Minutes of Taff’s Well & Nantgarw Community Council held at:- Taff’s Well Village Hall on Monday 28 September 2009

PRESENT : Cllrs: - C Dyke (Chairperson), S Lintern, L. Thomas, Megan Jones, Fred Meech, J Bonetto and A. Evans,

APOLOGIES , Cllrs:- Tracy Williams, Pat Prothroe and C E Griffin.

Also present : Clerk to the Council Derek Allinson;

MINUTE No: 1/09/09 DISCLOSURES OF PERSONAL INTEREST: No declarations of interest were recorded.

MINUTE No: 2/9/09 POLICE MATTERS: Apologies were received from the police authority representatives who were engaged on operational duties.

MINUTE NO: 3/9/09 MINUTES OF PREVIOUS MEETING: The meeting held on 30 July 2009 were confirmed as a true record and signed by the Chairman:

MINUTE No: 4/9/09 MATTERS ARISING FROM MINUTES: The Clerk sought clarification as to what was required in respect of Christmas lights for Taff’s Well. It was agreed to get estimates for a Christmas tree to be placed outside of the Taff’s Well Village Hall.


PLANNING APPEAL – TY RHIW CHAPEL The Clerk informed members that there was little to report since the last meeting. The planning inspector had visited the site on Wednesday 16 September and said that it would be approximately 5 weeks before a final determination is made.

Further reports will be presented at the next meeting.

BMX TRACK – TY RHIW PARK The Clerk reported that the BMX track at Ty Rhiw Park, which was jointly funded by the Community Council, had finally been installed and appeared to be well used by local youngsters.

The County Council will now invoice the Community Council for its contribution.

An initial article had been placed on the Community Council’s website and the Clerk will prepare an article for the newsletter.

GRASS & ROAD MAINTENANCE PROGRAMME 2009 -2010 Members’ approved payment of the invoice from Crown Gardening Services in the sum of £775.15.

The Clerk will request a further monitoring report for the November meeting.

COMPLAINT TO PUBLIC SERVICES OMBUDSMAN The Clerk reported that during the summer period County Councillor Hobson had published, on his website, a number of serious allegations in respect of the Community Council and on actions taken by the Clerk. At least two of the allegations, if substantiated, would amount to criminal offences: namely:

(1) that the Clerk colluded with officers of the County Council in respect of the planning appeal for Ty Rhiw and (2) that the Community Council solicited and collected cash donations in respect the proposal to renovate the Chapel at Ty Rhiw.


Councillor Hobson had twice been told that as these matters constitute a criminal offences he should immediately report any evidence he had to the police but had chosen not to do.

The Clerk informed Members that following a complaint, by the Clerk, the County Council’s Monitoring officer had already investigated the first allegation and informed Councillor Hobson that there was no evidence to substantiate his claims. However, he continues to make the allegation.

Given the seriousness of the allegations the Clerk has made a formal complaint to the Public Services Ombudsman on grounds that Councillor Adrian Hobson has breached the Code of Conduct for elected members by publishing untrue statements and making false allegation in respect of the Community Council and its Clerk.

The complaints are as follows:-

1) The Member concerned predetermined a planning application submitted by Taff’s Well Community Council and failed to declare an interest at subsequent meetings.

2) The Member made a public statement that the Clerk to the Community Council (the complainant) colluded with Officers of the County Council during the subsequent appeal process and despite a report from the County Council’s Monitoring Officer that there was no substance to the claim has refused to withdraw the allegation

3) Made untrue and derogatory statements on his website that the planning inspectorate had rejected the planning appeal and “told the Clerk to rewrite it”

4) Made untrue and derogatory statements on his website that the Clerk had refused to provide residents with details of the Council’s accounts.

5) Made untrue statements that the Community Council had been collecting cash donations in respect of the proposal to refurbish the Chapel.

The Clerk confirmed that these complaints will now be considered by the Public Services Ombudsman and a full report of his findings will be reported to the Council.

APPLICATION FOR FUNDING Members received applications for grant aid from the following organisations:

1. Nantgarw OAP Association. Members agreed to award a grant of £250 2. Valley Kids Club (3 Peaks Challenge). Members agreed to award a grant of £250 3. Velindre Hospital. Members agreed to award a grant of £250

ANNUAL ACCOUNTS – AUDIT OFFICE The Clerk reported that the Wales Audit Office had finally agreed the accounts for the period 2002-2003, 2003-2004, 2004-2005, 2005-2006. It will now publish its report on these matters. Whilst there were no discrepancies in the accounts the Audit Office was concerned that the previous Clerk had failed to keep adequate records and these comments will be made within their report.

The Clerk informed Members that now that these figures have been agreed the accounts from 2007 will be forwarded to Mazars LLP who is now contracted, by the commission, to oversee the Annual Accounts of Community Council’s in Wales.


NEW ALLOTMENT AND COMMUNITY GARDEN SITE The Community Council had previously agreed that it would support a proposal by the Taff’s Well and Nantgarw Allotments Association to develop the site of the current “horse field” at Parish Road into new Allotments and a Community Garden Area.

In order that there was no ambiguity in respect of who was responsible for what elements of the project the Clerk had ‘drawn up’ a Memorandum of Understanding between the Allotment Association and the Community Council which outlined the responsibility and duties of each party.

After full consideration members approved the Memorandum of Understanding.

The Clerk reported that considerable work was needed to convert the “horse field” into an allotment site and it is possible that new members might be put off by the amount of preparation work that would be needed. It was therefore agreed to waive the fee of the NEW allotment plots for the first two years. At the end of this period plot holders would be charged the same rate as those in the existing allotment.


Cllr L Thomas Reported that a water leak had again appeared on Road, outside of the Ferris garage, it was agreed that this matter reported to the County Council’s Highway Authority.

Expressed concern that for some considerable time a camper van had been parked on the pavement at Moy Road. It was agreed that the Clerk would contact the neighbourhood policing team and ask them to look into the matter.

Cllr J Bonetto Informed the members that Councillor Protheroe had requested that the issue of lighting the pathways through Brynau Woods be raised with the County Council, the paths were used extensively by young people going to school but in the winter months was dark and, in her opinion, unsafe. It was agreed that the Clerk would raise this matter with the County Council.

The member expressed her concern over the state of the pavements throughout Ty Rhiw and the Views. It was agreed that the Clerk would contact the highways department and ask that a programme of works be undertaken to improve the situation.

Reported, that a member of the public had expressed concern over the condition of the bus shelter outside of the Taff’s Well Inn. The Clerk confirmed that windows had again been smashed and that the glass panels had been removed. The Clerk reminded members that they had previously resolved that no additional monies would be spent on maintaining these outdated shelters and that the County Council be requested to adopt them. The Clerk would pursue this matter with the County Council and press for a decision on these matters.

Cllr S Lintern Expressed her concern that the street light located at Tai Duffryn was continually on, this matter had been reported to the street lighting department but they claimed that the light was not on their register. It was agreed that the Clerk would identify the number and exact location of the light and pursue the matter.

Requested that action be taken to remove rubbish left by flytippers in the car park of the Pottery Taff’s Well. It was agreed that the Clerk would pursue this matter.

Expressed her concern about the overgrowth of trees and shrubbery on the footbridge over the A470, the overgrowth made the footbridge very slippery and dark as it limited the lighting on the bridge. The Member had raised this matter with the Highways section, of the Welsh Office, but requested that the Council also write requesting the work to be undertaken.


Cllr C Dyke Informed Members that, Police Sergeant Andy Rogers had completed the Three Peaks challenge to raise monies for the Valleys Kids Project and requested that a donation be given by the Council, the Clerk confirmed that whilst it was not possible to sponsor an individual it was permissible to provide a grant for the project. It was agreed that a grant of £250 be awarded to the Valleys Kids project.

On a similar vein members were informed that a local girl, Miss Kate O’Conner, had also been involved in activities to raise monies for Velindre Hospital. It was agreed that a donation of £250 also be made to this project.

Cllr Megan Jones Requested, that the County Council be requested to cut back the overgrowth of hedges and trees on Ty Rhiw Hill and in Brynau Woods.

Expressed concern about damage to the pavements, outside the old Nat West Bank, Cardiff Road, caused by Lorries and cars mounting the pavement. It was agreed that the Clerk would contact the county council and request that remedial action be taken.

MINUTE No; 7/9/09 FINANCIAL REPORT: The Clerk presented Members with details of current balances within the Community Council’s Current and deposit accounts. Members approved payment of the accounts presented in the sum of £899.67 for August 2009 and £1,858.82 for the September 2009

In addition Members approved grant of £250 each to the following organisations Nantgarw OAP Association, Valley Kids Club and Velindre Hospital

Total expenditure £3,508.49

MINUTE No: 8/9/2009 PLANNING APPLICATIONS: Members’ received the following planning application and resolved that the following observations be made known to the County Council.

09/0845/10 Celtic Carpets & Change of use of former vehicle Subject to full consultation with Flooring tyre depot and offices to carpet neighbouring properties the Unit C4A showroom and offices at:- 30 Community Council would raise Garth Works CAERPHILLY ROAD, no objection to this application Taff’s Well NANTGARW, CARDIFF Cardiff

09/0745/10 Taff’s Well RFC Proposed conservatory extension Subject to full consultation with Maes Gwyn at:-TAFFS WELL RFC, neighbouring properties the Glan y Llyn MAES GWYN, GLAN Y LLYN , Community Council would raise Taff’s Well TAFF’S WELL. CARDIFF no objection to this application Cardiff

09/0831/10 Miss S Edwards Construction of 5 new detached Subject to full consultation with Steadman Architectural houses on land rear of 58-60 neighbouring properties the 18 Tuberville Place RHIW'R DDAR, TAFFS WELL Community Council would raise Pontcanna 7QE no objection to this application Cardiff


09/0961/10 Construction of new educational Subject to full consultation with Ynys Terrace buildings on vacant land including neighbouring properties the Rhydyfelin a separate crèche and energy centre Community Council would raise with ancillary parking and amenity no objection to this application CF37 5RN spaces on LAND ADJACENT TO . HEOL CROCHENDY, PARC NANTGARW

MINUTE No: 9/9/09 PUBLIC SESSION: Members of the public were present and raised the following issues:-

Ty Rhiw Chapel A member of the public sought clarification in respect of rumours that the Community Council were proposing to run a youth club from the chapel and that facilities were being transferred from Ty Rhiw Community Centre.

The Clerk confirmed that the rumours were unfounded and that during the planning process the Council had informed the planning authority that it was happy to have a condition attached which prohibited this type of use,

In respect of the transfer of facilities from Ty Rhiw Community Centre he confirmed that there had never been any discussion or intention to transfer any facilities.

MINUTE No; 10/9/09 A.O.B.

The following date and venue was confirmed for the next Meeting;

Monday 26 October 2009 at the Tawelfryn Community Centre

Meeting to commence at 7 pm

With no further business to discuss the meeting was closed at 8.23 pm.

