
Overview of the of

Rites  What is a rite? . It’s a Special way to celebrate each of the  We celebrate Sacraments…. It’s joyous because we receive an outpouring of God’s graces.  A action evokes our senses – whether it’s touch, taste, smell, see and hear . Because lot of things in our faith can’t be seen or touched.When we go through the we’re making it tangible to experience. We are more able to have concrete experience of what graces we are receiving. Confirmation  with  renewal of Baptismal promises  laying on of hands  Done by .  The apostles were confirmed at  The Confirmation liturgy will be a - Liturgy of the Word (1st and 2nd reading), and the Liturgy of the (receiving communion). What’s different about it will be the Rite of Confirmation that happens after the Liturgy of the Word

Liturgy of the Word: . God speaks and is present to us in the sacraments, the assembly and through the Scriptures every week at Mass. . The is there to help us understand the context of the readings and to understand what the faith lesson is for that week. . It should also move us to action for God’s glory. . Readings

. Presentation to the Bishop: . After the Gospel, Fr. Gillespie will present you to the Bishop. . You’ll be asked to stand and you’ll be recognized by the assembly – via applause. . He’ll then ask you if you wish to be confirmed. The expected response is – YES (enthusiastic) . It is in the Homily that the Bishop will offer words of encouragement and insight into the of confirmation. . He may ask questions. Show your catechists, team leaders, , parents that you know these answers. Raise your hands! Answer them! o Examples: Name 7 gifts of the - Wisdom, Understanding, Knowledge, Courage, Counsel, Reverence and Wonder . How can we actively live out our faith? Service . Who is the of the Sacrament of Confirmation? The bishop is called the ordinary minister because he is the representative of the universal church and reminds us that we are not only members of our local faith community, but of the world-wide Church. His presence reminds us of our link to the Apostles and Pentecost.

. What happened at Pentecost? o In the upper room at the Pentecost, the Holy Spirit descended on the apostles. As they went out to preach the word and do God’s works more and more people were converted to the ways of Jesus Christ and the good news he stood for. Over time Peter became the bishop of Rome, which meant he was the first Pope. Because the apostles spent so much time with Jesus and listened to his teachings for years, and the Holy Spirit had descended on THEM, they were seen as the experts and the early church community gathered around them. As they saw a need for more bishops (because of the increasing numbers of Christians) Peter and the apostles confirmed more to become bishops. Now those bishops confirmed more bishops who confirmed bishops who confirmed more bishops and so. This process is known as the apostolic succession. So each bishop can technically draw lineage to one of the apostles and say which apostle received the Holy Spirit and passed it down to him. So those same graces that were given to the apostle by the Holy Spirit are still being passed onto every person that a Bishop confirms.

The Homily . Having the homily before the rite gives the Bishop (or priest) the opportunity to explain the significance of what is about to occur and to give some insights into how we – as a community of believers – lives out the sacrament.  Like , , and ; the rite of confirmation happens immediately after the homily


Renewal of Baptismal Vows . After the Bishop’s homily, the Bishop will ask the entire assembly to renew their baptismal promises. . In Baptism, your parents and godparents answered these questions for you. Now the Bishop asks you to answer them for yourself. o Ex: Do you reject sin, as to live in the freedom of God’s Children? Do you believe in God, the Father almighty, creator of Heaven and Earth? . Be sure to listen to the words and respond (at each pause) with the words, I Do. . We do this to be reminded of the connection Confirmation has to Baptism. This is the third and final sacrament of Initiation into the Church o Ancient Christians did them all at once and some Christians still do them at once (Ex: Eastern Rite Catholics and Orthodox).

Laying on of Hands . Laying on of hands is an ancient symbol of the transmitting of the and power of God from one person to another. This action claims you as God’s own, under his care and protection. . This is when the Bishop calls on the Spirit to pour out Her gifts on to you. . In the laying of Hands, the bishop is calling down the Spirit. o Notice that all the priest will raise their arms for the laying of hands too . With this gesture we can “experience” the presence, the Spirit of God . Where else in our sacramental lives, do we see the gesture of Laying on of Hands?  At Reconciliation, – it’s a physical motion.  At Mass when the priest extends his hands, palms down over the gifts of bread and wine.

Anointing  This is the part of the rite where the candidates rise, with the sponsor, before the Bishop to be anointed.  Your sponsor comes up with the candidate – the sponsor represents the whole community.  The Bishop will say, “Be sealed with the Gifts of the Holy Spirit. To which the candidate says “Amen”.  Often followed by a handshake – sign of welcome  There is a special oil used during the rite of Confirmation--Chrism oil  The chrism oil used as a visible sign during Confirmation . Chrism is perfumed oil blessed by the bishop on Holy Thursday . IT is an ancient symbol of Strength . Chrism has same root as “Christ,” “anointed one.” It carries a meaning that those anointed with it have been chosen to do God’s Work. . Perfume is a symbol of the Fragrance of Christ which Christians must spread  You might spray a perfume bottle and that 1 tiny spray can spread across the room. . This oil marks our total belonging to Christ, our sharing in his mission and our connection to the universal Church.

So how is the ‘rite’ of confirmation a tangible experience? (Affecting our senses)  Anointing with Chrism  the smell in the air, laying of hands  shaking our hand  hearing the Words – “Be sealed.”

Symbols connected with Confirmation o Dove- repeatedly seen as a symbol of the Holy Spirit throughout the bible o Water-symbol for baptism and connects the two together b/c water regenerates and renews o Fire –tongues of fire at Pentecost o Oil-messiah in Hebrew means ‘anointed one’. Jesus is the Messiah, the one uniquely anointed by the Holy Spirit. Jesus pours out this same Spirit upon us.

Confirmation is about: . Becoming a more fully initiated Catholic. . Some people are babies or in high school or adults when they celebrate the sacrament. o Does not make you an adult… o Confirmed or not we are all always learning and growing in our Faith. . The Gifts of the Holy Spirit will help you live a fully Christian life appropriate for whatever age you happen to be. . Confirmation is not a graduation or a promotion. . Confirmation is a new beginning of living the Christian life with all the passion and enthusiasm that God is calling for. o “Confirmation is a Start Line not a Finish Line” --- you’ve been training for this initiation, not for finishing your growth and formation.