Executive Summary of -Binjalwara Lift Irrigation Project INTRODUCTION:-

1.1 (i) AIM(S) OF THE PROJECT WORK : The main objective of Bhikangaon-Binjalwara Lift Irrigation Scheme is to provide irrigation facilities to the water-scare areas in left side of Narmada basin where the level of irrigation is very much less as compare to national irrigation percentage. The Bhikangaon- Binjalwara Lift Irrigation Scheme has been conceived to cater irrigation water to about 50000 ha. of CCA & districts of region along with water for Irrigation purposes. Total 13 villages of Tehsil,80 villages of Bhikangaon, 49 villages of Jhirnya Tehsil of Khargone& 12 villages of Khandwa Tehsil & 3 villages of Tehsil ofKhandwa district will be benefited by this scheme.Bhikangaon-Binjalwaralift canal takes off at R.D.57.85 km. of ISP main canal which has designed to carry a discharge of 17.8 cumecs .At intake well point of Bhikangaon-Binjalwara lift scheme ,the discharge of ISP Main canal is 120cumecs.

1.2 Location of Project : The project area is spreaded in Khargone Distt of MP. The supply source i.e. Indira Sagar Project reservoir, lifting point, pump houses and rising main lie in of Nimar region and the water lifted from Indira Sagar Main Canal at km. 57.85 near village mokhangoan in Sanawad Tehsil of distt. Khargone while Distribution chamber is situated near village Hirapur in Sanawad, Boruth in Bhikangoan,& Chikalwas in tehsil Bhikangoan of dist.Khargone. total command area of project lies between command area of Khargone lift Scheme and chhaigaon Makhan LIS project.

2.0 Present Proposal:


1. Name of the Project. : Bhikangaon-BinjalwaraLift Irrigation Project

2. Type of Project : Irrigation Project ( Irrigation or Multipurpose) :

3. Location :

ii) Supply Source : In Khargone District Indira Sagar Reservoir

i) Lifting Point ; : In Khargone District, Near Mokhangoan Village ISP Main Canal at RD 57.850km.

iii) Feeder Reservoir : Indira Sagar Reservoir

iv) Command In Khargone District

3.1 River Basin

a) Name : i) Lifting ii) Command Narmada Basin Lower Narmada Sub Basin (3b).

b) Located in :

3.2 River :

3.3State(s) / District(s) or Tehsils in which following are located.

State District Tehsil

(a) Reservoir (Supply Source) : M.P Khandwa Punasa

(b) Lifting Point / Rising Main M.P Khargone Sanawad

(c) Command Area : (1) Khargone District Teshil

(i) Jhirinya (ii) Bhikangaon

(iii) Sanawad

: (2) Tehsil (i) Khandwa (ii) Pandhana

3.4 Name of Village near the Head-works

Lifting Point : ISP Main Canal Near village


3.5 Location of Head-Works :

1) Lifting Point : ISP Main Canal RD57.85km

 Longitude : 76000’ 27”

 Latitude : 22005’ 40”

 List in Earthquake Zone No. : Zone-III (Moderate Seismic)

2) Delivery Point : Hirapur,Borut,Chikalwas c) List in Earthquake Zone : Zone-III (Moderate Seismic)

3.6 Project area reference to : as detailed below

Indira Sagar Canal & Rising : Project Lifting Point Pump House Command a) Toposheet Main Reservoir Area

Topo sheet No. 55 B 55B 55 C 55C 46 N ,46O

2 4 1 1 16 14

5555 5555 5555

55 C 55 C 46 O

2 2 13

55 B 55 B 55 B

4 4 4


55 C


55 C


b) Index Plan : Attached

3.7. Access to the Project.

a) Nearest Airport : i) Devi Ahilya Airport (M.P.)

80km from mokhangoan sanawad

(b)Nearest Rail Head : ii) 15km from mokhangoan

4. Interstate aspects of the project

(a) Catchment area of the basin. : It is a lift scheme hence no independent catchment is being harnessed.

(b)State-wise / Country-wise details : Not applicable

of Catchment area. (c)Submergence due to project : No submergence due to project, as it is a lift scheme

(d)Water allocation for the state (if any) : The Quantum of water being lifted for this project is included in the water share of M.P. as per NWDT award.

(e) Water allocation for other state : Not applicable

(f) committed utilisation Upstream Projects

(i) Project Completed

(ii)Project under construction As stated above it is as per committed utilization of share of Narmada Waters (iii)Feature projects

(vi)Any other

Downstream Projects

(i) Project Completed As stated above it is as per committed utilization of Narmada Waters (ii)Project under construction

(iii) Future projects

(vi) Any other

(g) Proposed annual utilization by the project (186.62Mcum)

(i) Irrigation (surface) : 50000Hectare

Discharge Irrigation : 17.8 cumecs.

5. Estimated life of the project (years) : 50 Year

6. Irrigation (ha.)

(a) Gross command area (GCA) : 98000 Hectare

(b) Culturable command area (CCA) :50000Hectare

(c)Area under Irrigation (break up)

. (ii) Rabi 50000Ha.

(d) Cost per hectare of gross area irrigated: 1.51 Lakh/Hect. (e) Cost per 1000 cum of gross/live storage : Not required as it is not

a storage scheme

(f) Water utilisation (for irrigation only): 17.8 cumecs

7. Project Performance

(a) Irrigation : 50000Hectare

8. Head Regulator(s) : Intake well at Lifting point ,&Outlet

regulators at D C and Main pipe line.

9. Canal System

9.1 Main Canal (Piped) : Piped network as per Design

9.1.1Purpose of Canal : Irrigation

9.1.2 Type : Rising Main Pipe Canal

(M.S./DI Pipe)

(a)Flow/ : Piped system

(b) Lined/unlined : Not applicable

(c) Discharge capacity of the : Not applicable (Piped Canal) channel above which lining is


(d) Type of lining : Not applicable

9.1.3 Design data : All the component such as jack well,

Rising mains and Entire dissent system

.designed by turnkey contract basis.

9.1.4 Distribution system - :Distributaries i/c Minors & sub-minors

(piped) (onlyupto2.50 hectares)

10.Cropping Pattern :

10.1 Name of crop (season-wise)


1 Vegetable

2 Wheat Hy

3 Wheat 2 Hy

4 Gram

5 Onion

6 Barseam

7 Ground nut

8 Moong


11 Cost

11.1. Cost of the project (Rs.Crore) total 745Crore

12. B.C. Ratio. 1.84

It is proposed to provide irrigation water up to 2.50 ha. Sub chak for Drip Irrigation/ sprikler System, so as to have optimum utilization of value added water. Lifting system is adopted to pump the required water up to highest elevated areas and the same is distributed to agricultural lands through pipelines by constructing a Delivery chambers as per the technical standards.

3.0 Climatic condition:- The command area of this scheme falls in Nimar Zone under which is having mostly dry season. Maximum part of rain fall occur in the month of July & August. The average rain fall varies from 750 mm to 800 mm and distribution of rain fall is erotic. The temperature of the area varies from 35 deg. to 45 deg in the month of May. The May & December hottest and coldest respectively. 4.0 Land,Topography, Physiography & Geology : - The command area of Bhikangaon-Binjalwara Lift Irrigation scheme is situated in Tehsil Bhikangaon, jhirnya & Sanawad of district Khargone& Tehsil Khandwa & Panthana of Distt Khandwa in Madhya Pradesh. Command area is located between 22006’00’’ to 21036’00’’ latitude and 75052’00’’ to 76011’00’’longitude. The area served can be located in top sheet no. 55 B/4,46O/13 ,46N/16 46O/14 55 C/2,55C/1under Indira Sagar project. The command of Bhikangaon-Binjalwara lift Scheme is surrounded by catchment of Beda River . The area comes under Agro-climatic zone No.11 Nimar Valley Zone No. 064. River Narmada is situated in northern side of district Khargone. The topography of district and command area is undulated as well as plains. Some of undulating lands are surrounded by hillocks forest. The variation of slopes in undulating area is from 3% to 10%

5.0 Necessity of Scheme :- Since there is no major scheme either constructed or under proposal to irrigate such topographically rich command having scarcity of water, hence, this inter-basin scheme is being proposed.

Total water available in Indira Sagar Project Main Canal at R.D. 57.85km. is about 120 cumecs &17.8 cumecs of water will be lifted from intake well for providing irrigation in Bhikangaon-Binjalwara Lift Irrigation scheme. There is no major scheme constructed or under proposal to irrigate such command having scarcity of water hence this scheme is being proposed. It is proposed to lift 17.8 cumecs of water through three stages pumping and MS rising mains feeding water to Delivery Chambers proposed to be constructed near village Hirapur,Borut, Chikalwas. The irrigation water will be distributed in command area through MS and HDPE pipe line system for a command of 50000 hact. Ofculturalable command area. In the present proposal the main canal and disnet system is completely designed as piped canal.

The main objective of Bhikangaon-Binjalwara Lift Irrigation Scheme is to provide irrigation facilities to the water-short areas in upper reaches of Khargone, where the level of irrigation is very less as compared to available culturable area. The Bhikangaon-Binjalwara Lift Irrigation Scheme is conceived to cater irrigation water to about 50000ha. of CCA in157 village


The detail Estimate amounting Rs. 745.00 crore has been prepared on the rate MP WRD USR effective from 1.04.2016 . 7.0 FINANCIAL RESOURCES : The Project will be funded by GOMP and aids from AIBP/NABARD. 8.0 REVENUE:- The revenue for irrigation will be collected as per state Government policy. 9.0 BENEFIT COST RATIO, FINANCIAL RETURN & INTERNAL RATE OF RETURN:-

The Benefit Cost Ratio works out to be 1.84 as detailed below and is very enthusiastic being within permissible limits. The detailed calculation of B.C. Ratio is attached as annexure – 3(a) & 3(b)

Total Annual Benefits - 23944.29 Lakh

Total Annual Cost (Expenditure) - 13033.90Lakh Annual Benefits 23944.29 Benefit Cost Ratio = = 1.84 Annual costs 13033.90


The buildings will be constructed at location of 3 nos. pump houses and also at certain important location in the command area. The estimated life of the project is 50 years and these buildings will be utilized in future during operation and maintenance of the scheme.

11.0 Cost per Ha.:- The cost per ha. of this schemes works out to be Rs. 1.51 Lacs/ ha. on C.C.A and it is well within the norms prescribed by the WRD (M.P.) 12.0 Water Rates:- Water rates will be as per M.P. water resources department. 13.0 Construction Program:- It is proposed to complete entire work of the scheme With in 24 month.


The Study of Socio economic status of Nimar region reveals that the region is suffering acute scarcity of water for Drinking & Agriculture field. Because of that, the overall development of the region has worst affected. Further it is observed that day by day the ground water table is depleting and there is a possibility that in future the water may not be available even for drinking purpose also.

The study also reveals that the percentage of irrigation in Khargone district by Government Sources i.e. tanks & Canals is very much less as compared to national irrigation percentage.

To fulfill the requirement of Nimar region the Narmada Water is the only alternate. As described earlier, sufficient water i.e.17.8 cumecs is available in the Main Canal of Indira Sagar Project which can be lifted for flurishment of Nimar region and the utilization of Narmada water is being made as per NWDT award. Considering above facts & necessity of water in the draught prone Nimar area, the scheme Bhikangaon-Binjalwara Lift Irrigation is proposed.

The most attractive feature of the project is that without displacing a single person, Irrigation will be provided to 50000ha. of land as neither any new dam is being constructed & nor any submergence is being created.

The Benefit Cost Ratio is 1.84, which is well within norms of acceptance & thus the present proposal is submitted & recommended forapproval.

Executive Engineer N.D.Division No.21 Sanawad Distt. Khargone (M.P.)