Molecular Ecology (2016) 25, 79–88 doi: 10.1111/mec.13288

DETECTING SELECTION IN NATURAL POPULATIONS: MAKING SENSE OF GENOME SCANS AND TOWARDS ALTERNATIVE SOLUTIONS Signatures of positive selection: from selective sweeps at individual loci to subtle changes in polygenic adaptation

WOLFGANG STEPHAN*† *Biocenter, Department of Biology, Ludwig-Maximilian University Munich, Grosshaderner Str. 2, 82152 Planegg-Martinsried, Germany, †Museum fur€ Naturkunde, Berlin, Germany

Abstract In the past 15 years, numerous methods have been developed to detect selective sweeps underlying adaptations. These methods are based on relatively simple popula- tion genetic models, including one or two loci at which positive occurs, and one or two marker loci at which the impact of selection on linked neutral variation is quantified. Information about the under selection is not included in these models (except for fitness). In contrast, in the quantitative genetic models of adaptation, selection acts on one or more phenotypic traits, such that a geno- type–phenotype map is required to bridge the gap to population genetics theory. Here I describe the range of population genetic models from selective sweeps in a panmictic population of constant size to evolutionary traffic when simultaneous sweeps at multi- ple loci interfere, and I also consider the case of polygenic selection characterized by subtle allele frequency shifts at many loci. Furthermore, I present an overview of the statistical tests that have been proposed based on these population genetics models to detect evidence for positive selection in the genome.

Keywords: adaptation, , evolutionary theory, , population genetics, quantitative genetics Received 30 April 2015; revision accepted 19 June 2015

models. In more recent time, however, due to the Introduction advance of genomewide association studies (GWAS), In the past 15 years, numerous methods have been polygenic selection was also studied using quantitative developed to find evidence for positive selection in the genetics models that are formulated in terms of allele genomes of natural populations (Kim & Stephan 2002; frequencies. That is, in contrast to the population genet- Akey et al. 2004; Nielsen et al. 2005, and many more). ics, single- and multilocus cases, in these latter types of The specific aims of these studies have been to (i) detect models selection acts on a phenotypic trait, and a geno- signatures of positive directional selection in the gen- type–phenotype map is assumed to bridge the gap to omes of natural (sexually recombining) populations, (ii) population genetics (de Vladar & Barton 2014). estimate the strength of selection and (iii) localize the In most cases considered here, neutral or weakly targets of selection. The ultimate goal has been to iden- selected marker loci are included that are linked to the tify the targeted by selection and to characterize genetic loci under selection. In other words, we con- their associated functions and . sider the selection models in the context of genetic The population genetic models underlying these hitchhiking (Maynard Smith & Haigh 1974). Based on methods consider mostly single loci at which positive this principle, genomic signatures of selection may be selection acts, with occasional extensions to multilocus inferred. I will describe the models underlying the sta- tistical approaches to detect evidence for positive selec- Correspondence: Wolfgang Stephan, Fax: 0049 89 2180 74104; tion and briefly sketch the inference methods based on E-mail: [email protected] them. For any type of adaptive scenario, I will start

© 2015 John Wiley & Sons Ltd 80 W. STEPHAN with a basic model and then introduce complexities, excellent agreement with Maynard Smith and Haigh’s such as demography, population structure and con- deterministic predictions. This is because the deriva- founding selection regimes, to make the models more tions in these aforementioned studies require that selec- ≫ realistic and applicable to data. I will consider three tion is very strong (Nes 1) such that fixation occurs classes of models: (i) single-locus models of selection, nearly instantaneously on the timescale of the effective

(ii) multilocus models and (iii) models of polygenic population size Ne. selection. Later work found two other important signatures of the hitchhiking model: (i) shifts in the site frequency spectrum (SFS) of polymorphisms such as an excess of Selective sweeps at individual loci low(Braverman et al. 1995)- and high-frequency derived alleles (Fay & Wu 2000) and (ii) characteristic patterns The simplest case: a single in a local of linkage disequilibrium (LD) such as an elevated level population of constant size of LD during the fixation process and a complete break- We consider a locus under positive directional selection up of LD across the selected site after fixation (Kim & in a local population. We assume that a beneficial allele Nielsen 2004; Stephan et al. 2006). occurs at some time in the past and goes to fixation. These features of the hitchhiking model have been The sudden occurrence of this allele may be caused by used to infer signatures of strong positive directional mutation, migration from another subpopulation or selection in the genomes of recombining organisms. may be due to a rare allele in the standing variation Kim & Stephan (2002) developed a composite-likelihood after an environment change. If this beneficial allele is ratio (CLR) test to detect local reductions of nucleotide strongly selected, it is inevitable that the frequency of diversity along a recombining chromosome and to pre- linked neutral (or weakly selected) variants increases. dict the strength and location of the target of selection. In a seminal paper, Maynard Smith & Haigh (1974) The CLR test compares the probability of the observed described this process and termed it genetic hitchhik- polymorphism data under the standard neutral model ing. They showed that in very large populations, hitch- (i.e. constant population size) with the probability of hiking can drastically reduce genetic variation at or the data under the above model of genetic hitchhiking. near the site of selection, which is now also called As the null and the alternative hypotheses in the CLR ‘selective sweep’ (Berry et al. 1991). test are explicitly modelled, the interpretation of the test In the recent literature, selective sweeps arising from results is straightforward. On the other hand, it is new beneficial mutations have been called hard sweeps important to note that the null hypothesis of the test is and those due to beneficial alleles from the standing formulated based on the standard neutral model. This variation or due to multiple new mutations at the same means that a violation of the assumptions of the null site as soft sweeps (Hermisson & Pennings 2005). How- hypothesis may influence the results and favour the ever, in this review I do not make this distinction. As I alternative hypothesis. Therefore, the application of the am concentrating on initially rare alleles leading to CLR test is not appropriate for detecting selective sweeps, it is difficult to distinguish these processes in sweeps when severe demographic events have occurred eukaryotic recombining species. Furthermore, the soft in the history of a population. In this case, an additional sweep model assuming multiple new beneficial muta- approach may be used to distinguish sweeps from l tions requires extremely large values of Ne where Ne demography (in particular bottlenecks), which is is effective population size and l the beneficial nucleo- described next. tide mutation rate (Jensen 2014). Readers interested in this model and its application to data are referred to Selective sweep in a population of varying size the work of Petrov and colleagues who claim to have evidence for sweeps due to multiple beneficial muta- Jensen et al. (2005) showed that the CLR test is not tions (e.g. Karasov et al. 2010). robust in the case of recent strong bottlenecks. Under According to Maynard Smith and Haigh’s determinis- this scenario, the false-positive rate may be as high as tic model, nucleotide diversity vanishes in recombining 80%, depending on the severity of the bottleneck. They chromosomal regions at the site of selection immedi- proposed to use in addition to the CLR test a goodness- ately after the fixation of the beneficial allele and of-fit (GOF) approach to distinguish between the true increases as a function of the ratio of the recombination positives that come from the rejection of the standard distance to the selected site r and the selection coeffi- neutral scenario because of a sweep, and the false cient s. For finite populations of large, constant size, the positives that come from the rejection of the standard results obtained by coalescent (Kaplan et al. 1989) and neutral model due to demography. The combined CLR diffusion approximations (Stephan et al. 1992) are in and GOF tests have been used extensively to analyse

© 2015 John Wiley & Sons Ltd SIGNATURES OF POSITIVE SELECTION 81 subgenomic data, that is data from local genomic in a subdivided population due to sequential fixation of regions (reviewed elsewhere; see Pavlidis et al. 2008; the beneficial allele increases differentiation if neutral Stephan 2010a or elsewhere in this volume). variation near the selected site is relatively homogenous The availability of whole-genome or chromosome- across subpopulations initially (Slatkin & Wiehe 1998; wide SNP data, mainly from the HapMap Project (Inter- Bierne 2010). On the other hand, if the subpopulations national HapMap Consortium 2003), motivated Nielsen are initially relatively differentiated, hitchhiking of the et al. (2005) to develop a more general method (called same beneficial allele will decrease FST (Santiago & SweepFinder) that could also be applied to genomewide Caballero 2005). data. This test is based on the CLR approach of Kim The CLR method has been extended to substructured and Stephan. However, it differs from the latter one in populations by Chen et al. (2010). However, population that the null hypothesis is not derived from the stan- size changes have not been considered in this approach dard neutral model, but estimated from the empirical (called XP-CLR test). background distribution of the data. It therefore may If a selective sweep is ongoing, the hitchhiking haplo- take deviations from the constant population size neu- type is expected to be rather long due to strong LD tral model into account, at least to some extent. (Stephan et al. 2006). This feature of the hitchhiking Although SweepFinder may be robust against some effect has been exploited in model-free, haplotype-based demographic scenarios that have been investigated by tests (Sabeti et al. 2002; Voight et al. 2006; Tang et al. Nielsen et al. (2005), simulations have shown that this 2007). The decay of the haplotype length due to recom- does not hold in general, especially in cases of recent bination is slower if the haplotypes are driven by posi- severe bottlenecks (Pavlidis et al. 2008). We have there- tive selection. Because of a lack of theoretical fore incorporated LD information into the methods for predictions, these tests are usually employed in a statis- detecting targets of positive directional selection that tical outlier approach. thus far have been based on the SFS alone. As sug- Yet another class of tests compares polymorphism gested by the simulations of Jensen et al. (2007), the data from two or more subpopulations to find evidence statistic x proposed by Kim & Nielsen (2004) may be for local adaptation. Different selection pressures very powerful in distinguishing demographic from between demes may lead to strong genetic differentia- selective scenarios. Indeed, analysing the correlation of tion that can be measured by FST. Bayesian approaches SweepFinder and x has enabled us to separate selection have been used to reveal genomic regions that have from demography for rather deep bottlenecks (Pavlidis experienced recent strong positive directional selection et al. 2010). However, inferring positive selection in and hence large FST (Beaumont & Balding 2004; Foll & strongly bottlenecked populations remains difficult (Poh Gaggiotti 2008; Riebler et al. 2008). If positive selection et al. 2014). Currently, the most advanced CLR-based is not strong (as, for instance, for polygenic selection), test is SweeD (Pavlidis et al. 2013). It includes a demo- correlation methods may be used (discussed below). graphic model with an arbitrary number of instanta- neous changes in population size. On the joint inference of demographic and selective forces Selective sweep in a substructured population In the inference of selective sweeps described above, we In a panmictic population, the fixation of a strongly have assumed that the demographic history of a popu- advantageous allele occurs very rapidly on the time- lation is not confounded by weak selection. This, how- scale of the effective population size Ne (Kaplan et al. ever, is only a rough approximation, especially for 1989; Stephan et al. 1992). In contrast, in a subdivided populations with large effective size, such as Drosophila population this process may take much longer, espe- melanogaster (Pool et al. 2012) or D. ananassae (Das et al. cially when migration is reduced (Slatkin & Wiehe 2004). For this reason, it would be desirable to infer the 1998; Whitlock 2003; Kim & Maruki 2011). As a conse- demographic and selective history jointly, which means quence, the hitchhiking process may usually not be that all selective processes (of positive and negative complete, but ongoing (in the total population). Incom- selection) and demography are analysed simultane- plete sweeps are often observed in humans (Nielsen ously. Although the likelihood-based and Bayesian et al. 2007), because in this case limited migration and methods have been greatly improved in recent years, also strong population size expansion slow down fixa- such an undertaking is currently not possible. However, tion. first attempts have been made to combine some of the Theoretical predictions on the effect of hitchhiking on demographic and selective forces that make similar genetic differentiation have been obtained by several predictions on the observed patterns of genetic varia- authors. In the case of reduced migration, hitchhiking tion, such as the SFS or average levels of diversity. For

© 2015 John Wiley & Sons Ltd 82 W. STEPHAN example, population size expansion and purifying In contrast to the single-sweep model, simulations selection lead to an excess of low-frequency derived have shown that the targets of selection are difficult to alleles on a genomewide scale. Thus, Zivkovic et al. localize based on this recurrent hitchhiking model (2015) used diffusion theory to derive properties of the (Pavlidis et al. 2010). The frequency of advantageous SFS under the joint action of drift, demography and substitutions, on the other hand, can be estimated weak purifying selection. They address questions such rather accurately (Jensen et al. 2008). The above equa- as this: if neutrality is incorrectly assumed when there tion suggests that the parameters a and m cannot be is selection, which effect does this have on the estima- estimated individually but only as a product (Stephan tion of the demographic parameters? Similarly, as the 1995). This would mean that frequent weak beneficial effects of background selection and selective sweeps substitutions and rare strongly selected substitutions reduce the levels of genetic diversity but are hard to predict similar average effects on linked neutral varia- distinguish (particularly in regions of low recombina- tion. However, utilizing the insight that rare strong tion; Stephan 2010b), attempts have been made to study selection increases the variance of the common sum- their joint effect (Kim & Stephan 2000). This may lead mary statistics relative to ubiquitous weak selection, to new insights into the way and extent these forces the ABC approach of Jensen et al. (2008) allows distin- interact (G. Sella, personal communication). guishing between these alternatives and the estimation a and m separately. The effect of recurrent selective sweeps on the SFS of Selective sweeps at multiple loci neutral polymorphisms has been analysed by Kim In this section, I will first discuss recurrent selective (2006). He showed that the excess of high-frequency sweeps, that is sweeps that occur sequentially at multi- derived alleles, a hallmark of single sweeps (Fay & Wu ple selected loci, because at any time at most one bene- 2000; Przeworski 2002), disappears under recurrent ficial allele is assumed to be on the way to fixation. selective sweeps. Then, I will review the models on competing sweeps, also called evolutionary traffic; that is, we will allow Competing selective sweeps for interference between simultaneously occurring sweeps. Next, I will discuss the case in which selective sweeps along the genome do not occur sequentially, but inter- fere with each other. Such evolutionary traffic of inter- Recurrent selective sweeps fering positive fixations has been described by several Given the relatively high rate of selective sweeps at authors (Barton 1995; Kirby & Stephan 1996; Yu & individual loci for species with large effective popula- Etheridge 2010), but the impact on linked neutral vari- tion size such as D. melanogaster (as estimated by sev- ation is not well understood. To my knowledge, only eral authors, including Li & Stephan (2006)), the two studies have modelled genetic hitchhiking in the question arises whether a model of recurrent sweeps is presence of interference between partially linked bene- more appropriate in describing the data than a model ficial alleles on their way to fixation. Using full-for- of single sweeps at individual loci. The model of ward simulations and analytical approximations, Kim genetic hitchhiking at individual loci described above & Stephan (2003) found that interference between can be extended to multiple loci in a straightforward linked beneficial alleles causes a reduction in their fix- way by assuming that hitchhiking events occur along ation probability. The hitchhiking effect on neutral the genome independently according to a time-homoge- variation for a given substitution also slightly neous Poisson process at rate m per site per generation decreases due to interference. As a result, the strength (Kaplan et al. 1989). Using this assumption, Wiehe & of recurrent selective sweeps is weakened. However, Stephan (1993) derived a simple formula quantifying this effect is significant only in chromosomal regions the expected level of equilibrium nucleotide diversity p of low recombination rates (e.g. around the cen- along the genome given the recombination rate q per tromeres in Drosophila). Therefore, the results on generation per nucleotide site and the intensity of selec- recurrent sweeps derived for the case that at most one a = beneficial allele is on the way to fixation are still lar- tion 2Nes, where s is the average selection coeffi- cient of strong beneficial substitutions in the genome: gely valid, at least in chromosomal regions of normal q recombination. p ¼ p eqn 1 0 q þ jam Chevin et al. (2008) explicitly modelled the case of two closely linked, selected loci and one neutral locus p Here, 0 is the neutral equilibrium level of diversity for infinitely large populations using ordinary differen- and j = 0.075 is a constant. tial equations (ODEs). Similar to Kim & Stephan (2003),

© 2015 John Wiley & Sons Ltd SIGNATURES OF POSITIVE SELECTION 83 they also observed a weaker hitchhiking effect than for Pavlidis et al. (2012) analysed an explicit multilocus a single sweep of comparable selection strength. Most model with two to eight loci controlling an additive interestingly, the interference of both fixation processes quantitative trait under stabilizing selection (with and may lead for some initial conditions and in some without genetic drift). Using simulations, they showed parameter ranges to an excess of intermediate-fre- that multilocus response to selection often prevents tra- quency variants in the genomic region between the jectories from going to fixation, particularly for the sym- selected sites, which may falsely be interpreted as a metric viability model. They also found that the sign of . The reason is that when the probability of fixation strongly depends on the genetic beneficial alleles arise on different chromosomes, they architecture of the trait, in that a larger number of loci need to recombine into one chromosome to go to fixa- led to fewer fixations. To understand these results in tion that can take a long time and thus increase genetic greater depth, Wollstein & Stephan (2014) analysed a variation. two-locus model of symmetric viability selection. They observed that about 16% of the trajectories may lead to fixation if the initial allele frequencies are sampled from Quantitative genetic models of adaptation the neutral site frequency spectrum. However, if the Quantitative genetic models of adaptation date back to population is pre-adapted when it undergoes an envi- the time before the genetic mechanisms of inheritance ronmental change (i.e. sits in one of the equilibria of the were discovered (Orr 2005). In contrast to the models model), the fixation probability decreases dramatically. discussed above, the quantitative genetic models con- In other two-locus models with general viabilities or an tain an explicit description of metric phenotypes. These optimum shift, the proportion of adaptive fixations may phenotypes are characterized by a distribution of grad- increase to more than 20%. Similarly, genetic drift and ual differences among individuals of a population. The loose linkage lead to a higher probability of fixation. distribution of a trait is smooth if the number of genes Thus, these analyses showed that selective sweeps may controlling a trait is large. In varying environments, dif- occur in quantitative genetic models of adaptation in ferent phenotypes may be favoured. This leads to a appreciable frequency. The restriction to only two loci change in the population mean phenotype that is and the impact of the initial conditions on the results, known to depend on additive genetic variance. When a however, did not allow us to draw fully convincing population deviates from its optimum, mutations are conclusions. favoured according to their effect size and distance to the optimum. Subtle to moderate allele frequency changes at many loci Selective sweeps in quantitative genetic models of Several authors have argued verbally that adaptation adaptation in natural populations occurs not by sweeps alone, but We first ask the question whether selective sweeps that involves subtle allele frequency shifts at many loci con- are the hallmark of models of positive directional trolling polygenic traits (e.g. Pritchard et al. 2010). Sup- selection at individual sites are also observed in quan- pose that a population is well adapted when a sudden titative genetic models of adaptation. Per definition, environmental change happens, which shifts the opti- selective sweeps only play a role in polygenic selection mum of one or more traits. If there is sufficient herita- if the beneficial alleles are driven to fixation from very ble variation present in the population for the trait in low frequency by strong selection. However, such question, then the population can adapt rapidly to the events occur very rarely, as first hypothesized by Che- new environment. The speed of adaptation depends on vin & Hospital (2008). These authors presented a the initial genetic variance and the strength of selec- model for the footprint of positive directional selection tion. at a quantitative trait locus (QTL) in the presence of a To understand these conjectures in a quantitative fixed amount of background genetic variation due to way, we have recently analysed a model that captures other loci. Their approach is based on Lande’s (1983) the polygenic response to stabilizing selection and model that consists of a locus of major effect on the mutation after an optimum shift (Jain & Stephan 2015). trait and treats the remaining loci of minor effect as We considered a single trait z that is determined addi- genetic background. Their analysis predicts that QTL tively (no dominance or epistasis) by n di-allelic loci, c of adaptive traits under stabilizing selection, which is where i is the allelic effect at locus i. If the frequency + thought to be the most common form of selection on of the ‘ ’ allele at locus i is denoted by xi, then the quantitative traits, exhibits patterns of selective sweeps mean phenotype z, and the genetic variance υ are given only very rarely. by

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Xn near zero or one, and the frequencies of the small-effect z ¼ c ðÞ2x 1 eqn 2 i i loci are at 1, as described above. Then, suddenly the opti- i¼1 2 mum is shifted to another value zf. To calculate the and response of the system after this optimum shift, note that Xn in the biologically important case in which most loci have 2 v ¼ 2 ci xiðÞ1 xi eqn 3 small effects on the trait (i.e. smaller than the threshold i¼1 value), the full model defined by eqn (5) can be approxi- (Barton 1986). We also assume that the fitness of an mated for short times as (Jain & Stephan 2015) individual with trait value z follows a Gaussian distri- d xi ¼scixið1 xiÞDz; eqn 6 bution as z deviates from the optimum z0 dt 1 WðzÞ¼exp szðÞ z 2 ; eqn 4 2 0 d Dz ¼svDz: eqn 7 dt where s is the selection coefficient. Then, in an infinitely large, randomly mating population, the change in allele When most effects are small, it can be shown that the υ frequency at locus i due to selection and symmetric variance (t) may be approximated by the initial vari- υ mutation is given by ance (0) as the small-effect loci contribute most to the variance (Jain & Stephan 2015). Under these circum- d s x ¼ c x ðÞ1 x ½þ2Dz þ c ðÞ1 2x lðÞ1 2x ; stances, the ODEs (6) and (7) can be solved as dt i 2 i i i i i i eqn 5 DzðtÞ¼DzðÞ0 esvð0Þt eqn 8 where t is time, i = 1, ..., n, l is the mutation rate, and and Dz ¼ z z D 0. Because z contains a sum over allele fre- x ð0Þ x ðtÞ¼ i eqn 9 quencies, eqn (5) represents a system of coupled ODEs. i c Dzð0Þ=vð0Þð1esvðÞ0 t Þ xiðÞþð0 1 xiðÞÞ0 e i This model is sufficiently realistic to analyse GWAS data. However, if needed, one could go further and Two points are remarkable about these equations. model the mutation process in a more realistic way (for First, the mean phenotype approaches the new opti- instance, by relaxing the symmetry assumption and mum in about (sυ (0)) 1 generations. If the initial vari- assuming locus-specific mutation rates). This model is ance is large (for instance, when the number of loci also more general than the two-locus model that Woll- contributing to the trait is large and/or many loci are of 1 stein & Stephan (2014) analysed. It contains n loci and small effect with initial frequency 2), this may be very its selection term can be derived from the symmetric quick (in the order of 10–100 generations). Second, as viability selection model under loose linkage. Most the right-hand side of eqn (9) is smaller than one, the importantly, it lets us define the initial conditions in a shift of the mean phenotype to the optimum is caused natural way. by subtle to intermediate changes of the allele frequen- The selection part of the eqn (5) was first established cies. In contrast, numerical solution of the ODEs (5) by Wright (1935) and later Barton (1986) introduced the (including the long-term behaviour) shows that mutation term. de Vladar & Barton (2014) presented an single-locus selective sweeps are not predicted in this analytical treatment of the equilibrium properties of the parameter range of the model. model and performed extensive numerical calculations. Next, we discuss the response to a sudden optimum They found that the alleles may be classifiedp intoffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffi those shift in a situation when most effects are large. Again, with effects smaller than a threshold value 2 2l=s and we assume that the population is at equilibrium with those with larger sizes. At equilibrium with no devia- no deviation from the optimum z0 when a sudden shift tion from the optimum, the frequency of the alleles of of the optimum to zf occurs. In this parameter range, 1 small effect is 2, whereas the large-effect alleles are in a most of the initial allele frequencies are either close to mutation–selection balance near zero (approximately at zero or one (as defined above). Thus, the variance and 2l/sc2) or one at 1–2l/sc2 if 2l sc2. We used these skewness may change appreciably during the selection equilibrium results for our analyses described next. response, and the constant-variance approximation So far, we studied the short-term response of a trait to applied above is not suitable (Jain & Stephan 2015). selection. We assumed that the population is in equilib- However, it can be shown that the short-term dynamics rium at a local peak with no deviation from the optimum may be described using a few loci of large effect. Allele that is at z0. That means that the allele frequencies at the frequencies at these loci approach fixation as in the case large-effect loci are in a mutation–selection balance either of selective sweeps described above. Numerical analysis

© 2015 John Wiley & Sons Ltd SIGNATURES OF POSITIVE SELECTION 85 shows that the sweeps may occur sequentially as in the proposed such a model, we refer to the population case of recurrent sweeps, such that the sweeps occur before ts as ancestral population and after ts as parental in a defined order from the largest effect locus to population. The effective sizes of the ancestral and par- lower-effect loci. Yet, in some cases sweeps occur also ental populations are NA and NP, respectively, which simultaneously. are assumed to be constant (but this could be changed). In contrast, the derived population, which is established at time t , may undergo a population size change. For Detecting allele frequency shifts caused by polygenic s example, it may increase from effective size kN at time selection A ts to ND at present (see Fig. 1). flow may be

Loci involved in local adaptation can potentially be included into this model at a rate mD into the derived identified by an unusual correlation between allele fre- population and at rate mP in the reverse direction. quencies and relevant ecological variables or by extreme Next, we consider a locus that contributes to a quanti- allele frequency differences between geographic regions. tative trait and assume that selection on this trait sud- However, both approaches are confounded by various denly changed in the derived population (but not in the factors, in particular when the alleles have relatively parental population). This leads to a shift of allele fre- weak phenotypic effects on adaptive traits and are quencies at this locus from values observed as standing therefore under weak selection: (i) such comparisons variation in the parental population to some new ones. are complicated by correlations of allele frequencies Our goal is to detect these frequency shifts in DNA poly- across populations at neutral loci due to shared popula- morphism data, although they may be subtle. To do this, tion history and gene flow, and (ii) the observed fre- we assume that selection on the trait affects causative quency shifts between populations resulting from initial variants and also SNPs partially linked to these causative responses to selection on a trait cannot be expected to variants. That is, one should include statistics from the be extreme if selection is weak and environmental entire toolbox of molecular population genetics. We will changes are very recent. Some work has been done to use the standard statistics, such as nucleotide diversity p overcome these difficulties. For example, concerning the and h, haplotype heterozygosity H and Tajima’s (1989) correlation-based methods (point i), Graham Coop and D. We apply them to each population separately. Fur- collaborators proposed a Bayesian method that calcu- thermore, assuming that we have joint samples from the lates a set of standardized allele frequencies that allows parental and derived populations available, we consider investigators to apply tests to multiple populations for each of these statistics the difference between the two while accounting for sampling and covariance due to populations or their ratio. population history. Using these standardized frequen- cies, one can construct a test to detect SNPs that deviate Present strongly from neutral population structure (Coop et al. m 2010). However, this approach only works if there exist NP D ND relatively large extended gradients of ecological vari- ables, which may not be the case in rapid adaptation, a mP process that occurs by definition on a fast timescale. This problem of correlation-based modelling is not alle- viated either in the latest method that Berg & Coop (1 - k) N k N (2014) proposed. Shortly after a population occupies a A A t new habitat, we expect that the allele frequency shifts S between the parental and derived populations are rela- tively small. This also means that available software, such as BayeScan-like methods (Foll & Gaggiotti 2008; Riebler et al. 2008), is not able to detect significant fre- NA quency shifts between populations (point ii). For detecting small allele frequency shifts after envi- Past ronmental changes in fast adapting populations, it may be better to use the following method. To model the Fig. 1 This figure shows an ancestral population of constant effective size NA that splits at time ts into a large parental pop- colonization of a new niche after an environmental – ulation of size (1 k)NA and a small population of size kNA. The change, assume that a small fraction k of a large popu- latter (derived) population undergoes a bottleneck and lation migrates into a new niche and that the remaining increases subsequently to size ND, while the parental popula- = – part of the large population continues to exist. This split tion stays at a constant size NP (1 k)NA. Migration between occurs at time ts. Following Innan & Kim (2008) who the parental and derived populations is possible.

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Furthermore, following Innan & Kim (2008), we will may also be partly due to demography, in particular utilize FST-based methods, which measure the differen- due to increased genetic drift during bottlenecks that tiation between the parental and derived populations. occurred in the colonization of Europe. In the example

The FST-based methods were the most powerful motivating this work, the amplification effect is indeed approaches in their study. In the absence of migration larger than expected. (Expected differences of LD between these populations, Innan and Kim showed that between the parental African and the derived European selection may cause a drastic change in the pattern of populations can be calculated assuming large constant polymorphism in the derived population, but not in the population sizes; Stephan et al. 2006). Because of the parental population. This difference was well picked up likely impact of demography on LD, it is necessary that by FST, if the frequency shift was large (such as those the method for detecting allele frequency shifts between leading to soft sweeps). populations will be analysed for nonequilibrium scenar- In addition to these procedures, we could analyse LD ios (in particular, population size bottlenecks and between neutral polymorphisms partially linked to a expansions). selected site. Including LD into the detection of subtle frequency differences appears to be a promising Open questions approach as it may ‘amplify’ small allele frequency shifts that have occurred after an environment change. This is There has been much progress in identifying selective illustrated in the following example. In our recent work sweeps underlying a range of adaptations. In particular, on identifying molecular variants associated with cold in organisms with large effective population sizes, such as tolerance in Drosophila melanogaster, we fine-mapped a Drosophila melanogaster, the evidence for sweeps is quite QTL for chill coma recovery time (a proxy for cold toler- striking (reviewed in Stephan 2010a; for a later reference, ance) and then subjected the resulting genomic region to see Sattath et al. 2011). There is also agreement that a population genetic analysis and a study of gene expres- sweeps may be detected with reasonably high confidence sion variation (Wilches et al. 2014). The gene brinker was if the demographic history of a population is taken into found to be induced by cold stress and to contribute to account, except in the case of some complex demogra- the observed differences between African and European phies such as recent severe population size bottlenecks populations in gene expression. Interestingly, a small (Pavlidis et al. 2010; Poh et al. 2014). On the experimental group of SNPs located in the regulatory region upstream side, however, the search for causative nucleotide changes of brinker and associated with brinker expression variation that led to selective sweeps has only recently started shows a significant peak of LD, whereas LD in the rest of (Saminadin-Peter et al. 2012; Voigt et al. 2015), although the analysed 60-kb genomic region does not deviate from sweep mapping may lead to quite accurate identification the genomewide average in the European population of the targets of selection. Clearly, there is much room for and LD in the African population was very low in the future research activities in this latter area. entire region. In contrast, the shift in the SNP frequencies On the theoretical side, although the theoretical was moderate (only about 20%). If this effect is general, advances in the detection of positive selection in gen- LD could play a similarly important role in the detection omes during the past 15 years are impressive, some of selective shifts of allele frequencies as in the detection aspects need further attention. First, the evolution of of selective sweeps (Kim & Nielsen 2004; Voight et al. interacting selective sweeps (the traffic model) is still 2006; Pavlidis et al. 2010). largely unexplored. We still lack predictions of this From a theoretical point of view, the difference to the model about the distribution of variation across the classical selective sweep case is that not a single haplo- genome around the selected sites and on the SFS. Sec- type is favoured after the occurrence of a new selected ond, efforts of estimating demography and weak selec- mutation or the influx of a selected migrant allele, but tion jointly have so far not led to computer programs that at the time of an environmental change, a whole that are applicable to data. Third, integrating back- group of haplotypes is selected that then is linked to ground selection into the model of selective sweeps has the favoured allele and hence begins rising in fre- not proceeded beyond the initial efforts that are already quency. Thus, if the frequency distribution of the haplo- 15 years old. Fourth, population subdivision is not well types in the selected group is different from the incorporated into the sweep approaches yet (except in distribution of the remaining haplotypes, we should FST-based methods such as BayeScan). Fifth, and per- observe ‘extended’ haplotypes as in the case of selective haps most important, there is an urgent need for more sweeps in the initial period of the selected phase (Ste- theoretical modelling and more powerful statistical phan et al. 2006; Voight et al. 2006). methods to analyse the genomic signatures of polygenic Of course, the ‘amplification’ effect of LD between traits for populations that are subdivided and undergo the African and European populations described above varying population sizes.


Acknowledgements Jensen JD (2014) On the unfounded enthusiasm for soft selective sweeps. Nature Communications, 5, 5281. I thank Charles Aquadro, Joachim Hermisson and an anonymous Jensen JD, Kim Y, Bauer DuMont V, Aquadro CF, Bustamante reviewer for their comments on this manuscript. My current CD (2005) Distinguishing between selective sweeps and research is supported by grant STE 325/17-1 from the Priority demography using DNA polymorphism data. Genetics, 170, Program 1819 of the Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft (DFG). 1401–1410. Jensen JD, Thornton KR, Bustamante CD, Aquadro CF (2007) On the utility of linkage disequilibrium as a statistic for References identifying targets of positive selection in nonequilibrium – Akey JM, Eberle MA, Rieder MJ et al. (2004) Population history populations. Genetics, 176, 2371 2379. and natural selection shape patterns of genetic variation in Jensen JD, Thornton KR, Andolfatto P (2008) An approximate 132 genes. PLoS Biology, 2, e286. 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