City of Band Annual General Meeting Minutes Wednesday 2nd December 2020


Deborah Wilson declared the meeting open at 7.42pm and welcomed all attendees.

Attendees: Lisa Tratford, Cr Dale Harriman, Daryl Hill, Deborah Wilson, Joshua Geddes, Wilson, Tracy Olivier, Harry Alexander, Neil Fitzclarence, Jennie Wood, Kim Woods, David Mirtschin, Ruth Tilley, Susan Poole, Bruce Poole, Stuart Alexander, Alan Wilson, Myra Krafft, Edi Murat, Ameli Krafft-Murat, Nicholas Krafft-Murat, Bonnie Dawson, David Dawson, Luke Becker, Matt Dixon, Maebelle Tratford.

Apologies: Brian Munro, Kristian Hunter, Brad Hemperger, Alex Wilson, Lachlan Wilson, Heath Wilson and Bev O’Brian.

Minutes of Previous AGM Minutes of the previous meeting were circulated. The secretary, Alan Wilson, offered to read the previous minutes if anyone wished.

Jennie Wood brought up the passage in the minutes: ‘David Mirtschin was uncomfortable with passing the rules as whole although choose not to elaborate on what he was uncomfortable with.’

Victoria Wilson stated that she had re-read the statement to David at last year’s meeting and he did not offer any alteration then.

David Mirtschin noted that he did not want to pursue the amendment of the minutes at the meeting.

Bruce Poole offered the suggestion that we remove the end of the sentence and replace it with, ‘David Mirtschin was uncomfortable with passing of the rules as a whole’.

David Mirtschin seconded this motion. Carried.

Myra Krafft proposed the amendment on page 2 of the typo, form, instead of from. Ruth Tilley seconded this motion.

Motion that the minutes of the 2019 AGM to be accepted:

Moved: Stuart Alexander

Seconded: Daryl Hill All in favour: Carried.


President’s Report – Deborah Jennie Wood thanked Deborah for her Harry Alexander Wilson Bandperson of the Year award. (see attached – Appendix 1) Moved: Deborah Wilson Seconded: Myra Krafft All in favour. Carried

Treasurer’s Report – Susan Poole Figures were not displayed on the Zoom platform due to (see attached – Appendix 2) security issues. Susan read out her report and is happy to meet with people if they wish to go through these figures in more depth. Moved: Susan Poole Seconded: Tracy Olivier All in favour. Carried

Musical Director’s Report – Joshua Deborah was honoured to receive the senior MD award. Geddes Maebelle Tratford received the junior player of the year (see attached – Appendix 3) award. Maebelle made a quick appearance to thank everyone.

Moved: Alan Wilson Seconded: Bruce Poole All in favour. Carried

Deborah Wilson again offered thanks to all officer bearers/committee.

Election of Office Bearers

Deborah Wilson declared all committee positions vacant and invited Cr Dale Harriman to take the chair and run the elections. Cr Harriman ran through each of the nominations for positions (as listed below) and carried the nominations; announced positions on the 2020-2021 committee.

POSITION NOMINEE Nominated by: Seconded by:

President Stuart Alexander Deb Wilson Victoria Wilson Vice President Alan Wilson Stuart Alexander Victoria Wilson Secretary Victoria Wilson Deb Wilson Stuart Alexander Treasurer Susan Poole Deb Wilson Alan Wilson Librarian Jennie Wood Jennie Wood Victoria Wilson Property Officer Alex Wilson Victoria Wilson Stuart Alexander Publicity Officer Daryl Hill Deb Wilson Alan Wilson Child Safety Officer Bruce Poole Alan Wilson Deb Wilson Committee 2 Tracy Olivier Stuart Alexander Jennie Wood Committee 3 Myra Krafft Deb Wilson Alan Wilson

Cr Dale Harriman congratulated the new committee and their willingness to put their hands up to help with the responsibility of running the band. He noted that Latrobe City were lucky to have an outstanding band. On behalf of the Lions club he let the band know that they would be missed at this years on-line carol event and was looking forward to the 2022 carols being a bigger and better event.

Cr Harriman passed the meeting to the new president, Stuart Alexander.

Stuart Alexander moved a motion of appreciation for the previous committee who have worked very hard over the previous year.

Seconded by Victoria Wilson.

Stuart Alexander thanked the people who had accepted nominations and acknowledge the effort and time the committee takes. He also acknowledged and thanked Cr Dale Harriman for stepping in to fill official role for the formal part of the meeting.

Stuart Alexander described his desire to bring every member back together as a cohesive group after the restrictions placed on us during COVID-19.

General Business

Appointment of Accountant Susan moved Peter Butcher and Associates of Newborough continue to review the Band’s financial records for the 2020-2021 period and assist in the presentation of financial statements as required by the Associations Incorporation Act 2012.

Moved: Susan Poole

Seconded: Harry Alexander

All in favour. Carried.


Rule 30(d) of the Band Rules states: The ordinary business of the annual general meeting is as follows—

(d) to recommend to the Committee the amounts (if any) of the annual subscription and joining fee for the next financial year.

Susan moved that financial members will not be required to pay subscription fees for the 2020-2021 year and to maintain the current fees for new members.

Member: $50

Junior member in the senior band: $30

Family: $90

Moved: Susan Poole

Seconded: Stuart Alexander All in favour. Carried.


Stuart Alexander thanked all those for attending the AGM in the new format and wished all members all the best for Christmas.

Next committee meeting is proposed for Monday 14th December.

Meeting closed at 9:10pm.

CTB President’s Report 2020

Welcome members, friends and special guests.

Thank you for attending the City of Traralgon 2020 AGM under pandemic conditions via the Zoom platform. This meeting was deferred from the usual July date in the hope we could meet in person. Currently we are governed by regulations affecting the Arts and the use of Council Buildings. Our Constitution does allow electronic meetings and Consumer Affairs also permit such meetings under the current Pandemic. I thank the committee for continuing to serve beyond their 12-month commitment and acknowledge the wonderful work they have done and the ongoing dedication of our players during this most difficult time. Tonight’s meeting allows us to lodge our financial returns and reflect on the challenges and triumphs over the past 18 months.

I offer a special welcome to Councilor Dale Harriman who will chair the elections. Thank you for joining us Dale.

I am both honoured and challenged to present this President’s report for 2019-2020. It has been a stressful and uncertain time like we’ve never known before.

Alan and I returned from the UK shortly before International borders were closed. I was shocked to find food rationing and zero toilet paper. Then the reality and the seriousness of COVID hit. We received news our good friend and Mayor of Villers-Bretonneux, Dr. Patrick Simon OA had passed away as a result of COVID-19. Those who had met Patrick on our Tour of Remembrance were devastated. We sent our condolences and struggled to make sense of the worldwide pandemic. The difficult call to protect our members and cancel rehearsals was made ahead of the mandatory State of Disaster ruling. Home schooling, working from home, loss of income, emotional and social challenges, caring for our elderly and at-risk family members, living in lockdown and the uncertainty surrounding COVID has challenged us, all of us. No band, no laughs, no friends, and then Tracy started Band Camp via Zoom. Bravo! I know many of you enjoyed the catch ups enormously and to be very honest, I felt I’d let the team down terribly with my absence. House renovations with frustrating Wi-Fi connections, complete isolation a sense of helplessness. Still, we survived, and we will grow stronger. Thank you, Tracy, for your initiative, your genuine concern for us all, including me, and the time you set aside even though you faced huge challenges. Tracy, you are everything I admire.

Thank you everyone for staying safe, for supporting each other and for holding your heads high. Individually your strengths make us the City of Traralgon Band and collectively you make our band a great one. Thank you.

Josh Geddes is to be congratulated in his role as Musical Director. Josh’s good heart and clear head has kept us all safe. He has joined committee meetings via Zoom and has also prepared sound argument for the safe return of the Arts given the current zero infection rate and following the model set by NSW government protocols. When we were in full rehearsals, Josh’s willingness to travel hours each week was a strong and sure sign of his commitment. He put on some splendid shows, most notably the 2019 Carols by Candlelight featuring a grand finale, “Polar Express”. Indeed, the Masonic Lodge Carols Night was also a memorable event. Josh, thank you on behalf of all players and committee members. You continue to inspire hope, passion and pride in the City of Traralgon Band, even in these most difficult times.

Josh also contributed strongly to our Strategic Planning sessions. These sessions were intense, and much was achieved. Timing however has pushed things behind, and a revisit will no doubt be in order. I thank the strong contingent of players who responded enthusiastically, and most especially acknowledge the expertise of Myra Krafft and Alan Wilson in leading these productive sessions. I’m sure the good work already done will serve us well in our ongoing future planning.

Our Training Program is alive and well. I’ve missed everyone terribly and have been overwhelmed at times with the little success stories that drift my way. Children dressing up in uniform at dawn on ANZAC Day, playing the Last Post, making wreaths and lighting candles, I even heard a percussionist playing the Last Post,..... on his Bass guitar. Some students have achieved 50 consecutive days of practice and others have lamented how much they miss band. Some have studied theory remotely through the AMEB site. What wonderful band members, leaders and extraordinary citizens! I miss them all. I acknowledge the wonderful support of families and the powerful influence of our senior members too. We can all feel a sense of pride in these players of the future. Together, we will welcome each and every one of them back, rusty or good as gold. Awards to recognise the effort and achievement of our Training Program members will be held over until our happy return.

Indeed, ANZAC Day saw our senior players step up, though I never thought that could be physically possible. With no public gatherings permitted, there were many driveway renditions of the Last Post and Reveille. Many photographs featured in the media and I commend the individual effort of all. In many ways ANZAC Day was more emotional and offered greater reflection than any other year. Lachlan Wilson shone as the very lone bugler at the cenotaph as he has done on all formal occasions this year at the request of the RSL. Lachlan’s attitude and his solid performances show him up as a true bandsman. He shows an understanding for service and seeks nothing in return- no audience, no applause, no recognition. Lachlan is an exemplary ambassador for the band and is deserving of our highest praise. Thank you, Lachlan, for doing yourself and the band proud.

Our band room upgrade is a welcome highlight. This is an achievement of which we can all feel proud. The new kitchen and additional child safe toilet will be a great asset for years to come. I acknowledge the expert knowledge of Harry Alexander to complete this project for the benefit of all. Harry, thank you! I also offer the band’s sincere gratitude to the Latrobe City Council and the Authority for their investment in our future. I credit good friend, Carlos Santin who found a way forward on our behalf with the LVA. Carlos sadly passed away earlier this year. He would be so happy to know his efforts have been realised and he would expect us to celebrate in grand style.

I honour too the beautiful memory of Amanda Dawson in this very special project.

I look forward flinging the doors open to you, to new friends and old, and offer hearty praise to all involved in the exciting re development.

The City of Traralgon Band has many generous and loyal supporters. The Keith Chenhall Trust has continued to support us in every possible way. Uniforms and instruments were purchased last year and a Tuba yet to be presented due to COVID has been kindly donated this year. I look forward to inviting Mr. Bernie Carrington on behalf of the Trust to make the presentations when COVID conditions allow. Incidentally, our historic photographs and honour boards have been repositioned so names of our past members including the Chenhall family are more easily identified.

Daryl Hill has continued to build a strong partnership with AGL and their Community Support Executive. Shaun Mallia, Community Advocacy Manager has been incredibly proactive in supporting the band, most especially throughout COVID, and we value AGL’s financial and moral support enormously. Thank you, Daryl, thank you Shaun for your confidence in our Band and thank you AGL for keeping our band viable as a community asset.

We have many generous and loyal sponsors and I acknowledge their long-term commitment to the band.

I gratefully acknowledge AGL who have committed $8000 per annum for a 3-year period. Again, I acknowledge the generosity of the Keith Chenhall Trust. A wonderful community advocate, and long-term sponsor of our band Mr. Alan Witchell kindly donated $5000. Thank you, Alan, very much. Latrobe City Council assist us most generously with our lease arrangements and the insurance of our assets. We appreciate enormously their support in upgrading our facilities this year. I thank Henry Morrison for attending to all maintenance issues and formalities, including COVID compliance issues. I acknowledge too the generosity of the Argyle Masonic Lodge, Traralgon Masonic Lodge, and the Morwell Masonic Lodge. Alan Wilson Insurance Brokers generously provide our Public Liability Insurances and a number of other services. Thank you, Alan. Pleasingly our Charitable Trust has received generous donations from individuals, and I thank all who choose to quietly support our band.

I offer my sincere thanks to each and every one.

These donors are long standing supporters of the Band who promote community pride and choose to invest in our values. Please remember their contribution and strive to uphold the traditions and values our Band promote.

Our Coffee Cab continues to be an excellent platform to promote the band and raise much needed funds. Impacted by COVID, we have had a much quieter time. I remain ever so thankful for the friendship and extraordinary skill of Brad Hemperger who is our Chief Barista. I really hope when we reconnect socially, we can have some great fun over coffee and hot chocolates. I sincerely thank, Alex Wilson, Bruce Poole Edi Murat, and the tireless support and generosity of Alan Wilson in the Coffee Cab operation. Juniors too have helped at school fundraising events and I sincerely thank Ameli, Nick and Maebelle.

The committee has continued to meet throughout COVID (via Zoom) with productive planning and organisation high on the agenda. New working documents including a Code of Conduct, Last to Leave (known as Play your Part, including COVID compliance) and a Business Continuity Document have been designed and adopted. These working documents strengthen our future, share responsibility and assist with succession planning. All Players will be invited to take ownership and the responsibility of keeping these documents relevant. I thank all those who worked so thoughtfully to complete these vital projects.

I mentioned previously the wonderful contribution made by Harry Alexander to the re development project. Harry negotiated the initial lease with Council when our band first moved into the Kath Teychenne Centre and we have for years valued his incredible effort. Harry’s health priorities saw him quietly resign in December as our respected Treasurer and Property Officer. Harry submitted a full asset audit to committee and wisely secured Susan Poole as the new Treasurer. Harry has continued to share his wisdom, generosity and enthusiasm and I am particularly grateful for all he has afforded me. Harry, on behalf of all members, I offer my most sincere thanks for all you do and continue to share with our Band.

Thank you, Susan, for taking on the duties of Treasurer so graciously and with such professionalism.

Our wonderful Librarian, Jennie Wood is always at call. Jennie has transformed the library and has generated much fun and good will. She is methodical, efficient and she holds a very fine sense of humour. Jennie’s detailed reporting is a highlight of our monthly meetings and a reflection of her outstanding service. Thank you enormously, Jennie.

I wish to also acknowledge the commitment and dedicated service of Vic Wilson who has worked most effectively behind the scenes (as the Secretary’s Secretary) to keep everything running as smoothly as possible. Vic is an efficient and willing administrator, passionate solo horn player and Mother of the Year material. In addition to hosting Zoom meetings, managing our email account, VBL records and Coffee Cab invoicing Vic still arrives to rehearsals after teaching mathematics to teenagers with a grin on her face. You are a wonderful leader and highly respected team member, Vic. Thank you most sincerely for all you share so graciously and generously. It’s people like you who make our band great. Thank you!

I offer my formal and most sincere thanks to the outgoing committee. This year posed challenges we never imagined. Everyone has served with honesty and integrity under the most extreme conditions. Thank you, Harry Alexander, Susan Poole, Daryl Hill, Stuart Alexander, Bruce Poole, Jennie Wood, Lisa Tratford, Kim Woods and Alan Wilson. Bev O’Brien, member and longtime supporter, volunteered as our Minute’s Secretary and offered enormous support in our time of need. Thank you, Bev. I especially thank Alan who made my job much easier and I’m grateful for his generous and wise counsel. I offer my gratitude to Kim Woods, and Lisa Tratford who have shared their precious time, experience and wisdom at committee level. Lisa and Kim are not standing for reelection this year after holding responsible positions and contributing with a level of excellence. They are valued friends of the band and will remain so. Thank you, Kim and Lisa.

Zoom meetings, whilst forced upon us, have paved the way for change, good change ahead. Committee members will have greater flexibility than ever before, and I am delighted this year all positions have nominees. I have full confidence in those standing for election and believe we all share a vital part in moving forward. I’m particularly excited Stuart Alexander has chosen to nominate as President. Three-time consecutive winner of the Musical Director’s Award and last year’s Band Person of the Year makes him a respected player and strong leader. Stuart, I know you have a sound business plan and fantastic team building strategies for a successful musical recovery. I wish the incoming committee every success and I thank you all in advance.

Likewise, I acknowledge the extraordinary resilience of our players and wish you all a bright future, filled with music and laughter. Music making is a gift we give to others and ourselves. Music expresses often which words cannot. May you all find time ahead to enjoy this special gift.

My final privilege as President is to announce the winner of the Harry Alexander Award for the Band Person of the Year 2020.

One might think this would be an easy task but there are so many strong and deserving contenders. I value each and everyone’s contribution and am proud to sit alongside you. I value you as friends and admire your honorable citizenship. Some of you are leaders, some quiet achievers, all highly valued.

This year has seen people shine in extraordinary ways.

One member has gone above and beyond the call of duty. This person has set new challenges, initiated new projects and has played her part faultlessly, throughout many years and most especially throughout COVID.

This valued member has a Library named in her honour and she now has the title of the Harry Alexander Band Person of the Year. Please congratulate Jennie Wood, Band Person of the Year 2020.

I’d like to share some of Jennie’s outstanding achievements:

This year Jennie has incredibly transformed the library, a huge undertaking. Jennie has cleaned and re organised the storeroom. The kitchen was stripped, packed, sorted and stored. With wisdom, kindness and a sense of fun Jennie designed a meaningful Rotary Volunteer program for Kenna Downes to complete from home during the COVID restrictions. She supervised the tasks and wrote detailed instructions and reports. Jennie was the most wonderful mentor for Kenna and took time to teach her the true value of volunteerism. As a committee member, Jennie contributed enthusiastically to our policy writing. She undertook training on COVID implications for Community Groups and offered detailed reporting. Jennie shares her concerns and praise professionally, face to face. Thank you, Jen. She is at rehearsals and playouts and spends hours in advance and thereafter sorting and cataloguing music. Jennie has also taken on the VBL historical project recording the impact of COVID-19 on Brass Bands. Jennie even nominated herself for the position of Librarian such is her enthusiasm for the job.

Jennie, you have a band full of friends and fans who would all be proud to nominate you as their Librarian. I love that you willingly provide replacement music copies to players without judgement and reward the return of old music with chocolate. You visit the Training Program sessions and build friendships with ease both within our band and with other bands throughout the State. No job is too hard for you. You respect traditions and look to the future. I admire your quiet, effective manner and your strong sense of justice and diligence.

Again, please join me and congratulate Jennie Wood as our most deserving Band Person of the year 2020. Congratulations, Jennie!

Deborah Wilson President City of Traralgon Band 2/12/2020

City of Traralgon Band Financial reports for Financial Year 2019_2020

1. Prepared by Susan Poole, Treasurer

Reviewed by PBA Financial Group, Newborough

2. The Bands financial year ends on 30th April 2020. The financial records of the band for 2019_2020 were forwarded to PBA financial Group, Newborough for review in accordance with the reporting requirements of Incorporated Associations.

The complete Financial reports and are available to view at the Band Hall, upon request, and will be presented here tonight.

The band has a number of accounts. I will provide an overview of each of these now.

3. General account Total income for 2020 financial year: $36,586

Total expenses: $25,177.25

Resulting profit: $11,408.75

An outstanding result, considering that the operations of the Band were significantly disrupted in the final two months with the start of the COVID pandemic. We also have $5,000 ‘allocated’ from this financial year to the kitchen upgrade. This will be acquitted in the 2020-21 financial year.

The major sources of income this year included the Charitable Trust, AGL Sponsorship, Coffee Cab, Band member subscriptions and training band fees, Band Playout fees and a small Community Grant from Council. The band relies heavily on the external sources for funding.

Major expenditure items were purchase of instruments and payments for conducting.

I would like to take the opportunity to remind the band community that from its inception, the intention of funds raised from the operation of the Coffee Cab were to support the long term sponsorship of band members, rather than operational costs. To this extent, the proportion of funds that support the operational activities of the Band will be reduced to zero over the next two financial years with funds being transferred to the Fundraising Account.

4. Fundraising account Income of $4,631 from Coffee Cab and Interest of $1543 were received during the financial year. Funds are largely invested in a rolling annual investment account with LaTrobe Financial totalling $32,500

Charitable Trust account Income of approx. $15,500 was received from seven donors. Reimbursement to the general account for instrument purchase was just under $12,000

Our largest donor is from the Keith Chenhall Charitable trust

5. Income statement Includes summary details of income and expenses and can be compared to the last two financial years.

6. 2020 Total income from all sources = $46,261; Total expenses $25,177; Annual profit from all accounts $21,000

7. Financial position The EOFY position provide the Band with total financial assets at $73,839

City of Traralgon band MD report 2020 AGM

Well the most used phrase of recently but is very applicable is that 2020 has been a challenging year in many ways. One of the benefits of having some time off allows us to evaluate the importance that making music means to us and not something of a habit. I love tradition and ritual, but not when it becomes a synonym for lazy.

At last years AGM I was in Germany and returned to take the band to the Traralgon Eisteddfod. While the opinion of the adjudicator wasn’t what we wanted, I had many positive comments including with regards to Graham’s piece, Lachlan and Craig’s solo work and the overall sound of the band. We then had the celebrations at the cemetery which was a lovely event and quite moving playing at the gravesite of Earnest Ham. Then the end of year season with the German Christmas Market, the Santa Parade, and Carols.

This years events where limited to Day and the rededication service on the 14th of March at Rosedale. It was moving to see images of people in uniform sounding the last post from their driveway. Despite not having band since March, it’s great that Lachlan has represented the band on ANZAC day, Vietnam Veterans Day and Remembrance day at the cenotaph.


• Contribution from across the band • Support • Youth Program/Involvement in the band. Weaknesses

• Need a few extra players in key seats • Would like to see the band do more formal performances

Thank you

• Everyone who has played with the band • Jennie for the wonderful support in the library • Latrobe Council • Sponsors and supporters • The outgoing committee • Deb Wilson


• Senior MD Award goes to Debbie Wilson for the work that she does to maintain the morale of the band particularly the junior members. • Junior MD Award goes to Maebelle Tratford for improvement and contribution to the Trombone section.

Joshua Geddes