280 Fulmodeston--w-ith-Croxton. contains some handsome monuments of the Browne family. At Croxton is a small thatched chapel, dedicated to St. John the Baptist. A new church was erected in 1881, in the centre of the parishes, for the use of Fulmodeston and Croxton, at a cost of £2000, from plans by Mr. W. Bassett-Smith, of . It comprises nave, chancel, and south aisle, and affords accommodation for 200 persons. The rectory, valued in K.B. at £10, is in the gift of Corpus Christi College, Cambridge, and incumbency of the Rev. James Geo. Mould, B.D., who has a good residence, 65A. 2R. 23P. of glebe, and a yearly rent-charge of £575, awarded in lieu of tithes. The Primitive Methodists and Baptists have each a small chapel here. A school was erected here in 1876~ for the united districts of Barney and Fulmodeston-with-Oroxton, by a School Board, established in that year. The present Beard consists of Rev. J. G. Mould (chairman), and Messrs. T. U. Watson, J. W. Butler, and G. Notley; Mr. S. Aberdim is the clerk. About BOO acres were enclosed in 1808, when a fuel allotment ·of 29 acres was awarded to the poor, and is now let for £50 to Lord Hastings, who sub-lets it to labourers. The poor parishioners have also £47 1&. 6d. yearly, from the dividends of .£1000 three per cent. consols, and . £513 3s. 10d. new 3k per cents., left by Mrs. Ann Bircham in 1814. · PosT 0FFIOE at Mr. John Emerson's. Letters arrive at 7.30 a.m., and are despatched at 5 p.m., vi& Dereham. is the nearest Money Order Office. • Emerson John, grocer & postmaster King William, beerhouse Flatten Richard, farmer, Croxton Gathercole Rev. Augustus, curate, Massingham J amea, well sinker Riches Samuel, farmer, Croxton Croxton Middleton Jas. vict. Hastings Arms Riches Thomas, farmer Gent James, whlwright. & blacksmith Mould Rev. James Geo. B.D. rector, Waite John, parish clerk

Hawes Thos. Henry, grcr. and draper Croxton Watson· Thomas Garwood, farmer 111 Hurley Mark, Board schoolmaster Notley George, farmer Clipston house Jackson John Robert Hunter, farmer, Olley George, poulterer and bu.tcher West Jas. miller & frmr ; & Bardney The Hall Parker Nicholas, blcksmth; & Barney

FUNDENHALL, 4t miles S.S.E. of Wymondbam, and 9 miles S.S.W. of NOl'wich, has its parish in Depwade union, Wymondham county court district, bankruptcy district, Depwade petty ses­ sional division, Stratton polling district of South , Depwade hundred, Depwade rural deanery, and Norfolk archdeaconry. It had 318 inhabitants in 1881, living on 1347 acres, and has a rateable value or .£2047. The chief landowners are Baroness Berners, George Duckett Eemey, Esq., Sir F. G. M. Boileau, Bart., Wm. Howes, Esq., and the Rev. Gerard Barton. Baroness Berners is lady of the manor. WilliaiDt Howes, Esq., is lord of the rectory manor, and his farm suffered damage to the amount of £1470, in the great storm of hail and wind, on August 9, 1843. Many other farms in this neighbourhood suffered severely at the same time. The CHURCH (St. Nicholas) is an ancient fabric, comprising nave, chancel, porch, and tower with five bells. The tower stands at the junction of the nave and chancel, and is of the Norman period, as also is the porch. The church was restored in 1869, when a new oak pulpit on a stone base was given by the present minister in memory of his deceased wife, and has a Latin in~cription upon it. The rood loft still remains, and is handsomely carved and painted, and bears a Latin inscription. The font has figures of angels bearing shields, upon the shaft; and in the chancel is a good piscina. G. D. Berney, Esq., is patron of the living, which is a donative, worth only about £51 a year, and now held by the Rev. Thomas Sedger, M.A. The tithes were commuted, in 1840, for .£506 per annum. The School was built in 1856 by William Howes, Esq., and is attended by 50 children. The fuel allotment, 5A., awarded at the enclosure in 1814, is let for £7 10s. PosT OFFICE at Thomas Chapman's. Letters delivered at 9 am., and despatched at 5.55 p.m., vis W ymondham, which is the nearest Money Order and Telegraph Office. Anderson Miss, schoolmistress Bunting William, jun. corn miller Rattee Mrs Elizabeth, farmer and Attoe George, farmer Chapman Thomas, farmer, shopkeeper, owner Bailey William Norman, shopkeeper and postmaster Ringwood J ames, farmer • Barton Rev. Gerard, The Grange Howes Mr William, farmer & owner, Sewell Stephen, farmer • Browne Mr Edward Black Hall Tye Mrs Sarah, farmer Bunting William, sen, farmer Myhill Wm. farmer, the Grange farm

GARBOLDISHAM, a parish and large village in the narrow valley of a rivulet, 3§ miles S. of East Harling, is in Guiltcross union, Guiltcross hundred, Guiltcross and Shropham petty sessional division, Diss county court district, Ipswich bankfuptcy district, Harling polling district of , Rockland rural deanery, and Norfolk archdeaconry. 'It had 639 inhabitants in 1881, living on 2705 acres, and had a rate­ able value of £3705 10s. Cecil Thomas Molyneux Montgomerie, Esq., D.L., J.P., lord of the manors of Pakenham-in-Garboldisha.m, and U phall-in-Ga.rboldisham, is principal landowner. He resides at Garboldisham manor house, which occupies the site of a much smaller residence, and was completed in 1873 from the designs of Sir G. Gilbert Scott, F.S.A. The style is Jacobean, and the materials are the local white and red bricks, the latter being employed for the dressings. The gables are curved in various forms, and tht! chimney stacks, which are richly moulded, follow local types. The stables are designed in character with the house. The grounds, which comprise about 10 acres, were laid out under the ~irectio!l of~· .William Brodrick Thomas. The Uphall estate belongs to Chas. Davy Oaldwell, who .attained his maJonty.llay, 1883. It consists of 508 n.cres, which is farmed by Thos. Da.vy, Esq. Opposite the manor hoUBe, 18 the cricket ground, on an elevated plateau in park grounds, carefully kept. The CHURCH (St. Jo~n the Baptist) comprises nave, chancel, porch, and square tower with six bells. It was thoroughly restored m ~862 by the Honourable Georgiana. Louisa Montgomerie, at a cost of over .£2000. A new organ has JUSt (1883) been placed in the church at a cost of £162. The rectory, valued in K.B. at .£19 lBs. is in the in­ cumbency of the Rev. Ohaa. Lewis Kennaway, M.A., who was appointed in 1876, who has 61A.. of