Package ‘misty’ February 26, 2020 Type Package Title Miscellaneous Functions 'T. Yanagida' Version 0.2.2 Date 2020-02-25 Author Takuya Yanagida [aut, cre] Maintainer Takuya Yanagida <
[email protected]> Description Miscellaneous functions for data management, descriptive statistics, and statistical analy- sis e.g., reading and writing a SPSS file, frequency table, cross tabulation, multilevel and miss- ing data descriptive statistics, various effect size measures, scale and group scores, center- ing at the grand mean or within cluster, or coefficient alpha and item statistics. Depends R (>= 3.4) License MIT + file LICENSE Imports haven Suggests lme4, mnormt, nlme, plyr, R.rsp VignetteBuilder R.rsp Encoding UTF-8 RoxygenNote 7.0.2 NeedsCompilation no Repository CRAN Date/Publication 2020-02-26 17:10:02 UTC R topics documented: alpha.coef . .3 . .5 center . .7 cohens.d . .9 cont.coef . 12 cor.matrix . 14 cramers.v . 16 1 2 R topics documented: crosstab . 17 descript . 19 df.merge . 21 df.rbind . 23 df.rename . 25 df.sort . 26 dummy.c . 27 eta.sq . 29 freq ............................................. 30 group.scores . 32 kurtosis . 34 multilevel.descript . 35 multilevel.icc . 36 . 38 na.auxiliary . 39 na.coverage . 41 na.descript . 42 na.indicator . 43 na.pattern . 45 na.prop . 46 phi.coef . 47 poly.cor . 48 print.alpha.coef . 50 print.cohens.d . 51 print.cont.coef . 52 print.cor.matrix . 53 print.cramers.v . 54 print.crosstab . 55 print.descript . 56 print.eta.sq . 57 print.freq . 58 print.multilevel.descript . 59 . 60 .