Howdy, Texans!

Many years ago, probably before most of you were born, an Aussie singer by the name of Helen Reddy – when she wasn’t warbling about being a strong woman – also delighted her fans with a little ditty in which she declared that music was her life…music…sweet music. Of course, this was in the days of 8-tracks, so music was a whole ‘nother animal and such sentiments could ac- tually sell albums. Not so today, where music is purveyed and played on more outlets – from computers and iPods to satellite receivers – and just about any- one with a microphone seems to be releasing CD’s.

Which is why we have people like our cover gal this week, Tracy Young, to help us sort it all out and get our toes tapping. For the one or two of you that may not know just who Ms. Young is, to both of you I say, she’s the energetic and wildly-creative Miami-based mixmaster whose potent blends of Dance, House and Tribal rhythms have set the tone for circuit parties and events throughout the and around the globe. Her re-mixes have catapulted such icons as , Simply Red, and into major dance artists, and Billboard Magazine labeled her musical symphony styling of the Material Girl’s smash hit, “Music,” an “emotional masterpiece.” Tracy will be bringing her expert touch to the sound booth at South Beach next Fri- day night for the Official BCBC Opening Party, Welcome to the Jungle. We’re naturally delighted that Tracy could take a few minutes to visit with us before her appearance next week.

And, since music is so very much on our brains this week, we’ve also got a special feature on the Global Groove 2009 Tour, which kicks off next Friday night at S4 in Dallas. One of the hottest dance albums on the market, Global Groove has become a signature circuit event that attracts dance hall favorites from around the world at each stop on its tour, and it’s definitely an event that should be experienced at least once in one’s lifetime.

Continuing our musical journey, we’ve also got a special feature on America’s Got Talent’s very own Derrick Barry, who brings his spot-on impersonation of on a Texas mini-tour through Austin, Houston, Beaumont and South Padre Island beginning next week at Oilcan Harry’s in Austin. Derrick is a charming and personable performer, and we’re really looking forward to seeing him next week!

In addition, we’ve got our usual blend of columns and commentary that contin- ues to entertain you – we hope – each and every week, including This Week’s Best Bets, Chris Allen’s Groovelines, This Week’s Web, This Week’s Scopes, our photo features TWT Files and This Week’s Do-Gooder and, of course, This Week’s Tea! All in a nice, compact format that fits right into your back pock- et….

Until next week…we’re This Week in Texas!

“it’s a man, momma”.

there are many websites that give you the information you require. You did not mention whether you are a top or bot- tom in this. Not that it matters to me. As far as taking one of these ladies home with you to meet the folks, do you have anyone in mind? As long as you find one or know of one who is unclockable, someone who you can’t tell is actually a male, you may be able to pull it off. Will this lady in question be willing to do this for you? Watch out for little kids around, they always seem to know that “it’s a man, momma”. Be warned and best of luck.

Dear Man: Where in the world do you get these people to get you these stories? Some seem so crazy and others are just dead on. How do I get to you? Curious in College Station. Curious. What do you mean? You got to me apparently via my email. Yes some can be out there, but I’m here to help and or guide people. In no way is my opinion valuable. I just try to give people Dear Man: what I may think to be the right answer I’m in the military. I am insanely crazy or direction they need. I’m not a thera- about trannies. I can’t get enough of pist, but just a voice or friend to whom them. I love feeling their bodies. I even you can send comments or questions love what is down south. Now I don’t too. I won’t go biting off anyone’s head. consider myself gay by traditional stan- Like stated below, if you don’t like what dards. In the area where I am, there are you see or don’t agree with my answer, not many and I have to go up to Dallas by all means contact me and I’ll even to find some. I’ve been with some, but put in your advice. I have no problem want more. I’ve even gone to Houston giving credit where due. Stay tuned as and San Antonio when time permits. Am I’m getting many emails from fans and I alone or are there other men out there enemies alike. I’ve already built up a like me? I’m planning on going home positive and negative reaction. I’m just soon and want to take a lady with me to me! No harm, no foul. meet the folks. I don’t have a girlfriend and my family is always asking me about my relationships and when I’m getting Want your questions answered hon- married. What should I do? estly? Email me at MRTWTMAN@AOL. Feeling Helpless in Ft. Hood. COM and I will be more than ready to give you what you want. Don’t want to Helpless. No sir you are not alone. There hear the truth? Move on and just enjoy happen to be many men who adore the letters sent to me. Happy Reading! Transgendered ladies. If you do your re- And, until next issue….Play Safe! search via Google or any other options,

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