Ilya Efimov

User`s Manual

All Right Reserved © Ilya Efimov 2014 ILYA EFIMOV HULUSI Default settingsareeasily restoredatanytime.(See“Preset” section). reassign keyswitches and midi-controllers, then save the changes to a user preset. can Users algorithm. round-robin a of means by realism added provide ulations artic- Staccato time. any at sound the to added be may vibrato Natural ff. to pp from expression of range detailed wide, a convey to instrument the of dynamics the vary to ability the provided have We glissando. and two legato normal in variants: articulations legato down and up for intervals recorded We play. could lands havealltakentheinstrumentinnewdirections. Nether the from Witkam Herman and Belgium from Cock De Rapheal England, years been adopted by European composers and performers. Rohan Leach from related free pipe called , the hulusi has a very pure, -like sound. "Im - West. the Like realms. indigenous the the of outside produced been have versions proved" in the to similar popularity, nationwide gained since has It "bilangdao". it called who groups ethnic Chinese southern other with along , whichcangreatlyextendtherangeofhulusitoseveraloctaves. stopped. Advanced configurations have keyed finger holes similar to a clarinet or be to it allows which hole, finger a has pipe drone The ornamental. merely is pipe outer second the while pipe drone one only have to hulusi a for uncommon not is It pipes. drone typically are two outer the and holes finger has pipe center The chest. wind gourd a through pass which pipes bamboo three has and vertically Our hulusi library will allow you to imitate virtually anything that a real hulusi real a that anything virtually imitate to you allow will library hulusi Our Although the hulusi is still predominantly performed in , it has in recent Dai- the by province the in primarily used originally was hulusi The The hulusi or cucurbit is a free reed from China. It is held Ilya Efimov Chinese Hulusi for Kontakt ! Ilya EfimovChineseHulusiforKontakt All Right Reserved © IlyaEfimov 2014

Introduction Introduction - ILYA EFIMOV HULUSI Y of RAM. MB 70 use will library this Kontakt, in preloading size buffer typical a use you If ample) andloadpatchIlyaEfimovHulusi.nki. ex- for (IE_Hulusi installed you which in folder the enter browser KONTAKT NI In “Libraries” window. the through loaded are libraries “Powered-By-Kontakt” locked and encoded ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ u ant s te Lbais tb o Ad irr” o ti pout Only product. this for Library” “Add to tab “Libraries” the use cannot ou Drones tuneandvolumecontrol Detune vibratokeys 3 modesoflegatoperformance Reassignable keyswitchesandmidi-controllers Control ofrealisticvibrato Two vibratotypes Realistic dynamicfromp 11 differentarticulations 2 naturallegatotypes:normalandglissando 212 samples,44,1Hz\24bit,stereo All Right Reserved © IlyaEfimov 2014 tof Features: Features Features ILYA EFIMOV HULUSI That featureisonlyavailable forencoded&locked“Powered-By-Kontakt” You cannotusethe “Libraries” tabto“AddLibrary”forthisproduct. store thelocationforfasterbrowsingand loading. folder. You can use the Quick-Build Database option to allow Kontakt to find and earlier, and double click on the Ilya_Efimov_Hulusi.nki file which should be in that extracted you which folder, library the Find tab. “Files” the click and interface) user Kontakt the of side left-hand the on (look browser 5 Kontakt the Open 5. brary. ThefreeKontaktPlayerdoesNOTsupport thislibrary 4. Youneedtohavethefullretailversion ofKontakt5.3orlatertousethisli 3.3. Pleasecheckthefilestructure. 3.2. Place'IlyaEfimovHulusi.nki'fileintotherootlibraryfolder. (forMACusers) (forPCusers) (forMACusers) (forPCusers) Expander fortheMac.They’reallfreeandyoucanfindthemhere: Rar- or UnrarX or users, PC for Winrar using recommend we files your extract To file; youonlyneedtoextractthefirstfilethatcontains'part1'initsname. every extract to need not do you so archive, multi-part a are downloaded you 3. 1. Unpack the downloaded files to any folder. Please note that the sample files 2. Makesureyouputalldownloadedfilesintoasinglefolder. all ofthefiles. 1. Pleasegotothedownloadlinksyoureceivedafterpurchaseand All Right Reserved © IlyaEfimov 2014 . Installation Installation -

ILYA EFIMOV HULUSI The GUI’smainpage isdividedintotwoparts. ing articulations are red, the various options are colored yellow, blue and green. enabling arangeof the range by two semitones in each direction, thus B4. For your convenience, we artificially expanded the from is range instrument’s The hulusi inB. is library Our coloration. sound and range in differ The Kontakt keyboard is divided as follows: Operating range is blue, switch- which hulusi, of variations several are There F# to All Right Reserved © IlyaEfimov 2014 C#4. Range to A3 Getting Started Getting Started

ILYA EFIMOV HULUSI allowing youtoadjustsettingsofkeyswitchesandre-mapMIDI-controllers. control. Release and Legato Reverb, contans interface The it. on clicking by note the switch to the articulation. You can change the note using the arrows or to select to name note the see will you name articulation the of right the To keyswithes. midi-keybord the using by or name their on directly clicking by them between sounded. Trillarticulation willsounduntilyourelease To use trill articulation press and hold and press articulation trill use To legato noteplayed. is mode Legato the If If theLegatomodeis At the bottom right of the page is a "Options" button that will open a page switch can You articulations. of block a contains page the of center The off youcanuseanyarticulationattime. you can choose any of 7 articulations for the first non- first the for articulations 7 of any choose can you on All Right Reserved © IlyaEfimov 2014 Articulations legato (non-overlapping)notes. non- for used be only can staccato and lag Group Two (5): two mordents, slide-up, forsh- gato notes. le- subsequent and first the for used are to vibra- and dynamics natural (2): Group One The articulations are divided into two groups. Trill F2 (Trill key) when note in main range is range main in note when key) (Trill F2 key. Getting Started Getting Started

ILYA EFIMOV HULUSI The desiredlegatotypewillbeselected depending ontheCCposition Switching usingaMIDI-controller(CC5by default) 3. CC. key isheld. hold and press glissando to gato le- normal the change To “normal”. remains legato used, are keyswitches no if fect the change in legato types. In this mode, If this way is selected, velocity level will not af- Switching thekeyswitches. 2. KS. Velo thresholdonthe“Option”page. values the adjusting by ranges the of threshold the change can You Switching betweenlegatotypesusingnotevelocity. 1. Velo. “mode selection”switcher. the use types legato the between switch to method a select To MIDI-controller. a using and keyswitch a by switching Velocity, using notes play options: ferent For glissando. dif- three are there play, and realtime during types legato between legato switching easy slow legato, normal types: legato three are There Using legatotypes second notemustbeplayedbeforethefirstisreleased). the notes.(i.e. overlapping play must you notes, legato perform To off. turned is it Otherwise enabled. is mode Legato the 64, than more is velocity the If dent. button at the “Legato” section or Keyswitch Legato mode is enabled by default. To turn off the Legato mode use ON or OFF Legato 65-127 0-64 41-127 0-40 normal legato glissando normal legato glissando All Right Reserved © IlyaEfimov 2014 . Slow legato will be active as long as the as long as active be will legato Slow G2. G5. This keyswitch is Velocity-depen- of Legato ​​of Legato Legato ILYA EFIMOV HULUSI l kywth wl rsl i crepnig otk kyor color keyboard Kontakt corresponding in changes. result will changes keyswitch All on theMIDI-keyboard.Voila!Yourkeyswitchisassigned. a MIDI keyboard. To do this, click on the “Set” button, then press the desired key cursor initiallypositionedovertheselectedcell’svalue. of one several methods: using MIDI-controller, or keyswitch any change can you page this On Go tothe“Options”page. dent. Ifthevelocityismorethan64,Legatomodeenabled. Keyswitch or section “Release” at button OFF or ON use Release off turn To it. off turn or release the of volume the control can You notes. non-legato of end the at heard be only will sound release The change theirpitch.Releasingthekeyswillreturnpiitchtonormal. gradually will keys the of any Holding vibrato. high-speed realistic a mimic can you trill, a as such notes playing quickly By pitch. in change the greater the ity, The G0 andA0 keys may be used for a slight pitch change. The higher the Veloc- * Use the "Set" button in order to specify the desired keyswitch directly with * Enteravaluefromthecomputerkeyboard * Drag the mouse up or down while holding the left mouse button, with the * Usethearrowslocatedtorightofkeyswitchcell. Reassignment ofthekeyswichesandmidi-controllers All Right Reserved © IlyaEfimov 2014 Release sound Option page Detune keys . This keyswitch is Velocity-depen- is keyswitch This A5. Other options Other options ILYA EFIMOV HULUSI main the on page. menu the use tonality basic a select To Drone tone page anduseDronevolumeslider. Option the to go drones of volume set To Drone volume 64, Dronesareopened. (drone 2). Those keyswitches are Velocity-dependent. If the velocity is more than and 1 C1 and DRONE 1) (drone B0 keys use keys also can You GUI. of Use page main the on 2 drones. DRONE "mute" or "open" can You drones. has Hulusi This ishelpfulincorrectlyopeninganyMIDIexamplesfromusandotherusers key. C6 the using by done be also may state default their to settings the turning the "Load" button. To revert to the default settings, click the "Default" button. Re- using the “SAVE” button on the main page.To load the saved usersettings,use by preset user a in stored be can page “Option” the on make you changes All All Right Reserved © IlyaEfimov 2014 Drones Presets Drone 2=fifth Drone 1=toniccenter Other options Other options ILYAILYA EFIMOV EFIMOV HULUSI MIDI CC11 MIDI CC1 MIDI CC5 MIDI CC5 A#1 F#1 G1 G2 G0 G5 C1 C2 D2 A1 A0 A5 B1 B0 F2 Creation anddevelopment:IlyaEfimov GUI design:AlexeySirotkin&IlyaEfimov Recorded atAlexandrRusanovStudio 65-127 Special thankstoGünter Hirscher 0-64 Keyswitch andCClist All Right Reserved © IlyaEfimov 2014 English edition:DaleSkiba Produced byIlyaEfimov Manual: IlyaEfimov slow legato(hold) Script: IlyaEfimov Hulusi: AlexK. drone 2on\off(velocity) drone 1on\off(velocity) release on\off(velocity) Credits legato on\off(velocity) detune keydown normal legato natural dynamic Natural dynamic natural vibrato detune keyup Mordent slow glissando Mordent fast Staccato Forshlag Slide-up Vibrato Trill

"KS set"mustbeon "CC set"mustbeon "CC set"mustbeon