ITESM - UNM Equivalencies

ITESM Course No. UNM Course No.

All Courses are 3 credit hours and taught in Spanish unless noted

Spanish Language Courses

IP96-020 Basic Spanish 1 (6 credits) Span 101 (jb) IP96-021 Basic Spanish 2 (6 credits) Span 101 and 102 (dr) IP96-022 Intermediate Spanish 1 (6 credits) Span 201 and 202 (dr) IP96-023 Intermediate Spanish 2 (6 credits) Span 202 (dr) or Span 301 6 cr hrs (dr) IP96-024 Advanced Spanish 1 (6 credits) Span 301 and 302 (dr) or Span 301 and 352 (jm) IP96-025 Advanced Spanish 2 (6 credits) Span 301 (dr) IP96-030 Basic Composition pending IP96-031 Intermediate Composition Span 301 (dr) or Span 302(jb) IP96-032 Advanced Composition Span 352 (dr) or Span 302 IP96-033 Communication Skills Development 1 Span 201 (dr) IP96-034 Communication Skills Development 2 Span 203 (jb) or Span 301(dr) IP96-035 Communication Skills Development 3 Span 301 (dr) IP96-040 Spanish for Business Span 278 (dr) or Span 277(jb) IP96-041 Academic Spanish pending IP96-042 Spanish for Bilinguals pending IP96-045 Translation Workshop (3 credits) pending IP96-080 Spanish Phonetics and Phonology Span 350 (jb & jl) IP96-081 Phonetics and Pronunciation in Spanish pending IP96-085 Spanish Syntax Span 352 (jb & jl) IP96-088 Applied Linguistics and Methodology Span 351 (jl) or Span 441(dr) IP96-089 Teaching Spanish as a Second Language Span 441 (jb)* IP96-099 Independent Study (3 credits) pending

Mexican Culture Courses

IP96-010 Workshop (1 credit) pending IP96-011 Mexican Dances Workshop (1 credit) pending (PE 193 or 124) IP96-012 Latin American Rhythms Workshop (1 credit) pending IP96-014 Mexican Films (3 credits) Media Arts 330 IP99-015 Mexican Cooking (3 credits English & Spanish) pending IP96-050 Introduction to Literature in Spanish Span 307 (jb & jl) IP96-051 Latin Span 431 or 432 (jb) or 307 (jl) IP96-052 Span 438 (jb) or Span 301 (jl) IP96-053 Mexican Theater Theater 495 / Span 301 (jl) IP96-054 Seminar in Contemporary Latin American Fiction Span 435 (jb) or Span 307(jl) IP96-059 Latin America: Economics, Society & Culture Span 439 (jm)

*Will not count toward Spanish major or minor

(continued on back)

ITESM-UNM Equivalencies

ITESM Course No. UNM Course No.

IP96-060 Mexican Culture (in Spanish) Span 301 (jb & jl) or Anth 340 IP96-061 Mexican Culture (in English) Anth 340 IP96-062 Mexican and Latin American Civilization and Culture (in Spanish) Span 301 (jb) or Anth 343 IP96-063 Mexican and Latin American Civilization and Culture (in English) Anth 343 IP96-064 History of (in Spanish) Art History 488 or 429 IP96-065 History of Mexican Art (in English) Art History 488 or 429 IP96-066 History and Culture from Spanish 301 (dr) / Hist 397 or 398 or 320 (lh) IP96-067 Mexican Art and Architecture Art History 411 IP96-068 Mexican History Hist 372 (lh) IP96-069 Mexican History: XIX and XX Centuries pending IP96-072 Diplomatic Relations Between Mexico and USA Span 439 or 497 (jb) / Hist 300 (lh) IP96-074 Latin American Political Systems (in Spanish) Hist 300 (lh)/PS 320 or 356???

Business in Mexico (Courses also offered in Monterrey at Graduate Level - Trimester)

IP96-070 Doing Business in Mexico (in Spanish) Mgt 524 or 595 IP96-071 Doing Business in Mexico (in English) Mgt. 524 or 595 IP96-072 Diplomatic Relations Between Mexico and US Mgt. 551 IP96-073 Mexican Business Management (in English) Mgt. 595 IP96-075 Seminar on Business Operations in Mexico (in English) Mgt 422 or 490 IP-171 Importing and Exporting Operations Mgt 422 or 490 NI-871 Intercultural Negotiations Mgt 560 Introduction to Foreign Business in Mexico Mgt 420 Introduction to International Business Mgt 328 International Management Mgt 328 (dc)

Hotel and Tourism

IP96-091 Introduction to Hotel and (in English) pending IP96-092 Sustainable Tourism Development (in English) pending

Internships Available at banks, wholesale and retail businesses, international, national and local business offices, and schools (see brochure for restrictions)

IP96-076 Internship A (3 credits – 140 hours) by arrangement IP96-077 Internship B (6 credits – 280 hours) by arrangement

Other Courses

RI-802 Sociocultural Values of Mexico and Latin America pending History and Culture of Latin America Spanish 301 (?) / Hist 281 or 282 (lh) LC-90010 Mexican Film Media Arts 330

NOTE: Course Numbers and Equivalencies Subject to Change