In The Newt - SUI Graduate, College Squabble- THIS MORNING I Sex ftaucation and Frostburg State "Too many of us in America R. Bowen Hardesty, Frostburg June 30, 1963." mously asked President Hardesty the contracts will not be renewed received our sex educations out of State's president, describes the Within hours, things began Lo "to reconsider the individual cases because the work of the four djd ON CAMPUS- school," a young English professor di missal as a routine operation. happen. Three other members of ot dismissal" of the four professors not meet standards of "usefulness IOWA'S team will be said into a network TV camera, coming after the annual evalua· the English Department were and in a five·point resolution crili· to the coUege, service to the col· after their sixth consecutive vic· "and it seems to me that this is a lion of probationary faculty memo fired in the same way. They were cized the administration of censor· lege in research, value to the corn· tory of the season today as they grave defect." bers. All members or the faculty Norris Merehant, John Ireland and ship of the student newspaper, munity and maturity." lJe has adopted a positive statement on been unavailable to The Daily play Western Illinois at Macomb, The young professor was Dr. Ed· are on probation for their first two John Cole. A ruth English instruc· mund SkeUings, 31, an sur Ph .D. years, which mean conlracts have tor resigned to prole t the "injus· academic freedom and implied Iowan fOl' direct comment. m. graduate and former instructor to be renewed annually. tice" done his colleagues. that the professors were dismissed Prof. Skellings was In Iowa last • • • here. He is currently an associate Whatever the reason , some have Pro!. Skelling's observation: for reasons other than academic week to deliver a lecture at Sl. IOWA'S TENNIS team will open professor of English at Froslburg cried tllat academic freedom has "The whole situation can be sum· competence. Ambrose Colle!!e in Davenport. lie it's season today at Washington State Teachers College, Frostburi, been trampled on. Following Is a marized as ignorance of reality The happenings stirred the town. is a Massachusetts nalive and Iwlds University of St. Louis. Md. sketch of lhe happenings at Frosl· on the part of the administration. D. C. Loughry , owner of thc local a B.A. in English from the Unlver· "The sexual aspect or literature burg, pieced together from Asso­ "The principle of academic free· radio station, was quoted: "I don't sity or Massachusetts. He received • • " is what makes books controversial ciated Press dispatches and tories dom was fought in the rest of the think anyone should be frec to hi Ph.D. from SUI's Department THE MAIN LJlRARY in a society with a Puritan ethic. in the Washington Post, Baltimore country 20 years ago and won." leach filthy books. That's just the of English last year. open today from 7:30 a.m. to 5 p.m. ]{ literature with a sexual clement Sun and the Cumberland News as Prof. Skelliogs said Merchant kind of thing the Communists He has published three boo~s of o o cannot be taught in college in a well as an interview with Prof. was £ired because he brought Nor· wanl to happen - to undermine verse, .. Duels and Ducts," "In 'l'h is IOWA MEMORIAL UNION" will controlled classroom, how will it Skellings. man Thomas , a Socialist leader, to our youth. Anyone else who Tone of Voice," and "Marriage Fire." Two were published by be open from 8 a.m. to noon and be taught?" Generally, Frostburg. Md., is a Ihe campus to speak. Ireland said wants to usc those kind of books In his televi ion interview, Pror. peaceful town of 6.000 nesLied in his production of the play , "The ought to be fired too." Qara Press, Iowa City. from 1 to 5 p.m. today. The tele· Peterson Skelling didn't sound mad - the western Maryland mountains. Americlln Dream," contributed to Loughry seemed to reflect the Prof. ,Skcllings said his attempt vision lounge will be available until though he might well have been IFrostburg's biggest industry: the his dismi!>Sal. He charged that the town's vicw . He does not allow to introduce "Lolita" into the class· midnIght. because he has lost his job It! State Teachers College and its administration tried to Corce him any beer, liquor, cigarette, theater room was "not oUl of a desire lo Frostburg State. 11,3-10 students. to remove certain lines Crom the or nightclub advertising or rock be sensalional." Prof. Skellings claims he was Everything see m e d peaceful play. 'n' roll music on his radio station . lie aid it fit a carefully·plann d IN THE CITY- fired for proposing to teach the there until President Hardesty sent Shortly after the dismissals 600 The case was picked up by the syllabu , composed of thes~ books: IOWA CITY PUBLIC schools will modern novel "Lolita" in hi Prof. SkeUings a lelter: students demonstrated in front of Maryland Civil Liberties Union and "LJght in August." "Man's Fate," close today for the Easter recess. modern American lit e I' a t u I' c "In accordance with your con· the president's orrice, sporling the local chapter of the American "Miss Lonelyhearts ," "No Exit." Classes will resume Tuesday. course. "Lolila" tells of a love af· tract relating to probationary signs that read : "Wanted: Con· Association of University Profes· "Look Back in Anger" and "Bird· fair - including sexual relations period , at this time I am writing rormists and provincial thinkers. SOl'S. man of Aleatraz." The coursc was - between a middle·aged man and to advise you that we lire not No original thinkers need apply." President Hardesty was quoted organized around the single meta· IN THE STATE- a 12-ycar-old girl. renewing your appointment beyond Later, the Student Senate unani· by the As ociated Press as saying phor of man in prison. DES MOINES - The House Tuesday rejected a stale. wide adjusted gross income tax 88 the financial keystone of a pro· posed property tax relief bill. II then started work on a complicated Fatal Fire proposal by Rep. Leroy Petersen lowl City Firemen train a stream or water into the second .tory of fR·Grimesl. He said his proposal oil Iowan would equalize property taxes for the Chester Frantz home, 510 S. Linn St., in a fi"ht to control the Serving the State University of Iowa and the People of Town. City school purposes on the local level blaze, Mr. Frantz died in the fire, See story b.low. and at the same lime preserve 10· -Photo by Joe LlpplncoH Eatabll.lbed in 1881 United Prell lntern.tJonal and AMocIaled Preu Lfiaed Wires aDd Wirepboto Iowa City, Iowa, Wednesday, April 10, tooJ cal control of schools. • • DES MOINES - The" Senate voted down a proposed change in 5 · W NATO f NIPI ~~~:~r~:}'~~H~r:) OVlet arns 0 uc ear an • • DES MOINES The Iowa House Tuesday rejected a state· wide adjusted gross income tax as the financial keystone of a pro· posed property tax relief bill. Notes Protest Proposal • • DES MOINES - The governor Iowa City Man Dies in Late Evening would appoint members of the State Board oC Public Instruction To Arm Cargo' Ships under a bill passed 39-6 by the MOSCOW (UPI) - The Soviet Union warned in a serles Iowa Senate Tuesday. of notes published Tuesday night it would conider a NATO • • " DES MOINES - The action of on project to equip merchant ships with U.S. Polaris missiles as the State Department of Public Blaze S. Linn Street; Home Gutted "practically equivalent to an undeclared state of war." Instruction in rejecting a proposed The notes were ddivered Monday to tho United States, school reorganization in Montgom· An Iowa City resident dird Britain and West Germany protest· ery and Page counties was upheld - A b and his sma I I wood·framo ing Western plans for creation of :~y ~e Iowa Supreme Court Tues· r a hOll e was gutted in a late even· a multi·nalion nuclear force. Copies School Board Sets States Reach Senafe May Argue were circulated to the other NATO ing blaze on South Linn Street members, including France, and Summer Program IN THE NATION- Tuesday. thr contents were disclo ed by lhe NEW YORK (uPll - A U.S. Ap· Dead js C h est e r Frantz, Soviet News Agcney Tass. A minimal summer school pro­ ]lI'als Court ruled Tuesday that Federation' Accord about 60, of 510 S. Linn St. He Liquor Bill Todoy THE NOTES SAID that if such gram will be offered in the Iowa Fidel Castro's former chief execu· plans continue, the Soviet Union City Community School District tioner, Milwaukee·born Herman was head of a family of six. this year, but the Sehool Board Frederick Marks, has not only lost CAIRO (UP)) - The United Arab Republic, Iraq and Syria agreed DES MOINES IA'I - , 'he Senate Judici31'y II Committee completed will have to take measures to "en· Witnesses reported that the sure lhe mainten .:lnce of th ' sec ur· agreed to offer any course if there his American citizenship but can ruesday on thc details of milital'y, economic and forei gn policies for blaze in the Frantz home broke work on .\mendments filed to a bill to legalize liquor by the drink Tues· is sufficicnt demand for It. day. ity of the Soviet Union and of its be ousted from tbe country as soon their new and potentially powerful federation , an oHicial spokesman an· out shortly after 11 p.m. The friends and allies." At their meeting last night, the aq he is found. nounced. t u c t UI' e burned quickly and Therc appeared a chance that it might be debated on the Senate s r The notes did not elaborate pre· board members also di scussed the • •• The spokesman, Aly Sabry, who also is chail·man. of tbe U.A .R. flames shot 50 feet into the sky floor today. But Majority Leader ----- cisely what measures were con· driver education program, a peti· WASHINGTON (uPll - The Presidential Council, said the three - - - as two units from the Iowa City Robert Rigler (R·New Hamptonl of the normal effective datc which tion from residents of Crestview Fire Deparlment arrived. t~mplated nor did they make clear Senate Armed Services committee, national delegations were stin alions, but said the federation's in· said ome senators maya k that it would be next July 4. whether the Soviet might counter Ave . and a publie address system overriding Defense Secretary Rob· meeting on the internal political ternal political form and the 8ppli. Smoke hinM~ firemen se· be delayed so that Illore amend· IN OTHER ACTION Tuesday tbe a NATO multl·nation Corce by donated by the Iowa City High ert S. McNamara and reversing its structure the new union will adopt. vertly and for • tim. there WII ments couid be filed. Senate voted to appropriate $1,680, School Boosters Club. own earlier stand, voted Tuesday The meeting Tuesday lasled five cation of socialism to the federation creating a similar nuclear force I speculation th.It two other memo THE COMMITTEE last weck 000 for each of the next two years among its allies in the Warsaw Dr. Ross Engel, assistant school to authorize more funds for de· hours with a dinner break, and will were touched upon . IMrs of the f.mily were also drew up the bill, labeled as a to participate in the federal Kerr· Military Pact. superintendent. told the board the ploymenl 01 the Nike·Zeus Anli· reopen this morning for further de· The Syrian and lraqi delegations tr.ppect in the building , "home rule" measure. ·It would Mills program for medical aid to Western diplomats considered su mmer school is a sel!.5upporl· Missile Missile. tailing of the federal state. met before tile tri·partite consulta· A Catholic priest at the scene give city and county governments Iowans past 65. such a Soviet·East European force ing minimal program in which 80 " •• The delegations will gather en tions Tuesday, apparently over the aid it appeared that Mr. lo'rantz power to limit the number of Ii· Despite the 48·0 vote, some sen· unlikely because Moscow in lhe percent of the students are en· DETROfT (uPll _ Arjay R. in the afternoon to hear the roles their new regimes would take was trying to get out o[ his bed quor by the drink licenses within ators doubted that tlle federal gov· past has been reluctant to give nu· rolled fOI' remedial or makeup Miller, a follower in the computer· rmdmgsof the three d~ys of meet· in the union with President Gamal located in the northeast corner the maximums sct by the bill. The ernment would accept the Iowa clear weapons to its allies. This purposes. minded tradition of Secretary of lOgs which Monday mght founded Abdel Nasser's U.A.R. oC the house when he was possibly local governments could decide to plan. refusal is bclieved in part to be one In summer school, dl'iver edu· Defense Robert S. McNamara, Will) the rederat~on. . A spokesman said Monday night, overcome by smoke. issue no licenses if Lhey choose. The bill, which goes to the House of the reasons for Peking's cool· calion will be offered as one melh· be named president o[ Ford Motor Sabry said the fmai Corm of the When he announced the federation McGovern Funeral Home per· The committee approved an provides that any person who has nes . od to alleviate the demand for tlle Co. today succeeding John Dykstra, I ((deral stale would be completed had bcen agreed on in principle, sonnel arrived at 12 : 15 this morn· amendment to reduce cost of this received old age as Istance pay· course during the school year. The ing and removed the body. OBSERVERS SAID II was possi· it was learned Tuesday. today., that thc committee would produce license to $250. Licenses [or com· ments within !JO days prior to appli· blr the Soviet might counter the board rejected a proposal to pur· o •• The conference agreed on the a "nalional charter for federation Cause o[ tbe blaze remained a mercia I establishments would reo cation for medical aid shall nol be Western project by building its own cha~ a second driver education "basis OD which the fed eration ",hich is binding 10 all revolu. mystery early today and a dollar main at $1,000. eligible for Kerr·Mills funds. car and hire additional Instruc· WHEELtNG (Upn - Wheeling missile'carrying commercial ves· an would be founded as regards inter· tionary and unity forces." estimate of the damage was not Sen. Franklin Main !D·Lamonil THIS IS the provision to which tor. Steel Corp., one of the producers national policy, defense and mili· sels since the Soviet is a great immediately available. indicated he would call for a two thr. federal government objects. shipping power and has been reo According to School Superintend. Involved in last April's abortive tary affairs, and planning in the A Iink·up of Syria, Iraq and the year residence as one qualification The approprIation would enable ent Buford Garner, 148 City High price increase, announced Tuesday economic, soc i a I and cultural ' LI.A.R. would bring a considerable perted using trawlers for military for a license. Scn. Irving Long (R. Iowa to slart a $4 million pilot pro· reconnaissance. School stUdents have requested an average $6 per ton hike in its fields," he said. change in the balance of power in Manchesterl med an amendment to gram to see if it wants to make the drivel' education next fall . One in· major products. Sabry said the represenlatives the Middle East and spell new Diefenbaker raise the commercial license fee plan permanent. The Soviet notes explicitly said structor can handle 63 students a William A. Steele, president of meeting in the heavily guarded Re. trouble for the remaining monarch· to $3,000. FOr each dollar expended under "let no one look for threats in this semester. the Dation's 11th ranked producer, publican Palace in suburban Cajro. ies. Sen. Eugene Hill (o·Newton) the Kerr·Mills plan, the state wou ld statement by the Soviet govern· Board Member Donald Graham said the increase, effecti ve today, discu~sed the national charter for The talks toward a closer unifica· filed an amendment to make the conLribute 42 cents and the federal ment" but they gave an idra of pointed out all seniors who request is necessary because the firm's the federal state "which is the tion of the three states began May Try To bill effective Jan. I, 1964 instcad government 58 cents. what could be expected in case of drivel' education receive it before employment costs are ncar an all· foundation of the federation's con· March 14. They followed the Iraqi -----_.--- conflict. graduation, and the board voted time high. stitution." revolution Feb. 8 and the Syrian "Ports which are used for the to retain the pl'csent system of one o lIe gave no details On the deli bel" coup of March 8. stationing of rocket-carrying sub· car and one instructor for the • • Keep Control I Birmingham Police Break marines and surface ships, whether WASHINGTON (.1'1 - President Up course. Kennedy and his family will fly to they be in the North, Mediterra· Residents of Crestview Ave. were nean, Baltic or other sea would not rejected in their petition to halt Palm Beach, Fla., Wednesday to Chinese" Are Spearheading Lines- Hibbler Held spend the Easter holiday, the White l ist~~~~ADi~V:n~ak;~,P:n1e~:!~:l picket survive even the first minutes of redistricting of their area from sure to give up the rems of govern· , . war," they said. House announced Tuesday. 1 ment following his election defeat, Hoover School to Lucas School. 019 t"lng -In aos l said Tuesday be would return to BIRMINGHAM, pIa . (UP)) - Blind Negro singer Al Hibbler was ''If NATO warships were to be· Renewed F h L the Capital today and decide wheth. taken into temporary custody Tuesday during a series of racial demon· gin poking about the seas, dis· SUlowans Won't «;;0 IN THE WORLD- . er to fight to stay in control. stralions-one of which attracted an elderly white man wi th a lon g·bar· guised by flags of commerce, this PARIS CUPI) - France's firsl PARIS ftJPll - Secretary oC State Dean Rusk and hiS western . reled revolver. would be praclieally equivalent to To Clarksdale Trial A·bombers will become operational allies warned Tuesdl~ ' that renewed fighting in Laos might be a "probe" ,Dtlefenbhaker, tWhOseh rkecor~ l~t an undeclared state of war," th e . .. VIC ory s ran k 0 a say mmon y Hibbler and eight others were hauled off in a police van following Three SUlow.ns, scheduled to by September or October, govern· for a planned Communist takeover of the neutraltst southeast ASia last June, lost even that narrow one of tbe protests. The other eight I notes said. ment sources said Tuesday. THE NOTE CLAIMED that the .pp.. r in court in_ Clirlc.dllt, They will constitute the first ele· kingdom. margin in Monday's 26th National were charged, but H!bbler was eling a downtown slore. About an idea of a multilateral nuclear force MIlS" Thursd.y, - .nnounced ments in President Charles de Diplomatic sources !nld the Soviet Union is losing control over the Elections in whieb Le ter B. Pear· freed . after. about 30 mmutes. . hour before he was apprehended had been thought up as a method Tuesd.y after_ that they Gaulle's planned French national Communist forces in Laos and neighboring Viet Nam and that Commu· son's Liberal Party emerged the Polt~e said they had taken Hlb· the Negro entertainer told newsmen of giving atomic weapons to West would forfeit $201 bond .nCI . not nuclear force. France, the sources nist China had touched oCf the wi nn er. Political observers consid· ~Ier m~o custody . because they he had no desire to go to jail, but Germany and charged that NATO .ppell'. sa id, has a sma ll stOCkpile of crisis to win grealer influence. Palhet Lao was among issues un. ered it a rebuke for Diefenbaker's couldn t .Ieave a bhnd man on the was determined to help with the was working out an armaments According to Oil. Hurlim.n, atomic bombs. It has been carry· 'l f d . te ' der review today at a day.long anti·American campaign and reo street Without anybody to take liesegregation drive. plan Cor decades ahead, suggesting G, lowl City, the student ch.,..ed I n Th aland, de ense an m rlOl' Cusa l to arm Canadian military care of him ." 0 f th . k d 'th ing oul test explosions since 1961. a further reason for lack of prog· with resisting .rrest - Don ministries alerted military and meeting of the Soulheast Asia forces with nuclear weapons as When picked up outside a ~own. Hib~fe r 0 was o~e :~ftee m~: . WI re s in disarmament negotiations. Flockhart, A4, Boone - decided • • • civilian officials to be ready for Treaty Organization (SEATO ) part of the United States Defense town department store, Hibbler The notes called for complete not to return to Mlnlsslppl. BUENOS AIRES (uPI) - Al'my Council of Ministers. System. was carrying .a Big,," reading: "Why The others taken into custodY Hurlim.n •• Id the other twD Gen. Enrique Rauch became In· any eventuality. There was specu· . I ded N g pedeslrl'an who the general disarmament, a ba n The 67.year.old pral'rl'e lawyer's buy segregatIOn ? . me u aero 0'1 nuclear weapons, an end to over· member. of the group, ROil terior Minister Tuesday once again lotion that if the situation worsens Rusk, in a major speech to a . . Twelve other demonstrators were refused a police order to "move D.nlelson, A3, Burlln,ton .nd to round out President Jose M. the United States would repeat its closed door session of the confer· Conservative . party retamed only arrested during the day, bringing on," and three others who took seas base, a nuclear test ban I treaty and a non'aggression pact John Goul.t, Al, CeeI.r R.picls, Guido's cabinet. He succeeded crisis action of two years ago when ence, ~~scribed the Laos. f!~hting 96 members m the 265·seat House to 105 the total number taken into stats in a department store restau. felt thot th.y h.d little IIkell, Rodolfo Martinez who 'resigned at it sent 6,000 troops to Thailand. as a matter of concel n. of Commons. . cusLody since Dr. Martin Lutber rant. between the NATO and Warsaw pact powers. hood of winnIng their own u ... the height of last week's military In Laos, a three·man interna· French Foreign Minister Maurice The lion's share of the seals, 128 1King kicked orr a renewed de· The while man who was taken on ch.rg.. .. minor tr.Hlc vie­ crisis. tional truce team announced it will Couve de MurviUe echoed Rusk 's of them, went to the Liberal party segregation drive in this southern into custody with a pistol in his I.tiens, o • • fly to the Plain of Jars today to fears with a warning that Laos altbough it still was (lve short of Istee l town a week ago. possession was picked up outside Since Flockh.rt, for whom MOSCOW (U PI) - The Govern· try to halt ~he fighting between is giving "cause for anxiety." I the . n~mber necessary to form a One of King 's lieutenants has one of the stores where a demon· The Weather NAACP counsel tl.d been pre· ment announced Tuesday that the Ihe Co.mmuOist Pathet Lao ~n~ . It was the second successive day majOrity government. Isaid the drive was started because straUon was in progress. vided, will not be • ..,.arillfl f.r powerful Central Committee of the neutrahst forces before a new CIVll j that Western and AsiAn ministers The results gave Pearson, who downtown store owners reneged on He walked up to one oC the of· P.rtly cloudy thl'OUlh tonltht try I, Ind slnc • .HurlllMn ,.1cI '. Soviet Oommunist Party wjJl con· war erupts. of the eight·nation defense alliance promised to put nuclear weapons a promise 10 desegregate restau· ficers and asked : "Do you need with high t.y ne.r 55. Slightly the group hi, wa. tM vene In Moscow May 28 fol' a rna The mounlll'l~ cri is in L , o~ Ih<\d turned Iheir :lllontion to dis· on Canadian soil, a olid 31.~eall rants and IUllch counters. any lielp ?". He was later freed w.rmer with Incr.. s!ng cloudi· most likely to be w.... th • .four '\ior I'cvtcw of key ideolol(lcnl is· whel'e the neull':llists have surfer~d lUl'hing southeasl Asioll lIevrlnp· edge over ~is chi eC Ol)ponents in thl' Hibbler ond eight others wm'e when he eslabli hed he hnd II PCI'· ness .nd sc.Hertd showtr. likely st'udents c1Kided not to """\'11 to lUeS. tinging losses at ~ands of the mimts, • new 26th Pllrliament. picked up when they sta rted pick· mit to carry the iUn. Thund.y, MI ..i .. lppi. .b. Daily Iowan Congress It's Noth ing Now- JQPt OBSER~!T~~~~ Itself Is How ·friends Kill The Issue Aid to EClucation WEDNESDAY, APRIL 10, 1963 Iowa City, I.wa By ROSCOE DRUMMOND (Colleg iate Press Service) WAsmNGTON, D.C. - What is WASHINGTON, D. C. - Tbe friends o[ President Kennedy's The Reapportionment the crucial issue before the 87th new aid-to·education program are once again killing its chances Congress? Is it the tax bill or oC becoming law. medicare or aid to education? It may seem ironical - but it's nothing new. Internecine Hearing All of these are important, but strife between groups backing increased federal aid to education The three-judge federal district court panel which I am convinced that the issue have killed similar programs before. heard the uit chall nging constitutionality of the state's of highest priority on the agenda Kennedy's sweeping new omnibus education proposal would apportionment of legislative seats, and of the Shaff plan of this Congress is the reorgan­ assist American education Crom the first grade to the post·graduate which comes to a vote of the people Dec. 3, has taken the ization of Congress itself. level, through construction loans, matching funds and student loan matter under ad"isement with no indication of when a Many things need to be done to improve the future of the coun­ plans. decision will be forthcoming. try, but the most urgent need is Opponents o[ federal aid to education are this year relaxing Th court mu t rule wh ther or 110t the present ap­ to improve the future of Congress while the measure's proponents kill its chances. Once again, the portionment, which find majorities in both house and sen­ - to make sure it has a future. apparent cause of death will be the church-state dispute: the Ad· ntt' repre enting about one-third of the state's total popu­ While it talks about reforming ministration program would give $1.5 billion to assist public ele­ lation, has resulted in ~in"idious discrimination ~ against everybody else and does nothing mentary and secondary schools, with no aid to go to private schools urban counties. It also must consider the state's argument, about reforming at the same level. which was based largely on the premise that the Iowa itself, Congress is reck I e s sly The main antagonists in the dispute are the National Education electorate has a way to remedy the present ituation. The throwing a way Association (NEA ), wbich considers the Administration plan near­ argum nt is based on the now-famous Baker-Carr decision voter confidence perfect, and the National Catholic Welfare Conference, which as· in Tennessee. In this case, the U.. supreme court held that in its capacity to serts the program is unfair to parents who pay public school taxes transact the pub­ it had jurisdiction because th people of Tennessee had no as well as extra tuition to send their children to parochial and lic business. The private schools. way to remedy a situation which resulted from no reap­ fact is Congress has already lost Backers of the Administration plan assert tbat federal aid to portionment of gL~lalive s ats in more tJlan ycars_ I 60 its capacity to private and church·supported schools violates the Constitution and In the Iowa case the state argued that the people transact the pub­ the traditional doctrine of separation of church and state - while }lave the opportunity every 10 years to vote for a constitu­ lic bus i n e s s the opponents hold that the Administration's way of doing things tional convention where reapportionment of legislative seats carefully, responsibly and eCCi­ would discriminate against Catholic and the other taxpayers who ciently. It has lost it by attempt. also pay to support private schools. These opposing views are held could be carried out. Atty. Cen. Hultman held that ina - ing to deal with space·age prob­ by a sufIicient number of Congressmen to block passage of the much as the people voted against a convention they are legislation entirely, as indeed happened in the last Congress. lems with iron-age tools. lie and the satisfied WiUl U1e present apportionm nt. Look at one example: There are some indications that the two factions may com­ were bound TIJere is no question that the fight which brought out The Senate's Government Op­ promise to get some of the legislation through Congresli, but the 10 the public but a r cord vote on the convention

. - """...... >Ii TYE DAI LY lOWAH-lowa City, Ia..-Wtdn.sda.y, April .l0, 19U-Pag, 3 Tell of 'Stooges' in Ce"s- Fe~eral ~gents Sir Win ston American Skindivers Given Raid Chicago Is Y.B~ Citizen WASHING(I'ON (uPIl - President Kennedy Tuesday bestowed In praiSing Sir Winston, the Pre ident said: Honorary U_S. Citizenship upon Sir Winston Churchill and lauded him " IN THE DARK days and darker nighls when Britain stood Betting Spots as a man who e courage, faith and zest for freedom are truly inde­ alone-and most men save Englishmen despaired o{ England's life­ Freedom From Cuban Jails structible. he mobilized the English language and sent it into battle. The in· CHICAGO (UPl) - An army o( The British statesman responded with a message that waved candescent quality of his words illuminated the courage o{ his coun· HOM ESTEAD AIR FORCE BASE, Fla. (UPI) - Nine ' lhan the others. He blinked one eye 300 Federal agents TuesdRY swoop­ high the banner of his own "great sovereign state," expressed his trymen." Americans were freed from Cuban jails Tuesday and told how often. wife said he had lost 32 ed dOwn on 39 gambling establish· deep affectlon for the "mighty and benevolent" United Slates, and The 83-year-old Sir Win ton, unable to make the journey 10 the ' . 1 d .. ". b' lIs pounds In the l().week ordeal. rnents in the Chicago area in what paid tribute to Anglo-American comradship in World War n. United States, matched 1I1oquence for eloquence in a message read Fi de I Castro s secret servicemen ante stooges ill t elI ce "It was on the fifth night out p was described as "the largest raid "WE STOOD together," he said, "and becallse of that fact Ihe at the White House ceremony by his journalist son, Randolph. in an attempt to disprove their contention they had been ship. lhat our rudder broke in a storrn carried out in the history of Fed­ free world now slands." "1 have received many kindnesses from the United States of neeked ill the Bahamas and we had to eral gambling enforcement." The President, in his prepared remarks, had called the former \ . anchor," said Moran. He explained "Two entire syndicate book rnak· America. but the honor which you now accord me is without paral· "Man, it's good to be free again. the Shrub - Browne said, were: the Shrub was bound for the Do. ing rings" were believed involved, British Prime Minister "The most honored man to walk the stage of leI," he said. "I accept it with deep gratitude and affection ." Rice and beans just don't agree Moran of Miami. Browne's partner minican Republic to fish in of(. human history" in our time. U.S. Attorney James P. O'Brien THE MAN who once said he did not become Prime Minister of with me," said Robcrt C. Moran, in the fishing venture: Clifford O. shore waters for lobsters and said. The Presllent said he was only proposing fOrm'a1 recognition of Britain preside over the liquidation oC the British Empire did not 31, of Miami. He was second in Burnes, Lebanon, N. H.; Steven V. sharks. Internal Revenue Service (IRS) the place Sir Winston ''bas long since won in the history of freedom to command of a fishing expedition Baade, Omaha, Neb.; John R. The vessel's decks had heen piled agents raided 33 suspected book· and in the affection of my-and now his-fellow counlrymen." let the occasion pass without reaffirming his (aith and confidence in which set out from Florida Jan. 20. Klinner, Miami, President of the high with lobster traps, he said, but making establishments and six sus· his native land. PUFFING A BIG cigar with his wife Clementine at his side, ~Ir NEW YORK ATTORNEY James Southeastern Skindiving Assn.; Castro's men never saw the boat. pected wire rooms and lay-off cen· "It is a remarkable comment on our afrairs that the former Winston watched President Kennedy proclaim him an American citi· Richard Apakian, Philadelphia; "We took a poundl'ng in tbe seas ters in Calumet City. ChJcago prime minister of a great sovereign state should thus be received as B. Donovan negotiated the release DBon aIr,' d Ma d lson,' Ga .; Ch arI es and she opened up and went zen on a televisio~ broadcast seer. behind the Iron Curtain. of Moran and his companions and E Booh Accok ek aid nd lieights, Steger and Burnham. an honorary citizen of another," he said. . er, e, m ., a down," Moran said. "We took to a A federal grand jury was called The ceremony was as clear as if the event had been televised Oew with them to this air base J B M" "r say 'great sovereign state' with design and emphasis, for Ire· south of Miami. ames rown, larm. 2&-foot whaleboat, but it was leaky. into session by O'Brien's organized in London. Both sound and picture, via Relay Satellite, were what Although there were persistent "We were adrift four days and crime unit and subpoenas were television experts termed "pertect." ject the view that Britain and the Commonwealth should now be rele­ Also aboard was Floyd C. Wood· reports that the crew had num- five nights with no food at al\ and served on more than 60 witnesses A small group of Londoners assembled outside his Hyde Park gated to a lame and minor role in the world. Our past is the key to worth of Arcadia, CaliC., an Assem· bered 10 men when it left Miami, only a Iitlle water. We went over who were then interrogated. reside, ce confident the Old Warrior" would appear despite the heavy our future, which] firmly trust and believe will be no less fertile and I bly of God Missionary who was Browne and the others said there thl' side trying to make repairs, No arrests were made immedi. rain. He did-waving still another freshly lighted cigar. glorious. Let no man underrate our energies, our potentialities and jailed as a spy when other U.S. were only nine. but every time we did, the harks ately. authorities said. CHURCHILL BEAMED when Londoners outside burst into cheers our abiding power for good." mi ionaries were ousted from Browne talked before television came around and chased us OUl of "The effort was the largest oper­ at his appearance. "IN TH IS century o[ storm and tragedy I contemplate with high Cuba last month. cameras but seemed more shaken the water." ation of its kind to be carried out in Woodworth sliped away without the history of Federal gambling en· The former British Prime Minister also received an "Honorary satisfaction the constant factor of the interwoven and upward prog· talking to newsmen. forcement," O'Brien said. Cilizen's Passport," which Acting Secretary of State George W. 8a)) ress of our peoples. Our comradship and our brotherhood in war The skipper of the expedition was The Organized Crime Division in said was the only one of its kind , "a unique document {or a unique were unexampled." Jack W. Browne of Miami, who u.s. Appeals Court Rules northern Illinois, de!igned to carry citizen." Furthermore, he said, the partnership is not exclusive; "The marked his 45th birthday Monday. out Ally. Gen. Robert Kennedy's After the ceremony. the 250 guests attended a White Hou e re­ Atlantic Community is a dream that can well be fuUiIled to the delri. Like the others in his crew, he fight against syndicate hoodlums, ception where Sir Winston waSi toasted in one of his favorite bev­ ment of none and to the enduring benefit and honor of the great ~ame home looking underfed and Barnett Must Stand Trial began the investigation six months erages, Champagne. democracies." dressed in yellow sports shirts and ago, O'Brien said. NEW ORLEANS (uPI) - The U.S. Firth Circuit Court oC Appeals soiled pants, brought for the men I The 300 agents from Illibois, by Cuban officials after they ruled Tuesday that the Governor and Lieutenant Governor of Mississippi Michigan and Wisconsin began ar· l:mded. must stand trial on criminal contempt charges. But it asked the U.S. ri ring in Chicago Monday night and He and the others insisted they Supreme Court to decide whether they are entitled to a trial by jury or gathered at headquarters set up by were bound on a fishing expedition before judges only. the Air National Guard . O'Brien described the garnbling t~ the waters off the Dominican Re· The Circuit Court disclosed that Barnetl'~ and Johnson's lawyers to it was deadlocked, 4-4, on whether dismiss criminal conlempt charges. Operation as "extremely complex." public but the boat went down in said an extensive investigation the Bahamas on the mth night oul. Gov. Ross Barnett and Lt. Gov. One o{ the motions was based on HI: Paul B. Johnson Jr. should have a a claim that the Appeals Court would continue before the govern· BROWN E, GRE ET ED at the air ment seeks prosecution in Federal bose by his black·haired wife, jury trial in criminal contempt lacks jurisdiction and New Orleans charges that arose out of Negro is not the proper place (or a trial. Court. llftsy Ann, a nightclub dancer, O'Brien said the "intricate" commented that "things have im· James Meredith's enrollment at The deadlock by the nine-memo the University of Mississippi. gambling operation involved plac· provell a bit" since he was last in ber court on whether to give Bar· ing bets with bartenders who called prison in Cuba in 1960. The Appeals Court did not rule nett and Jolmson a jury trial arose on whether Barnett and Johnson thern into a wire center. A "· That time he had taken a boat to out of the fact that Judge Joseph C. ner" went to the tavern each day will be lried in New Orleans or in Hutcheson Jr. of Houston is ill. Cuba for repairs and was held for Mississippi, nor did it rule on a de· to settle with the bartender for bets TYPING SERVICE ROOMS fOR RENT HOUSE FOR SALE six weeks. Chief Judge Elbert Tuttle of At· placed and the pay-of{s, O'Brien fense motion to separate the trialS lanta and Judges Richard T. Rives The others aboard the vessel - said. "sl·ng Rates OPAL BURKHART Electric Typlnl!. FOR RENT: Single and double rooms. ATTRACTIVE 2·bedroom homc. Coral- of the two state executives. o( Montgornery, Ala., John R. Advert. Experlence.d. Accurate. 8·5723. ~19R Male. 8-8591. '-27R ville. Full ba ment. attached ,ar· The Justice Department charged IRS laws call for heavy fines and .,e. Excellent terms. 807 8th Ave. Brown of Houston and John Minor imprisonment for failure to regis­ TYPING: Electric typwr\ter. Short S NlCE approved room. Graduate or 7·7909. ..17 that Barnett and Jhonson refused Wisdom of New Orleans ruled that 'l'IIne DIY' .. ... _... lie • Word plptlr and theal•. 7·3843. ..2IAR undergraduate boya. Summer se.. Sl SUlowans to carry out court orders to admit ter with the IRS. The law also pre· 8h Day...... _.. _.. 1k. Word lion. 7·3205. G-2R Barnett and Johnson are not en· scribes heavy penalties for failure NANCY K2USE rOM electrIc typing MISC. fOR SALE Meredith to the university. Two titled to jury trial. Twa Day, ...... lie. Word ..nice . Dial 8-8854 . ..3OAR white persons were killed in riots to file monthly returns to pay the Receive Bonus Judges Ben Cameron of Meri­ required 10 per cent e¥cise tax. ODe KOIItb _...... ~ • Word DORIS DELANEY electric typing serv- ___A_ P_P_R_O_V_E_D_H_O_U_S_IN_G_ CONN DIrector Trumpet, ease. Good when Meredith enrolled last Sep· Ice. x~ or 7-598&. ..30AR shape. Cill 7·8496. 4·29 dian, Miss., Warren Jones of Jack· O'Brien said none of the individuals tember under the protection o[ U.S. sonville, Ala ., Walter P .. Gewin of (Minimum Ad, 8 WordlJ MEN, approved hou,ln" wHh cook· BENDIX automatic combination w"I,. or taverns raided was registered In. laclllUes. Phone 7·5652. '·20 er.dryer. YellOW. Bunk beds, "TV Board Awards Marshals. Tuscaloosa, Ala. , and GriC{i.n B. r or CooaeeutJve IaaerUoaI TYt!~~~e~~eJ3t~c,.~N: accura\~30~ nor had flled monthly returns. antennal all under 1 year old. Sell The Appeals Court has already Bell of Atlanla rulled that they are TYPING, mlmeo,rapbing. Notary Pub- Quick. 0-0206. 4-13 Firty-one SUI students have been ClASSIPI ED DISPLAY AD. Uc. Mary V. Burna. 400 Iowa State HOME fOR RENT named as recipients of $75 Iowa found Barnett and Johnson guilty entitled to ju~y trial. Bank Bid,. Dill 7-26M. 502R 1957 MERCURY. Girls 20" bicycle. 30" College, Bonus Board scholarships to help of civil contempt charges but has The Appeals jUllges said they are 'fouth Work Bill 0IIe IIIMrtlon • MonttI ....S U S------SUB.LEASE modern, furnished, 3. rldlni lawn mower. All III excellent "evenly divided in their opinion as RATES trom 20 cents a pale. Will bedroom house. Available JUDe 5th condition. x2844. 4·11 Audi· defray expenses for the second se­ not decided what fine they must PlY. In"rtlonl a Month .. . $1.15- pick up and deliver. 7-5583. '-30 to Sept. 1,t. 338-74040. '.20 pay. They could be sent to prison i[ to the correct answer to a question T... In.. rtlon l _ Menth .. _. . 1.15" mester of the 1962·63 school year. Clears GOP Block JERRY NYALL: Electric IBM typing. LARGE 3 room cotta,e, furnl.hed. WHO DOES In The awards are designated by the convicted of criminal contempt of law." Phone 8-1330. '·eAR 7.3703. '.28 Acts 01 charges. eRma fw ... CoMnG JfICIl "Mass Board for children of deceased WASHINGTON (UPIl - The TYPING, fait, aecurate, experienced. BICYCLES: Sold and repaired. Don'. Iowa veterans. In a ISS·page ruling, the ~ppeals Bus Driver Found Senate Tuesday defeated a Repub· 8-8110. HAR APARTMENTS FOR RENT Bicycle Shop. Coralville. 8-8388. '-8 The following were named: Cc,urt abruptly rejected motIons by lican move to send President Ken· Phone 7-4191 TYPING: Experienced In UnIversity Ellen BraIn. A2, Agency; Betty Ann nedy's Youth Employment Bill thesIS manuscrIpt, etc. ElectrIc LOVELY furnJshed apt. above Lubin's FrIts, At, AlbIa; Glenn Truesdell, AI, I Iyptlwrll.r (elite). DIal 7·22404 . 5·7AR Drug Store suitable tor 2. All utili· Yo ung'~ Studio Slain in Chicago back to committee. Administration tie. lurnlshed. $90 a month. Dial ArUngto~; Wanace Snyder, A3, Belle I HAVE English B.A. will Iype. Betty Plaine; "asey KIplinger, AI, Carllsle' leaders predicted Senate passage StevclllS. 8·142.. 5·9AR 7·3952 or 8·3579. 5.. QUALITY SELECTION Barbara Balleylo AI, Cedar Falls; Carol CHICAGO (UPI) - The bOdy of before Easter. MlI1ch, A2, "edar RapIds; Gerald SCORE Meei' FrNE large apt. No children. 8-1326. 5·2 FRAMES AND MATS WInter, A2, Cedar RapIds; Robert a man packed in dry ice and insula­ Winter, A2, Cedar RapIds; tion was round by FBI agents Tues. The vot was 58 to 29 aaain t WANTED ServIce Value James MueUer B4, Cherokee' Cheryl day in a car parked at O'Hare In. sending the measure to the Interior HELP WANTED 3 So. Dubuque St. 7-'158 Co', AI, Clear Like; Robert Clausen, ternational Airport {or about two Committee [or further study. mONlNGS. Student boy. and girl.l. ------AI. Cllnton; Iva Mae Allen Sea, A2, Set for Ames 220 N. Dod,•. Reasonable prices. D.. enponi. Terry McCleerey, 1.3, Des m:)Dths. The bill, which has been given '·13 Bright future onth eAer ospace Tellll ASS'J.'U:D Tax Servce, Hoffman, :l24 S. MoInes; Mary MIkesell, A2, De. IJriJ\, 704588. 4-8R lIolnel; Robert Moul, Al De. The Student Committee on Racial Authorities identified the dead high priority by the WIIlte House, Moines; Wllllam Strausbaugh, AI, Des Equality (SCO RE) at [ow a State man tentatively as Lloyd Richard would put abou~ 65,~ youngst~rs PERSONAL HAGEN'S TV. Guaranteed televl5lon lIolnes; aervlclni by certlned servIcemen. Danielson, a Minneapolis bus to 'Nork' on pubhc pro)eCts the first ''''"' I • .nt. .. 4:. p.M. W",," 9 a.m.·9 Monday through satur­ Dale Ring, A2, Dubuque; Donald University, an officially recognized, I WALT - Scarlolte saJd to say hello. AIR FORCE p.m. Illy.. C\oaed leturUYI. An Ulrstad II, AI, Elkader; Nancy Earley autonomous campus organization, driver miSSing from his horne (or yea~. Thereafter, Congress would day. 8-3542. f.19AR I .....r leaced Ad TaIr.,. Julie. 4·9 AI. FaIrfield; Karen Horr, AI, Fori is sponsoring its second annual four months and feared the vic. deCide whether to expand or aban· win DIAPARINE Diaper Rental ServIce MadJson; Terry Noonan, E2, Ft. Madl· ..... You With Your M- by New Process Laundry. SI3 S. iOn ' Jame. Sovdy, AI, GraeWnMer; Human Relations Conference for tim of foul play. don it. MONEY LOANED --- 7iJIIIfI'" Dubuque. Phone 7·9666. HeAR Rlc~ard Fix, EI~ Granger; John Bldne, Iowa students at Iowa State April M' r)' . r The Senate accepted, 65-21, an DAILY IOWAN RI! ~ ERVI!S SEE YOUR AIR fORCE RECRUrTER AI, Iowa CltYi}ames Burke, BS Iowa .,"neapo IS po .Ice were mves I· amendment by Sens. Stuart Sym­ m. Dlamondl, Camer.l, VENETIAN blind tapo lor trailers. CIty; Gerald Monk, Aa, Iowa Cl ty. 20 and 21. rHl RIGHT TO RI!JECT ANY gatmg to determlDe whether Har· iagton, arts. Dennis JlobU~ 1955 CHEVROLET he.rd top. VB. Call WI; Robert Miller. AI, Rockwell City; Home Court. 2312 MuscatlDe ~~.:l 8.2278 aIter 6:30 p.1n. HI crude William Higgs, Mississippi here appeared to be the victim of low. City, 33704'1ll1. ,.~ Brent Balr, A2, MIO"I' John Pilling, attorney handling civil rights AI, Storm Lake; Pau Johnson, B2, a gangland·style slaying, but FBI 1957 SAFEWAY. 35x8 14)(8 flnl; hed or Story City- Jerome Cross n, AI. Vln· cases. Dr. Clarence Yarrow, reo agents said there was no visible annex, bullt·ln a1 r conditioner. AUTOMOTIVE I4n; David Frank, AI. Vinton; Sherry Priced right. 8-4921 aIter 5 p.m. t·lI GDUaU, AI , Vinton; Carol Poesch, AI, gional secretary for the American indication of the cause of death. SHORT ... \Vaukon; Friends Service Committee and 1959 _ 10xSO Slar mobile home. Two TROUBLE lettln, Auto Insurance, The body was taken to the Cook bedrooms. Good condillon. B.2217. See Bob nder• DIal 8-4638. ~ISR TALL .e Ernest Russell, executive secretary Counly Morgue and Coroner's in· AI"'~ 4·23 WE HAVE THE PROPER SIZE E GLISH BICYCLE of the Des Moines Human Rights ¥esligators began an examination. Commission. New 1"3 Std.n TO FiT YOU ... We carry four different frame Agents said the h~ad of the victirn LAUNDERETTES izes in both men's and women's bicycles _ .. Ride Additional infor rnation on regis· was bent over between his legs. VOLKSWAGEN I tration and housing accommoda· Patrolman Robert Fitzgerald said $180 Down with Qu.Kfled Credit a bicycle tbat fits you for a maxjmum of efficiency tions for the conference may be the car had been in the airport HIstory WASH EIGHT THROW RUGS and dignity as YOll p dal to and from classes and obtained from SCORE at Iowa parking lot about two months. The IN BIG BOY other campus activities. State Memorial Union, Ames. FBI was called into the investiga· Th.n dry th. m If tion because the vehicle had Min- ~ nesota license plates. I DOWNTOWN LAUNDEREnE Imports, Inc. NOVOTNY'S CYCLE CENTER , louth lummlt at walnut 226 S. Clinton phone 337-2115 220 SOUTH CLI TON • PHO E 7-5525 I S.<.. 8y lohnD.y &rt I IF THAT'S, TRLlE , HE 'M:IUI.D HAve 7:00 WE 50~V CAME FRCf/\ AREN'r 'lbu OVEREM~AS I Z IN& 1 8:00 soMEWHERE. To BE ~e: ~r cF DI VINe;., I1ls qUAL.IFICATlot-J6 ? I 9:45 10:00 ANt> ITS My' BE\.. i~F TH AT ~ SUPR.e:ME SE.4N~. AND I VVEF!.E CREATED BY L SOME:Oo\J f= j 'i~ 'Free Pick-up and Delivery Shirts Repairs FluH and Fold Sweaters

C '...... __ ' J"...... w ..... T..... tot. ...

_4 ...... ~~ \1'arsity Cleaners IEETLI lAKIY I, Mort wal_ Phon. 7-4153 17 E. WlShington

Bl l!. L BENNINGHOFF, 14-year·old Ion of Mr. alld Mrs . Rich· Chtdced 'I'd Benninghoff, 700 S. Sunset, takes the "Carrier Spetll,ht" todirv. An 8th ,rade , ...... , at St_ Patrick', ,chool, Bill has Sure Sign of Flavor betn '. fait"',. Dally Iowan carrier for two YIBrs. He pasSiS more ....n eo DI', on West BentCMI Street nerth of Mar'-tte DAIRY PRODUCTS Avenue, :.nd from Sun,,' .., t to Crflcent Stree'. His rovte Include, deliv.rla, to the lar,. GrandView Court and B.nton Str ..t .putmenh. Bill takes part III flriOft athl.tic .ames . t St. P.trlck'i .nd toYI with model urs III Ills s,ar. tim •. His lath.r II SlIf·employed as an Iowa City building con­ tr.ctor. drier,;' P,ge 4-THE DAILY IOWAN-I.w. CIty, I•• -Wedn.sday, April 10, 1963 Giants Also Win-- I I NEW YORK I.fI - The Polo Grounds, which son and John !l1cG1'8W, Carl Yktbbell and Mel 0It Yankees Use 13 Allac/{ has had more farewell seasons thon Sarah Bern· and Bill Terry, Leo Durocher and Willie Mays and hardt or even Stan Musial, is finally going to be Bobby Thomson's , just as there were all tOl'n down, maybe. the other times that lhe Polo Grounds was doomed. When they do get around to the job, there will But what the stories won 't say is that the Polo M be much nostalgia dripped about the place. To Sink Kansas City, 8-2 Grounds is a dim, dark barn on a good day. and l This is fitting and proper, since grell! and cold, drafty, clammy one on a bad one. ON C, KA I SAS CITY (AP) - The New York Yankees, backed by stirring things occurred there. But if the truth The parking lot holds seven Volkswagens and * * * be known , the joint should have been ripped down THE ~ Ralph Terry's six-hit pitchjng with a 13-bit assault, including two the team bus. Traffi c gets so bad people hm 4 H Hel years ago. been known to abandon taxis a mile away and open too solo homers b Joe Pepitone and EI ton Howard's two-run omers p As a baseball park , it is hopeless for watching, walk. p.m. The fiendish for working and dreadful for playing - homer, crushed Kansas City 8-2 in their season opencr Tucsday. f Once there, you can spend three flgb(. 8 a.m. t. and has been for years. today. Til The world champions removed - - ing your way through two tiny entrance gates, Ge1ants De eat The opened up in the hallowed opeD unt any doubts of the outcome with a St L . Sh tOt and another three innings finding your seat througk four-run fifth , knocking out Diego • old Grounds again this year for what Is billed ou IS U S U lhe maze of haphazard concrete ramps lbat dip Segui. Athletics statter. Howard's I as the positively last time. l\ spanking new stadium SUI'S' M B I' and swirl and lair off into dead ends. two-run blow came in the fourlh. ets on rog 10 S for the Mels has been in the building a few miles hlghly-ral Rookie catcher Bill Bryan and T H' EH Houston Colts away for what seems about two years longer than Robinson Crusoe would have starved in there. and its C( newcomer Chuck Essegian hom- Wo- It ort it took to conslruct the pyramids. Stanley would have never found Livingstone. in SI. U ered for Kansas City. 1. HOUSTON fA'! - The San Fran· II was supposed to be ready this season, and The plumbing hasn 't been fixed since Mathew. tolls. see Terry, a 23·game winner and NEW YORK I.fI - Ernie Broglio cisco Giants backed Jack Sanford's World Series hero last sea on. shut out the New/ York Mets with five·hit pitching with home runs then in mid-season, and now it absolutely is going son's three shutouts in the aught-five Series. permitted only one base runner two hits, retiring 20 baUers in a Tuesday as the Giants opened de· to be ready for 1964, although 11 is unlikely that The hole Ralph Branca kicked in the wall after IN THI • until the sixth . row from the second to the ninth, fense of their National League the Mets will be. he threw the home run ball to Thomson in 1951 , police New York ." .. 010 240 DID- I 13 0 and George Altman slammed four pennant by defeating the Houston And then the old Polo Grounds will finally be is still there. rested HI Kansas City . 000 000 011- 2 & I h' T d . 7 0 SL L . C It 9 2 Terry and Howard; Se,ul, Wicker· ItS ues ay m a - . OUIS 0 S ' . knocked down and replaced with a housing de­ To get to the dressing rooms, the players ey, who " sham (S., Fischer In, Pen. (I) and Cardinal opening day victory at Sanford, the Giants' ace right- velopment, a parking lot or a pastrami stand. have to jog all the way through a miUing mob 0/ (alse $65 Bryan. W - Terry (1.0). L - Se,ul tbe Polo Grounds. h d t h' k' I Iowo, St (11- 1). hander, a a wo° Iller wor mg In the shape it's in, it never will be missed. friendly souls bent on snatching their caps, gloves, J/ome run. - New York Pepitone A crowd of 25,849, lured by the and had driven in three runs with Spurri 2 12). Howard II). Kansal City, Bf'yan prospects of seel'ng Duke Snider There will be the stories about Christy Mathew- shoes or anything else they can detach. I, Esseglan 1. a and a single before seek- jail Wed and other additions to the re- ing excellent relief from Jack mal boo vamped Mets, saw lhe Cards bat- Fisher when the Colts opened the Drysdale ter Roger Craig, Don Rowe and sixth with three consecutive Iowa Tennis Team. Opens IOWA Galen Cisco for 14 hits - 12 of singles. children Cheers for White them oCC Craig. Willie McCovey and Felipe Alou vacation. Stops Cubs After Larry Burright led oCf the added to the Giant power attack closed t Bill Whit. (12) of tIM St. Louis C.rdinals is congratulated by team· first with a single to center, the by blasting homers into {he right Season Today ,Despite , Girl when the m.t.s at the dugout .fter hitting a home run In the third Inning In Opener Mets went hiUelSS until Burright, and left-center stand in the eighth . Iowa's tennis team will open the usua an ex-Los Angeles Dodger, opened San 041 100 021- 9 17 3 • ,.Inlt th. N.w York Mets at New York's Polo Grounds Tuesday. ~' ranelsco their 1963 season toelay at Washing . ford W. CHICAGO (.fI - RIght-hander the ninth with a double. Houston ..... 000 002 000- 2 5 I It WI' the opening glme of the $Ilson for both teams. St. Louis st. Loul& ...... 202 003 000- 7 14 0 Sanford and Haller; Farrell, Kern· ton University of St. Louis. Don Drysdale, a 25-game winner New York .. ... 000 000 000- 0 2 2 merer (4), Woodeshlck (6) and Camp- won 7-0. last year, opened the season by B II I ld S It,kl C I, Rpwe bell. W - Sanlord (1-0) . L - Farrell The Hawkeyes will be facing I (8), r~o \8) Co\em~"n . ' W - (O·ll. AMERICAN LEAGUE team which has a girl on its squad. hurling the Bro,II0 (1.0). L::a - Cral, (11-1 ). Home runl - Sin Francisco, Ceo W. L. Pet. to a 5-1 victory over the Chicago Home N.n - SI. Louis, While I. peda I, Mays I, McCovey I, F. Alou 1. Baltimore ...... I 0 1.000 The girl - Carol Hanks - is the Cubs Tuesday. 12th ranked women's tennis player Hawkeyes Rally in Ninth A crowd held down to 18,589 by * * * H Idl H ~~~alo°rk " :.:": t g l : ~ in the United Stales and is the cur· a brisk wind and near free ling Casey Laments e S omer :~k~t:~~el ~ I ::::::: ~ ~ I:e rent National Women's Indoor temperature saw Dodger shortstop Minnesota . . .. 0 I .000 Champion . Maury Wills leave the game with Miss Hanks has caused a sloem To Win 6th Straight Game an injured ankle. Mets' Problems Wh e T. ~~~~I! City ".:.: :. g t :ggg Washington ...... 0 I .000 in collegiate circles this spring be­ The Cubs reached Drysdale for / IpS wins Tueiday" .....It. MACOMB. Ill. fA'I - Iowa won its / NEW YORK fA'I - "The trouble Now York 8... Kansas City 2 cause she is a woman playing on a 11 hits but Ihe winner of the Cy Chicago 7, uctroll 6 men's team against men perform­ fifth straight baseball victory Tues· The Hawkeye baseball team with this here ballclub of mine to· Cleveland 6, Mlnnesola 4 Young award last season was fA'I - Los ers. Both Illinois and Indiana can· will wind up their six game series day was that the individual players ST. PAUL-MINNEAPOLIS Boslon at Angele. - night day, dropping Western Illinoi s 6-3. helped by three double plays, gain­ Cleveland cracked four home runs Today'. Probable celed matches against Washington THE against Western Illinois today at ing his sixth straight victory over didn't work collectively together New York 1St afford 14·9) al Kansas For the second day the Hawkeyes h th did ' of[ Camillo Pascual, the deciding Cit y (Bowsfleld 9,8). after learning that Miss Hanks through i Macomb. The Hawkeyes will be Chicago. a~ a team t e way ey m blow a tremendous blast in Chicago (FI.her 9·5) at Dotrolt would play against them. Wednesd Deeded a ninth·inll ing splu rge to at Bradley for a four game se­ Wills, who stole a record 104 ." (AI/ulrre 18-B). win. Matt Syzkowny startrd the Who else but Casey Stengel could the seventh inning by Woody Held, ChIcago (Fisher 9·5) at Oetrolt Dr. Don Klotz, Iowa tennis coacb, bill to ra ries Thursday, F"iday and Satur­ bases last year. apparently in­ replace 1 Hawks, half of the last Crome with day. They will return home to jured the ankle in the third inning make such a statement and still to edge the Minnesota Twins 5-4 ( A~:::~~fanI3-81Mcoowell 3.7) at Mlnne. said hi s team would play agailllt · d" tt t' ? Tuesday in the opener for both sota (1

• /