
Instructions to Install and Use VizSpark on


Date: 09 March 2016

Version: 2.1

1) The VizSpark software requires a file esgeelm.lic which will be sent through email to user along with installation instructions (Instructions_to_Install_FlexNet_License_Manager_on_Linux.pdf ).

2) Download linux setup package VizSpark_v2.1-Linux-x86_64-Install from Esgee Technologies website ( www.esgeetech.com ) “Customer Log-in”.

3) From the Linux machine desktop:

- Open a directory File browser window and go to the directory where the installer VizSpark_v2.1-Linux-x86_64 -Install was downloaded .

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- Right click on the installer and go to Properties.

- Click on the Permissions tab, and then click on the checkbox next to execute and click on Close.

Alternatively, from a Linux terminal (command-line):

- Open a terminal and go to the directory where VizSpark_v2.1-Linux-x86_64- Install was downloaded . Type the command:

chmod a+x VizSpark_v2.1-Linux-x86_64-Install

4) Run the installer either from the File browser or the command line. For the File browser double-click on VizSpark_v2.1-Linux-x86_64-Install icon to install and follow the instructions to complete the installation. For command line type ./ VizSpark_v2.1-Linux-x86_64-Install and follow the instructions to complete the installation. If a previous version of the software is detected, the installer will guide you to uninstall this previous version before proceeding with installation of this new version.

An alternative to installing VizSpark from the command line alone is to type:

./VizSpark_v2.1-Linux-x86_64-Install -–mode console

5) Once installed, the application can be opened using the shortcuts created in the Applications Menu under VizSpark_v2.1 and/or the Desktop shortcut.

6) To run the OverViz GUI from command line use the following commands:

cd ~/EsgeeTech/VizSpark/VizSpark_v2.1


7) Download the examples VizSpark_Examples_v2.1.zip and the manuals VizSpark_Manuals_v2.1.zip . Unzip these files anywhere on your computer (make sure the path of the file contains no blank spaces). The VizSpark_Manuals_v2.1 folder contains a tutorial Quick_Start_With_VizSpark_Examples.pdf to help you get started with VizSpark. The examples are located VizSpark_Examples_v2.1 , and mesh and chemistry files required by the examples are located in the MeshFiles and the MaterialFiles folders respectively.

8) Troubleshooting:

1. While launching VizMesh from the menu ( Simulation ‰ Launch VizMesh), if the program does not open, or there is an error regarding a missing shared object file, for Enterprise Linux 5, please install the following package (as root):

install -libGLU.i386

For 6, please install the folowing packages(as root) :

yum install mesa-libGLU.i686

yum install zlib.i686

yum install .i686

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yum install .i686 yum install libXrender.i686 yum install xterm.x86_64 yum install PackageKit--module.i686 yum install libcanberra-gtk2.i686