Mr. C. Panton – Team Leader Date ……………………… Planning at District Council Tedder Hall Park LOUTH, LN11 8UP

My name is ………………………………………………….. and my address is ………………………………………………………………………………..

…………………………………………………….. Post Code ………………..

Email address:……………………………………………………………….

Dear Sir,

I have lived in this area for the past ……… years and after careful consideration and as a very concerned local resident wish to OBJECT strongly to Planning Application N/063/01762/14 Land Adjacent to Sturdy Hill, Sturdy Hill, Castle Lane, , Lincolnshire, LN11 8JW.

I firmly believe that the development of renewable energy alternatives must not be at the expense of other core planning principles and strategies, nor can such developments be allowed to negatively impact on, or create unacceptable harm to other historical, environmental, social and economic entities.

Further objections are:

- This development would further increase the cumulative effect of the many windfarms already constructed or approved in this area, specifically those immediately visible, i.e. , , and . Great Carlton village would be sandwiched between the Gayton le Marsh windfarm and this proposed new development. This potential cumulative impact has already been stated as grounds for the 'dismissal of an appeal' for a wind turbine of the same height at Causeway Bridge Farm Manby, by a Government appointed Inspector on the 24 July 2014.

- The landscape character visual impacts on the ‘long views’ – both to and from the Lincolnshire Wolds Area of Outstanding Natural Beauty and the adjoining Area of Greater Landscape Value. This impact also has been stated as grounds for the 'dismissal of an appeal', to construct a 74m high turbine at nearby Grange Legbourne, on the 22nd September 2014.

- Unacceptable landscape impacts and on the distinctive ‘pastoral character’ of the predominantly flat, open Lincolnshire countryside.

- The visual effect of this development on the settings of our highly valued historical heritage: there are a number of listed buildings in close proximity, plus the ancient monument and archaeological site at .

- The effects on residential amenity, with one property (Rose Cottage) only 450 metres from the site. This large scale industrial turbine with accompanying infrastructure, will create an overbearing and unacceptable presence on this property, along with several others in close proximity along Main Road Gt Carlton, experiencing unobstructed open views towards the turbine from their rear outlook.

- The local community will be subjected to obtrusive visual, noise and shadow-flicker impacts. The risk to local residents and visitors whilst enjoying the tranquilly of unspoilt countryside, using the public footpath (located adjacent to the development) from potential ice throw and topple-over.

My personal comments on this application are as follows:

I respectfully request that ELDC is minded to refuse the above Planning Applications.

Yours faithfully,

Signature …………………………………………………………………

Print Name. ………………………………………………Date: ...………………