Background Info

Danau Toba is a massive lake (the largest volcanic lake in the world) located in northern that is popular with tourists because of its spectacular natural beauty. The that used to be here violently exploded 70,000 years ago in what is thought to be the largest volcanic eruption of the past 25 million years.

When we think of a delicious Sumatra coffee, words like “heavy,” “complex,” and “rich” come to mind. There is often an earthiness inherent in the coffee that is the result of the fresh-picked coffee being dried directly on the ground. The producers in Sumatra are often small land-owners with limited resources who have developed unique processing methods over the years, and this lends itself to creating a very interesting, very recognizable cup profile. There is, however, inconsistency between crops. Defects are prevalent, often yielding pungent flavor taints reminiscent of old leather or wet books.

Sumatra - Danau Toba is a creation born to honor the strength and complexity of a great Sumatran while producing a consistently defect-free cup.

It is a coffee that represents the island well with a heavy body, low acidity, and deep, earthy flavors. It is extremely well processed and sorted to a degree far surpassing all other coffees of the region.

Phone: (+62) 61 4157000

Fax : (+62) 61 4530553

About Us

Hotel Danau Toba International has 311 modern and trendy designed rooms divided by Hotel Condominium with contemporary interior. An ideal place to stay for meeting or confrence, leisure and relaxation with your business partner or your family. State of the art equipment including Wi-Fi in all area, swimming pool with beautiful garden view, completed with Cafe Terrace Restaurant and Lounge Bar 24 hours room service, Fitness Centre as well as a business centre. Special Offers

Free welcome drink from north sumatera upon arrival Free entrance to our entertainment outlets ( Family karaoke, The Tavern, Batak Song, Dangdut International) Free soft drinks at Dangdut International & Batak Song Free airport shuttle service Free Wi Fi Internet at lobby area and all type of rooms.


Located in the most strategic area in Medan city, the capital of North Sumatera Province. It takes only 5 minutes from the Hotel to the Polonia International Air Port as well as to Sun Plaza/Sogo. the biggest shopping Mall in Medan. Other business and goverment body’s office are spreaded surroundings and are easily reached from the hotel.


Executive Suite

Deluxe Suite

Junior Suite




Batak Song

Terrace Cafe


Whether it is for a beautiful wedding party, corporate meeting or just gathering, we provide all the facilities in our wide range meeting sphere. A spacious functional sphere with capacity of 15 to 1000 guests at 14 different dimensions offering you a complete accommodations.


North Sumatra is one of 's last surfing frontiers. "North Sumatra" consists of 5 islands or island groups: Hinako Islands, Nias, Telos and 2 other obscure island groups to the north. North Sumatra receives similar swell to Mentawais and enjoys its peak swell season from May to September. Despite Indonesia's reputation for hollow lefts, in North Sumatra right-handers are slightly more prevalent. While Lagundri Bay at Nias has been surfed for decades, it is the more obscure rights like Bawa (a Sunset-like right bowl that holds up to 15 feet) and Treasure Island (a long, hollow, mechanical right peeling for 200 meters) that have attracted the attention of late. Throw a mix of hollow and bowl lefthanders into the picture like Asu, Afulu, the Machine, and many more obscure rights and lefts.

In contrast to the small island of Bali, North Sumatra province is large with one of the biggest lakes in the world, Toba Lake, at its navel. The continuous mountain of Bukit Barisan, which extends from Aceh at the tip of Sumatra island to Lampung at the bottom of the island, guards the province on the west side, providing home for thick, tropical jungles and lush vegetations. As you go down the western mountains towards the beaches of the east, mountain streams, strong rivers, and gorgeous waterfalls will accompany you. Along the length of this province crosses Bukit Barisan Mountains with peaks of numerous volcanoes. The land has thick virgin forests, lush vegetation, rice fields, mountain streams, rivers, waterfalls and sandy beaches. It has a rich flora and fauna. An abundance of birds, butterflies, buffaloes, deer, mouse deer, orangutans and many other export commodities make North Sumatra one of the richest provinces in Indonesia, as it produces more than 30 % of Indonesia's exports. The province offers the visitors, especially nature lovers, beautiful tropical panoramas, terraced rice fields, blue mountains, jungle covered hills, white sandy beaches, music, dance and folk arts.

Aek Sipitu Dai ( Seven Taste water )

If you want to visit Samosir regency in the area of , known as a tourist destination, many objects are eligible to travel to enjoy the panoramic natural, cultural sites and legends. From road traffic Sidikalang-Doloksanggul, with two-wheel car or we turn left at the entrance area of Tele along the road junction and decreases, and after more than two kilometers, before the nun far we pitched a high mountain Pusuk Buhit (2,985 m dpl) and in the right direction under visible above the Lake Toba Samosir Island outward. To be able to see clearly we continue to travel until at Menara Pandang Tele for a short break while drinking the coffee or to warm the cold air around the region Tele (Sumatra). Stair climb to the top of Menara Pandang Tele located in the street, while the people are afraid, because this is a special building was established Local Government as one of the facilities / infrastructure for tourism it. Spire of view clearly visible Samosir Island and Lake Toba, the area Pusuk Buhit and road and track attached terraced hills above the valley that has Limbong objects and sites Bataks tour, while on the right side will be visible to the village or villages in District Daily and water Efrata of the fall in the village turn Sosordolok has also become the object of many tourism tourists visited. Continuing the journey through the road and turn to decline, we do not need to worry but must remain careful because the road was asphalt diperlebar degan Hotmix in the year 2008 by the Local Government Kab.Samosir. Distance from the corner to the Tele Pangururan capital on the island of Samosir Kab.Samosir far as 22 km, can now be 30 minutes. Approximately 7 km from the tower view, we will turn left and go to the village Limbong, therein place AEK Sipitu Dai (seven taste water) flows from Pusuk Buhit. According to the elders and the Batak Tourism Department officials in this complex, that AEK Sipitu Dai has a history related to the Batak nenekmoyang the King who lived in the first Sianjurmula Samosir regency. This region inhabited by many descendants of the Si Raja Batak from their children's first teachers with Tatea Moon clan-clan Limbong, Sagala and so forth, so that AEK Sipitudai considered as belonging to the descendants of Guru Tatea Moon. AEK Sipitu Dai called, because the water in the soil out of the water sources from 7 to taste different and each has a water name / designation retired AEK namely ni Posoposo (Water Baby), AEK ni na hol (Air Mandul) , AEK Boru na Gabe (Women's Air Subur), AEK Sibaso (midwife), AEK Pangulu (for the King Air), AEK Si Doli (Water for Youth), AEK Hela / Boru (Air Menantu). Discharge of water on this prayer request and Langgat Limbong (derived Limbong Mulana third child Teachers Tatea Month) to Mulajadi Nabolon, because he felt thirsty in the East trip, he stick tongkatnya ago with seven out of water taste. According to the story, Mulajadi Nabolon order to Langgat Limbong seven sense that water can satisfy this thirst, and bring drugs into food-mate. Now, AEK Sipitudai many visited by the son of Batak and foreign tourists, they are sometimes a bath, a facial and drinking water while praying with a request to provide sustenance Foreword (Batak: demban), even have a home to bring the water to be drugs. Society appealed to the tourists and the local community Local Government, it seems to preserve the AEK Sipitudai as a historical tour and made the object. Therefore, it is not so good community / local people to use it as a place MCK, should be built elsewhere MCK for bathing, washing, while AEK Sipitudai a specific area, the cleanliness, comfort and beauty still maintained. Exhausted bathing or drinking Sipitu Dai AEK, there is still the object of sufficient attractions this unique dikawasan for example Hobon Stone (stone storage inheritance Batak people), a statue of Guru Tatea Month, Batu Sawan (in waist Pusuk Buhit) bath fathers Batak people , and The King of the Batak in Sagala, and if you want hot water bath continue our journey towards the city Pangururan, at the foot Pusuk Buhit the edge of Lake Toba available hot water bathing in the area AEK Rangat. If Pemkab cq Official Tourism Arts and Culture has been promoting tourism object, how about the stakeholders and the community even in the People's Deputy Legislative, certainly for ditantang participated. based on:

Early morning at Tuk Tuk on Samosir Island.

Tuk Tuk Peninsula is located on the eastern coast of Samosir Island, in Lake Toba. It is the main tourist village on the island, and it is here that tourists to Samosir find most of the accommodation, from simple guesthouses called losmen to upmarket resorts.

It is not difficult to understand why Tuk Tuk is the tourist centre of Samosir Island, for it is by far the most picturesque part of the island. When I was there, I stayed at Hotel Silintong, which sits on a promontory with breathtaking views of the lake. Every now and then, we could see boatmen rowing past our hotel.

Tuk Tuk is located across a bay from Tomok, another village where there are ferry services to Prapat. A small country road leads from the Tuk Tuk peninsula to the rest of Samosir Island.

We happened to have a few hours on hand, so we did a walking tour along the peninsula. Along the way, we found a number of losmen as well as souvenir shops. The scenery across the lake was great. At one point, I heard church bells. When I saw the locals dressed in their best clothes walking towards a village church, I realised it was Sunday morning and they were going for services. So I decided to join them, to see how church is like on Samosir.

The little church building was packed with worshippers. I found out later that its name was Gereja Santu Alfonsus. Some come by motorcycle, but the majority simply walked. I had the chance to take a look at their bible and hymn book. All are in their language. It was a marvellous experience to attend church in Tuk Tuk.

Lake Toba to Samosir Island ( danau toba dengan pulau samosir ) road - the road to Indonesia to enjoy beautiful nature. one of the flagship tourism destination in Indonesia in the Sumatran region, Lake Toba has its own uniqueness, in addition to a beautiful place indeed, lake toba panoramic view that can also store anesthetize our hearts often a lot of tourists from within or from outside the stop just to enjoy new atmosphere in this lake. according to natural sejah Lake Toba is a volcanic lake with a size of 100km x 30km area in North Sumatra, Sumatra, Indonesia. In the middle of this lake there is a volcanic island called Pulau Samosir.

Lake Toba has long become an important tourist destination in North Sumatra in addition to Bukit Lawang and Nias, attract domestic tourists and foreign countries.

It is estimated that Lake Toba explosion occurred at about 73000-75000 years ago

and an eruption (super volcano) the most recent. Bill Rose and Craig Chesner from Michigan Technological University estimate that volcanic materials spewed as much 2800km3 mountain, with rocks 800km3 Ignimbrite and 2000km3 volcanic ash are estimated in the wind to the west for 2 weeks.

Volcanic dust in the wind has spread to half the earth, from Chinese came to South Africa. Explosion occurred during 1 week and throw dust at 10 km above sea level. This incident caused mass death and the extinction of some species also followed. According to some DNA evidence, This eruption also reduced the number of people to about 60% of Earth's human population at that time which is about 60 million people.

The eruption was also contributed to the occurrence of ice ages, although the Experts still argue about it. After the eruption, the formed which is then filled with water and became what is now known as Lake Toba. Pressure upward by magma that has not come out cause the emergence of Samosir Island. There is also the history of lake Toba, according to legend society It is said the lake is derived from the curse of god. In a village in Sumatra, there lived a farmer. He was a farmer who diligently worked the farm, although not extensive. He could meet his needs from his work is tireless. Actually he was already enough to get married, but he still chose to live alone. On a bright morning, the farmer on the river fishing. "Hopefully today I got a big fish," the farmer murmured to himself. Some time after kailnya cast, kailnya seen wobbling. He immediately pulled kailnya. The farmer was cheered with joy after getting a big enough fish.

He was amazed at the beautiful colors of fish scales. Fish scales yellow gold reddish. Both round and protruding eyes flashing stunning. "Wait, I do not eat! I would be willing to accompany you if you do not eat me. "Farmers are surprised to hear the voice of the fish. Because the shock, the fish they catch fell to the ground. Then do not how long, the fish was transformed into a beautiful girl. "Bermimpikah me?," Muttered the farmer. "Do not worry sir, I am also human being like you. I am deeply indebted to you for having saved me from the curse of the Gods, "the girl said. "My name is Princess, I do not mind to be your wife," said the girl seemed urgent. Farmers and even then nodded. They then become as husband and wife. However, there is one promise that has been agreed, that they should not be told that the origin of daughter of a fish. If the promise was breached there will be a tremendous disaster.

Puppet Head (Si Gale-gale), late 19th–early 20th century Toba Batak people, Sumatra, Indonesia Wood, brass, lead alloy, water buffalo horn, pigment

H. 11 1/4 in. (28.6 cm) Gift of Fred and Rita Richman, 1987 (1987.453.6)

On view: Gallery 355 Last Updated March 21, 2012

The Toba Batak people of northern Sumatra create sophisticated puppets (si gale-gale) controlled by a complex system of internal strings and levers that allow them to move in a lifelike manner. Si gale-gale formerly played a crucial role in some funerary ceremonies. When an individual died, his or her soul became an ancestral spirit. For his or her spirit to enjoy the same prominence after death that the person had when living, the deceased's children had to perform the proper funerary rites. If a person died childless, a si gale-gale was created as a substitute to perform the necessary funerary rituals. When in use, the puppets were mounted on the front end of a long, flat box through which the strings passed, allowing the puppeteer, who sat behind the box, to control the puppet from some distance, giving the illusion that the figure was self-animated. Deftly manipulated by the puppeteer, the si gale-gale was able to perform all the required dances and ritual protocols for its deceased parent.

The present head once formed part of a near-lifesized si gale-gale. Recent analysis reveals it to be a masterpiece of engineering as well as sculpture. It retains a complex internal mechanism controlled by strings, which allowed the figure to protrude a tablike tongue of wood. Flexible pockets of rubber, positioned behind each eye, originally held damp moss or wet sponges, which, when squeezed by another internal mechanism activated by the puppeteer, allowed the figure to weep for its departed parent.

Kepalan tangan yang diacungkan ke atas dengan menggenggam rantai beserta perisainya melambangkan kebulatan tekad perjuangan rakyat Propinsi Sumatera Utara melawan imperialisme / Kolonialisme, feodalisme dan komunisme.

Batang bersudut lima, Perisai dan Rantai melambangkan kesatuan masyarakat didalam membela dan mempertahankan Pancasila.

Pabrik, Pelabuhan,Pohon karet,Pohon sawit,Daun tembakau, Ikan, Daun padi dan Tulisan "SUMATERA UTARA" melambangkan daerah yang indah permai masyhur dengan kekayaan alamnya yang melimpah-limpah.

Tujuh belas kuntum kapas, delapan sudut sarang laba-laba dan empatpuluh lima butir padi menggambarkan tanggal bulan dan tahun Kemerdekaan dimana ketiga-tiganya ini berikut tongkat dibawah kepalan tangan melambangkan watak kebudayaan yang mencerminkan kebesaran bangsa, patriotisme, pencinta, keadaan dan pembela keadilan.

Bukit Barisan yang berpuncak lima melambangkan tata kemasyarakatan yang berkepribadian luhur, bersemangat Persatuan Kegotongroyongan yang dinamis.

1.Sirup Markisa Jika Anda berkunjung ke kota Medan buah markisa tentu tak sulit untuk dicari, sebab banyak sekali yang membudidayakannya di dataran tinggi Karo dan Brastagi yang beriklim sejuk. Ada yang masih berbentuk buah segar ada pula yang sudah diolah menjadi sirup yang dikemas dalam botol-botol.

2.Tuak Tuak merupakan sadapan yang diambil dari mayang enau atau aren ( Arenga pinnata). Kalau dalam bahasa Indonesia, sadapan dari enau atau aren disebut nira. Nira tersebut manis rasanya, sedangkan ada dua jenis tuak sesuai dengan resepnya, yaitu yang manis dan yang pahit (mengandung alkohol).

3.TST [ Teh Susu Telur ] TST adalah jenis minuman yang sangat familiar di kota Medan bahkan sangat mudah ditemukan karena di setiap sudut kota ini banyak menyediakan nya, ada istilah “blom ke medan kalau blom nyobain TST”. TST itu bukan panjangan dari Tau Sama Tau loh, melainkan panjangan dari Teh Susu Telur dan ketiga inilah yang diracik hingga kemudian menjadi segelas minuman nikmat dan konon katanya mampu menambah tenaga atau membantu memulihkan tenaga yang drop karena aktifitas. Jenis telur yang dipakai dalam pembuatan TST adalah telur bebek tapi ada juga yang memakai telur ayam kampung. Mungkin karena telur inilah TST diyakini mampu menambah tenaga.

4.Soda Cap Badak Soda Cap Badak Minuman Khas Siantar yang Melegenda

Bagi Anda yang pernah menginjakkan kaki di Kota Pematang Siantar, mungkin Anda sudah merasakan kesegaran minuman cap Badak.

Minuman cap Badak sudah melegenda, karena eksistensinya di Kota Pematang Siantar sudah hampir seabad lamanya. Bagi warga Pematang Siantar, Susu Badak (susu kental yang dicampur dengan soda cap Badak) sudah tak asing lagi. Sebelum diminum, susu kental dalam gelas dicampur dengan soda, lalu diaduk hingga susu dan soda menyatu. Kalau mau diminum dalam keadaan dingin tinggal tambah es batu. Rasanya sangat segar dan nikmat! Susu Badak termasuk salah satu minuman paling disukai di Kota Pematang Siantar. Hampir tiap warung menyediakan Susu Badak. Konon, minuman ini bisa mengembalikan stamina dan dapat mengusir angin yang bersarang dalam tubuh. Ketika Anda meminumnya, akan ada suara sendawa yang mengeluarkan angin lewat mulut