State of the Environment Report - the Slovak Republic 1997 SK99K0198



There are five levels of the quality of environment that were defined by the new environmental classification based on the complete assessment of the state of air, groundwater, surface water, soil, rock environment, biota and other factors:

Table 46 Basic criteria of environmental regional classification of the Slovak Republic according to the number of population and area

Quality Specification of quality Population of SR Area

Endangered territories of according to the environmental classification are the territories where the environmental quality reaches levels IV. and V. at the same time. The percentage of population living in these ter- ritories is approx. 33.2% and they occupy 9.5% of the total area of the Slovak Republic. These territories are usually linked to large urban and industrial areas. The territories belonging only to the level IV. of environmental quality are not a part of defined areas. There are approx. 233 000 inhabitants living on these territories. The following settle- ments together with their own urban areas belong to this group: Senica, Surany, Sahy, Zeliezovce, , Nova Bafta, Lucenec, Svit and Presov.

Table 47 The following endangered territories in Slovakia were selected

Endangered region Number of Area 2 population (km ) 1. region 491 000 710 2. -Galanta region 162 000 384 3. Upper Nitru region 179 000 519 4. Upper Povazie region 162 000 183 5. Middle Pohronie region 170 000 371 6. Middle SpiS region 87 000 364 7. Middle Gemer region 56 000 401 8. KoSice region 267 000 658 9. Middle Zemplin region 207 000 1 OSl Total 1 781 000 4 671 Source: SAZP

44 State of the Environment Report - the Slovak Republic 1997

Figure 30 Quality of the environment in the Slovak Republic

Qualify of the environment 1" degree - high quality environment ] 2nd degree - suitable quality environment i 3'" degree - moderately deteriorated environment I 4'" degree - deteriorated environment m 5"'degree - heavily deteriorated environment While the territories with heavily deteriorated environment in Bratislava, Trnava-Galanta, Horna and Kosice regions are relatively compact, the other are not. They create a mosaic, divided by sig- nificant natural barriers that partly eliminate the negative impact.

This region consists of the capital city of the SR area, that means Bratislava Districts I.-V. and the parts of near-by districts of Malacky, Pezinok and Senec. The number of inhabitants is 491 000, number of settlements is 17 and only Bratislava is a municipal industrial and administrative agglomeration. The endangered area of occupies 710 km2.

Air Pollution Table 48 The largest sources of air pollution in Bratislava endangered region according to the emissions of basic air pollutants from 1996 to 1997 (t per year) Basic characteristics of main producers of air Pollution source SPM SO, KO, CO pollution and pollutants 1996 1997 1996 1997 1996 1997 1996 1997 Slovnaft a. s. 1 181.3 1 264.0 24 006.0 21 924.2 3 836.7 4 460.6 784.6 702.6 • The emission of basic pollutants from all Bratislava ZHZ 5. p. Bratislava, 103.9 41.2 ] 645.3 621.2 309.9 158.2 25.2 23.2 sources in the Bratislava endangered region Vylircvna Bratislava Juli was 33 757 tin 1997 7X-Z 5. p. Bratislava, 16.9 23/i 108.7 206.6 243.6 262.9 7(..5 77.9 Heating Plant II • The industry and transport are the princi- Maladorcx a.s. 36.8 18.7 640.5 312.3 110.3 65.5 9.2 8.2 Bratislava pal pollution sources Istroclicm a. s. 31.9 10.7 130.5 190.5 15.0 II.1 1.2 1.5 Bratislava • Slovnaft a.s. Bratislava has a contribution OLO a. s. Bratislava, Municipal Waste 105.4 100.5 73..1 74.2 110.3 111.5 0.3 0.3 of approx. 83.9% of the total amount of Incinerator basic pollutants from all the large sources in the region

45 State of the Environment Report - the Slovak Republic 1997

• Slovnaft a.s. Bratislava emitted considerable volume of other pollutants, esp. benzene (314 t in 1996 and 312 t in 1997) and inorganic compounds of hydrochloric acid (19 t in 1996 and 1997) excluding basic pollutants. The toulene emissions produced in Slovenskd Grafika a.s. Bratislava reached 277 t in 1997.

Water Pollution Table 49 The largest sources of surface water pollution in Bratislava endangered region accor- ding to the selected indicators of discharged pollutants in 1996 and 1997 Basic characteristics of the quality of surface Pollution I1OD51 per year CODCr 1 per year SS 1 per year [S t per year source watercourses at the checkpoints in 1997 199ft I9M7 1996 1997 1996 1997 1996 1997 Slovnart 72.43 N7.5K 316.90 3.S4.-19 4 75.1.46 4 3X7.94 217.30 87.58 • -Bratislava middle course: the group a.s.WWTP Istrochem 638.94 805.68 1 904.77 2 2C5.99 19 136.10 15 998.65 172.80 197.82 of oxygen demand indicators reached quality a.s. WWTP Slovnarc 751.78 415.69 1 433.08 1 351.01 20 556.45 2 020.49 ! 644.52 1 616.59 category II, groups of basic and additional bl. 17- IS VaK- chemical indicators reached category III and WWTP 283.82 249.60 1 753.40 1 533.26 26 427.17 23 771.58 1 135.30 1 010.29 Vrakufia biological and microbiological indicators VaK- \V\VIT f.2.25 88.95 303.49 .17O.f.2 6 162.70 6 196.87 3-10.65 281.67 reached quality category IV. The concentra- Pclrialka WWTP- Waste Water Treatment Plant Source: SIIMU dons of zinc reached category II and other heavy metals category I • Estuary of Mldka watercourse: the group of oxygen demand indicators and the group of basic and additional chemical indicators reached category V and biological and microbiological indicators reached quality category IV. High concentra- tions of organic substances and nitrogen and phosphorus compounds were recorded • The upper course of the River Maly Dunaj: the group of oxygen demand indicators reached quality category II and the group of basic chemical indicators reached category HI. The group of heavy metals and biological, microbiological and addi- tional indicators reached quality category IV.

Soil Pollution According to the Soil Fertility Research Institute (VUPU) monitoring, the soil in Bratislava endan- gered region did not reach the level of heavily contaminated soil.

Waste Management The principal method of waste treatment in Bratislava region is incineration in the city, incinera- tor that is going to be upgraded and reconstructed. The incineration residues (solid particular matter, clinker) are treated at the landfill site of the construction category III. near Pezinok. A serious problem of this area is the environmental impact of old unregistered landfill sites in various city districts. One of the most dangerous is gudrone landfill site in Devinska Nova Ves and also the waste from former CHZJD (Chemical works) in the natural bed in Mlynsky arm of the River Maly Dunaj near Vrakufia. The prob- lem of remediation of these landfill sites has not been solved yet. The largest waste producer in this area is Slovnaft a.s. Since the incinerator in this plant does not fulfill the demands of emission limits, the con- struction of the new incinerator with the capacity of 12 000 t.p.a. is prepared.

The region occupies the area of Podunajska Highland with the part of Trnava and Podunajska Plain with the parts of Galanta and Sal'a districts. The axis of this region is broad flood plain of the River Vah.

46 The environmental impact is mostly from agriculture (food production), energy and chemical industries. In this endangered region, there are 162 000 inhabitants living in 20 settlements, out of which five are municipal. The region occupies the area of 384 km2.

Air Pollution Table 50 The largest sources of air pollution in Trnava-Galanta region according to the emissions of basic air pollutants from 1996 to 1997 (t per year) The basic characteristics of main producers of air PoUatfoa source : • SPM SO, : 'NO, •1.-:.1 CO 199« 1997 19S7 I9SS 1997 1996 \m pollution sources and pollutants Duak>8^.SaEV 674.7 632.0 2 479.2 2 293.7 2 0S7.7 1672.5 102.5 94.7 ZEZJ..p.Brat*lava, 50.3 aoj 76S.8 281.9 I82J 107.1 24.4 214 • The emission of basic pollutants from all sources Heating plant : Trnava in this endangered region was 9 840 t in 1997 CUKOS»^. 19Z0 220.4 230.9 196.7 70.2 62.1 10Z9 86.5 SUdlajviJovo • From other pollutants, Duslo Sal'a a.s. emitted Sugar Factory S. p. 28J 454.9 467.8 80.6 83.1 62 6.3 Tnara ammonia (341 tonnes per year in 1996 and 1997) Source: SHMU ' The secondary source of air pollution caused by SPM pollutants is the leach sludge pit. Water Pollution Table 51 The largest sources of surface water pollution in Trnava-Galanta endangered region according to selected indicators of discharged pollutants in 1996 and 1997 Basic characteristics of the quality of surface water- Pollution Source BOD,tperyear CODfv t per year SS t per year IS t per year 19M 1997 1S97 1996 1997 1996 1S97 courses at the checkpoints in 1997 Doslo a. g. Sati 173.1 183.9 630.7 5663 11004.0 9 226.3 133.0 120.3 CUKOS i J-.O. 1S6.6 188.9 243.6 144 2 308.3 343.7 246.9 276.7 • Vdh-Hlohovec: quality category IV caused by the SlidlroviiSovD ZiVsKitaavn 672.7 174.5 1 125.7 353.4 3 614.9 191.7 411.8 191.7 considerable number of coliform bacteria • The improvement was indicated in the area of Selice where the River Vdh leaves the endangered region. The quality level changed from the category V to category TV in the case ofENP indicator which indicates petroleum products pollution. Other indicators reached category III • The most heavily polluted are the Horny Dudvdh and Trndvka tributaries - in most cases in category V. Trndvka pod Trnavou belongs to the long-term watercourses with the heaviest organic pollution in the watershed of the River Vdh.

Soil Pollution Despite the fact that production in Nickel Metallurgical Works a.s. in Sered' stopped, the residues still contaminate the soil (Ni, Cr) as a result of environmental impact caused by the leach waste bank that contains poly-metallic dust with the high concentrations of Ni, Cr, Co and Fe.

Waste Management Most of the landfill sites for bulky municipal and industrial waste built in this endangered area are without proper insulation from the bedrock. Duslo a.s. Sal'a is also the source of hazardous waste which is treated in the factory incinerator together with hazardous waste from other sources.

Table 52 Landfill sites in Trnava-Galanta endangered region

Industrial waste landfill of Municipal landfill of construction category III. construction category ID. District In accordance Special Operated by In accordance Special Under the Sludge pits to the conditions to the conditions reconstruction In governmental issued in governmental issued in /lathe accordance regulation No. accordance to regulation No, accordance to preparation to Act. No. 606/92 CoU. §15 Act No. 606/92 Coll. §15 Act No. 327/96 Coll. 238/91 CoIL 238/91 CoIL Galanta - 1 •CUKOS 2 1 1 1 Sladkovi£ovo s.r.o. Sal'a - 1 •Duslo Sara a.s. 1 1 1 1 Trnava 1 (outside the - •Chemolak a_s. 2 4 1 - region) Smolenice Source: SAZP

47 State of the Environment Report - the Slovak Republic 1997

This region is negatively influenced by mining, energy and chemical industries. The region includes Horna Nitra basin stretching from Prievidza to Topolcany with the heart of pollution in Novaky and Zemianske Kostol'any. This part influences Prievidza, Partizanske and Topolcany districts. There are 179 000 inhabitants in 31 settlements (five are municipal) living in the stressed environment. Area occupies 519 km2.

Air Pollution Table 53 The largest sources of air pollution in Horna Nitra region according to the emissions of basic air pollutants from 1996 to 1997 (t per year)

Pollution source SPM SO, NO, CO Basic characteristics of main producers of air 1996 1997 1996 1997 1996 1997 1996 1997 SEa.s. ENO ] 110.0 902.5 45 900.0 44 425.5 4 186.0 3 939.7 690.0 647.0 pollution and pollutants: Novaky, o.z. NCHZ a.s. (Chemical 667.0 47S.5 26.0 19.8 109.0 53.1 48.0 49.4 • In 1997, the emission of basic pollutants planl) Novaky Hormmitrianskc from the largest sources in this endangered Mines a.s. Bana 68.0 36.4 218.0 249.0 33.0 36.') 111.0 13.7 Cigcr region was 50 908.5 t • Novaky power station finished the recon- struction of blocks 1,2 ENO B in order to desulphurize the emissions. This reconstruction will contribute to the decrease of 30-40 000 t.p.a. of sulphurdioxide emissions in 1999 when this device will work at total power * Novaky Chemical Plant a.s. Novdky produced other special pollutants esp. the carbide and calcareous dust, chlorine, vinyl chloride, ethyleneoxide and propyleneoxide.

Water Pollution Table 54 The largest sources of surface water pollution in Horna Nitra endangered region accord- ing to selected indicators of discharged pollutants in 1996 and 1997

Pollution source BOD^t per year COD(> t per year SS t per year IS t per year Basic characteristics of the quality of surface 1996 1997 1996 1997 1996 1997 1996 1997 Homnnitrianske watercourses at the checkpoints in 1997 Mines a. s. Bana 0.00 0.0 36.'; 4U.I (1.0 0.(1 460.8 564.08 Cigar • Since the high concentration ofENP and con- NCHZa.s. 437.68 319.2 1 984.3 1 426.9 22 326.8 16215.7 210.6 227.23 Novaky siderable amount ofcoliform bacteria, the quali- si; a.s. I;NO 16.52 9..1 111.5 7<>.X 95(1.2 X94.7 2112.4 206.18 Novaky, 0.7.. ty of water at the checkpoint Opatovce nad ScVaK Prievidza 205.30 182.1 877.0 537.2 2 108.1 1 220.0 236.0 162.06 Nitrou is in the category IV • At Chalmova checkpoint, the water quality reached category V because of high concentrations of IS and ENPm. The oxygen demand indicators with microbiological indicators reached quality category IV in this part of the watercourse. The contamination caused by Hg, Pb, As and Cu was also serious • The most heavily polluted tributary of the River Nitra is Handlovka in the quality category V.

Soil Pollution Horna Nitra region is heavily contaminated by anthropogenic sources (Novaky surroundings). The arsenic content reached concentrations from 61'1 to more than 100'1. Extremely high arsenic

48 State of the Environment Report - the Slovak Republic 1997 concentrations are in the south of Novaky under the sedimentary reservoir of fly ash produced in Zemianske Kostol'any power station. This reservoir is on the flood plain of the River Nitra which was flooded by this waste when the dam of this reservoir was damaged in 1965. Except this hazardous ele- ment, there are also high concentrations of Cd, Sr, Al and Fe in this area. The estimate of contaminated area is 19 000 ha.

Waste Management Since the municipal waste in Horna Nitra endangered region is treated at the landfill sites that comply with the legislative criteria, the situation of waste management is much more better than it was in the past. The most serious problem is still the waste produced in heat-producing devices in Zemianske Kostol'any power station. This waste is partly used for the production of prefab parts and the rest is deposited at the landfill sites for fly ash (Chalmova, Bystricany). NCHZ a.s. Novaky is also the source of the variety of waste esp. of carbide lime. Novaky and Handlova mines deposit the mining waste in waste rock banks.

Table 55 Landfill sites in Horna Nitra endangered region

Industrial waste landfill Municipal landfill of construction category 111. of construction category III. District In accordance Special Operated by In accordance Special Under the Sludge pits to the conditions to the conditions reconstruction in governmental issued in governmental issued in /In the accordance regulation No. accordance to regulation No. accordance to preparation to Act. No. 606/92 Coll. §15 Act No. 606/92 Coll. §15 Act No. 327/96 Coll. 238/91 Coll. 238/91 Coll. Prievidza 2 •UNO Zcmianske 3 2 1 4 Kostol'any, Cercnany villase. Partizanskc 1 •Cebo Molding 1 a.s. Slovakia, , Parlizanskc Source: SAZP

HornePovazie (Upper Povazie)

This region is not compact and is situated in the north - west of Slovakia. The region occupies the agglomeration of Zilina in Zilina basin and the industrial zone of Ruzomberok in Liptov basin. The endangered region includes the territory of Istebne with the local environmental impact. The region reaches Zilina, Ruzomberok, Dolny Kubin, Martin and Liptovsky Mikulas districts. The environmental impact is caused by energetic, chemical, machine, metallurgical and pulp and paper-making industries. The region is also exposed to the long-range transfer of pollutants from Ostrava and Katowice industrial zones. In this endangered region, there are 162 000 inhabitants living in 14 settlements, three are muni- cipal. The region occupies the area of 183 km2.

49 State of the Environment Report - the Slovak Republic 1997

Air Pollution Table 56 The largest sources of air pollution in Home Povazie region according to the emissions of basic air pollutants from 1996 to 1997 (t per year) Basic characteristics of main producers of air Pollution source SPM SO, NO, CO 1596 1997 1996 1S97 1996 19*7 1996 15J7 pollution and pollutants S

Water Pollution Table 57 The largest sources of surface water pollution in Home Povazie endangered region according to selected indicators of discharged pollutants in 1996 and 1997

Pollution source BOD, tper year CODrv t per vear SStperyw IStperyeftT Basic characteristics of the quality of surface 19S6 1997 19M 1997 I99* 1997 1996 1997 SCP a. >. Svpni 272.02 188.4 715.1 603.0 3 657.20 3 217.97 480.05 387.02 watercourses at the checkpoints in 1997 SCP a.s. Cefpap 139.74 104.7 505.9 244.2 819.50 96134 42.73 47.77 OFZ a. s. Istebae 23.29 22.3 62.6 65.0 1244.67 919J27 167.41 135.92 • The endangered area is in the territory of PCHZ us. 2jlma 103.99 153.1 400.2 477.4 656.94 768.01 82.51 128.74 ScVaK !.p, ox 529.81 399.4 4471.7 4S98J 22 840.26 20 728.57 1622.39 1S92J6 the River Vdh watershed Ruiomberok SeVaKS.p. 2ilina 125.12 140.3 571.1 808.0 5 408.62 6 202.94 161.45 335.83 • The watercourse of the River Vdh at the ScVaK l.p, ox 440.70 471.6 932.6 1 567.6 10 058.83 9310.73 338.11 595.28 L.MikuKJ checkpoints from Cierny Vdh dam to Liskovd ScVaK S.p, ox, 150.36 87.9 508.2 528.6 4450.66 4 541.61 150J6 223.36 Martin-Vriitlcy is in the quality category II according to oxy- gen demand indicators. According to the group of basic chemical indicators the watercourse is in category III caused by water pH and locally by the volume of IS • The volume ofcoliform bacteria from the Biely Vdh checkpoint as far as Vazec and Vdh - Liskovd indicates quality cate- gory IV in this part of the River Vdh watercourse • In 1997, higher presence of coliform bacteria than in 1995-1996 period was registered, thus putting the Hubovd stretch of the river into the category V of quality.

Soil Pollution The largest sources of soil pollution in this region are chemical and metallurgical industries (Istebne, Zilina, Martin) and other unspecified sources as well (Ruzomberok, Liptovsky Mikulas sur- roundings). The soil in Dolna Orava near Istebne belongs to the area with the highest impact of chrom- mium imissions. The content of Crf>+ is 1.746' and this represents 1.877% of the harmful content of chrommium.

Waste Management There are good conditions for bulky municipal waste disposal in Home Povazie region. The land- fill sites selection for the construction category III. is in progress or has just finished. The selection is in accordance to the Act No. 127/194 Coll. Elimination of the old environmental impacts is still a serious problem. The improvement of waste management was indicated in the industrial factories that are focused on the waste reduction and on the reutilization of waste and the building of new landfill sites (SCP a.s. Ruzomberok, OFZ a.s. Istebne, PCHZ a.s. Zilina).

50 State of the Environment Report - the Slovak Republic 1997

Table 58 Landfill sites in Home Povazie endangered region

Industrial waste landfill of Municipal landfill of construction category III. construction category III. District In Special Operated by In accordance Special Under the Sludge pits accordance conditions issued to the conditions issued reconstruction in to the in accordance to governmental in accordance to / In the accordance governmental §15 Act No. regulation No. §15 Act No. preparation to Act. No. regulation 238/91 Coll. 606/92 Coll. 238/91 Coll. 327/96 Coll. No. 606/92 Coll. Dolny Kubin - 2 •OFZ a.s. - 1 - 1 Islebne, Siroka Liptovsky - 1 •Koi zavody (Leather 1 2 - - Mikulas Manufacturer) Martin - 1 •Ekopolis a.s. 1 - - 2 Ruzomberok 1 1 •SCI' a.s. 1 1 - Ruzomberok Zilina - - - 1 1 - 1 Source: SAZP

This region is situated in the watershed of the River in Ziar and Zvolen basins. The region occupies the area of Ziar nad Hronom, Zvolen and Banska Bystrica districts. The pollution is caused by metallurgic and wood-processing industries. In this endangered region there are 170 000 inhabitants living in 18 settlements, three are municipal. The region occupies the area of 371 km2.

Air Pollution Table 59 The largest sources of air pollution in Stredne Pohronie region according to the emis- sions of basic air pollutants from 1996 to 1997 (t per year)

Pollution source SPM SO, NO, CO Basic characteristics of main producers of air 1996 1997 1996 1997 1996 1997 1996 1997 ZSNP a. s. Ziar nad pollution sources and pollutants Hronom '108.2 339.9 2 170.7 2 588.3 389.9 421.7 1 1 171.4 10M0.5 (Aluminium * The emission of basic pollutants from the 13 Works) SEZ5. p. Heating 33.5 47.1 2 787.5 3 8SS.7 685.8 682.0 85.5 95.3 largest sources of air pollution in this endan- Plant Zvolcn Bucina a. s. Zvolcn 211." 212.2 0.3 10.3 37.9 245.8 1,1-1.7 gered region was 25 294.8 tonnes of basic StredoslovcnskC Cement 1'Iant a.s. S4.K 77.X 147.8 71.0 K49.8 541.8 3KO.8 372.'J Banska Bystrica pollutants (it is approx. 2 OOOt less then in Source: SHMU 1 QQC) • Compared to the year 1996, there was a slight increas ofSPM emission in 1997 with the exception ofZSNP a.s. Ziar nad Hronom (68.3 t less) • The increase of sulphur e dioxide was indicated in all of these sources with the exception of Stredoslovenske cementdrne a.s. B. Bystrica (the highest increase by 1 1011 in SEZ s.p. Heating Plant Zvolen)

• In total, NOX emissions decreased by 72.1 t in 1997 • Compared to the year 1996, the total volume of CO emissions was 168.9 t more.

The increase of sulphur dioxide emissions in the heating plant in Zvolen in 1997 was caused by the combustion of the fuel with high concentration of sulphur (Slovak lignite). The introduction of gas in K6 heating unit was carried out in 1997 but the plans for desulphurization and denitrification were not

51 State of the Environment Report - the Slovak Republic 1997 realized. The change of aluminium production technology in ZSNP a.s. Ziar nad Hronom in 1997 caused the decrease of fluorine and tar emissions with the content of polycyclic hydrocarbons. Compared to 1995, in the years of 1996 and 1997 the rapid increase of carbon monoxide emissions was indicated (in 1995 - 959 t, in 1996 - 11 171 t, in 1997 - 10 640 t) but the ratio of the volume of CO emissions to the volume of aluminium produced has showed decreasing trend.

Figure 31 The trend in emissions of fluorine and polycyclic hydrocarbons in Ziar basin


D Fluorine v 600 1 400 • Polycyclic hydrocarbons 2 200

0 Source: ZSNP a.s. 199! 1995 1996 1997 Ziar nad Hronom Water Pollution Table 60 The largest sources of surface water pollution in Stredne Pohronie endangered region according to selected indicators of discharged pollutants in 1996 and 1997

Pollution BODs t oer vear CODcf t Der vear SS t oer vear IS t Der vear Basic characteristics of the quality of surface source 1996 1997 1996 1997 1996 1997 1996 1997 watercourses at the checkpoints in 1997 Biotika a.s. 185.8 190.0 587.2 715.4 1 012.6 996.9 76.7 129.0 Slovenska • The endangered area is in the territory of the Uurrfa Fermas s.r.o. 53.1 36.3 310.9 182.9 1 673.6 1 647.8 137.2 86.7 River Hron watershed Slovenska Uuoca • The water quality according to oxygen ZSNP a.s. Ziar 38.6 32.1 450.3 235.9 2 862.8 1 667.3 1 351.0 375.3 nad Hronom demand indicators at the checkpoint in Budca is HarmanecW papier- 116.3 131.2 445.6 508.2 525.1 450.9 58.1 44.3 ne a.s. [Paper Hill) between the category II and the category III Budina a.s. 34.4 27.2 107.3 95.7 306.0 179.7 54.3 44.0 Zvolen • For high CODCr from the checkpoint in Budca Preqleika. a. s. 14.5 16.3 47.1 50.8 190.0 129.8 12.3 13.8 Zarnovica StVaK s.o. 1 092.9 794.8 2 876.1 2 384.4 6 219.5 6 975.8 1 006.6 724.1 to the checkpoint in Kalnd nad Hronom, the Banska Bvstrica water quality reached category IV and in some StVaK i.p., 110.4 78.8 536.1 315.4 2 231.2 2 554.4 149.8 118.3 o.z. Zvolen parts, for high content of IS, reaches quality cat- Source: SHMU egory V. The increased concentrations of heavy metals (Hg, Pb and Cu - quality category II, Zn-IV) were indicated at the check- points in Ziar nad Hronom, in Zarnovica and in Tekovskd Breznica. High values ofENP and coliform bacteria were mea- sured in the whole area. These values correspond to the quality categories IV and V.

Soil Pollution The most serious soil damage was caused by the emissions of industrial production emitted in Ziar basin and in Banska Bystrica surroundings. Ziar basin is under the impact of fluorine emissions esp. the area close to ZSNP a.s. in Ziar nad Hronom. The concentrations of water-soluble fluorine reaches from 35*1 near the source to 5"1 in the south-east of the source. The area of contaminated soil in Ziar nad Hronom - Lovcica - Trubi'n - Stara Kremnicka - Dolna Trnavka is 9 048 ha. It is necessary to establish special methods of soil exploitation in this area, to eliminate wheat growing for food production and cere- al fodder crops. A small area with the high concentration of mercury is situated south to Harmanec.

Waste Management Since the municipal waste is treated in the landfill sites of construction category III., the waste management in the Stredne Pohronie endangered region is good. The new regional landfill site for the municipal waste for Banska Bystrica and villages near-by is to open in 1998. The largest sources of indus- trial waste are ZSNP a.s. Ziar nad Hronom and Petrochema a.s. Dubova. ZSNP a.s. Ziar nad Hronom has

52 State of the Environment Report - the Slovak Republic 1997

completed the construction of bentonite wall that would prevent any discharge of red and brown sludge from the sludge pit.

Table 61 Landfill sites in Stredne Pohronie endangered region Industrial waste landfill of Municipal landfill of construction category construction category III. III. District In Special Operated by In Special Under the Sludge pits in accordance conditions accordance conditions reconstruction accordance to to the issued in to the issued in /In the Act. No. governmental accordance to governmenta accordance to preparation 327/96 Coll. regulation §15 Act No. 1 regulation §15 Act No. No. 606/92 238/91 Coll. No. 606/92 238/91 Coll. Coll. Coll.

B. Bystrica - - - - 1 1 - Brezno 1 1 •Pctrochema a.s. 1 Dubova, • Ironworks a.s. Podbrczova Zarnovica 2 •Izomal a.s. Nova 1 Baiia, •TS Nova Bafia Ziar nad 1 - •ZSNP a.s. Ziar nad I - - 2 Hronom Hronom Zvolen - - - 1 - - 1 Source: SAZP

The Stredny Spis region mostly occupies the area of and Spisska Nova Ves districts. The negative impact on this region is caused by mining and the treatment of complex copper and iron ore. The region has three principal sources of pollution and these are the industrial zones in Rudriany, Krompachy and Spisska Nova Ves. The environmental impact also includes the environmental problems of old mining and machine industry production in the territory of , Slovinky and Gelnica. In this endangered region, there are 87 000 inhabitants living in 21 settlements, three are municipal. The region occupies the area of 364 km2.

Air Pollution Table 62 The largest sources of air pollution in Stredny Spis region according to the emissions of basic air pollutants from 1996 to 1997 (in t per year)

Pollution source SPM SO, NO, CO Basic characteristics of main producers of air pollution 1996 1997 1996 1997 1996 1997 1996 1997 Kovohuty a.s. 187.4 296.0 9O08.0 7 236.0 89.9 98.9 1 024.5 689.2 and pollutants KrompRchy Zelba U.S. SpiSska • In 1997, the decrease ofS02 emissions in Kovohuty Novi Ves, 14.5 10.9 60.9 43.3 8.5 6.1 21.1 11.5 0. z. Rudilany a.s. Krompachy was caused by the lower concentra- KiniS a.s.S[ii!skii 147.3 140.9 399.0 229.7 95.0 28.S 190.0 66.6 Nova Ves tions of sulphur in the input concentrate. The increase Source: SHMU of SPM emissions compared to the year 1996 was caused by expansion of the production. The decrease of pollution is expected due to 1998 after the start of environmen- tally friendly production technology * The largest source of heavy metal pollution is Zelba a.s. Spisska Nova Ves, plant in Rudnany. Little improvement of heavy metal contamination was caused by the decrease in extraction and production after 1992.

53 State of the Environment Report - the Slovak Republic 1997

Water Pollution Table 63 The largest sources of surface water pollution in Stredny Spis endangered region according to selected indicators of discharged pollutants in 1996 and 1997 Basic characteristics of the quality of surface Pollution source BOD5 t per year CODCr t per SS t per year IS t per year watercourses at the checkpoints in 1997 !996 1997 1996 1997 1996 [997 1996 1997 Kovohuty a.s. 4.0 3.9 6.5 8.4 317.2 306.3 19.0 20.4 • The endangered area is in the territory of the Knrnipachv SK/.a.s. 5.4 5.(. 8.') 15.1 2-K..4 268.5 J2.2 36.2 River Hornad watershed Krompachy Zclba Rudnany 0.1 O.I O.S 1.0 39.5 52.9 0.5 0.9 • The watershed is under the impact of high con- VVaKSpiSska 153.3 75.2 425.S 292.5 1788.1 2 172.8 212.9 83.6 NovS Vcs centrations of heavy metals (Hg, Cu, Zn) that are the extraction and treatment waste and this is the cause of the quality category V of this watershed • The volume ofcoliform bacteria is the cause for the quality category V too.

Soil Pollution There is the heterogeneous soil contamination by mercury and other heavy metals (Cu, Pb, Cd, Zn) that are waste from the extraction and treatment companies. The area of contaminated and degraded agri- culture land is approx. 9 000 ha. The considerable concentrations of Hg reached the levels above A, B and also C in the surroundings of Rudnany and Gelnica. High concentrations of magnesium are in the acid soils in the area near Krompachy, , Richnava, Hnisovce and Slovinky. The concentration of cop- per in the area of Krompachy, Kluknava and Mnisok nad Hnilcom is above the indication limit C.

Waste Management The regional landfill site of the construction category III., which is possible to expand, is used for the municipal waste treatment. Another landfill site for municipal waste treatment near Spisske Vlachy is under the long-term reconstruction. There are a lot of large and small unregistered landfill sites for municipal waste treatment in this endangered region. The clearance of these landfill sites is slow because of problematic financial situation.

Table 64 Landfill sites in Stredny Spis endangered region

Industrial waste landfill of Municipal landfill of construction category III. construction category III. District In Special Operated by In accordance Special Under the Sludge pits accordance conditions issued to the conditions issued reconstruction in to the in accordance to governmental in accordance to / In the accordance governmental §15 Act No. regulation No. §15 Act No. preparation to Act. No. regulation 238/91 Coll. 606/92 Coll. 238/91 Coll. 327/96 Coll. No. 606/92 Coll. SpiSska Nova 7 •SEZ a.s. Krompachy, 1 7 1 3 Ves •Kovohuty a.s. Krompachy, •ZZS Prakovce, •NPZ Rudnany Source: SAZ!>

54 State of the Environment Report - the Slovak Republic 1997

Stredny Gemer (Middle Gemer) Region

The region of Stredny Gemer is surrounded by Muran valley stretching from Revuca, Lubenik and Jelsava valley, by Rimava valley stretching from Hnust'a to Hacava and finally by Slana valley stretching from Nizna Slana to Slavec. The whole region is a part of Revuca Highland connected to Roznava basin and occupies the regions of three districts: Rimavska Sobota, Revuca and Roznava. The environmental impact on this region is caused by the extraction and treatment of mineral raw materials and by chemi- cal industry. In this endangered region, there are 56 000 inhabitants living in 19 settlements, three are municipal, under the environmental impact. The region occupies the area of 401 km2.

Air Pollution Table 65 The largest sources of air pollution in Stredny Gemer region according to the emissions of basic air pollutants from 1996 to 1997 (t per year) Basic characteristics of main producers of air pol-

Pollution source SPM SO, NO, CO lution and pollutants: 1996 1997 1996 1997 1996 1997 1996 1997 Slovinag a. s. 135.4 130.O 69.1 25.9 494.7 44S.9 1 077.S 1088.5 • The emission of basic pollutants from the four Lubenik Slovak Magnesium largest sources of air pollution in this endangered Works (SMZ) a. s. 166.0 154.9 232.1 21.4 333.5 233.7 133.7 163.8 JelSava region was 7 692 t in 1997, that means the Zclba a. s. SpiSska Nova Vcs, 0. z. 297.2 152.3 2 709.0 2 787.0 307.1 304.7 2 066.2 2 129.0 decrease by 608 t compared to the year 1996 Sidcril Niina Slana Slovcnske luSobne • The decrease of the volume of SO2 emissions zavody (SLZ) a. s. 177.3 13.1 11.3 38.1 14.1 32.2 13.5 HiuiSfa (210.7 t less than in 1996) in SMZ a.s. Jelsava Source: S1IMU was caused by the change of fuel (now the gas is used) • The decrease of SPM emissions (145 t less than in 1996) came in Siderit Nizna Slana when the new electromagnetic separator started working • The technical and technological measures on air protection and also reduction or even abandonment of some technolo- gies in SLZ a.s. Hnust'a, caused the decrease of the volume of basic pollutants by 226 t (it is less then in 1996) • The solid pollutants from SMZ a.s. Jelsava and Slovmag a.s. Lubenik contained high concentrations of Mg and from the point of hygiene were significant the concentrations of Cd and Pb as well.

Water Pollution Table 66 The largest sources of surface water pollution in Stredny Gemer endangered region according to selected indicators of discharged pollutants in 1996 and 1997 Basic characteristics of the quality of surface

Pollution source BOD tper CODCr t per SStp r year lStpc r year VC yr;r watercourses at the checkpoints in 1997 1996 1997 1996 1997 1996 1997 1996 1997 Ferrous Ore Mines (ZRB) • The high values of CODCr at the checkpoint S.p. Nizna Slana 33.3 24.3 122.2 82.0 2 343.3 2 604.1 137.5 141.0 SlavoSovcc Paper Mill a.s. 67.2 r.o.o 179.1 170.0 526.2 469.9 58.2 46.0 bellow Jelsava in the watercourse of the River Slovmag a.s. Lubenik 1.3 0.9 6.0 3.5 112.0 65.9 3.8 2.2 Slovcnskc luCobnc Muran in the last year were the reasons for the zavody (SI.Z) a.s. Hnuffa 16.5 10.1 32.S 37.7, 78.3 7.0 9.0 - channel 600 change of water quality category to the catego- SLZ a.s. llnusTa -deep 31.3 20.5 63.3 73.3 192.4 24.1 35.5 channel ry HI SLZa.s. HnusTa-WWTP 16.5 4.7 29.9 37.8 35.7 10.5 7.2 Slovcnskc' Magnesium • To the lower quality level were also put the Works a.s. (SMZ) JelSava 3.2 1.1 17.4 4.6 87.4 76.3 6.4 2.3 Source: S11MU waters in the River Rimava watershed at the

55 State of the Environment Report - the Slovak Republic 1997 checkpoint bellow Hacava because of the high content of IS, Mn and Fe (IS - category V, Mn- category III). The high val- ues ofENP and bacteriological indicators were the reasons for the change of water quality category to categories IV and V • The waters in the River Stand watershed are in the quality category III - V because of their pollution by the industrial production in SLZ a.s. Hnust'a, Paper Mill a.s. Slavosovce, SMZ a.s. Jelsava and Slovmag a.s. Lubenik • The new mechanico-chemical WWTP started working in 1997 and 30-50 % of treated water is reutilized during pro- duction. When the project of reconstruction of charcoal production was completed in SLZ a.s. Hnust'a, the production of waste water was 600 - 800 t of BOD5 lower.

Soil Pollution

The soil quality was degraded esp. by solid pollutants of MgO, Fe2Ov CaO, SiO2 with the high con- tent of magnesium, cadmium and lead. Magnesium is not a dangerous trace element but the consider- able volume of this element near the plants for magnesium production can cause direct physical damage to soil. The considerable reduction of soil production is evident in the soil of category 3 and 5. Soil of ca- tegory 5 is degraded in some territories to such extent, that the production is impossible. The damage of the forest land is also indicated in the area of 16 728.7 ha (levels A-D) of endangered forest land. The soil contamination by heavy metals such as As, Ni, Cu, Hg, Mn near Nizna Slana was caused by mining and the treatment of mineral raw materials.

Waste Management There is only one registered regional landfill site for the treatment of bulky municipal waste. Large factories treat their waste in accordance to the legislation. The environment impact is caused by the min- ing and the treatment production in Slovmag a.s. Lubenik and SMZ a.s. Jelsava.

Table 67 Landfill sites in Stredny Gemer endangered region

Industrial waste landfill of Municipal landfill of construction category III. construction category III. District In Special Operated by In accordance Special Under the Sludge pits in accordance conditions to the conditions reconstruction accordance to to the issued in governmental issued in / In the Act. No. governmental accordance to regulation No. accordance to preparation 327/96 Coll. regulation §15 Act No. 606/92 Coll. §15 Act No. No. 606/92 238/!M Coll. 238/91 Coll. Coll. Reviica - 2" •Slovmag a.s. - 3 1 Lubenik, •SMZ a.s. ! Inust'a Rimavska 1 •SLZ a.s. Hnust'a 1 - - - Sobota landfill sites of construction category I. Source: SAZP

Kosice region occupies the major part of Kosice basin that includes four districts of Kosice City and the southern part of Kosice-Surrouding District. The region is heavily polluted by metallurgy and energy industries. There are 267 000 inhabitants in 19 settlements, Kosice is the only municipal settlement under the environmental impact in this endangered region. The region occupies the area of 658 km2.

56 State of the Environment Report - the Slovak Republic 1997

Air Pollution Table 68 The largest sources of air pollution in Kosice region according to the emissions of basic air pollutants from 1996 to 1997 (t per year) Basic characteristics of main producers of air Follutloa loarce STM SO, NO.: CO 1996 1997 1996 1997 1996 1997 1996 1997 pollution and pollutants: VS2s.a.KoSiee 10 3S3.O 102SS.2 16 07O.O IS 049.0 16 075.0 13 600.0 75 018.O 83 822.0 fSte*lWork») • The emission of basic pollutants from the SB a. s. Heat Energy, plant in 126.6 121.6 1 701.8 2 566.4 IB02.4 2 165.0 183.1 61.9 largest sources of air pollution in this endan- Kfliice Centre for Waste gered region was 128 413 t in 1997, that Treatment a.r.o. (CZO) 55.6 822 19.9 48.3 73.4 94.2 145.2 42.7 Xnikc -Incinerator Cement Works 53.9 55.3 231.6 123.0 430.9 206.7 151.1 109.5 means 3 871 t more compared to the year "nirfia nadBodvoa 1996. The SPM emissions decreased by

65 t, SO2 by 2 287 t, NOX by 2 475 t but the CO emissions increased by 8 539 t • The total volume of emissions produced in VSZ a.s. Kosice in 1997 was 3 220 t more than in 1996. This increase was caused by the increase of CO emissions (8 804 t more then in 1996). The decrease of emissions was indicated in the case ofS02 (3 021 t less) and in the case ofNOx (2 475 t less)

• The increase of coal combustion with the decrease of natural gas combustion caused the increase ofSO2 andNOx in SE a.s. Tepelna energetika, Kosice o.z.

• The increase of SPM, SOV NOX compared with the year 1996 was shown by the Centre for Waste Treatment (CZO) s.r.o. Kosice- incinerator of municipal waste. This state is caused by the absence of the second level treatment.

Water Pollution Table 69 The largest sources of surface water pollution in Kosice endangered region according to selected indicators of discharged pollutants in 1996 and 1997 Basic characteristics of the quality of surface Pollution aoaree BOD< 1 per yew COD,, tpcrytar SS t per yew IS t per year IMC 1997 1996 1997 1996 1997 1996 1997 watercourses at the checkpoints in 1997 \St a.1. 94.2 92.4 693.0 924.0 7 320.8 7 392.0 373.2 369.6 Koike * Although the volume of coliform bacteria WaKi-p. 1 182.6 819,9 2956.5 1 803.9 14191.2 15 455.8 2 759.4 2 254.8 KoSice decreased, this amount is still the reason for the Source: SHMU water quality category V in the River Bodva. High concentrations of zinc caused water quality category V at the checkpoint in Moldva nad Bodvou • For coliform bacteria volume, the River Horndd reaches the quality category V. The concentrations of mercury are in the interval of quality category III - V.

Soil Pollution The soil in Kosice basin is in the A, Al category, that means not contaminated soil with possible negative impact on the environment. The area of former Kosicky Magnezit s.p. Tahanovce indicates the long-term magnesium contamination of soil. The acidification of soil within and near the area of VSZ a.s. Kosice caused the destruction of mineral constituents and organic part of the sorption content of the soil colloidal complex. There are still significant deposits of sulphrum and heavy metals, the principal are Mn, Mg, Cr, Al, As and Pb as well as Fe.

Waste Management The treatment of bulky municipal waste in Kosice endangered area is carried out by the incinerat- ing and by the depositing in landfill sites. The municipal waste incinerator in Koksov-Baksi is due to reconstruction and modernization. VSZ a.s. Kosice is the largest source of assorted waste (other, special, hazardous). The industrial waste is in various forms of consistency and has various physical and chemi- cal properties. The principal is metallurgy and machine industries waste. The serious environmental problem is the hazardous waste landfill site that belonged to the former Tesla in Moldava nad Bodvou. This waste consists of glass and metals contaminated by mercury. The landfill site is outside the factory in Mokrance surroundings.

57 State of the Environment Report - the Slovak Republic 1997

Table 70 Landfill sites in Kosice endangered region

Industrial waste landfill of Municipal landfill of construction category III. construction category III. District In accordance Special Operated by In accordance Special Under the Sludge pits to the conditions to the conditions reconstruction / in governmental issued in government issued in In the accordance regulation accordance to regulation accordance to preparation to Act. No. No. 606/92 §15 Act No. No. 606/92 §15 Act No. 327/96 Coll. Coll. 238/91 Coll. Coll. 238/91 Coll. Kosice-City 2 3 •CZO KoSicc, - - - 4 •VSZ a.s. Kosice KoSice- - I •Tesla Moldava 1 5 1 - Surroundings naci Hodvou Source: SAZP

This endangered region is marked off by the towns Vranov nad Topl'ou, Humenne and with- the centre around Strazske. The region goes south esp. to Vojany and Trebisov settlements. The region occupies the area of Humenne, Vranov nad Topl'ou, Trebisov and Michalovce districts. The pollu- tion is mainly caused by the chemical and energy industries. In this endangered region, there are 207 000 inhabitants living in 57 settlements, eight are municipal. The region occupies the area of 1 081 km2.

Air Pollution Table 71 The largest sources of air pollution in Stredny Zemplin region according to the emis- sions of basic air pollutants from 1996 to 1997 (t per year) Basic characteristics of main producers of air Pollution SPM SO, NO, CO sources pollution and pollutants 1996 1997 1996 1997 1996 1997 1996 1997 SE a. s. 8 580.') 10 607.0 25 22 [177.0 17 587.7 17 302.0 722.X 729.0 Tower • The emission of basic pollutants from the Station Vojany largest sources of air pollution in this endan- (EVO) Chemko a.s. 642.6 580.6 8 039.5 9 404.5 2 7S7.7 1 000.0 2 608.3 2 641).] gered region was 74 484 t in 1997, that means Strafake Bukdza a.s. 2 659 t less than in 1996 Vranov nad 363.4 369.3 2 948.0 3 204.0 761.0 806.0 344.4 344.0 Toprou Chcmcs a s. <>72.2 569.1) 2XS1.I 2 332.0 676.1 758.0 612.4 447.0 • The slight decrease of SPM emissions was tlumenn£ Potravlnarsky indicated in 1997 with the exception of Vojany komblna! a.s. 20.1 11.4 232.2 181.0 74.3 210.8 11.3 9.7 TrcbiSov power station, which produced 2 017 t more Source: SI IMl'I . . , r 1 • r \ • • emissions because oj the increase of electricity production

• The total volume of SO2 emissions from the largest sources was 3 380 t more then in 1996. The increase ofSO2 emis- sion by 465 t was indicated in Chemko a.s. Strazske and by 256 t in Bukoza a.s. Vranov nad Topl'ou

• The total volume of NOx and CO emissions slightly decreased, compared to the year 1996 • The emissions of chlorine, mercaptan and hydrogene sulphide (Bukoza a.s. Vranov nad Topl'ou), ammonia, formalde- hyde, acetaldehyde, cyclohexane, cyclohexanone and alkylalcohol (Chemko a.s. Strdzske) were also important.

58 State of the Environment Report - the Slovak Republic 1997

Water Pollution Table 72 The largest sources of surface water pollution in Stredny Zemplin endangered region according to selected indicators of discharged pollutants in 1996 and 1997 Basic characteristics of the quality of surface Fdliitfoa loarce BOD, t per yew CODp, t p*r yeir SStperye*r IS t p«rye*r 1956 1997 1996 1997 1996 1997 1996 1997 watercourses at the checkpoints in 1997 Bvk&x ».i. 295.7 297.9 2 534.9 2 904.7 10 213.3 10001.6 549.2 532.0 Vnmovnid • For the high concentrations of mercury, the Toprov Cbemko tta. 138.S 133.6 735.9 847.9 3 188.8 3 753.8 360.0 213.7 River Laborec is put to water quality category Str0»ke Fotraviairtky 31.5 34.5 108.2 125.9 421.0 439.9 45.7 48.3 IV - V. Coliform bacteria in all checkpoints kombuiii Ll. TrcbSoT put the group of biological and microbiologi- 500.2 488.8 8SS.7 879.9 913.8 684J 432.8 342.2 cal indicators to category V - as a consequence W«KS.p,cz. 425.7 381.6 922.4 901.9 2 188.7 1873.2 319.3 3122 MkbOovc. -. —-f of improper water treatment in WWTP in Michalovce and WWl'P in Humenne • The water quality in the River and Uh tributaries running from Ukraine was in the quality category III - V. The category V was caused by coliform bacteria • The River Ondava watercourse bellow Vranov nad Topl'ou is in all assessed groups of indicators in the categories IV -

V. This quality level is caused by CODCr> IS, ENPuv, zinc and coliform bacteria indicators.

Soil Pollution The soil in this region is under the long-term impact of emissions from various sources. The acid- ification is apparent from the past production of Vojany power station and Chemko a.s. Strazske. The soil is in the category O-A not contaminated - risk soil according to the Soil Fertility Research Institute sur- vey. The contamination by petroleum products was caused outside the territory of Slovakia (Ukraine) by the accidents that led to the contamination of the Rivers Uh and Latorica (in 1993 and 1994).

Waste Management All district towns in this region have problems with the waste treatment. This situation is caused by the lack of landfill sites capacities and by the lack of appropriate landfill sites. The assessment of the environmental impact in Michalovce and Michalovce surroundings forced to find a new area for the new regional landfill site. The largest producers of waste - hazardous including (Chemes a.s. Humenne, Chemko a.s. Strazske, Bukoza a.s. Vranov nad Topl'ou, Vojany power plant) solved the problem of waste management by the construction of their own landfill sites, incinerators and sludge pits so the waste management in these companies is in accordance to the legislation (except Bukoza a.s. Vranov nad Topl'ou). There is a waste separation plant operating in Michalovce.

Table 73 Landfill sites in Stredny Zemplin region

Industrial waste landfill Municipal landfill of construction category HI. of construction category HI. District In accordance Special Operated by 1° Special Under the Sludge pits in to the conditions accordance to conditions reconstruction accordance to governmental issued in the issued in /In the Act No. regulation No. accordance to governmental accordance to preparation 327/96 CoU. 606/92 CoIL §15 Act No. regulation §15 Art No. 238/91 Coll. No. 606/92 238/91 ColL CoU, Michalovce 3 •Vojany Power 1 2 2 2 Station, •Chemko a.s. Stra&ke •Nafta a.s. Gbcly Uumenne 1 - •Chemes a.s. 0 1 1 - Humenne Vranov nad 1 •Bukoza a.s. 2 0 1 Topl'ou Vranov nad Topl'ou Trebisov - - - 0 1 1 - Note: Thia chart contains only the district landfills thai are within Ihc endangered area. Source: SA^P