The Corporation of the Township of Seguin

Agenda of a Regular Meeting of Council

to be held on Monday, July 16th, 2018

in the Township of Seguin Council Chambers

01. Call to Order and Approval of Agenda. 4:30 p.m.

02. Disclosure of pecuniary interest and the general nature thereof.

03. Adoption of Minutes: a) Minutes of the Regular Meeting of Council held July 3rd, 2018. ®

04. Accounts. a) Accounts “A”. ® b) Accounts “B”. ®

05. Delegations: a) Nicole Mayer & Kate Ledger, Seguin Water Quality Students - Update re Water Quality & Stewardship Initiatives b) Max Stoneman & Morgan Johns, Seguin Septic Re-Inspection Students - Update re Septic Re-Inspection Program

06. Staff Reports: Resolution to receive Reports. ® Corporate Services: a) Financial Update to July 9th, 2018. Community Services: b) Report No. CS-FC-2018-006, Public Drinking Water Outlets. c) Report No. CS-FC-2018-007, Main Street Revitalization: Allocation of Funds. Deferred from July 3rd, 2018 Council Meeting. Development and Protective Services: d) Report No. DPS-BL-2018-002, History of By-law No. 2005-053 being a By-law Respecting the Control and Regulation of Parks. e) Report No. DPS-PL-2018-086, Removal of Holding Symbol (Miller). By-law No. 2018-050. ®

Council Agenda of July 16th, 2018, Page 1 of 4 f) Report No. DPS-PL-2018-087, Removal of Holding Symbol (Jackson). By-law No. 2018-051. ® Public Works: g) Report No. PW-RD-2018-013, Emergency Grader Repairs. ®

07. Public Meeting: 5:30 p.m. Adjourn to Public Meeting. ® a) Consent Application No. B-2018-0017-F (Simpson). Report No. DPS-PL-2018-096. b) Consent Application No.’s B-2018-0018, 0019, 0020 & 0021-H (Colbert). Report No. DPS-PL-2018-097. Close Public Meeting. ® Decisions: a) Consent Application No. B-2018-0017-F (Simpson). Deeming By- law No. 2018-056. ® b) Consent Application No.’s B-2018-0018, 0019, 0020 & 0021-H (Colbert). ®

08. Business: a) Rosseau Agricultural Society - 143rd Annual Rosseau Fall Fair August 25th, 2018. b) Resignation of Josie Adams from the Township of Seguin Orrville Recreation Committee. ® c) Discussion re Election Sign By-law. Requested by Councillor Osborne.

09. Council Reports.

10. Chief Administrative Officer’s Report.

11. Board/Committee Agendas & Minutes: a) Belvedere Heights – Minutes of April 25th and May 23rd, 2018. b) Orrville Recreation Committee - Draft Minutes of June 19th, 2018. c) Parry Sound Area Municipal Airport Commission – Minutes of May 1st, 2018 and June 5th, 2018.

12. Correspondence: Listed on the next page. Resolution to receive the Board & Committee Minutes and the Correspondence as listed on the Agenda. ®

Council Agenda of July 16th, 2018, Page 2 of 4 13. Closed Session: Adjourn to Closed Session. ® a) Otter Lake Marina Enforcement. Reconvene Open Session. ® Resolutions from Closed Session.

14. Confirming By-law No. 2018-057. ®

15. Adjournment. ®

Correspondence: a) Association of Municipal Clerks & Treasurers of Ontario (AMCTO) - Municipal Minute June 27, 2018. b) AMCTO - Municipal Minute July 4, 2018. c) AMO - Policy Update New Ontario Government Takes Office. d) AMO - Policy Update Stands with Canada and Ontario on NAFTA. e) AMO - Report of the Secretary-Treasurer on Nominations to the 2018- 2020 AMO Board of Directors. f) AMO - WatchFile - June 28, 2018. g) AMO – WatchFile – July 5, 2018 h) Canadian Farm Builders Association (CFBA) - Golf Event September 19, 2018. i) Canadore College - July 2018 Update - Summer is Here. j) Municipal Property Assessment Corporation (MPAC) - Service Level Summary June 2018. k) North Bay Parry Sound District Health Unit (NBPSDHU) - Whooping Cough Identified in Powassan and Surrounding Area. l) North Bay Regional Health Centre (NBRHC) - Annual Report 2017-18. m) Ontario Good Roads Association (OGRA) - Weekly Detour June 27, 2018. n) OGRA - Weekly Detour July 4, 2018. o) Ombudsman Ontario - Read the Ombudsman's Annual Report! 2017- 2018. p) Ontario SPCA - 2018 No Hot Pets campaign on June 21st, 2018. q) Ontario Provincial Police (OPP) - Parry Sound Detachment Statistics for June 2018. r) OPP - Canada Day Weekend OPP Stats. s) OPP - Update-West Parry Sound Torch Run for Special Olympics.

Council Agenda of July 16th, 2018, Page 3 of 4 t) Parry Sound Area Chamber of Commerce (PSACC) - Donation of Funds. u) PSACC - Quick note from us. v) PSACC - Summer Time in the Sound. w) PSACC - There is something special coming. x) - Appointed Minister of Tourism, Culture and Sport. y) Township of Georgian Bay - Resolution Re Bill 16 Municipal Authority Over Landfill Sites. z) Wasauksing Swing Bridge Structural Evaluation - Emergency Vehicles.

Council Agenda of July 16th, 2018, Page 4 of 4 Draft Minutes

The Corporation of the Township of Seguin

Minutes of a Regular Meeting of Council

held on Tuesday, July 3rd, 2018 at 4:30 p.m. in the Township of Seguin Council Chambers

The following Members were present:  Mayor Bruce Gibbon  Councillor Susan Adams  Councillor Mario Buszynski  Councillor Ted Collins  Councillor Dale Graves  Councillor Jack Hepworth  Councillor Rod Osborne

Approval of Agenda. After the meeting was called to order Mayor Gibbon asked for approval of the agenda. Council approved the agenda with the following additions/changes. Addition to 07. Staff Reports of item d) Report No. CS- FC-2018-008, Humphrey Arena (Community Centre) Emergency Dehumidifier Replacement. Removal of 10. Business item a) Bev LeDrew – Resignation from the Township of Seguin Public Library Board, at the request of Mrs. LeDrew.

Disclosure of Pecuniary Interest. Mayor Gibbon requested that any disclosures of pecuniary interest be declared for the record. None were declared.

The following resolutions were considered.

Resolution No. 2018-189 Moved by: Councillor Dale Graves Seconded by: Councillor Mario Buszynski “THAT Council of The Corporation of the Township of Seguin does hereby adopt the Minutes of the Regular and Closed Session Meetings of Council held June 18th, 2018 as circulated.”. CARRIED

Larry Bandi recently hired as a Building Inspector 1/By-law Enforcement Officer for The Corporation of the Township of Seguin was introduced to Council. Council welcomed Mr. Bandi to the organization.

Resolution No. 2018-190 Moved by: Councillor Mario Buszynski Seconded by: Councillor Dale Graves “THAT By-law No. 2018-054, Being a By-law to appoint a Building Inspector 1/By-law Enforcement Officer (Larry Bandi) for The Corporation of the Township of Seguin, is hereby deemed to have been read a first, second and third time and passed by Council.”. CARRIED

Council Minutes of July 3rd, 2018 Page 1 of 6

Resolution No. 2018-191 Moved by: Councillor Dale Graves Seconded by: Councillor Mario Buszynski “THAT Council of The Corporation of the Township of Seguin does hereby approve the accounts in the amount of $1,817,944.43.”. Direct Deposits EFT: June 6th, 2018 $1,512,569.49 Pre-Authorized Payments: June 6th, 2018 $611.07 Direct Deposits EFT: June 14th, 2018 $104,709.67 Pre-Authorized Payments: June 14th, 2018 $40,434.92 Cheque Run: June 14th, 2018 $159,619.28 TOTAL $1,817,944.43 CARRIED

Resolution No. 2018-192 Moved by: Councillor Mario Buszynski Seconded by: Councillor Dale Graves “THAT By-law No. 2018-055, Being a By-law to enter into a Memorandum of Understanding between The Rotary Club of Parry Sound and The Corporation of the Township of Seguin for the Continued Development of the Rose Point Recreational Trail, is hereby deemed to have been read a first, second and third time and passed by Council.”. CARRIED

Resolution No. 2018-193 Moved by: Councillor Mario Buszynski Seconded by: Councillor Dale Graves “THAT Council of The Corporation of the Township of Seguin does hereby receive the Staff Reports as presented on the Agenda for the July 3rd, 2018 meeting of Council.

Corporate Services:  Report No. AD-2018-012, 2018 Mid-Year Review Key Performance Indicators. Community Services:  Report No. CS-FC-2018-007, Main Street Revitalization: Allocation of Funds. Development & Protective Services:  Report No. DPS-PL-2018-088, Concession Road Allowance (Bath).  Report No. DPS-PL-2018-084, Zoning By-law Amendment Application No. R-2018-0008-H (CNIB).  Report No DPS-PL-2018-083, Zoning By-law Amendment Application No. R-2017-0017-H (Dare).”. CARRIED

Council considered Staff Report No. CS-FC-2018-007, Main Street Revitalization: Allocation of Funds. Council deferred making a decision on the allocation of funds until Council has reviewed a Staff Report on providing potable water at Township facilities for the public.

Councillor Hepworth left the Council Chambers at this time for a brief period and returned.

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Council considered Staff Report No. DPS-PL-2018-088, Concession Road Allowance (Bath). Council directed staff to advise Mr. Bath that Council is prepared to consider the potential sale of Township lands being Property Roll No. 4903-030-008-01805, Concession A Part Lot 127, Foley and a portion of the concession road allowance abutting the land. Staff are to advise Mr. Bath of the processes and costs. If Mr. Bath wishes to proceed with an application to purchase the portion of concession road allowance and the other Township land, staff are to commence the processes.

Resolution No. 2018-194 Moved by: Councillor Dale Graves Seconded by: Councillor Mario Buszynski “THAT as per the recommendation of Staff Report No. CS-FC-2018-008, Council of The Corporation of the Township of Seguin does hereby approve the purchase of a 7.5 ton mechanical dehumidifier for the Humphrey Community Centre/Arena from Black and McDonald in the amount of $21,750 plus HST, to be allocated from the 2018 contingency fund.”. CARRIED

Resolution No. 2018-195 Moved by: Councillor Ted Collins Seconded by: Councillor Jack Hepworth “THAT By-law No. 2018-047, Being a By-law to write off taxes on properties in the Township of Seguin, is hereby deemed to have been read a first, second and third time and passed by Council.”. CARRIED

Resolution No. 2018-196 Moved by: Councillor Ted Collins Seconded by: Councillor Jack Hepworth “THAT By-law No. 2018-052, Being a By-law to authorize the execution of a Licence Agreement between The Corporation of the Township of Seguin and Charles William Baker and Jennifer Lee Viera for Part of Lot 73, Concession A, Humphrey; Being Part 6, Plan 42R-16382, Being PIN 52199-0335 (LT) and The Original Road Allowance Between Concessions A and B, Humphrey East of Highway 796 and East of Hwy 204, Except Part 3, Highway 796; Seguin Being PIN 52199-0358 (LT), is hereby deemed to have been read a first, second and third time and passed by Council.”. CARRIED

Resolution No. 2018-197 Moved by: Councillor Mario Buszynski Seconded by: Councillor Dale Graves “THAT the Council of The Corporation of the Township of Seguin does hereby adjourn the Regular Meeting to hold a Public Meeting for the following matters:

 Zoning By-law Amendment Application No. R-2018-0008-H (CNIB).  Zoning By-law Amendment Application No. R-2017-0017-H (Dare).”. CARRIED

The Mayor advised Council would now hold public meetings for proposed Zoning By-law Amendment Applications.

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The Mayor advised in accordance with the Planning Act, Council would consider all matters placed before it prior to passing a Zoning By-law.

The Mayor advised anyone who wished to receive Notice of the passing of a Zoning By-law Amendment not owning land within 120 metres of the area to which it applies and who had not submitted such a request in writing should provide their full name and address to the Clerk before leaving the meeting.

The Mayor advised if a person or public body does not make oral submissions at a public meeting or make written submissions to the Council of The Corporation of the Township of Seguin before a By-law is passed, the person or public body is not entitled to appeal the decision of Council to the Local Planning Appeals Tribunal and the person or public body may not be added as a party to the hearing of an appeal before the Tribunal unless, in the opinion of the Tribunal, there are reasonable grounds to do so.

The Mayor advised Zoning By-law Amendment Application No. R-2018-0008- H (Canadian National Institute for the Blind) is required to apply a special zone exception to the subject lands in order to permit replacement of the existing single storey boathouse with a new 1.5 storey, 2 slip boathouse and expanded dock. The rezoning is required as the CNIB does not own the adjacent Shore Road Allowance.

The Mayor asked the Clerk to state the method by which Notice of the meeting was provided and the dates on which that Notice was provided.

The Clerk advised Notice of the public meeting was provided by posting the property and by regular mail on June 13th, 2018. Notice was therefore considered to be provided in accordance with the requirements of the Planning Act.

The Mayor asked if there was anyone present who wished to speak in favour of or in opposition to the application.

Christie Hamilton of MPS Engineering, Agent for the Applicant addressed Council to provide background and the reasons for the application and to answer any questions Council may have related to the application.

The Mayor asked if the Township had received any correspondence with respect to the application.

The Clerk advised correspondence had been received from the Canadian National Railway stating no objections. And from the Ministry of Transportation Ontario advising a Building and Land Use Permit for the proposed boathouse was issued on March 19th, 2018.

The Mayor advised Zoning By-law Amendment Application No. R-2017-0017- H (Dare) is to rezone a portion of the offshore Environmental Protection (EP) Zone to the Environmental Protection – Exception Zone to permit future construction of a 1.5 storey, 2 slip boathouse. A Fish Habitat Assessment Report has been submitted with this application.

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The Mayor asked the Clerk to state the method by which Notice of the meeting was provided and the dates on which that Notice was provided.

The Clerk advised Notice of the public meeting was provided by posting the property and by regular mail on June 13th, 2018. Notice was therefore considered to be provided in accordance with the requirements of the Planning Act.

The Mayor asked if there was anyone present who wished to speak in favour of or in opposition to the application.

George Stallwood, owner of an abutting property to the Applicant’s property spoke in support of the application.

Gary Punfield spoke to object to the application due to environmental concerns and potential effects on fish habitat.

John McCash President of the Three Lakes Ratepayers’ Association spoke to object to the application due to environmental concerns and potential effects on fish habitat.

Graham Dare, the Applicant spoke to explain the history of the property and to highlight the Beacon Environmental Fish Habitat Impact Assessment Report and recommendations in support of the application.

The Mayor asked if the Township had received any correspondence with respect to the application.

The Clerk advised no correspondence had been received.

The Mayor advised Council would now close the public meeting and reconvene the regular meeting of Council.

Resolution No. 2018-198 Moved by: Councillor Dale Graves Seconded by: Councillor Mario Buszynski “THAT the Public Meeting held for the following matters is hereby closed and the Regular Meeting of Council is hereby reconvened:  Zoning By-law Amendment Application No. R-2018-0008-H (CNIB).  Zoning By-law Amendment Application No. R-2017-0017-H (Dare).”. CARRIED

Resolution No. 2018-199 Moved by: Councillor Mario Buszynski Seconded by: Councillor Dale Graves “THAT By-law No. 2018-048, Being a By-law to amend Township of Seguin Zoning By-law No. 2006-125 (Application No. R-2018-0008-H CNIB, Property Roll No. 4903-010-005-03200, Concession 2 Part Lot 33 and Part Lot 34;PCL 8833 S/S geographic Township of Humphrey, 4 Joe Finley Way), is hereby deemed to have been read a first, second and third time and passed by Council.”. CARRIED

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Resolution No. 2018-200 Moved by: Councillor Jack Hepworth Seconded by: Councillor Ted Collins “THAT Council of The Corporation of the Township of Seguin does hereby receive the Board and Committee Agendas and Minutes and the Correspondence as presented on the Agenda and the Addendum for the July 3rd, 2018 Meeting of Council.”. CARRIED

Resolution No. 2018-201 Moved by: Councillor Ted Collins Seconded by: Councillor Jack Hepworth “THAT By-law No. 2018-053, Being a By-law to Confirm the Proceedings of Meetings of Council, is hereby deemed to have been read a first, second and third time and passed by Council.”. CARRIED

Resolution No. 2018-202 Moved by: Councillor Jack Hepworth Seconded by: Councillor Ted Collins “THAT Council of The Corporation of the Township of Seguin does hereby adjourn this Regular Meeting of Council at 6:07 p.m. to meet again on Monday, July 16th, 2018 or at the call of the Mayor.”. CARRIED

David Aylsworth Chair of the Township of Seguin Rose Point Recreational Trail Committee addressed Council to present a proposed Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) between The Rotary Club of Parry Sound and The Corporation of the Township of Seguin for the Rose Point Recreational Trail. The Rotary Club and the Township have been partners in similar MOU’s in the past. Mr. Aylsworth explained the Rose Point Recreational Trail Committee has reviewed the MOU and the Committee recommends Council approve and enter into the MOU. Council thanked Mr. Aylsworth for the presentation. Council enacted By-law No. 2018-055, Being a By-law to enter into a Memorandum of Understanding between The Rotary Club of Parry Sound and The Corporation of the Township of Seguin for the continued development of the Rose Point Recreational Trail.

Mr. David Herner addressed Council to describe what Mr. Herner considers to be misuse of the Township of Seguin’s docking facilities at the Rosseau Waterfront. Mr. Herner believes some people are utilizing the Township docks for long-term mooring and Mr. Herner does not believe that is a proper use of the docks. Council directed staff to prepare a report to Council on the usage of the docks at the Rosseau Waterfront and long-term moorings. Staff are to include the existing rules and any background on how the rules were arrived at. Staff are also to provide options for Council to consider on regulating long-term moorings at the site.

Bruce Gibbon, Craig Jeffery, Mayor Clerk

Council Minutes of July 3rd, 2018 Page 6 of 6 Accounts 6121/2018 12:08pm TOWNSHIP OF SEGUIN Page 1

A/P Preliminary Cheque Run — Direct Deposit (Council Approval Report)

Vendor Invoice Number Date Description Due Date Invoice Amt Approved Amt Account Number Account Description Budgeted $ YTD Balance Treasury and CAO 1568 MADISON COUNTY, 43 ONTARIO STREET, ORILLIA, ON, L3V OP 365306 06/18/18 COFFEE, TEA, SUGAR, HOT CHOC 06/25/18 $123.83 $123.83 G-121-0121-2148 Water/Food Supplies 53,000.00 $848.63 $123.83 2240 NOVEXCO, 75 TIVERTON COURT, SUITE 102, MARKHAM, ON, L3R 4M8 400984180 06/18118 STAPLES, POST ITS, RUBBER BANDS 06/25/18 510.05 $10.05 G-121-0121-2611 Office Supplies $8,400.00 $4,999.65 $10.05 2743 CHAN, RAY, 2018 FAMILY NIGHT06/20/I8MEAL 300 PEOPLE 06/25/18 $1,517.39 $1,517.39 G-121-0121-4217 Volunteer Recognition $6,000.00 $2,780.05 $1,517.39 Total Treasury and CAO $1,651.27 Clerks Department 248 JEFFERY, CRAIG, 6/15/18 06115118 MILEAGE, PARKING & MEAL 06125/18 $214.84 $214.84 G-122-0121-3111 Mileage $1,000.00 $255.78 6/15/18 06/15/18 MILEAGE, PARKING & MEAL 06/25/18 529.35 $29.35 G-122-0121-3115 Meals &Accommodation 5500.00 $462.25 $244.19 1504 STAPLES ADVANTAGE, C/O T04446C, P0 BOX 4446 STN A, TORONTO, ON, MSW 4A2 47782872 06/20/18 LEGAL SHEET PROTECTORS 06/25/18 $41.32 $41.32 G-122-0121-261 1 Office Supplies $2,000.00 5997.32 $41.32 1610 SPINNEY, ANDREA, 6/15/18 06/15/18 MILEAGE JUN 13, 2018 MEETING 06/25/18 $18.16 $18.16 G-122-0121-31 11 Mileage $1,000.00 $255.78 6.15.18 06/15/18 MEAL NORTH BAY 06/25/18 $8.40 $8.40 G-122-0121-3115 Meals &Accommodation $500.00 5462.25 $26.56 2240 NOVEXCO, 75 TIVERTON COURT, SUITE 102, MARKHAM, ON, L3R 4M8 400973738 06/15/18 TENT CARDS 06/25/18 516.14 516.14 G-122-0121-2611 Office Supplies 52,000.00 $997.32 $16.14 2717 McLEOD, DONNA, 6/21/18 06/21/18 MILEAGE 06/25/18 $84.37 584.37 G-122-0121-3111 Mileage $1,000.00 $255.78 $84.37

Total Clerks Department $412.58 Fire Department 8 AJ STONE COMPANY LTD., 62 BRADWICK DR, VAUGHAN, ON, L4K 11(8 0000139997 06/14/18 FOAM FIREADE PAIL 06/25/18 $728.61 $728.61 G-211-0221-3513 Miscellaneous Rescue 55,000.00 52,684.63 $728.61 6121/2016 12:08pm TOWNSHIP OF SEGUIN Page 2

A/P Preliminary Cheque Run — Direct Deposit (Council Approval Report)

Vendor Invoice Number Date Description Due Date Invoice Amt Approved Amt Account Number Account Description Budgeted $ YTD Balance 238 INGENIOUS SOFTWARE, 1423 PARK STREET, NELSON, BC, VIL 2H7 6478 06/18/18 FIRE PRO 2 CONTRACT MAY-MAY 2019 06/25/18 52,037.75 $2,037.75 0-211-0121-3314 ComputerSupport & $5,000.00 $1,537.61 $2,037.75 399 MAXIMUM SIGNS, 17 SANDBOURNE OR, PONWPOOL, ON, LOA IKO 75156 06/18/18 MEMORY LANE & WINCHESTER DR 06125118 566.15 $66.15 0-211-0458-2155 Signs/Posts etc. $1,800.00 $1,405.82 $66.15 948 ACTIVE LOCK & SAFE, P0 BOX 420, BRACEBRIDGE, ON, P1 L 117 16009 06/14/18 CHAMBER FOR UNICAN 06/25/18 $254.91 $254.91 G-211-F121-3412 Building Maintenance 52,000.00 $586.19 $254.91 Total Fire Department $3,087.42 Bylaw Enforcement 424 SMALLWOOD, EARL, MAY 2018 06/20/16 BYLAW MAY 2018 06/25/18 520.00 $20.00 0-272-0121-2155 Miscellaneous Expenses $1,750.00 $403.37 MAY 2018 06/20/16 BYLAW MAY 2018 06125/18 544.25 $44.25 G-272-0121-2157 Animal Control Contract $4,250.00 $3,740.93 MAY 2018 06/20/18 BYLAW MAY 2018 06/25/18 5236.00 $236.00 0-272-0121-2158 By-Law Contract $35,000.00 52g,895.81 MAY 2018 06/20/18 BYLAW MAY 2018 06/25/18 $160.00 $160.00 0-272-0121-2158 By-Law Contract $35,000.00 $29,895.81 MAY 2018 06/20/18 BYLAW MAY 2018 06/25/18 515.20 $15.20 0-272-0121-3111 Mileage 51,000.00 $764.92 MAY 2018 06/20/18 BYLAW MAY 2016 06/25/18 $147.36 $147.36 0-272-0121-3112 Bylaw Mileage $10,000.00 58,044.32 $622.81

Total Bylaw Enforcement $622.81 Roads

221 MANITOULIN TRANSPORT , 1335 SHAWSON ROAD, MISSISSAUGA, ON, L4W 1C4 3300131920 06/15/18 FREIGHT 06/25/18 $352.01 $352.01 G-321-0381-3212 Freight $500.00 ($174.70) $352.01 399 MAXIMUM SIGNS, 17 SANDBOURNE OR, PONWPOOL, ON, LOA IKO 75147 06/19/18 CAUTION, & HORSE & RIDER SIGNS 06/25/18 5102.68 5102.68 0-321-0361-2113 Safety Devices 58,000.00 $1,027.64 75157 06/19/18 SLOW RESIDENTIAL AREA SIGNS 06/25/18 $349.17 5349.17 0-321-0361-2113 Safety Devices 56,000.00 $1,027.64 $451.85 417 SCHLAGER EXCAVATING & HAULING ,201 TALLYHO/SWORDS RD, SEGUIN, ON, P2A 082 6254 06/1 9/18 SWEEPING 06/25/18 57,372.52 57,372.52 0-321-0331-3521 Equipment Non-Owned $0.00 ($7,372.52) $7,372.52 6)21/2018 12:08pm TOWNSHIP OF SEGUIN Page 3

A/P Preliminary Cheque Run — Direct Deposit (Council Approval Report)

Vendor Invoice Number Date Description Due Date Invoice Amt Approved Amt Account Number Account Description Budgeted $ flD Balance 463 PARRY SOUND, TOWN OF, 52 SEGUIN STREET, PARRY SOUND, ON, P2AIB4 1VC000000000181 06/19/18 STREETSWEEPER 06/25/18 $686.22 $686.22 G-321-0332-3521 Equipment Non-Owned $18,000.00 $3,484.18 $686.22 542 IDEAL SUPPLY, 1045 WALLACE AVE N, LISTOWEL, ON, N4W 3H7 4914727 06/14/18 CSA NYLON 06/25/18 540.88 540.88 G-321-0381-2512 Protective Clothing 52,500.00 51,001.82 4926462 06/19/18 GLOVES 06/25/18 534.07 534.07 G-321-0381-2512 Protective Clothing 52,500.00 51,001.82 4912030 06/14/18 VACUUM PUMP OIL 06/25/18 $17.09 517.09 G-321-0382-2155 Miscellaneous Expenses $15,000.00 ($0.21) $92.04 2240 NOVEXCO, 75 TIVERTON COURT, SUITE 102, MARKHAM, ON, L3R 4MB 400984180 06/18/18 STAPLES, POST ITS, RUBBER BANDS 06/25/18 $6.15 $5.15 G-321-0381-2611 Office Supplies $2500.00 $1,095.68 $6.15 2256 VISCO INDUSTRIAL (BARRIE) INC., 256 SAUNDERS RD, BARRIE, ON, L4N 9A3 54A2816601 17 06/20/18 DUST SHIELDS 06/25/18 5278.49 $278.49 G-321-VR54-221 1 Planned Repairs $0.00 ($11753.37) 54A281660118 06/20/18 DUSTSHIELD 06/25/18 5302.64 5302.64 G-321-VR54-2211 Planned Repairs $0.00 ($11,753.37) 54A281700037 06/20/18 PARTS 06/25/18 5136.55 $136.55 G-321-VR54-2211 Planned Repairs $0.00 ($11,753.37) $717.68 2644 PROVINCIAL ROAD MARKINGS INC, 8066 WELLINGTON RD 124, GUELPH, ON, NIH 6H7 2018-16 06/20/18 LINE PAINTING RFQ 2018-002 06/25/18 531,699.49 531,699.49 G-321-0361-341 5 Pavement Markings $0.00 (531,699.49) $31,699.49

Total Roads $41,377.96 V-Quip Waste System

5 ADAMS BROS. CONSTRUCTION LTD. , BOX 324, PARRY SOUND, ON, P2A2X4 112473 06/20/18 SON ECHO MAY 29/18 06/25/18 5173.00 $173.00 G-411-0121-3717 MCS - Recycling $50,000.00 (57,383.32) 112550 06/20/18 BON ECHO JUN 6/18 06/25/18 $173.00 5173.00 G411-0121-3717 MCS - Recycling $50,000.00 (57.383.32) 112740 06/20/18 SON ECHO JUNE 12118 06/25/18 5173.00 $173.00 G411-0121-3717 MCS-Recycling $50,000.00 ($7,383.32) $519.00 185 CF PRESTON SALES AND SERVICES ,BOX 540 289 ALBERT STREET, SUNDRIDGE, ON, POA IZO 1N85287 06/20/16 THERMOSTAT 06/25/18 5213.69 $213.69 G411-VWO7-2211 Planned Repairs $0.00 ($1,223.37) $213.69 1465 WALKER ENVIRONMENTAL GROUP, P0 BOX 100, ThOROLD, ON, UV 3Y8

427981 06/19/18 SOLID WASTE MAY28 & 30, 2018 06/25/18 $2,660.04 52,680.04 G41 1-0121-3717 MCS - Recycling 550,000.00 (57.383.32) $2,680.04 2256 VISCO INDUSTRIAL (BARRIE) INC., 255 SAUNDERS RD, BARRIE, ON, L4N 9A3 54A281640081 06/15/18 FILTER 06/25/18 $11.31 511.31 G411-VW07-2211 Planned Repairs 50.00 (51,223.37) $11.31

Total V-Quip Waste System $3,424.04 6/21/2018 12:08pm TOWNSHIP OF SEGUIN Page 4

A/P Preliminary Cheque Run — Direct Deposit (Council Approval Report)

Vendor Invoice Number Date Description Due Date Invoice Amt Approved Amt Account Number Account Description Budgeted $ YID Balance Cemetery 5 ADAMS BROS. CONSTRUCTION LTD. ,BOX 324, PARRY SOUND, ON, P2A2X4 112215 06/15/16 STAPLES 06/25118 $295.00 $295.00 G-586-0121-3712 Misc Contractor Services $9000.00 $4,714.90 $295.00

Total Cemetery $295.00 Recreational Facilities 37 BADGER1 SHAWN P. 6/15/18 06/20/18 MILEAGE 06/25/18 $76.00 $76.00 G-711-0711-3111 Mileage $6,000.00 $4,290.99 $76.00 45 BAY Cifl SANITATION MNTC SUPPLY, 189 BROCK ST. BARRIE, ON, L4N 2M3 137823 06/20/18 CLEANING & BLDG SUPPLIES 06/25/18 51,236.39 $123639 G-71 1-Ri 27-2145 Cleaning Supplies 57,000.00 $2,855.66 $1,236.39 203 GROEN, GERRIT, 6/16/18 06/18118 MILEAGE 06/25/18 $139.19 $139.19 G-711-0711-3111 Mileage 56,000.00 $4,290.99 $139.19 353 PARRY SOUND AREA MUNICIPAL AIRPORT, 97 AIRPORT RD, SEGUIN, ON, P2A 2W8 6/18/18 06/18/18 SNOWBIRD EXPENSES 06/25/18 53,955.26 53,955.26 G-711-0721-6111 Operating Grant/Donation $46,500.00 $1,121.86 $3,955.26 496 WOLSELEY CANADA INC., BOX 5330, BURLINGTON, ON, L7R 4Z2 6821565 06/20/18 COIL & CORD SET 06/25/18 5102.96 5102.96 G-71 1-0713-3317 Public Water System $7500.00 51060.10 6810216 06/20/16 BOWL & TANK 06125MB $183.57 $180.57 G-711-R127-3412 Building Maintenance $36000.00 58,083.42 6832501 06/20/18 SEAT 06/25/18 528.31 528.31 G-711-R127-3412 Building Maintenance 536,000.00 $6,083.42 $311.84 948 ACTIVE LOCK & SAFE, P0 BOX 420, BRACEBRIDGE, ON, PIL ff7 16017 06/20/18 TIGHTEN & CHECK OVER 06/25/18 590.00 590.00 G-71 1-R126-3412 Building Maintenance 55,000.00 5644.40 $90.00 2772 ICECO ADVANCED ARENA PRODUCTS, 2035 CAVENDISH DRIVE, BURLINGTON, ON, LiP 1Y9 217867 06/20/18 ARENA BOARD CLEANING 06/25/18 $1,150.00 $1,150.00 G-711-R127-3412 Building Maintenance $36,000.00 $8,083.42 $1,150.00

Total Recreational Facilities $6,958.68 6/21/2018 12:08pm TOWNSHIP OF SEGUIN Page 5 A/P Preliminary Cheque Run — Direct Deposit (Council Approval Report) Vendor Invoice Number Date Description Due Date Invoice Amt Approved Amt Account Number Account Description Budgeted $ YTD Balance Humphrey Museum 182 FRASER, JULIA M. 6/13118 06/20/18 MUSEUM MEETINGS MAR, APR, MAY & JUN 06/25/16 5240.00 $240.00 G-791-0121-1197 Honorariums 2018 $3,200.00 $1,640.00

$240.00 973 TRIEMSTRA, NADINE, 6/13/18 06/20/18 MUSEUM MEETINGS APR, MAY & JUN 2018 06/25/18 $180.00 $180.00 0-791-0121-1197 Honorariums $3,200.00 $1,640.00 $180.00 1446 GOODWIN, RUTH, 6113118 06(20118 MUSEUM MEETINGS MAR, APR, MAY & JUN 06(25118 5240.00 $240.00 0-791-0121-1197 Honorariums 2018 53,200.00 $1,640.00

$240.00 2488 SMITH, FLORENCE, 6)13/18 06/20/18 MUSEUM MEETINGS MAR, APR & JUN 2018 06125118 $180.00 $180.00 G-791-0121-1197 Honorariums $3,200.00 $1,640.00 $180.00 2489 MACARTHUR-STAGO, JEAN, 6/13/18 06/20/18 MUSEUM MEETINGS MAR, APR, MAY & JUN 06/25/18 $240.00 $240.00 G-791-0121-1197 Honorariums 2018 53,200.00 51,640.00


Total Humphrey Museum $1,080.00 Planning 651 HRYCYNA, TODD, 6/14/18 06/14/18 JUNE 13, 2018 MEETING & MILEAGE 06125/18 $60.00 $60.00 0-812-0812-1197 Honorariums $5,100.00 6/14/18 06/14/18 JUNE 13, 2018 MEETING & MILEAGE 06/25/18 $3,460.00 $4.33 54.33 0-812-0812-3111 Mileage $3,000.00 52,484.41 $64.33 1732 AYLSWORTH, DAVID, 6113/18 06/14/18 JUN 13, 2018 MEETING & SITE VISIT JUN 7,201806/25/18 $60.00 560.00 0-812-0812-1197 Honorariums $5,100.00 $3,480.00 6/13/18 06/14/18 JUN 13, 2018 MEETING & SITE VISIT JUN 7,201806/25/18 $31.01 $31.01 G-812-0812-31 11 Mileage 53,000.00 $2,484.41

$91.01 2703 MACDIARMID, ANN, 6/13/18 06/14/16 JAN, APR. MAY & JUN MEETINGS & SITE 06/25/18 $240.00 $240.00 0-812-0812-1197 Honorariums VISITS $5,100.00 $3,480.00 6/13/18 06/14/18 JAN, APR, MAY & JUN MEETINGS & SITE 06/25/18 5195.82 5195.82 G-812-0812-31 11 Mileage VISITS $3,000.00 52,484.41


Total Planning $591.16 6121/2018 12:08pm TOWNSHIP OF SEGUIN PageS

NP Preliminaiy Cheque Run — Direct Deposit (Council Approval Repon)

Vendor Invoice Number Date Description Due Date Invoice Amt Approved Amt Account Number Account Description Budgeted $ YTD Balance Accounts Receivable 400 RUSSELL, CHRISTIE BARRISTERS & SOLICITORS, P0. BOX 158, 505 MEMORIAL AVENUE, ORILLIA, ON, LW 6J3 85-136-561 614/18 06/14/IS PENNLANO 04875 06/25/18 51,57706 $157706 G-A13-1301-9352 Internal Adjustments 50.00 5100.05 $1,577.06 1568 MADISON COUNTY, 43 ONTARIO STREET, ORILLIA, ON, L3V OP 365306 06/18/18 AIRPORT 06/25/18 591.54 $91.54 G-A13-1131-9055 Miscellaneous Recovery $0.00 $6,932.00 $91.54 2240 NOVEXCO, 75 TIVERTON COURT, SUiTE 102, MARKHAM, ON, L3R 4MB 400984180 06/18/18 AIRPORT 06/25/18 $13.53 $13.53 G-A13-1131-9055 Miscellaneous Recovery $0.00 $8,932.00 $1153

Total Accounts Receivable $1,682.13 Capital Proiects

5 ADAMS BROS. CONSTRUCTION LTD. , BOX 324, PARRY SOUND, ON, P2A2X4 112409 06/19/18 CLEAR LAKE RD 06/25/18 527,348.00 527,348.00 G-CAP-ROAD-21 56 Surface Treatment 5994,000.00 5860,074.46 112948 06/19/16 BLUE LAKE RD 06/25/18 53,454.76 53,454.76 G-CAP-ROAD-2183 Ditching $140,000.00 $122,034.26 112409 06/19/18 EQUIPMENT & OPERATOR RENTAL 06/25/18 $1,373.76 $1,373.75 G-CAP-WSTE-2813 Equipment Purchase 5310,000.00 $308,626.24 $32,176.52 399 MAXIMUM SIGNS, 17 SANDBOURNE DR, PONTYPOOL, ON, LOA IKO 75105 05/15/18 7.9 MILES SIGN 06/25/18 531.90 531.90 G-CAP-PARK-2815 Rose PointTrail 55,000.00 53,757.30 $31.90 1237 IRViNG, GARY G, 150618 06/20/18 CLEAR U( RD 06/25/18 Si 547.49 $1547.49 G-CAP-ROAD-21 56 Surface Treatment 5994,000.00 5860,074.46 $1,547.49 1367 HUTCHINSON ENVIRONMENTAL SCIENCES LTD, 5 CHANCERY LANE, UNIT 1, BRACEBRIDGE, ON, PIL 2E3 J100033-19 06/20/18 PROFESSIONAL FEES 06/25/18 51,401.35 51,401.35 G-CAP-PLAN-3310 WaterQuality 520,000.00 514,740.67 $1,401.35 Total Capital Projects $35,157.25

Accounts Payable 2240 NOVEXCO, 75 TIVERTON COURT, SUITE 102, MARKHAM, ON, L3R 4M8 400984192 06/i 8/18 TRACEY MULLER 06/25118 550.49 550.49 G-L1 3-1 301-9508 Employee Paid Benefits 50.00 5215.28 $50.49 Total Accounts Payable $50.49 6/21/2018 12:08pm TOWNSHIP OF SEGUIN Page 7

A/P Preliminary Cheque Run — Direct Deposit (Council Approval Report)

Subtotal: $96,390.80

HST Recoverable: $9,669.54

Total Bills To Pay: $106,060.34 6/20/2018 2:28pm TOWNSHIP OF SEGUIN Page 1

A/P Preliminary Cheque Run — Preauthorized Payments (Council Approval Ropor4

Vendor Balance Invoice Number Date Description Due Date Invoice Amt Approved Amt Account Number Account Description Budgeted $ YTD Treasury and CÁO 302 it VISA, P.O. BOX LII, AGINCOURT, ON, MIS 547 6/15118 06115118 BROCHURE HOLDERS & SHREDDING BAGS 06115118 $10603 $106.03 G-121-0121-2611 Office Supplies $840000 54,999.65 06/15/18 06/15/18 FREIGHT 06/15/18 53.99 $3.99 G-121-0121-3212 Freight $400.00 $342.90 06.18.18 06/19/18 DOMAIN ]WP.SEGUIN.ON.CA 06/19/18 560.04 560.04 0-121-0456-3319 Internet Services $5,350.00 $2,379.76 $170.06 Total Treasury and CAO $170.06 Building Inspection 302 TO VISA, P.O. BOX 611, AGINCOURT, ON, MIS 547 6/16/18 06/19/18 OBOA MEMBERSHIP JAMIE OSBORNE 06/19/18 5317.50 S317.50 0-231-0121-3114 Subscriptions & $2,500.00 ($1,053.33) $317.50 Total Building Inspection $317.50 Roads 302 TO VISA, P.O. BOX 611, AGINCOURT, ON, MIS 547 06/15/18 06/15/18 FREIGHT 06/15/18 $16.85 $16.85 0-321-0381-3212 Freight $500.00 ($174.70) $16.85 Total Roads $16.85 Recreational Facilities 302 TO VISA, P.O. BOX 611, AGINCOURT, ON, MIS 547 6/13/18 06/15/18 CHAIRMATS 06115118 $135.44 $135.44 G-711-0711-2611 Office Supplies $4,500.00 $1,951.07 6/15/18 06/15/18 BROCHURE HOLDERS & SHREDDING BAGS 06/15/18 559.98 559.98 0-711-0711-2611 Office Supplies 54,50000 $1,951.07 6/14/18 06/15/18 COAT RACK 06/15/18 529.99 529.99 0-711-Ri 27-3412 Building Maintenance $35,000.00 $8,083.42 $225.41 Total Recreational Facilities $225.41 Accounts Payable 302 TD VISA, P.O. BOX 611, AGINCOURT, ON, MIS 5J7 06/15/18 06/15/18 CINDY SIMON 06/15/18 $13.41 $13.41 G-L13-1301-9508 Employee Paid Benefits $0.00 $215.28 $13.41

Total Accounts Payable $13.41 6120/2016 2:26pm TOWNSHIP OF SEGUIN Page 2

A/P Preliminary Cheque Run — Preauthorized Payments (Council Approval Report)

Subtotal: $743.23

HST Recoverable: $81.09

Total Bills To Pay: $824.32 6127/2018 1:58pm TOWNSHIP OF SEGUIN Page 1

A/P Preliminary Cheque Run — Direct Deposit (Council Approval Report)

Vendor invoice Number Date Description Due Date Invoice Amt Approved Amt Account Number Account Description Budgeted YTD Balance Committee $ 1732 AYLSWORTH, DAVID, 6120118 06/21/18 JUNE 20. 2018 MEETING 07103/18 560.00 $60.00 C-I 14-0111-1197 Honorariums 54,50000 $1,660.00 $60.00

Total Committee $60.00 Treasury and CAO 138 DIXON, CHRISTINE, 6/26/18 06/27/18 MILEAGE & FIRSTAID SUPPLIES 07/03/18 57.79 57.79 0-121-0121-3111 Mileage 52,000.00 51,136,69 $7.79 1504 STAPLES ADVANTAGE, dO T04446C, P0 BOX 4446 STN A, TORONTO, ON, M5W 4A2 47811737 06/22/18 PLATES & NAPKINS 07103/18 531.75 531.75 G-121-0121-2148 WaterlFood Supplies $3,000.00 $346.09 $31.75 2240 NOVEXCO, 75 TIVERTON COURT, SUITE 102, MARKHAM, ON, L3R 4MB 400994443 06/22)18 POST ITS 07/03/18 525.40 $25.40 G-121-0121-2611 Office Supplies $8,400.00 401005920 06/25/18 COPY PAPER $4,906.47 07/03/18 567.78 $67.78 0-121-0121-2611 Office Supplies $8,400.00 $4,906.47 $93.18 2250 AGILIS NETWORKS, 500 REGENT ST, SUDBURY, ON, P3E 3Y2 6114/18 06/21(18 WIRELESS MONTHLY CHARGE 07103118 5285.95 $285.95 0-121-0456-3319 lntern& Services 55350.00 $2,093.81 $285.95 Total Treasury and CAO $418.67 Clerks Department 2240 NOVEXCO, 75 T1VERTON COURT, SUITE 102, MARKHAM, ON, L3R 4MB 400994450 06/22/18 PENS 07/03/18 53.06 53.06 0-122-0121-2611 Office Supplies 52,000.00 5994.26 $3.06

Total Clerks Department $3.06 Fire Department 2083 DARCH FIRE INC, 9-402 HARMONY ROAD, AYR, ON, NOB lEO 67176 06/22/18 FAULTY POSITION SWITCH 07/03/18 $768.48 $768.48 G-211-FV13-2314 Vehicle Repairs $0.00 ($895.68) 67177 06/22/18 FAULTY PUMP TIMER 07/03/18 $1,034.98 $1,034.98 G-211-FV24-2314 Vehicle Repairs $0.00 ($2,608.03) $180146

Total Fire Department $1,803A6 6/27/2018 1:58pm TOWNSHIP OF SEGUIN Page 2

A/P Preliminary Cheque Run — Direct Deposit (Council Approval Report)

Vendor Invoice Number Date Description Due Date Invoice Amt Approved Amt Account Number Account Description Budgeted $ YTD Balance Roads 176 FOWLER CONSTRUCTION, BOX 630, BRACEBRIDGE, ON, PIL 1T9 14954 06/25/18 HIGH PERF COLD MIX 07/03118 $212.00 $212.00 G-321-0331-21 12 Asphalt & Cold Mix $5000.00 $881.84 $212.00 195 GIN COR, 5151 HIGHWAY 17 WEST, MATrAWA, ON, POH IVO 49230 06/21118 BLK MESH TARP 07103/18 $404.91 $404.91 G-321-VR46-221 1 Planned Repairs 50.00 ($2,361.76) $404.91 483 VALLEY BLADES LIMITED, 435 PHILLIP ST, P0 BOX 126, WATERLOO, ON, N2J3Z9 SV000518 06/25/18 CARBITS, CARBIT TOOLS & HARDWARE 07/03/18 $3,423.88 $3,423.88 G-321-VR53-2211 Planned Repairs $0.00 ($23,534.86) $3,423.88 1016 WURTH CANADA LTD, 6330 TOMKEN ROAD, MISSISSAUGA, ON, L5T 1N2 23137838 06/25/18 AIR BRAKE CONNECTOR 07/03/18 $100.90 $100.90 G-321-0382-2155 Miscellaneous Expenses 515,000.00 ($215.99) $100.90 2674 PRINTERSPLUS, 1181 BELANGER AVE. OTTAWA, ON, KIH 187 655066 06/21/18 TONER 07/03/18 569.57 569.57 G-321-0381-2611 Office Supplies 52,500.00 $1,026.11 $69.57 Total Roads $4,211.26 V-Quip Waste System 258 KROPF INDUSTRIAL, I QUEBEC DRIVE, SEGUIN, ON, P2A 082 47300 06/25/18 SANDBLAST & PAINT CHARITY BOTTLE BIN 07/03/18 $610.56 $610.56 G41 1-0121-3718 Transtor Maintenance & 533,500.00 520,615.89 $610.56 1465 WALKER ENVIRONMENTAL GROUP, P0 BOX 100, THOROLD, ON, L2V 3Y8

428411 06/25/18 SOLID WASTE JUNE 4 & 6, 2018 07/03/18 $2,080.29 52,080.29 G41 1-0121-3328 HSW Tipping Fees - $200,000.00 5153,734.82 $2,080.29 Total V-Quip Waste System $2,690.85 Muskoka, Parry Sound Health Unit 311 NORTH BAY PARRY SOUND DISTRICT HEALTH UNIT, 681 COMMERCIAL ST, NORTH BAY, ON, PIB 4E7 JULY 2018 06/21/18 JULY 2018 LEVY 07/03/18 510,321.67 $10,321.67 G-511-0121-6112 Levy $123,860.00 $51,608.31 $10,321.67 Total Muskoka, Parry Sound Health Unit $10,321.67 6/27/2018 1:58pm TOWNSHIP SEGUIN OF Page 3 A/P Preliminary Cheque Run — Direct Deposit (Council Approval Report) Vendor Invoice Number Date Description Due Date Invoice Amt Approved Amt Account Number Account Description Budgeted $ YTD Balance Land Ambulance Services 463 PARRY SOUND, TOWN OF, 52 SEGUIN STREET, PARRY SOUND, ON, P2AIB4 JUL 2018 06/21/18 JUL 2018 LEVY 07/03/18 $81,454.49 $81,454.49 G-514-0121-51 11 Operating 5977453.50 5407,272.45 $81,454.49

Total Land Ambulance Services $81,454.49 Recreational Facilities 45 BAY CITY SANITATION MNTC SUPPLY, 189 BROCK ST, BARRIE, ON, L4N 2M3 137862 06/27/18 BLDG & CLEANING SUPPLIES 07/03/18 5403.97 5403.97 G-71I-R123-2145 Cleaning Supplies $1,500.00 $1,096.03 $403.97 88 CANADIAN RED CROSS, 5700 CANCROSS COURT, MISSISSAUGA, ON, LSR 3E9 CRC-069027 06/27/18 SWIM PACKAGES 07/03/18 5442.89 $442.89 G-71 1-0728-2611 Office Supplies $4,500.00 $3,534.42 $442.89 138 DIXON, CHRISTINE, 6/26118 06)27(18 MILEAGE & FIRST AID SUPPLIES 07/03118 $16.80 $16.80 G-71 1-0728-2611 Office Supplies 54,500.00 $3,534.42 $16.80 274 LITtLE GARDENS, 36 BOWES ST, PARRY SOUND, ON, P2A 2K9 13154 06/27/18 FLOWERS & MIX 07/03/18 $182.70 $182.70 G-71 1-Ri 29-3412 Building Maintenance 55,000.00 $3,109.71 $182.70 496 WOLSELEY CANADA INC., BOX 6330, BURLINGTON, ON, L7R 4Z2 6632600 06/27/18 SOLENOID KIT & SLEEVES 07/03/18 51,184.40 $1,184.40 0-711-0713-3317 Public Water System $7,500.00 ($124.30) $1,184.40 948 ACTIVE LOCK & SAFE, P0 BOX 420, BRACEBRIDGE, ON, PIL 117 1601i 06/27/18 KEYS 07/03/18 $43.00 $43.00 G-7i1-R128-341i Miscellaneous Equipment 5250.00 5207.00 $43.00 2472 LEADER, JULIA, 6121/18 06/27/18 MILEAGE & FUN DAY SUPPLIES 07/03/18 568.72 568.72 0-711-0728-2611 Office Supplies $4,500.00 $3,534.42 6/21/18 06/27/18 MILEAGE & FUN DAY SUPPLIES 07103/18 $34.59 $34.59 0-711-0728-3111 Mileage $250.00 $191.62 $103.31 2172 ICECO ADVANCED ARENA PRODUCTS, 2035 CAVENDISH DRIVE, BURLINGTON, ON, L7P 1Y9 217867 06/20/18 ARENA BOARD CLEANING 07/03/18 51,150.00 51,150.00 G-71 1-Ri 27-3412 Building Maintenance $36,000.00 $8,046.78 51,150.00 Total Recreational Facilities $3,527.01 6/27/2018 1:58pm TOWNSHIP OF SEGUIN Page 4 A/P Preliminary Cheque Run — Direct Deposit (Council Approval Report) Vendor Invoice Number Date Description Due Date Invoice Amt Approved Amt Account Number Account Description Budgeted $ TED Balance

363 PARK TO PARK TRAIL, 70 CHURCH ST, PARRY SOUND, ON, PM 1Y9 JULY 2018 06/21118 TRAIL MAINTENANCE JULY 2018 PYMT 07/03/18 $1,977.50 $197750 G-796-0121-61 11 Rose PointTrail $7,123.20 $3,166.20 $1,977.50

Total Trails $1,977.50 Planning 2240 NOVEXCO, 75 TIVERTON COURT, SUITE 102, MARKHAM, ON, L3R 4MB 401017026 06/25118 PENS 07/03/16 552.68 552.86 G-812-0121-2611 Office Supplies $3,000.00 ($652.72) $52.88 Planning Total $52.88 Non-Financial Assets 352 PARRY SOUND FUELS, 114 BOWES STREET, PARRY SOUND, ON, P2A2L7 624250 06126118 DYED DIESEL ORRVILLE 07/03/18 $882.97 $882.97 G-A12-1121-9011 Dyed Diesel Stock 624087 06/22)18 LS DIESEL HUMPHREY 07/03118 $0.00 ($3938.57) 53,806.69 $3,806.69 G-A12-1121-9013 LS Diesel Stock $0.00 ($16,989.81) $4,689.66

Total Non-Financial Assets $4,689.66 Accounts Receivable 948 ACTIVE LOCK & SAFE, P0 BOX 420, BRACEBRIDGE, ON, PIL 1T7 16011 06/27/18 LIBRARY 07/03/18 $148.03 $148.03 G-A13-1131-9055 Miscellaneous Recovery $0.00 $9,266.24 $148.03 2674 PRINTERSPLUS, 1181 BELANGER AyE, OTEAWA, ON, KIH 1B7 655421 06/26/18 LIBRARY 07/03/18 $124.30 $124.30 G-A13-1131-9055 Miscellaneous Recovery $0.00 $9266.24 $124.30 Accounts Total Receivable $272.33 Capital Projects 352 PARRY SOUND FUELS, 114 BOWES STREET, PARRY SOUND, ON, P2A2L7 624574 06/27/18 CARDLOCK 07/03/18 $233.36 $233.36 G-CAP-ROAD-2156 Surface Treatment $994,000.00 $859,841.10 $233.36 Total Capital Projects $233.36 &27/2018 1:58pm TOWNSHIP OF SEGUIN Page 5

NP Preliminary Cheque Run — Direct Deposit (Council Approval Report)

Vendor Invoice Number Date Description Due Date Invoice Amt Approved Amt Account Number Account Description Budgeted $ YTD Balance Accounts Payable 326 OMERS, AUN: PENSION ACCOUNTING, 900-100 ADELAIDE ST W, TORONTO, ON, M5H 0E2 PR1384 06/13/18 Payroll from 5/27/2018 to 6/9/2018 05/13/18 523,478.30 523,478.30 G-L13-1301-9514 Omers Contributions $0.00 50.00 PR1386 06/27/18 Payroll from 6/10/2018 to 6/23/2018 06/27/18 524,017.86 524,017.86 G-L13-1301-9514 Omers Contributions $0.00 5000 $47,496.16 2240 NOVEXCO, 75 TIVERTON COURT, SUITE 102, MARKHAM, ON, L3R 4MB 401017046 06/25/18 KENNY G 07/03/18 522.74 $22.74 G-L13-1301-9508 Employee Paid Benefits $0.00 527.17 $22.74

Total Accounts Payable $47,518.90

Subtotal: $159,235.16

HST Recoverable: $2,007.70

Total Bills To Pay: $161,242.86 6/27/2018 11:29am TOWNSHIP OF SEQUIN Page 1 AlP Preliminary Cheque Run — Preauthorizes Payments (Council Approval Report) Vendor Iiwoice Number Date Description Due Date Invoice Amt Approved Amt Account Number Account Treasury and CAO Description Budgeted $ YTD Balance 302 TO VISA, P.O. BOX 611, AGINCOURT, ON, MIS Si? JUNE 26, 2018 06/26/18 STAFF BBQ SUPPLIES 06/26/18 $470.79 $470.79 0-121-0121-2148 Water/Food Supplies $3000.00 6/20/18 06/22)18 MEMBERSHIP FEE 06/22/18 $346.09 5274.76 5274.76 G-121-0121-3114 Subscriptions & $9500.00 ($514.93) 6/22/18 06/22)18 FREIGHT 06/22)18 53.99 53.99 G-121-0121-3212 Freight 5400.00 5338.91 6.26.18 06(26/18 VOLUNTEER NIGHT FREEZIES & PLANTS 06/26)18 $172.41 $172.41 G-121-0121-4217 Volunteer Recognition $6,000.00 $332.44 $921.95 Total Treasury and CAO $921.95 Fire Department 302 TD VISA, P.O. BOX 611, AGINCOURT, ON, MiS 5.17 6.21 .18 06/22)18 BACKGROUND CHECK 06/22)18 $31.32 $31.32 G-21 1-0221-2155 Miscellaneous Expenses 55,800.00 54,872,68 $31.32 509 WORKPLACE SAFETY & INSURANCE, 180 KENT STREET, MINTO PLACE, TOWER 4, SUITE 400, OTTAWA, ON, KIP 086 JUNE2018 06/25/18 FIRE DEPT MONTHLY WSIB CONTRIBUTIONS 06/25/18 $1,150.00 51,150.00 0-211-0121-1196 WSIB Contributions 519,150.00 59,788,38

$1,150.00 Total Fire Department $1,181.32 Roads 302 TO VISA, P.O. BOX 611, AGINCOURT, ON, MIS 5J7 06/20/18 06/22/18 TDG GROUND ANDREA MAZZOCCO 06/22)18 $30.48 $30.48 0-321-0381-3113 Course & Seminar Fees $16,000.00 $10,202.96 6. 20. 18 06/22/18 WHMIS ANDREA MAZZOCCO 06/22)18 $15.00 $15.00 0-321-0381-3113 Course & Seminar Fees 516,000.00 $10,202.96 6)22/18 06/22/18 FREIGHT 06/22/18 $38.42 $38.42 0-321-0381-3212 Freight $500.00 ($213.12) 6/19/18 06/22118 CELL PHONE CASE 06/22/18 527.85 527.85 G-321-0381-3217 Cellular Phone $3,500.00 5956.59 $111.75 Total Roads $111.75 Recreational Facilities 302 TD VISA, P.O. BOX 611, AGINCOURT, ON, MIS 5J7 06.26.2018 06/26/18 PARKS 06/26/18 5162.58 5162.58 0-71 1-0712-3712 Misc Contractor Services $8,000.00 $2,575.22 $162.58 Total Recreational Facilities $162.58 6/27/2018 11:29am TOWNSHIP OF SEGUIN Page 2 A/P Preliminary Cheque Run — Preauthorizes Payments (Council Approval Report) Vendor Invoice Number Date Description Due Date Invoice Amt Approved Amt Account Capital Projects Number Account Description Budgeted $ YTD Balance 302 TD VISA, P.O. BOX 611, AGINCOURT, ON, MIS 5J7 6/21/18 06/26/18 3 TENTS 06/26/18 5167.99 $167.99 G-CAP-R124-2809 Facility Renovations $2500.00 $2332.01 6/21118 06/26/183 TENTS 06/26/18 $167.99 516799 G-CAP-R130-2809 Capital Expenditures $7500.00 $7,332.01 6/21/15 06/26/18 3 TENTS 06/26118 5232.94 $232.94 G-CAP-RECR-331 6 Rosseau Waterfront 58500.00 $5,872.56 $568.92 Total Capital Projects $566.92 Accounts Payable

297 MINISTER OF FINANCE - PAYROLL, , , ON, PR1383 05131/18 Payroll from 5(13(2018 to 5(26(2016 06/07(18 $46.39 546.39 G-L13-1301-9519 Employer Health Tax PR1384 06/13/18 Payroll from 5/27/2018 to 6/9/2018 $0.00 $0.00 06/13/18 $2,493.80 $2,493.80 G-L13-1301-9519 Employer Health Tax PR1385 06/29/18 Payroll from 6/1/2018 to 6/30/2018 06/29/18 $0.00 $0.00 5166.72 $166.72 G-L13-1301-9519 Employer Health Tax $0.00 PR1 386 06/27/18 Payroll from 6/10/2018 to 6/23/2016 06/27/18 $2,628.87 $0.00 $2,626.87 G-L13-1301-9519 Employer Health Tax 50.00 50.00 $5,335.78 302 TO VISA, P.O. BOX 611, AGINCOURT, ON, MIS 5.17 6/22118 06/22)18 PETER KOPPISCH 06/22118 $4.43 54.43 G-L13-1301-9508 Employee Paid Benefits 50.00 $27.17 $4.43 380 RECEIVER GENERAL PAYROLL, REV. CANADA TAXATION,,, PR1365 06/29/18 Payroll from 6/112018 to 6/30/2018 06/29/18 $1,450.68 $1,450.68 G-L13-1301-9511 Payroll Deduction $0.00 PR1386 06/27/18 Payroll from 6/10/2018 to 6/23/2018 06/27/18 $38,744.54 $0.00 $38744.54 G-L1 3-1 301-9511 Payroll Deduction 50.00 50.00 $40,195.22 509 WORKPLACE SAFETY INSURANCE, & 180 KENT STREET, MINTO PLACE, TOWER 4, SUITE 400, OTrAWA, ON, KIP CBS PR1383 05/31/18 Payroll from 5/13/2018 to 5/26/2016 06/07/18 576.13 $76.13 G-L13-1301-9513 WSlB Premiums $0.00 PR1384 06/13/18 Payroll from 5/27/2018 to 6/9/2018 06/13118 54,092.39 $0.00 54,092.39 G-L13-1301-9513 WSIB Premiums $0.00 $0.00 PR1386 06/27/18 PaymII from 6/10/2018 to 6/23/2018 06/27/18 $4,314.05 $4,314.05 G-L13-1301-9513 WSI8 Premiums $0.00 $0.00 $8,482.57 Total Accounts Payable $54,018.00

Subtotal: $56,964.52

HST Recoverable: $161.68

Total Bills To Pay: $57,126.20 6127/2018 11:31am TOWNSHIP OF SEGUIN Page 1 NP Preliminary Cheque Run (Council Approval Report)

Vendor Invoice Number Date Description Due Date Invoice Amt Approved Amt Account Number Account Description Budgeted $ YTD Balance Committee 853 TIMMINS, MIKE, 6/20/18 06/21118 JUNE 20, 2018 MEETING 06/21/18 $60.00 $60.00 G-114-0111-1197 Honorariums $4,500.00 $1,680.00 $60.00 1731 SANDERSON, DONALD, 6/20/18 06/21/18 JUNE 20, 2018 MEETING 06/21/18 560.00 $60.00 G-114-0111-1197 Honorariums $4500.00 $1,680.00 $60.00 2309 YAUK, LEN, 6/20/18 06/21/18 JUNE 20, 2018 MEETING 06/21/18 $60.00 $60.00 G-114-0111-1197 Honorariums $4,500.00 $1,680.00 $60.00 Total Committee $180.00 Treasury and CÁO 239 IRON MOUNTAIN, P0 BOX 3527, STN A, TORONTO, ON, M5W 304 ABWMO11 06/14/18 SHREDDING 06/14/18 $51.01 $51.01 G-121-0121-2155 Miscellaneous Expenses $900.00 $614.08 $51.01 1843 SUMMER WATER SPORTS, 1162 BRACKENRIG ROAD, PORT CARLING, ON, PUB IJO 2018-5604 06/27/18 SKI SHOW 06/27/18 $2,035.20 $2,035.20 G-121-01214217 Volunteer Recognition $6,000.00 $332.44 $2,035.20 2802 SOHM, MELISSA, 6/27/16 06/27/18 FACE PAINTING 06/27/18 $240.00 5240.00 G-121-01214217 Volunteer Recognition $6,000.00 $332.44 $240.00 Total Treasury and CÁO $2,326.21 Fire Department 196 GORDON BAY MARINE LTD, RR #1, 55A HATHERLEY ROAD, MACTIER, ON, POCI Ho 396239 06/25/18 REPLACEMENT BOBBINS 06/25/16 $24.39 $24.39 G-211-0221-2155 Miscellaneous Expenses $5,800.00 $4,872.68 $24.39 396 ROSSEAU ROAD POWERSPORTS MARINE LTD, BOX 63, 25 BLACKSTONE!CRANE LKAE RD, SEGUIN, ON, P2A 2W8 12222 06/18/18 SPARK PLUG & FILTER 06/18/18 $35.34 $35.34 G-21 1-0456-3411 Miscellaneous Equipment $3,000.00 $2,523.14 13749 06/18/18 REPLACE FUEL LINE HOSES, AIR FILTER& 06/18/18 5208.29 $208.29 G-211-0456-3411 Miscellaneous Equipment $3,000.00 $2,523.14 SPARK PLUG $243.63 664 CANADIAN TIRE, 30 PINE OR, PARRY SOUND, ON, P2A 3B8 9200 06/14/16 BUG JACKETS 06/14/16 $122.08 5122.08 G-211-0221-2512 Protective Clothing $18,000.00 $10,266.20 $122.08 Total Fire Department $390.10 Sf2712018 11:31am TOWNSHIP OF SEGUIN Page 2 A/P Preliminarj Cheque Run (Council Approval Report) Vendor Invoice Number Date Description Due Date Invoice Amt Approved Amt Account Number Account Description Budgeted $ YTD Balance Building Inspection 547 MUSKOKA PARRY SOUND OBOA, 1WSP OF SEGUIN, 5 HUMPHREY DR, SEGUIN, ON, P2A 2W8 2018-2 06/18/18 OBOA MEMBERHSIP JAMIE OSBORNE & 06/16/18 $60.00 $60.00 0-231-0121-3114 Subscriptions LARRY BAND! & 52500.00 (51.053.33) $

Total Building Inspection $60.00 Roads 27 SPEEDY AUTO GLASS, 70 PARRY SOUND DR. PARRY SOUND, ON, P2A 0B8 8745-123341 06/19118 INSTALL WINDSHIELD 06119118 5546.08 5546.08 0-321 -VR39-221 1 Planned Repairs $0.00 8745-123361 06/19/18 INSTALL WINDSHIELD 06/19118 (52690.18) 5468.74 5468.74 G-321-VR46-2211 Planned Repairs $0.00 ($2,381.76) 8745-123691 06/19/18 INSTALL WINDSHIELD 06/19/18 5478.92 $478.92 G-321-VR51-2211 Planned Repairs $0.00 ($2,663.38) 8745-123381 06/25/18 INSTALL WINDSHIELD 06/25/18 5616.10 5616.10 G-321-VR54-2211 Planned Repairs $0.00 (512,369.47) $2.1 09.84 321 NORTHLAND TRUCK CENTRE, 370 ECCLESTONE DRIVE, P0 BOX 870, BRACEBRIDGE, ON, PIL IVI 1N58718 06/20/18 MIRROR, BRACKET, LAMP 06/20/18 5274.76 5274.76 G-321-VR46-2211 Planned Repairs 1N58763 06/20/18 SPRING $0.00 (52,361.76) 06/20/18 5139.21 $139.21 G-321-VR46-2211 Planned Repairs 1N58772 06/20/18 FILTERS $0.00 (52.361.76) 06120/IS $144.34 $144.34 G-321-VR46-2211 Planned Repairs 1N58735 06/20/18 PARTS $0.00 (52,361.76) 06/20/18 $50.88 550.88 G-321-VR5O-2211 Planned 1N58739 06/20/18 REGULATOR Repairs 50.00 (S13,359.43) 06/20/18 $192.85 $192.85 G-321-VRSO-2211 Planned Repairs 1N58812 06127/18 MIRROR ARM & CORE 06127/18 $0.00 ($13,359.43) $433.07 $433.07 G-321-VR5O-2211 Planned Repairs $0.00 IN58689 06/20/18 SHIELD& PART 06/20/18 (513,359.43) 5143.62 5143.62 G-321-VR54-2211 Planned Repairs $0.00 (512,369.47) $1,378.73 349 PARRY SOUND AUTO PARTS, 74 PARRY SOUND DRIVE, PARRY SOUND, ON, P2A 0B8 2-2650565 06/15/18 GRINDING WHEEL & SUPPLIES 06/15118 $125.44 $125.44 0-321-0382-2155 Miscellaneous 2-2650663 06/15/18 OIL Expenses 515,000.00 ($215.99) 06/15118 542.89 542.89 0-321-0382-2155 Miscellaneous 2-2650664 06/15/18 ARMASHINE Expenses 515,000.00 (5215.99) 06/15/18 5176.14 5176.14 G-321-0382-2155 Miscellaneous 2-2650882 06/19/18 TAPS Expenses $15,000.00 ($215.99) 06/19/18 $108.89 $108.89 G-321-0382-2155 Miscellaneous 2-2651608 06/21/18 SUPPLIES Expenses $15,000.00 ($215.99) 06/21/18 $42.22 $42.22 G-321-0382-2155 Miscellaneous 2-2651686 06/21/18 GLOVES Expenses 515,000.00 ($215.99) 06/21/18 $72.66 $72.66 0-321-0382-2155 Miscellaneous Expenses 515,000.00 2-2649991 06/14/18 OIL, HOSES & FITTINGS 06/14/18 ($215.99) 5349.05 5349.05 G-321-VR37-2211 Planned Repairs 50.00 (51,756.20) $917.29 956 NORTRAX, P0 BOX 15699 STATION A, TORONTO, ON, M5W IC1 997656 06114116 TIE ROD END 06114118 5226.15 5226.15 G-321-VR53-2211 Planned Repairs 50,00 ($23,534.86) $226.15 1651 ADVANCED DRAINAGE SYSTEMS, P0 BOX 57828, STN A, TORONTO, ON, MEW 5M5 315722 06/19/18 CULVERTS 06/19/18 59,865.68 $9,865.68 0-321-0311-2114 Culverts 530,000.00 514,024.34 $9,865.68 &/27/2018 11:31am TOWNSHIP OF SEGUIN Page 3 NP Preliminaiy Cheque Run (Council Approval Report) Vendor Invoice Number Date Description Due Date Invoice Amt Approved Amt Account Number Account Description Budgeted flD 2560 DAN’S TOOLS, 1027-2 OLD BRIDGE RD, RR 2, PORT CARLING, ON, Poe IJO $ Balance 62988 06121)18 WELDER GLOVES 06121/18 $28.00 $28.00 G-321-VR5O-2211 Planned Repairs $0.00 ($13359.43) $28.00 2870 TIREMASTER, 8235 HIGHWAY 12, ORILLIA, ON, LW 6H2 P54041 06121)18 TIRES 06/21118 $345.66 $345.68 G-321-VR47-221 P54580 06/21/18 5 New Tires $0.00 ($345.68) TIRES 06/21/18 $1,154.17 $1,154.17 G-321-VR53-2215 NewTires 50.00 (51,154.17) $1499.85 2951 TC MOBILE WASH, 391 CLEAR LAKE RD, SEGUIN, ON, P2A 2W8 230255 06/27118 POWER WASH 06/27/18 5152.64 $152.64 G-321-VR37-2211 230258 06/27/18 Planned Repairs $0.00 ($1,756.20) POWER WASH 06/27/18 $152.64 $152.64 G-321-VR46-2211 Planned Repairs $0.00 ($2,361.76) $305.28 Total Roads $16,330.62 V-Quip Waste System 321 NORTHLAND TRUCK CENTRE, 370 ECCLESTONE DRIVE, P0 BOX 870, BRACEBRIDGE, ON, PIL lvi 1N58496 06/20/18 CLAMP 06/20/18 $88.05 1N58697 $88.05 G411-W104-2211 Planned Repairs 50.00 ($13,563.24) 06/20/18 SURGET 06/20/18 5211.63 1N58700 $211.63 G411-VWO4-2211 Planned Repairs $0.00 ($13,583.24) 06/20/18 GASKET 06/20/18 $24.81 1N58847 $24.81 G-411-VWO4-2211 Planned Repairs $0.00 ($13,583.24) 06/27/18 SEAL & PARTS 06/27/18 5102.02 5102.02 GAl 1 -WIl 0-2211 Planned Repairs $0.00 ($8,905.01) $426.51 2951 TC MOBILE WASH, 391 CLEAR LAKE RD, SEGUIN, ON, P2A 2W8 230257 06/27/18 POWER WASH 06/27/18 $127.20 $127.20 G-411-\’W10-2211 230257 06/27/18 POWER Planned Repairs $0.00 ($8,905.01) WASH 06/27/18 $127.20 5127.20 230257 G-411-11-2211 Planned Repairs $0.00 ($2,769.99) 06/27/18 POWER WASH 06/27/18 $127.20 $127.20 G-411-VWI4-2211 Planned Repairs $0.00 ($3,486.96) $361.60 Total V-Quip Waste System $808.11 Waste Disposal 1682 SETTLER GRINDING NC, 2600 ARTHUR STREET NORTH, ELMIRA, ON, N3B 2Z1 0213519 06/19/18 GRINDING AT LANDFILL 06/19/16 537,905.60 $37,905.60 G412-L122-3712 Misc Contractor Services $45,000.00 53,697.95 $37,905.60 Total Waste Disposal $37,905.60 6/27/2016 11:31am TOWNSHIP OF SEGUIN Page 4 A/P Preliminary Cheque Run (Council Approval Report) Vendor Invoice Number Date Description Due Date Invoice Amt Approved Amt Account Number Account Description Budgeted $ YTD Balance Recreational Facilities 193 GEORGIAN RENTALS, 3-5 QUEEN SWEET, PARRY SOUND, ON, P2A 2W1 31023 06/20/16 FLOOR STRIPPER 06/20/18 545.00 545.00 G-711-R127-3411 Miscellaneous Equipment $14,000.00 $6,300.77 $45.00 198 GRAY’S PAINT & FLOORING, 32 GIBSON STREET, PARRY SOUND, ON, P2AIW9 170766 06)20)18 PAINT 06/20/18 $150.54 $150.54 G-711-R129-3412 Building Maintenance 55000.00 170824 06/27/18 PAINT 06/27/18 $3,109.71 550.16 550.18 G-711-R129-3412 Building Maintenance 55000.00 53,109.71 $200.72 349 PARRY SOUND AUTO PARTS, 74 PARRY SOUND DRIVE, PARRY SOUND, ON, P2A OBB 2-2651709 06/20/18 GEAR HOUSING 06/20118 5242.02 5242.02 G-711-0712-2131 Lawn Maintenance & $750.00 2-2652256 06/27/18 SUPPLIES 06/27/18 $504.13 519.08 519.08 G-711-R127-3411 Miscellaneous Equipment 514,000.00 2-2652301 06/27/18 FITTINGS 06/27)18 56,300.77 536.64 536.64 G-711-R127-3412 Building Maintenance $36,000.00 $8046.73 $291.74 396 ROSSEAU ROAD POWERSPORTS MARINE LTD, BOX 63,25 BLACKSTONEICRANE LKAE RD. SEGUIN, ON, P2A 2W8 13897 06120)18 INSTALL PUMP KIT LOWER UNIT, CHANGE 06/20/18 5300.34 5300.34 G-711-D712-3712 Misc ContractorServices GEAR OIL & PLUG 58,000.00 52,575.22

$300.34 664 CANADIAN TIRE, 30 PINE OR, PARRY SOUND, ON, P2A 388 9170 06/20/16 SUPPLIES 06/20/18 519.33 $19.33 G-71 1-0712-2813 Equipment Repairs & $5,000.00 9244 06/27/18 BASKETS 06/27/18 $806.07 530.51 530.51 G-71 1 -072B-261 1 Office Supplies 54,500.00 9232 06/27/18 BINS & SUNSCREEN 06/27/18 S3,534.42 544.70 $44.70 G-711-R127-3411 Miscellaneous Equipment $14,000.00 9243 06/27/1 B SUPPLIES 06/27/18 $6300.77 $12.99 $12.99 G-71 1-R127-341 1 Miscellaneous Equipment $14,000.00 9199 06/20/18 SHOP SUPPLIES 06/20/18 56,300.77 5150.93 5150.93 G-711-R127-3412 Building Maintenance $36,000.00 9220 06/20/18 TOILET FLANGES & BOLTS 06/20/18 $8,046.78 554.92 554.92 G-711-R127-3412 Building Maintenance 536,000.00 $8,046.78 $313.36

Total Recreational Facilities $1157.18 Humphrey Museum 664 CANADIAN TIRE, 30 PINE DR, PARRY SOUND, ON, P2A 388 9196 06/20118 HANGER 06/20/18 577.27 577.27 G-791-0121-2155 Miscellaneous Expenses 5500.00 5297.92 $77.27 2491 JACKLIN, BARB, 6)13)18 06/20/1 B MUSEUM MEETINGS MAR, APR, MAY & JUN 06120/18 5240.00 5240.00 G-791-0l 21-1197 Honorariums 2018 $3,200.00 51,640.00

$240.00 Total Humphrey Museum $317.27 6127/2018 11:31am TOWNSHIP SEGUIN OF Page 5 A/P Preliminary Cheque Run (Council Approval Repon) Vendor Invoice Number Date Description Due Date Invoice Amt Approved Amt Account Number Account Description Budgeted $ YTD Balance Parry Sound Industrial Park 614 PARRY SOUND INDUSTRIAL PARK BOARD, CIO TOWNSHIP OF MCDOUGALL, 5 BARAGER BLVD, MCDOUGALL, ON, P2A 2W9 2002 06/22)18 2018 LEVY 06/22118 513,97000 513,97000 G-824-0121-6112 Levy 513,84650 (512350) $13,970.00 Total Parry Sound Industrial Park $13,970.00 Capital Projects 36 BADGER CONSTRUCTION, 163 JAMES BAY JOT RD, SEQUIN, ON, P2A 0B2 7080 06/19/18 GUIDE POSTS ROSE PT, QASTLER, HUNTER 06/19/18 $6,273.07 $6,273.07 G-CAP-ROAD-2164 DR Guiderails $15,000.00 $8,065.49

$6,273.07 2649 GYM-CON LTD, 93 RAWSON AVE, BARRIE, ON, L4N 6E5 5010062 06(27/15 RUBBER FLOORING & BASEBOARD 06/27/16 $65,122.00 $65,122.00 G-CAP-R127-2609 Facility Renovations $85,000.00 $7,562.40 $65,122.00 Total Capital Projects $71,395.07 Accounts Payable 241 INVESTORS GROUP, 447 Portage Avenue, Winnipeg, MB, R3B 3H5 JUNE2018 06/25118 RSP JUNE 2018 06/25/18 5250.00 5250.00 G-L13-1301-9509 RSP Deductions Payable 50.00 5125.00 $250.00 2341 MCWALTER, LIS, 6/26/18 06126/18 WPS SMART BOARD MILEAGE & FOOD 06/26/18 $181.37 $181.37 G-L13-1302-9603 Held for REDAC Smart $0.00 (517,861.67) $181.37 2965 MILLER, JAMES, EC18-006 06121/18 5dB-DOS 06/21/18 $500.00 $500.00 G-L13-1302-9549 Roads Deposits $0.00 ($19,350.00) $500.00 2966 CROFTON, CATHERINE, 6/27/18 06/27/18 ROOM CHARGE & EXPENSES 06/27/18 $171.15 $171.16 G-L13-1302-9603 Held for REDAC Smart $0.00 ($17,661.67) $171.16

Total Accounts Payable $1,102.53 6/27/2018 11:31am TOWNSHIP OF SEGUIN Page 6 A/P Preliminary Cheque Run (Council Approval Report)

Subtotal: $145,942.89

HST Recoverable: $15,698A3

Total Bills To Pay: $161,641.32 6/27/2018 11:43am TOWNSHIP OF SEGUIN Page 1 NP Preliminary Cheque Run (Council Approval Report) Vendor Invoice Number Date Description Due Date Invoice Amt Approved Amt Humphrey Museum Account Number Account Description Budgeted $ YrD Balance 2490 GRAVES, BRENDA, 6/13118 06/20/18 MUSEUM MEETINGS MAR, APR, MAY & JUN 06/20/18 $240.00 524000 2018 G-791-01 21-1197 Honorariums 53,20000 51,640.00

$240.00 Total Humphrey Museum $240.00

Total Bills To Pay: $240.00 Delegations Water Quality in Seguin

In 2008, the Seguin Lake Water Quality Monitoring Program was created in order to establish a historical record of water quality parameters of approximately 120 lakes across Seguin Township. This program works collaboratively with numerous Lake Association’s within our Township and seeks to understand the ecological health trends of our lakes.

Through this Story Map, we will lead you through a day in the life of a Water Quality student. Introduction Hi, I'm Nicole and this is my second summer as a Water Quality student for the Township. I am currently studying Environmental Studies and Business at Wilfrid Laurier University. This will be my 20th summer spent at the cottage!

Hi, I'm Kate and this is my fifth year working for the the Township of Seguin and my first year as a Water Quality student. I am attending the University of Victoria for Geography and Environmental Studies. I have always spent my summers in the area growing up, and am looking forward to another great summer!

Step 1 Prior to our testing season, with the help of our science partner, Hutchinson Environmental, we determine which lakes will be tested. We will usually test approximately 40-45 lakes in a typical season. Upon receiving this lake list, we begin planning our routes and access points. We appreciate the cooperation and support from our local residents who allow us entry into some of the lakes which do not have public access. Thank you!

If you see a red Seguin truck with a green canoe strapped to the back, you'll know we are on our way to the next testing site!

Step 2 In the mornings, we gather our gear, strap the canoe to the truck, and hit the road!

Step 3 Upon arrival, we head to the deepest part of the lake to begin the testing. We use GPS coordinates so we can return to the exact same part of the lake each year. During the spring, we test for phosphorus. As of 2017, we have further expanded our testing parameters to include dissolved organic carbon, calcium, chloride and sulfate.

Phosphorus is a naturally occurring element that essential to all forms of life. It is important to have this nutrient, but too much can be harmful as it may cause an overgrowth of algae. This limits light penetration to deeper areas, preventing the growth of other species that are important to the ecosystem. An overabundance of phosphorus may be due to the use of the following products:

 Fertilizers: The use of both chemical and natural fertilizers should be avoided near the lake.  Soaps and cleaners: Look for phosphate-free cleaners, shampoo, and laundry detergent.  Sewage: Maintain your septic system and have it pumped out every 3 to 5 years. Try a septic system that binds phosphorus.  Storm water and erosion: Leave vegetation such as shrubs and trees, especially near the shoreline. Minimize hard surfaces, such as stone, as much as possible.

Dissolved organic carbon is a classification of organic molecules in aquatic systems that come from decay. Many aquatic organisms rely on it as a food source.

Calcium is a nutrient that is required by all forms of life. Many aquatic species, such as zooplankton, are at risk due to the rapid decline of calcium in Ontario's lakes. Many of our lakes are now approaching the threshold of the volume of calcium required by these species. Acid rain, forest harvesting, and climate change are all contributing factors to this decline in calcium.

Chloride can be naturally found in freshwater in very small quantities. Today, however, chloride levels are increasing due to human-caused factors, such as road salt and sewage contamination. These high concentrations of chloride harm organisms by interfering with biological processes that regulate concentration of salt and other solutes in their bodily fluids. This may hinder survival, growth, and reproduction.

Sulfate can be very harmful to lakes when in high concentrations as it is toxic to plants, animals, and people! Some sources of sulphate include sewage runoff and acid rain. Step 4 Using our hand-held device, we record general information about the test location, including the weather conditions, water colour, temperature and depth. This information is shared on a frequent basis with Hutchinson so that they can quickly assess and monitor any potential "red flags".

Step 5 Then, using our Secchi disk, we determine the Secchi depth, which gives us an understanding of the general health of the lake based on its clarity. A higher Secchi reading, meaning clearer water, allows for more light to penetrate, supporting the growth of aquatic organisms.

Step 6 We collect samples by lowering a weighted bottle to the Secchi depth. From the weighted bottle, the water is transferred through a filter and into several test tubes, which are sent to the labs for further testing. During this process, it is very important to carefully rinse the test tubes and avoid touching the insides of the containers or lids, as things on our hands, such as phosphorus from sunscreen, could contaminate the samples. We always take two samples at every test location to avoid having spoiled results!

Step 7 In late August, we return to our sample locations to complete dissolved oxygen testing. As a result of the ‘turnover’ process being completed, lake stratification occurs, which means the lake separates into layers due to temperature. This results in three layers of the lake which are called, the apilimnion or top layer, the metalimnion which is the middle layer, and the hypolimnion or bottom of the lake.

This testing entails lowering the probe of our dissolved oxygen meter into the lake one metre at a time until it reaches one metre from the bottom of the lake. The best time of the day to take the testing is in between 10am and 2pm. With testing every layer of the lake, the health of the lake can be better determined. The level of oxygen for all aquatic animals to survive is 3mg/L and 5mg/L. Once the oxygen level reaches below 2mg/L, a sample is taken one metre from the bottom of the lake and one metre at the top of the lake.

All water samples are sent to the Dorset Environmental Science Centre for testing.

Data is provided to Hutchinson Environmental on a weekly basis.

Once the results are available in October, a final report is presented to Council including a detailed analysis of the health of Seguin lakes by Hutchinson Environmental.

In between the steps? You may be wondering what we do between the spring phosphorus testing and the DO testing in late August. Don't worry, we are busy expanding and promoting the Seguin Stewardship Program! ...And that's a whole other Story Map!

Stewardship Seguin The purpose of this story map is to promote sustainable living practices along the shorelines of our lakes, rivers, and streams. Our program consists of four main components: our "Living Sustainably in Seguin Township" handbook, our community engagement initiatives, our property evaluation flag program and our Speaker Series.

"Living Sustainably in Seguin Township" Handbook This guide outlines 12 "Steps to Success," which promote sustainable living practices along our shorelines. The handbook provides practical examples and ideas to keep your shoreline natural, minimize your human footprint, and protect the environment. We can all do our part to help!

Community Engagement Initiatives In efforts to begin engaging the younger generation in making environmentally conscious decisions, Nicole and Kate venture to the Foley Matheson Beach and the Rosseau Waterfront each week. They encourage kids to think about the environment around them and how they can do their part. Last year Nicole created a carnival spinning wheel (Stewardship Spin) with which kids can actively participate in a game while at the same time learn more about topics ranging from "fish & wildlife" to the "human footprint". This year new games are being introduced including "Animal Charades", "Guess Who I Am" , and even a scavenger hunt!

Stewardship Seguin Flag Program The Stewardship Seguin Flag Program recognizes property owners for making significant improvements to their environment through green activities. How Can You Participate? It's simple! - Register by calling Seguin Township - Book your property evaluation with Kate and Nicole - Receive a free Stewardship Seguin flag - Continue to "Green" your property one step at a time Your Commitment: - Know your shoreline & understand your property - Share the importance of stewardship with others - Evaluate your property, identify goals and change the way you live one step at a time - Proudly fly your Seguin Stewardship Flag - Get creative and HAVE FUN!

Speaker Series This year our annual speaker series will consist of four different local experts on a variety of topics. At each event there will be complimentary refreshments and giveaways!

Connect with us! Follow us on social media to keep up to date with our initiatives! Every Monday, we post an "eco thought of the week" with a new way in which residence can reduce their environmental footprint. We also keep our followers up to date on everything that we do!

Successes of the 2018 Program Information Program This year (2018), two students: Max Stoneman and Morgan Johns are participating in the Septic Re- Septic Re-Inspection Inspection program. Both the iPad Program program and supervision under the Max Stoneman and Morgan Johns Building Department are in their third

year and displaying extensive benefits

to date, such as; easier navigation to remote properties and more efficient inspections that take less time, resulting in more re-inspections being complete each season.

Phone: 705-746-7566 EXT # 205

Classes of Septic Systems:

In the Field: Class 1: Chemical toilet, outhouse, privy (including earth pit privy, pail privy, privy vault, and composting toilet system) Step 1: Review all information in the files Class 2: Grey Water System for the chosen property. Class 3: Cesspool Step 2: Conduct a re-inspection of all the Class 4: Leaching bed system systems on the property. Ensure all systems meet compliance with the Class 5: Holding Tank Ontario Building Code. Purpose of the Program: Step 3: Record all information about the Before Entering the Field: sewage disposal system. The septic re-inspection program is a Step 4: Inform property owner of Step 1: Determine properties to be re- findings, either by speaking with them seasonal program hosted by Seguin inspected. directly or by phone or mail. Township and the North Bay Mattawa Conservation Authority that has two main Step 2: Collect all files related to NOTE: All inspections are visual and functions. The first is to prevent pollution sewage systems in the re-inspection non-invasive. from sewage disposal systems into lakes area. and ground water in order to protect the Step 3: Inform property owners by mail quality of drinking water and the that the inspection will be taking place. The building department is the environment. The second function is to governing body for all Part 7 increase awareness and provide violations (plumbing), while the North educational information to the residents Bay Mattawa Conservation Authority of Seguin Township on how to effectively is responsible for Part 8 (septic). care for their septic systems.



We are currently forecasting a surplus of $66,119, which is up from the June 7 forecast of $38,126, the bulk of which is revenue driven. Revenue lines of note:

To July 31 2017 To July 9, 2018 Building permit fees $112,228 $227,534

This revenue line continues to be strong. We will report on this line monthly as we move through the busy summer construction season.

Penalty and Interest on Taxes $109,716 $93,784

As noted in the 2017 year end report from KPMG, collection of taxes receivable continues to improve, the downside of that being that revenue from Penalty and Interest on Taxes also then decreases. Collections continue to be strong, so we are not expecting meet the 2018 budget for this line.

Supplemental and omitted taxes continue to trickle in, which only continues to add to the surplus on this line.


Capital projects are well underway for 2018; a summary of actual expenditures on a project basis within each functional area is attached. Activity in the Reserves and Reserve Funds has also been minimal, consisting of some SRA/CRA sales, and interest income; a report on the Reserves and Reserve Funds will accompany the July month end report.


Currently, $21,750 of the $100,000 Contingency budget has been allocated for the emergency purchase of a de-humidifier for the Arena. Please note that the attached summary does not include any of the contingency budget in the projected surplus.

Respectfully submitted,

Michele C. Fraser, BA, MBA, CPA, CA Chief Financial Officer and Treasurer TOWNSHIP OF SEGUIN 2018 BUDGET - OPERATING FUND SUMMARY 2018 Actual to Projected BOY to Projected Budget 6/7/2018 12/31/2018 December 31, 2018 Variance Revenue Taxation Final Tax Levy$ (11,637,340.35) $ (14,709,397.44) $ 3,072,057.00 $ (11,637,340.44) $ 0.09 Supplementaries$ (100,000.00) $ (141,551.38) $ (5,000.00) $ (146,551.38) $ 46,551.38 Tax Writeoffs$ 60,000.00 $ 11,314.23 $ 48,500.00 $ 59,814.23 $ 185.77 Payments in Lieu$ (78,904.75) $ (75,302.66) $ (19,500.00) $ (94,802.66) $ 15,897.91 Grants OMPF$ (1,977,500.00) $ (988,750.00) $ (988,750.00) $ (1,977,500.00) $ - POA$ (60,000.00) $ (27,737.28) $ (32,300.00) $ (60,037.28) $ 37.28 Recycling$ (80,000.00) $ (40,595.22) $ (48,000.00) $ (88,595.22) $ 8,595.22 Small Water Grant$ (10,000.00) $ (4,876.66) $ (5,125.00) $ (10,001.66) $ 1.66 Other Grants$ (8,719.00) $ (3,780.00) $ (4,939.00) $ (8,719.00) $ - User Fees Administration$ (30,025.00) $ (19,191.78) $ (11,625.00) $ (30,816.78) $ 791.78 Building and Bylaw$ (313,650.00) $ (254,926.11) $ (75,000.00) $ (329,926.11) $ 16,276.11 Fire$ (130,050.00) $ (57,165.72) $ (72,900.00) $ (130,065.72) $ 15.72 911$ (1,000.00) $ (650.00) $ (350.00) $ (1,000.00) $ - Roads$ (4,500.00) ($5,258.71)$ (500.00) $ (5,758.71) $ 1,258.71 Waste Management$ (85,000.00) $ (23,531.00) $ (61,500.00) $ (85,031.00) $ 31.00 Cemetery$ (14,700.00) $ (9,928.00) $ (5,000.00) $ (14,928.00) $ 228.00 Parks and Recreation$ (204,000.00) $ (111,523.58) $ (93,000.00) $ (204,523.58) $ 523.58 Planning$ (94,600.00) $ (54,560.00) $ (40,000.00) $ (94,560.00) $ (40.00) Sale of Land - net of expenses$ - $ (11,855.98) $ (3,000.00) $ (14,855.98) $ 14,855.98 Investment Income Interest$ (42,000.00) $ (29,013.90) $ (20,000.00) $ (49,013.90) $ 7,013.90 Airport/CoC Loan$ (250.00) $ - $ (250.00) $ (250.00) $ - Penalty & Interest on Taxes$ (195,000.00) $ (93,784.47) $ (65,000.00) $ (158,784.47) $ (36,215.53)

$ (15,007,239.10) $ (16,652,065.66) $ 1,568,818.00 $ (15,083,247.66) $ 76,008.56 Expenditures Committees $ 8,750.00 $ 3,240.00 $ 5,510.00 $ 8,750.00 $ - Council $ 179,352.72 $ 84,124.38 $ 95,225.00 $ 179,349.38 $ 3.34 Administration/Treasury$ 1,184,749.08 $ 678,314.20 $ 505,000.00 $ 1,183,314.20 $ 1,434.88 Clerk's Department$ 353,210.00 $ 161,650.91 $ 191,550.00 $ 353,200.91 $ 9.09 Election $ 50,000.00 $ 6,934.72 $ 43,065.00 $ 49,999.72 $ 0.28 Fire $ 740,259.42 $ 348,056.91 $ 392,300.00 $ 740,356.91 $ (97.49) Building $ 519,894.00 $ 247,595.76 $ 272,325.00 $ 519,920.76 $ (26.76) Bylaw Enforcement $ 91,500.00 $ 21,217.01 $ 70,280.00 $ 91,497.01 $ 2.99 Police Services $ 1,334,870.00 $ 552,564.90 $ 778,677.00 $ 1,331,241.90 $ 3,628.10 Septic Inspection $ 52,091.00 $ 20,719.99 $ 31,370.00 $ 52,089.99 $ 1.01 Roads $ 2,416,497.00 $ 1,395,168.73 $ 1,021,325.00 $ 2,416,493.73 $ 3.27 Waste Management$ 854,050.00 $ 376,498.01 $ 477,550.00 $ 854,048.01 $ 1.99 Health Services $ 1,114,837.50 $ 647,718.68 $ 467,120.00 $ 1,114,838.68 $ (1.18) Cemetery $ 45,158.00 $ 30,778.53 $ 14,375.00 $ 45,153.53 $ 4.47 DSSAB $ 1,493,685.00 $ 746,842.50 $ 746,840.00 $ 1,493,682.50 $ 2.50 Belvedere Heights $ 521,811.00 $ 260,906.00 $ 260,905.00 $ 521,811.00 $ - Parks and Recreation$ 1,314,527.20 $ 729,962.34 $ 584,565.00 $ 1,314,527.34 $ (0.14) Libraries $ 143,377.52 $ 71,688.50 $ 71,689.00 $ 143,377.50 $ 0.02 Museums $ 30,789.00 $ 19,134.38 $ 11,655.00 $ 30,789.38 $ (0.38) Planning $ 521,515.00 $ 215,684.21 $ 305,831.00 $ 521,515.21 $ (0.21) Economic Development, incl Airport$ 77,166.10 $ 61,970.00 $ 15,195.00 $ 77,165.00 $ 1.10 $ 13,048,089.54 $ 6,680,770.66 $ 6,362,352.00 $ 13,043,122.66 $ 4,966.88

Long Term Debt and Contingency Contingency $ 100,000.00 $ - $ 100,000.00 $ 100,000.00 $ - $ 100,000.00 $ - $ 100,000.00 $ 100,000.00 $ - Reserve Transfers Transfer to Reserves - Capital$ 2,020,474.56 $ - $ 2,020,474.56 $ 2,020,474.56 $ - Transfer to Reserves - Land Sales$ - $ - $ 14,855.98 $ 14,855.98 $ (14,855.98) Transfer from Reserves - Election$ (50,000.00) $ - $ (49,999.72) $ (49,999.72) $ (0.28) Transfer from Reserves - Grid Movement$ (35,325.00) $ - $ (35,325.00) $ (35,325.00) $ - Transfer to Reserves - Operating$ 24,000.00 $ - $ 24,000.00 $ 24,000.00 $ - $ 1,959,149.56 $ - $ 1,974,005.82 $ 1,974,005.82 $ (14,856.26) Opening Surplus $ (100,000.00) $ (100,000.00) $ - $ (100,000.00) $ - . . . $ 0.00 $ (10,071,295.00) $ 10,005,175.82 $ (66,119.18) $ 66,119.18 TOWNSHIP OF SEGUIN COUNCIL AND COMMITTEES 2017 BUDGET REPORTS

2018 Actual to Percentage Budget 6/7/18 Spent Comments

Committees: RCAC$ - $ - Rose Point Trail$ 2,000.00 $ - 0.00% Finance$ 2,250.00 $ 420.00 18.67% Other$ 4,500.00 $ 2,820.00 62.67%

$ 8,750.00 $3,240.00 37.03%

Council Miscellaneous$ 22,000.00 $ 5,698.50 25.90% Mayor Gibbon$ 36,681.33 $ 18,084.36 49.30% Councillor Adams$ 20,428.57 $ 10,215.84 50.01% Councillor Collins$ 19,953.57 $ 9,977.46 50.00% Councillor Graves$ 20,428.57 $ 10,215.84 50.01% Councillor Osborne$ 19,953.57 $ 9,977.46 50.00% Councillor Buszynski$ 19,953.57 $ 9,977.46 50.00% Councillor Hepworth$ 19,953.57 $ 9,977.46 50.00%

$ 179,352.72 $ 84,124.38 46.90%


2018 Actual to Percentage Budget 6/7/18 Spent Comments

Wages $ 473,000.00 $ 228,898.81 49.76% Benefits $ 142,475.00 $ 77,382.61 61.27% Supplies $ 13,800.00 $ 6,722.79 50.93% Mileage $ 2,000.00 $ 863.31 34.53% Printing and Advertising $ 1,700.00 $ 2,074.33 101.19% Computer Support and Upgrade$ 22,000.00 $ 13,201.92 60.01% Insurance $ 34,784.00 $ 33,843.84 99.73% Paid at beginning of year Travel, Conferences and Courses$ 8,000.00 $ 1,655.58 14.65% Memberships and Subscriptions$ 9,500.00 $ 10,014.93 100.15% Postage $ 20,400.00 $ 14,895.99 78.81% Audit and Legal $ 37,000.00 $ 17,366.49 46.94% Consulting $ 30,000.00 $ 10,911.36 54.56% Communications and Office Equip$ 24,600.00 $ 11,401.34 46.35% Volunteer Recognition Night$ 6,000.00 $ 6,131.30 76.64% Land purchase $ - $ - #DIV/0! Municipal Office: Heating and Hydro $ 40,000.00 $ 18,890.96 45.80% Cleaning and Maintenance$ 28,000.00 $ 10,247.94 37.27% Telephone $ 7,200.00 $ 4,003.63 54.10% Financial Expenses: Bank charges and Interest$ 4,500.00 $ 2,289.19 50.87% Penalty and A/R writeoffs$ 3,500.00 $ 300.32 8.58% MPAC $ 276,290.08 $ 207,217.56 74.88% Paid quarterly

$ 1,184,749.08 $ 678,314.20 58.95%

CLERK'S DEPARTMENT Wages $ 260,000.00 $ 116,105.79 48.18% Benefits $ 80,310.00 $ 40,998.24 58.53% Supplies $ 2,300.00 $ 1,153.87 50.17% Mileage $ 1,000.00 $ 765.84 76.58% Printing and Advertising $ 1,250.00 $ - 0.00% Travel, Conferences and Courses$ 4,750.00 $ 1,439.62 30.31% Memberships and Subscriptions$ 1,200.00 $ 1,187.55 98.96% Legal $ 2,400.00 $ - 0.00%

$ 353,210.00 $ 161,650.91 49.90% TOWNSHIP OF SEGUIN FIRE DEPARTMENT 2017 BUDGET REPORTS 2018 Actual to Percentage Budget 6/7/18 Spent Comments Wages $ 174,800.00 $92,463.80 54.74% Benefits $ 82,210.00 $ 44,343.05 56.98% Volunteer Firefighters$ 193,000.00 $ 78,173.76 40.50%Q1 and Q2 have been paid so far Supplies $ 11,700.00 $ 2,457.25 21.00% Clothing and Uniforms expense$ 20,700.00 $ 7,952.69 38.42% Mileage $ 3,900.00 $ 159.94 4.10% Shipping $ 400.00 $ 50.96 12.74% Dispatch and Telephone$ 10,350.00 $ 1,881.36 18.18% Printing and Advertising$ 1,300.00 $ 125.02 9.62% Computer Support and Upgrade$ 5,000.00 $ 3,462.39 69.25% Insurance$ 40,423.00 $ 39,693.00 100.65% Travel, Conferences and Courses$ 14,700.00 $ 729.07 4.96% Memberships and Subscriptions$ 1,100.00 $ 699.32 63.57% Mutual Aid $ 600.00 $ 369.14 61.52% Miscellaneous Equipment$ 8,800.00 $ 3,319.35 37.72% Communication and Radios$ 12,600.00 $ 2,219.00 17.61% Rose Point Fire Protection$ 12,000.00 $ 5,000.00 50.00% Fire Prevention$ 7,000.00 $ 2,986.73 42.67% 911, including levy$ 7,643.42 $ 2,428.18 32.06% Health and Safety$ 1,000.00 $ - 0.00% SCBA Testing$ 5,000.00 $ 742.85 14.86% Christie Fire Station$ 12,875.00 $ 5,467.01 42.46% Foley 1 Fire Station$ 16,700.00 $ 5,489.93 32.87% Foley 2 Fire Station$ 7,890.00 $ 5,888.76 74.64% Humphrey Fire Station$ 24,600.00 $ 10,754.85 43.72% Rosseau Fire Station$ 13,468.00 $ 5,848.18 43.42% Vehicles: Fuel$ 16,500.00 $ 6,681.97 40.50% Vehicle Repairs$ 34,000.00 $ 18,669.35 54.91% $ 740,259.42 $ 348,056.91 47.88%

BYLAW ENFORCEMENT AND OPP Wages $ 28,000.00 $ 5,531.82 19.76% Benefits $ - $ 1,251.70 #DIV/0! Supplies $ 1,750.00 $ 1,426.63 81.52% Advertising$ 1,000.00 $ - 0.00% Answering Service$ 2,000.00 $ 1,250.92 62.55% Legal $ 3,000.00 $ - 0.00% Animal Control$ 10,750.00 $ 1,602.47 14.91% Bylaw Contract and mileage$ 45,000.00 $ 10,153.47 22.56% OPP contract$ 1,334,870.00 $ 552,564.90 40.87%Paid monthly $ 1,426,370.00 $ 573,781.91 39.75% TOWNSHIP OF SEGUIN BUILDING DEPARTMENT 2017 BUDGET REPORTS

2018 Actual to Percentage Budget 6/7/18 Spent Comments

Wages $ 328,000.00 $ 151,591.16 47.97% Benefits $ 104,910.00 $ 53,469.82 52.84% Supplies $ 4,000.00 $ 2,687.63 67.19% Clothing expense$ 800.00 $ - 0.00% Telephone $ 1,200.00 $ 734.26 61.19% Printing and Advertising$ 900.00 $ 1,711.09 190.12% Computer Support and Upgrade$ 6,000.00 $ 4,978.42 82.97% Insurance $ 19,174.00 $ 19,174.00 118.55% Travel, Conferences and Courses$ 19,500.00 $ 1,936.59 9.93% Memberships and Subscriptions$ 4,500.00 $ 3,705.97 82.35% Legal, including searches$ 20,000.00 $ 925.56 3.70% Vehicles: Fuel $ 6,510.00 $2,351.86 36.13% Repairs, including licences$ 4,400.00 $4,329.40 98.40%

$ 519,894.00 $ 247,595.76 48.91%


Wages & Benefits$ 40,150.00 $ 17,774.08 44.19% Supplies $ 4,750.00 $ 612.85 12.90% Vehicle $ 6,191.00 $ 2,333.06 41.12% Courses $ 1,000.00 $ - 0.00%


2018 Actual to Percentage Budget 6/7/18 Spent Comments

Wages$ 962,000.00 $ 481,185.19 50.92% Benefits$ 284,085.00 $ 151,518.07 55.44% Materials: Sand and Gravel$ 106,000.00 $ 107,494.35 101.41% Culverts$ 30,000.00 $ 15,975.66 53.25% Sand and Salt$ 140,000.00 $ 38,405.85 24.15% Asphalt and Cold Mix$ 5,000.00 $ 4,378.52 87.57% Calcium$ 75,000.00 $ 59,080.91 78.77% Blasting $ - $ - Miscellaneous Supplies$ 32,000.00 $ 13,654.40 42.67% Equipment Non-owned$ 77,000.00 $ 32,006.08 41.57% Safety Devices/Railway Mtce$ 43,000.00 $ 22,191.87 51.61% Humphrey Garage$ 49,800.00 $ 42,906.83 86.16% Foley Garage$ 10,500.00 $ 7,341.21 77.28% Christie Garage$ 11,975.00 $ 5,420.14 45.26% Street Lighting$ 27,000.00 $ 18,861.95 73.25% Clothing and Uniforms expense$ 4,000.00 $ 1,837.82 45.95% Mileage$ 2,500.00 $ 1,765.43 70.62% Shipping$ 500.00 $ 733.78 146.76% Dispatch and Telephone$ 5,500.00 $ 3,776.42 68.66% Printing and Advertising$ 2,500.00 $ 823.75 32.95% Insurance$ 114,087.00 $ 111,304.00 100.00% Travel, Conferences and Courses $ 19,300.00 $ 8,813.02 57.60% Memberships and Subscriptions$ 2,500.00 $ 2,789.82 111.59% Legal and Consulting$ 1,500.00 $ 1,534.05 102.27% Communication and Radios$ 1,000.00 $ - 0.00% Roads Vehicles$ 409,750.00 $ 261,369.61 63.79%

$ 2,416,497.00 $ 1,395,168.73 58.16% TOWNSHIP OF SEGUIN WASTE MANAGEMENT 2017 BUDGET REPORTS

2018 Actual to Percentage Budget 6/7/18 Spent Comments

Wages $ 226,000.00 $ 93,779.73 41.68% Benefits $ 64,525.00 $ 29,170.65 48.96% Supplies $ 2,500.00 $ 88.54 3.54% Printing and Advertising$ 2,500.00 $ - 0.00% Travel, Conferences and Courses$ 2,750.00 $ 356.00 12.95% Computer Support and Upgrade$ - $ - 0.00% Memberships and Subscriptions$ 1,000.00 $ 885.32 88.53% Free Waste Day$ 9,000.00 $ 4,897.02 54.41% Security Cameras $ - $ - 0.00% Property Lease$ 1,200.00 $ 1,135.60 94.63% Foley Transfer Station$ 4,225.00 $ 1,406.30 33.29% Christie Landfill Site$ 53,050.00 $ 46,020.65 63.00% Turtle Lake Transfer$ 2,500.00 $ 450.14 18.01% MCS Recycling$ 76,000.00 $ 72,647.55 96.86% HSW Trucking and Tipping$ 200,000.00 $ 46,265.18 23.13% Hazardous Waste$ 30,000.00 $ 2,043.87 6.81% Vehicles $ 143,800.00 $ 63,938.08 44.46% Transtor Mtce$ 35,000.00 $ 13,413.38 38.32%

$ 854,050.00 $ 376,498.01 43.35% TOWNSHIP OF SEGUIN 2017 BUDGET REPORTS

2017 2018 Actual to Percentage Budget Budget 6/7/18 Spent Comments

HEALTH LEVIES Health Unit$ 123,860.00 $ 123,860.00 $ 72,251.69 58.33% Paid monthly Ambulance$ 945,620.00 $ 977,453.50 $ 570,181.05 58.33% Paid monthly Rosseau Nursing Stn$ 13,524.00 $ 13,524.00 $ 5,285.94 39.09%

SOCIAL SERVICES LEVIES DSSAB$ 1,490,654.59 $ 1,493,685.00 $ 746,842.50 50.00% Paid quarterly Belvedere Heights$ 516,340.00 $ 521,811.00 $ 260,906.00 50.00% Paid semi-annually

LIBRARIES Seguin Library$ 140,566.20 $ 143,377.52 $ 71,688.50 50.00%

MUSEUMS, FOLEY AG SOC, PK TO PK TRAIL Seguin Museum$ 15,844.00 $ 14,876.00 $ 3,221.38 21.65% WPS Museum$ 15,450.00 $ 15,913.00 $ 15,913.00 100.00% TOWNSHIP OF SEGUIN CEMETERY 2017 BUDGET REPORTS

2018 Actual to Percentage Budget 6/7/18 Spent Comments

Wages/Labour$ 25,000.00 $ 16,754.51 83.77% Benefits $ - $ 3,383.03 Honorariums$ 4,000.00 $ 1,120.00 28.00% Maintenance$ 4,296.00 $ 423.97 9.87% Travel, Conferences and Courses$ 1,050.00 $ 156.52 14.91% Memberships and Subscriptions$ 175.00 $ 213.80 122.17% Advertising $ 200.00 $ - 0.00% Misc Contractor Services$ 9,000.00 $ 4,285.10 47.61% Insurance $ 1,437.00 $ 1,402.00 100.00% Transfer to Reserves$ - $ -


2018 Actual to Percentage Budget 6/7/18 Spent Comments

Wages $ 528,000.00 $ 256,889.30 50.37% Benefits$ 190,575.00 $ 99,113.68 54.56% Miscellaneous Supplies$ 9,400.00 $ 5,079.36 55.82% Travel, Conferences and Courses$ 18,000.00 $ 9,839.17 58.57% Memberships and Subscriptions$ 1,250.00 $ 1,156.65 115.67% Telephone$ 1,650.00 $ 699.36 42.39% Advertising$ 1,000.00 $ 530.10 35.34% Legal $ - $ 91.28 Computer Support & Upgrade$ 750.00 $ 565.82 75.44% Parks, Beaches, Docks and Ballfields$ 17,190.00 $ 12,250.58 71.27% Public Water Systems$ 9,000.00 $ 8,370.76 93.01% Recreation Committee Grants$ 5,600.00 $ 5,600.00 100.00% Donations$ 46,500.00 $ 45,378.14 100.84% Programs: Recreation$ 7,000.00 $ 4,648.18 71.51% Public Skating$ 450.00 $ - 0.00% Swim program - wages$ 45,000.00 $ 1,673.75 3.80% Program just started Swim program - benefits$ 5,175.00 $ 202.94 3.90% Swim programs - supplies$ 4,750.00 $ 1,068.96 24.29% Buildings: Rosseau CC$ 22,084.00 $ 14,975.58 68.21% Matheson Park Bldg$ 7,024.00 $ 4,621.75 66.66% Rosseau Field House$ 2,293.00 $ 520.06 22.68% Foley Comm Centre$ 35,704.00 $ 22,787.31 63.76% Humphrey Arena$ 240,781.00 $ 152,489.72 66.89% Orrville CC$ 37,930.00 $ 24,995.03 65.39% Rosseau Waterfront$ 24,808.00 $ 18,680.41 76.39% Humphrey Trail/Barn$ 2,775.00 $ 1,752.81 63.16% Vehicles: Fuel$ 13,000.00 $ 10,257.05 78.90% Internal allocation$ - $ - Repair parts$ 13,215.00 $ 5,269.59 39.88%

$ 1,290,904.00 $ 709,507.34 56.93%

Trails $ 23,623.20 $ 20,455.00 92.87%

$ 1,314,527.20 $ 729,962.34 57.55% TOWNSHIP OF SEGUIN PLANNING 2017 BUDGET REPORTS

2018 Actual to Percentage Budget 6/7/18 Spent Comments PLANNING Wages$ 315,000.00 $ 144,315.24 48.92% Benefits$ 90,715.00 $ 45,742.81 51.89% Supplies$ 3,000.00 $ 3,846.97 128.23% Travel, Conferences and Courses$ 9,500.00 $ 410.99 4.33% Memberships and Subscriptions$ 4,000.00 $ 2,340.28 58.51% Postage and Delivery$ 250.00 $ 3.99 1.60% Telephone$ 200.00 $ 41.67 20.84% Printing and Advertising$ 3,500.00 $ 1,209.62 48.38% Legal, including registrations$ 20,000.00 $ 10,658.63 42.63% Computer Support and Upgrades$ 12,000.00 $ 4,978.42 62.23% GIS annual maintenance$ 8,500.00 $ - 0.00% Consulting/GIS Tech$ 46,500.00 $ - 0.00% Committee of Adjustment$ 8,350.00 $ 2,135.59 25.58%

$ 521,515.00 $ 215,684.21 43.36%

ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT CiiNO$ 12,500.00 $ - 0.00% CB&DC Contribution$ 4,000.00 $ 4,000.00 100.00% Chamber of Commerce$ 4,000.00 $ 4,000.00 133.33% PS Municipal Airport$ 42,819.60 $ 40,000.00 93.42% PS Industrial Park$ 13,846.50 $ 13,970.00 102.26%

$ 77,166.10 $ 61,970.00 81.56% TOWNSHIP OF SEGUIN 2018 CAPITAL BUDGET YTD 2018 Department Location Description BUDGET Spent to Date Remaining Budget Committed Cost to Complete (Over)Under Budget

Corporate Services IT Hardware & Software UpgradesGIS$ 43,951 $ 14,289 $ 29,662 $ - $ 29,662 $ (0) Corporate Services IT - 3 year plan - Financial SystemGIS$ 5,000 $ - $ 5,000 $ - $ 5,000 $ - Corporate Services Asset Management Plan DN$ 50,000 $ - $ 50,000 $ 50,000 $ - $ - Corporate Services Black Road Property CAP$ 150,000 $ - $ 150,000 $ - $ 150,000 $ - Corporate Services Building Upgrades/Furniture CAP$ 12,000 $ - $ 12,000 $ - $ 12,000 $ - TOTAL $ 260,951 $ 14,289 $ 246,662 $ 50,000 $ 196,662 $ (0)

Cemetery Land purchase CR $ 30,000 $ - $ 30,000 $ - $ 30,000 $ -

Community Service Lake Stewardship/Clean Yards CAP$ 10,000 $ - $ 10,000 $ - $ 10,000 $ - Community Service Water Quality CAP$ 10,000 $ 5,259 $ 4,741 $ - $ 4,741 $ (0) Community Service Accessibility & Energy issues CAP$ 15,000 $ 5,322 $ 9,678 $ - $ 9,678 $ 0 Community Service Web site CAP$ 5,000 $ 4,783 $ 217 $ - $ 217 $ 0 Community Service Branding/Signage CAP$ 9,000 $ 5,372 $ 3,628 $ - $ 3,628 $ (0) TOTAL $ 49,000 $ 20,736 $ 28,264 $ - $ 28,264 $ 0

Facilities Arena Capital Improvements CAP$ 85,000 $ 77,438 $ 7,562 $ - $ 7,562 $ 0 Facilities Arena Mowers/small equipment CR$ 30,000 $ 26,900 $ 3,100 $ - $ 3,100 $ - Facilities Rose Point Trail Capital improvements and surveysCAP$ 5,000 $ 1,243 $ 3,757 $ - $ 3,757 $ 0 Facilities Museum General Repairs MR$ 1,000 $ 535 $ 465 $ - $ 465 $ 0 Facilities Foley Ag Hall CAP$ 5,000 $ 446 $ 4,554 $ - $ 4,554 $ 0 Facilities Ballfields Upgrades PR$ 4,000 $ - $ 4,000 $ - $ 4,000 $ - Facilities General Upgrades/Boat launchesPR$ 10,000 $ 825 $ 9,175 $ - $ 9,175 $ 0 Facilities Parks equipment CAP$ 5,000 $ - $ 5,000 $ - $ 5,000 $ - Facilities Rosseau Waterfront General CAP$ 8,500 $ 2,627 $ 5,873 $ - $ 5,873 $ (0) Facilities Ruth Dare HC Facility Improvements CAP$ 2,000 $ - $ 2,000 $ - $ 2,000 $ - Facilities Orrville C.C. Facility Improvements CAP$ 6,000 $ 446 $ 5,554 $ - $ 5,554 $ 0 Facilities Humphrey Trails & Barn Facility Improvements PR$ 7,500 $ 424 $ 7,076 $ - $ 7,076 $ 0 Facilities Rosseau Hall General improvements PR$ 20,000 $ 9,779 $ 10,221 $ - $ 10,221 $ (0) Facilities Foley Matheson General PR$ 2,500 $ 168 $ 2,332 $ - $ 2,332 $ 0 TOTAL $ 191,500 $ 120,830 $ 70,670 $ - $ 70,669 $ 1

Fire Replace FPO truck FR$ 55,000 $ - $ 55,000 $ 34,713 $ 20,287 $ - Fire Hydraulic equipment CAP$ 10,000 $ 406 $ 9,594 $ - $ 9,594 $ (0) Fire Hose CAP$ 15,000 $ - $ 15,000 $ - $ 15,000 $ - Fire Hall Upgrades CAP$ 10,000 $ 3,318 $ 6,682 $ - $ 6,682 $ (0) TOTAL $ 90,000 $ 3,724 $ 86,276 $ 34,713 $ 51,563 $ (0)

Planning OMB Appeals/Legal Fees LR$ 75,000 $ 3,077 $ 71,923 $ - $ 71,923 $ 0 TOTAL $ 75,000 $ 3,077 $ 71,923 $ - $ 71,923 $ 0

Public Works Vehicle Replacement Replace VR43 ER$ 240,000 $ - $ 240,000 $ 236,185 $ 3,815 $ - Public Works Capital Maintenance ER$ 25,000 $ - $ 25,000 $ - $ 25,000 $ - Public Works Line Painting CAP$ 32,000 $ 31,699 $ 301 $ - $ - $ 301 7/9/2018 TOWNSHIP OF SEGUIN 2018 CAPITAL BUDGET YTD 2018 Department Location Description BUDGET Spent to Date Remaining Budget Committed Cost to Complete (Over)Under Budget Public Works Clear Lake Road Road Reconstruction CAP$ 684,000 $ 434,679 $ 249,321 $ 249,320 $ - $ 1 Public Works Gravel CAP$ 230,000 $ 27,501 $ 202,499 $ - $ 202,499 $ 0 Public Works Special Projects/Crack sealing CAP$ 50,000 $ 8,113 $ 41,887 $ - $ 41,887 $ 0 Public Works Culverts CAP$ 30,000 $ - $ 30,000 $ - $ 30,000 $ - Public Works Overlay CAP$ 272,000 $ - $ 272,000 $ - $ 272,000 $ - Public Works Bridges CAP$ 20,000 $ - $ 20,000 $ - $ 20,000 $ - Public Works Ditching CAP$ 140,000 $ 54,874 $ 85,126 $ - $ 85,126 $ (0) Public Works Resurfacing funded by Gas Tax CAP$ (254,043) $ (254,043) $ - $ - $ - $ - Public Works Resurfacing GT$ 254,043 $ 254,043 $ - $ - $ - $ - Public Works Resurfacing funded by OCIF CAP$ (99,527) $ (99,527) $ - $ - $ - $ - Public Works Resurfacing DN$ 99,527 $ 99,527 $ - $ - $ - $ - Public Works Legal and Survey CAP$ 25,000 $ 3,312 $ 21,688 $ 21,688 $ - $ (0) Public Works Roads Needs Study CAP$ 30,000 $ - $ 30,000 $ - $ 30,000 $ - Public Works Sand sheds and bases CAP$ 25,000 $ 4,400 $ 20,600 $ - $ 20,600 $ (0) Public Works Guiderails CAP$ 15,000 $ 6,935 $ 8,065 $ - $ 8,065 $ 0 TOTAL $ 1,818,000 $ 571,513 $ 1,246,487 $ 507,193 $ 738,992 $ 302

Waste Waste Strategy CAP$ 290,000 $ 1,374 $ 288,626 $ - $ 288,626 $ 0 Waste Turtle Lake land purchase CAP$ 23,500 $ - $ 23,500 $ - $ 23,500 $ - Waste Capital maintenance ER$ 20,000 $ - $ 20,000 $ - $ 20,000 $ - Waste Christie Landfill Site Monitoring CAP$ 14,000 $ 7,725 $ 6,275 $ - $ 6,275 $ (0) TOTAL $ 347,500 $ 9,099 $ 338,401 $ - $ 338,401 $ 0

TOTAL CAPITAL PROJECTS$ 2,861,951 $ 743,268 $ 2,118,683 $ 591,906 $ 1,526,474 $ 303

TOTALS BY FUNDING SOURCE TAXATION Capital Reserve Fund CAP$ 1,889,430 $ 333,701 $ 1,555,729 $ 271,008 $ 1,284,418 $ 303 CONTINGENCY FUND Contingency Fund CF$ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - IT RESERVE IT Reserve GIS$ 48,951 $ 14,289 $ 34,662 $ - $ 34,662 $ (0) CEMETERY RESERVE Cemetery Reserve CR$ 60,000 $ 26,900 $ 33,100 $ - $ 33,100 $ - FIRE RESERVE Fire Reserve FR$ 55,000 $ - $ 55,000 $ 34,713 $ 20,287 $ - EQUIPMENT RESERVE Equipment Reserve ER$ 285,000 $ - $ 285,000 $ 236,185 $ 48,815 $ - GRANTS AND DONATIONS Grants and Donations DN$ 149,527 $ 99,527 $ 50,000 $ 50,000 $ - $ - GAS TAX RESERVE Gas Tax GT$ 254,043 $ 254,043 $ - $ - $ - $ - MUSEUM RESERVE Museum Reserve MR$ 1,000 $ 535 $ 465 $ - $ 465 $ 0 PARKS RESERVE Park Fund PR$ 44,000 $ 11,196 $ 32,804 $ - $ 32,804 $ 0 LEGAL RESERVE Legal Reserve LR$ 75,000 $ 3,077 $ 71,923 $ - $ 71,923 $ 0

TOTAL CAPITAL PROJECTS$ 2,861,951 $ 743,268 $ 2,118,683 $ 591,906 $ 1,526,474 $ 303

From Reserves$ 2,712,424 $ 643,741 $ 2,068,683 $ 541,906 $ 1,526,474 $ 303

7/9/2018 Seguin Township Report to Council

Prepared for: Mayor & Council Department: Community Services

Agenda Date: July 16, 2018 Report No: CS-FC-2018-006

Subject: Public Drinking Water Outlets

1. Recommendation: THAT Council receive report #CS-FC-2018-006 for information.

2. Background: The Community Services Department has monitored and serviced a public drinking water tap outside the Orrville Community Centre since 2002. It is located at the rear of the building and a path is kept plowed throughout the winter months. The free service is available twenty-four hours a day, year round, and has been utilized by many cottagers and residents alike. Water is treated through a UV system that eliminates harmful bacteria and illness- causing micro-organisms. The outdoor tap and piping is protected by a backflow prevention system and a frost protection system. Water is tested on a monthly basis for coliform, E.coli and general background. All water treatment systems in Seguin Township are cleaned and maintained on a monthly basis.

A spring loaded push button (a solenoid switch) controls the tap. This button must be continually pressed to allow the flow of water. The tap automatically shuts off once the button is released eliminating the risk of unintentional water waste. This is essential as all Seguin facilities operate on well water systems.

The system in Orrville has been well utilized; however, there is significant staff time involved in keeping the outdoor system in safe, working order, especially in the winter months. Staff completes approximately 15-20 maintenance work orders over the course of a year above the regular monthly maintenance.

Recently, staff at Seguin Township has received a large volume of phone calls and emails inquiring about locations of public drinking water taps. Formerly, many cottagers have utilized free public water taps in the town of Parry Sound; however, these taps have been removed or discontinued, and there is no longer any access to free drinking water.

3. Discussion: At the June 18 meeting of Council, staff was directed to investigate the possibility of installing a drinking water tap outside the Humphrey Community Centre. Due to the recent delegation from the Rosseau Community Action Committee (RCAC) and a recent Council report discussing “Main Street Revitalization” funding, this report also includes information about drinking water sources outside the Rosseau Memorial Hall, the Rosseau Waterfront and the Foley Community Centre.

Unlike the Humphrey Arena and Foley Community Centre where the request is to install outlets for residents and visitors to fill their water containers with drinking water for household/cottage use, the RCAC has requested drinking water fountain stations at the Rosseau Memorial Hall and the Rosseau Waterfront. These fountains would help to fulfill the requirements necessary to make the community of Rosseau an Ontario by Bike Business destination, encouraging bicyclists to make Rosseau a primary rest stop. This aligns well with the purpose of the Main Street Revitalization funds: to benefit small business activity in the community, to support economic activity and attract visitors. Outside taps at the Arena or the Foley Hall utilized for household use would not qualify under this funding model.

After a discussion with the North Bay/Parry Sound District Health Unit, the installation of outside drinking water sources is possible at all locations if certain protocols are followed to ensure the safety of residents. These include a backflow prevention system and a frost protection system. Additional insurance would also be necessary for each location. For monitoring purposes and because all Seguin facilities are serviced by well water systems, a flow meter would be required to monitor water usage at all locations.

Humphrey Arena  Water source for UV treated water: 2 dug wells and 1 shallow drilled well at south end of the arena  Separate water source for flood water: drilled well at north end of the arena  Ultraviolet System: Wycomar with flow rate set at 12 gallons/minute  Outside water tap exists; however, water flow would have to be re- directed through the UV water treatment system.  Requires backflow protector  Requires solenoid to ensure proper shut-off  Requires flow meter to monitor water usage  Electrical wire required to control solenoid valve  Would require snow removal but is located in a convenient area.  Additional insurance

The Humphrey Arena has multiple well sources that service the different needs of the building. A drilled well at the north end of the building provides the flood water for the ice surface, all the toilets in the building and the Public Works garage. This water is treated through a reverse osmosis system that removes sodium. It is not potable water; however, removing sodium ensures quality ice and that the paint on the ice does not migrate. This drilled well also “trickle fills” two 500 gallon storage tanks to ensure that back-up water exists in the event of a water shortage.

The two dug wells and one shallow drilled well at the south side are treated for potability and service all taps, the canteen and kitchen upstairs. These wells would be the source for the outside drinking water station.

Since the installation of a drilled well for the Municipal office over five years ago, the Humphrey Arena has not experienced water shortages that would indicate limited water supply. However, if demand is extremely high at any of the community halls, facilities staff is trained to recognize signs that the system is at risk and extremely low water levels are imminent. Gauges on the system will reflect low pressure and the pumps will be continuously engaged. If this were to happen, it would be necessary to restrict water usage which would include shutting down the public tap to conserve water.

Foley Community Centre  Water source: drilled well  Ultraviolet System: Trojan UV Pro with flow rate set at 12 gallons/minute  Outside water tap exists and already passes through UV water treatment system  Requires solenoid to ensure proper shut-off  Requires flow meter to monitor water usage  Electrical wire required to control solenoid valve  Would require snow removal  Additional insurance

Rosseau Memorial Hall  Water source: drilled well  Ultraviolet System: Trojan UV Pro with a flow rate set at 12 gallons/minute  Outside water tap exists at far back end of building  Would require new location/new installation  Water flow would have to be redirected through the water treatment system  RCAC request a water fountain (this would be an additional cost)  If fountain is installed, Rosseau location would be seasonal only.  Requires flow meter to monitor water usage  Additional insurance

Rosseau Waterfront Park  Water source: drilled well  Ultraviolet System: Trojan UV Pro with a flow rate set at 12 gallons/minute  Outside water tap exists but water flow would have to be re-directed through the UV water treatment system.  RCAC request a water fountain (this would be an additional cost)  If fountain is installed, Rosseau location would be seasonal only.  Requires flow meter to monitor water usage  Additional insurance

4. Financial Analysis

Humphrey Arena and Foley Community Hall: Insurance: $1000.00 Plumber: $500.00 Electrician:$750.00 Flow meter:$200.00 Total: $2450.00 (each building) Ongoing yearly cost: Insurance: $1000.00 Staff: $1000.00 (includes regular snow removal, monthly maintenance, and additional work orders as necessary) Total: $2000.00 (each building)

Rosseau Waterfront (seasonal only): Insurance: $1000.00 Fountain: $4000.00 Plumber: $500.00 Electrician:$750.00 Flow meter:$200.00 Total: $6450.00 (fountain & costs associated with fountain would qualify to receive Main Street Revitalization funding) Ongoing yearly cost: Insurance: $1000.00 Staff: $500.00 (monthly maintenance, and additional work orders as necessary) Total: $1500.00

Rosseau Memorial Hall (seasonal only) Insurance: $1000.00 Fountain: $4000.00 Plumber: $2000.00 Electrician:$750.00 Flow meter:$200.00 Total: $7950.00 (fountain & costs associated with fountain would qualify to receive Main Street Revitalization funding) Ongoing yearly cost: Insurance: $1000.00 Staff: $500.00 (monthly maintenance, and additional work orders as necessary) Total: $1500.00

5. Recommendations Staff presents the following options to Council: Option 1: Remain status quo and publicize the existing Orrville location through the website and social media. Cost: none

Option 2: Install one additional drinking water outlet at a more central location (either the Humphrey Arena or the Foley Hall). Cost: approximately $2500.00 plus yearly maintenance costs

Option 3: Install year round drinking water outlets outside the Humphrey Arena and the Foley Community Hall. Install a drinking fountain outside the Rosseau Memorial Hall and at the Rosseau Waterfront: Cost: $19,300.00 plus yearly maintenance costs Approximately $12,500 (fountains) would qualify for Main Street Revitalization Funding

6. Conclusion: Since the closure of public drinking water outlets in Parry Sound, Seguin has experienced a significant number of complaints and inquiries regarding the lack of drinking water locations in Seguin Township. Staff is asking for Council’s direction whether to move forward with the installation of additional outlets for the public or continue to maintain the existing tap in Orrville only. The cost to install water taps is not currently in the 2018 budget; however, staff could allocate funds in the 2019 budget should Council decide to move forward with the project. Costs associated with the Main Street Revitalization initiative could be allocated in 2018 but project completion would be dependent on the various lead times for purchase and delivery of units and contractor availability.

Respectfully submitted by:

______Dominique O’Brien Manager of Community Services

Reviewed by:

______Chris Madej CAO

______Michele Fraser CFO

Seguin Township Report to Council

Prepared for: Mayor & Council Department: Community Services

Agenda Date: July 3, 2018 Report No: CS-FC-2018-007

Subject: Main Street Revitalization: Allocation of Funds

1. Recommendation THAT Council does hereby receive Report CS-FC-2018-007 for information and provide direction.

2. Background The Main Street Revitalization Initiative is a $26 million fund to help municipal governments undertake main street revitalization activities that support and benefit small businesses. Seguin Township expects to receive approximately $40,000 to be utilized before March 31, 2020.

In municipalities like Seguin, where there is no defined main street or the main street is a provincial highway, the funding is to be used within built-up areas defined by hamlets or villages.

3. Discussion

At the May 7th meeting, Council received correspondence from the Rosseau Community Action Committee regarding potential projects under the revitalization program. At that time, Council directed staff to contact various other community groups to obtain ideas for projects. The following is a list of ideas submitted:

Rosseau Community Action Committee:  Ontario by Bike destination requirements including rest areas with water fountains at both the Rosseau Waterfront and outside the Memorial Hall ($8,000 - $10,000)  Upgraded bicycle racks at both locations ($1,000 - $1,500)  Casual seating areas at both locations ($5,000 - $7,000)  Signage at both locations ($1500 - $2000) Total Approximate Cost: $15,500 - $20,500

Humphrey Recreation Committee:  Expansion of the park (not feasible due to lack of space)  Horseshoe pits (would not be eligible for funding)  Bench and picnic table for the Seguin Trail ($1500 - $2000)  Community board by the mailboxes for displaying events ($1250 - $1500) Total Approximate Cost: $2750 - $3500

Foley Recreation Committee:  Additional picnic tables (6 x $500 = $3000)  Wrought iron benches for outside the Community Centre ($2500)  Roof over the outside ice rink (would exceed funding amount unless considered in conjunction with a capital project)  Digital event sign or changeable letter board in front of the Foley hall (Digital $10,000+, Changeable letter sign $1000) Total Approximate Cost: $6500 - $15,500 Orrville Recreation Committee:  Additional picnic tables (6 x $500 = $3000)  Install flag pole at Joseph Hannon Park ($800 - $1200)  Purchase banner to advertise annual Canada Day fireworks celebration ($250- $500)  Solar lights to illuminate “Welcome to Orrville” signs and Joseph Hannon Park sign (3 x $200 = $600) Total Approximate Cost: $4650 - $5300

The purpose of the expenditure of Main Street funding should be to create an environment that will benefit small business activity in the community or support the attraction of economic activity (e.g. tourism). Most of the ideas brought forth by the committees would by eligible under this funding formula.

Based on the above estimates, Rosseau would require approximately 50% of the funding, while Orrville, Humphrey and Foley would require 10-15% of the funding based on the ideas received by the recreation committees. If Foley were to pursue a digital sign, they would require close to 30% of the funding.

4. Conclusion: Municipalities have until March 31, 2020 to spend the allocated funds. Staff requests direction from Council on the distribution of funds within Seguin Township. Respectfully submitted by:

______Dominique O’Brien - Manager of Community Services

Reviewed by:

______Chris Madej – CAO

______Michele Fraser - CFO

Seguin Township Report to Council

Prepared for: Mayor & Council Department: Protective Services

Agenda Date: July 16, 2018 Report No: DPS-BL-2018-002

Subject: History of By-Law No. 2005-053 being a By-Law Respecting the Control and Regulation of Parks.

Recommendation: It is recommended that this report be received by Council for information and direction.

Background & Analysis: On July 3, 2018 staff were directed to prepare a report on the usage of the Rosseau Waterfront Docks and long term moorings including existing rules and background, as well as options for regulating long term mooring.

A Staff Report was submitted to Council written by the Director of Community Services for the regular Council meeting of June 6, 2005. It recognized that with the increase in activities in all parks, there was a need to have a By-Law that would regulate certain activities. The draft By-Law defined what activities were not acceptable and possible exemptions to those activities. In section 6. (1) it states that “no person shall moor a vessel at a dock located in or adjacent to the municipal parks between the hours of 2300 hours and 0600 hours”.

The Council Action List of June 6, 2005 asked Community Services to develop a separate By-Law for the Rosseau Waterfront. Open dialogue with the Marina in Rosseau regarding dockage availability for transient boat traffic. The revised proposed Parks By-Law was presented to Council at the meeting of June 20, 2005 with the addition under Exemptions 9.(d) Section 3(o), 4 and 6(1) do not apply to the Rosseau Waterfront. The By-Law was passed as written at that meeting.

Discussions last week with the Director of Community Services from 2005 did not give any clear direction as to why the Rosseau Waterfront exemption

Staff Report No. DPS-BL-2018-002 Page 1 of 3 was added. Contact has been made with the owner of Muskoka Lakes Marina with confirmation that there are no available slips at the marina at this time.

There are approximately 28 slips/dock space available at the Rosseau Waterfront. It appears at present 10-12 for those slips are being used by boats that have been docked for a considerable length of time.

Council’s options for regulating long term mooring include:

1. Amending By-Law 2005-053 to remove Section 9.(d) thereby prohibiting overnight and long term mooring. This would be consistent with all other municipal parks. 2. Allow overnight and long term mooring subject to regulations shich may include the designation of specific docks for this purpose and establishment of fees.

Both of the above options would require public notice and opportunity for public input and comment.


This report is a general overview re the establishment of By-Law No. 2005- 053 being a By-Law Respecting the Control and Regulation of Parks. It also includes the present situation at the Marina and docks at the Rosseau Waterfront.

Respectfully submitted by:

Don Hood Fire Chief

Reviewed by:

Chris Madej C.A.O.

Staff Report No. DPS-BL-2018-002 Page 2 of 3 Attachments: • Schedule “A” – Seguin Council Agenda June 6, 2015, Staff Report Parks By-Law, Draft Parks Bylaw, Council Action List June 6, 2005, Minutes of Seguin Council Meeting June 20, 2005 • Schedule “B” – By-Law No. 2005-053 Being a By-Law Respecting the Control of Regulation of Parks

Staff Report No. DPS-BL-2018-002 Page 3 of 3 Schedule A to Staff Report No. DPS-BL-2018-002


Call to Order and Approval of Agenda. 3:00 p.m.

2. Disclosure of pecuniary interest and the general nature thereof.

3. Closed Session. ®

4. Reconvene Open Session. ® 4:30 p.m.

5. Introduction of Staff.

— Introduction of Students and new Staff to Council.

6. Adoption of Minutes: a) Meetings of Council of May 16th and 3P’, 2005. ®

7. Approval of Accounts. ®

8. Staff Reports: Resolution to receive Staff Reports. ® a) Operations Services:

— Report OP-RD-2005-006, Proposed Entrance Policy.

— Report OP-RD-2005-007, Request For Proposal - Loader/Baclthoe. ®

— Report OP-RD-2005-008, Mechanical Services. b) Fire Services:

— Report CS-FD-2005-1 I, Open Burning By-law. c) Building Services:

— Report CS-BL-2005-004, Plans Examiner/Building Inspector.

— Report CS-BY-2005-005, Parks By-law.

9. Correspondence: Resolution to receive Correspondence. ®

a) Bill Brown - Email re: thanking Slaff for services.

b) John Lee - Compliment Form re: thanking Staff for services. c) Parry Sound Hockey Club Inc. - Request to include the Parry Sound Minor Hockey League as a youth organization in the ice allocation process for the Humphrey Community Centre.

d) Reg Heal - Letter re: thanking the Rosseau Nursing Station Staff for services.

e) Otter Lake Road Ratepayer - proposed reconstruction of a portion of Otter Lake Road.

U Various Ratepayers - Request to pave Brook’s Road.

g) Clive Banister - Condition of Regency Drive.

h) Various Ratepayers - Intersection of Sugar Lake Road, Star Lake Road and Charles Street.

Agenda June 6th, 2005 Page 1 of 5 I -:,2 P OF&SEGUa A

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k’:. DRAFT


BY-LAW NO. 2005 -

WHEREAS, Section 11 of the Municipal Act, 2001, S.O. 2001, c 25 as amended authorizes a single-tier municipality to pass by-laws respecting matters within spheres ofjunsdiction including culture, parks, recreation and heritage;

AND WHEREAS the Council of The Corporation of the Township of Seguin deems it advisable to regulate the parks under the jurisdiction and control of the Township of Seguin;

NOW THEREFORE the Council of The Corporation of the Township of Seguin enacts as follows:

I. THAT all By-laws or Resolutions or parts thereof of The Corporation of The Township of Seguin or all By-laws or Resolutions or parts thereof of any of the former municipalities comprising The Corporation of The Township of Seguin, regulating parks owned by The Corporation of the Township of Seguin are hereby repealed.

2. THAT Schedule “A” attached hereto shall form part of this By-law.

3. THAT this By-law shall come into ffill force and effect upon passage thereof.


Definitions 1. (a) “Motor Vehicle” means an automobile, truck, motorcycle, motorized snow vehicle or any other vehicle propelled or driven otherwise than by muscular power, and includes traction engines, farm tractor, self propelled implement of husbandry or road building machine within the meaning of the Highway Traffic Act, R.S.O. 1990 as amended.

(b) “Municipality” or “Township” means The Corporation of the Township of Seguin.

(c) “Vessel” includes every description of watercrafl, including non-displacement craft and seaplanes, used or capable of being used as a means of transportation on water.

Application of By-law 2. This by-law applies to the parks set out in Schedule “A” to this By-law.


General Prohibition - Activities 3. Unless authorized by permission granted under Section 7 herein, no person shall:

(a) permit or cause to permit any disorderly or act. (b) have in his or her possession any intoxicating beverage except in areas duly authorized by Council and in accordance with the L.C.B.O. regulations. (c) in any manner injure/damage any tree, plant, grass, flower, fruit, turf; or structure. (d) post or display any sign, banner or advertisement. (e) discharge any fireworks;. (f) bring any animal into any of the said parks except on a leash. (g) build, set or start any fire in any part of the said parks grounds or boulevards.

Page 1 of 3 (h) drive a motor vehicle on the grass in any of the municipality’s parks, except as permitted under section 5. (1) create a temporary domicile in a park. 0) use, ride, train, or race any horse in a park; (k) fly, operate or use any engine powered airplane in a park; (1) operate or use any apparatus, mechanism or device for the amplification of the human voice, music or other sound in a park; (m) discharge a firearm, air gun, air pistol, bow, catapult, sling shot, or other similar devices in a park; (n) beg, publicly solicit subscriptions for any purpose, solicit passengers for any boat or vehicle for hire or keep, or keep or offer anything for sale in a park or a park building; (o) perform for reward any art, skill, service, or work or practise or carry on, conduct or solicit for any trade, occupation, business or profession in a park or a park building; (p) obstruct in any way a roadway or path in a park; (q) erect or leave any tent, shelter or structure of any ldnd in a park; (r) encroach upon park lands or make exclusive use of any portion of any park land; (s) hunt or kill or attempt to hunt or kill any animal or bird, or in any way maim, injure, molest or disturb any animal or bird in a park; (t) destroy, damage or disturb the nest or den of any bird or animal in a park; (u) park any vehicle in any park except in a parking lot designated for that purpose and in a designated parking space when so provided, it being understood that the maximum permissible parking period shall be as posted. (v) service, maintain any motor vehicle/vessel or repair any motor vehicle/vessel in a park except in the ease of an emergency; (w) operate amusement or entertainment rides, hot air balloons or games of chance in a park or park building; (x) permit a domestic animal to enter/use a public swim area, or childrens’ play apparatus area.

Park Hours 4. No person shall enter into or upon or be present in a municipal park between the hours of:

(a) 2300 hours and 0600 hours

Motorized vehicles - parking 5. All motor vehicles shall park only in areas designated, by signage in each park set out in Schedule “A”, for that purpose.

Vessels - Regulations 6. (1) No person shall moor a vessel at a dock located in or adjacent to the municipal parks between the hours of 2300 hours and 0600 hours.

(2) No person shall operate a vessel in excess of 10 lan/hour, where such boats are within 30 metres of shoreline or undertake water-skiing activities within 50 metres of the shoreline.

Special Permissions 7. (1) Council may grant written permission to a person authorizing the person or persons to undertake an activity (or activities) that is otherwise prohibited under section 3, 4, 5 and/or 6.

(2) Council may grant written permission for the use of a portion of a park or park building (including docks).

(3) Permission granted under subsection (1) andlor (2) may include terms and conditions as Council in their discretion may consider reasonable, desirable and appropriate.

Page2of 3 Fees 8. The Township may from time to time prescribe a fee or fees for the public use of a park or park building or a portion thereof and no person shall use such park or park building or portion thereof without having first paid the prescribed fee to the Township.

Exemptions 9. The provisions contained in Section 3, 4, 5 andlor 6 of this by-law shall not apply to;

(a) an employee of The Corporation of the Township of Seguin while engaged in the performance of his or her municipal duties; and;

(b) a member of a police force while engaged in the performance of Ms or her police duties.

(c) emergency vehicles such as fire, ambulance, rescue service, Ministry of Natural Resources and Society for Prevention of Cruelty to Animals.


Fines for Contravention 10. Every person who contravenes this By-law and every director or officer of a corporation who concurs in such contravention by a corporation, is guilty of an offence and on conviction is liable to a fine not exceeding $5,000.

Continuation - - Repetition Prohibited - By Order 11. The court in which the conviction has been entered, and any court of competent jurisdiction thereafter, may make an order prohibiting the continuation or repetition of the offence by the person convicted, and such order shall be in addition to any other penalty imposed on the person convicted.

Integrity of By-law - Severability 12. Notwithstanding that any Part or Parts, section or sections of this By-law, a part or parts thereof, may be found by any court of law to be bad or illegal or beyond the power of the Council to enact, such Part or Parts, section or sections or a part or parts thereof shall be deemed to be severable, and all other sections of this by-law, or parts thereof, are separate and independent therefrom and enacted as such.

Page 3 of 3 Schedule “A” to By-Law Na 2005 -



SALMON LAKE BOAT RAMP Lot 25, Con.2, Foley - access from Birch Crescent

OTTER LAKE BOAT RAMP Lot 24, Con 4, Foley - access from Bndshaw Rd.


LITRE OflER LAKE BOAT RflW Lot 131, Con A, Foley - access from Elliott House Rd left after railway tracks

FOLEY MATHESON PARK 125 Rankin Lake Road

BARUETr SPRINGS PARK Lot 135, Con B, Foley- Oastler Lake

RANKIN LAKE BOAT RAMP Lot 125, Con. A - access from Ranldn Lake at public beach



HORSESHOE PITS Ranldn Lake Road, Foley Activity Centre




ROSSEAU BALL DIAMOND Maple Street, Rosseau

ROSSEAU WATERFRONT Short Street, Rosseau


MAPLE KEY PARK Maple Lake Estates



ISABELLA LAKE BOAT LAUNCH Former Christie Township

BLACK LAKE BOAT LAUNCH Former Humphrey Township

TURTLE LAKE BOAT LAUNCH Former Humphrey Township




HAINES LAKE-access from Hwy 518. Lot 13, Con 11, Foley Township

Christie Village Green 1231 Hwy 518

Horseshoe Lake Ball Diamond Horseshoe Lake Rd

Park Land Behind Humphrey Firehall Sandy Plains North

Play Area Adjacent to Rosseau Field House 3 Ash Street, Rosseau

Road Allowance between Lot 1, Plan M-395 & Lot Vehicular access from Sandy Plains Road South 104, Concession A, Humphrey, Little Whitefish Lake

Road Allowance between Part Lot 31, Concession 12, Vehicular access from Greenwood Camp Road

Humphrey and Lot 5, Plan M-395 - Little Whitefish Lake

Rosseau Park Area Victoria Street, Rosseau Council Action List June 6th 2005 # DirectionslActions To Be Due Taken By Date 1. Criteria for determining high volume traffic roads Operations/Cler should be revisited in the draft Driveway Entrance k Policy, based on the Roads Needs Study. Prepare By law for consideration.

2 Commercial use of township parks/beaches should be Community addressed in the drafl Parks By-law. Revise draft By- Services law for Council review

Develop separate by-law for the Rosseau Waterfront. Community Open dialogue with the Marina in Rosseau regarding Services dockage availability for transient boat traffic.

3. Council requested a report either verbal or written Community June 2OhI regarding ice usage (prime time and off time) and Services - meeting usage based on local groups and groups outside the Facilities Township and rates paid. Include the number of Seguin residents enrolled in Minor Hockey in Parry Sound if stats are available.

4. Send copy of Reg Heal letter to Dr. Peter Istvan, West Clerk ASAP Parry Sound Health Centre.

5. Respond to letters regarding paving sections of Brooks Operations Road, concerns with Regency Drive and dust control! paving the corner of Sugar Lake Road, Star Lake Road and Charles Street in Orrvillc.

6. Provide Council with a Report regarding Steve C.A.O. June 20” Elsasser’s private and confidential letter to Council. meeting 7. Letter to Ted Collins, Orrville Community Centre Clerk Management Committee accepting his resignation from the Committee. Resolution 2005-245

8. Prcpare RFP for loaderlbackhoe. Resolution 2005-243. Operations 9. Letter to John Aiken, Seguin Museum Committee Clerk accepting his resignation from the Committee. Resolution 2005-246

10. Prepare Open Burning By-law Fire Services/Clerk

Page 1 of 3 —


A regular meeting of the Township of Seguin Council was held June 20”’, 2005 at the Township of Seguin Council Chambers. Reeve Corm presided with Councillors Campbell, Graham, Jacklin, Jameson, Sainsbury and Swift present.

After the meeting was called to order Reeve Conn asked for approval of the agenda. Item 5. Public Meeting: the followingcorrespondenceadded: Re-ZoningApplicationZ273-2005 (964915 Ontario Inc.), Steve and Kathy Tait, Bell Canada, and Christy Doyle, Planscape; Re-Zoning Application I! 2005-1083 SP 14.72 (1335948 Ont. Ltd., Horseshoe Pines) (WITHDRAWN), George & Marion Kapralos and Ministry of Transportation; proposed Zoning By-law Amendment Z275-2005-SZ 62 (McDonald), Ministry ofTransportation; Zoning by-law Amendment Z274-2005-5Z61 (McNabb), Ministry of Transportation; and for the Parks By-law, correspondence from Charhe and Tonya Barrotta, Heather and Karen Strupat, Allan MacLean-Howard, Manny Casola and Susan Adams and Larry Evans was added. Item 11. By-laws: By-Law No. 2005-061, being a By-law to designate Signing Officers and a draft resolution to designate Councillors Campbell and Swift as Signing Authorities were added. Item 13. Business: the Draft Georgian Green Road Agreement was deferred and a draft resolution regarding Parry Sound Area Information Centre Purchase & Sale Agreement extension was added. Item 19 (a) was added: Authorization for Reeve and Clerk to execute a Full and Final Release.

Reeve Conn requested that any disclosures of pecuniary interest be declared for the record. Councillor Graham declared a possible pecuniary interest regarding the proposed expansion Camp George issue and vacated the Chambers during discussion of these matters.

The following resolutions were considered by Council:

2005-267 Campbell-Jameson Carried “THAT Council of The Corporation of the Township of Seguin does hereby adopt the minutes of the Council meeting of May 31M and June 6”’, 2005 as circulated.”.

2005-268 Graham-Campbell Carried “THAT Council of The Corporation of the Township of Seguin does hereby adjourn the regular meeting to hold a public meeting for the following matters:

- Proposed By-law to permit the operation of “All-Terrain Vehicles” (ATV’s) on ‘I highways under the jurisdiction of The Corporation of the Township of Seguin P - Proposed Parks By-law - Proposed Zoning By-law Amendment Z274-2005 SZ61 (McNabb) - Proposed Zoning By-law Amendment Z275-2005 SZ62 (McDonald) - Proposed Zoning By-law Amendment Z273-2005 SZ (964915 Ontario Inc.) - Consent Application B 12/2005 -F Poole; Patricia - Consent Application B 13/2005 -F Poole; Richard - Consent Application B 14/2005 -F Poole; Patricia - Consent Application B 15/2005 -F Poole; Richard.”.

The Reeve advised the meeting that there have been two public meetings to hear and receive submissions regarding the proposed by-law to permit the operation of “All Terrain Vehicles” (ATV’s) on highways under the jurisdiction of The Corporation of the of Seguin. Today’s meeting is the second of two meeting scheduled, the first meeting was held June 6”’, 2005. V The Clerk explained that the purpose of the proposed By-law is to establish conditions for the operation of All Terrain Vehicles on the traveled portion, including the shoulder, of any highway within the Township of Seguin that is under the jurisdiction of the municipality.

Minutes of June 20th, 2005 Page 1 of 8 Jack Jewel of Sawmill Lane, Paul Maclntyre of Sawmill Lane and Eric Mosher of Horseshoe Lake speaking for the Lioness Lake Association spoke in opposition to the ATV By-law based on noise and air pollution, safety of riders and others on the roads, a question of enforcement and general nuisance. David Gregory, Tn Lakes Association asked for a correction to the agenda as his 1 Association is not in support of this By-law although their group believes that an ATV by-Jaw is 1 required for the regulation of ATV’s.

David Gregory, Tn-Lakes Association, submitted a letter in opposition to the ATV by-law. Doug Fairbaim, Ron Watson and Wayne Stott, President of Lioness Lake Association, submitted emails in opposition to the by-law. Wayne Stott also submitted a letter in opposition and a letter and petition with 37 signatures was also submitted in opposition.

Paul Reid of Oastler Park Drive and Andrew Ryland of Shoebottom Road both spoke in favour of the by-law based on an improved economy and an improved tourism industry for the area. Larry Buchanan submitted an email in favour of the By-law based the by-law’s premise of reasonable use of township roads. XV. Humphrey Bogart submitted a letter in favour of the By-law I as many ATV’s are currently using private property to travel around.

The Reeve advised that Council will consider all comments received before coming to a decision on the proposed by-law. II A The Reeve advised that Council will now hold a public meeting with respect to a proposed By-law Respecting the Control and Regulation of Parks.

The Clerk explained that the purpose of the proposed By-law is to establish conditions for control and regulation 1 of parks within the Township of Seguin that are under the jurisdiction of the municipality. I. Charlie Botta spoke in opposition of the by-law due to a concession road allowance near his property that is included on the list of park recreation sites attached to the by-law.

Charlie and Tonya Barrotta submitted a letter in opposition to this by-law.

There were no verbal or written submissions in favour of the by-law. Heather and Karen Strupat, Allan Maclean-Howard, Manny Ecasola, Susan Adams and Larry Evans submitted comments on the by-law. I’

The Reeve advised that Council vill consider all comments received before coming to a decision on the proposed by-law.

The Clerk advised the meeting that Notice ofthe Public Meeting with respect to an amendment the comprehensive Zoning By-law Z274 2005 SZ 61 being File No. R13/2005 (McNabb, Gerald and Helen), was given by first class mail on May 27, 2005 and by posting on May 31, 2005. The Clerk explained that the purpose of the proposed amendment to Zoning By-law Z200-97 is to rezone Lot Plan 6 252 (formerly Humphrey Township) from Residential Recreational (RR) Zone to Residential Recreational Zone (RR) with Special Zone 61 and the effect ofthe proposed amendment to the Zoning By-law will be to recognize the reduction in lot area due to severance of a Lot Addition, as per Consent approval of 849-2004-H.

There were no verbal or wntten submissions in opposition to the by-law.

There were no verbal or written submissions in favour to the by-law. The Ministry ofTransportation had no objections.

The Reeve advised that Council will consider all matters placed before it before passing a zoning by-law. As required by Section 34, Subsection 25 of the Planning Act, R.S.O, 1990, c. P.13, the 0 Reeve informed the public that the Ontario Municipal Board has the power to dismiss an Appeal

Minutes of June 20th, 2005 Page 2 of 8 ‘I,II

Ii 2005-283 Sainsbnry-Swift Carried “THAT Council of The Corporation of the Township of Seguin does hereby declare the regular meeting reconvened.”.

2005-284 Swift-Sainsburv . Deferred “THAT the Council ofThe Corporation ofthe Township ofSeguin does hereby authorize the Reeve and Clerk to execute the Full and Final Release as per the attached Schedule “A”.”. 20O5-285 Jacklin-Swift Carried “THAT Council of The Corporation of the Township of Seguin, in the matter of the Union for Reform Judaism Camp George appeal to the Ontario Municipal board, does hereby instruct Dennis Trinaistich to:

a) submit the Agreed Statement of Facts to the 0MB in its present form; b) advance the zoning by-law amendment to substantially in the form ofthe revised draft zoning by-law dated June 11, 2005; e) to continue to explore settlement possibilities with Camp George and the other parties; and that Seguin Council will 1 pass a Resolution approving in principle of the closing and sale of the unopened road allowances subject to certain terms and conditions.”.

2005-286 Campbell-Jameson Carried ‘•“THAT Council does hereby authorize and direct S.W.E. Heritage Real Estate to list and sell the following properties with list prices indicated:

I) Plan 42R-566, Block 20, Sucker Lake - S 189,000 ii) Plan 269, Block A, Sucker Lake -$21,000 iii) Plan 163, Part Block G, Pt. 24 PSR-1306, Shadow River - $43,000 to $45,000 iv) Plan 82, Lots 5,6 & 7, Christie -$145,000.”.

2005-287 Campbel-Sainsbury Recorded Vote Carried “THAT Council does hereby authorize and direct S.W.E. Heritage Real Estate to list and sell Plan 269, Block E, Sucker Lake at a list price of $80,000.”. .

Division List Yea j’jjj Absent

Campbell X Graham X Jacklin X Jameson X Sainsbuiy X S I Swift x Conn X

2005-288 Campbell-Jameson Carried “THAT By-law No. 2005-054 is hereby deemed to have been read a first, second and third time and pased by Council.”.

2005-289 Swift-Sainsburv Defeated “THAT Council of The Corporation of the Township of Seguin does hereby agree to the request from the Parry Sound Information Centre to deny the extension for the deadline for the Purchase of Sale and Agreement between the member municipalities and 837481 Ontario Inc. per the attached resolution, Schedule “A”.”

2005 -290 Sainsbury-Swift Carried “THAT By-law No.’s 2005-052, 053, 056, 057, 058 and 059, are hereby deemed to have been read a first, second and third time and passed by Council.”.

Minutes of June 20, 2005 Page 7 of B Schedule B to Staff Report No. DPS-BL-2018-002


BY-LAW NO. 2005-053

Being a By-law Respecting the Control and Regulation of Parks

WHEREAS, Section 11 of the Municipal Act, 200l,S.O. 2001, c 25 as amended authorizes a single-tier municipality to pass by-laws respecting matters within spheres ofjurisdiction including culture, parks. recreation and heritage;

AND WHEREAS the Council of The Corporation of the Township of Seguin deems it advisable regulate to the parks under the jurisdiction and control of the Township of Seguin;

NOW THEREFORE the Council of The Corporation of the Township of Seguin enacts as follows: I. THAT all By-laws or Resolutions or pans thereofofThe Corporation ofThe Township ofSeguin or all By-laws or Resolutions or parts thereofof any of the former municipalities comprising The Corporation of The Township of Seguin, regulating parks owned by The Corporation of the Township of Seguin are hereby repealed.

2. THAT Schedule “A” attached hereto shall font part of this By-law.

3. THAT this By-law shall come into full force mid effect upon passage thereof.


(a) “Motor Vehicle” means an automobile, truck, motorcycle, motorized snow vehicle or any other vehicle propelled or driven otherwise than by muscularpower, and includes traction engines, farm tractor, self propelled implement of husbandry or road building machine within the meaning of the Highway Traffic Act, R.S.O. 1990 as amended. (b) “Municipality” or “Township’ means The Corporation of the Township of Seguin.

(c) “Vessel” includes every description ofwatercrafl, including non-displacement craft and seaplanes, used or capable of being used as a means of transportation on water. Application of By-law 2. This by-law applies to the parks set out in Schedule “A” to this By-law.


General Prohibition - Activities 3. Unless authorized by permission granted under Section 7 herein, no person shall:

(a) permit or cause to permit any disorderly or act. (b) have in his or her possession any intoxicating beverage except in areas duly authorized by Council and in accordance with the L.C.B.O. regulations. (c) in any manner injur&damage any tree, plant, grass, flower, fruit, turf, or structure. (d) post or display any sign, banner or advertisement. (e) discharge any fireworks;. (0 bring any animal into any of the said parks except on a leash. (g) build, set or start any fire in any part of the said parks grounds or boulevards. (h) drive a motor vehicle on the grass of in any area that is signed “No Vehicular Traffic’, in any of the municipality’s parks, except as permitted under Section 5. (I) create a temporary domicile in a park. () use, ride, train, or race any horse in a park; (k) fly, operate or use any engine powered airplane in a park;

Page 1 of 3 (I) operate or use any apparatus, mechanism or device for the amplification of the human voice, music or other sound in a park; (m) discharge a firearm, air gun, air pistol, bow, catapult, sling shot, or other similar devices in a park; (n) beg, publicly solicit subscriptions for any purpose, solicit passengers for any boat or vehicle for hire or keep, or keep or offer anything for sale in a park or a park building; (o) perform for reward any art, skill, service, or work orpractise or carry on, conduci or solicit for any trade, occupation, business or profession in a park or a park building; W) obstruct in any way a roadway or path in a park; (q) erect or leave any tent, shelter or structure of any kind in a park; (r) encroach upon park lands or make exclusive use of any portion of any park land; (s) hunt or kill or attempt to hunt or kill any animal or bird, or in any way maim, injure, molest or disturb any animal or bird in a park; (1) destroy, damage or disturb the nest or den of any bird or animal in a park; (u) park any vehicle in any park except in a parking lot designated for that purpose and in a designated parking space when so provided, it being understood that the maximum permissible parking period shall be as posted. (v) service, maintain any motor vehicle/vessel or repair any motor vehicle/vessel in a park except in the case of an emergency; (w) operate amusement or entertainment rides, hot air balloons or games of chance in a park or park building; (x) permit a domestic animal to enter/use a public swim area, or childrens’ play apparatus area.

Park Flours 4. No pcrson shall enter into or upon or be present in a municipal park between the hours of (a) 2300 hours and 0600 hours

Motorized vehicles - parking 5. All motor vehicles shall park only in areas designated, by signage in each park set out in Schedule “A”, for that purpose.

Vessels - Regulations 6. (1) No person shall moor a vessel at a dock located in or adjacent to the municipal parks between the hours of 2300 hours and 0600 hours and no person shall moor a vessel lbs more than one (1) hour between the hours of 06:00 and 23:00 hours.

(2) No person shall operate a vessel in excess of 10 km/hour, where such boats are within 30 metres ofshoreline or undertake water-skiing activities within 50 metres of the shoreline. Special Permissions 7. (1) Council may grant written permission to a person authorizing the person or persons to undertake an activity (or activities) that is otherwise prohibited under section 3, 4, 5 and/or 6.

(2) Council may grant written permission for the use of a portion of a park or park building (including docks).

(3) Permission granted under subsection (1) and/or (2) may include temm and conditions as Council in their discretion may consider reasonable, desirable and appropriate. Fees 8. The Township may from time to time prescribe a fee or fees for the public use of a park or park building or a portion thereof and no person shall use such park or park building or portion thereof without having first paid the prescribed fee to the Township.

Exemptions 9. The provisions contained in Section 3, 4, 5 and/or 6 of this by-law shall not apply to; (a) an employee of The Corporation of the Township of Seguin while engaged in the performance of his or her municipal duties; and;

Page 2 of 3 (b) a member of a police force while engaged in the performance of his or her police duties.

(c) emergency vehicles such as fire, ambulance, rescue service, Ministry of Natural Resources and Society for Prevention of Cruelty to Animals

(d) Section 3(o), 4 and 6(l) do not apply to the Rosseau Waterfront.


Fines for Contravention ID. Every person who contravenes this By-law and every director or officer of a corporation wilt) concurs in such contravention by a corporation, is guilty of an offence and on conviction is liable to a fine not exceeding $5,000.

Continuation - Repetition - Prohibited - By Order II The court in which the conviction has been entered, and any court of competent jurisdiction thereafter, may make an order prohibiting the continuation or repetition of the oflènce by the person convicted, and such order shall be in addition to any other penalty imposed on (he person convicted.

Integrity of By-law - Severability 2. Notwithstanding that any Pan or Pans. section or sections of this By-law, a pan or pans thereid. may be found by any court of law to be bad or illegal or beyond the power ofthe Council to enact, such Pan or Parts, section or sections or a pan or pans thereof shall be deemed to be severable. and all other sections of this by-law, or parts thereof, are separate and independent therefrom and enacted as such.

Read FIRST, a SECOND and THIRD time, ENACTED and PAS ED this zt day oliune, 2005.


/ ._.\_t-, /CflT.c.. -s Craig Jeffer{ Clerk

Page 3 of 3 Schedule “A”to By-Law No. 2005-053


SITE NAME LOCATION OF SITE -91) ADDRESS SALMON LAKE BOAT RMvW Lot 25, Con.2, Foley - access from Birch Cres.

OTT’ER LAKE BOAT R.AMP Lot 23. Con 4. Foley-access from Bradshaw Rd.

OTrER LAKE NARROWS BOAT RAMP Lot 25, Con 2. Foley LITtLE OTtER LAKE BOAT RAIvW Lot 131, Con A, Foley - access from EIhott House Rd left after railway tracks

FOLEY MATHESON PARK 125 Ranldn Lake Road

BARTLETt SPRINGS PARK Lot 135. Con B, Foley- OasGer Lake RANIUN LAKE BOAT RAMP Lot 125, Con. A - access from Rankin Lake at public beach


OTtER LAKE-ACCESS FROM OTtER LK RD Lot 20 , Con. 3. Foley HORSESHOE PITS Rankin Lake Road. Foley Activity Centre


BOAT LAUNCH - TALLY-HO IS WORDS Former Christie Township MAPLE LAKE SUCKER LAKE- END OF ROSSEAUVIEW Fonner Humphrey Township HAINES LAKE-access from Hwy 518. Lot 13, Con 11, Foley Township Christie Village Green 1231 Hy 518 Horseshoe Lake Ball Diamond Horseshoe Lake Rd Park Land Behind Humphrey Firehall Sandy Plains North Play Area Adjacent to Rosseau Field House 3 Ash Street, Rosseau Road Allowance between Lot I. Plan M-395 & Vehicular access from Sandy Plains Road South Lot 104, Concession A, Humphrey. Little Whitefish Lake

Road Allowance between Pan Lot 31, Concession Vehicular access from Greenwood Camp Road 12, Humphrey and LotS, Plan M-395 - Little Whitefish Lake

Road Allowance between Plan M490 Lot 1, Vehicular access from Southwell Drive off Humphrey and Lot 35 - Con. 1 Christie to Elsasser Road Horseshoe Lake

Rosseau Park Area Victoria Street, Rosseau Seguin Township

Report to Council

Prepared for: Township Council Department: Development and Protective Services Agenda Date: July 16th, 2018 Report No: DPS-PL-2018-086 Application No: R-2018-0009-H Owners: James and Chandra Miller Agent: Danielle Campbell Subject Lands: Part 3 of 42R-20685, Concession B Lot 10, geographic Township of Humphrey Civic Address Not assigned Roll No.: Not assigned Related Planning DPS-PL-2017-140 Files: R-2016-0002-H

1.0 Recommendation:

THAT Council pass By-law No. 2018-050 to remove the holding symbol “(H)” from the subject lands.

2.0 Background:

Council granted approval of Zoning By-law Amendment R- 2016-0002-H to rezone its lands on North Sandy Plains Road in order that they may be developed for residential purposes. The rezoning is subject to a holding provision wherein following conditions are to be fulfilled:

• The completion of site specific site evaluation reports; and, • The completion of a site plan control agreement for each lot to the satisfaction of the Township.

3.0 Analysis:

The original constraint mapping was prepared by Beacon Environmental as part of the Township’s development feasibility assessment. This information was used for the siting the building envelope for the proposed house along with the identification of the areas to remain treed. Staff are satisfied that the conditions of the Holding Provision have been fulfilled. Planning Report DPS-PL-2018-086 Page 1 of 2

Section 36 of the Planning Act provides the legislative framework for the removal of the holding symbol “(H)”. Notice of Council’s intention to pass the amending By-law was given to owners of the subject lands. Section 36 does not require a formal public meeting.

4.0 Conclusion:

Based on the fulfilment of the above conditions, it is appropriate to remove the holding provision from the subject lands. By-law No. 2018-050 authorizes removal of the holding symbol “(H)” from the subject lands.

Respectfully submitted Reviewed

Adam Kozlowski, MCIP, RPP Steve Stone, MSc, BES, MCIP, RPP Senior Planner Director of Planning & Development

Chris Madej, MA, MCIP, RPP Chief Administrative Officer Attachments: Schedule A: Draft By-law 2018-050 Schedule B: Site Sketch with Constraint Area Schedule C: Draft Agreement


Planning Report DPS-PL-2018-086 Page 2 of 2

Schedule A to Staff Report No. DPS-PL-2018-086

CORPORATION OF THE TOWNSHIP OF SEGUIN BY-LAW NO. 2018-050 “Being a By-law to amend Township of Seguin Zoning By-law No. 2006-125” pertaining to Part 3 of 42R-20685, Concession B Lot 10, geographic Township of Humphrey (R-2018-0009-H).

WHEREAS the lands described as Part 3 of 42R-20685, Concession B Lot 10, geographic Township of Humphrey, now in the Township of Seguin, are zoned per By-law 2016-044 with a “Hold (H)” Zone; and,

WHEREAS the removal of the holding symbol “(H)” is conditional upon approval of a Site Plan Agreement; and,

WHEREAS the Owners of the subject lands have fulfilled the requirements of the Township of Seguin, and have fulfilled the requirements of removal of the “(H)” hold provision on the subject lands; and,

WHEREAS Council has the authority pursuant to Section 36 of the Planning Act R.S.O. 1990, Chapter P.13 as amended, to pass amendments to the Zoning By-law to remove the holding symbol; and,

NOW THEREFORE the Council of the Corporation of the Township of Seguin hereby enacts as follows: a) Map #A-3 to Schedule “A” to Township of Seguin Zoning By-law No. 2006-125 be amended by rezoning the lands pertaining to Part 3 of 42R- 20685, Concession B Lot 10, geographic Township of Humphrey (R-2018- 0009-H), from the “Village Residential Two (Hold) - (R2)(H) Zone” to the “Village Residential Two – (R2) Zone”.

This By-law shall take effect from the date of passage by Council and shall come into force in accordance with the provisions of the Planning Act R.S.O. 1990, Chapter P.13 as amended.

BY-LAW read a FIRST, SECOND and THIRD time and finally PASSED this 16th day of July, 2018.

______Bruce Gibbon, Mayor

______Craig Jeffery, Clerk Schedule B to Staff Report No. DPS-PL-2018-086 Schedule C to Staff Report No. DPS-PL-2018-086


THIS AGREEMENT made between:


hereinafter called the "Owner" OF THE FIRST PART

- AND -


hereinafter called the "Municipality" OF THE SECOND PART

WHEREAS the lands affected by this Agreement are the lands described in paragraph 1.1 (the "subject lands");

AND WHEREAS the subject lands are subject to a Holding provision which Holding provision cannot be lifted until such time as a site plan is approved;

AND WHEREAS the Township has approved the site plan showing the proposed development on the subject lands conditional upon, the execution and registration of a site plan agreement;

NOW THEREFORE THIS AGREEMENT WITNESSETH that in consideration of the premises and for other good and valuable consideration (the receipt whereof is hereby acknowledged), the parties hereto covenant and agree with one another as follows:


1.1 DESCRIPTION OF LANDS - See Schedule “A” (hereinafter referenced as “the subject lands”).

1.2 CONFORMITY WITH AGREEMENT - The Owner covenants and agrees that all development of or work performed on the subject lands shall be in compliance with:

a) the provisions of this Agreement;

b) the Approved Plan referenced in Schedule "B";

c) all additional Schedules hereto attached;

d) all applicable Municipal By-laws and all Provincial Legislation.

1.3 RELIANCE UPON REPRESENTATIONS - The Owner acknowledges that:

a) it has made representations to the Municipality that it will maintain the subject lands in accordance with the Approved Plans and will not alter the development on the lands unless such alterations accord with the Approved Plans;

b) the Municipality has entered into this Agreement in reliance upon these representations.

1.4 SCHEDULES ATTACHED - The following schedules are attached to this Agreement and form part of this Agreement:

Schedule "A" - Legal Description Schedule "B" - Approved Plan Schedule “C” - Cash Deposits and Security


2.1 There shall be no changes in the Schedules attached hereto, or to any plans, reports, specifications etc. filed and accepted by the Township concerning the subject lands unless such changes have been first submitted to, and accepted by, the Municipal Chief Administrative Officer (“C.A.O.”), or other authorized representative.


3.1 Prior to the execution of this Agreement by the Municipality, the Owner shall:

a) Taxes - have paid all municipal tax bills issued and outstanding on the said lands,

b) Cash Deposits, Charges & Security - have delivered to the Municipality all cash deposits, charges and security required by Schedule "C" attached,

c) Land Ownership - be the registered owner in fee simple of the lands described in section 1.1,

d) Postponements Mortgage/Charge - have filed with the municipal solicitor, for his approval, a postponement of any Mortgage/Charge in favour of this agreement.



5.1 Development in Accordance with Approved Plans - The Owner will maintain at its expense all internal site services/works on the subject lands as shown in the Approved Plans in accordance with all applicable federal, provincial and municipal standards, specifications and/or regulations.

5.2 Maintenance - The Owner agrees that there shall be no further development of the lands except in accordance with the Township’s site plan control by-law, the site plan approval and this agreement. For further clarity the Owner acknowledges and agrees that no clearing of the vegetation in the areas shown in cross hatching on the Approved Plans is permitted, save and except for: a) the removal of dead trees and b) the removal of dying trees that pose a risk to public or private property or the safety of persons thereon.

5.3 Applicability of Other Municipal By-laws - the Owner acknowledges that notwithstanding the issuance of site plan approval, any alteration of the shoreline including the conduct of any work in furtherance of this agreement shall be conducted in accordance with any federal/provincial laws or municipal by-law affecting or regulating the shoreline area.


6.1 The Owner shall ensure that all construction activities shall not commence until Permits are issued by the Chief Building Official where applicable.

6.2 The Owner agrees to maintain the exterior of all buildings and any fences and drainage works in good order, and to remove from the lands all papers, debris, refuse and discarded material of any sort, on a continuous basis, during the construction of the project.

6.3 The Owner shall, on a continuous basis during construction on the Subject Lands, maintain the streets abutting the subject lands, which are littered by mud or other material by vehicles involved in construction, clear of mud, dust and other material to the satisfaction of the Director of Public Works of the Municipality. Upon any default by the Owner to so maintain the streets, the Director of Public Works may, in his sole discretion, arrange for the required cleaning to be performed and the cost incurred in so doing shall be recovered from the Owner from the securities elsewhere herein required,

or the same may be added to the Tax Collector's Roll and collected in the same manner as Municipal Taxes.

6.4 The Owner shall ensure that at all times, until construction within the Subject Lands is complete, provide and maintain parking spaces on the Subject Lands adequate to accommodate parking of vehicles of construction personnel and shall, to the extent legally possible, enforce the requirement that all construction personnel park within the site and not on adjacent or neighbouring streets.

6.5 The Owner covenants and agrees to arrange for private snow removal from the project. The Owner acknowledges that the Municipality will not provide snow removal services within the project. The Owner shall, on a continuous basis, ensure that snow is regularly removed from the site when the designated snow storage areas as shown on the Site Plans (if any) are full. The Owner shall not store or provide for snow storage in any area immediately adjacent to a municipal street.

6.6 The Owner covenants and agrees to enter into a contract with a garbage collection contractor for garbage collection upon the said lands if required by the waste authority. Such garbage shall be deposited and stored in the area(s) shown (if applicable) on the Approved Plans. The Owner specifically releases and forever discharges the Municipality from any obligation of providing garbage collection services to the subject lands.

6.7 The Owner shall ensure that the performance of all works and procedures during development, whether by the Owner or its employees, servants or agents, or its contractors or subcontractors, shall be so performed as not to constitute an unreasonable nuisance or unreasonable disturbance through noise or vibrations to abutting or nearby properties or the owners thereof, and the Owner shall comply with and shall ensure that all of its contractors and subcontractors comply with written instructions issued by the Municipality's Enforcement Department concerning any such unreasonable nuisance or disturbance regardless of whether such instructions require positive action or discontinuance of action.


7.1 If as a result of any work undertaken by the Owner, or its servants, or agents, there exists in the opinion of the Municipal Engineer an emergency situation which requires immediate attention to avoid damage to private or public property or services owned by the Municipality, such work may be done immediately by the Municipal Engineer at the expense of the Owner, but notice shall be given to the Owner at the earliest possible time.



9.1 The parties hereto consent to the registration of this Agreement by the Municipality upon the title of the said lands, which registration shall be included as a legal expense to the Owner. The Owner further agrees that he will execute such further and other documents, consents, or applications as may be reasonably required by the solicitor for the Municipality for the purpose of any registration against the said lands, or for the purpose of giving effect to the provisions required under this Development Agreement.


10.1 Every provision of this Agreement by which the Owner is obliged in any way shall be deemed to include the words "at the expense of the Owner" unless the context otherwise requires.

10.2 The Owner shall pay such reasonable fees as may be invoiced to the Municipality by its Solicitor, Landscape Architect or Engineer (as applicable) in connection with all work to be performed as a result of the provisions of this Agreement.

10.3 All expenses for which demand for payment has been made by the Municipality shall bear interest at the rate of 12% per annum commencing 30 days after demand.

10.4 In the event that the Municipality, acting reasonably, finds it is necessary to engage the services of an engineer or technical personnel not permanently employed by the Municipality, to review the plans of the Owner, and/or carry out on-site inspections of the work performed, the Municipality will advise the Owner accordingly of this need, and the costs of such outside engineers so engaged shall be the responsibility of the Owner. The Municipality may require a deposit for this purpose.


11.1 The Owner shall lodge with the Municipality, those cash deposits and security more particularly described in Schedule "C", and at the dates specified therein.

11.2 In the event that the expenses of the Municipality exceed the amount of the cash deposits, and security set out in Schedule "C" attached, the Owner shall pay such excess charges within 30 days after demand by the Municipality, or if less, such excess deposit or security shall be refunded upon the acceptance of the Municipal Services and the satisfaction by the Owner of all other obligations under this Agreement.


12.1 Default and Entry - Where the Owner is in default under any of the provisions of this Agreement, the Municipality, if it so elects shall have the right and privilege at all times to enter upon the lands described in Schedule "A" for the purpose of repairing or completing any work or services required to be completed by the Owner under this Agreement, or to arrange for such works to be completed on behalf of the Owner. In furtherance of such work the Municipality is authorized to use and realize upon the security held under this Agreement.

12.2 Any security filed with the Municipality is based upon the estimated cost of completing the various matters prescribed by this Agreement. However, all security received by the Municipality may be used as security for any item or any other matter which under the terms of this Agreement is the responsibility of the Owner.

12.3 Exceeding Cost Estimates - If the costs of completing such work or service, exceeds the amount of security held by the Municipality, such excess shall be paid by the Owner to the Municipality 30 days after invoicing by the Municipality. All overdue accounts shall bear interest at the rate of 12% per annum.

12.4 Save Harmless - The Owner on behalf of itself, its successors and assigns agrees to indemnify and save harmless the Municipality from and against any and all claims, suits, actions and demands whatsoever which may arise either directly or indirectly be reason of any work or service performed by the Municipality, its servants or sub- contractors in order to complete the work or services required to be completed under this Agreement, provided the subject matter of such action, suits, claims or demands was not caused intentionally or through gross negligence on the part of the Municipality, its servants or agents or sub-contractors.

12.5 The Construction Lien Act - If the Municipality becomes obligated to make any payments, or pay any costs, under the provisions of Section 17(4) of the Construction Lien Act, R.S.O. 1990, c.C.30, this will constitute a default and entitle the Municipality to realize upon its security.

12.6 Surplus - In the event that the Municipality realizes upon security to complete municipal services, any surplus monies that remain after this work is completed shall be returned to the issuing financial institution for transmission to that party that took out the original Letters of Credit.


13.1 It is agreed that everything included in this Agreement and the Schedules attached thereto, together with all engineering drawings, material and undertakings filed by the Owner and accepted by the Municipality shall be included in and form part of this



14.1 The Owner agrees that the covenants, agreements and obligations agreed to in this Agreement are and shall be of the same force and effect to all intents and purposes as a covenant, the burden of which shall run with the said lands and each and every part of this Agreement shall extend to, and be binding upon and enure to the benefit of each and all of the heirs, executors, administrators, successors-in-title, and assigns of the parties hereto respectively.

14.2 The covenants, agreements and obligations agreed to in this Agreement are declared to be appurtenant to and for the benefit of the lands of the Municipality abutting the said lands.


15.1 The Owner covenants and agrees with the Municipality, on behalf of itself, its successors and assigns, to indemnify and save harmless the Municipality from any and all actions, suits, claims and demands whatsoever which may arise either directly or indirectly by reason of any work performed by the Owner or on his behalf in connection with the carrying out of the provisions of this Agreement.

15.2 The Owner further covenants and agrees to release and forever discharge the Municipality from and against all claims, demands, causes of actions, of every nature and type whatsoever that may arise either as a result of the failure of the Municipality to carry out any of its obligations under this Agreement, or, as a result of the Municipality performing any municipal work on adjacent properties which may damage or interfere with the works of the Owner, provided that such default, failure or neglect was not caused intentionally or through negligence on the part of the Municipality, its servants, agents or subcontractors.


16.1 Any Notice to be given by any party under this Agreement may be given by:

a) personal service on the parties hereto, or

b) prepaid first class mail addressed to the other party at their last known address and which shall be deemed to have been received 72 hours after mailing.

For the purposes of the foregoing, the addresses for the parties to this Agreement are as follows:

Owner: 5369 Windermere Drive Burlington, Ontario L7L 3M4

Municipality: Township of Seguin 5 Humphrey Drive Seguin, Ontario P2A 2W8 Attention: Chief Administrative Officer


17.1 The parties hereto agree that time shall be of the essence in this Agreement.


18.1 The Owner agrees to not call into question directly or indirectly in any proceeding

whatsoever, in law or in equity, or before any administrative tribunal, the right of the Municipality to enter into this Agreement and to enforce each and every term, covenant and condition herein contained and this Agreement may be pleaded as an estoppel against the Owner in any such proceedings.


19.1 It is hereby agreed that in construing these presents the word "Owner" and the personal pronoun "he" or "his" relating thereto and used therewith, shall be read and construed as "Owner" and "his", "hers", "its" or "their" respectively as the number and gender of the party or parties referred to in each case requires and the number of the verb agreeing therewith shall be so construed as agreeing with the said word or pronoun so substituted.

19.2 And that all covenants, liabilities and obligations entered into and imposed hereunder upon the Owner shall be equally binding upon his, her, its or their heirs, executors, administrators and assigns, or successors and assigns as the case may be, and that all such covenants and liabilities and obligations shall be joint and several.

THIS AGREEMENT shall enure to the benefit of and be binding upon each of the parties hereto and their respective heirs, executors, administrators, successors and assigns.

IN WITNESS WHEREOF the parties hereto have executed this Agreement on the following dates:

By the Owner on the day of , 2018.

James Peter Miller

Chandra Marlene Miller

By The Corporation of the Township of Seguin on the day of , 2018.


Per: c/s Name: Bruce Gibbon Title: Mayor

Per: c/s Name: Craig Jeffery Title: Clerk

We have the authority to bind the Corporation.










The Plan entitled “Drawing Contents: Site Plan Proposed” prepared by Danielle Campbell Design in conjunction with SWES Engineering Inc. Project No. 18-006, Project Client: Resident, Lot 15,/Part 3, North Sandy Plains Rd., Seguin, ON , Revision No. 3, 2018-06-is hereby incorporated by reference.

Full size copies may be viewed at the Township offices during regular business hours and where permitted, copies may be obtained for a fee.





The Owner shall, on the dates specified herein, lodge with the Municipality the following described cash deposits, capital levies and security:


The following cash deposits are estimates only and are to be paid to the Municipality prior to the execution of this Agreement by the Municipality, except where otherwise noted. In the event that the actual costs incurred by the Municipality exceed the deposits, such excess shall be invoiced to the Owner and be due and payable 30 days after demand:

A. Cash Deposits for the municipality’s legal, planning and engineering expenses $1,000.00


Seguin Township

Report to Council

Prepared for: Township Council Department: Development and Protective Services Agenda Date: July 16th, 2018 Report No: DPS-PL-2018-087 Application No: R-2018-0010-H Owners: Glen and Donna Jackson Agent: n/a Subject Lands: Part 2 of 42R-20685, Concession B Lot 10, geographic Township of Humphrey Civic Address Not assigned Roll No.: 490301001012462 Related Planning DPS-PL-2017-140 Files: R-2016-0002-H

1.0 Recommendation:

THAT Council pass By-law No. 2018-051 to remove the holding symbol “(H)” from the subject lands.

2.0 Background:

Council granted approval of Zoning By-law Amendment R- 2016-0002-H to rezone its lands on North Sandy Plains Road in order that they may be developed for residential purposes. The rezoning is subject to a holding provision wherein following conditions are to be fulfilled:

• The completion of site specific site evaluation reports; and, • The completion of a site plan control agreement for each lot to the satisfaction of the Township.

3.0 Analysis:

The original constraint mapping was prepared by Beacon Environmental as part of the Township’s development feasibility assessment. This information was used for the siting the building envelope for the proposed house along with the identification of the areas to remain treed. Staff are satisfied that the conditions of the Holding Provision have been fulfilled. Planning Report DPS-PL-2018-087 Page 1 of 2

Section 36 of the Planning Act provides the legislative framework for the removal of the holding symbol “(H)”. Notice of Council’s intention to pass the amending By-law was given to owners of the subject lands. Section 36 does not require a formal public meeting.

4.0 Conclusion:

Based on the fulfilment of the above conditions, it is appropriate to remove the holding provision from the subject lands. By-law No. 2018-051 authorizes removal of the holding symbol “(H)” from the subject lands.

Respectfully submitted Reviewed

Adam Kozlowski, MCIP, RPP Steve Stone, MSc, BES, MCIP, RPP Senior Planner Director of Planning & Development

Chris Madej, MA, MCIP, RPP Chief Administrative Officer Attachments: Schedule A: Draft By-law 2018-051 Schedule B: Site Sketch with Constraint Area Schedule C: Draft Agreement


Planning Report DPS-PL-2018-087 Page 2 of 2

Schedule A to Staff Report No. DPS-PL-2018-087

CORPORATION OF THE TOWNSHIP OF SEGUIN BY-LAW NO. 2018-051 “Being a By-law to amend Township of Seguin Zoning By-law No. 2006-125” pertaining to Part 2 of 42R-20685, Concession B Lot 10, geographic Township of Humphrey (R-2018-0010-H).

WHEREAS the lands described as Part 2 of 42R-20685, Concession B Lot 10, geographic Township of Humphrey, now in the Township of Seguin, are zoned per By-law 2016-044 with a “Hold (H)” Zone; and,

WHEREAS the removal of the holding symbol “(H)” is conditional upon approval of a Site Plan Agreement; and,

WHEREAS the Owners of the subject lands have fulfilled the requirements of the Township of Seguin, and have fulfilled the requirements of removal of the “(H)” hold provision on the subject lands; and,

WHEREAS Council has the authority pursuant to Section 36 of the Planning Act R.S.O. 1990, Chapter P.13 as amended, to pass amendments to the Zoning By-law to remove the holding symbol; and,

NOW THEREFORE the Council of the Corporation of the Township of Seguin hereby enacts as follows: a) Map #A-3 to Schedule “A” to Township of Seguin Zoning By-law No. 2006-125 be amended by rezoning the lands pertaining to Part 2 of 42R- 20685, Concession B Lot 10, geographic Township of Humphrey (R-2018- 0009-H), from the “Village Residential Two (Hold) - (R2)(H) Zone” to the “Village Residential Two - (R2) Zone”.

This By-law shall take effect from the date of passage by Council and shall come into force in accordance with the provisions of the Planning Act R.S.O. 1990, Chapter P.13 as amended.

BY-LAW read a FIRST, SECOND and THIRD time and finally PASSED this 16th day of July, 2018.

______Bruce Gibbon, Mayor

______Craig Jeffery, Clerk Schedule B to Staff Report No. DPS-PL-2018-087

By-law No. 2018-051 Figure A

GlenandDonna Jackson

Legend Lot BoundaryLot JacksonEnveBuilding lope OveDrainage rland Highly Constraine Highly Area d Dime nsions(shown me in tres)

Sandy Plains Road North

By-law No.By-law2018-051

44 17m x 9m



This drawing is for illustration purposes only and must not be used in place of surveyed information.

Proje211129 ct: Last ReviseLast June d: 2018

Client: Tow Client: nshipof PreparedJN by: Seguin CheckeSS by: d ± 1:700 0 10 20 m Containsinformation license under d Opethe nGove rnm e nt License –Ontario OrthoimageryBase 2013We Sound layer: Parry st Geography Network

C:\Dropbox \DropboxGIS(Beacon)\AllProje Seguin cts\2011\211129 SandyEIS RdN\MXD\211129Plains DeveAFigure ePlan nt d Schedule C to Staff Report No. DPS-PL-2018-087


THIS AGREEMENT made between:


hereinafter called the "Owner" OF THE FIRST PART

- AND -


hereinafter called the "Municipality" OF THE SECOND PART

WHEREAS the lands affected by this Agreement are the lands described in paragraph 1.1 (the "subject lands");

AND WHEREAS the subject lands are subject to a Holding provision which Holding provision cannot be lifted until such time as a site plan is approved;

AND WHEREAS the Township has approved the site plan showing the proposed development on the subject lands conditional upon, the execution and registration of a site plan agreement;

NOW THEREFORE THIS AGREEMENT WITNESSETH that in consideration of the premises and for other good and valuable consideration (the receipt whereof is hereby acknowledged), the parties hereto covenant and agree with one another as follows:


1.1 DESCRIPTION OF LANDS - See Schedule “A” (hereinafter referenced as “the subject lands”).

1.2 CONFORMITY WITH AGREEMENT - The Owner covenants and agrees that all development of or work performed on the subject lands shall be in compliance with:

a) the provisions of this Agreement;

b) the Approved Plan referenced in Schedule "B";

c) all additional Schedules hereto attached;

d) all applicable Municipal By-laws and all Provincial Legislation.

1.3 RELIANCE UPON REPRESENTATIONS - The Owner acknowledges that:

a) it has made representations to the Municipality that it will maintain the subject lands in accordance with the Approved Plans and will not alter the development on the lands unless such alterations accord with the Approved Plans;

b) the Municipality has entered into this Agreement in reliance upon these representations.

1.4 SCHEDULES ATTACHED - The following schedules are attached to this Agreement and form part of this Agreement:

Schedule "A" - Legal Description Schedule "B" - Approved Plan Schedule “C” - Cash Deposits and Security


2.1 There shall be no changes in the Schedules attached hereto, or to any plans, reports, specifications etc. filed and accepted by the Township concerning the subject lands unless such changes have been first submitted to, and accepted by, the Municipal Chief Administrative Officer (“C.A.O.”), or other authorized representative.


3.1 Prior to the execution of this Agreement by the Municipality, the Owner shall:

a) Taxes - have paid all municipal tax bills issued and outstanding on the said lands,

b) Cash Deposits, Charges & Security - have delivered to the Municipality all cash deposits, charges and security required by Schedule "C" attached,

c) Land Ownership - be the registered owner in fee simple of the lands described in section 1.1,

d) Postponements Mortgage/Charge - have filed with the municipal solicitor, for his approval, a postponement of any Mortgage/Charge in favour of this agreement.



5.1 Development in Accordance with Approved Plans - The Owner will maintain at its expense all internal site services/works on the subject lands as shown in the Approved Plans in accordance with all applicable federal, provincial and municipal standards, specifications and/or regulations.

5.2 Maintenance - The Owner agrees that there shall be no further development of the lands except in accordance with the Township’s site plan control by-law, the site plan approval and this agreement. For further clarity, the Owner acknowledges and agrees that no clearing of the vegetation in the areas shown in cross hatching on the Approved Plans is permitted, save and except for: a) the removal of dead trees and b) the removal of dying trees that pose a risk to public or private property or the safety of persons thereon.

5.3 Applicability of Other Municipal By-laws - the Owner acknowledges that notwithstanding the issuance of site plan approval, any alteration of the shoreline including the conduct of any work in furtherance of this agreement shall be conducted in accordance with any federal/provincial laws or municipal by-law affecting or regulating the shoreline area.


6.1 The Owner shall ensure that all construction activities shall not commence until Permits are issued by the Chief Building Official where applicable.

6.2 The Owner agrees to maintain the exterior of all buildings and any fences and drainage works in good order, and to remove from the lands all papers, debris, refuse and discarded material of any sort, on a continuous basis, during the construction of the project.

6.3 The Owner shall, on a continuous basis during construction on the Subject Lands, maintain the streets abutting the subject lands, which are littered by mud or other material by vehicles involved in construction, clear of mud, dust and other material to the satisfaction of the Director of Public Works of the Municipality. Upon any default by the Owner to so maintain the streets, the Director of Public Works may, in his sole discretion, arrange for the required cleaning to be performed and the cost incurred in so doing shall be recovered from the Owner from the securities elsewhere herein required,

or the same may be added to the Tax Collector's Roll and collected in the same manner as Municipal Taxes.

6.4 The Owner shall ensure that at all times, until construction within the Subject Lands is complete, provide and maintain parking spaces on the Subject Lands adequate to accommodate parking of vehicles of construction personnel and shall, to the extent legally possible, enforce the requirement that all construction personnel park within the site and not on adjacent or neighbouring streets.

6.5 The Owner covenants and agrees to arrange for private snow removal from the project. The Owner acknowledges that the Municipality will not provide snow removal services within the project. The Owner shall, on a continuous basis, ensure that snow is regularly removed from the site when the designated snow storage areas as shown on the Site Plans (if any) are full. The Owner shall not store or provide for snow storage in any area immediately adjacent to a municipal street.

6.6 The Owner covenants and agrees to enter into a contract with a garbage collection contractor for garbage collection upon the said lands if required by the waste authority. Such garbage shall be deposited and stored in the area(s) shown (if applicable) on the Approved Plans. The Owner specifically releases and forever discharges the Municipality from any obligation of providing garbage collection services to the subject lands.

6.7 The Owner shall ensure that the performance of all works and procedures during development, whether by the Owner or its employees, servants or agents, or its contractors or subcontractors, shall be so performed as not to constitute an unreasonable nuisance or unreasonable disturbance through noise or vibrations to abutting or nearby properties or the owners thereof, and the Owner shall comply with and shall ensure that all of its contractors and subcontractors comply with written instructions issued by the Municipality's Enforcement Department concerning any such unreasonable nuisance or disturbance regardless of whether such instructions require positive action or discontinuance of action.


7.1 If as a result of any work undertaken by the Owner, or its servants, or agents, there exists in the opinion of the Municipal Engineer an emergency situation which requires immediate attention to avoid damage to private or public property or services owned by the Municipality, such work may be done immediately by the Municipal Engineer at the expense of the Owner, but notice shall be given to the Owner at the earliest possible time.



9.1 The parties hereto consent to the registration of this Agreement by the Municipality upon the title of the said lands, which registration shall be included as a legal expense to the Owner. The Owner further agrees that he will execute such further and other documents, consents, or applications as may be reasonably required by the solicitor for the Municipality for the purpose of any registration against the said lands, or for the purpose of giving effect to the provisions required under this Development Agreement.


10.1 Every provision of this Agreement by which the Owner is obliged in any way shall be deemed to include the words "at the expense of the Owner" unless the context otherwise requires.

10.2 The Owner shall pay such reasonable fees as may be invoiced to the Municipality by its Solicitor, Landscape Architect or Engineer (as applicable) in connection with all work to be performed as a result of the provisions of this Agreement.

10.3 All expenses for which demand for payment has been made by the Municipality shall bear interest at the rate of 12% per annum commencing 30 days after demand.

10.4 In the event that the Municipality, acting reasonably, finds it is necessary to engage the services of an engineer or technical personnel not permanently employed by the Municipality, to review the plans of the Owner, and/or carry out on-site inspections of the work performed, the Municipality will advise the Owner accordingly of this need, and the costs of such outside engineers so engaged shall be the responsibility of the Owner. The Municipality may require a deposit for this purpose.


11.1 The Owner shall lodge with the Municipality, those cash deposits and security more particularly described in Schedule "C", and at the dates specified therein.

11.2 In the event that the expenses of the Municipality exceed the amount of the cash deposits, and security set out in Schedule "C" attached, the Owner shall pay such excess charges within 30 days after demand by the Municipality, or if less, such excess deposit or security shall be refunded upon the acceptance of the Municipal Services and the satisfaction by the Owner of all other obligations under this Agreement.


12.1 Default and Entry - Where the Owner is in default under any of the provisions of this Agreement, the Municipality, if it so elects shall have the right and privilege at all times to enter upon the lands described in Schedule "A" for the purpose of repairing or completing any work or services required to be completed by the Owner under this Agreement, or to arrange for such works to be completed on behalf of the Owner. In furtherance of such work the Municipality is authorized to use and realize upon the security held under this Agreement.

12.2 Any security filed with the Municipality is based upon the estimated cost of completing the various matters prescribed by this Agreement. However, all security received by the Municipality may be used as security for any item or any other matter which under the terms of this Agreement is the responsibility of the Owner.

12.3 Exceeding Cost Estimates - If the costs of completing such work or service, exceeds the amount of security held by the Municipality, such excess shall be paid by the Owner to the Municipality 30 days after invoicing by the Municipality. All overdue accounts shall bear interest at the rate of 12% per annum.

12.4 Save Harmless - The Owner on behalf of itself, its successors and assigns agrees to indemnify and save harmless the Municipality from and against any and all claims, suits, actions and demands whatsoever which may arise either directly or indirectly be reason of any work or service performed by the Municipality, its servants or sub- contractors in order to complete the work or services required to be completed under this Agreement, provided the subject matter of such action, suits, claims or demands was not caused intentionally or through gross negligence on the part of the Municipality, its servants or agents or sub-contractors.

12.5 The Construction Lien Act - If the Municipality becomes obligated to make any payments, or pay any costs, under the provisions of Section 17(4) of the Construction Lien Act, R.S.O. 1990, c.C.30, this will constitute a default and entitle the Municipality to realize upon its security.

12.6 Surplus - In the event that the Municipality realizes upon security to complete municipal services, any surplus monies that remain after this work is completed shall be returned to the issuing financial institution for transmission to that party that took out the original Letters of Credit.


13.1 It is agreed that everything included in this Agreement and the Schedules attached thereto, together with all engineering drawings, material and undertakings filed by the Owner and accepted by the Municipality shall be included in and form part of this



14.1 The Owner agrees that the covenants, agreements and obligations agreed to in this Agreement are and shall be of the same force and effect to all intents and purposes as a covenant, the burden of which shall run with the said lands and each and every part of this Agreement shall extend to, and be binding upon and enure to the benefit of each and all of the heirs, executors, administrators, successors-in-title, and assigns of the parties hereto respectively.

14.2 The covenants, agreements and obligations agreed to in this Agreement are declared to be appurtenant to and for the benefit of the lands of the Municipality abutting the said lands.


15.1 The Owner covenants and agrees with the Municipality, on behalf of itself, its successors and assigns, to indemnify and save harmless the Municipality from any and all actions, suits, claims and demands whatsoever which may arise either directly or indirectly by reason of any work performed by the Owner or on his behalf in connection with the carrying out of the provisions of this Agreement.

15.2 The Owner further covenants and agrees to release and forever discharge the Municipality from and against all claims, demands, causes of actions, of every nature and type whatsoever that may arise either as a result of the failure of the Municipality to carry out any of its obligations under this Agreement, or, as a result of the Municipality performing any municipal work on adjacent properties which may damage or interfere with the works of the Owner, provided that such default, failure or neglect was not caused intentionally or through negligence on the part of the Municipality, its servants, agents or subcontractors.


16.1 Any Notice to be given by any party under this Agreement may be given by:

a) personal service on the parties hereto, or

b) prepaid first class mail addressed to the other party at their last known address and which shall be deemed to have been received 72 hours after mailing.

For the purposes of the foregoing, the addresses for the parties to this Agreement are as follows:

Owner: 44 Marlatts Road Thorold, ON L2V 1N1

Municipality: Township of Seguin 5 Humphrey Drive Seguin, Ontario P2A 2W8 Attention: Chief Administrative Officer


17.1 The parties hereto agree that time shall be of the essence in this Agreement.


18.1 The Owner agrees to not call into question directly or indirectly in any proceeding whatsoever, in law or in equity, or before any administrative tribunal, the right of the

Municipality to enter into this Agreement and to enforce each and every term, covenant and condition herein contained and this Agreement may be pleaded as an estoppel against the Owner in any such proceedings.


19.1 It is hereby agreed that in construing these presents the word "Owner" and the personal pronoun "he" or "his" relating thereto and used therewith, shall be read and construed as "Owner" and "his", "hers", "its" or "their" respectively as the number and gender of the party or parties referred to in each case requires and the number of the verb agreeing therewith shall be so construed as agreeing with the said word or pronoun so substituted.

19.2 And that all covenants, liabilities and obligations entered into and imposed hereunder upon the Owner shall be equally binding upon his, her, its or their heirs, executors, administrators and assigns, or successors and assigns as the case may be, and that all such covenants and liabilities and obligations shall be joint and several.

THIS AGREEMENT shall enure to the benefit of and be binding upon each of the parties hereto and their respective heirs, executors, administrators, successors and assigns.

IN WITNESS WHEREOF the parties hereto have executed this Agreement on the following dates:

By the Owner on the day of , 2018.

Glen Alan Jackson

Donna Edith Jackson

By The Corporation of the Township of Seguin on the day of , 2018.


Per: c/s Name: Bruce Gibbon Title: Mayor

Per: c/s Name: Craig Jeffery Title: Clerk

We have the authority to bind the Corporation.









The Plan entitled “By-law No. 2018-50, Figure A, Donna and Glen Jackson” prepared by Beacon Environmental Ltd., Project 2111159, Last Revised June 2018, is hereby incorporated by reference.

Full size copies may be viewed at the Township offices during regular business hours and where permitted, copies may be obtained for a fee.




The Owner shall, on the dates specified herein, lodge with the Municipality the following described cash deposits, capital levies and security:


The following cash deposits are estimates only and are to be paid to the Municipality prior to the execution of this Agreement by the Municipality, except where otherwise noted. In the event that the actual costs incurred by the Municipality exceed the deposits, such excess shall be invoiced to the Owner and be due and payable 30 days after demand:

A. Cash Deposits for the municipality’s legal, planning and engineering expenses $750.00


Seguin Township Report to Council

Prepared for: Council Department: Public Works

Agenda Date: July 16th, 2018 Report No: PW-RD-2018-013

Subject: Emergency Grader Repairs

Recommendation: That Council receives this report and approves the payment of emergency repairs to VR42, Volvo 960 grader for the amount of $30,310.38 plus taxes through the 2018 contingency fund.

Background and Analysis: In the summer of 2017, the Volvo grader had a problem in the rear end of the transmission. The differential lock was damaged and required repair. The unit was repaired by Strongco in Lively, (Sudbury) with a 500 hour warranty of the work.

In March of 2018, during the start of grading season, staff noticed problems with the rear end of the grader again. It was just over the 500 hour warranty. Staff challenged Strongco to make this repair under warranty; even though it was a different component, it was still in the rear end. Staff spent weeks pressuring Strongco to fix this problem, and brought the problem right up to Volvo Canada. Volvo recommended that the rear end be replaced in spite of the previous work performed. They and Strongco said they would not warranty any repairs made to the old rear end. Volvo Canada would warranty a replacement rear end for 3 years or 3000 hours, whichever came first. After tenuous negotiations, the decision was to purchase a discounted new rear end with the 3 year factory warranty.

The grader is a vital piece of maintenance equipment in the roads department. A brand new grader is worth over $400,000 new. Used graders of this vintage (approx. 2006) cost in the area of $80,000-$120,000. The Volvo 960 grader has been well maintained, but has had rear end related issues for the past few years. The decision to purchase a new factory

PW-RD-2018-013 Emergency Grader Repairs Page 1 of 2 warrantied unit came only after Volvo assumed the warranty of this rear end, not Strongco.

During the 3 months that this grader was out of service for repairs, Public Works had to rent a grader in its place. The cost of this rental over 13 weeks was $24,000. The breakdown occurred during the most important grading period in the year.

Conclusion: Staff are confident that with a Volvo factory warranty on this work, this problem area of the grader should be resolved, and it can continue to work for the Township for another 5000 hours or approximately 6 years.

Unfortunately, the Public Works roads budget cannot absorb the cost of the repair and the necessary grader rental combined.

Staff are asking that Council approve the grader repair costs of $30,310.38 to be paid from the 2018 contingency fund.

Respectfully submitted by:

Peter Koppisch Director of Public Works

Reviewed by:

Michele Fraser CFO

Chris Madej CAO

PW-RD-2018-013 Emergency Grader Repairs Page 2 of 2 Public Meeting Seguin Township

Report to Council

Prepared for: Township Council Department: Development and Protective Services Agenda Date: July 16th, 2018 Report No: DPS-PL-2018-096 Application No: B-2018-0017-F Owner(s): 1176376 Ontario Inc. Agent: Nancy Harris-Herr, Tulloch Geomatics Inc. Subject Lands: 42M661 LOT 5 Civic Address Address not assigned (Vacant) Rose Point Road Roll No.: 4903-030-007-04575 (Granting Lands) 4903-030-007-04012 (Benefitting Lands) Related Planning Deeming Application B-2018-0003-F Applications:

1.0 Recommendation a) That Deeming Application D-2018-0003-F be approved, and that Deeming By-law No. 2018-056 be passed by Council. b) THAT Consent Application B-2018-0017-F for a lot addition be Provisionally Approved, subject to the Township’s standard conditions of approval, including but not limited to the following conditions: 1. That this approval applies described as follows: File Type Area (ha)+/- LOT 0.8 B-2018-0017-F ADDITION

2. The owner shall have delivered to the Planning Official the following:

(i) A plan of survey prepared by an Ontario Land Surveyor (submitted in duplicate – 2 copies and an electronic version in Adobe Acrobat pdf format) indicating the parcel(s) (The severed parcels) to be conveyed including all rights-of-way to each parcel. All dimensions are to be provided in metric units.

Planning Report DPS-PL-2018-096 Page 1 of 5

(ii) Three copies in registrable form of the document conveying the severed parcel and right-of-way so the final consent may be endorsed thereon by the Planning Official.

4. That the Deed Stamping and Review Fee of $150.00 per deed with respect to this application shall have been paid for by the applicant.

5. That all Municipal taxes to date shall be paid in full.

6. That all Township fees and disbursements (legal, engineering, planning), if any incurred by the Township with respect to this application shall be paid for by the owner.

7. That Deeming By-law 2018-056 be registered on title.

2.0 Background & Property Description

THE PURPOSE and EFFECT of the proposed Consent is to permit a lot addition. The granting lands (Lot 5, Plan M661, vacant) would convey a parcel having an area of 0.8 hectares to the benefitting lands (118 Rose Point Road). As a result of the lot addition, the benefitting lands would be increased from 1 hectare to 1.8 hectares, with no change in frontage. The retained lands would be reduced from 15.5 hectares to 14.7 hectares. An application for a Deeming By-law has been submitted concurrently to deem the granting lands to “not be a lot on a Plan of Subdivision” in order to facilitate the proposed lot addition.

Granting Lands Lot 5 M661

Benefiting Lands 118 Rose Point Road

Planning Report DPS-PL-2018-096 Page 2 of 5


Official Plan Designation: Rural and Resource Area Zoning: Rural (RU) Zone Access: Rose Point Road (year round municipal) Lot Area: 15.5 hectares Frontage: 196 metres Existing Development: Vacant


CAO: No objection. Clerk: No objection. Building: No objection. Fire/By-law: No objection. Public Works: No objection. Treasury: No objection.

Planning Report DPS-PL-2018-096 Page 3 of 5

4.0 Land Use Planning Policy & Analysis

4.1 Provincial Policy Statement (PPS) 2014

Pursuant to Section 3 of the Planning Act, all planning decisions must be “consistent with” the policies of the PPS. Section 1.1.4 of the PPS states that in rural areas located in municipalities permitted uses and activities shall relate to the management or use of resources, resource-based recreational activities, limited residential development and other rural land uses. The proposed boundary adjustment is consistent with the PPS.

4.2 Seguin Official Plan

The subject lands are designated Rural & Resource Area and Shoreline Area by the Official Plan. Permitted uses include “low density residential uses; recreational and tourist commercial uses; small scale industrial uses servicing the waterfront community; and parkland/natural areas.

Policy B.12.2.2 - Boundary Adjustments states that a Consent may be granted for the purpose of correcting conveyances, enlarging existing lots or through acquisition by a public body, provided no new building lot is created. In reviewing an application for such a boundary adjustment, the Council shall be satisfied that the boundary adjustment will not affect the viability of the use of the properties affected as intended by this Plan.

The proposed lot addition conforms with the land division policies of the Seguin Official Plan.

Deeming by-laws, passed under Section 50(4), require that the plan of subdivision have been registered for more than 8 years. Plan M661 was registered on April 20, 2010 and resulted in the creation of 4 new rural residential lots fronting on Rose Point Road, where the remainder of the “back lot” (Lot 5) remains undeveloped and has a small amount of remnant frontage on Rose Point Road with limited access resulting from steep terrain and grades. The south portion of the property is low and marshy and flanks the Rose Point Trail. From a policy perspective, deeming of plans or parts of a plan not to be part of a subdivision is considered good planning when the original lot does not depict development potential and/or is a “remnant” parcel resulting from subdivision of the developable portions of the land holdings. In this case, deeming Lot 5 resulting lot will facilitate the boundary adjustment and allow the benefitting lands to be enlarged for future construction of a detached garage/workshop, where the lot is currently deficient in size to do so while meeting all other applicable Zoning Planning Report DPS-PL-2018-096 Page 4 of 5

provisions. As a result of this deeming by-law, the parcel to be conveyed and the benefitting lands will merge into one contiguous enhanced parcel.

5.0 Conclusion

It is the Planning Department’s position that the application to permit a lot addition and associated deeming by-law is consistent with the Provincial Policy Statement. The application will maintain the intent of land division policies of the Seguin Official Plan, provisions of the Zoning By-law, and represents good planning.

Respectfully submitted Reviewed

__ Adam Kozlowski, MCIP, RPP Stephen Stone, MSc, BES, MCIP, RPP Senior Planner Director of Planning and Development

Chris Madej, MA, MCIP, RPP Chief Administrative Officer Attachments:

Schedule A: Deeming By-law 2018-056


Planning Report DPS-PL-2018-096 Page 5 of 5


BY-LAW NO. 2018-056

“Being a By-Law to deem Lot 5, Plan M661 pursuant to Section 50(4) of The Planning Act not to be on a plan of subdivision”. Property Owner: 1176376 Ontario Inc. Property Roll No. 4903-030-007-04575 (Lot 5) File No. D-2018-0003-F

WHEREAS Council may by By-law, designate any Plan of Subdivision, or part thereof, that has been registered for eight (8) years or more, to be deemed not a Registered Plan of Subdivision, for the purposes of Subsection 3 of Section 50 of the Planning Act, RSO 1990, c. P13, as amended;

AND WHEREAS the owner of Lot 5, Plan M661 (formerly Township of Foley), in the Township of Seguin, have requested Council to deem the lot in accordance with the provisions of Section 50(4) of The Planning Act;

AND WHEREAS Plan M661 has been registered for over eight (8) years;


1. That Lot 5, Plan M661 Township of Seguin (formerly Foley) be deemed under Section 50(4) of the Planning Act, RSO 1990, c. P13, not to be part of a registered Plan for the purposes of Subsection 3 of Section 50 of The Planning Act.

By-law READ a FIRST, SECOND and THIRD TIME, AND FINALLY PASSED, this 16 day of July, 2018.

______Mayor Bruce Gibbon

______Clerk Craig Jeffery Seguin Township

Report to Council

Prepared for: Township Council Department: Development and Protective Services Agenda Date: July 16th, 2018 Report No: DPS-PL-2018-097 Application Nos: B-2018-0018/19/20/21-H Owner(s): Gregory Colbert Agent: Chris Bunker, T.A. Bunker Surveryors Ltd. Subject Lands: Con 1 Pt Lots 4 And;5 Pt Rd Shore Allow Pt Loc;Cl16068 Pt Bed Lake Rosseau; Rp 42R13330 Parts 2 3 And 5;Pcl 25773 Sec Ss Rp 42R19211 Civic Address 37 Farm Sandy Bay Drive (Granting Lands) Roll No.: Granting Lands: 4903-010-001-00255 Benefitting Lands: 4903-010-001-00700, 4903-010- 001-00900, 4903-010-001-00270

1.0 Recommendation:

A) THAT Consent Applications B-2018-0018-H, B-2018-0019-H. B-2018- 0020-H, B-2018-0021-H be Provisionally Approved, subject to the Township’s standard conditions of approval, including but not limited to the following conditions: 1. That this approval is for rights-of-way over an existing private road crossing the Granting Lands (37 Farm Sandy Bay Drive) to provide access for the Benefitting Lands. Application Benefitting Lands Width

B-2018-0018-H Benefitting Lot 1 - 79 Farm Sandy Bay Road Varies B-2018-0019-H Benefitting Lot 2 - 4903-010-010-00700 B-2018-0020-H Benefitting Lot 3 - 45 Farm Sandy Bay Road B-2018-0021-H Benefitting Lot 4 - 4903-010-001-00255

2. The owner shall have delivered to the Planning Official the following: (i) A plan of survey prepared by an Ontario Land Surveyor (submit 1 hard copy and an electronic version in Adobe Acrobat pdf format) indicating the rights-of-way. All dimensions are to be provided in metric units. Planning Report DPS-PL-2018-097 Page 1 of 4

(ii) Three copies in registrable form of the document conveying the rights- of-way parcel so that final consent may be endorsed thereon by the Planning Official. 3. That the Deed Stamping and Review Fees of $150.00 per deed with respect to these applications shall have been paid for by the applicant. 4. That all Municipal taxes to date shall be paid in full. 5.That all Township fees and disbursements (legal, engineering, planning), if any incurred by the Township with respect to this application shall be paid for by the owner. 6. That the benefitting lands subject to applications B-2018-0018-H and B- 2018-0019-H enter into a License Agreement with the Township of Seguin for crossing and passage over the Municipal Concession Road Allowance between Lots 5 & 6, Humphrey Concession I.

2.0 Background & Property Description:

Application has been made for Right-of-ways over an existing private driveway to benefit 2 developed waterfront parcels and 2 vacant waterfront parcels. The granting lands are located at 37 Farm Sandy Bay Road. Benefitting Lot 1 (B-2018-0018-H) is located at 79 Farm Sandy Bay Road. Benefitting lot 2 (B-2018-0019-H) is vacant (4903-010-010- 00700). Benefitting lot 3 (B-2018-0020-H) is located at 45 Farm Sandy Bay Road. Benefitting lot 4 (B-2018-0021-H) is vacant (4903-010-001-00255).

Planning Report DPS-PL-2018-097 Page 2 of 4


These lands are surrounded by the following land uses:

North: Rural lands South: Rural lands East: Shoreline residential/Lake Rosseau West: Shoreline residential/Dyson Lake

Official Plan Designation: Rural and Resource Area, Shoreline Area Zoning: Rural (RU) Zone, Limited Service Residential (LSR) Zone, Shoreline Residential One (SR1) Zone. Access: Farm Sandy Bay Road (Private)


CAO: No objection Clerk: No objection Building: No objection Fire/By-law: No objection Public Works: No objection Treasury: No objection

Planning Report DPS-PL-2018-097 Page 3 of 4

4.0 Land Use Planning Policy & Analysis

4.1 Provincial Policy Statement (PPS) 2014 There are no matters of Provincial interest associated with the proposed rights-of-way.

4.2 Seguin Official Plan

The subject properties are designated Shoreline Area. Rights-of-way are permitted in accordance with the policies listed in Section E – Transportation and Servicing of the Seguin Official Plan.

5.0 Conclusion

The proposed right-of-ways will establish legal access over an existing private road for 4 benefitting properties. Staff have no objection to the approval of the proposed right-of-ways as the applications represent good planning.

Respectfully submitted Reviewed

____ Adam Kozlowski, MCIP, RPP J. Stephen Stone, MSc, BES, MCIP, RPP Senior Planner Director of Planning and Development

Chris Madej, MA, MCIP, RPP Chief Administrative Officer



Planning Report DPS-PL-2018-097 Page 4 of 4

Business 9?g3beaa ‘1gticattata1 Societ#

Wednesday, June 20th, 2018 AECEIVED

Seguin Township JUN252018 Attention: Craig Jeffrey, Clerk/Lottery Licensing Officer TOWNSHIPOFSEGUIN #5 Humphrey Drive Per Seguin, Ontario P2A 2W8

Dear Craig,

On behalf of the Rosseau Agricultural Society, we would like to invite Mayor Bruce Gibbon to the opening of the 143w Annual Rosseau Fall Fair on Saturday, August 25th 2018 at 10:30am. It would be wonderful if he could make a few remarks to officially open the Fail.

In addition to inviting Mayor Bruce Gibbon, we would also like to invite all the Seguin Township Councillors, and have all participate in the Rosseau Fall Fair parade starting at lOam. Parade starts at the Ariss property at #1111 HWY 141, Rosseau, Ontario. We will provide transportation for Mayor Bruce Gibbon, but would ask that the others walk in the parade. If any of the Councillors are unable to walk in the parade, we can provide transportation for them as well. We will need advance notice to make arrangements.

Please call me at 705 732 4223 or email at to confirm or decline the invitation to Mayor Bruce Gibbon and the other Seguin Township Councillors.

We look forward to everyone participating if they can, as the Mayor’s and Councillors’ participation always adds value to our parade and Fall Fair.

Thank you for your attention to this matter.

Sincerely, 4 Kelly L. Collard Rosseau Fall Fair Parade & Official Opening Ceremonies Coordinator Rosseau Agricultural Society P0 Box 268, Rosseau Ontario POC 1JO (ApbSeaa cftgticaltatal Coatetac

Wednesday, June 20th 2018

Seguin Township Attention: Craig Jeffrey, Clerk/Lottery Licensing Officer #5 Humphrey Drive Seguin, Ontario P2A 2W8

Dear Craig,

Subject: Request for Temporary Closure of Streets in Rosseau

The Rosseau Agricultural Society is holding its l43 Annual Rosseau Fall Fair on 25th Saturday, August 2018. We would like to start the day off, as we have the past few years, with a parade through the Village of Rosseau. Our parade route would necessitate a closure of Rice Street, Oak Street and a section of HWY 632 from HWY 141 to the Rosseau Field House and Fair grounds, from lOam to 10:30am.

We have requested the Seguin Township Firefighters to be available to assist with the parade during this time as they have in the past. We willcontact the Ontario Provincial Police to request their support upon Seguin Township’s approval of the road closures as per the day, time and route mentioned above.

Thank you for your attention to this matter. We look forward to hearing from you in the near future.


KellyL. Collard Rosseau Fall Fair Parade &OfficialOpening Ceremonies Coordinator Rosseau Agricultural Society PD Box 268, Rosseau Ontario POC 1JO 705 732 4223 / email: The Rosseau Agricultural Society

j presents the


Rossea u Fall Fair I

Saturday, August 25th 2018

Schedule of Activities

V 10:00am Parade Through the Village Volunteers Needed 10:30am Opening Ceremonies Kelly Contact at 10:40am Judging of Children’s Decorated 705 938 8863 or Bikes rosseaufallfairl 875 10:30-3 :OOpm Third Change Band 11:00-1 :OOpm Fun activities for all if interested. 12:00pm Frog Jumping Contest All ages welcome Starting at 11am Children’s Rodeo Races to volunteer. Starting at 1:30pm Nail Driving and Log Sawing Events Great way to earn 3:00pm Awards hours High School 4:00pm Removal of Exhibits I Come back at 7pm for Movie Night at the Fair Grounds - See Movie Poster for details Come Join in the Fun!

Exhibits are to be registered at the Agricultural Hall in Rosseau on Thursday, Like us at Follow us at August 23 from 7pm - 9 pm or Friday Follow us at Rosseau RosseauFaliFairl 875 August24 from 9:30 am — 11am. Fall Fair @RosseauFallFair fz- Josie Thank Sincerely, continue due It Seguin, Dear Seguin 5 P2A Tuesday, has Humphrey to 2W8 Adams Council, been you my Township ON as

June Atc- relocating so a a Drive plea5ure very member. 19, Council much 2018 to to London for serve the on opportunity. in the September Drrville for Recreation my continuing Committee WNsNIP

education, JUL this

past 05 I will OF

year 2018 sEculNj no but longer unfortunately, be able to Election Sign Bylaw

Subject: Election Sign Bylaw From: Rod Osborne Date: Mon, 9 Jul 2018 19:12:25 -0400 To: Andrea Spinney

Andrea I would like a resolution to be presented at the next meeting of Council. The resolution would either repeal and replace or amend the existing bylaw to put limits on when election signs can erected.

I would like the amendment to limit the erection of signs to start after the date that nominations close. If it were this year for example it would be July 28.

Pls. consult with Craig and advise.

Thanks Rod

Rod Osborne Councillor, Ward 3 Township of Seguin

1 of 1 7/10/2018 11:08 AM Board & Committee Agendas & Minutes Minutes

Subject: Minutes From: Billie Torbett - Admin Clk Date: Wed, 27 Jun 2018 11:58:49 -0400 To: Archipelago Township , Carling Township , Clerk's Office Carling , "McKellar, Township of" , Mun of McMurrich Monteith , Seguin Township , Town of Parry Sound , "Whitestone (Municipality of)"

Attached are the finalized minutes of the Board meetings on April 25, 2018 and May 23, 2018.

Billie Torbett Administration Clerk/Accounts Receivable [email protected]

21 Belvedere Avenue, Parry Sound, ON P2A 2A2 705‐746‐5871 ext 2210 Fax: 705‐774‐7300

IMPORTANT NOTICE: This message and the information contained therein is intended only for the use of the individual or entity to which it is addressed. If the reader of this message is not the intended recipient, or the employee or agent responsible for delivering the message to the intended recipient, you are notified that any dissemination, distribution or copying of this communication is strictly prohibited. If you have received this communication in error, please notify Belvedere Heights immediately by contacting (705) 746-5871 ext 2210 and delete this electronic message from your computer system and that of your Internet Service Provider. Please note that any information provided via electronic messaging will be collected in accordance with Belvedere Height's Privacy Policy (the "Policy"). This Policy is available upon request from Belvedere Heights.


Board minutes April, 2018.pdf

Board minutes May, 2018.pdf

1 of 1 7/6/2018 2:03 PM

The Corporation of the Township of Seguin

Orrville Recreation Committee

DRAFT Minutes of June 19, 2018

A meeting of the Township of Seguin Orrville Recreation Committee was held on June 19, 2018 at the Orrville Community Centre.

The following Members were present: Virginia Adams Tara Cox (Chair)

Staff present: Dominique O’Brien JJ Blower

Regrets: Josie Adams

CONVENE. Resolution Number 2018-008 Moved by: Virginia Adams Seconded by: Tara Cox “THAT we do now convene this Meeting of the Township of Seguin Orrville Recreation Committee at 6:35 p.m.”. CARRIED

APPROVAL OF AGENDA. The Agenda was approved as circulated.

DISCLOSURE OF PECUNIARY INTEREST. The Chair requested the disclosure of any possible pecuniary interest, none was declared.

MINUTES. Resolution Number 2018-009 Moved by: Virginia Adams Seconded by: Tara Cox “THAT the minutes of the Township of Seguin Orrville Recreation Committee meeting held on April 10, 2018 be approved as circulated.” Carried

4. Business

a) Canada Day Canada Day fireworks have been booked and are scheduled for the Orrville Ball Diamonds on Saturday, June 30 th at dark. Dominique will reserve the

Orrville Recreation Committee Minutes of June 19, 2018 Page 1 of 3 sound system for the event. Tara will have the kids make candy kabobs to sell. Virginia will purchase pop and Tara will help her decorate on Saturday afternoon. b) Recruitment of new members An ongoing issue, the committee continues to look for new members. Discussions took place about people to invite to the next meeting, and members will reach out to these people to request their participation. After the October Municipal Election, all members will be required to re-apply for their position on the committee, and public advertisements will be placed in the local media.

5. Other Business At the April meeting, a request was brought to the committee by two local children who were hoping to have two basketball nets purchased and installed at the Orrville Ball Diamond. At that time Dominique was directed to research feasibility and costs. Dominique advised the Committee that the Township already has a basketball net that can be moved to Orrville and used for this purpose. Another one could be purchased and possibly funded by the Orrville Recreation Committee at an estimated cost of $1200-$1400.

Resolution Number 2018-010 Moved by: Virginia Adams Seconded by: Tara Cox “THAT the Orrville Recreation Committee approve the purchase of one in- ground basketball system to be installed at the Orrville ball diamond. Cost not to exceed $1400.” CARRIED

Request for card tables from Christie Seniors

The Christie Seniors have approached Township Staff to replace the card tables located in the Swords room of the Orrville Community Centre. The legs on the existing tables are in decent condition, but the plywood tabletops are peeling and causing damage during setup for events. JJ brought this request to the Committee for their review of whether this is something the Committee would support financially. After some discussion, it was decided that Township Staff first be directed to evaluate the possibility of repurposing, refinishing or reselling the old tables so as to avoid needless waste. Should this not be possible, the Committee could consider the request again at a future meeting.

Main Street Revitalization Funding The Main Street Revitalization Initiative is a $26 million fund to help municipal governments undertake main street revitalization activities that support and benefit small businesses. Seguin Township expects to receive approximately $40,000 to be utilized before March 31, 2020. In municipalities like Seguin, where there is no defined main street or the main street is a provincial highway, the funding is to be used within built-up areas

Orrville Recreation Committee Minutes of June 19, 2018 Page 2 of 3 defined by hamlets or villages. At the May 7 th meeting, Council received correspondence from the Rosseau Community Action Committee regarding potential projects under the revitalization program. At that time, Council directed staff to contact various other community groups to obtain ideas for projects to be reported back to Council at the July 3, 2018 Council Meeting.

Dominique requested ideas from the Committee for projects needed in the Village of Orrville. Some ideas discussed included additional picnic tables, the installation of a flag pole at Joseph Hannon Park, the purchase of a banner to advertise the annual Canada Day fireworks celebration, and solar lights to illuminate the Welcome to Orrville signs and Joseph Hannon Park Sign.

Thank you Letter from Library A thank you card was received by the Township on behalf of the Orrville Recreation Committee from the Seguin Public Library acknowledging their appreciation for the bench purchased by the Committee and placed outside the library at the Orrville Community Centre for use by patrons.

Resignation of Josie Adams The committee received a letter from Josie Adams, as resignation from the Orrville Recreation Committee effective immediately, due to her relocating to London in September for her continued education.

ADJOURNMENT. Resolution Number 2018-011 Moved by: Virginia Adams Seconded by: Tara Cox “THAT the Orrville Recreation Committee does hereby adjourn at 7:48pm to meet again on October 2, 2018 at 7:0pm or at the call of the Chair.” CARRIED

Tara Cox Chair

Orrville Recreation Committee Minutes of June 19, 2018 Page 3 of 3

Page 914 May 1st 2018

The Commissioners of the Parry Sound Area Municipal Airport Commission Minutes of Commission Meeting

held on May 1st, 2018 at 9:00 a.m. in the commission board room.

The following Members were present: Ingrid Muller Bruce Hatherley Bill Attwell Bob Fisher Peter Kropf

Visitors: Dustin Turner MNDM Glen Barnden EDO Tracey Muller Treasury Seguin Township

Regrets: Paul Borneman Susan Adams Michele Fraser CFO Seguin Township Chris Madej CAO Seguin Township Bill Spinney CBDC

Staff: Neil Pirie Hilary Metcalfe

The following resolutions were considered.

Resolution No. 2018-035

Moved by: Bruce Hatherley Seconded by: Bill Attwell “THAT the Parry Sound Area Municipal Airport Commission does hereby Call to Order and approve the Agenda for this meeting as circulated at 9:05 a.m.” CARRIED

DISCLOSURE OF PECUNIARY INTEREST. The Chair requested that any disclosures of pecuniary interest be declared for the record. (None were declared.)

Airport Commission Minutes of the May 1st 2018 Page 1 of 4

Page 913 May 1st 2018

Ingrid welcomed visitors, Glen Barnden, EDO, Dustin Turner, of MNDM, Tracey Muller, Treasury of Seguin Township, and Hilary Metcalfe, new Customer Service Manager at the Parry Sound area Municipal Airport.

Ingrid thanks Michele Fraser and Tracey Muller from the Township of Seguin for their support and help in training of the new office staff

Resolution No. 2018-036

Moved by: Bruce Hatherley Seconded by: Bill Attwell “THAT the Parry Sound area Municipal Airport Commission does hereby appoint Peter Kropf as Secretary Treasurer for today’s May 01, 2018 Meeting.” CARRIED

Resolution No. 2018-037 Moved by: Bruce Hatherley Seconded by: Bill Attwell “THAT the Parry Sound Area Municipal Airport Commission does hereby approve the Minutes of the Commission Meeting of April 3rd, 2018 as circulated.”


Resolution No. 2018-038

Moved by: Bruce Hatherley Seconded by: Bill Attwell “THAT the Parry Sound Area Municipal Airport Commission does hereby approve the Account Summary Voucher for April 2018 of $115,325.88 for payment.”

CARRIED Resolution No. 2018-039

Moved by: Bob Fisher Seconded by: Peter Kropf “THAT the Parry Sound Area Municipal Airport Commission does hereby proceed to a closed meeting in order to address matter(s) pertaining to:

• Personal matters about an identifiable individual including Airport or Commission employees. • Litigation or potential litigation, including matters before administrative tribunals, affecting the Airport CARRIED Resolution No. 2018-040

Moved by: Bruce Hatherley Seconded by: Bob Fisher “THAT the Parry Sound Area Municipal Airport Commission now returns to its open session.”


Airport Commission Minutes of the May 1st 2018 Page 2 of 4

Page 912 May 1st2018

Resolution No. 2018-041

Moved by: Bob Fisher Seconded by: Bill Attwell “THAT the Parry Sound Area Municipal Airport Commission does hereby approve Milford Bay Trout Farm sign proposal as attached.” CARRIED

Discussion: Milford Bay Trout Farm Sign • Application sent into the MTO, waiting on approval • Follow up before election

Resolution No. 2018-042

Moved by: Bob Fisher Seconded by: Bill Attwell “THAT the Parry Sound Area Municipal Airport Commission does hereby receive all reports.”


Neil Pirie Managers Report : Discussed the following:

▪ Explorer Solutions: They are aware of the changes we would like to see. Section 2 required a little more work than section 1 and I still need to have in depth discussions regarding this section

▪ Board Room TV: The snow birds require the Airport to provide them with a TV here in the board room after the show for their debriefing. Discussion on whether to borrow a TV or purchase • Purchase a 42” – 50” TV, approx price range of $450-$550 for a Smart TV

• Rynz: Rynz Innovative Tooling Inc was mentioned in an article in the Northern Ontario Business publication

• Fire Suppression Tanks: Morgan’s Construction has told me that the tanks are beyond warranty and they will not be covering cost of repair. - Calling Bob Hughes (engineering).

▪ Fuel Analysis & Calendar: Attached

▪ Wings Café sales report: Attached

Ingrid Muller: Ingrid asked for Peter Kropf, Bruce Hatherley, and Bob Fishers assistance in the Fire Suppression Tanks issue.

Bruce Hatherley: Nothing further to discuss

Bill Attwell: Nothing further to discuss

Peter Kropf: Nothing further to discuss

Bob Fisher: Bob discussed that the Parry Sound Area Municipal Airport’s runway is in need of repair. One gentleman will not fly in until fixed, said there are 11 to 12 significant bumps, causing damage. - Miller Paving and Fowler Construction to mark and provide quote, with work being done before June 12, 2018 for the Snow Birds Event.

Airport Commission Minutes of the May 1st 2018 Page 3 of 4

Page 911 May 1, 2018

Tracey Muller: Nothing further to discuss Dustin Turner: Michele Fraser and myself working on the final claim for Phase 7. To be carried out in the near future Glen Barnden: Suggested hosting a fish fry for general awareness to help promote the airport and the new Milford Bay Trout Farm

Resolution No. 2018-043 Moved by: Bob Fisher Seconded by: Bill Attwell “THAT the Parry Sound Area Municipal Airport Commission does hereby agree to have the runway repaired in the month of May 2018, to an estimated cost not to exceed $15,000.00.”


Resolution No. 2018-044

Moved by: Bill Attwell Seconded by: Bob Fisher “THAT the Parry Sound Area Municipal Airport Commission does hereby adjourn at 10:35 a.m. to meet again at June 5th 2018 at 9:00 a.m. or at the call of the Chair.



Secretary Treasurer

Airport Commission Minutes of the May 1st 2018 Page 4 of 4

Page 918 June 5 2018

The Commissioners of the Parry Sound Area Municipal Airport Commission Minutes of Commission Meeting

held on June 5th, 2018 at 9:00 a.m. in the commission board room.

The following Members were present: Ingrid Muller Bruce Hatherley Bill Attwell Paul Borneman Bob Fisher Susan Adams

Visitors: Chris Madej CAO Seguin Township Glen Barnden EDO Michele Fraser CFO Seguin Township

Regrets: Peter Kropf Dustin Turner MNDM Bill Spinney CBDC

Staff: Neil Pirie Hilary Metcalfe

The following resolutions were considered.

Resolution No. 2018-045

Moved by: Bill Attwell Seconded by: Bob Fisher “THAT the Parry Sound Area Municipal Airport Commission does hereby Call to Order and approve the Agenda for this meeting as circulated at 9:08 a.m.” CARRIED

DISCLOSURE OF PECUNIARY INTEREST. The Chair requested that any disclosures of pecuniary interest be declared for the record. (None were declared.)

Airport Commission Minutes of the June 5th 2018 Page 1 of 4

Page 917 June 5 2018

Resolution No. 2018-046

Moved by: Bob Fisher Seconded by: Bill Attwell “THAT the Parry Sound area Municipal Airport Commission does hereby approve the Minutes of the Commission Meeting of May 1st, 2018 as circulated.” CARRIED

Resolution No. 2018-047 Moved by: Bob Fisher Seconded by: Bill Attwell “THAT the Parry Sound Area Municipal Airport Commission does hereby approve the Account Summary Voucher for May 2018, in the amount of $89,395.80 for payment.”


Resolution No. 2018-048 Moved by: Bruce Hatherley Seconded by: Bob Fisher “THAT the Parry Sound Area Municipal Airport Commission does hereby accept 2017 audited financial statements as circulated.”


Resolution No. 2018-049

Moved by: Bob Fisher Seconded by: Bruce Hatherley “THAT the Parry Sound Area Municipal Airport Commission does hereby proceed to a closed meeting in order to address matter(s) pertaining to: - Litigation or potential litigation, including matters before administrative tribunals, affecting the airport


Resolution No. 2018-050

Moved by: Bruce Hatherley Seconded by: Bob Fisher “THAT the Parry Sound Area Municipal Airport Commission now returns to its open session.”

CARRIED Resolution No. 2018-051 Moved by: Susan Adams Seconded by: Bruce Hatherley “THAT the Parry Sound Area Municipal Airport Commission does hereby receive all reports”


Airport Commission Minutes of the June 5th 2018 Page 2 of 4

Page 916 June 5 2018

Neil Pirie Managers Report: Discussed the following:

▪ Explorer Solutions: I have been told that we will receive another draft report by the end of this week.

▪ Fire Suppression Tanks: The link seals have been exposed. We are currently tightening the seals and water will be added prior to the Snowbird event. - One tank had a link loose and was soupy, will tighten. Getting water delivered

▪ Fuel Pump lock out: Attached is a quote from Sifft Electric to install a key lock for our fuel pumps. Originally it was thought that we could shut off the power at closing. I was informed that this was not good for the computer monitoring system. We have been using the emergency shut off at closing but I do not believe this is safe enough. - Possibly use New Buildings & Improvements, and Field Maintenance Budgetary line

▪ Runway lighting: Sifft Electric has also made a proposal to help with the runway lighting. Discussion - Option: replace with L.E.D lights and do not have to remove transformers, need pricing - Replacing the lights only, does not fix the underground problem

- Snowbirds: The date is nearing fast. I believe we have everything in place. Attached is an invitation to the VIP dinner being held at the BOCC June 12th - Airport hosting apprx 400 school kids from 10am – 12pm on the 13th, meet the snowbirds and BBQ to follow - 30 rental cars needed for the snowbirds pilots and crew

▪ Fuel Analysis & Calendar: Attached

▪ Wings Café sales report: Attached

Paul Borneman: Thanks Bruce and Neil for their hard work

Bruce Hatherley: Offered his lot at the airport for parking for the Snowbirds kids event

Ingrid Muller: Thanks Neil and Hilary

Susan Adams: Nothing further to discuss

Bill Attwell: Nothing further to discuss

Bob Fisher: Nothing further to discuss

Michele Fraser: Nothing further to discuss Chris Madej: Nothing further to discuss Glen Barnden: Nothing further to discuss

Airport Commission Minutes of the June 5th 2018 Page 3 of 4

Page 915 June 5 2018

Resolution No. 2018-052

Moved by: Susan Adams Seconded by: Bruce Hatherley “THAT the Parry Sound Area Municipal Airport Commission does hereby adjourn at 11:00 a.m. to meet again at July 3rd 2018 at 9:00 a.m. or at the call of the Chair.



Secretary Treasurer

Airport Commission Minutes of the June 5th 2018 Page 4 of 4

Correspondence AMCTO Municipal Minute - June 27, 2018

Subject: AMCTO Municipal Minute - June 27, 2018 From: "AMCTO Municipal Minute" Date: Wed, 27 Jun 2018 09:10:08 -0500 To: [email protected]

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June 27, 2018

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Could these changes make affordable housing in the GTA a reality? BILD says yes BuzzBuzzNews In just five months Ontario residents will head to the polls for the municipal election, and one organization is intent on making affordable housing a key voting issue. The greater Toronto area population is set to grow to 9.7 million by 2041, but if new home construction continues at its current pace, there won't be enough supply to meet the region's booming population. READ MORE

British Columbia considers forcing drug companies to disclose payments to doctors The Globe and Mail

1 of 5 7/3/2018 3:24 PM AMCTO Municipal Minute - June 27, 2018

British Columbia is planning to join Ontario in forcing pharmaceutical companies to reveal their payments to physicians, patient groups and other health care organizations. Consultations are set to begin in Vancouver and Victoria soon on a potential health-sector transparency program, one that could compel the makers of drugs and medical devices to disclose what they pay individual physicians for delivering speeches, sitting on advisory boards, travelling to conferences and other work. READ MORE

. PRODUCT SHOWCASE Specifically for Canadian Municipalities

We’ve partnered with Baseline to develop, an innovative public works management app. Realize time and material efficiencies that generate substantial cost savings while increasing the likelihood of successfully defending a claim. Our eyes are always on the road ahead.

What a PC government means for workplaces in Ontario Dentons via Mondaq News Alerts Over the past 15 years under a majority liberal government, workplaces in Ontario saw many employment and labour law reforms. Most recently, the liberal government introduced bill 148 which made significant changes to the Employment Standards Act, 2000, and the Labour Relations Act, 1995, among others. READ MORE

Kingston in limbo with cap-and-trade threat Kingston Whig-Standard Municipal officials are awaiting word from the new provincial government about the fate of Ontario's cap-and-trade system, and the $4 million worth of emissions credits Utilities Kingston bought since the system was set up last year. Because it distributes natural gas to about 15,000 customers, Utilities Kingston was required to buy emissions credits for the 140,000 tonnes of carbon dioxide the burning of that gas emits into the atmosphere each year. READ MORE


Promoted by eSCRIBE Software

City of Fort Saskatchewan boosts transparency through improved meeting and web streaming management. Find out how they did it. New White Paper: 13 key attributes to consider when selecting a video streaming service for your transparency initiative. Read now. How is the customer truly impacted when a software vendor gets acquired? Here’s what they won’t tell you. Work your way! iOS and Windows app for meetings now available to your councilor members. Learn more.

Doug Ford wants consultations on cannabis sales in Ontario CityNews Toronto With the legalization of recreational cannabis now months away, Ontario's incoming premier said he wants to consult further with municipalities, stakeholders and his caucus before deciding whether to

2 of 5 7/3/2018 3:24 PM AMCTO Municipal Minute - June 27, 2018

change the plan laid out by his predecessors for the sale of marijuana. The outgoing Liberals had planned to roll out 150 standalone pot stores run by the Liquor Control Board of Ontario by the end of 2020, with the first 40 scheduled to open this year. READ MORE

. PRODUCT SHOWCASE Why Pay for a Busy Day - Every Day? ThinkTel helps municipalities save anywhere from 25%- 60% in telephony costs when leveraging our Services for their communications needs. Your ROI starts on day one with us. We give you the power to right size your phone call capacity and only pay for the phone lines you use.

Ontario City Council further considers pothole tax Richland Source Ontario City Council read legislation regarding a possible pothole tax at its June 20 meeting. If the City Council passes the two ordinances associated with the possible 0.25 percent increase on municipal income tax, Ontario voters would see the issue on the November 2018 ballot, and the tax to be imposed January 1, 2019 — only if the issue garners enough support from the voters. READ MORE


Ontario court nixes Sixties Scoop legal fees Thunder Bay News A justice of the Ontario Superior Court has approved a settlement between the federal government and Indigenous people affected by the Sixties Scoop. But Justice Edward Belobaba did not approve the part of the agreement that would have given $75 million in legal fees to the lawyers who acted for the plaintiffs in class action cases. READ MORE

Assessment Base Management Program Delivers Results Municipal Tax Advisory Group Imagine having the insight into the accuracy of valuations and tax treatment, or being able to fully understand if an assessment is accurate well before the need to file an appeal.

The 2018 MTAG Assessment Analytic Reports allow municipalities to seek changes saving considerable

3 of 5 7/3/2018 3:24 PM AMCTO Municipal Minute - June 27, 2018

time, money, and resources. READ MORE Promoted by Municipal Tax Advisory Group


Cannabis legal Oct. 17

The federal government set Oct. 17 as the date when cannabis can be sold legally in Canada.


How to use the 4 Ds of effective time management Forbes Do you sometimes struggle with time management? Or does the day lack enough hours to attend to your projects, habits, commitments and more? When half past five rolls around, do you look at your to do list and feel you didn't accomplish much of anything? READ MORE

5 tough situations you'll eventually face when managing people Small Business Trends As a business owner, managing people is by far the toughest responsibility of all. Every person is different, unpredictable, and motivated by a unique set of factors. And while good hiring practices will mean smooth sailing most of the time, every business owner will eventually encounter tough situations. Knowing how to respond will help you avoid making costly mistakes. READ MORE


Township of Alfred and Plantagenet - Deputy Clerk (6/25/2018)

Township of Alfred and Plantagenet - Clerk (6/25/2018)

Town of Atikokan - Treasurer (6/25/2018)

Halton Hills - Assessment Appeals Analyst - Contract (6/25/2018)

County of Renfrew - Chief Administrative Officer-Clerk (6/25/2018)

Township of Uxbridge - Supervisor of Animal Services (6/21/2018)

Township of Adjala-Tosorontio - Municipal Clerk (6/21/2018)

The Municipal Minute

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4 of 5 7/3/2018 3:24 PM AMCTO Municipal Minute - June 27, 2018

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Radek Meljon, MultiView Canada, Vice-President and General Manager, 289.695.5394 | Download media kit Katina Smallwood, Assistant Executive Editor, 469-420-2675 | Contribute news

AMCTO 2680 Skymark Avenue, Suite 610 | Mississauga, ON L4W 5L6 Canada | 905-602-4294 | Contact Us

Learn how to add us to your safe sender list so our emails get to your inbox.

50 Minthorn Blvd.Suite 800, Thornhill, Ontario L3T 7X8

5 of 5 7/3/2018 3:24 PM AMCTO Municipal Minute - July 4, 2018

Subject: AMCTO Municipal Minute - July 4, 2018 From: "AMCTO Municipal Minute" Date: Wed, 04 Jul 2018 09:29:39 -0500 To: [email protected]

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July 4, 2018

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Toronto hires away Hamilton's city manager Toronto Star Toronto has poached Hamilton's city manager to take the same job on a much bigger stage. Chris Murray, a 56-year-old former planner known as a soft-spoken problem solver, will become Toronto's city manager Aug. 13, leading a 34,500-member workforce and facing a civic election, a host of thorny issues and an unpredictable new Ontario government. READ MORE

Lambton municipalities latest to ditch paper ballots The London Free Press When it comes to internet and telephone voting, a handful of Sarnia-Lambton municipalities are more following than setting the trend. Sarnia, Point Edward, Petrolia, Oil Springs, Lambton Shores, Warwick and Plympton-Wyoming have all signed on for paperless elections Oct. 11-22. READ MORE

Brampton City Council approves 1st-ever culture master plan Brampton Guardian On June 27, the city of Brampton approved its first culture master plan that will foster opportunities in the arts and culture sector to further economic development in the city. The culture master plan lists 47

1 of 4 7/6/2018 11:16 AM AMCTO Municipal Minute - July 4, 2018

actions to help achieve the six goals outlined in the plan that include providing resources, funding, space, talent development, production and presentation in local arts and artists, and promotion. READ MORE

. PRODUCT SHOWCASE Specifically for Canadian Municipalities

We’ve partnered with Baseline to develop, an innovative public works management app. Realize time and material efficiencies that generate substantial cost savings while increasing the likelihood of successfully defending a claim. Our eyes are always on the road ahead.

'Accidental' gold discovery in Ring of Fire prompts Noront Resources to seek exploration partner The Sudbury Star Noront Resources Ltd. is looking to partner with a gold company as it continues to lead exploration of the Ring of Fire, a vast isolated area in northwestern Ontario with untapped mineral resources. The company has proven nickel and chromite deposits in the Ring of Fire, but those base metals are too heavy to transport out of the area, given the current lack of road access. READ MORE

Automation: 'Very big threat and necessary evil' Woodstock Sentinel-Review via The London Free Press The threat of automation to Ontario workers is real — and especially serious for Oxford County, home to three of the province's five communities that are most vulnerable to technology replacing people. Ingersoll, home to Cami Automotive, followed by Tillsonburg and Woodstock, rank among the most vulnerable communities in the country to the threat of automation, says a Toronto-based institute that supports innovation and entrepreneurship. READ MORE

Alberta towns and cities call for marijuana money Edmonton Journal The Alberta Urban Municipalities Association complained its members still need money to deal with the Oct. 17 legalization of recreational marijuana. They want 70 per cent of the federal cannabis excise tax the provincial government receives and a $30-million fund to help with the move to a new legislative and regulatory framework, said an AUMA news release. READ MORE


2 of 4 7/6/2018 11:16 AM AMCTO Municipal Minute - July 4, 2018

Keeping Waterloo regions's water clean Waterloo Region Record Over the years, dairy and cash crop farmer Darcy Weber has made a number of changes to his property with the aim of keeping the natural water sources in and around his operation clean. "It's to everybody's benefit to keep the water clean," said Weber, who owns Floraview Farms near Elmira. READ MORE

Ontario government announces changes to OHIP+ The Canadian Press via The Sudbury Star Ontario's government will no longer offer free prescriptions to kids and young adults with private coverage, the province's new health minister announced. In a news release issued a day after the Progressive Conservative government was sworn in, said the move follows through on Premier 's campaign promise to find cost-cutting measures that don't slash jobs. READ MORE

AI might need a therapist, too Axios If artifical intelligence learns to think like a human, it could one day also be susceptible to stress and disorders like depression, according to a new paper from a trio of AI safety researchers. Why it matters: Robots may not need therapy yet, but cognitive psychology is already a useful lens for understanding AI decision-making. READ MORE

Assessment Base Management Program Delivers Results Municipal Tax Advisory Group Imagine having the insight into the accuracy of valuations and tax treatment, or being able to fully understand if an assessment is accurate well before the need to file an appeal.

The 2018 MTAG Assessment Analytic Reports allow municipalities to seek changes saving considerable time, money, and resources. READ MORE Promoted by Municipal Tax Advisory Group


Struggling to be heard at work? Follow this 3-step process Fast Company You're in a team meeting, hashing out how to resolve an issue that everybody has been repeatedly battling with. "What if we changed the process so that the sales team saw the report first?" you suggest.

3 of 4 7/6/2018 11:16 AM AMCTO Municipal Minute - July 4, 2018

"That way the design team could step in with all of the information there — without having to reformat graphics later." READ MORE

Mindfulness and trust: The keys to successful leadership Forbes Whether we are navigating a busy sidewalk or navigating through our career, when we lose perspective, we lose our bearing and risk faltering. Having perspective on our situation requires self-awareness; we need to be conscious of who we are, how we got wherever we are, who is around us and how our actions impact those around us. READ MORE


Associate Director, Corporate Policy Strategic Initiatives (6/28/2018)

Town of New Tecumseth - Director, Finance (6/28/2018)

City of Abbotsford - General Manager, Parks, Recreation and Culture (6/28/2018)

City of Kitchener - Director, Corporate Communications & Marketing (6/28/2018)

Town of Innisfil - Community Asset Catalyst (1-2 Year Contract) (6/27/2018)

Village of Sundridge - Deputy Treasurer (6/27/2018)

Municipality of Brockton - Clerk (6/27/2018)

The Municipal Minute

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Radek Meljon, MultiView Canada, Vice-President and General Manager, 289.695.5394 | Download media kit Katina Smallwood, Assistant Executive Editor, 469-420-2675 | Contribute news

AMCTO 2680 Skymark Avenue, Suite 610 | Mississauga, ON L4W 5L6 Canada | 905-602-4294 | Contact Us

Learn how to add us to your safe sender list so our emails get to your inbox.

50 Minthorn Blvd.Suite 800, Thornhill, Ontario L3T 7X8

4 of 4 7/6/2018 11:16 AM T&C

Subject: T&C From: Craig Jeffery Date: Fri, 29 Jun 2018 13:46:32 -0400 To: Donna McLeod

------Original Message ------Subject: AMO Policy Update - New Ontario Government Takes Office Date: Fri, 29 Jun 2018 16:27:14 +0000 From: AMO Communications To: [email protected]

June 29, 2018 New Ontario Government Takes Office Lieutenant Governor Elizabeth Dowdeswell has sworn in Premier Doug Ford and his new Cabinet at Queen’s Park. AMO President Lynn Dollin sent a congratulatory letter to Premier Ford and discussions with the incoming government have started. Letters to Cabinet Ministers will also be sent highlighting issues that touch municipal governments in either a policy, regulatory, or program manner. AMO is looking forward to priority discussions on key municipal issues such as double hatters’ protection, reducing the regulatory and reporting burden, full producer responsibility, interest arbitration, and joint and several liability. What we know to date of the PC government’s approach regarding municipal interests is here. We will be updating this municipal guide as more information becomes available in the days ahead. The new Ontario Cabinet is: The Honourable Doug Ford, and Minister of Intergovernmental Affairs* The Honourable Steve Clark, Minister of Municipal Affairs and Housing* The Honourable Christine Elliott, Deputy Premier and Minister of Health and Long-Term Care The Honourable Peter Bethlenfalvy, President of the Treasury Board The Honourable , Minister for Seniors and Accessibility* The Honourable Victor Fedeli, Minister of Finance and Chair of Cabinet* The Honourable , Minister of Training, Colleges and Universities The Honourable , Minister of Agriculture, Food and Rural Affairs* The Honourable Sylvia Jones, Minister of Tourism, Culture and Sport The Honourable Lisa MacLeod, Minister of Children, Community and Social Services and Minister Responsible for Women's Issues The Honourable Monte McNaughton, Minister of Infrastructure* The Honourable , Attorney General and Minister Responsible for Francophone Affairs

1 of 2 7/3/2018 2:31 PM T&C

The Honourable Rod Phillips, Minister of the Environment, Conservation and Parks The Honourable , Minister of Energy, Northern Development and Mines, and Minister of Indigenous Affairs The Honourable Laurie Scott, Minister of Labour The Honourable , Minister of Community Safety and Correctional Services The Honourable Lisa Thompson, Minister of Education The Honourable , Minister of Government and Consumer Services, and Government House Leader The Honourable Jim Wilson, Minister of Economic Development, Job Creation and Trade The Honourable , Minister of Transportation The Honourable , Minister of Natural Resources and Forestry

*According to their election candidate profiles, these Cabinet Ministers have municipal government experience.

AMO Contact: Monika Turner, Director of Policy, E-mail: [email protected], 416.971.9856 ext. 318.

DISCLAIMER: Any documents attached are final versions. AMO assumes no responsibility for any discrepancies that may have been transmitted with this electronic version. The printed versions of the documents stand as the official record.

2 of 2 7/3/2018 2:31 PM Policy Update - AMO Stands with Canada and Ontario on NAFTA

Subject: Policy Update - AMO Stands with Canada and Ontario on NAFTA From: AMO Communications Date: Mon, 25 Jun 2018 19:04:06 +0000 To: "[email protected]"

June 25, 2018 AMO Stands with Canada and Ontario on NAFTA

At its June 21st meeting AMO’s Board of Directors passed a resolution in support of the Governments of Canada and Ontario successfully resolving the North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA) renegotiation. The Board calls on member municipalities to consider the resolution (below) to express local support.

Fair trade with the United States of America and Mexico has been the cornerstone of Canada’s and Ontario’s economy for many years. Since the Canada-US Free Trade Agreement (FTA) came into force in 1989 and NAFTA in 1993, Ontario’s economy has become more integrated with the US and Mexico to the mutual benefit of residents and businesses. These relationships reinforce our prosperity and openness.

Changes to NAFTA could have major repercussions on the prosperity of Canada’s local, regional and national economies. In passing this resolution AMO, and municipal governments across Ontario, are sending a strong message that municipal leaders stand with and support our provincial and federal governments in ensuring fairness and prosperity for Canadians.

Municipal Councils are encouraged to consider and pass this resolution copying Prime Minister Trudeau, Premier Designate Doug Ford, AMO and the Federation of Canadian Municipalities.

AMO Contact: Craig Reid, Senior Policy Advisor,

[email protected], 416-971-9856 ext. 334.

NAFTA RESOLUTION That the AMO board approve the proposed NAFTA resolution to be shared with members, the Federal Government, the Provincial Government, and Federation of Canadian Municipalities (FCM).

WHEREAS, the North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA) governs nearly every aspect of Canada and the United States economic relationship including manufacturing, agriculture, resources industries, and services;

WHEREAS, about 80% of all of Ontario’s exports go to the United States and Ontario is the top trading partner of half of all American States;

WHEREAS, even minor changes to the established trade relationship between Canada and the United States could have significant consequences for workers, consumers, and governments on both sides of the border;

1 of 2 7/3/2018 3:17 PM Policy Update - AMO Stands with Canada and Ontario on NAFTA

WHEREAS, Canada’s and Ontario’s economic future and the continued well-being of communities and their local economies depend on free and fair trading relationships based in current future trade agreements; Therefore, be it:

resolved that Ontario municipal governments, represented by the Association of Municipalities of Ontario (AMO), stand together with the Federal and Ontario governments in their efforts to protect Canadian jobs and local economies; RESOLVED that AMO will work with the Province of Ontario to support the interests of municipalities and communities affected by trade disputes and during ongoing trade agreement negotiations;

RESOLVED that AMO will work with the Federation of Canadian Municipalities to ensure that Canada understands the municipal impacts affected by trade disputes and during ongoing trade agreement negotiations; and be it further

RESOLVED that ______supports AMO’s resolution.

DISCLAIMER: Any documents attached are final versions. AMO assumes no responsibility for any discrepancies that may have been transmitted with this electronic version. The printed versions of the documents stand as the official record.

OPT‐OUT: If you wish to opt‐out of email communications from AMO, please click here.

2 of 2 7/3/2018 3:17 PM

Report of the Secretary-Treasurer On Nominations to the 2018 – 2020 AMO Board of Directors

June 27, 2018

June 27, 2018

To: Member Municipalities

It is my pleasure to submit a copy of my report on the candidates standing for election for the 2018 – 2020 AMO Board of Directors, as confirmed by the Returning Officer. The Returning Officer has confirmed candidates against the nomination requirements and processes.

Elections will be held on: Monday, August 20, 2018, 12:00 – 5:30 p.m., and Tuesday, August 21, 2018, 8:00 a.m. – 12:00 p.m.

Location: Parliament Foyer, Shaw Centre

All elected officials from member municipalities in good standing with the Association are eligible to vote in the Caucus for which the individual has registered.

Please note that the Heads of the following municipal groups are automatically appointed to the appropriate Caucus of the AMO Board: • L’Association française des municipalités de l’Ontario (AFMO) • Eastern Ontario Wardens’ Caucus (EOWC) • Federation of Northern Ontario Municipalities (FONOM) • Northern Ontario Municipal Association (NOMA) • Large Urban Mayors’ Caucus of Ontario (LUMCO) • Mayors & Regional Chairs of Ontario of Single Cities and Regions (MARCO) • Ontario Small Urban Municipalities (OSUM) • Rural Ontario Municipal Association (ROMA) • Western Ontario Wardens Caucus (WOWC)

Summary: 1. The positions of President and Secretary-Treasurer have been acclaimed. 2. Elections of representatives for a two-year term will be held for the following positions, subject to any withdrawals by Candidates: • County Caucus (3 elected official positions) • Northern Caucus, N.E. (2 elected official positions) • Rural Caucus (4 elected official positions)

Respectfully submitted, Trevor Wilcox AMO Secretary-Treasurer General Manager of Corporate Performance, County of Simcoe



Elected Official Nomination for one position – Acclaimed:

Jamie McGarvey, Mayor, Town of Parry Sound


Staff Official Nomination for one position – Acclaimed:

Michelle Smibert, CAO, Municipality of Middlesex Centre

County Caucus:

Elected Officials Nominations for three positions – Election Required:

Aina DeViet, Councillor, County of Middlesex Peter Emon, Councillor, County of Renfrew Gary McNamara, Mayor, Town of Tecumseh Paul McQueen, Councillor, County of Grey

Staff Official Nomination for one position – Vacant

Staff vacancy to be filled by the 2018 – 2020 AMO Board of Directors, as directed by AMO Bylaw No. 2.


Large Urban Caucus:

Elected Officials Nominations for five positions – Acclaimed:

Cathy Downer, Councillor, City of Guelph Chris Friel, Mayor, City of Brantford Chris Holt, Councillor, City of Windsor Anna Hopkins, Councillor, City of London Lou Turco, Councillor, City of Sault Ste. Marie

Staff Official Nomination for one position - Acclaimed:

Neil Garbe, CAO, Town of Richmond Hill

Northern Caucus:

Elected Officials Nominations for two North East Positions – Election Required:

Mac Bain, Councillor, City of North Bay (N.E.) Steve Black, Mayor, City of Timmins (N.E.) Roger Sigouin, Mayor, Town of Hearst (N.E.)

Elected Officials Nominations for two North West Positions – Acclaimed:

Dave Canfield, Mayor, Town of Kenora (N.W.) Doug Lawrance, Mayor, Municipality of Sioux Lookout (N.W.)

Regional and Single Tier Caucus:

Elected Officials Nominations for six positions – Acclaimed:

Colin Best, Councillor, Region of Halton Riley Brockington, Councillor, City of Ottawa Naomi Davison, Councillor, Region of York Paul Grenier, Councillor, Region of Niagara Gerri Lynn O’Connor, Regional Chair, Region of Durham Allan Thompson, Councillor, Region of Peel


Rural Caucus:

Elected Officials Nominations for four positions – Election Required:

Ronald Holman, Councillor, The United Counties of Leeds and Grenville Robin Jones, Mayor, Village of Westport Bill Vrebosch, Mayor, Municipality of East Ferris Mark Wales, Councillor, Township of Malahide Chris White, Mayor, Township of Guelph/Eramosa

Staff Official Nominations for one position – Acclaimed:

Chris Wray, CAO/Clerk-Treasurer, Municipality of Wawa

Small Urban Caucus:

Elected Official Nominations for four positions – Acclaimed:

Mason Ainsworth, Councillor, City of Orillia Gail Ardiel, Deputy Mayor, Town of The Blue Mountains Bob Kwapis, Councillor, Town of Newmarket John D. Paterson, Mayor, Municipality of Leamington

Staff Official Nomination for one position – Acclaimed:

Larry McCabe, CAO, Town of Goderich

5 Report on Nominations to the 2018 - 2020 AMO Board of Directors

Subject: Report on Nominations to the 2018 - 2020 AMO Board of Directors From: AMO Communications Date: Wed, 27 Jun 2018 22:47:29 +0000 To: "[email protected]"

June 27, 2018

Report of the Secretary Treasurer on Nominations to the

2018 - 2020 AMO Board of Directors

To: Member Municipalities

It is my pleasure to submit a copy of my report on the candidates standing for election for the 2018 – 2020 AMO Board of Directors, as confirmed by the Returning Officer. The Returning Officer has confirmed candidates against the nomination requirements and processes.

Elections will be held on: Monday, August 20, 2018, 12:00 – 5:30 p.m., and Tuesday, August 21, 2018, 8:00 a.m. – 12:00 p.m. during the AMO Annual Conference.

Location: Parliament Foyer, Shaw Centre, Ottawa

All elected officials from member municipalities in good standing with the Association are eligible to vote in the Caucus for which the individual has registered.


1. The positions of President and Secretary-Treasurer have been acclaimed.

2. Elections of representatives for a two-year term will be held for the following positions, subject to any withdrawals by Candidates:

County Caucus (3 elected official positions)

Northern Caucus, N.E. (2 elected official positions)

Rural Caucus (4 elected official positions)

Respectfully submitted,

Trevor Wilcox

AMO Secretary-Treasurer

General Manager of Corporate Performance, County of Simcoe

DISCLAIMER: Any documents attached are final versions. AMO assumes no responsibility for any discrepancies that may have been transmitted with this electronic version. The printed versions of the documents stand as the official record.

OPT‐OUT: If you wish to opt‐out of email communications from AMO, please click here.

1 of 2 7/3/2018 2:43 PM AMO WatchFile - June 28, 2018

Subject: AMO WatchFile - June 28, 2018 From: "AMO Communications" Date: Thu, 28 Jun 2018 14:00:34 -0000 To: [email protected]

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June 28, 2018

In This Issue - Construction Act - Important changes coming July 1. - Apply for FCM’s Green Municipal Fund capital project funding. - Government of Canada’s Enabling Accessibility Fund. - Investor Basics & Beyond Workshops for Fall 2018. - The Basics of the LAS Natural Gas Program. - Careers with York Region and Northumberland County.

Provincial Matters On July 1, 2018, four Construction Act regulations come into effect that will have impact on municipalities and the public sector.

Federal Matters FCM's Green Municipal Fund (GMF) finances capital projects that improve air, water, and soil and reduce greenhouse gas emissions. Loans are combined with grants from $5-10 million for environmental capital projects related to: energy efficiency and recovery; water quality and conservation; transportation and fuel efficiency; waste management and diversion. Deadline to apply: August 1, 2018.

A grant of up to $100,000 through the Enabling Accessibility Fund (EAF) program is available to improve accessibility and safety in the workplace for current or future employees with disabilities. Municipalities with a population under 125,000, as per the 2016 census data, are eligible. Deadline to apply: July 26, 2018.

Eye on Events ONE Investment is pleased to offer one-day seminars across the province with content that includes updated information to help you develop your understanding of the fundamentals of investing.

LAS Last Tuesday LAS hosted a webinar titled the Basics of the LAS Natural Gas Program. Topics include hedging, risk management, as well as the various cost components of the program. If you were unable to attend, you can now view the recorded webinar.

Careers Research and Policy Analyst #22579 - Region of York. Location: Community & Health Services Department, Paramedic & Seniors Services Branch, East Gwillimbury. Additional information: this is a full-time, union position. Please apply by by July 4, 2018, quoting competition #22579.

Engineer-in-Training (EIT) - Northumberland County. Permanent, full-time position. When emailing application, indicate source you found this posting in and ensure cover letter, résumé, and any other

1 of 2 7/3/2018 2:37 PM AMO WatchFile - June 28, 2018

supporting documents are submitted in one file (preferably MS Word or Adobe (.pdf)). Submit your application by 4:30 pm, July 20, 2018 to: Human Resources, County of Northumberland, 555 Courthouse Road, Cobourg, ON K9A 5J6. Email: [email protected]; fax: 905.372.3046.

Engineering Technician - Northumberland County. Permanent, full-time position. When emailing application, indicate what source you found this posting in and ensure your cover letter, résumé, and any other supporting documents are submitted in one file (preferably MS Word or Adobe (.pdf)). Submit your application by 4:30 pm, July 20, 2018 to: Human Resources, County of Northumberland, 555 Courthouse Road, Cobourg, ON K9A 5J6. Email: [email protected]; fax: 905.372.3046.

About AMO AMO is a non-profit organization representing almost all of Ontario's 444 municipal governments. AMO supports strong and effective municipal government in Ontario and promotes the value of municipal government as a vital and essential component of Ontario's and Canada's political system. Follow @AMOPolicy on Twitter!

AMO Contacts AMO Watch File, Tel: 416.971.9856 Conferences/Events Policy and Funding Programs LAS Local Authority Services MEPCO Municipal Employer Pension Centre of Ontario Media Inquiries, Tel: 416.729.5425 Municipal Wire, Career/Employment and Council Resolution Distributions

*Disclaimer: The Association of Municipalities of Ontario (AMO) is unable to provide any warranty regarding the accuracy or completeness of third-party submissions. Distribution of these items does not imply an endorsement of the views, information or services mentioned.

Association of Municipalities of Ontario Please consider the environment 200 University Ave. Suite 801,Toronto ON Canada M5H 3C6 before printing this. To unsubscribe, please click here


2 of 2 7/3/2018 2:37 PM T&C

Subject: T&C From: Craig Jeffery Date: Thu, 05 Jul 2018 10:27:23 -0400 To: Donna McLeod

Subject: AMO WatchFile - July 5, 2018 From: "AMO Communications" Date: Thu, 05 Jul 2018 14:00:32 -0000 To: [email protected]

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July 5, 2018

In This Issue - Ontario government revokes Regulation that implements cap-and-trade carbon tax regime. - New Smoke-Free Ontario Act, 2017 effective date postponed indefinitely. - Federal regulations to implement the Cannabis Act are now final. - 10th anniversary of the LAS Electricity Program. - Careers with Kitchener, Hamilton Township, Pelham and London.

Provincial Matters The Ontario government has revoked Regulation 144/16 that implements the cap-and-trade carbon tax regime. The revocation took effect July 3, 2018. The government is beginning to wind-down all programs funded out of cap-and-trade carbon tax revenues. Municipal governments have an interest, given projects they have undertaken with funding, and the potential impacts if the social housing energy refit program (Shape), is not carefully handled in light of its multi-year nature and the improvements it will bring to the quality of housing for low income people.

The Smoke-Free Ontario Act, 2017 effective date is postponed indefinitely. The new government wants an opportunity to review the new regulations related to vaping in provincially regulated workplaces. Until the Act is proclaimed into force, the existing Smoke-Free Ontario Act and Electronic Cigarettes Act, 2015 remain in force.

Federal Matters With legalization of recreational cannabis set for Oct.17, 2018, the federal regulations to implement the Cannabis Act are now final and include: Industrial Hemp Regulations; Qualifications for Designation as Analyst Regulations (Cannabis); Regulations Amending and Repealing Certain Regulations Made under the Controlled Drugs and Substances Act; and Cannabis Act (Police Enforcement) Regulations. The AMO Conference will have a session on cannabis providing not only the final legislative framework but things to know and do.


1 of 2 7/6/2018 9:59 AM T&C

The LAS Electricity Program is celebrating its 10th anniversary. Discover how one of LAS' longest serving programs has remained competitive in a market that has changed considerably over the last decade.

Careers Director, Corporate Communications & Marketing - City of Kitchener. It is anticipated that shortlisting of candidates for interviews will take place around July 17, with interviews being conducted on July 24. If interested in exploring this further and for a complete Position Profile, please contact Kartik Kumar, Managing Director at Legacy Executive Search Partners, at 416.271.4397 or [email protected].

Manager of Public Works - Township of Hamilton. A complete job description is available on the Township website. Applicants are invited to submit a cover letter and resume no later than 12 noon, August 2, 2018 to: Attention: Human Resources, P.O. Box 1060, 8285 Majestic Hills Drive, Cobourg, ON, K9A 4W5. Fax: 905.342.2818; email: [email protected].

Director, Public Works - Town of Pelham. The Director of Public Works is a member of the senior leadership team with responsibility for the creative leadership and overall effective management of public works hierarchy of staff and directs the strategy of all public works core services. For additional information, contact [email protected]. Deadline: July 13, 2018.

Director, Roads and Transportation - City of London. Reporting to the Managing Director, Environmental & Engineering Services & City Engineer, the Director, Roads & Transportation provides leadership and direction to a number of specialized areas within the Roads and Transportation Division. For a complete job description and to apply online, please visit the City of London website. All applicants must apply online. Closing date: July 26, 2018.

About AMO AMO is a non-profit organization representing almost all of Ontario's 444 municipal governments. AMO supports strong and effective municipal government in Ontario and promotes the value of municipal government as a vital and essential component of Ontario's and Canada's political system. Follow @AMOPolicy on Twitter!

AMO Contacts AMO Watch File, Tel: 416.971.9856 Conferences/Events Policy and Funding Programs LAS Local Authority Services MEPCO Municipal Employer Pension Centre of Ontario Media Inquiries, Tel: 416.729.5425 Municipal Wire, Career/Employment and Council Resolution Distributions

*Disclaimer: The Association of Municipalities of Ontario (AMO) is unable to provide any warranty regarding the accuracy or completeness of third-party submissions. Distribution of these items does not imply an endorsement of the views, information or services mentioned.

Association of Municipalities of Ontario Please consider the environment 200 University Ave. Suite 801,Toronto ON Canada M5H 3C6 before printing this. To unsubscribe, please click here


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2 of 2 7/6/2018 9:59 AM CFBA Golf Event - September 19, 2018

Subject: CFBA Golf Event - September 19, 2018 From: "Canadian Farm Builders Association" Date: Thu, 28 Jun 2018 09:44:07 -0400 To:

More details and registration information to follow:

Sally Akroyd Bombino General Manager

Canadian Farm Builders Association PO Box 24029 Bullfrog, Guelph, ON, N1E 6V8 Tel. (519) 824-0809 Fax (519) 824-2477 [email protected] Please note: Items couriered or mailed to this location must be sent via Canada Post only.


1 of 1 7/3/2018 3:37 PM July 2018 update from Canadore College | Summer is here!

Subject: July 2018 update from Canadore College | Summer is here! From: Canadore College, Parry Sound Date: Thu, 28 Jun 2018 11:00:08 +0000 To:

July 2018 View this email in your browser

We have streamlined our communications, if you prefer not to receive these emails, you can "unsubscribe from this list".

Can you spot the Queen honeybee? Visit the Parry Sound and Area Community Apiary and find us on TripAdvisor

1 of 7 7/3/2018 3:56 PM July 2018 update from Canadore College | Summer is here!

Tell us what you Think! In addition to our main College programs, we would like to know what other part-time studies you would be interested in? Home/Garden, Languages, Computers, Arts, Cooking, Health, and more. Please find our survey here.

Courses Starting in July

French Introduction

Tuesdays, July 3 to August 28 Time: 7:00 pm to 9:00 pm $179.50 Bonjour! If you've ever wanted to learn to speak French or expand your current French vocabulary this course is for you! This fun, interactive course is especially great for anyone who has travel plans. Designed for beginners and following an established framework for teaching and learning French, this course will help you become more confident understanding and speaking basic French. Instructor: Séverine Delaveau

Register here online, or call us 705.746.9222

"Being a PSW, is so rewarding, in so many ways" Personal Support Workers are in high demand with employers in the Parry Sound Watch this PSW video, featuring Lakeland Long Term Care, Gardens of Parry Sound, and Belvedere Heights.

Next PSW program at Canadore College West Parry Sound Campus, starts Sept 2018

2 of 7 7/3/2018 3:56 PM July 2018 update from Canadore College | Summer is here!

$500 Entrance Award available. Call today 705.746.9222

Continuous intake, free tuition, call us today at 705.746.9222

2018: Summer: Part-time/Continuing Education Online registration is now available, or call 705.746.9222

Arts and Crafts

Digital Photography - 2 days (Aug 12/13)


Introduction to French

Upcoming Specialty Courses

Restorative Therapy Training, Gravenhurst, Sept 12, 13, 14 Work on the water? Marine Courses - SDVBS, March 18, 2019 Work on the water? Marine Courses - SVOP, March 19-22, 2019 Work on the water? ROC-M, March 19,20, 2019 Have a suggestion for a course? Tell us about it here.

Community Updates

3 of 7 7/3/2018 3:56 PM July 2018 update from Canadore College | Summer is here!

4 of 7 7/3/2018 3:56 PM July 2018 update from Canadore College | Summer is here!

5 of 7 7/3/2018 3:56 PM July 2018 update from Canadore College | Summer is here!

Great things are happening at Canadore, and in Parry Sound,


Peter Istvan, PhD, MBA Canadore College - West Parry Sound Campus 1 College Drive, Parry Sound Ontario, P2A 0A9 T: 705.746.9222 F: 705.746.7347 [email protected]

6 of 7 7/3/2018 3:56 PM July 2018 update from Canadore College | Summer is here! Have some feedback? Visit: “Feedback for Canadore”

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7 of 7 7/3/2018 3:56 PM Service Level Agreement (SLA)- Summary Reports; Severance/Consolid...

Subject: Service Level Agreement (SLA)- Summary Reports; Severance/Consolidation Information Form (SCIF) and Condo Plan Information Form (CPIF) From: "Haines, Anne" Date: Tue, 3 Jul 2018 15:26:58 +0000 To: Alison McGregor , "Allan Holder ([email protected])" , "Barb Cribbett ([email protected])" , "Cheryl Marshall ([email protected])" , Christine Dixon , Erin Robinson , "Jennifer Wadden ([email protected])" , 'John Theriault' , Judy Edwards , "[email protected]" , "Keven Beaucage ([email protected])" , "Kim Seguin ([email protected])" , Krissy Schneider , Linda Saunders , "Michele Fraser ([email protected])" , Rob Beaumont , Stephanie Phillips , "Tammy Wylie ([email protected])" , W Hawes CC: MR28AEnquiry , Andrew Farnsworth , Beth Morton , Brenda Fraser , "[email protected]" , Corrine , Craig Jeffery , "Jackie Boggs ([email protected])" , John Fior , John Theriault , Judy Kosowan , Kevin Mcllwain , Leanne Fetterley , Lori West , Mary Ann Weaver , "Megan Bonenfant ([email protected])" , "Melinda Torrance ([email protected])" , Michelle Hendry , "Nicky Kunkel ([email protected])" , Nicole Fraser , Rob Mens , Tim Hunt

Good Morning,

It is time for MPAC to report on our performance in meeting the requirements of the SLA related to two more service levels. On July 9, MPAC will report on the service levels related to: Timeliness of Delivery of the Severance/Consolidation Information Form (SCIF) Timeliness of Delivery of the Condominium Plan Information Form (CPIF)

Attached you will find a Service Level Summary for both service levels. These documents are for your review to help support your understanding of these service levels.

Reporting of these two service levels will be on a semi‐annual basis, and the report will be based on the last day in both June and December. Reporting for your Municipality will be available via the Service Level Agreement Reporting section of Municipal Connect on Monday July 9th, 2018.

As you review these documents please let me know if you have any questions, or if you would like to schedule a meeting to discuss further.


Anne Haines, M.I.M.A. Account Manager | Muskoka & Parry Sound Districts | Municipal Property Assessment Corporation

1 of 2 7/6/2018 10:27 AM Service Level Agreement (SLA)- Summary Reports; Severance/Consolid...

Municipal & Stakeholder Relations Department | Muskoka Parry Sound Assessment Office 1100A Muskoka Road South Unit 2 |Gravenhurst ON P1P 1K9 |Tel: 705.751.0074 or 1.877.487.5448 | Cell: 705.774.4470

NOTICE: This e-mail message and any attachments are confidential, subject to copyright and may be privileged. Any unauthorized use, copying or disclosure is prohibited. If you are not the intended recipient, please delete and contact the sender immediately. Please consider the environment before printing this e-mail. AVIS : le présent courriel et toute pièce jointe qui l'accompagne sont confidentiels, protégés par le droit d'auteur et peuvent être couverts par le secret professionnel. Toute utilisation, copie ou divulgation non autorisée est interdite. Si vous n'êtes pas le destinataire prévu de ce courriel, supprimez-le et contactez immédiatement l'expéditeur. Veuillez penser à l'environnement avant d'imprimer le présent courriel Summary of SCIF Service Level - June 2018 - FINAL.PDF

Summary of CPIF Service Level - June 2018 - FINAL.PDF

2 of 2 7/6/2018 10:27 AM

Service Level Summary Timeliness of Delivery of the Condominium Plan Information Form (CPIF) June 2018

The Service Level Agreement (SLA) is MPAC’s commitment to deliver timely, accurate and measurable products and services to our municipal stakeholders. It defines high performance standards in key service areas, outlines the roles, responsibilities and dependencies of both parties, and includes remedial action if a service level is not achieved.

Service Level Implementation Effective January 1, 2018, we are measuring our performance in meeting the requirements of the SLA to coincide with the reporting periods for each service level. Starting July 3, 2018, and on a semi-annual basis going forward, MPAC will be reporting on this service level, which measures Timeliness of MPAC’s Delivery of Condominium Plan Information Form (CPIF).

Service Level Summary Under the Agreement, the service level objective requires MPAC to process and deliver CPIFs for registered Condo Plans to the municipality within a specified period.

The CPIF contains information pertaining to a condominium plan used by municipalities as a basis to apportion unpaid taxes pursuant to Section 356 of the Municipal Act, 2001, or Section 322 of the City of Toronto Act, 2006.

This service level demonstrates MPAC’s accountability and overall customer service commitment to our municipal partners by providing municipalities with the information needed to ensure a current and traceable assessment roll, leading to fair and equitable tax treatment for all property owners.

Service Level Requirements This service level requires that MPAC deliver to municipalities 90% of CPIFs within 150 days of registration and 100% within 1 year of registration.

MPAC will track the period of time commencing when the applicable condominium plan is registered in the Province’s Land Registry System, until the resulting CPIF is entered into MPAC’s systems and delivered to the municipality.

Municipal Dependency This service level does not include a municipal dependency. Page 2 of 2

Exceptions Any delay in MPAC’s receipt of information caused by the Land Registry System and/or any other third party will be considered an exception for the purposes of this service level.

Service Level Reporting This service level will be reported on a semi-annual basis by MPAC, and the report will be based on the last day in June and December. Reporting will be made available via the Service Level Agreement Reporting section of Municipal Connect, with the first report available on July 3, 2018.

To learn more about this service level, please contact your MPAC Account Manager.

Service Level Summary Timeliness of Delivery of the Severance/Consolidation Information Form (SCIF) June 2018

The Service Level Agreement (SLA) is MPAC’s commitment to deliver timely, accurate and measurable products and services to our municipal stakeholders. It defines high performance standards in key service areas, outlines the roles, responsibilities and dependencies of both parties, and includes remedial action if a service level is not achieved.

Service Level Implementation Effective January 1, 2018, we are measuring our performance in meeting the requirements of the SLA to coincide with the reporting periods for each service level. Starting July 3, 2018, and on a semi-annual basis going forward, MPAC will be reporting on this service level, which measures Timeliness of MPAC’s Delivery of the Severance/Consolidation Information Form (SCIF).

Service Level Summary Under the Agreement, the service level objective requires MPAC to process and deliver SCIF submissions related to MPlans and RPlans to the municipality within a specified period.

 Severance: a separation of a piece of land to form a new lot or land parcel  Consolidation: an amalgamation of two or more lots or parcels of land that have the same ownership, into one parcel or lot of land  MPlan: a new registered plan of subdivision  RPlan: a reference plan, a graphical representation of descriptions of land, and representations of divisions of land, following a transfer of a property

A SCIF provides apportionment information and is used by municipalities to apportion unpaid taxes among parcels of land as provided under section 356(1) of Municipal Act, or Section 322(1) of the City of Toronto Act.

This service level demonstrates MPAC’s accountability and overall customer service commitment to our municipal partners by providing municipalities with the information needed to ensure a current and traceable assessment roll, leading to fair and equitable tax treatment for all property owners.

Service Level Requirements This service level requires that MPAC deliver to municipalities in a timely manner, SCIFs for registered MPlans and/or RPlans, as follows: Page 2 of 2

 MPlans - Deliver 90% of all SCIFs to the municipality within 150 days of plan registration, and 100% within 1 year of registration  RPlans - Deliver 90% of the total number of SCIFs to the municipality within 150 days of Land Transfer Tax Statement or Affidavit registration, and 100% within 1 year of registration

MPAC will track the period of time commencing when the applicable MPlan/RPlan and sale is registered in the Province’s Land Registry System, until the resulting SCIF is entered into MPAC’s systems and delivered to the municipality.

Municipal Dependency This service level includes a municipal dependency. A dependency is any activity required of a municipality in order for MPAC to effectively perform the services set out in the SLA. For this service level, the municipal dependency is that the municipality must provide all information required to process SCIFs, including without limitation: lot zoning, lot addresses and lot servicing information.

Exceptions Any delay in MPAC’s receipt of information caused by the Land Registry System and/or any other third party will be considered an exception for the purposes of this service level.

Service Level Reporting This service level will be reported on a semi-annual basis by MPAC, and the report will be based on the last business day in June and December. Reporting will be made available via the Service Level Agreement Reporting section of Municipal Connect, with the first report available on July 3, 2018.

To learn more about this service level, please contact your MPAC Account Manager. News Release - Whooping Cough Identified in Powassan and Surroundi...

Subject: News Release - Whooping Cough Identified in Powassan and Surrounding Area From: Communications Date: Wed, 4 Jul 2018 20:34:19 +0000 To: undisclosed-recipients:;



NORTH BAY, ON ‐ There have been confirmed cases of whooping cough (pertussis) identified in Powassan and surrounding area. As a result, the Health Unit urges residents to check that they, as well as their children, are vaccinated. Getting vaccinated is important for everyone, especially since parents, grandparents and caregivers play an important role in helping to prevent the spread of whooping cough.

“Whooping cough can be very dangerous, and in extremely severe cases, can be fatal,” says Dr. Jim Chirico, Medical Officer of Health. “Babies and pregnant women are most at risk, and we urge parents and guardians residing in the Powassan area to check that their children have been vaccinated against whooping cough. If they have not been vaccinated, or their vaccination is incomplete, they should contact the Health Unit or their health care provider.”

Anyone can get whooping cough but it can be very dangerous for babies for less than one year of age, children who have not been vaccinated, pregnant women and people whose immune systems are weak. Whooping cough can be spread more easily in enclosed areas and when standing within three feet of someone who has the illness. For that reason, the Health Unit urges people who are at higher risk to avoid enclosed public spaces such as buses, indoor gatherings and events, especially if the event lasts longer than an hour.

Additional ways to protect yourself and your loved ones are as follows:

· Make sure your vaccines are up‐to‐date and, if they are not, make sure to get vaccinated against whooping cough;

· Wash your hands with soap and water;

· Cough and sneezing in your sleeve;

· Stay home when sick;

· See your health care practitioner immediately if you or your child develop signs of whooping cough such as coughing, fever, runny nose and/or vomiting.

Whooping cough is spread through droplets in the air from coughing or sneezing by an infected person. Early symptoms include sneezing, runny nose, low fever, and a mild cough that gets worse over two weeks and often ending in a whooping sound. The cough may be so severe that a person may gag or throw up. The cough can last for weeks or months.

For questions regarding the whooping cough vaccine, please call the Health Unit at 705‐474‐1400 extension 5252, or 1‐800‐563‐2808 or visit

– 30 –

1 of 2 7/6/2018 10:53 AM News Release - Whooping Cough Identified in Powassan and Surroundi...

Media Inquiries Jolinne Kearns, Public Relations Specialist P: 705‐474‐1400, ext.5221 or 1‐800‐563‐2808 E: [email protected]

This message, including any attachments, is privileged and intended only for the person(s) named above. This material may contain confidential or personal information subject to the provisions of the Municipal Freedom of Information & Protection of Privacy Act. Any other distribution, copying or disclosure is strictly prohibited. If you are not the intended recipient or have received this message in error, please notify me immediately by telephone, fax or e-mail and permanently delete the original transmission, including any attachments, without making a copy. Thank you (v2) News Release - Whooping Cough July 4 2018.pdf

2 of 2 7/6/2018 10:53 AM



NORTH BAY, ON - There have been confirmed cases of whooping cough (pertussis) identified in Powassan and surrounding area. As a result, the Health Unit urges residents to check that they, as well as their children, are vaccinated. Getting vaccinated is important for everyone, especially since parents, grandparents and caregivers play an important role in helping to prevent the spread of whooping cough.

“Whooping cough can be very dangerous, and in extremely severe cases, can be fatal,” says Dr. Jim Chirico, Medical Officer of Health. “Babies and pregnant women are most at risk, and we urge parents and guardians residing in the Powassan area to check that their children have been vaccinated against whooping cough. If they have not been vaccinated, or their vaccination is incomplete, they should contact the Health Unit or their health care provider.”

Anyone can get whooping cough but it can be very dangerous for babies for less than one year of age, children who have not been vaccinated, pregnant women and people whose immune systems are weak. Whooping cough can be spread more easily in enclosed areas and when standing within three feet of someone who has the illness. For that reason, the Health Unit urges people who are at higher risk to avoid enclosed public spaces such as buses, indoor gatherings and events, especially if the event lasts longer than an hour.

Additional ways to protect yourself and your loved ones are as follows: • Make sure your vaccines are up-to-date and, if they are not, make sure to get vaccinated against whooping cough; • Wash your hands with soap and water; • Cough and sneezing in your sleeve; • Stay home when sick; • See your health care practitioner immediately if you or your child develop signs of whooping cough such as coughing, fever, runny nose and/or vomiting.

Whooping cough is spread through droplets in the air from coughing or sneezing by an infected person. Early symptoms include sneezing, runny nose, low fever, and a mild cough that gets worse over two weeks and often ending in a whooping sound. The cough may be so severe that a person may gag or throw up. The cough can last for weeks or months.

For questions regarding the whooping cough vaccine, please call the Health Unit at 705-474-1400 extension 5252, or 1-800-563-2808 or visit

– 30 – Media Inquiries Jolinne Kearns, Public Relations Specialist P: 705-474-1400, ext.5221 or 1-800-563-2808 E: [email protected]


Subject: T&C From: Craig Jeffery Date: Fri, 29 Jun 2018 11:59:12 -0400 To: Donna McLeod

Subject: North Bay Regional Health Centre Annual Report 2017/18 From: NBRHC - Well Aware Newsletter Date: Fri, 29 Jun 2018 15:15:23 +0000 To:

Dear North Bay Regional Health Centre partner,

We are happy to share our North Bay Regional Health Centre’s 2017/18 Report to the Community. Innovation, compassion, accountability, respect and excellence are evident in the work done every day by our more than 2100 staff, 150 core physicians and 300 volunteers extending over five sites, with many being 24/7/365 operations.

Check out some of our stories in our Amazing Work for how our organization achieves excellence. In Our People, Our Patients we demonstrate how we are working with you to be the best in healthcare.

Please feel free to share this report with others in your organization.

1 of 2 7/9/2018 9:45 AM T&C

The information contained in this electronic transmission is intended for the person(s) or entity to whom it is addressed. Delivery of this message to any person other than the intended recipient(s) is not intended in any way to waive confidentiality. This material may contain confidential or personal information which may be subject to the provisions of Ontario's Personal Health Information Protection Act. Any review, retransmission, dissemination or other use of this information by entities other than the intended recipient is prohibited. If you receive this in error, please contact the sender and delete the material immediately.

L'information contenue dans ce message électronique est destinée uniquement au destinataire ou aux destinataires visés. La transmission de ce message à une personne autre que son destinataire ou ses destinataires visés ne supprime en rien l'obligation d'en respecter la confidentialité. Ce message peut contenir des renseignements de nature confidentielle ou personnelle qui pourraient être soumis aux dispositions de la Loi de 2004 sur la protection des renseignements personnels sur la santé. L'examen, la retransmission, la diffusion et toute autre utilisation de l'information contenue dans ce message par des personnes autres que le destinataire ou les destinataires visés sont interdits. Si vous recevez ce message par erreur, veuillez le supprimer immédiatement et en avertir l'expéditeur. Content-Type: message/rfc822 North Bay Regional Health Centre Annual Report 2017/18.eml Content-Encoding: 7bit

2 of 2 7/9/2018 9:45 AM ______

NorthBay Regional Health Centre Annual Report 2017/18 fl\ 01—I

Subject: North Bay Regional Health Centre Annual Report 2017/18 From: NBRHC - Well Aware Newsletter Date: Fri, 29 Jun 2018 15:15:23 t0000 To:

t;r,rsiBayflepjaml cen:re ylm1 Ita:lh Culre do sj::té ce tcrtI Baj

Dear North Bay Regional Health Centre partner,

We are happy to share our North BayRegional Health Centre’s 2017/18 Report to the Community. Innovation, compassion, accountability, respect and excellence are evident in the work done every day by our more than 2100 staff1150 core physicians and 300 volunteers extending over five sites, with many being 24/7/365 operations.

Check out some of our stories in our Amazing Work for how our organization achieves excellence. in Our People. Our Patients we demonstrate how we are working with you to be the best in healthcare.

Please feel free to share this report with others in your organization.

F •

r,flMc2oa,t e f

The information contained in this electronic transmission is intended for the person(s) or entity to whom it is addressed. Delivery of this message to any person other than the intended recipient(s) is not intended in any way to waive confidentiality. This material may contain confidential or personal information which may be subject to the provisions of Ontario’s Personal Health Information Protection Act. Any review, retransmission, dissemination or other use of this information by entities other than the intended recipient is prohibited. lfyou receive this in error, please contact the sender and delele the material immediately.

L’information contenue thins cc message électronique est destinee uniquement au destinataire ou aux destinataires visés. La transmission dccc message a une personne autre que son destinataire ou ses destinataires visés ne supprime en rien

7/6/2018 11:52AM North Bay Regional Health Centre Annual Report 2017/18

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NBRHCAnnual Report 2017/18

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2 of 5 7/6/2018 1:13 PM • North-Bay Regional Health Centre Annual Report 2017/18 http://www.nbrhc.on.calAnnual-Report/2017-18/index.html

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3 of’S 7/6/2018 1:13 PM North Bay Regional Health Centre Annual Report 2017/18 http://www.nbrhc.on.c&Annual-ReportJ2Ol 7-18/index.html

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4 of 5 7/6/2018 1:13 PM OGRA's Weekly Detour: June 27, 2018

Subject: OGRA's Weekly Detour: June 27, 2018 From: "The Weekly Detour" Date: Wed, 27 Jun 2018 08:52:59 -0500 To: [email protected]

This message was sent to [email protected]

June 27, 2018

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Truckers divided on concrete Hwy. 401 median barriers London Free Press Another deadly crossover crash on Highway 401 west of London is renewing calls for the province to move quickly on installing concrete median barriers, and sparking debate among truckers. Friday’s crash near Tilbury that killed a Windsor trucker and left another trucker, whose identity hasn’t been released, in critical condition occurred on a 120-kilometres stretch of Canada’s busiest super-highway that doesn’t have a solid barrier in the median to prevent vehicles from crossing over into oncoming traffic. READ MORE

OPP lay nearly 700 charges against truckers during 24-hour blitz Global News Provincial police say they laid nearly 700 charges against transport truck drivers during a recent day-long blitz on Ontario’s roads. Police partnered with the Ministry of Transportation and stopped a total of 1,692 trucks over the 24-hour period on June 13 and 14. READ MORE

How a century-old document could finally reconnect Thunder Bay with Fort William First Nation

1 of 4 7/3/2018 4:14 PM OGRA's Weekly Detour: June 27, 2018

TVO For nearly five years, drivers travelling between Thunder Bay and Fort William First Nation have had to make a 10-kilometre detour along Highway 61, rather than crossing the 150-metre James Street swing bridge. The bridge, which spans the Kaministiquia River, was damaged by a fire in 2013 and has been closed to vehicular traffic ever since. But after years of court battles between CN Rail, which owns the bridge, and the City of Thunder Bay, the Ontario Court of Appeal ruled last week that the railway must allow cars to cross again — because it agreed more than a century ago to keep the bridge open to traffic. READ MORE

Everything you need to know for a successful summer driving and road trip season Cision With summer on the horizon and kids almost out of school, more cars will be on Ontario roads heading to the cottage, long-weekend getaways and summer vacations. CAA South Central Ontario (CAA SCO) expects to help half a million members on the roadside this summer and will prepare close to 20,000 Trip Tik maps, that help drivers get where they need to go safely. READ MORE


Easily comply with MMS 'Weather Monitoring' 365 days a year! OGRA OGRA has made it super easy to help municipalities comply with the MMS Weather Monitoring. You no longer need to manually fill forms to showcase compliance, thanks to OGRA’s newest online solution called the “WEATHER TRACKER” — an Add-On that lives inside the Winter Web App. READ MORE

CALL FOR VOLUNTEERS: Interactions of Pedestrians and AVs Ryerson University's VR Experiment OGRA via Bilal Farooq Ryerson University is conducting an experiment to better study the interactions of pedestrians and Autonomous Vehicles (AVs), and they are looking for a large number of volunteers. Scared? =)) Don't be!

The entire experiment will be done in a controlled environment! Moreover, you will thankfully not be interacting with actual vehicles; instead, you will simply be interacting in a virtual environment with special head-gear. Check out the video below! And if you are interested, please click the “Take Part” button below. Dr. Farooq and Arash Kalatian are the leads on this project and they are both copied herein, in case you have any questions.

PLEASE NOTE: They are seeking a large number of volunteers, so please feel free to spread the word among peers, family, and friends! Link to project Video: READ MORE

Smart City and Connected Vehicles: Webinar OGRA Over 2.2 million people around the world die each year due to road accidents — and over 2,000 of these are Canadians... What is even more tragic is that the vast majority of these fatalities are directly attributed to human error, and therefore completely avoidable. READ MORE

2 of 4 7/3/2018 4:14 PM OGRA's Weekly Detour: June 27, 2018

Allan Widger Consulting Corporation Grant for young geotechnical engineers in transportation TAC Awarded annually, the Allan Widger Consulting Corporation Grant supports a young geotechnical engineer in transportation to attend and participate in the annual conference and exhibition as well as the fall and spring technical meetings of the Transportation Association of Canada (TAC). READ MORE




Township of Oro-Medonte Operations Coordinator - Transportation

Township of Minden Hills Operations Manager

County of Lambton Foreman Level 1

Town of Tillsonburg Manager of Engineering

Region of Halton Manager, Capital Engineering and Construction

City of Burlington Manager of Fleet Services & Operations Centre

Weekly Detour

Connect with the Ontario Good Roads Association

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MultiView Radek Meljon, MultiView Canada, Vice-President and General Manager, 289-695-5394 Oliver Kirby, MultiView Canada, Senior Content Editor, 289.695.5401

Ontario Good Roads Association 1525 Cornwall Road, Unit 22 | Oakville, ON L6J 0B2| 289.291.OGRA (6472) | Contact Us

3 of 4 7/3/2018 4:14 PM OGRA's Weekly Detour: June 27, 2018

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50 Minthorn Blvd.Suite 800, Thornhill, Ontario L3T 7X8 logo.gif

4 of 4 7/3/2018 4:14 PM OGRA's Weekly Detour: July 4, 2018

Subject: OGRA's Weekly Detour: July 4, 2018 From: "The Weekly Detour" Date: Wed, 04 Jul 2018 08:21:29 -0500 To: [email protected]

This message was sent to [email protected]

July 4, 2018

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Car collisions with wildlife are getting worse in Ontario Globe and Mail If your car hits a moose, it could shear your car’s roof right off. “There’s still [a crash] I see as clear as yesterday even though it happened 10 or 15 years ago,” said Staff Sergeant Carolle Dionne, Ontario Provincial Police spokeswoman. READ MORE

2 area roads buckle due to heat London Free Press A section of Highway 3 was closed in Essex County after it buckled due to the extreme heat. OPP announced the closure just before 5 p.m. on Sunday. READ MORE

When it comes to road safety in Toronto the burden is not equal for all users Toronto Star Every new report of a cyclist or pedestrian killed on a Toronto street fuels an ideological collision over who is to blame and who bears responsibility for road safety. “Everyone (cyclists, drivers, pedestrians) needs to take responsibility and follow the rules of the road,” a Halton Region police officer tweeted recently in a

1 of 4 7/6/2018 11:13 AM OGRA's Weekly Detour: July 4, 2018

common division of responsibility. READ MORE

OPP data reveals the biggest speeding offenders via Wingham Advance Times The Ontario Provincial Police (OPP) reported that they laid close to 213,000 speeding charges and more than 4,800 street racing charges against Ontario drivers last year. In light of the beginning of the summer season, OPP have revealed who their biggest speeding offenders were last year, possibly to aide in future policing initiatives. READ MORE


CALL FOR VOLUNTEERS: Interactions of Pedestrians and AVs Ryerson University's VR Experiment OGRA via Bilal Farooq Ryerson University is conducting an experiment to better study the interactions of pedestrians and Autonomous Vehicles (AVs), and they are looking for a large number of volunteers. Scared? =)) Don't be!

The entire experiment will be done in a controlled environment! Moreover, you will thankfully not be interacting with actual vehicles; instead, you will simply be interacting in a virtual environment with special head-gear. Check out the video below! And if you are interested, please click the “Take Part” button below. Dr. Farooq and Arash Kalatian are the leads on this project and they are both copied herein, in case you have any questions.

PLEASE NOTE: They are seeking a large number of volunteers, so please feel free to spread the word among peers, family, and friends! Link to project Video: READ MORE

Smart City and Connected Vehicles: Webinar OGRA Over 2.2 million people around the world die each year due to road accidents — and over 2,000 of these are Canadians... What is even more tragic is that the vast majority of these fatalities are directly attributed to human error, and therefore completely avoidable. READ MORE

Snow School OGRA OGRA’s Award Winning Snow School provides a comprehensive overview of the latest winter maintenance practices, equipment and materials. It has been designed to complement the training requirements for salt management plans. READ MORE

Snow School for Mechanics OGRA This course provides mechanics with a working knowledge of modern winter maintenance vehicles and accessories with particular emphasis on automated controller and spreader systems, and the hydraulic systems used to support vehicle accessories that apply both wet and dry materials as well as plowing operations. Practical solutions to common equipment problems will be explored, along with preventative maintenance practices and troubleshooting diagnostics. READ MORE

2 of 4 7/6/2018 11:13 AM OGRA's Weekly Detour: July 4, 2018




City of Vaughan Project Manager - Traffic Engineering

Township of Hamilton Public Works Manager

City of Kawartha Lakes Road Crew Leader

City of Kawartha Lakes Supervisor, Public Works

Township of Perry Working Roads Supervisor

County of Essex Draftsperson

Municipality of Clarington Operations Roads Supervisor

Township of Oro-Medonte Operations Coordinator - Transportation

Township of Minden Hills Operations Manager

Weekly Detour

Connect with the Ontario Good Roads Association

Recent Issues | Subscribe | Unsubscribe | Advertise | Web Version

MultiView Radek Meljon, MultiView Canada, Vice-President and General Manager, 289-695-5394 Oliver Kirby, MultiView Canada, Senior Content Editor, 289.695.5401

Ontario Good Roads Association 1525 Cornwall Road, Unit 22 | Oakville, ON L6J 0B2| 289.291.OGRA (6472) | Contact Us

3 of 4 7/6/2018 11:13 AM OGRA's Weekly Detour: July 4, 2018

Learn how to add us to your safe sender list so our emails get to your inbox.

50 Minthorn Blvd.Suite 800, Thornhill, Ontario L3T 7X8 logo.gif

4 of 4 7/6/2018 11:13 AM Ombudsman Ontario - Read the Ombudsman's Annual Report!

Subject: Ombudsman Ontario - Read the Ombudsman's Annual Report! From: Ombudsman Ontario Date: Wed, 27 Jun 2018 18:30:23 +0000 To: To review the 2017-2018 Annual Report please contact the Clerk's Department

Read Ontario Ombudsman Paul Dubé's third annual report, View this email in your browser released June 27

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In his 2017-2018 annual report, released today, Ontario Ombudsman Paul Dubé cited improvements in accountability and bureaucratic leadership in several public sector bodies as a measure of how independent offices like his can make public services better.

Mr. Dubé details the highlights of the 21,154 complaints his office received from the public in 2017-2018, and the “positive change” sparked by its investigations.

1 of 5 7/6/2018 1:38 PM Ombudsman Ontario - Read the Ombudsman's Annual Report!

Progress in some of the areas that generate the most complaints to the Ombudsman – including social services, correctional facilities and local government administration – indicates the value of diligent monitoring, working with public sector officials and “brokering human solutions to human problems.”

“It is rare that we can’t resolve an issue without formal investigation. Most complaints are resolved through behind-the-scenes work, pointing people in the right direction, and suggesting best practices,” the Ombudsman says in the report, adding: “Their value is borne out in improved policies and procedures on the ground.”

Read the full report

Watch this short video to learn more about our year!

2 of 5 7/6/2018 1:38 PM Ombudsman Ontario - Read the Ombudsman's Annual Report!


A homeless mother and four children who had no money for food while one child was being treated in hospital received emergency funding after Ombudsman staff alerted Ontario Works. Read more about how we helped with complaints about the Family Responsibility Office, Ontario Works, ODSP, and developmental services programs.

A Northwestern Ontario woman who was initially denied compensation for painkillers because they were dispensed in Manitoba (by the nearest specialist to her) received a $4,539 refund after Ombudsman staff prompted the Exceptional Access Program to review her case. Learn about what we've done to assist with healthcare-related cases, such as cases about the EAP, public drug programs, and OHIP here.

3 of 5 7/6/2018 1:38 PM Ombudsman Ontario - Read the Ombudsman's Annual Report!

A woman received an apology from ServiceOntario after Ombudsman staff determined that it accidentally transferred ownership of her new car to someone else. Click here to find out how we helped other Ontarians with complaints about ServiceOntario, birth certificates, ID problems, and more.

An inmate experiencing mental health issues after being placed in segregation for more than a month without an explanation was transferred out after Ombudsman staff flagged that required documentation and reviews had not been completed. Read more about our work with correctional facilities, police, legal aid, and probation and parole here.

File a complaint or contact us here

The Ombudsman is an independent officer of the Ontario legislature who conducts oversight of provincial government agencies and municipalities, universities and school boards. Ombudsman Paul Dubé began his five-year term on April 1, 2016.

Copyright © 2018 Ontario Ombudsman, All rights reserved. You are receiving this email because you opted in at our website or one of our events or workshops.

Phone: 1-800-263-1830 Fax: 416-586-3485 TTY: 1-866-411-4211 Email: [email protected]

Our mailing address is: Ontario Ombudsman 483 Bay St., Bell Trinity Square, 10th Floor, South Tower Toronto, ON M5G 2C9

4 of 5 7/6/2018 1:38 PM Ombudsman Ontario - Read the Ombudsman's Annual Report!


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5 of 5 7/6/2018 1:38 PM ______-


16586WoodhineAvenue Stcuffvflle,ON L4A2W3 tIi ONTARIO INVESTIGATIONS Phone:905-898-7122 SPCA -— t’) — ReportCruelty.310-SPCA Fax:905-853-8643 EmaN:cruelly@ospca, JUN25 2018

OF SEGUIN TOWNSHIP CharitableRegistration# 889691044RR0002 To Municipal Clerk, Per

21St The Ontario SPCA is launching the 2018 No Hot Pets campaign on June with the goal to educate the public on the dangers of leaving pets unattended in vehicles during the summer months and we are requesting your municipality’s support.

“Ileft the window down for him” “I wasn’t going to be gone long”We’ve heard it all! The issue of owners leaving their pets in their vehicles during the hot summer months, puttinganimals’ safety at risk and even causing death, is a serious and ongoing problem across Ontario. There is NO excuse for leaving a pet unattended in a vehicle!

The Ontario SPCA has less than 75 officers on the road, to patrol the whole province. Due to our limited resources, we simply cannot respond to every single call and rely heavily on police and animal control to help respond to the 1000+ calls we receive every summer about dogs in cars. When we don’t have an officer nearby or the call comes in after hours, it is dispatched to the local police in that area. Ifmunicipalitieshave an Animals in Vehicles by-law in place, their animal control officers can step inwhen the Ontario SPCA or police are not available to educate or lay charges under the by-lawand potentiallysafe a life.

Below is an excellent example of a by-lawwe are respectfully asking you to bring forth to your City Council to have passed. This would make a HUGEdifference in the lives of pets in your community.

Animals in Vehicles

1(1) No person shall leave an animal unattended in a motor vehicle unless: (230-14) a) The animal is restrained in a manner that prevents contact between the animal and any member of the public; and b) The animal has suitable ventilation. 2) Notwithstanding subsection 1(1) of this By-law,no person shall leave an animal unattended in a motor vehicle if the weather conditions are not suitable for the animal to remain free from distress or injury. 3) Notwithstanding subsection 1(1) of this By-law,no person shall transport an animal outside the passenger compartment of any motor vehicle unless the animal is contained in a kennel or similar device that provides adequate ventilation, adequate space, protects the animal from the elements and is securely fastened in such a manner to prevent distress or injuryto the animal.

For more informationon the No Ho Pets campaign, visit

Please let us know ifyou can count on your municipality’sinvolvement by emailing [email protected].

Thank you for your support.


Connie Mallory Chief Inspector Ontario SPCA News release from the OPP - CANADA DAY WEEKEND OPP STATS

Subject: News release from the OPP - CANADA DAY WEEKEND OPP STATS From: "OPP News Portal" Date: Wed, 4 Jul 2018 12:35:16 +0000 To: undisclosed-recipients:;

A new media release has been made by the OPP for West Parry Sound. The release content is below. If you wish to unsubscribe from these alerts, log into the OPP News Release Portal and select "Manage Account". FROM/DE: West Parry Sound Detachment DATE: July 4, 2018


(PARRY SOUND, ON) - From Friday, June 29 to July 2, 2018 members of the West Parry Sound Detachment of the Ontario Provincial Police (OPP) participated in the Canada Day weekend traffic initiative throughout the West Parry Sound area. Officers focused their attention on the Big 4 which includes: impaired driving, distracted driving, speeding and falling to wear seatbelts. The results were as follows:

29 speeding charges, Seven moving violation charges, 10 other Highway Traffic Act charges, Four Liquor Licence Act charges Two Impaired driving charges, Two Compulsory Automobile Insurance Act charges, Three Small Vessel Regulation charges, and Two Other Provincial Act charges.

There were no serious personal injury collisions nor fatalities on the West Parry Sound Detachment area highways, waterways and trails.

The OPP is committed to ensuring our roadways stay safe every day of the year. To report an aggressive driver or someone you may suspect may be driving while under the influence of drugs or alcohol, call 9-1-1 immediately.

- 30 -

Contact: Provincial Constable Miles Loach

Community Safety Officer / Media Officer

Phone: (705) 746-4225

Email: [email protected]

1 of 2 7/6/2018 11:07 AM News release from the OPP - PARRY SOUND DETACHMENT STAT...

Subject: News release from the OPP - PARRY SOUND DETACHMENT STATISTICS FOR JUNE 2018 From: "OPP News Portal" Date: Wed, 4 Jul 2018 18:45:16 +0000 To: undisclosed-recipients:;

A new media release has been made by the OPP for West Parry Sound. The release content is below. If you wish to unsubscribe from these alerts, log into the OPP News Release Portal and select "Manage Account".

FROM/DE: West Parry Sound Detachment DATE: July 4, 2018


(PARRY SOUND, ON) - During the month of June 2018 the West Parry Sound Detachment of the Ontario Provincial Police (OPP) responded to 723 calls for service (CFS) which included the following:

One alarm, accident and death event 25 violent related incidents 49 property related occurrences Three drug related cases 14 driving offences 123 property and vehicle related crimes 121 provincial statues related incidents

Officers of the Parry Sound and Still River OPP offices patrol our communities and the highways to ensure road safety and conduct traffic enforcement throughout the West Parry Sound Detachments' area.

The OPP would like to remind the public, that with summer upon us, there will be more traffic on the roads and waterways. Please leave yourself plenty of time, drive carefully and arrive at your destination safely.

- 30 -

Contact: Provincial Constable Miles Loach

Community Safety / Media Relations Officer

Phone: (705) 746-4225

Email: [email protected]

1 of 2 7/6/2018 11:01 AM News release from the OPP - -UPDATE-WEST PARRY SOUND TOR...

Subject: News release from the OPP - -UPDATE-WEST PARRY SOUND TORCH RUN FOR SPECIAL OLYMPICS From: "OPP News Portal" Date: Wed, 27 Jun 2018 14:25:14 +0000 To: undisclosed-recipients:;

A new media release has been made by the OPP for West Parry Sound. The release content is below. If you wish to unsubscribe from these alerts, log into the OPP News Release Portal and select "Manage Account". FROM/DE: West Parry Sound Detachment DATE: June 27, 2018



(PARRY SOUND, ON) - On Thursday, June 21, 2018, members of the West Parry Sound Detachment of the Ontario Provincial Police participated in the Annual Law Enforcement Torch Run for Special Olympics, sponsored by the Ontario Association of Chiefs of Police.

This year, the event raised approximately $1200, with funds going to help pay for various offences, including games travel, accommodations, meals, staff support, grants to new community programs, volunteer and athlete training.

"We are thankful to the community for their support over the years of this important event. I would also like to thank Doctor George, the Parry Sound District Social Services Administration Board and the Royal Bank of Canada for their support this year." - Event Organizer, Provincial Constable Aimee Jessup.

- 30 -

Contact: Provincial Constable Miles Loach

Community Safety Officer / Media Officer

Phone: (705) 746-4225

Email: [email protected]

1 of 2 7/6/2018 1:54 PM rëVED JUN252018 To The Township of Seguin TOWNSHIPOF SEGUIN Per

On Behalf of the Parry Sound Area Chamber of Commerce, we wish to extend our gratitude for the donation of funds that you contributed to the organization. Yourcontribution ensures that our chamber is able to continue to grow, and support the members of our business community well. We have already begun many new initiatives to gain a more personal relationship with our community, and we hope to continue to do so. Yoursupport is very much appreciated.

Thank you, and all the best.

Chrisfç Cafovski Executive Director Parry Sound Area Chamber of Commerce 705-746-4213 [email protected]


-. 21 WILLIAM ST PARRY SOUND, ON P2A 1V2 PSACHAMBER.CA A quick note from us

Subject: A quick note from us From: Parry Sound Area Chamber of Commerce Date: Thu, 28 Jun 2018 07:00:21 -0400 (EDT) To: [email protected]

Our Newest Member would like to show you what she can do for you!

1 of 3 7/3/2018 3:47 PM A quick note from us

Glow mobile spray tanning is now offered in Parry Sound and Muskoka area . I am a certified spray tanning technician who will custom blend a solution to your individual skin type. The solution I use is rated #1 professional sunless tanner and is FDA approved. You will get a fast drying, streak free flawless "off the beach tan" in just 30 minutes. The tan should last 7 days give or take depending on your skins matrix and how you prep your skin before and how you keep your skin moisturized after. My solution is 100% vegan, organic, sulphate free, paraben free, smells great and reduces the appearance of fine lines and wrinkles. The spray tan industry is rapidly growing due to the number of skin cancer cases still rising. The ingredient found in all sunless tanning products is called DHA. This is a non chemical derived from plant sources such as sugar beets, sugar cane and fermentation of glycerin. DHA does not make your skin cells darker in pigmentation but rather reacts with the proteins and amino acids found on the top layer of your skin to create a darker effect or sunless tan.

Contact Cathy Kuzmyk Web Site: E-Mail: [email protected] Phone: 705-774-1338

I Come to YOU!

Parry Sound Area Chamber of Commerce | 21 William St., Parry Sound, Ontario P2A 1V2 Canada

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2 of 3 7/3/2018 3:47 PM Summer Time in the Sound!

Subject: Summer Time in the Sound! From: Parry Sound Area Chamber of Commerce Date: Tue, 3 Jul 2018 07:00:28 -0400 (EDT) To: [email protected]

Happy Canada Day!

Summer Heat, and Canadian Celebration!

We Hope Everyone Had a Safe and Happy Canada Day! The Town of Parry Sound and the surrounding municipalities had great celebrations for you to enjoy! Thank you to everyone for your hard work in putting together the festivities, so we could all celebrate our wonderful country!

1 of 7 7/3/2018 2:22 PM Summer Time in the Sound!

Wondering what to do this summer? Check out what some of our members are doing.

One Kids Place

Boston Pizza is under new management and has a new menu to enjoy! Their patio has been hopping so far this season, and they are really stepping up their game for the summer's busy season. Stop in to Boston Pizza today to meet the new management, enjoy a meal, and the great view from their patio at the docks!

Visit our website

2 of 7 7/3/2018 2:22 PM Summer Time in the Sound!

Visit our website

Georgian Bay Airways "Flight Deck Grill" is now open. The buzz on social media about this new restaurant on the waterfront is huge!

A Message from Trestle Brewing

"Hey everyone! The rumors are true... we are now officially OPEN! We had our ribbon cutting today and the retail store, taproom and patio are all open. This fella purchased the very first beers out of our retail store! Please share this post to help spread the word and we look forward to having you visit! Our hours are 11am-9pm every day!"

Our President of the board Gail Burrows attended the ribbon cutting, and we at the chamber want to wish Trestle Brewing Company all the best success, and congratulations.


Once the season has settled, and September approaches, you will be in for a

3 of 7 7/3/2018 2:22 PM Summer Time in the Sound!

few great events put on by us at the Chamber! Take a look below for our 3 major engagements and make sure you are a part of them!

$1000 prize donated by PMCN for a business who can showcase an innovative program or product! If your business does something unique, and innovative, sign up for the Fly and Buy! It is FREE to sign up. email [email protected]

4 of 7 7/3/2018 2:22 PM Summer Time in the Sound!

Sign up for the Golf Social now! Early Bird Prices only on until JULY 31st, this is a great deal. Get yours today! Show support for the Parry Sound Area Chamber of Commerce, your local business network and your community.

5 of 7 7/3/2018 2:22 PM Summer Time in the Sound!

This is going going to be a great party! We have Fantastic sponsors who are making this celebration possible and super affordable! We have Live Entertainment by Sean Cotton on board Sponsored by 18 James Street, Beer and Cider for purchase, and a SURPRISE for you! There will be a raffle for some great prizes, and the proceeds from the raffle tickets will be donated to the Mary Street Centre and their Community Kitchen program. So much happening around this celebration, you DON"T WANNA MISS OUT! buy your tickets and reserve your seat today!

We are already 25% sold!

Click the link below to find out more.

Startup Canada has partnered with Evolocity Financial Group to invest in women-led companies in STEM (science, technology, engineering, math) through the Startup Canada Women Founders Fund, providing micro-grants to women entrepreneurs and women-led companies in Canada to help them start and grow their businesses while accelerating gender parity and further unleash the economic potential of women.

APPLY NOW Opportunity for startup founder's Applications close August 31, 2018, 11:59 PM PT The Fund funding for women! $1,000 to $5,000 grants to support business operations or business growth opportunities. Apply Now

Our Executive Members

6 of 7 7/3/2018 2:22 PM Summer Time in the Sound!

Desmasdons Canadore College

One Kids Place Canadian Tire

The Labour Market Group Ritchie Insurance

Hometown Hearing

Company name | [Website]

Parry Sound Area Chamber of Commerce | 21 William St., Parry Sound, Ontario P2A 1V2 Canada

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Try it free today


7 of 7 7/3/2018 2:22 PM There is something special coming

Subject: There is something special coming From: Parry Sound Area Chamber of Commerce Date: Tue, 26 Jun 2018 07:00:15 -0400 (EDT) To: [email protected]

There is a special little gift you could give yourself for the end of the season Come out to our End of Season Celebration on the Island Queen Cruise! Tickets are very reasonable and include a 3 hour tour, snacks and Live entertainment! Sean Cotton will be playing for us aboard the ship, and he has been sponsored by 18 James St!

1 of 5 7/6/2018 2:22 PM There is something special coming

Get your tickets NOW for more information about the Big Island tour.

Follow this event on Facebook! Find the Chamber's page, go to events, and look up this event. There is a contest going on to WIN 2 FREE tickets! You have to LIKE, then comment to TAG 5 people, and then SHARE it!



The Chamber Golf Social plans are in Full Swing! Join us September 19th for a Nine and Dine, or just the Dine! Tickets are on sale now, and we are still looking for sponsors! Get great business exposure by participating in and/or sponsoring this annual event!

Sponsorships available:

7 Hole sponsors 1 Cart sponsor 1 Snack sponsor

We just got word that the Closest to the pin contest that will run with this event will have a prize of a foursome golf package from the Ridge at Manitou! Thank you to the folks at The Ridge at Manitou for providing this to our event!

2 of 5 7/6/2018 2:22 PM There is something special coming

Buy your tickets online today and save 15% on twosome package! This is a great deal, and is only valid until July 31st! So grab a mate, and we will meet you on the course!

Get your tickets NOW

Important: As with all of our events, should you prefer an invoice, and pay by cheque method please contact Christy Cafovski at the office to prepare this for you. We have many options for payment including credit card online, cash or cheque. Contact: [email protected] or call 705-746-4213

3 of 5 7/6/2018 2:22 PM There is something special coming

$1000 prize for innovation!

PMCN has graciously agreed to be a part of this event, and we are running a contest! We have 15 tables available for registration for the Fly and Buy at the airport Sept.8/18. This is the 15th annual fly and buy, and this year we are giving away $1000 to a business with an innovative program or product. So if you want to set up a table, please contact [email protected] and register today!

WOW! Local events all rolled into one place!

Want to know what's happening in our area, or any area you visit? Check out the new Facebook Local app. It tells you all the events that are happening in the area you are currently in. Facebook is obviously not a member of our chamber of commerce, however it is our duty to report any information that we feel would be useful in growing your business.

Social media has a huge residence in marketing to a multitude of generations. Facebook local That being said, placing events on a Facebook page you manage will ensure that they are seen by many people, and Click the button and check it out for will also pop up in this app. Facebook has yourself. come up with a way to bring all these events into one place.

Some of our members are using it, and it USE SOCIAL MEDIA TO YOUR seems to be very helpful in staying in touch BUSINESS' ADVANTAGE! with local events.

4 of 5 7/6/2018 2:22 PM There is something special coming

Looking for things to do on Holiday Monday? Bring the kids to this clinic. Free tee shirts! Take selfies with the competitors at:

Parry Sound Area Chamber of Commerce | 21 William St., Parry Sound, Ontario P2A 1V2 Canada

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5 of 5 7/6/2018 2:22 PM Sylvia Jones - Appointed Minister of Tourism, Culture and Sport

Subject: Sylvia Jones - Appointed Minister of Tourism, Culture and Sport From: Sylvia Jones Date: Fri, 29 Jun 2018 19:00:18 +0000 (GMT) To: "[email protected]"

(Queen’s Park) – Today, Sylvia Jones MPP Dufferin-Caledon was sworn-in as the Minister of Tourism, Culture and Sport.

“I am honoured to be appointed by Ontario’s 26th Premier, Doug Ford, as the Minister of Tourism, Culture and Sport. I am looking forward to working with the Premier, members of cabinet and my Progressive Conservative colleagues to deliver on our agenda of relief for families, seniors and businesses,” said Jones.

“Our plan is to work for the people of Ontario. As Premier Ford said in his speech today, ‘Our government, our team… will never take this responsibility lightly,’” said Jones.

“My priority has always been to be a vocal representative for the people of Dufferin-Caledon. If you have a question or comment regarding a provincial issue please, contact my office at [email protected] or call 1-800-265-1603,” said Jones.

To read more about what Jones is doing in the Legislature please visit:

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For Immediate Release June 29th, 2018

Jones Appointed Minister of Tourism, Culture and Sport

Today, Sylvia Jones MPP Dufferin-Caledon was sworn-in as the Minister of Tourism, Culture and Sport.

I am honoured to be appointed by Ontario s 26th Premier, Doug Ford, as the Minister of Tourism, Culture and Sport. I am looking forward to working with the Premier, members of cabinet and my Progressive Conservative colleagues to deliver on our agenda of relief for families, seniors and businesses, said Jones.

Our plan is to work for the people of Ontario. As Premier Ford said in his speech today, Our government, our team will never take this responsibility lightly, said Jones.

My priority has always been to be a vocal representative for the people of Dufferin-Caledon. If you have a question or comment regarding a provincial issue please, contact my office at [email protected] or call 1-800-265-1603, said Jones.

To read more about what Jones is doing in the Legislature please visit:


For more information, contact: Cameron Wood 416-325-1898 [email protected] Resolution Re: Bill 16 - Municipal Authority Over Landfill Sites

Subject: Resolution Re: Bill 16 - Municipal Authority Over Landfill Sites From: Amber McDonald Date: Mon, 25 Jun 2018 13:45:37 +0000 To: Amber McDonald


Please find enclosed a resolution of support with respect to Bill 16 - Municipal Authority Over Landfill Sites Act introduced by Ernie Hardeman, MPP.


Amber McDonald Deputy Clerk

TOWNSHIP OF GEORGIAN BAY 99 Lone Pine Road, Port Severn, ON L0K 1S0 T. 705.538.2337 ext.268 Toll Free 1.800.567.0187 F. 705.538.1850

All information about municipal services is collected in accordance with the Municipal Act, 2001, under s.8 and for Council’s purposes under s.239(1) and may be used in Council deliberations, and disclosed in full, including email, names, opinions and addresses to other persons requesting access to records, or as part of a public agenda. All information submitted to the municipality is subject to the Municipal Freedom of Information Act (MFIPPA).



1 of 1 7/6/2018 2:32 PM

Re: Emergency Vehicles

Subject: Re: Emergency Vehicles From: Jack To Date: Wed, 4 Jul 2018 16:43:04 -0400 To: Ryan Tabobondung , "'[email protected]'" CC: "Cullen, Heather (AADNC/AANDC)" , "'Mortensen, Jennifer (AADNC/AANDC)'"

Good afternoon Ryan and Craig,

I just got the attached report from Parsons, movable bridge consultant.

The preliminary evaluation results show that the bridge, in its current state , is not capable of supporting the Tower 1 fire truck used by the Town of Parry Sound fire department. Parsons recommended to cease the passage of this vehicle on the crossing completely and immediately.

Thank you and regards, Jack To P. Eng Senior Project Manager / Gestionaire Principal de Projets Professional and Technical Programs/Programmes Professionels et Techniques Public Works and Government Services Canada ‐ Ontario Region Travaux publics et Services gouvernementaux Canada ‐ Région de l'Ontario 4900 Yonge St., Toronto ON M2N 6A6 | 4900, rue Yonge, Toronto ON M2N 6A6 Jack.To@pwgsc‐ Cell 416‐305‐9849

Wasauksing Swing Bridge - Structural Evaluation - Emergency Vehicles.pdf

1 of 1 7/6/2018 10:44 AM

1223 Michael Street North, Suite 100 | Ottawa, ON K1J 7T2 Direct: +1 613.738.4160 | Fax: +1 613.739.7105 |

July 4th, 2018

Jack To, P.Eng. Senior Project Manager Public Works and Government Services Canada 4900 Yonge St Toronto, ON M2N 6A6

Subject: Letter Report – Wasauksing Swing Bridge Structural Evaluation – Emergency Vehicles

Dear Mr. To,

In December 2017, Parsons was retained by Public Works and Government Services Canada (PWGSC) to complete a structural evaluation of the Wasauksing Swing Bridge in accordance with the Canadian Highway Bridge Design Code (CHBDC). The structural evaluation followed the Comprehensive Detailed Inspection conducted by Parsons on the crossing, allowing for the observed defects and current state of the structure to be taken into account. In addition to performing the evaluation using the vehicles described in the CHBDC, the bridge was evaluated to determine its ability to support the fire trucks used by the Town of Parry Sound. Information regarding the characteristics of the three fire trucks (Pump 1, Pump 2 and Tower 1) evaluated was provided by Dave Thompson, Fire Chief at the Town of Parry Sound. Details for these fire trucks are provided in Appendix A. The preliminary evaluation results clearly show that the bridge, in its current state, is not capable of supporting the Tower 1 fire truck used by the Town of Parry Sound fire department. Numerous components including piles, stringers, and cap beams in both approach spans do not have sufficient capacity to support the truck. It is therefore recommended to cease the passage of this vehicle on the crossing completely and immediately. The Tower 1 truck would only be allowed to resume crossing the bridge if proper remedial measures were taken to upgrade the deficient structural components to a level satisfactory to support this high intensity load. The evaluation also determined that some members have insufficient capacity to support the Pump 1 and Pump 2 trucks. However, these deficiencies were found to be localized and limited to certain elements in which the overall safety of the bridge is not jeopardized. The evaluation results and criteria are still under review and a further update will be provided if any actions need to be taken with regards to the Pump trucks. Sincerely,

Jack Ajrab, P.Eng. Principal Engineer

Attachments: Appendix A showing the characteristics of the fire trucks used for evaluation.

Jack To Public Works and Government Services Canada Wasauksing Swing Bridge July 4th, 2018

Appendix A

Characteristics of Fire Trucks Used for Evaluation