smoker on cigarettes and Offensive. He is congratulated by the principal of Brisbane High School, Barry Wright. related accessories. DENTON WADE, a Year 8 student available, and there's so much pres- "If the person consumes alcohol or at Brisbane Adventist High School, sure on young people to use them," he other drugs, the figure escalates. has won an essay competition that will says. "There's more about drugs and "Parents should discuss with their yield as prize a 16-day camping holiday what they have caused on the news children their personal reasons for not for two in Central Australia, valued at every day. I think it is good that the smoking, highlighting the positive more than $1,400. government is trying to make people benefits of money saved, good health, The competition was conducted by more aware of what is happening so higher academic achievements and a Quest Community Newspapers, Radio they can get help and information for general sense of well-being. 4BK Stereo 1296 and Drug Offensive. their problems." "Families could become involved in Denton, who was encouraged to The prize-winning essay is as community programs for rehabilitating enter the competition by his English follows: smokers, alcoholics and drug users. teacher, Mrs Nerolie Douglas, says he "The most effective example pa- "Parents should remember that believes the problem of drug abuse is rents can give their children is prevention is better than cure. too often underrated. complete abstinence from the use of "Children from an attentive, con- "Cigarettes and alcohol are prob- drugs, cigarettes and alcohol, and by cerned family are far less likely to be ably even more dangerous than other adopting an all-round, healthy, attracted to smoking, alcohol and drug drugs, because they're so readily exercise-orientated lifestyle. use." ■


WORLD NEWS . . . To Russia with Cynicism and Back With Love

superb. Five kopecks enabled us to travel throughout the entire network on bullet trains that went at pheno- menal speeds and arrived precisely on time. Many stations have marble floors and some are even lit by chandeliers. Not everything we saw was so impressive, however. The Soviet Union has many negative as well as positive features. Deciding to contact the Adventist Church in Moscow, I nervously enquired at the hotel reception desk. Eventually I made phone contact with a Russian Adventist who said he would send someone to visit. In time, a well-dressed, middle-aged man ar- rived. We talked casually for a while and then I asked him about his work. I was staggered to discover that he was the leader of the Adventists in the Soviet Union—the division president, if you like. He said the church's work is not easy, but he was proud of the church's growth. He said there are about 31,000 Adventists in the Soviet Union, 700 in Moscow. Most members have Bibles, but new converts are placed on a waiting list for a Bible. Before leaving, he invited me to attend the annual general meeting of the Adventist leaders from the various regions of the Soviet Union, which was to be held next day. And I decided to go. Most of the delegates could not speak English, but they were the kindest people I have ever met. Those I talked to were sincere, dedicated Adventists, confident in the soon return of Jesus. They told me the Anthony Mitchell (left) and his travelling companion in Russia try creating their own version of this Russian congregations were active, statue in the Soviet Union. that there are very few half-hearted WHEN A FRIEND invited me to go were boarding the Tupolev 154 at Adventists in the Soviet Union. to Russia during a recent year of study Gatwick Airport, bound for Russia. Our visit to the Soviet Union ended at Newbold College in England, I was We landed at the snow-covered all too quickly. As we flew home I rather cynical about the proposal. Moscow International Airport, and reflected on how my outlook had I had come to England to study and soon our tour bus took us to the changed since my arrival. I had travel. And I was more interested in Cosmos Hotel, an impressive encountered a group of Adventists developing a suntan on the beaches of semicircular structure originally built who were obviously proud of their Santorini than shovelling snow in the for the 1980 Olympic Games. country and wanted to dwell on its depths of Siberia. However, within a We found life in the Soviet Union positive aspects as much as possible. few days I was totally captivated by vastly different to anything we'd They were generous and loving. And I the thought of going. What was Russia experienced before. For one thing, had learned much from being with really like? I knew I just had to find there is absolutely no advertising. them. out. The underground rail systems in By Anthony Mitchell, who writes from Avondale Before long, my friend Keith and I both Moscow and Leningrad are College, New South Wales.

12 SOUTH PACIFIC RECORD, DECEMBER 13, 1986 Photo: Brian The AdventistgroupthattouredtheSovietUnion(fromleft):JoffreGilchrist,BettyMoxon,BrianDoak (tour leader),SimonDoak,MatthewHowden,MorrisPhillips,JoyMarkie,ChrisJohnsonandRon and health"tour,themostfrequent who recentlywentthereona"peace about abetterunderstandingand Union vary.ButofthenineAdventists the Easternbloc."Anditwastobring West knowverylittleaboutpeoplein reason givenwasthat"peopleinthe sense ofChristianneighbourlinessthat worshipping withfellowAdventistsin the tripwasorganised. in anewlocation,theIntouristguide Volgograd. Asthechurchnowmeets had difficultyfindingitforus,butshe persisted. Weweregratefulforher SOUTH PACIFIC RECORD.DECEMBER 13,1986 REASONS FORvisitingtheSoviet We spentourfirstSabbathinRussia Markie infrontofthechurchusedbyAdventistsandBaptistsSovietUnion. involvement, commitmentand of Harvest90isthetotal significant secretsofthesuccess suggests thatoneofthemost Inter-American pursue thegoalsandobjectives participation oflaypeople. encourage, recruit,train, moti- vate andmobilisethelargest possible numberoflaypeople to GEORGE BROWNofthe Leaders arechallenged to Adventist GroupTours Harvest 90:KeystoSuccess Soviet Union Division X. ,, MIPS C "Al-E-5Arlymvroa efforts. Andfromtheresponseof duced us,wegatheredtheywere local congregationwhensheintro- similarly appreciative. language toparticipateinandgaina Adventist churchinRussia.Itis real blessingfromworshipinan choir. enough justtohearthesingingof almost everybodywantedtogreetus our homechurches.Andafterward, opportunity topresentgreetingsfrom personally—language barriernot- withstanding. of Harvest90. act inconcert,movingforward as the harmoniousworkingofour K 0El the workofGodwillbefoundin 9, page221. one, underthedirectionof one page 75."IfChristianswereto the of onepurpose,theywould move Power, fortheaccomplishment people."—Christian Service, One doesnothavetospeakthe During theservice,weweregiven "The secretofoursuccessin world."—Testimonies, :

Vol church youngpeoplewithacopyofhis centre ofattractionashepresentedthe church inVictoria,alongwithabook church bulletinsfromtheBairnsdale youngest inourgroup,wasalwaysthe of Australiana. Adventist schoolmagazine, We alsogavethepeopleautographed described thescenespicturedin longer usedforworship;someare museums. However,wefelttheguides sensitivity andwithoutcriticism.It display intheKazanCathedral church andstate.Obviously,whenone religious artintheseplaceswith was obviousfromthepaintingson could notescape. all churchesmixpoliticsandreligion. there hadbeenacloseunionbetween Leningrad that,priortotherevolution, institution wasdiscredited,theother ing arelaxationofrestraints.Most find itgratefullyreceived.Younger Along withotherreligiousgroupsin and areexpensive.Visitorswhowish the USSR,Adventistsareexperienc- to makeapersonalgiftofBiblewill though thelatterarelimitedinsupply members havehymnalsandBibles, churches inLeningradandMoscow. members especiallyliketoreceive guide forthatregionsaid,"Iamnota modern Englishtranslations. warm welcomeatonechurch,thetour After wehadreceivedthecustomary teachings ofyourchurch."Wehoped terested tohaveyouexplainmethe believer, butIwouldbeveryin- gigantic warmemorialcomplexat there isnoeastandwest..." By B.W.Doak.Anyreaderswishing toview he hadalreadysensedthat"inChrist earth coveringthehundredsof long-lasting. Wecanneverforgetthe slides takenonthis tour,mayrequestdetailsofa high intheskywhenseenfrom its tenderlymaintainedmoundsof Yerevan. OrthePiskaryovskoye local contactfrom B.W.Doak,18Hillmont Volgograd. OrMountAraratstanding Memorial CemeteryinLeningradwith thousands whodiedintheWorldWar Avenue, Thornleigh, NSW2120. sizeable proportionofour globe,and we founditispopulatedby peoplejust like us. II siege. persists. Itisthatofalarge nationona My 14-year-oldson,Simon,the Many ofthechurcheswesawareno But perhapstimeisprovingthatnot The touralsoincludedAdventist Many ofourimpressionswillbe The listextends,butoneimpression Strathad. 13 ■ voices in praise and adoration. Letters As we open the Word, I glance Weddings around at those who are avidly Courtney—Roberts. David Graeme Courtney, son of Reluctant Prophet drinking in the truth from the Bibles Maurene Courtney, and Sherrilyn Joy Roberts, spread on their laps as they sit on the daughter of Jim and Esma Roberts, were married on I fully agree with D. J. Silver's October 5 in the Lilydale Adventist church, Vic. article "The Reluctant Prophet" floor. They feel so much at home with a R. K. Brown. (November 1). translation in their mother tongue. And for those of us who speak English, how Ford—Roeder. Wayne Ford, son of John and Maree As soon as one feels compelled by Ford (Batlow, NSW), and Sharon Roeder, daughter of the Holy Spirit to correct the errors of often fresh glimpses of the beauty of Joyce Roeder (Parkes) and the late Arthur Roeder, the Word are revealed as we read from were married on September 28 in the Wagga Wagga others, their spirit rises up to quell the Botanical Gardens. Wayne and Sharon plan to live in message. our favourite versions! Wagga until their new home is completed at Batlow. But our task is to prepare the way of I wonder as I see the abject misery Don Fehlberg. and hopelessness that heathenism the Lord and make His paths straight Kelly—Burgess. Robert Arthur Kelly, son of Eddy (Matthew 3:3), and the Lord will be brings, whether we, the privileged, and Doreen Kelly (Bundaberg, Qld), and Jacqueline with us as we do it. must be brought into adversity before Kim Burgess, daughter of Herbert Burgess (Mackay) we will cease to strain at a gnat and and Audrey Officer (Mackay), were married on Grahame Bernoth, NSW. October 19 in the Bundaberg SDA church. Robert and swallow a camel. Jacqueline will live and work in Bundaberg. Jean W. Thompson, Lewis G. Parker. Laodiceans Shocked Volunteer in Nepal. Parkinson—Hart. David J. Parkinson, son of George One could deduce from one state- and Gwen Parkinson (Young, NSW), and Carolyn A. ment in "What People Want in the Hart, daughter of Geof and Valmae Hart (Murrambah), Home School Advice were married on November 8 in the Uniting church, RECORD" (October 25) that as the In response to Suzanne Harrison's Murrambah. David, a builder, and Carolyn, a bank number of church schools has in- assistant, plan to set up their home in Wagga. creased and more children have access request (Letters, November 1) for an Ray W. Eaton. to them, it results in decreasing SDA correspondence course, two options come to mind: Smith—Dixon. David Smith, son of Owen and interest in our church. Margaret Smith (Warrimoo, NSW), and Leanne Faye I believe that instead of depending 1. Prepare your own program using Dixon, daughter of Mrs Faye Dixon (Whalan, NSW), were married on October 26 in the Penrith SDA church, on our church schools to be their the appropriate textbooks from an educational bookshop. For example, NSW. David is a horticulturalist, and Leanne a children's only medium of religious secretary. Robert Steed. tuition, parents must put into practice for our six-year-old son we purchased the admonition of Deuteronomy 6:7. basic nature-orientated readers and a Stevenson—Jack. John Stevenson, son of Mr and Mrs Doug Stevenson (Launceston, Tas), and Keryn Otherwise, if our Lord continues to Grade 1 maths textbook. Then, using our garden, pets, health topics and our Jack, daughter of Mr and Mrs D. R. Jack (Launceston), tarry, the apathy of the next generation were married on October 12 in the Launceston City of Adventists will cause even the neighbourhood, we fulfilled the re- Park. A. M. van Rensburg. Laodiceans to have some disquietude. maining subjects of writing, social S. G. Grubb, NSW. studies, nature and health. Through all the subjects ran a common thread of Obituaries Christian beliefs and responsibilities. Gnats and Camels We gained an exemption from the Deed, Albert James, born October 7, 1912, at Brunswick, Vic; died November 9, at the Warburton I recently sat quietly watching as a Education Department using just such Hospital. Bert married Ruth Slade on April 16, 1935, in sweet-faced Asian woman went a program. the Ringwood Methodist church. They joined the through a ritual to her heathen god, This coming year, we'll use a Adventist Church in 1947 through a series of evangelistic meetings. Bert held the offices of treasurer forming little balls of food and stuffing large-print Bible as the basic text, and and head deacon in the Nunawading church. He is them into his gaping mouth as he tie in the other subjects with the survived by his wife; sons, Noel, John, Geoff and Ted (all residing in Victoria); 14 grandchildren; sisters: looked on with unseeing eyes. chapter being studied. For example, Mavis Taylor, Winifred Wood, Joyce Williams and On Sabbaths, when possible, we Noah and the Flood will introduce Jean Waters. Another sister, Eileen McGuigan, travel a tortuous road to worship in a weather, seasons, fossils, etc. predeceased him. Pastor Eric Wolfe, manager of the Mountain View Hostel, where the Deeds have resided home with the few, so few, who have 2. If you are anxious about at- in recent years, assisted at the service. John Gate. learned of God's love—not through a tempting such a task or want to ensure mission, as that would not be permit- that your child is "keeping up" with Franks, Patricia Joan Morre, born October 31, 1927, at Auburn, NSW; died August 25 at the Westmead ted, nor through a tract in the the educational development of his Hospital, NSW. A member of the Toongabbie church, letterbox, as there are no letterboxes, peers, then there is ACE (Accelerated Pat will be missed by her family and friends. She is Christian Education), a Christian cor- survived by her sons, Robert, Gregory and Kenneth. but probably because the reflection of Bill Cortizo. His love, seen in the life of a friend or respondence course available from the relative, prompted enquiries about Baptist Church. Frost, Vanessa Maria, born December 11, 1969; died October 19 as the result of a car accident, and was Christ. The only problem I see with this buried in the Mullumbimby Cemetery, NSW, on No problem here about the emblem program is that it is highly structured October 21. On the day of her funeral the SDA schools of the cross either inside or outside our (even in the infant classes), and has at Murwillumbah and Mullumbimby were closed in her honour. Left to mourn are her parents, Sydney and sanctuary, as we do not have the Baptist theology coming through. But Coral, and their four surviving children. privilege of worshipping in a it could be useful on a short-term basis Keith Parmenter. sanctuary. until such time as an Adventist Grubner, Annie Alexandra (Baggerly), died October We haven't thought it a cause for program is developed or until you feel 28 at the Middlemore Hospital, Auckland, New division that some hymns in the new confident to develop your own pro- Zealand. The mother of four children, Ron, Neville, Ken and Margaret, she is mourned by her family and hymnal may not fully reflect Adventist gram. friends. Pastor Ritchie Way assisted at the graveside. teaching. We thankfully raise our Merilyn Trosky, NSW. J. L. Lansdown.

14 SOUTH PACIFIC RECORD, DECEMBER 13. 1986 Loxley, Rufus Buttrics, born 1903 in the Forbes Greetings Longburn Adventist College Longburn Adventist College is now receiving district, NSW; died October 22, and was buried in the Season's greetings and Christmas love to all my applications for the 1987 school year. Kingswood Cemetery. Rufus lived a busy life, seven friends at home and abroad. years of which had been spent in colporteur ministry, Vi Landon. Longburn offers a comprehensive boarding and day living in primitive conditions in the far west of NSW. He school program for Senior High School and Common- leaves to mourn his wife, Betty, and other relatives and wealth University Entrance Examinations. The College friends. Douglas Jenkins. Preston Church-50th Anniversary Tertiary program includes several Secretarial Courses, A welcome is extended to all past ministers, members Religious Studies and an accredited course in Primary Missingham, Sylvia Victoria (nee Davis) born 1922; and friends to be present on April 11 to celebrate our Teacher Training. A university BEd may be achieved died October 16 in the Calvary Hospital, Kogarah, 50th anniversary. after one additional year of full-time study. NSW. A former Adventist, Sylvia turned again to the Sabbath school 9.15 am Enquiries should be directed to: The Registrar, church during her terminal illness. She is survived by Divine service 11 am Longburn Adventist College, PO Box 1, Longburn, her husband, George; son and daughter-in-law, Paul Afternoon meeting 2.30 pm New Zealand. and Barbara; and daughter and son-in-law, Carol and Evening concert 7.30 pm John. Milton Hook. A fellowship lunch and tea will be provided. Think Albury for Schooling If you can assist with any interesting historical The Albury school is situated in a delightful rural Platt, Neva Johanna, born June 9, 1904, at Gallymont, information about our church or you are planning to atmosphere on the edge of suburbia. There is a special NSW; died October 11 at St Vincents Hospital, come, please contact Mrs Pat Wilson, PO Box 119, bus service. Recent additions now provide adequate Bathurst, NSW, after a prolonged illness. Neva was Preston, Vic 3072, phone (03) 460 2142. space for 125 students with primary and secondary educated and worked in the Mandurama area. In 1923 curriculum up to Year 10. Five full-time and four she married Albert Platt. Baptised in 1930, Neva Lilydale Adventist Academy part-time teachers instruct classes from a well-balanced became a foundation member of the Mandurama curriculum. church, NSW. She is survived by her sons, Tony A haven for isolated Adventist youth who are Albury has a solid and progressive church of 360 (Lyndhurst, NSW), Lloyd (Mandurama), Neville searching for: members, with work facilities worth investigating. (Blayney, NSW) and Ross (Mandurama). A warm, friendly home away from home. Around 120 For further details regarding school, housing, E. S. Kingdon. "brothers" and "sisters" who are boarders from eight employment, etc, contact Allan G. Bullock, 515 countries and Pacific islands, to provide Christian Reservoir Road, Lavington, NSW 2641, or phone Steel, John David, born March 8, 1902, at Newbridge, friendships that will endure for a lifetime. Dedicated, (060) 25 7663. Vic; died October 21 at Royal North Shore Hospital, well-qualified, Christian teachers to prepare you for NSW, and was buried at his place of birth on October entry into any Australian tertiary institution. Staff who For Sale 24. John gave 10 years of voluntary service, growing love young people, and who happily fill the parent role 43/4 acres overlooking township of Cooyar (Qld), vegetables for the Alawara Retirement Village, in the lives of the boarding students. An exciting church situated between Toowoomba and Kingaroy. Approx Bendigo. Left to mourn are two daughters, Norma and social program involving Christian young people. A 300 metres off New England Highway, slightly sloped, Hancock and Ruth Lambert; and daughter-in-law, modern computer centre teaching word processing, partly fenced, few trees. $12,000. Ellen. His only son, John, predeceased him. programming and business application skills. The Opposite this block, 6 acres—$18,000. Fenced, B. C. Grosser. satisfaction of attending a prestigious boarding college, cleared, long bitumen frontage, ideal for subdivision, beautifully situated in Victoria's Dandenong Ranges. power and phone available. Next to primary school. Apply for admission now, by writing to The For further information write to W. J. & S. Walter, 117 Admissions Officer, Lilydale Adventist Academy, Avondale Road, Cooranbong, NSW 2265, or phone Advertisements Private Mail Bag No 1, Lilydale, Vic 3140, or phone (03) (049) 77 1272 A/H (Avondale SDA schools). 728 2211. For Sale Backpackers' Trek Keep your health—grind your own flour and oil seed. Acreage for Sale Have fun with friends of similar faith. Brisbane to Cairns air-conditioned coach tour. Highlights include Vitamins and minerals are only retained for 24 hours after Low-set spacious home positioned on 7 acres. grinding. Make your own wholemeal for porridge and bread, Fraser, Keppel and Green Islands, Whitsunday Running creek. Beautiful country setting. 30 minutes to Passage cruise, rainforest walks. Whitewater canoeing, and retain the vitamins, minerals, bran and germ. Electric Gold Coast. School bus to door. $65,000 ONO. Phone grinders for sale. H. & H. Rusterholz, Yorklea, via Casino, Kuranda trail, Cape Tribulation and much more. Price (075) 43 6335. NSW 2470. Phone (066) 63 7180. $650 includes good accommodation, all meals. Jan 5 to 22 inclusive. Send SAE for full details to F. J. Barker, 9 Car Buyers Adventist Aviation Association—NNSW Station Street, Bundaberg, Qld 4670. Phone New Commodore, Gemini, Astra, Camira, Berlina, and Notice is hereby given that the 15th annual meeting (071) 71 2527. all General Motors-Holden commercial vehicles. Contact of the Adventist Aviation Association of North New Trevor Minett, at Terry Bourke Holden, Toronto. NSW (near South Wales Conference is to be held on Saturday Positions Vacant—Sydney Adventist Hospital railway crossing). All fleet leasing and financial facilities evening, January 31, 1987, at the Avondale Memorial Management Systems Analyst: Sydney Adventist available on new and used vehicles. Interstate enquiries church. Hospital requires the services of a management welcome. Phone (049) 59 2988. Colin Brighton, Secretary. systems analyst. The hospital is a 329-bed institution catering for both inpatient and outpatient needs in House for Sale—Cooranbong Strathfield Rendezvous general and specialised surgery and diagnostic care. Ideal for student family—walking distance to college The management systems analyst would be involved If you were a student at Sydney Adventist High via swing bridge. Passive solar, contemporary design, in monitoring, advising and recommending changes to School at any stage since its beginning, this will interest B/V, cool in summer, warm in winter. 3 B/R with all departments of the hospital. To undertake this you! built-in robes, 4th B/R or study, lock-up garage or position the applicant would preferably have experi- Discover what classmates of yesteryear are doing. rumpus room, w/w carpets. $62,000. Phone ence in accounting, computers, management practices Powwow with your old teachers. Observe the amazing (03) 726 5201. and procedures along with some medical or nursing developments that have occurred since your time here! Catch up on old times and recount past memories. knowledge. Accountant: A position has arisen for a qualified School Uniforms The Home and School Committee wishes to hear accountant at the Sydney Adventist Hospital. DEE ESS FABRICS, suppliers of uniforms to Seventh- from past students and teachers interested in a social Responsibilities include preparation of budgets, day Adventist schools, have just issued their price-list. For get-together in the first term of 1987. If you wish to be monthly accounts and reports, along with accounting full details regarding prices and all sizes of girls and boys kept informed of plans as they develop, write now, The projects. The applicant would ideally have had uniforms, write to Dee Ess Fabrics, 88 Whitehorse Road, President, Home and School Association, PO Box 270, experience with computers and have the ability to Ringwood, Vic 3134, or phone (03) 870 7839. Strathfield, NSW 2135, or phone (02) 764 3200. handle staff, together with close liaison with other Williamstown Transport Services Macquarie Fields School department heads. We specialise in furniture removals: local, country Public Relations Officer: A Public Relations Officer is and interstate. Storage provided in modern brick A modern, well-equipped school situated in Sydney's required by the Sydney Adventist Hospital. Respon- warehouse. Packing supplied. Reasonable rates. All south-west, which is the fastest growing area of the sibilities include liaison with the media, internal staff goods insured. Free quote provided. Reverse charges state. communication, the planning of major outside social for long-distance calls. Native trees and vegetable gardens are an attractive functions and the preparation of reports for our church Phone (03) 729 1811 business hours or (03) 397 7190, feature of the school's rural environment. publications. (03) 391 1999 all hours. PO Box 214, Williamstown, Vic Additional land has been purchased for a future high The person we seek will have a genuine interest in 3016. school, so why not consider moving to the area which people, be able to project the image of the hospital to has the advantage of country living, yet being an hour staff, the general public and church members. House for Sale from the city of Sydney. If you like a challenge and feel you would like to work Situated close to Avondale College and Avondale Applications for 1987 now being received. For in a Christian environment or if you just require further Primary and High Schools in new estate. Large home, further enquiries write to: The Principal, Lot 1 Victoria details, please contact: Mr Ian Low, Personnel Officer, 30 squares, 4-5 bedrooms, family room, ensuite, two Road, Macquarie Fields, NSW 2564. Phone Sydney Adventist Hospital, 185 Fox Valley Road, storey. $102,000. Phone Alex Currie (02) 477 4834. (02) 605 3200. Wahroonga, NSW 2076. Phone (02) 487 9272.

SOUTH PACIFIC RECORD, DECEMBER 13, 1986 15 r! 0 r Li on! NT JOY TOTENFIOFER L.1 Assistant Editor

Appeal Results. The South Avondale Tours. The Lake available. Pastor Coombe will then Pacific Division has broken the $1 Macquarie Tourist Authority has advise where the books should be million barrier for the 1986 Appeal just issued a new brochure that sent. Please do not send books to campaign. Total collected to date features the Avondale Estate. Pastor Coombe. It will save is $1,004,480. Greater Sydney They list the following sites of double postage if each church Conference is first to exceed last interest: The Sanitarium Health dispatches its own consignment. year's Appeal figure—their total of Food factory; the South Sea $189,134 is almost 10 per cent Islands Museum; "Sunnyside"; General Conference Visitor. more. In just two weekends, Avondale's flying school and the Pastor Walter 0. Coe, a Wahroonga church collected more new Avondale College church. vice-president of the General than $17,000—Dr E. G. McDowell, Conference, is presently visiting who celebrates his 80th birthday Library Gift. The Geelong Australia to attend the annual before the campaign concludes, churches in Victoria recently meetings of the South Pacific collected $770. Pastor Peter Jack, presented their local library with a Division. SPD Appeal coordinator, says he selection of Adventist books. The expects a large overflow. books included seven in the $1,000 Prize. The Moonah Hungarian language (Geelong has Adventist School (in Hobart, Missionary Returns. Pastor John a considerable Hungarian Tasmania) has just added $1,000 Howse, pioneer missionary to community) and Steps to Christ in worth of books to its library as a Kiribati (the former Gilbert five other languages. The library result of two of their students Islands), recently revisited the has expressed appreciation for winning first prize by identifying area where he and his wife such a large and varied gift. most correctly the books in a worked from 1946 to 1950. It was Heinemann catalogue that could his first visit back and was made Tasmanian President. Pastor be associated with four-legged while visiting his daughter and John Gate has been appointed animals. Congratulations to Kylie son-in-law, Mr and Mrs Leon president of the Tasmanian Stanton and David Lacey and their Olsen, who now live at Honiara in Conference. He has this year English teacher, Paul de Ville, the Solomon Islands. According to been pastor of the Warburton who were successful in the new Pastor Howse, many changes are church in Victoria, but previously Windmill "Animal Farm" evident. "There was hardly a held leadership in Papua New competition. coconut tree on Betio when we Guinea. Pastor Gate and his wife, left, and look at it now," he says. Nerolie (nee Speck), have two Writing Seminars. James Coffin, daughters. editor of the RECORD, will Coronella's Cup. The market conduct news-writing seminars in day, held annually on Melbourne Whakatane Progress. Within each conference during the Cup day at the Coronella days of the District Council giving upcoming year (usually during Retirement Village in Victoria, this consent for the Whakatane camp-meeting) for communication year raised $6,346 toward church, New Zealand, to establish secretaries, pastors and any improving facilities at the village. a church school, a contractor had others interested in improving their Coronella was the first retirement levelled the land. The school will news releases. For details of the home built by the denomination in commence next year under the seminar in your area, contact your Australia. leadership of Steven Baronian. conference Communication According to church Department director. Fly 'n' Build. During November a communication secretary R. small team led by Elwin Ferris of Valentine, the 60 members (and Karalundi School. The Dundas, Sydney, erected two 30 children) are praising God for government inspection of the churches in Fiji. The first church at the land given by Mrs Win Karalundi Aboriginal School in Tebara, near Suva, seats 300, Waterhouse and for the trees Western Australia led to approval and another, slightly smaller, is at donated by Tasman Forestry. for government funding. The Vatukoula, a goldmining area. official opening took place on Clem Long, of Toongabbie, Old Hymnbooks. Any churches December 11 with government Sydney, did the steel fabrication, wishing to forward their old church officials present for the occasion. while the outer walls were finished hymnals to the mission field are in locally purchased Colorbond asked to contact the South Pacific "Finally, Brethren...": A sense of steel. The churches have a Division Communication director, humour is as important to life as concrete floor and are estimated Pastor Ray Coombe, indicating shock absorbers are to a car. It to cost $17,000 each. how many books they have helps us over the bumps.