Building fraternity Hunter elected president of National Black Catholic Seminarians Association, page 3. Serving the Church in Central and Southern Indiana Since 1960 February 21, 2014 Vol. LIV, No. 19 75¢ , cardinal ‘It’s what you do every day’ Submitted photo advisers study Vatican financial, administrative offices

VATICAN CITY (CNS)— met for the third time in late February with his international Council of Cardinals, an eight-member group advising him on the reform of the Vatican bureaucracy and other issues. The Feb. 17-19 meetings focused on financial and bureaucratic matters even as the council was rumored to be working on a draft of an that would reorganize the Church’s central administration, the . The eight cardinals joined Pope Francis the first morning for Mass in his residence, where the pope preached patience. Spoiled children Tony Dungy shares a story about his relationship with his children during the 100th Dad’s Day breakfast at Cathedral High School in Indianapolis on and the haughty Feb. 11. The former Indianapolis Colts head coach helped found All Pro Dad, an international organization that helps men become better fathers. want everything immediately, the Pope Francis pope said. The Dungy says God, commitment and love Gospels even recount stories of people demanding Jesus perform miracles to prove that God is with him. are the keys to being good father, husband “They confuse God’s way of acting with that of a sorcerer,” the pope said By John Shaughnessy finished talking, the lady said, ‘Mr. Dungy, up and meet that.” at the Feb. 17 Mass. “But God does not you’ve been awfully quiet. Do you have The Dungys adopted a 1-day-old boy. behave like a sorcerer, God has his own Tony Dungy will soon share one any questions?’ In the 13 years that have passed since way of proceeding. of his favorite, funny stories from his “I said, ‘I have just one. If we decide to then, the couple has adopted five more “Christians must live their lives in time relationship with Peyton Manning. do this—I’ve heard all the horror stories— children, the youngest now 9-months-old. with the music of patience,” the pope said, Yet right now, the former head coach how long is this going to take?’ And she “At first, Lauren told me, ‘If we “because it is the music of our fathers, of the of the Indianapolis Colts is telling a told me something that just pierced me, could adopt one more child, I think our people of God, of those who believed in his poignant story from his relationship with and made all the difference in the world family would be complete.’ And that was word, who followed the commandment that his wife of 31 years, Lauren. to me. She said, ‘If you’re interested in an number four. And now we’ve got nine. I the Lord gave to our father Abraham: Walk The story begins with Dungy recalling African-American or biracial child, you should have known it wasn’t going to be before me and be blameless’” (Gn 17:1). a time in their home when the youngest could take a child home today.’ ” just one more,” Dungy said with a laugh. Jesuit Father Federico Lombardi, Vatican of their three biological children Dungy had believed the process could spokesman, was asked about rumors that was about 9. take as long as a year. After hearing the The best time between a dad and his son the council could have a draft of a Curia “Lauren said, ‘Boy, this house is really timetable from the woman, Dungy focused Dungy shared that story during a reorganization plan ready as early as May. “I quiet,’ ” Dungy recalled. “She wanted on some of the beliefs that guide his life. talk he gave at Cathedral High School have the impression that this is a work that to adopt a child. I was OK with it, but “I thought to myself, ‘If I’m saying in Indianapolis on Feb. 11. He was is going forward intensely,” he replied, but it really not on board. She did a lot of the I’m pro-life and I’m Christian, and I’m there to help mark the 100th Dad’s Day does not seem to be on the verge of finishing. leg work first. Then I went to talk to the encouraging women to not have abortions breakfast event at the private Catholic Honduran Cardinal Oscar Rodriguez person at the agency. When we were and bring these kids to life, I’ve got to step See DUNGY, page 8 Maradiaga of Tegucigalpa told the French See VATICAN, page 2 Pope Francis to engaged couples: After ‘I do,’ comes ‘may I, thank you, sorry’ in loving relationships (CNS)—Greeting on Feb. 14 dedicated to couples completing thousands of engaged couples on the feast of their marriage preparation courses and St. Valentine, Pope Francis told them not to planning to be married in the Church this year. be afraid of building a permanent and loving The initiative, “The Joy of ‘Yes’ Forever,” relationship in a culture where everything is was organized by the Pontifical Council Haring CNS photo/Paul disposable and fleeting. for the Family. The council president, The secrets to a loving and lasting union, Italian Archbishop Vincenzo Paglia, is a he said, include treating each other with former bishop of Terni and successor to respect, kindness and gratitude, and never St. Valentine—the third-century martyred letting daily struggles and squabbles sabotage bishop of Terni. making peace and saying, “I’m sorry.” The archbishop told the pope that the “The perfect family doesn’t exist, nor young couples in the square were evidence of is there a perfect husband or a perfect wife, how many people do want to “go against the and let’s not talk about the perfect mother-in- tide” by having a love that lasts forever and is law!” he said to laughter and applause. blessed by God. “It’s just us sinners,” he said. But “if we See POPE, page 2 learn to say we’re sorry and ask forgiveness, the marriage will last.” After a week of heavy rains, bright An engaged couple wait for the start of sunshine warmed St. Peter’s Square and the Pope Francis’ Valentine Day audience in St. Peter’s 30,000 people who gathered for an audience Square at the Vatican on Feb. 14. Page 2 The Criterion Friday, February 21, 2014

“May I? Thank you, and I’m sorry.” if they aren’t, the bad feelings inside will POPE People need to be more attentive to become “cold and hard and it will be more continued from page 1 how they treat each other, he said. They difficult to make peace” as time goes on.

must trade in their heavy “mountain boots” Many people can’t imagine or are afraid Haring CNS photo/Paul Engaged couples attending the audience for greater delicacy when walking into of a love and marriage that lasts forever received a small white pillow with someone else’s life. because they think love is an emotional- Pope Francis’ signature and his papal Love isn’t tough or aggressive, he said, physical feeling or state-of-being, he said. crest. The cushion has two satin ribbons it’s courteous and kind, and in a world that But “love is a relationship, it’s something for securing wedding rings during the is “often violent and aggressive, we need that grows.” marriage ceremony. much more courtesy.” The relationship needs to be taken care Three of the couples shared with the Couples also need the strength to of every day, “entrusting yourselves to the pope their thoughts and concerns about recognize when they’ve done wrong and Lord Jesus in a life that becomes a daily Pope Francis holds a rose and chocolates living a Christian marriage and asked for ask forgiveness. The “instinct” to accuse spiritual journey, made step by step, tiny thrown by a person in the crowd as he arrives his advice. someone else “is at the heart of so many steps” toward greater maturity and spiritual for an audience for engaged couples in While the pope confessed he had the disasters,” starting with Adam, who ate the growth, he said. St. Peter’s Square at the Vatican on Feb. 14, questions in advance and wrote out his forbidden fruit. When God asked him if he Like his miracle of multiplying the Valentine’s Day. answers, that didn’t stop him from straying did it, the pope said, Adam immediately loaves, Jesus will do the same “also for from the text to give further emphasis passes the blame saying, “‘Uh, no, it was you,” he said, “multiplying your love and political problems in make it “really and examples. that one over there who gave it to me!’ giving it to you good and fresh every day.” hard for families. But with the Church, there “Living together is an art, a patient, Accusing the other to get out of saying The pope also urged couples to keep is more hope in being able to make it.” beautiful and amazing journey” that ‘I’m sorry’ and ‘Pardon me.’” their wedding ceremonies low-key, Robert Duncan, who is a multimedia “doesn’t end when you’ve won over each Obviously, couples will make mistakes focusing more on Christ than on the dress, journalist at the Catholic News Service others’ hearts,” he said. Rather “that’s and fight, but “never, never, never end the decorations and photographers. Rome bureau, and his fiancee, Constance exactly when it begins!” day without making peace,” the pope said. A Christian marriage is a celebration, Daggett, were one of the handful of couples A healthy family life, he said, absolutely An eloquent speech isn’t necessary, he but it must highlight “what’s really chosen to speak about their journeys of faith requires frequent use of three phrases: said, but things must be set right because important,” and “the true reason for your and love, and to meet the pope. joy: the blessing of your love by the Lord.” The two 25-year-olds became Catholics Manuela Franchini, 29, and Armando as adults and Duncan said, “The fact that Perasole, 30, who are getting married on we’re able to begin our marriage in the Dec. 12, attended the event. They moved presence of the pope is a culmination from Naples to Milan for work, and told of a process that has been the story of Be an answer Catholic News Service that economic and our love.” † to prayers. Harvard law professor, was not in Rome, VATICAN so did not participate in the meeting, continued from page 1 Father Lombardi said. Even the smallest gifts The commission gave the cardinals newspaper La Croix that the council was a “full report,” Father Lombardi said, make a big difference. considering putting a married couple at and the cardinals responded with many the head of the Pontifical Council for the questions. The focus, the spokesman said, Family, and he repeated the idea that the is not on the internal workings or even Make your $25 online gift now! reformed Curia could have a Congregation some of the recent scandals involving the for the Laity rather than the lower-ranked Vatican bank, but on whether and how it pontifical council. serves the mission of the Church. Father Lombardi said his impression The final day of the pope’s meeting was that those ideas were being discussed, with his cardinal-councilors was to include but that nothing had been proposed a conversation with the 15-member formally yet. Council of Cardinals for the Study When the council met in December, it of the Organizational and Economic began an overview of Vatican offices by Problems of the , which oversees Faith Formation • Catholic Education • Vocations focusing on the existing congregations, budget making for the Holy See and Priests’ Retirement • Caring for People in Need he said. The fact that the cardinals have Vatican City State. not even started reviewing the pontifical Looking at the administrative and councils seems to indicate they have economic institutions of the Holy See, a way to go before coming up with a Father Lombardi said, the pope and comprehensive plan. cardinals are trying to put every office into In reviewing the Vatican bureaucracy context and understand how they could and the governance of the universal work together better for the good of the Church, the pope and the cardinals began Church. Only 17% away on Feb. 17 with a discussion of the Cardinal-designate , Vatican’s financial operations, meeting in Vatican secretary of state, participated from reaching the morning with three members of the in all of the meetings of the Council our goal. Pontifical Commission for Reference on of Cardinals, Father Lombardi said, the Economic-Administrative Structure and although he has not formally been Use your smartphone to scan the of the Holy See. The commission is named a member of the council, he QR Code and make a small gift. investigating accounting practices in was participating on an equal footing Your gift is tax deductible. Vatican offices to devise strategies as the cardinals. for greater fiscal responsibility and In addition to Cardinal Rodriguez transparency. Maradiaga, the other members of the The second day of the pope’s meeting council are: Cardinals Francisco Javier with the council also was dedicated Errazuriz Ossa, retired archbishop to financial matters, but looking more of Santiago, Chile; specifically at the activities and mission of of Mumbai, India; of the so-called Vatican bank. The morning Munich and Freising, Germany; Laurent meeting included a discussion with four Monsengwo Pasinya of Kinshasa, Congo; of the five members of a commission the Sean P. O’Malley of Boston; George pope established in June to look at the Pell of Sydney; and , Institute for the Works of Religion, the president of the commission governing bank’s formal title. Mary Ann Glendon, a Vatican City State. †

The Criterion NEWS FROM YOU! (ISSN 0574-4350) is published weekly except the The Do you have something exciting or last week of December and newsworthy you want to be considered the first week of January. The 2/21/14 Phone Numbers to be printed in The Criterion? E-mail us: 1400 N. Meri­dian St. Criterion office:...... 317-236-1570 Indianapolis, IN 46202-2367 Moving? Advertising...... 317-236-1454 [email protected] 317-236-1570 Toll free:...... 1-800-382-9836, ext. 1570 800-382-9836 ext. 1570 We’ll be there waiting if you give us two weeks’ Circulation:...... 317-236-1425 Staff [email protected] Toll free:...... 1-800-382-9836, ext. 1425 advance notice! Editor: Mike Krokos Price: $22.00 per year, 75 cents per copy Assistant Editor: John Shaughnessy Periodical postage paid at Name______Reporter: Sean Gallagher Indianapolis, IN. Postmaster Reporter: Natalie Hoefer Copyright © 2014 New Address______Send address changes to The Criterion, Online Editor: Brandon A. Evans Criterion Press Inc. City______1400 N Meridian St., Indianapolis, IN 46206 Business Manager: Ron Massey State/Zip______Web site : Executive Assistant: Mary Ann Klein Postmaster: Graphics Specialist: Jerry Boucher Send address changes to: New Parish______E-mail: [email protected] Print Service Assistant: Annette Danielson Criterion Press Inc. Effective Date______Published weekly except the last week of December and the first week of January. Mailing address: 1400 N. Meridian St. Note: If you are receiving duplicate copies please send both labels. 1400 N. Meri­dian St., Indianapolis, IN 46206. Periodical postage paid at ­Indianapolis, IN. Indianapolis, IN 46206 Copyright © 2014 Criterion Press Inc. ISSN 0574-4350. The Criterion • 1400 N. Meridian St. • Indianapolis, IN 46206 The Criterion Friday, February 21, 2014 Page 3 New coordinator of Hispanic ministry brings wealth of experience

By Natalie Hoefer pastor of a parish in Paraguay. “The parish had 35,000 people divided ‘[Hispanic ministry] is part of an intercultural Divine Word Missionary into 48 communities,” he said. Father Lloyd “Sam” Cunningham was born “It was 1989, and there was not a lick office. We need to keep working toward in Normal, Ill. of asphalt—it was all dirt roads. There integration in the community, and that His path from there has been … was no electricity in the parish the first parishes are intercultural parishes—not not so normal. year. There was only one telephone in the From Illinois to Argentina, from whole parish, and we had well water for the forcing it, but challenging it.’ Wisconsin to Paraguay, with others states first two years.” and countries in between, the archdiocese’s Father Sam, with the help of an —Divine Word Missionary Father Lloyd new coordinator of Hispanic ministry has associate pastor and a seminarian, “Sam” Cunningham, new coordinator been working with Latinos in some respect celebrated more than 1,000 baptisms, for the entirety of his 39 years as a priest, 1,000 first Communions and of Hispanic ministry and even before then. 1,000 confirmations each year, and Father Sam’s interest in the Latino witnessed more than 100 weddings, while culture began while he was attending also doing mission work with indigenous Divine Word College in Epworth, Iowa. people of the area. was looking for a therapist who could as a missionary, and his passion for serving “The dean, who was a Chicano, invited Father Sam served there for speak Spanish,” said Father Sam. “They those in need. me to go to Rock Island-Moline, Illinois,” three-and-a-half years, then spent the next work primarily with sex offenders and “I personally think that Father Sam fits said Father Sam. “He was forming Latino three-and-a-half years teaching theology at their families. I worked with them from the description that Pope Francis states parishes there. We’d go every two weeks. the national seminary at Catholic University 1999-2010, and in that time I treated over of what a priest should be: ‘capable of “That summer, [1975], was the in Asunción, the capital of Paraguay. 600 sex offenders.” warming people’s hearts, of walking with first summer I went to Mexico. I studied “Our house was right above the garbage Father Sam spent 2011-13 serving them in the night, of dialoguing with their there for six weeks.” dump in Asunción,” Father Sam recalled. as associate pastor of St. Patrick Parish hopes and disappointments, of mending Later, while studying at the Catholic “There were about 2,000 people living on in Fort Wayne, Ind., in the Diocese of their brokenness,’ ” Brother Moises said. Theological Union in Chicago, the garbage dump. We began building a Fort Wayne-South Bend, while working as Father Sam said he “appreciates very Father Sam studied in Bolivia then spent chapel and getting a school built [there], a therapist with perpetrators of domestic much” the Hispanic time in Paraguay. and eventually were able to have the violence at the Center for Nonviolence in programs that He was ordained a priest on Dec. 12, U.S. embassy to help us put in streets there.” Fort Wayne. Brother Moises 1981—the Feast of Our Lady of Guadalupe. While he was teaching at the university, While in Fort Wayne, Father Sam implemented After receiving his master’s degree in Father Sam did retreat work in Argentina taught a few courses for the Archdiocese of before taking divinity with a specialty in mission work and Brazil, and began working with a social Indianapolis’ Hispanic Leadership Institute. over as director of and a master’s in mission theology, both psychologist, Jesuit Father Henry Grant, “I met Father Sam almost three years the multicultural from Catholic Theological Union in 1982, teaching ethics to businessmen in Asunción ago when he was invited to preside ministry office. Father Sam was ready to begin ministering. as a form of evangelization. at a Mass for [the feast of] St. Martin “I see the need “We got to list our top three choices of When he was reassigned to work at de Porres,” said Franciscan Brother Moises for having educated where we wanted to go,” he recalled. “I a Hispanic seminary in the barrio of Gutierrez, director of the archdiocesan leaders in Spanish, wrote down Paraguay, then Bolivia, and East Los Angeles in 1996, Father Sam also Office of Multicultural Ministry. and also having then any Spanish-speaking country. began studying psychology. “Right after the Mass, I approached Br. Moises Gutierrez, O.F.M. spiritual directors in “I was assigned as vocational director “I knew as I looked around that there was him to invite him to teach some of the Spanish, which is of a high school seminary in East Troy, a need to have Spanish-speaking therapists,” workshops for the Pastoral Leadership one part of what I’ll be doing,” he said. Wisconsin,” he said with a laugh. he said. Program we offer in Spanish here in the Father Sam will also be working with Father Sam still took time to travel. He He moved back to Chicago, working archdiocese.” the 21 parishes that have Spanish Masses in believes it was bad water on one of his trips in formation at the Catholic Theological Brother Moises believed Father Sam the archdiocese. that led to him contracting hepatitis. Union. Meanwhile, he received his master’s would be a great asset to Hispanic ministry. “[Hispanic ministry] is part of an But the illness proved fortuitous. He degree in marriage and family therapy in “His experience ministering with intercultural office,” he said. “We need moved back to Chicago and started outreach 1999 and a doctorate in clinical psychology Hispanics here in the United States and to keep working toward integration in ministries to the Hispanics of Villiata, a in 2006, both from the Adler School of abroad, his vast education in the field the community, and that parishes are small area of Chicago. Professional Psychology. of counseling, his abilities and skills to intercultural parishes—not forcing it, but Finally, Father Sam was assigned to be “Latino Family Services [in Chicago] minister in intercultural settings, his vision challenging it.” †

Seminarian Douglas Hunter elected president of Sanctity of Life National Black Catholic Seminarians Association Dinner set for March 6 in By Natalie Hoefer According to its website, the NBCSA “seeks of the NBCSA is “to bind all seminarians to contribute to the well-being of candidates for together, both black and non-black, for the love Indianapolis Douglas Hunter, an archdiocesan seminarian priesthood and religious life, with an emphasis and service of Christ and his Church. For me, The Sanctity of Life at Saint Meinrad Seminary and School of on Black American, African, Afro-Caribbean, I will have more of a concentration on black Dinner, sponsored by the Theology in St. Meinrad, was recently elected and Afro-Latino candidates preparing to Catholic seminarians.” archdiocesan Office of president of the National Black Catholic serve the Church in the United States and its When asked how he would handle the Pro-Life and Family Life, Seminarians Association (NBCSA). territories,” and “to promote knowledge of, and presidential responsibilities combined with will be held at Primo Banquet Hunter, who is currently serving a pastoral apostolic works in, the diverse Black Catholic his seminary studies and responsibilities, Hall and Conference Center, year at St. Monica Parish in Indianapolis, said community in the United States. Promoting Hunter responded, “Like everything else in 2615 National Ave. in people ask him “Why do we have a black vocations to priesthood and religious life the seminary—with prayer and the help of the Indianapolis, at 6 p.m. on Catholic seminarian association?” has become central to the identity and Holy Spirit!” March 6. Bishop Christopher “When I tell them my personal journey mission of NBCSA.” Fortunately, said Hunter, most of the J. Coyne, vicar general, will of being the only African-American in the Hunter, who was nominated and elected by his meetings take place in the evening via serve as the keynote speaker. seminary, their tone starts to change. peers in the organization, said he was surprised teleconference, and in-person gatherings occur During the event, “The association is not about singling by the election results. primarily during the summer months. Michael Velasco, the themselves out of the rest of the seminary “I served on the NBCSA executive board for Some of those meetings will be with the Knights of Columbus’ population, but to create a network of two years as treasurer,” he said. National Black Catholic Clergy Caucus Indiana State Council pro-life those in similar situations, such as mine,” “Toward the end of my term, I ran for a (NBCCC) executive board, where, as president director, will be honored for Hunter explained. different position and lost. of the NBCSA, Hunter will have a seat his work to further the pro-life “It’s mostly about building fraternity among “I accepted the nomination [for president] and, representing black Catholic seminarians cause. He is the first to hold black Catholic seminarians. It’s not about from there, my name was placed on the ballot. A throughout the United States. the pro-life director position creating a subculture within our respective few days after the election, to my surprise, I was When interacting with the NBCCC, Hunter for the Knights’ Indiana State seminaries, but providing a resource for the elected as president. will have the opportunity to work with Council. small number of black Catholic seminarians “I’m grateful for the opportunity to lead Father Kenneth Taylor, pastor of Holy Angels Tickets for the event spread through the United States. such a great group of gentlemen. I see this as Parish in Indianapolis, who was elected are $50 per person, or $40 “While reaching out to other black Catholic a great networking opportunity for the Church president of the NBCCC last year. per student. Registration seminarians through networking, we’re helping and the association.” “I was excited when I got the word that is available online by out as an extension or support of the overall Hunter, a former Indianapolis Metropolitan [Hunter] was elected,” said Father Taylor. logging into www. seminary formation process.” police officer, said his primary duty as president “He has a lot of practical experience in the or by world that he can bring to the association, not calling 317-236-1521, or just from book learning but with his career. That 800-382-9836, ext. 1521. † will be very helpful for the seminarians to have ‘It’s mostly about building fraternity among black someone who has both Catholic seminarians. It’s not about creating a academic learning and subculture within our respective seminaries, but practical experience.” providing a resource for the small number of black Hunter’s term as Catholic seminarians spread through the United States. president for the NBCSA will end in February While reaching out to other black Catholic seminarians of 2016. through networking, we’re helping out as an extension After that, he said, or support of the overall seminary formation process.’ “if it’s God’s will, I will be ordained to Bishop —Archdiocesan seminarian Douglas Hunter the priesthood in [the Christopher J. Coyne Fr. Kenneth Taylor summer of] 2016.” † Page 4 The Criterion Friday, February 21, 2014


Be Our Guest/Tom Yost From membership to discipleship I was born into a Catholic family. I from me you cannot bear fruit. It was I who was baptized at 3 weeks old. I received chose you to go forth and bear fruit. Your Rev. Msgr. Raymond T. Bosler, Founding Editor, 1915 - 1994 the sacraments of fruit must endure” (Jn 15:5-8). Most Rev. Joseph W. Tobin, C.Ss.R., Publisher Mike Krokos, Editor reconciliation and Fruitfulness is a measure of discipleship. Greg A. Otolski, Associate Publisher John F. Fink, Editor Emeritus Eucharist at age 7. A Catholic member may or may not produce I was confirmed at fruit, but a Catholic disciple by definition age 10. I received bears fruit (witness and good works). the sacrament of My reception of sacraments, attendance Editorial matrimony at age at Mass, participation in retreats and Bible 28. I have attended studies, and accomplished degrees can lead Sunday and me to produce fruit, but they are not the fruit. The cruelty of U.S. deportations holy day Masses The fruit Jesus is talking about is loving throughout my life. and serving both God and neighbor with no In November of I attended a strings and no conditions. 2012 Archbishop Jose H. Gomez Catholic grade school, participated in my We are more than members—we are of Los Angeles, chairman of parish junior/senior high faith formation disciples—when we are light of the world the U.S. bishops’ Committee on program, and received an undergraduate and salt of the Earth (Matthew 5:13-16).

Migration, noted what was then “the Maung CNS photo/David degree in theology and a graduate degree We are disciples when we leave our nets unprecedented bipartisan support in religious studies. I have attended or (distractions or worldly things) behind and for comprehensive immigration facilitated numerous retreats and Bible follow Jesus at his invitation (Mark 1:16-20). reform.” Unfortunately, that support studies. I have attended countless programs We are disciples when we, like has dissipated. Reform now seems as or workshops related to Church or faith. Zacchaeus, encounter Jesus, repent of our elusive as ever. I have been a registered member at sin, and change our life (Luke 19:1-10). Archbishop Gomez said at the three Catholic parishes during my lifetime. We are disciples when we deny ourselves, time, “For decades, the U.S. Catholic I have been a member of Our Lady of take up our cross and follow Jesus bishops have advocated for a just Perpetual Help Parish for 31 years. I am a (all the Gospels). and humane reform of our nation’s member of the Cursillo community and the Discipleship is proactive and intentional. immigration system. We have Saint Meinrad Benedictine Oblates. I have It’s what Jesus calls a Christian to be. No witnessed the family separation, been a member of several lay professional more, no less. exploitation, and the loss of life groups both locally and nationally. I find myself living somewhere on caused by the current system. While I am very grateful for all of the the continuum between membership and Millions of persons remain in the above, none of it guarantees that I am a discipleship. I appreciate my membership shadows, without legal protection and disciple. None of it guarantees that I am Membership is important, but it’s really just marginalized from society. As a moral following Christ. the beginning. matter, this suffering must end.” Receiving, attending, participating I believe Jesus is calling me to progress Those who oppose reforming and registering implies membership or from membership to discipleship. Jesus our immigration laws argue that the Archbishop Jose H. Gomez of Los Angeles accomplishment, but it does not make doesn’t want me to simply be a branch first priority must be to secure our speaks on immigration reform legislation me a disciple. These activities may lead hanging on the vine only receiving from borders from illegal entry. It’s as during a news conference on June 10, me to follow Christ, but they are not in him and his Church. Jesus wants me to bear if they don’t know what has been 2013, at Our Lady of Guadalupe Church themselves following Christ. I need to fruit that gives witness of God and service to happening lately. in San Diego, where U.S. bishops were be intentional about being a disciple and others. There is a difference. The Feb. 8 issue of The Economist meeting for their spring meeting and retreat. following Jesus. What kind of branch are you? Where are spells it out: “America is expelling As the issue continues to be discussed What is discipleship? What does it you on the continuum? How can we as a illegal immigrants at nine times in Congress in 2014, the bishops are mean to follow Christ? Scripture has some parish grow disciples? the rate of 20 years ago; nearly reiterating their support for comprehensive insightful images of discipleship that I These are important questions for each 2 million so far under [President] immigration reform that protects families would like to share with you—members/ of us and for our parish. You are welcome Barack Obama, easily outpacing and workers. disciples of my parish and faith family. to share your thoughts with me or other any previous president. Border The most profound image of pastoral leaders. patrol agents no longer just patrol before deportation is about a month, discipleship for me comes from the Gospel the border; they scour the country and then another group arrives. of John. Jesus clearly tells his disciples: ‘I (Tom Yost is pastoral associate of Our Lady for illegals to eject. The deportation From the detention centers, the am the vine you are the branches. Apart of Perpetual Help Parish in New Albany.) † machine costs more than all other deportees are put on planes. During areas of federal criminal law- 2013, Immigration and Customs enforcement combined. It tears Enforcement (ICE) flew 44 charter families apart and impoverishes flights a week, and it runs a daily flight Letter to the Editor America.” to take people to Central America. Energy and commitment I am proud to publicize that our Last year, 369,000 undocumented We recognize that the reaction Holy Name School in Beech Grove recently migrants were expelled. Of those, of many Americans to all this is, of young Christians is a collected more than 5,000 items to restock 235,000 were caught trying to cross “Wonderful! That’s what should be wonderful sign of hope, our pantry. the border into the United States happening to people who come here Young Catholics are involved with the while 134,000 were picked up well illegally.” But is this really how the reader says Altar Society, St. Vincent de Paul, Gabriel within the interior of the country, United States should be treating The Scripture readings on Feb. 9 Project, Prayer Chain, Scouts, athletics and where most of them have lived a long people who were so desperate to find encouraged us to help those in need so many other worthwhile endeavors. time, work and have families. work to support their families that We, our family, friends and neighbors, Dolan Monroe, a 2012 graduate While the deportations are going they risked their very lives to come have a variety of needs. Needs may be of Holy Name School, won an essay on, it should be noted that, for the to this country? urgent, evident or chronic. Needs may contest and the opportunity to go to past couple of years, more people While here, those deportees worked be unnoticed, inconvenient or ignored. Rome for the liturgy are leaving the country than are at jobs the native-born shunned, paid Christians are called to be aware, to see, to of Blessed Pope John XXIII and entering. That has a lot to do with taxes, and raised families. In many listen, to care. Blessed John Paul II in April. the United States’ economy during parts of the country, farms, hotels and Several articles featured in the Feb. 7 The energy and commitment of recent years, but also by the fact restaurants depend on them. issue of The Criterion seemed to dovetail these young Christians is a wonderful that it has become more difficult to Whatever happened to the with the Sunday Scripture. sign of hope. cross the border. sentiments inscribed on the Statue of It was especially exciting to see and hear And those who are being deported? Liberty: “Give me your tired, your of so many young people being involved in Jacque Carroll The Economist reports, “They are poor, your huddled masses, yearning a variety of corporal works of mercy. Beech Grove flown down to the Mexican border to breathe free, the wretched refuse by the planeload, and then released of your teeming shore”? That’s how across the bridge at night. Many most of our ancestors were welcomed have no papers. Some have no before restrictions were put on money. A few have lived so many immigration with quotas for Latinos Letters Policy years in the United States that they so small that it’s nearly impossible for cannot even speak Spanish. All have them to enter legally. Letters from readers are published in from readers as necessary based on space wives, children or friends that they Even with so many deportations, The Criterion as part of the newspaper’s limitations, pastoral sensitivity and content have left behind, yet they have been it’s recognized that we can’t deport commitment to “the responsible exchange of (including spelling and grammar). In order to thrown out without so much as a 11.7 million undocumented people. freely-held and expressed opinion among encourage opinions from a variety of readers, change of clothes.” We must find a way to allow them the People of God” (Communio et Progressio, frequent writers will ordinarily be limited to The article in The Economist to stay legally unless they commit 116). one letter every three months. Concise letters Letters from readers are welcome and (usually less than 300 words) are more likely says that the number of people violent crimes. every effort will be made to include letters to be printed. being deported is determined largely It was originally thought that that from as many people and representing as Letters must be signed, but, for serious by the number of beds available could happen this year, but as of now many viewpoints as possible. Letters should reasons, names may be withheld. in detention centers. Each year, the bills in Congress don’t seem to be be informed, relevant, well-expressed and Send letters to “Letters to the Editor,” Congress mandates funding for a going anywhere. temperate in tone. They must reflect a basic The Criterion, 1400 N. Meridian Street, certain number of beds for immigrant And that’s a shame. sense of courtesy and respect. Indianap­olis, IN 46202-2367. Readers detention. In 2013, that number was The editors reserve the right to select the with access to e-mail may send letters to 34,000. The average length of stay —John F. Fink letters that will be published and to edit letters [email protected]. † The Criterion Friday, February 21, 2014 Page 5 Committee approves bill providing burial following miscarriage

By Brigid Curtis Ayer

All mothers who suffer a miscarriage would have the option of providing a ‘Therefore, it is proper and appropriate to treat fetal remains with burial for their preborn baby under a dignity and respect as one would the remains of a more developed bill which the Senate Health Committee fetus because of the nature of the remains. It is appropriate passed by an 11-0 vote on Feb. 12. The House passed to assist the parents to grieve the loss of their child and to the measure provide for proper burial.’ on Jan. 30 by a vote of 92-3. —Glenn Tebbe, executive director of the The Indiana Indiana Catholic Conference Catholic Conference (ICC) supports the legislation. Indiana law allows unborn babies less than 20 weeks to be disposed of as medical waste, rather than allowing parents to have the remains for a burial. for the in Indiana on with Elizabeth Ministry, an international my baby in my hand, and was taken to House Bill 1190 would change that by public policy matters, testified in support organization offering encouragement, the county hospital. They took my baby. I allowing parents who suffer a miscarriage of the bill. hope and healing on issues related to never saw may baby again. I [have] lived to have a say over what happens to the “All human beings are made in childbearing, who has led the effort with that for 36 years.” remains of their baby. The fetus could be the image and likeness of God, from for the legislation. She told the panel that it wasn’t until disposed of at the hospital via incineration which each person derives her or his “Mothers have a very special kind of her son and daughter-in-law suffered a or discarded as medical waste, or the dignity,’ he said. grief,” McNamara told the panel. “When miscarriage nearly 20 years later, and she parents could arrange for a burial. “Therefore, it is proper and appropriate mothers lose a child, science now shows went to the burial service at St. Francis that Rep. Hal Slager, R-Schererville, to treat fetal remains with dignity and there is a biological connection of that Glowinski realized what was taken from author of the bill, told the Senate panel, respect as one would the remains of a mother and that child more so the earlier her in the grieving process by not being “Some might think this is a minor issue more developed fetus because of the that the pregnancy is terminated because allowed to have a burial service when she and perhaps so, but essentially it is a nature of the remains,” Tebbe continued. those cells did not go to the baby for the suffered her miscarriage. notification issue. It began with a ministry “It is appropriate to assist the parents to full term of the pregnancy. They remain According to McNamara, currently that came to me that works with families grieve the loss of their child and to provide with mom for about 40 years.” there are 15 states that have statues similar who suffer a loss of a child through for proper burial. McNamara explains that while death to House Bill 1190, and she hopes all miscarriage. “The Catholic Church supports the bill can end the life of the baby, it will never other states will join the effort to pass “Currently, parents are allowed to as positive public policy respecting the end the relationship with the baby. similar laws affecting the burial following direct the remains dignity and sacredness of all persons.” “We can delay the grief, but we cannot miscarriage. [of an unborn Many hospitals already provide a burial deny that the grief will happen at some House Bill 1190 now moves to the baby following option for parents following a miscarriage point in that mother’s life. It is unhealthy Senate floor for approval. Tebbe said he a miscarriage] at these earlier stages of fetal development, to think that you can deny it. We can’t expects the bill to pass the Senate. after 20 weeks but that is a voluntary hospital policy deny the human grieving process,” The Indiana General Assembly only gestation,” said not mandated by law, according to said McNamara. has a few weeks left to conduct legislative Slager. “This bill Tim Kennedy, who represented the “A mother who has lost a baby due to business because the body must adjourn essentially allows Indiana Hospitals Association at the miscarriage has not given birth to medical by March 14. the parents the hearing. Kennedy told the committee waste” as current law classifies them, opportunity to that the Indiana Hospitals Association is she noted. “These mothers first need to (Brigid Curtis Ayer is a correspondent make that direction supportive of the legislation because it have their babies recognized,” and then for The Criterion. For more information regardless of provides closure for the parents. He added the mothers need to be given a chance for about the Indiana Catholic Conference, Rep. Hal Slager the length of the that the remains are treated appropriately. burial, proper grieving and closure. log on to To explore pregnancy. And it The pain a mother faces at the loss Mary Glowinski, an Indianapolis the ICC’s electronic public policy tool requires notification of available options.” of her child is like no other. The age of resident who testified in support of the bill, and join the ICC legislative network, Glenn Tebbe, executive director for the the child does not mitigate this pain, told the committee, “In 1978, I miscarried go to the ICC website and click on ICC, who serves as the official spokesman according Jill McNamara, a volunteer my baby at four months at home. I had “Legislative Action Center.”) † In new statement, New York bishops encourage Online Lay Ministry Formation ‘love, respect’ for people suffering with mental illness The Archdiocese of Indianapolis has partnered with the University of Notre Dame and Catholic Distance University (CDU) ALBANY, N.Y. (CNS)—The Catholic bishops of Even though society has “made great strides” in its to offer not-for-credit online theology classes: New York urged compassion and acceptance for people understanding and treatment of mental illness, they said, • Courses on the Catechism of the Catholic Church from CDU suffering from mental illness in a new pastoral statement, “labels and fears remain” and influence how people access • All 12 classes for a Certificate in Lay Ministry available online and the state Catholic conference, their public policy arm, the services they need. • 20% discount for all employees, volunteers, and parishioners issued specific policy recommendations related to those The bishops pointed out that they were echoing a • Employees also receive reimbursement upon course completion with mental illness. similar statement issued by the New York State Catholic For more information, please log on to The bishops’ statement, “‘For I Am Lonely and Conference in 1980 on the care and treatment of those Afflicted’: Toward a Just Response to the Needs of suffering from mental illness. Mentally Ill Persons,” cited the example of Jesus in the “What is striking about this document 34 years later is Gospels in demonstrating how society should respond to how much of it continues to be relevant today as we have those with mental illness. the same debates, try to counter the same fears and witness “We must reject the twin temptations of stereotype the same human suffering,” they said. and fear, which can cause us to see mentally ill people as The Catholic conference’s public policy something other than children of God, made in his image recommendations include a proposed language change in and likeness, deserving of our love and respect,” they said. gun control legislation—the New York Secure Ammunition The bishops noted that fewer than 5 percent of violent and Firearms Enforcement Act of 2013, known as the NY acts are committed by people with mental illness, adding SAFE Act—with regard to when mental health professionals that “persons with mental illness are more often victims must report concerns related to potentially violent behavior than perpetrators of violent acts, and they also are more of their clients. likely to be victims of sexual abuse.” It said mental health and medical professionals, “rightly, They also urged Catholics to be welcoming of people have always been required to report individuals who they with mental illness. believe pose an ‘imminent threat’ to themselves or others.” “Let us be clear, it is our duty and the duty of every But the new law requires those professionals to “report any pastor, every chaplain, every religious education director individual who they believe ‘is likely to engage in conduct and Catholic school principal, and all others in positions of that would result in serious harm to self or others.’ ” Church leadership at every level to welcome with openness Providers of services to those with mental illness, and affection those men, women and children who are the conference said, are afraid “this lower standard will afflicted with any form of mental illness and to integrate discourage individuals from getting the help they need, out them into the life of the Church to the fullest extent of fear of being reported.” The Catholic conference urged possible,” said the statement, released on Feb. 4. the language be amended to return to the previous use of “‘imminent danger’ language, with a specific definition of what constitutes an imminent danger.” ‘We must reject the twin temptations of The conference also called for adequate funding for stereotype and fear, which can cause us to community-based mental health services and would see mentally ill people as something other like to see crisis intervention teams—trained in mental than children of God, made in his image health issues—within law enforcement agencies. It also and likeness, deserving of our love and stressed that the state should increase its mental health services to prisoners. respect.’ The state Catholic Conference emphasized that it would continue to work with the state’s Catholic Charities —Fr om the pastoral statement on mental agencies in partnership with the state to “address the needs illness issued by the bishops of New York of mentally ill persons for their good, the good of their families, and the good of all society.” † Page 6 The Criterion Friday, February 21, 2014

Events Calendar February 21 Columbus Hall, 2100 E. Pro-Life 101 Apologetics March 2 7 p.m., dinner and social, Parish, Media Center, Northside Knights of 71st St., Indianapolis. Catholic training for students, Mike St. Malachy Parish, school 8 p.m. Information: 541 Edgewood Ave., Columbus Hall, 2100 E. Radio of Indianapolis Spencer, presenter, $5, gym, 330 Green St., [email protected]. Indianapolis. Hope and 71st St., Indianapolis. 10th anniversary celebration, 9 a.m.-1 p.m. Information: Brownsburg. Longaberger Catholic Business dinner, $60 per person. bingo, 2 p.m. Information: March 8 Healing Survivors of Suicide St. Roch Parish, Family Life Exchange, Mass, breakfast Information: 317-870-8400. 317-268-4238 or Center, 3603 S. Meridian St., support group, 7 p.m. and program, “The Pope St. Joseph Parish, 1375 S. [email protected]. and Capitalism,” presenter February 26 Mickley Ave., Indianapolis. Indianapolis. Single Seniors Information: 317-851-8344. Peter Rusthoven, partner The Columbus Bar, Health Ministry presentation: March 5 meeting, 1 p.m., age 50 at Barnes and Thornburg 322 4th St., Columbus. Serving the health Archbishop O’Meara Catholic and over. Information: March 14 Theology on Tap, “Could you 317-784-4207. LLP and former Associate needs of St. Joseph and Center, 1400 N. Meridian St., Cardinal Ritter House, Counsel to President Ronald speak up, Lord?—Listening St. Ann Parishes, luncheon, Indianapolis. Solo Seniors, Reagan, 6:30-8:30 a.m., $15 to God’s voice in your life,” reservations due no later Catholic, educational, Another Broken Egg Café, Community Room, 1218 E. members, $21 non-members. Father Eric Augenstein, than Feb. 23. Information: charitable and social singles, 9435 N. Meridian St., Oak St., New Albany. Cardinal presenter, 6:30 p.m., 317-339-6503. 50 and over, single, separated, Indianapolis. Marriage Reservations and information: Ritter Birthplace Foundation, www.catholicbusiness gathering, 7:30 p.m., program. widowed or divorced. New on Tap, “Dream, Information: 812-379-9353, Benedict Inn Retreat members welcome. 6:30 p.m. Disappointment, and Irish coffee and lecture, Most ext. 241. and Conference Center, Information: 317-370-1189. Discovery: The Cyclical Rev. Joseph E. Kurtz, D.D., St. Pius X Church, 1402 Southern Ave., Nature of Marriage,” February 28 Archbishop of Louisville, 2100 Sarto Drive, Indianapolis. Beech Grove. Social and March 6 Deacon Rick and Carol Marian University, Primo Banquet Hall and Charismatic Mass, praise and dinner, 6 p.m., $50 per couple. Wagner, presenters, speaker, 7 p.m., no charge, Library Auditorium, worship, 7 p.m. Information: Information: 317-788-7581 or Conference Center, 2615 7-9:30 p.m., $35 per couple 3200 Cold Spring Road, reservations requested 317-846-0705. [email protected]. National Ave., Indianapolis. includes dinner. Reservations: Indianapolis. Right to Life Sanctity of Life Dinner, by March 7. Information: of Indianapolis, Pro-Life March 1-2 February 22 Bishop Christopher J. 812-284-4534. The Slovenian National Home, 101 Apologetics training for Kokomo High School, Coyne keynote speaker, March 11 2502 S. Berkley, Kokomo. 2717 W. 10th St., Indianapolis. adults and young adults, 6 p.m., adult tickets $50, St. Paul Hermitage, 501 N. March 23 Simply Cabin Fever Party, Mike Spencer, presenter, Indiana Holy Family Catholic student tickets $40. Register 17th Ave., Beech Grove. 5 p.m., $5 per person, please 7-9 p.m. Information: Conference, “Faith, Hope and by Feb. 20. Information: Ave Maria Guild, Mass St. Mark the Evangelist bring an appetizer, side Love—Use It or Lose It?” for deceased members, 11 Parish, 535 E. Edgewood Ave., dish or dessert to share. Admission $50 per single adult, a.m., meeting, 12:30 p.m. Indianapolis. Information: 317-632-0619 or March 1 $90 per married couple, $30 per March 7 Information: 317-888-7625 or Disabilities [email protected]. Cathedral High School, teenager (not registered with St. Mary Church, 317 N. [email protected]. Awareness Mass, 9:30 a.m. Student Life Center Commons, their family, $125 per family. New Jersey St., Indianapolis. February 25 5225 E. 56th St., Indianapolis. Information: 317-865-9964 or Young Adult Group, March 13 Information: 317-787-8246 or Northside Knights of Right to Life of Indianapolis, first Friday adoration, St. Mark the Evangelist †

Retreats and Programs [email protected]. Dedication of memorial at St. Francis February 21-23 Xavier Parish in Henryville on March 2 February 21 Mount Saint Francis Center for Spirituality, Benedict Inn Retreat and Conference 101 St. Anthony Drive, Mt. St. Francis. St. Francis Xavier Parish in Henryville came from near and far to help with the Center, 1402 Southern Ave., Beech Grove. Silent Retreat for Women. $150 covers will hold a dedication service for rebuilding efforts. Girls’ Night Out: Women Helping retreat, room, lunches and dinners. a memorial built in memory of the The brief service will include a blessing Women, 7-10:30 p.m., $45 per person 7 p.m. Feb. 21-2 p.m. Feb. 23. Register 34 people who died in Indiana and of an outdoor Way of the Cross, the Eagle with a portion of the proceeds going to the by Feb. 19. Information: 812-923-8817 or Kentucky as result of the March 2, 2012 Scout project of Alex Grover, a member of Julian Center. Information: 317-788-7581 or [email protected]. † tornadoes. The service will be held at the Most Sacred Heart Parish in Jeffersonville. parish, 101 N. Ferguson in Henryville, The granite memorial is located at after the 9 a.m. Mass on March 2. the final station marking the resurrection In addition to honoring those who of Jesus. Saint Meinrad president to speak at lost their lives, the memorial also gives All are welcome to attend the Marian University on theology and thanks to the thousands of people who dedication service. † politics in new millennium on Feb. 24 The Department of Theology and Father Denis is a theologian Philosophy at Marian University, in with special interest in the work of 40 Days for Life campaign begins on partnership with the Bishop Simon Bruté Blessed John Henry Newman. He March 5 in Bloomington, Indianapolis College Seminary, both in Indianapolis, also teaches and writes in the areas will host the third annual Bishop Simon of Reformation theology, Anglican 40 Days for Life, a focused pro-life centers, with opportunities for individuals Bruté Lecture in the Michael A. Evans studies, theology, campaign seeking to access God’s power or groups to sign up for a selected hour or Center for Health Sciences in room 150 at literature, and through prayer, fasting, and peaceful hours each week during the campaign. Marian University, 3200 Cold Spring Road priesthood. vigil to end abortion, will take place For more information, log on to in Indianapolis, at 7 p.m. on Feb. 24. The event is in Bloomington and Indianapolis on, Benedictine Father Denis Robinson, free and open March 5-April 13. scroll down to Indiana and select the president-rector and associate professor to the public. The campaign includes having a desired city. From there, you will be of systematic theology at Saint Meinrad There will be praying presence in front of abortion re-directed to a local website. † Seminary and School of Theology in a reception St. Meinrad, will present, “What does immediately Athens have to do with Jerusalem? Theology following the and Politics in a New Millennium.” Fr. Denis Robinson, O.S.B. lecture. † Submitted photo March 22 dinner marks foundation’s 20th anniversary of aiding Christians in Holy Land The Indiana region of the Franciscan of a parish in Bethlehem for three Foundation for the Holy Land (FFHL) years, and is currently director of the will hold its sixth Indiana regional Terra Sancta Schools throughout the benefit dinner and silent auction at the Holy Land and of the Franciscan Boys JW Marriott, 10 S. West St. in Indianapolis, Home in Bethlehem. from 6-10 p.m. on March 22. Archbishop Joseph W. Tobin This year’s event marks the and Bishop Christopher J. Coyne, 20th anniversary of the founding of vicar general, are scheduled to attend the FFHL. The anniversary theme, the event, and Msgr. Joseph Schaedel, “Preserving the Remnant of the pastor of St. Luke the Evangelist Parish Family of Christ,” refers to the FFHL’s in Indianapolis, will serve as emcee, mission to safeguard the Christian presence along with Franciscan Father Peter in the Holy Land and stem their exodus Vasko, FFHL president. from the area. The FFHL is an extension of the During its 20-year history, the Franciscan Custody of the Holy Land, foundation has developed 14 programs which is responsible to the Vatican for to help Christians in the Holy Land go to all Christian people, shrines and holy school, find good paying jobs and secure sites in the region. housing. Funds generated by the Indiana For pricing information, to make Final game region support several of these programs. reservations or to learn about sponsoring The keynote speaker at the event is a table, e-mail [email protected], call Two Catholic Youth Organization (CYO) cadet boys’ basketball teams from St. Malachy Parish Franciscan Father Marwan Di’Des, who 866-905-3787 toll-free, or log on to in Brownsburg prepare to compete in a game on Jan. 31. The game was the last CYO game to be was born in Jerusalem. He served as pastor † held in the parish’s old gym, Noll Hall. A new school and gym are currently under construction. United Catholic Appeal: Christ Our Hope Parish and ArchdiocesanThe Criterion Annual Friday, Appeal February 21, 2014 Page 7

Money to help retired priests is well spent, says priest who still ministers By Natalie Hoefer of the people.” Father Lutz served as chaplain at A year after graduating from the Hermitage for three years, and now Cathedral High School in Indianapolis celebrates Mass there three days a week. in 1950, Herman Lutz knew that his On Sunday, when the current chaplain of job for an insurance company was not the Hermitage celebrates Mass, Father Lutz his life’s calling. goes to serve his “own little parish.” “I wanted my life to count for “I say Mass at the Altenheim something. I wanted to do something with [Community] near the University of my life,” he says. Indianapolis on Sundays,” he says. “It’s a Thus began his call to the priesthood. normal retirement home, but there’s usually Father Lutz was ordained on 40-50 Catholics at Mass.

Dec. 20, 1958, after graduating from the “I’m there on Sundays, Ash Wednesday, Photo courtesy and Development of the archdiocesan Office Stewardship Pontifical North American College in Good Friday, holy days. Since they don’t Rome. For 45 years, he served throughout need me [at the Hermitage on Sundays], central and southern Indiana in various I’m glad to go over there, sort of like roles, including assistant pastor, pastor and having my own little parish,” says the 25 years on the Metropolitan Tribunal. retired priest. Father Lutz retired in 2003, and moved When he’s not celebrating Mass, into the priest-designated apartments Father Lutz has plenty of other sacramental at St. Paul Hermitage in Beech Grove, ministries he performs. a retirement home operated by the “We have confessions every Saturday, Sisters of St. Benedict of Our Lady of Benediction and adoration of the Father Herman Lutz looks out of a parlor window at St. Paul Hermitage in Beech Grove in this Grace Monastery. Blessed Sacrament on first Fridays, Nov. 27, 2013, photo. The Hermitage is home to Father Lutz, who still ministers to the residents of the But the priest has not considered anointing of sick, Advent things, Lenten Hermitage and the Altenheim Community despite being retired. retirement an excuse to stop serving. things, burial Masses, all the things you “I love to minister,” he says. “I love to have at a parish,” he says. of his ability to continue ministering to if he was interested in residing there. say Mass. I love to hear confessions. I love While the discounted rent charged by the funds provided by the United Catholic Father Lutz says he was thrilled, as he to do anything that has to do with the faith the sisters helps, Father Lutz credits much Appeal [UCA]. had nowhere else to live and no family who “I can certainly vouch that the money had the means to take him in. people give [to the UCA] to help retired He needed not just a home, but ‘I can certainly vouch that the money priests is well spent,” he says. also the care of the nurses who work “With my retirement pay, I’m able to at the Hermitage. people give [to the UCA] to help retired have a comfortable life. “I was so sick I couldn’t say Mass. I priests is well spent.’ “And I really appreciate the health plan could barely move,” says Father Lutz, for priests from the archdiocese,” adds who never received a specific diagnosis Father Lutz. “The policy of the archdiocese for his illness. —Retired Father Herman Lutz is that no priest should ever have to spend Through many medical visits and trial any of his own money for any kind of medications over the course of a year, the true medical cost. They pay for all of our doctors finally arrived upon a combination medicine. There’s no co-pay, no deductible. of medicines that improved the priest’s We get health, vision, dental—any true health and energy level. medical expense, they pay for it. With his health back and without the “That’s quite a benefit. That takes a load burden of paying for the medical expenses, off your mind,” the priest notes. Father Lutz was—and still is—able to He speaks from experience. The continue ministering in the archdiocese. health plan paid for with the help of “I haven’t lost my desire to serve or UCA funds was of tremendous benefit to minister,” says Father Lutz. “I think it’s Father Lutz, who became gravely ill the a gift from God that he did call me to year he turned 70. minister, and I love doing it. “I got sick about 10 years ago while “So having this place, my I was pastor at St. Mary’s [Parish] in retirement funds and my health care is North Vernon,” says the 81-year-old priest. really a blessing.” “I loved it there, I loved the parish and the people. But I just got sicker and sicker, so I (For more information about the had to leave the parish and retire.” United Catholic Appeal, log on to The Sisters of St. Benedict of Our Lady or call the of Grace Monastery had just finished Office of Stewardship and Development Is joint, back, shoulder or knee readying one of the priest apartments at at 317-236-1425 or 800-382-9836, pain preventing you from St. Paul’s Hermitage, and asked Father Lutz ext. 1425.) † everyday activities? “Furnace, Heat Pump or Air Conditioner” Don’t sit back and let orthopedic pain take control of your life. Join St.Vincent for a FREE seminar, and find out how we have helped thousands of Hoosiers 131st Anniver overcome life-limiting pain — and how we can help you, too. sary Register today at Sale 131 1 1883- or by calling 317-338-CARE (2273). 131th Anniversary Sale 2014 FREE JOINT PAIN Presenter: Dr. Jamieson Kay Location: St.Vincent Fishers Hospital LABOR Wednesday, March 5, 6 p.m. 13861 Olio Road, Classroom A On the installation of a CALL TODAY! FURNACE, HEAT PUMP 639-1111 Presenter: Dr. Meredith Langhorst OR AIR CONDITIONER Still Locally Owned & Operated BACK PAIN Cannot be combined with any other offer. Must be presented WWW.CALLTHIELE.COM Location: St.Vincent Indianapolis Hospital at time of order. EXPIRES: 3/8/14 M-F 8-4 Thursday, March 6, 6 p.m. 2001 W. 86th Street, Entrance 1 THIELE 639-1111

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IS-5987722 Page 8 The Criterion Friday, February 21, 2014

you together. That’s what we found, and DUNGY that’s really the basis of the book.” continued from page 1 The Dungys also focus on two other key points in a marriage, with number two

high school, an event that brings fathers and being commitment to each other. John Shaughnessy Photo by their children together on a monthly basis “God puts marriages together during the school year to celebrate their permanently,” Dungy said. “And so you relationship. really have to be committed—that that’s Started at Cathedral 12 years ago, the what’s going to happen no matter what. Dad’s Day concept has spread across the “And number three is communication. country and the world with the help of That when times are difficult, to make sure All Pro Dad, an international organization you’re communicating, you’re talking, and that Dungy helped found to assist men to you’re listening to your spouse. become better fathers. “If you have Christ in the center, So it was natural that Dungy also shared commitment to each other, and some stories about his relationship with communication, that’s when you have the his children, including the moment when chance to have a great marriage.” he asked his son, Eric, “What was the best Dungy’s eyes shined when he talked time you had with me?” about his wife. “When we moved up here, all our stuff “The Lord brought her into my life in was boxed up, all his toys, his bicycle,” a special way. We couldn’t do what we’ve Dungy told the overflowing crowd of done if we had not done it together. We’re fathers and children. “So we thought, totally different. We’re very opposite Tony and Lauren Dungy discuss their new book, Uncommon Marriage, at Cathedral High School in ‘What can we do to have some time in a lot of ways. But we’ve come to Indianapolis on Feb. 11. while they’re moving?’ We got one of the understand over the years that God put broomsticks, and we got a roll of tape, and us together that way—not to be different, played tape baseball. [Remembering that but to be complete. I don’t know what I’d moment,] he said, ‘Dad, the greatest time do without her.” Submitted photo I ever had with you was when I beat you playing tape baseball, 22 to 3.’ Peyton tries to make another audible “I said, ‘Really? Better than the In his talk, Dungy also focused on Pro Bowl? Better than catching balls from one of the great lessons he learned about [then pro quarterback] Kurt Warner? Why family and football—a lesson that set the was playing tape baseball the greatest stage for one of his favorite, funny stories thing you’ve ever done with me?’ He said about Peyton Manning. something I’ll never forget: ‘Because it The lesson came from Chuck Noll, was the last thing we did.’ And it made the only National Football League coach me understand it wasn’t the great things. to win four Super Bowls. During Noll’s It wasn’t the big things. It’s what you tenure as the head coach of the Pittsburgh Fathers and their children listen to Tony Dungy speak during the 100th Dad’s Day breakfast at do every day.” Steelers, Dungy played for him for two Cathedral High School in Indianapolis on Feb. 11. years and was a coach on his staff for “I don’t know what I’d do without her’ another eight years. About two weeks later, we’re in another sharper. I’d say, ‘No, we’ll be OK.’ ” Dungy’s appearance at Cathedral “As coaches on the coaching staff, he coaches’ meeting, and there’s a big crash Dungy then shared one last twist of also highlighted the launching of made sure we got home early,” Dungy in the hallway. And nobody can figure out that story. It happened during Manning’s Uncommon Marriage, the recently told the audience. “He made sure we had what was going on. first pre-season with the Denver Broncos published book that he and his wife wrote family time because he thought family “Clyde Christensen, who also worked two years ago. Dungy arrived in Denver with Nathan Whitaker. was so important.” for me in Tampa, said, ‘Oh, that’s the to do an interview with Manning, by “Just knowing where marriages are in Noll stressed that family perspective Dungy kids in Tony’s office, tearing up the then the father of twins. Before he this country and the fact that we don’t hold so much that he made Saturday morning building.’ Once they knew my kids were reached Manning, Dungy was greeted them in as high esteem anymore as maybe practices before a game open to the there, they felt free to bring theirs around. by another one of his former Colts our parents did, we thought we could write families to attend. That atmosphere was just tremendous.” playing for Denver. something encouraging,” Dungy explained “So you were always able to bring your Still, Manning wanted to make an “Brandon Stokley runs up to me and to the Cathedral audience. kids,” said Dungy, now a pro football audible—naturally—to one part of the says, ‘Coach, you would not believe it! In an interview after the talk, Dungy analyst and commentator for NBC Sports. family-friendly plan. Peyton went up to Coach [John] Fox emphasized the role of faith—and a “He wanted the children to see where “We used to do the Saturday morning [the Denver head coach] and said, ‘Why couple having a relationship with Christ— their dads worked and what went on. kids’ day here,” Dungy said. “Our don’t we have kids’ day on Saturday? as a foundation for his marriage and When I became a head coach, I wanted to quarterback at the time didn’t have We need to have the kids around more. all marriages. do the same.” kids. And if you know our quarterback, I don’t understand why we don’t have “We really think that is what makes Dungy followed that approach during Mr. Manning, he’s very focused and our kids here.’ ” it, and gives you a chance,” he said. his years of coaching the Colts. tunneled in. And about every three weeks, Dungy flashed a huge smile as he “Marriages are going to have ups and “In our first coaches’ meeting, I said, ‘I he’d come to me and say, ‘I know it’s finished that story. downs. They’re going to have difficult want everyone to know that our building great to have the kids here, but maybe we It was the smile of a father who was times. But if both spouses are focused on is totally on-limits to your kids anytime.’ could keep them inside during practice so happy to see another man realize the Christ and in following him, God will pull I don’t think the guys took me seriously. we could just keep our focus a little bit importance of being a dad. † Dad’s Day a time to celebrate fathers, their gift of children, founder says By John Shaughnessy Indeed, as Bissmeyer looked around Cathedral’s Bissmeyer has also tried to create an atmosphere where crowded cafeteria on the morning of Feb. 11, he exchanged fathers and children can start anew if their relationship is Bill Bissmeyer felt his emotions welling up as he smiles with Dungy, who had returned to Indianapolis to troubled. scanned the overflowing crowd that had come together to help mark the 100th Dad’s Day event at the school. “No matter how bad it is, no matter what is going on, celebrate an event that has touched the lives of so many “The idea for this really came from Bill Bissmeyer,” you have the ability—with God—to work it out.” fathers and children. Dungy said later in his talk at the event. “Getting together, Just don’t wait, he advises. For Bissmeyer, it was hard to believe that 12 years had honoring your kids, showing them you care, spending “There were a minimum of 15 families at Dad’s Day [on passed since he started Dad’s Day at Cathedral High School one morning a month together, it all really started Feb. 11] who had lost children since we started it.” in Indianapolis—a breakfast program during which fathers here in Indianapolis.” and their children share a meal, time and compliments with A gift of love each other. The magic between a dad and a child In the 12 years since Bissmeyer started Dad’s Day, he It’s a program that has spread to more than Bissmeyer and Dungy share a desire to have men has often been thanked by fathers for making them see how 1,150 chapters in 45 states and several countries. understand that their most important work is not their job much their relationship with their children means. It’s also a program that has been embraced by but being a father. He and his wife of 38 years, Helen, have also been Tony Dungy, the former head coach of the Indianapolis They also share the one heartache that no father ever invited regularly to share in the happy moments of other Colts and one of the founders of All Pro Dad, an wants to know—losing a child. families’ lives. international organization devoted to helping men become For Dungy, the heartbreak came in December 2005, “On average, we’re invited to 50 birthday parties and 10 better fathers. when his 18-year-old son, James, committed suicide. weddings a year,” he said. For Bissmeyer, the tears and the pain began on Jan. 5, Still, he stresses how his efforts for Dad’s Day are a way 2002, when his 17-year-old son, John, died in his sleep of returning the love that he has received. from a viral infection that attacked his heart. “Dad’s Day has allowed us to give back a tremendous

Submitted photo Two months after John’s death, the Dad’s Day breakfasts amount of personal care that has been given to our family began, starting with a group of fathers and sons at Cathedral by a lot of people over the years.” who wanted to make the most of the time they had together. The monthly breakfasts also remind him of the bond he Thoughts of John flowed again through his father’s mind had with his own father. As the youngest of five children, on Feb. 11. Still, publicly, Bissmeyer focused on what he Bissmeyer was the last one at home when his dad took him, calls “the magic” of Dad’s Day. during his high school years, to breakfast a couple of times “There’s a magic in these breakfasts between a father a month at a country diner. and son,” said the father of five sons. “It’s so simple. A Bissmeyer remembers that cherished time with his father and a son meet for breakfast and talk to each other. father. Its simplicity has allowed it to grow. It’s had more longevity He remembers the special times he had with than we ever would have thought.” his son, John. Dad’s Day also has a spirit of happiness and celebration Those memories and emotions flow into Dad’s Day. Bill Bissmeyer, left, is pictured with Tony Dungy and sons, that Bissmeyer has strived to foster. “The work that Helen and I put into this is very selfishly Bill Bissmeyer III and Thomas Bissmeyer, at the Dad’s Day “It’s a fun, light way for fathers to appreciate the greatest keeping John alive,” Bissmeyer said. “It’s a legacy to our breakfast at Cathedral High School on Feb. 11. gifts God has given them—and that’s their kids,” he said. parents, too. It’s a legacy of families.” † The Criterion Friday, February 21, 2014 Page 9 Organizations weigh in on how Supreme Court should handle HHS mandate

WASHINGTON (CNS)—After ruling in current cases are no less vehement that the 2012 that certain aspects of the Affordable outcome is crucial to how the 2010 health Care Act (ACA) stand up to constitutional care law works—or doesn’t. scrutiny, the Supreme Among legal issues the briefs raise Court’s next dip into are questions based on past rulings legal challenges to about the circumstances under which

the law focuses on an employer may claim faith-based Wiechec CNS file photo/Nancy Phelan whether for-profit exemption from various kinds of laws; secular employers can about whether the federal government claim religious rights is trying to define religious beliefs and protections from about the Religious Freedom Restoration some provisions. Act, a 1993 law passed by Congress in In addition to the standard briefs and an effort to reverse what was perceived replies filed by the two sides in each of the as a rollback of Free Exercise rights in a cases, the Supreme Court is being asked to 1990 Supreme Court ruling. consider the arguments raised by hundreds One key Supreme Court case raised of organizations represented in amicus or in many of the amicus briefs on both friend-of-the-court briefs filed in advance sides is U.S. v. Lee, a 1982 unanimous of the court’s March 25 oral arguments in ruling which said an Amish employer The front of the U.S. Supreme Court building in Washington is pictured in a file photo from 2012. Sebelius v. Hobby Lobby and Conestoga could not be exempted from paying Wood Specialties v. Sebelius. Social Security taxes for employees of his those convictions. business owners were filed by: 67 Catholic The court is jointly hearing the cases, for-profit business. “In other words, rather than analyzing theologians and ethicists; several religion- in which two federal appeals courts The court found that “while there whether the mandate puts substantial related publishers and a coalition that issued opposite rulings about the business is a conflict between the Amish faith pressure on Hobby Lobby and Conestoga includes the American Bible Society, the owners’ claims to a religious rights- and the obligations imposed by the to abandon their religious opposition to Anglican Church in North America, Prison based exemption from having to provide Social Security system, not all burdens on providing the mandated coverage, the Fellowship Ministries and the Church of coverage for various forms of contraception religion are unconstitutional,” the court government would have this court evaluate Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. in employee health insurance. The court said. “The court may justify a limitation whether compliance with the mandate On the other side, one large-coalition is under no obligation to consider amicus on religious liberty by showing that it amounts to a substantial violation of their brief was submitted on behalf of two dozen briefs, but it typically does, and sometimes is essential to accomplish an overriding religious beliefs.” participating organizations including cites them in rulings. governmental interest.” The dozens of amicus briefs filed on several Jewish institutions; Dignity There’s been a great deal of attention Amicus briefs supporting the either side include sometimes unusual USA and New Ways Ministry, both of within the Catholic Church, in particular, government’s position that Hobby Lobby combinations of religious institutions, civil which minister to gays and lesbians; the as to whether Church-affiliated institutions and Conestoga Woods should not be rights organizations, politicians, academics Hindu American Foundation; Catholics may be exempted from the contraceptive, exempted argue, for example, that “the and secular employers. for Choice; the Women’s Ordination sterilization and abortifacient provisions— ACA does not require corporations to For instance, the partners in one brief Conference and the Disciples of widely described as a mandate. But the administer or use the contraceptive supporting the for-profit employers were Christ Church. cases being heard in March deal only with methods to which they object, nor does Drury Hotels, the National Catholic A brief filed on behalf of 19 Democratic how that mandate applies to for-profit, it require them to adhere to, affirm or Bioethics Center, the Christian Medical or independent senators in support of the secular employers. abandon a particular belief,” said a brief on Association and groups of pro-life nurses government’s position was countered by Cases over how the mandate is applied behalf of 91 members of Congress. and doctors. In another, Ave Maria one filed for four Republican senators to nonprofit religious institutions, including It quoted from Lee: “Every person University, a Catholic institution, teamed on the other side. Another represented the Little Sisters of the Poor, are still being cannot be shielded from all the burdens up with the International Society for 20 Church-state scholars who framed the addressed by lower courts and are unlikely incident to exercising every aspect of the Krishna Consciousness, Crescent Foods cases in terms of Establishment Clause to reach the Supreme Court before its right to practice religious beliefs.” and the Church of the Lukumi Babalu Aye, jurisprudence. next term. On the other side, the U.S. Conference a Santeria church that brought a successful Also filing in support of the Especially in comparison to the interest of Catholic Bishops argued that applying religious rights lawsuit against the city government was a group including the in lawsuits brought by dioceses, religious Lee to the companies should mean of Hialeah, Fla., over its law prohibiting Freedom From Religion Foundation; orders and Church-run universities, there “the court should accept at face value animal sacrifices. and several other may be less public awareness of the Hobby Lobby’s and Conestoga’s earnest Among institutions filing solo briefs groups whose work focuses on support for Hobby Lobby and Conestoga Woods cases belief that they cannot in good conscience in support of the employers were the survivors of sexual abuse. than there was of the Supreme Court’s comply with the mandate. But instead USCCB, the Knights of Columbus, highly publicized last venture into the ACA of accepting that representation, the the Catholic Medical Association, the (The American Bar Association’s list of in 2012 primarily over the requirement government would have this court conduct Ethics and Public Policy Center and the the briefs in the two cases may be found that individuals buy health insurance. its own analysis of whether compliance Family Research Council. at: But the advocates for either side in the with the mandate should be taken to violate Other joint briefs supporting the preview_home/13-354-13-356.html.) † Washington state’s bishops back governor’s moratorium on death penalty SEATTLE (CNS)—Washington state’s Catholic bishops capital punishment. Is it fairly applied? Are innocent When the death penalty is imposed, the state “proclaims praised Gov. Jay Inslee for declaring a moratorium on people executed? Are our motives revenge or safety? Is that taking one human life counterbalances the taking of the use of the death penalty in the state, and applauded the punishment of death a cost-effective means of ensuring another life. This assumption is profoundly mistaken,” him for urging there be “a public conversation on public safety?” they said. capital punishment.” The bishops told Inslee he took a positive step on Feb. They said people must understand “that taking a human As pastoral leaders of the state’s more than 1 million 11 when he temporarily halted executions in Washington. life in the name of retribution does not breed justice or Catholics, “we favor abolishing the death penalty, but also “We hope this will lead to a fruitful discussion about bring closure, but only continues the cycle of violence and recognize the obstacles to achieving that goal,” the bishops the dignity of human life, help us find answers to the hatred. Nothing can restore a human life.” wrote in a Feb. 13 letter to the governor. “We therefore compelling questions surrounding the death penalty and Inslee as chief executive of the state, the bishops as pledge our assistance by working to raise awareness among eventually lead to permanently abolishing the practice of pastors and various institutions of civil society must work Catholic people and all people of good will about the moral executions” in the state. together to “seek the most effective means to achieve and practical reasons for ending executions in our state.” They said that like the governor, “we also recognize that justice,” and turn away “from violence as a solution to The letter was released by the Washington State criminals must be answerable for their crimes. social problems,” the letter said. Catholic Conference, the bishops’ public policy arm. In it, “The state must hold murderers accountable for taking The bishops pledged their prayers and support they pointed Inslee to previous statements issued by the an innocent human life, but also for the great suffering and to Inslee’s efforts to help “the people of our state to conference about the death penalty. pain they have inflicted on the victims’ family and friends resolve this issue in a manner that reflects God’s law of The most recent statement, released in 2009, that will last a lifetime,” the bishops wrote. “The real justice and mercy.” “called into question the justification for the use of tragedy of criminal murders, however, is that there is no The letter was signed by Archbishop J. Peter capital punishment.” way to rebalance the scales of justice, no way to bring life Sartain of Seattle; Bishop Blase J. Cupich of Spokane; “At that time, we wrote: ‘The people of Washington back to those who have been murdered or to restore them Bishop Joseph J. Tyson of Yakima; and Auxiliary Bishop are confronted with unanswered questions regarding to their grieving families.” Eusebio Elizondo of Seattle. †

No serious injuries as fire damages Marian University One year later, how has Pope Francis classroom building; cause still under investigation affected your life of faith? Tell us. Criterion staff report attic of Fisher Hall. The building, completed Pope Francis was chosen as and your view of the Church? in 1910, was the home of Carl Fisher, Time magazine’s Person of the The Criterion invites you to share A small fire broke out in a classroom one of the founders of the Indianapolis Year for 2013. your answers to that question as the building at Marian University in Indianapolis Motor Speedway. He has also been featured first anniversary of Pope Francis’ about 7:30 p.m. on Feb. 17 while 16 students The cause of the fire is still under favorably in a recent issue of election as shepherd of the universal and an alumnus were practicing for an investigation. Damages are estimated at Rolling Stone magazine and other Church nears on March 13. upcoming play. $250,000. publications. Send your response to assistant According to media reports, the Indianapolis Mark Apple, spokesman for Marian In less than a year, editor John Shaughnessy by e-mail Fire Department (IFD) reported seeing smoke University, said classes in Fisher Hall would Pope Francis has had a dramatic at [email protected] or coming from the roof when crews arrived. be moved to another building. impact regarding the media’s by mail in care of The Criterion, One person was treated on the scene for Marian University, located at and the public’s perception of 1400 N. Meridian St., Indianapolis, smoke inhalation, but was not transferred to a 3200 Cold Spring Road on Indianapolis’ west the Church. IN 46202. Please include a daytime hospital. No other injuries were reported. side, is a Catholic university founded in 1937 Yet what impact has our phone number where you can be According to the IFD, the fire started in the by the Sisters of St. Francis in Oldenburg. † Holy Father had on you, your faith reached. † Page 10 The Criterion Friday, February 21, 2014 Catholic hopes app will help people ‘fall in love with the Mass’ MIAMI (CNS)—Want to learn more It was Gonzalez’s own experience real presence of Jesus in the Eucharist. about the Mass? As the advertisement in college that triggered his quest for “We really believe this?” Gonzalez says, there’s an “app” for that. And what answers. A Miami native who had never asked him. “I’d never heard that before. an app! seen snow, he found himself completing At that point, I said I need to learn as Called “Mass Explained,” it was his bachelor’s degree in graphic design at much as I can about this Mass.” created by Dan Gonzalez, a Catholic the Rhode Island School of Design, after He started in 1993, consulting priests CNS/courtesy Mass Explained from Miami, who made it completely graduating from Miami’s New World and religious, reading books by liturgists interactive, with pictures, sounds and links School of the Arts. and theologians. He learned that “there to the Catechism of the Catholic Church, Immersed in snow and culture shock, is a historical meaning for every prayer, Church documents and much more. he became friends with a fellow student every gesture, everything that we do at Want to hear the Jewish blessing that who was not Catholic. Gonzalez was a Mass. Understanding that makes the Mass precedes the breaking of bread, a blessing cradle Catholic who had attended public come alive.” that finds echoes in the first prayer said schools and received religious education The research has taken up most of by the priest during the Liturgy of the at his parish—but not much more. his spare time—and money—for the Eucharist? Touch the link on the app. “I had never been involved with my past two decades. Or spin a 3-D image of a sixth-century faith at all. I went to Church because my He originally envisioned a 23-chapter Byzantine cross. Or listen to the Kyrie mother wanted me to,” he recalled in book, with volume 1—on the first part of (Lord have mercy) as set to music by an interview with the Florida Catholic, the Mass, the Liturgy of the Word—taking Bach and Haydn. Or zoom to explore newspaper of the Miami Archdiocese. up 400 pages. But self-publishing a tome a detail in Caravaggio’s “The Supper His friend, on the other hand, knew that big proved “outrageously expensive.” at Emmaus.” everything about the Bible. He could When the iPad came along, he At the end of last year, “Mass quote chapter and verse, and “what he was thought, “This is the perfect way that I This is the cover of “Mass Explained,” an app Explained” became the first app to saying was very interesting to me.” can re-purpose the content of the book,” that was created by Miami Catholic and graphic receive an imprimatur—approval that it Gonzalez began attending a not to mention add videos and music designer Dan Gonzalez, who made it completely is free from doctrinal error—from Miami nondenominational Bible study, then and other links. interactive, with pictures, sounds and links to Archbishop Thomas G. Wenski, as well as Sunday services, with his friend. He He’s made it as “visually compelling as the Catechism of the Catholic Church, Church an OK from the U.S. bishops’ Committee recalls that the preaching was great. For possible,” he said, and wants people like documents and much more. on Divine Worship. three months, he stopped going to Mass. him “to fall in love with the Mass.” It is now selling on the App Store for But inside, he felt something was In fact, the “Mass Explained” well-researched and presents the history download to any iPad running IOS v6 or missing. One night, he had a dream. app is being sold individually on the and theology of the holy Mass in a very higher. There is a website for the app, “I’ve never had a dream like this before App Store for $24.99 and through informative way, using the latest in where a video can be viewed to learn all of or after. I’m not crazy,” Gonzalez said. Apple in Education at a bulk price of technology which will be appealing to all its features: “The dream said, $11-$12 per student. ages,” Msgr. Hogan said. Gonzalez, a member of Our Lady of ‘The reason you’re “My main thrust is education and Eventually, Gonzalez hopes to create the Lakes Parish in Miami Lakes and a not comfortable is having it in the parochial schools,” said an Android version, but 3-D images are graphic artist by training, has devoted the because I’m not Gonzalez, who is now married and the not possible yet on that platform. And past 20 years of his life to this “deeply there in the flesh.’ ” father of a 5-year-old and a 4-year-old. if volume 1 sells, he hopes to complete personal” project, which grew out of his Spooked, “This new app on the liturgy will volume 2: the Liturgy of the Eucharist. own ignorance and quest for answers he shared his be very helpful to both those not only “This project is the fire that gets me out about the Mass. experience with a in high school, but also those involved of bed each morning and gives purpose,” “If people would understand the Mass, Franciscan priest in adult religious formation,” said he wrote in an e-mail. “I really hope, they wouldn’t leave the Church,” he said at nearby Brown Msgr. Terence Hogan, director of the being that it is on an iPad, that it will matter-of-factly. “Once you understand the University—where Miami archdiocesan Office of Worship. strike a chord with a younger audience— Mass, it’s like St. Peter said, ‘To whom he used to attend He spent three months vetting maybe some who have strayed away should we go?’ [Jn 6:68] You can’t go Archbishop Mass. The priest the app for doctrinal accuracy at from the Church or see little relevance anywhere else.” Thomas G. Wenski told him about the Archbishop Wenski’s request. “It is in the Mass.” †

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Brebeuf Jesuit Preparatory School 2801 W. 86th St | Indianapolis, IN 46268 317.524.7050 | A supplement to Catholic newspapers published by Catholic News Service, 3211 Fourth Street, N.E., Washington, D.C. 20017-1100. All contents are copyrighted © 2014 by FaithAlive! Catholic News Service. An undying love inspires prayers for those who have died

By David Gibson

Some people cannot imagine praying for the dead. Other people cannot imagine not praying for those who have gone before us. To be sure, there is more than one way to pray for those who die, just as there is more than one way to pray for those in this world who share intimately in our daily lives. Our greatest hopes for others, whether in this world or the Catholic World New CNS photo/Karen Callaway, next, are what lend shape to our prayers for them, as does our appreciation of their finest gifts. Whatever its form, prayer for others focuses on what is best for them, what God intends for them. With that in mind, we commend the dead “to God’s mercy,” as the Catechism of the Catholic Church points out in #1055. Indeed, we do. But there is something beyond petitions for mercy that I find noteworthy about praying for the dead. It is the deep-down sense of continued connection with them that these prayers appear to express. The loss suffered when someone we love dies is not absolute, which is not to suggest it is not painful. In praying for a parent, a spouse, a child or friend who died recently or long ago, we affirm that—though we may not fully understand how—they still matter for us in ways that add up to much more than the memories documented by old photo albums. Our love of them remains meaningful, invaluable. Praying for the dead was hardly unimaginable for Pope Benedict XVI. In his 2007 “Spe Salvi” (“Saved by Hope”), he wrote: “The belief that love can reach into the afterlife, that reciprocal giving and receiving is possible in which our affection for one another continues beyond the limits Paulina Montiel prays after placing flowers and statues of saints on her son’s grave on Nov. 1, 2013, at Queen of Heaven Catholic of death—this has been a fundamental conviction of Cemetery in Hillside, Ill. The Church’s practice of praying for the dead is rooted in its belief about the communion of the saints. Christianity throughout the ages, and it remains a source of comfort today. too, did not recognize Harvey’s goodness or found no might ponder how this person’s example constitutes a “Who would not feel the need to convey to their reason to care for him? legacy able to inspire the next stages of our own life. departed loved ones a sign of kindness, a gesture of My spirituality prompts me to believe that the people Our prayers might also be shaped by expressions of gratitude or even a request for pardon?” (#48). I love are loved even more by God. In praying for them, gratitude to God for someone who countless times was a This reflection by Pope Benedict suggests there are I try not so much to petition God’s presence to them as to gift to us. various ways of praying for the dead—that this kind of refresh my faith that somehow God always is present to Prayer for the dead is undergirded by the Church’s prayer might even assume the form of a kind, considerate them in ways that genuinely matter. belief in the communion of saints. Pope Francis and affectionate conversation. Dominican Father Brian Shanley, president of mentioned this last October. Petitions to God undoubtedly rank as the principal form Providence College in Rhode Island, spoke in a 2012 “There is a communion of life among all those who of prayer for those who have died. The Church prays, as address about praying for others. belong to Christ,” Pope Francis said. This “communion the Catechism of the Catholic Church states, that those St. Thomas Aquinas thought “that we can play a role in of saints,” he stressed, “goes beyond earthly life.” who die “may attain the beatific vision of God” (#1032) God’s providence for others through our freely chosen and Pope Francis pointed to “a deep and indissoluble bond and “that no one should be lost” (#1058). grace-inspired prayers,” Father Shanley explained. between those who are still pilgrims in this world—us— But does that imply that our prayers must be colored “When we utter a petitionary prayer for someone else,” and those who have crossed the threshold of death and by a sense of desperate fear regarding the eternal life of he continued, “we are not informing God of what [he] entered eternity.” someone who has died? It seems good to remember that does not know or asking God for a gift that [he] does For, he said, “all baptized persons here on Earth, the our pleas for a loved one do not serve as God’s formal not want to give. … It is part of the largesse of the grace souls in purgatory and all the blessed who are already in introduction to that person. of God that [he] allows us to cooperate with him in his paradise make one great family.” Maybe we think that after “Harvey” dies that he was providence for others.” hardly perfect, though he was dear to us and good in ways Beyond petitions to God, our prayer might assume the (David Gibson served on Catholic News Service’s many did not recognize. But should we worry that God, form of a meditation on the life of someone who dies. We editorial staff for 37 years.) † Belief in purgatory, praying for the dead rooted deep in Church history By Fr. Lawrence Mick rise to the practice of praying for those who have died. It Our understanding of purgatory is really a logical is likely, however, that the practice of prayer for the dead consequence of praying for the dead. If they are in One of the Catholic activities that many non-Catholics led to our understanding of purgatory. heaven, our prayers are not necessary; if they are in hell, find puzzling is our practice of praying for the dead. Not many passages in the Bible speak of praying our prayers would be useless. If you ask a Catholic why we do this, he or she might for the dead, but a key book is 2 Maccabees. In the So prayer for the dead assumes that there is an answer that we pray for those who are in purgatory. This second century before Christ, Judas Maccabeus led a intermediate stage between this life and full union with may give the impression that our belief in purgatory gave revolt against the Seleucid kings who were attempting God in heaven. In that stage, we believe that our prayers, to suppress Judaism in Palestine. After a victory against as acts of love for those who have died, can help them the army of Gorgias, governor of Idumea, Judas and grow in love and be purified of whatever selfishness and his men set about burying the Jews who had perished effects of past sins prevent them from full union with a

St. Louis Review St. in the battle. God who is love. On the dead men, they found amulets of idols, which In Protestant Bibles, 2 Maccabees is omitted or listed Jews were forbidden to wear, and concluded that this among the apocryphal (non-canonical) books, which is is why these men were killed. Judas and his men then one reason they often find our belief puzzling. But the prayed to God that this sin might be forgiven. They early Christians clearly prayed for the dead. CNS photo/Lisa Johnston, took up a collection and sent it to Jerusalem for a A fourth-century homily by St. John Chrysostom sacrifice of expiation. is cited in the Catechism of the Catholic Church, and In 2 Maccabees we read that “in doing this, he acted includes this exhortation: in a very excellent and noble way, inasmuch as he had “Let us help and commemorate them. If Job’s sons the resurrection in mind; for if he were not expecting were purified by their father’s sacrifice, why would we the fallen to rise again, it would have been superfluous doubt that our offerings for the dead bring them some The grave marker of a couple is illuminated with a candle and foolish to pray for the dead. But if he did this with consolation? Let us not hesitate to help those who have as a full moon shines through clouds on All Souls’ Day at a view to the splendid reward that awaits those who had died, and to offer our prayers for them ” (#1032). the cemetery of St. John Parish in Imperial, Mo. Belief in gone to rest in godliness, it was a holy and pious thought. purgatory and the practice of praying for the dead go back to Thus he made atonement for the dead that they might be (Father Lawrence Mick is a priest of the Archdiocese of the earliest days of Church history. absolved from their sin” (2 Mc 12:43-45). Cincinnati.) † Page 12 The Criterion Friday, February 21, 2014 Perspectives From the Editor Emeritus/John F. Fink Catholic Education Outreach/ Old Testament: Jacob returns to Canaan Gina Fleming Catholic schools (Seventh in a series of columns) allowed them to continue their journey. Now Genesis gives us one of many One night, Jacob had a wrestling match salacious passages in the Bible. During the help form From the middle of Chapter 30 with another man, who turned out to be journey, Jacob’s daughter, Dinah, went to through Chapter 35, the Book of Genesis an angel. During the match, the angel visit some of the women of the land. While ‘new creations’ tells about Jacob’s wrenched Jacob’s hip socket and, the Bible she was there, a man named Shechem (the decision to return to passage says, that explains why the Jews same name as the city) raped her. Then he “The aim of all Christian education is to his homeland, where do not eat the sciatic muscle that is on the decided he wanted to marry her and sent train the believer in an adult faith that can make his father, Isaac, still hip socket. his father to negotiate with Jacob. him a ‘new creation,’ lived. Jacob prevailed in the wrestling match, Jacob’s sons said that they could not capable of bearing witness Jacob worked and in the morning the angel changed give their sister to an uncircumcised man, in his surroundings for his uncle Laban, Jacob’s name to Israel “because you have but would do so if all the men in the to the Christian hope the father of Jacob’s contended with divine and human beings village would be circumcised. The men that inspires him.” wives, Leah and and have prevailed” (Gen 32:29). Later, actually agreed, and then, while they were These words from Rachel, for 20 years. By that time, Laban’s God appeared to him and confirmed the in pain after the circumcisions, Jacob’s Pope Benedict XVI’s attitude toward Jacob changed and they name change. sons massacred all the men, sacked the started to have serious disagreements. As Jacob and his huge contingent city, and seized all their flocks, herds and “Sacramentum Caritatis” God told Jacob it was time for him to neared where his brother, Esau, lived in women. Not everything in Genesis is a (“The Sacrament of Charity”) resonate return to Canaan. Edom, located south of the Dead Sea, he pious story. with me as I witness firsthand the beauty Genesis tells us how he had to sent messengers ahead. The messengers During their journey, Rachel of a quality Catholic education in the outwit Laban to get away from him, but returned, though, with the report that Esau was pregnant again. As they neared Archdiocese of Indianapolis. eventually he, Leah, Rachel and their was coming to meet Jacob with 400 men. Bethlehem, she went into labor. She bore What could be more inspiring than children made their escape with Jacob’s Jacob, naturally, was frightened. He another son, Benjamin, but she died in surrounding oneself with faith-filled peers cattle, herds of sheep, and camels. Laban planned to appease Esau with numerous childbirth and was buried there. Today, that have a shared mission and a true desire to chased after them, caught up with them, camels, goats, sheep and cattle. However, Rachel’s Tomb in Bethlehem is one of the know, love and serve God? Here is a snapshot and demanded the return of his daughters after all those years, Esau’s anger had most popular Jewish shrines, especially for of what happens in our Catholic schools every and grandchildren. Finally, though, the cooled and the reunion was peaceful. Jacob expectant mothers. day as we strive to fully develop the whole two men made a pact, Laban kissed his and his family continued to Shechem, Jacob, now named Israel, settled in the person. I share that snapshot through my lens daughters and grandchildren goodbye, and north of the Dead Sea. land of Canaan with his 12 sons. † as a mother, a former teacher and principal, and superintendent. Coming of Age/Karen Osborne As a mother of two boys, Drew and Noah, there are few things that bring me greater A 15-year-old’s ultimate sacrifice for his friends joy than my sons’ happiness. As students in our Catholic schools, they are especially Not many reading this column will know people complain about something—the in yourself and you believe in the people encouraged and taught how to reverently much about 15-year-old Aitzaz Hasan, a homework, the reading, the boring classes, around you. Going to school means that serve at Mass. How wonderful it is to witness student at a boys’ high the difficult teachers. you are taking a stand against ignorance children joyfully expressing their faith in such school in Pakistan. In some places, students face serious and violence and people who would a meaningful way while we all celebrate the Aitzaz was a student obstacles to get an education. Some have exploit that for selfish purposes. holy Eucharist together! I highly recommend who wanted peace for to walk for miles to get to school, either You can honor Aitzaz Hasan by participating in an all-school Mass at any one his town and country. because there’s no transportation or it’s standing up for yourself and others. of our schools to experience this same elation In January, he noticed too costly. Girls are blocked from getting You can speak against bullies where and peace. a man wearing a bomb an education because of their gender. And you can, enlisting the help of teachers How grateful I am to every teacher who has heading for his school. then there are teens who can’t concentrate or other adults to help make your school impacted the lives of my children. The first- What he did next was a because of the constant threat of terrorism a safe place. You can help others get grade teacher who challenged Noah with a superhero’s feat: Aitzaz tackled the bomber or gang violence. excited about learning, tutoring friends and spelling list that included “transubstantiation,” before he could enter the school. The Going to school is a profound act of classmates in subjects that are easy for you the second-grade teachers who helped both bomber activated a device on his vest and courage. Getting an education is the only or that you feel passionate about. Enlist boys relish their first reconciliation and killed them both. way some students will ever get out of their help, too. first holy Communion, the middle-school The boy’s actions saved the lives of his grinding poverty. Having an educated Reach out to younger kids to help teacher who taught Drew the interrelationship classmates and teachers. To think anyone populace active in commerce and civic them realize that education is important. of countries and cultures around the globe, and did this is jaw-dropping; to think that a life is one of the only ways countries can Volunteer to read to children or see if all of them who daily wove our faith into all teenager did this is beyond incredible. become prosperous. When it comes to you can volunteer with a community aspects of the learning experience and loved Life is often cushy in the Western good health, a good economy, a thriving organization that teaches leadership skills my children as their own … thank you! world. Next time you go to school, look culture, education makes it happen. and literacy to children. “But the greatest among you shall be your around and notice the amenities your And yet, so many of us in the And most of all, when you’re walking servant” (Mt 23:11). school has—desks, a gym, a cafeteria, United States see school as boring, when down the halls at school, remember As a former teacher, there is great delight teachers, textbooks. hundreds of thousands of kids who don’t Aitzaz’s sacrifice and what it meant for his when participating in service with our You can join extracurricular clubs and have the basic combination of desk, town and for the world. youths. Even our smallest children in our compete on sports teams. Some schools book and textbook would love to have pre-kindergarten programs learn early on that have swimming pools, art galleries and what we have. (Karen Osborne writes for Catholic News their physical size does not dictate the ways high-tech computer centers. And yet Going to school means that you believe Service.) † in which they can positively affect the lives of others. Whether students are preparing care Making a Difference/Tony Magliano packages for soldiers or writing letters to the elderly parishioners in their community, they Reflecting on my brief experience as a homeless man are reminded that these are ways to honor and glorify God, remembering that all are made in For quite some time, I have had an There I got into a line of men, women donation. I explained what I was doing, the image and likeness of our Lord. interest in the plight of homeless people. and children waiting to be admitted into and thankfully declined their generosity. Similarly, there is incredible pride I have read about it, the dining room where a free hot meal is Asking strangers for a small favor was a in students when they accomplish goals prayed over it, and served every day. humbling experience. throughout their journey. I marvel at the have done small Once inside, I sat at a table with a young Next stop was the Helping creativity, problem solving and depth of their things to help. man who said he was trying to recover Up Mission—a multi-service thinking while savoring the first time when But feeling from drug addiction and was homeless as nondenominational shelter where a student who was non-verbal called me by that I could, and a result. 53 homeless men can get a shower, name. God blesses each of us with unique gifts, should, do more to From there, I walked to Health Care for laundry done, needed clothes, a clean and like the other archdiocesan teachers, I am make a difference, the Homeless—an organization dedicated bed, and a good supper and breakfast. But grateful for the opportunity to develop and I concluded that to providing free medical care to people unfortunately, there was not enough room celebrate these gifts. living as a homeless man—at least for a who have no permanent residence, and for everyone who came that cold evening. As a former principal and currently as very brief period—was the best way to would otherwise go untreated. Inside At the mission, I talked with men of superintendent, I get to work with incredibly understand what it’s like to have no place were approximately 75 homeless women various ages who were down on their luck, knowledgeable, committed, passionate Catholic to call home. and men waiting to be seen by a nurse. had supper with them, and attended an educators every day. I marvel at all that our I decided that St. Vincent de Paul There I spoke with an older man who inspiring Protestant chapel service. principals and teachers do for the honor and Church, on the fringe of downtown had serious family problems that caused Later that night, as I walked back to glory of God. As spiritual leaders, we rely Baltimore, would be my first stop. his homelessness. my vehicle, I realized that I was a richer heavily upon the power of prayer and the Since the parish opens its basement to Next, I stopped at a hotel and fast-food person for having lived one day as a grace of God. With our wonderful team at the homeless people every Friday for a hot restaurant asking if they were hiring. They homeless man. archdiocesan Office of Catholic Education, meal—and allows them to stay in the small were not. I thought about the homeless men I am proud to stand beside these marvelous park adjacent to the church—St. Vincent’s From there, I walked the streets of and women I encountered, and their leaders, cheering them and their communities was symbolically a very good place to start downtown Baltimore asking people—like monumental problems. in our joint endeavor to produce successful, my day as a homeless man. some homeless persons do—for a little And I more clearly understood God’s Christian citizens who share the ultimate goal After praying before the loose change to buy a cup of coffee. call to each of us, our Church and our of heaven. Blessed Sacrament, I hit the I politely approached approximately government, to work for the day when As mother, teacher, principal and sub-freezing streets with no money. 35 people. About 30 of them ignored me, every human being has a decent place to superintendent, I thank God for the opportunity After walking several blocks, I reached said they didn’t have any money, or simply call home. to share in the glorious role of transforming Our Daily Bread Employment Center—a said no. And I almost got arrested for these young believers into “new creations” who comprehensive facility run by Catholic approaching a police officer who sternly (Tony Magliano is an internationally will lead and serve all for his honor and glory! Charities dedicated to supporting efforts warned me that “panhandling” was a crime syndicated social justice and of homeless people to secure stable in Baltimore. peace columnist. E-mail him at (Gina Fleming is superintendent of Catholic employment and housing. But five people did offer me a small [email protected].) † Schools for the Archdiocese of Indianapolis.) † The Criterion Friday, February 21, 2014 Page 13

Seventh Sunday in Ordinary Time/Msgr. Owen F. Campion Daily Readings Monday, February 24 Saturday, March 1 Sunday Readings James 3:13-18 James 5:13-20 Psalm 19:8-10, 15 Psalm 141:1-3, 8 Sunday, February 23, 2014 Mark 9:14-29 Mark 10:13-16 • Leviticus 19:1-2, 17-18 Sermon on the Mount, as Christians long • 1 Corinthians 3:16-23 ago came to call this section of the Gospel. Tuesday, February 25 Sunday, March 2 • Matthew 5:38-48 In the background is the Jewish James 4:1-10 Eighth Sunday in preoccupation with keeping God’s law. In Psalm 55:7-11, 23 Ordinary Time The first reading is from the Book of the Covenant, so basic to Judaism, God Mark 9:30-37 Isaiah 49:14-15 Leviticus, one of the five books of the called the Jews to obedience. In obeying Pentateuch, the Torah, divine law, they would indeed be God’s Psalm 62:2-3, 6-9 the basic revelation people, and God would protect them and Wednesday, February 26 1 Corinthians 4:1-5 by God to the bless them. James 4:13-17 Matthew 6:24-34 Chosen People. Here, in this reading from Psalm 49:2-3, 6-11 This reading reports St. Matthew’s Gospel, the Lord sets forth Mark 9:38-40 the day when God a series of contrasts. He gives a basis for spoke to Moses. “I obeying the law, separating truly Christian the Lord, your God, response to the law, which is love for God Thursday, February 27 am holy,” says God and others, from a series of mere maxims James 5:1-6 (Lv 19:2). He continues and rules. Psalm 49:14-20 that no one must hate Mark 9:41-50 another, using the term “brother” as if to Reflection emphasize the point (Lv 19:17). God has revealed to us the divine The reading sets the stage for the law. It is no set of rules for the sake of Friday, February 28 message from St. Matthew’s Gospel that rules. Rather, it is the blueprint by which James 5:9-12 will follow as the third reading. we can live and more fully resemble Psalm 103:1-4, 8-9, 11-12 St. Paul’s First Epistle to the Corinthians the perfection and love that dwells in Mark 10:1-12 provides the second reading. A favorite the Holy Trinity. So the law of God is image employed by Paul throughout his vitally important. writings was that, through faith and in In each of the statements of baptism, Christians literally bond with Jesus recorded in this reading Christ. In Christ, they become heirs to from St. Matthew’s Gospel, Jesus draws Question Corner/Fr. Kenneth Doyle eternal life. In Christ, they receive the a significant comparison. Realizing that Holy Spirit, bringing into their very beings God’s law, as revealed to Moses, is of divine grace and strength. God and cannot be abridged or cancelled, Canon law requires that a sponsor Having made this point, the Apostle the Lord did not discount the law or then continues to remind the Corinthian belittle it. at a baptism be a practicing Catholic Christians that they are not ultimately wise. Rather, these words illustrate the fact They may be wise in a worldly sense, but that the Lord came to fulfill it. What does My son’s girlfriend of two years has Assuming that they are baptized non- often genuine wisdom comes across as this mean? Observing God’s law does not Q been attending Mass with us on a Catholics, why not have them both stand foolishness to the worldly. mean simply going through motions, as regular basis. She is with the young woman at her baptism, It was a fitting reminder. Corinth was meaningful as the results may be. More now enrolled in weekly endorsing her choice, along with the totally immersed in the pagan world of profoundly, it means obeying God because instructional classes, Catholic sponsor? the Roman Empire. Everything seemingly of trust in and love for God. and is scheduled to The couple could decide for extolled the majesty of the Roman culture. God is love, and at the root of his love be baptized in a few themselves which of them will be the This culture had created the legal system is unlimited, perfect love. God lovingly weeks as a Catholic. official witness. That name will go on the that brought order to human society, a revealed his divine law to us for our She had asked certificate and in the parish’s baptismal system that still lives, being the basis of benefit. If we respond because of our love a couple who are register, but they both will understand that law in Western civilization to this day. for him, then we obey fittingly. Then our longtime family friends they have played a key role in the young The very wonders of Roman architecture obedience assumes a wonderfully higher to be her godparents, woman’s liturgy and in her choice. and art reaffirmed the depth and greatness personal meaning. but neither one of them of human wisdom in the empire. The reading finally reveals to us the is a Catholic. She understands now that My 54-year-old son, who was in a Against this backdrop of the splendor of identity of the Lord. God gave the law. she will need a practicing Catholic as her Q Catholic marriage for 27 years and all things Roman and pagan, Paul tells the Only God, as lawgiver, can interpret official sponsor, but was told that only has two adult children, recently divorced Corinthians that there is much more. the law. Jesus acts in a divine role by two godparents can sign her baptismal his wife and married a twice-divorced St. Matthew’s Gospel furnishes answering questions about the law. certificate and feels awkward about telling woman who worked with him. I am the last reading. The context is the He is God. † the couple that one of them cannot sign. having trouble accepting this woman What should she do? (Missouri.) into our family, as my sympathy lies with his first wife who was blindsided My Journey to God First, we should be clear on the rule by the divorce. Athat governs such a situation. But we How can I overcome this disdain for could also consider whether, while still the second wife, and do I have to accept following the rule, some accommodation her? I keep communication open with my might be made out of pastoral sensitivity. son, hoping he will come to his senses. Blaze of The rule is clear: In the Church’s Code (City of origin withheld) of Canon Law, #873 states that “there is to be only one male sponsor or one female It depends on what you mean Glory Reuters CNS photo/Lisi Niesner, sponsor or one of each.” Aby “accept her.” Do you have to The next section, #874, goes on to welcome your son’s situation with By Madelyn Denniston Keach explain that a sponsor must be a baptized enthusiasm? Of course not. But what you Catholic, at least 16 years of age, who has might do is to try to manage your disdain I gaze at your fading beauty received the sacraments of Eucharist and and to treat your son and his new wife as you wait for the confirmation and who is living a life in in a civil manner, being decent and even season of conformity with the Church’s teaching. It kind, and certainly not exclude them from yielding also says that a baptized non-Catholic may family gatherings. your array of colors, participate in the ceremony together with a If you’ve not already done so, you revealing Catholic sponsor, but as a “witness” to the might have a heart-to-heart conversation strength and hope baptism rather than a sponsor. with your son, telling him honestly of the in the seasons yet The reason for requiring that a sponsor discomfort you feel with his decision, of to come. be a practicing Catholic is that the sponsor your continuing sympathy for his former Your branches now bare takes on the responsibility of assisting the wife and of your disappointment at his unveiling baptized person’s continued growth in the having neglected the guidance of the the beauty of gnarled yet Catholic faith. Church in which he was raised—all of strong limbs, a So, in the situation you present, the this while assuring him of your lasting striking Catholic party would be the sponsor and love for him. panoply of faith in one member of the non-Catholic couple I think you should also encourage him the return of your outward could be the official “witness.” to attend Sunday Mass (if he’s not doing blaze of glory. But here is my suggestion. In some so). Even though he is not permitted A vision of God’s nature, cultures (Filipino is the one I’m most to receive Communion because of his urging Madelyn Denniston Keach is a familiar with), it is customary for several marital situation, there is value in his me to expose my inner soul, I member of Our Lady of Perpetual close family friends to stand with the keeping a channel open to God and to pray Help Parish in New Albany. A man child at the baptism, in addition to the two the Church—and coupled with your my journey will transform me strolls under a canopy of colorful official sponsors. prayers, who knows what that might into a blaze of God’s Glory. trees during a sunny autumn They do this as advocates for the eventually bring? day at the Central Cemetery in child, endorsing his or her entrance into Vienna, Austria. the Church and pledging to support the (Questions may be sent to Father Kenneth person’s formation in the Christian faith. Doyle at [email protected] and So why not do that with this couple? 40 Hopewell St., Albany, N.Y. 12208.) † Page 14 The Criterion Friday, February 21, 2014

and Ken Luken. Grandmother of four. JAMES, Richard Warren, 93, St. Charles Borromeo, Biker Rest in peace Bloomington, Jan. 26. Husband Tracy CNS photo/Tom of Luisa Lopez James. Father Please submit in writing CUMMINGS, Maxine, 85, of Nancy Hicks, Wendy Roper, bishop to our office by 10 a.m. St. Mary, Richmond, Jan. 15. Theresa Schmidt and Phillip Thursday before the week of Mother of Marta Hartman, Terri James. Brother of Marjorie publication; be sure to state Masters, Tyna Stover, Michael Ramey, Mildred and Robert Miami Archbishop Thomas date of death. Obituaries of and Tom Cummings. Sister James. Grandfather of 10. Great- G. Wenski smiles as he leans on his archdiocesan priests serving of Sharon Baker, Michael and grandfather of nine. Harley Davidson motorcycle on Feb. 9 at Mary Help of Christians Church near our archdiocese are listed Phillip Mills. Grandmother of 11. KELLY, Marilyn, 80, elsewhere in The Criterion. Great-grandmother of 17. Sacred Heart, Clinton, Feb. 7. Fort Lauderdale, Fla., before the Order priests and religious De la ROSA, Ruperta, 90, Wife of Bill Kelly. Mother of opening Mass for the second annual sisters and brothers are St. Jude, Indianapolis, Jan. 20. Mary Jo Beam, Trish, Bill Archbishop’s Poker Run charity ride included here, unless they are Mother of Jacinto, Emelinda, and Mike Kelly. Grandmother to benefit Miami Catholic Charities’ natives of the archdiocese or Erlinda, Manuel and Wilfredo of seven. Great-grandmother St. Luke’s Center for alcohol and drug have other connec­tions to it; de la Rosa. Grandmother of 15. of seven. rehabilitation. Archbishop Wenski led those are separate obituaries Great-grandmother of one. on this page. LEE, Joe Ellen (Alhorn), 54, more than 100 men and women on the DIEHL, Susan Marie, 41, St. Vincent de Paul, Bedford, 72-mile ride from the Fort Lauderdale BEIDELMAN, Martha A., 88, Our Lady of the Most Holy Jan. 15. Wife of Robert Lee. area to south Miami. Holy Spirit, Indianapolis, Feb. 5. Rosary, Indianapolis, Jan. 31. Sister of Kathryn Pfeiffer. Daughter of Bernice Alhorn. Daughter of Theresa (Middleton) Sister of Rebecca Bliss, BOGENSCHUTZ, Anthony, Diehl. Sister of Michael Diehl. Rosemary Clampitt, Bernadette 50, Holy Spirit, Indianapolis, grandmother of 69. Great-great- Father of Ann Marie Emery and Husband of Mary Tebbe. Father EASTHAM, Leona M., 91, Dippel and Richard Alhorn. Jan. 29. Son of Luella grandmother of two. Ted Pearson. Grandfather of six. Holy Spirit, Indianapolis, of Brenda and Carolyn Eckerle, Bogenschutz. Brother of Teresa LINNE, June, 79, St. Michael, Jan. 31. Mother of Pat Shook, MESIANA, Wanda L., 78, Great-grandfather of four. Jenny Hazelwood and Gary Hall, Deb Hartman, Judy Wilson Cannelton, Feb. 6. Mother Bill and Marvin Fox. Sister of St. Barnabas, Indianapolis, RILEY, Mary L., 84, St. Joseph, Tebbe. Brother of Pat Deaton, and Tom Bogenschutz. of Jenny, Kay, Bob and Delores Keeler and Allen Butler. Mike Linne. Sister of Opal Feb. 5. Mother of Mary Corydon, Jan. 30. Mother of Lee Propes, LaVerne Sauerland, CARROLL, Charles R., Jr., Grandmother of 10. Great- McCarthy. Grandmother of nine. Bleizeffer, Angela Mesiana- Gene, Mark and Samuel Riley. Glenn, Keith and Merle Tebbe. 83, Most Sacred Heart of Jesus, grandmother of 14. Great-great- Frazer and Joseph Mesiana Grandfather of 11. Great- Step-grandmother of one. Great- ROTHWELL, Jackie A., 67, Jeffersonville, Jan. 25. Husband grandmother of five. grandmother of 13. Jr. Sister of Wilma Engle and grandfather of 22. of Frances Carroll. Father of Charles Stringer. Grandmother of Holy Spirit, Indianapolis, Jan. 27. FISCHER, Lucille M., 89, , Brian, Paul and Raymond McCORMACK, Mary Lee, Mother of Kelly Miller, Carrie WAGERMAN, Michael Roy St. Michael the Archangel, eight. Great-grandmother of two. Carroll. Brother of Marion 93, Holy Spirit, Indianapolis, Wehlage and Jason Rothwell. 51, St. Rose of Lima, Franklin, Indianapolis, Feb. 7. Mother of NEAL, Delbert T., 92, Cramer, Sandy East, Rose Jan. 27. Mother of Suzi Bowman Grandmother of three. Jan. 17. Husband of Janet Jacqueline Fischer-Hill, Jane Sacred Heart of Jesus, Kempf, Mary Catherine and Cindy Hunter. Stepmother of Wagerman. Father of Trevor Misch, John, Joseph and Thomas Indianapolis, Jan. 13. Husband RUSSELL, Ruth E., 86, McNeil and Judy VanWinkle. Sheila Hart. Grandmother of 10. St. Bartholomew, Columbus, Wagerman. Grandfather of one. Fischer. Grandmother of 10. Great-grandmother of 20. Great- of Betty Neal. Father of Debbie Grandfather of five. Great- Jan. 30. Mother of Kimberly WOLFE, Verona, 88, St. Mary, Great-grandmother of 14. great-grandmother of 10. Neal and Patty Todderud. grandfather of three. Gore, Karen Turner and Kevin New Albany, Jan. 22. Mother , 80, Grandfather of three. CARTER, Patricia A., 75, HERBERT, Lawrence McCULLOUGH, Anna M., Russell. Sister of Estella Bellotte. of Patricia Naulty, Donald and St. Rita, Indianapolis, Feb. 9. NEWTON, Joyce Ann (Stump), St. Mary of the Immaculate 84, St. Mary, Greensburg, Grandmother of five. William Wolfe. Grandmother of Husband of Rosie Herbert. Father Feb. 12. Mother of Patty Carson, 72, St. Bernard, Frenchtown, Conception, Aurora, Feb. 3. SHULL, Wayne Thomas, 67, three. Great-grandmother of one. of Rosetta, Jerome, Lawrence Margaret Derflinger, Sharon Jan. 29. Mother of Lori Mehnert, Wife of Daniel Carter. Mother of St. Mary, Greensburg, Jan. 30. and Marcus Herbert. Brother of Drake, Ruth Griffith, Beverly Chris and Joe Newton. Sister of WONNELL, Francis Xavier, Connie Lawless and Diana Stott. Husband of Jane (Lohman) Daughter of Irene Peters. Sister six. Grandfather of seven. Great- Maggard, Carolyn Richards, Marie Adkins. Grandmother of infant, St. Louis, Batesville, Shull. Father of Jennifer Schutte. of Charlotte Hastings, Linda grandfather of one. Donna Swinford, David, seven. Feb. 8. Son of Nic and Amy Son of A. Joyce (Owens) Smithers, Donna VanOstrand, HUNTER, Marian L., 88, Lebanon, Simon and William PEARSON, Lee R., 90, Wonnell. Brother of Isabelle, Lucas-Richey. Kenny and Mike Peters. St. Mary, Greensburg, Feb. 4. McCullough. Sister of Ruth SS. Francis and Clare, Lilly and Brady Wonnell. Grandmother of three. Great- Mother of Tim Hunter. Sister of Hamilton and Edward Dwenger. Greenwood, Feb. 11. Husband TEBBE, Virgil J., 87, Grandson of Ruth Messerschmidt grandmother of seven. Rita Burkert, Dorothy Overpeck Grandmother of 50. Great- of Martha (Metcalf) Pearson. St. Michael, Brookville, Feb. 3. and Susan Wonnell. †

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Scan to learn more about Planned Giving or visit The Criterion Friday, February 21, 2014 Page 15 Stem-cell method offers another alternative to embryonic research

BALTIMORE (CNS)—A new the Diocese of Fall River, Family Research Council in method of creating versatile stem Mass., who holds a doctorate in Washington, said the new STAP cells from a relatively simple neuroscience from Yale University, process is yet another indication manipulation of existing cells said the only “potential future that “there are all these different could further reduce the need for ethical issue” raised by the new ways to create stem cells without any stem-cell research involving STAP cells would be if scientists ever having to endanger a human embryos, according to were to coax them into “a new human being.” leading ethicists. degree of flexibility beyond He said adult stem cells— Although the process has only classical pluripotency,” creating drawn from living human beings been tested in mice, two studies cells “with essential characteristics without harming them, as well published on Jan. 29 in the journal of embryos and the propensity to as from umbilical cord blood or Nature detailed research showing develop into the adult organism. bone marrow—“are the only stem success with a process called “Generating human embryos cells that have ever proven to stimulus-triggered acquisition of in the laboratory, regardless of the help a single patient.” More than pluripotency, or STAP. specific methodology, will always 60,000 patients around the world

Scientists from Japan’s RIKEN raise significant ethical red flags,” are receiving treatments for a Biology handout via Reuters Developmental Obokata, RIKEN Center for CNS photo/Haruko research institute and Harvard’s he said. variety of diseases from adult stem Brigham and Women’s Hospital The Catholic Church opposes cells, he added. in Boston were able to reprogram any research involving the Another type of adult stem blood cells from newborn mice by destruction of human embryos to cells, called induced pluripotent A mouse embryo formed with cells created through a process called placing them in a low-level acidic create stem cells. stem cells, or iPS cells, is still stimulus-triggered acquisition of pluripotency, or STAP, is seen in this image bath for 30 minutes. Seven to 9 Richard Doerflinger, associate being used only in animal released by RIKEN Center for Developmental Biology on Jan. 28. A new method percent of the cells subjected to director of the U.S. bishops’ models, said Prentice, who holds of creating versatile stem cells from a relatively simple manipulation of existing such stress returned to a state of Secretariat for Pro-Life Activities, a doctorate in biochemistry and cells could further reduce the need for any stem-cell research involving human pluripotency, and were able to grow said if the new method were used was a founding member of Do No embryos, according to leading ethicists. into other types of cells in the body. to create stem cells so versatile that Harm: The Coalition of Americans “If this technology proves they could form placenta tissue for Research Ethics. Japanese all of its $121 million in funding proponent of embryonic research, feasible with human cells, which and make human cloning easier, scientist Shinya Yamanaka in 2007, its inaugural year, to said the Japanese scientist “has seems likely, it will offer yet “then we would have serious received the 2012 Nobel Prize in embryonic stem-cell research, taken people’s ethical concerns another alternative for obtaining moral problems with that.” But Physiology or Medicine for his while the Maryland Stem Cell seriously about embryo research highly flexible stem cells without there is no indication so far that discovery of the iPS technique. Research Commission funded and modified the trajectory relying on the destructive the scientists could or would do so, A recent report by the Charlotte 11 embryonic stem-cell projects of research into a path that is use of human embryos,” said he added. Lozier Institute, research arm of and four using adult stem cells acceptable for all. He deserves not Father Tadeusz Pacholczyk, “You could misuse any the Susan B. Anthony List, showed that year, the report said. only a Nobel Prize for medicine director of education at the powerful technology, but the a turnaround in funding for adult But in 2012, the most recent but a Nobel Prize for ethics.” National Catholic Bioethics technique itself is not problematic” versus embryonic stem-cell year for which figures are “Even the severest critics [of Center in Philadelphia. “This is in terms of Catholic teaching, research in at least two states— available, the California institute adult clearly a positive direction for Doerflinger said. California and Maryland. funded 15 nonembryonic stem-cell scientific research.” David Prentice, senior The California Institute for projects for some $50 million research] Father Pacholczyk, a priest of fellow for life sciences at the Regenerative Medicine devoted and gave only six grants totaling are $19 million to projects that admitting involved the destruction of human that the embryos. Maryland’s grants promise ‘If this technology proves feasible with human cells, which in 2013 were to one stem-cell people seems likely, it will offer yet another alternative for obtaining project using embryos and 28 not had been highly flexible stem cells without relying on the destructive using them. holding use of human embryos. This is clearly a positive direction for Doerflinger said he is also out [for scientific research.’ seeing a shift in the respect embryonic accorded to adult stem-cell Richard Doerflinger research] research even by the most is being —Father Father Tadeusz Pacholczyk, director of ardent supporters of embryonic pursued without any moral education at the National Catholic Bioethics Center in stem-cell research. problem,” Doerflinger said. “The Philadelphia When Yamanaka won alternatives that the Church had the Nobel Prize in 2012, been encouraging for so long are Julian Savulescu, a longtime really succeeding.” † Mass should be a life-changing event, Pope Francis says during audience VATICAN CITY (CNS)—Going to Mass and receiving Do you go to Mass because it’s a habit or a time to see so because they think or want to believe they are superior the Eucharist should make a difference in the way your friends? the pope asked. “Or is it something more?” to others, but precisely because they know they are in Catholics live, Pope Francis said. They should be more “When we go to Mass, we find ourselves with all need” of God’s mercy, he said. accepting of others and more aware of their sinfulness. sorts of people,” the pope said. “Does the Eucharist we “We go to Mass because we know we are sinners and “If we don’t feel in need of God’s mercy and don’t celebrate lead me to consider all of them as brothers and want Jesus’ forgiveness,” the pope said. “When, at the think we are sinners, it’s better sisters? Does it increase my ability to rejoice when they beginning of Mass, we say, ‘I confess,’ it’s not something not to go to Mass,” Pope Francis do and to weep with those who weep?” pro forma. It’s a real act of penance.” said on Feb. 12 at his weekly Pope Francis said it is not enough to say one loves In the Eucharist, Jesus truly gives us his body and general audience. The Eucharist Jesus. It must be shown in love for those he loved. blood for the remission of sins, he said. is a celebration of Christ’s gift of Ask yourself, he said, if going to Mass helps you Celebrating the Eucharist also should make a himself for the salvation of sinners, reach out to the suffering or “am I indifferent, or am difference in the way a parish community lives, he said. which is why the Mass begins with I gossiping? ‘Did you see how that one’s dressed?’ At Mass, Christ gathers people around him “to nourish people confessing they are sinners Sometimes people do that after Mass. But this us with his word and his life. This means that the mission and begging for the Lord’s mercy. shouldn’t happen.” and identity of the Church begin and take form there. Continuing a series of audience Attendance at Mass also should lead to “the grace of “A celebration could be perfect from an aesthetic talks about the sacraments, the feeling forgiven and able to forgive others,” he said. point of view—it can be beautiful—but if it does not lead pope asked people to think about Pope Francis said he knows that some people wonder us to an encounter with Jesus Christ, it risks not giving Pope Francis how they approach the Mass and why they should bother going to church when the church any nourishment to our hearts and lives,” the pope said. what difference it makes in their is filled with people who sin like everyone else. There must be “coherence between our Eucharist and lives and the lives of their parishes. “In reality, those who participate in the Mass don’t do our lives.” †

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TACLOBAN, Philippines (CNS)—Mention the name of Maria Rosevilla Margate and many of the residents of the community known as Barangay 54A nod approvingly. They know exactly where to find her.

People tell stories of her kindness and friendship. Orsburn CNS photos/Tyler Maria and her husband, Emmanuel, have lived in the community just a block from Redemptorist-run Our Lady of Perpetual Help Church since 1983. For years, they say, Maria Margate has helped her neighbors in need. Just like on Nov. 8, 2013, the day Typhoon Haiyan made a shambles of much of the central Philippines. Maria Margate’s effort to shelter dozens of neighbors in her family’s concrete-walled home at the peak of the storm is well-known in the barangay. For that, people are grateful. She considers her actions nothing extraordinary. “I’m just a good neighbor, maybe,” she told Catholic News Service (CNS) on Feb. 10, seated at a small table in her dining room that is protected only by a tarp. But her story illustrates the close bonds she has forged in her community, and the devout Catholic faith she practices in prayer and attending daily Mass. She recalled awakening before dawn that day, hearing the wind rising in intensity, driving heavy rain onto the roof of her two-story home. “I saw the wind is getting stronger and stronger. So I go down and I call all my neighbors. ‘Please come up. Please come up. The wind is getting stronger and stronger.’ “Some of them said we’ll cook our food, we will keep our stuff. I told them, ‘No, it’s not important. The Emmanuel and Maria Rosevilla Margate pose for a photo with family members outside their home in Tacloban, Philippines on Feb. 10. important [thing] is to come up. Please come up.’” The family huddled together in their block home on Nov. 8, 2013, as Typhoon Haiyan made shambles of many homes in their community She continued door to door as the waters began to known as Barangay 54A. rise. One family, two families, three more. Finally, she had to get to safety herself. She thought that as many as Some of the dead could be seen where the houses 80 people were in the small house. once stood. They first gathered in the dining room on the “When I came down here, I didn’t see any stuff. No first floor with a few in an upper bedroom. The roof clothes. No appliances. But it’s OK because I saved above the dining room began vibrating in the wailing people. It’s only material things.” wind. Realizing it could be torn off at any moment— She said she was afraid she had developed a phobia: eventually it was—she ushered everyone upstairs to the “When there’s a small wind, I tremble.” bedroom, where a sturdier portion of the roof offered She gazed toward the serene bay, then covered her more protection. face with her hands. Tears trickled down her cheeks. The With everyone safely inside, Maria Margate wanted to churning waters of death were real again. get one more look outside to see what was happening. She “Sometimes after the typhoon, I don’t want to opened the door leading to a small terrace across from remember anything,” she said. the bedroom. Maybe one more person was out there who Soon after the storm, the Margates headed to Cebu, needed help, she thought. much farther inland on Leyte Island and where one of “I saw the water. It was so black. Black water, very, their adult daughters lives. While Cebu was affected very black. When I pushed [the door] to close again, the by the storm, the damage was much less severe than in This photo taken on Feb. 10 from the home of Emmanuel water rose up.” Tacloban and surrounding communities. and Maria Rosevilla Margate shows homes left in ruins in She described what she saw as a vortex, spinning The Margates returned to Tacloban at the end of Tacloban, Philippines. round and round, swallowing everything in its path. January to check on the house and make some minimal She recalled three surges over the course of about an repairs. But they plan soon to return to Cebu, where registered nurse. hour, the final one being the highest—perhaps 15 feet— they have rented an apartment and plan to enroll their The couple also owns a small home and small coconut and the strongest. It caused her home to shudder. It was son Anthony, 11, and granddaughter Frances Lhoreigne farm about 45 minutes from Tacloban. The storm also then she considered the possibility of dying. Margate, 6, in school. Life in Cebu is much more stable, damaged the farm, uprooting about 80 percent of the “The last word I said was, ‘Lord, thy will be done,’ and said Emmanuel Margate, who is retired from Eastern coconuts trees they own. One tree smashed into the I closed my eyes.” Visayas State University, where he taught mechanical home there. That’s when the flood waters vanished, leaving behind engineering for 30 years. Emmanuel Margate said he prefers to focus on death and destruction. The Margates will keep their house in Tacloban. rebuilding the farm and leaving behind the noise and “I know it was a miracle because outside of our house Emmanuel Margate said he hopes he and his wife can crowded conditions of the barangay. the water was here,” Maria Margate said, raising her right save a little money in the hope of repairing the place they “It’s time to restart our life,” he said. arm to her chest. “But in our bedroom, it was just this have called home since 1983. But a monthly pension of Maria Margate, however, said she wants to stay in high,” she said, pointing to her ankles. 11,900 pesos—about $266—from the university only the barangay, where she knows the people and feels When people finally began emerging, they saw little goes so far. welcome. She does not want to abandon her friends left of their community. One-story wooden and metal Two adult daughters who work as nurses in Singapore and neighbors. She sees signs of normalcy returning houses had become matchsticks. Only a few taller houses have been sending money to help with replacing some of as people reassemble their lives. She wants to do the made of stronger materials remained standing, but even the possession their parents lost. Another son is planning same with them. they were severely damaged. Not one had a roof. to enroll in medical school after recently becoming a “I love this place,” she told CNS. † What was in the news on Feb. 21, 1964? Discussion about receiving Communion under the form of both bread and wine By Brandon A. Evans • The liturgy reform: Why Communion under both • Raps ‘loaded question’ in birth control poll species? • Chauffeur gets papal honor This week, we continue to examine what was going on in “What will the Mass of the future look like? How • Raps critics of schools the Church and the world 50 years ago as seen through the soon will all the changes decreed last December by the • Former Anglican is named bishop pages of The Criterion. Second Vatican Council become a matter of ordinary parish • Table tennis tourney to open play Sunday Here are some of the items found in the Feb. 21, 1964, practice? The answer to the second question is impossible • Exert social impact, Catholics are told issue of The Criterion: to give. … The other question is easier. … Some changes are • Priest rents wedding gowns • Pope stresses relationship of obvious enough. … More complex was the council’s solemn • Parish is holding Bible Devotions parish priest to flock decision to restore, at least for certain special occasions, • News Service gives report on Radziwill marriage • Religious persecution: Haiti Communion under both kinds or species. In effect this means • 42,990 Cubans are relocated ousts all Jesuits, closes major that, once a new ritual is given approval, Catholics will have • Pope Paul honors NCCW president seminary some opportunity to receive Communion not only under • Voice of authority seen primary need of • Interracial Council opens drive the appearance or form of bread but also under the form • Msgr. James P. Galvin named to pastoral post of wine. This is a restoration: it is a recovery of something • Steady progress noted on new encyclopedia • Shared time under study in Chicago lost. … In past ages, the question concerning Communion • Pre-Cana conferences slated at New Albany • Wins ‘loving cup’: Brebeuf Prep scholar off on under both kinds was: Is it necessary? Is it essential? And • Cincinnati nuns to ‘update’ garb ‘moon shot’ the Church’s answer was no. Today the question is different: • Fair to exhibit replica of Apostle’s tomb • School fire law hassle brewing in St. Louis Is it desirable? Is it profitable spiritually? And the Church’s • President at St. Louis: Asks education ‘for all’ • Three Protestants given papal award answer, given by the pope and the other bishops, is yes. … • Bishop defends schools • English version of pontiff’s book due off the press The [times when this practice may be used] may seem rare; • Chatard and Ritter name athletic heads • Conscience, authority seen mutually dependent this is no widescale return to ancient practice. But it is a • Decries lax morality of youth • Layman is named to chancery staff beginning and, at the very least, it shows the willingness of • Education display planned for Fair the Church to attempt a renewal.” (Read all of these stories from our Feb. 21, 1964, issue by • Legion praises ‘Becket’ movie • Eastern Rite asks mutual movement logging on to our archives at †