Legislative Council

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Legislative Council 104 COUNCIL 18 August, 1988 LEGISLATIVE COUNCIL Thursday, 18 August, 1988 The President took the chair at 10.30 a.m. The President offered the Prayers. SESSIONAL ORDERS The Hon. E. P. PICKERING (Minister for Police and Emergency Services and Vice-president of the Executive Council) [10.33]: I seek the indulgence of the House to move a motion for the adoption of sessional orders by merely identifying the sessional order by its name and not reading the entire motion, which I read to the House yesterday. Honourable members have a complete list of the details on the notice paper. The PRESIDENT: There being no objection the honourable member may proceed. The Hon. E. P. PICKERING: I move: That notice of motion No. I concerning prayers be adopted by the House. The PRESIDENT: Do I take it that the Minister intends to go through them seriatim and not in globo? The Hon. E. P. PICKERING: I would be happy to deal with them in globo. ' The PRESIDENT: Is there any objection? There being no objection the Leader of the Government may proceed. The Hon. E. P. PICKERING: I seek leave to move that the notices I gave yesterday which are marked to be sessional orders of the House be adopted by the House. Leave granted. Prayers Motion by the Hon. E. P. Pickering agreed to: That, during the present Session, unless otherwise ordered, Standing Order 10a be amended to read: 10~.Upon the President taking the Chair each day, if there be a Quorum present as provided by the 10th Standing Order, he shall offer the following Prayers: "Almighty God, we humbly beseech Thee to vouchsafe Thy blessing upon this Parliament. Direct and prosper our deliberations to the advancement of Thy glory, and the true welfare of the people of our State and Australia. Our Father, which art in Heaven: Hallowed be Thy Name, Thy Kingdom Come. Thy will be done in earth, as it is in Heaven. Give us this day our daily bread. And forgive us our trespasses, as we forgive them that trespass against us. And lead us not into temptation; but deliver us from evil: For Thine is the kingdom, and the power, and the glory, for ever and ever, Amen." 18 August, 1988 COUNCIL Sitting Days Motion by the Hon. E. P. Pickering agreed to: That, during the present Session and unless otherwise ordered, this House shall meet for the despatch of business at 10.30 a.m. on Monday, Thursday and Friday and at 2.30 p.m. on Tuesday and Wednesday each week. Disallowance of Statutory Rules Motion by the Hon. E. P. Pickering agreed to: That, during the present Session and notwithstanding anything contained in the standing orders, a notice of motion to disallow: (a) a Statutory Rule under section 41 of the Interpretation Act 1987; or (b) any other Statutory Instrument or document made under the authority of any Act and which is subject to disallowance by either or both Houses of the Parliament, shall he placed on the Notice Paper as "Business of the House" and shall take precedence of Government and General Business for the day on which the not,ice is set down for consideration. Questions Without Notice Motion by the Hon. E. P. Pickering agreed to: (1) That, during the present Session and unless otherwise ordered, Questions shall commence at 4.00 p.m. on Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday and 12 noon on Thursday and Friday. (2) If, at the time for interruption: (a) a division is in progress, the division shall be completed and the result announced; (b) the House is in Committee of the Whole, the Chairman shall leave the Chair and report progress, and any business then under discussion, if not disposed of, shall be set down on the Notice Paper for a later hour of the sitting. Petitions Motion by the Hon. E. P. Pickering agreed to: That, during the present Session, a copy of every Petition received by the House shall be referred by the Clerk to the Minister responsible for the administration of the matter which is the subject of the Petition. Cognate Bills Motion by the Hon. E. P. Pickering agreed to: That, during the present Session: (1) Whenever a Minister shall intimate to the House that Bills specified by the Minister are cognate Bills: (a) such Bills may be introduced upon one Motion for leave and be presented and read a first time together; (b) one Motion may be moved and one Question put in regard to each of the several stages for the passage of such Bills through the Council; but (c) such Bills shall be considered separately in Committee of the Whole. (2) When Bills sent from the Assembly are reported by the President as cognate Bills, the first reading and subsequent stages shall be proceeded with in a similar manner. 106 COUNCIL 18 August, 1988 Ministerial Statements Motion by the Hon. E. P. Pickering agreed to: That, during the present Session and unless otherwise ordered, the Leader of the Opposition and the Leader of any other party or group, where such leadership has been previously announced to the House, or a Member nominated by any such Leader, may speak to a ministerial statement. The remarks of any speaker shall not exceed the time taken by the Minister in making the statement. Motion for Adjournment Motion by the Hon. E. P. Pickering agreed to: That, during the present Session and unless otherwise ordered: (1) On any Motion for adjournment to terminate a sitting: (a) the Question shall be put not later than 15 minutes after such Motion has been moved or, when a Minister desires to speak or is then speaking, at the conclusion of the Minister's remarks; (b) any Member may speak for 5 minutes on matters not relevant to the Motion, but shall not refer to matters which are otherwise not in order. (2) Proceedings shall he interrupted at 4.15 p.m. on Thursday and 3.45 p.m. on Friday to permit a Motion for adjournment to be moved, if a Minister shall think fit, to terminate the sitting. (3) If, at the time of interruption: (a) a division is in progress, the division shall be completed and the result announced; (b) the House is in Committee of the Whole, the Chairman shall leave the Chair, report progress and seek leave to sit again. (4) When any business under discussion, if not disposed of, is interrupted by operation of this Sessional Order, the debate shall stand adjourned and be made an Order of the Day for the next sitting day at the end of Government or General Business, as the case may be, fixed for that day (but so as not to preclude the operation of Standing Order 67), unless a motion is moved without amendment or debate for the adjournment of the debate to another day (to be stated). Recording of Pairs in Division Motion by the Hon. E. P. Pickering agreed to: That, during the present Session and unless otherwise ordered, Members pairing on any division shall be recorded by the tellers and the names of all Members so paired shall be recorded upon the tellers' lists and printed in the Minutes of the Proceedings and Hansard. Adjournment Debate: Ministerial Replies Motion by the Hon. E. P. Pickering agreed to: That, during the present Session and unless otherwise ordered, a Minister may, before the House proceeds to the business of the day, make a statement in relation to any matter or matters raised on the Adjournment at a previous sitting. Leadership of Parties and Groups Motion by the Hon. E. P. Pickering agreed to: That, as soon as practicable after each periodic Council election and whenever change shall occur, announcements may be made in the House as to the leadership in the House of parties or groups represented at such elections and of which parties or groups there are two or more persons who are Members of the House. 18 August, 1988 COUNCIL Questions on Notice Motion by the Hon. E. P. Pickering agreed to: That, during the present Session and notwithstanding anything contained in the Standing Orders, the procedure in relation to Questions on Notice is varied, as follows: (1) Notices of Questions shall be handed to one of the Clerks at the Table during the sitting of the House, duly signed. (2) The Clerk shall enter in a Questions and Answers Paper printed and circulated to Members, Notices of Questions in the order in which they are received. (3) The reply to a Question on Notice shall be delivered to the Clerk and shall appear in the Questions and Answers Paper. (4) During any adjournment of the House, replies to Questions on Notice may be delivered to the Clerk who shall cause a Questions and Answers paper to be printed and circulated. (5) A Questions and Answers paper shall be printed and circulated on any prorogation of the House. Bills Returned Motion by the Hon. E. P. Pickering agreed to: That, during the present Session and unless otherwise ordered, Standing Order 19 1 be amended to read: 19 1. After the third reading the Bill shall be deemed to have passed the House and the Clerk shall so certify, and the Bill shall be sent, with a Message, to the Assembly for concurrence. Declarations of Urgency Motion by the Hon. E. P. Pickering agreed to: That, during the present Session and notwithstanding anything contained in the Standing Orders: ' (1) When any Bill, except a Bill sent from the Assembly, has been read a first time and ordered to be printed the second reading may be moved forthwith or made an Order of the Day for a later hour or for a future day.
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