NOTICE UNDER SECTION 8 (2) (b). It is hereby notified under sub­paragraph (b) of paragraph (2) of Regula­ tion 8 of the Forest Regulations, that rules for the management of the under­ mentioned Village Fuel Areas have been made by the Commissions of the undermentioned villages and approved by me. These rules have been posted up in conspicuous places in the said villages :— Styllos, Arnadhi, Ayios Yeoryios, , , Sandalaris, Akhna, and Prastio. , G. S. SAWIDES, 30th March, 1955. for Commisnoner of Famagusta. (M.P. 8101/55,)

No. 255. THE MUNICIPAL CORPORATIONS LAW. CAP. 252 AND LAWS Ι Ι OF 1950, 31 OF 1951, 20 OF 1953 AND 29 OF 1954.

BYE­LAWS MADE BY THE COUNCIL OF THE MUNICIPAL CORPORATION OF FAMAGUSTA. In exercise of the powers vested in them by the Municipal Corporations Law, and otherwise, the Council of the Municipal Corporation of Famagusta hereby make the following bye­laws :— 1. These bye­laws may be cited as the Famagusta Municipal (Amend­ Gazettes : ment No. 1) Bye­laws, 1955, and shall be read as one with the Famagusta Supplement Municipal Bye­laws, 1940 to 1954 (hereinafter referred to as " the principal No. 3 : Bye­laws ") and the principal Bye­laws and these bye­laws may together be +0 cited as the Famagusta Municipal Bye­laws, 1940 to 1955. 19.8.1954. 2. The principal Bye­laws are hereby amended by the insertion therein immediately after bye­law ζζ (as set out in Notification No. 40, Gazette No. 2811, Supplement No. 3 of 7th February, 1940) of the following bye­law :— " 55A. Every person, who exposes for sale, within any Municipal Market mentioned in bye­law 8, any goods shall display on each article a label whereon the selling price of such article is shown in large and legible characters : Provided that where an article forms one of a group of articles of the same kind and price it shall be sufficient if one label showing the selling price is displayed on the group." 3. The principal Bye­laws are hereby amended by the deletion therefrom of the Second Schedule (as set out in Notification No. 40, Cyprus Gazette No. 2811, Supplement No. 3 of 7th February, 1940, and Notification No. 140 Cyprus Gazette No. 3304, Supplement No. 3 of 8th May, 1947) and the substitution therefor of the following Schedule :— "SECOND SCHEDULE.—(Bye-law 199.) Entertainment Duty. Rates (1) On each ticket the total price of which does not exceed \\p. .. ip. (2) On each ticket the total price of which exceeds 4^. but does not exceed 1 shilling ...... zp. (3) On each ticket the total price of which exceeds 1 shilling but does not exceed 1/4^ ...... 3^. (4) On each ticket the total price of which exceeds 1/4I but does not exceed 2 shillings ...... 4p. (5) On each ticket the total price of which exceeds 2 shillings but does not exceed 3 shillings ...... 6p. (6) On each ticket the total price of which exceeds 3 shillings but does not exceed 7 shillings, for each shilling or part thereof of such price ...... ip. .. (7) On each ticket the total price of wThich exceeds 7 shillings, for 'each shilling or part thereof of such' price' ...... 3/>." 194 4· Paragraph (ι) of bye-law 252E- (as set out in Notification No. 231, Gazette No. 3124, Supplement No. 3 of 3rd July, 1944, and Notification No. 95, Gazette No. 3487, Supplement No. 3 of 16th March, 1950) is hereby deleted and the following paragraph substituted therefor :— " 252.—(1) Every licensee of an hotel classified as hotel de luxe and first class shall pay to the Town Clerk and Treasurer a fee of 6 piastres per night and every licensee of an hotel classified as second class a fee of 5 piastres per night and every licensee of an hotel classified as third class a fee of 3! piastres per night and every licensee of an hotel of any other class, a fee of 2 piastres per night in respect of every person of over ten years of age, staying or residing at such hotel."

The above Bye-laws have been approved by His Excellency the Governor. (M.P. 1961/49/2.) 1 . m JsTo. 256. THE PUBLIC HEALTH (VILLAGES) LAW. CAP. 142.

RULES MADE BY THE VILLAGE HEALTH COMMISSION OF PYROA IN THE DISTRICT OF LARNACA UNDER SECTION 9. In exercise of the powers vested in them by section 9 of the Public Health (Villages) Law, the Village Health Commission of Pyrga hereby make the following rules:— 1. These rules may be cited as the Village Health (Pyrga) Rules, 1955, and shall come into operation on their publication in the Gazette. 2— (1) Subject to the provisions of paragraphs (2) and (3) of this rule, the Village Health (Nikos) Rules, 1952, published in Supplement No. 3 to the Gazette of the 19th November, 1952, shall— (a) be deemed to be rules made by the Village Health Commission of Pyrga and to be incorporated herein; and (δ) apply to the village of Pyrga: Provided that for the word "Nikos" and for the word " Nicosia " whenever they occur in the model Rules, the word " Pyrga " and the word " Larnaca " shall be substituted respectively. _ (2) The rules set out in Part I of the Schedule hereto shall be substituted for the corresponding rules of the Village Health (Nikos) Rules, IQC2. Ρ ί3λ tT ra?Sf,th? Villa§e HeaIth (Nikos) Rules> 1952, mentioned in ­fart 11 of the Schedule hereto, shall not apply to the village of Pyrga. . Rule 19. The following fees shall be paid by the owner of or the person ■slaughtering any animal m the slaughter­house, that is to say :—

(a) For every bullock, camel, cow or ox . . ι' ζ' ψ) For every goat, kid, lamb or sheep .. ' " "' _ , 1 (c) For every swine *\

sale^nv^ili6/0110^ ffS sha?1 be paid ^ every Perso" «posing for sale any perishable goods m the market of perishable goods, that is to say :­

(a) For perishable goods valued up to d- !' f • ■ g) For perishable goods valued between 5/­ to Ίο/­ " " - A (c) For perishable goods valued 10/­ and over " *' %

(a) For every carcass of sheep or goat or part thereof ­ t

r C a r Of ay0Ung, r kid S\t>j F:rurr :3everyc carcasa rc^s off ox cameV°l mw r., · τκ,,1 ™1 »ι thererf ­ 3' thereof «­amei, cow or bullock or part 1 0