Administration of William J. Clinton, 1994 / Nov. 12 2371

That is a new challenge for America. It people living with AIDS how to fight for their does not have a partisan label on it. It is very rights and live with dignity. important; the national interest is at stake. Pedro was particularly instrumental in We’ve always done what it took for the na- reaching out to his own generation, where tional defense. We have always understood AIDS is striking hard. Through his work with that national security required us to be strong MTV, he taught young people that ‘‘The Real around the world. But we know ultimately World’’ includes AIDS and that each of us that the security of America is in our strong has the responsibility to protect ourselves families, our strong communities, our edu- and our loved ones. cation systems, our ability to generate good Today, one in four new HIV infections is jobs, and our ability to keep our streets safe among people under the age of 20. For and our laws sacred—strong at home and Pedro, and for all Americans infected and strong abroad. affected by HIV, we must intensify our ef- On this Veterans Day, I want to say that forts to reduce the rate of HIV infection, pro- one of my most prized possessions as Presi- vide treatment to those living with AIDS, and dent are the coins that I get whenever I visit ultimately find a cure for AIDS. any base, any unit. I now must have 100 on Our hearts are with Pedro’s family in this a big table in the Oval Office. Anybody that difficult time. In the months ahead, let us comes in to see the President of the United rededicate ourselves to continuing Pedro’s States sees a big, flat table covered with mili- brave fight. tary coins from all over the world and all over the , a constant reminder of the service that you have rendered to our coun- The President’s Radio Address try. And I ask you to think about that on November 12, 1994 this Veterans Day. Being strong abroad and being strong at home are two sides of the I’m speaking to you from Anchorage, Alas- coin we should have for America, and we ka, at the end of the first leg of my trip to should leave to our children. Asia. The next stop is the Philippines, where God bless you all, and God bless America. I’ll take part in a ceremony especially appro- Thank you. priate just a couple of days after Veterans Day. There I’ll have the privilege of helping NOTE: The President spoke at 9:15 p.m. In his to honor the sacrifices made by those who remarks, he referred to Lt. Gen. Lawrence E. fought in the Pacific during World War II Boese, Commander, Alaskan Command; Maj. to preserve our freedom and democracy. Gen. Hugh L. Cox III, Adjutant General, Alaska In the 50 years since, America has helped National Guard; Brig. Gen. Thomas R. Case, to build a world of peace and prosperity. But Commander 3d Wing; Army Maj. Gen. Thomas H. Needham, Commander, U.S. Armed Forces, we know that these blessings are the fruit Alaska; and Mayor Rick Mystrom of Anchorage, of our veterans’ brave fights. That’s why yes- AK. A tape was not available for verification of terday, on Veterans Day, we honored and re- the content of these remarks. membered all who, in war and peace, have given so much so that America would remain free. We have a special obligation to make Statement on the Death of Pedro sure that our Nation never forgets their work Zamora and that we do everything we can to keep November 11, 1994 our country strong in the face of our chal- lenges at home and abroad. We also have Hillary and I are deeply saddened by the an obligation to honor those who are standing news of the death of Pedro Zamora. watch for freedom and security now, from In his short life, Pedro educated and en- our bases across America to our outposts lightened our Nation. He taught all of us that around the world. AIDS is a disease with a human face and Over the last few months, at home and one that affects every American, indeed abroad, I’ve had the privilege of saying thank every citizen, of the world. And he taught you in person to our men and women in uni-

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