Non-Violence Ambassador Meja and her Knotted Gun sculpture "Mirrors of life".

Apr 30, 2020 15:30 UTC New music release by Non-Violence Ambassador Meja to support Non- Violence Projects work against violence

Non-Violence Ambassador Meja and Swedish rock band Peace Conspiracy are releasing their new video to spread hope in troubled times.

“We are in this together and supporting the powerful work of The Non-Violence Project, we can make this world a more Peaceful Place” Meja says. Peace Conspiracy is a Swedish rock band formed with the purpose to spread peace on the planet.

On lead vocals is the Non Violence Projects Ambassador Meja, the award- winning pop star who climbed Billboard Charts, sold millions of albums worldwide and is known for her international hits ”All ’bout the Money” and the duet ”” with .

“As an ambassador it is my humble duty to promote peace in the best way we can, through music, Meja says.

This all-star constellation formed by guitarist/singer Conny Bloom, (Electric Boys, Hanoi Rocks), are Thomas Broman, drums (w/Glenn Hughes of Deep Purple/legendary Joe Lynn Turner), Henrik Widen, organ/keys (Diamond Dogs), bass Mats Rydström (Avatarium/Abramis Brama,) and guitarist/singer Ronnie Åström (The Cloudberries).

The video was shot, pre-corona, in the beautiful Swedish archipelago. It is a modern reminder of the message that was spread in the days of Woodstock. The Words of Peace and Love.

Peace Love and Understanding (written by Meja/Tom DeLuca) is produced by Conny Bloom and Erik Holmberg at K51 Stockholm and mixed by Pontus Norgren (Hammerfall).

The Non-Violence Project is grateful for the support from one of its Non- Violence Ambassador's for Peace. The foundations global work against violence is more needed than ever, especially now during the pandemic where domestic violence and abuse have risen up to 30-40% in some countries.

Video link:


PR: Liza Berthelsen [email protected] Project manager: [email protected] For more information visit The Non-Violence Project Foundation:

The Non-Violence Project Foundation (NVPF) is a non-profit organisation with a mission to inspire, motivate and engage young people to learn how to solve conflicts peacefully. NVPF was founded in 1993 in Switzerland and has educated more than 8 million young people, teachers, and sports coaches on five continents.