February 28, 2013 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — Extensions of Remarks E223 IN RECOGNITION OF THE 50TH AN- ond attempt to fully integrate the University. global peace. Since 1961, over 210,000 Amer- NIVERSARY OF THE INTEGRA- Upon their arrival to the Tuscaloosa campus, icans have served at the request of 139 devel- TION OF THE UNIVERSITY OF former Alabama Governor at- oping countries. I am proud to be a part of ALABAMA tempted to block Hood and Malone from en- these ranks. Peace Corps changed my life. tering to register for class- And it changes the lives of those who serve HON. TERRI A. SEWELL es. As the world watched, Governor Wallace’s and the communities that are served. OF ALABAMA attempts to prevent integration of the Univer- As I speak, over 8,000 Americans are serv- IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES sity of Alabama were recorded in our Nation’s ing in 76 countries. This includes my con- stituent Nelly Alcantar from King City, CA. Thursday, February 28, 2013 history as ‘‘The Stand in the Schoolhouse Door.’’ Governor Wallace was determined to Nelly is helping English teachers with lesson Ms. SEWELL of Alabama. Mr. Speaker, I defend his now infamous declaration: ‘‘Seg- planning, classroom management and lan- rise today to recognize the 50th Anniversary of regation Now, Segregation Tomorrow, and guage development in Panama. She also the integration of the in Segregation Forever.’’ But his efforts to halt started an adult community English course. Tuscaloosa, Alabama. progress were short lived. Later that day, Then there’s Jonathan Lupisan from Salinas, This weekend, a bi-partisan congressional Hood and Malone with the support of a federal CA. He’s a Community Health Education Vol- delegation led by Representative court order and members of the Alabama Na- unteer in Suriname who helped build a com- (D–GA) will travel to Alabama as a part of the tional Guard, were eventually allowed to reg- puter lab at the local primary school and de- 13th annual Faith & Politics Congressional veloped illustrations for a water and sanitation ister for classes and pursue their degrees. Civil Rights Pilgrimage. I have the great pleas- project manual. ure of co-hosting the delegation with my fellow They are forever recorded in our nation’s his- Mr. Speaker, I commend Nelly, Jonathan tory as two of the first African-American stu- Alabama colleagues Representatives SPENCER and the hundreds of thousands of other Peace dents to attend the University. Vivian Malone BACHUS (R–AL) and MARTHA ROBY (R–AL). Corps Volunteers, past and present for ful- The Pilgramage allows participants to retrace was the first African-American to graduate filling the vision of President John F. Kennedy. the steps of our nation’s Civil Rights icons from the University of Alabama and James You represent America’s highest ideals: through the historic civil rights sites in Tusca- Hood later received his doctorate from the peace, equality and friendship. Thank you for loosa, Birmingham, Montgomery, and Selma. University. your service. Today, ‘‘The Stand in the Schoolhouse It is also a time to reflect on our painful past f while acknowledging our current progress. Door’’ is remembered as a pivotal moment in This year marks the 50th Anniversary of so the . As we commemo- TRIBUTE TO MAYOR CARROL many significant civil rights events that oc- rate the 50th anniversary of this historic event, DAUGHERTY curred in 1963. One of those events was the we recognize its significance in the quest for infamous stand taken by then Governor Wal- justice and equality. While there were dark HON. JO BONNER lace at the doors of the University of Alabama moments, the events of that day are now seen OF ALABAMA to prevent black students from registering. The as a catalyst on our road to forming a more IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES University of Alabama has come a long way perfect union. Thursday, February 28, 2013 since that infamous day to promote racial di- Today, the University of Alabama stands as a beacon of inspiration. The diversity rep- Mr. BONNER. Mr. Speaker, I rise to pay versity within its student body, faculty, and ad- tribute to Mayor Carrol Daugherty, a respected ministration. resented in today’s student body is a visible reminder of the sacrifices of , public servant and good friend who is stepping Today, I pay special tribute to the University down after 42 years at helm of the Town of and Vivian Malone. Because of of Alabama and commemorate the 50th anni- McIntosh, Alabama. versary of a pivotal event in the struggle for their bravery and courage, the University of Born and raised in McIntosh, Mayor racial equality in America. I believe it is impor- Alabama now boast a widely diverse student Daugherty is a graduate of Leroy High School tant that we must acknowledge our painful body, an outstanding academic curriculum and and Huffstetler Business College in Mobile. past and frame its significance in the global a world class athletic program. Today, the Uni- A consummate businessman and civic lead- fight for civil and human rights. The history of versity of Alabama is ably led by its first er, he founded CMS Construction Company in the State of Alabama must be embraced for woman President, Dr. Judy Bonner. We re- Saraland. While many would be content to the critical role it played in the Civil Rights cently celebrated having the number one col- focus all their talents toward leading an impor- Movement which caused a global movement legiate team in four NCAA sports—including tant and successful business, like CMS Con- for the quest of human dignity and rights women’s gymnastics and football being named struction, Mayor Daugherty has devoted an around the world. We, in the 7th Congres- the BCS National Champions for the second equal amount of time to improving his commu- sional District of Alabama, pay tribute to the year in row. nity and South Alabama through a combina- University of Alabama, one of the crown jew- As a benefactor of the courageous contribu- tion of public service and volunteerism. els of higher education in our district, and tions of Autherine Lucy, James Hood and Viv- It must be noted that Mayor Daugherty’s honor the courage of the black students— ian Malone, I am humbled by the opportunities community service achievements are far rang- Autherine Lucy, James Hood, and Vivian Ma- their bravery has afforded all black Alabam- ing and considerable. He helped organize lone—who paved the way for the multitude of ians. As Alabama’s first African-American McIntosh Christian Academy. He was a found- successes the University enjoys today. Congresswoman, I know that my journey er and board member of Southwest Bank, for- On , 1963, two African-Americans, would not be possible without their sacrifices. merly known as Washington County State James Hood and Vivian Malone attempted to On behalf of the 7th Congressional District, Bank. He is a former Board Member of enroll at the University of Alabama. Prior to the State of Alabama and this nation, I ask my Friends of Searcy Hospital in Mt. Vernon; their attempts, only one African-American, colleagues to join me in paying tribute to the Board Member of North Mobile Community Autherine Lucy, had been successful in reg- University of Alabama and its important place Hospital in Satsuma; Charter Board Member istering and actually attending classes at the in our nation’s history. of Southwest Alabama Health Services in institution. Roll Tide! McIntosh and a Charter Member and one of In 1957, Autherine Lucy and Polly Anne f the organizers of the McIntosh Betterment As- Myers filed suit against the University to clarify sociation. their rights and obtain an injunction after being IN HONOR OF THE 52ND Mayor Daugherty helped organize the denied admission based on race. The injunc- ANNIVERSARY OF PEACE CORPS McIntosh Volunteer Fire Department and was tion was granted and Ms. Lucy was eventually a staunch supporter of the McIntosh Rescue admitted to the University. She became the HON. SAM FARR Squad. Furthermore, he helped establish the first African-American to attend a white public OF CALIFORNIA McIntosh Public Branch of the Washington school or university in the State of Alabama. IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES County Library with the help of his late wife, However, she was unfairly expelled after just Melva Jean, and area industry leaders. Thursday, February 28, 2013 three days when the University suggested that Mayor Daugherty is a former Board Member her presence was a nuisance to the campus Mr. FARR. Mr. Speaker, I rise today to of the Alabama Sheriffs’ Boys Ranch and was because they could not provide a safe envi- honor the 52nd anniversary of Peace Corps. appointed by Governor George C. Wallace to ronment for the young student. For over 5 decades, through war and conflict, serve on the Board of Directors of the Ala- In 1963, pursuant to the same injunction, Peace Corps has sent Americans to distant bama Department of Labor Management James Hood and Vivian Malone made a sec- lands to serve others in the common cause of Committee.

VerDate Mar 15 2010 07:32 Mar 01, 2013 Jkt 029060 PO 00000 Frm 00013 Fmt 0626 Sfmt 9920 E:\CR\FM\K28FE8.017 E28FEPT1 jbell on DSK7TPTVN1PROD with REMARKS E224 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — Extensions of Remarks February 28, 2013 He also was the Business Representative of Both Congress and our administrative de- Mr. Speaker, I ask my colleagues to join me Millwright Local 2734 for 32 years, Secretary partments and agencies, including the IRS, in honoring a minority businesswoman and en- for the Carpenters, Millwright and Pile Drivers have made progress in combating identity trepreneur, Mrs. Brenda Love. Mobile District Council for 29 years, and Presi- theft, but more needs to be done. For this rea- f dent of the Alabama State Council of Car- son, the Social Security Identity Defense Act penters for 18 years. would provide an additional vital tool for our ANNIVERSARY OF THE SUMGAIT Given all these accomplishments, it is re- government to deploy. POGROMS markable that Mayor Daugherty also found Under this legislation, the IRS would be re- time to lead the Town of McIntosh for all 42 quired to share any information in its posses- HON. FRANK PALLONE, JR. years since its incorporation in 1970. Yet, he sion about the fraudulent use of a taxpayer’s OF NEW JERSEY has done just that with an equal dedication to personal information with that information’s IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES public service and integrity. rightful owner. The agency also would be di- On behalf of the people of South Alabama, rected to transmit information that may be evi- Thursday, February 28, 2013 I wish Mayor Daugherty the very best as he dence of an identity theft to the FBI so that the Mr. PALLONE. Mr. Speaker, again this year leaves public service and embarks on a well– Bureau can make this material available to I stand to recognize an important period that deserved retirement. state and local law enforcement agencies remains a strong reminder that we must con- f upon their request. Finally, the Social Security tinue to address violent human tragedies Identity Defense Act calls for the IRS to direct whenever they occurred. The American and INTRODUCTION OF THE SOCIAL employers not to include a Social Security SECURITY IDENTITY DEFENSE Armenian people use this time of year to re- number on a W–2 form when that agency is ACT OF 2013 commit themselves to preventing any further aware that the employee is making fraudulent violence. We do this because we mark the an- use of that number. niversary of the Sumgait pogroms where hun- HON. THOMAS E. PETRI These are important steps forward. They will dreds of Armenians were murdered as a result OF WISCONSIN empower both citizens and law enforcement of long-running hostilities directed towards the IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES agencies in their efforts to combat identity Armenian people. Thursday, February 28, 2013 theft, and they will limit the use of personal I ask that my colleagues join me in solemnly Mr. PETRI. Mr. Speaker, today I am intro- identifiers in the commission of future crimes. commemorating the death of these innocent ducing the Social Security Identity Defense I urge my colleagues to join me in this effort lives. It was on the evening of February 27, Act of 2013, legislation to enhance the ability by cosponsoring the Social Security Defense 1988 that hundreds of Armenians were bru- of the Internal Revenue Service to fight iden- Act. tally murdered, some burned alive and others tity theft when that agency becomes aware of f thrown from windows. Included in the violence was the rape of women and the maiming of the fraudulent use of a taxpayer’s personal in- HONORING BRENDA LOVE formation. children. Armenians saw their belongings sto- This legislation is a direct response to the len, their shops destroyed and thousands experience of constituents of mine in Prince- HON. BENNIE G. THOMPSON were displaced from their homes. To add to ton, Wisconsin. During a routine review of his OF the human tragedy, police turned a blind eye credit report, my constituent found accounts IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES thus allowing the pogroms to go on for three days. opened by another person using his Social Thursday, February 28, 2013 Security number. This discovery raised many Unfortunately, the underlying hostility that concerns, not the least of which was that this Mr. THOMPSON of Mississippi. Mr. Speak- led to the outbreak and continued violence of person’s income might be reported to the IRS er, I rise today to honor a minority business- the Sumgait pogroms continues to survive under his Social Security number. Upon con- woman and entrepreneur, Mrs. Brenda Love. today. For more than two decades, authorities tacting the IRS, he was told that the IRS knew Mrs. Brenda Love is a woman on the move in Azerbaijan have attempted to ignore and of the situation and that they had known about and with many talents. She was born to Mar- cover up these crimes and have instead fos- it for some time. tha Lewis and the late Grant Jones, Sr. Until tered hatred toward the Armenian people. In Not surprisingly, this answer was not alto- the age of 14, she was raised in New Orleans, an affront to basic senses of justice, the Azer- gether comforting. The IRS knew that some- . Later, her mother relocated the baijani government recently pardoned Azer- one else had been using his Social Security family to Vicksburg, Mississippi to be closer to baijani military officer, Ramil Safarov who was number, but kept that information under lock her grandmother, Mrs. Ola Mae Williams. sentenced to life in prison in Hungary for mur- and key. While the IRS remained silent, addi- Mrs. Love credits her ambition to her moth- dering an Armenian military officer during a tional frauds were committed, resulting in the er, whom she learned from an early age to NATO-sponsored training program in 2004. I further misuse of my constituent’s personal in- work hard, keep good credit, pay your bills, continue to be outraged by this promotion of formation by another person to establish a and take care of your kids. violence against innocent Armenians. fraudulent credit history. When he raised this Mrs. Love worked for the Federal Govern- I ask that my colleagues join me in calling issue with the IRS, he was astounded by the ment for 20 years until she decided to step out on Azerbaijan to fully recognize the Sumgait agency’s answer. Privacy statutes prevent the on faith and follow her heart to being an entre- pogroms and to give an accurate historical ac- IRS from discussing the return information of preneur. She is the owner of Love Income Tax count of the events. I also ask my colleagues one taxpayer with anyone else. In the view of Service, which has been in business for 17 to join me in calling upon the Azerbaijani gov- the IRS, the fraudulent use of my constituent’s years, with 6 full-time employees. She and her ernment to acknowledge Ramil Safarov as a Social Security number was the personal re- husband, Jacob, own Unique Banquet Hall, convicted murderer and immediately take ac- turn information of another taxpayer, and this which is a thriving gathering place serving the tion commensurate with a democratic nation fraud could not be disclosed to the rightful Vicksburg area. She also is a Realtor-asso- that supports justice under the rule of law. owner of that personal identifier, even if this ciate with Coldwell-Banker All Stars. Brenda, Azerbaijan must break from its current course disclosure would help prevent additional who has been married for 23 years to Jacob, and take action to create a peaceful future. frauds. has also owned and operated Unique Impres- As co-chair and founder of the Congres- This policy makes no sense and actually sions Restaurant and Lounge. In her spare sional Armenian Issues Caucus, I know that puts the IRS on the wrong side in the fight time, she loves to decorate and coordinate the caucus will continue its work to ensure against identity theft. My legislation aims to weddings. Mrs. Love is a member of the War- that the basic rights of life, liberty and security correct this problem by changing the privacy ren County Board of Realtors and also serves are promoted throughout the Caucasus region. statutes to direct the IRS to inform a taxpayer on the board for the Vicksburg Convention We will continue to advocate for a peaceful when the agency learns through its normal Center and City Auditorium. resolution to conflict in the region. We will con- course of business that a Social Security num- Mr. and Mrs. Love have three children, tinue to call on Azerbaijan to cease its hos- ber assigned to that taxpayer has been used Jakayla, Jacob, and Manekia Love-Jackson tilities toward the Armenian people and stand fraudulently by another worker. and two grandchildren, Mikayla and Madison. for justice whenever it is violated.

VerDate Mar 15 2010 07:32 Mar 01, 2013 Jkt 029060 PO 00000 Frm 00014 Fmt 0626 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\K28FE8.019 E28FEPT1 jbell on DSK7TPTVN1PROD with REMARKS