Cooloola Great Walk Topographic
153°5’0”E 153°10’0”E 05 510 15 507 511 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 33 33 To Inskip Peninsula and Fraser Island barges Cooloola Great Walk Northern entrance Inset 1 — Cooloola Sandpatch Assembly Area* Easting Northing Latitude Longitude Emergency S6 — Coastal route Scale 1 : 50 000 7105 7105 #,!2+3/.å Scale 1 : 10 000 Contour intervals 5m 71 71 $2)6% AA1 504402 7085464 S 26°21'03" E 153°02'39" fl ood, medical, wildfi re 4Oå2AINBOWå"EACH#ARLOå3ANDBLOW 40 40 4Oå)NSKIPå 2EFERåTOå3åMAP 4INå#ANå ).3+)0å 0ENNINSULAå Double )NLET ANDå&RASERå Rainbow Beach AA 200 )SLANDåBARGES Keep on track 2 506163 7087693 S 26°19'50" E 153°03'42" fl ood, medical, wildfi re 32 Island 32 township 7IDEå"AY Point • Study contour lines for 175 75 75 AA3 506580 7093968 S 26°16'26" E 153°03'57" fl ood, medical, wildfi re 75 shape and elevation. 2/!$ Navigation aid – 4.3km 50 sign/orange marker • Stay on compass bearing AA4 506565 7097227 S 26°14'40" E 153°03'57" fl ood, medical 50 to track 25 — do not deviate. Northern 31 AA 31 #!2,/å entrance 16 Beach AA AA5 507242 7099755 S 26°13'18" E 153°04'21" fl ood, medical 14 2/!$ $/5",%å)3,!.$å$2)6% • Observe all signs and 75 Må orange trail markers. 50 #,!2+3/. M AA6 506954 7104407 S 26°10'47" E 153°04'10" fl ood, medical, wildfi re 25 Rainbow AA6 200 AA15 $2)6% 190 &2%3(7!4%2å #!2,/å Beach AA 71 71 7 505019 7107119 S 26°09'19" E 153°03'01" medical, wildfi re 30 100 30 2/!$å Cooloola Great Walk #//,//,!å$2)6% 75 35 35 200 125 25 Northern entrance .OåOVERNIGHTåORå 25 50 AA8 504684 7108989 S 26°08'18" E 153°02'49" medical, wildfi re LONG STAYåPARKINGå
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