Koren Zailckas | 364 pages | 13 Mar 2014 | HarperCollins Publishers | 9780007547401 | English | , United Kingdom 24 Psychological Thrillers For Fans of Gone Girl, The Girl on the Train, and Big Little Lies

Nothing quite holds the eyes on the screen as adhesively as a suspense movie. You just gotta watch a few more minutes and find out the answers lingering throughout the picture. Will the rattling mystery finally be solved? Will the murderer finally be revealed? Will the victim escaped his or her deadly attacker? Is our hero really insane or has he been deceived by those around them? We want the answers and continue watching hoping we can get some Mother: Psychological Suspense for Fans of Room. A good suspense movie keeps you this engaged throughout. Just be sure to hold onto your seat as well. Chris Daniel Kaluuya is a black photographer that takes a trip to the family home of his white girlfriend and is met with a family trying to be too accepting of black people. But the longer he stays, the closer he comes to uncovering a maddeningly twisted scheme involving skin and brain. Perhaps the grandest masterpiece of the legendary Coen Brothers is their Midwestern dark comedy Fargo. Car salesman Jerry Lundegaard William H. Macy tries to make some big money by having his wife kidnapped by hired goons that demand a ransom from her rich father. But when the plan starts getting messier and bloodier, the good-hearted police officer Marge Gunderson Frances McDormand takes a harder look at the case. Deeply funny, terrifying, and uniquely surreal with that Minnesota Nice quality. It may surprise you that director , known for such science fiction films as Arrival and Blade Runneralso dabbles in some intense thrillers as well. Prisoners feature Hugh Jackman as a father with a missing daughter and as a detective trying to help him. But when evidence is low, Jackman starts going against the law and torturing a suspect to the absolute limits of cruelty, questioning how long revenge can linger in the hopes of finding his missing girl. Rosamund Pike plays a wife that mysteriously vanishes and her husband played by Ben Affleck is just as baffled as to how and why this happened. Based on the novel by Cormac McCarthy, Josh Brolin plays a hunter that has made the biggest mistake of his life by stealing a suitcase full of money from a drug deal gone bad in the desert. Now he has a whole mess of angry people after him including an aged sheriff played by and a ruthlessly quiet killer played by the intimidating . Taking place over the course of decades, we follow the tiring and agonizing murder case that would continue on for ages, draining the sanity of those enveloped in its intricacies. Patrick Bateman is a s yuppie that has strived for perfection in everything from his body to his suits to his very boring business cards with just the right amount of black and white. But his mind begins to wander and murder starts breaking out in his apartment, leading him into questioning his sanity when it seems that nobody picks up Mother the psychotic babble and actions of a man as elite as Bateman. They soon form an underground group of bored men Mother: Psychological Suspense for Fans of Room to fight and escape the daily grind. But their friendship leads down some stranger and darker paths which results in Mother apartments and exploding airplanes. A trippy and bold film from David Fincher that has become a staple of cinema for being so polarizing in its greater message amid its chaotic assembly. and play detectives on the hunt for a mysterious serial killer that strikes and kills based on the seven deadly sins. They think they have a good relationship when it comes to cracking such a grizzly case, especially when the killer voluntarily turns up to them and still has a few tricks up his dirty sleeves. Considered one of the best films ever made, to say nothing of being the best of director Alfred Hitchcock, Vertigo is the most vivid, surreal, and nightmarish. Jimmy Stewart plays an ex-police officer crippled with vertigo that caused him to let one man fall to his death. Years later, he takes on the case of stalking a Mother cheating wife played by Kim Novak. But the more Stewart follows, the more Mother: Psychological Suspense for Fans of Room finds himself losing his mind over being haunted by his mistakes and striving to attain romance amid a messy and scary plot of identity and murder. Knowing he is innocent, he makes his escape after a destructive crash of the prison bus with a train. While Kimble tries to clear his name, the determined Deputy Samuel Gerard Tommy Lee Jones commits himself to hunt down and retrieve the escaped prisoner. Filled with plenty of exciting Mother: Psychological Suspense for Fans of Room pulse-pounding scenes, The Fugitive is perhaps best known for the dam jumping sequence when Ford flees from Jones at gunpoint by taking a massive fall into the water. is at his most intimidating in this remake of Cape Fear. He plays sex offender Max Cady who has been released after 14 years of prison. Believing he has been wronged by his attorney Sam Bowden Nick NolteMax devotes his freedom to terrorizing the Bowden family. One such torture involves a wooden block and a sledgehammer. Anthony Perkins is terrifying as the hotel manager Norman Bates, concealing a dark secret of his mother and going psychotic on Mother guests, the most unfortunate being his recent visitor played Mother: Psychological Suspense for Fans of Room Janet Leigh. This, of course, leads to one of the most memorable moments in all of horror, the shower death. Again, this whole list could be Hitchcock movies, but how could we forget Rear Window? Jimmy Stewart finds himself with a lot of free time when his leg is broken. He takes an interest in observing his neighbor out of his window but soon witnesses a murder. This film stars Ryan Reynolds and Rosario Dawson as a couple whose daughter went missing eight years early, but some disturbing incidents begin to suggest to them that their daughter might still be alive. This story unravels in non-linear scenes, with only context allowing the viewer to distinguish between what is happening in the present, and what is a flashback, though all scenes are filmed in an atmospheric winter setting that adds to the thrills. Vinessa Shaw stars as a psychiatrist who is an expert in confrontational Mother. She finds herself thrown off when one of her patients attacks her during a session and then tries to kill herself in front of her. Starring Amanda Seyfried a Jill, a young woman looking after her younger sister Molly, when Molly goes missing, Jill suspects that she has been taken by the serial killer that kidnapped her years earlier. She launches a desperate quest to save her sister. While the story is quite formulaic, it will appeal to any fans of the genre. Based on the award- winning novel of the same name, Ben Affleck plays the man who becomes the main suspect when his wife, played by Rosamund Pike goes missing. This adaptation Mother an excellent story is dark, intelligent and stylish, giving it an abstract, intellectual and postmodern feel. You will find this firm appropriately creepy, confusing and troubling. A bit of an urban legend as two tech0savvy teenagers decide to prank their elderly neighbour, played by James Caan, by trying to convince him that his house is haunted. When he leaves his home, the two set up Mother to simulate the haunting, as Mother: Psychological Suspense for Fans of Room as hidden cameras. But it seems that the boys did not pick their mark carefully enough and may have bitten off more than they can handle. An Australian thriller, it is the first of three films written and directed by Craig Monahan. Almost the entire film takes place in a police interrogation room, with some short flashback sequences. The film stars Hugo Weaving, who gives a powerful performance as always. Logan Marshall Green stars as a man who responds Mother a dinner invitation from his ex-wife, and decides to bring Mother new Mother along to the dinner party. Mother film is tense from beginning to end and explores some interesting ideas about grief, depression, and how we cope with the events that change our lives. The story focusses on five married men that share ownership of an upmarket loft that they use Mother: Psychological Suspense for Fans of Room meet their mistresses. Soon they begin to suspect each other of having committed an even more gruesome crime. Set ina young girl is found covered in blood at the scene of a crime that has seen her own family killed. Growing up with a foster family, she has no memory of what happened in the past. When she moves into a farmhouse with a family of her own, she starts having strange memory lapses and flashbacks and seeing unusual thinks. Is she recovering repressed memories that could unravel the secrets of her past? Starring Abby Cornish. Justin Chatwin, Ashley Greene and Alexis Knapp star in this thriller that sees a group of American tourists that find themselves introduced to a new designer drug that strips them of their inhibitions and allows them to live out their wildest fantasies. But the consequences become deadly when they ignore the warning that this is a drug that you can only take once, and an island paradise run by Pierce Brosnan quickly becomes a tropical nightmare. Adapted from the novel Birdbox written by Josh Malerman, this Mother thriller features malevolent supernatural entities that make people go insane and commit suicide. Maloie must travel blindfolded along with her children to try and find safety after an unseen force stalks and attempts to kill them on their journey. This suspenseful techno-thriller directed by Daniel Goldhaber is set in the world of webcam porn. Starring Madeline Brewer in the leading role as Alice, an ambitious camgirl who has made an internet identity for herself. Alice understands her lifestyle if different but still has principles until a mysterious woman who looks like her starts to film and upload videos to her personal website. Alice struggles to regain what she has lost and finds herself drawn back to her show and to the mysterious person who has taken her place. Now Alice is on the hunt to try to find the hacker who has taken everything she has known away from her. Sigourney Weaver is a psychologist, Helen Hudson, that is known for her writing regarding serial killers after being nearly killed by an obsessed psychopath Daryll Lee Cullum. After her incident Helen finds it Mother: Psychological Suspense for Fans of Room to leave her home and becomes dependent on alcohol and pills. After a string of murders, Helen calls Detective M. Monahan, played by Holly Hunter, to suggest that maybe they have a copycat on Mother: Psychological Suspense for Fans of Room hands. Now the pair must join forces to try and stop the criminal before he strikes again. This surreal psychological thriller features Jake Gyllenhaal playing Adam Bell, a disheveled history professor who is disinterested in everything around him. Adam is recommended a movie by a colleague and while watching, Adam spots his doppelganger, a bit-part actor name Anthony Clair. Adam decides to track him down and once the pair meet, their lives come bizarrely intertwined. Three medical students decide they want to learn what awaits them after death and devise a plan to temporarily flatline themselves, stopping all brain activity, in order to briefly experience death before being resuscitated. After being killed, they are brought back with vivid memories of their past, but they may have gotten more then what they asked for when their past literally comes back to haunt them. Starring Julie Roberts, Kevin Bacon, and Oliver Pratt, this suspenseful Mother will have you on the edge of your seat. Green Room is a horror thriller that stars Patrick Stewart as a club owner who loves picking fights with unsuspecting and resilient young punk bands. Now the band is trapped backstage Mother must face off against the club owner, who will do anything to protect his club. A retired horror writer, Iris Blum, suffers from dementia and lives in a remote house in Massachusetts. A live-in nurse, Lily Saylor, is hired to take care of Iris and the first night in her house Lily experience some weird and supernatural issues. Now Lily must try to figure out what world she is actually living in. Earth is going through an energy crisis and Sam Bell must extract precious moon gas that will help the Earth. Two weeks before heading home, Sam starts experiencing visions and hearing impossible sounds. Routines begin to go horribly wrong and Sam learns that his job has not been totally straightforward and now he must grapple with the realization that the life he has created might not be entirely his own. Last Seen Leaving | Book club books, Best mystery novels, Book puns

For fans of heart-pounding stories of crime and suspense, nothing makes for a better escape from reality than a good thriller novel. Read on for a list of our top 16 thrillers from the 21st century and beyond. When she can find no evidence that the victim was ever aboard, writer Lo begins to question her own sanity. Relative newcomer Lucy Foley has honed her unique brand of reverse-whodunit suspense down to a science—and thank goodness for that. The first in a series Books 3 and 4 are on the way, according to Kepnesthis pitch-perfect thriller bucks genre conventions by taking us inside the mind of the killer himself. Bad Feministthis is not. Remember The Nanny Diaries? Well, this is like if someone brushed the pages of that book with arsenic. The story then jumps back in time several months, inviting readers to try and figure out how—and why—this terrible thing happened. Newcomers to his work could do worse than to start with Miserywhich follows popular writer Paul Sheldon as he gets rescued from a snowy car accident by superfan and former nurse Annie Wilkes—only to discover that he is now in even greater danger. Sounds innocuous, right? Ah, the unreliable narrator—a staple trope of the suspense genre. Bazaar Bride. United Mother: Psychological Suspense for Fans of Room. Type keyword s to search. Today's Top Stories. The Staying Power of Liya Kebede. The Bind of Being First. Protecting Yourself Against Mother: Psychological Suspense for Fans of Room in Clothing. Advertisement - Continue Reading Below. Ripley by Patricia Highsmith. Keely Weiss Keely Weiss is a writer and filmmaker. This content is created and maintained by a third party, and imported onto this page to Mother: Psychological Suspense for Fans of Room users provide their Mother addresses. You may be able to find more information about this and similar content at piano. The Best Psychological Thriller Books to Read Now

Some of us like to escape with a romance storyliving vicariously through happy couples frolicking off into a beautiful sunset or gettin' steamy afterward. Some like to live vicariously through historical fiction, or think about what it's like to walk in someone else's shoes while reading a revealing memoir. Others tend a bit more toward the macabre — diving into a story that's rife with ghosts and ghouls, murder and mayhem, and the kind of creeptastic plots that run through your mind as you lay awake at night. These hair-raising psychological thriller books are perfect for those of us in the last category. While giants like Stephen King and Agatha Christie usually come to mind when we reach for a suspenseful book, they're definitely not the only ones mastering the genre. Writers like Ruth Ware, Liane Moriarty, Gillian Flynn, and Riley Sager are all putting out the kind of thrilling reads that may keep us from being able Mother: Psychological Suspense for Fans of Room sleep through the night ever again. And if ghost Mother aren't for you, Mother: Psychological Suspense for Fans of Room plenty of variation within the thriller category. Whether you like realistic stories about friends or family members gone bad or things that go bump in the night, we bet you can find your next favorite spine- tingling read on this list. Oh, and don't forget to browse our guide to the best books ofif you need a lighter come-down to help get to sleep. Claustrophobics: beware. If your worst nightmare involves getting stranded in a remote locale with your coworkers, just imagine if people started dying. This suspenseful novel from one of our favorite mystery madames will keep you guessing through the last page. Alicia is a star painter living a seemingly perfect life. That is, until her fashion photographer husband comes home late one night and she shoots him five times in the face. Alicia never speaks again, and becomes a notorious mystery, which just skyrockets her art to even higher demand. But Theo Faber is determined to get her to talk, and his search for the truth soon gets out of control. The hit TV show was a riveting book first, so pick it up if you just can't get enough. Three moms find themselves embroiled in tragedy, which may have more to it than immediately meets the eye. Each of them have their own crosses to bear and starkly different lives, but they may harbor the same terrible secret. Anna Fox is a shut-in who spends her days drinking, watching TV Mother: Psychological Suspense for Fans of Room, and spying on the Mother. She becomes especially enamored with one family across the way. But one day, she sees something shocking, and her entire life not to mention her carefully kept secrets all starts to unravel. The latest from one of the greatest mystery novelists writing today takes us to a bucolic Irish village so vivid, I dreamed about it. Every marriage has its issues, but then again, nobody's perfect. But when one couple starts to feel like their relationship is growing distant, they decide a hobby might help. Is there a connection? You'll have to read this gripping thriller to find out. As a child, Abby has a recurring nightmare in which she wanders through a field of human bones. And just before her wedding to Willem, the dream returns with a vengeance. Less than 24 hours before they say "I do," she steps into traffic. As she lies in her hospital bed, Willem must find out whether it was intentional act, and why she keeps waking up screaming. When Matt's wife falls to her death while they're hiking, Mother at first seems like a terrible accident. But his first wife also died under suspicious circumstances. And then another body appears. You might get whiplash from the dark plot twists in this murder mystery about how marriage can go sour. When Amy Dunne disappears on her and her husband Nick's fifth wedding anniversary, everyone's baffled. Nick seems equally shocked, but also starts behaving oddly suspicious. And Amy's diary reveals a dark side that could almost look like motive. As the pressure mounts, Nick starts to crack, but it remains to be seen whether he's seriously stressed or has something to hide. In her first weeks at Hawthorne College, Malin gets swept into a tight-knit circle of friends, all unique people who fit together perfectly. She's an expert at hiding her dark past, but nobody can hide forever. Read to unravel some seriously twisted relationships. Commuters may recognize themselves in this chilling story. Rachel takes the same train every day, and every day, she watches the same couple going about their lives as she passes by. But one day, she sees something horrible. And before she can say "one MetroCard swipe," she's embroiled in an investigation. Read this one before watching the hit film. Moms know that exhaustion does strange things to your brain. Or at least, she thinks she is. This delightfully strange thriller explores the duality of parenthood and the darker side of domesticity in an affecting read that will haunt you. But then Christopher disappears and returns with a compulsion to built a treehouse. If he doesn't Mother: Psychological Suspense for Fans of Room it by Christmas, the town's residents will pay the price. A plane crashes, a daughter disappears, and a mother can't believe her child is actually gone. Gentrification takes a dark turn as Brooklyn native Sydney Green's neighbors start suspiciously disappearing. As she researches the history behind her hometown and uncovers some dark dealings, that background comes terrifyingly close to home. Things really ramp up as she gets closer to the truth, and she might not make it out alive. As the story Mother: Psychological Suspense for Fans of Room, it also unmasks perpetrators of even greater crimes on a much broader level. She nets the same job, but strange things start happening right away. As she Mother a serial killer preying on women throughout history, things get downright dangerous. Part historical fiction, part suspenseful thriller, this one explores the role of social class in justice, and will make you hug your own little ones extra tight. As she struggles to find her own identity, she's horrified to also discover her own violent tendencies. The seemingly perfect founder of a women-only coworking space disappears after the space is also experiencing some pretty scary bad PR, Mother: Psychological Suspense for Fans of Room her friends are frantic to find her. But they quickly discover their friendships with her aren't as they seemed. This story Mother relationships, how much we know about each other, and what exclusivity really means will grip you to the last page. Truth Mother: Psychological Suspense for Fans of Room stranger than fiction when a Mother horror writer's wife is found dead, her murder mimicking those in The Witch Hunter trilogy. Bundle up; this Helsinki murder mystery will chill you to the bone. But that's not what happens. Owen Pick's life seems to have stalled out after a sexual harassment accusation loses him his job, until he discovers the online incel community. We can't get enough of disturbing boarding schools lately, but Catherine House isn't like the others. Students leave everything behind when they get admitted, and have no access to anything from the outside world while they study there. So when tragedy comes calling and Ines makes a terrifying discovery, the stakes are even higher. Don't forget to breathe as you frantically turn each page. A remotely isolated house on a fjord, a nanny who comes to Mother: Psychological Suspense for Fans of Room for the daughters of a single dad and a mom lost to an apparent suicide, unexplained footprints and a spooky ghost appearance? This one has all of the elements of the perfect thriller for spooky season. As a preteen, I read every Agatha Christie novel my suburban library had in stock. They're struggling to cope with their colicky twins and adjust to a new house, when Patrick's ex Erica turns up accusing Patrick of murdering his ex. He swears it's a lie, but Erica has stories that make Stephanie wonder who she really married. As the past and present intertwine in disturbing ways, we start to wonder if there's some Mother to Brookhaunt's cursed reputation. Product Reviews. Home Ideas. United States. Type keyword s to search. Today's Top Stories. One by Mother: Psychological Suspense for Fans of Room. Ruth Ware amazon. Celadon Books. The Silent Patient. Putnam's Sons. Big Little Lies by Liane Moriarty. William Morrow. The Woman in the Window: A Novel. The Searcher: A Novel. Tana French amazon. Penguin Random House. My Lovely Wife. Mysterious Press. Flatiron Books. Gone Girl. Ballantine Books.